Topic: Bearer of a Blessing


Date: 2009-01-27 15:51 EST
News spread like wildfire in RhyDin, reaching even the ears of those who kept out of the public eye more often than not. While most news in the city was less than pleasant--going as far as being morbid a good majority of the time--there were a sparkles of light mixed in with the general mud. The birth of Sianna and Johnny?s twins was one such bright spot amongst the otherwise dismal information that reached the semi-secluded Faerie.

?I just thought you?d like to know, love, that that Lady Smith.. lord, what is her first name? I can never remember it since she were married,? as Iona had entered Jewell?s study and started speaking, the Empress had glanced up from the book she was pouring over to watch her housekeeper wrack her brain with a fair amount of amusement playing out over her delicate features. ?Ah! Yes, Fraiser. That was her name before.?

?Sianna?? Now Iona really had her attention; Jewell settled a bookmark between the pages of her book and closed the tome. ?Has something happened??

?Sianna! Yes, Ms. Sianna Fraiser, though it?s Mrs. Smith now, which is what gave me all this trouble.? Jewell didn?t interrupt her further to question again what news it was that Io had for her; she knew that it?d come out soon enough if she just exercised some patience. Iona was shaking her head, muttering about not being able to keep people?s names straight when most were married and remarried at the drop of the hat or just taking whatever name suited them when they felt like it. With a firm shake of her head at the state of things, she settled her eyes on Jewell and blinked, ?Just what was I getting at now, love??

Jewell laughed, ?That?s just what I?d like to know. You said you had news of Sianna??

?Of course! Look at me, raving on like a madwoman and taking up all your time when I came in here to tell you the single piece of good news I heard all day. I tell you, Jewell, it?s looking after you and all your little ones that?s done this to my mind.? She teased her mistress as she was prone to do.

?Yes yes, we are such troublesome creatures,? she rolled her eyes at the old joke. ?Now about Sianna??

?Right right. Well, I heard earlier that she?s finally gone and had her little babies.? Jewell didn?t even have to inquire for more information before Io was going on about everything she had heard, ?That?s right, babies. She had twins--a little boy and girl if I heard right and both healthy as can be!? Seeing the question forming on Jewell?s lips, she carried on, ?The mother is well off too, I heard. But you might want to be checking in on her yourself.?

The little nudge to do what was proper only made Jewell smile more; naturally, she would have gone and visited Sianna without this little urging from the woman who liked to play mother to not only her children but to Jewell herself. ?When were the children born??

?About a week ago, I?d say. And the mother is accepting visitors, I heard.?

?A week, already? My, we are behind the times here in our secluded little home, aren?t we?? To forestall any comment about needing to get out more, Jewell simply talked over Iona as she opened her mouth to speak, ?I suppose I shouldn?t waste any time in getting over there then.?

?That?s right, Miss, so I shall leave you to it.? Iona could take a hint, knowing when she was needed just as much as she knew when she was unwanted. ?Let me know if you?d like to bring her any baked goods, and I?ll get started right away,? were her parting comments as she existed her Mistress?s domain and headed for her own: the kitchen.

Jewell sat back in her chair once Iona was gone, the book before her long forgotten. Sianna had had her twins and, if she was as up-to-date on things as she thought she was, Johnny was still out of town. The situation brought a little pang to her heart, the memory of being alone without Alex and scared when Moradin was born all to easy to call to mind. No, she decided with a firm press of her lips, she wouldn?t leave off visiting Sianna even until tomorrow. It was still early enough in the afternoon; if she rearrange her hair and clothing a bit, she?d be ready to visit within minutes. Standing, she existed her study with the intent of getting ready to leave, calling out to her housekeeper as she did so, ?Iona, what was that you said about baked goods??


Date: 2009-01-27 16:11 EST
Jewell didn?t have to wait long for the promised baked goods from Iona as she pilfered tomorrow?s breakfast of fresh baked blueberry muffins with Io?s assurance that she would make more while Jewell was out. The arranging of her hair and dress into some semblance of civility took a few minutes longer, but it was less than half an hour before Jewell was on her way to pay Sianna a visit with nothing more than a basket of muffins on her arm.

The lack of gifts for the twins troubled her, but she knew there was plenty of time to bestow the little ones with a plethora of clothes they would quickly grow out of and toys they would soon grow bored of. Besides, she had a more lasting gift to perhaps impart to both little ones if Sianna agreed to it; the tradition of the Folk blessing newborn babes was not totally of myth and legend as some of the other traits and actions attributed to her people were.

Having to skirt through the edge of the marketplace to reach the Smith residence from her own home, Jewell couldn?t resist stopping at one of the flower stands to add a bouquet to the offering of muffins. Although most, if not all, flowers were out of season, price was not an issue, and Jewell walked away with a bundle of daisies in one hand. She thought the meaning of ?innocence? was quite fitting for the little ones just entering this world.

The sun was still riding high in the frosty blue sky when Jewell approached the Smith home. With a bit of juggling, to transfer both muffins and flowers to one arm without crushing either, and a hope that she would not be disturbing Si or the babies, Jewell gave a few swift knocks on the door with her knuckles.


Date: 2009-02-15 17:59 EST
Sianna was descending the steps, having just checked on sleeping twins for the countless time since they had gone down for a morning nap. Having the house to herself, she went to the door and swung it wide. The grin on her face at the sight of Jewell doubled almost instantly.

Jewell had held her breath for a moment after knocking; remembering how tired she had been after giving birth to her twins, she only hoped that she hadn't disturbed Si from some must needed rest herself. All worries were banished, though, when Sianna opened the door and greeted her with that grin. "Sianna! I come bearing meager gifts and congratulations, lovely." She stemmed her excitement in the volume of her voice only, her smile and enthusiasm not at all curbed.

Holding out her arms, Sianna beckoned her friend in and then hugged her in greeting. "I dinna care if ye bring a single thing, it's just sae good tae see ye, aye? Feels like it's been nigh on forever."

Jewell stepped inside and into her embrace, returning the hug as best she could with arms laden. "I believe it has been forever and a day, even. But I simply could not come empty handed, not on such a joyous occasion as this one. And how are you, hm? Well I hope?" She stepped back to look Si over and make sure she was hale and healthy.

There were bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her clothing was less than pristine, but on the whole, Sianna looked much the same as she always did. Even much of the baby weight had slipped from her frame, though vestiges still remained. "Verra tired, but I think I dinna mind being a tired mother as much as I did being a tired expectant mother, aye?" Sianna led the way to the parlor and nudged Branan out of a chair so that Jewell could have her choice of any seat in the room.

On the whole, Sianna looked well enough to assuage Jewell's worries; her own trials with childbirth left her nervous about her friends. She allowed herself to be happily led into the parlor, "You look very well for a mother that just gave birth to twins, if I may say so myself. And a tired mother is much better than an expectant mother, I agree. Though, they often get into a lot less trouble when inside you." The latter was tacked on thoughtfully with a wry grin. Before she could be ushered into a seat, though, she held out her arms, "For you! Daisies for your little innocent babes and muffins for.. well eating."

"If I fetch us a pot of tea will ye share a muffin wi' me, aye?" Sianna accepted the bundle of flowers and parcel of baked goods, already moving towards the kitchen to fetch a vase.

"Surely, I cannot resist Iona's muffins," not at all bashful about not having cooked them herself. Faeries just didn't have the head for proper cooking. "But shouldn't you let me be getting the tea? I swear I hardly ever burn water."

"Nae, dinna fash. It feels good tae be up and doing simple things." Sianna's voice echoed out from the kitchen. It really would not take very long as the pot was just dangling to the side of the hearth. The daisies were dropped into a vase full of fresh water and carried back out to the parlor. Claiming a seat for herself, Sianna settled back awaiting the cheery whistle. "Sae... tell me th' news of ye, aye?"

As Sianna had stepped into the kitchen, refusing her help, Jewell took a seat and waited her return, ready to chit-chat. "News?" She hesitated a moment, thinking. "Oh well..nothing excited, fortunately or unfortunately. I have been spending a good amount of my time cooped up at home with my littlest ones or buried in a book, honestly."

Sianna nodded. "Aye, 'tis been the winter for it. Sae cold and snowy. If I could keep my eyes open a moment after I set my head tae th' pillow, I would enjoy a wee bit of reading m'self."

"The snow I love, but it has been a bit much even for me. And without anyone else to play out in the snow with the little ones, I've had to make too many Snow Faeries for my taste." She settled back in the chair she had chosen, becoming more comfortable and at ease with the visit by the minute.

"Aye, that is something I hae no' had tae worrit about just yet. But I have a verra strong inkling that Ian and Meggie will gie me a run for my money some day." A happy chuckle as she thought about it, her mouth opened and about to say something more when the pot whistled brightly.

"I am sure they will.." was all she said, mostly drowned out by the sound of the whistle. She reserved any further comments in order to allow Si to get up unhindered.


Date: 2009-02-15 18:02 EST
A tray was quickly assembled, replete with muffins, a porcelain teapot, mugs and accessories. Sugar, lemon, cream and a small pitcher of apple cider to temper to suit. Sianna returned and paused to deposit it to the coffee table betwixt their seats, shooing away the inquisitive eyes and noses of two rather obedient canines. "Go on wi' ye, ye have yer own things and ye kent it well." At the mild chide, paws padded off in search of their bowls.

Jewell couldn't resist the small chuckle at the poor dogs, "But what we have looks so much more tempting to their eyes at times."

A chuckle as the first mug was poured and held out to her guest. "Oh aye, but dinna fear. They seldom go wi'out." The twinkle in her blue eyes brightened, a wide grin exchanged. Another mug poured for herself and doctored up before Sianna sat back in her seat.

Jewell accepted her mug, adding a probably more than healthy amount of sugar--Faeries had such a sweet tooth at times--and a bit of lemon before being content. "I am sure they don't. Have they been okay with the babies about? Not jealous of any lack of attention?"

Another nod as Sianna was in the midst of taking a sip from her own mug. "Oh aye, just fine. Though they have no' been here much longer than th' bairns have. An early present for them from their cousin Katie."

"That's good. I've never had that trouble myself but I've heard stories enough." A few sips of the warm liquid finished warming her up, with the help of the cosy room, from the somewhat chilly walk over.

"Ye dinna have pets? Or dinna have problems wi' them?" It felt so good to have conversation. Henderson and Matty were dears but they never seemed to stop fussing in one form or another.

"We've had a many different pets over the years. Never cats, though," a swift shake of her head; no no, cats would not do with the triplets around. "But all came after the children were born and most stay outside save for the occasional lizard that sneaks into the house in the pocket of one of my boys."

At the mention of lizards, Sianna shivered lightly. "Then I shall have tae make sure Ian does no' have pockets for quite some time."

She laughed, "Or always check them when he comes in from playing. But even then.."

"Aye, I dinna ken which I would dislike more. Having tae check a pocket, or checking a pocket and coming face tae face wi' a wee lizard. Sae nae pockets for quite some time." Sianna's own laughter bubbled up.

"Something to get used to, though, Si. Children are delightful little bundles of trouble, I swear."

Leaning her head against the chair back, Sianna nodded. "Aye, I've learned it quite well and they canna even get themselves into any real trouble yet. Meggie seems tae have colic and fusses something fierce. Naught will calm her from one night tae th' next."

Jewell frowned a touch, the overly concerned maternal role naturally falling into place. "Have you had a doctor to see her yet?"

"Eva comes tae see I take my medicine and check th' bairns every day. She does no' think it anything serious, just the manner of her personality I suppose. Fussy, aye?"

She nodded, relieved in knowing Eva was checking up on the growing family, "That does happen. My little Amanda was a fussy one for some time. She still is, thirteen years later."

Sianna shook her head, not wanting to think about Meggie being fussy the rest of her days and unable to believe that Jewell was old enough to have a daughter that age.

She smiled, "I didn't mean to worry you, if I did. Amanda isn't really fussy; she's just too much like me for my sanity."

Sianna chuckled lightly. "I dinna think ye can worry me any more than I already am, aye? Feel rather out of my element, never having been a mother or even younger siblings tae care after."

"Oh Si, you are and are going to continue to be a lovely mother; there is not a single doubt in my mind about that." She smiled encouragingly to her friend, "I do not think experience makes a wit of a difference either way. I was as awful with my first as with my fourth."

A warm smile. ""Thank ye for th' kindness, Jewell. I appreciate it verra much."


Date: 2009-02-15 18:03 EST
"Naturally!" She said with her usual goodwill and a little laugh. "Honestly, though, Si, if you need anything at all I am at your beck and call. I may not be the world's most natural mother or the best, but I do have enough experience to make up for it at times."

Sianna grinned broadly. "Consider it done." A quick sip of her cooling tea before a hand reached forward and claimed a muffin.

Jewell worked on her tea, though her eyes were clearly contemplating the muffins. "I promise they should taste pretty good since I did not make them."

Plucking off bites of muffin with her fingertips, the mug resting on a coaster nearby, Sianna ate with appreciation. "Mmmm, my compliments tae Iona then." A wink accompanied her next bite as she chewed slowly, savoring the flavor.

"I will surely pass them along. I'd be lost without the women, truly." Watching Si enjoy the muffin was too much for her. Setting her mug down, she grabbed one herself. "Have the little ones been sleepy at good hours for you yet? Or just up all the time when you'd like to be sleeping?"

"They seem tae swing from a pendulum, really. Will do verra well for a day or sae, be perfection...." Sianna paused, a small sigh. "Then they'll gang up on me and take th' schedule hostage."

She laughed lightly, "How very typical. I think children are meant to push us to our limits at times. Patience, endurance.."

"And sanity." Another chuckle. The timbre of the conversation was jovial and Sianna paused to keep her thoughts along those lines.

"Sanity?" Jewell canted her head to the side. "Don't believe I've had that for quite some time now."

Sianna laughed heartily now. "Aye, that's true for all of us, I suppose."

She grinned, "I feel I'm better off without it. The unusual paths that my life has taken would not mix well with a healthy dose of sanity."

A nod, turning her head to the side for the inaudible sounds of children stirring. Content that all was well, she grinned to her friend. "Then it seems th' fates did ye a service in advance, aye?"

"That they did," a little smirk, "though they've done me little else in the way of services."

"Aye, I ken th' feeling intimately." Sianna polished off the muffin with a flourish.

"Is all else all right?" The question asked casually, skirting around an issue she wasn't sure she wanted to actually touch upon.

Sianna blinked, mouth suddenly dry with the muffin's final crumbs. Delaying her answer, she reached for her mug and the remaining mouthful. "Should it not be? The bairns healthy and winter almost over?"

She hadn't even done anything more than pick up her muffin yet, just holding it like a prop as she carefully worded her sentences. "Yes, it should be. But I know more than most, Si, that being.. alone during this time is far from easy."

The tears sprung up almost instantly and Sianna blinked rapidly to keep them at bay. "Aye... but 'tis no' forever." She spoke as if to convince herself as well as Jewell. There had been no word for months and the fingertip grip she held on hope was growing weaker by the day.

"Oh Si.." Jewell instantly regretted saying anything, setting the muffin down as well only to lean forward to reach for Sianna's hand. "No, it's not forever. Never think it will be! Don't let that thought even enter your mind."

The hands clasped and Sianna gave a small squeeze. "Thank ye, my friend."

She squeezed the hand tightly for just a moment, "I mean it, Si. If you start thinking like that.. it's just a road you don't want to go down, for both your own sake and your little one's. You're strong, I have no doubt you can get through this."

Another nod as the dark head bobbed. "I have nae choice, aye? If I dinna get through this, who will...." Her voice trailed off before she snapped herself out of it somewhat.

"A good way to view it," not the best but better than some! "Give yourself no other choice and keep moving on. But don't forget to enjoy it, too, no? Enjoy your babies as much as you can."

Her lips curved into a wistful smile at the mention of her children. "Aye, I promise ye I will."