Topic: OOC Threads

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-02-24 14:45 EST
Blah, blah, you guys know what to do.


Date: 2008-02-24 14:52 EST
Indeed i do, run amok, amok, amok amok, muhahahahaha, give a Bad guy a place to run amok, and your insurance premiums will go through the friggen roof! muahahahahaha

i kid, i kid, or do i? :twisted:

congrats Abby mun, welcome to Folderhood

and now for your monthlly fee -hand is out- -for this guy makes lawyers look like choir boys-

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-02-24 15:54 EST
The fairy Goth Mother dons her wings and 'POOF'! Ye shall be dressed in pink tutu's and spikey dog collars!

Beware, for I run with scissors with no fear, and I know every verse to 'Henry the Eighth'! May my psychotic episodes be many, and your proximity be close!! :twisted:


Date: 2008-02-25 02:48 EST
Welcome to the world. I hope to see you do your stuff soon. You look like you have lots of potential. I cant wait to read some of it.


Date: 2008-03-01 00:39 EST
Skid hearts Abby, cause she's such a little scamp.

Even though he's completely and evilly out of his mind at the moment.. >.>

But you know, all that jazz. Where to add Skid into this, anyways.... Hmmm.....

Last Knight

Date: 2008-03-01 04:15 EST


Date: 2008-03-02 03:18 EST
Hmmm.... If'n you'd liiiike, you could set up the party nonsense in the Darkest Minds etc... folder. Otherwise you could totally do something in here. Which would be awesomesauce. Yeah!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-02 13:08 EST
K. I will set up something in here, then.

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-14 00:42 EST

I'm bored. And the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Last Knight

Date: 2008-03-14 00:56 EST
Hullo, your Abby-ness. :) I'm at work - I'm actually typing this out on my cell phone. Isn't it amazing, how technology marches on? Ten years ago, this connection would have required a $2000 desktop computer, a phone line, and would have cost me by the minute. Now, here I am, holding a device smaller than an original Gameboy... and I bitch because it's too slow to handle most graphics. Oh, life, you do run on irony.

Anyway, here I am. I have two more hours on the quarterdeck - the access point from pier to ship - and then I get to go rove for an hour, a security/safety round that usually ends with me in front of the marginally quicker than my cell connection computers. At the very least, they're easier to type on... this thumb board makes my fingers ache. >_<

Anyway, that cycle repeats until 8 AM, EDT, at which time I might finally get to go home and seek out the sweet succor of sleep. I hope your night, at least, is more entertaining and involved than mine - but at least I have plenty of time to sit here with a notebook and contemplate what happens next.

Take care. ^_^

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-14 02:08 EST
Thank you Paladin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::bows down and thanks the gods for technology.::

I was beginning to think I was just talking to myself. Bless you!!

Hope work goes quickly for you, and no, my night won't be much more entertaining. Oh well. At least I know there are other people out there alive.

I am currently writing another fractured fairy tale. You know, the ones I spend an hour or more on that nobody reads? Yes, those. to bed, I guess. Dawn comes early, and I've a stupid horse to feed. Goodnight all! And a good night to you, Paladin-mun.

Last Knight

Date: 2008-03-14 02:37 EST
I read them. ^_^ I rather like your writing, Normal Abby, so take heart... there's at least one person on here (and I'm sure many more besides) who's watching your work with interest.

Ah, horses. I've decided that they're all stupid, except the ones that are fiendishly clever. Best of luck with your dawn capers.

I hope you sleep sweetly. I'm not sure what time zone you're in, but the odds are good that you'll be waking up when I'm staggering off to my bed. ^_^

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-03-14 18:14 EST
Tasty tasty Abby-mun, where are you when I am online? Do you still have AIM? Miss you, dear. Call me sometime.

Oh, and yes, I know this is you. Or, at least, I certainly hope this is you. If you have no clue as to who I am, please, disregard this note!

Nice work, by the way, with the character. AND the one of mine! Interesting twist! I have been reading. Grateful you didn't change the password on me.

Niniane Thorne :twisted:

P.S. I am back in Oregon and waiting to see you!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-15 19:49 EST

I'll won't be home tonight, I think, but call the cell anyway. If it goes to voice mail it means I'm at the movies. I will be with Mike, probably, but can talk if you need to. Hang in there, Mistress. I'm sure things will work out. Make sure you talk to that lawyer I told you about, my in-laws use him for everything from business to their rental properties. He's good.

Missed you too. Talk to you soon.

Miss Michy-Monkey

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-17 17:48 EST
Seriously, anybody out there have any idea about what I should do? Read the latest post in Amuse Bouche, and PM me with any ideas, or just post 'em here.


I'm lost, hurt, confused, tired of trying to please Friend A when it always comes down to the same thing....I will never be able to.

::sigh:: Abby-mun, signing off.

Last Knight

Date: 2008-03-17 18:41 EST
Sacrificing your own happiness for someone else's only looks noble. In the end, it only ends up making you both miserable. The situation, as shown in Amuse Bouch - and I know it's only your side of things, I'm trying to be as objective as I can - is a bad one. When all you have to offer is friendship, it's dishonest and treacherous to both yourself and the other person to pretend otherwise.

If they can't be satisfied with friendship, the only decent thing to do is let go. Cut your losses, cauterize the wound before you or they bleed out, and let go.

It's a crap situation, Normal Abby. Sorry things worked out that way. :(


Date: 2008-03-17 20:01 EST
Not to- Well, scratch that. To be painfully blunt, it seems like Friend A has you dangling over the edge of a cliff by the throat. You can live choking, diminished if you will, and please them... Or you can wriggle free, and hope there's a sh*tload of pillows at the bottom to cushion the inevitable and temporarily substantial hurt you'll go through from them and from yourself.

Sorry if I sounded like a douche. But sometimes painfully blunt doucheness is good, right?

Well... At any rate, trek on through, Abbymun. Hearts!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-18 16:10 EST
Thanks, guys, for the input. I really appreciate an outsiders view. It's hard to know what to do sometimes when you're right in the middle of it. I think you guys are right, though.

::Sighs::It's a shame, but I'm awful tired of being hurt and all the promises that are broken.

You guys are the best, thanks for being there for me!


Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-19 19:06 EST
Long over due vacation being taken this weekend. Blasting off tomorrow and I will be back sometime next week. Or not. Who knows!

So...see you all soon. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Oh, wait...well...that doesn't leave you much, does it? dressing up rabbits and forcing them to lay chocolate eggs. Yes. There you go. There's something for you. Everything else you can do.

Oh, and I will want full details when I get back.

Bye all, have a great weekend and for those that celebrate it, Happy Easter. To the rest of us that are...witchy people, Beltane is on the way! WHoo Hoo! Happy Spring, anyway!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-25 17:26 EST
Big Bad Screw up Fairies have visited me again. Me thinks it is time to say adieu.

Thanks for all the fun, guys, and I hope it doesn't come to this, but it may. I will post an update soon. BIG trouble in little my world.

Love ya all!


Last Knight

Date: 2008-03-25 18:12 EST
I'm sorry to hear that. Godspeed, Normal Abby, and I hope things work out for you. :(


Date: 2008-03-25 21:43 EST
I'm depressed, yet worrisome.

Hope things end well though, and that you'll be back sooner rather than never!


Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-29 22:37 EST
I'm BACK!!! I think.

We'll see how things go. Had to get a restraining order on...someone. He rp's on here, so...don't know if I want to be back. We'll see if he behaves himself. Apparently he promised he would, so....cross your fingers.

Anyway, thanks for the support guys! You're the best!



Date: 2008-03-30 00:24 EST
I have three, or maybe two, or I dunno how many, things to say.

1) YAY!

2) Panther can tooootally Big Brother your issues, methinks.


Yup. Three.


Date: 2008-04-07 20:58 EST
I wish Abby would play in live sometimes.

Because I reeeeally wanna post but I'm all tapped out from a three-post post in my newest Skid SL!

Depression, thy name is Skidmun.


Abby Normal

Date: 2008-04-13 13:26 EST
I will have Abby make an appearance in Live Chat next time I see you on. I usually avoid it because Abby is generally ignored. Or maybe it is me that the other players want to ignore. Hmmm...could it be the "Fear of things that might actually make you laugh" or is it that I am just that annoying?

I think I feel a poll coming on.....

ANYWAY, I will do my best to bring her happy butt into the Inn.

Ooooh! New Idea! What does everyone think of a Dear Abby column??!!! ::Nodnod:: Abby would give SUCH good advice!!

Love ya guys!

Abby-mun...'Chelly Bear

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-04-18 17:30 EST

Might be moving, so may be detained until I can get my good ole' Emily (that's my computer) set up again. Will write when I can on friends' lap tops. (Ain't friends grand??!!)) Not to mention sleeping on their couches, too!

Hope to be in my own place or back in the old one, soon. Love ya guys!


Abby Normal

Date: 2008-04-18 22:45 EST
My thanks to Bob-mun, I appreciate your words and for taking the time to make your opinion known.

Thank you.

Take care, Abby-mun


Date: 2008-04-19 04:37 EST
My insomnia knows no bounds.

And neither should anyone else's.

Why does sh*t always go down at the worst times?

Abbymun, Live calls to you. Enter if you see me?


Time to post. At 4:36 in the morning.


Skidmun, thy name is frustration!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-04-19 15:04 EST
I know insomnia well! Luckily, I have not suffered from it lately. I will rush to live chat when I see you on, ready to annoy and aggravate my fellow players!!

As for Dark Hand-mun, please do not post in my folder anymore. I appreciate the fact that you wish to make your feelings known, and you have done so. Please don't do it anymore. Also, please do not PM me anymore, as I am not reading them. I don't hate you, and you would have thought that someone that was a friend and had known me as well as you thought you did would know that I rarely hate anything. I am simply tired of it, and protecting myself from further pain and disappointment. I tried for a long time to show you what a real friend was, and I got burned in return. You never DID trust me, and all the advice and suggestions I gave went ignored. Didn't bother me, because it was there for you to take or not, your choice. But when I tried to be a good friend to you, your only friend you said, you threw my trust back in my face. Didn't you ever learn that if you "assume" you make and ass of u and me? You made an ass of yourself, and you made an ass of me.

I know you don't want any more advice, cause you always end up throwing it back in my face and insulting me with it anyway, but here is another piece. You need to learn how to treat people better.

I would not have put any of this in a public place, but since you chose to air our dirty laundry already, accept the consequences. I wish you well, and I hope that someday you will find what it is you are looking for. Goddess bless, and goodbye.


Date: 2008-04-20 09:51 EST

My insomnia has me in an iron grip as well and I am lucky to get to sleep before 9 am on the days I have to work. On the days I dont have to work noon is not unknown, and is common. I just dont like to sleep for some reason or another.

I dont do poetry, so if it sucked. Sorry. But I felt like I needed to say something when I saw it posted up there, it spoke to me, screamed at me. I could not ignore. So I replied in kind to him, lol.

Im not very good at it. But if he attempt it. I should too. I aint no wuss! lol

Take it easy. Have fun too.

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-04-20 17:14 EST
You are too modest. I have always really enjoyed reading your work.

My last one sucked arse, it started out as a jumbled poem and ended up as a rant. Oh well. Proof of my chaotic, unorganized mind.

As for all you with insomnia, I wish I could help, but I have found that insomnia brings out the best works from everyone! Until it gets to the point where your staring at wall, drooling, and dreaming with your eyes open. Then it gets annoying. Especially when you come home to find that you've ordered a dozen green spotted pink elephant planters on the internet and can't remember doing it. That's when you know you have a problem.


Date: 2008-04-20 18:34 EST
To put it quite simply, I agree.

I can't wait 'til the NEXT insomnia-induced posting spree strikes!



Ecstasy Is Revenge

Date: 2008-04-30 15:42 EST

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-05-01 02:42 EST
Okay, this is just not funny anymore. Where are you, Abs?

You not answering you cell phone, and I am starting to worry!! ::pouty, little girl voice.:: I am gonna call in reinforcements, soon!!


Date: 2008-05-01 14:24 EST
Missin' you~!

Oh how I's missin' you~~~!

Wishin' you~!

Would come back heeeeere~~.


Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-05-01 20:31 EST
Your birthday is coming up! I need to talk to you about it!!! COME IN HERE AND POST, DAMMIT!!

::Pouts and sobs:: where are you?

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-05-05 18:16 EST
Backety Back back!!

Sorry. Lotsa sh*t, not enough me to deal with it all!! :razz:

Will be posting tonight or tomorrow. Missed you guys!


Date: 2008-05-05 20:30 EST


I'm relieved!!!

SO relieved!!!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-05-10 22:36 EST
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!!

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-05-18 19:05 EST
Leaving Thursday, won't be on until Mid-June. (as if that matters, beings I haven't been able to get on here at all, lately) Miss you all, promise to try harder when I get back!!

Ash Avarice

Date: 2008-05-19 17:48 EST
I've looked at those photos you sent me. I am in love!!

Hurry back, my twisted princess.

Payne Is Bliss

Date: 2008-05-26 22:15 EST
Okay, leaving for REAL this time in a day or so.

May be on, may not be. Not sure. But will be back. Gonna go schmooze with some stars in Hollywierd hopefully. (Home sweet home, ah, how I miss it) and go to my cousin's graduation and see an old friend who just got promoted to producer on a new t.v. show.

YAY Jackie!! WHoo Hoo! You go, J! Go Westminster Girls!

Anyway. So...yeah. Gonna be too busy trying to get a photo op with my faves in L.A., so probably no posting. I will try, though.

See ya later gang!

Payne Is Bliss

Date: 2008-05-26 22:16 EST
Oh, P.S. Yes, this is Abby-mun.

Payne Is Bliss

Date: 2008-05-27 15:22 EST
P.P.S. Anyone interested in posting in any story lines I have going or starting new ones, feel free!

I will be leaving in the morning, but I will be back in about two weeks, so...if your interested, welcome!

Ash Avarice

Date: 2008-05-30 21:00 EST
Miss you! When are you coming back?

Interesting turn of events for dear Abby, mon ami. Do you need to talk? Darkness and nightmares abound again, or what?? Call me.


Abby Normal

Date: 2008-06-10 18:05 EST
Sorry for the depressive air things have taken. Just...missing my husband.

Staying in his old room while I visit his parents, and....hurting.

May or may not be on when I get home. Lots to think about and deal with. Thought I was getting better with this whole grief thing, but...really not.

Abby's Abnormal Mun


Date: 2008-07-15 14:22 EST
I just wanted to get one thing straight.


And thanks for the picture-rating! I'm glad it's liked. ^^

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-07-16 11:27 EST
I miss you too, and I miss the days where I felt free enough to come here, to play and imagine.

I wanted to say goodbye to you, and to the others that played with me. I know I have said I was leaving before, but I am this time. (Gee, who do I sound like?)

I am having this folder moved to the catacombs.

Farewell all, thanks for the memories!
