Topic: Breaking Point

Hudson Fraiser

Date: 2009-04-11 21:24 EST
With the rapid-fire events of the past month, Hudson had taken to visiting Sianna and her twins most evenings. The time spent with his sister and his niece and nephew was a joy; he avoided Johnny as much as possible, and when they did speak his words were as curt and sparse as bare civility could permit.

Now, another day passed with no new word from Yransea, Hudson started to walk up the back steps of Silver Lark. Dusk was just stealing the light from the sky, leaving faded blues and purples in place of tangerine and gold. Black eyes flicked to the blonde man sitting on the top step, and he gave a brief nod to Johnny as he started to pass.

?Hol? up, b?fore ya go in. Nee? ta talk ta ya, bro.? Johnny?s baritone was low, quiet. He wasn?t oblivious to Hudson?s recent behavior, and so the term he used was not only habitual, but also a deliberate reminder of their ties. Running a palm over the stubble on his cheek, he nodded at the empty space left on the stair in invitation to sit.

?Ye?ll make it quick then, for I ha?e naught tae say tae ye.? Hudson remained standing, a few steps lower than Johnny. His brows had drawn together, his expression darkened somewhat as he looked at the younger man. The man who had left his sister scant months from giving birth and not returned for months after. Who had returned with a pregnant woman bearing the Smith name. Who had broken his oaths before God. Sianna had tried to explain, to defend Johnny ? Hudson?s jaw set and his lips thinned. There was no excuse for the man?s actions.

Unable to miss the hard tone of voice or the set expression, Johnny nodded slowly. ?Hope tha? i? won? take lon?, bu? I ain? makin? any promises. We nee? ta clear th? air between us, bro. Sianna?s stressed ou?, workin? herself up, an? tha? ain? goo? fer her righ? now. Messes with her bloo? pressure an? she nee?s ta keep i? down.? His concern for Sianna was clearly layered into every word, sincerely meant. A cool breeze twisted around the men in the darkening sky.

The breeze caught the edges of Hudson?s kilt, riffling it against his legs. Anger surged at Johnny?s words. Now the man would claim concern for Sianna?s health? He barely leashed in the rage before he actually hurt the man. Instead his tenor voice was harsh. ?Yer a fine one tae worry for Sianna?s health now, wi? th? main danger all passed. Ye should ha?e kept that worry tae mind sooner; then there?d be nae need for aught tae settle between us.?

?Yeah, an? don? think I ain? tol? m?self tha? over an? over, too.? Johnny?s voice was heavy with agreement. Then he looked up at Hudson levelly. ?Bu? I can? change wha?s done, so ge? ou? wha?s on yer min? an? we?ll see if?n there?s anythin? I can do now. Ain? jus? fer Sianna tha? I wan? thin?s square, bro ? yer m?brother now, an? a frien?.? His forearms rested loosely on his knees while he studied Hudson and waited.

The short bark of laughter that emerged from Hudson?s throat had nothing of humor in it. ?Aye, a brother by law tae ye, but I?ll nae call ye friend now, Johnathon Smith, and I?m scarce convinced o? th? first anymore. Ye abandoned my sister, and ye returned wi? a woman bearing yer name and a six-month?s bairn in her belly. There be nae much that permits divorce, lad, but adultery be one o? th? things and oath-breaking be another. Dinnae think I ha?enae made th? point tae Sianna, as well. Yer lucky she?s convinced o? yer innocence, but I dinnae think I feel th? same.? His arms folded over his chest, Hudson regarded the younger man with contempt.

At that accusation, Johnny stood, lunged to his feet and down the steps to Hudson. Standing, he was taller than the older man by nearly half a foot, and he glared down fiercely. ?I was never unfaithful ta Si! Wouldn? dream of i?. Th? kid?s Evan?s, no? mine, an? I din? break any oaths ta Sianna. Lied ta th? authorities there, sure, bu? jus? ta ge? home where I belonged.?

Glaring back just as fiercely, Hudson stepped forward, his hands falling to his sides and knotting into fists. Now his voice was cutting and very cold, Scots brogue laying heavier as his anger grew. ?Aye, at home where ye belonged ? and that?ll be th? point. Ye were no? where ye should ha?e been, tae care for yer wife when she needed ye. Dae ye think being kept against yer wishing makes yer excuse? Ye should ne?er ha?e left, Johnathon.?

Before Johnny could get in a word, a protest, Hudson went on, his restraints slipping. Stress that had been building during the tumultuous events of the last months found a vent and was unleashed on the blonde man. ?Ye say ye broke no oaths? ?I will walk beside ye anywhere and everywhere ye lead, hand in hand and heart in heart. I will be yer faithful and loving husband; I will cherish and honor ye through this life and into th? next, with all that I am and all that I ever will be.? Does that sound familiar tae ye, lad? Ye took an oath before God tae care for, tae cherish and honor my sister, and ye broke it. Ye left her nearly tae die bearing yer children, then whisked back and think returning will gi?e ye a right tae forgiveness.?

A net-scarred hand clenched, skin drawing white over his knuckles, and then Hudson turned his head and deliberately spat to one side. ?Some honor ye showed tae her. Yer an oath-breaker, Johnathon Smith, as far as I be concerned, and I?ll nae ha?e more tae dae wi? ye than I must. I cannae think o? aught tae change that.?

Johnny barely heard the last sentences, three words were echoing so loudly in his head. He staggered back a step, caught on a stair and sat abruptly. ?Nearly ta die?? He shook his head hard, denying the possibility. ?Nah, there wasn? any danger ? Eva was here, she?s a goo? doc, an? she would?a tol? me if?n there?d been anythin? wron?. Sianna was fine.? When he looked up at Hudson, emerald eyes were wide, seeking reassurance, the denial of risk.

Hudson had no such reassurance to give the younger man. His scowl deepened. ?Did ye even think tae ask Eva, lad? She would no? tell me aught, but I ken o? how our m?thair passed o? troubles in childbed and I thought tae ask Matty as well. Aye, Sianna nearly died ? Matty said she looked near tae dead for a time, scarce breathing and all th? color leached away, and that th? doctor said sommat about her blood pressure then, tae.? He scanned the younger man, and the anger faded away from his black eyes, leaving nothing but the contempt he felt. ?Ye didnae e?en think tae ask. I?ll be glad that Katarina were here and there be some in yer clan see tae their family and their honor at least. Let me past tae see my sister and her bairns.? The last was flat, a command rather than a request.

Still stunned, rocked back and twisted up with harder knots of guilt, Johnny moved without thinking. He stood and brushed past Hudson, going not into the house, but around it and out into the fallen night.

Hudson spared not so much as a glance after the fleeing man as he climbed the steps and finally entered the house.