Topic: Here's to YOU, George Carlin!!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-06-24 18:36 EST
We @!#$%&* love you and will miss you! I dedicate tomorrow's hangover to you!!

Rest in peace, and may all those hot chicks that chased you over the years still wanna nail your a$$, wherever you are. Blessed be, and know we will miss you.

Abby Mun


Date: 2008-06-25 04:02 EST
To George Carlin -raises a glass of champainge- the man who gave us "Seven words you can't say on t.v." and thought that Entropy was a cool idea, you'll be missed George, i imagine ur telling jokes on stage for all Eternity, rest in peace Mr. Carlin.

Dracen mun