Topic: Countering the possibility of cats

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2008-03-25 16:41 EST
The next morning on top of a full day of sitting on the wooden seat had just done it for Jolyon?s backside. He had given it up as no good, and determined to go buy at least a cushion for the seat if not a new chair all together. There was only so much suffering he was willing to do for his work. Long hours on a wooden chair was not one of them.

He locked up the warehouse and buttoned up the overcoat. The weather was a bit warmer, but the clouds still required the coat to keep away the purveying chill. It was only the thought of sitting on his sore seat that he decided to go for a walk to the Marketplace instead of driving the curricle there. It was a fine enough walk, setting a tune to his lips that he whistled soft and sure.

It was a busy time at the Marketplace, with vendors and shoppers alike enjoying the change in temperature to a hint of promised spring. Window shopping narrowed down the target places that might at least carry something by way of a seat cushion. Finally, he stopped in a promising store and the eager shopkeeper came bustling over with a bright smile in an aged face.

?What?s it you need, dearie? If you can?t be finding it here, I can make it. I, or my girl make all you see here.? She motioned to all manner of items: towels, napkins, quilts, and the like.

?I am looking for a cushion for my seat at work,? he began.

The lady interrupted, ?Oh, got one of those wooden ones, is it? Sure can make it hard to put in a full days work when your tookus is sore.?

Jolyon flushed a bit and nodded, ?Yes, ma?am.?

?Can?t say as I have anything that doesn?t have too many frills on it, but wait here. I may have something in the back.? She went bustling into the back of the store, and Jolyon looked around.

On the far wall was a row of hooks and hanging there were all manner of patterns and styles of aprons. An idea took him closer and he discounted one after another for being too flowery, too frilly, or too wild. It was then, that he settled on an apron of simple khacki with a trim in print of calla lilies. Jolyon tilted his head as he tried to picture the lady in mind working in it. He wanted it to be useful, and the pockets and more straight forward construction would do that, but he also wanted it to have appeal.

At a blink, he realized he was thinking more of the lady, how mysterious and yet straight forward, lovely but not flashy. She was light hearted but not overtly wild. Then he remembered what her cousin said. Only a nerd like him would think of getting an apron for someone.

?That?s a nice one,? the lady came up behind him. ?Sensible yet pretty. For someone is it??

?Umm,? Jolyon shook his head, ?no, just?looking." Looking to the woman's hands and what she carried. "Is that the cushion??

?Oh, yes,? she lifted up a plain brown gabardine upholstered seat cushion.

It was just what Jolyon needed. He smiled, ?How much??

?I will make you a deal. Buy the apron for fifteen and the cushion will be just five more.?

?The apron? But, I don?t need an apron.?

?Well, I obviously don?t need that many either, lad. You?ll be doing me a favor taking both this cushion and that apron.? The woman was wily and gave that grandmotherly grin.

Jolyon knew he was being taken in somehow, but another look at the apron and he gave a nod. So what if she thought it was a horrible gift. It was the thought that counted, wasn?t it? ?Done then.?

Transaction made, he went on to the Silver Lark. It struck him suddenly that with a cushion and apron in the canvas bag, if Juliane was not around but Johnny was, he was going to make quite the strange sight. Still, he straightened his back and seeing it was open, went inside to face whatever ridicule might await him, and some small hope that he would share a word or two with Juliane if she was around.

Juliane Smith

Date: 2008-03-26 18:07 EST
The bell over the front door jingled to announce his arrival, the statues and art work adding a silent welcome. "Jus' look around an' I'll be wi' ya in a second, yeah? Makin' some tea an' it's jus' about ta boil." Juliane's voice seemed to eminante through a pair of swinging shutter doors behind the main counter. A teakettle's whistle sounded a beat later, as if on cue.

He walked with care, not unlike in the warehouse of artifacts and old texts, observing each item in detail. A tilt of his head to follow certain angles of pieces or the flow of detail in a piece of artwork. An enraptured smile lingered on his face long after he hear her voice. She was at least in the shop, but what she would think of his visit he did not want to contemplate - not yet. He was trying to curb the overthinking things part of him.

In that effort, he did just as she said and looked around. The lighting displayed the work very well, and he appreciated the craftmanship in each piece, though, because of this, he had not ventured too far from the door.

Sunlight poured in from all the windows and seemed to refract and reflect off the glass cases and highly polished stone with intent to blind. Pushing the swinging door open with her hip, she carried a tray with mug, teapot, and some shortbread cookies. "Oh Lor' an' Skies, tha's bright!" Squinting in the glare, she only managed to make it to the counter without spilling. Shading her eyes with her hands, she waited for her eyes to adjust and properly dialate. "Are ya still doin' okay?"

Turning to her arrival, he smiled, "First glimpse of daylight, Halo?" A soft laugh as he started her way. "Yes, I am doing just fine, but wondering how you are." He moved so he could try and block some of the harsh light from her eyes.

A step to his left and voila, the worst of the glare ceased, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. "No' th' first glimpse but bein' in here is like starin' at th' sun, yeah? I don' know how Johnny can stand it wi' his mods."A tilt of her head as she smiled to him, the tray momentarily forgotten. "I'm well, yeah? So now th' question is, how are ya, Jolly? Did ya come ta talk about a statue or somethin' fer the gardens?" Johnny was in the studio and it never dawned on Juliane that he would have come looking for her instead.

"Statue,, just," he smiled and admitted with a shrug, "came to see you." He did not move for fear of letting the sunlight back in her eyes, but he took a glance around again. "You have a very nice shop." With a sudden realization that she had tea and shortbread, "Oh, you must be expecting someone. I should be going on then."

Juliane Smith

Date: 2008-03-26 18:08 EST
A chuckle as she shook her head. "No' really. Th' shop's been slow all day." A hand extended to the tray. "Would ya care fer somethin'? Was feelin' kinda hungry and this is wha' I could scrounge up wi' out havin' ta interrupt Si's lessons or go prowlin' through th' pantry." Slowly the purpose of his mission dawned in. "An' thank ya fer th' compliments, Jolly... but it's all Johnny's doin', yeah? I jus' started fillin' in a couple days here an' there."

A smile and nod to the offer of the refreshments. "I'd be glad to hop out to a delicatessen if you would like and bring you something back. Though, is that fresh made shortbread?" He took a closer look. No matter what she said about the shop, whose hand was at it or not, he still gave a nod. "Well, fine shop still it is. Are you enjoying the time here? Meeting some people?" He had, afterall, made a promise not to let her get solitary.

Breaking off a corner of the shortbread and popping her mouth, she grinned slyly. "Yep, sure seems ta be." Lifting the plate she held it out to him invitingly. "Sure I can't tempt ya ta have a piece, Jolly?" Another chuckle as he couldn't refuse and selected a piece for himself. "B'sides, there's plenty more where this came from. But I appreciate yer offer, but I wouldn't feel right sendin' ya out ta fetch me somethin', yeah?" Music from the other room drifted lazily towards them, obviously the teacher and not a student. Juliane leaned against the counter, her elbows propped up against it as she stole another bite of shortbread. "Well glad ya think so though. We're mighty proud of it. An' yeah, it isn't tha' bad. Wouldn't call handlin' a customer as meetin' someone, but I'm out an' about." Another pause as she remembers he had a job. "But speakin' a tha', what has ya in th' Marketplace? Gettin' a few things fer your new job?"

That she wouldn't feel right sending him to fetch something spoke volumes. He sighed and nodded to accept her words, and took up the shortbread to nibble upon since even the cookie could not distract him now, and all that was left was to admit to the question. "Yes, needed something and there was no more putting it off." The canvas bag was held in his other hand and moved behind him, curling up the handles to keep it even more closed. "Since I was in the area, thought I would stop by and see how you're doing. Anything recent you're working on?"

"Well tha's a pleasant surprise ta my day, yeah? Though I usually leave th' work at th' studio. Gets too messy fer th' shop." Her arm extended to point to a large canvas displayed on an easel, the mixed media collage a blend of paint, paper, something more. The subject a songbird pair, a clutch of eggs nestled deep in a nest crafted of wire and twig. "There's somethin' recent I finished."

An eager smile to her and then back to the canvas, he went over to get a better look. Hands clasped behind his back, fingers curled around the canvas bag handles, his eyes danced over the details and arrangement. The shadows and play of light between different styles blended together kept the smile of appreciation warmed on his mouth. Angling one way and then the other to note the craft used to place the nest and other elements. "It seems to anticipate spring. How very cunning the use of the wire and twig. Is it the blend of man and nature or am I reading too much into it?" He sent a smile back over his shoulder to her in brief, before returning to observe the work.