Topic: Exodian Forces Spreading Globally


Date: 2009-03-15 18:42 EST
Exodian Military Compound -

A month later, after the Citadel had gone, several of its members began construction at the southern end of town. A fortress was being built along the lake, encompassing half of its shores all along its southern side west of the North/South Road that ran through Exodii City. All in all, a thirty square mile area was quartered off including a couple of miles into the large lake. It was almost where the Citadel had previously been, except on the opposite side of the North/South Road from there.

Military Expands -

Recruitment was being held for the Exodian Military. Exodii City and the surrounding lands were expanding out..

Technology Springs Anew -

Factories were also being set up throughout the countryside, which would manufacture various items needed for spaceship building and advanced technologies not only for space, but for the entire planet. Every care was being taken to ensure an environmentally safe facility and the people of Exodii City were already being assured of this. There were many entrepreneurs involved supporting this adventure, not just governmental funds though it was known that the Exodian Government held the main controlling share.

The Hand of Friendship Spreads -

Ambassadors were being sent out to known countries and explorers to other unknown areas. Efforts were being made to bring Exodii planet more globally aware?