Topic: Scelerosis Nulla Requies


Date: 2016-01-21 10:52 EST

It was August, and blisteringly hot at times, but things still seemed grey-bleak in the eyes of a man who'd no particular appetite left for anything. His conviction had not wavered over the choice which saw him, for the first time in a long time, in self-imposed solitude. If anyone had called his phone, he would not know. It'd remained turned off.

Sometimes that solitude was oppressive though, and the urge to leave the confines of his property began to bite like summer gnats. He'd find no distraction playing hermit, and the truth was he needed it. He might have roamed north to the Alfar settlement if he'd been sure there was no risk of running into the blue eyed savage he'd parted ways with, but risk there was. Bjorn's kinsman had his own ties on that land, and stronger claims to the company of those warrior giants and the furtive men and women who resided with them than a lone necromancer. So to the city he went, simply to be amongst the crowds, to let them swallow him up until he felt a part of something again. That thriving, corrupt metropolis was always there waiting with open arms, no matter the disaster that might befall a man.

He'd no particular reason for wandering into the old temple district, other than it was a route his feet were familiar with, and he deliberately avoided the street upon which the temple he served was located. A little way off, bells were ringing sonorously, some ceremony underway with the adherents of its religion flocking in simple, sand-hued robes to the doorway. They'd strings of beads, something between a rosary and Lexius sentient companions worn at their waists. It was only a matter of time, then, before he was palming loose a familiar crystal from his pocket, and thinking.

Quietly. There was no strained shout, no mental bellow. Just a mental murmur of the Elf's name. He wasn't sure he'd answer.

You are improving, came Lexius? answer.

That day, as the sun was stretching far toward the horizon, he was in the desert studying a crystal he'd set out on a stone pedestal directly in the sunlight. It glowed brightly, the perfect facets of the gem bouncing rainbows off the sandstone walls of the cliffs that surrounding the ledge of the cave the Elf called home.

Well there wasn't really much room to get worse, was there? Came the wry response. Perfectionist that Mesteno was, he wouldn't be accepting of any praise until he was able to make this strange form of contact effortless, rather than something requiring of mental preparation.

He stood watching the worshippers until the last of their numbers vanished and the tall doorway was sealed up behind them. The street was abruptly and unpleasantly quiet as the last clang of the bell died away, and he turned to find his way back to busier streets, echoes of his thoughts a susurrus impossible to distinguish. Busy, busy mind.

I've been looking for the Temple you were telling me about, he told Lexius, the words he wanted to convey rising up over the constant background noise. You were going to show me it some time ago.

He left that open ended. He did not feel, after already using so much of Lexius' time that week, that he'd any right to impose upon him and request his company, but it wouldn't hurt to find this place he'd spoken of and see if it was already succumbing to the same ill luck all the others who attempted to establish worship in Rhy'Din had.

I will be a moment, was all the Elf said through that connection before it dissolved away as gently as it had been established. Better to break it quickly lest he be tempted to really delve into the jumble of (to him!) incoherent thoughts and make some sense of the whispers.

He pinpointed Mesteno's location with a quick check of crystal and wards, then appeared on the heels of a hot rush of wind in an empty alleyway the necromancer had just passed. The beads rattled jubilantly as the Elf stepped out of the deeper shadows onto the street. Sand dusted and serene and ageless with the smell of the dunes and that particular spice eddying in the air around him.

"It is this way." He greeted, looking Mesteno over once, briefly, then turning them southeast on the next cross street.

Mesteno was too slow to add a reassurance that Lexius needn't go to the trouble of joining him if he could give directions, but the connection fizzled out before he could form the mental words clearly. A little guiltily, he was glad it had. Lexius' quiet presence, undemanding, uncomplicated, had helped him more than he liked to admit.

It was his ears and not his eyes which first caught on his arrival, and he stopped to turn and greet him, the dying breath of the desert wind stirring clothes and hair gently before it ceased. Lexius' inspection revealed little of interest; Mesteno was clean, no longer wallowing in self-neglect, and the leonine wealth of his hair had been bound in some manner of order - a thick, dishevelled braid, hooding his face in shadows. It would take deliberate searching for change to see any, and even then it was only that the brightness of his eyes seemed more gilt than ever, with such shadows around them. He'd smoothed his jaw with the edge of a razor. The clothes were clean, albeit wrinkled - a green henley and faded, charcoal jeans. Nothing worthy of second glance.

He moved to walk alongside the Elf, footsteps in companionable rhythm, content to play follower. "Why the interest in Greek Gods, Lexius?"
At this point, Lexius really only needed to look once to catch the subtle changes. He was coming to know Mesteno rather well indeed. Thankfully, he didn't remark on anything he might have noticed. Instead, he answered the question the Sadist asked with far more candour than he usually answered anything at all.

"Many years ago," he began, voice smooth and low and just a little bit detached, "I was asked to look into a matter that concerned them. It was then that I noticed the impermanence of any structure or organization that truly reflected the pantheon. It made completing my task impossible which, of course, earned my interest. I assigned Jason to track the matter once I had decided to leave RhyDin altogether. He reported no change until recently."

"So that was what brought you back," Mesteno mused. After all, it had been half a decade if not more since he'd seen the Elf prior to that, and even then his appearances had seemed sporadic at best.

The beads took the time to slap Mesteno's hand in greeting as they turned a corner, something that easily could have been the Elf moving a bit too sharply. The necromancer?s long, sun-browned fingers reflexively tangled about them before they could escape though, squeezing an I caught you before letting them swing harmlessly back into place where they continued to play their role as nothing more than they appeared, clicking along to the rhythm of the Elf's stride.


Date: 2016-01-21 18:55 EST

Lexius was in no hurry and his gaze was cast ahead of them as they moved away from the more ancient and well established sections of the district to the new areas where the Temple District began to encroach on its neighbors.

"There is something in you that connects." The Elf concluded.

It was a remark that earned him a sidelong frown from the necromancer, but Mesteno didn't answer immediately. He was attempting to recall any instance in which he might've formed this 'connection', and which he hadn't been aware he harboured. One or two circumstances came to mind, but he didn't supply an answer.

"What was the original matter you were looking into?" he asked instead, hooking thumbs into pockets as they roamed into the newer parts of the district. "And who tasked you with it?"

Lexius wasn't quite so quick to answer those questions. Not reluctant, precisely. More...thoughtful. But then, he was thoughtful a lot.

"I was asked to find someone." He finally admitted, only partially answering the Sadist's queries. He might have been more forthcoming, but matters had changed more than he'd originally predicted they would. "Tell me how you might relate to them. Aside from your heritage." No, he wasn't getting it wrong. Honest!

"The only business I've had with them is when I met Ares about ten years ago. He was at Koyan's place, that Oasis club, I think. He'd agreed to help bring a titan up for us so long as we could deliver him the creature's horn. We didn't have any specific reason to kill it," Mesteno added, in case he thought the cause might be something deeper. "Koyan just told me he'd fought one before at Alvaka, and I badgered him into telling me about it and finding a way to get another one so we could fight it."

So for fun, basically.

The Elf nodded as Mesteno recounted the story. And this time, this day, the way that serenity around him deepened at the mention of Koyan's name was hardly felt at all. Perhaps he was prepared for it this time. He certainly didn't seem surprised by what the Sadist revealed, as if he might have already known about the incident. The beads hushed a moment, then resumed their normal clatter. And the Elf's brow crinkled vaguely as his thoughtfulness deepened.

"Nothing else?" He didn't often badger, but he was trying to cover all the bases since he couldn't just dive into Mesteno's head and have a look around for himself! His pace was slowing as they turned down the last street toward their destination.

"Aside from the titan itself? No. At least nothing that I'm aware of." Mesteno sounded almost apologetic!

The street did not continue through. And it seemed to be fully taken up by buildings all done in the same style. Crossing on the walkways there was almost like stepping out of RhyDin and into an ancient city in Greece. The buildings soared tall and long, big enough to house the statues built into them that reflected only a handful of the more prominent gods of the pantheon. They were marked out by sculpted columns and covered by lightly pitched roofs done in red and blue, the stone decorated with scenes and symbols that belonged on another world.

Mesteno stopped to examine them, lagging behind the psion a little as he familiarised himself with its architecture, the appearances of the people who were populating the area and milling about the statues. His research tended to skip large portions of any pantheon, but he recognised several faces well enough to identify them from the stone cut likenesses.

The people, of course, ruined the illusion. Their style of dress, and often their race, was as eclectic as the city from which they came. And not all of the buildings were well established. Signs of construction still surrounded many, marking them as unfinished. Paint and inlaid gold and silver still gleamed brightly even as daylight continued to fail. The plants and the trees all appeared rather young, though they were appropriate to the era and geography even if they were not exactly the correct species.

An amphitheatre dominated the far end of the street, the tiers of stone seating rising in even spaced rings around the circular floor of the stage. And all along the way, the temples to the Gods. But there were too few. And no sign at all of anything dedicated to Zeus. Lexius slowed his pace even more to allow Mesteno to look as they passed by the buildings and statues and fountains. Here and there, speakers stood to address their motley collection of listeners in clear, ringing voices. Every one of those seemed to have adopted more authentic clothing....though who could really say what was truly accurate?

Lexius paused beside a fountain that depicted a woman clad in warrior garb, a shield in one hand and a scroll in the other. Athena, without a doubt. Mesteno caught sight of the other statues as they passed. Another woman that sported a bow, Artemis. A man bearing a wine cup, Dionysus. Another, younger male, holding a caduceus, Hermes. Perhaps the other Gods were deeper in the buildings?

"Hmm." The Elf was deeply thoughtful. But he wasn't looking at Mesteno, he was looking at another statue. This was done in a somewhat darker stone and had a three headed dog standing beside his robed form. Hades. "That must be it." Lexius continued, finally turning his gaze to the Sadist. "They are not all here." As if he could tell Mesteno might be looking for the missing statues.

The further they?d walked, the more severe Mesteno?s frown became. For a man whose features were sensuously generous, he was so often marring them with scowls and seriousness... but how could he not when things made so little sense?

"How'd they get the funds to build all this?" he asked, keeping his voice to a low that ought not carry beyond current company. "And why the Hell would they risk losing it all when no other group has been successful in maintaining worship to the Pantheon here? Either they have more money than sense, or they have the backing of... someone." He seemed to be implying that perhaps one of those very Gods whose image had been cast in stone were responsible for it.

Cerberus, the three headed guardian was unmistakeable, and his focus flicked from the monstrous dog to the male figure beside it. Hades he'd read a great deal of, and there were so many tangled threads between this particular deity and those Roman versions he'd studied that for a long time he was silent, pondering whether there really was anything deeper he might have forgotten to mention.

"They might just be locked up out of sight somewhere," he went on. "or maybe the sculptors are still working on 'em." Both were logical suggestions, but there was a thread of doubt tangled into his voice. "Or..." here it came, "Maybe the ones who've got their statues here have given some kind of endorsement to worship in Rhy?Din, and the others are opposed. It might explain why some are missing, and why this place hasn't been bombed or something yet."

Lexius....was smiling. A ghostly thing, but it was there. He did rather enjoy Mesteno's intelligence. The Elf, of course, knew more than he was sharing. That the Sadist had caught on to the mystery and already had it partially unravelled was more than a little pleasing. Still, he didn't offer any more verbal clues just yet. He wanted to hear what other ideas he might prompt by showing Mesteno something else.

"Come. I will show you something that you may find interesting."

That said, the Elf stepped away from Athena's statue and farther along the street, turning them into one of the building closer to the amphitheatre. No one barred their way. No one accosted them with speeches. No one really seemed to notice them, in fact. But they were noticed, the moment they stepped inside the building. But not even the beads gave a warning rattle.


Date: 2016-01-22 10:13 EST

The building Lexius lead the Sadist to was roofed, and the three sides which were usually open to the air in Grecian temples were, in this place, closed off as it to conceal what it contained from easy view. Well back from the entrance was another statue, surrounded by candles at its base and strange offerings of flowers, fruits and glass jars of oil. A stunning woman was captured in stone there, only partially clad in falling robes. But rather than smiling seductively, her face was etched with grief. She seemed to be hiding, half bent in her sorrow, with her eyes downcast.

Lexius paused well back from the statue and watched Mesteno for his reaction before he revealed his next tidbit of information.

Making no complaint, Mesteno accompanied Lexius on his tour of the area without further commentary, deciding he'd figure out himself what he was supposed to find so interesting about their next stop. Initially, beyond the closed space, nothing struck him as significant.

"Hmm." Soft, contemplative, he angled another suspicious look at Lexius, then moved to examine the statue from either side in case a clue might reveal itself to his searching eyes. "Y'gonna tell me who she is, right? 'Cause there's about a thousand tragic female characters in those fables that were supposedly snatched, raped or transformed. I thought maybe Persephone since she was taken down to the Underworld and it's all closed off in here, but there're none of the usual symbols associated with her." Or at least none carved on this particular representation.

The lack of symbols around this particular statue was, itself, symbolic. A Goddess who'd cast everything away in her grief. Yet she was still here, in this half-finished grouping of Gods. The Elf kept his own voice to a murmur as he answered. "It is Aphrodite." He could have left it there, let the Sadist ponder why this normally seductive and sultry Goddess had been cast in the depths of sorrow, but it would all be guessing without a little more information.

"Ares is not here." He informed the man. "And would you walk the temples of the Romans," and Lexius had, to be sure! "you would find Mars is also suddenly, conspicuously absent."

"And Ares was the lover of Aphrodite, as Venus was of Mars," Mesteno mused, loosely wreathing his arms across his chest. "So what'm I to make of this?" His chin dipped towards the sorrowful Goddess. Certainly not the predictable sculpt of the Greek deity of love!

Of course he didn't expect Lexius to continue spoon feeding him without at least an offering of a theory, and those shrewd, golden eyes were narrowed in speculation. He chewed on his lower lip briefly, before switching his attention to the Elf.

"All right. I was gonna go with the fact that Ares wasn't a fan of this venture in the temple district, and that he and Aphrodite here had some fallin' out over the worship, but that seems a little trivial and doesn't explain the disappearance of the Mars statues in the Roman temples."

His hand waved the notion away as if he were dismissing it. Oddly elegant, those hands, but then if he were the mysterious violin player (and the Rosin Lexius once spied on his fingers might be) it could have something to do with it.

"How about this, then?? he tried again, without even offering Lexius opportunity to correct him. ?Ares is in trouble or missing. S'not impossible for deities to come under attack of some sort, particularly if there's another deity involved or some kind of fucked up ancient here in Rhy'Din. That'd explain why she looks so tragic. But why would someone attack Ares? I mean he's the fucking God of war."

"Your brain is still functioning." Some kind of backhanded compliment, that! But the Elf was halfway smiling again. Clear approval. Mesteno would recover, so he supplied some of the answers he sought.

"I believe the Gods are split, as you suggested earlier. And it has something to do with Ares. That he is not represented in either pantheon is as significant as the fact those who are here among the Greek still bear their likeness among the Roman, as well. I do not yet understand the reasoning behind it all, but I suspect it has something to do with the Titans that were let loose in RhyDin." He hadn't known, until Mesteno told him tonight, that Ares had been involved in that second appearance of the creature on RhyDin's soil. But it clicked several things in place without yet revealing the full picture.

Lexius rolled one shoulder then, as if in a shrug.

The beads suddenly shuddered, but still didn't make a sound. Somewhere behind Aphrodite's tragic statue, shrouded in the deeper shadows between the covered pillars, something rippled sinuously along from one column and the next. Or maybe it was just the play of those flickering candles that caused the darkness to seem to move. Whichever it was, the occurrence did not repeat itself and everything seemed as it should be. That smile the Elf had been wearing, however, was gone.

"Come." Lexius commanded, somewhat abruptly, even as he turned to retrace their steps. Hadn't there been other people in the temple when they'd arrived? Someone had been laying more flowers at Aphrodite's feet, yes. But they were gone now. It was only the Elf and the Necromancer inside the building and full darkness had fallen without.

"I'll have to try harder next time," was his droll response. He wouldn't of course, because he intended to do as he always had and tough it out, but that didn't mean that there wasn't a lure to the notion of drinking one's brain cells away one at a time. Or, perhaps, the Elf's good mood required him to counterbalance it with an appropriate measure of surliness!

It was the psion suggesting the disappearance had a connection with the titan?s release that made Mesteno groan faintly, arms unwinding so he could smooth back a few delinquent strands of hair from his face. "He didn't seem to be concerned that there'd be any backlash. He never really said what the horn was for, either. I just thought he wanted it for a trophy."

He stopped there though, because he'd caught sight of movement beyond the statue, and though he'd no luck beyond discerning a robed figure, he had the distinct notion that whomever it was had been listening in on their conversation.

Scowling darkly at the gloom shrouded pillars, he trailed Lexius toward the exit and not without a long, backward glance. "I know you said you thought there was some connection in me, but y'can't think it has to do with this... I got nothing to do with wherever he's vanished to. It was almost a decade gone. Why would there be backlash now?"

Lexius had no intention of answering Mesteno's questions until they were outside that building. Unfortunately, they never made it that far. One moment, the path to the pillars and freedom at the front of the building was clear and unhindered, and then the next moment it all changed. Something like a veil seemed to rise up from the marble flooring toward the ceiling above. Opaque and billowing on an unseen breeze, scattered with faint points of light as if to parody the night sky, it seemed a flimsy, almost laughable barrier. Yet the Elf stopped in his tracks and reached a hand toward the Sadist to ensure he halted, as well.


Date: 2016-01-22 12:55 EST

Well, the necromancer had sought to put an end to the monotony he'd sunk into. He peered at the hand outstretched to stall him, and reached a standstill a few inches shy of walking into it.

In time with the touch came the...women. There were three of them, shrouded in robes cinched at their waist by living snakes. They had long, twisting hair and wings like a bat spread half out behind them as they appeared, one at a time, from the darkest of the shadows. Should one stare too hard, they almost seemed as transparent as that veil behind them. One to the left, one to the right, and the last stepping from that veil directly ahead. She was the one that spoke, voice low and throaty with something of a sibilant hiss to her words.

"Ssssooo," she whispered gleefully, "you've come at last..."

" face justice..." the one to the right continued.

"...and retribution." Finished the one to the left. They were looking right at Mesteno.

Mesteno thought them succubi to begin with, perhaps only because of the bat-like wings, but their words soon erased that theory. Likely they were the same beings he'd glimpsed in the shadows beyond Aphrodite's sculpture, and he'd have wagered they'd heard their entire discussion.

"Actually I was sight-seeing," he told them irreverently, his tone a dispassionate monotone. Either his acting had improved drastically over the past few weeks, or he truly wasn't harbouring any fear of the mysterious females. It almost sounded like goading. Lexius would need to watch that his student did not deliberately provoke some sort of attack - after all he appeared to be lacking in weaponry again.

Lexius dropped his hand, clasping it behind his back with the other. He seemed calm enough despite this somewhat alarming turn of events. Not even Mesteno's flippant response to the trio of terrifying ladies put a ripple in the smooth surface of his serenity. The beads, though, gave a little shudder at his side yet still did not make a sound.

"You've seen...." Began the third.

"'ve done...." Added the second.

"...quite enough already." Finished the first one that stood directly before them.

They were close, the live snakes writhing around their waists much as the twisted strands of their hair seemed to be doing. Leather wings fluttered, the sound dry and raspy, pushing a breeze toward the pair that carried the promise of a reprisal for some unnamed deed. As one, they seemed to gather themselves, hands lifting to reveal claw-tipped fingers, ready to launch at the pair.

Lexius finally spoke up, voice low and smooth as usual, but carrying that commanding note to it. "Name his crime." He demanded flatly.

Their aggression had woken things, like the still waters of a lake on a starless night suddenly interrupted by the ripples of carelessly thrown pebble. They spread, licking through him from head to toe, energy dark and potent, and whilst not hungry, it was certainly gluttonous as usual. What began as the feeling of drowsy spiders crawling beneath his skin suddenly felt like a beast stretched out to the capacity of his flesh, an uncomfortable fullness that should have come pouring through mouth and nose, contained only by the flimsy shell of his scar-torn skin. He had no weapon, but he was ready.

For an instant, he thought he might have to wield it, too. Lexius authoritative demand however seemed to have bought him some time. Damn good question, too, since the vague notions he had about some kind of titan rebellion due to their battle at Alvaka was probably poor guesswork.

"And while you're doing that," he tagged on shamelessly, "he hasn't done anything. You've no right to attack someone innocent, so keep your talons to yourself." He meant Lexius, of course.

Lexius could feel Mesteno's energy suddenly surging beneath his skin, roiling to break free in response to the obvious threat the three women posed. It was not an unexpected reaction, but the Elf was swift to establish a connection of thought to thought with the Sadist and offer some advice.

You must control it. It was advice, even if it sounded like an order. This is their ground. He added as a reminder of where they stood. Inside a temple dedicated to a Goddess. Holy ground, of sorts. Ground, at least, that had been consecrated in favor of those that now stood between them and escape.

To his credit, Mesteno didn't give any indication that the women might be able to interpret, that he'd received that mental communication. His eyes were fixed on them, his posture purely predatory, as if he were the one likely to come out of the encounter with his maw dripping prey blood, and not vice versa.

This won't be like the bar, he told the Elf, using that same mental pathway (and noteworthy, the fact that he returned it instantaneously without any effort - if he didn't think about it, it seemed an easy thing!) I am in control. It appeared trust was required again.

The women hissed as one, the sound like a thousand furious snakes ready to strike, not taking their burning red eyes from Mesteno for even a second.

"The Erinyes...." Began the second.

" not answer..." Said the first.

" the likes of you." Concluded the thrid.

But the Elf was implacable. "His crime must be named before it can be avenged." He insisted. And the beads...finally made a sound. A single, thunderous rattle sound that did more to give the women pause that anything the Elf or the Sadist was saying or doing.

They pulled back, finally turning their gaze away from their prey and toward the Elf and the now quiet beads as the rattling faded away.

From one woman to the next Mesteno?s attention flicked, following them as they spoke, with a near imperceptible sneer beginning to curl the corner of his mouth, etching mutt-like wrinkles beside his nose as derision became a snarl, attack imminent. But then the beads... He seemed as surprised by their thunderous rattling as the self-proclaimed Erinyes, and yet he didn't trust them to abstain from violence altogether. He let the energy sit primed, rather than forcing it back into its usual, reliable channels.

It made sense, their hesitation. If the beads really were linked to the source of what all deities were born of, who wouldn't be wary of their warnings?


Date: 2016-01-22 18:50 EST

The Furies flapped their bat-like wings, seeding the air with more rage and antagonism as they converged together rather than coming forward to attack. They consulted amongst themselves in scratchy tones, the language only vaguely reminiscent of ancient Greek and Latin. Perhaps the root language from which those had been born? The beads went back to being just beads. Finally, one of the three stepped forward and jabbed a clawed finger Mesteno's way.

"He..." she began.

"Yes, he, he...." Echoed her twins.

"...has the taint of Crius upon him." The first concluded.

"He is the cause..." Said one of the others as she stepped forward again.

"...of the Rift." Finished the other, flanking that first one to speak on the opposite side as her sister.

"He must pay," they all spoke together now, the echo of their hissing voices filling the shadowed cavern, seeming to cause that rippling veil behind them to shudder and shake all the more, "for his hubris." Once again, they seemed poised to strike, having thus fulfilled their obligation.

Mesteno had never known the name of the titan Ares had delivered to them, and he shot a questioning look at Lexius to see whether it puzzled him as much. He was of course entirely unaware of any rift though, and he snorted indignantly at the assumption they'd made.

"If there's a rift, it's not of my making," he informed them before they'd opportunity to come lunging his way again. "I not only lack the skill to do so, but I've no reason to. You heard our discussion earlier," he accused, a faience to his eyes that was likely entirely undue to the lighting in the temple and more a result of his own energies - such a wicked glint! "I've had no dealings with any of your deities for near enough a decade. Maybe you should be off searching for Ares, instead of lurking around human temples and wasting your energy on mistaken revenge."

Their rearrangement suggested a fight would be forced whether Lexius spoke again or not, and a subtle ripple of muscle through shoulders and arms betrayed his tensing. He was ready, even if foolishly unafraid. Melancholy could rob a man of much of his good sense.

Mesteno's impertinence wasn't winning him any friends! Lexius had no time at all to try and manipulate the situation further. The three women shrieked with fury at the Sadist's words and launched themselves into the attack.

The snakes coiled about their waists came flying free to soar through the air toward the pair even as the Furies beat their wings, which propelled them closer in a dizzying rush of speed.

Avoid the snakes. Came the Elf's too calm words into Mesteno's mind. As if they might be the bigger danger! The Elf himself was already bending his Will, drawing deeply from his own internal energy to conjure a sudden, mighty vortex of wind that went spinning wildly toward the women and their snakes.

At the same time, what little illumination that was provided by the candles and lamps scattered sporadically around the temple simply winked out, plunging everything into blackness. The pillars lining the walkways...began to fade. That veil that had once only existed ahead of them suddenly seemed to be everywhere around them. Someone else...was stepping in. But not too quickly.

With the shadows manipulated by other forces, and unreliable should he try and beckon them to his aid, Mesteno resorted to other methods of defending himself. Lexius could not say he wasn't being cautious with his power at this point! With forearm bleeding from a deliberate, self-inflicted cut (only fools used their own wrists or palms - delicate places, those!) he did nothing but defend himself. Unfortunate that his means of defence was enticing to an as yet unseen observer. There was blood, sharp and potent, rich with the promise of power, dashed upon the ground in a wide arc before him, a dividing line between himself and the furious females. That it hissed as it met the ground might well go unobserved for how small those glinting, garnet beads of it were, a faint steam arising from them, though there was no acrid scent to suggest it was acidic. It was however imbued with the power running rife beneath his skin, itching to be loosed.

The snakes hit the blood first, caught in a rising rot and a strange, grasping pull which dragged at them as they attempted to wriggle free, slowing their escape attempts until they began to smoke and fall apart.

Beyond that bloody line upon which the snakes writhed, the Elf's tornado ripped across the winging Furies and threw them into spinning disarray of motion. Two of them were tossed father from the action. But the third, and farthest, recovered swiftly and shrieked out an unholy sound of pure rage as she launched herself toward the Sadist once more.

The line of blood had less effect on her. She passed over it and her robes decayed into tattered specks, her hair began to shrivel, but the rest of her seemed unaffected as she clawed at him with talons that dripped some vicious looking red liquid.

Lexius' vortex of air was spinning but, but the Elf himself didn't seem to be paying much attention to it. He was standing there...doing not much of anything at all, his blue-violet eyes blazing brightly in the darkness like twin beams of light that seemed to have attracted the attention of the other two, displaced Furies. They were closing on him.

By then, they were no longer in the Temple. They were no longer in RhyDin! Or maybe they were, but somewhere under it. The air became dank and thick with heat. The veil disappeared altogether and from somewhere distant came the roar of something exploding strong enough to make even the air tremble with the force of it.

The displacement threatened to distract Mesteno from the threat of the winged women as his eyes darted furiously over their new surroundings, but the one rushing past the suddenly absent barrier of rot soon snatched it back. He now had the unenviable task of combat with a naked, bald, flying woman. Not a sight he enjoyed. In retrospect, he should probably have stayed at home.

As her dripping talons came within rage, he slipped nimbly backward, light footed and outdistancing her reach until her frenzied attempts to claw him apart presented an opening. Then came the blade (he'd had one after all, and likely always would have) though it was slim, an assassin's weapon meant more for delivering cut-throat attacks rather than fending off dripping talons.

He ducked beneath one of her swipes, the keen, needling blade thrust neatly toward her stomach beneath the ribs, but it met far less resistance than it should have biting into flesh. Sickly looking fluid dripped from her talons and hit his chest, rapidly eating through the fabric. Her wings seemed solid enough too, one leathery appendage batting him as the enraged woman spun away from the knife with another emphatic shriek.

As for the Elf. The two Furies that had been drawn his way met no resistance in their attack. They enveloped him completely...and then suddenly blinked out of existence, along with Lexius himself. The Sadist was now on his own!


Date: 2016-01-23 14:08 EST

The relocation seemed to be complete. Somewhere hot. A cavern? Lava? Perhaps the distant sound of those roars that had made the ground tremble had been volcanic, perhaps--

But who cared? The fluid had reached his skin, and Mesteno was stumbling from the swipe of the wing when the despair set in, blossoming entirely disproportionate to the situation. It crippled him far more effectively than a well-aimed strike of the fury's talon might have. A moment later he came to a complete standstill, devoid of any intention to protect himself from further attack, unconcerned even with Lexius' disappearance.

Nothing mattered. Everything was wrong. His fault. He'd fucked it all up. Hadn't been good enough for Evander. Wasn't enough. He knew it emphatically, irresistibly, and it felt, dizzyingly, as if he might drown in it. It successfully reduced him to docile prey within a matter of moments, with only the strangely separate and unaffected energy boiling beneath his hide still intent on protecting him.

The tone of the Fury's howl changed from enraged to triumphant as she swooped in with intent to rend him limb from limb. She had won the day and would not be denied her prize, her vengeance. Mesteno would not die quickly.

Two things happened then, right at the same time.

The link the Elf had established between his and Mesteno's mind was still active, and Lexius' voice came cracking down that tie like a hot bolt of lightning, searing across the surface of the Sadist's mind as if to burn away the overwhelming sorrow. Mesteno!

With his voice came the kiss of the heat from a desert sun across his scarred skin, the taste of the sand on his tongue, the scent of that spice Lexius favored in his coffee. The beads might have added their own little touch in there to assist in his recovery.

The second thing that happened was much less obvious. A man appeared out of nowhere, draped in dark robes holding a black metal staff with two large, wicked prongs in one hand, the butt of it grounded against the rocks. He seemed older, sage, with curling dark hair and black, black eyes that seemed to gleam a reflection of the orangish light that swirled hotly in the lava pools. He wore an elaborate helmet of gleaming metals, spikes splayed across the top of it. His gaze was fixed on the Sadist and the Fury and he spoke one simple, soft word.


The Fury might have had Mesteno pinned by then, about to tear into his flesh...but it stopped. Everything, actually, seemed to stop for a few moments. Even the twirling of the lava in the pools.

Better for Lexius if he hadn't still been connected. The misery was sickening, a mind poison which practically begged for the ending the Fury offered. Mesteno would have welcomed her with open arms if not for the fact that she bowled him over before he found the energy to raise them, the deadly little assassin's blade dropped upon the dark stone of the cavern in wordless surrender. The light still seemed to flicker behind his eyes, yet there was no true focus to them. He didn't really see anything until his name from the Elf's mind struck like a hammer blow, and even then there seemed to be some resistance, as if despite the beads' rattling, and the way the psion's presence began to burn away at the despair, there was a part of him that desired the easy way out being offered.

Of course that wasn't likely to happen, not with the energy finally rushing forth to assault the fury as it had attempted to attack the Elf not so very long ago as they stood atop the promontory. It didn't matter what she was, it simply meant to unravel her thoroughly, and perhaps would have if the stranger hadn't chosen that moment to make his appearance.

Stillness throughout the cavern, and Mesteno, pinned beneath the repulsive creature, seemed suddenly aware in ways he had not been before. When had he stretched his throat out so accommodatingly like that? When had he fallen on his back, supine prey for his attacker? His eyes sharpened, and urgently, he set to scrambling out from beneath her, shoving at her still form if need be, as furious as she had been but a great deal more confused.

And ashamed. Jesus Christ he felt ashamed for submitting like that!

"The fuck is happening? Where are we?" Oh, right, Lexius wasn't there with him... "What happened to Lexius!?" As if the stranger knew. He had the ominous sense that he should know this being. The longer he looked at him, the more certain he was.

Lexius, where are you!?

Only silence met Mesteno's questing thought.

"Nooooo!" Wailed the Fury even as she pulled (was yanked?!) back and away from the scrambling necromancer. "He belongs to usssss." She insisted imprudently, the same echoing to her voice as had been there when all three Furies spoke together no matter that only she alone seemed to be present.

"On the contrary," the man answered darkly, gleaming eyes on the confused Sadist, "he belongs to me." And there was a terrible note of finality in that statement that was underscored by the abrupt resumption of motion in the very earth around them. "Begone." He went on, far too casually. And the Fury disappeared, leaving (unwillingly!) Mesteno alone with the robed figure. Were his robes moving? Pay no mind to that.

The necromancer twisted over, onto hands and knees to push upwards on rough palms. He'd spent far too much of the last couple of minutes off his feet, and he didn't intend to remain sprawled out with this new threat arisen. It didn't matter that the robed stranger had effectively saved him from the Fury's wrath, the fact that he had power over the wretched creature made him far more dangerous. Quite predictably, he stepped backward, widening the space between them as best he could without coming too close to those molten puddles.

The vast majority of his attention was fixed on the man with the two-pronged spear, the elaborate helm crowning his dark head. Oh but it couldn't be... His brow knotted, and the full, hedonist's mouth became a grim, pale line.

"What now?" he asked him. It appeared introductions were unnecessary. He didn't even intend to argue that statement of ownership. He knew how imperious beings like this were wont to be!


Date: 2016-01-24 10:53 EST

Hades seemed in no hurry to move or to speak. Instead, he watched as the understanding dawned and the grimness set across the Necromancer's face. He watched it all with a small, knowing smirk curling lips frame by a short, shaggy beard. Oh yes, this was a being full of himself and his assurance that Mesteno belonged to him!

"Now," the man spoke, his voice every bit as imperious as Mesteno guessed it would be, "you thank me for saving you from Alecto and her Sisters? loving attention." He didn't say what form the Sadist's thanks should take, but just the words might not be enough given the superiority in his expression, in the way he looked at Mesteno. In the way he waited, ever-so-patiently for the Sadist to comply. One thing that was certain, wherever they were right then, this man reigned supreme.

Thank him? Defiance flashed through eyes so recently deadened by numbness that he seemed a wholly different man, and the way his jaw up-angled sang of the very hubris the Furies had accused him of. Innate obduracy promised he'd sooner risk his neck again under their claws than offer words of thanks for his timely rescue.

For a moment it seemed he meant to be nothing but petulant.

But here's a chance for answers, curiosity crooned to him suggestively, like some cat come slinking up to brush along his side. His intent focus on the Underworld deity seemed to take a new slant, speculative. Mesteno was not above manipulating a situation in order to benefit himself, and if that meant having to choke on his pride briefly, he'd do it.

"The timely assistance was... appreciated," he told the smirking deity. He even sketched a half bow, as if to back up the words with a gesture of respect, without ever having the words 'thank you' pass his lips. "You don't think me the culprit of some rift then, as they do?"

Hades chuckled. In fact, he was chuckling even before Mesteno sketched out that miserly bow and offered only the most superficial form of thanks. It was a sound more felt than heard, however, rumbling through the rocks and gurgling in the hot pools of lava that surrounded them. He was more than a little amused with Mesteno's defiance and his devious suppression of it in order to get what he wanted. So rather than answer the Necromancer's question, he gave a little demonstration. Them Greek Gods, they just loved to put on a show.

Raising his free hand, Hades hooked one finger into the air and tugged downward sharply. And perfectly in time to the pantomime, Mesteno could do nothing but drop, sharply, and look thoroughly ungainly doing it.

The God had hold of his soul, and he ended up on his hands and knees, all the old aches and pains stirred up to throbbing and his palms furnace hot from their resounding slap into the heated stone of the cavern floor. The snaking braid of his hair thumped in the grit and gravel over one shoulder. It offered no veil to hide his irritation behind today, and the flash of his teeth beyond lips drawn back in a faint snarl looked all too white.

The gems in Hades staff seemed to glow more boldly crimson, and the lava pools erupted with more violence, splashing molten rocks onto stone.

"You," Hades said, still casual but somehow more sinister, "should learn manners."

Manners could be rather priceless in some situations! Like when one was dealing with a God in their own domain. Lexius might have advised such had he been there. Still no trace of the Elf yet.

"Your continued existence will depend on them,? Hades went on. ?You put yourself in such jeopardy by conspiring with my all too reckless Nephew."

Mesteno listened cautiously, very much aware of the way the lava pools were behaving. It was an effective demonstration of power, but not so much as the way his soul had been plucked at. That had been too risky to chance a second time, and the fact that it could happen at all made him cautious of a repeat offense. He reorganised his limbs, so that he had one knee to the ground, his head bowed the way a knight might settle before his king. The snarl evaporated as he schooled his features into something more... serene.

"My apologies, you're right of course. Thank you for aiding me." Slow, long exhalation! "Your nephew... Ares? Do you know of his whereabouts?" A pause. "I would be grateful to know."

The God observed Mesteno's apparent change in demeanor for some time, the way the Elf would sometime stare in that enigmatic way he had, before he answered. That Hades answered at all and seemed to withdraw his power was enough to know that he approved, at least marginally, of the Necromancer's attitude adjustment. He did not bid Mesteno to rise.

"That is more appropriate. Do remember it." He moved, unseen sandals grating over the stone as he shuffled closer using that pitchfork as a cane. The lava pools calmed somewhat and his voice was less harsh when he continued.

"It will be for you to find my errant Nephew and return him to us." Oh, Mesteno was given a mission! "Now that you've been stupid enough to show your face on Grecian soil, there will be no keeping some members of the family from finding you." He sounded aggrieved about that. Probably more annoyed that Mesteno hadn't been smart enough to keep such attention off himself!

As he moved closer, those dark robes of his came more into view. They were moving on their own, in no way that robes properly should. It seemed there were...things teeming behind the cloth, as if trying to break free, leaving fleeting impressions in the fabric as they struggled. A human arm here. An emaciated spine there. A screaming face that looked much like a certain Elf! But it was gone in a moment.

Despite the sudden absence of the powers which'd delivered him so effortlessly to the cavern floor, Mesteno remained where he was. He didn't yet trust himself to maintain that respectful facade the God seemed to demand of him. Relying on a weak skill would have been foolhardy!

With the robes swaying into view on the periphery of his vision however, he was treated to the unnerving view of all that seemed abnormal about their appearance. Instead of averting his eyes to the horror of it, he watched in case anything came reaching out, and waited kneeling and tense, spine prickling as if expectant of unwanted contact from the deity himself.

"Forgive me the ignorance. I was not aware anyone was waiting for me to... set foot on Grecian soil."

It had been Rhy'Din he obliviously wandered through. To listen to Hades speak, the raising of those temples had been as good as planting a flag and calling that street Greece!

"Would it be too much to ask for you to tell me whom I might expect to come looking for me now that I'm involved?" Reluctantly.

As for finding Ares, he'd been perfectly ready to declare himself unfit for the job; no adequate education in Greek studies beyond some personal reading on their death rites and associated lore, certainly no power to rival those who might be behind his disappearance. He just got the distinct feeling that wouldn't matter to the dark lord of the Grecian Underworld. However, in true Mesteno fashion, he wasn't quite done being audacious.

His tongue flicked nervously across dry, lower lip, before he murmured. "I am quite sure I will need the elven companion who was with me before we were separated if I'm to succeed in this." Because that face in the robes had been far too familiar, and if Hades started talking about keeping him a hostage, they were going to have words.


Date: 2016-01-25 16:36 EST

Hades was no more a fan of audacious than he had been of impertinent. The God was just about to shuffle past Mesteno in his roaming oratory when, instead, he whirled to face the Sadist's still kneeling form, causing those robes to brush fleetingly across the Necromancer's arm and knee. With the contact came a familiar feeling. Something Mesteno carried around inside his body and wielded (in Hades' esteemed opinion) as deftly as a child brandished a toy sword. Death. But it was far more complex a thing. There was pain and sorrow and suffering, but there was joy and exultation and triumph, as well. There was the devastating cold of and blinding heat. There was a glimpse of the Underworld, and a flash of Elysium all at once. All of it rushing through the Necromancer in less time than it took to inhale. It was too much to process all at once, too much for a simple, human brain.

Hades hooked into his soul again and yanked him flat to the hard, uneven stone violently enough to make him grunt on impact, jaw and cheekbone throbbing. The God raged every bit as fiercely as the Fury had.

"You conspire to raise a Titian, you take hand in its defeat," and he did sound a little incredulous, if not actually disgusted about that part, "then you think to walk amongst us unnoticed?!" He slammed his staff onto the ground and the whole cavern trembled, the lava pools surged and the very air seemed to waver and warp as if it might rip apart at any moment.

"And now you think to presume upon me for favors?!" He added, really on a tear. That part must be about the Elf. When Hades spoke again, only his voice changed, becoming softer, more dangerous. "When I have already equipped you with all that you need. Perhaps then, I shall take it back." There came than yanking again, as if he was set to tear Mesteno's soul right out of his body.

In that moment there, when Hades seemed fully bent on removing Mesteno's soul and distracted in his rage, came just a whisper of thought down the tie that still connected Mesteno and the Elf. It sounded like it was coming from a million miles away. Fortitudo.

Mesteno?s ribs and hipbones were bruising further by the moment, and snatching breath seemed impossible but for the shallowest, most unsatisfying of inhalations. This time the slim, pearl line of bared teeth was a grimace, not a snarl, but he made no attempt to rise from this thoroughly prostrate position. He wasn't about to worsen his situation by physically struggling.

After all, it was bad enough that in his rage, Hade seemed set on ripping his soul loose of his flesh, and it was this that actually made him cry out, the sensation a white hot agony, though the sound he made, animalistic and hoarse throated sounded as enraged as it did pained. Had he the capacity to move he might have been left convulsing, but what Hades pulled at was rooted, refusing to bend entirely to the deity's whims. How frustrating that must have been, to know that the powers locked in that wiry flesh were so defiant, even seemed to try and snap metaphysically like a cornered wolf at a hunting party with spears at the ready.

The Elf's distant encouragement did somehow make it through that violent, horrific sensation though, and even if he could not find the resolve to form a word in reply, there was a mental brush, something like a straining towards him as if he might grasp on for support. A vain effort.

Between gritted teeth, molars clenched tight enough they felt as if they might crack, he managed to croak, "I'm sorry-- fuck! -- I'm sorry, I'll do as you ask!"

Hades' frustrations were multiple, to be sure. He'd managed to separate the Elf from Mesteno physically, of course. And he'd managed to block that mental connection that still linked the two of them together. But that he couldn't sever it completely had put the God in a bad mood to begin with. That he couldn't completely banish Lexius from his realm only twisted the knife in a little bit deeper. And the Necromancer's soul seemed to thwart his divine will?! It was incomprehensible. Unacceptable. Infuriating.

It seemed for a moment as if the God was going to scrap the idea of sending Mesteno on a mission to save his Nephew in favor of finishing the job he'd prevented the Fury from completing. The cavern -roared- and groaned and shook, until another voice cut sharp as a blade through all the chaos.

"Are you insane!" Someone yelled.

Not the Elf. Not anyone Mesteno knew. A new player stepped onto the battlefield and he sounded just as enraged as Hades, but in a different way.

"He can't be here. Neither of them can be here!" The assault on Mesteno's soul wavered as Hades turned away to face the newcomer. "And will you stop that."

Abruptly, something came between Hades' hooks and Mesteno's energy, putting a halt to the tug-of-war- going on between the two. "It's already been given. You can't take it back now."

"You dare!" Hades growled.

Mesteno might catch a glimpse of a pair of snazzy looking wingtip boots stopping somewhere near Hades. In the pulsing glow of the lava, he was possible to catch the way little wings seemed to be embossed into the leather near the heels of those boots. What he was more likely to notice, though, was the feel of Lexius suddenly, almost violently appearing beside him, down on one knee with the beads falling to drape across the Sadist's spine. The Elf was...growling a little himself.

"You?re damn right, I dare." The new guy said hotly. "I didn't go through all the trouble of steering them here for you to screw it up now! Now take us back." He demanded. And, amazingly...the cavern started to fade.

The moment the assault ended, Mesteno rolled onto his back, gasping for air the compression of his ribs had denied him. Noisy, hungry gulps sounded raw in his throat, and the wretched heat in that cavern had him sweating - or maybe it was what he'd just endured! - in ways that the training Lexius had given him with the sticks had never been able.

Speaking of the Elf, he was there beside him. Somehow, this was what he picked out first, the kneeling psion growling away. "Oh thank fuck-- I thought you were in his Gods damned..." Never mind. Up his robes just wasn't where you wanted to tell a guy you thought he'd been!

The Elf looked as sharp as that assassin's knife Mesteno had tried to defend himself with earlier, angled features drawn tight and blue-violet eyes snapping at hotly as the lava pools that surrounded them. He raked a burning look across the Sadist, something that delved past the abused skin and rattled bones to check on him inside, as well and out.

Inelegant scrambling to try and rise ensued from the necromancer, and finally, with Hades and the stranger roaring at one another, he was able to get a look at the new arrival. It had to be another deity, of course, but he'd been too jarred by the assault to notice the embossed wings which might have answered some of the questions his head was suddenly boiling over with. They'd been steered there?

"Wait, what do you mean you--!" But the cavern was fading, and a second relocation in such a short space of time left him grasping at his head, squeezing his eyes shut to try and reject the dizziness he was sure to feel when they emerged (hopefully!) back in Rhy'Din.


Date: 2016-01-26 17:19 EST

As the cavern faded, Lexius somehow managed to cast off not only Hades' hooks, but the barrier the newcomer thrust between the Necromancer and the Underworld deity. It had both of those gods looking (one startled, the other smug!) their way rather than trying to stare each other to death.

Hermes was looking stylish these days. Gold hair, cut and smoothly styled to match the perfectly tailored and modern suit he wore, the charcoal grey of it offset by a brilliantly white shirt with a sparkling gold caduceus tie pin and cufflinks. Yes, there were wings on his black silk tie, tiny gold stamps of them marching diagonally across the fabric. He was looking mighty smug as the cavern resolved into a temple around them.

A different temple than the one they'd started in. This one was airy and bright with a statue to the God dominating the center of it.

Behind him, Hades glowered menacingly at the pair, but he had ditched the whole pitchfork and robe affair in favor of a more conservative, almost scholarly look. Dark sweater and darker slacks, curly hair falling down to his shoulders and black eyes framed by tiny spectacles. He had a black metal bracelet banding one wrist with charms dangling from it. There was the staff. And the helmet. And Cerberus.

Rising from his kneel, the Elf clasped his hand over Mesteno's shoulder to steady him, gaze pinned on the two deities while the beads rattled unobtrusively at his side. They might be snickering.

"Ok!" Hermes said cheerfully, stepping forward. "So sorry about that. Just a little mix up. We're all set now, right? You go find my cousin and we wipe that little taint right off your soul. A fine trade, don't you think?"

The hand on Mesteno?s shoulder was grounding, and after a few, deliberately slow breaths to try and slow the jackhammer of his heart, he opened his eyes narrowly, the light of them every bit as hot as the psion's intent gaze. If there was one thing he hated, it was being moved about like a pawn, manipulated by something so vastly powerful that he'd no choice but to suffer the consequences of their choices. If it wouldn't have resulted in imminent doom, he'd have attacked the pair where they stood. As things stood, he was too weakened, too shaken by their actions to even contemplate the kind of vicious vengeance which might later spring to mind.

The new temple was an improvement, as was the attitude of Hermes, so brightly golden and amiable. A pity his words seemed dismissive of the insult he-- no they, had just suffered, even with the apology thrown in. But God's, right? Even a flippant apology was more than he'd have expected. He slipped one last hawk-keen look at Hades in all his modern attire, and then fixed all his attention on the Hermes instead.

"Like I have a choice." came the level rejoinder. "Any hints on where I should start looking?" Because this wasn't Lexius' fault, and he wasn't about to include him when the Elf had no reason to get tangled up in the crazy.

Lexius hadn't been able to do anything while they lingered in Hades' realm, but once the transition took place, once the Planes were in flux and change, his Will became the stronger. It might also be due to how utterly pissed off the Elf was! He was certainly right in accord with the Sadist on their treatment and the manipulation Hermes' words implied. Strangely, he also kept his hand right there on Mesteno's shoulder, gripping him strongly as he knew (or guessed) he might need to restrain the Necromancer from doing something...reckless.

Calmly. He advised down that tie. Almost sounding calm himself. The word might have been a little snapped. He might have said something to back Mesteno's words, but Hermes was waving his elegant hands, long fingers brushing away the Sadist's implication as he interjected.

"Of -course- you have a choice. You have free will, right?!" The golden trickster God laughed. "You can say no." He went right on, pausing close to the pair rather...abruptly. "It just wouldn't be very smart to say no, now would it?" A beaming smile (his dentist was spectacular!) given even as he felt at the air in front of him and cast a sly grin the Elf's way. His palm was running over something unseen but solid that separated him from where they stood. He pointed a single fingers at Mesteno then, tapping the air with it.

"I can't tell you the specifics. Rules, you know?" He rolled his eyes expressively. "But you're the link." he told the Sadist, his finger then sliding toward the Elf. "And he's the path. Our cousins up north will never see it coming." He finished gleefully.

Oh how Mesteno chafed at the restraint, his own and the Elf's, but for all the twitch of muscle in his heavily angular jaw, and despite all that bestial glaring he was watching the shameless pair with, he did not err into petulant action that might have resulted in them both being attacked again.

"You put such a pretty spin on it," he remarked lowly to Hermes, sinew and bone rigid beneath the fingers of his guardian psion. "And I'll bet that pisses you off, doesn't it? That even for you two there are rules. Fine. Don't say anything. I'll find them my damn self, and then you get this taint on my soul removed and you leave me alone until the next time I decide to go felling a titan, or something equally full of itself."

Well, he'd managed for all of five minutes there without making threats, but at least it was given a spin, just like Hermes had put on his? The notion of slaying a deity seemed far-fetched, but he knew it had been done. And as for Lexius, a path? He slipped a look sideways at him, trying to fathom what he meant by that clue, but he was too frustrated to make sense of it at present. Maybe Lexius would prove more successful in figuring out what they meant.

"Are we free to go?" he asked at length.

When it appeared Mesteno would keep full command of himself (but for his mouth!), Lexius eased that grip. The touch lingered perhaps five seconds more before it melted away.

Hermes winked brashly at Mesteno. "Spin or not, it's the truth. If you want to while away a few years fending off all manner of inconvenient and unpleasant interruptions to your social calendar, just let me know. Otherwise, this'll all be cleared up in a matter of days. You didn't really think you'd get to banish an Old God without any consequences, did you? Tsk." He was far, far too sanguine about it all, as cheerful as Hades was dour. The dark God was muttering to himself back there and fingering the charms on his bracelet.

Truth be told, Mesteno had given the repercussions of the whole event very little thought. He'd been perhaps twenty-one years old, and even more reckless than he'd proven to be facing down Hades when he'd cajoled Koyan into finding a way to repeat something most wouldn't even have considered. Not that he was about to admit this lack of foresight to Hermes and basically inform him he was absolutely correct.

"Humans," Hermes went on, this time talking to Lexius, "so short-sighted. You'll help him understand, won?t you?" He leaned a little closer, face pressing against the wall the Elf had placed between them. "And keep him," he jerked a thumb Mesteno's way, "away from him," this time the thumb was aimed at Hades behind him, "for a while, okay?" Then he looked at Mesteno, leaning back. "I'll talk to Thanatos. I bet you two would get on great!"

Hermes turned away, apparently done with them, and began sauntering back toward Hades. But he didn't let the pair get too far before he snapped his fingers and spun back around. "Oh! I almost forgot. You'll need this!" And a bag appeared in the ground at their feet. Plain hemp, closed with twine. Like something you might drown puppies in.


Date: 2016-01-26 17:39 EST

Ignoring the fact that Hermes was entrusting his welfare to Lexius as if he were still a minor, Mesteno was already turning away to search out the exit with Lexius close behind, when Hermes had tagged on that last demand for attention. Mesteno gave the newly materialised bag a dubious look, but Lexius didn?t take his gaze off the pair of deities or unweave the protections he had put in place.

The necromancer wound up crouching down, fingers immediately at work on the knot until the Elf shook his head and spoke.

"Not here." Was his advice, just as Hermes added rather hastily, "You should wait on that! Off you go now. Been here too long." Shoo, shoo. He was shooing them away, complete with the hand motions.

Lean, tawny fingers hesitated on the twine, and Mesteno considered opening it just to spite them. Hermes was right though, they'd spent far too long in the Grecian grounds of the temple district, and the sooner they left them behind the better. Snatching the bag by the neck, he straightened up on protesting knees, and had none of Lexius' concern about turning his back on the deities completely.

He hesitated only a moment once they were back outside, in order to get his bearings, and then using the constellations as a guide, set off for safer streets. Pretty much anywhere would do, after the mess they'd experienced that afternoon.

He moved at a long-legged prowl, the speed deceptive for how fluid it seemed. He was also unapologetically quiet, too busy trying to process what'd happened to be anything like considerate company. Not the ideal first trip out for a man who'd spent a good week playing hermit due to heartsick blues. Not great for a man who'd been so miserably despairing to have suffered Alecto's venom and felt it all over again, along with a shameful urge to let her open his throat with her talons. He grimaced to recall it, and to realise that part of him was still so pathetic that he was almost disappointed that hadn't been the end to it all.

Fucking Hades. Fucking Hades trying to tear his soul loose. He didn't even realise that he'd begun to mutter in his native tongue, a bitter tirade of foul-mouthed threats to a being that wasn't even around to hear them.
Lexius might have been better off leaving him to his own devices for the evening, and he?d considered it until the muttering and cursing started. But who knew where that might lead if left unattended? He waited, though, until they were well away from the Grecian District, until the entire Temple district was far behind, allowing Mesteno to work off a little of that steam through some vigorous walking before he reached to take the bag.

"Do you wish to drink, fight or be taken home?"

Mesteno?s grip was firm on that bag, knuckles gleaming white under sun-bronzed skin. He seemed to require an explanation as to why he was relinquishing it before he'd agree to.

They were close to the marketplace by that point, a hotspot for the city even at night, and he kept from letting that muttered foulness rise in volume only because there were so many people passing them by. Light flashed across his retinas as he watched a couple pass them by, watching them as if to see who might win ownership of the bag. The growl he shot after them hastened them along, sounding too authentically animalistic to have come from a human throat.

"I'm going to drink," he told him. To be taken home made it sound as if he were a child! As for fighting, he was fairly sure anyone could have bested him at present. His nerves were haywire, and not exactly conducive to victory.

The Elf met Mesteno's look calmly and kept his hand on the bag. Whatever amount of temper that still lingered inside the Elf was well under control, even if that strange mix of colors in his own gaze was still too bright. He was maintaining things still, even this far away. It was a drain, one that it didn't seem he could afford given the harsh thinness of his features, but he kept at it for the time being.

"Drink then." Was he encouraging him?! Well, he wasn't discouraging the man. "But it may be better you not to carry this with you." A reasonable point! They did not yet know what was in it.

"You don't even know what's in it," Mesteno pointed out, his patience wearing thin. Lexius had a valid point though. He knew whatever it was likely should not be in the hands of a man who might lose it getting shamefully drunk. His fingers twitched as if reflecting his indecision, and after a moment he sighed, relinquishing possession.

He stepped back, waving dismissively at the bag as if to have it taken away. He had this inkling that whatever was in there might be giving off some energy that he was numb to, but which Lexius could sense perfectly well.

"Fine, you be its caretaker. Get your little walking crystal thing to watch over it." As if he thought that satchel might be going to swallow it up shortly.

Lexius simply stared at Mesteno for the first comment, which just validated his point! Then he waited patiently for the Sadist to decide, but awarded no approving smile when the man relented, choosing common sense over rashness. Instead, he was doing precisely as Mesteno predicted he would. He opened the satchel and stuffed that bag and its contents right down into the thing, closing the flap before his wayward crystal thought to jump out and complain.

"Contact me when you are ready." He didn't immediately disappear, but stood and watched the Sadist, hands folded behind his back and gaze intent. Beside him, the beads gave a little shudder, but they remained silent.

The necromancer watched him in turn, indecision writ plainly across angular features. Perhaps he was rethinking getting a drink, given the hole-riddled state of his clothes, the wild disarray of his hair. It would only lead to questions, or at the very least attention he wasn't ready for. He was the first to look away, refocusing grimly on the marketplace.

"You should be smart about this," he told Lexius, sotto voce. "You had nothing to do with the raising of the titan, you're not carrying any taint, and you've no obligation to either of them, or that whole damn Pantheon. They had no right to pin any responsibility on you, and you can easily avoid it all if you use the planes. It was me that instigated what happened, it's me they're pissed off with. I know what Hermes," yes he knew his name! "said about you being the path, but there are rifts, there are ways I could find with a little study. You don't have to be involved. So think about it. Dump whatever's in that bag at my place if you're concerned I'll lose it before you I get home."

It seemed he did not hold Lexius responsible for urging him to visit the Grecian temple at all. As the Gods had so kindly pointed out, he was a fool to have thought there would be no repercussions, that he could avoid the fallout forever.

He didn't wait for a reply, but left Lexius stood where he was, and made immediately for the yawning mouth of the nearest alley.

Lexius said absolutely nothing at all. He stood impassively, listened attentively but without any discernible expression, then watched Mesteno walk away. What he did do, though, was unravel the protections he'd placed around Mesteno's soul and mind. He also finally broke the mental connection that had tied them together all that time. But not harshly. It was done no differently than he usually did so.

Mesteno did get lucky. Lucky enough that the Elf did not bother him again that night despite the fact his temper was so stirred up. He let the Sadist go then disappeared himself, back to the desert to await that call.


Date: 2016-01-30 16:42 EST

Two days later...

It was five am. Dawn had already brought a blush to the horizon, but the world was still cool with night's lingering touch. Cool enough to raise goose-bumps along the necromancer's skin and make him grateful for the lightweight jacket he'd thrown on when he'd left home the night prior nearing midnight.

He'd spent his time sat in Rhy'Din's central library, making the most of the lack of visitors at that particular hour. Sat at a desk comfortably out of sight of the main entrance, Mesteno's eyes were sore from squinting at tiny text, often penned by hand rather than off a printing press. His efforts to identify some figure in the Greek Pantheon, or related to it, who might have taken offense by Ares facilitating the slaying of a titan had come up blank of names.

He was getting jumpy. Footsteps left him expecting visits from deities in modern day dress, or perhaps the appearance of a snake-haired wench come to fix him in stone before he could remedy his error. Sometimes he cursed Koyan for ever acquiescing to his pestering. Other times, he cursed himself, for having been less than grateful to Lexius for his aid.

The crystal was in his pocket. Now and then he palmed it, on the verge of making contact, but it wasn't until the dawn chorus was really waking the city up and the light was oozing down the street slow as honey that he shrugged off his foolish pride.


The Elf had felt it, of course, the times when the Sadist would handle the stone but not actually use it. And he left it alone until that tingle finally whispered across his mind. The answer didn't come immediately, but it did come, smooth as ever.


The Elf was usually so quick with his replies that the delay made the necromancer begin to wonder whether the crystal was no longer operative. Or maybe he was being ignored? He?d only have himself to blame were that the case.

Slouching into the faded leather of his seat back, he cast a dismal look over the stacks of tomes he'd had off the shelves, and the empty sheet of paper sat between them, waiting for the spindly strokes of the pen he'd meant to put to them. He hadn't so much as scribbled in a corner out of boredom.

Did you choose to look in the bag?

He should probably have thought about offering an apology first. He was so awkward about everything!

Lexius was no less inelegant of his handling of the matter. And he knew it. But he was trying. Perhaps too hard. He'd certainly taken the time to compose himself before answering the contact. He did not berate Mesteno for any lack of apology, though.

I have. He admitted without a shred of remorse for it. It seemed the safest place to do it, out there in the desert, in his home, where he commanded so strongly and no one else had ever heard of Greek Gods. Are you ready to do so? He inquired then, zero emotional inflection in his mental voice.

It was an affirmative Mesteno had expected.

I'm ready. He wasn't capable of that same lack of inflection. He sounded, if anything, to be edging back towards the apathy he'd exhibited during those days the Elf had played gargoyle on his porch. If a mental voice was capable of such things, his might have come with a resigned sigh tagged on the end. Not because he was displeased about having to talk to Lexius, but certainly because seeing what was in the bag was going to inevitably tug him deeper into the Grecian mess.

Gather what you need. The Elf advised. But again, it came after some delay. That really had nothing to do with Mesteno and more to do with the fact he was going to bring the Sadist to him rather than the other way around. He'd avoided it before, almost viciously protective of his sanctuary. It was for all the wrong reasons, though. He was still struggling with that, but decided this would be a decisive first step.

Tell me when you are ready. This added after another moment of thought. And then a little bit more. I am bringing you to the desert.

A third delay! But then it happened. However he managed it, Lexius reached across the hundreds of miles that separated them physically to steal Mesteno from where he stood in the library and bring him to desert.

He appeared inside the archway of a cave a heartbeat later. But it was no cramped, dark, dusty little cave buried miles deep in a mountain. Instead he was presented with a breath taking vista of striated sandstone cliff walls arching outward, the colors bleached by the darkness of the night so that the bands look like graduating lines of silver and grey and black. Here and there the walls closed together to form narrow, winding passages through the cliffs, and far to the left distant sand dunes rolling away where the stone walls opened a fissure that provided a straight on view to what lay beyond.

That same stone arced above overhead in a wide, high mouth and made up the flat, polished looking stone ledge that extended in front of the mouth of the cave he was standing in. Big enough, perhaps, for a dragon to lounge in the sun before it walked inside. The two roughly shaped columns to Mesteno's right and left, would have impeded the beast, though. As it was, they kind of formed a doorway that didn't have a door.

It was not the lush, verdant landscape Mesteno would have chosen to live in, but he?d have been hard pressed not to call it beautiful.

Turning around, he narrowed his eyes against the illumination located behind him, and spied Lexius stood beside a low table in a decently sized cavern.

Open and large, there were colorful rugs scattered across the floors and equally vibrant silks hanging from the walls. There were comfortable looking tasselled pillows surrounding the table, with burning stones set at its center. Beyond were tables and shelves filled with books and other curiosities butted up against walls broken only by occasional openings in the stone leading to other sections of the cave. Water tricked somewhere nearby, gurgling quietly.

After a moment, he began an uncertain approach, his jacket twisted up into one lean hand. "Is this yours?" he asked the Elf bluntly. "Or are you visiting here?"


Date: 2016-01-30 17:23 EST

Lexius leaned to pluck a simple wooden cup from the table and offer it out to him as he stepped inside, closer. The beads gave a little clatter from where they had circled the cup on the table, but then went still when the Elf spoke.

"It is mine. Drink." His tone was polite enough, but his dual colored gaze was intent, and there was a subtle tension in the line of his shoulders. Water and a cup, given from his own hand. It was really not an option, no matter how courteous the offer appeared.

Thankfully Mesteno seemed to understand the necessity for the drink implicitly, without having to ask. Or at least he must have assumed he did, because he reached for the offered cup with the hand not caught up in carrying his jacket, and took a long swallow of the contents. He hadn't needed it, but it felt good, the sensation pleasantly real after the strangeness of the teleportation.

"Gratias," he murmured, glancing up from the water to see if some of that sharp focus had eased from Lexius' eyes. "Your home, yes?" This he asked a little more hesitantly, but he wanted to be sure he understood. A strange honour to be received there, after how trying he'd been for the Elf of late.

The tension, the intensity, had diminished marginally. Lexius looked over Mesteno slowly, head to toe and back again, before turning his gaze away to look over the cave.

"Aye. I suppose that would be the name for it." The Elf finally answered, voice once again devoid of any emotion as he looked back at him. "You may leave your things here." He was already turning for one of those breaks in the wall.

Leaving his jacket on one of the cushions by the table, and with nothing else to leave behind, Mesteno set off in pursuit of the Elf, examining things as he went with the occasional skim of calloused fingertips. He meant to discover whether the stone had been weathered away or smoothed by tools. It didn't look like the kind of soft stone he knew some of the manmade catacombs had been dug into, but he wouldn't put it past Lexius to take something carved out by nature and tweak it with his abilities. He'd already proven he'd a way with stone.

"I couldn't find anything useful," he confessed wryly as he followed. "Library was as good as useless. You been any luckier?"

They passed carvings aplenty among the curiosities and books, done in a mind numbing array of rocks, minerals, crystals and gems. Globes of light suspended in the air illuminated their way, decorating the cavern and shimmered overhead at regular intervals along the spacious tunnel the Elf had walked into. More rugs decorated that, deadening the scape of boots, and there were two paintings along that short corridor, but both were veiled in bright silks which Mesteno?s fingers itched to raise.

The second portion of the cave was longer than it was wide, the ceiling arching up a good ten feet, every single wall masked by bookshelves that were filled to capacity with all manner of books and tomes and scrolls. Down the center of that long room was a lengthy, low stone table, the surface polished and cushioned with intricately woven mats. And all along that were various portions of his library opened up with pages marked. At the far end of that room hung maps. Dozens of them. Picturing impossible and mundane landscapes. They, like the globes of light, hung suspended in the air, and it seemed Lexius could move them all about the room to suit his needs.

The Elf didn't answer until Mesteno, again, had a chance to look around. "I've discovered a thing or two." So, so blandly.

Mesteno made no reply, but stood waiting patiently once his eyes were sated. The silent attentiveness seemed to have relaxed the Elf, who made his way to the far end of the library and indicated toward the cushions at the table.

"Sit." He instructed.

Obliging him without comment, Mesteno considered the items strewn across the table. Nothing that looked as if it might have been contained within a rough hemp sack, though the little brown lizard parked on top of a closed book looked suspiciously like the ones now running around his property. A stunningly detailed, bronze dragonette statue sat holding down the corner of a scroll. Staring too long left him thinking he?d seen t might blink. There were other things, carved mostly from soapstone, used as paperweights here and there across the table as well as thin, colored crystals in the shape of pens.

"How much do you know of the Grecian deities?" The Elf asked as he leaned to start arranging thin sheets of parchment on the table before the Sadist just so. Hey, there was Hades! just a drawing of him, and not entirely accurate, but a close enough representation.

"Prior to last night, my knowledge was pretty limited," Mesteno admitted, as he leaned a wiry forearm against the table. He did not sound particularly ashamed. "I focused on their afterlife, death rites, Hades, Cerberus, Persephone and the figures connected to those old legends. I never really paid any attention to Ares." Though why would he have? War was not his concern. "I tried to find some connection to the titan mentioned, but they as a subject seem to get overlooked compared to the Gods that came after them."

Leaning forward to inspect the parchment arrayed before him, it wasn't difficult to identify the God who'd played puppet with him so effortlessly less than forty-eight hours ago. His stomach twisted uneasily at the recollection of his attempts to pry his soul loose, and so his distaste emerged not in any wide-eyed, fearful expression, but in a muttish grumble.

"Doesn't look arrogant enough," he declared.

"I will keep it brief." The Elf promised once he heard the Sadist out. He wasn't overly surprised, but it would require some explanation.

Folding his knees, he settled just to the side of the Sadist as he went on. "The Grecian Gods are the same as the Roman. The reigning deities simply stepped into these new roles as easily as the humans of the time adapted Greek beliefs as their own. The Titans predated these Gods in the Greek stories, but were defeated and cast in Tartarus. The bulk of those stories did not carry over to the Roman equivalent of these gods. But they were a strong enough image in mortal minds that the Titans did, and continue to, exist. So it imperative to these Gods that they remained secured away."

Lexius arranged the Gods by apparent order of lineage with Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter at the top and all the other various sons and daughters splayed out beneath them. Only Aphrodite was left out to the side, not really part of either group. He named each of the Gods (Greek and Roman equivalent) as he placed them, then continued.

"There are the ones most well-known. There are hundreds of others, but I believe only these are involved in our current situation as they reigned the longest and were the most popular." He said 'our' without any special emphasis, but Mesteno could be damn sure there was some in there! "Thus, they would have the most power even now."

Lexius then began to rearrange the sheets, placing the images of the Gods they had seen represented in Rhydin on one side, all the rest on the other, with the image of Ares settled in between both groups.

"And this, I believe, is how they are currently split. I believe the reason they are split is because of what happened to Ares. He has been imprisoned somewhere, most likely for the crime of raising these Titans. His punishment for that would have to be severe. But it seems to have been severe enough that it split the rest of them apart...philosophically." He paused there, looking at the Sadist.


Date: 2016-01-31 13:21 EST

As he had been in all other lessons, Mesteno was attentive to the subject matter, familiarising himself with the Greek names, and occasionally murmuring the Roman equivalent before the Elf even had time to offer the Grecian. No one could say there had not been some deliberate theft of those figures on the part of the Romans. Not that he felt any personal blame for that, despite his bloodlines.

"You'd think that they'd be pleased they were down by one on the Titan headcount if they were such a threat," he mused aloud, turning his knuckles so he could settle his smooth shaven jaw on their backs. "Ares certainly didn't seem concerned about what might happen if we succeeded; no mention of repercussions, no demand that we speak of it to no one."

He'd only met the war God briefly, and left most of the speaking to the Turk, but he couldn't imagine a man that proud would have taken well to being imprisoned. "Would it be a choice of the Pantheon to incarcerate him d'you think? Or would Zeus have just made the call and done it without seeking their council? The way they're split right now, it seems like we'll have to find one of his opposition to find out where he's been sent. The others wouldn't be allowed to know 'cause they might try and break him out. And, Lexius, did you ever think that by helping the side that's pissed off about his judgement, we're going to get reamed at some point by someone further up the food chain? I don't know about you, but I don't wanna end up with snakes for hair."

The Elf almost managed a smile for the imagery Mesteno invoked with his last statement. Lexius even slid his gaze to examine all that richly colored hair the man possessed. But just for a moment. "It would be colorful." He commented mildly, then went back to the meat of the matter.

"The Titans," Lexius informed Mesteno gravely, "cannot be killed. Not as we know of death, at least. Gods, any god, once created and believed in, can only truly die once every mortal on every prime in all of existence no longer believes in them. And even then, they become no more than inert. Should belief be taken up again at some point, they will revive. The best any can hope to do is contain them."

The Elf reached for a book then, though Mesteno probably couldn't read that spidey script that crawled across the pages. Without a doubt, Lexius' hand. "From what I understand of their organization, and this was several decades ago, the punishment of a living mortal fell under the jurisdiction of the god they worshipped. It should follow then, that the punishment of a god would be left to the pantheon he belonged to... or a council of appointed other gods."

He looked away from the books, back to the parchments with the Gods faces on given "Given this particular fallout, it was probably Zeus that laid down the punishment. Hera Poseidon, Apollo, they all stayed with him." He shook his head a bit, looked back to Mesteno. "And we do run the risk of displeasing them, as you say, should we free him. I do not doubt, however, they would attempt to destroy us even should we do nothing for merely having the potential to do it. Better, I believe, to have him indebted to us then both sides seeking our end. They know where he is." Lexius added after a moment. "But there are rules." As Hermes had admitted.

"I've come across that theory before," Mesteno admitted, when Lexius explained the existence of the deities, and their potential inertia. "Using that as a rule, you'd think that means those who're worshipped by greater numbers would be more powerful. Why then, wouldn't this group," he reached across to indicate that which Zeus was heading up, "want to be included in Rhy'Din all this time? And," oh God, he was theorising, who knew where it might go!? "Is the sudden appearance of the Grecian section in the temple district an attempt by this group," and of course it was that of Hades and Hermes he was jerking a thumb towards next, "an endeavour for them to gain power so that they might have a fighting chance if there's some kind of big war on Olympus?"

He'd strayed from the subject a little, their own involvement left by the wayside, but he did come back to it in time, his frown severe and his jaw set stern.

"You mean it's like some big old game they're playing and they can use us like pawns but they're only allowed to offer certain guidance. And then maybe another God swoops in and decides we need to stumble up against some roadblocks since it?s only fair? This is all sorts of fucked up. Why don't the pawns have some fair treatment rules?" Like they were important enough to warrant those!

He sighed, sagging a little where he sat on the cushion. He might have relished the chaos of something like this if he'd felt capable, could have devoted his attention wholeheartedly, but Christ what a time for it to happen! And he hadn't missed Lexius' deliberate use of the word 'us' by any means. He was just deliberating over how to touch on the subject without causing further division.

Lexius was almost tempted to smile again as Mesteno detailed out his own thoughts on the matter, asked questions and provided some of the answers right on the heels of the query. Smart. They really must find a way to make sure he lived longer than the typical human. But Lexius set that thought aside and frowned instead of smiling just a few seconds later. Had Mesteno just complained about life not being fair? In three seconds, smart had gone right back into childish! But he supposed, given the circumstances...

"The Titans were the only beings that could truly challenge them." He reasoned quietly. "And that the Titan mythology did not follow them when they took over Rome made the Titans weaker instead of stronger. It would be reasonable to assume that is why they clung to the Roman side of their personality rather than the Greek. And I believe you have it exactly right in saying the splinter group is trying to build more of a power base by investing themselves here and gathering followers. That will have worshippers of both sorts. And a war seems inevitable."

He looked back up to the Sadist then, eyes narrowing with undisguised cunning. "In order to effectively confine a god, one must keep them weak. That is why Ares' image has been erased from the Roman pantheon here. But a weak god, is a vulnerable one. And we will be there when he is at his weakest." Lexius had plans about that, he did!

"But wouldn't Ares need to be strong in order for us to rescue him? He won't be much help if he's weak,? Mesteno pointed out. ?Maybe we should focus on getting statues put up instead of-- Oh!"

Maybe he was having another moment of 'smart'. Or he might be about to come out with a ridiculous theory that really might make Lexius reconsider finding a way to extend his life.

"If Ares is weak when we find him, and really reliant on us to get him to safety, he can be negotiated with. And if we can get him to promise us some kind of immunity from his fellow deities, maybe we're not gonna wind up a casualty of this mess after all. Right?"

"He will be weak." Lexius sounded absolutely positive about that. And that was precisely how they wanted him, even if they had to physically carry him all the way back to RhyDin. "And our goal will be to ensure some measure of immunity from further interference in our lives from any of the pantheon."

But then...once a God set eyes on you? Yeah, good luck with that. And Lexius was well aware of it. He didn't try to fool Mesteno, either.


Date: 2016-02-01 10:08 EST

"We'll be tied to them should we do this, no matter what. But my intention is to make that tie as uncomfortable for them as possible." Lexius uncoiled from the cushion then, his hand extending, then gesturing sharply to the Sadist. "Come. I will show you the items they gave us."

He turned on his heel and stalked toward a map, pushing it aside to reveal another break in the wall that had been hidden. Another cavern attached to this one!

"Well even if we do wind up tied to them, they might get bored of us. So many people to play with - why would they keep picking on the same two?" He sounded like an optimist for a moment there! Or he was just assuming that there were far more interesting individuals to pick on. Rhy'Din was so full of the weird and wonderful after all!

Mesteno wasn't far behind Lexius when he moved, though he did have to reach to keep the map aside since he wasn't dogging his heels.

"You know I was thinking," he admitted as they walked, "that most folks who do wrong in all those legends get shut up in Tartarus. I know it'd be an obvious place to put him, but maybe we should look into that. It's supposed to be even lower than Hades according to what I read, and there'd be something pleasingly messed up for him to get imprisoned in the same place as the creatures he was raising up for a slaughter."

The air changed somehow, when Mesteno walked through that archway in the stone. This area was definitely protected somehow, and in a far less subtle way than the library had been. The brown lizard from the library went scuttling by Mesteno's foot not three seconds after he'd stepped inside.

The room was large, irregularly shaped and contained several steel tables about waist height positioned this way and that across the center. Neatly arranged on those tables were a variety of laboratory-like equipment and samples. Beakers, vials, dishes and crystals. So many crystals of so many different shapes and sizes and colors. One entire section of the far wall had been converted into stone alcoves that housed a variety of living creatures in cages appropriately sized to the denizen. Snakes, lizards, scorpions, scarabs, bats (though that cage stayed dark) spiders and even stranger animals made up the Elf's crazy collection of pets. Some of them were even outside the cages! Like that spider that seemed to be made of living quartz crystal that crouched on top of a stone shelf just to the left.

Mesteno?s first inclination was to head across to the cages and get a better look, but by then he'd realised that there seemed to be plenty of critters to watch that were not contained, and so his neck was craned to watch this one scurry along a table's edge, or another sat contentedly on one of the shelves.

"Yevgeny would love this place," he murmured, the comment not particularly intended to invite a reply. He strayed a step towards the living quartz spider, not precisely slack jawed, but certainly intent upon it, lips parted and eyes sharply focused as he observed its manner of movement.

Lexius watched Mesteno a moment, that smile threatening again for the Sadist's fascination with the room and its inhabitants, but he did not give in to the temptation.

"I had that exact same thought," he spoke over his shoulder and led on to the nearest table. There were several items laid out on a tray there, visibly shielded by some form of energy barrier that occasionally rippled. "Then I saw these."

There under the shielding were the items from the bag. What appeared to be a section of some kind of horn was trapped in glass beside what looked like a long, brilliantly white flight feather from some massive bird. The quill part of the feather was stained a sickly black. Next to that was a simple leather pouch, the contents of which had been arranged beneath it in an orderly row. Rune stones. Were those symbols Nordic? So close, the resemblance. And at the far end of the rest, an exquisitely crafted manacle with a shield crossed by a torch and a spear impressed into the metal.

"Oh... oh shit, please tell me that's a Pegasus feather," Mesteno murmured lowly. Never mind the horn shard. The first thing he fixed on was that piece of plumage. He did look at the rest of the items though, keen eyed and studying each until he came to the manacle. He indicated it with a single finger, but didn't attempt to touch it. The shield might zap him! "The symbolism on that manacle. Do you know anything about it?" Because he was drawing a blank.

Lexius unravelled the protective barrier so Mesteno could touch (however unwise that might be!) if he wanted to.

"That is Ares' symbol. But the manacle itself was made elsewhere. As for the And you may not wish to touch it." Because it was all kinds of holy, if sick with rot.

"If it's not from Pegasus... what the hell else is there in Greek mythology that has feathers? Unless it's harpies. Shit, is it a harpy feather? There are too many poorly clothed, winged women in these old legends," Mesteno muttered, though he did reach in now that the shield had been removed.

As per guidance, he did not touch the feather as he'd first been compelled to, but he did pick up one of the rune stones with the Nordic symbol carved into them. Now there was a mystery. He set it back down once he'd turned it over in his palm, sure he'd noted everything of significance about it. Then the manacle, a thumb brushing across the newly explained symbol.

"Why give us this? I can't see 'em preparing fancy bindings for him just because. Are we supposed to use it on someone on his behalf?"

Lexius was frowning at that feather. As if it had done him some personal wrong! His gaze snapped from it to Mesteno when the man reached to start touching things. "It is from an angel." He informed.

That particular revelation resulted in a distinct storminess to the necromancer's bright eyes. It would appear he was no happier over mention of an angel being involved than Lexius was.

"And it does not rightly belong with this group of items,? Lexius went on, ?I am uncertain if the manacle has a purpose other than to identify where it was crafted and who is was crafted for. Put together with these," he gestured to the runes Mesteno studied, "leads me to believe he is not being held in Tartarus."

Lexius paused for a moment, then quoted Hermes again. "?Our cousins to the north will never see them coming?." He made a gestured to the manacle again. "The best smiths in existence reside in Nidavellir, on the Plane of Ysgard. He's been given to the Norse gods." And boy did that piss off a lot of his relatives!

"You're right, the feather doesn't belong with the other bits and pieces," Mesteno remarked dully once he'd listened the Elf out on the rest of the items. "I've had enough dealings with those, enough getting tangled in prophecy..." Oh what now? He really was having foul luck if he'd drawn the attention of the figures of more than one religion. The way it had rotted though made him wonder if it was the leavings of a fallen, or had been subject to some sort of attack. "We can't ignore it though. If they've roped in their cousins from the north, why not approach another group to grasp a little more power, or bolster their numbers?"

He'd finished looking over the items, and folded his arms loosely, still glowering at the collection, trying to plot a next move. "We can't just go marching into Ysgard of course. We'd have no chance. But maybe we should investigate that new place that you took me to when you were looking into things for the Alfar. That seemed to spring up around the same time as the Grecian temples, right?"


Date: 2016-02-03 10:40 EST

Lexius canted his head just a bit to one side as he studied Mesteno, more than a little curious about that reaction to the feather! was time to reveal a little more about that, because he knew who the feather related to, as Hermes must have known he would.

"I believe so, yes. It may be well be worth looking into, especially if they have a stable and predictable portal to the Plane." Apparently, Lexius thought that they could just go barging into Ysgard! The Elf gestured Mesteno back toward the library as he continued. This time the Sadist could lead the way. That shield was already weaving itself back together over the items on the table. "I am going to ask you more about your involvement with angels, but not today." A fair warning given.

"Another day," Mesteno agreed, and maybe he hoped that would be in the distant future, because as per usual, his involvement in things usually didn't cast him in the best of lights.

"Today, I will tell you more about that feather," Lexius informed him, "and more about Ysgard and the Grey Waste." because they might have to visit both in their search. Given Mesteno's current state of mind, though, he was fervently hoping they did not have to visit that latter plane.

For now, oblivious to that concern, Mesteno let the Elf direct him back to the library they'd so recently left behind, and he'd been just about to leave without spotting the beads, too! There they were, sat sedentary and innocent without being worn. How wrong that seemed! He aimed a light, well meant flick at one of the beads as he passed them by, but did not pick them up to take with him as he felt oddly compelled to. He wasn't going to admit it, but he happened to like having them around. Perhaps they calmed him.

"I doubt the Godsmen there, or whatever they call them, are just going to allow us access you know. That's assuming they do have a portal. We might have to make use of it surreptitiously while there's no one about." Mesteno was an advocate of brute force where it was needed, but as those all too often silent footsteps hinted, he was far more inclined to?

"I believe you might be passingly adept at stealth." Lexius hit the nail on the head.

Mesteno emerged on the other side of the map, moving aside so Lexius could follow him through, but didn't immediately make his way back to the cushion he'd been occupying before.

"Ysgard though, is it connected to the Grey Waste, or completely separate?" The briefest of pauses, before he added, "Is it some kind of limbo? A realm for the restless dead or something?"

Pausing abruptly when Mesteno did, the Elf stared for a moment then stepped away. "Here. I will show you." Lexius moved to the maps further down the room and began sorting them to his satisfaction.

"This," as he pulled the first map forward to hang in the air before them, "is a depiction of the Outer Planes. The center here is Outlands, this ring atop the spire is the city of Sigil. And all around the borders are the Planes of the gods. Arboria, here," he tapped the upper right hand corner of the map, "is the home of the Greek and roman pantheon. And of many of the elven pantheons." And more, of course, he was just touching the highlights.

"Just below it, Ysgard. You see how it is divided into three layers?" Then he was tracing the lines that ran from the mountain in Arborea and the tree in Ysgard all the way down to the lower center of the map. "And here the Grey Wastes, also divided into three layers. Mount Olympus and the tree, Yggdrasil, have roots that reach down into this plane. That is how Tartarus and Niflheim are connected." All of these Nordic names were fairly new to him, but he was certainly glad now he'd been researching the Alfar before all this mess began.

Seeing the planes laid out as they were, each vast, and so great in number, bit the necromancer with unexpected disappointment. He'd never get to visit them all, and whilst potentially some of them were not places any man in his right mind would want to, the simple constraint of it all bothered him.

"I remember you mentioning that place, Sigil," he remarked, his frown heavy. "Zeus really went to a lot of trouble to make him difficult to reach. I wonder if there was more going on with Ares than we know about, some other crime aside from his trophy hunting of the titan."

The one item Mesteno had not handled from the hemp bag had been the shard of titan horn - it had been behind glass after all, and rightly so. They'd been under strict instruction not to touch it at risk of death.

"That a figure like Hades would support him if he was making trouble doesn't surprise me," he added. The name was spoken with a heavy measure of distaste, too!

"Tell me," Lexius asked suddenly, "when you felled the Titan, did you know any of the Alfar then?" his gaze was intent! Because if Mesteno hadn't, Hermes may well have been at this plan a long, long time.

The reply was a shake of head. Mesteno straightened from his stoop. "The Alfar have only been in Rhy'Din for four years. I can't see that there would be any connection."

Lexius studied Mesteno in silence for some time before he addressed anything the man had said. Just because it couldn't be seen, didn't mean that it did not exist. But perhaps he was too paranoid. He hadn't become so without reason. Looking back to the map, the Elf shook his head, touching the sideways wheel that was Sigil briefly.

"Sigil is known as the City of Doors. It is home to beings of the Planes than anything else. The Lady allows no Powers there, however." He traced his finger back up to Arborea and returned to the topic of the Greek Gods.

"The stories say Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, but he was hated by both. His personality was such, very few liked him." Lexius could relate! "Aphrodite, of course, being the exception. He is the God of war, but only of war's most violent, chaotic aspects." Chaos. The Elf really did hate that. "I am fairly certain he was an endless source of trouble. And I know it was not the first time he was involved with the raising of a Titan here in RhyDin."

He touched the lower layer of Ysgard then, tapping it once. "It may be he is held here, in Nidavellir. The entire layer is deep underground. A warren of caves and tunnels where it would be easy to lose cast an errant God without fear of him being easily found. The dwarven smiths here, as I said, are the best in existence and could easily maintain whatever prison he is held in."

His finger travelled down then, to the Grey Waste. "The second option is here, the second layer of the Waste. It is...unpleasant." And he just left it at that for the moment.


Date: 2016-02-04 10:24 EST

"Even if the new Nordic temple we visit does have a portal for us to reach Ysgard, we have to get from it, down to Nidavellir," Mesteno mused, absently rubbing at his jaw. He seemed to have less trouble pronouncing these planes than he did tangling his tongue around others. Perhaps again, because of his close association with the Alfar. "I don't think it's going to be an easy trip. Two outsiders showing up on a plane they've no obvious connection to? Word would get back to the Gods on the opposing side so fast... And what about these dwarven smiths? We need something more solid on where he is in there if it?s as maze like as you make it sound. Either something we can use to guide us directly to him, or a map of the tunnels."

He didn't point out that they were going to be as unwelcoming to them as the natives of Ysgard might be. They truly would have to rely on stealth to get past them all, and not to wind up lost or imprisoned themselves. His attention strayed back to the Grey Waste, and the question was there on his lips, the obvious what's so bad about it? But his suspicions had deepened, and he let the subject be, as Lexius had intended it.

Lexius folded his hands behind his back again and settled his gaze on the Sadist as he spoke, head canted and eyes narrowed just a little bit. The signs of thoughtfulness even as he spoke. Was he weighing and measuring Mesteno with his gaze?

"There is nothing easy about Ysgard." he agreed. Yet...was that a faint smile on his lips as he studied Mesteno? "I think you will like it. The entire Plane is dedicated to the concept of achieving glory and proving worth though individual struggle. Battles and competitions are ongoing and endless, designed to prove the mettle of their participants. Those that fail and die are reborn to try again and improve. Those that succeed spectacularly may be chosen by the Valkyrie to strive for even greater achievements. Keep in mind, Mesteno, the Norse gods control only a small portion of this realm. There are many, many other Powers across the breadth of the Plane and its layers. There are also the souls of the dead, called Petitioners, the natives of the land, called the Planars, and an endless varieties of those like ourselves who adventure there for their own reasons."

What began as an incredulous look for his suggestion that Mesteno might like Ysgard smoothed out into contemplation as he described it to him in greater detail. Battles and competitions, yes, they were very much his thing, yet the bite of apathy still seized him strongly. He'd yet to recover his usual vigorous appetite for such things, and wouldn't feign it to offer reassurance. It would have to do that he took the whole matter seriously, that he wasn't just shrugging his shoulders and suggesting that whatever unpleasant visitors came for him from the side of Zeus and his cohorts, could come and he'd cope (or not).

"If you know of any connections with Nidavellir, I'll leave research on that to you,? Mesteno decided. ?In the meantime, I can visit the Nordic temple. Maybe I can persuade one of the Alfar to go with me so they can distract the worshippers by talking about their Gods while I investigate. They owe me a favour or two." Not that he liked ever having to call them in.

Lexius nodded then, agreeing to Mesteno's plan. "That is a good beginning. Find out what you can with the help of the Alfar. But do be as discreet as you can. We may have better luck going to Sigil and using a door there to get to Ysgard, but we can bypass that if there is a stable portal here in RhyDin that we know the destination of."

"So we have a back-up plan by going to Sigil,? the necromancer declared. ?Nidavellir is going to be the biggest challenge. I know fuck all about dwarves. Still, they sound something like the Alfar Stonedwellers - they live underground and manipulate the rocks and minerals," he mused - he'd had little to do with them personally - there had been a feud some years before and the furtive race harboured old grudges against their tall, beast-bonded cousins. "I'll leave that part in your hands," he decided, apparently dismissing it before discussion could even begin. He had a more important subject to broach.

Mesteno turned away from the maps, and the weight of his eyes settled full upon the Elf. So serious the expression!

"I was an ass the other night. All that shit in the temple and when we got dragged out of it, and I never asked what happened to you, or if you were okay, because I was too busy raging about the idiots that dragged us into it. Or, well, the idiots that dragged you into it because of me. I'm sorry, Lexius, for you being involved and for being a shit to you."

Maybe that was the only way he could handle apologies, by littering them with curses!

Any trace of a smile faded back into the usual serenity of Lexius? expression, though he maintained more than a little of the thoughtfulness that had been clinging to him. After a lengthy silence, the Elf replied solemnly.

"You owe me no apology, Mesteno. You do not need to...cater to me at the expense of being who you are, even if who you are sometimes annoys me. More often, I find that person surprising and interesting, and as flawed as I am, if in different ways. For some reason, that appeals more than I imagined it could." Those angled features got a little edgier then. He'd mostly recovered from the encounter with Hades in the two short days he'd been back in the desert, but there was still an extra bit of sharpness to the planes of his face that he made cutting with the severity of his expression.

"What I truly dislike, however," he went on, tone hardening as he took a step closer to the Sadist (he couldn't really loom and he wasn't trying to, but being that close was enough to support the seriousness of what he said next) "is when you try to choose for me what I should or should not do." Lexius could be blindingly hypocritical at times! "While I grasp your need for independence and I do not often understand the intricacies of a...friendship, I am fairly sure it includes not leaving ones friends to struggle on their own if one wishes to offer assistance."

Soaringly hypocritical, though Mesteno was kind enough not to point it out. As if he would easily take help with things himself?! Well, they weren't talking about him right now.

Lexius frowned then, fairly certain he was supposed to accept the apology regardless. So he said the words. "I wish to be involved. Stop being sorry to have me unless you truly wish me to be gone." Wait, those weren't the right words.

Mesteno was as surprised by some of what he heard as he was grimly accepting of others, and if possible, some of the severity, some of the apathy-induced dullness bled away as he considered it all.

"I think sometimes you grasp the intricacies of friendship better than you know," he admitted to him. It wasn't quite a smile on his mouth, but something in his tone was suggestive of humour. "A lot of friends, no matter how good, wouldn't be willing to stick their neck out with something as fucked up beyond all reason as this though. They'd figure the risks too high, and I wouldn't blame them for it. I certainly wouldn't expect it of them, there are limits after all. Most folks have other people to consider before they make these choices, family and loved ones that wouldn't be happy about them swanning off to another plane to aid someone less important than they."

It was all perfectly reasonable sounding! He would of course, simply be helping him with whatever he had to deal with in the future, and telling him to shut up if he protested any assistance.

"I don't wish you to be gone," he told Lexius, finally. "When it seemed like you meant to for a while, it seemed really fucking unfair," (Oh that word again! Down he went on the scales.) "'cause hey, I'm just getting to know someone, a someone who I happen to consider a damn good friend already, and I was losing him. So stick around, huh?"

The Elf gave a snort. But he lost some of that sharpness. Maybe they were the right words after all. Right enough, at least, to stir Mesteno a little, leech out some of the dullness from his gaze and flush a little life back into his voice. Lexius promptly went over everything he'd said again and each nuance of reaction to it. He also stepped back to give Mesteno more breathing room.

"I've nowhere else I wish to be." He'd already decided to stay despite the continued...complexities of doing so. He just might also have decided he'd been keeping it simple for far too long. The Elf twisted his lips a little with a harsh kind of wryness. "And no true considerations beyond my own." Apparently, He didn't consider whatever strange kindship he shared with Jason and Lan as priority over his own choices. Lexius left it at that rather than risking screwing it up by saying anything more on the matter.


Date: 2016-02-05 12:42 EST

"This situation presents a challenge for us both, I think. I do enjoy a challenge. Now, let me tell you of the feather, for I believe that was meant for me." But first, he gestured toward the tunnel that had led them into this room from the main cavern, inviting Mesteno to head back that way. Lexius, at least, wanted coffee.

Mesteno followed of course, back along the stone passageway with its myriad curiosities and its silk draped paintings, though not without one last backward glance at the cavern they'd just left. It felt wrong to leave the beads behind, for some reason! "You've some connection to angels then? Is that why there was one at Alvaka after the first incident with the titan?" He hadn't forgotten. He'd had to raise one of them up after all, to take its blade.

The beads were not left behind. They were right there on the table where Mesteno had left his jacket on the pillows, curled around and between the small tray of sliced fruit and those bread rolls. Sneaky, they were!

Lexius was still going over that brief exchange of words in the library, half his mind set to reviewing again and again just what each of them had said. It was a fine distraction, for what he had to reveal next touched a subject he'd much rather not discuss.

"Sit. I will make coffee." He said that first, moving to that little kitchen area to begin the brew. He took down two mugs from one of those curtained, stone cabinets without even asking Mesteno if he wanted any. ?Did Koyan ever tell of Whisper?" he asked that, back turned to the Sadist, rather than answering the question. It was an answer of its own, really.

"Only in passing,? Mesteno admitted as he parked himself amongst the cushions, reaching to slip a finger beneath the strangely silent beads. ?I knew who he was before Koyan and I ever really became friends. An old lover of mine thought highly of him, and missed him when he was no longer around. He didn't say where he'd gone, or whether he was just another casualty of being swallowed up by Rhy'Din."

The beads did nothing to prevent Mesteno from picking them up Just a string of beads, really, rattling against the table. Of course, once the Sadist seemed certain they would continue to play dead, that's when they decided to coil around his fingers and squeeze. Sneak attack!

He glanced up from the beads to watch the Elf as he set about prepping the brew. "Are you going to tell me he was an angel?" That certainly hadn't been mentioned at any point!

Lexius kept his back turned, but one might imagine he was frowning just from the tone of his voice. "Not precisely." He knew that much for certain. "He was the link between Alvaka and those Gods. He was a Planar, but not the typical sort. Something unusual, and tied to an angel. He worked for them, the Gods, in a fashion akin to how Pharlen is employed." He made the comparison without giving Mesteno specifics as the scent of the coffee filled the airy space of the spacious cavern. "He went missing not so long after the first Titan was defeated."

By then he had composed his features into their usual serene line and was returning to the table with the mugs. He slid one Mesteno's way then settled into the pillows comfortably himself.

"My knowledge of Pharlen's work is minimal," the necromancer admitted quietly. "Just... one of those powerful figures I was always aware of, spoke to in passing, but never really questioned too deeply. It has only been recently, with the situation with Taneth, that I've come to know a little of what her capabilities." And that little was probably more than he could achieve in the remaining span of his mortal days!

With the beads coiled up around his fingers, he slipped his focus away from the Elf and back to them... and quite calmly, and without any sign of discomfort flickering across his features, he popped his thumb out of the joint and slid it in against his palm before freeing it from the tightened trap, a deft turn of his wrist spilling the coiled but slackened length of them down his fingers to leave them free again. He left the beads draped across one knee, making no excuses for having been handling them (Lexius had never protested after all!) and reached forward for the coffee with both hands, cradling the mug in the curve of palms.

"So the event and his disappearance were likely connected. He was snatched away by someone?" He didn't want to say that he couldn't imagine anyone just up and leaving Koyan, for obvious reasons!

Lexius eyed the beads, eyed Mesteno's hand and what he'd done to his thumb, but said nothing of either thing. Instead, he buried himself making a plate of food. "You may eat if you are inclined." he added aside, with no real expectation either way. Mesteno seemed disinclined. Back to the subject!

"Suffice it to say then, what he did for them had far reaching consequences for many, many mortals. And you are correct. His disappearance seemed tied to the incident. It was him I was asked to find. And failed to do so. But he is the reason I know so much of these matters. I have no doubt that feather belongs to him and he suffered the same fate as Ares. He simply suffered it first."

That said, the Elf ate. There was meat in those bread rolls! Something spicy from the smell of it. He liked his food as he liked his coffee.

"The feather was bait then, to make sure you'd remain interested in assisting," Mesteno mused. The Grecian deities were a manipulative bunch, and he couldn't help but admire their methods somewhat. "What doesn't make sense, is that I know the first titan wasn't summoned up. It attacked Alvaka, or at least that's what Koyan told me when he was showin' me that big hole it left behind. I could understand them taking Whisper captive if he'd been doing something like.... calling it up for sport, the way we did the second time, but why incarcerate him? Something in his work offended the Gods so they locked him up? And can we be sure that he's in the same place?"

What he didn't state, because he was sure Lexius had already thought of it himself, was that they might have no intention of letting them free Whisper. That it was simply a 'we have him'. "We damn well better be sure Ares is weak so we can negotiate the shit out of Whisper's release if they're not locked up together," he muttered.

The beads, having been bested, had gone still again to rethink their plan of attack, the three black ones nestled comfortably into the Sadist's palm as they plotted. Oh so slowly, the other end began to drip down Mesteno's arm toward his elbow. Just gravity! It wouldn't be gravity, though, when they began to twist around Mesteno's bicep.

Lexius nodded, taking a careful drink from the coffee before he spoke.

"It was bait. There is absolutely no certainty that they will be in the same place, though the feather itself suggests he may still be alive. But I will not waste any advantage with Ares on securing his release." Heartless bastard! Kind of sounded like he wasn't going to even try looking for Whisper. Lexius might, like Mesteno, admire their skills in manipulation, but he wasn't inclined to submit to it willingly.

"However, in case it is not simply a tactic to ensure I aid you, we should consider the possibility of having to deal with a second captive in some manner." As for that other part, Lexius settled a long stare on Mesteno before he spoke.

"It did attack Alkava." He confirmed. "But Ares and Whisper were more than just hapless victims in the incident." Given that it had all happened while he was, well, dead, Lexius couldn't be certain of every fact. But he sounded confident in what he was saying.


Date: 2016-02-05 12:45 EST

There was a curious tilt to Mesteno?s head, as if Lexius had surprised him in admitting he would not use the opportunity to secure Whisper's release. For a moment he wondered if the idea of rescuing Koyan's old lover, just as the Turk had returned, was simply too difficult for him. After all, the Elf had admitted his feelings remained, and it would amount to self-sabotage! It put a crimp in his brow, but in the end he dismissed the theory. Lexius wasn't so petty as to do such a thing, and heartless though it might sound, there was the matter of their own future freedom and survival to negotiate before they considered others.

"If they are incarcerated together, Whisper might be of some help getting us out. If he really has been trapped there all this time, surely he'll have been moved about a little, maybe got to know his captors, their routines, who we need to be particularly careful to avoid. He might actually give us an advantage, rather than slow us down."

He blew some steam from his coffee, and tested the temperature with a small sip. Still too hot for his tongue. For now, he let the beads roam as they would.

"If they weren't victims, then what?" he pressed quietly, slouching back further in the cushions as if he couldn't quite get comfortable with... well comfortable things around him!

It was a complicated matter for the Elf that he was attempting to boil down to its most basic parts. As Mesteno imagined, he valued their survival, and the power to wield it with Ares, far more greatly than old promises. That portion of it no longer mattered, anyway. But still, he had a little pride of his own. Finding and bringing Whisper back to RhyDin had been something he'd failed to do. Something he'd had to admit to someone that he'd failed to do! That did rankle, more than a little bit. The Elf was no more satisfied with failure in a thing than the Sadist was.

The Necromancer made some fine points in the argument for going after the guy and Lexius considered them dispassionately before giving a nod of agreement. "We shall see how it plays out." He agreed.

"Perpetrators." He answered the last with a bit of grimness. "I cannot believe it was random, blind bad luck that had a Titan, of all things, something tied to Whisper's origins and his work, attacking Alkava. The only other possibility would be another among the Pantheon having set it upon them. And were it that, I doubt Ares would have been so willing to draw up another on Koyan's whim alone."

They were guesses, of course. Educated ones, but still guesses. And he could well be wrong.

"Unless Ares wanted a war amongst the Pantheon," Mesteno pointed out reasonably. "You said yourself, he's chaotic. It wouldn't be the first time deities have jostled about for a better position in their hierarchy, and if he's not on great terms with his parents, it'd make a great deal of sense to use a titan as nothing more than a device to some greater end. What's nine years in Nidavellir, when you have a whole lifetime to spent reaping the benefits of the division you ultimately cause?"

He opted for sitting up, resting his weight on his elbows against the table's edge. The beads were let to roam where they wished, unmonitored, and the mug was kept for heating his palms more than anything else. Absently, he blew a little of the steam away from the surface, watching curlicues stretch and drift and fade to nothing.

"It does seem more likely it's something relating to Whisper's work though. What I don't get," he added, as if this were the first thing he didn't get and not just one of many, "is that if Whisper vanished after the first titan, and I'm thinking that was probably closer to ten or eleven years back, then why didn't Ares, who likely knew where he'd been taken, or why, tell Koyan when he met him to arrange the summoning of the one we fought?"

Lexius got that frown again. And the beads paused where they had slipped underneath Mesteno's hair. But they weren't too interested in the conversation, only the Elf frowning. When Lexius cleared the expression, looking at Mesteno intently, they continued to try and braid themselves into all that rich, red hair the Sadist had.

The Elf knew Mesteno was smart. Had noted it several times, if only to himself. He would be a fool to discount what the man was saying now. Especially when he had the advantage of having been much closer to Koyan in the wake of that first incident and during the second. So he gave a measured nod.

"A good point." He allowed. "All very good points. And something we should consider before making any sort of bargains with him." Not that Lexius planned on leading with a bargain. No, he had something a little more invaisve and permanent in mind. "Perhaps then, those of the pantheon that now inhabit RhyDin are seeking more than a break if they are so eager to have him back."


Date: 2016-02-22 17:41 EST

August 29th, 2015

In a garden far beyond the city limits of RhyDin, Lexius was sat studying vividly blue criale berries growing thickly on twisted vines. He was taking care to isolate the strain his troubles were causing, loath to infect the Sadist with his morose demeanor. The man had enough misery of his own without having to share the Elf's.

A vague tingle came first, rippling across the Sadist's mind three seconds before Lexius spoke, low and smooth and remote. Mesteno.

There were certain pleasures to be had in simple, monotonous tasks, and there were plenty of those to be found about a stable yard. In the tack room the necromancer was sat, a bucket of warm water by one boot, gleaming with a pale film of iridescent soap from the constant dip of a dilapidated sponge. Good, clean smells, of soaped leather, oil and hay.

As they had been since spring, swallows dipped in and out of the stalls he could see through the window, aerial acrobats snatching the flies from the air. It was restful.

In fact he'd been so intent on his work that the first tingle rippling across his mind took him unawares, and he sat up straight on his stool, fingers clenching tight around the sponge and squirting half the water it was laden with over his chaps. Thankfully there was no one keeping him company in the tack room to see it.

Lexius, came the mental reply, and it was pleasantly improved on his last attempts, each time a little more skilled, though he did not excel in this as he did immediately with any physical task he was put to.

The Elf monitored Mesteno's progress with the mental exchanges as he tended to monitor everything else. And he hadn't failed to notice how much smoother it came to the man if he didn't think about it. Yet even when he did, he seemed to be improving. He offered no praise this time.

Have you visited the Nordic compound? Compound might have been too drastic a word, but until they knew more about it that was the one he was going to use. This day, he did not peek through the necromancer's eyes or do more than maintain that feather light touch that allowed them to speak.

The initial surprise fast fading, Mesteno set his hand back to the task of wiping the remaining soap residue from the rich, brown leather of the saddle, lifting the stirrup leathers to work into all the awkward spots a lazy clean might miss.

Leif and I visited yesterday, came the reply, and likely the resigned note that those mental thoughts carried with them hinted already at the lack of success. He clarified anyway though. They were friendly enough about showing us around, but Leif sensed nothing of any portal energy, either functioning or dormant, and there were no hidden spaces or suspicious venues below ground. If there is anything, its well warded to keep anyone from detecting it, but I'm fairly sure the construction of their site at the same time as that of the Grecian is nothing more than coincidental.

He almost stopped there so that Lexius could get a word in edgeways, but thought to tag on, He sensed nothing of ill will or deception from them empathically, either. Have you had more luck?

Lexius was mildly surprised Mesteno chose to give the report mind to mind. It was a lengthy stretch of conversation to have even if he was the one maintaining the link. The Sadist did quite well, keeping his mental tone modulated and clear and his focus on point without distraction or drift. He might have mentioned it, but that risked Mesteno starting to think about it rather than simply doing it and doing it well.

Perhaps it is coincidence. The Elf allowed, though he did not sound entirely convinced. He did not doubt Mesteno's conclusion or question Leif's skills, he just rather tended not to believe coincidence truly existed!

I've researched three known location for portals from RhyDin to Ysgard or Nidavellir. All have either dissolved or been destroyed. Not an uncommon thing for this city. So there was probably nothing nefarious there beyond the way the Nexus worked. I've a contact in Sigil working on the matter. She will obtain us a guide and mark the door there, should we need. He paused a moment...then continued. We should be about it soon. More delay might an unwanted visitation. Mesteno knew from who! Are you ready to travel?

I'd still be curious to know how recently those portals were destroyed, Mesteno confessed, tossing the sponge aside into the bucket and reaching for the little tin of polish. It might be that the opposition is already working against us, just in subtler ways than we expected.

Travel? He hoped Lexius didn't mean right that moment. Surely he couldn't. So he began slowly working the polish into the leather with a soft cloth. If you tell me when to be ready and what you think I'll need to bring along.

That nice, quiet stable Mesteno was working in... got a little less quiet. The horses were putting up a fuss, somewhere down the corridor of stalls. Somewhere near the entrance. Snorting at first, startled and quick. Then a little neighing, tinged with fear. A particularly excitable steed kicked his stall wall. Thwack! The sound of it echoed sharply above the other noises.

Someone was muttering just underneath the commotion in a sort of...hissing voice.

"Calm yer furry fuzzbrains down. Aint here for ya. Stupid horses. Worse'n 'umans." The grumbling dissolved into another, harsher language even as the Elf was answering Mesteno's comment.

We do not have the time to investigate the matter. Or the portals. Tomorrow, I think. No latter than the day after. I will make you a list.

There was obvious distraction through their mental connection. Whatever was happening out in the stables had put another halt to the necromancer's work, and he strained to listen, half expecting the source of the trouble to be his surly Arabian. It was rarely any of the other animals, respectable as they were. It wasn't until he heard the kick of that shod hoof against the wall that he set down the polish and cloth, wiping his hands dry carelessly on the dusty suede of his chaps so that he could go prowling out of the tack room to see what might be amiss.

Something going on, he managed to think, Lexius' way, so that he wouldn't assume that he'd forgotten him. Unfortunately he offered no further explanation than that, and with shrewd, golden eyes flicking across the yard for the source of the unfamiliar voice, he called out "S'a private yard, whoever that is. Y'can't just come wandering around here."

Not once had he stopped to suppose that the source of the commotion might be one of those adversaries the Elf had warned might come looking for them if they didn't act soon enough. It was the stable yard. Nothing ever happened there!


Date: 2016-02-22 18:05 EST

There near the entrance to the stalls stood a demon it all its malefic glory, its long spaded tail lashing to and fro as it raked red, burning eyes across the building. It seemed its gaze alone might be able to set it alight. Some of the wood might just have been smoking, but actual flames were prevented by Mesteno's timely appearance, drawing the creature's gaze his way instead.

The demon stood a little under six feet tall and was clad in the finest Armani suit that money could buy, the clothing obviously tailored to his compact, muscled frame, complete with a hole for that tail. Covered in dark green scales, two short, black horns sprouted from the top of the demon's head, curving up than slightly forward. Those would make fine stabbing weapons if the demon decided to lower its head and charge like a bull! At the moment, though, it confined itself to glaring at Mesteno for all it was worth, a trickle of smoke curling out of the slits it had for nostrils.

Fire, wood, hay and horse. It was a bad combination in general, and the last thing Mesteno wanted to do that afternoon was spend his time rescuing terrified equines from their stalls and getting dragged all over the fields.

The scent of smoke made his lip curl, an angled flare of nostrils as if he meant to expel it rather than have the smell become an acrid taste on his tongue. Fucking demons. He hated demons. Least of all when he wasn't clad for combat, and he could only blame himself for not taking that precaution.

Sweeping assessment of the demon was made in a heartbeat. Height, build, reach, extra appendages - yeah, tail - and he saw those horns, too. His expression darkened, but indicated nothing of distress.

"Ya bein' dat necromancer den?!" The demon demanded harshly, stalking his way in polished loafers rather than on cloven hooves. "Where's dat damn elf? He better not be hidin'! Elf! Getcha bony ass out here!"

"I don't know who you're talking abou--,?

Given the sense of the Sadist's distraction and what he had said, the Elf was sneaking a peek through Mesteo's eyes. Vith. He said suddenly. Then air displaced in a rush somewhere off to the demon's left and the Elf appeared with a wild clattering of beads.

?Oh for fucks sake." Mesteno had heard that drow curse, and knew precisely its meaning thanks to long association with Gem and Cianan. Barely had it tickled his brain than the rush of air announced the arrival of the very Elf he was denying knowledge of.

So he let the arrival serve as distraction, and unapologetically called down the shadows stretching long in the afternoon sun, snapping them brutally into the demon's ankles to try and topple him on his ass there in the yard. He wasn't opposed to unfair tactics, after the Grecian Gods had been so unrepentant about utilising them on himself and Lexius.

Unwisely, the demon turned away from Mesteno to shoot a daggered look Lexius' way. Actual daggers, made of black smoke, shot forth from his red eyes and went streaking in his direction, only to impact harmlessly upon an invisible wall surrounding the Elf

"Dere ya a-glak!" The demon exclaimed, interrupted mid-tirade by the shadows that coiled around its legs and pulled it down to the ground. The demon's spaded tail stabbed wildly and ineffectively at the darkness as the demon gargled and hissed and growled in its own language. The ground began to rumble threateningly as the demon falied. "Getcher pansy little shadows offa me, ya hairless monkey!" It demanded with way too much bravado for being unable to escape from those shadows. "Dey're ruin' my suit!"

"Mesteno," the Elf sounded far calmer than he had in the Sadist's head, "meet Sulphur." That demon had to be more imposing than he currently seemed, but so far, there was no evidence of it.

Hairless monkey? The necromancer touched damp fingers absently to the riot of blood and gold hair as if he thought it might have walked off somewhere, then narrowed a glare on the creature, whom scaled, hadn't much room to talk about being hairless.

"No, I don't think I will." A deadpan retort, and if anything, instead of being daunted by a visit from a demon, he looked down the straight, strong line of his nose at it, and folded his arms with characteristic arrogance. "You're fuckin' lucky I don't crush you, comin' out here an' makin' a scene. Not t'mention shootin' whatever the fuck that eye shit was at my friend here."

The introduction saw him peer sidelong at Lexius, a note made of the name and perhaps a scowl that his own had been handed out so carelessly. If they weren't going to kill him, the horned bastard could wander off and share it with whomever he liked.

"Why is he here?" he asked the Elf, and wound the shadows up that little bit tighter.

Sulphur was snarling and spitting in demonic again for the continued confinement...which he should have been able to break out of easily. The Elf furrowed his brow just a touch.

"I imagine he is here about Whisper." He murmured with a vague note of distraction in his tone.

Sulphur should be (had been!) much more powerful than this. That was the reason Lexius had cursed and ported right to Mesteno's location. Oh, the Sadist could take care of himself well enough, without a doubt, but a ninth level demon could still wreak some terrible havoc.

But Sulphur wasn't. In fact, Sulphur had gone still, slumped as if in defeat in the dark embrace of the shadows.

"Y'damn right m'here 'bout Whispah. Y'gonna find'm dis time?!" The demon shouted it, but he remained lax there on the ground with dirt all over his fine, fine suit.

The Elf damn near scowled.

That was the last thing Mesteno expected to hear. He was plainly a demon after all, and Whisper had been, judging by the feather, something a little lighter in nature.

"If you've come here trying to make sure a... friend? gets aided, you've a funny way of trying to persuade people to do a good job of it," he remarked, plainly derisive of what he'd seen so far. It was Lexius? wordless frown that surprised though. It appeared he'd no more liking for someone pointing out a failure than the next man.

The stable yard was kept swept clean, thankfully, not even a stray strand of hay left to spoil the Armani - just the dust and damp from the usual foot traffic, and the resident animals. Still, Sulphur looked sort of pathetic once he ceased to struggle, and Mesteno considered reeling the shadows in to allow him back to his feet.

"You promise to give the dramatics a rest and I'll let you up," he told him. With Lexius present, he suspected they'd be able to put him out of action quickly enough, and he didn't want Sulphur holding grudges he might come slinking back to see paid in violence because of stung pride.


Date: 2016-02-22 21:18 EST

Sulphur was all about the dramatics! What Mesteno was asking was akin to him requiring the Sadist not draw breath for the span of their conversation. And so the demon snarled and spit and cursed and huffed, his spaded tail waving about frantically, before he finally rasped out a reply.

"Fines! Aint like m'gonna barbeque y'skinny ass. Aint a scrapa meat on ya worth tastin'!" He responded...dramatically. But he'd gone still again, tail stabbed into a stone on the ground as he waited for the shadows to dissolve.

The Elf had composed his expression back into its usual smooth lines and nodded to Mesteno. He is weaker than he once was. Came his voice across the Sadist's mind. His distant gaze was still on the demon and the beads rattled quietly by his side. Which caused Sulphur to shudder briefly.

The wing of a brow arched at all the overblown cursing, but Mesteno waited with patience, unimpressed until the creature tired himself out. He hadn't felt any strain in the shadows he'd compelled, and it almost felt like bullying to keep him there. Lexius' reassurance further convinced him to allow the release, and with no visible command, light and darkness fell once more in its natural patterns, devoid of the distortion he'd enforced upon the gloom.

Just because Sulphur seemed weakened, didn't mean he would let his guard down though. The absence of restraint kept him on his guard, and he watched him with a scrap of wariness thinning his mouth, tension evident in the hard lines of his shoulders.

"He's here looking for you," he remarked to the silent Elf. "Should I... I don't know, leave the pair of you to talk?" Not that he would be slinking far, if it became apparent that was desired. He still wanted to know what Sulphur's interest in the matter was.

Lexius stepped Mesteno's way as he unwound the shadows from around the now clearly sulking demon.

The beads clicked again, this time in a clear greeting to the Sadist, which drew a snarl from past Sulphur's scaly lips. The demon flopped over and hauled himself up off the ground with as much injured dignity as he could muster.

"Stay." It sounded like an order for the necromancer, but Lexius phrased almost everything as such.

He knew who you were before he came here, he added assurance across the tie confidently. He could almost taste the flavor of annoyance and frustration that Mesteno felt, not only at his arrival but for the revelation of his identity to the demon.

Meanwhile, Sulphur flung the rock off his tail with a twitch (away from them!) and took great care dusting off every inch of his suit before he turned back toward them, eyes burning less red and more black now. But he still looked livid.

"Dey mighta demoted me, but dey didn't take m'ears." Sulphur had no ears at all! Just slits like the space where his nostrils should be. But that was beside the point. "And m'ears been tellin' me 'bout dis vile elf," boy, did he invest some serious scorn into that word, tail stabbing in the air Lexius' way, then jabbing toward Mesteno, "and his pet human come traipsin' through hell an' stirrin' up Himself."

Hades had made a big mistake taking them down into his realm no matter how he'd tried to keep it on the down low.

"And me, m'thinkin' 'Sulphur, can't be dat same stupid elf couldn't get da job done before, right?' But den Himself gets to sculptin'. Y'know, like he does of dem he's makin' a special place for....and low'n fuckin' behold, it's da same elf!" Stab, stab, stab went the tail toward Lexius. "And me, I knows y'wont have no better luck'n ya did last time without m''help. So here I am, t'guide ya right along."

Sulphur grabbed the lapels of his jacket and stood proudly, waiting for their gushing thanks for his uncharacteristic generosity and charity.

"I'm not a pet," was Mesteno?s first remark, a simple statement he didn't bother to back up with explanation, because the damn demon didn't deserve one. "And it sounds like what you've done is decided to meddle. Which I'm not sure is considered playing by the rules. Last thing we need is your boss hearing about your visit and blaming it on us."

He was in no rush to go back down there and grovel as he'd been forced to last time. His nerves had been prickling for days in the aftermath, raw and sensitised after the attempt to cleave soul from flesh.

"Strikes me you must have a reason for wanting to make sure we get Whisper out. Also got me thinking you must expect something from us in return for you playing 'guide'. Since when did your kind ever do anything without wanting payment?"

Sulphur flashed his teeth at Mesteno in something that was probably supposed to be a smile but was far too ghastly to convey anything other but horror. His teeth were as black as his horns and as sharp as a shark's. His tail, at least, settled down to poke at the ground around his dusty loafers. But smoke began to trickle from his nose slits once again.

"Whispah don't be deservin' what he got anymore'n I did!" The demon growled. "But with dat moutha yers, m'sure y'gonna deserve what ya get when Himself gets ahold of ya like he's plannin'." Sulphur sounded like he would relish that day, too!

"Well since you've been demoted 'n all, I doubt you'll get to have any fun punishing me when your boss' plans come to fruition. Doubt you'll even be important enough to get a spot in the audience," Mesteno mocked, unable to resist the compulsion to further antagonise.

The demon?s scales flashed from green to puce in about three nanoseconds, the ground gave another shimmy and shake, more daggers (these ones flaming!) started leaking from his eyes and his mouth opened to deliver a fiery tirade.

"Do not." Lexius commanded.

And it was a compelling sort of command. A telepathic domination that had Sulphur choking on his forked tongue just after his teeth snapped closed hard enough it sounded like a gunshot ricocheting through the stable yard. The ground calmed, the daggers winked out and Sulphur dissolved in choking, sputtering coughs until he got his breath back.

Lexius stepped again and the beads gave another little rattle as his side, causing Sulphur to hunch his shoulders.

"Shut dem up." Sulphur snapped, clawed fingers pointing toward the beads and his tail slithered into hiding behind him.

"You had little useful information to give last we spoke." The Elf finally joined the conversation! "If you have more now, then speak it." He ordered the demon around just as easily as he did Mesteno!

Sulphur puffed his scales like a blowfish.

"Before your visit attracts unwanted attention." Lexius added. Mesteno had it right. This was entirely against the rules as the Elf understood them.


Date: 2016-02-22 21:26 EST

"Dey aint gonna find me!" Sulphur said hot, flames licking at his jagged teeth. "Dey aint got no reason ta even watch me anymore." And at first, the demon seemed dejected, for his puffiness vanished and he sagged all the more. But then his scaly lips curved hard with cunning and malicious glee. "Dat'll be deir undoin'. Now listen." He instructed, stepping closer and bringing with him the scent of brimstone and...well, sulphur!

Mesteno wasn't happy with how close the reptilian-like demon had dared come. Precaution only, he drew up a few threads of shadows to wind gauntlet-style about his forearm and hand, leaving fingers sheathed in razor edges darkness. Good enough to swipe with and do some damage if things got nasty.

"Dey gave'm to dem smelly little, hairy smiths." The demon meant dwarves. His tone was vicious. "Butcha gotta get Whispah free first or it'll unravel dem both, cause dat empty headed, war crazed idiot is bound between da two planes!"

The necromancer moved up beside Lexius while the demon seethed and hated. "Well this makes certain choices a whole lot simpler if he's telling the truth," he murmured. Lexius hadn't been all that driven to rescue Whisper unless he was particularly easily accessible after all. "But this thing about being bound between two planes? Please tell me you got some idea how we can free someone from that..."

There had been something else though, and he fixed a look back on Sulphur, his arms loosening from their arrogant fold - a half assed attempt to look less supercilious.

"How is Whisper being used to keep our main objective," he wouldn't say 'Ares' in case it drew attention from places unwanted! "stuck between planes?"

The Elf said nothing, and looked back to Sulphur, impassively awaiting an answer.

Sulphur was pacing by then, stabbing the air with his tail to accentuate his fuming reply.

"S'causea how he is, ya nimwhit!" Didn't Mesteno know anything?! "Da Sisters can't touch him, but dey still got da power t'snip da man-slayer's thread. And you," he growled at Mesteno, "can feed'm d'sense of his death with da horn. Den dey can say he's dead and his High'n Mighty'll believe it!"

Clear as glass, right?

Sulphur suddenly snapped his head around to the left. "Remember. Whispah first. In da caves!"

Suddenly, the demon was in a rush. And just where he was looking a line of fire split the air and crawled down toward the ground, opening a flaming gate that the demon bolted for like his tail was on ice.

With a final frown at the place the portal had been, Mesteno turned toward Lexius, and did his best to shake off his irritation lest the Elf think it was aimed at him. "Can't say I'm looking forward to meeting him again in the future, but the visit was worthwhile, if he spoke the truth."

Parts of it, certainly, clear as glass. Aside from figuring out how to touch the horn without instantly dying however (he remembered Ares warnings well enough when he'd been instructing on its collection!) there was one, rather yawning hole in Sulphur's suggestion.

"We save Whisper, and 'High'n Mighty', as he dubbed him, is gonna notice him eventually unless he finds some way to hide where he'll never get into any trouble or have any kind of life. I can't see him readily agreeing to that. And you know he's probably gonna find his way back to Koyan, maybe lead trouble right to Alvaka."

He was of course skipping over the part where Whisper potentially reuniting with Koyan was probably going to be a kick in the teeth for the poor Elf.

The portal left a scorch mark on the ground that was fast fading. Lexius spent a long while silently studying the place where the demon had disappeared before finally looking back to Mesteno.

"He was telling the truth. How he was telling it, however, is up for interpretation." Demons were great liars, but they were really at their most dangerous when they decided to apply their skills to the truth. They could certainly weave it in very interesting ways. "But his concern for Whisper is real enough. He was the only help I could find when I searched years ago, as limited as that help proved to be. He either suffered for trying to offer it, or fell into whatever trap Whisper did."

The beads swayed lazily at his side, contented and murmuring quietly amongst themselves, unconcerned with the all too valid points Mesteno went on to make. The Elf, however, considered the truth of the comments with a subtle frown curling his lips and his jaw working teeth in a slow grind. It didn't matter. It wasn't his business or his concern. Only their task was worth giving his attention.

"We shall handle that as it comes. For now, prepare yourself. Even if he believes he was not monitored, we should be about the task."

"Whatever you think will work," Mesteno conceded. If Lexius was willing to wing it to a point, he wasn't going to object. A little recklessness was appealing, even if the potential for an unpleasant death (and more unpleasant afterlife in Hades' clutches) did loom over it all like a particularly ominous pall.

"If we need to leave pretty much straight away, I'll have to go home first. I keep nothing here," he admitted, unapologetically. It was a livery yard after all, and he wasn't going to go wandering through Ysgard and Nidallevir in his chaps! "You probably have things you need to gather too, so tell me what hour and I'll have my shit together by then."

In fact, all he had with him that would be of any use was the rune-carved labradorite hanging about his neck. It hadn't come off his neck since Lexius' had handed it to him the other night, a talisman intended to help guard his mind from the dangers lurking in Nidavellir and Ysgard.


Date: 2016-02-22 21:35 EST

Lexius nodded once, but he hesitated before he replied. He'd noticed the trail of the copper and leather cord he'd made clinging to the side of Mesteno's neck. As powerful as it was, he knew the protection provided by the gift would not be able to overcome the effects of the place he was fairly certain now that they would have to go. The Elf spun out his thoughts around them, building a shield that was momentarily visible in a shimmering ripple of color through the air. That even as he stepped toward the man and murmured gravely.

"Between the Planes," he began, "can only mean between the Wastes where Niflheim is and Carceri where Tartarus lies. To access him through Tartarus would be foolish, which means we will need to go the other route. Niflheim is..." he paused, seeming to struggle for the correct word, shook his head. "It is not a place for either of us now. But we must go there, Mesteno."

It was concerning, the way Lexius looked sounded so... daunted? And nearer. When did Lexius ever choose to be nearer if he could help it?

"The Wastes... you mentioned those before when we were looking at the map," Mesteno recalled, and there the familiar pin-scratch of a frown was, wedging itself between his eyebrows, the dark chevrons of them severe. "You never did tell me precisely what there was to be so concerned about there," he reminded. And so if he was going to find out, it would be now, and if the Elf denied him the knowledge, he'd flat out refuse to go, and probably wind up prey to whatever came hunting them next. The stubborn fold of arms made that pretty clear. "Out with it. Give me the worst." Now who sounded commanding?

The air that Mesteno took on, the bossiness in his tone and posture, actually lightened some of the gravity from the Elf's demeanor. Only for a second. Only a little bit. It damn sure amused the beads, though. They started a snickering sort of clatter that probably just proved they were as cruelly sadistic as they were kind.

Lexius actually reached down to silence them before he spoke.

"The layers of the Waste are known as the Dooms. Niflheim is the doom of the spirit. It saps life and will and purpose from anyone that lingers there too long, inspiring only apathy, despair and hopelessness." He reached to almost touch the pendent on Mesteno's neck. "This will not be enough to fully protect you from it. It is insidious and constant. You must ready yourself here," his hand rose, again almost touching Mesteno's temple, "for the weight of such a place." He was already sounding grim and made no mention of how he might stave it off himself.

Mesteno watched Lexius closely as he explained, doing his best (which wasn't anywhere near good enough) to disguise the fact that each word seemed to tighten the hinge of his jaw a fraction further, to peel his lips back a hair further from his teeth in a savage seeming grimace. The psion had not been wrong when he'd stated it was not a place either of them should be going given their current states of mind.

Parting with Evander was still too fresh. And for Lexius, being so near to Koyan again?

"Well," the necromancer said, and his throat was tight enough that the words were very, very quiet, "you'n I are gonna breeze through that fuckin' place. I don't know what we were so worried about."

It was an attempt at humour, sarcastic, and it didn't work in the slightest since he had no real mirth to inject into the tone of his voice.

He turned away for a moment, did his best to make it seem a casual thing, but he wouldn't have fooled a toddler with a performance that poor. Anxious habit, the grind of knuckles into breastbone, and he was recalling all too vividly how immediately stricken he'd been with the fluid from the attack of the Fury. She'd had him beaten, a sole aggressor. What luck would he have surrounded by a plane of it? Lexius at least had practice in the art of serenity, the assistance of the beads. He loathed the thought that he might prove a hindrance.

For what seemed a long time, he inspected the singed patch of ground where Sulphur had disappeared, but there was a final, absent sounding sort of murmur, barely loud enough to carry.

"Bonus dies mori. Paratus sum."

Lexius frowned when Mesteno turned away, the first words the man muttered given only a faint, harsh snort by way of acknowledgement. And then he stood there and stared, frowning deepening enough to draw the lines across his brow again. This right here was why he had not mentioned the unique and unpleasant properties of Niflheim before now. It wouldn't have served either of them to let the Sadist continue on in ignorance.

Lexius did an amazing thing without any warning whatsoever. He closed his hand over Mesteno's taut, knotted shoulder and pressed a thumb, skin to skin, against the preternatural coolness at the back of the man's neck. The touch was a little too warm, that minor point of contact carrying the same hint of grit the rest of his skin did.

When he spoke, it was with focused intent.

"You will live." That might be how he was going to go about it. The singular purpose he would not lose sight of in that kind of place. And then he attempted a little humor of his own. "And we will hurry."

The shield around them dissolved and then the Elf stepped back abruptly, as if he'd just caught himself being...compassionate. The touch went away.

Mesteno had only begun to wonder at it. Almost thought he'd imagined it.

"You're such an optimist," he remarked, with a cheeriness which whilst forced, at least proved he was making an effort. He needed distraction from what was twisting up his nerves. He'd been fine with everything until the Grey Wastes!

"Bring something warm and rugged,? Lexius advised. ?Some manner of survival gear as well as your weapons.?

"I've just the gear," came the assurance. The necromancer was nodding, listing off the necessities mentally and then turning back to face him, no scrap of anything morose to be seen in his expression. "If you can send me back now, I can be all packed and ready in an hour."

The Elf was still frowning, but it was faint by then. The ghost of some displeasure he kept mainly to himself. He did not reflect the Sadist's attempt at levity in any fashion. He wasn't watching Mesteno anymore, but rather than yard and that place where Sulphur had once stood. He was focused now only on the task at hand.

Whisper first. Which meant Nidavellir and endless tunnels, drwarves, gnomes and dark elves. Not the drow, but a different sort. He rubbed his fingers together absently, then took the beads in hand, instead, before nodding once.

"Very well." He gave Mesteno no chance to say or do anything else were he so inclined. The stables were gone and the Sadist found himself home.