Topic: Hogmanay (New Year's Eve)

Johnny Smith

Date: 2007-12-31 06:52 EST
The morning of the Hogmanay celebration dawned clear and cold; Johnny curled further into the blankets next to Sianna as a crack of sunlight slipped through the curtains directly onto his face. She mumbled something wordless in her sleep and snuggled up closer to him. He lay there for several minutes, trying to reclaim the sleep that escaped him before he gave it up as a futile effort and opened his eyes.

For this short while the house was still entirely theirs, and Johnny inhaled the sweet fragrance of Sianna?s hair while he looked up at the ceiling. It had been an eventful year, and this night would see the old year giving way to the new. With luck the next year would bring as much happiness as this one had. That thought had him bend his head to kiss the tangled weight of curls that sleep always made of Sianna?s hair.

She smiled a little with her eyes still closed, and that sweetly innocent expression brought a smile to his mouth. After a few more moments, he rearranged the blankets to keep her warm, then slid out of bed and dressed, quickly and quietly. Some of the family intended to come by to help them ready the house for the party, but until then he would let her sleep in. After all, that was something she did for him often enough.

He padded down the stairs quietly on bare feet, with a flinch for the cold floors, and stoked up the banked fire in the fireplace and in the stove. He pulled on his socks and work-boots and then put a kettle of water on to heat for tea. Sianna had pastries ready for later, and he stole a flaky apple tart for his breakfast, standing and leaning over the sink so that crumbs wouldn?t drop onto the floor.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2007-12-31 18:23 EST
The excitement of being in a new place kept Katarina from gathering any prolonged hours of sleep. Her nose was practically pressed against the windowpane of her room as she watched light snow fall from the sky to make a white landscape. She could not resist but prepare herself for exploration. Randolph had been kind enough to give her a detailed map of RhyDin, and even helped with the payment on her room, despite her protests.

She started the long process of getting ready, brushing her hair over and over for the right shine. It would get wet if left down, but the idea of being a lit beacon in the white snow and fog was too tempting to resist. She settled on a white dress that had medium sized open dots and black trimming along the collar and bottom. A black cardigan to keep her warm, she added little to her light makeup, before heading downstairs for something to eat.

The Inn itself was... odd. She saw creatures that she believed only to be in fairy tales. And once a dragon tried its way inside, Katarina's stomach declined anything more, and she hurried to go outside and explore, her map tucked in the dress' pocket.

She did not have to walk far to realize that a cardigan hardly appropriate for the chill of the snow. Her limber legs, exposed from the calves down, accumulated goosebumps within no time. A jacket or some other article of clothing was needed if she was going to be exploring, and so she set off of the Marketplace.

The crowds of the afternoon caused her to hesitate, knowing that she would blatantly stare any anything or anyone unusual. So Katarina tried to stick to the outskirts of the shops. Finding one that might house clothing, she moved for the building, before peeking down the road. A sign caught her eye and it made her pause before stepping inside.

Expressions of Hope.

Was that not odd? Despite her need for a jacket, she forced her arms to cross over her middle and make her frozen legs move for the building. Cheeks and nose cold from the snow, she tried to casually pick up her steps to the mysterious shop. Peeking in a window, there was no one inside but a man with blond hair. Moving for the door, she tried to open it, but found that it was locked. Maybe there were more people from Hope here that could direct her to her family. Or maybe someone just really liked the word 'Hope'. She had to know.

"Hallo?" She knocked briskly, the numbness of knuckles vibrating up her arm as she tried again, "Hallo?"

Johnny Smith

Date: 2007-12-31 19:26 EST
Johnny and Sianna had talked over the idea of shutting the shop entirely, but instead had decided to keep it open until early afternoon. It had turned out to be a good decision, as several sales were made, jewelry mostly. But the time for the party drawing close, Johnny had locked up and was counting out the money before he put it in the safe. Sianna was in the main house with Hudson and some of the other family, finishing the cooking and decorating for the party.

A tap on the window had him looking up and across the dim room with surprise. Not many knocked after they tried the door and found it locked. He could make out the backlit figure of a tall and slender woman, but no further detail with the contrast of lighting. Money was safely locked away while he considered. After a moment he blinked slowly, and the silver film slid down to cover his eyes. Small twitches of the muscles at the corners of his eyes cycled through the states of vision available.

Infrared revealed the depth of cold outside and gave him an idea of the woman?s chill. He was crossing the room to unlock the door even while his vision cycled on to a low-light enhancement. Her features grew clearer, and suddenly he pulled up short; his eyes widened with surprise though he kept the film in place. Deft fingers fumbled the lock for a moment with the shock, before he finally wrenched open the door.

?Katie Smith? Wha? in th? name ?a th? Lor? an? Skies are ya doin? here?? The sudden sunlight after the dimness of the shop caused him to flinch against the enhanced vision. Johnny stepped back to allow her in and to relieve the pain the brightness caused. ?I din? never think ta see ya again!?

Katie. She had worked hard to let the childhood nickname be left in her childhood. Despite the chill, her name being known caused her to take one large step back in fright. She paused, peered at the familiar face, "Johnay Smith, what happened to yer eyes?!"

?Huh? Oh, righ?, th? eyes.? Johnny grinned, one of his broad, friendly smiles, and blinked slowly, retracting the silver film to reveal the emerald brightness of his natural eyes. ?Saved up fer abou? three years after James sen? me ou?, go? neural-net mods, vision an? ta m? hands fer makin? th? metal an? stone-work easier.? He lifted one hand to show the silver mesh embedded into his fingers, and then turned it into an invitation. ?Ya wan? ta come inside? Yer freezin?, an? ya can warm up here fer a min? b?fore we dash aroun? ta th? house. Yer jus? in time fer th? Hogmanay party!?

Her unease began to fade, his familiar voice holding a drawl that was somewhat different than what she remembered. "Hogawhat party?" Deciding that it was indeed her cousin and not some odd replica, she moved her way inside. The warmth of the room would take time before her form would stop shivering. "Ya be lookin' good, Johnay." She said, her eyes sizing him and comparing him to the young man she had last seen.

It didn?t take enhanced vision to see how chilled Katarina was, and Johnny leaned back against the counter to get comfortable while they waited for her to warm a bit. ?Hogmanay. ?S m?fiance?s wor? fer th? New Year. An? so d? ya, Katie. Ten years?r so?ll make a heckuva difference.? He noted the grace of her movements, the erect posture without a hint of stiffness to it, and smiled. ?Ya still dance.?

"Yer fiance?" Her face broke into a silly grin, "What the devil have ya been upta?" The more her body warmed, the more it was evident that she was thrilled to see him. "Yea, I'ma still dancin' much ta the family's surprise." She took the time to look around his shop, proud of his accomplishments. "Still bendin's spoons?"

?Ain? ben? any spoons since James took th? belt ta me fer yer ring. Been up ta more?n I wan? ta talk abou? in th? shop, when we go? a proper house an? all ta sit an? be comf?table.? Johnny grinned and then jerked his head sideways in the direction of the house. ??S good ta hear yer still doin? wha? ya wan?ed ta. C?mon with an? I?ll intr?duce ya aroun?.?

((Note: adapted from Live RP, posted with consent from Katarina's player))


Date: 2007-12-31 19:44 EST
Cian twisted up his face at the word. ?What?? He had thought he was going to a party. A grown up party at that, but this word made him skeptical twice over that grown ups had a strange name for parties.

?Hogmanay, Cian. It is what they call the celebration at the turn of the year.? Sylvia explained again. ?Now, do we need to repeat the rules??

?No,? Aidan and Cian yelled in chorus, having heard them thoroughly that morning as well as the beginning of the carriage ride into town. Miriam had decided to stay behind, so it was Sylvia and her children riding in the carriage that afternoon towards town and through the Marketplace.

It was so rare for the children to go into town. The boys peered out at everything, being sensible enough not to point, but giggling to each other at some of the wonderous beings and sights on the way.

The carriage stopped, and Cian bolted for the door. ?Cian Kieransson, hold your horses. I won?t have you scampering about. I?m old enough as it is without you adding years.? She opened the door and stepped out into the chill, keeping Beata close who was all wide eyed and smiles at the things she could see.

Cian gave his brother a ?this is going to be miserable? look that did not last when Sylvia let them out of the carriage. She gave a signal to the driver to go on to the nearby livery and enjoy some free time. Taking Aidan by one hand, balancing Beata in her other arm and on her hip, she encouraged Cian to take the lead. ?Go around back, Cian, and knock ? politely!?on the door.?

The knocking on a door was excitement enough, and Cian was determined to do it properly. Seeing his family about him, he rapped his knuckles on the door, and called out with boisterous cheer, ?Happy Hogs n Nannys!?

Sylvia looked up to the heavens and tried not to die. ?Hogmanay, Cian, Hogmanay,? she corrected.

?Oh,? he nodded and yelled out again, ?Happy Hogmanay!?

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-12-31 21:16 EST
It was a slow process. One he had not had to go through in years, regaining the control over the darker side of him. It had been a near thing just the night before, but time and activity, Storm's sharp words, as well as the discussion with Sylvia that morning had helped. So, it was that Ewan was able to greet Avery with a true smile, ask how he had enjoyed his Yuletide, and if he was excited about the party that afternoon and evening.

The tension with Storm would ease in time as well, when he was able to talk with her more outside of the subject; when the rage was not guiding his actions and his thoughts. But this was not the time or the place for uncomfortable discussions. So, with a gift of wine in one hand, Storm?s hand in the other and Avery occupying her free hand, they three walked to the Silver Lark, hoping they would not be too early.

It was afternoon edging into evening when they came around to the door of the main house. ?Sylvia has told me of some very interesting traditions related to this celebration. It will be a fun time.? That last was almost spoke in hope she would agree with him. He wanted her happy and enjoy the evening without worrying about him or anything else. That he even stated the word ?fun? was out of his manner, but he kissed her cheek and vowed, ?I will promise not to catch anything aflame that should not be.?

Avery could hear the sounds of the party inside and peeked through windows trying to see what was going on while Ewan knocked on the door.

Hudson Fraiser

Date: 2007-12-31 22:16 EST
The house was a swirl of people and laughter when Hudson opened the door to the boisterous knocking and shouting of Sylvia?s eldest. Johnny had ushered in Katarina a short time before, much to the surprise of the rest of the Smith clan. Introductions had moved on to storytelling by the time the boy?s voice crying ?Happy Hogs n Nannys!? was heard, and Katarina had just topped a quip in fine style; Hudson was laughing as he opened the door.

?Happy Hogmanay tae ye, as well! Welcome tae th? party ? ye be in good time for th? food.? Hudson stepped back to allow in the small crowd and smiled over the heads of the boys to Sylvia. ?There be a fair crowd here tae introduce ye all tae, and I must meet these lads properly, aye?? Black eyes glimmered with good humor as he shut the door and began to help whoever needed assistance out of their coats.

That was barely begun, however, before a second rap on the door followed and Hudson straightened to open the door; his smiled broadened as he saw Ewan accompanied by his wife and their boy. ?And welcome tae ye as well! Happy Hogmanay, and come in!? The small entranceway was getting crowded, and Hudson gestured to Sylvia and the boys further on into the house. ?Th? kitchen be that way and that be where most of th? people seem tae be gathering. Dae ye feel free tae explore th? downstairs, though ? it be decorated tae a fare-thee-well!?

With a chuckle, Hudson shut the door again and made sure that coats were secure on the rack as the rest of the small crowd moved into the house. The skies were growing darker, and it would be full night soon. The sounds of merry singing and more laughter drifted from the kitchen, and he smiled as he turned to join the rest of the crowd.


Date: 2007-12-31 22:29 EST
Peredhil dressed hastily, eschewing the grey cloak he normally wore for more formal attire. Festivities in Elessar had caused him to miss Johnny and Sianna?s Yuletide party and he did not want to be late for the Hogmanay celebration. As he finished buttoning up his coat, his eyes fell upon the platinum crown adorned with elven script resting upon his dresser. Such a small thing, he mused, but it carried such great responsibility. Peredhil wondered briefly if his parents would be proud of him, the paths he had chosen, and the sacrifices he continued to make in order to do what he thought was right. What he thought they would have wanted. His solitude was just one consequence of his decisions, although perhaps the most painful one. He shook his head angrily. No room for self-pity.

The house was empty as Peredhil descended to the first floor. Passing through the living room, he glanced at the portrait of two songbirds hanging above his mantle. Perhaps he would see Juli tonight. Months had passed since he?d seen her. Any romantic feelings Peredhil had felt towards her then had dissipated over time, but he still held a certain fondness for the blond farm girl with an otherworldly artistic talent and a heart of gold. He smiled, thinking of the dinner with Johnny, Sianna, and Juli on his deck and their race to the hot spring below. It was a night he would not forget.

Peredhil paused in front of the hallway mirror, running a hand quickly through his blond hair. There was another who took his breath away now, and the mere possibility of seeing her at the party set his heart racing. He put the thought firmly out of his mind. Solitude? that was the safest bet.

Grabbing a bottle of wine and a small gift for Sianna and Johnny, Peredhil slipped out the front door. The first blast of frigid air stopped him in his tracks. Ducking his head, Peredhil pushed forward, cursing his decision to build his home on the far end of the Southern Glen.


Date: 2007-12-31 22:59 EST
Cian pealed off his cloak with Hudson's help and then helped his brother off with his mittens before he grinned up at the man, moved his brother around in front of him who gave a matching grin, and Sylvia chuckled introducing her children. "Master Fraiser this is my eldest, Cian, my next eldest, Aidan, and this little girl is Beata." She managed to get Beata's mittens off and exchanged them for her lamb.

The arrival of Ewan, Storm, and particularly Avery, set the boys off in a whoop. Sylvia greeted the couple with a warm smile, and with Hudson's encouragement went on further towards where the sounds of merrymaking were heard. The boys kept close, not yet bold enough to be their usual rabble rousing selves. Their mother's rules fixed in their minds, though they had bright smiles to share between them. Aidan was prone to taking great inhales through his nose for the aromas that met him and set his stomach to growling.

Sylvia looked over the decorations, pointing them out to Beata who seemed to appreciate them as well from the giggles and smiles. "It looks lovely. Do I guess rightly that Sianna and the Smith ladies had the greater hand in the decorations?" She teased and went through to find the rest of the gathering, her boys darting a step or two in front.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2008-01-01 04:41 EST
The past few hours continued to whirl in Katarina's mind. She was wearing someone's cloak -Probably Sianna's- and had some warm and tantalizing drink in her hands. Thoughts threatened to overwhelm, and so the new arrival from Hope politely requested some time to herself before entering the celebration.

The rest of her family was safe and well, despite being away from Hope. That was enough to boost her confidence and spirit about her choices. She would succeed here, even if it took much work. Filtering through the short time upon arriving to Johnny's home, or Silver Lark as he called it, she brought the drink to her lips and found the taste to be apple cider.

Juli, Gabby, Tali, and Aunt Marian brought the warmth of home and family that Katarina had been missing. There was little difference in them, except for Gabby, but Katarina could not place her finger on what was different. Not yet, at least. The biggest surprises of course, were from Johnny.

Idly sipping her warm drink, green eyes moved down to the spoon ring that he had made so many years ago that rested on her right thumb. The corners of her lips turned down as she remembered the way Uncle James had treated him, and how he slowly but surely teared the Smiths apart from each other. But she was not dismayed any longer. Johnny's betrothed, Sianna melded so well with her cousin, it was something that was obvious to even her jaded eyes. And there was a small connection with Sianna's brother Hudson, whom had also recently moved to RhyDin. If he could adjust, than she surely could as well.

Sighing, she finished her drink, and slipped off the cloak. Although her dress was not quite suitable, Katarina had building excitement to meet others that had in one way or another, woven their lives with her cousin and his family. Holding the empty cup in one hand, she maneuvered out of the room, moving towards the growing crowd, hearing the whoop of excitement from young lads.


Date: 2008-01-01 07:03 EST
When the Marketplace began to clear and many of the denizens of RhyDin hurried to finish their errands before the arrival of the new year, Eless and Wil walked hand-in-hand from their rooms at the Red Dragon to the home of their friends, Johnny and Sianna. The lightly falling snow caught the flickering light of the lamps that illuminated the open area and made it appear as if the stars were dancing and twinkling in a celebration of their own. The pair were in no hurry to rush in spite of the chilly weather and took pleasure in the increasingly rare quietude afforded them since their return to the hectic chaos of the city. ?Hogs... Hugsamany... I am nay entirely certain what ?tis called, A?maelamin,? the petite elf replied. ?Even Johnny had a hard time trying to pronounce it correctly and ?tis his party. And thou dost believe I have a rather odd way of speaking Common! ? She followed her words with a playful pinch to her betrothed?s side the moment she spied the good-natured, teasing look in Wil?s eyes.

Savage flashed her his typical bad-boy grin and as much as he loved being close to Eless, he was not comfortable without his p-blaster readily at his side; however, earlier in the day he reluctantly had agreed with his fiancee?s opinion that a party with friends was not the place to display weapons openly. Thus, Wil viewed Eless? twirl of excitement as the perfect opportunity to draw her into the warm safety of his embrace. ?Looking as beautiful as always, baby.? His gaze drifted over her appreciatively before he resumed his instinctive scan of their surroundings, and as they quickly approached their destination?even while he guided her into another spin to the tune of their merry laughter. ?It?ll be nice to see everyone without all the craziness that?s always at the Inn. I know Piper mentioned that she would be there, as well as Storm and her husband, and probably Peredhil. Do you know who else will be there, my love??

?I believe Sylvia and her children will be attending too. I look forward to meeting Johnny and Si?s extended family; I have heard only compliments about them, but I have not been able to meet them yet.? While Wil?s silent assessments were too subtle for most to see, Eless knew her beloved well enough to expect his shift into a more protective mode the moment they stepped foot from the sanctuary of their chambers. Truth be told, she didn?t really mind the extra measures he took to ensure her safety. The increase in the violence plaguing RhyDin, made spending time with friends all the more inviting. The warmly lit windows and the sound of cheerful laughter welcomed the lovebirds as they followed the path to the back door of the building where the entrance to the family?s living quarters was located. The tantalizing aroma of freshly prepared goodies beckoned the hungry elfess and she chuckled, ?If the food is even half as delicious as it smells, we are certainly going to need to dance off those extra calories!?

Wil?s hands were full?one with Eless? hand, whose finges were entwined with his own, and the other holding a bottle of champagne they had brought with them as a host(ess) gift for Johnny & Si. ?Do you mind knocking on the door for us, honey? I don't have the benefit of having three hands at my disposal.? With a light kiss by her temple upon against her soft hair he whispered, ?I love you, Eless.?

Her laughter echoed warmly against the silence that always seemed to accompany a snowfall. ?Amin mela lle, Mela en ?coiamin.? Eless knocked on the door, then tenderly kissed Wil?s cheek while they waited.

((Edited to fix typo's and clean things up a bit. It is a post New Year's post after all! :oops: ))


Date: 2008-01-01 10:35 EST
New Year?s eve had arrived with a fresh blanket of snow surrounding her little cottage. It was no large matter, as she dressed quickly and warmly before heading straight to the Teas?nTomes to do a little research on this mystery of Hogmanay.

Feeling fully prepared now, she?d taken extra care to dress that evening. A gown of dark emerald green with gold trimming along the hem and sleeves was donned. She had no expectations of outshining the other ladies, as hers was a very humble wardrobe. Still, she was scrubbed free of clay and dust from head to toe and presentable.

?Bother, bother, bother.? She was running late. Again. Rushing about the upstairs chambers, she swung the cloak about her shoulders, snapped the clasp shut at her throat and raced down the stairs to gather the carefully wrapped gifts.

Although a small tremor of fear raced through her though--she suspected there would be many attending this party she didn?t know, but there was one she was particularly eager to see again--Piper was certain to be among friends and looking forward to meeting new ones. Seeing Johnny and Sianna again after so long would be such a delight.

Pushing aside her worries she was grinning in that maddening fashion as she stood on the threshold of the cottage, arms full of the three modest packages. At the last minute, she grabbed the green ribbon and holly from the invitation and fashioned it to her cloak then set out to collect Rena whom she had promised to bring along.

Thirty minutes later, with Rena by her side, they were approaching the door where laughter and the soft hum of voices lifted in conversation could be heard. Squaring her shoulders, the hood was pushed back so she might smooth down her hair followed by two quick pinches to already rosy cheeks; last minute preening with Rena looking on highly amused.

?What have you got wrapped in those packages, Piper?? Rena was straightening out her own garment before she lifted her hand to knock on the door.

?Coal, some small sweet cakes and Juniper branches? Piper?s hands shook with excitement as she turned to face the door.

?Coal? You are giving them coal? Why coal??

?I don?t know. It?s tradition. It said so in the tome.? Which she had taken to be sacred truth, ? Something about burning down the raiding Vikings? Or was it the Juniper branches were for beating the raiders. Sweet Saints, I have forgotten.?

Rena, as any good friend would do, just laughed as the door swung open and it was far to late for Piper to fling away the coal. Resigned for the worst, Piper was wearing a cheery smile nonetheless and murmuring the correct pronunciation of Hogmanay, determined to get something right.

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2008-01-01 12:34 EST
At the door were four gifts: two bottles of wine, what the lady at the Tomes called a fruit cake and a small but elegant crystal vase. Not knowing the couple who she was visiting with Piper, Rena had also researched the holiday and found it to be a rather interesting custom. Also by door was her coat, a plain black calf length one with a hood. Bypassing the usual jeans and sweater she liked to wear, Rena had on a black skirt which she paired with an deep red silk blouse and matching cardigan. Black shoes completed the outside.

So now she waited. Try as she might, many ideas were running though her head as to why she couldn't go: she wasn't feeling well, she didn't know the couple, she didn't have anything to wear(always a good one she thought). Rambling through her closet she did locate something that she thought was suitable so here she was pacing the floor. Finally hearing footsteps and she flung open the door before the first knock, chuckling a bit at the sight of Piper in a dress. "Maybe I need to go change" glancing at what Piper was wearing to what she had on. Rena was even a less of a fashion plate than Piper, even though Koy had offered to fancy up her wardrobe time and again. She shrugged on her coat, grabbed the bag with the gifts and they both exited Rena's home and took the path towards the celebration.

Small talk was spoken on the way as they carefully stepped around snow piles and water puddles, while avoiding the vehicles and animals roaming around. EVentually reaching their destination and a knock on the door, Rena took a deep breath then slowly released it, counting softly to ten to attempt to relax as she prepared to face the end of one year and the beginning of a new on.


Date: 2008-01-01 15:06 EST
Peredhil approached the front door of the Smith home, wiping snow flakes off of his coat. He knocked on the door and broke into a grin when Johnny opened it. The two friends embraced warmly and Peredhil presented Johnny with the wine bottle. ?Happy Hogmanay!? he exclaimed.

Johnny replied in kind, clapping Peredhil on the back and welcoming him into the home. Peredhil whistled, marveling at the decorations. ?You went all out,? he said, clearly impressed, which elicited a broad smile from Johnny.

Reaching into his coat, Peredhil produced a small wrapped gift, which he gave to his friend. ?This is a little something for you and Sianna.? He added with a smile, ?How are the wedding preparations going??

They engaged in small talk for a few moments and then Peredhil excused himself so Johnny could attend to the other guests. Laughter and boisterous voices ? many of them recognizable ? beckoned him from the adjoining room. Peredhil chuckled at an overheard comment and plunged into the party.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-01-01 17:30 EST
The Hogmanay party was not one that Storm had ever attended. There was an underlining curiosity that was further provoked with Ewan?s words. ?A fun time?? She repeated, amusement at his choice of words and it was apparent in her voice. A smile was easier to produce than she expected, and she even gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Storm did not expect for Ewan to come with her, and so his efforts to make the evening enjoyable were not missed.

Avery?s usual excitement had him tugging on Storm?s other arm towards the Silver Lark. Though she was not sure how well he would handle a larger crowd of people he did not know, Storm knew that Avery enjoyed his time during the Yuletide. The kiss to her cheek brought just a little more color to her cheeks than from walking in the cold, and she leaned over to whisper, ?Perhaps we should keep you from all things aflame, hm??

As Avery moved to peek in the window, Storm frowned slightly, ?Avery, have some patience and stop peeking.? He looked over his shoulder, before backtracking his steps to come and stand with them just as Hudson opened the door. ?Happy Hogmanay,? Storm returned the greeting as they were all ushered inside.

Avery gave a saluted wave, and his blue eyes absolutely blossomed at the sight of his playmates. Greetings were exchanged with Sylvia and the children, and Beata?s giggles and smiles brought a sweeter smile to her face. Releasing her hand from Ewan?s, she leaned down to quietly speak into Avery?s ear, ?How about we get something to eat, and then you may play?? He seemed to find the idea fair enough, and started to lead them towards the kitchen, taking her hand along the way. She barely had time to face her husband and say, "Would you like me to make you a plate, or would you like to come with us?" Before Avery was tugging on her hand to a different room. She caught sight of familiar newcomers, but was whisked away before being able to greet.

Johnny Smith

Date: 2008-01-01 18:03 EST
As people poured into the smallish house, the party quickly expanded from the kitchen into the living and dining rooms. Johnny was in his element, exchanging a back-pounding greeting with Peredhil and a laugh and wave across a crowded room to Wil and Eless. Piper and her friend, Rena, were welcomed - and Johnny chanted the reasons for the gifts that Sianna had pounded into his head. "Coal fer th' home ta be warm through th' year, sweet cakes ta never be hungry, an' juniper fer th' cleansing of evil thoughts. An' ta keep th' Vikin's away, apparen'ly."

A bundle of flowers quickly found a home in the crystal vase, and wine was broken into - although the champagne was set aside for midnight. The party was hitting its stride when Johnny did raise his voice for an announcement.

"I know a bunch'a y'all don' know all th' traditions fer this kinda thing - an' ta be hones', there's some tha' we can' do proper here. No rollin' burnin' barrels 'a pitch through th' streets, fer example. Bu' we're goin' ta keep th' firs' foot at midnight, an' after tha' we're goin' ta keep another tradition I like' th' soun' of!" Johnny waved over in the direction of a small side table set up with pieces of paper and pens.

"Th' deal is ya write down somethin' ya wan' ta be rid of in th' New Year - somthin' in yer personality, somethin' else, wha' ever ya wan'. Ya can tell people'r no' as ya choose. Me, I'm puttin' down bein' unwed! An' then after th' firs' foot comes in at midnight, y'all take those pieces of paper, fold'em up, an' throw'em in th' fire - an' then wha'ever ya wan' ta be rid of 'll go with th' paper." A cheerful grin followed as Johnny went over to the table and wrote in a bold scrawl Being Unwed on one of the pieces of paper, then folded it up and shoved it in a back pocket until the proper time.

"Now back ta partyin'! We havta send th' old year ou' in style!" And with that, Johnny plunged back into the crowd.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-01-01 19:22 EST
Ewan waved off Storm's question and gave a shake of his head. He was not yet hungry. With the people all around, he gave smiles and greetings to those he knew, friendly handshakes or bows of his head to those he was introduced.

It was impossible for him to break habit and not seek out various exits and entrances of the cheerfully full home, though not so bold as to go upstairs or into obviously private parts of the house. With some comfort in his surroundings gained, he joined those gathered in the kitchen.

Storm helping Avery with his food, Ewan offered to help Sylvia with preparing a plate for her boys since her hands were full. Aidan was a more eager explorer of the foods as he nodded to every option available for his plate.

"Don't let him eat everything, Ewan," Sylvia warned with a smile and reached to keep Beata from grabbing a passing lady's lovely frock at the shoulder.

Ewan gave Aidan a subtle wink and the boy giggled. A glance over to Storm and Avery seeing they were doing well, and he followed them over to a place for the boys to be still and settled with their food. "How is that, young master?" He asked Aidan who gave a nod, then gave his attention to the food and friends nearby.

The party was doing him good, and he saw friends and family gathered enjoying time and talk. He shared in a few jests in the subtle way, or the good natured laugh. At Johnny's announcement, Ewan considered very thoroughly what he might write, but did not do so just yet. The ideas were a range of simple and complex, and until it came time, he would let the inspiration of pressure make the decision. For now, he let the conversations around him carry his thoughts.


Date: 2008-01-01 19:32 EST
The courier wasn't quite sure what he was holding, but it looked half-edible and wholly incomprehensible. When he knocked on the door of the small house to deliver the item, as well as the note with it, he spent a few more moments studying it.

It looked, to him, like a very spiky apple. In all truth, that's sort of what it was. It was indeed an apple, with almond slivers sticking out of it in all directions like a cactus. On the bottom, where he held his hand, were four sticks, presumably to act as a base. The top, around the stem, was surrounded with small sprigs of evergreen sticking out.

He didn't read the note, just held the item and waited. But the note with it said:

Johnny and Sianna:

A Calennig, in Welsh tradition, though sans water and children. So long as it lasts, so too will your good luck; just stick it on the mantle or somewhere safe. May good fortune bless you in this new year, and our hopes are with you.

Warmest regards,
Harold & Maia

Hudson Fraiser

Date: 2008-01-01 23:24 EST
Hudson had been passing near the door as the courier arrived, and he he took the curious object and the note with a smile for the lad. A tip, and the boy was sent on his way. Hudson set both the curious object and the note on the mantle where it would be safe and out of the way. As he was returning, he paused next to the small table with the paper and pens. Scarred hands rested lightly on the table's edge before he picked up one of the pens and pulled close a piece of paper.

Black eyes looked around the crowd gathered and mingling happily; the sound of a cracker being pulled to reveal small toys and candies was followed by a shrill of excited children's voices. Hudson sought out a few faces in particular, his sister and her fiance, the newly-introduced Katarina, Ewan, and finally his gaze came to rest on Sylvia. She still held Beata, but by this time it seemed that the noise and excitement had worn the infant out - Beata was asleep on her mother's shoulder, drooling into a floppy stuffed lamb.

A small smile turned up the corners of his mouth before it faded away; he turned back to the paper and wrote with quick resolve. The folded note was placed in his sporran until the proper time - not so long now. Johnny and Sianna had finally resolved the issue of who should be the first foot by deciding to use both entrances. Johnny would cross the more commonly used back door threshold at the sound of midnight while Hudson entered through the front. Johnny had the height and youth, while Hudson was dark and though not young, he was not old either.

It was almost time to be done with the old year; Hudson found that he was looking forward to the new.


Date: 2008-01-02 12:46 EST
Beata was a bouncing baby, moving from one pair of arms to another for a period of time, and she was all wide eyed curiosity each time. Though after an hour of this, the near six month old had enough, and Sylvia reclaimed her. ?Cian, Aidan, you are under the supervision of Master Corinsson while I go feed Beata. However, you do what the adults tell you, and mind your manners.?

Ewan gave a reassuring nod and claimed the boys attention again with some imaginary tale of mountain adventure. The gracious host indicated a set off space from the rest of the party, and there Sylvia tended her daughter?s needs.

Cian and Aidan laughed and played, though Cian found he had to keep reminding Aidan to look where he was going when they went to snatch a few more bites to eat. Casting thank yous to the adults in the area, because in truth they were not sure exactly who had made anything, and as Mum always said, ?Better safe than sorry.?

The men Cian saw took his particular interest. The way they stood, how they laughed, how they watched, it was all taken in to his forming thoughts. He remembered his father, and often his thinking would run to ?What would he think of that??.

?I?m gonna write something,? Cian stated matter-of-factly to his little brother who looked at him as if he?d grown two heads. ?Like Master Smith said. Write something down and burn it up, it?ll go away.?

?I wanna write something, too!? Aidan said, though his conviction was just in the fact Cian wanted to do it, so he had to as well.

?What do you have to write?? sneered Cian.

Aidan frowned, ?I get to write something.?

?You don?t even know how to write.?

And that was the start of the first pouting session of the night. Fortunately, Sylvia was on her way back and caught it in time. Ewan gave the summary, ?Discussion of writing things to burn.?

?I want to write something, mama, and Cian says I can?t.?

?He can?t write.? Cian explained.

?Cian,? Sylvia spoke soft, and it quieted the boys instantly so they could hear her above the voices of the others, ?I will write for Aidan, and I will help you as well.? She shifted Beata from one arm to the other. ?Go get some papers and one,? she stressed the number, ?pen.?

They rushed to the table and did exactly as she said, though there was some glares at who would carry the pen back, but they both arrived at her side with excited faces. Aidan promptly declared, ?Wanna get rid of nap time.?

Sylvia opened her mouth to argue that, but laughed instead and just wrote it down, then folded up the paper and gave it to Aidan. ?You will wait for me or another adult to help you burn that. Do not go near the fire until I say so.?

Cian piped up as Aidan held the paper as if it were a special treat. ?I wanna lose my first tooth.?

?Cian, you are too young for that. If you were to lose your first tooth it would mean something is wrong, is that what you want to happen?? As fanciful as it was to think that just burning something up on a piece of paper was going to work, she sure was not going to have it in her son?s head that it was some guarantee. She knew he wanted some sign that he was growing up, but there was a place for reasonable measure.

?I wanna get rid of being short?? He said hopefully.

?You are not short for your age. Cian, you are but a young boy.?

That was not the right thing to say. His mouth scrunched up with such indignation, that Sylvia fought hard not to laugh. Aidan had moved on to play with Avery again and the crackers were pulled with delighted squeals. Cian sat in thought, and finally landed on, ?I wanna get rid of not having a dog.?

That was something Sylvia could agree to, and she wrote it down and he tucked it away before joining his brother and friend in play. One piece of paper too many and it sat staring blankly at her. Beata squirmed on her lap looking around, and Sylvia shifted her again before writing down something for herself and folded the paper to slip in the coin pouch at her hip. She stood and returned the pen to its originating table, and then shifted Beata about so the little girl could rest her head, soon to have sleep find her.

Katarina Smith

Date: 2008-01-02 14:21 EST
Finding a plate for herself, Katarina found a chair that gave her the ability the watch most of those who were gathered. It was easy for her to spot who knew who, and the different relationships that everyone had. She particularly enjoyed watching the trio of boys play, though she wondered why one kept quiet during the playtime. They certainly seemed to enjoy each other nonetheless.

After her food was finished, she moved from her chair and made a point to introduce herself to everyone. Katarina gave the nickname Rini to herself, and made sure everyone knew that they could call her that. She almost cringed when Johnny or any other family member called her 'Katie'. She may had felt nervous with meeting so many new people, but sometimes Johnny came and made the conversation easier. She tried to steer away from her recent arrival, and asked more questions concerning the person she was meeting.

As the midnight hour drew closer, Katarina's eyes moved to the table with the pen and paper. After the boys -Cian and Aidan- had written their note, Katarina decided it was her turn. Making her way over, her steps were ever graceful with posture that never relaxed. Picking up a pen and twirling it in between her fingers, she seriously considered the words she would write. Her lips slow grew into a soft smile, and she swiftly wrote something down. Pleased, she set the pen down, carefully folded the paper, and then tucked it away into her dress' pocket.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-01-02 16:16 EST
Once Avery had finished his food, Storm kept an eye on him as he moved on to play to Cian and Aidan. She moved on however, to carry conversations with others. Particularly around Elessaria, Piper, and Peredhil, tossing the words 'clan', 'bow and arrow', and 'pottery' around with a hint of a smile. She made sure that everyone knew Ewan, introducing them if needed. She enjoyed moving between different groups of people and finding that laughter was easy.

There was a point in time that Beata was passed off to her, and Storm was fascinated with her wide eyes and cheerful disposition. She did not hold the baby for long, finding a sense of growing discomfort as she wiggled within her arms. It was not that Storm did not like babies, but hardly ever holding such fragile life allowed for her to enjoy in only small quantities.

When Sylvia helped her boys write down their notes, Avery was curled up on her lap, fighting to keep his eyes open. Amused, she pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Would you like to write something down also?"

He shifted, moving so that his blue eyes could see where she was looking, *I do not know what to write.* He signed, though he sat up and leaned as he looked at it more.

"You do not have to write anything." She watched at Katarina took her turn to write something down. "I think I am going to go, save our seat, hm?"

He nodded, and she shifted him off her lap and settled him into the chair. Moving on towards the table, she picked up two pieces of parchment, and one writing utensil. She inhaled deeply, considering the many things that she could write down. Her eyes flickered to her son, and then more discreetly, to her husband. Finding the answer was the apparent, and she was quick in writing it down. It was interrupted though, when Avery brushed against her leg. Hiding a smile, she looked down at him, "Changed your mind, little one?"

*I want to write it!* He reached for her pen, and Storm sent him a scolding look. *Please?* He added, and Storm gave him the pen and took the piece of parchment that was under hers and slipped it to him.

"Do you want me to look away?"

*No, because you have to make sure that I spell everything right.*

"Okay, what are you writing?"

With his back towards the crowd, he kept his signing small so it was like he was whispering to her. Her lips parted sightly, and she cleared her throat. She was about to inform him that he did not need to write that down, but it was not her place. Quickly recovering, she closed her mouth and smiled with a nod. She watched him carefully write out his small sentence, only once having to correct his lettering. "Now, fold it and put in in your pocket until we all burn them." He nodded with a grin, his sleepy state fading away as he was off to see who else he could play with.

Storm watched him go, and she chuckled softly. She finished her sentence, paused, and scribbled something on the bottom. Easily folding the paper, she moved to reclaim her seat.

Gabby Smith

Date: 2008-01-03 12:22 EST
Gabby couldn't hide forever. And so, finally, she decided to stop her pouting and join the party. Wearing some itchy monstrosity that was her dress, she slid into the room and quietly took up a place along a wall. She was wearing blue, a simple cotton, and her firey hair was pulled up into a messy bun that would have benefited from the touch of her mother.

Her eyes scanned over the crowd, so many of whom she had never met, until she saw Kat, and Johnny. The words of her mother still running through her head, she smiled, and held her head high as she walked across the room, green eyes moving over the lovely women and their well dressed men. It had never really dawned on Gabby that she was a child, but among such a group of dignified and noble people, it was readily apparent that perhaps she wasn't the grownup she thought she was.

Staying quiet and out of the way, the awkward teen shuffled about the room, smiling here and there when she was looked upon. Either she would outwear her welcome or someone would take pity on her. Either way, it was allright with her.


Date: 2008-01-03 16:02 EST
Aidan had gotten tired of his older brother, who had gotten a little bossy to Aidan as the hour got later. Although he could feel the eyes of his mother or Master Corinsson keeping track of him, he wandered about the room, keeping close to the furniture and make sweet eyes at the pretty ladies. Sylvia blamed Elessaria's blown kiss to her son at the Winter Market for giving Aidan the idea to use his cute factor in getting attention.

So it was that Aidan rested his chin on the arm of a chair and started making sweet eyes at the pretty girl with fiery hair in a bun and a blue dress. She seemed quiet. He wanted quiet. Mama was busy with keeping his sister Bea happy, so forest colored eyes and a shy smile were sent over Gabby's way. He twisted back and forth if ever she caught his eye, but he did not stop watching her.

Sylvia saw Aidan turning on his tired charm and got ready to intervene the moment Gabby got discomforted by the attention of a little two and half year old boy.

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2008-01-05 16:12 EST
"Th' deal is ya write down somethin' ya wan' ta be rid of in th' New Year - somthin' in yer personality, somethin' else, wha' ever ya wan'. Ya can tell people'r no' as ya choose. An' then after th' firs' foot comes in at midnight, y'all take those pieces of paper, fold'em up, an' throw'em in th' fire - an' then wha'ever ya wan' ta be rid of 'll go with th' paper.""

Rena stood by and listened as Johnny explained what some of the gifts meant and other traditions associated with the holidays. When he spoke about the paper and the burning, there were so many things she wanted to get rid. She kept too much to herself but that was her way. And not many knew about the past couple of months. The two trips she took did her some good but evidently not enough. Emotions still tore through her and even though she tried to hide them, her closest friends knew she was still "mourning", so to speak. Rena went to the table and picked up a pen and a piece of paper and held on to both before taking steps to the table to grab a plate and filled it with food. Eyes circled the room and she made herself stay as she saw the couples around. A glass of wine taken to drink from as she wondered is she could put two things on the paper.

It was going to be a new year...a good year for her and her friends.

Hawk Jahad

Date: 2008-01-10 15:45 EST
For a few days the Ranger had gone unseen about the Inn or the city proper itself. He had met Johnny for the first time at the Inn during his shift, and for a time they conversed about the state of the city and how safe it was for his sister to be traveling through it without proper protection. Hawk did not forget Johnny's kindness, or the invitation that had been offered to attend the Hogamany.

The thicket was sparse, barely thriving due to the drastic cold that had found its way to the forests outlying the city's borders. The red-tail resting upon his leather clad arm seemed to be looking in every direction aside from at the Ranger. The hawk lifted into the air and climbed high into the sky, then dove down towards him. He held a small package aloft, connected to a cord that the red-tail grasped within its talons as it passed just over his head, and then promptly flew off into the distance. Hawk nodded in a pleased fashion, and set back out upon his path.

The red-tail passed smoothly over the trees, beginning its descent near the ruins of the Nightblades guild hall and hovered just before the front door of the Silver Lark. With a cry Arro dropped the package that he had carried before the stoop, and rose back into the sky and flew away.

Upon opening, a folded piece of sealed parchment and a leather waterskin were in the paper wrapped package. The parchment was sealed with white wax, pressed in the shape of a hawk in flight. When the seal was broken, the parchment would read in a graceful and precise script:


It is with utmost regret that I cannot attend your Hog A Many. It does sound like an event that I would very much enjoy. I wish to thank you for your kind invitation and to show that even though I was unable to attend, I am still with you, your family, and guests, in spirit. In the waterskin you shall find one of the spirits of my homeland, Shireeni, or rose water in the common tongue. It is a sweet tasting spirit that has a sharp bite once it has been swallowed. It is made more for sipping or shots than it is to be drunk in large quantities. I would also warn you to only allow those who have experience drinking spirits and a high tolerance to have more than a simple sip, as it is much stronger than most spirits I have encountered in this realm.

May the Light shine well upon your path, and the gods favor you with good fortune in the upcoming seasons.

By my hand,
Hawk Jahad

Gabby Smith

Date: 2008-01-10 16:09 EST
Gabby's eyes wandered some more, until they fell on what seemed to be a small moving child. She laughed a bit and shook her head, making a funny face that hopefully only he could see. Sticking out her tongue at him, she looked away and then looked back. Taking a step in his direction, Gabby wiggled her fingers.

"And who are you then?" She sent a gentle smile his way. It was hard to be mad and bitter at someone so young and sweet looking. She leaned forward to look at him, before taking the few steps over to his chair and lowering herself to his height.

"I'm Gabby." She offered her hand to the small boy. "These things make me a little sad, what about you?" She figured if anyone would under stand how she felt, it would be a child. If anything, he couldn't lecture her, or remind her of anything, or even feel bad about what she said. And that was what Gabby needed lately.


Date: 2008-01-10 23:46 EST
Aidan's little nose wrinkled up as he laughed at the face Gabby made. He would hide behind the arm of the chair and then peek up again to see if she was still looking. When she made her way over he turned to face her and took her hand in his. Shaking not quite his expertise, he just let her hand fold around his and he shared the warmth.

" 'Abby," he was sure that was not exactly right, and said it again, "Gabby." A tired grin, but one that was still happy. "Aidan." He felt it was obvious that was his name.

His little mouth pouted when she said she felt a little sad. "Tired sad? We nap." Tug, tug on her hand to have her sit as he scrunched down ready to sit on the floor, too. "Nap makes us happy!" Obviously pulling some rhetoric his mother has told him every time he needed a nap. His previous disposition towards wanting to be rid of naps completely forgotten. The lady was sad. Naps cured sadness. Perfect logic. He batted dark fringe of lashes framing forest eyes expectantly at her.

Sylvia had scooted a bit closer to keep an ear out for what Aidan was up to and if he was torturing the young lady, but Cian was getting overzealous in his playing, and her attention diverted to her eldest. "Cian, time for a sit down. Now." She did not raise her voice, and to the best of her ability, she tried to use that same look she had seen on Kieran's face when he took Cian to task. Either Cian felt obligated to comply since he was in company of his mother's friends, or the look worked, but he came and sat down and took a quiet moment to watch more of the adults, particularly the men and how they behaved.


Date: 2008-01-12 15:10 EST
?Happy Hogmanay!? The pair joined the party with Eless blowing kisses to their friends while Wil found a place to set their coats. The elf couldn?t help but direct a special one along with a wink to young Aiden before she began to fix a plate for her beloved. She was never very comfortable eating in front of others, but the food looked and smelled so delicious that she placed some particularly appealing morsels to the side of the plate for herself. ?Wil, look! Piper is wearing a dress and Rena a skirt!,? she whispered gleefully. Mischief danced merrily in her eyes as she approached the pair and hugged them both warmly. ?Good evening, Ladies. Thou art looking especially lovely tonight.? And before she could add a playful quip, Peredhil came over to greet the group as well.

Wil removed his hand from the small of Eless back and shook Peredhil?s firmly. ?Happy Hogmanay, Peredhil!? The men were obviously much relieved to have another male to watch one anothers? backs with these mischievous females around. He pressed a soft kiss to Eless? temple and held the plate for her to choose the first bite before he began to partake in the delicious assortment. They both paused to listen to Johnny?s well-rehearsed explanation of Hogmanay traditions and he asked quietly, ?Did you want to write something down, baby??

?Mayhaps in a bit, dearheart,? she answered just as quietly. ?I can get thee a piece of paper if thou art ready now?? The sudden popping of the crackers startled the empath and she glanced around quickly. The comforting warmth of Wil?s hand returning to her back and the fact that nobody else appeared concerned, settled Eless down. When she saw the children playing happily with the little toys and treats she couldn?t keep from laughing delightedly. ?They are wonderfully well-behaved children, Sylvia and Storm.? There was genuine admiration in her eyes for the two mothers, because raising children was difficult and she could only imagine how much more so in these realms. When she saw Aiden direct his attention to lovely Gabby, she nudged Wil lightly and tilted her head in the young boy?s direction, an amused smile playing upon her lips.

Wil?s deep blue eyes sparkled with humor when he saw Aiden flirting despite the later hour, ?Uh-oh, it looks like I may have some competition,? he teased Sylvia as they all watched, while trying to appear as if they weren?t. He then politely excused himself to go to the table where the pieces of paper and writing instruments were set out, silently thinking that a Hogmanay celebration might be an excellent addition to his next novel.

Wil Savage

Date: 2008-01-12 20:36 EST
Col. Wil Savage took another quick glance at Piper in her dress and Rena in a skirt and smiled, and then went to the table and picked up the pencils and paper. There were many things he could write upon the sheet of paper. In fact, if he were to write down all of his past that he?d like to get rid of, there wouldn?t be much paper left for anyone else. He knew the one that would be at the top of the list for this year ? something that he knew disturbed Eless.

He came back to Eless and gave his fianc?e a kiss, then eyed that plate of food. He raised a teasing brow, ?Hmmm, there?s still some left for me?? He grinned that bad boy grin she loved so much and once again put his hand on the small of her back. ?I?m glad we came,? he said in a whisper. ?It?s so new for me to be around people who are actually normal and have families.?

She could see him watching the young ones and smiling; then when he caught her watching him, he quickly looked away and back to that plate of food. He scratched his head. ?Okay, let?s see, what was that delicious food I tasted on your lips.? He paused, then added, ?Or was that just your lips??


Date: 2008-01-12 21:29 EST
Ushered in to their home by Johnny, she was pleased to hear of the traditions as her cloak was peeled free and set aside in a designated area.

With Rena beside her, she reached around to give her a hug and a whispered word of confidence. ?We have done well.?

But as even as more guest arrived, the two were stepping aside of the door to look about, only to then set out to meet and greet others.

Sylvia and Storm, as well as the adorable collection of children, were met with a warm smile and earnest words; Wil and Eless were embraced affectionately before she was introduced to Katarina finally. Ewan got a smile and then Gabby. The younger acknowledged with a dip of her chin before finding Hudson among the crowd, though he had not been met formally.

The laughter and atmosphere was contagious and she soon found herself smiling and moving through the crowd to greet those she knew and eagerly met those she did not. But over the heads of others, she managed to spy a head of sandy blonde hair.

With her heart caught in her throat, she excused herself from one group and moved that way. Being short had its advantages. "Mister Peredhil," able to move up behind him while he was facing another direction, "Happy New Year. Or rather, Hogmanay."

The words at his back flooded over him and the faltering smile swelled into one of genuine happiness. He attempted to force his emotions into check, moderating the smile until it resembled something more appropriate. ?Miss Piper, what a pleasure! Happy Hogmanay.?

A few nods and lingering looks were bartered as each set about assessing the other for trust if not more.

But as soon as that had begun, Johnny announced the chance to discard unwanted virtues, curses or habits, Piper broke aside to gather those slips of pristine paper while Peredhil went to fetch a punchy drink for herself and a wine for his own.

It was indeed proving to be a wonderful if not intriguing evening.