Topic: Restless Nights


Date: 2009-06-02 03:57 EST
Pushing up from the couch yet again, Johnny moved to the fireplace and picked up the poker. After making a few completely unnecessary adjustments to the logs burning there, he replaced the poker and returned to the couch. Flinging himself down, he leaned forward long enough to pull off first one work-boot and then the other. Leaving those in a careless heap, he leaned back again and reached for the book he had already picked up and abandoned at least three times this evening.

The wink of silver scissors caught the firelight as Sianna snipped a thread free from the latest quilt square she was working on. Needle deposited into the pincushion, she went looking for another piece of patterned scrap for the next petal in the pattern. Caoimhe raised her head to give the situation the once over before settling back herself across the cool wooden floor. The only evidence of Branan was a wee tail peeking out from between Sianna's chair and the small footstool she used to work more comfortably. Saying nothing, brilliant blues noted that no pages were turning all the while her hands kept in steady motion.

Nor did any pages turn before Johnny tossed the book back down onto the end table. He leaned his head back against the cushions and looked up at the plaster ceiling. Emerald eyes tracked the variations of texture accented by the varying sources of light in the room. Finally he broke the silence, with a question quite out of the blue. ?When?s th? las? time I took ya dancin???

The next stitch missed and nearly struck her finger, as Sianna both startled at the question and with how quickly she could recall the answer. "Valentine's." The fact that it was well over a year ago did not need to be stated. Too curious to work, she pinned the piece in place until later and set the hoop down, turning her full attention to the man sprawled out on the couch.

?Really been tha? lon??? Johnny lowered his head from the study of the ceiling to look over at Sianna with a frown. ?Been neglectin? th? importan? thin?s. Le?s go t?morrow nigh?. Nigh? after, lates?.? With that said, he tilted back his head again, resuming his study of the ceiling. It didn?t last for long, since only moments later he pushed back to standing and started padding around the room, picking up small knick-knacks and putting them back down.

"Verra well, I dinna think either would be a problem as I'm sure Matty would be available tae sit for us. Though just th' dancing or dinner as well?" Her brows lifted a bit in surprise, but not displeasure. He was quite the dancer and if their next night out was any repeat on the first, there would be several jealous women wishing he was their partner.

?Nee? come ta it, Val?s old enough ta watch th? kids fer a few hours. Could ask him an? less trouble since he?s livin? here anyway. Give him a li?l extra in th? way of pocket money fer it ?r somethin?. Migh? be better?n askin Matty ta give up another evenin?.? He shrugged a bit in answer to her question, looking over his shoulder at her with a grin. ?I hadn?t though? abou? dinner too, so tha?s yer call, love.?

"Well, it would be easier tae get away if we did no' have tae be concerned any accidents that might occur, aye?" Sianna nodded towards Johnny's shoulder, as it was rather a popular spot for accidents to occur. The latest one had nearly covered him from shoulder to soles. "And ye make a good point. Matty would already be here tae see tae dinner and such, and could leave Val in charge once the bairns were settled down. Not tae much for either of them that way." The way her lips curled, it was evident to see Sianna was of the mindset for dinner and dancing.

Baritone laugh rumbled out into the room at Sianna?s reminder of the ?accidents? that went along with burping an infant. ?Tha?s a poin? ? wouldn? wan? ta ge? all cleaned up fer goin? ou? and then hav?ta go an? change everythin?.? Crossing the room, Johnny half-sat on the arm of Sianna?s chair. Skimming his fingers over her half-tamed hair, he wound up toying with an escaped ringlet. ?Have th? energy an? mebbe we can even stop by th? Inn fer some drinks when I ain? tendin?, have time ta really be social.? There was undeniable light in his eyes at the thought of the evening out.

Turning her face towards him, she grinned and rested a hand on his knee. "Ye mean we could dust off our booth and everything?" A low chuckle escaped. "I'll just have tae make sure tae catch a wee nap when th' babes go down in th' afternoon tae conserve enow energy."

?Th? works. An? sure, ya should be able ta catch a nap when th? twins?r sleepin?, be all ready fer th? nigh?.? Grinning, Johnny leaned down to catch her mouth for an enthusiastic kiss. Whatever restless energy had been fueling him earlier had found an outlet in this idea, and the anticipation of their plans. ?Know it?s harder ta jus? pick up an? go ou? all th? time now, bu? ain? no reason we hav?ta be goin? th? other extreme.?

"Sounds marvelous, aye?" She kissed him back energetically before stashing the project in her lap back into her work basket. "Though I'm beginning tae think ye might need tae give me a quick lesson or two so I dinna shame ye on th' dance floor. Tae help me remember what I might have forgotten, ye ken.."

?Smooth as ridin? a ?cycle, love, ya can? ferge? how ta dance, no? really.? But despite his words, he was quick enough to stand and sweep her up as well. Taking one hand and settling his other at her waist, he paused to grin down at her and to steal another kiss. ?Especially no? when ya know th? music so well already.?

She giggled against his lips, trying to hold in her laughter lest she wake the house. "Oh aye? Knowing music is going tae help me not tread on yer toes or th' other way round?" Her free hand settled easily into the curve along his shoulders.

?Sure. I ain? goin? ta step on yer fee? anyway, an? if?n ya know th? music ya already know when ta take yer steps. Look ? Blue Danube, righ??? With the question, he swept them into the classic waltz. Navigating the furniture hazards in the living room added a slight challenge, but it wasn?t boasting to say that Johnny truly could dance ? and more, lead.

The first steps were tentative, but to keep up with his strides and movements she had to just move and not think. Caoimhe moved to clear herself from the line of fire and jumped up onto the couch to watch from safety. And he was right. Softly humming the melody as they danced around the living room, everything fit together as it should, and both their toes remained untrampled.