Topic: Unique Species/Races - animal/fishies/insect/beasties/etc...


Date: 2007-10-01 19:30 EST
This string is available to post any unique species/race, be it sentient or otherwise, that can be found within the Exodii solar system. Please specify location if it is only found on one planet or astroid belt... body of water, mountanous region or wherever.. that's kind of important to know where one might come across it. Also, if this is a race that you don't want just anyone playing, please specify it, otherwise it's open for others to play one. Include as much information as you wish.


Date: 2007-10-01 19:33 EST
((reposted from RhyDin Public Library ))

This page was donated by Sha'uri T.W.A. Adaron, resident Guardian and school teacher for Ravensheart Academy. Any questions may be directed towards her.

Dragon Species: Soul Dragons

Treasures: Varied.

Locations: Anywhere and in any Plane or even in between.

Alignment: Any. Temporarily Lawful Neutral when acting as Guardian to escort a soul to their afterlife.

Encountered: Extremely rare, even mythological
Soul Dragons are a unique and versatile species. They are unlike any other dragon breed, yet they can potentially have attributes from any dragon in existence. They can breed with any sentient species but will always retain their dragon self, which is a reflection of their own spirit.

Forms: Soul dragons don't have any one particular dragon form as a race. Some may simply look like one species of dragon, or perhaps another. Others might look like various combinations. It all depends on the individual personality and perhaps even their spirit.

It is unknown if there is a limit to how many dragon types a Soul Dragon will contain as themselves. It is speculated that there is a limit of some sort. The most recorded are four dragon types.

Reproduction: They are usually born as the species type represented by the mother.... i.e. humanoid types = babies, draconic types = hatchlings, feline = litter of kitties, etc... It's all up to the mother and which form she is in during birth.

The offspring remain as this form until puberty when the dragon self develops to come full bloom and their true selves are realized, if it is realized and developed at all. So one born as a black dragon could later develop into a cross between a black, gold and opal. Each one is unique.

Soul dragons rarely have more then one or two pregnancies on average. The more offspring they have in one pregnancy, the less likely they are to have another pregnancy. This, and the fact that very few Soul dragons develop to be their Soul dragon forms, would lead to their extreme rarity. Many worlds are unaware of their presence or deem them merely a myth.

Development: Once a Soul Dragon has discovered their individual dragon form, if they discover it at all, it is not something that changes. It becomes part of their DNA. Example: a Soul dragon born as a half elf will have traces of draconic DNA but the specifics are inconclusive. When their Soul dragon side develops to take on, for example: the red, platinum and black dragon attributes, then the DNA of Red, Platinum and black dragons become apparent and a permanent part of them.

The same thing applies for breath weapons... Soul dragons take on attributes of their dragon form. So for one that is a mix of red, platinum and black ... breath weapons would be any and/or all of Fire, Ice, Electricity and Acid.

Developing a Soul Dragon has been linked to a spiritual awareness, a self analysis and acceptance to be dragon, which triggers its growth. Sometimes dire situations of self preservation can also trigger it, though it has never been known in children.

Still, some Soul dragons don't know they are one until they are pushed in a situation that forces their draconic natures to spring forth. These situations are of an extreme nature. Most Soul Dragon adults never learn, never know, or refuse to harness their draconic abilities, though they do pass it along to their offspring.

The Soul dragon self never diminishes its presence because of any breeding with non Soul Dragons. So twenty generations later, a lineage can simply spring forth with a Soul Dragon as a result of breeding that occurred twenty generations ago.

It is theorized that a soul dragon had something to do with the evolution of dragons, perhaps even the creation. Maybe they were the first.. Perhaps all dragons were like them at one time. Some have speculated that Soul Dragons were an influence in the evolution of Dragons in general based on the fact that Soul dragons take on other dragon aspects and that all dragons can shape shift in some way, which is far more prevalent in a Soul Dragons then in any other type. Perhaps it is why they can be like any kind of dragon. Perhaps it is other dragons who have developed into the Soul Dragon, creating the Soul Dragon as a new race. Evidence to any of this is inconclusive.

Shape Shifting: Soul Dragons can shape shift to anything that is comparably the same size or up to 95% bigger or smaller then themselves at the time they shift. They shift on the molecular level, which means their DNA shifts to reflect the change. The Exception is the shifting into an inanimate object.

Example: A Soul Dragon who is born a half elf will have DNA of a Half Elf or any other species in their lineage, plus some traces of Draconic qualities. When their dragon self develops, their DNA reflects this, shifting DNA to include their dragon self (example: it will contain specifics of a red, black, platinum if that is what their form is).

The DNA then shifts whenever they shape shift, reflecting respectively the dominant form. Example: When in half elf form, the DNA for a half elf will show more predominantly, while the draconic side remains diminished. When in dragon form the opposite occurs, showing the draconic side to be dominant species and the half elven side to diminish.

Shifting to non living matter is possible although it first requires training. It also causes a serious drain to them and most can't hold this for more then a few hours, though some tales say a day. It is something they must spend time to develop with serious efforts. They must then rest for twice as long as they held it... example: rest for two after holding the form for an hour.

They can naturally walk through walls by becoming part of the wall or object to pass, sifting their molecules through the wall to reform on the other side. This must also be learned and studied before attempting.

Magical Aspects: Soul Dragons can harness soul magics with little effort. They see magic and can weave it in ways most study for years to accomplish. They are sorcerers in that once they are able to cast a spell, they never have to study it again, yet they are with the abilities of Wizards in the variety, power and versatility of their spells and often can create new spells or variations of other spells.

They can also avoid some magics by sifting between the weave of magic itself and/or shifting themselves to other planes of existence or even in between them. However they must have time to concentrate on it and they must practice to develop meticulous use in a swift manner. This means they are able to navigate not only themselves but can learn to bring others through the Nexus while most are at the mercy and whim of it.

Other Abilities: They can breath in anything.. water, poison gases, lava, vacuum of space, the Abyss, etc... much like the magical Necklace of Adaptation does for others. This is an automatic adaptation once the individual realizes and accepts they are what they are, a Soul Dragon.

Some are chosen or choose to be Guides or Guardians for the very recently departed souls of others, helping them navigate in between the planes and up the Great Stairs to their final resting destinations wether that be Heavens or Hells. They are bound to make sure the departed are brought to their proper resting places if the departed are bound to these places. Not every spirit goes willingly. In this role, they are always lawful neutral in the task so that if a soul is contracted to a deity, the soul is then delivered accordingly.

Soul Dragons can also call back the departed if they are able to heal the body whole by whatever means. This can only be done if the soul is not under contract with another Deity and the soul wishes to come back. They do not need the help of a deity to call back the dead, although they do need to know something about the one they call back, like a name, a place of birth or death, or simply have any portion of the body that contains their DNA.

Because Soul Dragons can shape shift, they can effectively mimic others with practice, though they can't change their eye colors from their own natural ones by shifting. They can use spells to do this.

They also have an innate ability to heal others, temporarily taking on the others wounds to themselves in a trade of sorts, leaving the subject healed while the dragon swiftly heals themselves of the wounds that were once the subjects. This is exceptionally draining and can sometimes be dangerous for the dragon. Sometimes other means are best used first or else only a partial healing should be done and rest in between before attempting to heal again anyone who needed more healing energy then the dragon had to give. Ignoring this rule will bring death to the dragon.

Immunities: Sleep, charm, mind control effects, most poisons. Atmospheric pressure fluxuations, Example: planet side vs extremely deep water vs void of space. They adapt. Plus special immunities granted by the individual dragon forms embraced.

((Note, should anyone be interested in playing a Soul Dragon, please contact me prior to this. I don't want just anyone playing one. It's not an open type of Species/Race. Thanks for your understanding and respect.))


Date: 2009-09-24 22:43 EST
Race: Starburst Angels ? Earthen, Sky and Cosmic

Popularity/Frequency: Exceptionally Rare and mostly unheard of. Virtually they are Myth.

Appearance: There are three types of Starburst Angels, The Earthen, Sky and the Cosmic. Generally they all appear to be some kind of kin to Fae elves. Their ears are only slightly pointed even less then half elves. They are childlike in appearance for most of their lives and can often be mistaken for being children. They generally do not seem to become fully adult in appearance until they?ve reached a ripe age of about 500 years or more. It is speculated that they live about 700 years or more, Earthen being the least and Cosmic being the most.

They are generally short of stature averaging 4?9? and rarely get taller then 5?2?. They have a slight blue or faint bronze tinge to their complexions much like moon or wood elves. On rare occasions, they have a Caucasian tone, which tend to be taller then others, averaging up to 6 inches more.

They all have a starburst of pink, purple or red pigmentation around their eyes. Each starburst shape is unique to the person. The depth and shade of color varies from person to person but the range is always pink to red to purple.

All have wings. Those of blue skin (Sky) tend to have a mix of white and various shades of gray feathers and even as dark as charcoal. Their wingspan tends to be twice as big and more streamlined for long flight then that of Bronze. Bronze skin (Earthen) generates a mix of black, brown and coppery feathers with a taint of greens. They have the smallest wings of the three. Caucasians (Cosmic) have a mix of black and dark blues, and either with a silvery blue mix in their females or a Crimson ruby flair in the males.

Origin: Unknown. This race is extremely rare. Most who have actually come forward do not know where they are from. Stories have developed over the years when the rare one enters into a more public society. However, the occurrences are far and few between. Sometimes hundreds of years go by before one appears. If they are found it is usually in or around a nexial convergence, places like RhyDin, but there have been myths of them appearing on other worlds without one.

Folk Lore and Legends throughout the universes speak of the race as mysterious connections of Magic and Nature, and even the Force. Some call them the voices of Heavens, Messengers of the Gods. These tend to be towards the Sky race of the species. Earthen ones are spoken of as Guardians of all lands, forests, deserts and mountains. Some tales depict them as unearthly beings that have been dubbed as Cosmic Watchers or Guardians, which are obviously the Cosmic race. Some have had nefarious labels attached to the race lending them to be for a darker purpose, harbingers of chaos.

Abilities: All have physical flight abilities. All have phenomenal connections to Magic and the Force. Learning to use them is second nature and can often be learned without formal training? much like a sorcerer can learn new spells. It just comes naturally.

All have a natural defense vs scrying and visions about them. They naturally loop the scrying or visionary connection back upon those scrying or connecting in a vision, regardless if the Angel is aware of the scrying/vision to begin with. This loop can often create a chaotic mesh in the visions themselves, and/or allow the Angel to see what the other person is seeing and sometimes what?s around the other person. It?s a natural defensive mechanism regardless if trained to use it or not. If trained, they are more aware of the scrying/vision upon them and can control the images seen by the one scrying, even identify the scryer. It is said they can even train to cause the scryer to at least experience a temporary insanity, or bolster the connection for a more realized and harmless communication. Length of time for either the insanity or communication varies with the Angel?s ability vs the Will of the one scrying if they are resisting.

Any scrying connection, whether being used on them or by them, can be a conduit to pass any Force ability through. For example: if they?ve learned how to telekinesis using the Force, they can use that through the connection to telekinese something on the other side as if the point of the scrying/vision was equal to their own physical location. However, Magic through a scrying device will always follow normal lines of rule.

The most unique thing about Starburst Angels is the starburst around their eyes. It is the focal point of their power both Magical and Force related. It allows them to combine their powers to a new level by combining existing nearby energies, any and all energies, with their own. For example, powers stored in a magical item or even an electrical power generator, can serve to boost their own magical and Force related abilities by a minimum of 100% and there is no maximum as it?s based off of surrounding levels. This also applies to psionic energies. Untrained, this ability comes naturally from random nearby objects and usually doesn?t exceed 100% of normal amount. This is also why it is difficult to track what energy these Angels are using, as it can sometimes be a combination of several.

((This is Cadence?s race and is a work in progress. Descriptor subject to editing, but it might help explain some things about her. This race isn?t open to play, but open to reference. As for Exodii, this race is a very little known myth kind of thing. Just stories about them mostly told in rural places. Any questions please PM at CM. Thanks!))

((Posted for CM))