Topic: Repose

Natalia Smith

Date: 2009-07-05 16:18 EST
The Greer farm outside of Tomorrow was a little run down and shabby, but obviously tended with much love. It wasn't a large place, just a house with faded green siding, a little red barn listing lazily to the left, and a handful of fields brimming with young green plants. A man in dusty denim overalls was working between rows of waist high bean plants. A woman in a faded floral dress was cutting roses from the bushes in the yard. A calico cat rested on the seat of the porch swing, napping in the early afternoon sun.

In short it was like a scene from a picture postcard.

"Pa! Get your dusty rear over here and give your son a proper greeting!" Ben was as cheerful as ever, shouting out his greeting before the couple had a chance to notice the small parade wandering up the drive.

Rusty broke from the group, running to Ma Greer with a series of happy yips, with Tali's puppy right on his heels.

"Sweet Lord in Heaven Ben! Have you been picking up strays again?" Ma's laughter was soft and warm as she knelt to greet both dogs.

"Could say as much Ma. This time they came with a bonus though." Ben nudged Tali forward grinning mischievously. "Ma, Pa, I'd like you to meet Miss Natalia Smith. She gets a mite cranky if you don't call her Tali though."

Tali blushed and muttered, "Do not."

"Do too, Brat." Ben stuck his tongue out at Tali then gave his father a hug as the man ambled up to the group. "What do you think Pa, we got some work around here that a runt like her can handle?"

Ma gave Tali a speculative look then got to her feet brushing road dust from her skirt. " Ben don't be teasing the girl. Tali you come right inside. We'll get you cleaned up then see about some lunch. Pa you go help Ben move his things out to the barn so the girl can have his room." She didn't even wait for an answer before she took Soap's carrier and headed inside.

" I can sleep in the barn. I don't wanna put Ben out when he's been so nice ta me."

"Nonsense. Not proper to make womenfolks sleep outdoors. Ben can tough it out." Pa's voice was gruff and rough, and reminded Tali of the texture of tree bark. " Right Ben?"

"Sure Pa. You head in with Ma now Squirt. Tell her I want her biscuits and hash for lunch." Ben gave Tali's hair a ruffle then pushed her after his mother.