Topic: Catalina's Return to Rhydin


Date: 2008-07-18 12:04 EST
Catalina had received orders from court and a leather wrapped packet. She was to go to the King's Ranch in Rhydin, check on the place, search all the usual hiding places for messages, and deliver the package to Dax or Benjamin, depending on which she would happen across first, and then take back word of their continued survival and any reports they may give. If she found any notes, she was to stash the packet for them to find eventually and then take the notes back right away. Failing that, at the end of the waiting period, she was to return and report.

There was only one thing wrong with that. No one had seen or heard from either in over a year and not a trace of either had been found by any of the searchers sent out by the court. They were most likely dead, or worse, taken by The Horrible to fight on his side as undead or re-animated dead.

She wondered for the umpteenth time why she had picked for this fool's mission. It was a waist of a mission in her opinion and a total waste of her abilities. It wasn't like they had an abundance of couriers at their disposal. Someone at court must either hate her, want her out of the way, or perhaps even thought to do her a favor by keeping her from running papers from one battle field to another.

Catalina only considered that last explanation a possibility because she had been sloppy and careless for a while. That Benji wasn't there to accept the packet she had been sent out with all that time ago had hit her hard. She was rather surprised that she hadn't been killed or taken during those first months after she had failed to find him. Way too often she had traveled after dark and her senses numbed and dulled with spirits. But she had cleaned up her act after that horrifying experience with stiffs and narrowly escaping with her life intact.

Of course she had found the King's Ranch quite deserted, except for a handful of workers, upon her arrival, and there had been no notes to be found. And now she would be stuck in this foreign place on a foreign world for months on end. By the time she could return, she'd likely be totally out of practice avoiding danger and she would have to become acquainted with all new people everywhere the elite would send her.


Date: 2008-07-18 14:59 EST
Catalina decided to venture into town. If she was to be stuck in this place, she may as well make the best of the time she was given here. She would see if any of the people she had met last time were still around and meet some new folks.

The resolution made and kept in mind she made the hike into town and a few hours later she opened the door to the Red Dragon Inn and walked inside.

The place was bustling with people and creatures just as she had expected, Catalina thought as she headed for the bar.

?Hello. Cold cider, if you got it, please.? She requested when the bartender glanced over a moment after she had sat down, a rather handsome tender, she thought.

?Cold cider... right...? The man settled his glass down on the bar and moved to fill the order and then set a glass before Catalina. ?Um... that'll be like ten, yeah.?

Ten of what, she wondered, and just why he sounded so unsure about it. She?d not yet found a money changer either.
?Will those cover the charge?? She hoped he?d accept her Dragon?s Eye coins as she placed a couple of largish dragon stamped coins on the counter. The tender barely glanced at them, though, before he picked them up and slipped them into one of the many pockets upon that leather jacket he was wearing.

?Sure... enjoy now.? He lifted his glass from the bar and retook a lean.

"No kiss this time?" A woman asked the 'bartender', as she fooled with her glass.

?You need one of those aprons, if you plan to make a career of standing behind there.? Another woman called over.

?Thanks.? Catalina gave the handsome waiter a smile and then she picked up the glass, turning on the stool to see who she might recognize. None apparently, but that was not surprising.

?She paid with coin. I'll keep you on the kiss payment plan though.? She heard the tender explain what payment he had asked for originally to the first woman. His next sentence was obviously meant for the second woman that had addressed him. ?I only wear one when cooking, and I ain't cooking here.?

?Wow, I should have known of that payment plan sooner.? Catalina remarked to no one in particular before she lifted her glass. By the time she brought it down it was more than half empty.

?I wear one when I bake. And I still get flour everywhere.?


?Not there, you rogue.?

?Where? I didn't say anything...? The tender whistled innocently.

?Mmhmm, sure you didn't. But you were thinking it.? The woman wasn?t buying, neither was Catalina.

"Watch my purse, hombre?" The please was always implied. Then the first woman grabbed a bottle of tequila and left the bar with a giggle to greet someone else.

Catalina observed one or the other interaction within her view, and grinned to the woman that accused the tender of having thoughts.

?I'm always thinking. Not always bad things either.?

?Thinking can be dangerous.? The woman glanced up and exclaimed, ?Gods above and below,? just as someone landed on the floor with a loud ?thud? on the floor between her and the bar.

?Bloody bones.? .Catalina glanced to the knightly dressed body. It was obvious from his prostrate and unmoving form, as well as from the odd position of his neck and the blood trickling from the side of his mouth, that the red haired and bearded young man would not be getting back up.

?Drek... and I thought I could make an entrance...? The ?bartender? commented.


Date: 2008-07-19 02:49 EST
Catalina turned back to the ?bartender? after she saw the other woman going to check on the body.

?Usually I have to shoot someone, for them to fall from a second story.? He answered with a shrug.

?Rather sad, seems to have been a handsome fellow, too.? The woman appeared to have started some sort of funeral rite, but Catalina could not make out the words.

?People die everyday where I come from.? The ?bartender? lifted his glass for a drink. Death really didn't bother him apparently.

?Someone needs to give him a proper burial.? The woman rose from her kneel by the body with a soft sigh.

?Proper?? The ?bartender? arched a brow over at the woman.

?They do that with regularity where I hail from, too.? Catalina turned to the woman. ?Burning is considered proper, keeps them from rising again for the other side.?

?Proper. No letting the wolves get him.? The woman insisted.

?No wolves' eh? Guess that counts me out.? The ?bartender? gave a bit of a smirk and glanced over at the body. ?Burning? Sounds interesting... maybe someone should take him to the local Necro or Mage or something?

?I recall that one, yes.? A haunted look came to the woman?s emerald green eyes that seemed too old for her face.

?To have more bones run around?? That sounded like a bad idea to her. But what did she know, maybe they didn't have a problem with undead things here, or the knight would rather be one than dead. Catalina finished off the cider left in the glass to hide what may have been in her eyes then, and then set the glass on the counter.

?No mages.? The woman replied firmly as she knelt back down to pick up the body just as someone entered the inn, slamming the door quite loudly. ?Gods above and below, were you born in a barn, to abuse a door that way??

?Superpowers?? The word of surprise slipped out when Catalina observed the ease with which the woman picked up the body. It earned her a smirk from the ?bartender?. Catalina grinned right back. The living were far more interesting to her than the dead.

?Me? I eat my spinach.? The woman faintly grinned over before she carried the poor dead guy toward the alley door. Hip-bumping it open, she padded barefoot outside.

A couple arriving at the bar just then attracted Catalina?s attention, an older gentleman rancher and a warrior type woman. He didn?t sit down next to her though after he had seated her, but moved behind the bar where the ?bartender? refilled his glass from a keg, to get the woman warrior something to drink.

?So, what was that I heard about alternative payment methods? Perhaps I might consider that for a refill. Ten you said?? Catalina looked the ?bartender? over, slowly, after he had shifted out of the rancher?s way and returned to a lean across from her.

?Hm? Could... yeah.? The ?bartender? glanced over at her.

?Yeah.? Catey grinned.

?I'm sure something could be arranged.? He nodded before he lifted his glass for a sip.

Her sad duty performed, the woman returned, padding barefoot back inside and returning to the bar.

?Elijah! Monkey butt!? She called with a big grin.

?Miss Ariana. Ain't you a sight for sore eyes.? The lines about his withered eyes deepened with a smile.

?Gods above and below, it's been ages since I've seen you both.? The woman set a basket on the bar.

?Let's start arranging then.? Catalina gave that empty glass of hers a gentle push to slide it into the 'bartender's' direction with a wink

?Yessum, it's done been a right long time, Miss Ariana Ma'am.? The rancher replied even as he filled a mug for his date.

?I might still have some brownies in here, if they weren't all eaten up.? The woman grinned to the rancher.

The ?bartender? smirked a bit as he settled his glass down and moved from his lean to refill her empty with the bottle from the cooler. He settled it down before her once poured and leaned over the bar slightly to present a cheek.

?All right.?

Catalina leaned forward to brush her lips against the offered cheek, just above the beard line.

?One.? She counted.

?One?? A smirk set to the ?bartender?s? lips. He gave a wink as he started to shift back.

?Keeping up the count.? She grinned and repeated the brushing of her lips against his cheek before he could get to far away. ?Two.?

?Well, I see I'll have to put you on the special list as well.? He perked and chuckled and another of those rather gentle kisses to his cheek followed.

?Three. This could take a while. Special list?? The question was followed by another, identical kiss.

?If you're paying for a tip, I think you're doing all right. He smirked and then shifted his eyes down the bar at the warrior woman.

?A tip? You said ten, didn't you?? Perhaps he was tired of his game already. The warrior woman returned the ?bartender?s? look and received a wink from him.

?Did I? Well drek, I did...? He gave a nod and a smile to Catalina.

?If you changed your mind, either my coin of this sort of payment is very bad or much better than I thought.? Catalina winked and then picked up her refilled glass for a drink; unsure is she should be happy to perhaps get off easy or to feel insulted.

?Maybe he wants you to run a tab, miss.? The woman with the basket offered with a cheeky grin.

?Didn't say I changed it, just forgot what I said earlier.? He winked back and lifted his glass for a sip from the counter.


Date: 2008-07-19 03:02 EST
?The other cheek then perhaps? I'd not want you to be leaning all to one side and perhaps fall over on account of unevenness.? Catalina set her glass down again. Running a tab was not something she was willing to do.

?Hm... can't have that?? He leaned over, presenting the left cheek with a wink over at Ariana.

With a little chuckle Catalina leaned over to brush her lips against the presented cheek just often enough to even things out, perhaps whiling a little longer with the last of the series, counting the individual brushes.

?Five, six, seven, eight.? Catalina sat back, grinning back to his smile. ?Now, where to put the other two??

?Hmmm... are you looking for suggestions?? He lifted a brow at Catalina, but he was not smirking, no, definitely not smirking.

?I guess I am.?

?Mmhmm. He's busy with his wood crafting. Oi, wot muscles.? The woman with the basket answered a question posed to her and fanned herself. Something in what the woman said put a smirk on the ?bartender?s? lips.

?Well, I'll let you pick, then I've got to be off. Early work back home n' all.?

?In that case....? The man did look and smell rather pleasing, a combination she had not come across often. She leaned toward the 'bartender' again and gently brushed her lips against his.

His lips perked lightly into a smile, but he did not respond in any other way, not even when she lingered a bit longer with the last of those kisses.

?I'm Catey by the way.?

?Marek, nice ta' meetcha, Catey. Going to be about the city for a while?? He perked of a light growl and a smirk set to his features.

?So it appears.? She smiled. ?Marek, very nice, indeed.?

?Next time I'll have to charge you more for a drink.? He pushed up lightly from his lean over the bar, leaving his glass and offering up a wink to Catey and Ariana. ?If you two ladies will excuse me, I've a bit of rest to find before work calls when the sun hit's the sky.?

?Take care, Marek. I'll see about delivering Baklava for you.? The woman with the basket said.

?A good night to you, Marek and don't let the plot wings get you. I'll be around to find out what that increase might look like.? Catalina picked up her glass again. It would be rather nice if he could manage to keep alive for a while longer.

?Thanks? I rather like that.? Marek replied with a smile to the woman with the basket as he held up the purse for the woman who had left it with him before he gave a nod over at Catey with a smile. ?No doubt.?

After the purse was handed over Marek turned and moved out from behind the bar, and then headed for the back door, adjusting the leather jacket somewhat against his form. He gave a push to that door out and into the night he went.


Date: 2008-07-19 15:03 EST
?So, Catey, wot brings you to the 'Dragon, besides Marek.? The woman with the basket teased. ?I'm Ariana, this is Shy and that's Elijah,? She indicated the warrior woman and the rancher in turn.

?He always be getting into mischief, Ariana. I shall let him explain things. He still owes me a favour.? Shylah then turned to Catalina and gave a nod in greeting. ?Godt e'ening. ?

?Right nice to meet you.? The old rancher looked over at the introduction and tipped his head politely.

?The same to you.? Catalina returned the nod with a smile to both before she chuckled to Ariana, ?Had I known the inn harbored such as Marek I may have tried for another mission into Rhydin sooner. I'm Catey. Nice to meet you, Ariana, Shy Elijah.?

?Hmm. I will have to threaten no more popovers, unless he tells me, then.? Ariana nodded to Shylah. ?I only met him myself last night. And on my first night back to the 'Dragon? in many years, too. And it's nice to meet you too, Catey. Hmm, that's the nickname of one of my cousin's twins, the ones she had with that tender fellow she married a couple of years ago.?

?Should it strike me as odd that we both arrived in town on the very same day?? Catey took an immediate liking to both the women.

?There be many charming males in this land.? Shylah left out what other kinds there are as well, like the pirates, for one group. She looked at Elijah, getting ready to poke him in the side. Elijah looked over at the seafarer and his smile broadened. He stole a kiss from her before she could poke his side.

?Does your encampment have a shelter, Eel-e-? His name was cut off by his kiss.

?More like luck, but that's another friend of mine. Lucky Duck, his nickname.? Ariana grinned. ?He loves Baklava.?

?So long as one isn't eager to run off to the next battle field, that's half the charm right there.? Catalina returned to Shylah before she turned to Ariana again. ?Marek said he'd like that, too. What is this thing, Baklava??

?Between him, Sylvia, Marek, and Tara,? Ariana ticked the names off one by one on her fingers, ?I'll have to quadruple production. Hmm? Flaky pastry layered with honey and chopped nuts. A few of my sons love the battlefield, but they visit, on occasion. They know I'd chase them down, if they didn't.?

?Yessum. There is a tent set up.? Elijah nodded to Shylah.

?That sounds absolutely sinful. I have to find a money changer.? Catalina loved honey and nuts and she would have to try this new to her food. But at the mention of Ariana?s sons being warriors her mien turned sorrowful. Where she came from a warrior's life expectancy was short at best. ?I'm so sorry about your sons.?

?I bring free samples here, but I do sell it at my Bakery in town.?

?If you make sjokolade bak-lava, I shall eat it.? Shylah commented as if Ariana did not know that information by now. No poke to Elijah?s side was given; instead she raised her finger to trace along the side of his face, over his whiskers and down the side of his neck, smiling the entire time. ?You needs a trim.?

?Someone I know has lost their taste for brownies.? Ariana said with a sing song, teasing tone of voice.

?Yessum, I reckon I do. Been lazy about it.? Elijah chuckled quietly and nodded, leaning into her touch, his smile lighting in his dark brows.

?Uff da! Nei, I did not. I be watching my figure.? Shylah smirked as she looked at Ariana. ?I have been told that too much sjokolade shall make me fat. Methinks brownies be part of the provisions we needs to bring along with us to your campsite, Eel-eye-ja.?

?Another one for the list. I'm lucky I have good suppliers, plus a good harvest from my ranch. Chocolate in moderation is a good part of the diet.? Ariana chuckled and turned back to Catey. ?Oh, my sons are well, rogues the lot of them.?

?Free samples sound good.? Catalina smiled. ?And may they stay well.?

?Yessum. Brownies are a right important provision.? Elijah set the mug down on the bar and slipped his other arm around the seafarer and nodded

?Tis hva I say!? Shylah nodded at Ariana?s statement.

?Chocolate, now there's something I know of. It can be a quite useful method of payment, too.? Catalina grinned; remembering quite a few times where chocolate had been a savior of sorts.

?Take all that she has left in her basket, Eel-eye-ja.? Shylah sounded like she meant all of the pastries, and mayhap she did!

?Well tonight, I have lemon bars, cinnamon rolls, cherry popovers, no brownies as Shy has commandeered them... and more than likely no Baklava left. The next time, I may bring different.? Ariana offered.

?Those be some of our provisions!? Shylah pulled the basket closer.

?That basket is some of Galen,? Ariana coughed, ?handiwork.?

?We needs these, Ariana. I shall not keep the basket, just hva be in it.? Shylah studied the contents of the basket and then asked over to Catalina, ?Did you wish a lemon bar? Methinks we can spare one.?

?Yessum. I be reckoning we'd need near everything in there for our provisions.? Elijah looked into the basket as Shy pulled it closer and nodded.

?It appears you a devote fan, Ariana.? Catalina grinned at the couple?s compliments to Ariana for her baked goods and then smiled to Shylah. ?If it will not see you cut short, I'd sure love to try one.?

?Oi, I've known these two for years.?

?Ja ... years.? Shylah was chortling now as she pushed the basket over toward the newly met female. ?Methinks we can part with one lemon bar.?

?Thank you. That's generous of you.? There'd been many a time she had been caught short on provisions and she sincerely hoped that the generous woman would not regret her generosity later. Catalina peered into the basket and picked out what she thought must be a lemon bar. With a smile she bit into the treat, and her eyes widened with positive surprise as she got the first taste.

?Kjæreste, will you find a container fra the kitchen for these provisions?? Shylah gave Elijah a cheek kiss at the asking.

?Yessum.? Elijah gave the seafarer another squeeze of embrace before he loosed his arms from around her and got up to his feet. Then the old rancher made his way into the kitchen and disappeared behind the door.

?You be velkommen!? Shylah retrieved the basket once more. ?Oh! Ariana, I be told that I owe you this coin. Reap borrowed it to pay off a debt for me.? Still surprised he did such a thing she fished the copper out of her breeks pocket and set it on the bar.

?I also make orange, lime, raspberry, and strawberry bars. Lemon is usually a popular flavor, which is why I brought that.? Ariana was happy to inform Catalina and then stared at Shylah. ?You do? Oh that, pfft.?

?But not na.? Shylah nodded and then chuckled.

?Oi, this is good.? Catalina exclaimed with a wide smile to the women after she had swallowed. ?Thanks, gals, this is the best welcome I got anywhere in a very long time.?

?You're welcome.? That coin disappears into Ariana?s ?bank?

?Take another one if you like.? Shylah offered to Catalina, feeling generous with Ariana's baked goods that had been claimed as their provisions. ?There be more than enough.?

?I should hire you to stand outside and hawk my baked goods, Shy.? Adriana chuckled.

?I really couldn't. But thank you very much for offering.? Catalina smiled to Shylah, already feeling guilty enough. But she quite obviously enjoyed her next bite of the lemon bar in her hand as much as the first.

?Very well.? Shylah was guarding the basket at this point. ?Methinks Guthorm should do that for you, Ariana!?

?Not if it's popovers. That Popover Poacher won't leave a scrap in the basket.? Ariana replied with a hearty chuckle.

?And be I the Brownie Burglar?? Shylah stared at Ariana with a straight face, though the mirth was plain to see in her light blue eyes as Catalina finished off the lemon bar and then licked her fingers before she wiped them against her leather pants.

?Most definitely. I had to install windows along both sides of the kitchen, just so he could watch them being baked.? Ariana grinned.

Elijah had taken a fair amount of time in the kitchen, but when he returned, he not only carried a container for the baked goods, but he carried a sack full of other food items he gathered from the kitchen as well.

?Truly na! I simply adore the aroma of a bakery, whether I kann see hva be baking or not!? Shylah let the laughter tumble out of her, finally. Elijah's return had her eyes on him as quick as a wink, pearly whites and dimples showing. ?Handsome cowboy, you have returned ... bearing gifts!?

Elijah returned to Shy's side and reclaimed his seat with a kiss to her cheek. He set the sack on the bar and he handed the container to the seafarer.

?Yessum, I done got us some other provisions.? The old rancher smiled.

?Then just head west of here, and follow your nose until you smell the cinnamon and chocolate. Only if you run into a stern man who smells of chocolate, don't let him bully you.? Ariana told Shylah, but Catalina was paying close attention, too.

?Those are some fine instructions, Ariana.? Catalina finished off the cider, still wearing a happy smile. She would certainly remember those directions, right after she hunted down the money exchanger and gotten some local coins.

?Jacques is talented, but, oi, wot a temper if things don't go just so.? Ariana grinned into her glass. ?Well, it's the easiest way to lead Shy there, promise her chocolate, just like that tender fellow.

?I'm sure that works on more than just Shy.? Catalina chuckled. It would certainly work on her.

Shylah took the container, removed the lid and began to transfer the baked goodies from Ariana's basket into the tin with more chortling as she listened to Ariana.

?I know the location of your bakery. I have been there before ... unless you moved. As far as any male bullying me? Truly, do you tenke he stands a chance with me?? She paused in her task to smirk at Ariana, ?Methinks you needs to warn him about me instead.? Then she returned to place the last of the baked goods into the tin and tightly placed on the lid, sealing all that deliciousness inside

?Different things for different people. Now, the Baklava people, I'd say follow the honey and nuts aroma.? Ariana turned to Shylah again, ?No, it's still there, Shy. And I will warn him about you, though normally he stays in the back, creating chocolate candies.?

?Now, sweet company, I must be off though. I hope to get to see you all again and a good night.? Catalina had a warm smile for each of the three. After the fare wells were completed she slipped off her stool and headed for the door, and then out. Another moment later she blended into the night.


Date: 2008-07-21 15:50 EST

Catalina returned to the Red Dragon Inn the next evening, still in her leathers but all cleaned up - there was no need for wearing traveling dirt like make up in this town ? and headed straight for the bar. As she had hoped, the bartender she had met the previous evening was right there. He wasn?t duty, though, to judge by his lean against the bar and another, much more efficient bartender pouring drinks.

Marek patted himself down for a cigar, finding an already partly used one, gave a shrug and fished out a match to strike upon the bar's surface. It wasn?t the best looking cigar and used some but, it'd do for now. He took a puff and then dropped the match into a left drink on the bar.

?Rum'n coke?? He ordered when the bartender came over.

?Sure thing! Enjoy.? The bartender set a glass in front of Marek before he nodded to Catalina. ?Good evening! What might I get you??

Marek slid the glass in close and lifted for a testing sip as Catalina sat down at the bar with a nod to him and one to the bartender.

?Good evening. Cider if you got it... uhm, wait, what's the method of payment tonight?? Catalina thought to ask with a wink to the smirking Marek before she looked to the bartender again.

?Cider is available, and for that, lets just call it a 'designated driver drink' eh?? The bartender chuckled and turned to fill a glass with cider, then took it Catalina. ?There you go - enjoy!?

?Driver?? Another word she knew no meaning to, but with a glance to the bartender she decided that is was a harmless word. ?Thanks.?

?On the house.? He promptly explained.

?To your health then.? Catalina lifted up the glass before she took a drink and then set the glass down again, turning to Marek. ?Enjoying an evening off??

?Somewhat, worked earlier you could say.? He took another puff from the cigar as eyes slid down bar Catalina's way. ?Yourself??

?Still getting re-acquainted with this town.?

?Depending on the hour, it's not so bad.?

?I must be doing my snooping around at all the wrong hours then,? she grinned, ?Except, perhaps for one of those hours last night.

?Watch out where you snoop, around this city. It's not too different from where I come from. You wouldn't want t o end up on a slab.? Marek replied with a smirk to Catalina before he looked over to the man sitting further down the bar. The man shot back a curious look and a half smile pricked the corner of his mouth.

Catalina nodded to the man before she turned back to Marek, ?So far so good and did I say snooping? I may have meant something else.?

?You did. No worries though.? Marek winked, taking another puff or two from the cigar, and then cast a nod cast over to the owner of the purse he had watched the previous evening before he turned an eye at Catalina again.

?There's bigger fish to worry about.? She took another drink from her glass.

?I've heard that one before.?

The man down the bar studied his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Then he put down his bottle and looked over to Marek and Catalina once again.

?No doubt. How big or tiny a fish are you??

?How big a fish? What kinda' bait ya using?? He interrupted his study of a woman?s rear with a slightly arched brow to Catalina and then perked a smirk as he lifted his cigar for another puff.

?Depends....? Catalina gave a little shrug and a sideway glance, and brought up the note she had happened across. At the time she had only read the note because of the name with it. But reading it had sparked an idea. ?? got something for plotwings or stiffs??

?Well, sounds like at least you know what you're doing maybe. If I ever have the hanker'n to go fishing, I'll drop you a line.... no pun intended there.? Marek chuckled as he lowered the cigar from his lips and nodded over at Catalina.

?I must have been mistaken, thought I heard something about special arms.? What did he think wings and stiffs were? ?A line? With bait on it??

?Hmm... not a bad tush.? Marek said idly to himself, nodding after a passing woman, before he once again turned to Catalina.

?Special arms? Well, they aren't tard'ish if that's what you're inquiring.? Politically correct he was not, perking a smile her way.

?Have ta' get to know me more though before we'll talk about them maybe. Far as a line and bait... popcorn. Works everytime.? He winked and lifted his glass for a swallow.

?Could be worth a try.? Catalina grinned, though why he?d need for her to know him better before he was willing to do business with her was puzzling.

?I'll have to purchase some popcorn.? He winked and took another swallow from his glass.

?I wonder...? Was he wanting to bait her or the owner of the rear he admired a moment ago? Instead she asked, ?? is that anything like poprocks??

Marek quirked a brow at curious word and then smirked again.

?Naw...? His eyes shifted over at a snort with an arched brow and a shake of his head and then settled the cigar to his lips.

?T'would be for personal use, protection, not a large scale.? If he had meant to imply baiting a big order, she had better disabuse him of that notion right away.

Marek lifted another curious brow over at Catalina, lips parting to allow the escape of smoke, lowering the cigar. That look sparked an idea and she winked to Marek before she turned to the bartender. Discussing business with fewer ears to overhear would likely be better.

?May I have some 'popcorn', please?? She requested as soon as she had the bartender?s attention and grinned when she heard Marek?s chuckle as the bartender left to get the requested item.

The bar tender returned promptly and set a bowl in front of her. ?There you go!?

?Thank you very much.? Catalina nodded to the bartender before she took a closer look at this 'popcorn'. It didn?t appear particularly exciting to her or even appealing. ?So that's bait.?

?Nice choice...? Marek remarked idly, taking a swallow from his glass with a glance of eyes over to the two women standing down the bar, before he turned his gaze back to Catalina.

?Am I supposed to leave a trail?? Catalina picked up the bowl and her glass as she slipped off the barstool.

?Depends what you're fishing for, earlier you were talking about lines.? Marek chuckled as he lowered his glass.

?You mentioned a need to fish for information. That porch looks more suited for such.? Catalina wasn?t fishing for lines and she wondered how he arrived at such a conclusion? unless ?lines? was another word that had a different meaning here.

?I was talking about you.? He smirked and winked. ?But I've got a little time.?

?I'd like some of that too. So, the bait'll be on the porch.? She winked, leaving it up to him to figure out if she meant time or information. Bowl and glass in hand she headed for the porch.


Date: 2008-07-21 18:04 EST
Marek slipped up from his stool, the thing wasn't comfy anyhow, took his glass and settled the cigar to his lips as moved for the front. He pushed out onto the porch just as Catalina balanced the bowl of popcorn upon the railing, and moved for a lean at the rail, releasing smoke upwards into the air as the cigar was plucked from his lips.

?Thanks for the tip about the bait.? Catalina looked up to him, glad that the porch was devoid of people other than them. ?Getting to know me better... what would you like to know??

?Working out of the city, or for it, or just passing through?? He gave light shrug of his shoulders against the leather jacket he was wearing.

?Definitely not working for the city. I'm a currier, taking messages from one officer to another in a place that has long been drenched in war. I usually travel alone.? She allowed for that information to sink in, wondering how much she needed to tell and how little telling she could get away with for now.

?Ah... military?? He gave a slight nod of his head. ?Been there, done that. Pays decent for you, or you do it for country and honor and all that??

?No, I'm not military.? Catalina shrugged and decided to give that popcorn a try, it looked harmless enough. ?It beats ... ugh, the other options available.?

?Which are?? He perked a smirk as eyes turned her way and his lean shifted against the railing, lifting his glass for a sip. ?You ever eaten that stuff??

?No, never. Want some?? She nodded to the bowl. That smirk of Marek?s was starting to grow on her. ?Warrior, some kind of chattel, maid at court for those with no magic or healing talents.?

?Hmm... not many choices there. Though not everyone is given many to pick from when trying to decide what to grow into when they get older.?

?I got lucky and the king lets me play message boy.? Right, that sounded simple enough. ?Anyway, nights are dangerous outside of city walls.?

?Popcorn and cigars don't mix well.? Marek declined with a wink to her and with a perking smirk. ?Best advice, bit of melted butter and salt added. That's the key to a good bowl of popcorn. Just keep the napkins handy. This city here is dangerous enough, inside it's walls. Odd isn't it??

?You'll have to show me sometime.? Then she tried to remember the words the people in this town used for what was out there on Dragon?s Eye. ?What dies and isn't burned rises for the other side.?

?A quote from your neck of the woods?? Marek lifted a brow over at her as he lowered his glass from a swallow. ?Sounds similar to a few quotes I've heard over the years.?

?Your wings... vampires (?) are fat and happy. And I've not seen a single stiff or bone around since getting here... uhm, skeletons and ...?? She shrugged, she was not quoting anything but trying to give him the information she thought he needed to sell her the perfect weapon. ?So you got something that might be of better use than bow and knife??

?Sword?? Marek offered to her with a lifted brow. ?A shotgun works good, takes the head off, or knocks the heart clean out of them, into little pieces if up close and personal.?

?No sword, thank you. Traveling light's better, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for one of them warrior types. Got anything less messy and more permanent?? Swords were pretty useless weapons against the undead, and this ?shotgun? sounded little better than a dagger if one had to be up close and personal to make it work.

?Holy water? Carry it in a wine bottle or a few small flasks maybe.? He nodded, taking another puff from his cigar.

?Right.? Catalina had to laugh at the suggestion of holy water and her running from one battle field to another, carrying bottles of it. He?d not understood a thing she?d been telling him, though. ?Nice little place I come from, right? Maybe I should try to find a mage and a portable tree to pull out when need be to climb up into.?

?Maybe, but some Mages cost a lot. Others you have to go on some damned quest for them first before they help you.? He let a bit of smoke escape his lips and then chuckled softly.

?That?s exactly why I thought to try other things first, and you strike me as rather nice.? Catalina smiled up. Perhaps he was coming around after all. ?So, there's no clean little thing that works over a distance and I can stop looking for such a device??

?I don't know about 'nice' but I can be all right I suppose'.? He gave her a nod before he lowered his cigar with a play of smoke off to the side from his lips. After a pause he nodded again. ?For a long distance, you could use a high powered sniper rifle. Something that would blow the heart, or head right off at say over a few hundred yards maybe, put you at a safe distance. Thing is, you'd have to wait a while for one to show up in your scope, or find a spot they hang out and wait for them to show up.?

?Maybe I gave the wrong idea.? Catalina nodded to his answer. While that certainly sounded more like it, she had no intention of hunting those things.

?A fifty caliber would do the trick, the head or heart would be off before they knew what hit them.... wrong idea?? He quirked a brow and lifted his glass for a sip.

?You see, what I'm looking for is something to be useful while on the move. Having to find and take the long way around all the time gets old, and one can't always run.?

?Best advice then, is a high powered handgun... a smaller shotgun you can strap to your back or toss over a shoulder in a sling, or... find someone to show you the fine art of the sword and then purchase or obtain a well made sword for slicing and dicing.? He winked over.

?Do those things come in a pocket size - would be easier to get to fast than something stowed in a pack.? Then she grinned as she caught the wink, ignoring the renewed mention of swords. If she had wanted to be a warrior, she?d have become one, and likely be dead by now. ?Are you offering? A pocket size sword I got, it's called a knife.?

?I'm not the one to teach you the fine art of the sword. I prefer a gun in my hand. Ha ha.? He smirked at the comment about the knife. Then his eyes shifted over at the pair joining them on the porch before he looked back at Catalina. ?Well, we could find you a smaller, yet powerful handgun maybe. A flask kept at your hip with holy water would work??

?That just might work.? She ignored that he had brought up that silly idea of holy water again and gave the couple a glance and then she looked back to Marek. So much for privacy.

?I'd have to learn the proper use of that, too.? And she did. So far she?d just heard stories or rumors about such weapons.

?Comes down to what you'd feel comfortable with. Bladed or projectile type weaponry??

?I'd have to find that out, right? I know the knife and bow are useless except for keeping fresh warriors off and finding the occasional meal along the way.? She wished he?d drop the subject of swords, though.

?Are you agile??

?So far I've been agile enough.? She winked to Marek.

?Well, then I'll check first into something with a blade. Something easy to carry, light of weight.? He smirked again and nodded.

Catalina wanted to groan.

?Trouble in paradise, Lerida?? Marek was distracted again, this time by a woman that had stepped out onto the porch. She came up to the railing and, holding her breath, shrank down to her knees, shoulder blades to the porch post. She didn?t reply to Marek, though.

?You just don't get it.? Catalina shook her head in frustration. ?I got a knife, I know how to use it, and I can't be walking around with a sword that weighs 10 or 20 pounds. Do I look like a big hunking warrior type to you? Anyway, those things will just rise again when maimed with a blade.?

?That?s why you have to learn how to sever the head with a light weight sword that would give you some room to work with.? Marek nodded to Catalina as lifted the cigar to his lips, casting a glance over at Lerida again.

?I'm not wanting to get that close.? Catalina repeated just as the woman stared to cuss and then stood up again. How a man supposedly making his money in selling guns could be this stuck on swords was beyond her. ?Perhaps we should stick to you teaching me about popcorn for now.?

?Then I'll check into something projectile like, so you can keep a distance yeah?? He gave her another wink and another nod, considering for a moment what he could get a hold of. Then he chuckled at hearing the comment about the popcorn as he glanced over at Lerida again with a curious brow.

Catalina smiled and nodded at that promise. Either he'd finally caught on or he had merely been testing her earlier.

The woman lifted her skirt and pulled a knife from a garter, and then launched the knife across the porch. The dagger embedded itself into the wood.

Marek quirked a brow over at the knife throwing on the porch, words that had been coming to his mouth were forgotten for now.

?Hm, I'd say an upset mood was setting in.? He said with a curious look to the crazed woman.

?Would you like to check that out??

?Lerida?? Marek tilted his head with a shift of his lean against the railing, lifting his glass for a sip and then lowering it again to the porch rail with a nod over at Catalina. His eyes drifted back at Lerida. ?Having a bad night, Lerida??

"I'm fine...? the woman lied blatantly, dropping her skirt.

?Yeah, I can see that. Bad night on the town? Need a drink or something?? Marek?s brow was still arched, his entire attention on the woman.

?Maybe popcorn?? Catalina suggested. ?I'll see you later Marek.?

?I'll try the popcorn later maybe.? Marek said with a smirk to Catalina, but glanced right back over at Lerida. ?Been to a few hellish situations myself. They can be a pickle can't they??

Catalina headed back inside, leaving the pop corn behind. She had already started for the bar when she spotted Rena and she redirected her steps to say hello to her and perhaps to meet a few more people.

?Good evening Rena. You're a sight for sore eyes!? A friendly and familiar face was just what was needed to perk her back up, Catalina thought.

?Good evening. Catalina, this is Tass. Tass, Catalina.? Rena introduced her to the older man she had been talking with.

?Good evening, Tass.? She had a smiled and a nod for the man, instantly suspicious of him. But she had no idea why that should be so, nothing in his mannerism suggested anything untoward.

?T?is a pleasure.? He smiled and nodded.

?How was your day, Rena?? Catalina finished off her cider and then found a place to set down the empty glass.

?I spent the better part of it at home, cleaning up. Then I did a shift over in the Arena. I am now taking a break before I head back home. How was yours?? Rena applied amicably.

?Not nearly as exciting. There's still no sign of life at the ranch and there seem to be no kisses for drinks tonight.? With a wink she added, ?Too bad, I was kind of warming up to that one.?

?Things may pick up for you though.? Rena nodded.

?And then they may not.? Catalina shrugged at the odd reply. ?Such is life. Benji and Dax haven't been seen or heard from in over a year. Maybe the bones got them, too. I'm supposed to hang around in case one or the other makes it here.?

?Hopefully one or the other will show up.? Rena sounded like she didn?t believe that any more than Catalina did.

?It would be preferable to the bones having them or worse.? She held absolutely no hope of seeing Benji alive again. Dax was a different story, but him she?d rather avoid. ?I just thought you should know that I found no notes in the usual spots. On to nicer things... What can you tell me about that handsome tender??

?What tender?? Rena peered to the bar.

?Marek, he said his name was, tall, dark hair, adorable little beard.? Catalina gave a brief description, a description definitely not fitting the boy faced tender that was standing behind the bar now. ?You know, the kind that could make a woman forget all about king and country and a lot more,?

?He?s taken.? Rena replied with a bit of a chuckle, not really having listened to the description.

?Just my luck.? Catalina greeted that news with a sigh and fell silent. For a while she merely followed the conversations around her.

?I think I'll head back to the ranch for tonight.? Catalina offered half an hour later.

?Safe travels, Catey.? Rena replied, interrupting her conversation with one of the others there.

?To you as well, Rena, and good night.? Slowly and deep in thought Catalina made her way to the door.


Date: 2008-07-22 14:49 EST
Meeting Rory O'Corr

Catalina had spend a couple of days at Val?s ranch. There was nothing quite like spending a few days roaming and occassionally lending a hand to the workers to put everything into perspective. But that kind of activity was not nearly exciting enough to suit her. She was used to be constantly on alert and by the third day on the ranch she was thoroughly bored. Hoping that the town might provide some excitement, she got cleaned up, exchanged her leathers for a gypsy skirt and blouse and headed out.

She spotted Rena right away when she entered the Inn a couple hours later and headed over to her.

?Good evening, Rena.? As always she had a smile for her, not caring if it was politically wise to be friends with king?s ex-girl friend or not. ?How are you tonight??

?I'm good. Yourself?? Rena replied with a welcoming smile.

?Much better now.? Catalina grinned back and then gave a pointed sweeping glance over the patrons present. There wasn?t a single person around wearing armor or carrying a blade, much unlike the inns at home that were either empty when she arrived or stuffed with warriors fresh from the field. ?All this eye candy...?

?Excuse me a minute, Catey.? Rena took her mug and wandered off. Catalina?s eyes followed to see who Rena may have spotted. When she saw the man that Rena greeted a moment later and the way the man looked at Rena, she knew that waiting for Rena to return would be pointless and she headed for the bar.

A tiger cub was there, drawing the attention of surprisingly few patrons. When the cub wriggled a paw at her Catalina sent a smile its way as she sat down on a free stool, remembering it hunting Ariana?s foot a few days ago. The woman standing behind the bar appeared annoyed and inattentive, and unlikely to ask for drink orders anytime soon, though. The rather handsome cowboy sitting next to her sure wasn?t getting a response from the woman behind the bar. If she wanted something to drink, she?d have to get it herself, she decided, and slid back off the stool to walk through the break behind the bar and directly to the cooler she knew to house the cooled cider.

She was just about to pour cider into the glass she had found when the handsome cowboy turned his baby blue eyes on her.

"'Scuhse Mihss! Aenaehy chahnce y't'ihnk y'moigh' paehr ah fehllah ah drihnk?? He sounded all sorts of hopeful.

?Sure, want cidar or something else? I think I saw some ale bottles over there.? She smiled to the cowboy. Good looking, a sexy voice, and the most charming accent ? she?d love to get to know this one.

?W'ihskaehy, m'daehr.? He replied with a wide smile and a lightning-fast wink.

?Right, whatever was I thinking?? Catalina grinned, further pleased that he?d not even be reeking of ale.

?W'a'ae'er ihs claouhsehs', jehs' a glahss wi' maehybeh sohme oihce an' jehs' t'bah'aehle nehcks t'ih'.? He paused for a chuckle and a little shrug and to send another little wink her way. ?Och, taehke buh' whone toihme t'laehrn t'drihnkihn' 'ahbih's ov a'A'Caehr.?

Catalina found glass and bottle claiming it was whisky and a moment later set both glasses, his whiskey and her cider, on the counter.

?There you go, Sweety.? She re-corked the bottles. ?Oice? I wish I knew where that was. The cider would be better with some ice, too.?

?Et ihn t'oihcebahcks!? He snickered at her question and then gave her a warm smile.

?Might you be able to point me in the right direction?? Ice bucket, of course, she should have thought of that.

?Y'knaouhw, a'tahp'ah t'frihdge.? He nodded and took up his glass and gazed at it appreciatively. ?Och, t'ahnkeh muhch, gaehrgeouhs. Och! Oi kihn daou y'whone beh'aehr. 'Ll shaouhw y'!?

?Ten should do it.? She took a page from Marek?s book, the not-a-tender who had charged her similarly, with a wink to the cowboy.

?Tehn w'a', daehrlihn'?? He plucked himself up off of the barstool and made a quick survey around the bar, ducking under the pass through to the other side. Spry in his step, bootheels clicking softly, he came up alongside of her, freshwater blue eyes flitting here and there in a mostly chaste appraisal.

?We're in luck.? Catalina had spotted what what might be an ice bucket and lifted the lid to check, and then reached out some ice cubes to carefully squeeze into the rather full glasses. ?Oh, kisses, of course.?

?Och. Wihsh Oi couhl' paehy f'i' ahll loihke tha'.? Well, he was rather close, now. Black eyebrows waggled at her. ?Y'wahn saee w'aehre tha' bahcks ihs, er y'wahn' smaoouhch i' up ihn frohnn'ah ae'eraehywhone??

?Well, little ones perhaps? Not that I end up owing you change.? She turned toward him with a grin and a wink.

?Och, y'kihn aouhwe mae.? He came closer and put a firm day-laborer's hand at the small of her back. The pressure was light, a question.

?Somehow I think that might not be so bad after all.? She chuckled melodiously. He came closer and her breath caught.

?Aeouhnlaehy ihf'n y'pluhg yer naouhse.? He said with a light snicker and he winked, quick as you like.

?No need.? She reather liked the fragrance of his cologne, citrusy lemon with a slight after-scent of lime, a tiny hint of fresh talcum, a bit of lemongrass, she decided as she answered the question of his hand and took the half a step still separating them, tilting her face up and winking back.

?'Ow're y'faeehlihn' 'bout nuhm'aehr whone?? He tilted his head part way toward hers?.

?Number one?? She brought up a hand to rest on his shoulder. Then she grinned, ?Oh, yer counting them? I'll tell you once I have it.?

?Ohaye. Y'aeihn' t'ihnk Oi wahs gaouihn' geh' 'ehm all a' whonce, dihdjah? Wehll, 'M caouhntin' 'tihll Oi laouhse trahck.?

?I'll try keeping count too then.? She winked up.

?Y'aeihn' waehrraehy ahbaouh' i'.? With a sly grin he pressed a bit harder into the small of her back, even dropping down to the beginning rise of her bum. They didn't call him the Rogue for nothing. And in he went, plump, full lips pressing into her own, the smallest hint of tongue but he didn?t push. The tease, that was what kept them coming, he knew.

Catalina gave into the pressure of his hand as his lips meet hers, keeping her lips soft and yielding, surrendering herself completely into his control. After the tiniest lick of her lips he pulled back a bit, the hand still on the top of her bum, resting gently. A cat-that-ate-the-canary grin on his lips his other arm snaked out to the bar to grab his drink, swirling it a bit before he had a long swallow, killing the glass.

?That was.... a good start. I'm starting to like this town.? She grinned back and reached for the cider glass to take a drink from it.

Rory cackled, the usual O'Corr raucous cackle, it had no boundaries, it knew no ends. It was decidedly not refined, and Catalina loved it instantly. It was contagious, too. Her laughter was a bit more on the melodious side, though. He shook his head and readjusted the cowboy hat. The tight, stained curls on either end, the criss-cross straw thatch of this particular design, claimed him to be backwoods, high-plains and plateau-settlement. One could almost see him readjusting himself on a horse. He shifted from one leg to the next.

?I' gah' ih's...pahs'ihtaehves.? He smirked.

?That you did.? Catalina grinned back, wishing she?d had allowed him to show her where the back was. He?d done far more than just pass, though, he aced.

He kept both babyblues on her as he leaned over a bit to pick up the bottle of Whiskey and poured himself another four fingers.

?What do you want to do with the other nine?? No way was she looking anywhere else while those baby blues where right there looking at her like that and his arm remained around her.

?Och. Plaehy i' boihy aeahr.? His eyes widened a bit, like it hadn't occurred to him yet. A stutter-stop and he shot an index finger out at her. ?T'aouhgh' Oi taehld y'nae t'caouhn'!?

?What makes you think I'd let you get away with only a partial payment?? She should probably leave one unpaid for, though, for all the obvious reasons.

?Taeahse.? He accused with the same raucous cackle as earler. Then he shook his head and turned on a million-watt smile.He had a sip of whiskey.

?Not so!? Her hand promptly moved from his shoulder to the nape of his neck to pull his head to hers to get the second installment, soft lips pressing lightly.

Oh, flirting hour was over, that had been the first kiss. He split her lips gently at first, but still a soft push with his own tongue, pressing them apart bit by bit, trying to tempt her own tongue into it. Though no tempting on his part was needed, as he found out almost instantly. His hand on her back slipped lower, full-on to butt country, and gave it a light, flirtatious squeeze. A soft bite at her bottom lip was returned a moment later. She accepted all his invitations and issued a few of her own. The glass left on the bartop with a light "thud." The hand free now, snaked up into the back of her hair, cupping the back of her head, even as her free hand came up to rest against his chest. With a small snicker he pulled away slowly. His hand came out of her hair, but the other remained full on her butt, giving it another squeeze.

?Och, Oi t'ihnk y'waehrt' kaeehpihn' 'raouhn' 'aehre.? His words drew a soft chuckle. Then just smiled up into his baby blue eyes. Her face flushed, the slightly swollon lips, out of breath, she looked throroughly kissed.

?I might be persuaded to be staying around.? She gave a chuckle at his words and. Who was she kidding, she was already persuaded.

?Tha' aeihn' gon' bae t'waehrs' t'ihn' ihn t'waehrl'. He grinned and then finished the whiskey in his glass and poured another immediately.

?Far from it.? She reached for her glass and drained it in a few swallows before she returned the glass back to the counter and her hand back to that shoulder.

Rory smirked and had another drink along with a quick flit around the inn, seeing who was there. He leaned in close to the woman in his arm and gave her a quick nip on the neck.

?Yer oit'aehr staehyihn' 'aehre w'oihle Oi gaou saehy 'ehllaouh t'an aouhl' friehn' er y'cohmin' wih'.

Boihy t'waehy tha' d'nnaough caouhn'.? He nodded.

?Good evening.? Catalina called over to Shylah. She hadn't noticed her until the handsome cowboy had glanced over that way.

?Greetings!? Shylah promptly returned.

?I'm Catey.? She grinned to the man still holding her, of course she was coming with. ?That sounds like a good enough reason for staying Something tells me you can do something to keep me from getting bored to death.?

?Raouhraehy Ah'Caehrr.? He cleared his throat and repeated without the coloring of the brogue, ?Rory O'Corr.?

?It's apleasure, definitely a pleasure, Rory.? So he wanted to make sure she really knew his name, she noted with a pleased smile. Then she caught the thin smile Rory sent over to Shylah. ?Since you've given your full name... Catalina Mandoccy. That was just two by the way.?

Rory gave a snort and released all sorts of holds on her then, and meandered his way over to Shy, a grin on his lips and a happy bounce in his step.


?Rory.? Pearly whites and dimples appeared on Shylah?s face.

Catalina took a minute to refill her glass before she followed Rory to greet Shylah properly.

?Shoihy.? Rory had a wide smile.

?Roar.? Shylah snickered.

?Ae'enihn'!? Rory greeted Shylah?s company with a warm grin and a nod before he snorted at Shylah. ?Aeihn' saeehn y'ihn mohn's!?

?Have you two met before this natt?? Shylah?s gaze moved between Valdor and O'Corr after Valdor returned the greeting.

?Let me try this again. A good evening to you. It's nice to see you again.? Catalina offered a friendly smile to Shylah and her company when she arrived at their table.

?Na your godt luck has run out, Rory.? Shylah chortled some more. ?Godt e'ening, Catalina. Rory and Catalina, this be Konnar Valdor ... Konnar, Rory and Catalina.?

Connar nodded to Catalina before he answered Shylah, ?Rory and his reputation are a regular fixture around here...about as hard to miss as the front door.?


Date: 2008-07-23 13:16 EST
W'a' gaoouhd luhck?? Rory looked to Shylah, unsure of what she meant, a black eyebrow lifted high. ?An' w'a' rehputaeshuhn??

?The godt luck of not seeing me for month's, O'Korr.? Shylah left Connar to answer the second question.

?Nice to meet you Konnar. A reputation I ought to be made aware of?? Catalina wanted to know with a glance to Rory.

?Tha's nae gaoouhd luhck! Oi laouhve saeeihn' y', Shoihy.? Rory replied with a snort.

?You do?? All right, she might as well jump in with both booted feet. ?And hvorfor do you love to see me, Rory??

?Thank you.? Catalina slid into the chair Connar had pulled out for her after a quick glance to Shylah. Very much wanting to know what there was to know of the man she just kissed ? twice, she grinned to Connar then. ?I'm all ears, Konnar.?

?'Cause wae friehn's?? He gave her a confused look. ?Aeihn' wae??

?Be you asking me or telling me, O'Korr?? Shylah smirked.

?Oi t'aouhgh' wae waehre.?

?Ye'd be best served not taking any advice from me...? Connar replied to Catalina at length.

?So careful.? Catalina chuckled at the evasion and then turned to Rory. ?Konnar seems to be a good friend of yours.?

?Aeihn' knaouhw 'im.? Rory replied with a sidelong glance to Catalina and Connar.

?I have a question for you Rory.? A sly grin appeared in Shylah?s face now.

?Ahlt'aough frohm ahll t'snihckaehrihn' a' m'ehckspehnse... maehybaeh wae aeihn'. Oh? An' w'a's thah'?? Rory tilted his head.

?Hvordan be your betrothed? I have not seen her around in a long time.?

?Ut-oh, maybe two was enough then.? The mutter slipped out. Catalina wanted nothing to do with anyone betrothed, even if he could kiss like Rory had.

The change taking place in Rory?s face told otherwise, though. Everything inside of him seemed to fall all at once and the light in his freshwater eyes extinguished. He almost sunk in stature, but somehow held on. But his whole face, his whole personality appeared suddenly dead. Catalina?s stomach knotted in response.

?Oi aeihn' knaouhw.?

?Hva do you mean you do not know? You two be together all of the time!? Shylah arched a brow and just stared at O'Corr.

Rory stared at the glass, and finally swallowed it all in a quick motion and stood. The glass left on the table. He looked at Shylah for a long moment. His bright blue eyes were swollen with heartbreak, glassy, ready to burst. His throat choked off. He hadn't wanted to go here. He didn't consider himself betrothed any longer, it had been so long, but he also couldn't deny the loss.

?Nice going...? Connar looked from Rory to Shylah to Catalina and back to Shylah.

Catalina looked to Rory, a little confused and a lot concerned by that expression she found there in his eyes.

Rory turned with a snap and stalked to the bar. Shoving a hapless patron out of his way, the man collided into a table and nearly upended it, the boot heels click-clacking hard. It was time to destroy himself with a bottle or four. He thought of his father, his fianc?, his own self, and concluded that he might as well get a hat-trick.

?Excuse me, Shylah, Konnar.? Catalina decided to check on Rory. It didn?t matter that she had only just met him. By some weird twist of fate she already knew more of him than he?d have told her of his own free will in weeks or months of constantly stumbling over each other. That and no one else appeared inclined to do so.

?By all means, m'lady.? Conner looked at Catalina.

?Shut the frell up, Konnar.? Shylah continued to watch Rory, though, even after he stalked off. She heard Connar's remark and shoots a look back at him. "I be not a frellin mind-reader like some of the people in this land. You know as well as I do that he and his betrothed be all o'er each other like ... like ... like white on rice!?

Catalina nodded to both as she rose and then hurried to catch up with Rory. He had turned the pass with ease. His jaw was set hard, his eyes burned, boiled even. He snatched up the bottle quick and drew it up, swallowing and swallowing.


Rory glared from around one side of the bottle, air bubbles glub-glub-glubbing up into it. He didn't stop until it was gone. He dropped the bottle onto the floor. It clunked safely, not shattering.

Catalina moved in close, avoiding the path of the bottle. Rory did a quick turn and he found another bottle of Whiskey. O'Corr Distillery, oh, that was one he liked.

?Quite a drag you got there.?

?Ohaye.? He popped the cork off the second bottle. ?Cohmewi't' taehrrih'taouhraehy.?

Dangerous as that might be, it was worth a try, Catalina thought, and reached up a hand to stay the bottle, but it merely earned her a glare as Rory jerked away.

?Say the word and I'll go away and leave you to your bottles. A little company may serve you better, though.?

Rory whipped around to look at the young woman sitting at the bar who had mentioned a name with his eyes open wide and a rise to one eyebrow. He held a hand out at Catey, though.

?'Owy'knaouhw'er?? He asked inquisitively even as Catalina took his hand. He had a long swig from the bottle, to pass the time. Then he very pointedly addressed the young woman again. ?'Owy'knaouhwC'aehrnah??

?I know her. She's Gramma Kina's sisterwife.? A matching brow rose to Rory before the young women returned to petting the tiger cub.

Rory nodded slowly, unblinking, like he wanted to swallow up anyone who knew her, like it would help him.

?Wisper said she saw her. You should ask her if you want to know more. No one tells me everything.? The young woman added then.

Rory gave her a sour look and then went back to his bottle, even as Shylah moved behind the bar, supposedly for nothing more than a refill.

?You want to fight me, O'Korr?? Shylah stared at Rory. Catalina moved closer to him.

?W'oihy t'fuhck waouhl' Oi wahnna foigh' y'?? Rory quirked a brow at Shylah. He was still clearly ruined. His hand unsteady, gripped the bottle hard, but it still shook a little.

Shylah had topped off her drinking vessel and began her trek back to Connar's table. She gazed back upon O'Corr, ?Because I made you tear up and storm off after asking about Charna. If you be angry at me for that, then komm on, let us take it outside!?

?T'fuhck yer wahn' foigh' m'fer? W'u' Oi dou t'ya?? He gave her a quizzical look. Catalina gave his hand in hers a compassionate squeeze, none too gentle so he would feel it through the whisky haze, meant to be steadying in some way. ?Jehs' 'cuhs yer saehy sohmet'ihn' Oi nae wahnnah 'aeahr douehsnah maeahn wae aeihn' nae lahngaehr friehn's.?

?Tell me Rory, how long has Charna been missing?? Shylah asked promptly.

?Oi d'nah. Mohnt's. Saeehms loihke'ah yaeahr.?

?Have you searched for her??

Catalina would love to hear that answer, too, and though she didn?t agree with the timing gave Shylah a smile of thanks for the asking

?A'faehrs' Oi t'aouhgh' shae wus jehs' gihin' caouhl' faeeh'...buh' t'ehn shae nae'ehr cohme bahck. Ah'caehrse.? Like he hadn't already been through this once. Like he hadn't already mourned her death and then found her alive, thought his life was over before and gotten her back. It was the same as last time, all over again.

?Rory ... methinks you needs to check with the slavers.? Shylah advised.

?Oi 'aehrd sohmet'ihn' buh' nae... t'aouhgh'...? He was barely holding it together, the grip on Catey's hand was going to get bad soon, if she stuck around. But she did not let go of his hand.

?Benji's been missing for over a year, and so's Dax, his best buddy, a dragon. I've not searched, but the king has had everywhere searched.? She offered her own answers to Rory in response to Shylah?s questions. ?He's dead.?

?I do not understand the reason you be telling me those things, Catalina.? Shylah quickly glanced to Catalina. It wasn?t a friendly glance.

?Maybe I was telling Rory?? Catalina slightly shook her head, not currently feeling particularly charitable toward Shylah.

Rory lurched, taking the bottle and Catey with him.

?W'a' 'ave y'aehrd?!? His eyes were wide again, dim but alive.

?I have not heard anyting, Rory, but if I recall correctly ... twas my tenking that I saw Charna with one of the slavers a while back.? Shylah replied. ?As I said, mayhaps you should check with the slavers.?

?Ohaye i' jehs' oihdaehle paehrlaehr chah' t'y'. I' aeihn' ihmpaehr'aeihn'.? Rory glowered at Shylah, doubly sour, and let go of Catalina?s hand. He gripped the bottle hard and he stalked off, through the break again and towards the kitchen with a mutter of Gaelic swirling behind him.

For a moment or two Catalina could just stare dumbly at the kitchen door that swung angrily for a while, anger rising hot from somewhere inside her. She caught snippets of his shouting, the cracks and clangs of pots and pans and flatware being broken in the kitchen.

?Ohayet'fuhckaenaehywhoine caehrei'sjehs'm'woihfet'bae i'aeihn'loihkei'ihmpaeihr'aeihn' ernoh't'ihn'!? Was interupted by more smashing, clattering and shattering.

Catalina came back to life and made to follow, a string of words ready about what was and was not parlor chat.

?Now you listen here, big baby, when someone tells you something like that no amount of booze will excuse calling it parlor chatter!? She started still walking toward him.

Rory glared at her, his freshwater eyes on fire, the bottle of whiskey in one hand held like a club. The other hand a 10" chef's knife in it.

?You ain?t the only person who's met by death at every corner. And quite honestly, life's too short to spend half of it roaring drunk.? The knife surprised her but she was too angry right now for that to hold her back. ?Go for it!?

?W'ot' fuhck d'y'tihnk y'aehre? D'y've aenaehyoihdaeah w'a't'ihsfahmihlaehy baeehnt'raouhgh?! D'y've aenaehy oihdaeah 'owt'ihsfahmihlaehy waehrks??

?Flesh and blood, that's for sure. I ain't calling your misery unimportant over one of yours? disappearing, so don't dare tell me it is when mine do. Family? No, those have long since been gotten by the wings and bones.?

?Tha'sroigh'. Y'aeihn' knaouhw t'ihs fahmihlaehy. Y'aeihn' knaouhw 'ow i'waehrks.?

?I see no family here. Just you.? Catalina blinked a few times. How dare he imply that he could insult her just because none of her family had survived long enough for her to know them! ?Unless you're saying that knife and bottle are family.?

?Uncle Rory?? The youngster that had spoken to Rory earlier wandered into the kitchen just then as if to proof Catalina wrong.

?M'fahmihlaehy ahlwaehys wi' mae.? Rory looked past Catalina to the young woman, strained, the chef's knife still in his hand. ?W'a'??

?I'm sorry I said things that made you unhappy.?

?Aeihn' y'fauhl' daeahr.? Rory replied to the girl and tilted his bottle Catey's way, so she could see the O'Corr Distillery label.

?You should talk to Wisper.? The girl took a step into the kitchen. ?I hate seeing family sad.?

It was a sardonic joke, but a joke none the less, the label proclaimed the bottle family. Angry she might be, but catching that connection she couldn?t help but grin.

?Aeihn'y'fauhl', daerhlihn'.? Rory said to the girl. That didn't stop him from swallowing a good fifth of the bottle, though. Maybe for once he wouldn't wake up and vomit. Maybe tonight he'd never wake up.

?We miss her too you know. 'Specially Gramma. Just remember you aren't alone ok?? The girl offered with a sad smile before she headed back out of the kitchen.

Catalina shook her head. ?What now, Rory??

?T'fuchk yer maeahnw'u'naouhw. Gon'drihnkm'saehlf ihnnaoblihvion.? Rory took another long swallow.

?Right. And then??

?W'uaehlse ihst'aehre??

?You?re missing one person, you've a niece, friends, and there's tomorrow. And I've not a clue why I'm even talking with you, except that I know what it's like... and if you think a few bottles or barrels can turn it all into a parlor joke, you're wrong.?

?"Ah" naeihce?? Rory snorted. ?'Ve gah' foihve naeihcehs. 'Ve gah' faehr nehpheuws. 'Ve gah' t'raeeh sihs'aehrs an' sehvehn brot'aehrs. 'Ve gah' ah moht'aehr.?

?She called you uncle. And you can just be glad for having family.? Catalina stared at Rory who merely rolled his eyes, torn between compassion and anger. ?Are you going to put that blade down anytime soon??

Oh, but what was better? Have a friend and potential lover? Or burn another bridge forever? Ruin something else in his life? Ruining something was still in his control. He couldn't make someone love him. But he could make someone hate him.

Catalina knew that look, too, had seen it many times over, could almost read from it what he was thinking. Nothing good followed such a look, usually. She took a half a step back.

Rory lay the knife down, gently, and took another swallow. Catalina blinked in surprise, wondering what he?d do next. The look was still there in his eyes. If he was going to ruin a friendship or potential lover, it'd be slowly, not with any chef's knife. He had another long swallow. There was less than half left in the bottle.

Life was too short for holding grudges, just as it was too short to spend grieving for too long. She crossed the distance quickly before courage could take flight. The moment the bottle came down she leaned in. If he wasn't going to pull back, she'd kiss him.

He had no energy for any sort of retreat or attack. Nor did he put much into the kiss, but then again he was the Gypsy Rogue, and he couldn't help but kiss like the man he was and Catalina more then made up for his lack of effort. Anger, passion, heartbreak were raw and evident in the way her lips and tongue conquered his. And yet there was also a hint something gentler that tasted of tomorrow. She was being quite thorough, wanting him to have no doubt about what she was expressing, before she pulled back, eyes still ablaze but no longer with anger.

?An'jehsw'a'wahstha'f'?? Rory grinned, burying all of it from before. He was amazing at it. World-class liar when it suited him. He licked his lips.

?Right. I'm sure you'll figure that out here in a moment.? The grin just started to come back to her lips.

?D'nahw'a'tha'maeahn buh'ahlroigh'.? He gave her a quizzical look.

?A taste of what could be tomorrow, yes, in response for that murderous look you gave me just before.?

?Oiaeihn'shuhre'ah thalaoouhky'maeahn. Buh'Oishuhreknaouhw y'shaouhl'nae baetaouchin' m'w'ihskaehy.? He nodded to his last words.

?I figured you should know what you might be destroying before you get started.? She winked to him.

?Oiknaouhwehcksac'laehy w'u'Oidaestraehy. Oidaehstraehy t't'ihn'sOiwahn' maouhs'. Tha's'aouhw y'faeehlt'maouhs' saehrraehyf'y'saehlf lae'aehr, y'knaouhw.?

?Right, What you want most ...? She beamed a smile at him once the words made sense to her. ?Most people just grab them and hold to them, wanting to enjoy them.

?Or do you consider feeling sorry for yourself is fun?? She asked when he merely sneered at her words before he nearly finished off the bottle in a marathon swallow.

?Ochy'jehs'fuhll'ah smaehr'ahnsaehrs aeihn'y'?? He said with a wry smirk.

?Perhaps just a little. I think what I meant was, if you still want me to hang around I just might.? Catalina smiled back, feeling for the moment like she may have gotten through. She didn?t have the answers for everything, though, not by far.

?Ohihstha'traouhe? Wehllwehll.? He gave a sly smile and tilted the cowboy hat one way.

?Yes, every word of what I said tonight's true.? Then she grinned, wondering what all he?d have forgotten by morning. ?I'm thirsty and I seem to have put down my glass somewhere other than in the kitchen.... Are you done hiding out in here??

?Oiaeihn' 'oihdihn'aouh' ihn'aeahre. Oiloihkei'ihn'aehre.?

?Thanks for the offer. I don?t do nearly as well on whiskey as you do, though.? She winked to him.

?'Ave a' i'.? A gave another snort and waggled the nearly empty bottle at her. ?G'ahn.?

Catalina reached for the bottle with a chuckle, more than half expecting him to pull it away again. But he gave it up easy.

?To your continued recovery and lots of tomorrows.? She rose the bottle for the toast and than brought it to her lips for a deep swallow before handing it back. And no, she didn't cough, she didn?t even grimace.

?Waegaouihn' 'avet'maehkeahdaeh'ef'ih'. With a flat look he took the bottle back and then killed whatever was left. Then he grinned and winked to Catey. ?'Mf'behd. Buh'y'aouhwem'aeigh' kihssehs.?

?Sleep sounds about right just about now. And it's quite a track out to the Val's ranch.? Then she grinned a rather pleased grin that he remembered that he still owed her eight kisses. ?You're rather good with them, too. I do mean to collect on what's still owed.?

?W'ot'Vahl?? He grinned. ?'Ve gah'... ? He shook his head. ?Och...nahyeraeihn'wahnnah...?

?Val's the king that I'm a courier for. And what is that you don't really want to do?? She had the proper response for his well used line.

?Noh'tihn' Oiaiehn'wahnnah. Oijehs' 'aveahraoouhm ihf'ny'aeihn' wahnnahgaouahllt'waehy bahck.?

Catalina looked at Rory, her head tilting to the side slightly. He was drunk enough for that to be a safe to accept offer, wasn't he? Something made her accept the risk despite him not appearing all that drunk or harmless to her just now.

?Sure, just give me a blanket and I'll be fine.? She fully intended to sleep on the floor.

?Wehllt'aehret'blahnkeht ahn'tbehd...? Rory pointed out.

?Just don't try anything, I sleep light and am used to waking up to defend myself.? He had to get to know her better, too.

?OchRor!? The free-swing door snapped open as Mish'Cael came into the Kitchen. Buju eyes spilling over everywhere.

?W'adah'.? The Gypsy Rogue turned, an eyebrow went up and then he spotted Mish.

Mish glared, flat and meaningful. He cleared his throat a little and slipped easily into the short hand they'd kept for years.

?Skihr'en'clover. Collaran'greyet who. 'RiseatState. Doss'an'butterfly.?

?Another friend of yours?? Catalina turned to look at Mish and then back to Rory, all the while puzzling on that cryptic message.

Rory squinted, sorting out the parts slow at first, and then piecing it together. He wasn't sober, but he got it and shot back at last, ?Ohaehyet'faehrs'.? He was having trouble keeping himself straight, though, once he understood the message. It was news.

?Ohaye. Thet's m'brot'aehr-ihn-lahw.? He looked to Catey then.

?Pleased to meet you then. I'm Catey.? Catalina turned to Mish again.

?Mish'Cael Na'Ar-Syntanzk. Mish.? He squinted and then nodded before he slowly looked from Rory to Catey.

?Catalina Mandoccy. Mish'Cael... that's very handsome.? The man had something about him that made the fine hairs on her neck rise, though. Not quite human, she surmised.

?Thanks much. Et....a family name.?

Catalina nodded to Mish, wondering about the hesitation.

?So, blanket for me, bed for you?? Catalina asked as she turned back to Rory with a grin.

Mish gave a small nod and then removed himself eagerly, off for the Estate.

?Nae. Nae. T'behdkihnbae f'boht'ahuhs.? Rory replied with an eager nod.

?Right, we'll see about that. You'll probably snore before your head hits the pillow.? Catalina winked, not really believing that. But tonight Rory?s thoughts were elsewhere, and if she was completely honest, hers were likely to wander, too, if given a chance. When she did come to share his bed, she didn?t want to share with ghosts, and she certainly didn?t want such to be for solace or the kind of oblivion he found at the bottom of the third or fourth bottle.

?Gaehrl...? Rory shook his head. ?Y'aeihn' knaouhw 'ow muhch wae drihnk, douy'??

?No, not a clue.? She grinned.

?Claehrlaehy. Ahraehlse y'wouhl'naeh t'ihnk Oigahn' pahssaouh' ahn t'faehrs' trihpt't'raoouhm.?

?You got to leave something for tomorrow. You already got most of my secrets out of me.? Catalina grinned. ?So, where's that room with a blanket??

?C'mahn' an' 'Llslaeehp ahn' t'flaoouhr.? He rolled his baby blue eyes and got in close and planted an earth-melting kiss on her, first, and then headed for the swinging door for the main room.

It took Catalina a few moments to recover and some effort to get her legs to work. When she did trust her legs to carry her again she hurried to catch up.

?A'caehrse...ihf'ny'ihnvoih'e mae ihn'ah behd...Oi aeihn' gaouihn'saehy nae...? And up the stairs they went.

?I'll remind you of that eventually.? It was a promise.


Date: 2008-07-26 15:31 EST
Do I know you?

Done with practice for the tournament she had been invited to, and having won a second brawl, decided that a little celebrating was in order. She had brought a change of clothes with her and the Outback offered showers. A little while later, her hair still damp and the leathers exchanged for a gypsy skirt and blouse, she headed for the Inn.

?Can I get cha somethin?? A pretty bartendress asked her almost as soon as she sat down at the bar.

?You most certainly may.? Catalina grinned as a thought occurred to her just then. Celebrating called for something more than cider. She pulled a few coins from the pouch at her side and slid them onto the counter. ?I'd like a glass of O'Corr on ice, please.?

?That I can do.? With a soft smile the woman went to fill the order. Catalina watched so that the next time she came in and didn't find a tender she'd know where everything was to be found. Another moment later Catalina had a glass of whiskey on ice in front of her.

?Thank you.? Catalina picked up the glass and, taking a sip swung around on the stool, to see who else might be here this evening.

And as if wishing for it had done the trick, there HE was, walking toward her, looking even better than she remembered him to. Just looking at him made her heart beat faster and put an appreciative smile on her lips. That too tight black T-shirt he was wearing left little doubt of what was underneath the material, the recent hair cut looked great on him and he looked all in all well rested. Catalina was so caught up in studying Rory?s handsome figure she nearly missed Rena who had come in just behind Rory. But it was just a near miss and Catalina quickly raised her free hand to wave to the both of them.

Rory did not seem to have seen her, though. Rubbing a hand over his head, he shook it once and with a scowl headed for the far corner of the bar.

?Good evening, Rory.? Catalina greeted as he passed by with a slight shrug to herself. Maybe he had been way too drunk too remember anything after all. And if he thought her that forgettable, well, more than one man lived in this town.

Rory turned his head as he kept going, almost lurching it right off of his body as he realized someone was actually talking to him. The boots made a soft little ?skrt?.

?Oi!? He squinted, looking this way and that. He hadn't been paying attention at all, and didn't realize who was talking to him. Sometimes the idjit had just the worst tunnel-vision.

?I meant you all right, handsome.? His expression struck her as comical and she couldn?t help but chuckle.

Rory gave another squint, though this was one light-hearted. He studied Catey.

?Hmm...nup. Aeihn' t'ihnk Oi knaouhw y'... ? He gave a racetrack-paced wink and he shook his head too-eager. A dazzling smile and he ambled on down to the first open set of stools. Yes, he played hot and cold. Yes, he played as many games as his pretty little face and Adonis-like body would let him get away with.

?Right. I'd have thought you'd remember sleeping on the floor at least.? Catalina took a drink from her glass. She'd certainly not remind him of anything else.

She wasn't playing along right. Maybe she was dumber than he'd remembered? No, probably he wasn't doing a good job of it. He flagged down whoever was behind the bar.

?Oi, scuhse mihss!? A happy-go-lucky smile and he curled an index finger his way, giving the female tender a wink.

?Perhaps you're just trying to weasel out of a payment that's still owed?? Catalina turned to Rory again with a mild grin, a curse on the man for his looks and manners and on her self for being so susceptible to his charm.

Rory cleared his throat; he didn't want the Tongue getting in the way of what would surely be a good move, and pretended not to have heard Catey.

?Kin y'please give tha lovely lady...? He spoke quietly and leaned toward the female tender and discretely pointed at Catalina, making sure the tender saw him, ?two'a whatever she'd like an' let her know it's from tha most gallant an' handsome man she ever known?? He nodded. ?Please bae sure ta say it like thet. Ain't use m'name. Jes'.. ?tha most gallant an' handsome man she ever known.? There a big ol' tip innit fer ya.? He nodded again with a wide smile.

?Sure thang, babes.? The bartendress snickered to Rory.

Catalina quickly took another sip from her glass to kill that grin she found difficult to hide. It wouldn't do at all to let on she had heard any of that.

?T'ankeh, daehrlihn'.? Now, he had to just wait for the accolades to roll in. He should've ordered for himself, duh. He rocketed up out of the stool and groped around over the other side of the bar. It was a practiced reach, with his feet up in the air over his stool, cantilevering his body just right and his tongue tucking out into one corner of his mouth, feeling around until he snagged a bottle of Whiskey that Gav always left just....oh there!. He was like a kid on Christmas morning, eyes wide and brilliant, the lake turning over from winter to spring, churning light blue. He flumped back onto the stool and hungrily eyed his prize.

The bartendress turned, getting down two more glasses and pouring the drinks into them. She set them in front of Catalina.

?From 'im, luv.? She tilted her head Rory?s way.

?Gahddahmn'Vestihllgah'ih'.? Rory whispered very quietly with a self-congratulatory smile. Then the smile slipped a little when the tendress didn?t say it right.

?That's not what you were supposed to say.? Catalina whispered to the woman with a wink.

?From the most gallant an' handsome men ya ever did meet.? The tendress said after she cleared her throat.

?Hmm, the most handsome, that would be no problem... but the most gallant?? Catalina?s gaze
slid down the bar to Rory and than back to the tendress. Acting like he didn?t know wasn?t exactly gallant. ?I'd know one who'd fit the bill on both counts, but it's not particularly gallant to skip out on a bill is it??

?Pfffft, I do it all the time.? The woman snickered to Catalina.

?You say that like paying up was an unpleasant chore.? Catalina chuckled and then exchanged the half empty glass for one of the full ones and raised it part way with a wink down to Rory before she took a sip. ?To your health, most handsome and gallant.?

?'Ve y'naehaehr 'aehrd t'auhld mahcksihm cahncaehrnihn' Ghypou's an' t'aeihr clehvaehr, naehr uhncahnnaehy waehys'ah nahvihgae'ihn' t'foihne prihn'ah' buihsihnehss daehls?? He leaned back in his stool, waggling the bottle at Catey and having a first swallow. Well, the first swallow in this bar.

?You may have to explain those to me.? Catalina grinned to Rory.

?T'aehy're juhs' loike t'aehy saouhn'.? Rory grinned and had another sip, bobbing and weaving back and forth on the stool idly, to pass the time, you see. Catalina took another drink from her glass, too, before she looked over to Rory again.

?I've been told to be aware of gypsies because they take what they want rather than deal fairly. And if I remember correctly, there was not so much taking involved.? She said the last with a teasing little wink.

?Tha's quoi'e treue. Wae taehke w'a' wae wahn'. Wae aeihn' gihve uhnlehss wae 'ave tae er wahn' tae. Buh' tha' aeihn' maeahn wae taehke i' ahll roigh' ahwaehy. Ahs t'saehyihn' gaouehs...t'aehre's maehre'n whone waehy t'skihn'ah cah'.? He had a winning, beatific smile for Catey. He gave a little jerk of his head then, teasing, daring her to come over and tempt the Gypsy Fates.

Who was she to resist such a fine dare? Two half glasses made a full one, and she picked that up along with the other full one, slid off her stool and walked over, reaching just past Rory to set one of those glasses onto the counter.

?There might be something to that saying.?

?An' w'a' saehyihn' ihs tha'??

?That there might be more than one way to skin a cat.? She grinned to Rory, standing maybe a tad too close.

Rory chuckled, had another swallow and looked her over, quick and with an over-exaggerated ?ooh la la!? look in his eyes. That's how he usually got away with it, over the top and cheeky, just an incorrigible scamp!

?Like what you see?? She squeezed to get to that stool next to him and sat down and then took another sip from the glass in her hand, glancing at him over the rim.

?Ohaye, aye, aye.? A thin, momentarily-dangerous grin instantaneously broke into a boyish, chipped smile. He nodded furiously and cackled to himself a little and had another drink.

?I am rather enjoying the view from over here, too.? Catalina grinned wide; her very blue eyes were still upon him when she lowered her glass again.

Rory turned in his stool, looking around the Inn, head bobbing and weaving, Cassius Clay-ing here and there, he turned back to her.

?W'oihy w'a's t'aehre t'laoouhk a'?!? Cheeky that was the word for it.

?A handsome cowboy who seems to have lost his hat, for one.? Then she took a sweeping look around. ?And a bit of other eye candy here and there to dot the landscape.?

?T'aehy shuhre dou...? He nodded with another look around.

?How do you feel about popcorn?? Catalina asked with a mysterious grin when she turned to Rory again.

?'Ve aeihn' lahs' i'. Oi aeihn' sohme duhmb 'aehysaeehd. Oi douhnnah ahlwaehys waeahr ah caehybaehy.... 'a'.? He almost had a slip into something that was dark and treacherous and he didn't want to go there. He backpedaled furiously in his head and thankfully had the popcorn to fall back on. ?'M nae ah fahn'ah pahpcaehrn. I's voihle, flaehvaehrlehss stuhff.?

?Mhm, no need to try that then, the popcorn bait, I mean. I didn't intend any insult either, and I certainly don't think of you as dumb, I'd hardly be sitting here if I did, would I?? Catalina wondered what exactly she had said to procure that particular expression on his mien.

?Moigh' bae...tae 'ave ah lahff.? He shrugged. Mercurial, there was another good word to describe him.

She gave her head a little shake and took another drink from the glass closer to empty now. Then, with a pointed look toward the whiskey on ice in those two glasses, she mused, grinning.

?Perhaps I could have ordered them on fire or at least warmed up.?

?Och, buh' t'aehy waehrm ihn yer tuhmmaehy, douhn' t'aehy?? Rory was never one to shy from flirtation, and he proved it all over again, placing a steady, warm hand over her stomach, pressing the flowing blouse tight in-between their skin, letting it set there for a glittering, crackling moment. One of his brows went up for just an instant.

?Ah yes, this one is sure putting warmth in my tummy.? That quick touch did more in that regard though then the whiskey. She wasn?t looking at the glasses anymore but at Rory, a grin again played around her lips.

?The not so liquid form seems to do an even better job.? She added with a little wink. And no, she didn't shy away from the hand or push it away. She gave a quick flick of the tip of her tongue over her smiling lips, her eyes still on Rory.

?Say, Rory? I've been invited to participate in a tournament. I expect to do rather miserable at it, but might you like to come watch? Maybe kiss a few bruises away after??

?W'a' koihn'ah taehrnahmehn'?? He took a swallow from the bottle, and he squinted a little in thought.

?A fist fighting tag team tournament. For some totally unexplainable reason the current top dog there thinks I've some talent.? Her smile was inviting.

?Aye, 'Ll cohme an' wahtch.? Rory smirked. ?Leh' mae knaouhw w'ehn i' ihs an' 'Ll troiy t'bae t'aehre ihf'n Oi kihn.?

?Really?? Her smile widened, having been half ready to hear him decline. And just as quickly she was off her stool again, took a step, and wrapped her arms around him, chuckling and winking. ?Thank you. I'll be sure to let you know, will a note to your room here work? A few of those yummy hot kisses after will certainly be worth a few hits.?

?Aye. Laeahve ah naouh'e wih' Mahllaehy? He snorted and pointed at Molly the Barmaid, perpetual girlfriend of one of the youngest three O'Corrs. It changed seemingly weekly. ?an' shae'll geh' i' t'mae.?

?I'll be sure to do that.? Catalina nodded over to the indicated woman and then was beaming that excited smile of hers at Rory again.

?'M gaouin' t'gaou slaeehp ihn m'aouhwn behd, naouw. Ihf'n y'wahn...y'knaouhw...? He yawned and then grinned as he gave Catey a poke in the ribs and stood, snatching up the bottle of whiskey. ?Wehll, t'daoouhr's oupehn.?

?I think I'll take you up on that.? She winked and grabbed the one glass that was still full to take along. ?I got something to collect.?

?Ohihs'tha'saou?? He actually hadn't expected that to work...but...he did like sleeping with hot chicks... A grin. He started meandering for the stairs. Games, how he loved to play them.

Catalina turned her head to see where the greeting came from as she moved to the stairs, just in time to see Seamus Conner wave to her. She waved back before she headed up the stairs.


Date: 2008-07-27 23:58 EST
Lady in Red

There was to be a ball, and not just any ball, it was to be a masque, Catalina was told when she had gone into town that afternoon to look for some more clothes. The one decent outfit she had packed just didn?t do it for a prolonged stay. The idea of such a ball sounded like just the thing to Catalina to while away a few boring hours. The selection for costumes was slim, though.

Apparently every available costume had already been sold. But the salesperson did eventually come up with something that would do, a sleek gown of bright red with a tight bodice that fit her as if it was poured on. It left her shoulders and half her back bare while the skirt flared wide and only while she walked or danced would the thigh high slits on both sides become apparent and offer a glimpse of her well toned legs. The sales person even found her some matching heels. Half an hour later she left the store with an additional dress, a skirt and a blouse packed in a bag and the ?costume? with accessories in another.

She?d not have time to go back to the ranch to dress and make it back at a reasonable hour, though. So she went to the Outback and the locker rooms there to change and to stow the spare clothes in a locker until she could pick them up. She had swept up her hair, secured it with a few pins and worked in a couple of short, fluffy feathers died to match the bright red of the gown. She?d carry the feathered mask and the ridiculously small matching pouch, to put on the mask just before she got to the ball room.

A girl, offering wearable flower arrangements and masks to guests arriving without one, greeted her at the entrance. Then she moved inside. Though she had arrived nearly on time, the hall was already brimming with people. At first she merely took a few steps into the room and admired the various costumes people were wearing, a female general, a belly dancer, a geisha dressed in many folds of silk, a cat, and an octopus. Someone in a medusa costume, with real snakes wriggling and hissing where hair ought to be, waved at her and she lifted a hand to wave back.

A man in a leather loincloth and a saber tooth tiger skin, its head, complete with teeth, masked the man?s face raised his mug to the Medusa and then to her. She would have to get a drink to return that salute and any others that may be forthcoming, so she started to walk to the bar. Slowly, because she was not yet used to walking in heels again. It had been years since she had worn any.

Catalina studied the saber tooth tiger for a moment from under her red mask, her very blue eyes curious. He was barefoot. Then she took a glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and took a drink from the glass.

?Enjoyin' yeself, Miss Scarlet?? The caveman appeared to be looking at her.

?I hope to, Mr. Caveman.? She smiled prettily.

?Care t' dance?? The caveman gave her a benign smile as he slowly moved toward her, the tiger?s tail dragged on the floor. The he bowed before her, holding out a hand as he rose.

?I would love to.? She sat the champagne glass down and then gave her hand into the offered one. Grasping her hand, he led her to the dance floor, beads a-jangling and all. Upon arriving there, having passed by a gryphon, a lady in blue and another cat, Catalina turned to face the cave man with a merry smile upon her full lips below the mask.

?You don't mind the Waltz, do you ma'am?? The caveman smirked, positiong himself with her to prepare for a classical waltz. See! He may look barbaric, but he had some class.

?I am prepared to love it.? Catalina replied with a soft chuckle.

With a hearty laugh he began with a forward step before boxing to the right. He was careful to make sure she didn't swing into anyone else.

?So what brought ye 'ere to this dance??

?Boredom mostly, it sounded very entertaining when I heard of it. And you, Mr. Caveman, what brought you to come to the ball?? Catalina followed his lead she picked up the idea of the Waltz quickly - or maybe she was familiar with it already?

?I was bullied into it.? The caveman admitted with a soft chuckle, he wasn't going to lie. ?I was told what to purchase, and where to be.?

?And who would dare to bully one such as you?? Catalina laughed softly and started to enjoy the movements of the Waltz.

?I'm sure every single one o' ye lasses.? He grinned from under the saber-tooth's nose. He'd wink if he could. He hummed lightly with the music. ::

?I did not even have the opportunity to tell anyone that I would be here this evening.? Very blue eyes sparkled from behind her feathered red mask.

?It was a last minute choice, aye?? He canted his head to watch her.

?That it was.? She smiled. ?Your outfit appears to have taken some planning, though.?

?I only bought it yesterday. I was browsin' through th' market pickin' out some o' this an' some o' tha'. I only needed t' wear a loin cloth.? He shrugged slightly

?A most sexy outfit, to be sure.? She complimented, still waltzing with the scantily clad caveman.

?Nay, I'm a bit too white for this getup, ye know?? If she could see, he'd be blushing furiously

?In some parts people go to great length to achieve such a coloring.? Catalina grinned merrily.

?Bah, what's th' fun in that?? He glanced up as the music slowed to change songs. He stepped back, bowing before her again and as he rose, lifted her hand for a kiss. ?Thank you for such a lovely dance, Miss Scarlet. Would ye like me t' escort ye back t' th' bar??

?I'd appreciate that and you are most welcome. I very much enjoyed the dance.? Catalina accepted his offer with a wide smile.

?I am pleased t' 'ere ye enjoyed th' dance.? He smiled, leading her off the dance floor and to the bar. Luckily, he was able to easily clear a path between the clutter of people.

?Thank you again. You are very good at clearing paths.? She winked to the cave man from under her mask, wondering if he could even see her doing so. ?I hope you will find your bully under all these masks.?

?Must b' th' fangs, they b' mighty intimidating.? He grinned and then growled softly for good effect. A glance was cast to Kairee before he looked back to Catalina with a crooked grin. ?Aye, me too. Thank ye muchly, Miss Scarlet.?

?Perhaps it is the fangs.? Catalina chuckled softly at the not so intimidating growl. ?My pleasure Mr. Caveman.?

Catalina watched the caveman walk off to search for his bully and then had to giggle when she spotted a giant omelet. Once she had a fresh glass of champagne she glanced at the costumes she had missed earlier. Oliver Twist was stealing muffins off a plate, a Cleopatra was mingling and a Monkey stood next to the Medusa, watching a swordsman jump upon a table.

The champagne didn?t particularly appeal to her, and she rid herself of the glass after only a second sip. They would have real drinks at the inn just next door. She checked that little red pouch. At first only the oversized Dragon?s Eye coins wanted to come into her fingers, so she set them aside while she fished out a few local coins. As soon as she had them in her hand she left the bar and wandered toward the exit.


Date: 2008-07-28 13:05 EST
The inn was much quieter and friendlier than the ball, Catalina thought as she sat at the bar there, enjoying a glass of cold cider. The bar tender was efficient and he had the flower girl bring a rose to every female present. She received a white one. But Rory, to one person she had hoped to see, was not there. It wasn?t until her glass was empty and she thought about asking for a refill when she realized that she had left the Dragon Eye?s coins in the ball room. The chance that they were still there was slim, but she should at least go and have a look.

So she donned the feathered mask again, picked up the rose and went back to the ball room. She headed straight for the bar and once there searched the counter where she had been sitting earlier for the left behind coins. To her surprise she found them still there. Perhaps they had not been recognized as what they were and been thought to be merely part of a costume, she pondered as she picked them up and returned them to that too small pouch.

She found another glass of champagne, and then wandered slowly among the other guests, wearing a friendly smile below that feathered red mask. A few people arrived after she had left and she took note of their costumes. The matador now on the dance floor appeared particularly striking, though more for his moves than for the costume. A bandit was talking with the medusa now, and an angel was escorted to the dance floor by someone in a costume that may represent the sun even as a pirate and his lady slipped past a genie.

Catalina halted her step to take a sip from her glass and then watched the dancers for a while. That matador really knew what he was doing. The sun appeared to take his leave from the angel in the middle of the dance. Then a female officer was making a spectacle and briefly attracted Catalina?s gaze away from the dancers.

?So that was your trinket, left behind, then, yes?? Someone asked behind her the very moment she moved forward.

?A trinket, yes.? Catalina turned around to see who had spoken. The sun was just ordering something to drink from the bar tender. There was no one else at the bar currently. The angel he had been dancing with was now seated at a table; her facial expression appeared rather uncharitable for her costume.

?No matter how small, sometimes they are the most important.? The sun gave a soft turn of the thick titanium band on his right middle finger, almost a conceit of his own about trinkets.

The mention of a trinket along with the man leaving his dance partner after only half a dance had made her curious. She retraced her steps and approached the bar with a glance to the ring being toyed with. The sun twirled all the fingers of that hand casually, and the smile, almost all that was visible beneath the three-quarters mask, was wide as he saw his drink come to him from the barkeep.

?Oh, but you are too kind, good sir.? He put a few clinkity coins on the bar top as a tip, and he sipped from the wider-mouth rocks glass. It was easier to drink from this with the mask. He wasn't sure what the barkeep had made.

?You mentioned a trinket?? Catalina smiled

?Yes, I saw one lying on the bar and I did not see its owner. I feared someone had lost something very valuable to them.?

?And you decided not to pick it up?? Catalina took the seat next to the man, crossing her legs at the knee under that oh-so-red gown, the slits giving a tantalizing glimpse of smooth skin over well toned legs.

?I did not think it my place. I can only imagine the fear, the panic, of coming back to search for something and not finding it in the place you last left it.?

?I was happy to find it just where I had left it.? Very blue eyes twinkle from behind her mask. So he had been watching when she had come in. Not too many people in town had seen her pull out the Dragon?s Eye coins, and she wondered if she perhaps had been recognized by them or if the sun was merely interested in finding out that was scatter brained enough to leave them behind in the first place.

?That was my hope.? The mask would leave no room for interpretation of his motives, if he had looked at her legs, so he had to refrain. Instead he matched her blue eyes with his own, shining out from behind the golden mask, they matched the baby blue vest. He was the picture of uppity ball atmosphere.

?I am glad it was you then who saw the trinket and not a gypsy or vagabond, for then surly it would have been lost to me.? She winked from behind that mask, wondering if he could catch that wink, and chuckled softly. The color of his eyes reminded her of Rory. But that couldn?t be, could it? Rory spoke in a broad brogue.

?I would be more than a little disgusted to know that anyone like that was let into a ball like this... ? He looked around as if to make sure no vagabonds or gypsies had been allowed in. Then he turned back to Catalina, smiling a wide grin, the barely-noticeable dimples pressed into the corners of his cheeks, the last known territory before it disappeared under the golden mask.

?With all the masks and costumes, one could have slipped in.? Catalina chuckled. She knew those dimples; they made her smile turn so much warmer. ?Say, would you care to abandon your drink for a just long enough to enjoy a turn around the dance floor?

?I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.?

?Thank you.? She smiled wide and offered her hand. If that was indeed Rory, abandoning his drink for the duration of a dance was a significant thing.

?You're quite welcome.? He stood and took her hand.

?Lead the way, handsome.? She gave him a grin, her fingers curling around the hand - and did that hand seem ever so familiar. Catalina studied the man carefully as she slipped off the stool, leaving the white rose behind.

And he was a good lead. They danced a slow-ish waltz number, one hand holding hers, the other pressed into the small of her back, just above the curve in the red fabric over the top of her bum. He was certainly taking whatever it was she was giving.

One arm on his, the hand upon his shoulder, the lady in red glanced over to the spider queen, admiring the costume from behind her red and feathered mask. Then her attention was once again upon the man she was dancing with. Paying attention to what she was doing allowed for dancing that much closer, matching her steps perfectly to his. She tilted her face up to gaze into those baby blues. Yes, definitely Rory, she thought.

?You did not have a date to the ball?? The near-full mask tilted on its axis. It was an odd effect, the blue eyes on a slant in a row.

?No, I did not.? She chuckled softly and then grinned, giving another wink. ?I was too excited about the tournament on Sunday and forgot all about offering an opportunity to be asked to the dance. So the most gallant and most handsome man I know never got the chance.?

?You're in some kind of tournament coming up?? His head straightening, his hand assumed a firmer press on the small of her back, and it slid down a little, pulling her even closer, slowing their dance and bringing both hands to the back of her hips, just barely over her butt. ?Well, if he is as good as you say... He should have invited you. Unless he didn't know about it...?

?Aye, a tag team tournament, as the partner of the Diamond holder.? Catalina interlaced her fingers at the nape of his neck. So he would have asked her out had he known about the dance in time that was good to know. Her tongue quickly darted over her lips before she winked again. ?He did not know, I had no chance to tell him.?

?Do you win the diamond, if you win??

?No, I don't think so.? She shook her head slightly. What would she do with a diamond anyway?


?Ah, not really. You see, the most gallant and most handsome man I know promised to kiss all the bruises gathered afterward. There can be no prize better than that.? She smiled.

?He sounds like quite the catch. Perhaps you should leave the ball and go look for him??

?You did not have a date for tonight's masque either?? It would make little sense for her to leave to look for him if she was in his arms already.

?I did not.?

?How come??

?Well, I don't usually make dates. I don't like going on them often. And I also didn't know about this until the last minute.?

?I consider myself lucky then.? His words put a warm and happy smile on her full lips.

?Oh? And why is that??

?It could be for that I am treated to such superb dancing right now, then again it may have something to do with the date agreed upon for Sunday.? She winked again.

?Well, that sounds nice. What are you doing on your date??

?Uhm, he really only said he'd kiss the bruises afterward. The rest is up in the air.?

?Ah. Well, that still sounds nice. Kissing can be quite a lot of fun.?

?I do have to agree.? She gave him a mysterious smile. ?Especially with someone who knows what he or she doing.?

?And does he or she?? His hands slid a little lower, halfway onto her tight bum, still dancing, slow little circles. Her fingers lightly brushed against the nape of his neck.

?He most certainly does. You'd have to ask him about if she does.? She winked and gave a soft little sigh, but he certainly couldn't hear that over the music, could he? ?Perhaps I should take your advice and search for him.?

?And where do you think you might find him??

?I do believe that right at this moment you may find him on this dance floor.?

He pulled her a bit closer, their hips almost touching. The golden mask was tilted down, looking first at her face, then down the front of her dress, over the rest of her body for a small moment, and then back to her face. The bright blue eyes shone, almost matching the brilliance of that wide, stadium-light grin, dimples and teeth and a strong jaw line just underneath the end of the mask. All that temptation was impossible to resist. Her head came that much closer to his, her lips only and inch or so away from his.

?Ooh, you'll have to point him out. Let me know which way to take you and we'll get nice and close. You can make him jealous, dancing with a handsome, masked stranger.?

?I do not think him to be jealous of anyone I am merely dancing with. You'd have to take me closer to the mask of radiance.? Her lips remained slightly parted with the smile she gave him at the end of that sentence.

?Well that's a shame.? He smiled, a calculating one, and stopped mid-dance. ?Well, time for some champagne I think. ?He bowed a little and removed his hands from her and turned for the bar. The grin exploding on his face once his back was to her. Games, games, how he liked to play them.

?Tease.? She almost stumbled as she was so suddenly released, but then caught her balance. She should have expected some sort of game from him.

A hand over one shoulder, the index finger curling his way, as he walked, he pointed back at Catalina and then to himself with the curl.

?Right, just wait and see.? Catalina couldn?t help but chuckle at the man and followed over to the bar.

He turned, a quick little number, tapping at the high cheekbone of the golden mask, it tilted morosely so to one side, drawing a tear down it and his mouth exposed in a frown. It was like he'd practiced with it. He was exceptionally good at getting all the pantomimes just right.

Catalina gave a melodious chuckle and then brought her hands up in front of her, applauding the performance.

?Very well done, Rogue of Radiance.? She wondered how often he had used that particular expression in the past.

?Aeihn' sure what you mean.? He said in a very, very quiet whisper. Then he turned and flagged the bartender down, and there were two drinks in front of them quickly. ?Now come and sit on the Mask's lap.?

?Oi'in' ye'now. ? She replied in a miserable adaptation of the brogue she had come to like so well. He didn?t have to repeat his invitation. He hiked her up easily onto his lap, was perhaps even a little rough with her, getting her in there good. Once upon his lap she folded her legs at the knee again under that very red gown and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Then she reached for one of the glasses with her free hand and offered the glass to him. ?You must be parched.?

?Tired, is what I am. A little thirsty, though, too.?

?Here you go then. I can tug you in later.? She winked and since he'd not taken the glass from her she brought it to his lips, tilting it carefully. The intention was to offering a drink, not to spill the drink.

?Well, then I might head off for it. It wears on me. Being in this get-up, talking like this.? He helped steady the glass.

?I'm sure it is.? When he had his fill from the glass, for now, she moved it away and replaced it with her lips. He got a good one on her and then gently patted her up off his lap.

?You're more than welcome to come with, now, or come by later. But I'm going now.? He didn't say it in a mean way, it was just true.

?I'd rather come now, thanks though.? She smiled and picked up the rose, then offered her hand. She appreciated his way of inviting her, devoid of pressure yet making sure she understood that he expected her to accept. Very softly she added. ?Someone has to help you get out of these duds.?

?Exactly.? He gave her butt a pinch, content to leave it at that for now, and started off for the room in the inn. With a chuckle Catalina fell in step beside him.


Date: 2008-07-28 18:53 EST

Back to gypsy skirt and blouse Catalina walked into the commons the evening after the ball, heading straight for the bar. Not seeing anyone behind the bar she slipped through the break and went in search of something to drink.

?'owdy missus.? Seamus said with a lazy salute to Catalina and a light grin as he made his way toward her, well, the bar really.

Catalina looked up from her search for that cider she just knew had to be there, when she heard the greeting and smiled when she recognized the man.

?Good evening, Seamus. Need anything while I'm back here??

?Nice, cold Guinness sounds mighty fancy t' me, if ye don' mind.? He beamed at her.

?Not at all.? Catalina smiled back and then turned back to the cooler. The Guinness was easy to find, it being on top. The cider was found, too. Then she sat the Guinness on the counter before she found a glass and poured cider for her self. ?There you go.?

?Thank ye muchly, darlin'.? He took a lazy lean up against the bar as he snatched up his bottle and with a crooked grin waggled his eyebrows at her. ?So, did ye attend tha' ruddy ball las' nigh'??

?No problem.? She dropped a few coins into the till and then took her glass with her as she moved for the break and to the patron side of the bar. She grinned to Seamus then. ?I sure did.?

?Meet anyone catchin' yer fancy?? He asked, following her with his eyes as he sipped at his beer casually. He had been curious if she'd shown up last night, too.

Catalina grinned as she sat on a stool and took a drink from her cider glass before answering.

?Oh, did I ever. There was this man with a handsome golden mask and the most adorable dimples... And you, Seamus, did you go to the ball and meet someone wonderful??

?Ye could see 'is dimples from un'er th' mask?? He gave her a quizzical look as he rubbed the back of his head questioningly. Then he took another sip of his beer.

?Just barely.? She chucked softly and took another drink from her glass.

?I didn' stay long, t' b' 'onest. I only danced one dance with a purdy lady in red then escaped out th' door jus' as th' police arrived.? He said with a slight shrug and then tipped the beer back for a longer drink. Maybe he'd need two pick me ups tonight.

?With a lady in red? Really?? Catalina chuckled. ?You didn't per chance wear this huge beast over your head with saber teeth??

Seamus snorted into his bottle, which really only led to him coughing as the liquid went down the wrong pipe, hacking a moment before wincing.

?Aye, an' please don' remind me.? He set the bottle down on the bar. ?So ye b' Miss Scarlet then, eh??

?Aye, that would be me.? Catalina chuckled again. ?I would have never guessed you to be under that cave man costume.?

?An' why ever not?! Am I nae manly enough for it?!? He asked with a mock gasp, pretending to feign shock and hurt over it. It was ridiculous, at least.

?I did not mean to imply anything like that.? She smiled. ?I'm just surprised.?

?Oh, it was th' fact I know 'ow to waltz, aye?? Seamus grinned, seeking his bottle out again to finish it off.

?Perhaps it was more the idea that a caveman would know the Waltz.? Catalina suggested with a grin.

Seamus chuckled and shook his head. Then he slipped the Guinness away and looked at Catalina, his eyes twinkling.

?Fair enough... but alas... Me bed is calling t' me. It's quite tempting an' all.? He grinned, saluting and making off for the stairwell. ? An' by th' way, it was a pleasure t' dance with ye.?

?It was a pleasure, Seamus. Have a good night and sweet dreams.? She smiled.

?Mm, I'll try. Thank ye muchly, Catey.? One last smile and a wave behind him before he ambled noisily up the stairwell, headed for bed.

Catalina grinned to herself as she took another drink from her glass. Bed did indeed sound quite tempting. She finished off the cider and then set down the glass. Having spotted Rory?s brother in law just then she nodded over to Mish with a smile. But he seemed too busy to notice. She gave a little shrug at the none-returned greeting and then slid off the barstool. Another moment later she headed up the stairs.


Date: 2008-07-29 11:10 EST
Chocolate Rum Raisin Cookies

The tournament over, Catalina decided that walking across the alley to the inn would be a distance she was far more likely to manage than the long way back to the ranch. Rory had better be there, too, or I may just have to break into his room, she thought as she limped into the inn, nursing a bandaged wrist. She was still in her leathers. The original plan had been to change into one of the new outfits after the tournament was over, but as things had gone she?d now not be able to get out of her clothes without assistance.

She paused for a moment and then headed for a table, glad she thought to take the half empty bottle with her. Carefully she nudged out a chair with a foot and then, just as carefully, lowered herself into that stool, wincing anyway. She took a swig from the bottle and then set it on the table.

When she spotted Rena a moment later she grinned over. Raising a hand to wave would take too much effort just now. Rena waved, but she didn't come over. Catalina glanced to the stairs. It would take more 'medicine' before she'd attempt to climb those stairs. With that thought she picked up the bottle again for another drink

Then she spotted Ariana and Collie sitting at the bar and smiled over to them.

?I have those cookies for you, as well as B-a-k-l-a-v-a.? Ariana called over with a grin and waved while Colly merely waved and then resumed her conversation with her friend.

?Ohhh, evil woman!? Catalina returned with a pained grin. ?I'll get up...just give me half an hour or so.? With that she reached for that 'medicine' bottle again to take a swig.

?Me, evil?? Ariana gave the impression of the very picture of innocence, with a dramatic placement of her hand to her heart. ?Take your time... hmm??

Catalina winced just hearing Ariana. But just the idea of chocolate rum raisin cookies was so tempting. No pain no gain, Catalina told herself, and rose to her feet, ever so slowly and wincing twice. Then she grabbed up the bottle for another swig before she slowly limped over to the bar and Ariana.

?Now, wot happened to you, Catey? Lose an argument with that rogue of yours?? Ariana asked in a teasing manner, but there was an undercurrent of ?she'll kick arse if it was true?.

?I won the argument and it was with a horse dumber than a pile of straw and a trap, thank you very much. Those cookies better be good.? Catalina didn?t even attempt to sit on one of the barstools but remained standing.

?They are indeed a popular addition to the menu at the Bakery in fact. Oh? I shall have to talk to this particular equine.? Ariana offered as Collie set out brownies on plates.

?Yes, you should. You'd think it LIKE to be freed from a trap. I knew there was a reason I rather walk.? Catalina, while she knew how to ride just fine, had never liked horses. ?Sooo...where are those cookies??

?In the basket here, where else?? Ariana grinned as she teased Catey.

?Right.? Catalina grinned to Ariana and then found a spot to settle her 'medicine' bottle to, because she needed a free hand to reach into the basket with to fish for a rum raisin chocolate cookie.

?Horses are often more reasonable than men.? Colly looked over to Carey and winked. It was a sentiment Catalina did not share.

?Someone trapped the equine?? There was a brief flash of temper in Ariana?s emerald green eyes.

?It stepped like a blind idiot into one. And yes, the criminal idiot who put a trap there right by the trail should be quartered and drawn.? Catalina bit into the cookie with a vengeance.

?At the least, Catey. But you're not seriously hurt??

?A few bruises from falling off and a few more from getting stepped on and wrestling with the beast while trying to convince it to hold still long enough for me to work the trap open. Getting it back to the stable was fairly easy in comparison.? The beast trying to bolt with the injured leg and Catalina holding on to the reins resulted in the sprained wrist.

?Cass and I came in third. Bran and Erasmus won and since Bran is the diamond, Erasmus won the opal.? Rena told Collie just then and Catalina was reminded that this insufferable horse had also cost her the participation in the tournament.

?Oi. Where is this noble beast now? Or did he run off into the face of another trap?? Ariana asked.

?I'd not doubt that it would have run into another trap, but I managed to hold onto it and carefully walked it back. Now he's resting in the stable, with oats of all things. It should have put on water and straw, dumb beast.? Catalina took another bite from the cookie, enjoying the taste of home despite all the not quite dulled enough with whiskey pain. Had Marek ever sold her a gun she?d have shot that idiot of a horse. It was probably just as well that she had not run into him again.

?You showed kindness, which is well in your favor. I will have a talk with him, though, on his manners.? Ariana seemed seriously upset with the horse she didn?t even know.

?I had to pull out of the tag team tournament, too.? Catalina grinned to Ariana then, only too happy to give her the horse?s address. ?He's on Val's ranch.?

?Ah. A pity you missed the tournament. Do I know this Val?? Ariana was ready to tease poor Catey if need be.

?Valmion, perhaps?? Collie suggested.

?I'm not sure. King Val Demure dated Rena for a while he was staying in Rhydin...well, staying at the Ranch.? Catalina put the rest of the cookie into her mouth and chewed. The cookie gone she reached for the 'medicine' bottle, the label proclaimed it to be some whiskey or other, and had another swig.

?Hmm, no, I don't know them.? Ariana turned back to Catey after having wished someone leaving a good night.

?You can give the beast a good talking to anyway.? Catalina grinned and set the bottle down again to reach into that basket for another cookie with a slight wince.

?He definitely needs to learn proper manners, and gratitude.? Ariana agreed.

?If he was trapped, he was probably terrified.? Collie defended the horse to Ariana as she poured some iced tea into a glass.

?I agree. That trap layer can't be all that smart either. But the boys from the ranch will take care of that. They were cussing up a storm, too.?

?I imagine they would be. The trap layer will have a Staff Meeting.? Ariana turned to Collie then. ?Indeed, but still, gratitude.?

?A staff meeting. Oh that's good.? Catalina snickered.

?Have you heard of the ones I conduct, then?? Ariana?s coppery brow went up again.

?You conduct staff meetings?? Perhaps she had been wrong when she had pictured Ariana beating up the trapper with a staff.

?Mmhmm.? Ariana admitted with a wicked grin. ?My Staff has a Meeting with their heads, then anywhere else, if need be.?

?If you hit that beasty on the head his last brain cell may fall out.? Catalina snickered again.

?Indeed.? Ariana chuckled. Then Ariana was distracted by a patron inquiring about where to find a church and then Collie took her leave. Catalina made us of the distraction munching up the cookie.

?I may have you taste a cookie which combines the flavors of B-a-k-l-a-v-a, Catey.? Ariana grinned.

?A Baklava cookie? Where are you hiding them?? Ariana certainly knew how to distract from all the discomforts.

?I believe about three miles to the west, The Temple of Peaceful Light, the name was. Oh, they're still in the testing stage, but I do have some of the genuine article here.?

?I'll be your tester.? Catalina offered immediately with a grin.

?I could hire you as that position, but I'd much prefer you give an opinion not biased on how much coin I give you. I do hire people to do just that. ? Ariana was grinning, but the offer was genuine.

Catalina reached for the 'medicine' bottle just the same for another swallow before answering.

?You want to pay me for eating your divine creations? I thought getting to eat them was plenty of re-imbursement.? Catalina turned serious because a serious offer was made. ?I get paid pretty well right now for sitting on my bum. Sooner or later I'll have to go back. It wouldn't be right for me to accept a permanent employment. But I'll be happy to try everything you bake for free while I'm here. On that note, those chocolate rum raisin cookies are perfect.

?I value your opinion highly, Catey. Even more so without my coin backing it up.? Ariana grinned. ?I was hoping so. Poor Melly and Alli got giggly testing the various batches before this one.?

?Too much of these cookies will do that.? Catalina chuckled.

?Mmhmm. Even more so when they're soaked in rum after baking. I tried that with a few runs.?

?And I missed those??

?I could make you a batch of those, but my poor assistant and my counter help were both giggling about bright pink pachyderms when they tried them.?

?Tell me when you want to make them and I'll be there. And I won?t see any pink pachyderms either. Unless such a thing really exists - this town has all sorts of creatures.?

?I could make some middle of this week.? Ariana tapped her fingers against her cheek. ?And I'll put them in a special tin, not to be put out with the day's baked goods.?

?That sounds perfect, gives me a couple of days to heal up some.? Catalina smiled. She had been surprised that Ariana really had gone through the trouble and all the experimenting to make those cookies from her childhood, and all that from no more at its root than little game of truth or dare.

?Mmhmm. I'd go easy on that, though, if I were you.? Ariana pointed briefly to the whiskey bottle. ?Too much, and you're numb permanently.?

?That doesn't quite work; I tried that for a while. Thanks for your concern, though.? Catalina smiled. IT had been a long time since anyone cared enough to say anything like that to her.

?I worry about all my friends, Catey. Occupational hazard, as I'm a mother.? Ariana grinned.

?I wasn't complaining.?

?Even if you were, I'd still do it.?

?Good.? But that didn't keep Catalina from reaching for the bottle again for another sip. When she sat it down again she smiled to Ariana. ?I promise to head upstairs without opening a second one. May I have another cookie now, please??

?Good. Otherwise I'd treat you like one of my children, and Paddle you.? With a nod to the basket she added, ?Of course.?

?Please, not tonight.? Catalina groaned. That horse had done enough damage to make up for several years worth of minor infractions, Catalina thought.

?Then behave.? Ariana grinned.

?I am behaving.? If badly or well, Catalina left up in the air.

?Good girl. I may even set aside some of those cookies I'm testing for you. I spoil those I'm fond of.?

?You're too good to me.? Catalina smiled. ?Did I tell you yet that I'm very glad I ran into the very first night I came back into town? Well, I am.?

?I believe you did, but it's nice to hear, again.? Ariana grinned pleased.

?I may say it again in another week or two.? Catalina warned with a warm smile. Then both turned toward the door that had just burst open to admit a dripping warrior. His clothes, boots, chain, shield, sword, all appeared thoroughly soaked.

?Is it raining outside, or did you fall in a lake somewhere, sir?? Ariana greeted the newly arrived patron before she turned to Catey. ?And I'll be just as happy to hear it again.?

?Yes, a really big lake...? The warrior shook his head and then looked up and down the bar to see if there was a tender.

?Smells of salt water.? Catalina decided after a moment. Catalina reached for the bottle again and had another swig, then glanced at it before setting it down again and commented to herself with a pained glance toward the stairs. ?Two more, tops.?

?You might want to get that mail off, before you rust into it, then.? Ariana sniffed the air with a grin. ?Mmhmm.?

?Aye, my companions and I were celebrating. We got a little carried away when one of them tossed me overboard, a little too much joy. Not sure how I got here though.? The warrior explained with a bit of a grin.

?Perhaps a strange current in the sea. You're at the Red Dragon Inn. I'm Ariana, that's Catey. And I don't know anyone else here, or I'd introduce you to them.? Ariana replied with a friendly grin.

?It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am Leif. I'd give you both a hug, but I don't think wet Viking smells very pleasant. I'll just spare you the grief tonight.? Leif offered a crooked smile as he took off his belt and shield in perpetration for taking off the armor.

?Good evening, Leif, nice to meet you. And ugh?? She winced at the mere idea of a hug tonight, ?rain check on that hug??

?I've smelled far worse. Well met, indeed, Leif. My poor friend here had a difference of opinion with a horse, and she lost.? Ariana explained Catey?s response.

?I beg to differ. I won.? Catalina grinned.

?Never... liked the ... darn beast meself.? Leif grunted with effort as he hopped to bring the armor over his head and then bent over, shimmy sliding out of the chain. The chain hauberk hit the floor with a thud, and he just sighed.

?A man of my heart.? Catalina sighed.

?They can be temperamental, my Raven especially.? Ariana glanced to an open window.

?Pretty much useless now, I have no oils to keep it from rusting now.? Leif donned the belt with sword again and leaned the shield up against the bar next to the armor before he grabbed a mug and filled it with something from the tap.

?You could find some oils in town, I'm sure. They sell everything in this town and then some.? Catalina offered helpfully.

?You still might want to keep it... exactly, wot Catey said.?

?Best thing for that I find is medicinal mead.? Leif said to the ladies before he took a sip of his own drink. He frowned then; obviously he didn't find mead after all. ?I will try to find some for sure. Be interesting to find a way to pay at this point though.?

?Some merchants accept barter. In the meantime, if you favor cinnamon rolls, help yourself.? Ariana offered the basket which smelled of baked goods toward Leif.

?Some even let you work off your purchases.? Catalina reached for the 'medicine' bottle again and this time finished it off in two swallows and then settled the empty bottle back onto the counter.

?Then I'll just have to work it off for now.? Leif nodded, grinning at the information.

?I couldn't do-? Leif was interrupted by a growling stomach. He grinned then and headed over to take one of the offered goodies. ?My appetite says to do so though. Thank you ma'am.? The soaked Norseman now held a mug of ale? in one hand, and a cinnamon roll in the other.

?Say, Ariana, one of those Seamusses we talked about the other evening wasn't per chance a Connor?? Catalina suddenly remembered to ask

?You're quite welcome. Unfortunately, I don't have any cheese bread. My father favors that... ? Then Ariana turned to Catey. ?Hmm? No, not the one I know of. Someone else you should be telling me about, hmm? ?

?Good .? Catey grinned but didn?t offer any additional information.

?Mmmm, these are good.? Leif grinned with appreciation after he took a bite of the roll and a swig of ale to wash it down. Then he moved off in front of the fireplace to dry off.

?Well, I had better be off.? Catalina sighed deeply and steeled herself to brave the stairs. ?Good night Ariana, Good night Leif.?

?Take care, Catey.? Ariana offered, her voice concerned.

?Good night miss.? Leif nodded over from the fire place.

Catalina, her face set with determination, slowly limped toward the stairs, nursing that bandaged wrist as she walked, and then even more slowly climbed the stairs.


Date: 2008-07-30 14:18 EST

Rory had left for his Ranch and offered her the use of his room while he didn?t need it. But she couldn?t sleep. Everything still hurt, no matter how she lay. Eventually she decided to get up and downstairs. Perhaps a few glasses of whiskey and some company would make a difference.

Some time later she limped down the stairs, slowly and nursing a bandaged wrist, dressed for comfort and to hide a few bruises in a gypsy skirt and a button up blouse. She glanced over to the bar once she arrived at the bottom of the stairs and spotted Ariana. She smiled over and then carefully limped over.

She?d just about crossed half the distance when Marek rushed by to move right for the bar and stepped behind it.

?Lemon bars and B-a-k-l-a-v-a for you.? Ariana tempted.

?Tonight you catch me before I sit down anywhere. Which one goes better with medicine?? She grinned to Ariana before she turned the same grin to Marek. ?And I need some medicine while you're back there; please...the whiskey flavored kind. Good evening, Marek.?

?Baklava? Marek paused behind the bar in his search for a tankard and perked up some to supply the answer.

?Mmhmm. I'm sneaky that way.? Ariana admitted before she turned to Marek. ?Yes, inndeed, you rogue. No fighting over it.?

?Hoi.? The mastiff, Moose, had been left with Kent, complaining about him letting the large dog have a bit of the drink earlier... but eh... Marek was thinking about that lovely b word now... a nod to Catalina, taking a tankard and filling it from a tapped keg before taking a lean behind the bar... though he was watchful of Ariana.

?Now I just need to figure out how to enjoy Baklava and whiskey with one hand.? Catalina contemplated with a grin.

?Get a handsome rogue to feed it to you.? Ariana suggested a solution.

?Excellent idea, but 'my' rogue is no where to be found.? Then again, Rory wasn?t anyone?s rogue.

?Oh, I've done that to a few women in my time.? Marek nodded over at Ariana, totally getting what she said wrong of course. ?One hand?? He lifted his drink for a sip.

?Well, I spy a volunteer over there.? Ariana grinned to Marek just as Seamus, having made his way over whistling a jaunty tune, took a lean against the bar.

?Hello Seamus.? Catalina greeted him with a pained but hopeful smile. ?Well, if Marek is willing to pour whiskey, maybe ? Would you be willing to feed me Baklava, Seamus??

?Aha, the mysterious Seamus.? Ariana grinned.

?Ah yes, Ariana MacGylden, Seamus Conner.? Catalina quickly made the introduction.

?Sneaky it may be, but it worked. Well met, Seamus.?

?'ow're yo?? Seamus started to greet Catey, and then blinked. He didn't know he was mysterious. ?I be mysterious now, aye?? He chuckled and blinked again.

?Feed ye, aye? I s'pose I may b' able ter 'elp ye out 'n' all... Then he turned his roguish grin to Ariana as he saluted the lady. ?Pleasure t' meet ye, lass.?

?Mmhmm, Catey here talks on and on about you.? Ariana exaggerated with a mischievous grin.

?I would be obliged.? Catalina regarded Seamus with another smile,

?Hmm...? Marek lifted a brow, and then in turn lifted his tankard for a drink.

?Oh, is tha' right, now? A'right woman, I'll 'elp ye out 'n' all.? Seamus waggled his eyebrows at Catey and slid onto the stool beside her with a chuckle, before looking back to Ariana. ?Only good things, I 'ope??

?Only the best.? Ariana offered the wooden basket to Seamus and Marek in turn. ?Help yourselves.?

?Thank you very much. And yes, only good things, like Collie, Ariana and me each knowing a Seamus but each a different one.? Catalina explained the ?going on and on about him? to Seamus before she turned to Marek again, ?Or are you not tending tonight??

?I getcha something while back here.? Marek shook his head and looked between Ariana and Catalina.

?Whiskey, please in a very large glass, no ice, ? Catalina smiled to Marek, ?and thank you. Oh, and that high power gun with lessons on how to use it.?

?No poisoned apples, are there?? Seamus curiously looked into the depths of the basket from his seat. Then he looked back to Catey, chuckling. ?Mus' b' a popular name 'round these parts... Or jus' th' best name for good lookin' men.? He grinned, glancing at her bandaged wrist. ?Not with a girl, I am 'oping.?

?Of course not. Just Baklava, brownies, cookies, cinnamon rolls, and lemon bars.? Ariana listed the goodies in the basket.

Marek paused and then chuckled with a nod to Catalina. ?Right... you want something you can carry on your hip again?? Then he moved to find a whiskey bottle to uncork, pouring a goblet full and sliding it her way on the bar, gentle enough. Then he lifted a hand toward Ariana. ?Baklava... Baklava... you promised dollface.?

?You want Baklava, Seamus.? Catalina advised before turning to Marek again. The glass had stopped right where she was standing. She reached for the glass with the uninjured hand and brought it up for a drink. ?Thank you, Marek. I could have shot that dumb horse and be much better off.?

?I did, I did. I had some left here, but someone must have taken it.? Ariana peered into the basket.

?Not a problem doll. Take a better trained one next time... I have a friend that taught me a bit about horses.? Marek frowned at Ariana. ?Taken it?????

?Baklava? Er... I b' thinkin' th' lemon bars be soundin' mighty fine ter me... If ye don' mind.? Seamus decided with an appraising smile.

?Of course, help yourself.? Ariana nodded to Seamus before turning to Marek. ?Catey was all pitiful looking, too. I took pity on her, and promised rum soaked rum raisin chocolate cookies. Mmhmm. There are a lot of patrons here who favor it. Or perhaps kitchen staff. Now if there's a way to leave it here safely...??

?Under lock and key?? Marek suggested to Ariana.

?That you did, but they won't be baked for 2 more days, right? Now, how to get up there.? Catalina glanced from her bandaged wrist to the stool and back. Then she turned to Seamus again after settling the glass back to the counter. ?How about helping me up on a seat??

?Yes, master.? Seamus eyed Catey and then grinned and bent down to tuck one arm under her knees and the other at her back. He lifted her up and sat her nicely on the stool. Her slight wince was followed by a smile. ?All better, yeah?? The he reached across her for the basket, snatching a lemon bar. ?Thank ye much, Missus Ariana.?

?Much better, thank you Seamus.? She gave him an appreciative smile. ?Where were you last night when I needed a lift up those stairs??

?You're welcome, Seamus.? Ariana pronounced his name Shay-mus, with a hint of brogue and burr to her voice. ?If you have a lockbox here, Marek, I'll leave it there.? Then she turned to Catey, ?On Wednesday, yes. But I won't have my new baker help; I don't want her giggling too.?

?I was actually out wranglin' some werewolves.. I'm sorry t' 'ave left ye defenseless.? Seamus explained with a crooked smile as he settled back into his stool and pulled the lemon bar up to his mouth to take a bite.

?I'll make one and leave it under the bar back here.? Marek nodded toward under the counter, glancing between Ariana and Catalina who seemed a bit bruised up tonight. ?I'll look over my inventory... and see what I can bring by tomorrow??

?Allright, then. I'll make doubly sure that it's left in your lockbox, Marek.? Ariana promised.

?Well, wrestling with werewolves is more important, I guess.? Catalina cast a longing look at the basket with the goodies and then addressed Marek ?I was serious asking about that weapon. I've a feeling I'll need one before long.?

?Mmm, these are delicious, Missus.? Seamus said with his mouth full, and then he grinned and looked to Catey. :: With his mouth full, too! Definitely attractive. Grins and looks to Catey with a sage nod. ?But 'elping dames in distress is even more important.?

?I'll be there, Ariana. Not everyone would agree with you, Seamus.? Catalina beamed a smile to Marek then. ?I'd appreciate it. How many coins should I have with me and can you also show me how to make use of it??

Seamus watched Catalina struggle to reach into the basket with a slight wince to fish for that mentioned baklava, waiting for her to fail before offering help.

?So... ? He said with a casual tone as he took another bite. ?Who b' roughin' ye up? I could kick their arses if ye'd like.?

?A horse, which needs a lesson in manners.? Ariana answered for Catalina.

?Hmm... well, still getting used to the coins bout this place... but how about let's say a range of twenty to fifty silver? Discount the first time around.? Marek gave a wink to Catalina.

?Right a horse dumber than straw. It was quite a wrestling match to get it out of that trap it stepped into.? Catalina added to Ariana?s explanation before she smiled to Marek again. ?That sounds low, are you sure you mean silver and not gold or platinum??

?A... horse?? Seamus dropped the hand with the remaining lemon bar down to his lap, quirking a brow.

?So Catey told me. And I plan to give him a lecture on manners.? Ariana nodded.

?I have a weakness for damsels in distress...?? Marek winked over his tankard, leaning behind the bar to refill it from the tapped keg then.

?Or dat dress?? Ariana shot to Marek with a wicked grin.

?The real distress will come sooner or later. Would you like to come along to be on hand?? Catalina looked to Marek as she found a piece of pastry that felt like baklava and straightened with a wince to Seamus?s amusement, bringing the piece of pastry with her.

?I recall... just how far a range do you want? Fifty meters? A hundred? More or less?? Marek shot a smile over to Seamus and then a smirk perked his lips at the offer. ?I could, but I'd have to charge you for bodyguard service.?

?About that oughta do it.? Catalina nodded and sat down the pastry in favor of picking up her glass for a long drink.

?Would ye like me t' hold th' baklava up for ye t' munch off of, Master?? Seamus waggled his brows at Catey after watching her change objects.

?Then again, I did promise to hold a Staff Meeting with whoever thought it was brilliant to trap horses.? Ariana assumed a thoughtful expression as she picked up her neglected glass of Bushmills. Then she mouthed to Catey with a wink, "Keep him!"

?Aww, call me Catey, and yes please?? Catalina smiled to Seamus before she grinned to Ariana. ?I'm sure the boys found that one by now.?

?Trap horses? Anyone you want me to speak to about doing that?? Marek glanced between Seamus and Catalina, and then looked to Ariana as he lowered his tankard.

?I believe they've been dealt with for now, but if it happens again, you can have the scraps after I get done, Marek.? Ariana replied.

?I'm sure whoever set the trap meant to catch something other than horses.? Catalina took a bite out of the baklava Seamus had snatched up out of her hand to hold it up near her, propping his arm up on the bar.

?Oh good... you can pay me with baklava.? Marek winked to Ariana before he nodded to Catalina. ?I'd hope so... a lot to catch in these lands. How about something that can be strapped to your leg... yet have a good bit of power and ability to go the distance... be it up close and personal or further away? I'm running a special on a shorten rifle... I'll throw in the leather holster for free... if you get her to toss good helping of baklava my way by tomorrow morning.? He gestured with his tankard to Ariana.

?That sounds perfect. You're sure you don't want to come along to keep the wings and stiffs and bones away from me? I'll go get you Baklava from her store myself if I have to.? Catalina winced at the thought of having to walk that far and lifted the glass for another drink.

?I could always carry you.? Seamus winked to Catey. ?I've always wanted t' b' th' knight in shinin' armor. Tha' would count, wouldn' it??

?I open at eight in the morning, but I can have a delivery here by ten.? Ariana offered.

?Drek... Sold !? Marek grinned to Ariana.

?See, problem solved.? Ariana smiled to Catey.

?Then it's a done deal. I'll see my man... err... ork and have the item for you tomorrow then.? Marek grinned between Ariana and Catalina before lifting his tankard again.

?Really? All the way to Ariana's bakery? That would be quite a feat!? Catalina smiled to Marek then. ?What time...about??

?It innit tha' far, is it?? Seamus quirked a brow.

?Early evening I hope, have a little meeting to attend... then should be free.? Marek smirked to Seamus then before he nodded to Catalina again. ?Best take him up on that offer, before he rethinks the distance.?

?A feat for the feet.? Ariana grinned and gave Seamus the correct directions to her bakery after Catalina had gotten them wrong. ?I am experimenting with a baklava cookie. Cinnamon and flour are better aromas to follow.

?Early evening it is. Catalina nodded to Marek with a smile.

?Now yer jus' takin' advantage o' me. An' remind me t' ne'er take directions from ye, Catey.? Seamus eyed the women and pulled the baklava away to take a small bite of it for himself. He deserved that much! Then he set back near Catey.

?I'd not hold you that anyway. I'd feel silly being carried for that long a distance though town. But it was sweet of you to offer.? Catalina gave Seamus a warm smile.

?I could make a wheel barrel for ye, and lug ye around.? Seamus winked fiendishly. ?Th' thought tha' counts, aye??

Catalina laughed at the image provoked and then winced when laughing hurt. ?Oh no fair. Sometimes it's the thought that counts other times it actually takes the action.?

?You'll need one after all the cookies I plan to ply you with, Catey.? Ariana grinned while Marek smirked with amusement.

?See? It'll 'ave future uses, too.? Seamus laughed as Marek was distracted by a lady ordering a drink. ?Eh, it's nothin' Catey.? Seamus offered in response to Catey?s thankful smile as she took another bite from the pastry he was still holding for her, as if he read her thoughts. ?So, is baklava th' way t' a woman's 'eart?

?It is to Catey's.? Ariana grinned into her glass.

?No, kisses and chocolate, but baklava and flowers are a close second.? Catalina grinned and then winked to Seamus. ?Oh, and being carried on hands, can't forget that.?

?I'll be sure t' keep tha' in mind, store it fer later use, Miss Catey.? Seamus tapped at his forehead with his free hand.

?I'm sure that'll come in handy, Mr. Seamus.? Catalina grinned back.


Date: 2008-07-30 18:26 EST
Some time later, after Seamus had been settled with a glass of honeyed milk and after Marek had served a drink to the lady and been given that kiss he had charged for it, and he and Seamus had discussed who would be paying for Catalina?s refill, a knife came whistling by, going straight for Marek?s heart. His boosted reflexes kicked in and three hand blades shot out of his left hand, catching incoming blade and deflecting with a low growl.

?Lady... that's just rude...?

Nice catch.? The woman who had thrown the blade applauded in seeming delight. The man sitting with her praised and chided her in the same sentence, not for the throwing of the knife but for failing to inflict serious injury.

?Be right back, doll.? Seamus murmured to a rather stunned Catey as he set the small, remaining piece of the Baklava and his mug on the counter before he moved off of the stool to help pick up the glass and clean the mess that had resulted from a startled bystander dropping a few things.

?That was your one out. You don't get another. The next time you hit the floor and don't get up, doll face.? Marek looked to the pair. The three blades slid back into his flesh and out of view with a quick snap.

?What're ye drinkin' Catey?? Seamus brushed up the spilled milk and mug with the broom and then rose to make for the garbage. He'd refill Catey's drink on his way back.

?Whiskey, no ice, please.? Catalina held the empty glass out for him and then watched as he turned to grab a bottle of whiskey and poured the contents into her glass.

?Better?? He asked before returning the bottle.

?Much, thank you.? Catalina said with a warm smile to Seamus and then brought the glass up to her lips, drinking deeply before she sat the glass down again. By the time Seamus was once again seated on his stool next to hers Marek had finished his argument with the man, Bob, that obviously been the driving force behind that thrown knife.

?Well... I'm off... got a bit of sleep to do before the sun rises... catch you all on the flip side.? Marek offered with a friendly nod to each seated at the bar. After a moment and having received good night wishes from everyone, he slid out from behind the bar and moved toward to the door.

?Is that dolt for real?? Catalina shook her head at Bob and then winced slightly as she shifted slightly in her stool and promptly picked up her glass again for another drink. ?Does he even know what it feels to come into town from a mission and find out the people you knew are all dead or worse and there's nothing but new young faces around? He sure doesn't sound like it.?

?Mus' b'.? Seamus watched Catey carefully, making sure she wasn?t about to fall, and then shrugged to Catey before looking to Bob.

?I do.? Ariana raised her glass in a silent toast that Catalina returned and then drained it.

Seamus caught Catey?s glance toward the left over piece of Baklava and picked it up with a soft chuckle, holding it up for her. Ever so carefully she took that last piece from Seamus' fingers, her lips brushed lightly against those fingertips. With a smirk he traced a fingertip along Catey's lower lip under the guise of dusting the crumbs off.

?Yummy? He watched with a crooked grin as Catey caught that fingertip with the tip of her tongue - to catch a drop of honey of course. There was a rather impish sparkle to Catey?s very blue eyes. Seamus pulled his hand away, lifting his mug to finish it off. ?I'm afraid I'm gettin' plum tired, Catey.. Are ye tired??

?Yes, and I may just have drunk enough of that vile stuff to be able to sleep, too.? She smiled to Seamus, but then had to chuckle when she realized what March that was Ariana was humming.

?Yer room is upstairs, too, aye?? Seamus chuckled.

Ariana glanced to the time candle, with a soft Gaelic oath. ?I should've been home hours ago. You both take care.? Ariana gathered up her basket and slid off her stool.

?You too Ariana. Have a good night.? Then nodded to Seamus with a warm smile. ?To the right, third door to the left, I think.?

?Nice t' meet ye, Miss Ariana.? Seamus grinned to Ariana and gave her a knowing look and a wave.

?It's Mrs.? Ariana grinned. ?I get to warm my feet on my husband.?

?Ah, pardon me, then, Mrs. Ariana.? Seamus replied with a crooked smile. ?An' I bet 'e's a lucky man, too, 'avin' a wife who bakes, tends, cooks 'n' kicks arse.? Then he chuckled at Catey as he rose from his stool. ?Ye think??

?Don't trust her directions, remember. He is, indeed. He's a woodcrafter. Take care.? Ariana waved over her shoulder as she padded barefoot for the door.

?Yeah, yeah... I remember.? Seamus chuckled after Ariana as he prepared to pick up Catey. ?Ready??

?Yes.? Keeping the injured hand close to her body, she reached up for Seamus's shoulders with her healthy arm as he scooped her up into his arms. ?And thank you much.?

?Eh, it's no problem. On th' way t' me room, anyway.? He gave her a concerned look before he began to move toward the stairwell, making sure she wasn?t getting too jostled. ?Ye a'right??

?It's better than walking, believe me.? Catalina gave him a warm smile as she slid her arm all the way around his shoulders.

?So ye will recognize yer door fi ye see it, aye?? Seamus minded his steps for once as he started up the stairs.

?Aye, that I will.? Catalina wasn?t even biting her bottom lip. And that made him preen with pride.

?See your door?? He stepped onto the landing and began to walk down the hallway to the right, glancing to the third on the left curiously.

?That one looks right.? Catalina nodded at the same door. ?It shouldn?t be locked.?

?A'right, 'fraid I'm gonna 'ave t' shift yer a bit 'ere, sorry.? He lowered for a moment, using the hand under her knees to twist at the door handle and a booted foot to swing the door open. ?Need me t' get ye into bed, or do ye think ye it'll be okay if I let ye off 'ere??

?I should be okay if you let me off here.? Catalina declines his offer with another warm smile. ?Thank you so very much. For everything you've for me this evening, Seamus.?

?Always a pleasure.? He gave her a cheeky grin as he stooped down again to gently set her on her feet. ?It really was no problem. An' no more 'orse traps, a'right?? He adopted a scolding tone, but ended with a smile.

?You should tell the horse that.? Catalina kept her arm around his shoulders and, tilting her face up, gazed into his blue green eyes.

?Maybe I will.? He grinned, looking into her very blue eyes intently before he leaned forward, just to kiss her forehead lightly. ?Now ye get yerself some good night's rest!?

But then her hand had moved into his hair and he snaked a hand around her head and he reeled her in for a soft kiss. Soft parted lips moved against his. He'd have done the dip and all if she wasn't injured.

?Now is it all better?? He smiled softly when he drew back.

?Yes, much better.? She smiled back in kind ?Have a good night, Seamus and thank you again.?

?Thank ye muchly, an' sweet dreams. I'll see ye around, aye?? He wished with a crooked smile, his hand brushed her jaw line before it fell back to his side.

?I very much hope so.? Catalina gave him another warm smile and a look that was more than just thankful, and then she turned to slip inside, closing the door slowly and softly behind her.

Seamus grinned at the closed door before he ambled down the hallway to his own room. He pulled out his key, unlocked the door and pushed it open. Stepping in quickly, he kicked it shut behind him.


Date: 2008-07-30 21:56 EST
Silver Bullets

By the next evening Catalina was able to walk without limping, so long as she took her time about it. The bruises were starting to change colors, too. But her wrist still throbbed, so she decided to forgo the leathers and wear the gypsy skirt and blouse instead to her meeting with Marek.

Seamus was the first person she saw and recognized though when she had made it down the stairs. He was seated at the bar, conversing with a young fellow, and broke into a smile the moment he saw her.

?A good evening to you, Seamus.? Catalina greeted him with a smile once she made her way across the floor and halted in front of him and nodded to the man he had been talking with. Then did a double take at the flame that sprung up in the air from out of nowhere.

?Good eventide, Miss Catey. I 'ope ye are feelin' better, aye?? Seamus smiled up as he settled his glass back to the counter. The young fellow did a double, too, and the flame hovering between him and Seamus disappeared and the man toppled from his barstool.

?I do feel better.? Catalina winked to Seamus. ?I'm sure not having to that climb that mountain last night has a lot to do with that.?

?Good t' 'ear, miss.? Seamus said with a roguish grin before he took another sip of his beer, looking between Vynn and Catey and blinking as Vynn fell. ?Catey, meet Vynn... I served 'im some firey whiskey.?

Vynn quickly jumped up and dusted himself, fully intending to look purposeful as he turned to Catey and bowed. "A pleasure to meet you milady"

?It's nice to meet you Vynn.? Catalina nodded to him before he turned to his companion. Then she turned to Seamus again, moving closer to rest against the bar between his stool and the one just next to his. ?Did you say 'fiery whiskey'? That sounds ever so interesting.?

?Well, it was fire whiskey? An' I b' thinkin' it was er... a wee bit strong, aye?? He gave a light shrug before grinning up at her at Vynn's reaction. ?See wha' I mean??

?I should have known to ask for that last night.? Catalina grinned, trying not to laugh.

?I dunno, might o' been bothersome.? Seamus chuckled, eyeing Catey. ?Ye might 'er been needin' me t' take ye t' the powder room a time or two. So, still got those lessons t'night?? He sipped from his glass, still watching her.

?Are you here to make sure nothing untoward will happen with those lessons?? Catalina chuckled softly as she accepted a glass of cider from the bar maid.

?I was jus' gettin' meself a beer.? Seamus said with an Innocent look. ?Jus' makin' sure ye were okay.?

?That is very sweet of you. It's been a very long time since anyone has shown me that much concern.? She smiled, a warm smile, not believing that utter innocence about just getting a beer at all. Then she winked. ?You could have scratched at the door.?

?Didn' wan' t' wake ye.? He took another swig of his beer, grinning. ?Ye a'right, aye??

?I'm much better, really. Still tender and the wrist will likely bother me for a while yet.? She nodded and showed him her glass. ?But see I'm back to drinking nothing stronger than apple juice.?
?Well, good. I doubt th' alcohol an' weilding of weapons go well t'gether, anyways.? Seamus chuckled and nodded.

?My thoughts exactly. And you, Seamus? You have not experienced any ill effects from your adventure last night?? Catalina asked with a searching look.

?So when is yer lesson, anyway? He grinned at Catey and then turned to greet Miss Vanayak before he waggled his brows to Catey. ?Nae, should I??

?Of course you should not, but carrying such a weight has been known to cause damage. I am glad to hear such was not the case.? Catalina grinned then. ?I am not sure exactly when, perhaps in another hour or so. That's an interesting use of the available furniture, is it comfortable??

?Fair 'nough.? He lifted his glass for another swig and then gave a roguish grin and raised his glass in salute to Marek who just then approached the bar. ?I'm puttin' it t' good use, aye? It's comfy, ye should try it some time.?

?I don't know, that bar looks rather hard.? Catalina smiled over to Marek then, catching him rubbing a hand through his hair. ?Good evening.?

?Hoi, got a bit of coin tonight?? Marek nodded his head again as he took a lean into the bar and slid the cigar back to his lips.

?Aye, perhaps it is... but it makes up with th' support it provides. Aye, it'd b' bes' t' wait 'til yer back in tip-top shape.? Seamus grinned at Catey, taking another swig.

?I brought the coins, did you bring the goods?? Catalina looked over to Marek.

?Yup.? Marek nodded over to Catalina again and shifted his lean against the bar and he pulled back his leather jacket, worn upon his right hip was a large leather holster, dropping to about the knee with a weapon held snug within.

?What would be a good place to try it out?? Catalina had a look at the ?goods? from the distance, then gave Seamus a brief glance. He had fallen silent and stared off blankly at a crack in the wood flooring.

?Well... outside the city... or for a quick demo... out the back door?? Marek tilted his head, releasing a few puffs of smoke from his lips as he worked the cigar lightly between his lips.

?Out the back door will work.? Catalina agreed with a smile and turned to Seamus as Marek pushed from his lean and started to head for the door to the alleyway. ?Will you excuse me for a moment or do you wish to come along??

?Nae, 'tis a'right.? Seamus blinked and shook his head and pulled out of his zoning. Then he glanced up to Catey with a smile. ?I'll stay 'ere and do some more wool collecting. Don' 'ave too much fun, aye??

?I won?t. I hope to see you afterward.? She leaned in and brushed her lips to his cheek. Seamus waggled his brows and smiled after her before she disappeared out the back door.


Date: 2008-07-31 11:20 EST
Catalina followed Marek out to the alley. He was making short work of the donut he had snagged up on his way out, wiping a hanky over his mouth and then dropping it into a trash bin outside.

?Hm... not a bad donut... and I know donuts.? Marek snuffed out his cigar against the buildling's side and tucked it away into a pocket of his leather jacket before he moved to remove the leather belt and large holster from his hips as Catalina watched quietly.

?All right... stand tall?? Marek instructed with a smirk to her, moving over with the gun belt in hand. Catalina stood perfectly still; she never slouched and there was nothing she could do to improve upon her height. Humming a tune upon his lips as he settled the leather gun belt around her hips, buckling' it in the front.

The large leather holster came down her right thigh to about the knee. Then Marek pulled the seemingly scaled down version of an old western rifle from the holster and with a light swing of the weapon he cocked with the motion of the lever.

?Lever action rifle... well, a scaled down version this is. So it can be carried at your hip. All be it larger then any other handgun you'd have at your hip. Fires a .44 caliber slug, for you, I've had silver rounds made up due to your mention of... wolf troubles.?

?Well, not so much wolves. I'd not mind wolves, I think, never had to fight with one.? She grinned and paused to remember the correct translations. ?It's skeletons, zombies, vampires and whatever else those necromancing dragons can think up I'm worried about.?

?I know whatcha' mean. I can suggest a good wiz' or mage maybe to bless your ammunition if you want in the future to kill those things.? Marek winked and nodded. ?You cock the weapon and advance the next round by pulling the lever here?? He motioned to the large ring under the cut down rifle. ?It's made to be fired with both hands for a better shot, but this weapon can be fired single handed with practice.? He turned slightly and lined up the weapon in his hands as looked down the barrel.

?Practice it is. I don't always have two hands available.? Catalina grinned with a quick but pointed glance to her bandaged wrist before she glanced at the weapon again. She?d run into plenty of situations were one or the other hand would have to do to wield her knife. ?It does look much more handsome and elegant than I pictured it from your description.?

?Practice would be good for now probably.? Marek winked to her and her wrist. Then he turned back to the weapon and fired off a round down the alleyway, shooting a goblet that was left upon one of the trash cans clear off and to the ground. A quick flick of the rifle's lever and another round was advanced into the chamber with another round fired off with a burst of sound to impact with the goblet on the ground now, casting it several feet further down the alleyway. Then he nodded to her as he spun the weapon within his hand.

?Nice!? Catalina had watched carefully and admired the seeming ease with which Marek handled the weapon. ?You made that look very easy.?

?Simple and easy to use... you reload one round at a time here?? He indicated the spot on the short rifle. ?Holds fifteen rounds of ammunition. So plenty to start off with in a fight before you'll have to reload.?

?Fifteen is good. And the bullets are less bulky than arrows, too.? Catalina grinned.

?I know?? Marek smirked to her. ?But I've been using various firearms for quite a few years now... so I've gotten in my practice with shooting.? He nodded with a light smile. ?Yeah... a small pouch or even pockets... you could keep extra bullets in while traveling unlike keeping arrows at your back.?

?I liked the sound of that the first time I heard of such a weapon being in existence.? Catalina smiled, already re-thinking how she would set up for her next mission, provided she could get any good at handling the new equipment by then.

?You might want to wait a day or two before you practice a few shots out in the open somewhere though. Let that hand of yours heal up a bit more.? Mare smirked and gave a flip of the weapon while he held onto the lever and advanced another round into the chamber.

?I have one good one, isn't that enough? Eventually it'll have to work with either anyway.? And it might even be a good idea to use the opportunity to learn how to make things work while in less than tip top shape.

?True enough.? Marek smirked again and gave a nod of his head. ?Up to you if want to take a few shots now... or wait on it.?

?I'd really like to try while you're here to correct whatever I'll be doing wrong.? Catalina insisted with a smile.

?All right...? With a nod and a light flip of the cut down rifle within a hand he offered her the back end.

Catalina took up the back end, her hand moved to it in a copy of how she had observed him grasping it, somewhat underestimating the weapon's weight and adjusting for it.

?Easier to balance than a sword. Did you aim by feel or is there anything to look for??

?She'll have a slight kick to her, like a mule... but you'll get used to it.? Marek moved back slightly, to her side and a step back behind. It was always best to stay out of the range of fire. ?Rule of thumb, don't put your finger on the trigger till you are ready to fire. First line it up with what you're wanting to take down. Give a look gently down the top of the barrel, she'll fire straight and true... you just have to be steady and hold the barrel in aim at your target.?

?At least you didn't you didn't say like a horse.? Catalina chuckled and then sobered to do as instructed, copying as well as she could remember the motions of the one armed shooting from the hip while trying to observe the difference between aiming at and the bullet actually hitting once she would pull the trigger.

Watchful of her Marek moved to put his cigar between his lips. Then he found his hand free and remembered he'd put it out' and put it away for now. He smirked at himself and looked back after her.

Catalina aimed sort of for the center of one of those trash cans down the alley, and then moved her finger to the trigger. The mule kick made her wince though and she lost track of the bullet over it.

?Not bad... like I said... takes a little practice... good to find a spot in the open forest maybe to do that. Hopefully your bullet doesn't travel to the markets.? Marek smirked, giving up a nod, though, and then winked.

?You think it could go that far?? Catalina grinned back before she aimed the weapon at the trash can again. Now she was prepared for the kick upon pulling the trigger and could make adjustments for it as well as keep her eyes on the target to see where the can would get hit.

Marek perked a smile, nodding after the hard sound of the round impacting and going into the can down the alleyway.

?The .44 round was made to go a bit of a distance and at the same time penetrate light armor. So even if your zombies or werewolves are wearing a suit like some knight in shining armor... you can send a round into it and knock them down.?

?Some do that, at least those freshly turned.? She turned to smile to Marek, satisfied with how that went. This would be so much easier than she had expected and this gun certainly had some enormous advantages over bow and arrow. She was only half f kidding with her next question, wondering how good he was on his feet. ?Are you sure you don't want to come along??

?I'd have to charge for the time.? Marek gave a wink and a smirk. ?If I'm around I might be inclined, business is picking up some, been busy about. The more practice?? He nodded to the cut down rifle. ?..The better you'll become and quicker you'll be able to fire and hit your target.?

?I wouldn't mind splitting pay, I certainly get paid plenty enough. I'll see if I'll have time to track you down when the next golden comes to fetch me back.? But he was right; she?d not have the luxury of time in the field. ?Aye, a lot faster. That's where practice comes in. I'll need lots of these of these bullets or are they reusable like arrows under practice conditions? And I should probably have you show me how to keep the thing clean.?

?Hold this for me for a moment please?? Catalina handed him the weapon back the same way he had offered it to her earlier.

?No, can't reuse them.? A smiled perked him as he ducked a hand into his leather jacket while taking the weapon in his free hand.

?Thanks.? Her hand free again, she moved it to her side and loosened the coin pouch she'd tied to her skirt earlier. Once it was lose she offers the smallish pouch. ?Count it, it ought to be sixty. I've no idea how much bullets should be.

?I trust ya... and no worry on the bullets... these are tossed in for free. Should be enough to give you some practice time. I can get you more the next time I see of ya' probably.? Marek pulled free a small velvet pouch with a light jingling and traded pouches with her with a nod and a smirk. Then he tucked the traded pouch below his leather jacket to a large inside pocket.

?Thank you, Marek. That is very generous of you.? She gave him an appreciative smile. ?Would it be more cost efficient to use normal ones for practice and keep the silver ones for when meaning business??

?Probably... I'll get you though a healthy supply of both. So you have plenty for practice... and plenty for carrying around in case you find trouble, or trouble finds you.? He nodded and moved to tuck the cut down rifle snugly into the large leather holster at her side with a wink.

?You do expect me to get into a lot of trouble. There's still the matter of cleaning...? She chuckled as she watched him, and for the moment didn?t mind the throbbing in her sprained wrist. ?I presume it likes water about as much as blades do??

?I'll get you a simple little cleaning kit for it.? He nodded gently with a step back. ?Little special cleaning solution instead of water for the weapon would work better. Don't worry, I'll even make sure to have instructions so you can follow along after I show you the first time through.?

?We shall have to have to agree upon another date at least for all that.? Catalina smiled, eyes twinkling.

?Sure thing... I'll keep it simple and to the point as not to bore ya too.? Marek nodded, a smile perked his lips again.

?Something totally new is rarely boring, especially when it includes hand on experimenting ? Catalina winked.

?Well... I'd have to agree with you there on several topics actually. True enough.? Marek nodded with a chuckle.

?I must say I'm a bit surprised though.? Catalina teased with a mischievous grin.

?Why's that?? Marek asked obligingly.

?I am so glad you asked.? Catalina responded with a flirtatious wink. ?I keep hearing the word 'free' fall from your lips. Are you sure that you're quite all right? You did learn you numbers at some point, didn't you? Twice ten is not one or free.?

?Yeah... I learned'm, just being nice. I do that from time to time when not working. Don't worry, I'll charge you extra for the next round of bullets.? He chuckled and winked in teasing.

?I'm glad you said 'extra' instead of double.? Catalina chuckled, still looking right at Marek, and with that teasing twinkle still very much present in her gaze.

?I have my moments, no worries. Like I said the other night... first time buyers get a discount.? Marek smirked.

Catalina shook her head slightly and then winked, ?That's not what I meant, just that double of nothing is, well, still nothing.?

?I've had it worse off.? He gave her a wink and a knowing smile perked his lips. ?If it'll make you feel better, I'll charge extra for the silver rounds.?

?You should if it makes me feel better or not.? She winked back. ?But yes, it probably would make me feel better.?

?Hey, it's your coin.? Marek chuckled. ?I'll see about getting that cleaning kit together for ya.?

?Thank you, Marek.? Catalina stepped up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

?Not a problem, quite welcome. Just don't shoot any of the Watch or myself by accident with that.? He nodded down with a wink and a smile.

?I'll try not to.? That nod of his sure came in handy for brushing a thank you with her lips against his. Catalina winked up and then stepped back, her hand slipping off his shoulder and returning to her side.

?Not a problem, doll face.? Marek smiled and gave a nod.

?Just call me Catey.? She chuckled. ?Is tomorrow too soon to meet about bullets and a weapon cleaning lesson??

?Hm... I'll have to see... I might be able to. Got a few meetings to get through... biz' deals... but we'll see, maybe.? He nodded.

?Sounds good enough.? She smiled and then nodded to the door. ?Time to go back in??

?I s?pose... Be careful with that hand while you practice for a while.? He reminded her again with another nod.

?I'll be sure to keep that in mind, thank you.? She?d be careful, but she wouldn?t let one little injury keep her from practicing either.

Marek moved to open the door for her and then followed her in after she stepped into the inn again.


Date: 2008-07-31 19:05 EST
?What's on your mind?? Catalina asked of Marek some time after they had settled by the bar again, each sipping a drink.

?Far too much... some days ya' just want to lay in bed and let the sunlight pass ya by ya know.? He gave a smirk down the bar at Catalina, lifting his cigar for a puff of smoke.

?Is it really all that bad?? Catalina shot Marek a curious look.

?Naw... not all. Just some days ya need an extra reason to get out of bed.? Marek shifted his lean against the bar.

?It seems we both found one today.? Catalina winked.

?True... and I made a little money in the process.? A smirk touched his lips as he lifted his glass for another drink.

?Likely very little, if it wasn't lost money rather than made money to begin with.? Catalina grinned and took a drink from her cider glass.

?True... I'll be all right, I always am.? Marek gave a nod and a smile. Then he settled the cigar to his lips for a light puff.

?Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with that. Catalina offered with a friendly wink after some consideration. If she?d knew him any better she?d have offered to massage whatever knots he had in his shoulders out when she had first observed him rolling the under his leather jacket.

?I'll do that, and hold you to it.? Marek sent another smirk and wink down the bar at Catalina.

?Anytime.? She smiled back. The she jumped subjects without preamble. ?Do you have similar things to deal with where you're from??

?From time to time.? .Marek caught his cigar between two fingers and held it aside for a moment as he lifted his glass toward his lip. ?Depends on the day really... or night as it may be.?

?I'd like to hear about it, if you're of a mind to tell.? Catalina prompted with an inviting smile.

This place ain't all that different from... home. Got the elves, trolls, orks, dwarves and a few of the mages too about. Just... more modern in style. More people carrying weapons like the one you bought, or like it.? He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders.

?It sounds downright lovely.? Catalina smiled, not the least bit of sarcasm tinted her voice. She must mean what she said. ?What is your position there??

?Problem solver and acquisitions specialist.? Marek replied with another smirk to Catalina.

?That sounds downright useful.? Catalina grinned.

?At times?? Marek gave a soft nod into her direction and again shifted his lean against the bar. ?Depends who's looking for you though.?

?Wha's goin' on?? Seamus asked sleepily of no one in particular with a slow, bleary blink as he awoke with a start from his post. He hadn't realized he'd fallen a sleep, waiting for Catey to return. Another blink. He was surprised he'd managed to keep the glass in his hand, too!

?True enough. Do you have dragons there too?? The Catalina chuckled softly over to Seamus as he woke from slumber. ?Good morning, Seamus. Had a nice nap??

?Actually... yeah, we've a few of those about.? He nodded to Catalina with a curious glance to Seamus.

?Aye, I s'pose so.? Seamus answered, stretching and yawning. A few more blinks to clear the sleep out of his eyes and then he glanced over to Catey, scowling and eyeing her.

?Ever ride on one?? Catalina asked idly of Marek.

?Nope... generally they don't let you do that, where I come from.? Marek nodded over, lifting his nearly forgotten cigar for a puff or two while in thought.

?A ride on one is the only way between here and Dragon's Eye.? Catalina offered to Marek before she looked to Seamus again. ?The bar can not make for a comfortable sleeping place.?

?I'll catch you later... need a walk...? Marek nodded and abandoned his lean against the bar, moving to the door.

?Be'er tha' than th' floor.? Seamus nodded to the departing Marek as he moved away from the bar and turned in his stool to set his half empty glass on the counter.

?Have a good night and thanks again, Marek.? Then Catalina turned to Seamus with a soft chuckle. ?If you say so. Would you like to see my new toy??

?Sure, I don' see why not? Jus' 's long as ye don' shoot me.? Seamus raised a brow at her.

?No worries, I can't even pull the thing out right now. I have to figure out yet how to manage that one handed.? Catalina picked up the velvet pouch and the holstered gun with the one uninjured hand and brought them over with her, and then gently sat the gun into Seamus's lap. ?But I managed to hit the trash can on the second try.?

?I was jus' 'bout t' ask if ye were able t' do somethin' with it one handed.? Seamus grinned and looked down to the gun in his lap, pulling it out of the holster carefully. He turned it over in his lap, running a hand along its contour. ?Not bad.?

?I like it already.? Catalina then jingled the velvet pouch she was still holding. ?Marek even thought to bring the right kind of bullets along.?

Seamus lifted the weapon up in one hand, squinting and pretending that he was going to shoot it. He aimed nowhere in particular, mind you. Then he grinned and returned it to its holster as he looked back up at the jingling. ?Good on 'im, then.?

?Careful, sweety, it's loaded. We only shot it five times, so there ought to be ten more bullets still in there.

?I know 'ow t' han'le a gun, sweets.? Seamus grinned up at her.

?Do you now.? Catalina gave him a slow smile. ?Maybe I should have you along then for some practice.? Catalina leaned lightly against the stool Seamus was sitting on, setting the velvet pouch down on the available space between his legs. Catching his glance toward his half empty glass, she commented, ?Mine was all empty before you woke up.?

?Wan' me ter get ye somethin', then?? Seamus offered with a chuckle.

?Another glass of cider would be very welcome, or perhaps I should give your fiery whiskey a try?? She winked.

?No problem.? With a cheeky grin he slid off the stool and handed the holstered gun back to her, exchanging it for her empty glass. Long strides brought him around the bar and to the cooler to find some cold cider and a Guinness while Catalina settled gun and pouch to the counter. He refilled her glass and set the cider back in the cooler before letting it shut behind him. Then he was back to over to the other side of the bar and slipped back onto his stool as he passed her glass back over.

?Thank you very much.? Catalina accepted the glass with a wide smile.

?Don' mention it, darlin'.? Seamus winked as he popped the cap off of his bottle lazily, setting the cap on the bar beside his glass. Catalina carefully leaned against his stool again now that he had sat back down, then raised her glass to her lips for a quick sip. She took another drink from her glass before she lifted her gaze back to his.

?Do you think you could show me a few tricks with that there thing.? She nodded toward the gun on the counter, ?perhaps after I'm done tasting Ariana's cookies tomorrow??

?Some tricks, aye? I derno iff'n I b' knowin' any tricks...Seamus looked to the gun with a crooked smile.

?Well the trick to actually hit what one's aiming at when it has to be quick.? Catalina grinned.

?Oh, tha'? I b' thinkin' I can give ye a few poin'ers, then.? Seamus nodded.

?I'd appreciate it very much. When might you be available for giving pointers?? Catalina asked with a wide smile.

?Well, I got a job t' do tomorrow, not sure when I'll b' back t' b' 'onest, darlin'.?

Catalina nodded and thought for a moment, and then looked into his eyes again.

?Dark is probably not the best time for practicing. Might you have a day coming up anytime soon without a job filling the daylight hours? Or do you perhaps know of a place made for practicing even after the sun has gone??

?Yeah, prolly not?? Seamus leaned back thoughtfully and then looked back to Catey. ?I could do Thursday maybe, or Friday? 'fraid I don' know where much of anythin' is 'round 'ere.?

?Neither do I. But I know where there is a horse ranch to be found. There should some place there with some evil trees that need shooting.? She winked. ?And either day would be great.?

?Evil trees?? Seamus?s brows rose.

?Well perhaps not, but there has to be some target or other, otherwise how'd you know you hit the target?? Catalina chuckled at his expression.

?All ye need is a fence and a bunch o' empty bottles or cans.?

?There are definitely fences about. Finding an empty can or two should not be all that difficult.?

?'specially not from 'ere.? Seamus grinned behind his bottle as he took a drink.

?There do seem to be plenty of empty vessels around here.?

?Sure thin'. I'll b' sure t' snag a bag afore we go.?

?Splendid! You don't mind a ride, do you?? She gave Seamus a wide smile and then a wink. Having received a positive reply she added, ?Once you let me know which day of the two or both are more to your liking I can see that two beasts and hopefully smarter than the one still stabled for his idiocy are available and ready for us to use.?

?I s'pose I'm lucky I know 'ow t' ride, then.? Seamus grinned.

?We could walk, if you'd rather.? Catalina smiled and looked him over and found that he just might be able to keep up with her pace.

?I wouldn' mind ridin' a 'orse. I been doin' a lot o' walkin' since I got 'ere 'n' all.?

?Somehow I had a feeling you'd prefer a ride.? Catalina winked.

?I'm more worried abou' ye, really? Wouldn' wan' ye t' b' gettin' tired, I know ye are still injured.? Seamus smirked.

?I'll be fine. Except for maybe this.? She raised the bandaged wrist a little. ?Everything else should be well enough by then.?

?Ye thin' ye will b' able t' shoot?? Seamus eyeballed her.

?And here I thought you were worried about the ride. Yes, I'll be able to practice, with one hand anyway. Practicing for ambidexterity will have to wait a bit.?

?Maybe we should get ye a sling, then... Might b' able to 'elp out with yer accuracy as well as yer shootin'.? Seamus suggested with a chuckle.

?Then I'd be used to hitting stuff that way and would have to re-train.? Catalina shook her head slightly and grinned. ?No, I'll pull myself together and do without.?

?Ye sure?? Seamus looked at her with concern.

?Yes.? Catalina sounded utterly convinced and gave him a warm and confident smile. ?Your concern feels like warm honey just the same.?

?Ain' never been cared for, lady?? He grinned, eyeballing her again.

?Not like that anyway. I like it though.? People cared for the documents she carried and that she delivered them while they still did any good. Benji had cared beyond that, but he was gone.

?Well, ye better.? Seamus lifted his bottle for another swig. ?Or ye can get lost.? He grinned, sticking his tongue out and winking roguishly.

?It's a good thing I do like it then.? Catalina chuckled merrily.

?Yer darn righ' it's a good thin'.? He blew her kiss before taking another drink. When Catey playfully caught the kiss and made a show of tucking it away for later, he merely smiled over the edge of his bottle, his sea green eyes twinkling.

?So what do ye do 'ere in Rhydin?? Seamus set his bottle back on the bar top.

?Nothing mostly. Some hair brained mission of looking for a general and a dragon here, or papers they may have stashed and waiting for a bit just case they're still alive, which hasn't been a fair chance in over a year.? Catalina settled her glass next to his bottle on the counter.

?Sent on a wil' goose chase, then, eh?? Seamus chuckled.

?It's not for me though to question royal orders.? Catalina delivered the line with a straight face but then grinned. ?They probably think they did me a favor. At first I didn't think so, but I'm coming around to agreeing with the sentiment. I just hope I don't forget anything while doing nothing. The next mission will reach me sooner or later.?

?Does tha' mean ye'd b' leavin' fer good?? Seamus nodded, sort of understanding.

?That depends on what the fates have in store for me.? Seamus had found a question she didn?t like to answer. Seamus stared at the sudden change in mood and received a shrug as he bit her bottom lip.

?Well, now that ain't positive.? Seamus commented.

?I'd love to say, sure I'll be back, and if I'm called back before the year is out I'll definitely be sent back here again, provided nothing untoward happens. I just refuse to make promises I may not be able to keep.? Couriers usually lasted less than two years; she?d been doing the job for six. ?I didn't get the gun for a stroll in the park.?

?I un'erstand, makes sense anyways.? Seamus smiled again and lifted his bottle for another drink. ?I bet, darlin'.?

?In a way, you showing me pointers should help make sure I'll get to return.? Catalina reached over to pick up her glass again, too, and then gave Seamus a little wink.

?Then I guess I'll 'ave t' try extra 'ard 'n' all.? Seamus grinned.

?I plan on making the best of it, too.? Her smile deepened.

?Ye jus' wan' some extra time wit' me.? He accused with a smirk.

?That's definitely part of it.? Catalina laughed and then finished off her cider. ?Make no mistake, though; I've my mind set on learning how to use that gun for maximum efficiency.?

?Mhmm, I bet.? He took another swig from his bottle.

?It occurs to me that you already know a lot of me and I know next to nothing of you. You should try to change that.? Catalina gave Seamus an inviting smile.

?Need another?? Seamus eyed her and asked before he finished his beer. ?Wha' do ye wan' t' know??

?I'm good for now, thank you. Maybe later. Hmm, everything, preferably.? She winked. ?Where do you hail from, what brought you here, where are you going, what do you dream of... I think that should do it for a start.?

?Lotsa questions, nosy.? Seamus winked to let her know he was just playing, and then assumed a thoughtful look. ?Well, I am from Earth, grew up 'n Ireland after th' Apocalypse an' moved t' London t' find someone... I can' say I was brought 'ere by choice. Apparently tha' Nexus thin' took a likin' t' me. I'm nae goin' anywhere far as I know, an' all I wan' is a pet wolf, a small cottage on a nice plot o' lan' wit' a wife an' two kids.? He shrugged lightly. ?Oh, an' I wanna farm.?

?A pet wolf.? Catalina smiled at his answers. ?There's been one around here somewhere. Did the nexus like anyone else from home or did you get pulled away from everyone??

?Yeah, apparently jus' me... there wasn' much left o' th' pack, anyways...? A frown pulled at his face as he looked away briefly. Catalina placed her hand on his thigh, a comforting gesture in response to his expression. He looked back to her with a broken smile. ?Ye know, ye'd have thought after blowing ourselves up t' smithereens would've stopped th' wars??

?They didn't stop?? She looked straight back into his sea green eyes.

?Nae. Except now it wa'n't betwixt countries, it was betwixt humans, werewolves, vampires an' demons. We all los' a lotta loved ones.? He paused. ?I'm actually sorta relieved I en'ed up 'ere... I jus' feel guilty I can' 'elp anyone else.?

?I'm glad you ended up here for me to meet, too. Perhaps someone else will help yours like you've offered to help me.?

?Mayhaps... Th' good were losin' a valiant battle, though.? Seamus was smiling again, though.

?Neither side seems to be winning on Dragon's Eye.? Catalina shifted her lean against his chair slightly. At his prompt she continued with a slight shrug. ?It's been going on forever. What did you used to do for fun there??

?Fun?? Seamus blinked, a little surprised at the question. ?Well, when me an' Tomas were li'l', we use t' play a game called 'Werewolf Huntin'. We use t' chase after our pet wolf, Cailean. Bu' 'n London, it was all abou' survival. Fun was a rare thin' t' come by when ye fear for yer life. Neona made it bearable, though.? He nodded and looked away again with a sad little smile.

?Chasing that poor beasty.? Catalina smiled at the image of two boys running after a wolf. Then she lifted that hand from his thigh to touch gentle fingertips to his cheek. ?Now I know why you yearn for a pet wolf. But I was trying to get you think of nicer things, and not make you miss your family more.?

?I know ye were... It was... It had jus' been lots o' bad times filled with bad people. I lost everythin' t' werewolves, an' then after that, the Nacht Krieger pack and th' Necavarius clan tried t' destroy everythin' we 'ad worked for.? Seamus smiled softly for her.

Catalina kept her fingers against his cheek for a moment longer, and knowing words did nothing to soften the memory of the experience she didn't offer any.

?Pardon me f'r ramblin', darlin'.? Seamus looked up to her.

?That's quite all right and no apology needed, it was me asking to hear.? She gave him a warm smile as she allowed her fingers to fall from his cheek for her hand to once again come to rest on his thigh.

?Thank ye muchly.? He let his fall to rest on hers, massaging hers gently.

?You are welcome.? After a moment she offered, ?I always liked cloud gazing and trying to see things in them that were different from what I knew.?

?I'm more of a stargazer...? Seamus grinned.

?The only time the stars are out is the time the undead walk the land. So I didn't get to try any of that.?

?Tha's no good.? Seamus quirked a brow. ?Stargazin' is th' mos' amazin' thin' e'er!?

?Perhaps I'll find an opportunity sometime while here to give that a try.? Catalina smiled.

?Ye know, it's late... Ye should prolly get some sleep 'n' all.? Seamus said with a regretting look to Catey after he glanced to the time candle.

?I should, and so should you. You've a job to do come morning and I've to go find Ariana to try her cookies.? Catalina smiled and moved out of his way so he could get up and reached for the holstered gun and the velvet pouch with her uninjured hand.

?Yeah, yeah... minor details.? Seamus grinned, rising from the stool.

?Time to find out if those still are where we left them.? Catalina winked to Seamus as she turned, ready to head upstairs.

?After ye, m'lady.? Seamus snickered and followed Catalina with a crooked smile. She was still walking a bit slow. ?Stiff leg, eh??

?A little.? She grinned to him before she started to climb the stairs.

?Thin' ye can make it?? Seamus asked.

?I had better if I want to go riding on Friday.? Catalina replied after a moment?s hesitation with a soft chuckle. For a moment she had been sorely tempted to see if he might carry her again if she said no.

?Tha's th' spirit.? Seamus grinned and followed her to hr door.

?Good night Seamus.? Catalina turned to him and tilted up her face. ?Thank you for your company. I hope you've enjoyed this evening as much as I have.?

?It was definitely a pleasure.? He smiled at her. :: Smiles at her. ?G'night, Catey.?

She opened the door a bit to walk inside and then paused, ?Sweet dreams.?

?You, too.? Seamus blew a kiss before he ambled to his own room.


Date: 2008-08-04 19:45 EST
A Long Ride

The two horses tied up outside, Catalina came into the inn to meet up with Seamus. He had offered to come to the Ranch with her today to give her some pointers on how to make the best use of her new toy, the gun she bought from Marek just a couple of days before. Her sprained wrist still bothered her, but she had resolved to not let that injury interfere with her enjoyment of the day.

Catalina looked up to the noise moving down the stairs. Seamus was already limping down the stairway, rushing as best as he could. The large canvas bag was making a fair amount of racket, echoing down the stairwell, as it was full of cans. Twin guns were holstered at his hips, banging against his thighs to further heighten his discomfort.

?Need any help with that?? She grinned up to Seamus.

He was grumbling as he shifted the bag to his other shoulder but smiled when he heard Catey and looked over to eye her. She was wearing her leathers today, a sensible outfit for riding, and she still had her wrist bandaged.

?Nae, I'm a big boy.? Seamus gave Catalina a cheeky grin as he made his way over to her, limping slightly.

?Should I have brought a pack horse too? You plan on making me practice until I fall over.? She chuckled and then, with a pointed glance to his leg, asked what happened.

?Th' bag innit nothin' at all. An' jus' thought I'd b' on th' safe side.? Seamus snickered and then glanced down at his leg with a little shrug. ?Oh tha'? Nothin'...? He pointedly looked away, changing the subject. ?So, ye a'ready t' go??

?Right, nothing, just no chasing you around.? Catalina teased with a soft chuckle. ?Yes dear, I'm ready and so are the horses and there's a fence waiting somewhere.?

?Lead th' way then, missus.? Seamus gave her a crooked grin. When Catey held the door open for him he nodded to her before he slipped outside. ?Thank ye muchly, doll.?

?Wow, th' 'orses are... 'uge!? Seamus?s eyes widened at the sight of the horses waiting there, saddled and ready to go. The horses that stood there saddled and ready to go were huge. They bred war horses on Val's ranch. These were not yet fully trained, though, which suited him just fine. When Catey asked him which one looked better to him he pointed to the further one. ?I'll take tha' one o'er there.?

?Did you think I'd let a pony beat me up?? Catalina chuckled at his surprise and then winked. ?Well, these here already had some training, so maybe they know not to step into traps, or if they do to had least hold still.?

?I don' know, maybe?? Seamus grinned. Then he moved over to the horse and, sticking his good foot in the stirrup, lugged himself over with one hand. He grunted a bit as it took him a bit more effort to get his other foot over, but he made it up onto the horse! That mattered! He looked down to Catalina then, laughing. ?Positive thinking, I like that.?

?Ready, Seamus?? Catalina was up on her horse in half the time and took up the reins.

?Ye bet.? He looked over to her after he tied the bag to the saddle, grasping the reins.

?Okay, Minimally Less Stupid, home to the barn.? With a click of her tongue to the horse she swung it around. Seamus snorted at her name for her mount and followed her example, clicking to his horse.


Date: 2008-08-05 13:17 EST
The horses took them out of town and would take them through the forest. The ranch was quite a distance outside of Rhydin. For the most part they rode quietly as Seamus was curiously watching his surroundings, mapping their route in his mind as they traveled.

?So, what did you do to your leg? I trust you didn't get it banged up out of sympathy just to see what I felt like?? Catalina eventually grinned over to Seamus.

?I injured it on my job.? Seamus chuckled at her suggestion.

?Are you all right though?? Catalina looked over with concern. Riding with a bad leg was no fun, she knew from experience.

?I'm jus' peachy.? He smiled as if to prove his words true.

?What's with those guns?? One she would have understood, as the purpose of this trip out to the ranch was to practice shooting. But two identical ones? Did he perhaps expect trouble, or did he not entirely trust her? That would be bad. ?Are you planning on getting in some practice, too, or are you expecting trouble to catch up with you??

?I was thinkin' of testin' 'em out 'n' all.? He grinned at waggled his brows. ?Maybe for back-up in case I got t' worry about ye.?

?Right. And just what would have to happen for you to get that worried about me to use those?? Catalina chuckled softly.

?I don' know, t' b' 'onest.? He leaned forward with a sheepish grin, stroking the horse?s mane.

?It's not likely anything will jump from the thicket. I've traveled this particular road many times and nothing ever happened.? Catalina smiled over to him, merely observing for a moment

?Well, tha' definite'y puts me worries at ease.? Seamus stated truthfully as he sat back up.

?I wouldn't let anything happen to you anyway.? There was a twinkle to her eyes now.

?Oh, me knight in shinin' armor!? He snickered and winked.

?I don't have any armor, shining or otherwise, though. I'll guess you'll have to imagine it.? Catalina did some imagining on her own and it certainly didn?t involve armor.

?Ye are too funny.? Seamus chuckled and shook his head.

?Is that a good thing or a bad thing??

?Good, very good. Funny is good.?

?You should be able to see the ranch once we make out of the woods. The main building's fairly large and there the stables aren't exactly tiny either. Currently the only people around are some workers and a foreman. None of the court is in residence.? Catalina switched subjects with a smile. So we should pretty much have the place to ourselves. I came out last night and found us a field with a fence that isn't to be used for another couple weeks yet. I'd not want us to shoot the animals by accident, or people for that matter.?

?Is tha' good 'r bad?? Seamus looked at her with a smile.

?I'd say that's good.? Catalina smiled back. ?I'm thinking we can leave these two brutes here at the stable and head over to the field on foot, what do you think?? When he agreed she added with a decidedly cheeky grin, ?You didn't per chance bring your costume from the ball??

?I'd rather burn it.? Seamus snorted.

?That would be ever so sad. I rather liked seeing you in it.?

?In a loin cloth?? His eyebrows rose speculatively.

?Yes, and that enormous pelt with those long teeth.? Catalina laughed softly and studied him with a look that left no doubt that she was imagining in that costume. ?It was daring and outrageous and showed off a pair of nice legs.?

?Unbelievable. Tha' costume was definitely embarrassing.? Seamus shook his head at her and then smirked. ?Well, I'm glad ye approved. Ye look purdy good in scarlet, yeself, ye know?

?That I certainly did.? She smiled. ?Thank you. They had little left to pick from when I heard of the ball. I do like the dress though.?

?Ye looked go'geous in it, doll.?

?Thank you.? She blushed just a little, then grinned over. ?Perhaps someone will talk me into wearing it again some time.?

?If th' occasion arises, I'm sure.? Seamus grinned and then looked around. They had left the forest behind them and there would be just enough daylight left for the planned practice. He nodded approvingly as the buildings of the ranch came into view. Catalina?s description had been fairly accurate. ?Not t' shabby.?

?Probably not. I've not seen much to compare it to though.? Catalina led the way to the stable by some other out buildings and of course by the 'big house'.

?There, there, 'ome sweet 'ome.? Seamus leaned forward to stroke the mare's mane again.

?Hi Matt.? Catalina greeted the worker that came out from said stable as the rode up. Then she halted her horse and with a "Thanks for the ride Slightly Less Than Stupid" she let go of the reins, swung a leg over and then slid from the beast. ?Mind taking care of these for me? I'm taking Mr. O?Connell here over to the east field for a bit.?

Seamus grinned at the stable hand and nodded his head in greeting as he brought the horse to a halt. With some difficulty, he swung his leg over and slipped off of the horse. He gave another few strokes to the mare's mane before he moved to untie the bag of bottled glasses.

Matt, obviously not a man of many words, merely nodded to each and came over to lead the horses away. Catey didn't even bother to leave word if they needed horses again later or not.

She turned to Seamus, ?Are you ready, or do you need a moment to find you legs??

?I'm jus' fine, thank ye muchly.? Seamus said with a crooked smile to Catey.

?This way then.? Catalina moved to walk beside him and smiled up to him. ?Thanks for trusting me enough to agree to come out all this way.?

?Yes ma'am.? He gave her a cheeky grin as he limped beside her. ?Eh, wha's not t' trust, aye??

?I don't know. Could be anything.? Catalina shrugged after a moment?s pause after they rounded the corner of a building, leaving the house and a few trees behind them. An empty field was just ahead, a wooden fence around it. They?d be just far enough away not to bother anyone with the noise of discharging weapons, or at least not overly so.

?So ye got yer baby?? Seamus asked with another grin as he slung the bag of cans over his other shoulder.

?Baby?? Catalina looked at him confused for a moment. ?Oh you mean the gun. Sure, stashed it right here. I don't like walking around with weapons that I don't know how to use. Yet.? She grinned and then walked over to the fence, one of the posts in particular, where she had stashed her pack. She crouched down to open the pack and pulled out the holstered gun and then rose, turning to face Seamus again.

?Good girl.? Seamus chuckled and sent a wink to Catey before he followed her up to the fence. There he dropped the bag at his feet with a loud clinking noise. He began to pull out cans and evenly spaced them up on the fence.

?Thanks.? She smiled back, and then bent to buckle the holster to her hip and to tie the bottom end to her leg, grimacing a bit when she tried to do too much with the sprained wrist, but not adjusting for it either. Then she walked around a bit to get used to the feeling of that gun at her side.

After getting a row of about forty cans evenly spaced out, Seamus turned back to Catey. An amused smirk played across his face as he watched her trying to get used to the gun.

?Yes, is something the matter?? Catalina asked when she caught that look.

?Jus' watchin'.? Seamus grinned as he moved over to her.

?How far away should we be??

?What are th' distances ye'd like t' try aimin' from??

?Marek said something about fifty to a hundred meters.? Catalina didn?t know which distance to try for. Those cans looked awfully small to her even from up close.

?A'right.? Seamus backed them up to about fifty meters and pulled out one of his own guns from the holster. He squinted an eye and aimed with one hand toward the cans. This was his way of judging distance. Then he returned the gun back in the holster, turning to Catey. ?Hm, seems about right. Ye ready??

?Aye, more or less.? Catalina pulled that not so little gun from its holster, holding it just like Marek had shown her a couple of days ago, or in as close of an approximation as she could remember.

?A'right now? When ye are gettin' ready t' fire, 'old yer breath. Either take a deep breath an' let about 'alf o' it out, o' jus' take 'alf a breath an' 'old it. This will reduce wobbling on yer part.? Seamus stated as he moved to stand behind to watch her stance. Catalina brought up the barrel and aimed more or less for one of the cans and then pulled the trigger, shooting one handed and from the hip and utterly unaware of a 'stance'.

?Which one were ye aimin' for?? Seamus chuckled.

?The one above the fence post which I did hit.? Catalina grinned over, then adjusted her aim and tried again.

?Squeeze th' trigger. Don't pull it or jerk it, it'll throw yer aim off.? He nodded as he gave her some more advice.

?But that makes it slower, doesn't it??

?Which are ye more worried about??

?Both, I think.?

?Squeezin' shouldn' slow ye too much, aim is a mighty importan' thing. Do ye feel like ye flinch at all when ye shoot??

?No, I feel the kick back of the shot, though.? She adjusted for that well enough, she thought, but it was there just the same.

?Yeah well, some thin's are inevitable 'n' all.? Seamus shrugged lightly, though he continued to comment on her stance. ?Ye should part yer feet a bit more, give yerself a more sturdy stance an' tha' should 'elp a li'l' bit agains' th' kick back.?

Catalina laughed out at that, but she wasn?t going to explain the sudden mirth. ?A man of my heart!? Then simply followed the instructions, still snickering, though and gave the aiming and squeezing a try. She missed the brow Seamus raised at her comment and the grin and slight blush when comprehension kicked in with a slight delay.

He watched her shoot, and nodded. ?Not bad, was it easier t' take th' kick back tha' time??

?A little, easier, yes.? She smiled over and then turned her head to aim at more of the cans, shooting off three rounds in fairly quick succession.

?'S long as ye are hittin' th' ones yer aimin' for, yer good t' go. Ye are nae much o' a bad shot.? Seamus smiled at the sound of the bullets hitting the cans and knocking them off the fence.

?Not quite as good as with bow and arrow yet, but these do fly true with a breeze.? Catalina smiled over to him, obviously pleased with the new toy. ?Aiming's faster, too.?

?Not as affected by wind, either. Kin' o' tricky now 'n' again, don' always shoot straight. Sometimes they curve, an' ye can do tha' on purpose, too.?

?Oh, on purpose, that sounds interesting. But I doubt I'll have much use for that.? It would take time she likely didn?t have just to learn to use the gun for straight shooting in her sleep. She wasn?t going to waste time on learning that trick.

?Mos'ly only fer target practice.? Seamus shrugged. ?Wan' t' hit th' rest o' th' bottles then we'll call it a night??

?That sounds good me.? Catalina gave him another smile, a playful one, and then turned to reload the gun with bullets from the pouch Marek had so generously included in the original deal. After she had knocked off a few more cans she changed position to give the two handed shooting a try. She even thought to pull her shoulder back before the ?kick? could hit her.

?Ye are a quick learner, ye are a natural.? Seamus still stood behind her, watching happily.

?I guess that's a have to.? She smiled ever so pleased with his compliment though. She refused to wince about any protest that wrist might have for getting used. And then fired off whatever was left on bullets in the gun, destroying the last few cans and then decorated the fence post with the rest, with the shots that didn?t miss anyway.

?Like t' 'andle guns, eh?? Seamus waggled his brows and laughed amusedly.

?I think this one here will be effective. And it's not overly heavy. I would like to live a little longer, you know.? ?Like? had nothing to do with it to Catalina?s way of thinking.

?Aye, livin' longer is definite'y up there.? Seamus wrinkled his nose a bit.

?I thought you might agree with me.? Catalina gave Seamus a warm smile and then returned the gun to its holster. Cleaning the thing and any more practice would have to wait until Marek could make good on his promise to deliver a cleaning kit. She looked at the mess of cans then. One of those addle brained horses would try to eat those if they left them behind. ?We probably should get that cleaned up.?

?I still got th' bag.? With a bright smile Seamus went to pick up the bag and then began to pick up the mutilated cans. Catalina helped, careful not to bump heads in the process and a lot less careful about bumping anything else.

?Did ye 'ave fun at least?? Seamus paused to watch her for a moment.

?So, take aim between shots, a little extra time on the trigger, feet apart for balance?? She winked then. ?No squinting, half a breath to hold, it's really a lot easier than arrows.? To her the fun part was his company.

?Good t' 'ear. So I 'ope I wont b' losin' ye t' any battles any time soon, then, aye?? Seamus rose to his feet once the last can was picked up and grinned.

?You won't if I can help it.? She made the words sound like a promise to make up for the promise he asked for and she found impossible to give. Then her smile turned into a grin. ?Of course, to lose something one must first have it.?

?Is tha' a promise?? He smirked ?Fair point.? He watched as she unfastened the holster from her person to return it to her pack, along with the pouch of bullets from her jacket.

Once both were in the back and the pack closed she straightened again and turned to Seamus, closing the distance between them. The quality of the look she regarded him with was serious and mildly pleading.

?I can only promise to do my best and to want to return, for now.?

Seamus nodded, understanding. He wasn't in a rush, anyway.

?Care t' 'ead back t' th' inn fer a pick me up?? He asked with a sideways smile.

?I was hoping you'd show me how to stargaze before we head back.? She still looked into his sea-green eyes.

?I can show ye 'ow t' do tha' any old time, from anywhere.? He waggled his brows and stuck out his tongue for good measure. Suddenly he looked up at the velvety blanket of stars, smiling brightly.

?If you say so.? Catalina looked at him for a moment longer and then turned to move away.


Date: 2008-08-05 14:11 EST
Suddenly Seamus grabbed her arm, not roughly but firmly enough to stop her. He sat down on the grass then, indicating for her to do so as well as he released her arm. When she sat down beside him he laid back and stretched his arms before palms joined to rest beneath his head.

?Ye 'ave t' lay back so tha' ye can look up at th' stars, silly.? He turned his head to grin up at her. ?'ow much do ye know about constellations? I don' know much of anythin' 'bout th' stars 'round 'ere... so I can't name 'em like I normally would.?

?Nothing at all about the constellations here and very little about the ones at home. As I said, being out in the open is to be avoided after dark, and when I'm out at night, I'm too busy looking around to look up.? She moved to lay down next to him, cushioning her head with her hands folded under it, just like he had demonstrated, and looked up where he was pointing.

?Tha's a galaxy. An' mos' stars are suns... Though, some are supernovas an' novas and well, there can b' black holes.? Then he pointed to a bluish star. ?I'm perdy sure tha's a planet, an' tha' red one o'er there is a ver' 'ot planet full o' noxious gasses.?

?Do you think people live there??

?Mos' likely on th' bluish one, but I doubt humanoids o' any sort could live on th' red one.?

?I wonder if one could see your Earth and my Dragon's Eye from here if one knew where to look.? That smile started to return to her lips as she imagined people being out there.

?Probably... Maybe when I go t' th' library t'morrow I will look an' see.? He turned to look at her with a smile.

?If you find the information in a book there will you show them to me?? She turned her head and gaze from the sky to look at him again, returning a warm smile.

?O' course.? He replied after a few long moments, grinning. ?I'll even make copies, 'ow 'bout tha'??

?Silly. What would I want with a copy?? She moved a hand out from under her head to poke him into the ribs.

?Bah, I don' know. T' r'member?? Seamus chuckled as he removed a hand from beneath his head to swat at her.

?Right.? Her hand caught his to avoid further swatting. ?Do you have no desire to repeat the experience??

?Wha' d' ye mean??

?To star gaze together is what I mean.? Catalina turned over with a soft sigh to look more directly at him, lifting her head.

?Oh, well?? He gave her a flustered look and blubbered. ?Tha's nae wha' I mean! O' course I'd like t'!?

?Time can be a precious thing.? Her voice dropped low to just above a whisper as she gazed into his face. ?And to some it is pure luxury.?

?Tha' so?? His brows rose as her looked at her, a smirk played across his face.

?Yes, that is so.? She still studied him closely.

?Hm, time is a strange concept...? He pondered, leaning back again to observe the stars.

?I have seen too many find that they have suddenly run out of it.? Perhaps it was an apology of sorts, perhaps not. But she leaned over then, bringing her lips to his, a tentative touch. He didn?t pull away, but he didn't push further, either.

?Are ye afraid t' run out o' time?? It was a kind question, whispered in a husky tone.

?Always.? Just the one word, her eyes searched his face.

?Why?? His brows furrowed as he gave her a perplexed look. For some reason, it was the main thing he thought of. Did she anticipate a short life?

?I have told you of my world, of my job. Couriers usually last less than two years...? She sat up then, breaking the contact and looking somewhere up ahead into the darkness. ?I've been working as courier for six years now. I do not remember parents or siblings. Friends have to be made fast or not at all, from one mission to the next there are no guaranties you will see anyone again, at least not alive, some one may see again as stiffs or bones.?

?Less than two years....?? His voice faltered as she looked away. ?Tha's kin' o' scary?? He frowned, sitting up and looking at her. ?I'm sorry.?

?I don't want pity.? She turned her head to look to him. Oh well, she had just said that she wasn't one for wasting time and he was still there rather than running off to the stables.

?Come on, let us think o' happier things.? He rose slowly and offered her a hand up. She took his hand and came to her feet. Then she lifted her arms to around his neck.

?Yes'm?? Seamus smirked and looked down at her amusedly. Instead of an answer she pulled his head down to hers. While the first brush of her lips against his was soft, it did not stay that way. She kissed him the way she would have liked to be kissed by him, thoroughly and with passion. He was taken by surprise at first, but he succumbed to her wanton desire. He returned the kiss just as roughly.

Not one to waste such a perfect opportunity she makes up for a few other way too gentle and chaste kisses and the one good night kiss she didn't get at all before she pulled back, grinning up to him.

"Ye are somethin', Miss Catey." Seamus looked at her with a smile, chuckling and shaking his head.

?Is it difficult to just call me Catey?? That was not the reaction she had hoped for. She searched his face again. Perhaps what she was looking for was just not there to be found.

?Yes.? He was honest, at least! He canted his head, looking at her curiously. ?Wha' are ye searchin' for, darlin'??

She moved her arms from his neck and brought them back to her side and took a step back before she shrugged. ?I was mistaken, I'm sorry.? She moved away then, toward the stables, leaving him to follow or not.


Date: 2008-08-05 16:08 EST
Seamus watched the road distractedly, continually turning his head to look at her. She seemed to pay no attention to the path at all, staring somewhere ahead into a place he could not see. After a while she started to talk.

?Little villages dot the landscape, each has at least one big inn to cater to the warriors young and seasoned alike as the go to or come from battle between court and the big city and the many battle fields.

?Pyres burn when there is wood to spare, often it's just a golden's breath keeping the dead from rising again to fight those that used to be comrades or family. The enemy dragons are strong and make clever use of necromancy and other magic.

?It is my job to meet with the elite, to carry orders and reports from court to the battle fields and back, from one general to another. There is no day without action, not for me and not for the soldiers.

?People die, dragons die. People rise, dragons rise if there was no chance to properly dispose of the bodies.

?If I am in town or any place longer than a few hours I try to make friends. It is rare I get to stay anywhere as long as I have here. Couriers usually travel alone, because that is fasted. Getting caught outside after dark is usually fatal.

?If I needed time to realize if I cared for someone or not, I'd be a maiden still. If I spent anytime thinking if it worth getting close if tomorrow that person died, I'd never get close to anyone.

Seamus had been staring at her, listening with rapt attention. Now he nodded and blinked. He never thought like that.

?Every time I return to the ranch a Golden could be waiting to take me to another mission. It is stupid to put the best courier on vacation for a year. They sent me in part as a punishment.?

?Punishment for what?? Seamus blurted out without meaning to.

?I got stupid for a while. Benji, a seasoned general who has been my lover whenever we happened to be on the same battle field or at the same inn, disappeared along with his friend Dax, a Golden. Disappearing on my world for more than a week or two means the necromancers got you one way or another. Whiskey, a devil may care attitude and traveling from one battle field to another do not make for high survival rates. Only they missed the note about me getting out of that hole.?

?What would you do if you saw someone you thought you might like and you knew there was at least a fifty-fifty chance you'd not see the sun set on the morrow??

?I'd...I'd treat the day as if it were the last on earth?? He replied slowly.

?And what about the someone you think you might like and might like you back?? She asked again because his answer was incomplete.

?Well..,? He faltered. ?I? I don't know. Make the most of the time together??

?I'd have come to your room with you when you carried me up the stairs.? She stated matter of factly.

?Would you have?? He looked to her, perplexed.

?Yes, and probably every night since then.? She was still not looking at him, though. It was far easier to look into the night than to see that look of rejection again, or the amusement it had been delivered with.

Seamus blinked and looked ahead into the darkness as well. ?I like ye, Catalina. Don' get me wrong... but I've never...? He trailed off, not finishing.

?What have you never?? She wasn't about to let him get away with vague hints.

?I've ne'er 'ad a woman in me room, except Neona. An' all we e'er did was sleep...? He mumbled.

?Oh.? That revelation surprised her to no end. ?Neona is not your mother then.? Why had she ever thought that anyway?

?Sorry?? He mumbled again. Had he mismentioned Neona? Seamus blinked again and his brow furrowed. He talked big, and joked dirty, but he was innocent at heart.

Catalina offered no reply, just rode quietly beside him. She'd already said all there was to say and then some.

Even the longest ride would eventually be over with an inn at the end of the road. A few glasses of whiskey were what she was looking forward to now. She took a few breaths, in and out. When she trusted that she could speak again without sounding like she was about to cry she did so rather coolly, not because she liked him any less than when they had set out, but because her feelings were severely bruised. ?Catey??

?Thank you for the pointers, and for the loan of the cans, Sir Seamus.?

?Catey?? He looked at Catey, biting his lip absently.

?Yes?? She risked a glance over then.

?Are you upset with me??

?Why would I be upset with you if it was me who erred in judgment?? She was however rather annoyed with herself.

?I - I don't know...? He was mumbling again and heaved another sigh. ?I just... I didn't want to rush into anything.? Maybe that had been his mistake with Neona, too.

?It is certainly your prerogative to let live and opportunities slip you by. And maybe one day you'll find someone who believes like you do in life going on for years and years. And perhaps the fates will see fit that I will still while among the living next week or next year.? Catalina risked another glance over to Seamus.

He stared at her for a long moment, feeling that her voice was clipped and distant. Looking crestfallen again, he only nodded mutely, looking off to the side.

Looking at him now that they had left the forest behind and were moving through the streets of town had been a mistake. She turned her head away, lifting the bandaged wrist to her face in a couple of impatient swipes. Tears were not something she wanted to take into the inn.

Seamus abruptly leaned over his horse to the side and pulled Catey toward him by the arm. He moved his lips to brush passionately against hers, but only briefly, as kissing while riding on two different horses was very difficult. For that brief moment she returned the kiss in kind, then his warm lips were gone again and she cold just look at him, surprised and confused.

?I'm takin' ye up t' me room when we get back.? He said in a final tone, smirking at her.

?Are you, now?? A smile tugged the corners of her lips.

?Yes, an' if I 'ave t' kidnap ye I will, an' it wont be rape. Can't rape th' willin'.? He grinned cheekily.

?You won't have to kidnap me.? She smiled back and then found a wink for him. ?I was looking forward to something to drink though.?

?I think we can manage a drink, Miss Catey.? He grinned to her as they halted their horses in front of the inn.

?Are we back to miss and sir again then?? She returned his grin, though.

Seamus didn?t reply. Instead he slipped off his horse and then held a hand out to her. When she took the offered hand after she had dismounted he pulled her close to him and kissed her softly. Before she knew how to react he led her up the porch, into the inn and toward the bar, his hand squeezing hers lightly.

?What d' ye want t' drink, missy?? Seamus grinned back at her as he leaned up against the bar and caught the twinkle in her very blue eyes.

?You know what I like.? She chuckled softly as took a lean up against the bar next to him.

?Cider, then? Or whiskey?? Seamus waggled his brows at Catey.

?I really wanted whiskey earlier. Now though, I think cider will be just fine.? Catalina winked her reply.

?Guinness and cider please.? He asked politely, looking over to Xenia behind the bar.

"Coming up." The bartender smiled to the pair. And she moved down to the cooler with a glass for the cider. Leaning into the cooler, she poured some cider in the glass and grabbed a bottle of Guinness. The cooler slammed shut after her as she made way back down the bar. The glass and bottle were settled on the bar top. "I am hoping you enjoy."

They both thanked her as Seamus grabbed up the bottle and the glass and then handed to glass over to Catey.

?There ye b' darlin.?

?Thank you, sweetie.? Catalina accepted the glass with a warm smile as their fingers brushed against another. Then she brought the glass to her lips for a drink, gazing over the rim to Seamus.

?Ye are welcome, Catey.? He smiled before he lifted his bottle for a sip.

When Catalina brought her glass down again it was half empty. She really had been thirsty.

?Was it anything I said or something else? She asked, smiling again.

Seamus only waggled his brows mysteriously and then stooped down to brush his lips along hers. Catey leaned into that soft kiss for the moment it lasted and the grinned up to him.

?Top secret, missy.?

?I never bother looking at the top secret stuff.? She was rather curious, though.

He beamed down at her before taking another swig of his beer. He waggled his brows at her again when he saw her lift her glass again as well.

?You do look much happier now than when I first saw you sitting at one of those tables over there.? She chuckled softly and lighthearted.

?Do I now??


?Hm, might b' cause of ye.? He gave her an innocent look behind the bottle, grinning through another swig.

?I like the idea that I may have something to do with that.?

?Hm, me too.? Seamus tipped the bottle, finishing it off, and then settled it on the bar. Then he leaned down to scoop Catey up into his arms.

?I take it we're all done drinking for tonight.? She wrapped one arm around his shoulders with a soft chuckle and settled her glass on the counter. Then she wrapped her other arm around him, too, and placed a wee kiss on the tip of his nose.

?I told ye I was kidnappin' ye.? Seamus grinned and brushed his lips to her forehead before he made his was to the staircase. He ambled up it, waggling his brows and making kiss face noises.

?I got a bottle upstairs if ye need it.? He said with a crooked smile.

?I doubt it seriously.? She chuckled happily.

?Good, then.? Seamus chuckled as he moved down the hallway to his room. He shifted her in his arms and rattled the knob to his room, kicking it open with the toe of his foot. Bumping it open wide enough, he wandered in with her in his arms and then kicked the door shut behind them.


Date: 2008-08-08 14:22 EST
Lemon Bars

?Hungry?? Seamus asked her three days later as they left his room at the inn to head downstairs, waggling his brows at her and squeezing her hand gently.

?Like a wolf, and thirsty.? Catalina winked to him with a happy smile on her lips.

?O' yea'? Jus' like a wolf, ye say?? He chuckled at her comment and grinned like a fool as they moved down the stairwell. ?Cider again, t'nigh'??

?Cider or water or both. How about you? Guinness and three steaks??

?Three steaks? I don't know about that... Maybe some whiskey, though... It's been a long couple of days.? He gave her roguish wink as they made their way to the bar.

?Whiskey, hmm, we shall see about that. You never even opened the bottle you have upstairs.? She gave him another wink. To her the last three days and nights had seemed incredibly short. ?And what about the nights, were they any shorter??

?Ye are too funny, miss Catey. Th' nights were even longer!? Seamus chuckled deeply and squeezed her hand again with another roguish wink.

?And we already know you like that, Sir Seamus.? Catalina returned the gentle pressure playfully. She'd call him Sir every time he fell back to the Miss.

?Maybe I do. That a problem?? He asked with a cheeky grin.

?Not at all, it would be a problem if you didn't.? Catalina glanced to the bar briefly before she returned her gaze to Seamus. ?It appears we're save from teasing for now, too. Neither Ariana nor Collie are here.?

?So it b' seemin'. Lookin' like it'll b' jus' ye an' me.? Seamus had followed her gaze and then chuckled and waggled his brows at her again.

?While that suits me just fine, I'm sorry you'll be missing out on those lemon bars.? Catalina teasingly winked up to him.?

?Oh no, I f'rgot abou' th' lemon bars.? He looked crestfallen for all of half a minute before he smiled to her again. ?I don' mind yer company, ye know tha'.?

?I shouldn't have reminded you then.? She grinned and moved behind the bar since there didn?t appear to be a waiter. ?That makes me wish I'd have thought to bring my pack with me. There's a tin of baklava cookies in there too.?

?Wan' me t' join ye back there?? Seamus asked with another eyebrow waggle as he paused at the end of the bar.

?Of course.? She stopped when he did and slid a step back, tugging at his hand.

?Baklava? Mmm.? He grinned before he was pulled along at her tug. ?Ooh! A strong woman, jus' what I always wan'ed!?

?Baklava would go great with whiskey. Drinks first or should we go see if they keep any food in the kitchen first?? Catalina laughed softly. ?Just don't expect me to carry you up the stairs. I don't think I'm quite that strong.?

?Food firs', o' else I'll b' drunk after one!? He smiled softly at her musical laughter. ?Ah, tha's no fun!?

?You could have stayed at the farm with the cookies, then you could drink whiskey under the stars and no one would mind us sleeping outside.? She pulled him along into the kitchen to see about finding something edible.

?Ye are th' one who got mad at me.? Seamus accused with an innocent look.

?Me being mad at anyone looks quite different. You did give me plenty of reasons to assume that you'd rather be back in town, though.? She paused her search of the cool box long enough to wink over to him. He merely stuck his tongue out at her. ?Do you like ham and cheese? You still didn't tell me what exactly of all the things I said on the way back here it was that changed your mind.?

?I like food.? She shrugged with another small smile, being anything but helpful. ?Ye really wanna know??

?Yes, I'd love to know.? She?d not have asked otherwise. She took out enough ham and cheese for two hungry people and found a plate to set both on. Then she smiled to Seamus with a twinkle in her eyes.

Seamus moved over to her, stepping behind and wrapping his arms around her middle, so he could stoop down and whisper in her ear. ?Because ye made me realize I don' want t' miss out on everythin' like I did with Neona.?

Catalina leaned back against him for a moment, enjoying his arms around her and the tickle of his breath in her ear.

?I'm glad that you came to that conclusion, very glad.? Then she took another look around the kitchen. ?Did you happen to see any bread??

?'ow many slices?? He grinned and kissed the side of her face before he ambled over to the bread box.

?Four should do it for me.? She smiled and watched as he opened the box and scrounged for some bread slices before he ambled back over with four slices.

?'ere ye go!? He offered with a bright smile.

?Are you ready to go back out there?? She asked with a nod to the kitchen door once the bread had joined ham and cheese on the rather large plate.

?Ready if ye are!? He gave her another of his roguish smile before he moved toward the kitchen door, holding it open for her.

?Yes, I guess I'm ready. I wonder if this will fit on the counter.? She grinned back.

?Bah, tha's nae a worry. Th' bar can take it like a man.?

?And yet it's me carrying the plate. You are so getting the drinks.? Catalina moved out of the kitchen and out from behind the bar to set the plate on the counter in front of two empty stools. ?I'll wait right over here, Sir.?

?O' course I am, missus.? He playfully stuck his tongue out after her. ?Cold cider, aye??

?Please, three glasses, I think and one whiskey or I'll just drink yours.? She replied with a wink.

?'ow bout I jus' grab th' whole pitcher an' a glass so ye can refill as ye need?? He eyed her and then grabbed a large glass, filled it with ice and water, just to leave it on the bar for her/

?An excellent idea.? Catalina beamed a smile over to him as she picked up the water glass. Then she brought the glass to her lips and drained it gradually, not setting it down again until it was empty.

?a'right.? Seamus grabbed another glass for her cider, placing it on the bar next to the now empty glass, and then a rocks glass for his whiskey to set on the bar, as well. One hand curled around a bottle of whiskey, and he moved down the length of the bar to the cooler, just to open it and snatch the cider. With an Innocent whistle he rounded the bar quick as a flash, making his way back to Catey.

?I even kept a seat free for you.? Catalina grinned generously over to Seamus as she picked up a slice of ham to take a bite out of.

?Thank ye muchly, darlin'.? He stooped down to peck her cheek before he slipped upon the stool, the bottle and pitcher placed on the bar top. He poured her a glass of cider in the mean time, before he nodded in the direction of Ariana, who was just then padding over toward them. Then he whispered to Catey, ?Uh oh, 'ere comes trouble.?


Date: 2008-08-09 17:50 EST
?Now, wot are you two plotting about, hmm?? Ariana grinned to Seamus and Catey as she set her basket laden with goods upon the counter. But both had their mouths full and were too busy chewing to reply. ?It must be something, to keep Catey silent like this. I must get to the bottom of this.?

?I don't believe there is a bottom to this.? Catalina replied after she swallowed, looking entirely too happy. ?Or maybe this plate is the bottom. Seamus starved me for three days.?

Seamus swallowed his food, grinning over at Ariana and waggling his brows suspiciously before taking another bite. Then choked on it at Catey's comment and coughed.

?Better, darling?? Catalina patted Seamus on the back.

?Then it's a good thing I brought a selection of baked goods from my Bakery, hmm??

?I ne'er starved ye!? Seamus stuck his tongue out again at Catey before he returned to his sandwich. ?Meanie.?

?We get dessert.? Catalina smiled to Seamus and leans over to peck his cheek as if getting dessert made everything okay.

?Any lemon bars?? Seamus directed the innocent inquiry to Ariana in-between bites and a grin for Catey.

?Help yourselves, there's Baklava cookies, rum raisin chocolate ones, lemon bars, triple fudge brownies, cherry popovers, and cinnamon rolls tonight.? Ariana offered the basket to the pair.

?We had better finish all the cheese and ham fast before Ariana runs out of goodies.? The amount of ham, cheese and bread on the plate shrunk at a decent rate, and the cider disappeared just as quickly.

?That we should.? Seamus agreed with a sage nod as he took another bite out of his sandwich. ?Can I 'ave dessert even if I don' finish me other sandwich?? He asked Catey with a full mouth?he had shoved the remainder of the first sandwich into his mouth.

?If I can have dessert if I don?t finish the baklava.? Catalina chuckled with a quick wink to Seamus.

?It depends on wot you consider dessert, Seamus.? Ariana waggled her coppery brows.

?Are you okay, sweetie?? Seamus had another coughing fit at the comments both women made and his face turned the lovely Irish shade of red. Catalina snickered at Ariana?s 'translation' as she patted Seamus?s back again.

?Ye women are insufferable.? Seamus wheezed and fumbled to pour himself a glass of whiskey to wash down the embarrassment and sandwich.

?Collie calls me shameless, but she should talk, the red-haired hussy.? Ariana was absolutely unrepentant.

Catalina leaned over to brush her lips against Seamus' cheek again and whispered quietly while she's that close, ?You look lovely in red.? Then sat up straight again with an innocent expression. Seamus groaned at Catey and drowned his response in a deep sip of whiskey.

?Mmhmm, that he does.? Ariana agreed idly just as Shylah arrived and took a lean against the bar.

?Good evening.? Catalina smiled to her.

?Rutroh, hide the brownies.? Ariana teased the Norse woman shamelessly.

?I'm sure Shylah would love to watch them for you, Ariana.? Catalina advised Ariana promptly.

?E'ening.? Shylah returned after she ordered a root beer float, her gaze first sliding to Catalina and the Ariana, making a face at Ariana, whether she noticed or not.

?Mhm, that's like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.? Ariana commented.

?I wouldn' mind watchin' those lemon bars...? Seamus offered innocently from behind his glass of whiskey.

?And I shall volunteer to hide those rum raisin chocolate cookies for you where they will never be found again.? Catalina added with a generous grin.

?A pack of foxes.? Ariana grinned at all three of them, just as Shylah received her root beer float.

?*Is* there a charge for the floating drikke, Tucker?? Shylah smiled ever-so-sweetly at the man.

Seamus had a roguish grin for Ariana before he leaned in to kiss Catey's temple. Catalina promptly reached for the glass he was still holding, which he let go off reluctantly.

?Not tonight. That one's on me.? The very tall bartender looked back to Shylah.

?Thank you.? Catalina gave Seamus a warm smile before she took a drink from his glass and then offered it back to him. She had not been entirely sure that he was willing to share.

?Well, help yourselves.? Ariana made that a general offer to the patrons at the bar, as she gestured to her basket of baked goods.

?Yer closer Catey.? Seamus gave her a wide grin as he took his glass back.

?Thank you, Ariana.? Catalina stuck the last piece of cheese into her mouth before she reached over and into the basket for some cookies and a lemon bar for Seamus. Then she held the lemon bar to Seamus?s lips. His widened excitedly as he took a bite out of the lemon bar. Then she took a bite from a cookie.

?Fank ye muches.? Seamus muffled a response. ?Returnin' th' favor?? He gave Catey a crooked smile before he took another bite.

?Sure. You'll never know when the next horse comes along with less sense than a peanut.? Catalina grinned back as he took the remained of the lemon bar from her fingers, brushing his lips against her fingertips. She regarded him with a sultry smile for a moment and then licked the lemon taste off her fingers.

?Woman... ye are killin' me.? Seamus had not missed that smile and temptingly waggled his brows at Catey as he looked upstairs briefly and gave a shake of his head as she licked her fingertips. She blushed ever so lightly and busied herself with another bite of cookie and a sip of cider. Seamus finished off his whiskey and then hastily poured another.

?Mhm, so why did you claim Seamus starved you, hmmm?

?That's so sweet of you, darling.? Catalina picked up the freshly poured glass.

?Yer lucky I like ye!? Seamus scoffed and blinked but then his face broke into a grin at Catey. ?But ye know, Mrs. Ariana is wonderin' why ye said I starved ye fer three days.?

?Well, he kidnapped me Friday night and locked me into his room with only a bottle of whiskey he wouldn't let me touch.? Catalina promptly turned to Ariana with a straight face. Her eyes were twinkling merrily, though. Then, after a second drink from Seamus?s glass she generously handed it back to him.

?That scoundrel.? Ariana sounded properly disapproving, though her grin was masked by her glass. ?I should withhold lemon bars from him.?

?Lies! All lies!? Seamus scoffed again and then grinned. Then he gasped at Ariana?s threat. ?Nae! Nae th' lemon bars!?

?A wonderful and very capable scoundrel at that. He may kidnap me any time.? Catalina smiled happily. ?But Ariana, then he might lack the strength for further kidnappings.?

?Well...? Ariana pretended to consider this dilemma and to be stern. ?I should withhold some of them.?

?Aye, tha' so?? Seamus waggled his brows at Catey again. Then he turned to Ariana with puppy dog eyes. ?Tha?s no? very fair.?

?Yes, that's so.? Catalina nodded to Seamus with a happy smile. Then she turned to Ariana again to speak up in Seamus?s defense. ?Better give him extra bars, all that carrying me up those stairs and all that .... oh, studying he's been doing deserve a reward.?

?Well...? Ariana tried not to look at those puppy dog eyes. She was still considering and weakening in her pretend resolve. ?Studying, and carting you around, hmm, Catey? That might deserve a few lemon bars.?

?I think it does. He's been studying really hard, too, mighty talented and a quick study, too.? Catalina turned slightly on her stool and leaned back against Seamus, another cookie in her hand.

?I b' thinkin' it does.? Seamus nodded vigorously at Ariana, kissing the top of Catey's head as she leaned back.

?Oh, very well.? Ariana allowed with a resigned sigh. ?But no starving Catey, or else I'll find the Paddle for you.?

?Cross me 'eart an' 'ope t' die, I will nae b' starvin' Catey any further!? Seamus grinned triumphantly at Ariana even as he blushed at Catey?s comment.

?Well then, you have no need to fear the Paddle.? Ariana managed an innocent look.

?Thirsty, darlin'?? Being the nice man he is, Seamus offered his glass to Catey.

?That I am, how did you know? Reading my wished from my mind again?? Catalina chuckled softly and took the glass for a sip before she handed it back.

"Keep him!" Ariana mouthed the words to Catey.

?Aye, 'cause ye know I am indeed psychic like tha' 'n' all.? Seamus confirmed with a wry grin and then fell silent.

?What's the matter?? Catalina asked after some time. ?You turned so quiet.?

?Aye, but I am fine. Jus' wool-collectin'.? He replied with a soft smile.

?Any kind of wool I'd like to know about??

?Mayhaps, mayhaps nae.? Seamus waggled his brows mysteriously

?Oh, that sounds like you're plotting and planning a surprise.? She leaned over to brush her lips against his. It was a very quick kiss. Then she smiled to him again. But Seamus only gave another shrug.

?Sounds like we should withhold lemon bars until he tells us, Catey.? Ariana had been listening and would have liked to know as well what had Seamus?s thoughts miles away.

?Tha' innit fair.? Seamus sulked at Ariana's proposition. Sea green eyes twinkled back at Catey, though.

?Not fair at all, but I'm expiring of curiosity.? Catalina reached for Seamus?s glass again as Ariana more or less agreed with her.

?Aye, well I'll satisfy yer curiosity when we get upstairs.? Seamus scoffed as he accidentally blurted without thinking. He blushed furiously again and relinquished his glass with ease.

?I do cater weddings.? Ariana appeared to speak to a woman sitting on the bartop. Then her glass muffled her hearty chuckles.

Catalina chuckled softly and winked to Seamus. Then she leaned in for a bit of a longer kiss, careful though of the glass and its contents she was holding. His lips pressed against hers for a moment before he gave her a raspberry. Catalina returned the grin he regarded her with then and sat up again to empty Seamus? glass and then hand the empty one back to him.

?Thanks ye muchly.? Seamus stuck his tongue out at her before he snatched the glass back and refilled it with a sleepy smile to Catey.

?Are you getting tired now that your belly is full, darling??

?I b' thinkin' so.. An' it's warm in 'ere.? Seamus nodded and sipped from his glass.

?Is it really? Are you sure it's not just the whiskey?? Catalina returned teasingly.

?Could be lack of lemon bars too.? Ariana mused.

?Could b'... ? Then Seamus chuckled at Ariana?s suggestion. ?Does tha' mean I can take some t' bed wit' me? Ye know... as a mi'night snack? An' breakfas'.?

?I think that could be arranged.? Ariana glanced to the basket. The scent of lemons and chocolate rose temptingly from it.

?Should we head upstairs then before you fall asleep here at the bar?? Catalina asked of Seamus with a teasing grin once those arrangements had been made.

?Mmm, please?? Seamus looked to Catalina ever so sleepily.

?Of course, darling.? Catalina promptly slid off her stool and offered Seamus a helping hand.

?Take care, both of you. Don't forget breakfast.? Ariana grinned into her glass.

?Thank you, Ariana.? Catalina picked up the lemon bars. ?Have a good night and save travels. I'll see you at the bakery after lunch.?

?Night, Mrs. Ariana... An' thanks fer th' bars!? Seamus offered Ariana a lazy salute. Then he and Catalina moved arm in arm to the stair case and then up it.


Date: 2008-08-10 07:07 EST

As much as Catalina dreaded going back to Val?s ranch, it wasn?t something she could avoid. She had to check in every so often and now she also needed to grab a few things. There was a ball to go to, and she was tired of wearing her leathers when there was really no call for them. She was relieved to find out that no Golden had come through the gate to bring word of a new mission and to take her back.

Then she headed for Ariana?s bakery and the promised tasting of baked good. Of course Ariana stuffed her again with all sorts of delicious flavors and textures. The scent of the mixed sweet flavors still clung to her when she arrived at Seamus? room in the late afternoon. To her surprise she found Seamus snuggled up under the sheets, sleeping.

Catalina walked over to see if she could wake him up with a kiss or two. Seamus was stirring before she even hit the bed; Ariana's bakery's scents could wake a person from the dead! She bent over him and brushed her lips against his.

?Mmm, cookies?? Seamus inquired sleepily, clearly looking up at her from one eye as he stretched. A chuckle and then his lips brushed against hers.

?Baklava cookies and me. Have you been sleeping all afternoon?? She kissed him again before he could reply; the answers could wait a bit longer.

?Mmm.? He responded into her mouth, chuckling again as he pulled away. ?Nae, nae all afternoon. I got up earlier t' go 'n' buy me some property.?

?Property?? That was big enough news to make her sit up; she looked to him in surprise.

?Mhmm. Beach front, too.? Seamus said with a proud nod and grinned sleepily again as he made an effort to sit up, propping himself up on his elbows. ?It b' far out, though??

?Congratulations Mr. Property Owner.? With those words came a congratulatory kiss that lingered. Catalina?s eyes twinkled when they pulled back again. ?What are you planning to do with it? I take it renting out beach chairs isn't quite you.?

?Why, thank ye muchly. I b' plannin' on tillin' th' lan' there, an' swimmin'.? Seamus wore a broad grin.

?Tilling and swimming.? Catalina beamed a smile in return, very happy for him. ?So it's a bit of farm land, not just beach. You're making your dreams come true.?

?That I am... An' maybe if ye are good, I'll let ye come over some time.? He gave her a roguish wink and a playful grin.

?What kind of good are you talking about? I am good at many things.? She flirted back with a slow wink. Of course he didn't have to be anything but himself. ?Perhaps it is you who needs to be good to tempt me all the way out there. Just how remote is it??

?I haven't decided yet.? He admitted, shrugging, and then waggled his brows at her mysteriously. ?Well... Ye know where th' Bloods are, aye?? At the blank look he received from her, he added, ?I don' know who or wha' they are, jus' know they live not too far away from me. A few miles pas', at th' en' o' th' road.?

?So it really is quite a bit of a walk from here.? She grinned to him ever so teasingly. ?No more carrying girls from the inn all the way to your bed then, Sir Knight.?

?Nae, nae, I s'pose not.? He pretended to sigh unhappily, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes. ?'tis a shame, aye??

?Mhm.? Catalina wrapped her arms around him again. ?I very much enjoyed getting carried around. That almost was worth having to deal with that idiot horse.?

?I'm glad ye enjoyed it. I can still do tha'... We can jus' get a room 'ere on nights we b' feelin' too lazy.? Seamus grinned down at her and placed a kiss on her crown.

?A room for when feeling too lazy sounds great. When would you like to show me your farm??
She tilted her face up, giving him a happy smile. She did need to hear that he wanted her there despite knowing that he was teasing before.

?One o' these days? I prepaid this room fer another month when I paid at arrival... An' th' ranch is empty as o' now. Wan' help me decorate?? He asked with a hopeful look.

?I would like to very much. I'm honored that you asked me to.? She smiled back, caught up in his excitement.

?Well, I'm sure ye 'ave more o' a feel fer decoratin' than me... girls normally do.? He said with a sage nod.

?I don't know, I never decorated anything before. One doesn't do much decorating with rooms at an inn or a room at court one gets to stay at for a night or two.? She had never stayed anywhere that she could remember that required any decorating skills of her.

?Fair point... I'm sure yer a natural.? Seamus winked as he leaned in to kiss her and she responded with gentle warmth and passion all at once. He fell back into the pillows with a chuckle, taking her with him.

?You need more food, or more kisses.? Catalina suggested with a sensuous smile. She liked the idea of more kisses more than food, Ariana having stuffed her with all sorts of baked goods earlier, perhaps in punishment for the starvation accusations last evening.

?Mm, tough choice.? He wound his arms around her, one hand on the back of her head as he leaned in to kiss her again, this time more deeply and passionate. Well, she had his answer.


Date: 2008-08-10 14:07 EST
The Cottage

Seamus poked his head out of the washroom, his mouth still lined with foamy toothpaste and a toothbrush sticking out of it.

?Wan' t' come wit' me t' check out th' property??

"Of course I do!" Catalina fastened the buttons of her blouse, already wearing the gypsy skirt. "Did you hear that there is a Rings of Honor ball this Saturday?" Catalina asked the moment the thought popped into her head before Seamus had a chance to distract her again to the point of her forgetting all about it. He shook his head mutely at her before ducking back into the washroom to spit out the toothpaste.

?Nae, I 'aven't. Wha' o' it?? He called out from the washroom as he washed his face.

"You could ask me to get that red dress out and put it on and then go take the current Diamond's prot?g?e to the ball." She grinned as she sat down to pull on socks and her soft leather boots.

?Th' wha'?? Seamus grinned as he escaped from the washroom, buckling his jeans and reaching for a plaid shirt.

"The Diamond, you know, the top dog." She grinned back to him and then got up and walked over to him. "My, my, don't you look tasty. Here, let me help with those." With that her fingers moved to button up his shirt, slowly.

?I don' know if ye should help... Might get distracted.? He gave her a wicked grin.

"Of course I should help." She placed a few kisses on his chest before closing the upper buttons, grinning up to him.

?Ye are a naughty girl.? Ha gave her a sage nod as he shivered, grinning down at her still, and then reached around to grab her tush.

"If I was all that naughty I'd be getting you out of those clothes instead of into them." She chuckled softly, her body soft and pliant against his, one arm snaking up and around his neck, and then reached over to the table where the last of Ariana's breakfast provisions still rested. Once she had it in her grasp she brought it up and over to hold it to Seamus's lips. "Breakfast, darling?"

?Yes, yes, I suppose so...? He licked his lips, eyeing her suspiciously. With another lick of his chops he sniffed the pastry before he decided to take a nice chunk out of it. ?Thank ye muchly, darlin'.?

"You're very welcome, even when you look at me like you don't trust me at all." She gave him a quick wink and then took a bite out of the lemon bar before she held it to his lips again.

?I trust ye alright, it's me libido I don' trust!? He shrugged at her, taking a bit out of the lemon bar as she passed it back.

"Is that so?" She smiled looking decidedly happy with his reply. "I shall have to see what I can do about that." She winked up to him, keeping the last bit of the lemon bars close to his lips.

?Mm, that is so.? He took another bit, nipping at the tips of her fingers in the process. He gave her a wolfish grin as he chewed on the remainder of the lemon bar. Catalina kept her fingertips right there, touching his lips.

"But perhaps I'll keep those ideas for later. I'd really like to see what you have to work with besides a beach." She smiled up to him.

?Yes, yes let us get t' it, aye?? He nipped at her fingertips this time, chuckling.

"Mhm." But first she made sure each fingertip was licked clean of sticky lemon bar. "You didn't say yet if you were going to take the Diamond's prot?g?e to the ball or not."

He watched her, entranced for a moment as she licked her fingertips, then he shook his head.

?Er, what is the Diamond's prot?g?e again?? He didn't quite catch that the first time around.

"That would be me." She chuckled softly and moved her fingers from his lips to trail over his freshly shaven cheek, to eventually join her other hand at the nape of his neck. "You didn't think I was asking you to take someone else to a ball, did you?"

?I was confused, aye.? He grinned as he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. ?Now that that is all cleared up?? She wasn't about to let him get away without a proper kiss though. Sliding a hand into his hair she brought his head down to her and sensuously brushed her lips against his.

"You were saying?" She whispered against his lips before she deepened the kiss. He easily fell prey to the kiss, kissing her softly, then deeply. He gave a soft gasp as he pushed her away lightly some time later.

?Stop distractin' me!? A grin was produced as he edged backward for the door.

"Be careful what you ask for." Catalina chuckled softly, and then bent to pick up his boots to dangle invitingly. "Did you forget something?"

?Bah, woman.? He stuck his tongue out before he snatched his boots and stooped over to shove them on. Then he looked up at her wolfishly. ?Ye are insufferable.?

"Insufferable, oh really?" Catalina laughed softly as she slid past him and to the door. His words did not in the least match the look he was giving her. "Are you ready for us to head out then?"

?I am, are you?? He looked up at her with a grin after having tied his laces.

"Of course." She opened the door and held it open for him, grinning teasingly. He leaned in to kiss her nose as he stepped through the door, bowing at her.

?Thank ye muchly, milady.? He looked to her with a roguish grin.

"You're very welcome, milord." She followed him out and closed the door behind her before she moved to walk beside him. His hand found hers, intertwining fingers and giving it a light squeeze.

?It's a long walk, ye don' mind??

"No, I don't mind. I usually walk everywhere." Walking or jogging tended to be the best way to get from point A to point B as a courier on Dragon's Eye. "It's just at the edge of town, isn't it?"

?Something like that.? Seamus gave her a sheepish grin as he led her down the stairwell, across the inn, and out the door. A chuckle escaped him as he pushed open the door for her. ?It b' a decent walk, is all.?

Thank you, milord." She walked through the door and waited for him to catch up, not letting go of his hand in the process. "I think a stroll through town with you will be just the thing."

?I am glad ye intend t' enjoy it.? He chortled as they stepped off the porch.

"What else would you have me do with it?" She fell into step beside him, a happy smile on her lips. He only grinned at her.

They stopped for a bite to eat somewhere along the way, and before they knew it, the cottage came into sight. It was surrounded by lush green grass.

?It innit much yet.. I am going t' have t' build a stable for a horse... whenever I buy one... but I hope t' till th' grounds on th' other side o' th' cottage.?

"It is beautiful!" And so it was, set in green a bit away from the water, A few trees, a narrow stripe of beach. "I can just picture the fences and a stable, a barn.? She waved her free hand to describe vaguely what she was imagining. "You got very lucky to find this piece of land available."

?I thought so, too... So ye like it?? He asked with a sheepish grin and a hopeful look.

"I do like it. Do you think the water is save to splash around in?" She turned away from the scenery then and smiled to him, catching that hopeful look, and at once felt a degree or two warmer. Their fingers still intertwined, she took a step and wrapped her free arm around him. "I really like it."

?I hope th' water is fine, I was told it was good t' go.? Seamus chuckled as he looked down to her and waggled his brows. ?Now don't go gettin' any ideas.? He smirked and pulled her close to him. ?It'll have t' b' repainted, too...?

"Me? Ideas? Now, what would those ideas be I'm not supposed to be getting?" She gave his hand a light squeeze as she grinned up to him. "I thought I was supposed to be getting all kinds of ideas about decorating."

?Tha' ye are... Get all th' ideas ye can abou' decoratin'. I can do any buildin' ye see fit.? He chuckled again and made a move for the cottage. ?Would ye like t' see th' inside??

"Yes, getting to see the inside would be ever so helpful with that decorating, unless you wanted me to decorate the lawn." She giggled, inexplicably happy for now and enjoying the moment, firmly refusing to think of any time past that afternoon. "What colors do you like looking at besides red and blue? And I think one of the first things you should build outside is probably a nice large dog house."

?Aye, maybe ye could decorate th' lawn, too?? He grinned as he led her to the house and then turned to her with a quizzical look. ?Where'd ye get red 'n' blue from? An? yes. I shoul?, I do wan' a wolf 'n' all... I'll have t' d' th' fence, too, jus' t' mark off me property.?

"I do pay attention." She grinned back, her eyes were blue, and he seemed to like looking at them, and there was that Miss Scarlett gown he seemed to have enjoyed.

?Actually, I like green most.? His eyes sparkled as he pulled out a set of keys and jingled them before he unlocked the door, swinging it open. ?It's got a nice entryway... I think so, anyway... large 'n' spacious...?

"Green, hmm, all kinds of green or any shade in particular?" She watched him and the excitement so very visible in his features and eyes. It was obvious to see that he loved his new home already. Then she took a look inside. "It does look pretty from here."

?And just up here t' th' left is th' livin' room.? He indicated with a hand, his eys sparkled as he walked her through it, chuckling. ?I like olive green, and a dark, rusty orange.?

"Olive green and rusty orange." She repeated as he led her through the house and she tried to imagine it with furnishings. Then her gaze fell upon him again and her resolve not to think of anything beyond that afternoon faltered. She wasn't at all sure that her helping him decorate was the right thing to do. It may well be a great disservice to him.

?An' here is th' dining room, then th' kitchen... Th' kitchen is nice an' very big! It's the whole length o' th' wall here.? He was excited about this, because he wanted to learn to cook, to really cook. ?An there's an island. I always wanted one.? He mused to himself before he moved them into another room.

?This is th' sitting room, or parlor or something strange like that. Then the loo and the rooms are all on th' other end... There's four!? He sounded excited, glancing to her briefly. ?Ye alright??

"Four bed rooms, that's quite a lot of them. Do you plan on having a lot of overnight guests? The kitchen does look impressive." She watched him more than she looked around, enjoying his excitement.

?I told ye I want kids someday... Not anytime soon, but someday.? A brief frown touched his features before he smiled again.

"Yes, you did tell me that. You'd like to have two of them and a wife and a ranch and a pet wolf." She had not forgotten any of that. "And you already have the ranch."

?Ye remembered! This is me favorite part, though.? He gave her a cheeky smile before he led her into the master bedroom. The room was large and spacious, with a walk in closet, but it was the bathroom that was impressive. ?Look at this bathroom! It's made o' marble!? That fascinated him to no end.

"Of course I remembered." She moved to stand closer to him and peered into the bathroom he seemed so fascinated with and her eyes widened at the surprise of something so fine. "I think that's more beautiful than anything I've ever seen, even at court."

?It's got a jacuzzi tub, too.? He wore a sheepish grin and a proud look as he puffed his chest out.

"What is that?" She looked to him with curiosity.

?It massages and makes bubbles?? He explained with another grin.

"That sounds very interesting." She grinned to him. That did the trick to distract her from her darker musings.

?It is very relaxing.? He nodded. The house was much more modern than most of Rhydin, which suited him just fine.

"Did you get to try it out already?"

?Nae, would ye like t'?? He waggled his brows, grinning invitingly.

"Of course. I would like to." She grinned back.

?Need my help with those clothes?? He offered generously with another waggle of his brows as he moved to start the water. He wanted it to be nice and warm for them.

"Perhaps not exactly need..." She gave him a slow, seductive wink when he looked over to her again, already moving to help him those buttons of his shirt.

?Ye waste no time, eh?? He smirked as he toyed with the ends of her shirt, lifting it off of her when she lifted her arms obligingly.

"I wouldn't want that water to get cold." She sat down to remove her boots and socks before she stood up again.

?Fair enough.? He easily stepped out of his boots, chuckling again as he unbuckled his jeans, and the stooped over to step out of them. The rest of her clothes removed and set neatly aside before she stepped up to him. He dipped his hand in to check the temperature, and then leaned over to fiddle with some of the knobs.

"Is it to your liking?" Catalina watched him.

?I like it, an' I think ye will, too.? He smiled down at her appreciatively before he stepped into the large tub and held a hand out to her to help her in. Her eyes remained on his sea=green ones as she followed him in. They slowly lowered into the bubbles.

?Mmm, ye must sit up against th' jet, almos' like a real massage!? Seamus nestled his back up against one of the jets in the tub.

"Like this?" She moved to sit next to him and smiled to him with a twinkle to her eyes when he nodded. "What a fabulous thing this is." Then she leaned back, closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the warm bubbling water.

?Mm, I thought ye would.? His hand found hers in the tub, squeezing it lightly. She returned the light squeeze and opened her eyes again.

"I think the first thing you should do about decorating is to find some furniture, probably a bed and something to sit on. And then you'll need to some pots and pans and such in the kitchen."

?Mm, that I will, aye? I guess I'll have t' wait 'til after my job tomorrow.? He chuckled lightly but nodded to her.

"You are going to be gone all day tomorrow? Perhaps I can find you a few things." She would miss him, though.

?Possibly, the job shouldn't take too long. I'm just doing some measuring and guessing.? He smiled.

"Just don't get hurt again like last time." She smiled to him and then leaned her head against his shoulder.

?I doubt I will, I'm not hunting this time.? He grinned down to her.

You were hunting? Did you catch anything?" She tilted her head to where she could glance up to him without lifting her head.

?Aye, I did.? He smirked before he changed the subject. ?And about Saturday... It innit costumes again, is it??

"Just a grouse or a wee bunny, then?" She had noticed his subject change, and was grinning. "No, no costumes, you get to play dress up. And everyone will know who you are."

?I need a tux, then?? he grinned back.

"That would probably be the perfect attire for it." She chuckled.

?Wha' time is it at?? His free hand poked at the bubbles absently.

"That is a very good question. I have no idea." She chuckled. "It's a good thing you asked. I'll have to see if I can find out that little detail. The important part is that I get to go with you."

?Kind of important, ye know.? He grinned. ?Who else would ye go with??

"I don't think I'd go at all. I don't feel like hunting down a date other than you when I want to be spending time with you. Who else would you be going with?"
?Good.? Seamus leaned toward her, kissing her temple. ?If ye didn't wan' t' go, I probably wouldn't bother, or else go without a date.?

"To find that bully from the last dance?" She teased with a soft chuckle.

?She wasn't a bully. Just good at talking a new guy into wearing ridiculous costumes to costume parties.?

"I should send her a thank you card." Catalina smiled. "I'm very glad she did that."

?Ye only like me legs.? Seamus grinned.

"I do like your liked you legs and a bunch of your other parts." She promptly played footsies with him, a game he reciprocated and seemed to enjoy. "So, when I go look at stuff tomorrow while you're measuring and such and I'll find something, should I just have it sent here?"

?That would be ideal.? He nodded.

"You do trust me then to find something you like." She gave him a very warm smile.

?O' course... plus... I don' really have th' homemakers touch... Though I do intend on doin' th' paintin' on me own.?

"Neither do I have a homemaker's touch. I've not really been at home or even in a home anywhere in at least a decade. Painting just on the outside or on the inside, too?" She sunk deeper into the tub.

?Both. I guess we'll have t' work together on this!? He chuckled again. ?Might paint ye, too.?

"Dabbling with a few buckets of paints does sound rather fun." She chuckled with him. "For the next costume ball?" She giggled. "I paint you olive green and you paint me rusty orange?"

?We'd be a sight for sore eyes!? Seamus managed to look like he meant it and Catalina splashed some water at him. He simply blew some bubbles back at her.

"That water is getting cold. Did you happen to bring any towels?"

?Well, no?? He coughed.

"We wil get your pretty new cottage all wet." She chuckled. "I think the first thing I'll try to find for you is a set of towels."

?Oh well, it'll dry.? He grinned as he moved to rise, his body covered in bubbles. ?And that's a good idea!?

"What would you like for us to do with the rest of the day?" Catalina took a good look at him before she moved to follow him from the tub, brushing off as much bubbles and water while still just standing up in it. Then she moved over to her clothes and dressed, though the clothes were damp immediately.

?Mm, let's go check out the Marketplace, maybe?? He dusted the bubbles off and then pulled on his clothes, nonplussed about the wetness of his clothes.


Date: 2008-08-11 11:01 EST

Catalina and Seamus walked into the inn hand in hand after an afternoon of shopping at the market place. The list of things Seamus needed to equip his new house seemed endless and fated to be forever incomplete.

?Well, tha' was exhaustin', was it not?? Seamus smiled down to Catalina as they headed for the bar, his face flushed from all the exercise they had that day.

?Yes, it was, but also very satisfying. By tomorrow evening you won't have to sleep on the floor and you won't have to use your shirt to dry your face.? Catalina grinned back. A rug of course was little better than the floor, but they didn?t have time yet to look at much furniture. ?And you'll have lots of your favorite colors to look at, too.?

?I suppose tha's good, aye?? He leaned in to kiss the top of her head and then gave her a cheeky grin as his eyes twinkled. ?Wha' would ye like t' drink, darlin'??

?If you're having Guinness I'll make do with some cider. And yes, that's a good thing, a very good thing. You could try to convince me otherwise though.? She smiled to him invitingly.

?I can do tha' for ye.? He gave her another cheeky smile as he broke away from her, shaking his head at her comment. He rounded the bar and snatched a glass as he opened the cooler. Catalina watched him as he rummaged around for the cider and poured a glass for Catey before he returned the container to the cooler, leaning against the counter. With his free hand, he plucked a bottle of Guinness before he shut the cooler again.

With the Guinness in one hand and the cider in the other, Seamus made his way back around the bar. Long strides brought him back to Catey in no time and he ambled upon the stool beside her as he passed the cider over.

?There ye are, darlin'.? He offered with a soft smile before he twisted the cap off of his beer. He tossed the cap onto the bar top unceremoniously as he took a swig.

?Thank you, darling.? Catalina accepted the glass with a warm smile, her fingers brushed against his in the process. She leaned against his chair between his legs before she brought the glass up to his bottle. ?Cheers, to furnishings, towels, and kitchen ware.?

?Self-serve, bucko.? Seamus informed a patron who was looking for a bar tender before he grinned to Catey and tipped his beer in toast before taking another swig. ?Cheers!?

?So when do you want to try out that kitchen?? Catalina asked when she set her glass down again with a wink to Seamus.

?Mm, don' really got any food jus' yet.? He chuckled as he lowered his beer.

?Getting some of that shouldn't be a huge problem.? Then she added with a cheeky wink. ?I may not have meant for cooking, though.?

?Ye are 'orrible, Catey.? Seamus chuckled and took another sip.

?I don't think 'horrible' was the word you were wanting to use here, Seamus.? Catalina shook her head with a soft chuckle.

?Ass.? The disgruntled patron shot over to Seamus before he jumped over the bar to find a beer.

?Maybe it wa'n't.? He replied to Catey with a mysterious smile.

?Some people...? Catalina frowned and glared at the rude patron. Seamus had merely been helpful by pointing that it was self serve just now. She shook her head and then turned to Seamus again with a smile. ?Just maybe it wasn't??

?Hmm. What else d' we need t' get?? Seamus grinned cheekily.

?What did I do.? The rude customer looked to Catalina with a sorry type of smile before he jumped over the bar again and took a seat.

?What room would you like to make use of next?? Then Catalina was temporarily distracted by the rude jumper. ?There's a break in the bar over there.? She pointed that out to him. ?And as to what you did that had you deserve my comment was the use of foul language where it was totally unwarranted.? Catalina turned to Seamus again, not really expecting further response from the dolt. ?Where were we? Oh right...what room to try and fill up next with at least the basic necessities.?

?Dinin' room? A table t' eat on? Th' livin' room?? Seamus shrugged. ?I mean, tha' about covers it, aye??

?A table would be good, maybe some chairs too, dishes to eat from and a cabinet to keep them in? Some candles for that candle light dinner you're going to prepare.? Catalina gave Seamus a roguish grin. ?I'm sure a decent sales person can give you a list of things you absolutely will need.?

?Hey how does this bar stay alfloat?? The rude man asked before he turned to Catalina again. ?The guy called me bucko, you call that rude.?

?I wont e'en ask.? Seamus snorted into his beer bottle and shook his head. Then he grinned to Catalina again and nodded. ?Oh, tha' candlelit dinner? When was I gonna be told abou' it??

?Not ask about what? And the candlelit dinner, well you were thinking of it and just forgot to mention it, so I thought I would.? Catalina grinned to Seamus over the rim of her glass before she took another drink from it. Being of the opinion that John had given any further reply she may have had himself, she didn't bother with one.

?Oh, how thoughtful of you.? Seamus gave her a roguish grin, sipping at his beer briefly. ?I s'pose I'll have t' get right on tha' one, aye??

?I can be very thoughtful. Catalina gave Seamus another cheeky wink. ?How soon you'll get on that depends entirely on how soon you want to have that candle lit dinner. The sooner the better I'm thinking, though.?

?Can I sit with you so I can learn your name?? The rude patron opened his bottle and looked to Catalina. When she didn?t respond he laughed and joked to Catalina. ?Please don't do this to me baby.? Then he turned and walked to the other end of the bar.

?Baby? Who are 'you' calling baby?? Catalina turned to the rude young?n again, getting rather angry at the guy. But she shook her head and clamped her mouth shut on the rest of her reply. She?d rather not have further interruptions of her conversation with Seamus.

?We are already goin' to th' ball tomorrow nigh', ye know.? Seamus eyes twinkled again. But the twinkle was gone when he turned to the young?n. ?Oi, tha's me gal ye are talkin' t', bub.? He really didn't want a fight.

?I am looking ever so forward to that ball too, even if it's without a candlelit dinner.? Her smile deepened visibly at the use of the possessive pronoun. Maybe that abrasive lout had its uses after all.

?You because of your guts.? The young?n walked back over to Catalina. ?But I actually like you in a f up way.?

?Of course I do have guts. And if you tempt me further you can have a taste of just how much.? Catalina issued the friendly warning, with a grin even, to the young?n. But her eyes shot daggers at him. If he would continue in that venue, she was perfectly willing to drag him out back.

A dark look was given to John by Seamus, wondering if this guy was either dense or maybe touched in the head. He instead opted to ignore him.

?So wha' time is th' ball at again?? Seamus smiled warmly to Catey.

?I was told it was to start at nine by the eastern clock.? Catalina smiled back.

?Tha's nae t' bad, then.? Seamus tipped his bottle back for another swig, and then frowned. ?I still need t' get a tux.?

?Aye, that you'll need, unless you really want to pull out that loin cloth again.? Catalina had another of those exceptionally cheeky winks for Seamus.

?I think ye'd like tha', Catey.? Seamus waggled his brows at her.

?Would I ever!? She chuckled. ?But I just might like it better if not everyone had a chance to ogle those sexy legs of yours.?

?Ye an' me legs, woman. Yer nuts!? He gave her roguish smile as he finished off his beer, setting the bottle on the bar top haphazardly. ?Need more cider, darlin'??

?I just might be in regards to you.? She winked to Seamus. ?Yes, please, another glass would be appreciated.?

Seamus smiled at Catey and shook his head at her comment and rested his hand on her thigh, squeezing lightly, before he turned to the tender that was on duty now to place his order for the both of them. When their drinks arrived and Catey had taken up her glass he blew a kiss to her before he picked up his fresh bottle for a swig.

Catalina, smiling wide, acted like that kiss nearly blew her over and she caught herself just barely by reaching for Seamus?s arm to hold onto with her free hand.

?Don' go fallin' on me, darlin'.? With a cheeky grin he asked. ?Need me t' carry ye upstairs??

?I just might if you keep this up.? Catalina laughed softly.

?Ye jus' wan' me t' carry ye.? Seamus chuckled and took another sip.

?I do love when you do that.? She admitted openly.

?I know ye do.? He waggled his brows from behind his mug, nodding upstairs with a wide, wicked grin. ?Mm, wan' t' go explorin'??

?You bet I do!? Catalina quickly drained her glass and set the empty glass on the counter. Then she wrapped both arms around Seamus?s neck and brushed her lips to his.

?Ready?? Seamus set down his half-full mug on the bar and then kissed her softly before her scooped her up.

?Yes.? Her eyes twinkled as she glanced into his sea-green ones.

?And away we go!? Seamus laughed as he made his way to the stairwell with her in his arms and then stomped up the stairs and a moment later disappeared with her into their room.


Date: 2008-08-12 13:45 EST
Decorating Plans

?Mm, definite'y need a pick me up.? Seamus grabbed Catey?s and tugged her out of their room and into the hallway with a grin. He shut the door after them, squeezing her hand as they made for the stairwell.

A glass of whiskey perhaps?? Catalina chuckled and returned the slight pressure to his hand.

?Mm, I b' thinkin' tha's a bit too strong.? He responded after a thoughtful pause. ?I think I'll b' stickin' wit' Guinness t'night. An' ye?? He asked, just before stooping down to lift her up into his arms again for the ride down the stairs.

?I do believe a glass of something stronger than cider is in order.? She grinned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck again. ?Perhaps I should let you do the picking??

?Ye wan' whiskey? O' beer o' wine?? He ambled down the stairs with her in his arms.

?Anything but beer or ale, please. Should I pick a seat for us while you get the drinks or would you rather stay at the bar??

?Wan' somethin' sweet an' fruity?? Seamus stooped down again as he stepped out of the stairwell to set her down so she could move on her own.

?Sweet and fruity sounds wonderful.? Catalina smiled her appreciation to Seamus. ?How does one of the booths strike you for seating??

?I like tha' idea.? Seamus leaned in for a kiss before parting with her to make for the bar. Catalina gazed after him for a moment or two before she turned toward a booth to wait for him there.

He whistled softly as he slipped behind the bar to make a fruity drink for Catey. With a polite nod to Alain he stepped around him to grab a tankard and a glass. He opted for a mai tai, moving around the bar to find everything. A few moments were taken to make it just right, then he poured it into the glass.

Catalina meanwhile took a seat on the bench with a view of the bar, to catch as many glimpses as possible of Seamus as she waited. Seamus looked proud of himself, and he dropped some coins in the till before he moved to the cooler to get a Guinness. He filled the tankard, grabbed Catey's Mai Tai and ambled back down the bar and around. His whistling was picked back up as he directed a path straight to the booth Catey resided in, grinning at her.

?Welcome back, gorgeous.? She greeted Seamus with a wide and warm smile and scooted over so he could sit next to her.

?Aye, scoot over, darlin'.? With a chuckle he slid her Mai Tai over after he collapsed into the booth beside her. His soft smile was hidden by the tankard as he took a swig. ?Nae, ye are th' gorgeous one, Catey.?

?Thank you, sweetie.? She scooted close to him, snaking an arm around his back, and picked up the glass with her free hand and raised it to touch to his bottle.

?Welcome, doll.? He had a wide smile for her and leaned close. I got ye a Mai Tai. I made it.?

She smelled the concoction and then took a sip. Her eyes widened with positive surprise and when she brought the glass back down she smiled ever so pleased.

?Thank you, this is quite excellent. I could get used to these.? Then she leaned in to reward his master piece with a warm and lingering kiss.

?Mm, ye are most welcome. I am glad ye approve.? Seamus smirked.

?I approve very much.? She grinned cheekily, gazing at his lips rather than at her drink, even as she took another sip. ?How's that stuff you're drinking??

?Mmm, I love it. Guinness is me favorite tasty beverage.? He nodded.

?It ought to be your favorite as often as you order it.? Her fingers played with his shirt where her hand rested against his side.

?Aye, I s'pose so.? He chuckled into his tankard and took another sip. Then he looked down to her curiously.

?You have a question on your mind, darling??

?Nae, why d' ye ask??

?That look you're regarding me with suggested you have questions.?

?Nae, nae... Nae at all.? Seamus smiled and sipped from his tankard again. ?'ow d' ye like yer drink??

?I am growing to love it.? Catalina?s eyes twinkled to his.

?Good.? Seamus grinned wolfishly. Catalina sat down her glass in favor of touching fingertips to that handsome grin. He nipped at those fingers with a playful grin. ?Do ye like touchin' me lips o' somethin', woman??

?I enjoy touching you. Why, do you mind?? Catalina smirked.

?Nae, not at all. Touch all ye wan'.?

?All I want has to wait a little.? Catalina shot back with a sultry wink.

?At least let me 'ave one drink, dearest.? Seamus chuckled.

?You may have two or even three while you contemplate what else you might need to make your new house a home.? Catalina grinned. She had not meant to hurry him though his Guinness.

?We didn' get plates when we were at th' Marketplace t'day?? Seamus had another sip.

?No, we sure did not.? Catalina tried to remember exactly what they had purchased. ?I believe it was pots and pans only so far for your kitchen and a set of the most adorable cups. I don't think they came with plates.?

?Oh, darn.? He took another deep sip from the tankard. ?Goin' t' need t' get a horse an' a trailer o' wagon o' somethin' t' buy an' haul furniture.?

?Do you think you should have forks and spoons and such, too? I don't think you'll need to go that far. Everyone will deliver what you purchased today.?

?Yeah, probably should.?

?Civilized cave men do use glasses, too, don't they?? Catalina snickered softly.

?I do, at least. Cannae speak fer th' others.? Seamus smirked at her teasing.

?I care little about any of the other cavemen.? She grinned up to Seamus.

?Well, tha's good news fer me.? He replied with a cheeky grin.

?I am glad that you see it that way.? Catalina winked and Seamus kissed her crown as she leaned back. ?I think I finally know what your dining room should look like.?

?Oh, ye do now? Wha' d' ye think it should look like?? He smiled at her, curious as to what she may have come up with.

?I picture a rectangular table with room for six chairs around it, the wood a very pale color, the stuffed seats and the table cloth matching olive green, a hutch of the same pale wood, with curves and ornamental carving, the napkins, candles and perhaps a low bowl with flowers of different shades of rusty orange. The plates could be of that same pale wood color with a design repeating the rusts and olive. Perhaps some mums can be found as a motive. The candle holders and utensils should be brass. The curtains should be of a harmonizing cheery rusty orange, and brass sconces filled with more orange candles can provide extra light to see one's dinner by.?

?You could paint the walls in wide stripes of much paler versions of those colors and some art of perhaps a forest or just single trees in fall dress. I would very much enjoy having candle lit dinners in such a room as much as coffee or lunch. I don't think I would tire of seeing the combination either.? Then she glanced up to Seamus, having described what she saw in her mind as best as possible.

?Mm, I think that sounds perfect.? He gave her an awed look, smiling genuinely. Then he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close, and set another kiss upon her crown. ?It's perfect 'cause ye chose it. Tha's really great idea, Catey. See? Ye are a natural.? He smiled at her in adoration.

?Just don?t expect too much. That's the only room I've any decent ideas for just yet.? She smiled back, but she wanted him to enjoy what ever decorating she suggested regardless of whom he would eventually have those two children with he wanted. ?But that you would think it perfect just because I thought of it does bother me a little. Do you think you could still like it and enjoy spending time in that arrangement when I am not around??

?O' course. Why wouldn' I??

?Is that a promise??

?O' course it's a promise... Why? Plan on leavin' me?? He asked with a playful grin to lighten the atmosphere.

?No, but my plans or wishes may not be considered.? She grabbed up her glass again, his promise going a long way of her being able to enjoy helping him decorate his new home. She smiled to him. ?Thank you.?

?Don' thank me, I'm jus' tellin' ye th' truth.? Seamus regarded her with a soft smile.

?Can you see any of those rooms finished in your imagination?? Catalina prompted and then took a drink from her glass.

?Jus' th' kitchen an' me room.? Seamus nodded; his smile was hidden behind the tankard as he raised it for another swig. ?I wan' t' keep th' cabinets tha' light wood color... An' change th' flooring t' stone tiling fer it. I wan' it t' be painted tha' rusty orange color an' white, 'r maybe yellow? Me mum always liked yellow, said it made th' kitchen warm an' fuzzy. An' I wan' a small oak table fer four in it, fer breakfast now an' again, with white lace curtains fer the windows.? He nodded and thought about it. ?Not sure 'ow t' decorate it, though.?

?That does sound inviting just like that. Perhaps it doesn't need decorating.?

?Maybe... maybe ye are right.? Seamus nodded in agreement with her before he moved onto the bed room. ?I wan' t' make th' bedroom furniture meself, really. I wan' me bed made from real, hand carved wood. I wan' a woodsy feeling for th' master room, wit' a fur blanket and like... antlers on th' wall.? He grinned roguishly at her.

?Antlers on the wall? You are serious about wanting your room to look like a hunting lodge?? She searched his face to see if he was excited about the idea or teasing, hoping for the later.

?Why not?? He gave her a blank stare.

?Or are you leaning more toward the cave feel? I could probably manage to brush some cave paintings on your walls, and we might even be able to attract a family of bats to make a home of the ceiling. I might even find an artful statue of a pile of bones to set into a corner.? She grinned to him ever so mischievously. ?You could uses that saber tooth pelt as a wall hanging and perhaps find a couple bear rugs to compliment it.?

?Mmm, tha' innit a bad idea... Well, minus th' bats part.? He frowned, beginning to think she was teasing him.

Catalina had been teasing him but the idea was growing on her ? minus the antlers, of course. She mused some more on the decorating idea as she sipped idly from her glass, and when it was empty to nibble on a piece of ice.

?Do you really think you could sleep in such a cave for years on end? You'll eventually have those two children waking up from night mares coming in to look for comfort.? Anyone should have night mares expecting to sleep with antlers on the wall, Catalina thought.

?Well, they won' be comin' to me room when they're scared! I'll b' goin' t' them!? Seamus laughed.

?And leave you poor wife to fend alone against all those beast??

?She'll b' able t' 'andle it.? Seamus was confident of that.

?I do like the idea of furs, though. There seems to be something comforting about them, especially in the cold months. I'm not so sure I like the idea of antlers though.? She did try to picture that imagined room and sought for something to make those antlers more appealing. ?Perhaps with some mosquito netting thrown them...?

?Mosquito netting? Whatever for?? He canted his head, and eyed her curiously as he sipped at his beer.

?To keep the mosquitoes out, of course. Are you really set on antlers on the wall??

?Aye, I like 'em.? He mumbled into his tankard.

?I've seen a chandelier made of antlers once. That looked pretty nice and impressive.? That it was affixed to the ceiling of a stable she didn?t mention.

?I wouldn' mind one o' those in me dining room.? Seamus pondered the idea. ?Don' like antlers, do ye??

?I like them fine on deer.? Then she chuckled, shaking her head lightly. ?No, I guess I don't. It's your house. You can decorate it any way you like.?

?I know. But I wan' ye t' like it, too.? He frowned and Catey leaned in to brush her lips to his cheek. He gave her a wolfish smile then from behind his tankard.

?Perhaps I just can't picture it the way you can and they will be all right.? She returned his smile and gave his waist a gentle squeeze.

?Alright, I suppose.? He finished off the tankard and then dropped it onto the table lazily, squeezing her waist. ?Ready fer bed, darlin'??

?Aye, that I am.? She nodded. Seamus scooted out of the booth and took her hand once she stood next to him to lead her upstairs.


Date: 2008-08-16 12:57 EST
In The Wee Hours

Catalina came down the stairs for something to drink. The bar itself was a mess of spilled drinks, broken glass. She managed to avoid most of both as she slipped through the break and headed for the cooler.

Marek pushed in through the back door, waiting a moment as the large mastiff followed in behind him, sniffing about as his tail moved about. Then they both headed for the bar and a much needed drink. His eyes drifted behind it to find a bartender, they seemed rather dormant lately. The only one behind the bar just now was Catalina though, currently pouring a glass of cider for herself.

?Hello there.? She smiled as she spotted Marek standing there and after she had returned the cider jug to the cooler.

?Hoi.? Marek nodded to Catalina and moved behind the bar with the large dog in tow, searched for a clean tankard and then filled from a tapped' keg. ?Quiet night about??

?Not really. The rowdy crowd must have started coming in a little while ago.? It was that rowdy crowd that with their noise had kept her from sleep. Then she looked from Marek to the huge dog.

Marek nodded, and then found a bowl and filled it from the keg, placing the bowl on the floor behind the bar for the mastiff, which wasted little time moving over for it and started drinking as Marek lifted his tankard for a healthy drink.

?Does he have a name?? Catalina was still watching the huge dog.

Marek lowered his tankard, nodding down at the mastiff. ?That's Moose. He's harmless most of the time.? He gave Catalina a wink and lifted the tankard for another deep swallow or two.

?Hello Moose.? Then she grinned up to Marek. ?That is indeed a rather tame name for such a beast. Did you per chance bring me something??

?I did.? A soft nod of his head and he was fishing below his leather jacket, releasing a small pack and settling it on the bar. ?Cleaning kit, with the as mentioned instructions and a few pictures too to help.? He reached down then with his free hand to run his fingers over the dog's back and then a good pat before he took another sip.

?Thank you very much.? She picked up the pack with her free hand, not trusting the rowdy ones to keep from soaking her newest acquisition and beamed a smile up to Marek. ?I was hoping you'd show me the first time... do you have time now? I've the gun upstairs, I'd just have to run up there and fetch it.?

?I'll meet you over there after you get it then?? Marek nodded over at a table, away from the floor show currently underway.

?That sounds great. Would you mind taking my glass over there with you, oh, and this?? She offered him the cider glass she was holding and the package he had just given her.

?Sure thing.? Marek took both, shifting his tankard between his chest and an arm. He glanced over at the noise, and then moved with all the goods, Moose in tow, having drunk the bowl rather dry by now.

?Thank you.? Catalina turned to run upstairs to fetch the gun that was in desperate need of cleaning after all the practicing she had done. She was quick about it, too, taking the stairs two at a time.

Marek ushered a chair out with his leg and then lowered into it, settling his tankard, the pack and the cider down onto the table while the large mastiff settled down beside him on the flooring, tail lightly moving. Marek lifted his tankard from the table and glanced over at the light show. It reminded him of a mage or two back home and he had has to smirk a little.

The gun was right where Catalina had left it, in her pack, along with the now empty pouch that had held the bullets and all the other things she thought she might need while in town. She grabbed it up, holster and all, and hurried back downstairs with it, and over to the table Marek had picked out, far away from the current commotion. Slightly out of breath she pulled out a chair and sat the weapon the table before she slid into the chair with a smile.

He smiled and nodded over at Catalina before he settled his tankard back down to the table and reached over for the weapon. He removed it from the holster with one hand while the other opened the small pack with the cleaning kit inside.

?Best to clean it once a week, unless you're going through some dirty traveling then you might want to clean every other day or every night depending.?

?The traveling so far was rather clean, it didn't even rain. But I did use up all the bullets for practice. Which reminds me, I should have some more.? She was also getting efficient with the use of the weapon, which had her smile. She grabbed up the cider glass and had a long drink from it before she set it back down. Then watched closely what Marek was doing.

?I can get you some more in a day or so.? Marek nodded gently across the table and then took a tiny screw driver out of the cleaning kit and started on the cut down rifle. He stripped it slowly, allowing her to see each piece as it was removed and set down on the table.

?With practice, you'll be able to break it down and then back together again in a few minutes.? He took out some cloth and a few long metal-like sticks.

?It looks like that requires more practice than the shooting itself.? Catalina mused out loud as she watched. ?In a couple of days should be good.? Or so she hoped. ?How many coins should I bring??

?A bit more, yeah, but no worries now. You'll get the hang of it soon enough once you've done for a couple weeks or so.? Marek glanced up before he returned to his cleaning of the cut down rifle. Taking the cloth and attaching to one of the thin metal sticks, the removed short barrel of the rifle was picked up and the cloth slid through with aid of the metal stick. ?Just run it through, I'm not using the cleaning gel but it's in the kit here. Just showing you how it's done. Of course, make sure it's empty.?

?Make sure it's empty, take it apart just like you did, put gel on the cloth, and poke the sticks into it with the cloth until the tube is clean.? Catalina repeated, never taking her eyes of Marek?s hands and the pieces of the gun. ?And then, I guess, put it back together right. How much of the gel do I use??

?Don't worry about the coins for now... Heh, and yeah, it's not too hard to clean a weapon, just need to remember how to do it is all.? He assembled a piece here and there. ?Just a little dab on the cloth. There's another cleaning solution to use on the outside, on the wood here along the sides of the barrel and the back on the stock.? He touched each to indicate for her what he was talking about as he re-attached another piece. ?That maybe only needs doing once a week or so, to help protect the wood finish.? He connected another piece gently and screwed it on.

?You are making that look easy.? Catalina continued to watch closely, committing the steps to memory. She resolved to not stop practicing until she could get that done as quickly as Marek had just demonstrated.

?I know, sorry, but been handling weapons for quite a few years now. Know my way around them. So it looks easy from watching me, your first time or two, or three might be a little hard. No worries though.? He nodded and shot a smile her way. The gun in one piece again, he gave the lever below the cut down rifle a swing and cocked it. A ?ping? was let off as he pulled the trigger and nothing happened. ?Always make sure your guns are empty kids before trying this.?

?That's very good advice.? Catalina smiled to Marek again with warmth and appreciation. ?Thank you ever so much. I very much appreciate all your help and your time, Marek. I believe that everything will turn out to be invaluable in short order.?

?Just takes time to learn is all.? Marek eased the rifle back within the large leather holster before he slipped the thin metal rods and the cloth as well as the tiny screw drivers away into the pack. ?Like using a bow or fishing decently. Everything takes practice.? He nodded with a smile. A hand now moved down to run over the mastiff's big noggin for a scratch. ?Besides, I still believe the best advertising is through people.?

?I've really no idea of how to catch a fish. Grouse and rabbits usually make the meals. And Ariana's baked good probably make for better bait than pop corn.? The reference to their first meeting made her chuckle and wink. Then she nodded. ?I'll be sure to send folk asking me about the gun to you.?

?Plenty of gun variants to sell.? Marek winked and nodded before her reached for his tankard and lifted it to take a drink.

?I'm sure there are.? Catalina lifted her glass again, too, and finished off the cider.

?Well, I've got some rest to find before the light comes up over the horizon.? Marek settled the empty tankard on the table and moved to stand, giving Catalina another smile. The mastiff rose with a shake of his coat and moved to stand beside him. ?Catch you about??

?The fates willing.? Catalina smiled back with a nod as she stood as well. ?Good night and sweet dreams. To you too, Moose.?

A pat to the large dog's head and a wink to Catalina, from Marek, not from Moose of course and he moved for the back door of the place, dog in tow. Catalina reached for the gun and the cleaning kit. She'd take both upstairs and start on that practice right away. Rest would wait until she was satisfied that she'd at least not forget any of the steps.


Date: 2008-08-17 19:26 EST
Finding Seamus

Seamus had gone out on a job, or so he had told her, and not returned lat that evening as expected. When he still had not returned by sun-up, Catalina had started to look for him. Her search has taken her all the way to the Glenn. Seamus had to be somewhere. Rhydin wasn't like Dragon's Eye where people just disappeared...well, they probably did, but not like at home. She was determined to look everywhere, and nearly had already.

She moved a few steps and then stood still to listen for any sounds and to study her surroundings. She was decent at tracking in the field, but didn't hold much hope of finding anything of any use in her search in the well traveled areas around town.

Seamus groaned again, trying to lift a useless arm. He'd been lying in this damned ditch for days, in pain, bleeding, and obviously badly wounded. He couldn't move his left arm, and he was pretty sure he'd broken his right femur? again. He was surprised no one had found him yet, and wished that someone would. His canteen was finally empty, and he definitely had no more food. Another groan as he tried to move, wincing at the pain in his side. Damn, he'd forgotten about his ribs.

?Seamus?? She called out every so often before she stood still to listen for any noises, not much minding who else might hear her. Then she did hear something and sprinted into the direction of that soft noise.

?He-elp me...? He croaked, closing his eyes in pain. He did need to stop trying to move. It was obviously not working in his favor. He blinked. Did he just hear Catey? ?Catey?? He groaned again, a little louder this time.

?I'm on my way.? The reply helped her hone in on the exact location without having to pause to listen. And she didn't stop her sprint until she saw Seamus. She jumped into the ditch just far enough from him so she'd not accidentally jump onto him.

?Gods above and below, what happened to you?? What she did see, though she was so relieved to have found him at all that her eyes wanted to water, worried her to no end.

Not getting jumped on was certainly a plus. Seamus sighed in relief, at that. At his rescue, really. He probably wouldn't have lasted much longer, the vultures were eyeing him. He gave Catalina as much of a roguish smile as he could possibly muster, trying to mask a painful wince.

?Nice t' see ye.? He barely breathed out.

Catalina managed a grin back at his effort. The confinements of the ditch made an assessment difficult. But there seemed blood dried and fresh aplenty, and that arm of his looked to be at a wrong angle.

?Hello there handsome.? But worry was in her eyes and features and in the way she moved close to him. She briefly and gently pressed her lips to his forehead.

?You've got to quit playing hide and seek like that. It took me at least two days of searching.? She had lost track of time while searching, but she was sure day and night had shifted at least twice and then again to night.

?What all hurts, darling?? Even as she asked she inspected him more closely, trying to determine what was just blood, and hopefully not even his, and what were wounds.

?Mm, I'm sorry.? He gave her a weak, sheepish smile. He didn't miss the worry in her eyes. ?It innit like I mean t'.? He chuckled softly, but it only ended in a wheeze and another wince. He groaned.

?Everything?? He offered unhelpfully. ?I think me ribs are cracked, I know me right femur is broken, an' I think me left arm is definitely nae right.?

?Take even breaths, no laughing, you hear?? She had brought a few things along and now reached into her leather jacket for the small flask there. It was actually filled with water. She did have another with clear, high prove schnapps, but that wasn't for drinking. She opened the water flask and, reaching under his head with one hand, brought it to his lips. Touching him, she could also sense the damage that would need attention most urgently. ?A careful sip or two should do for now.?

The flask masked whatever words he mumbled, and he sipped from it carefully at her instruction. Then she took the flask away again and screwed it shut before she tucked it back into her pocket.

?You can have more later. I think I'll be taking care of your arm first. It'll hurt, so tell me how you ended up here.? She scrunched up her face at the thought of what she was about to do to him. He had moved that arm around after the bone had broken.

?I doubt this could ge' much worse.? He muttered, trying to avoid her inquiry.

Carefully she moved around to as near a perfect position for the task as possible within the ditch. She gently moved her hands over the broken arm to get a good idea of where the break was, what kind of break and where to set her hands for setting the break. It didn't matter that she couldn't make out the words; a distraction for him was what she had been going for with her question. She?d interrogate him later.

?Why did ye search for me for so long?? It wasn't that he hadn't wanted her to, he was extremely grateful and definitely feeling special... but it hadn't exactly been expected.

?This city isn't exactly tiny, and you could have been anywhere.? She wasn't exactly happy that she hadn't thought to look for him here sooner. She had decided how to go about it and she was sure she'd be grabbing a hold of the perfect spots, and she set the bone as quickly as possible. ?Don't move now, sweetie.?

?Nae, I mean why did ye search for me?? He cringed briefly at her touch on his arm.

Catalina kept her hands on his arm, moving them together to meet at the now set break, concentrating, and careful not to put all her energy into it. There was another broken bone that needed attention. Seamus sucked in a deep breath, tightening his good hand into a fist. He squeezed so hard his knuckles turned white. His fist unclenched, realizing it wasn't painful. He would have to wait a bit for a reply. She had very little talent as healing went, not training, and not much practice. At length she removed her hands from his arm and she turned her head to look into his face.

?Because I missed you, of course, silly.? She?d been frantic with worry when he had not returned as planned. ?Now, do us both a favor and hold that arm still until I find something to splint it with.?

?Yes, mommy.? He jested and wrinkles his nose and stuck his tongue out at her, trying to hold him arm still.

?I'll be right back, don't move.? She repeated before she climbed out of the ditch to find some sticks as straight as possible.
?You missed Ariana's lemon bars and another new cookie recipe. And I'm sure the ball happened without us. Marek brought me the cleaning kit finally.? Catalina strung words together without really thinking, just so he could hear her voice as she gathered a few strong enough looking sticks and cut them to size with her knife.

?I saw some plates I think you might like, orange roses though instead of mums, but pretty. ?Then she was back with enough sticks for his arm and for his leg. She didn't waste any time, but set to splinting his arm right away. She reached into her jacket for one of the bandages she thought to bring to tie the sticks to his arm.

?Roses? Those are girly...? He scrunched up his face like a little kid.

?And mums aren't?? She looked into his face again once the arm was immobilized. ?They also have some plain green and plain orange ones that could look nice. Themur next??

?I think I like plain better.? He tried to wiggle his fingers, screwing up his face in concentration, and groaned.

?Plain it is. If it hurt's, don't do it.? She looked him over again with an eye for injuries. ?If I'm to get you out of this ditch and to somewhere dry, I need for your leg to work as much as possible. Once I do what I can for your leg, I might not be to be able to move right away. So that should be last and I need to know, does anything feel like it's still bleeding, warm and wet??

?I got me a good amount o' gashes, nae sure 'ow many are still open wounds, though... I think I got me a rib poking out...? He groaned, his good arm's hand moved to run along his right side.

?This?" Catalina had followed the movement of his hand with her eyes. She leaned over him when he groaned and pulled a little twig from beside him.

?Wha'?? Seamus blinked. He sighed in relief at that; all he needed to do was wrap it up. It'd be fine? It wasn?t like he never had a broken a rib before.

Catalina tossed the twig aside then and placed a hand on the side that caused him so much pain and slowly moved her hand down in the wake of his. When she encountered a gash that still felt wet she concentrated again and sent some healing energy there, just enough to stop the bleeding. The rest would have to heal on its own, or perhaps get some more attention after she had time to sleep. That done she turned her attention to his leg, moving over there carefully. Again she checked with her hands for the break. The bone not being out of place, the searching for it was more difficult, but she did find it eventually. ?This isn't too bad.?

?Good t' know... prolly snapped it in th' same way as before.? He nodded, eyes drooping sleepily, and looked at Catey through half-lidded eyed. ?Honey, this healin' stuff wont harm ye, will it??

Catalina was already concentrating again, though, and sent healing energy into his leg to the break. She heard him, but she couldn't hope to answer him and still concentrate. After she had done as much as she dared, and probably expending more energy on it than may have been wise, it took her a good while before she felt like she could move again. At first she merely moved her head to look into Seamus's face again.

?No, not permanently.? At least not here where there were no hungry undead likely to happen upon them.

?I feel emasculated 'cause ye are th' one takin' care o' me this time.? He smiled faintly for her.

?You can take care of me again some time, I'm sure.? She managed a smile. ?Can you wriggle those toes now??
Seamus strained to look down to see if he can wiggle his toes. His brows creased in concentration.

?Nothing hurts when you try that?? Catalina asked with some surprise.

?It does hurt.? Seamus winced and mumbled. I'm jus' tryin' t' pretend it doesn' so then I feel more manly.?

?No lying to the nurse!? She moved next to him then and looked into his half open eyes. ?You've to be honest sweetie or we may make things worse.?

?Sorry.? He gave her a sheepish grin and tried wiggling his toes again, but only cringed in pain. He huffed. ?I don' like th' pain.?

?I think we may have to try this again after some sleep.? She was tired, too much so to try again, and possibly even too much so to walk all the way back even should he by some miracle be able to climb out of the ditch himself. ?I can't get you out of this ditch like this, much less all the way back to the inn or to your ranch.?

?Okay.? He mumbled sleepily, his good arm curling around her. Catalina carefully snuggled up to him and even more carefully draped one arm over him. He'd been sleeping here for a few days and the weather was cooperating, he could go another. ?Are ye comfy??

?Comfortable enough, what about you?? She had slept less comfortably before and, having found him alive and his arm around her, was definitely much better then still looking for him or sleeping in a soft bed without him there.

?Mm... I'm okay...? He mumbled before he drifted off into a light slumber, his head tilting to lean against hers. She wasn't long behind him in drifting off to sleep. Even sleeping she was mindful of his injuries though.


Date: 2008-08-18 11:11 EST
Catalina woke at first light and immediately checked upon Seamus. Careful not to disturb his rest she slid from his arm. Then she studied his wounds or what of them she could inspect without disrobing or washing him. The moon and stars had not provided much in the way of light to see by to get a clear picture of all his injuries. She nearly gasped out loud when it became clear to her just how many scrapes and gashes he had collected and she wondered just what he had come across.

Seamus groaned, blinking himself awake as he felt Catey slip away. He'd almost forgotten where he was. Blearily, he watched her examine him.

?Mornin'.? He offered in a gruff voice.

"Aye, sweetie, morning it is." She turned her head to smile to him, but the effect of her recent discoveries was still very much etched into her features. She reached into her jacket and pulled out the water flask and unscrewed it before handing it to him. ?Do you need something wet??

?Mmm, I could do wit' some o' y-- Water is perfect, thank ye muchly, darlin'.? He opened his mouth to get some, trying to figure out what to tell her.

"How's that leg feeling this morning?" She would make that her first priority. Once he could stand up the 'rescue' would be that much easier.

?Mmm, numb.? He chuckled.

"I guess that's better than hurting. Do you think you could try to stand up on it?" Catalina gave him a hopeful look. "We should probably get you to some place with food."

?Mm, I can try.? He nodded at her and moved to try and raise himself up with his good arm and Catalina?s help.

"Careful, though. I don't trust my healing skills." She warned.

?I trust 'em enough, more 'en wha' I'm used t' gettin'.? He chuckled again as he leaned heavily onto her, trying to stand on his good leg. He winced at the movement. ?Ugh, this sucks.?

?So far so good, now to make use of that other leg... Once you're out of this ditch you'll have to tell me how you got this messed up." She kept looking at him to see how putting any kind of weight on the other leg might effect him.

Seamus frowned, not sure if he should use his other leg, but he did try to step on it, wincing some more. ?Bloody 'ell??

?Well, since you're up, how about you lean against the wall here while I see if I can get that leg to work for you?? She'd not get around more healing. She sighed and searched her jacket again and came up with a bag of dried pieces of fruit and handed it to him. ?Have some of these so you won't get too bored.?

?Okay?? He did as she instructed, frowning and watching her as though he was scared he'd wear her out again. That she'd overdo it was certainly possible, likely even, because she looked determined to get him to where he could walk. He grabbed the bag then and idly started munching on the dried fruit. ?Thank ye muchly.?

?You're welcome.? Catalina smiled up to him and attempted to appear confident before she took a knee in front of him. He gave a cheeky grin, looking down to watch her from his awkward lean against the wall of the ditch. She placed her hands on his thigh to either side of the partially healed broken bone. Her face took on an expression of utter concentration as she collected whatever healing energy she could come up with and directed it through jeans, skin and flesh into the break.

Seamus inhaled loudly, munching on the last bit of dried fruit. Catalina didn't stop until she felt slightly faint and even then she hoped that what she had managed was going to be enough. The warmth and tingling of the healing had dissipated long before she spoke again.

?How's that?? She asked at length, her eyes still closed.

?Like new.? Seamus grinned cheekily at her, but a darkness sin his eyes showed that he was concerned for her health, or would have had she looked up. ?Are ye alrigh' darlin'??

?Mhm, nothing that some sleep and food won't fix.? She had heard worry in his voice and opened her eyes then and grinned up. But she waited another minute or so before she removed her hands from his leg and carefully stood up.

?Mm, wan' t' get back t' th' inn an' pick up some food before goin' back up t' th' room t' get some sleep?? He asked with a smile. She did look as if she hadn't slept in days.

?Is it really like new?? She gave Seamus a hopeful look. ?So long as it'll do for a bit of walking, I'll be happy.?

?I think I'll be able t' limp around an' all. It feels almost like I hadn't even broken it.? He assured her.

?Aye, food first, then get you cleaned up and then sleep.? There was no way she'd sleep before he was taken care of. ?That's good enough for at least trying to get you out of here and onto the road.?

?Sounds good.? He nodded. Catalina moved over to a part of the ditch with less steep walls and climbed up. Once she was out of the ditch she turned around and held out a hand to him. He took her hand with his good one, feet moving to push him out.

?How was that?? She asked, studying him carefully. The hardest part was over. ?Once we get to a main street we can hail a carriage to take us the rest of the way.?

?It wasn't... too bad.? He nodded, breathing heavy. ?Just a real... work out.?

?We sure make a fine pair.? She chuckled, more than a little relieved that they had made it that far and that his leg really seemed to be okay to walk on.

?One o' us is always injured.? Seamus chuckled and nodded.

?You shouldn't be saying that, or it may actually happen that way. Being injured like that back home one wouldn't see daylight again.? She kept his hand in hers and started to lead the way back toward the busier parts of town. ?So, what happened to get you all the way out here and into such a sorry state??

?It only b' Rhydin.? Seamus grinned. He coughed at her question and then shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding her gaze skillfully ?I on'y got into a bit o' a scuffle.?

?Right, a bit of a shuffle, but with what?? She, however, wasn't looking anywhere but at him.

?A very, very big dog.? He replied with a sheepish grin.

?And what did you do to rile that puppy so?? She had no reason not to believe him, but that he was trying to hide something was obvious to her.

?Mm... I barked at 'im.? Which wasn't a total lie. The other wolf started it!

"You can bark?" She grinned up to him, teasingly. "That must have been quite a bark. And whatever for did you do that?"

?'e was growlin' an' threatenin' me, so I barked at 'im as a warning t' leave me alone.?

?I guess walking away wasn't an option?? They had made it back to a street with some traffic, and Catalina now looked around for a carriage they might hail.

?Mm, I tried an' got attacked? Turned out there was more 'an only one.? He coughed again and turned to aid her search for a carriage.

?Don't stop now, darling. We're getting somewhere here. So it was several really big dogs.? She did spot a carriage and waved it down.

?Yes, yes it was??

Catalina shook her head at him and then moved to the halted carriage to open the door for him.

?Very unfair fight.? Seamus nodded sagely before he awkwardly made his way into the carriage.

?To the Red Dragon, please.? She instructed the driver before she followed Seamus into the carriage, closing the door behind her. She had barely sat down when the carriage took off. ?It must have been, one against many is rarely fair.?

?You know, Seamus, that's the second time you went out on a job and ended up getting hurt.? She remarked seemingly idly after he had merely nodded to her previous statement.

?Mm, yes... I know.? He was frowned. ?I'm beginnin' t' think I need t' retire.? He turned to her with a cheeky grin. ?Ye will make enough money for us both, eh??

?Right, retire from picking fights with stray dogs.? She gave him a teasing wink. She didn't really know what to make of him speaking of 'us both?, so she avoided responding directly to that comment. ?How much can one make doing that anyway??

?A lot, trus' me. I'll b' buying th' rest o' me house stuff.? Seamus grinned at her.

?I could probably buy a little house and stick some furniture into it.?

?Ye are 'ere often enough.? Seamus gave her a sage nod, glancing at the inn as it seemed to grow as they approached it.

?I did say I'd do some of the shopping for you.? She had a few things in mind that she wanted to get for him as soon as she found a chance to go shopping on her own.

The carriage stopped at the inn and it was time for them to get out and make it up the stairs inside. That was going to be difficult. He winced a bit as he tumbled out of the carriage and then limped up the porch steps beside her.

?It would b' much appreciated.? A smile was on his lips as she looked at Catey.

?It's not like you'll be enjoying shopping trips anytime soon.? She smiled back to him. Today at least, neither would she. She needed sleep more than anything, but she also had her mind set on some warm food and on a warm bath for Seamus first, that and a few of those kisses she didn't get from him or give him over the last few days. ?We can order room service this once.?

?Yes, we can.? He laughed, nodding.


Date: 2008-08-23 13:12 EST

The Outback was busy when Catalina arrived. People milled about and a couple of the rings offered entertainment. As luck would have it, Rena was sitting by herself. Catalina had noticed that as she got herself a drink from the bar, along with that that her mentor was not present this evening. She had been waiting for just such an opportunity to ask Rena a few questions and glass in hand went over to join Rena.

?So, how are you?? Rena glanced to Catey after the initial greetings were out of the way.

?I'm well enough. Seamus is being really good to me.? Catalina replied with a smile as she tried to start with some girl talk. She was not good at that. ?I'm worried though what may happen to him when I'm called back for any length of time. Isn't it odd, at first I didn't want to be here at all, and now I don't want to leave.?

?Just tell him you have to go and that you will be back...don't do what Val did and up and leave with no word.? Rena advised.

?The king didn't have much of a choice. He's still not well and there are politics...? Rena gave the looked for opening much sooner than Catalina had hoped for. With the din of the busy place making it unlikely that anyone would overhear quietly spoken words, Catalina asked as idly as she could make the question sound. ?Say, do you have the feeling that you're being trailed sometimes??

?He had a choice.? Rena shrugged. ?Not now...but at one point yeah, especially when Val was here. But when I looked around I didn't see anyone... not that I probably would.?

For a moment Catalina was tempted to correct Rena?s misconception about how much choice King Val had. Then she decided against it. Whatever there was between the two was in the past and there was a more pressing matter to be dealt with.

?Did you ever bother to find out if it was just Val's guards keeping an eye on you or if someone else was interested in you??

?Dax told me it was folks from the kingdom checking up on see if I was suitable for their king.? Rena replied with a soft sigh.

?I've noticed similar a few times, but this time around, and I'm certainly not Val's girl friend.? Catalina nodded. Rena's observations and her mentioning Dax brushing off her questions about it at the time made her all the more convinced that whoever was interested in Rena then or her now wasn?t anyone in Val's employ.

?Someone from Dragon's Eye?? At Catalina?s nod Rena added another question. ?I'm not trained to see if there is someone following me...but aren't you??

?To a point. I'm just a courier, though, and merely human. It's the Goldens that can read minds.? Catalina picked up her glass and had a long drink from it to drown any temptation to tell Rena more of what she had found out or merely suspected or her real mission.

?Still....I know a couple of folks have people following me because of something that happened, but those I know about.? Rena nodded.

Loxthanthalas, better known as Lox, made his way through the door to the Outback. One of the workers at the Ranch had volunteered the information that the Mandoccy woman may be found here. Tall and exceptionally good looking, and barely pointed ears hidden under luscious blond hair, he drew eyes where ever he went. The brawlers were no different and Lox enjoyed flirting with those looking, but he kept an eye out for a particular brunette.

?What did happen?? Catalina wasn?t looking toward the door, though, and therefore missed the Golden?s arrival.

?I got kidnapped.? Rena?s eyes fell toward door before glancing back to Catey. Rena had not met the tall blond before.

?By whom?? Catalina had heard about the kidnapping before. At the time it had been thought completely unrelated to Dragon?s Eye.

?Someone who hasn't been seen in a while.? Rena shook her head.

?Not anyone associated with Dragon's Eye then?? Catalina asked anyway.

?No.? Rena lifted her mug to drink from.

Catalina nodded to Rena and took a drink from her glass as well. Rena appeared to know more than she was willing to share, and she seemed convinced still that the kidnapping was unrelated. Perhaps it was. Dax seemed to have come to the same conclusion. When she set the glass down again, a man blocked her view of the rings. She looked up. When she recognized just who was blocking her view and smirking boyishly at Rena and her, she paled.

?Lox! What are you doing here?!!? Sooner or later a dragon would be sent to fetch her back for some mission or another, Catalina lived in constant dread of that. Lox was not just any Golden, though, but one of the Elite. He'd not be sent just to fetch her back to Dragon?s Eye or to merely take back a report.

?Aww, come on now Catey, is that a way to greet and old friend? I know you've been pining for me. There's no use denying it.? Lox's smile only deepened and widened, bedazzling really, and for a moment he gave her mock look of being hurt. Obviously he didn?t want to let it be known that he was one of Catey?s employers. Then he turned that same bedazzling smile to Rena.

?Good evening, Lady Rena.? Lox bowed toward her. ?It's a pleasure to see you again. How about I and you two lovelies celebrate my being here.? It wasn't a question.

?From Dragon's Eye?? A brow quirked as Rena glanced at Catey. He was wasting his time with that smile. She had fallen for one too many and now shrugged them off. Then she glanced back to Lox. ?Again??

Lox pulled over a chair and sat down between them, giving each a wink. ?I'll get us a room and we'll have a fun together.?

?What fun I'll be having won't be with you.? Rena replied dryly.

?Ah, you wound me Rena. I guess you only had eyes for pretty boy Val at the time. I won't hold it against you, though? He gave her a generous smile and a wink. ?You'll be just as happy come morning as Catey here.? He settled a hand on each of the girl's thighs and squeezed playfully.

?Take that routine somewhere else.? Catalina?s free hand came around and slapped Lox?s pretty face forcefully even as she sat down her glass and then pinched the hand on her thigh. It was of no use to be gentle with a dragon. Lox didn?t even try to dodge.

?Please remove your hand before I break it.? Rena?s eyes narrowed.

?You still hit like a girl.? Lox smirked to Catey and then turned to Rena. His eyes traveled over her body, pausing here and there suggestively. ?Sure, sweetie, just tell me where you want it instead.?

?You wouldn't want to know.? Rena reached into her left boot and pulled out a dagger. ?Now move it.?

?Oh, feisty.? Lox smiled with appreciation to Rena. ?I like them feisty, more passionate, too, I bet.? But he did remove his hand for now. He didn?t appear the least discouraged, though. ?So what are you girls drinking??

?That's something you will never find out.? Rena returned the dagger to her boot.

?You would deny me getting you both something to drink?? Lox looked utterly surprised and utterly innocent.

?I have something to drink, thank you.? Rena replied not bothering to set him straight.

?Why can't you just go after one of the swooners or one of your own kind?? Catalina shook her head at Lox.

?Such uncharitable thoughts. Wan' me to cha' brogue? Oi ken do tha'.? He grinned even more when he saw Catey's reaction. ?Okay, okay, I'll get drinks.? With that he was off, shamelessly reading the girl's thoughts to find out what to get from the bar.

?Goldens.? Catalina growled after Lox and shook her head. She was also certain that Lox had read more of her thoughts than just those regarding Seamus. ?At least he's not nearly as crude as Dax.?

?As in?? Rena lifted her mug again.

?Right.? Catalina would not repeat any of Dax's crude phrases.

?Okay.? Rena sipped from her mug then.

Meanwhile Lox had been busy trying out a few lines at the bar and seemingly without much success. At least he didn't have a girl or two in tow when he returned with a glass of whiskey and a mug of ale and a fru fru drink with a paper umbrella in it.

?At least he can get the drinks right when he plays waiter.? Catalina grinned from Lox to Rena as he sat down the drinks. At least he had gotten the whiskey part right.

?Does he now?? Rena pointedly took another sip from her mug of coffee.

?You have to teach me whatever it is you did to trick Lox so.? Catalina laughed. She had never learned how to keep the dragons from reading her mind.

?What trick was that?? Rena asked.

?She wanted ale. She's just too shy.? Lox grinned to them both.

?I don't drink ale.? Rena insisted.

?Never?? Lox studied Rena with an intense look.

?Never.? Rena stared back.

?Ha!? Lox grinned and winked to Rena, absolutely certain that Rena had enjoyed a beer or two at some point in her life. ?Never as in you'll never let me whisk you away for a night of bliss.?

?Incorrigible. So, why are you here?? Catalina picked up her glass for a drink. If she had to leave Rhydin, she wanted to know how much time she would have to say good bye to Seamus.

Lox turned to Catey then, snaking an arm around the back of her chair and leaning close to whisper ever so quietly directly into her ear. ?Because Val sent me with the explicit order to make your live more interesting.? Then he flicked his tongue at Catey's ear.

?Yuck, slobber.? Catalina promptly gave Lox a good shove.

Rena shook her head but she said nothing.

?You need to grow some scales before you can hope to tip me over.? Lox barely moved from the shove, but he did sit up again. He smirked to Catey and then winked suggestively. ?I'll tell you later if you're being a good girl.?

?Right.? Catalina shook her head yet again and then finished off the whiskey Lox had paid for. She should have thought of a bottle instead of a glass. ?Like I need 'more interesting'.?

Darkmere slowly moved moving into the Outback, not cloaked as usual as he was sporting that biker look again. He gave a glance to the on going duels for a moment, before he lightly nodded to Rena as he moved towards the bar.

?Did you hear that, she turned me down?? Lox turned to Rena then with a mock hurt and pleading expression. ?You have to put in a good word for me.?

Rena nodded back to Darkmere before she glanced back to Lox. ?Why??

?Behave.? Catalina aimed a kick under the table at Lox's shin. The rumor mill in this town was worse than any back on Dragon?s Eye, and she didn?t like the direction Lox was going with his ?cover up?. Lox didn't even make a face and Catalina doubted that he had felt the kick at all.

?Because I mean to make her come to the ranch with me tonight. And I just can't take a no for an answer.? Lox just grinned to Rena and winked.

Darkmere gave a slight quirk of the brow to the antics of Rena's companions, before he got himself a drink. He then moved towards the group.

?Mind if I join you??

?Please do.? Rena peered up to Darkmere. Catalina looked up to the stranger with a pleased smile after Rena invited him and she saw the displeased look Lox regarded the man with. She added her agreement to Rena?s.

?Evening.? Darkmere offered light nods, first to Rena and then to the other two, before he took a seat at the table.

?Competition is always welcome.? Lox invited generously. Of course he had waited saying that until after the girls had invited the dark one and he had no choice but to accept the unlooked for company.

?You can probably find someone at the Inn willing to be your companion tonight.? Rena chuckled at Lox?s reaction.

Lox got a quirk for his comment from Darkmere, but the man chose to sip his wine instead of commenting back.

?But none could be as lovely and as feisty as you two.? Lox grinned to Rena and Catey, both.

?You would be surprised.? Rena would have sipped from her coffee mug again, but the mug she was holding now was quite empty.

Darkmere coughed and then looked to Rena then back to Lox.

?By the way... I am Darkmere.? He bowed his head to the pair.

?It's nice to meet you, Darkmere.? Catalina acknowledged the introduction. ?Catalina Mandoccy, or just Catey, if you like.?

?Pleasure to meet you as well.? Darkmere gave the brunette a polite smile. Catalina returned the smile and then shot Lox a look that was supposed to convince him to mind his manners.

?Lox.? The men exchanged polite nods. Loxthanthalas never gave his full name in introductions away from Court.

Without a word, Darkmere stood and plucked up Rena's empty mug. Rena quirked a brow at his action. He then moved to the bar, refilling it with coffee, before he returned to join the group again. Rena chuckled as he set the full mug before her with a smile and a wink.

?Well, isn't that just...? Lox shook his blond locks and then grinned. He turned to Rena with a winning smile. ?Well, well? See, now you'll just have to help me with Catey.?

?Don't encourage him, Rena.?

?Thanks.? Rena offered softly to Darkmere before she peered at Lox. ?Help you how? Didn't we just have this conversation??

Darkmere sipped his wine again, trying not to comment now - mainly due to not really knowing Rena's two friends that well.

?We started, but you didn't agree to anything.? Lox pointed out ever so helpfully.

?Well, I'm not going to help you. She has a mind of her own.? Rena lifted the coffee mug for a sip.

Darkmere just looked between the three now, eyeing Lox more than the other two. The blond was definitely handsome, almost too much so, ageless in the way elves were but obviously not elven. His clothing was immaculate, well fitting, stating that the wearer had taste and money.

?About time someone remembered that.? Catalina reached for Lox's fru fru drink with a grin to Rena and pulled out the paper umbrella before taking a drink from the glass.

?I heard that one before.? Lox grinned from Rena to Catey. ?It's rude, you know Catey, to think of someone else while I'm trying to flirt with you.?

?It's rude to read other people's thoughts.? Catalina shot right back.

?Flirt...I've seen old men flirt better...? Darkmere finally muttered into his goblet.

?Younger ones too.? Rena offered between sips of coffee.

?It's a lost art.? Darkmere chuckled to Rena.

?Hah, have you now. Well, watch this.? With that Lox pulled a leather wrapped flat package from his jacket and waved it at Catey before he tucked it away again. ?Now Catey, let me try this again...? He winked to Darkmere before he turned a dazzling smile to Catey. ?Would you like to come with me for a bit so I can give you your 'present'??

?Or one not used around me? Rena spoke softly to Darkmere, ignoring Lox for now. Darkmere gave Rena a slight nod and patted her shoulder with his free hand. Rena smiled to him. ?Kind of used to it by now.?

?You could just hand it over now.? Catalina frowned to Lox.

?Give it time?? Darkmere replied softly with another gentle nod.

?I'm not playing that game.? Lox shook his head and stood up. ?If you two will excuse us, I've some presents to exchange with this hot babe here.? Then he turned to Rena with a wink. ?Just say the word, Rena, and I'll whisk you off your feet.?

?No from your world was enough.? Rena replied.

?You know...if you would show them more respect...You might actually stand a chance...? Darkmere stated bluntly to Lox.

Lox so had a line for Rena, but he stopped himself. He'd not say anything bad about his King, not even in jest. Instead he turned Darkmere.

?Oh, I've the utmost respect and appreciation for the ladies.? Then he turned to Catey with a dazzling smile. ?Are you coming or will you make me wait all night??

?He is so much like Dax it's a shame.? Rena commented with a soft chuckle to Darkmere.

?As well as many others here.? Darkmere offered out of the corner of his mouth to Rena with a sigh. ?Thinking they are god's gift to women.?

?I'm coming.? Catalina shook her head. As tempting as it was to put off business until morning, it was usually a bad idea to let one of the Elite wait. She did appreciate that he made the offer, though, as veiled as it was. Lox was not at all like Dax even if right now he did his best to appear so. Catalina rose and turned to Rena then. ?No one's quite as bad as Dax was. I'll be back.? With a nod to Darkmere she added, ?Sorry, I hope to see you around.? Then she followed Lox out the doors.


Date: 2008-08-24 19:55 EST
?Well then?? Lox started after he had led Catalina a bit away from the Outback and scanned the area to make sure there were no unwanted eyes and ears, all business now. ?What?s with that useless list of contacts, a ?watcher?, and a trap layer??

?Just what I wrote in the report. I haven?t found out anything else.? Catalina never included speculation or suspicion in her reports. And those that Dax had associated with in Rhydin and she had found out anything definite about were either just conquests or currently useless contacts. The trap layer that had found her, had turned out to be far more interesting.

?You eliminated every contact but two from the list you put together.? Lox made that sound like a compliment. He was in fact impressed with the amount of information Catey had managed to put together in just about a month. ?Tell me about the assassination attempt.?

?There really isn?t much to tell. It was the wrong kind of trap, in the wrong kind of area. It was rather obvious that it wasn?t set to catch big game. The workers investigated and by the time they caught up with him he was quite dead and beyond questioning. When I was able to do so, I was only able to find dead ends. The woman that supposedly hired him doesn?t exist.? Catalina suspected that Lox was reading her thoughts, snapping up details she didn?t mention. Accordingly she remembered in as much detail what the farm hands had told her about how they had found the trapper, the incidents in which she had felt watched, how she had found Dax?s old contacts, and what made her eliminate each as the possible schemer.

?You definitely spooked someone.? Lox looked serious and perhaps even concerned. ?Tell me what besides names you found out about Jane Bloomsworth and Carla Silverdale.?

?Nothing really, seemingly just girls Dax spent some nights with. Carla?s still around and definitely from Dragon?s Eye. She has a string of rich boy friends, none in the least connectible, and has been selling bits of jewelry and gems here and there. On Jane I found absolutely no trace for about the lat 18 months. She seems to have arrived in Rhydin about a couple years ago, worked as a grounds keeper at the cemetery, and left again while Dax fetched Benjamin and me to the ranch. The only time she spent more money than she should have was just after Dax visited her. I can?t link the rumors about Val being shot having anything to do with politics at home to either of them, though.?

?Ever one to collect conquests, Dax was, with or without Benjamin?s assistance.? Lox smirked and shook his head, but then turned serious and thoughtful again.

That expression told Catalina why Lox had been sent rather than anyone else. Something in the last report she had sent back must have been of value, and Lox could make a decision in their stead. At length Lox focused on Catalina again.

?We know what happened to Dax when he spooked someone, and incompetent assassin or just a friendly warning; you?re not investigating this any further.? Lox pulled out the leather wrapped packet again and handed it to Catalina. ?It?s time for someone else to take over.?

?When - ?? She paled as Lox terminated her current mission and hoped that the portal would not open again anytime soon and that she would have enough time to say good bye to Seamus. If Lox was taking over another dragon would be sent to take her back. Of course, no amount of time would be quite enough.

?I?m leaving in the morning.? Lox shook his head when he noticed Catalina?s expression. She looked like she had just been sentenced to death. ?You?ll stay for now.?

?For now?? Catalina asked with a flicker of hope.

?Yes, for now.? Lox nodded to the leather bound packet. ?You?ll find a letter of deposit in there. Use it to hire an investigator or two. We trust you to decide how much to tell whoever you find to hire.? He winked then. ?Just don?t hire a Golden. If they find out something, so much the better.
But mainly we want to ?unspook? whoever you spooked, and have you appear non-threatening. So let whoever you find to hire do the snooping around. You find something else to do. I don?t want to come back here to find out that you managed to get yourself eliminated.?

?Right, I wouldn?t want to inconvenience you.? Catalina grinned. Dealing with an investigator or two would give her a few weeks and perhaps a little longer than that before she had to expect a new mission. She wouldn?t even have to find a very good one.

?It would be more than just an inconvenience, Catey.? Lox shook his head. ?Dax found something important, but like you he didn?t include rumors in his reports, when he bothered to report anything back at all. Which is why I am here. And we both know what happened to Dax.?

?And, did you find anything of interest?? Catalina wanted to know which rumors he thought were more interesting than others. They didn?t know what exactly happened to Dax, only that he was gone and that he and Benjamin had disappeared in the middle of a battle.

?We know the shooting of Val was not because of political scheming. But someone wanted or wants Val to believe otherwise. I want to know what those rumors were that Dax disregarded. So, you make sure to tell whomever you hire that you want the mere rumors reported, too.?

?I can do that.? Catalina nodded. ?Do you think then that there may be something to it that Dax and Benjamin went behind the lines??

?No.? Every fiber in Lox protested that possibility. They?ve both been to the Valley of Bones many times and they always had come back in short order. With a small shake of his head he changed the subject. ?I will be back in three weeks. Do you need a lift back to the Ranch??

?Three weeks? I?ll see what I can find out in that time.? That was not a lot of time, but it was preferable to leaving in the morning. ?Thanks for offering, but I?ll stay in town tonight if you don?t mind.?

?Not at all.? Lox did finally crack a smile again. He had read a few more of her thoughts than he knew she was comfortable with. ?Keep up what you?ve been doing to stay in shape and good job so far, Catey.? With a wink he added, ?I?ll see what I can do to get that body guard paid.?

Before Catalina could reply to his parting remark Lox had taken off, shifting form as he went. She thought it was rather nice of him to abstain from remarks in regard to Seamus and to offer to organize some kind of payment for Marek. She tucked the leather bound packet into her jacket to read later.


Date: 2008-08-25 12:28 EST
Rena was just leaving the Outback for a bit when she spotted Catalina walking toward to the Outback. Lox was no longer with her.

?What did you promise him to leave??

?To come out to the Ranch tomorrow to make sure he really packs his stuff and leaves.? Catalina winked

?You don't seem happy about that. Bad news?? Rena thought that Catey didn?t look nearly as happy about that as she should.

?At least he didn't come to fetch me back.? Catalina slightly shook her head. ?No, just news.?

?About?? Rena quirked a brow.

Catalina just shook her head at Rena and shrugged. Some things were better not shared. She seemingly changed the subject. ?I should do something about those eyes and ears. Do you know a sleuth or something like that??

?Only one I know is Alain DeMuer.? Rena offered with a slight shrug.

?Thank you.? Catalina smiled and nodded toward the door. Her look implied that she was itching for a bit of a fight, the kind that could be found at the Outback. ?Will you back later??

Rena nodded and wished Catey good luck before she resumed her way.

When Catalina stepped inside a moment later Destre was on duty and the Outback was sadly devoid of duelers. She would have to wait a while for an opponent to fight with.

?Evenin'!? Destre called from her seat at the bar. ?How ya doin' tonight??

?Good evening.? Catalina returned the smile. ?I'm fine, and I'd be even better if there was someone around to trade bruises with.?

?It's way early for people to be comin' in still.? Destre laughed merrily. ?Have a couple of drinks while ya are waitin' perhaps.?

?That just means there's still a chance for me to be feeling even better later.? Catalina grinned went behind the bar to find two glasses, ice and whiskey to pour into the glasses. ?That's a great idea. Did you want one, too??

?I'm good but thank ya. I'll wait for the coffee to finish up that I put on when I got here.? Destre declined the offer with a smile as Catalina took a seat on a neighboring stool with her ?couple of drinks?.

?I do hate to be rude but I don't know ya much. Do ya have regular work that ya do when ya ain't duelin'?? Destre glanced over to Catalina a few moments later after she fixed her mug of coffee and had resettled at the bar.

?I'm a courier. What do you do?? Catalina lifted one of the glasses for a drink.

?That must be interestin' work. Goin' different places all the time. Oh well I'm a bartender at the Red Dragon Inn and a wife and mother and a Queen.? Destre replied with a smile. ?I keep pretty busy most of the time.?

?Well, the places all look pretty much the same when it's taking papers from one battle field to another. So it's really not all that interesting. Bartending sounds interesting, though. You must be hearing everyone's story that way.? Catalina grinned invitingly to Destre before she turned to see who had just walked in and waved to the man approaching the bar. ?Oh look, an opponent!?

?Don't think so.? The man replied. ?Just here to watch??

?I have indeed heard some very interestin' things while tendin' bar. I've also met so very wonderful people and beings while tendin' bar. I've got tons of friends and acquaintances all over which makes it right nice when a body wants to introduce newcomers around.? Destre chuckled warmly. ?Evenin' Lang!?

?There's nothing to watch without an opponent, though.? Catalina pointed out to Lang with a grin before she turned to Destre again. ?I've met a few interesting people that pretended to tend bar.?

?Evening.? Lang offered to them both as he rounded the bar. ?True...but I get smacked around enough outside.? He chuckled at Catalina?s comment as he grabbed a Badsider. ?Either one of you want a drink??

?Thank ya but I've got coffee tonight.? Destre smiled to Lang and Catalina raised her glass to him with a smile before took a drink from it. ?Many people enjoy tendin' the bar I've noticed.?

?Alright...and I don't mind tending?as long as the crowd is small.? Lang smiled to them both before he took a sip from his bottle.

?And what sort of coin are you charging?? Catalina grinned, remembering that it was a good idea to ask before ordering.

?Normally...nothing.? Lang turned a sweet smile to Destre. The woman just shook her head and Lang chuckled. ?Like I know what the prices of the drinks are.?

?Marek charged kisses anywhere from one to ten, though I doubt it had anything to do with what anyone ordered.? Catalina offered with a grin.

?I'd get in trouble if I charged kisses, from women.? Lang replied with a light smile on his lips.

?I'm sure sooner or later everyone would get into trouble for that.? Catalina mused before she took another drink from her glass.

?I do admit I wouldn't pay ya but it ain't nothin' personal or anythin' like that.? Destre smiled. ?I just only kiss on my husband is all.?

?True.? Lang nodded to Catalina before he looked to Des and gave her a wink. ?I know...and to bad too.?

?Some just don't mind that trouble finding them.? Catalina?s remark made Lang cough and assume an air of innocence that Catalina didn?t believe for a second.

?What are you plotting?? Lang eventually smirked over to Destre.

?I'm mostly just waitin' for someone to drop by that wants to duel and in the meantime listenin' to y'all and drinkin' my coffee.? Destre smiled radiantly.

?Ah.? Lang gave a night nod before he took a glance around. Then he turned to Destre again with a teasing wink. ?Why don't I trust you??

?Ummm... Cause ya know me??

?Uh huh...behind every pretty face is a dangerous, plotting mind.? Lang winked again before he sipped from his bottle again.

?I ain't really plottin' like you would think I would be. I am workin' some on gettin' Matt's ball together and all though.? At Catalina?s questioning look Destre added, ?This here one is the Governor's Official Ball that I'm workin' on for Matt.?

?Going to be a suit and tie one?Ain't it?? Lang looked to Destre.

?When's that to be and will it be another masque or something else? Just like a woman, thinking of clothes first.? Catalina?s grin deepened as Lang stuck his tongue out at her. ?You should only draw a weapon if ye mean to use it.?

?Haven't done the date yet and I ain't sure yet about it being a fancy thing or somethin' a bit different for Matt and all.?

?I would...but it would get me in trouble.? Lang downed the rest of his ale. ?And I get in enough trouble as it is.?

?I can see that.? Catalina smirked.

?I'm not doing anything.? Lang smiled

?I'm Catey by the way, Catalina Mandoccy actually, but no one uses the long version.? With a grins she added, ?You oughta be really good if you every actually tried, then.?

?Lang Darkwing.? He bowed his head toward Catey. ?And I'm not one to brag. The way I see it...If a guy needs to brag about himself, he ain't got it.?

?Lang Darkwing, nice to meet you, and I tend to agree with that assessment.?

?I blame Des for the crowd being small.? Lang winked to Catey as he tossed his bottle away.

?So, what do you do when you're not dueling or tending bar for free without charging for drinks or accusing pretty faces of possessing dangerous minds?? Catalina winked then. ?Des wasn't going to beat anyone up, though.?

Lang looked to Catey for a long moment. ?Helping out with the criminals in town. I try to bring them in...If I can. Some I get to the guards, others meet their maker.?

?So long as get to either of those places, rather than end up as someone's toy.? Catalina commented idly before she took another drink from her glass.

?I try to prevent that as well...? Oddly that he was freely admitting this. Perhaps he trusted them both. ?I tend to work better from the shadows, than out in the open.?

?You're not per chance working for the famed Alain, are you?? Catalina wondered out loud.

?No, but I consider him a friend.? Lang?s brow quirked.

?Then you could provide your friend with a reference.? Catalina smiled invitingly. ?I'd love to hear you sing his praises.?

?I don't sing the praises of anyone.? He declined with a light shrug.

?Are you saying he's not as good as his reputation, then?? Catalina was curious. Destre nearly choked on the coffee she had just sipped. Her eyes widened as she fought to swallow it rather than decorate the bar with the liquid.

?Didn't say that, never been one to kiss anyone's arse.? He smirked.

?You could make this easier, you know. What's his specialty?? Catalina prompted.

?Wouldn't know?? Lang gave Destre a sideway glance before he turned to Catey again. ?Why do you wish to know??

?Is he worth whatever he's charging?? Catalina shrugged to Lang and then looked over to Destre. ?Might you feel like providing the detective a reference??

?I'd say he is. He works hard at his job, from what I have seen.?

?Hard work isn't always a guarantee for success. Are there any success stories??

?True.? Lang nodded lightly. ?Never talked to him about his job. Des might know??

?I vouch for Alain. I've used him myself in the past and had excellent results.? Destre smiled to Catey.

?Thank you, Destre.? Catalina smiled back to Destre before she turned to Lang again with another attempt to talk him into a turn in one of the rings. ?The Diamond isn't even here, so he can't coach me through a fight. It would be quite the opportunity... unless you've something against hitting women??

?I do actually. Not one to hit a woman.? Lang looked to Catey.

?Does that not interfere with you job??

?If I run into a woman criminal, I use a special dart to knock them out.?

?That sounds rather...thoughtful.? Catalina commented carefully.

?I do try to be a nice guy. Even if others tend to think otherwise. I'm nice to my friends and a demon to my enemies. To put it bluntly.?

?I can just see those little horns holding up the halo.? Catalina nodded and grinned. But she lost that grin quickly when Lang smirked and unfolded leathery black wings from out of the special holes in the back of his coat.

?I am what I am.?

?May I please have a refill winged one?? Destre held out her empty coffee mug to Lang.

?Oh. You were being literal.? Catalina gave those leathery 'Darkwing's a curious look and decided that the surprise warranted emptying her glass with a few long swallows. So, well, she was impressed and still thinking about if to be intimidated or not. Des didn't seem to be... this town had fat and happy plotwings, so why not fat and happy demons...She nodded to the two empty glasses on to the bar. ?May I have a refill too, please??

?Sure.? Lang took Destre?s mug and refilled it before he flashed a smirk to Catey with a little flutter of his wings. Then they seeped back into his back. ?Pretty much. What were you drinking? And relax...I might be a demon, but in this town, it's best not to judge a book by its cover.?

?Whiskey on the rocks.? Catalina nodded. ?I noticed that.?

?Then again...? Land amended after a moment of thought. ?There is Darkmere.?

?Who or what would that be?? Catalina nodded her thanks for the refilled glass.

?Well...he's about this tall.? Lang used his hand to measure about five inches over his own head. ?Mostly wears black, and tends to be a dark brooding bastard.?

?I will try to avoid the type, thanks.? Of course that description fit a lot of people, Catalina thought. Besides, the man had appeared nice enough when she had met him earlier.

Several people filed into the Outback then and a woman approached Lang. She handed him a ruby ring and a set of keys with the instruction to hand them to Brandon or Jade. Catalina, not wanting to intrude, turned on her stool and looked over the other people that had come in. She dismissed the obviously pregnant woman as a potential opponent but exchanged friendly greetings and introductions with her just the same. The lightly dressed sable haired man with the abysmal gaze appeared more likely to accept a challenge.

?I'm here to fight. If I wanted to pass time sipping poorly made wines and speaking with mental defectives, I would go upstairs.? The man promptly commented to someone.

?Then lets fight.? Catalina took him up on the offer.

?Good grief. I'm certain I have plenty of open rings for any fightin' that someone wants to do!? Destre promptly assigned them a ring. ?Good luck to ya both!?

?I trust by your enthusiasm to duel me that you are not aware of who I am. Regardless, I will duel.?

?You're willing to fight. That's really all I care to know about you just now.? Catalina grinned. ?I'm Catey, by the way.?

?I am commonly called Anubis Karos.? His hempen sandals whispered across the cobbled flooring as he advanced towards the designated ring, emaciated lips creased into a wan ghost of a smile as he cleared the apron and the taut ring ropes in a preternatural leap which was perhaps a display of power.

?Anubis Karos, nice to meet you.? Catalina nodded. His smirk deepened and he settled back. Then the niceties were set aside and the fight started.

Catalina got lucky and managed to get the first point. But then she spent more time dodging blows and kicks and not always with success than with attacks. For a few rounds she kept up and then Anubis pulled ahead. She was rather satisfied though to have done as well as she had against the stronger, taller, and obviously far more experienced opponent. Anubis appeared quite happy, too, to exchange mutual strikes in the last round. Of course, that also gave him the win.

?Nice fighting, thanks for the practice.? Catalina offered with a bow of her head.

With a curt cant of the head, Anubis slipped out of the ring and out the doors. Catalina decided to follow his example a moment later and to return to the inn.


Date: 2008-08-26 18:35 EST
Seamus Recovers

?You may whine all you like. I'm sure I'll remember most of it to use at some inopportune time Catalina grinned and gave Seamus a teasing wink. ?And down we go...we may even make it before the sun comes up and they're all out of Guinness.?

?Nae! Me Guinness can't run out! Tha's blasphemous...? Seamus gasped and frowned as they began descending the stairwell.

?They might.? It was the best incentive she could come up with just now to tempt Seamus down the stairs. He needed the exercise.

?Tha's like th' end o' th' world.? He pouted and winced slightly as they continued on their downward quest.

"The possibility does seem to make you manage those stairs rather well, though.? Catalina glanced over to the bar, and though there were people sitting at the bar, there seemed to be no one behind the bar. ?Shall we celebrate at a table??

?Yeah, yeah I think I like tha' idea... I don' know how comfortable a stool will be.? He frowned again. Catalina escorted him over to one of the tables and pulled out two chairs for him.

?This should be more comfortable... you can put up that leg if you feel like it.? She was happy that he had made it that far and ready to reward him for having gone through with the exercise.

?Thank ye much darlin'.? He grinned and blew her blowing a kiss as he fell into one of the chairs, carefully, raising his leg to rest it on the other chair.

?I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.? Catalina leaned down to him to brush her lips against his. She winked to him before she turned to head to the bar and behind it to fetch some drinks.

?Kinda hard t'!? He laughed heartily at her, grinning wolfishly after brushing his lips against hers.

Catalina reached a Guinness out of the cooler, opened the bottle and found a tankard to pour it into. Then she found a glass, filled it with ice, and a bottle of whiskey. She grabbed up everything, and then saw a bowl of pretzels and grabbed that up to bring along, too. Another moment later she was back at the table, setting down all her treasures.

?There you go, sweetie. Thanks for staying put.? She winked to him and then sat down next to him, splashing whiskey from the bottle over the ice in her glass.

?Mmm, food too!? He grinned like a child on Christmas. ?Not like I had much choice, honey?? His Guinness was lifted for a very deep drink.

?Someone could have come by and carried you off.? She grinned and raised her glass. ?Or the smell of baked lemons may have tempted you away.? Catalina took a drink and then paused. ?I'll have to stop by the ranch tomorrow before they send a search party.?

?Tha's true. I do like lemon bars.? He grinned over the rim of his tankard. The he blinked. ?Why? Are ye late??

?I'm supposed to check in every so often.? Then she drained her glass and refilled it promptly from the bottle. She wasn?t late and Lox had come into town to find her. She looked to him with some concern. It wasn't so much for his current injuries, but that he may use the opportunity to find more trouble. ?Will you be all right on your own??

?Oh? Ye haven't been slacking because o' me, have ye?? He nodded at her question, innocent grin. ?I'll stay outta trouble, love.?

Catalina blinked at him several times in complete surprise. There was that word, the one with so much meaning attached and consequences, the one she avoided. Then she raised her glass for a few more long swallows. She sat the glass down again and looked to him again.

?Uhmm, would you mind repeating that, please??

?I said I'll stay outta trouble?? He repeated slowly, looking rather confused.

?Right, that's what you said.? She grinned, still looking rather stunned and to her surprise not as relieved as she thought she should be that he didn?t repeat the L-word. ?Is that a promise? And no, I've not been slacking; I just put off going to the Ranch.?

?I promise.? He crossed his heart, smiling broadly. ?I will stick to buying me furniture, promise. An' why have ye been holdin' off??

?Thank you. I'll be holding you to that promise, too.? She gave him a warm smile. ?I've been holding off because first you had to be rescued and then I couldn't just leave you to waste away, to make the searching and healing a useless effort.? She winked.

It wa'n't useless, now was it?? Seamus grinned, waggling his brows suggestively.?

?No, I think you may live.? She chuckled softly. ?Giving me a reason to come back.?

?You were thinking about not coming back?? He looked hurt, lowering his tankard. She placed a hand on his arm.

?Seamus, before I met you, I was hoping for a Golden to show up to take me back sooner rather than later. And if not for you, there'd be little to make me want to come back.? Of course, if Marek really tagged along, she?d at least have to bring him back.

?I'm glad I make ye wan' t' stay.? He looked at her intently.

?Want to stay and want to come back.? She returned his look, completely serious. Her 'wanting to' may not make all that much of a difference.

?That is good.? He smiled from behind his tankard, lifting it for another drink.

?I hope so.? Catalina nodded and brought her glass up again for another drink before she settled it back to the table. Then she picked a pretzel from the bowl and brought it to his lips.

Seamus opened his mouth, drawing the pretzel in and munching softly. ?Mhmm. Fank ye muchly.?

?You're welcome.? She grinned to him and as idly as she could make it sound advised, ?Should you ever miss me, you might want to look at the Ranch first.?

?The Ranch first, then some ditches?? He chuckled, guzzling some of his Guinness.

?Aye.? She chuckled with him. ?Or some traps... But they could tell you if someone came to fetch me back and when to expect me back.?

?Oh, okay... Tha's good t' know.? He nodded and lowered his emptied tankard.

?Would you like another pretzel?? Catalina offered, looking to him.

?Please?? Seamus nodded eagerly, opening his mouth. She promptly picked up another pretzel and delivered it to between his lips. He took it into his teeth, kissing at her fingertips, and grinned.

?You do look better by the minute, too.? She grinned back. After he had chewed and swallowed and before he could lift up his tankard again, she leaned in to brush her lips against his again.

?Mm, thinkin' wha' I b' thinkin'?? He gave her a wolfish grin and then eyeballed the ceiling.

?I might be. We could take the pretzels with us for later. Of course there are those stairs between here and there. You just might pass out.? She teased with another wink.

?Not for tha'.? Seamus grinned as he rose and picked up the pretzels. Catalina picked up the whiskey bottle, leaving the glass behind, and snaked an arm around behind him. He leaned down to brush his lips against hers. Then they moved to the stairwell and stalked up them.


Date: 2008-08-30 12:08 EST
Watered Coffee

Ariana hummed a lively Celtic tune as she hip bumped the door open, and then padded barefoot Innside. Her customary handcrafted wooden basket, laden with baked goods, was over one arm. The sweet and tempting aromas wafting from that basket reached Catalina just as she was about to slip behind the bar.

Catalina had left Seamus upstairs asleep. He was still recovering from his injuries and would likely miss his favorite lemon bars. She turned around to see where the basket carrier might be and to greet her. Perhaps Ariana would leave a lemon bar or two for Seamus to enjoy once he woke up.

?Good evening, Ariana.? Catalina smiled from her to the basket that Ariana had just set upon the bar counter. ?That smells good. Did you know that there are three days between Wednesday afternoon and Saturday evening??

?Good evening, Catey. Three days, hmm?? Her fingers tapped against her cheek. Mischief sparkled in her emerald green eyes. ?Now wotever could that mean, hmm??

?This week that means no lemon bars, baklava, rum raisin chocolate cookies or anything else remotely as desirable for an entire three days and roughly three hours.? Catalina grinned.

?Oho, I see. Wot would you say, if I told you I had none of those things in my basket tonight?? Ariana somehow managed to keep a straight face, though that mischief still twinkled in her eyes.

?I'd say you'd be lying.? Catalina grinned. The aroma rising from the basket insisted that she had all of those things with her, and then some. ?I smell honey and chocolate and lemons and a few other sweet and warm things, rum too. But then, you didn't say there would be none of those things in your basket.? Catalina winked.

?Remember, I said if I told you that. I didn't.? Ariana grinned.

?Exactly. So, what should I fetch us to go with those goodies?? Catalina asked with a chuckle.

?Coffee, with a blessing of Bushmills, if you would be so kind, Catey. That would suit these old bones tonight.? Ariana requested cheerily as she settled onto a stool finally.

?Certainly.? Catalina moved through the break to fetch two mugs of coffee, set sugar and cream on the counter along with a Bushmills for Ariana, and a splash of whiskey into her coffee. She looked up to Ariana while the whiskey bottle was still in her hand. ?Does your coffee need 'watering' down some too??

?Watering inndeed.? Ariana grinned. ?If I remember the coffee here, it can stand a monsoon without losing strength. Rain, please. Though my one daughter would be scolding me now for that. "Mother, Rain is serious business." She shook her head; the gesture was accompanied by off-tune chime sounds.

?Of course it is! But we don't want to stand in bed all night.? Catalina ?rained? whiskey into Ariana?s mug, leaving just a little room for sugar and cream. Then the whiskey bottle was re-corked and put up and she joined Ariana at the patron side of the bar.

?Bless you, Catalina.? Ariana removed a gold coin from her ?bank?, and tossed it into the till.

?You're welcome.? Catalina smiled. ?So... what's in that basket??

?Depends on who's in the bed.? Ariana waggled her brows. ?Hmm? Oh, you guessed most of it.?
?I'm sure standing up is not preferred for the entire night.? Catalina grinned.

?Then Seamus isn't treating you right.?

?He got himself into an altercation with a couple of big dogs, and he looked like he lost.?

?Wot? I'll have to have a talk with those canines.? Ariana blinked a few times at those news. Her frown was drowned in her mug of coffee.

?I wouldn't mind running across them either.? Catalina still wondered what ?dogs? Seamus had encountered.

?They might be in for a Staff Meeting. How is he?? Concern was plain on Ariana?s features and in her voice.

?He is doing much better now.? Between rest and a little of more of her admittedly meager healing skills he was very much on the mend.

?Good, good. You can take him some of the lemon bars I brought.? Ariana offered.

?He'll love you for those.? Catalina pulled the basket closer and reached into it to randomly pick something out. ?In fact, he mentioned how much he missed them just the other day.?

?Oh? Well, then, take him a double portion. They have healing properties.? Ariana winked and Catalina agreed with a nod, just having taken a bite out of the pastry.

?Seamus bought himself a house.? Catalina offered idly after a sip from her cup.

?Hmmm? Where at? And have you seen it yet?? Ariana teased gently.

?Out west, with a little bit of beach to it. He plans to turn the land around the house into a ranch. And yes, of course I've seen it. He even asked for me to help him decorate it.? Catalina had a few more sips from her cup.

?Sounds serious. Should I block out time in my schedule for catering a reception?? Ariana grinned.

?It does sound awfully serious, doesn't it?? Catalina looked too serious, though. One didn?t decorate a house when one had only weeks before one had to leave and the gods knew when one would be back. But Seamus had insisted.

?Is there a problem I'm not aware of with you and that rogue?? Ariana?s coppery brows rose.

?Not between him and I, not that I'm aware of anyway.? Catalina shook her head. ?I've had word from home. They will not let me stay out the year as first assumed.?

?Will you be coming back?? Ariana watched Catey over the rim of her mug.

?I don't know.? Catalina swallowed more coffee.

?Rock and hard place. Does Seamus know??

?Yes and no. I told him it could happen. I've not had a chance yet to tell him that a Golden came through the gate with new orders.? Catalina sighed heavily.

?Golden? Want me to have a Meeting with them?? Ariana asked in a no nonsense kind of tone.

?Dragon.? Catalina translated and then shook her head. ?One from the court. That would be of no use. He's gone again anyway, when he or another returns, it'll be to fetch me back most likely.?

?Maybe I could beat some sense into, or talk to, them. Hmm. The obvious question is, do you want to go back? I'd bet a week's profit on lemon bars that the answer to that is no.?

?It's more complicated than wanting or not. It's an obligation. One could break with that, but doing so would have consequences I may not be able to live with.?

?A matter of honor.? Ariana nodded, the gesture set off that off-key jingling sound again.

?That and more.? Catalina finished off that coffee and set the cup down, wondering just how much she should or could tell.

Ariana leaned in toward Catey. ?Is there another rooster in the henhouse?? She tried for humor.

?No, no roosters and no chickletts.? Catalina shook her head, grinning.

?Then wot is the trouble? If it's this Golden, send him my way, and I'll gladly conduct a Staff Meeting with him.?

?He'll probably just like it.? Catalina shook her head again. Lox probably would accuse Ariana of hitting like a girl, too. ?No, can't have you beat up one of the princes. There's war going on.?

?War? Hmm, Athair didn't mention anything to me... Athair means father. Mine, to be specific. You might say he has a great... interest in War.? Ariana repeated her offer to give the prince a lesson in manners after Catalina had suggested that a war going on for centuries might not qualify as news. ?They could call you back at any time, correct?? At Catalina?s nod she continued, teasing but with a hint of sadness, ?Well then, I'm glad something told me to stop by tonight. I'd hate to miss seeing you before you go away, Catey. Besides, who will I get to test new recipes on??

?The portal is open at irregular intervals, I should have time to come say good bye at least. Or to at least leave a note. I'm sure you'll be able to find volunteers for that. I'll certainly miss these goodies.? Catalina promptly reached for another of the pastries from the basket. Before she bit into it she sighed. ?What do I tell Seamus??

?The truth, as much as you can tell him. He deserves that much, from wot I can tell. Reassure him that it's duty calling you back... and not because he snores.? Ariana?s gaze focused on her nearly empty coffee mug's contents.

?Of course, the how much is the real question, though, and he doesn?t snore. I told him that much already, but repeating it won't hurt anything.? Catalina frowned at the empty cup and had another bite of the pastry instead.

?No, it couldn't hurt.? Ariana?s brows rose at the sound of both, the silver bells and that familiar singing voice. Then they both greeted Ariana?s granddaughter and her husband who had just arrived to tend the bar. More of Ariana?s family arrived in short order.

?Catey, this is Brian, a rogue who used to visit when I wore the Apron here lo these many years ago.? Ariana introduced Catey to on of her sons.

"Mother, it is wonderful to see you here among us once more. I missed you, mother. Thank you for returning." Brian smiled and offered a most respectful bow to Ariana. He gave a wink to Catey as he rose to full height once more. "Semi-retired rogue, I still do birthdays, bachelorette parties, and other functions."

?It's a pleasure to meet you.? Catalina grinned, remembering well what Ariana had told her about her boys. Then she turned to order a refill of her coffee mug while mother and son filled each other in on family news. Catalina listened with half an ear as she watched the bar tender fill the mugs with coffee and whiskey. By the time the two mugs were delivered, Brian took his leave.

?Bless you, Sid.? Ariana thanked her granddaughter after Brian?s final hug and bow. Then she leaned to Catey, with a stage whisper. ?Handsome rogue alert.?


Date: 2008-08-30 15:23 EST
?They do seem to be out tonight.? Catalina grinned to Ariana as Marek greeted them with a nod on his way behind the bar. Marek glanced over the kegs behind the bar before he decided on one and filled the tankard he had snatched up. He took a sip and then topped off the tankard before he took up a lean against the back bar. Catalina turned a smile to him then. ?Good evening there, handsome.?

?It seems I'm not the only one happy to see that particular rogue.? Catalina nodded toward the woman that stood at the bar and was staring at Marek for Ariana?s benefit.

?Mhm, looks that way. Bet the line goes clean around a city block.? Ariana chuckled.

?Evening...? Marek glanced over to Ariana and Catalina and gave a nod down their way. Then he quirked a brow at the woman staring at him.

?Did you happen to bring me anything, Marek?? Catalina asked with a friendly grin, referring to the bullets he promised her.

?Not tonight, left my case back at a place staying in town.? Marek nodded over at Catalina after another glance over to the seemingly curious woman that now was sitting on a stool. ?Just myself and I tonight I'm afraid.?

?Next time then perhaps.? Catalina grinned. ?I may have another week or three before I will have worthy recipients for them.?

?No worries then.? Marek cast a wink Catalina's way and then he looked dead on over the counter at the woman that was once again staring at him. ?I got something in my teeth, or are you just enjoying the view??

?My guess is she's enjoying the view, you rogue.? Ariana commented before she turned to treat yet another family member.

?You could put some of Ariana's baklava in between your teeth.? Catalina suggested with a grin. ?And aye, it is quite a view.?

"It's not a view I would be enjoying." The woman looked to Marek with a fierceness in her eyes, her voice was calm and clear, though.

?You haven't seen me in the candle light of your bed. But if you don't like the view... then all you have to do is turn your head, doll.? Marek glanced over at Ariana and Catalina at their teasing with a smirk. He lifted his tankard for a sip before he looked to the woman again.

?What a tempting image.? Catalina picked her cup of rained in coffee for a drink or two. Then she winked to Marek. ?That almost makes me look forward to strolling over the battle fields.?

?Hmm, if I didn't know better, I'd swear he was my son Padi. Oi, wot a charmer he is.? Ariana agreed with a grin.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to stare, I'm sorry if I've offended you." The woman?s reply sounded controlled. ?You look... strikingly similar to an individual I had the displeasure of meeting. It threw me off guard."

Marek glanced over at Ariana and Catalina again, a smirk held for the moment until he looked back at the woman again. ?You didn't offend me, doll face. No worries.? Then he lifted the tankard again for another drink. The woman then moved away from the bar to sit at one of the tables.

?I should pack a candle.? Catalina grinned when Ariana suggested that many would be better, she turned to Marek with a wink. ?Only so much will fit into a pack. You could bring candles. They were your idea to start with? If you're still interested in a dragon ride and that body guard position, that is.?

?I could make a care package of baklava and lemon bars.? Ariana offered dryly.

?That is an excellent idea, Ariana.? Catalina smiled to her. It would be nice to have a taste from Rhydin along to enjoy the first day or two.

?Um, no.? Marek quirked a brow. ?I try to stick clear of dragons, thanks, but no thanks. Seen what they can do to a jet liner over the big A.?

?Then never get my husband angry at you.? Ariana winked at Marek.

?Quit asking me out then.? Marek nodded to Ariana, a smirk hid behind a drink from his tankard.

?Are you taking back that offer then?? Catalina blinked with surprise.

?To ride a dragon?? Marek lowered the tankard with a lifting brow at Catalina. ?I never said anything to that.?

?It's quite the only way back and forth between Dragon's Eye and here. Why do you think the place is called Dragon's Eye?? She had mentioned the Goldens before, hadn?t she?

?You never said anything about a dragon. A bit on the unfriendly side usually, where I come from. Except for one I can think of that was President? but he was assassinated.? Marek was thoughtful for a moment. Then he shrugged against the leather jacket. ?I don't know... just 'cause it's in the name don't mean any are about. Could just mean the place has a dragon's eye in a temple or in some museum.?

?I guess I shouldn't tell you then that this place is rather overrun by them, and that the enemy is the kind that thinks humanoids are cattle, besides them being necromancers.? Marek changing his mind about coming along was bad news for Catalina, very bad news.

?You might want to avoid that place sounds like in the future, doll face. Don't sound too friendly at all and rather the spot to get set up for the morgue.? Marek lifted his tankard for a sip.

?Excuse me, please.? Ariana set her mug down on the bar and rose from her stool. Then she padded barefoot toward her granddaughter and the boy with her.

?Alas, I don't really have a choice.? Catalina replied to Marek after a nod to Ariana.

?Sounds like a good way to end this life, heading right into where a bunch of dragons are.? Marek?s gaze followed Ariana, taking in the view as she moved away, before he nodded back at Catalina.

Catalina looked to Marek for long moments before she answered. ?Not the best way, to be sure, but yes.?

?You need a new line of work.? Marek lifted his tankard again for another sip.

?I really thought you understood all that when I talked to you about getting a gun. Then again, I managed the last six years with bow and arrow and a knife.? Catalina gave a little shrug. She had counted on him being along the first time she?d field test that new weapon. When Marek nodded to her over his tankard she asked, ?Perhaps I should give you a little history of the place so you can make up your mind??

Marek nodded and took another sip from his tankard. Catalina fortified herself with a drink from her mug and a deep breath before she started reciting from Dragon?s Eye?s history.

?1200 years ago, and previous for 10000 years, dragons feasted on humans, dwarves, elves, anything really. The land of Dragon's Eye was a dragon haven. The dessert of bones was generated by the pickings that dragons would find in other worlds. Many dragons used their prey as slaves. Thus many different mixes of creatures inhabit the land. Not to mention that the scores of treasure, hoarded by the dragons of these lands brought many other venturing types to steal those treasures.?

Marek quirked a brow at Catalina as he listened.

?The day of freedom was the day that the dragon Valiance Demure became ruler of Dragon's Eye 1200 years ago declaring it a crime to enslave other creatures or to treat them like cattle, or moose, which are now adequate in population to feed the humanoid races like human dwarf, elf, giant, etc. and dragons alike.? Catalina had to pause for a breath.

?The day of freedom brought contention between Val and one other of extreme power, for a time. But for over 700 years, one of the most powerful rivals of Val, one thought to have been dead, built an army of undead to control the dessert of bones and to destroy those within the land so that he and his kind could return to the slavery they once knew, and the free right to feed on anything. That one has an exceptional taste for children.? Finished with recounting the history of Dragon's Eye as she knew it, she focused on Marek again.

?Hm... sounds like a messy place to vacation at.? Marek?s brow was still arched at Catalina.

?I don't think you could book a tour there.? Catalina grinned at his comment and then finished off the fortified coffee. She turned questioning eyes to Marek again as she settled the empty cup to the counter. ?Some of the dragons are useful to have around.?

?Some, perhaps.? Marek allowed with a slight nod of his head.

?Are you thinking it over then??

?I'll think on it. Not too sure I want to travel among dragons.? Marek nodded after he shook his head to clear a few thoughts.

?I understand. In the meantime, while you're back there, would you mind getting me glass and some whiskey?? Catalina nodded, not holding much hope. She would have to re-think her strategy for her next mission.

Marek nodded and pushed from his lean behind the bar. Taking up a glass and bottle, he removed the cap and filled it half way before he slid it down the bar toward her and recapped the bottle in turn.

?Thank you.? Catalina gave Marek a smile before she picked up the glass for a drink. He nodded and moved to take up a lean again, but not before he refilled his tankard nearly to the brim, of course.

?Good evening, Collie. How have you been?? Catalina greeted her with a friendly smile, putting aside all thoughts of Dragon?s Eye for the moment. Collie had arrived some time earlier, and now Ariana returned to her seat by the bar with her.

?Evening, Catey!? Collie smiled back. ?I've been well and busy. I've been running after my children. They range in from four up, then there's grandchildren.?

?I've got a walk to take; I'll be back later or tomorrow... walk softly.? Marek lightly pushed from his lean against the bar with a nod to Catalina.

?Until then, Marek.? Catalina returned the nod. She would ask him again when she saw him next if he could resign himself to spending some time in the company of a dragon.

?Take care, you rogue.? Ariana winked to Marek before he slipped away from the growing crowd and to the back door. Then she turned to Collie again. ?Mhm, lovely ones I can spoil as well.?

?Aye... lots to spoil.? Collie agreed. She and Ariana then agreed that between them they could claim half of Rhydin?s population as family. ?Ariana and I are related through the children of my first marriage. That gives her spoiling rights over one of my girl's children, but she's spoiling all the grandchildren!?

?Sid and hers are mine, by heart choice.? Ariana turned back to Collie. ?All little ones are mine to spoil.?

?Well, I know who to go to and pester with questions should Seamus ever have any.? Catalina grinned to them both. ?I'm sure there are enough to go around to spoil.?

They were joined by another of Ariana?s extended family members then, this one quite obviously a dragon, nearly as shameless a flirt as most all of the dragons were that Catalina had met. Catalina commented here and there as their conversation shifted from children to parties and costumes, but her mind kept drifting.

Ariana laughing merrily and too much so to finish a sentence some time late tore Catalina from her thoughts and fully grabbed her attention.

?Oi. That gives new meaning to...? Ariana laughed even harder. ?Deflowering,? she got out between chuckles.

?Shameless!? Collie scolded as Catalina merely blinked in surprise from one to the other. At Catalina?s look she gave a girlish giggle. ?I'm not the mentioned deflowering.?

?You all mentioned wearing flowers, so... ? Ariana grinned unrepentant.

?I didn't.? Catalina pointed out.

?Because Seamus isn't about.? Ariana grinned at Catey.


Date: 2008-09-01 11:52 EST

Catalina perked her ears. Had Ariana mentioning Seamus called him? That jaunty whistle coming from the direction of the stairwell sounded just like it might have.

?I'll be right back.? Catalina excused herself to the group. Then she was off her stool and headed toward the stairs, hopeful to meet Seamus there.

Seamus squinted as he stepped into the commons, sea greens sought out crystalline blues. A wolfish grin came to his lips as he spotted Catalina, who met him at the bottom of the stairwell.

?Well, 'ello, 'ello!? He glanced over her head to Ariana. ?Uh oh, I see trouble b' present t'nigh'.?

?Good morning, sleepy head. Aye, trouble and lemon bars.? Catalina wrapped her arms around him.

?Mm... Lemon bars.? He nodded enthusiastically, sniffing for actual proof that they were there. He grinned in approval, enveloping Catey in a bear hug. ?Mhmm. Early mornings an' lemon bars, nothin' better.?

?Shall we go say Hello then? I'll let you have my seat, too.? Catalina beamed a wide smile to Seamus.

?Ye on'y wan' t' sit on me lap.? He jested, chuckling softly as he took her hand into his and they carefully made their way to the bar where Tass was kissing Collie. But they never got that far.

A wolf, and this one Catalina recognized as the same one that had been at the inn before and she had been communicating with several weeks ago, leapt through one of the inn?s windows onto the floor, carrying precious cargo in his mouth.

?Aww, you looked right through that play.? Catalina stopped when she spotted the wolf padding toward them, her hand holding Seamus's tugged a little to make him stop too. He paused and his gaze shifted to the wolf and wolf cub curiously.

?Whatever could this b'?? But he was getting himself excited, stopping completely to bend down onto his hind haunches to be level with the wolf.

?I think our friend here has something he wants you to have.? Catalina smiled from Seamus to the wolf and back. Seamus? initial reaction already told her that she had done the right thing when she mentioned to the big wolf that Seamus needed a wolf cub to raise and love. She crouched down beside them.

The wolf placed the little cub on the ground in front of himself. He sniffed at Seamus to make sure he was the right person before he nudged the cub towards him, giving a few low murmurs to the cub to encourage it. Then he looked up to Seamus with grey eyes as the wolf cub, no fur and all fuzz, crawled over to Seamus to sniff his leg. It gave him a lick for taste, too.

Seamus was speechless for a moment or two. He looked from the wolf, to Catey, back to the wolf and then to the wolf cub, grinning like a mad man.

?Really? For me?? He asked, his head tilted as he watched the wolf, a hand extending for the little cub to sniff and familiarize with. A scratch was offered for the wolf, as well. The wolf gave a quiet bark as if to answer his question. With a small laugh he scratched the cub's head.

?Yes, for you.? Catalina confirmed with a wide grin and scratched the wolf?s other ear with a wink to the big wolf. ?Thank you. I think he liked our surprise.? The wolf twitched his ear in response, chiming the bell that was woven into the fur.

Thank ye muchly.? Seamus thanked the wolf, and Catey, almost breathlessly. He was excited again. He withdrew his hand from the wolf to join his other hand so that he could cup the cub between them, just as Ariana mentioned lemon bars rather loudly.

?I been wantin' one o' ye since ol' Cailean died.? He said to the cub, raising it to eye level as if he was examining its every pore. Though he was momentarily distracted by the mention of lemon bars, his head whipped to eyes Ariana.

?Shall we go and get a seat next to those lemon bars before someone else eats them all?? Catalina rose to her feet and offered Seamus a hand up, grinning happily from the wolf to Seamus and the cub. At the bar Ariana was offering lemon bars to the fairy and his girl friend. The fairy was floating along the bars, following the scent of sweet lemons to the basket.

The wolf scratched at his neck to release the bag that was tied around it, then nudged it to Seamus as well before he turned to pad back to the window. Seamus took the bag as he balanced the whelp in one arm and gave a grateful nod to the wolf.

?Thank ye again!? He stood up excitedly, grinning wolfishly to Catey. ?Thank ye, darlin'.? And he leaned in to rub his nose against hers.

?You two better share, and play nicely about it.? A mother?s tone was in Ariana?s voice. ?You two need to share, Seamus was promised some first. But help yourself.?

?I won't be greedy, I promise.? The fairy grinned as his feet settled on the ground. He took only two lemon bars, one for each hand, and beamed because he had the lemony bar goodness now. ?Thank you! ?

?You are very welcome, Seamus.? Then she escorted Seamus and pup to the bar. ?Have you met Collie yet, Seamus??

That's right, those lemon bars were his! Quicker steps brought Seamus toward the bar, dragging Catey with him.

?Evenin' Mrs. Ariana. Got any lemon bars for me t'nigh'?? He asked innocently as he hugged the cub to his breast. Then he turned his head to answer Catey. ?Nae, I don' believe I have.?

?I do inndeed... who is this little charmer, hmm?? Ariana gave a soft ?whuff? in greeting to the wolf cub.

?I could feed you again, seeing as you'll have both hands full.? Catalina offered generously before she made the introductions. ?Collie, meet Seamus O'Connel. Seamus, this is Collie.?

?A pleasure.? Collie?s Irish accent was heard in her words as she offered her hand to Seamus.

?'is name b' Cailean.? Seamus nodded to Ariana, in memory of his old wolf. A brief wave of nostalgia overcame him before he smiled roguishly at Collie, saluting her before extending his hand to shake hers. ?Pleasure t' meet ye, Miss Collie. An' this b' Cailean.? He nodded down to his wolf cub with a cheeky grin.

?How cute!? The blond girl with the fairy glanced to the wolf cub.

?Well met, Cailean.? Ariana added the same in soft barks for the wolf cub.

?Hello Cailean.? Catalina whispered to the pup before she went to fetch Seamus a Guinness from the cooler behind the bar. Quick as could be she was back. She looked to Seamus to see if that lap was available yet, dangling that open bottle of Guinness to him with a grin.

The bag was dropped to the floor before Seamus eased himself into Catey's stool. A lean was taken up against the bar, and the wolf set in his lap. It pawed at his lap for a moment, before trying to climb back up his chest. Seamus laughed before he looked to Catey.

?I b' thinkin' Cailean jus' stole yer seat.? He winked before he clucked his tongue, one hand reaching out for the Guinness greedily. ?Thank ye much, darlin'. Ye know me too well now. Wan' t' 'old 'im?? Seamus offered to Taneth and Tormay with a broad smile.

?Oh no he didn't.? Catalina reached for the pup and, holding it gently, she got onto Seamus lap and then settled the pup in hers. One arm went around his shoulders the other made sure the pup didn't side off as she smiled to him. ?You're welcome.?

?Mhmm, but looks like ye won, dear.? He smiled back and wrapped an arm around her waist after another sip of the Guinness.

?Oh no, that is okay.? Taneth looked at the pup but then shook her head.

?We both won.? Catalina nuzzled Seamus' cheek. ?Now you won?t be alone when I can't be around.?

?Mhmm, jus' perfect.? He nodded in agreement. A sneaking glance was given to Ariana, scoping for some lemon bars, but as his hands were full. Then he smiled to Taneth. ?Alrigh'.?

?Hmmm?? Ariana caught that glance from Seamus as she reached inside the basket. ?Did you want something, Seamus??

?Here, let me.? Catalina shifted a leg just so, to cushion Cailean to where he couldn't slide off her lap, and then reached for a lemon bar. Then she brought it to Seamus' lips. She smiled to Seamus, happy that he was doing better and happy that he liked the surprise so much, and of course the lemon bar. Perhaps her not so nice news could wait just a little longer, she thought.

Seamus nodded eagerly at Ariana, before Catey surprised him with a bar. He gave her a wolfish grin before he took a big bite out of the lemon bar. He closed his eyes for a moment. ?Mmm, nummy.?

?See wot my pastries do?? Ariana chuckled.

?Yer lemon bars b' delectable an' all, Mrs. Ariana.? Seamus nodded sagely. The wolf curled up on Catey's lap, a paw over his snout as he drifted into a light slumber. Seamus lifted his beer for another drink, washing down the lemon bar crumbs happily.

?Would you like another bite, sweetie?? Catalina offered the bar to Seamus' lips again once the bottle was lowered. At his nod she fed him the rest of the lemon bar. Her fingers licked clean she reached for that whiskey glass and finished it off before she settled it back to the counter. ?All in all we had quite a busy evening. We should probably start thinking about bed.?

Seamus agreed and Catalina slid off his lap. Then she handed the sleeping pup over to him to carry before she picked up the extra lemon bars Ariana had set aside for Seamus.

?I bid you a good night.? She smiled to Ariana and Collie. Seamus added his wishes for a good night to both.

?Take care, Catey and Seamus.? Ariana replied and Collie added, ?Night, Catey and Seamus.? Collie waved to the couple then looked to Ariana as the couple walked to the stairs and then up.

?Catering, one of these days.? Ariana nodded toward the stairs.


Date: 2008-09-02 15:57 EST
Tea with Lang

People that didn't go through significant trouble of not getting found were no problem to track down, at least not for Catalina. It didn't even take any bribes to find out that Lang would be at the Teas'n Tomes just now. So that was where Catalina headed. When she entered the shop Lang, who had just picked up something to drink at the counter, moved to one of the tables.

He took a sip of his drink as he spotted Catey. He chuckled to himself before he nodded lightly to her.

?We have a habit of running into each other.?

?Do we?? She grinned and came over, not even bothering to stop at the counter to get something to drink. ?A good evening to you, Lang.?

?Yes.? He gestured to one of the chairs at the table. ?Good evening, Catey.?

?Thank you.? She smiled and sat down in the offered chair. So far this had been easy.

?Welcome.? He motioned for the tender to get Catey a drink. ?So, what brings you after me of all people??

?Am I that obvious?? She grinned. Sometimes being obvious had its advantages and was done on purpose. ?Mostly our conversation the other evening at the Outback.?

?No, but normally no one seeks me out around here, unless they really know me or they need help.? He nodded to the tender then and paid for Catey?s tea.

?Thank you. Well, I guess one meeting and a few nods across the inn are not enough for really knowing anyone. That leaves me needing some help, which I think you may actually be better suited to provide than the fashionable detective.? Anyway, Lox had told her to hire two detectives. Lang wasn?t so much a detective, though, but a bounty hunter.

?Welcome.? He then nodded softly to her asking for help. He took another sip of his drink as he pondered the request for a moment. ?Alright, I'm interested. What do you need help with??

?It's different from your usual line of work, as I am out for information rather than having anyone brought in, in particular on two female dragons.? Catalina mentioned the first of the potential stumbling blocks. Lang frowned as expected.

?Fair enough.? He recovered.

Catalina actually breathed easier at his response. She had feared that the conversation may be over at this point.

?They are in Rhydin to hide, that is, I know that one of them is currently in town. The other one... They are both originally from Dragon's Eye, a world in which for the last 700 years or so two opposing factions of dragons have been warring against each other.?

Lang gave another light nod as he moved his hand up to massage the bridge of his nose and muttered to himself. ?Had to be dragons.? Out loud he asked, ?Names??

?Carla Silverdale and Jane Bloomsworth. Those are, of course, assumed names. Carla still lives under the presumed name in Rhydin. Jane I've found no trace of for the past 18 months, and nothing prior to about two years ago. For those 6 or 7 months she worked as groundskeeper for the cemetery.? Catalina volunteered what little she had been able to find out on her own.

?Seeing how you are asking me for help, I am guessing they are people against your side?? Lang committed those two names to memory.

?I should mention that Jane is from the fraction of dragons that are necromancers and that consider humanoids as no different from cattle. Carla is one of those Golden dragons who think humans are creatures that should be given certain rights, and can be lived with on an equal level...not keeping them as pets, slaves or food.? Catalina slightly shook her head. Which side each of them was on was still in question.

?Great... One that sounds easy, the other sounds like a fight waiting to happen.? Lang commented with a rueful smirk.

?Well, I am looking to find out what Dax, one of the kings most trusted Dragons, stumbled across about a year ago, without telling anyone anything, that got him eliminated. I'm fairly certain one of those two is behind it.? Catalina wondered if Lang picked up on the amount of information in that sentence.

?Alright... I'll see what I can dig up for you.? Lang nodded again and took another sip.

?Just being from one side or another is really no reason to suspect one or the other more or less. There is political maneuvering happening on both sides. Nothing's ever just black and white.?

?No need to bore me with the political side of things.? Lang nodded again.

?Besides facts, I'm also interested in any rumors you may happen across. These two are hiding here and will be easily spooked. I spooked someone. Luckily I wasn't desired to be dead outright, at least the assassin sent messed up.? She thought it only fair to warn him. Besides, if either went deeper into hiding it would only be yet more difficult to find out anything useful.

?Thanks for the added info.? Knowing that the two people were easy to spook, meant that he needed to be more careful.

?You may find this useful.? Catalina pulled a sheet of paper from her pocket with the information of addresses and names and last place of work and various other bits of information she had found on each of the ladies and handed it to Lang. He took the piece of paper and scanned it before he folded it up. It was then slipped into his inner coat pocket.

?They do read minds and they would recognize one of their own. So I've been asked to hire a detective and quit snooping around myself.? Catalina grinned then. ?That leaves to discuss what Fee you'd like to be rewarded with for your troubles.?

?Rewarded? Lang looked at Catey as if she had suggested something completely outrageous. ?As long as I don't have to show up in front of people...I hate that.?

?I am sure you will have expenses and you will invest your time and expertise. You should probably charge a fee at least as high as what the famous Mr. DeMuer would charge.? Catalina advised. She didn?t like the idea that he should take on the fairly dangerous job but refuse payment.

?Very well?? Lang chuckled to that. ?I'll charge you a penny less than he charged you.?

?He didn't get to charge me because I didn't locate him yet and because he doesn't strike me as particularly suited to the job. I mean no offense to your friend, of course.? Catalina detached a coin pouch from her gypsy skirt and slid it over the table toward Lang. She still planned on hiring the detective, though, provided she could get an appointment with the popular Alain DeMuer sometime soon. ?That was what I was hoping we'd agree upon as up front payment.?

?No offence taken.? Lang glanced to the pouch and picked it up, weighing the pouch and coins in his hand. ?Tell you what? I'll take the payment depending on my results?? He set the pouch back on the table.

?While that is certainly most honorable of you, I strongly suggest that you re-consider that.? She gave a humorless grin. ?I may not be here to pay for the results the moment you have any. I expect to be called away for a bit in about two weeks.?

?Then I'll collect the payment then.? Lang insisted with a light shrug.

?I may not be back. Should that be the case, Rena will know how to get any results into hands where it would do some good.? Catalina shook her head. He was really making this difficult. She had not planned on divulging quite that much personal information. ?Rena's not to be involved in this, though, if at all avoidable.?

Lang nodded lightly before he looked to the pouch again. He then sighed softly.

?Alright?for you I'll agree to your terms.? He plucked up the pouch, and then slipped it into his coat.

?Thank you.? Catalina smiled and then gave him a wink. ?It's not my money anyway, so you're not depriving me of it. I'd just have to return any leftovers.?

?Welcome.? He nodded lightly to that. ?Relax? you got me to help you.?

?I am glad that you decided to take on the job. Thank you. Though relaxing is much easier said than done.? Now she picked up the cup and tried the tea. It was pleasant. ?I will certainly sleep much better knowing that you'll be looking into this. Now I can concentrate on being unsuspicious.?

?Welcome again. And that is true.? Lang smiled back to Catey. ?I'll try not to bust too many heads.?

?One of those heads may hold something the king very much wants to know about. I'd love to know which one and what that is.? She chuckled at his joking remark.

?Relax...I'll treat this as a professional would.? Lang laughed softly.

?Something told me that you would.? Catalina grinned. ?You must be good at it to make a living from it.?

?Keep it up and I'll use my own brand of finding people.? He took another sip. ?Former profession, now I just help Hera in cleaning the city up.?

?Somehow I can't picture you with a broom and a bucket of mopping water.? Catalina sipped from her cup, hiding a grin, and then set the cup down. ?I probably took up enough of your time by now and I'm sure Seamus is wondering by now what's been keeping me. Thank you for the tea as well.?

?Cute, very cute.? Lang smirked. ?You weren't taking up my time.?

?I wish you the best of luck, of course, and a great evening.? Catalina stood up then and smiled to Lang again.

?You too.? Lang stood as well. ?And try not to get in to much trouble.?


Date: 2008-09-02 15:59 EST
Caramel, Green, and a Rustic Orange

Seamus was whistling, his thumbs tucked into the belt loopholes of his pants, as he made his way to the inn. Faded jeans and his boots were spotted with an array of colors, and his fingers a nasty looking black-green color from the mixing of paints. His ears perked at the rumbling of a motorcycle, but he was unphased as he ascended the porch steps. A look was cast to the empty porch before he made his way across the porch and shoved his way through the doorway noisily. A jaunty smile was provided for Guido as he passes by.

Catalina had come back just long enough ago to have changed from her leathers into the much prettier gypsy skirt and blouse. Now she headed back downstairs and to the bar for something to drink. She just headed back out from behind the bar when Seamus walked in, and then she couldn't set the glass and jug down fast enough. As soon as they had found the counter, she ran over to Seamus to greet him with a hug and a huge smile. Seamus laughed as Catey came bounding before he even caught sight of her.

?Good evening, gorgeous. I see you managed without breaking any bones.? Catalina had missed him above average this day.

?Well 'ello t' ye t', m'dear.? A wide grin split his face as he enveloped her in a hug, squeezing for good measure. His eyes crinkled and he smiled wryly, holding his hands up innocently. ?I don' know wha' ye are talkin' abou', lady. I ne'er break me bones.?

?Right.? Catalina chuckled, recalling two broken bones she had attempted to heal for him. ?And what was that what happened to your arm and leg that made you camp out in a ditch?? She took his arm and started to lead him toward the bar where she had abandoned the cider to greet him. ?I missed you. You look like you had far more fun than I did.?

?I missed ye, t'.? He said with another warm smile. Seamus gave her a sheepish look as he followed after her, shrugging a bit at the mention of the ditch. He glanced down at his hands. ?Aye, ye coul' say tha'.?

?What all did you get done today and what colors did you pick?? Seamus had been busy the last couple of days, painting the house he had bought inside and out. ?Would you like cider too, or rather something else??

?I pain'ed an' I got th' dinin' room furniture... An' o' course I got me room done th' other day.? He nodded, sliding onto a stool, before he continued with a bright smile. ?Cider'll do fer now, darlin'. Caramel in th' kitchen, green in th' dinin' room, a rustic orange in th' livin' room...?

?Those sound beautiful. Wait a minute, are you saying your room is done? And you?re telling me just now? When were you planning to show me?? Before she would go to fetch Seamus a glass from behind the bar she insisted on a kiss, though. She leaned in and brushed her lips against his, lingering for a while or two.

?Oops!? He laughed deeply again, grinning at her after brushing his lips against hers. ?I really 'ad wan'ed t' surprise ye an' all... I guess tha' innit workin' out as well as planned.?

?It still will be a surprise because I've not seen it yet. Do you feel energetic enough to walk all the way back out there later?? Catalina chuckled softly as she fetched his glass. She returned with the glass and poured cider into both before she moved to share the stool he was sitting on with him.

?I s'pose we coul' do tha'?? He trailed off, looking thoughtful, a wry grin on his lips.

?What is that thoughtful look for, darling?? She reached over to pick up one of the glasses. She shook her head and grinned to him. She had noticed the absence of Cailean. ?You were planning for us to go to your place this evening anyway, weren't you? How is the little one liking his new home??

?Ye bet.? He gave her another grin. ?He's sleepin', didn' wan' t' wake 'im. 'e went chicken chasin' t'day.?

?Did he catch any?? She studied Seamus's face over the rim of her glass.

?Mhm.? He nodded, tilting his head so that he could watch her. ?He on'y bit 'er leg an' then let 'er go.?

?I'm sure he won't be letting go of them in another few months or so.? Catalina lowered the glass again and nodded to Kairee from Seamus's lap before she turned to Seamus again.

?Nae, pro'ly nae.? Following Catey's gaze, he smiled and saluted Kairee before he looked back to Catey. She smiled back to Seamus for a long moment.

?Marek is rethinking his offer of coming along to Dragon's Eye as a body guard.? She remarked idly.

?Why fore?? A serious look took over.

?I thought I had mentioned dragons to him before, but he acted like there being any was complete news to him, and he doesn't seem to want to be around any.? She shrugged. ?It would have been nice not to have to go alone. He didn't say no out right though.?

?'e's scared o' some scalies?? That made Seamus chuckle.

?He did sound like he was. And he didn't like the idea of riding one either.? Catalina grinned. She didn?t like riding either.

?I think tha' sounds fun an' all?? Seamus nodded. ?When d' ye go back??

?Lox is to be back in about two weeks. Then it depends on what he decides. Could be right away, or that he decides another week or two delay would be wiser.?

?Er... 'o is Lox?? Seamus blinked slowly after a moment?s pause, nodding but looking confused.

?The Golden that was here last week.? She had told him of Lox having been here, hadn't she, and how glad she was he hadn't insisted that she leave with him right then? Or had she just told Ariana and then forgot over worrying about all she had to get done in the meantime??

?Oh, okay... So... 'e's like yer boss, eh?? Seamus didn?t sound like she had told him anything.

?One of them, sort of. He's one of the princes at court.? Or he was as close to one as Dragon's Eye had.

?In'erestin'.? He eyed her with a wry smile.

?Interesting?? She searched his face and wondered the wisdom of asking Seamus to come with her. If he was to come along though, he'd not be here to hopefully come back to. And what all could happen to him there was something she'd rather not think off. ?Do you know anything about avoiding creatures??

?Define 'avoidin'?? He grinned wolfishly, his eyes lit up as he looked at her. He seemed to be on a roll with getting into it with 'creature.'

?Well, getting bit or scratched by one would be bad, getting unkilled or killed by one would probably be worse. They're best altogether avoided, as in keeping enough of a distance in-between them and you to where they couldn't even hear you yell. Those things are why I got that gun, you remember?? She placed a quick kiss on the tip of his nose.

?I could do tha'...? He smiled at the kiss and then nodded slowly, thinking about that. Would he want to go? ?I know.?

?I'd be beyond just miserable should something happen to you because of you going to Dragon's Eye.? She shook her head slightly.

?I don' think I'd like t' see ye get hurt...? He looked troubled, eyeing her. ?I don' think I'd like ye t' get hurt without me, either.?

?I'll just have to avoid getting hurt then.? Easier said than done, she knew. But she had managed so far. He knew that, too. A hand was raised to touch her face, fingers brushed down her chin line.

?Ye will b' alrigh', aye?? He looked hopeful.

?Hmm. I'll do my best as always.? So far that had been enough. Another thought occurred to her just then. That it only now occurred to her showed how little she was used to considering how another person could be affected by what she did or didn't do. ?How do you feel about the possibility anyway of Marek maybe hiring on??

?I think it'll b' a good idea.? He was nodding. He frowned, watching her again. ?I don' wan' ye t' b' gettin' hurt.?

?I don't like getting hurt either.? She tried for a little humor and leaned against him and lightly squeezed his shoulders.

?Ye are funny.? Seamus chuckled.

?Things get serious enough? Catalina remained leaning against him for now. It was a very comfortable place to be.

?Mhmm, I bet.? His arms were wrapped around her.

?Ariana can be funny, too. She was wondering if you wanted to give a reception of some kind to show off your new house.? She chuckled softly. At least Ariana had mentioned catering when she had told her of Seamus having bought a house. Ariana may have hinted at something else, though.

?A reception? T' show off me 'ouse? Why fore?? He blinked, staring at her strangely.

?I don't know. You'd have to ask Ariana about that.? She grinned back.

?Weird.? He still had a strange look on his face.

?How so, darling?? Catalina studied that strange look, trying to decide if it was a good or a bad kind of strange.

?Why would ye celebrate buyin' a 'ouse?? This seemed like such a foreign concept to him.

?Having a home to call your own is a big thing.? She smiled. ?I would celebrate, probably for an entire week, should I ever get a house.?

Seamus only gave her a strange look before he reached for his cider, finally, and took a swig.

?What was that for?? She remembered her glass and took a few drinks from it.

?I don' think it's nothin' tha' needs a party... I's jus' a 'ouse.? He shrugged and took another sip.

?It may be just a house to you, but such things come with settling down, being able to stay in one place, maybe having a family or a pet.... it's usually more than just bricks and mortar.? She finished off the cider in her glass and reached over to set the empty on the counter next to the cider jug. When Seamus blinked to her she smiled. ?I've not even stayed at a house apart from the ranch and until you showed me your new house in, well, in forever. It's been court, rooms at inns or camp since even before I started working as a courier. Houses are special to have.?

?Tha' sucks?? He made a face, nose wrinkling. ?I s'ppose it's good an' all? Personalized, aye??

?Aye. One can't personalize a room at an inn or at court.? She nodded.

?Ye kin'a can, y'know? Jus' bring yer own posters an' tear 'em down.? He suggested with a smile.

?But one would have to carry that along. Packing light can be important.? She shook her head and grinned. No, taking stuff along to personalize whatever place one found to sleep for a night was quite impossible. ?You pretty much always had a house to live in, didn't you??

?True.? He gave her a thoughtful look. He shook his head, though. ?Nae, I didn'. I 'aven't lived in a ;ouse fer years.?

?Did you think to put anything into your fridge yet?? She changed the subject somewhat.

?Uhhh...? He gave her a sheepish look. He did go hunting, so he had meat. A lot of it.

?You know, I am rather curious to see what you've done with that room.? She chuckled.

?I know. An' it's a surprise.? He grinned though.

?I know, you told me, or I'd be asking you what it looks like until you give up and take me to see it.? She grinned back and winked, teasing him gently. ?But I'd hate to separate you from any chance at lemon bars. Those are the only reason we're still here instead of there, aren't they??

?Mmm, lemon bars.? He licked his lips and grinned guiltily. He was caught. ?Mm, pretty much...?

?Had I known that I'd have gotten a few extra yesterday when I spent all afternoon at Ariana's bakery trying out her new recipes.? Catalina grinned at the look on his face and drew that sentence out as much as possible. Having his mouth water at the thought served him right, she thought, for even teasingly preferring lemon bars to her... or to showing her his newly decorated and furnished room.

?Brat.? He commented in a playful tone after having watched her a moment with narrowed eyes.

?Mhm. I could say the same to you.? Catalina chuckled and then looked to the cider jug and her empty glass. ?If we're staying to see if Ariana will come in this evening, how about you refill those glasses??

?Mayhaps.? He smiled wide and lifted the jug and refilled the glasses.

?Did you happen to get the dog house finished too?? Then she reached for the refilled glass and took a drink from it.

?Tha' I did.? He smiled proudly, puffing his chest out. ?Cailean likes it.?

?I'm sure for now he'll insist on coming inside though.? The wolf pup was still too small to enjoy being on his own for any length of time.

?An' he does. Likes t' sleep at th' foot o' me bed.? Seamus confirmed with a grin.

?And just how did you find out about that?? Catalina asked with a curious look. ?Were you napping all day instead of working and just dabbed paint here and there to make it look like you were busy?

?Pretty much.? Seamus grinned. ?I like t' catch up on me beauty sleep.?

?Is that a hint, darling?? She lifted her glass for a drink and then looked intensely at Seamus for his reply. Seeing his confused look she added, ?That you need more sleep at night perhaps??

?Mayhaps... But I don' mind losin' sleep.? He waggled his brows.

?Good.? Catalina grinned, happy with his answer. ?You didn't ask me yet what I was doing all day.?

?Oh, so what 'ave ye been doin' t'day??

?I found a few rugs for your new house. They should get delivered some time tomorrow afternoon.?

?Rugs?? He grinned and his brows rose with ideas. ?Hmm. Tomorrow ye say??

?Aye, rugs, you know, those things that are softer than wood and feel warmer for stepping on bare foot.? She grinned back and lightly tapped a finger to his forehead. ?Now, what idea are you cooking in there??

?Oh hush?? He swatted at her rump, despite it being against him, with a chuckle. ?Nothing to share in public, m'dear.?

?Hey.? She laughed. ?So how long do you want to wait for those lemon bars??

?I don' know?? A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth. ?It is gettin' late, aye??

?Maybe not late for Ariana, but late for me getting a look at those surprises.? She winked to him. ?And I may have one or the other thing to talk about that's not for talking about in public either, provided you don't distract me right away again.?

?Ye are such a vixen.? Seamus chuckled and squeezed her thigh. ?It innit bad...?

?It isn't bad when you say it to me.? Catalina agreed with a smile and then leaned in to brush her lips to his cheek.

?Do we need to get anything from upstairs before we head out?? Catalina asked when she caught him yawning and she had to work hard not to let that be contagious.

?I don't think so.? Seamus shook his head.

?Should we head out then?? She wasn't moving from his lap just yet, though.

?Yeah. pro'ly.?

?You don't appear half as excited as I am about your surprises. Is something bothering you, darling??

?Nah, jus' tired. Long day?? He grinned.

?You do have that bubbling tub. That sounds like just the thing, doesn't it?? She would rather enjoy a relaxing soak as well. She finished off her cider and then set down glass, winking to him. ?But that doesn't mean you can keep your surprise from me for longer than it takes us to walk across town.?

?Sounds perfec'?? He gave her w wolfish smile as he squeezed her thigh. ?Why not??

?Because I can hardly wait to see it.? She leaned in and brushed her lips to his again. Then she whispered softly. ?There aren't very many antlers on the wall, are there??

?Only the one.? Seamus waited for her to remove herself from his lap. When she did he slid off after her and, taking her hand into his, interlocked fingers. He yawned again. ?Long walk ahead o' us.?

?It's just across town.? She winked to him before they started toward the door. ?The walk may be just long enough.?

?I suppose it is.? He smiled to her as he held the door open and then stepped out after her, with a tip of his head for Guido as they passed.


Date: 2008-09-08 19:44 EST
Walk through Rhydin

"We both have been awfully busy the last few days." Catalina started once they had left the inn. There was so much she needed to tell Seamus about, and none of it made for a topic of conversation in public. The romance of Rhydin by night was lost on her this evening. "Do you remember me mentioning that Lox had come by and that he'd be back in three weeks?"

"I missed him at the ranch and he came into town looking for me." Catalina squeezed Seamus's fingers and then kept an altogether tighter hold of them. "He found me at the Outback. At first I was afraid he'd come to fetch me back right away, especially with me having messed up my mission."

"Hmm, one of those things I wasn't at liberty to share before. Lox, or Loxthanthalas, isn't just any Golden. He is one of the Elite, as close to a prince as possible on Dragon's Eye. He came himself because of the last report I sent back, as he can make decisions without having to ask the court first." Catalina looked to Seamus then. "I was to do more than just sit around and enjoy a forced vacation. I couldn't tell you much before because it's all to be very secret."

"The disappearance of Dax, another Golden, and Benjamin, a seasoned general, and how it happened is very suspect. Just before them disappearing Dax had mentioned coming across something here in Rhydin that was connected to the happenings at home. He wasn't specific in the least, though, and now he can't be asked. They sent me to carefully check on his old contacts, mostly because I'm the only courier that had been to Rhydin before."

Catalina proceeded to tell Seamus about how far she had gotten with her snooping efforts to connect Dax's disappearance to what he found out here, where she had run into dead ends, and that the incident with the trap was deemed to be either a failed assassination attempt or a more or less friendly warning. Currently they thought the later to be the case, since nothing else had happened in the weeks since. That the warning had been given was a sure sign though that she had spooked someone and that she had been on the right track. But she had been ordered to stop investigating and to hire a detective or two. She also told him of her difficulties of getting a hold of the fashionable detective, and that she was considering hiring the bounty hunter she had met instead.

"The Elite must be on to something in connection to that at home, too, or Lox would not be so ready to have me stop the moment I hit a nerve. I'm guessing, that when he comes back it will be with a new plan that'll likely involve me returning to Dragon's Eye." Catalina offered her speculations to Seamus with a deep sigh. "He did however say that he'd take care of getting Marek paid should he come along. He must therefore expect that I will be able to return, at least for long enough to bring Marek back."

They walked quietly for a while. Catalina kept glancing to Seamus, wondering where his thoughts were taking him. There was little to like in what all she had just told him.

Seamus was frowning, mulling over what she had just told him. "Well, there innit much t' like in wha' ye jus' told me, ye know? I know I 'ave t' accept it an' all, bu' I b' imaginin' ye will come back, unscathed I 'ope. Do ye know if ye will b' able to stay in Rhy'Din after yer mission an' droppin' off Marek, or will ye b' goin' back t' Dragon's Eye again?" he asked, still frowning.

He didn't want her to go back, but he had to know. Plus, he still had some things to admit to her, too. That could wait until they made it back to the house, perhaps... Or he could say it now?

"It may take more than one trip to see this through." Catalina had to smile just a little at his insistence that she'd be back. "I've been contemplating resigning at the end of this mission."

His eyebrows shot up excitedly, a grin already replacing his frown. "Really?" he asked excitedly. His voice fell, though, when he continued, "But wha' would ye do then?"

"That is a good question. It wasn't that long ago that the vague dream for the future was to retire just as soon as the war was over, a little house, and maybe even have a family. With Rhydin to retire to, I'd not have to wait with that for the war be over." She slowed her steps as they neared the house and shook her head slightly. Dreaming was one thing, living a dream was another altogether.

"Perhaps I'll take up Ariana on her offer to actually work for her as a taster." She would like that with or without Seamus being a major part in her live.

"I think tha's a good idea," he agreed, smiling broadly. Noting her look, he added, "Do ye miss Dragon's Eye?"

He was watching her, his own pace slowing with hers. A brief glance was taken to the half moon, a soft sigh before turning his attention back to Catey.

"I want to say that I don't miss it, but that would be lying. No matter how bad things can get there, it's still home. I still feel odd walking outside after dark here and not having to worry what creatures may pop up from the ground. An odd thing to miss that." She grinned to Seamus.

"Is something wrong with the moon, darling?" His sigh and glance up had not escaped her.

"Hm?" he asked, looking at her. "Oh, nae... Jus' th' full moon is nearin', an' I find tha' t' b' depressin'," he commented while shrugging. A soft chuckle. "That is a strange thing t' miss, ye know."

"What is depressing about a full moon?" Catalina looked to him questioningly.

Even slowed steps brought them to the house. Catalina was getting excited all over again to see Seamus's room.

"A lot," he replied quietly, frowning. "It is painful," he added softly. Instead of elaborating, which he wanted to do, he led her up to the front door, a small grin breaking out as he moved to open the door. "Now close yer eyes..."

Catalina closed her eyes. Even wondering about how the moon could cause Seamus pain didn't quite keep a smile from her lips. She would ask him about that again later. Now was for getting surprised by what he had been working on the last few days.

"I'm ready. But don't think you're off the hook." She chuckled softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

Seamus chuckled nervously, stepping in through the door after her. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, leading her down the dimly lit hallway toward his bedroom. Quietly, he opened his door, grinning at his rather nice looking room (in his opinion).

"Ye can open up, now," he whispered in her ear as he stood behind her, arms wrapping around her waist and his chin dropping to rest on her shoulder.

Catalina opened her eyes and let her gaze travel over the room. The room was painted a light brownish-cr?me color and his dresser, bedside table and four poster bed a deep cherry mahogany. Of course, there were some cattle antlers hanging up above the bed, but hopefully the white sheets and the soft, white fur comforter would take her eyes off it. He had a white fur rug on the floor just before the bed, and in front of the now marble fireplace. He had thick wool drapes covering the windows, and Cailean was curled up on the floor on top of the fur rug.

"Did you really make the furniture yourself?" She immediately loved the contrast between the dark cherry wood and the white furs. Seamus had done well by the fine wood, too. The way he had talked about the room, she had pictured straight, stark lines. But this dresser and bed had soft lines and even a few decorations to them. "It is beautiful, darling."

"It looks so much cheerier and brighter than I imagined when you described it." She turned around in his arms to hug and kiss him. When their lips separated again she winked up to him. "When you said antlers, I thought you meant deer antlers. These don't seem so bad and actually go well with the furs. Cailean must think so, too." At Seamus's quirked brow she explained with a wide grin, "He's sleeping peacefully instead of barking at the horns."

"Shall we go try it out and see if it all collapses when we sit down?" She gave him a cheeky wink. That fur on the bed looked ever so tempting and she wanted to find out if it was as soft to the touch as it looked.

"Aye, tha' I did. So... Ye like it?" he asked, his hands stuffed into his back pockets as he watched her examine his room. He was grinning, though, because he could see the approval on her face as she scrutinized. The kiss confirmed his question, though, and he laughed.

"Why would I wan' deer antlers?" Seamus asked, wrinkling his nose distastefully. He grinned wolfishly. "Cailean inherited me good taste." He said, winking roguishly.

"It wont collapse, but I like tha' idea," he agreed, giving her a dirty look as she mocked his work, though. All in jest, so rest be assured. He was already moving to the bed, jumping back to sit on it. Another grin as he patted the bed, motioning for her to join. "C'mon darlin'... It's perfect'y safe!"

"Of course it's perfectly safe." Catalina plopped down next to him with a chuckle and ran a hand over the fur. "Wow, it feels even softer than it looks."

For the next few hours they were distracted with each other, too much so for Catalina to ask further questions about the moon or for Seamus to remember that he had wanted to make good use of the jacuzzi tub. In fact, it was nearly morning again before the thought popped back into Catalina's mind.

"Darling?" With gentle fingers, partially propped up, she lightly brushed back a strand of hair from his face. When his sea-green eyes looked back at her, she brought up the subject. She kept her voice soft, but concern was evident in it just the same. "What was that about the moon hurting you, how is that possible?"

It had indeed slipped his mind, but Seamus had been half-hoping he could get away without having to elaborate. A sigh escaped as he looked up at her tenderly. He had no idea how to say it, but decided to be blunt in the end.

"I'm a werewolf," he stated, looking away after saying the last word with a bit of contempt.

There. He had said it. He exhaled loudly, glad to have it off his chest... but then he sharply inhaled, looking quickly to Catey again to assess her reaction. She had not turned her eyes from him.

Werewolf. Of course Catalina had heard stories about them, few good, most bad. But it was the contempt in his voice that made her raise her brows.

"Ye don't 'ate me, do ye?" he inquired meekly.

"No, darling, I do not hate you." Of that she was absolutely certain. What she felt for him was unchanged by his confession. He had not changed in the second it took so say the words, only the extend of her knowledge. She softly brushed her lips against his, It was a brief kiss, but conveyed love and reassurance none-the-less. She winked to him when she pulled back again. Her hand remained on his chest, feeling his heart beat somewhere under her palm. "At least you didn't say that you were a dragon."

But this wasn't a revelation like 'I'm a vegetarian' or 'I've eleven toes'. She needed a few moments to absorb the gravity of the confession. Questions sprung up as to which of the stories she had heard came close to the truth in regard to him. The 'big dogs' he had fought with came to mind as well as the repeated mention of a pack. Most of all, she wondered about why he sounded the way he did, in fact, it worried her. A few of her questions answered themselves and more sprang up. Those questions could wait a little.

"Why the self loathing, darling, did you do something you feel ashamed of?" Catalina searched his face.

The kiss, despite being brief, reassured him. He grinned lopsidedly. "I s'pose.. A dragon would b' pretty bad, eh?" His heart thudded steadily beneath her palm.

"I didn' ask t' b' a monster," he mumbled in response, looking away from her.

No, he had never done anything "bad", but he still felt uneasy about being a werewolf. It bothered him, especially because on earth, scary stories are always filled with big bad wolves and werewolves.

"I don't think you could be a monster." Catalina shook her head. "I take it that means you were not born as such. Is it a disease then that may even have a cure?" At seeing his facial expression she amended her question. "How did it happen?"

It bothered her that he should suffer. She would do what she could to alleviate that.

"A disease?" he echoed, musing over that fact. "I s'ppose it could b' considered as such... I don' know o' any cure, I 'eard there may be... I doubt it. It's on'y a bother at th' full moon, anyway... Small price t' pay," he mumbled the last bit.

"I was attacked... After going after th' werewolf tha' killed me brother," he answered, his voice softening with remorse.

He had gotten used to it for the most part, using his werewolf form to attack other, bad werewolves. That's a good thing, right?

"A price to pay for avenging your brother? That sounds like not all that small a price to pay if you've to pay installments once a month for the rest of your life." If there was a cure, they could start looking for it, provided that he wanted to give up those 'advantages'.

"What do you look like in the light of a full moon?" Catalina grinned to Seamus. That was a very important question, wasn't it? "Are you completely changing shape and look like nothing more harmful than a gray or white wolf, or do you grow huge, keeping humanoid aspects?"

In a sense, it reminded him of his brother. He wasn't sure if he'd want to stop being a werewolf. He'd like to make a point that they aren't all monsters, too.

"Fair point... I don' know. Kin'a reminds me o' Tomas," he states, shrugging. A laugh rumbles from him as he tosses his head back at her question.

"I look like a wolf?" he answers questionably, chuckling still. "I look like a wolf all beefed up standin' on 'is 'ind legs, wit' dark grey fur. My muscles grow all big an' sexy-like." He nods sagely at that, a wolfish grin on his face.

"Sexy-like, ey?" She had to chuckle then. "I never thought of a wolf as sexy before. So I'll have to wait another week at least to get to have a peek?"

"Those two children you are dreaming about..." She sobered, "...would they be born being werewolves?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Ye are nuts, m'dear." But his eyes are twinkling.

He tilts his head, looking up at her. "Pro'ly not, unless ye are a werewolf." He shrugs, contemplating that. "I'm really nae sure... Lyam and Tara's kids were werewolves... but both o' there parents were..." he trailed off. He really hadn't considered how it affected his children.

"No, I'm just human." She grinned, almost disgustingly and rather unfittingly happy. "Perhaps there's something on the subject to be found in the big library."

"Is the hurting getting any less over time? I assume it's the changing that hurts." She looked to him with concern again.

"Mm, we will 'ave t' check tha' out," he agreed, nodding enthusiastically at her. He smiled dotingly at her, thankful to have her with him right now.

That smile was rewarded instantly with another of those brief but loving kisses.

"Aye, it doesn' hurt nearly as bad as it used t'. Th' changin' is painful, it's like 'avin' e'ery fiber o' yer bein' ripped apart, t' an extent," he explains somewhat nonchalantly.

"We'll definitely have to think of something to do about that. I don't like you hurting." Catalina moved her arms to hug him then and snuggled to him. "Did you ever have a chance to check with a real healer on that?"

Seamus looks at her, contemplating her suggestion. He shrugged. "Ne'er thought o' it really..."

"I'll probably have more questions later, darling. Right now I can just think of silly ones, like why are there some that are bad? I guess that's a sign of me getting sleepy despite the exciting news about a sexy wolf." She gave a little giggle.

"Some use their powers t' inflict pain upon others, kill people an' t' change 'em into lycans jus' fo' the heck o' it," he responded, tilting his head as he looked at her with a wolfish smile.

He suddenly pulled her cleanly on top of him, kissing her nose and wrapping his arms around her back. "Guess I'll 'ave t' take care of tha'!" he stated, waggling his brows suggestively.

"Oh, and how do you propose you'll do that?" She chuckled and winked to him before she brought her lips to his.

"Jus' like this," he mumbled into her mouth, eyes closing as he deepened the kiss.


Date: 2008-09-12 08:52 EST
Better Late Than Never

Catalina entered the inn that evening and approached the bar to find the man she had been hoping to run into the last few days leaning against the back bar next to a coffin guitar case, a tankard in one hand and a cigar between his lips. She wondered if he thought to bring the promised bullets with him this evening ? now that she didn?t have a room upstairs to conveniently stash money at to fetch quickly should she have need of it.

?Good evening, Marek.? She smiled over to him as she slipped through the break and went for the cooler in search of the cider jug that had to be there.

?Hoi? an' evening.? Marek sent a nod after Catalina and slipped the cigar from his lips with one hand while he lifted the tankard in the other.

Catalina grinned to Marek, having found the jug and a glass, replaced the air in the glass with cider and returned the jug to the cooler. She took a drink from her glass before she looked to Marek again.

?Have you thought some more about that 'vacation' in dragon country?? Her expression was carefully hopeful.

?A little, I've been... taking it easy lately.? He gave her a light nod after he had taken a healthy or unhealthy, depending on your view point, drink. ?How've you been??

?Mostly busy actually, with little time for taking it easy, but some none-the-less. I can't let myself get too relaxed or out of shape.? She gave a little shrug and grinned.

?In this city, I don't think anyone can let themselves get too relaxed, doll face.? With a light smirk he lifted the cigar to his lips.

?It's all just degrees. Different places, different dangers.? This town appeared peaceful in comparison to what she knew, though. This didn?t mean that she was unaware of the more hidden dangers, as Shylah had implied a few days ago. Catalina appreciated the warrior woman?s warnings just the same.

?One way to put it, that's true enough, yeah.? The cigar parted his lips and a moment later a puff of smoke escaped his lips before he nodded in her direction.

?Taking the risk of sounding like a little kid asking a visiting relative, did you bring me anything?? Catalina asked Marek with a grin after she had taken another drink from her glass.

A smirk perked his lips. He settled the cigar between his middle and index finger for the moment as he picked up the coffin guitar case and set it on an open spot upon the bar. A quick unlatching and opening it just enough to slide out small backpack and he closed the case again just as quietly and locked it back up to slip from the bar and set back to a lean behind it.

?Better late then never? He held out the pack toward her.

?That's quite a big pack.? With a smile up to Marek Catalina reached to accept it, bracing herself for its obvious weight. ?You seem to have more than made up for its lateness. How much do I owe you for these??

With a light nod of his head Marek reached to pick up the tankard and refilled it again. Indeed the backpack held a good amount of weight to the packages held within.

?Two hundred sixty... rounded up.? Marek cast a wink her way as he took a long drink.

?Two hundred and sixty sounds fair.? She smiled, hoping that he meant coins rather than something else. ?Of course I don't have that kind of pocket change on me. Will you be around tomorrow??

?I hope to be, yeah, but in case I'm kept' out... no worries, I'll be about at some point. Cheapest drinks here, in the whole city.? A smirk touched his lips before he settled the cigar between them.

?A letter of deposit would be easier to carry around, in case it takes a few days to run across you again.? Catalina stated more for anyone who might be listening than for Marek.

?No worries like I said. I can wait.? He cast a wink and nod in Catalina's direction as he made a shift to his lean behind the bar. The cigar rested between his index and middle finger as he lifted the tankard for a drink.

?Perhaps.? Catalina disagreed. He might be willing to wait, but she wasn't so willing. She took another drink from her glass. There was no point in advertising that she'd be walking around with money on her anytime soon.

?Seen the gal with the baklava lately?? A light smile perked his lips as he again shifted his lean against the bar.

?It's been about a week. But I'm heading out to her bakery again tomorrow afternoon.? Catalina grinned. ?You didn't even take any the last time you met her here. Should I bring you some??

?Whatever she'd let me have, I'll take.? Marek nodded to Catey with a moment's smirk at his lips. ?Have a taste for the stuff past day or so.?

?Ariana offered to send some along as provisions, too, when I have to head out again.? She seriously doubted though that a bit of pastry one could just as easily buy in town would offset the proximity of dragons. ?I'll get you a bag or box of the stuff. If I happen to miss you tomorrow, I'll leave it behind the bar with your name on it.?

?Works perfectly for me.? A smile perked his lips for a moment. Sometimes the little things helped. He took a drink from the tankard before he lowered it again, and then, with a glance to the cigar still held between his fingers upon the other hand, asked. ?So what's the word in the city lately??

?This city? I have no idea.? She wasn't sure what Marek was referring to. ?Is there anything specific that interests you??

?Yeah, this city. Like I've said before... it's quite similar to the one I do some biz in... Only things different really are things look older and the people carry more swords here then guns. Far as interests... that's an open bag.? He smirked. ?Just curious what the gossip was about town is all. Anything interesting going on or just another day in paradise??

?The latest gossip I heard was how many people Collie and Ariana are related to, what costumes they have been wearing for years to any costume occasion.? Catalina chuckled as she watched Marek take another sip from his tankard. ?That's been pretty much it. Nothing particularly interesting.?

?Lot of family eh?? Marek quirked a brow over her direction and lowered the tankard to the back bar for now as lifted the cigar and then dropped it into a glass below the bar.

?They agreed that between the two of them they are related to half the town.? Catalina looked around at the patrons currently sitting here and there with a grin. ?I wonder which half.?

?Not me, I'm not from around here.? Marek stated with a smirk and a light wink as he shifted in his lean once more. ?Well, I've met both and they both seem decent enough... so maybe related to the more interesting folk about??

?It appears so.? Catalina grinned as she recalled some of the introductions. Then she nodded to the backpack Marek had given her earlier. ?As much as I enjoy your company, I should head back out and get those to a save place. Currently that's not as convenient as a room upstairs.?

?Heh... true.? Marek sent a light nod and smirk over at her. ?Don't think I'll be up for much longer anyhow. Nurse this drink beside a bit longer then head to bed.?

?Enjoy.? Catalina emptied her glass in a few swallows and then set it under the counter. ?Have a good night and pleasant dreams once you get to have them. I hope to see you tomorrow, with baklava, of course.?

?I look forward to it. Walk softly.? He gave her a soft nod with a smile as reached to pick up the tankard.

?Thank you, and you do the same.? Catalina smiled back and picked up the back pack and shouldered it before she slipped out from behind the bar and toward the doors.

Marek?s eyes followed her. A moment later she was outside and his gaze moved over those still about in the late night, lifting the tankard for a drink.


Date: 2008-09-14 15:27 EST
Pack List

When Catalina stopped at the inn a few days later before she would head back to Seamus?s ranch, who should be standing behind the bar with a cigar and a tankard but Marek.

?Good evening. Are you tending tonight?? Catalina asked with a grin as she took a seat.

?Not officially.? Marek replied with a slight shift of his shoulders. ?Need something while I'm back here??

?Aye, I could do with a bit of whiskey over ice, if you would be so kind.? She took a closer look at Marek, studying him for a moment, and then grinned.

"Can you unofficially get me something from back there, dude? It'd be mighty groovy of you if you did." The woman a couple stools away from where Catey had sat down asked with a charming but acidic salute.

?Whiskey and ice... I think I can do that.? Marek smirked to Catey and then nodded to the other woman. ?Why not? Whatcha got a thirst for?? The cigar sat between is lips as he settled his tankard to the bar and moved to get a glass and a whiskey bottle for Catalina's drink.

?Thank you, Marek.? Catalina glanced over to the other patron then. She was pretty in a rebellious sort of way, Catalina thought, despite the dread locks. A black star was painted under the corner of one of her eyes. It wasn't a tattoo.

"Far out! Just a bottle of Goldschlager. Should have my name written on it. Know the poison?" The woman grinned to Marek, who now settled a generous glass of whiskey over ice before Catalina with a wink. Then he nodded over to her and removed the cigar from his lips.

?I've heard of it before in here... I'll find it.? Marek turned to look over the bottles behind the bar.

?Thank you, Marek.? Catalina sent a wide smile his way when he happened to look over again and raised the glass slightly toward him before she took a drink from it.

"Third shelf. You dig?" Marek?s eyes weren't on the dread locked woman, but the she pointed. Rings adorned every finger, and even overlapped.

?No problem doll face.? Marek nodded over at Catalina with a smile. He had found the bottle of Goldschlager and moved back to settle it before the woman. ?Glass or anything, or do you drink it straight from the bottle darlin??

"I've got the glass covered." As Marek approached, her hand closed into a fist. And in an uncurling sweep of silent grace, her palm reopened to yield her own shot glass. She gave Marek a well practiced wink. "Don't sweat it, man."

Marek nodded to her with a slight smirk before he picked up his own tankard again and moved to lean against the bar.

?While you're back there, Marek, right here?? Catalina tapped a finger on the counter a little to Marek's right, ?should be a tin with your name on it.?

His gaze lowered in search. He settled the cigar between his lips to snatch up the package once he spotted it. A smirk perked his lips again and he settled the tankard down as he took a lean against the back bar with a nod over at Catalina. A light smile played forward as he opened it up. The tin held the promised baklava from Ariana's bakery and, of course, he helped himself to one of tasty treats inside, noting the coin pouch nestled among the pastries.

Catalina watched with a rather satisfied grin. She liked 'hiding' stuff in plain sight. Then she picked up her glass for another drink. The dread locked woman unscrewed the bottle and poured herself a glass which she then promptly emptied.

Marek dropped the cigar into a nearly empty mug behind the bar, the better for him to enjoy the baklava. Catalina watched him chew as she listened in on the conversation of a trio near by. They were talking of flying machines and the extend of their experience with them, like and dislike.

The shot glass being slammed onto the counter by the dread locked woman a second time took Catalina?s attention from the trio?s conversation and her gaze from Marek. The woman had stood up and now pulled a guitar from the leather case she had brought with her. By the time the woman slipped the guitar strap over her head and strummed a few notes Marek was finished with the pastry and wiped his hands on a bar towel.

Marek settled the box down on the bar before he lifted his tankard for a sip. A moment later he arched a brow over at the trio. They still talked of flying. Now might be a good time to bring up flying dragons. She'd not have ruined the enjoyment of the baklava with a mention of a 'vacation'.

?Did you happen upon any new thoughts in connection with dragons?? She asked, seemingly idly.

?They like to eat people from time to time.? Marek nodded over at Catalina. Then his bows furrowed. ?Though one was president back home once and he wasn't so bad... 'course he was assassinated.?

?True that, about some liking to eat people, not all though. You mentioned that president before.... how was he not so bad and why did he get assassinated. Dragons are not that easy to kill.? Catalina was curious. Marek had mentioned the assassinated dragon president before. The dread locked woman now played a soft and structured tune.

?Hm?? Marek's gaze returned to Catalina. He had been listening to the guitar and the harmony hummed to it by the dread locked woman. ?Oh... kinda on the down low that info doll face. Lot of people died was the rumor in the shadows trying to figure out the who and the why.?

?Probably more than just a rumor.? Catalina commented.

?True... know someone that was in the shadows during that time. Like a blades tip, either way you fall, you get cut. How long is this trip you're planning?? Marek lifted his tankard for a drink as his lean behind the bar shifted some.

?Perhaps as little as one week, perhaps up to three, provided nothing changes between now and then.? She hoped for more time to stay in town and to spend with Seamus. The melody the dread locked woman strummed made her miss Seamus already. ?What kind of shadows were those??

?Expression doll face.? Marek nodded over the bar at Catalina while he listened to the music. The music stopped suddenly, though. The dread locked woman hopped up and grabbed her guitar case. His brow quirked a brow at her quick departure as spoke to Catalina. ?Back where I come from, the shadows refer to operations done during the night. Black Ops kinda stuff doll.?

"I'm dippin'. Don't miss me too much?" The dread locked woman threw back as she walked toward the door; her bangles jingled an applause that signaled her exit. Marek watched her depart.

?Where I come from ?during the night? is not a time for being out and about. Can't be entirely avoided though.? On Dragon?s Eye the ?cover? of darkness was no cover at all, only an obstacle.

?Yeah, not always good for your health being out at night back home by me either but it's the best time to do some dealings.? Marek turned his gaze back at Catalina with a nod and a smirk.

?Because going out would be paramount to suicide, no one thinks you'd go there.? Catalina nodded and grinned. Of course dead people were not so good at making deals.

?Pretty much.? He nodded. ?Lot of the corps get hit during the night, so security is usually highest then. But a good score can make up for the trouble.?

?What are corps?? Catalina was fairly certain the word was not the short form for corpses in this context.

?Mega Corporations. Pretty much run things where I come from. Always one wanting to steal from another... or such.? He lifted his tankard for another drink. The trio near by split up and called over fare wells.

?They lack a common goal then.? Catalina turned her head to nod to the women about to depart. ?Good night.?

?Oh, they all have the same goal. To come out on top making the most money.? Marek nodded to the woman and then turned his gaze back to Catalina.

?Greed can be found everywhere.? Catalina was surprised. She?d expected Marek to watch carefully as the woman walked toward the door. ?What was your goal??

?Yeah... back where I come from doll face, there's a lot of greed... falls like rain you could say.? He actually chuckled, hearing that. It had been a while since he'd done that now hasn't it? He quirked a brow then. ?My goal??

?In a place where greed falls like rain.? Catalina nodded.

?Staying alive count?? He perked a smirk as he reached for his cigar. Then he remembered that he'd dropped it into a half empty mug on the bar and furrowed his brows a moment, settling his tankard down and checking the pockets on his leather jacket for one he'd purchased from the cigar girl here recently. ?Played escort with my team a few times. Security to a 'transfer' once or twice... secured some information for a friend several times. Retired a few corp types.?

?Of course staying alive counts.? Catalina nodded and lifted her glass for another drink. That last swallow also emptied the glass and she returned it to the counter.

?Walk softly doll face...? Marek called after the woman that had carried empty bottles to the trash can behind the bar, taking a moment to check out her backside before he nodded back over at Catalina. ?Yeah... staying alive is the main goal.?

?It sounds like we both come from absolutely charming places.? Catalina turned to Marek again with the sarcastic comment after having returned the woman?s nod. Her voice didn?t carry a sarcastic note, though.

?My name is Maranya Tatiana Valkonan, or Doctor, if you have need. Not doll face.? The woman paused her long legged stride for the door. Her white knee length lab coat flared slightly with the movement and her voice held an amused tone.

?Have a good night, Doc.? Marek smirked over to Maranya.

?I will try, spasibo. You do the same, Marek was it?? She added politely toward Catalina, ?And you as well, Miss.?

?Thank you, Ms. Valkonan.?

?Indeed, it was? Marek cast a wink after the doctor.

?Maranya, please. Unless I'm treating you.? Maranya turned and resumed her stride for the door; her slight blush was hidden from view because her back was to the pair. With a press of palm to the wood, she opened the door, and headed outside.

Marek watched the good doctor depart, more so watching her backside. Catalina grinned, watching Marek.

?What?? Marek glanced over to Catalina, caught like the cat with the canary in its mouth.

?I wonder how many doll faces you could identify from that view.? Catalina gave him a teasing grin. She took note of the rather drunk appearing man who had stepped behind the bar. He lowered the cigarette to study the bottles there. He flicked ash onto the floor absently before he reached down a bottle of Irish. Whiskey in hand, he headed for the stairs again, carelessly saluting the two at the bar with the bottle on his way.

?Quite a few...? Marek perked a smirk as he lifted his tankard for a drink. Then he nodded after the quick pick up and depart by the man now heading back for the stairs.

?You won't need a pack list then I take it?? Catalina glanced at her empty glass and then up to Marek again. He had agreed to come along after all, hadn?t he? The bar was empty now, or nearly so. It was probably the best opportunity she?d get to talk without being overheard. ?In case you should decide to come along.?

?How you plan on traveling??

?Dragonback through the portal and to the mainland, then on foot.?

?You're riding a dragon to make the trip?? Marek?s brow arched a bit higher.

?I know I mentioned that before. They're quite the only way through the portal.?

?And why's that ? Portal in the sky or somewhere above the ground out of reach??

?That's one of the reasons. Another is the possible speed with which one can get through.? She groaned inwardly. Couldn't he have questions that made the trip sound nicer?

?Could a plane make it??


?Vehicle that flies in the sky??

?Oh, like a star ship.? Catalina had heard of those... in fact, just a wee bit ago. She thought about that for a moment longer and then shook her head. ?Not through the portal, I don't think.?

?Why's that?? Marek took a drink from his tankard.

?They're much bigger than dragons for one and a lot less flexible for another.? Catalina shrugged.

?Where's this portal at? Air... sea... land??

?Air over sea there, here air over...come to think of it I don't really know, it was cloudy every time.? She had not paid attention either at the time. To her traveling through that portal was always disorienting.

?These dragons... opposed to carrying cargo? Besides people??

?Depends on the weight, mostly.?

?A vehicle the size of a large covered wagon?? Marek figured she'd know that size, other than the vehicle name on his mind currently.?

?That would definitely qualify as too bulky and too heavy. As a rule of thumb, I'd say if you can carry it along with your gear it should be ok. I've seen them fly with three people and their packs before, though rarely. Usually they take just one or two.?

?Hmm... ? Marek lifted his tankard as he considered a few things. He nodded a bit, lowering his tankard some. ?Hmm... sort of limits the possibilities of protection. Specially with talk of trouble from dragons while there.?

?I'm truly more worried about what those necromancers come up with, not so much the necromancers themselves.?

?A well placed bullet can fix that.?

?My point exactly.? Catalina grinned. ?Cans and various other practice targets are fine, but they're not the real thing.?

?Would I be going along as aid, or as security??

?That's a good question. Bodyguard was mentioned, but that's a rather an unfitting term for it.? Catalina considered a few other terms, but liked none of them.

?What term fits?? Marek quirked a brow, taking a drink from the tankard.

?Hmm, what term would you like to fit??

?What term, do you think fits?? Marek smirked.

?This isn't getting us anywhere.? She grinned. ?Perhaps team mate or partner, only I've no idea yet how much sharing of information I'll be allowed. I won't even know what exactly I'll be expected to accomplish until shortly before or even after leaving. It wouldn't be the first time the briefing happens on the way.?

?So... you won't know what your objective is, until close to departure time??


?Not much time for last minute preparations. Traveling by foot or horse or??

?No. But there are a few things I can count on. The undead things will be out and about every night, there are battle fields to be traveled across, if I'm lucky there's an inn full of rowdy warriors with a free room or a tent that a general will have cleared out. If we've to stay on Wing Island for any amount of time, the Golden will keep watch.?

?Sounds like Dante's place back home at happy hour.? Marek muttered. ?Horse... wagon??

?I'm sure they'll have something there for you to look at, too.? Catalina grinned at his mutter and then shook her head in the negative at his question. ?There are horses, but not that many.?

?What does that mean?? He quirked a brow and then took a drink from his tankard. ?Are we riding them in our travel??

?The inns all provide female companionship to the warriors. We'd be given horses only if a mission absolutely required such.?

?So can't count, on traveling by horse... might be just by foot?? He chuckled then, and a smirk crossed him. ?Female companionship eh? Does that come out of my pay??

?Aye, they charge for that.? Even Glo took money when she decided she liked one enough to come out of ?retirement? for a few hours. ?Apart from getting there and back, aye, it could be jogging and walking for a few days.?

?Hm... a work out.?


?One pack then carried??

?I usually pack very light, a change or two and extra socks, whatever I need to clean up, a few knives, bow and arrow... now that'll be gun and bullets instead of bow and arrows...something to nibble on, a bedroll, and matches.?

?I don't need a bedroll... matches won't take up much room... gun or two would be a definately.? Marek nodded some.

?Oh, and this time also a candle.? Catalina winked, feeling much better now that Marek considered what he should pack.


?That was your idea.? Catalina nodded. ?Something about one just had to have seen your face by candlelight.?

?I said that?? Marek perked a brow as he rubbed at his chin with a free hand.

?You sure did. Ariana teased you about it, too, and recommended that more than one candle should be brought along. But she isn't the one who'd have to carry those candles.? Catalina grinned.

?Hm... I'll have to remember one then perhaps.? He rubbed his jaw line.

?Perhaps.? She grinned, more or less ignoring the sound foot steps and a thump she heard coming from somewhere outside. ?Does that mean you've more or less decided to come along??

?High powered guns or three... few party poppers... got my own knives... but I'll bring a spare... hm? I spose I could find some time to take a break from the ... tech world.? Marek glanced about the place and the usual noises heard then back to Catey with a nod.

?Those arrows also used to get dinner... can those guns do that too or would they just make a mess of a rabbit or grouse?? She wondered if she should be worried at the sounds of rattling bones and chains or the distant whistling drone of gears.

?They can do that. Little more noise then an arrow though.? Marek appeared unphased by the noises.

?Hmm. Feathers and string don't weigh much.?

?Well, I've some rest to find... we can talk later or tomorrow more if ya want.? Marek pushed from the back bar and settled his tankard down.

?I'm glad that you decided to brave the dragons and come along.? Catalina smiled to Marek and stood up. ?I'd like that. I've to head out, too.?

?I'd rather not get eaten, less it's from one of those you said the Inn's provide for companionship.? He smirked a bit as pushed out from behind the bar.

?You have a good night.? Catalina merely grinned at his comment.

?Later...? He gave her a wink and then moved out for the back door of the place as Catey made use of the front door.


Date: 2008-09-15 10:26 EST
Pretty as a Picture

Having exchanged leathers for a gypsy type skirt and blouse, Catalina headed for the red dragon inn and, once there, for the bar. She took a glance around as she crossed the floor to see who might be here.

Sid, still garbed for summer in a tank top, was tending bar. Currently she was chiding Marek for getting his own drink. The impossible Baker sat a few stools down the bar, annoying a couple of female patrons. That summed up the people Catalina knew the names off. The commons was fairly crowded, though, and more people filed in through the door.

?I know? already got a drink darlin? so I'll just enjoy the view if you don't mind.? Marek winked to the chiding Sid and lifted his tankard for a drink.

?Good evening. I'd like a glass of cider please, when you've the time.? Catalina requested of Sid as she took a seat, still grinning at Marek?s words. She dug a couple of coins from the little coin pouch at her side and sat them on the counter. Then she turned to Marek with a smile. ?Good evening.?

?Hoi, evening an all that darlin.? Marek smirked to Catalina after having taken his time to look over every female currently at and behind the bar. Baker she acknowledged with no more than another of those very cool nods. Baker acknowledged Catalina's acknowledgment with his own just-as-cool nod.

?Is that a promotion?? Catalina grinned to Marek at the previously unheard from him endearment. A door slammed shut and Catalina turned to see Shylah walking toward the bat with graceful strides and a decidedly wolfish smile. She smiled over to her. ?Good evening Shylah.?

?Do any plundering today?? Was Baker?s greeting of the Viking.

?Maybe' I don't know... haven't slept... a bit on the odd side of things.? Marek nodded to Catey and then smirked to Sid. Sid had gotten a hold of some gum and now tried blowing a bubble.

?What kept you awake?? Catalina watched Shylah moving toward Baker as if she was going to plunder his pockets.

?Mayhaps!? Shylah chortled merrily.

?Thinking far too much about things that can't be changed anytime soon.? Marek lifted his tankard for a healthy drink.

?Plunder away, ain't gonna find any money in there...? Baker informed Shylah.

At the last moment Shylah veered off and took a lean against the counter. Waves were sent all around to those she knew. ?Godt e'ening patrons of the Red Dragon Inn!?

?Sounds serious. What would you change if you could?? Catalina returned her gaze to Marek. Sid distracted for a moment, asking if she wanted that cider hot or cold.

?Far too much to list tonight doll face.? Marek nodded to Catalina with a slight shift in his lean against the back bar as he leaned over a bit to refill his tankard from the keg.

?You could make a start. Or I can ask you again when we've hours to while away.? Catalina shrugged to Marek and then nodded to Sid as she set a glass of chilled cider in front of her.

?Nothing I care to share at the moment. You can ask again sometime maybe. What's on your mind tonight?? Marek replied as he straightened his lean against the back bar somewhat and nodded to Shylah.

?Sid!? Shylah called out. ?A mug of Amber's beer of the root, please!? Her blue eyes landed upon Marek as she made a quick-study. Her gaze slid off of Marek and back to Baker, returning his eye-balling ways.

?I'll do that. As little as possible... ? Catalina chuckled softly as she turned to Marek again, finding Shylah?s merriment contagious. ?Seamus, Caelian, lemon bars, cider, harvest festival - which I'd really hate to miss, what to wear of course if I don't miss it, and what to do with the rest of the week. Not much at all, is it??

?Festival?? Marek quirked a brow at her.

?I may have to miss the festival, as I may be on call at the Clinic.? One of the other women at the bar mused before she took a sip from her coffee cup.

?Yes, something about horse races, pie baking - I hope that means one gets to eat pies too, a ball, lots of stuff for four days.? Catalina answered Marek?s question.

?Hm... might have to check that out perhaps.? Marek seemed to like the idea.

?I do have one consolation though should I miss it.? Catalina grinned.

?Oh yeah? What's that?? Marek?s eyes slid from Catalina over at the gum chewing Sid.

?I saw enjoy this liquid! I plan to attend the festivities if all goes well.? Shylah offered after she had the first swallow of her tasty beverage and then begun to laugh at herself. ?I so enjoy, I mean.?

?You will miss it too.? Catalina grinned to a laughing Marek before she turned to Shylah who was watching Marek. ?I am very curious about it. I've never experienced one before.?

Shylah glanced over briefly but returned to watching Marek. Catalina was wondering what the Norse lady found so fascinating and glanced over to Marek, too. She had to grin when she saw Marek so intently studying the rear of a departing female patron. Marek must have felt all those eyes on him, because he lifted his gaze then. Shylah was still staring at him.

?Have either of you been to previous harvest festivals?? Catalina asked, still grinning.

?Not around here...? Marek glanced from Catalina to Shylah and smirked. ?Like the view? I could offer you a picture if you want... ??

?I have been auctioned off by Elly, the little witch, at the very first Rhydin Harvest Festival.? Shylah glanced at Catalina as she answered her question, sounding proud of it, too. Then she looked back at Marek, nodding and holding out her gloved hand. ?Ja, I want a picture.?

?I don't have any on me currently, but if you'll stick around the city a few I'll have one made. Any certain pose you'd like?? Marek offered with a smirk.

?Oh ja, sure.? Shylah gave Marek another nod as she lowered her hand. His question was considered seriously as she looked him up and down. ?Hmm.?

?An auction? Of people?? Catalina blinked at that. But Shy appeared happy about it, so it couldn't be something bad, could it? Then she turned to Marek. ?A picture sounds like a great idea.

?Ja, methinks there shall be an auction soon or mayhaps there already has been one? The bidding be done secretly and the winning bid is announced for hva person. The person then has to spend an entire dag with the one with the highest bid. Unless Elly has changed those rules.? Shylah lifted and lowered her shoulders.

?I don't wear speedos, don't ask for a picture of me in one darlin.? Marek returned his gaze from Sid to Shylah.

?Leaning against a bar and observing attentively something about three feet of the ground.? Catalina suggested a pose with a teasing grin.

?Who... me?? Marek asked with an innocent look to Catalina.

?I have heard nothing about an auction. What did you do once you got won?? Catalina asked of Shylah and then turned to Marek with a grin. ?Of course you. It would be how I see you most often - so far.?

?I spent the dag with the highest bidder.? Shylah chuckled before she took several swallows of the root beer while Marek actually considered Catey?s suggestion. Shylah slid her gaze to Marek again. ?I still be waiting to find out hva speed oh's be that you do not wear.?

?Type of bathing suit doll face.? Marek replied with a nod to Shylah.

?Hmm, and what did the highest bidder do with you?? Catalina glanced from Shylah to Marek, not having heard that word before either, but not having wanted to ask.

?Doll face?? Shylah began to laugh. Once her laughter faded away she asked with a sweet smile, ?So then, you do not wear these "speed ohs" ... do you swim naked?? She answered Catey then. ?The highest bidder spent the dag with me.?

?I have... just keep away from turtle creek when do.? Marek?s smirk disappeared behind his tankard as he lifted it for a drink.

?Turtle Creek? When do you next plan on going for a swim there? You should tell me so I kann stay away.? Shylah asked with a sly grin. She looked Marek over again, still thinking about that pose question.

?Bah...? Marek smirked at Shy and Catalina. ?Ya' gotta watch out for them turtles when swimming across turtle creek.?

?Hva do you tenke be a godt pose for you?? Shylah decided to ask his opinion about himself.

?For me?? Marek perked a brow at Shylah with a wink to Catalina. ?Maybe. I don't know a good pose... maybe standing beside one of my bikes... the car... perhaps just lingering around at the markets here in town??

?A couple of weeks ago he had a much more interesting pose to suggest.? Catalina informed Shylah with her voice lowered and leaning close. She grinned when she noticed Marek?s quirked brow. ?One of his face on a pillow by candle light.?

Shylah arched an eyebrow as Catalina spoke, her eyes fell upon Marek again, and she pictured that scene in her minds-eye. She lifted her mug lifted for another few swallows of its contents, all the while staring at Marek over the rim. Catalina?s gaze followed hers.

?I should charge you two for watching me.? Marek?s eyes moved over those about the bar, ending at Catalina and Shylah.

?Hvorfor?? Shylah asked of Marek as she lowered her mug to the bar top.

?Watching me like a hawk.?

?You'd owe use each a sum too then, considering how often you must have watched us leaving.? Catalina winked to Marek.

?If you do not wish to be observed, then best not to komm to a public drikking establishment.? Pearly whites and dimples were evident as Shylah smiled wide at Marek. ?I doubt he has watched me leave, Catalina.?

?Hm... sounds like we'll have to work out a deal.? Marek smirked between the pair.

?He's sure looking now, though...not at that particular spot, but looking just the same.? Catalina grinned to Shylah. Then she turned to Marek. ?Deals can be interesting, though. What do you have in mind??

?Only because we be watching him.? Shylah shifted her weight from one booted foot to the other as she continued to stand at the bar.

?Nothing right now... too tired to think.? He nodded to the pair and lifted his tankard for a drink. Then he winked over to the both of them. ?I'll let you both slide this time.?

?I guess it's only fair then to let you slide this time, too.? Catalina chuckled softly.

?Sweet...? Marek smirked and settled his tankard down and shifted from his lean behind the bar.

Shylah fell into reverie even though it appeared as if she was still staring at Marek. A couple of minutes passed before she returned to the present. With a slow blink of blue eyes she took another drink from the almost-empty mug. Her gaze drifted over the other patrons, eventually returning to Catalina and Marek.

?You two stay frosty...? Marek slipped out from behind the bar.

?Good night, Marek.? Catalina turned to Shylah then. ?You never said what you did that day with the highest bidder. I'm curious about that. I'd also like to hear what else that harvest festival had to offer.?

?Stay frosty?? That had Shylah snickering. She was glad that Catalina said his name, for she had not known it up until that point in time. ?Farvel, Marek.?

?Evening...? Marek head for the back door and then out into the alley.

?I hope staying frosty is something nice.? Catalina grinned to Shylah after Marek had left.

?He be odd, methinks. E'en if tis not nice, I do not care. We kann always say tis a godt ting.? She chuckled and then thought back to the first Harvest Festival, and the auction. ?Methinks we went on a picnic.?

?You do sound like you had a lot of fun.? Catalina smiled, liking the idea of a picnic. By now she knew that Shylah took her time with forming positive opinions about anyone, but she couldn?t just say nothing about the opinion Shylah had offered in regard to Marek. ?Marek's also been very helpful. I don't think he'd say something unkind in parting.?

?Twas an amusing and interesting time, that be for sure.? Shylah drained the remaining root beer; the empty was then plunked down to polished counter top. ?I do not know the mann.?

?Did they have pie baking and horse racing last year, too?? Catalina returned to the subject of the festival.

?I do not recall either one of those tings, Catalina. But I was not here for most of last year's festival. So I kann not answer that question. This be the third Harvest Festival.?

?Thank you though for sharing what you could. I very much hope I get to be here for it. Everything I've heard so far makes it sound absolutely wonderful.? Catalina smiled.

?I have seen the posters tacked up around town and it appears that the festivities be getting more and more each year ... which I find nice. And you be velkommen.?

?Do people dress up for any part of it besides the ball?? Catalina finished off her cider and settled the empty glass to the counter.

?I needs to work more on my speaking. Tis not very godt, especially when I have been around my crew.? Shylah chuckled, but it was the truth. ?I do not understand your question, Catalina. Surely you do not wish to attend without clothing.? The female Viking could have been jesting with Catalina just now. ?Methinks you kann wear hvae'er you wish.?

?No, of course not.? Catalina grinned. She liked Shylah?s accent, but she could also understand her desire not to want to appear as a total stranger every time she said something. ?By dressing up I meant if people wear special clothes for any of the events.?

?I be sure some shall wear special clothes.?

?Will you be wearing something special??

?For the ball, ja.? Shylah nodded. ?For the other events, I do not know as of yet. I usually dress comfortably in the type of apparel that I be wearing na.?

?That makes sense.? Catalina smiled, wondering if Seamus could be talked into going to the ball together if she was in town then.

?Kann you hear my stomach grumbling, Catalina?? Shylah chuckled softly after having asked the question.

?No, I didn't hear that. Is it really doing that?? Catalina stood up from her stool. Not to have listen to Shylah?s stomach but she simply couldn?t stand sitting on the stool for another moment.

"Forgive me, Madam...what gala do you speak of? I was last at the carnival.....and there was the other thing they had, but it was a meat market atmosphere, everyone on perfect dress. So please...." One of the women sitting at the bar addressed Shylah.

?The Harvest Festival. There be notices up all o'er town about it.? Shylah glanced disdainfully at the female speaking to her about 'meat market atmosphere'. Then she looked back to Catalina.

The woman eyed the others, lifting her glass to her lips, shooting it down. Then she glanced around the commons and repeated her question.

"WHEN IS THIS BALL, PARTY, GALA, DAMN.....whatever it is they call it now...? Her voice trailed off and she sat staring from face to face.

?Auditory modulation. Or gargle with dieffenbachia syrup. Your choice.? The woman in the white coat did not even look at the one yelling. Shylah tsked. The Cyclops and the girl sitting with her winced at the shout.

?Mayhaps she be deaf?? Shylah said to Catalina with a slight snicker.

?'ave nae a clue, dux.? Sid replied to Lasherette's query. ?Didna know there be one.?

?Perhaps.? Catalina shook her head but grinned to Shylah. The rude woman was ignored. ?The poster said the ball was on the last day of the festival.?

?Ja, near the end of the month.? Shylah nodded.

?Be tha' the posters tha' 'ave me as a candidate for Harvest... King!?? Sid snickered as she zipped up the deposit bag.

Lasherette hopped down off the stool, and walked up to Shylah. She saw a flyer and jerked it down, kicking up dust toward Shylah in the process.

?Most likely the one and the same, Sid!? Shylah laughed at Sid?s question, shaking her head. ?After all of these years, some still tenke you to be a male! They be blind, for sure!? For Sid?s pleasure she added, ?Frellin idjits!?

?Mus' be tha' Trueblood androgyny thin' folks tell me o', Shy.? Sid rolled her eyes and laughed softly as she gathered her leather from beneath the bar top.

?Mayhaps, Sid, but I ne'er had that problem e'en when I first met you.? Laughter bubbled out of her again.

?Now I had better go in search of some rest. Safe travels, Shylah and a good night.? Catalina nodded to Sid to as well.

?Godt natt, Catalina? Shylah waved.

?Be well!? Sid called to Catalina as she shrugged into her well worn jacket.

?You too.? Catalina returned before she headed toward the door and then out.


Date: 2008-09-16 11:48 EST
Alain to Investigate Dragons

It was the third time Catalina made her way to the S.P.I.S.D building at the edge of the Old Temple District. The third time being the charm, or so she hoped. On her previous attempts the popular detective had not been in, or that was what she had been told.

She wondered once again how good or bad an idea it was to hire the rather young detective. What she had observed of him was not exactly flattering. He had some rather shady types following him around, one of them a plot wing. He conducted business in public places. He had a drove of females hanging off his neck. Some of his associates were anything but trustworthy. How, with all of those points against him, he had become this popular among the denizens of this town was a puzzle to Catalina.

But Lox had said to hire a couple of detectives and, that while it would be nice thing should either be able to find out anything useful, the main purpose of the hiring was to distract whomever her own investigations had spooked. Catalina was fairly certain that Alain could manage that part just fine without even trying.

None of those considerations showed when she finally came face to face with Alain DeMuer.

She found the detective slouched behind his desk, frowning through an odd-looking pair of yellow spectacles at a musty old book balanced in his hands. Cigarette butts made a small mountain in his glass ashtray nearby, right beside an old-fashioned glass of scotch. His brow was knit with concentration, but he looked up when she came in.

Alain had seen her a few times before, but they had not exchanged names previously. Right now the woman was definitely not dressed to impress, garbed in well used brown leather pants and jacket.

?Greetings Mr. DeMuer?? At his nod Catalina introduced herself with a small smile. ?Catalina Mandoccy. I am glad to finally have found you to be in. Provided that you are available to take on a new case I may have a job for you.?

The young detective folded his spectacles and they quickly lost their yellow tint, but just a moment later he tucked them away in his shirt pocket, preventing further scrutiny. The book, too, he shut and put away in a desk drawer, and offered his right hand, scarred and tattooed, for a firm shake. "Ms. Mandoccy, good to meet you - and yes, I think we can take on a few more cases." His lips split into an easy smile. "What can I do for you?"

?I need every little bit of information you can dig up on these two, rumors included.? With that Catalina pulled a sheet of paper from her leather jacket and slid it across the desk.

Alain scanned the paper of handwritten notes, a clean script. Besides two names were addresses with dates, places of employment with dates, extremely brief descriptions of appearances and known abilities.

?They are both dragons from Dragon?s Eye, a world in which for the last 700 years or so two opposing factions of dragons have been warring against each other, hiding out here in Rhydin. Carla?s a Golden, the other is from the fraction of dragons that are necromancers and that consider humanoids as no different from cattle. You will note that I have found out very little about ?Jane?. Neither of the women is using her given name. One of them is behind the disappearance of two very experienced men, General Benjamin Lanivere Strong and Dax Falaxion. Dax, a Golden, had been on the verge of getting some valuable information before he disappeared and before he could pass on what he knew.? Catalina had to pause for a breath. But she didn?t pause long enough for Alain to respond.

?They are easily spooked. I should probably mention that they read minds easily and without any regard for privacy. My looking into the situation has spooked someone, quite possibly one of the two, into at least sending a warning, in the form of a rather unskilled assassin. The short of that story is that catching up with the man lead to only dead ends. To keep something worse from happening to me I've been asked to hire a detective and quit snooping around myself.? She finished with a hopeful look. She wondered if the young detective, who looked much older than the years he admitted to in public, would accept the case or find a way to politely decline.

The detective clutched his jaw and scritched, tongue pushed up to the back of his teeth, and gradually, as she spoke, he slouched deeper into thought. 'They,' whoever her superiors were, wanted her off the case because sticking to it would get killed... so it fell to the shmuck who did this kind of thing for hire. In this instance, Alain.

"S.P.I. is discreet as can be," he said to her, stretching the truth just a little, "...but nobody's perfect. If they find out what we're up to, they'll try and kill us outright, if we're lucky." His eyes met hers. "So it'll cost you."

A long breath left his lips, and he sank back into thought, his gaze somewhere on the desk. "Dragons, huh... Do they always look like dragons?"

"If we're lucky..." His quick assessment of the situation had her revise her opinion of him for the better. She grinned and took out two coin pouches from within her leather jacket and slid them across the table. She carried four, but there was no need to tell Alain that. "That would be the point. Information would be nice, though. Might this be enough for a down payment?"

"No, they do not look like dragons. In fact, they would be going to great lengths to look like anything but dragons. I did mention that they read minds easily and constantly?" Catalina was certain that it was that ability that had kept her from finding out any more than she had and that had made her spook one.

Alain's scattered thoughts whirled their way into a neat little conclusion, and correspondingly he relaxed into a small but easy grin. Her down payment was collected without a word, apparently sufficient for the task. "...We have just the thing. Yes, Ms. Mandoccy - I believe we can help you."

?Thank you, Mr. DeMuer.? Catalina smiled back and rose to her feet to shake hands with the detective on their agreement. ?Good luck to you. I?m looking forward to be hearing back from you.?

Catalina was still grinning to herself when she left the building a little while later. Lox and the Elite should be satisfied with what she had been able to arrange.


Date: 2008-09-16 20:53 EST
A Slight Chance of Popcorn

Catalina came up to the inn and, seeing the porch swing empty, moved to take a seat there. She set the seat to swinging lightly back and forth and looked out into the night. She looked up and out into the dark and cloudy sky, smiling slightly as she spotted a little twinkle in the distance. It had been raining earlier and everything was still damp, what little light there was now set wet leaves and parts of the porch to shine.

She had seen Marek head inside as she walked up to the inn and she needed to talk with him, but not in there with all the patrons and who knew who all listening in. She stopped the swing's movements and stood up, still wondering how she might go about creating an opportunity for talking business with the man without letting everyone know that?s what she was taking him aside for. A moment later she stepped into the commons still without a plan.

She had a look around as she crossed from the door to the bar. The place was on the crowded side this evening. Marek was right where she had expected to find him, leaning against the back bar, a tankard in his hand and his attention divided between flirting with and studying back sides of female patrons. The male fairy?s girl waved to her and she waved back to the blond, resolving to get her name at the next opportunity.

Catalina nodded to Marek once she arrived at the bar, a nod he returned. She almost missed his smirk as he shifted his lean against the bar and lifted his tankard for a drink. Her gaze fell upon the coffee pot then. ?Rained in? coffee would go well with the piece of Baklava she had gotten from Ariana?s bakery earlier. It was worth checking out. With that thought she slipped through the break in the bar and stepped around Marek.

There was coffee in the pot and it smelled fresh enough. Unhurried she reached a coffee mug from the shelf and then poured, leaving plenty of room for additives. She was aware of Marek watching as she stirred two spoons of sugar into the cup and still as she filled up the cup to the brim with whiskey.

After she returned the bottle to its rightful spot under the bar she turned around three hundred sixty degrees for his benefit. Then she carefully picked up the very full coffee mug and took a generous drink from it. Mug in hand she headed back for the break, grinning to Marek as she stepped around him and nodding to Sid as she stepped around her.

Marek was tempted, but didn't give a slap to her rear as she moved by. Instead he enjoyed the view with a smirk. Catalina sent another grin his way as she halted her steps to take another drink from her mug. Marek shifted his lean behind the bar and reached over to top off his tankard. Between the taste of typhoon coffee and Marek?s glance toward the red haired doll and the blue skinned ruffian an idea sparked.

?There's a very slight chance of pop corn on the porch.? Catalina winked to Marek as she lowered her mug. Without watching for his reaction she turned and headed for the porch.

?Popcorn on the porch?? She heard Marek ask just before she stepped outside to find the porch swing no more occupied now then when she had first arrived. Wondering how long she might have to wait for Marek to come out she took a seat, leaned back, and set the swing to move back and forth.

Marek quirked a brow after Catalina, trying to figure out if that had been code, or simply the truth. This place was ... odd at times after all. He pushed from his lean behind the bar and moved out with his tankard to walk across the flooring for the front door. Okay, he had to know...

She took another drink from the typhoon coffee before she reached into her leather jacket. When she pulled her hand out again, a small paper bag come out from the jacket with it. Just in time, too, to wave it temptingly at Marek. Checking out a few behinds on his way out to the porch, Marek lifted the tankard for a drink as moved to take up a lean against the rail.

?Want some baklava?? Catalina grinned.

?That's not popcorn? that's a hundred and one times better darlin.? His brows lifted as he lowered his tankard.

?I think so too, but popcorn was to be bait.? She scooted on the swing, still dangling the bag in an offering sort of way. ?You can have a seat, too, or are the pants too tight??

?Ha? ha...? Marek smirked and slipped from his lean against the porch railing to turn about and lower himself on down to the swing.

?Besides, the air's much better out here.? She chuckled softly and since he hadn't made a move for the bag yet, dropped it into his lap.

?True... usually outside a bar? inn... or night club the air is a bit better. Less egos and drunks to be found. Least until closing time.? Marek propped the tankard on his thigh with one hand, while the other fished into the bag for the sweet treat within.

?That makes for less ears.? Catalina grinned.

?True... another good point.? He already worked a second piece from the bag and into his mouth.

?Do you remember me having had a spot of trouble with a trap?? She took another sip from her coffee, glancing to Marek over the rim of the mug.

?I remember you mentionin. Yeah... why?? He took another piece from the bag and put into his mouth as glanced aside to her.

?Well, me finding it wasn't nearly as accidental as I may have made it sound.?

?Oh?? He perked a brow her way as he leaned back in the swing and lifted his tankard for a drink.

?You having decided to come along and me expecting a Golden to come through in the next few days, I thought I should let you know a few things.? She took another drink from her mug.

?Hm, sounds like serious time...? He nodded a bit and his free hand was back in the bag to check for more baklava.

?I probably wasn't as careful as I should have been when I first arrived this time around. I was to find out what Dax had stumbled over here that got him eliminated. After that incident I was told to stop and to hire a couple of detectives instead.? She had to start somewhere. Starting at the beginning usually made sense, provided one could find the beginning.

?Detective types eh?? His brow quirked again as he lifted his tankard for a drink.

?I found one and a semi retired bounty hunter.? She shook her head slightly.

?Sounds like you're gathering up an interesting bunch.?

?Not really. One of them already returned a report. I don't see anything particularly useful in it, but information wasn't the main objective of hiring those two.? She wasn?t gathering up anyone.

?And what was?? He lifted his tankard for a sip.

?Old addresses, aliases, a couple of snapped up rumors. Perhaps the bits of information will make sense to Lox, if it'll be Lox that come through the portal this time. He's the one overseeing investigations at home, too.?

?Busy busy, sounds you've got them.? He gave a nod with a curious arching of a brow and finished off the baklava.

?There's a mention of a couple of names and locations. I'm guessing Lox will let me, that is us, check out one or the other of those. Looks routine enough and gives him an excuse to let things die down a bit more here while I'm gone.? And the detective a chance to draw attention...but she didn't say that out loud.

?Hm... all right... sounds like you've got things handled thus far on this end.? A smirk perked him.

?Not really.? She shook her head again. ?The horse I took out the last week or so was quite dead this afternoon. I should have kept switching them out like I have been doing.? She gave another shake of her head. ?Lox will be in a hurry to have me moved once he picks that from my thoughts.?

?Ouch... yeah, kinda expensive in some parts them. Like a good getaway car.? He nodded.

?Mhm.? She had never before considered the cost of a horse, only the availability. No amount of coins or treasure could buy one if there wasn?t one to be found. ?I should explain maybe that Valiance has a ranch here that breeds and trains war horses...the ones at the ranch at any given time are in the process of training or too young for that.?

?All right... Have I met him, or the detective??

?It is possible. The king went by Val Demure when he stayed here. I'm pretty sure you know the pretty boy detective.? She chuckled. The similarity in their names had always struck her as comical. ?A not so demure detective to be sure.?

?Hm... now that you put it that way, I think I know the sort.? With a light nod Marek lifted his tankard for a drink.

?Do us all a favor and don't snoop around in town. It's been way too easy to spook the subjects of interest.? She grinned, but she didn?t want Marek to put himself into unnecessary danger and she could screw up her job just fine without any help.

?I'll try.? Marek smirked.

?That's pretty much the extend of what I can let you know at this time and hadn't a chance to share previously.? Catalina smiled over to him. ?If you've questions, maybe I can try to answer one or the other.?

?Hm?? Marek nodded a bit aside to her. ?All right... I don't have to kill the detective and the bounty hunter and all others involved when this is all said and done then??

?Oh no. I'm sure those two would prefer to stay among the living.? She took a drink from her coffee mug then.

?No questions currently, probably later no doubt doll.? He nodded.

?Mhm.? She nodded and then grinned. ?Then I should probably not keep you any longer from that all important study of yours.?

?Which is?? He quirked a brow,

?Various globes?? Catalina offered after some consideration.

?Ah... well, ya know?? He gave a slight shrug and a smirk. ?No harm done.?

?I did notice.? She chuckled. ?None at all. It's rather entertaining.? She finished her typhoon coffee then.

?It can be on my end too.? He rubbed a brow and nodded a bit.

?I shall have a look at your end the next time such an opportunity presents itself.? She winked over to Marek.

?Stare all you want. I don't mind.? Marek chuckled.

?I didn't think that you would.? She chuckled some more. ?May I ask you to take my mug in with you.... not that I'm sending you off. You're of course welcome to remain for company, if you like. Just the, uhm, business part I'm done with.?

?Sticking out here?? He reached over and relieved her of the empty mug.

?For a little bit. Then I've to walk back to the ranch.? She left it open to which one she?d be going tonight.

?Staying there tonight?? He shifted and relaxed back into the swing.

?I want to spend what time I may with Seamus. There'll be little enough of that left.? Two nights, she guessed. Her day would be busy.

Marek slipped up from the swing and tossed the mug out from the porch into the air with one hand, while the other slid under to his back below the leather jacket, pulling the Five-seveN pistol free. In sending a pair of rounds into the mug he shattered it, pieces littered the road out front.

?I think I need another drink.? He looked down at his empty on the floor boards of the porch.

?Mhm, you probably do. At least now you won?t have to return the mug. Did I say something that upset you??

?Nope... just have a headache...? He rubbed his brow with his free hand, tucking the pistol away below his jacket. Catalina rose to her feet then and closed the distance, reaching for his temples. He quirked his brows at her, but didn?t jerk away so she rubbed his temples with fingertips - a quick and well practiced search for the pressure points there that would alleviate the ache. He smirked to her then. ?Not gonna charge me for this are ya??

?Of course not.? She grinned up to him. When he appeared to look somewhat less pained, she slid her fingers down to his ears. Taking each lobe between a thumb and forefinger she rubbed those between her fingers with gentle pressure, again ignoring his questioning look, until the knots in them shrunk.

?You know, the last time a female did that it turned into a long night.? He smirked then.

?This is for medical purposes, silly.? She chuckled softly. ?Are you starting to feel any better??

?A little.? He was about to nod but didn?t. Catalina continued, grinning up to him. ?Okay... now you might put me to sleep.?

?Right, so much for long nights.? She winked and chuckled softly as she dropped her hands to her sides. ?If the head ache comes back, now you know how to chase it away again.?

?Come find you.? He nodded with a smirk. ?I can't do that to myself... it'd look weird from afar.?

?They do have an assortment of very pretty girls in there.? She reminded Marek with a grin.

?I need to bring a camera.?

?Right, you promised a few people pictures.?

?Hm... I meant to take pictures of the dolls like yourself... but... true... that one wanted a picture. Drek, now I have to come up with one.? Marek chuckled.

?You promised me one, too.? Maybe she should ask him to pack the picture maker. She?d love to be able to show Seamus pictures of Dragon?s Eye. But that would be extra weight. She decided against asking.

?Hm... okay, I'll have to take a few pictures then.?

?Definitely. It's probably not so smart to let the Norse woman wait that long.?

?Yeah? she seems to have a temper at times. Seen it twice when she's gone off on a fellow or two.?

?As have I.? Catalina nodded. ?You'll be easy to find Monday or Tuesday??

?I should be. Doubt I'll be drunk... and probably somewhere about the city. If not here, check a room upstairs maybe.?

?I'll do that, thanks. I would hate for Lox to whisk me away and you getting left behind.?

?I still charge you if so.? He cast a teasing smirk to her.

?I'll let Lox know.? She could have hugged him for that comment. It would give her a little leverage with the Golden. But she only grinned. ?If I can convince Seamus to come along, I'll come in here tomorrow to maybe say bye to some people.? Then she nodded toward the door. ?Have a good night, Marek, and some fun in there.?

?I'll try... getting worn down a bit... walk softly and travel safe tonight.?

?Thank you, you too.? Catalina smiled to Marek. Then she stepped off the porch and moved down the street. Marek watched until she rounded a corner and was out of sight.


Date: 2008-09-21 17:05 EST
Leave Taking

Catalina slowed her steps and came to stop when she spotted Seamus playing with Cailean. She watched them for a while. They were playing tug of war with what looked to be the shirt Seamus must have taken off at some point while he was sawing wood.

Seamus spotted her then and the wolf pup shamelessly took advantage of his distraction, winning the fight. Cailean did not go far with his prize, though, and entirely lost interest in the shirt a moment later when he noticed that Seamus had gotten to his feet to greet Catey. When they remained occupied with hugging and kissing despite his calls, he rolled up on the shirt for a little nap, secure in the knowledge that they would eventually remember to spoil him with attention.

?Wha? did ye find out?? Seamus asked some timed later, still holding Catey to him. The look on her face told him it was bad news even before she answered. She had gone to Val?s ranch that afternoon to check on what the lads there had determined to have been the cause of death of the horse that had collapsed on his front lawn the previous afternoon.

?The horse was poisoned, a low working poison and most likely administered while I was in town.? She didn?t need to tell him that had she gone to Val?s ranch that day instead of allowing herself an entire day spent with him, the horse would have collapsed with her on it, and likely at the most inopportune spot. Equally as possible was that the poison had been meant for her rather than the horse. Obviously, the detective had not managed to take all the attention away from her. ?Lox will be in a hurry getting me away from Rhydin for a while when he hears of this.?

Catalina held Seamus tighter yet. She had hoped that she could talk Lox into letting her stay for a few more weeks and to have the extra time with Seamus. But those hopes were dashed now.

"For 'ow long do ye think ye will b' gone?" he asked, murmuring quietly into her hair as he stroked the back of her head fondly. He didn't want her to go, but he understood that she could be in more danger if she remained, too, and he would indeed rather she be safe.

"I do not know yet for sure. The portal is safe for traveling through at irregular intervals." Catalina never had liked the portal's unpredictability less than now. Not only would she like to know when she could be back, but she wanted to give Seamus something to look forward to. "It just about takes a Golden to know when and for how long."

"About a week, I'm thinking, longer if we just missed a portal opening." She snuggled deeper into his embrace then and with a soft sigh added, "If I'm not back in four weeks' time you can open the bag I stuffed under the sink in the kitchen."

"Oh," he looked dismayed, wishing it wasn't so irregular, too. "Well I 'ope ye don' miss th' portal."

Seamus kissed Catey's forehead before resting his chin on her head. "Why is there a bag under me sink?"

"I had to put it somewhere. What's in it won't do me no good on Dragon's Eye this time around." The bag held keys to lock boxes at two different banks in Rhydin, the red ball gown, and a letter for just in case. "I don't care to miss the portal either. I still very much want for us to go to the harvest ball together."

"I... see..." he didn't ask what was in it, merely acknowledged its presence. "Damn, there's another ball?" he asked, teasing her because he knew she loved the ball... For whatever reason he was clueless.

"Yes, at the end of the harvest festival. Don't worry, it's not a costume ball." She placed a quick kiss on the tip of his nose and changed the subject. "What's for dinner?"

"Ye, I'm 'opin," he responded with a wolfish grin, leaning in to nuzzle her neck playfully. Laughs a moment later, rubbing his nose against hers. "Mm, I don' know. Wha' would ye like? I'd like t' make ye something ye like before ye go..." he trailed off, considering the foods and spices and he did happen to have in the kitchen.

"Besides you?" She winked and rubbed noses with him some more. Then she slipped from his arms and reaching for his hand started for the kitchen. "I'd love just about anything. Chocolate pudding maybe and some kind of plants? Whatever you feel like fixing. May I watch?"

She turned her head back to call over her shoulder. "Come on Cailean, Seamus is fixing dinner."

He only shook his head, laughing at her as he entwined his fingers with hers. "I think I can whip up some puddin'... I 'ave some asparagus, I think. Do ye like fish? O' course ye can watch!"

Seamus smiled, following her gaze to smile at Cailean as he hopped up and scampered after them. He was probably expecting another bone, hopefully with some skin on it!

Catalina thoroughly enjoyed not only watching Seamus as he prepared a meal for them in his new kitchen, making use of the equipment they had purchased together over the last few weeks but also helping him. It had been years since she got to spend any amount of time in a kitchen and back when she had it was with chores assigned by one of the under cooks in the court kitchen.

Seamus arranged their dinner onto plates straight from pan and pots and they enjoyed it and chocolate pudding for dessert by candle light, not in the dining room, but in front of the fire place in the living room.

Cailean, still busy with the bone he had charmed out of Seamus at the time they were ready to eat, had not followed them there. When they returned to the kitchen quite some time later to wash up the dishes he was asleep on the mat by the stove.

Seamus tucked Catey into his embrace, kissing her softly before consequently picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder.

"Bedtime, love," he exclaimed, a roguish grin on his face as he began trekking across the cottage to his bedroom, kicking the door behind him as they disappeared into it.


Date: 2008-09-21 17:12 EST
Riding a Golden

The door slipped open and with a quirked brow at her Marek gave a light nod of his head before he moved back toward the bed where a back pack and pact were laid up.

"Good morning sleepy head. Catch." Catalina tossed two pouches, one after the other to Marek once she got into the room. "Can you be ready in two hours or less?"

Lox was waiting in the commons downstairs with a cup of coffee and with Catey's pack. He'd agreed to fly into town and that they could leave from there to let Catey try to find this shooting expert she wanted to take along.

?Was just doing some last minute checks.? Marek took up his leather jacket from the end of the bed and slipped it on, covering the leather holster at his side and the pistol laid there. Then he grabbed up the pouches Catey had tossed over, picked up the large pack and turned back toward her as he reached for a tankard on the night stand. ?Shall we??

Loxanthalas had arrived the evening before. Catey had not been at the ranch, but he had found her reports. While he was pleased with her work, he was not so pleased with the results. Sometimes one could do everything right and things still turned out badly. After he had read every report, including those from the people at the ranch and from the bounty hunter, he had spent most of the night deep in thought. He had waited to pick up Catey until well after sun up. There was no question, of course, that they'd be leaving at the next opportunity.

Lox looked up when Catey returned. The look on her face told him that she had found Marek already. Perhaps the dark haired man following her was him.

"Have a cup of coffee." Lox smiled. "It'll be a while before you'll see coffee again."

"Thanks. Marek, Loxanthalas." Catalina made brief introductions before slipped through the break in the bar and went to fix up a cup the way she liked it.

Marek gave a quirk of a brow at finding another possible to the party. He nodded to Lox. The man sitting at the bar with a mug off coffee was blessed with above average looks. The strong green of his eyes didn't seem to quite match his blond hair and light coloring, though. He looked Marek over and nodded to him.

?Hoi... traveling with us, or seeing us off on our trip chummer?? Marek shifted the large pack and slid one of the reinforced straps over a shoulder to carry the pack for now.

"I'll be your ride." Lox grinned.

"Would you like coffee, too, Marek?" Catalina looked over to Marek. "You having been ready we have time for that."

?I don't drink coffee, gets the nerves too jazzed up and a usual worker of the night has enough to keep them high rolling.? Marek tucked the pouches he had caught into a pocket or two on his leather jacket. ?I trust what's in these is important? ?

"A down payment." Catey explained. "In case you've someone to leave it to. Ale then, rained in coffee, whiskey straight up?"

"So chipper this morning, Catey." Then Lox turned to Marek. "She insisted you'll be paid at least half before heading out."

?I usually insist I get paid sixty-five percent, before any job is taken.? Marek nodded to Lox and then over at Catey. ?Water is fine, too early for ale and whiskey won't sit well with me without eating.?

Catalina fetched a glass and filled with water, the chilled water from the cooler. She set the glass on the counter before Marek with a slight smile before she picked up her cup and came out from behind the bar.

"We can give you less after." Lox offered with a grin. After a brief pause he shook his head. "No actual price was mentioned. I'm sure you'll let me know if you find it generous or insufficient once you find out what trouble Catey got you into."

Catalina brought up her mug and took several long swallows from it, glancing over the rim between Lox and Marek.

?Oh, I have a decent idea of some trouble ahead.? Marek took the water with a nod to Catey and then a nod to Lox. And another over his shoulder to the large pack of dull coloring as to not attract attention. ?Life always is going to give you surprises. Why I packed a few.?

"So Catey told me." Lox grinned and lifted his coffee mug as Marek lifted the water for a drink... When Lox settled it to the counter again a moment later it was empty.

?Everything on track, with you two then? Things in order and all that so far?? Marek glanced between Lox and a rather quiet Catey, giving a light nod of his head.

"Of course. Catey's just nervous and a little ticked that I'm taking her away from here." Lox glanced from Marek to Catey. When she merely shrugged he looked to Marek again. "She hates flying. But don't worry, I've not dropped a rider yet."

"There's a first time for everything." Catalina grinned without humor and then bit her bottom lip lightly. "Sorry Marek."

?Oh good. That's always a plus to hear the first time out. This is going to be interesting.? Marek nodded with a light smirk and shake of his head before he took another drink.

"You'll be fine, really." Lox stood up with a grin to Marek and a wink to Catey. He could take a hint, especially when it was thought so forcefully at him as Catey had just now. "I'll be right out front, whenever you two are ready."

"Well?" Catey looked over to Marek as Lox walked to the door and then outside.

?Anytime works for me.? A light shrug given, he shifted the pack over his shoulder a bit to slip the other strap around. ?No time like the present, I suppose right??

"I suppose we may as well get it over with. I ever asked before...can you block your thoughts from being read?" She finished off the coffee and set the mug down. Then she picked up her pack and looked to Marek again. "I'll be okay once we're off the ground. Would you like to sit in front or back?"

?Either works for me... and I feel sorry for anyone trying to read my thoughts...? Marek smirked. ?But no? generally it's rather hard to for a mage from back home to do that. Too much hot wire.?

?They're dragons. Hot wire?" She asked with a sideway glance to Marek as she started to move toward the door, wondering if Lox had already tried. Then again, besides Val, Lox was the most reserved Dragon Catey had met, of those that spent any amount of time in their dragon form, of course. So he may not have made the attempt.

?Tech doll face... tech. Like how the gun I gave you is higher tech, then a bow and quiver of arrows.? Marek moved for the door as he adjusted the pack on his back, giving a nod and settling the water down to a table in passing.

"Are you saying you've hard ware in your head or just thoughts of technology?" She grinned then. "And here I thought Lox was getting to roam through your collection of rears."

A smirk to her and a wink was all she got about the question about hard ware in the head. Marek pushed out the door. He looked about as he pressed on with a whistle. A golden dragon stood there, scales shining in what sunlight filtered through the clouds. The Golden swung his head over to them as they stepped outside.

"About time. You've no idea how silly it feels taking up the entire street standing here, scaring the little kids." Lox shifted to make it easy for them to climb up into the saddle for two.

?Here we go...? Marek muttered to Catey as he moved to work his way for a spot on that saddle with a shift of the pack at his back in turn. ?I once took up a street in LA with two semi trucks and a few thousand gallons of soy sauce... but that's a story for another time.?

"We'll have plenty of time for stories. Or I could just insist that you tell about the things you'd love to change but can't." Catalina climbed up after him and settled into the seat behind him. She turned around then to point out the seat belts. "You probably want to make use of that."

?Yeah...? Marek nodded and took the 'belt' to secure himself into the saddle/seat, making himself somewhat comfortable for now as glanced around. ?First time for everything I suppose.?

"Ready?" Catalina asked once she had strapped herself into the saddle.

?Best as ever be... yeah.?

"I so agree." Then she called to Lox. "We're ready when you are."

A moment later Lox took off. It took him a bit of moving down the street to get the height needed to have room to fully spread his wings and to fly over the rooftops.

Marek was quite glad once they'd cleared the roof tops and panic from anyone around that might have been watching was gone. He glanced about from this angle. He'd been in various flying vehicles, but a dragon was new.

"I'd rather have fetched you with horses, but that would have taken too long." Catalina offered after a while but while Lox was still distracted. Take off and landing was the most complicated and dangerous part of flying, That was as true for dragons as it was for high tech flying machines.

?Quicker get you where need to be, quicker out of danger... that works just fine.? Marek smirked with a light nod over his shoulder.

?The portal will be closed in less than two hours. There won't be another for a few days." Catalina didn't think that they were headed for any less danger, just for something she was more experienced in dealing with.

Lox was now quickly gliding over the houses of Rhydin and then over forested area. His wing beats were smoother now that he had reached the desired height. Catalina took another moment to gather enough courage to let go of whatever she'd been holding onto when Lox had lifted off to button up her leather jacket.

?Off to see the wizard... as they say?? Marek perked a smirk and kept a watch as he took in the sights like on a tour of the country side from some corp. execs.

"Did you go through portals before?" Below them Dex veered slightly and changed direction.

?Only when making a quick escape from a job with a mage.? Marek offered with a light nod back over a shoulder. His gaze took in the landscape below. The clouds seemed to fall slowly as Lox pressed on. Soon the tree tops disappeared under their cover.

"Does going through those make you dizzy?" Catalina in turn avoided looking down.

?Not always... Takes a bit to dizzy me up doll face. No worries.? A smile played at his lips.

"I usually close my eyes and hope for the best." She managed a smile back.

?Things can only be better, because they're always worse somewhere...? Marek chuckled. ?I forgot to inquire, are you buying or am I when we give pause for food??

"Pause for food?" That question took her by surprise. "We catch it, put it on a stick and roast it over a fire. Or did you mean if we get to stay at an inn?"

"On Wing Isle I'll do the hunting." Lox picked that moment to butt into their conversation. That is, he thought at them. The wind of flight even at a speed considerate of riders made talking with them nearly impossible.

"We only stop there on the way back, right?" Catalina wanted to know of Lox. Then she grinned to Marek again, or to his back. "You can pay for your women and booze, food and board they won't be charging us for."

?Ah... that works. Cheaper if caught I suppose. Just curious was all.? His gaze swept about. ?No pay for food and board? Hm... sounds a good deal laid out ahead. Free food and a place to stay.?

"Available to eat if caught." Catalina chuckled softly and shook her head. While in the field there would be no dinner if they didn?t manage to catch something. "There really aren't that many inns."

?Like I said when you suggested this trip to me... gonna be just like camping.? Marek smirked with a chuckle.

"Right, just like camping." There definitely was sarcasm in her words and chuckle.

"Hang tight, the winds will want to draw you from your seats." Lox bellowed out.

"We must be about at the portal." Catalina couldn't yet tell if there was just the flight wind or if part of it was the beginning of the turbulence of the portal. They'd hit that soon enough to where there would be no doubt.

?Oh goody... here's where the fun starts?? Marek smirked some, holding on in his spot in the saddle/seat and the pommel, and nuzzled down into the seat. Then the swirling of air started to burst about them. The vortex swirled from the winds caused by the portal that led to the nexus.

Catalina didn't reply. Instead, as they flew through the vicious winds, whipping at them and trying to peel them from the back of their passage, she wrapped her arms around Marek's middle and firmly shut her eyes. Those seat belts appeared flimsy.

Before they knew it, they seemed to be floating through what appeared to be the stars themselves. The swirling of lights spun for some time before it became quiet and still, a spell of protective shielding put around the group by Lox allowed them to breath air.

They sailed through what was known to many as space, watching whole worlds from distances far pass by. It appeared the stars were just within the reach of an arms length. Catey didn't see any of it, though, keeping her eyes firmly closed.

Lox's wings flapped deceptively slow and silent. They passed by a small planet that was held by swirling light and was circled by several smaller orbiting planets. It looked as if they could take them and play with them. Though as they drew closer one realized how big the planet and the orbiting ones were. Then they were past those.

It would seem like hours floating through space they journeyed and in fact it was a few hours. The different stars and planets alike started to fly by faster and faster until the lights seemed a blur. As they flew, the lights started to bend and twist, as Lox controlled their flight with his wings. Before they knew it the dizziness of flying through the vortex of space that allowed them to travel great distances blurred past their eyes as world upon world created a streaked light show. Obviously Rhydin was a long way away from Dragon's Eye.

?Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww...? Well, it wasn't like the rides at the park back in Seattle, but it was similar in some ways. Marek held on, glad for the 'seat belt' and he was glad he packed the Tylenol now. It might be needed for the return trip possibly.

Then the winds picked up again and down they headed, toward a sphere. Yet, as they neared there was a light that approached to the side. If they could see, they would see various dragons and creatures of different races entering and exiting the portal, even those that looked like they were spiraling out of control through the sky. Of course their landing would be hard. The surface of water loomed below.

Catalina grinned at Marek's call, but she kept her eyes closed until she felt the winds lessen again. Lox took them quickly away from the other dragons, flying lower, and then over what appeared a sizable island with few trees and a lot of dirt. He whipped his head around, stopping just shy of 'kissing' them.

"Are you still good for a little longer?"

?Good to go... here...? Marek chuckled, giving a bit of a nod as he took in their surroundings while flying overhead.

"I'm fine." Catalina took her arms back from around Marek and shifted in the saddle, leaning back, somewhat relaxed now that the 'horrible' portal was behind them. Just flying didn?t seem so scary after that. She'd never get used to going through that portal. "You sound like you enjoyed that way too much."

?Not so bad... still in one piece. Been on rides before that didn't end up so lovely.? Marek smirked. The air temperature here was slightly cooler from what it had been in Rhydin that morning. The air was noticeably dryer, even now as they flew over water.

"I wish you'd never have told me that. I really hate flying." Catalina was grinning now, though.

Lox snickered. It was an odd sound coming from a dragon. He took them over a large body of water. Eventually they happened upon land. But Lox did not lower for a landing until they were quite bit inland. When he finally did touch down, surprisingly gently so, it was on a largish patch of dirt and somewhat in front of a building that looked like a very large shack with a narrow wrap around porch.


Date: 2008-09-21 17:13 EST
The Shack

"This is far as I can take you. You may want to stay here for the night and head out in the morning... safer that way." Lox swung his big head around again, one of his dark green eyes looking at them. "I'll meet you here again in one week. Try not to be late."

"We've the usual three days leeway for this, right?"" Catey asked as she took off the belt and stretched this muscle and that before she would attempt to climb down.

"Not this time." Lox grumbled and shook his head...the gesture looked very strange when a dragon did it. "You'll be here on time or early."

Marek glanced about as he removed the strap and worked his way off the dragon.

?And here I forgot my camera... boys never believe this one?? He had another look about as found his footing on the ground. ?So... we're here??

"As you say, Lox." Catey thought it best not to argue. She climbed out off the saddle instead and then slid more than climbed down the dragon's side and leg.

"If by 'here' you mean the starting point you're correct. Should you find yourself without Catey, try to make it back here." Lox looked at the both of them for a moment longer.

?All right? get lost, head to square one. Got it.? With a shifting of his pack at his back to get comfy a bit again Marek nodded up at the dragon. Then he looked about again and took in the place.

"It'll be dark soon and I've to be off. Good luck." Lox waited until they moved away before he took off again. He didn't want them hurt by him beating his wings.

"You had better not get lost." Catalina grinned and then nodded to the building. "They should have something approximating ale in there."

Marek watched the dragon departing, and then lowered his gaze then to Catalina. ?Well, lead the way. This is your town.? A smirk perked his lips with a shift of the pack at his back.

"I'd not call this a town." Catalina headed toward the shack.

?Figure of speech... you know this land pretty well then yes?? Marek proceeded after her while keeping a watchful eye out, making notes of their drop off point for future reference. There really was only the one building, seemingly in the middle of nothing but dirt as far as one could see in any direction. The endless brown with a few whitish bits in it was dotted here and there with a short tree or two. He recognized the whitish bits as pieces of old bone.

"Yes." Knowing the land was a survival skill in her line of work. She stepped up onto the porch and put her hand to the door.

Marek moved along after her. His brow lifted some but he nodded as he gave pause when she did, his eyes moved about and then back at the shack.

"Well, it's probably nothing like you're used to, but it beats sleeping out in the open.? With that Catalina led the way inside.

Proceeding inside after her, Marek?s gaze swept about the quiet place. He unzipped his leather jacket, just in case of course. The inside was relatively dark and it took their eyes a while to adjust to the low light. A bar stretched down the entire length of a wall. A few tables and chairs stood around. What passed for windows was mostly boarded up. A few decorations hung on the wooden walls, among them a harp, the shorter half of it with strings. The place was currently empty of people.

?Quiet about.? Marek shifted the pack at his back slightly as he followed at her side once with in the building.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Catey called out.

"Is that you, Catey? I'll be right out!" Called a female voice from the far end of and somewhere behind the bar.

"The warriors usually don't show until just before dark. I'd love to be out of here and safely in a room before that happens." Catalina walked over toward where the voice had come from. "That's right, Glo. How much longer for the stew to be ready?"

Marek stepped forward with a glance over the decor' and then turned toward the sound of a voice with a quirking brow.

Before Catalina had a chance to explain the owner of the voice stepped out from what probably was the curtain hiding the kitchen. She was pretty with an attractive smile.

"Stew's ready now." Then the brunette saw Marek and her eyes widened a bit. "Ohlala, you didn't say you brought company." She slid around the bar and paused in front of them, quite obviously liking what she saw when she looked Marek over. "And who do we have here? Hello, you may call me Glo."

?Marek? I'm? the hired help so to speak. Glo? Pleasure...? Marek gave a nod to the woman, quirking a brow over at Catey and then looked back to Glo with a smile.

"Marek, Glo. We'll need stew and rooms, I think." Catalina grinned between Glo and Marek.

"Rooms, with company or without, hon?" Glo smiled invitingly and friendly to Marek. "And a bottle of something?? Then she turned to Catey. "You can have Benji's." Then she turned her head toward the curtain and called with a slightly raised voice. "Get Benji's key for Catey, Rex, and a couple bowls of stew." Then she smiled to Marek again.

?Benji's?? Marek quirked a brow between them. ?Stew sounds fine... nothing fancy bottle wise. Good water would do just fine darlin.?

"Benji's the general that disappeared along with Dax." Catalina explained flatly.

"Benji was Catey's boy friend." Glo filled in what Catey wouldn't say, then called to the curtain again. "And get some water, be sure it's drinkable."

?Um... yeah... okay. Benji? I knew a dog like that on? never mind?? Marek nodded between them, trying to understand. Catalina shot Marek a glare and then just shook her head. ?So... staying the night eh??

"Why don't you two have a seat? I'll be right back with that stew." Glo cast a smile to both and then moved to behind the curtain, hips swinging seductively.

"Benjamin and Dax are likely worse than dead. Here that's called 'missing'. No one ever goes missing for months at a time and lives." Catalina took a seat at one of the tables. The thought that they were now unliving as wings, bones or stiffs and doing the bidding of the necromancers unless someone had destroyed them bothered her to no end and made her eyes sting.

?I see.? Marek glanced after the swaying hips and nodded absently over at Catey. ?Well, hopefully we don't go 'missing' while here.? He glanced about the quiet and mostly empty place. ?So... we're alone kinda. What's the first plan for this mission of yours? Where do we head after here??

"One of the places that the bounty hunter stumbled across a mentioning off. It's in an area that used to belong to the other side. Now it's this side, a bit behind front lines." Catey took off her pack and sat it beside her chair, glad for the change of subject.

?I see. You trust this bounty hunter right?? Marek slid his pack off his shoulders and settled gently aside to a chair with a nod to her.

"I've no reason not to. Do you?" She grinned then. "Maybe a name would help, Lang Darkwing."

?Oh? know of him, never met personally, but seen of him. Heard he was more then the sum of his parts, if you get my meaning.? Marek took up a lean against the bar. They'd been sitting on a dragon saddle, he wasn't about to sit for a bit.

"I think I'll agree with that summary." Catalina grinned, remembering her first meeting of Lang and him telling her that he was a demon. She would enjoy sitting for as much as she might, the chair was definitely preferable to a dragon back, mostly because it stood absolutely still.

?We're pretty safe inside here for now, for the night?? Marek looked about the place again. ?How early do you want to leave in the morning??

Glo took that moment to return. She set a glass of water, a bowl of stew and a junk of bread on the counter where Marek stood, smiling wide to him.

"There you go. Holler if you want more." Then she carried a second bowl and a lableless bottle what may be whiskey over to the table Catey sat at, swaying her hips just knowing Marek would watch.

"There, eat up." Then she pulled a key from a pocket and set it by Catey's bowl. With a nod over her shoulder to Marek she asked, "Sure you don't want to take that one with you?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." Catalina chuckled to Glo, a little surprised that Glo would ask her for permission. Then she turned to Marek, still grinning. "Sunup."

Catalina started to eat as Glo slinked back over to the bar and Marek.

?All right? sun up.? Marek nodded over at Catey with a smile. Then he turned slightly to start on the stew as broke a bit of bread free.

"I hope it's to your liking." Glo nodded at Marek's bowl before she smiled up from his hands to his face. Catalina glanced over as she ate.

?It's just fine darlin. No worries.? He issued a wink to Glo with a smile to Catey as he soaked up a bit of the stew with the bread, eyes looking over the place again.

"Sooo...." Glo looked Marek over ever so suggestively. "What kind of room will you be wanting? Got a nice big bed in my room I'd not mind sharing."

Catalina grinned and seemed to pay attention to her stew.

?Depends? what am I paying for food currently?? His brows quirked upwards. Then his eyes moved over at Catey. She seemed to pay attention to her stew. He dipped another bit of bread after breaking a little bit off the bigger chunk. His eyes slid back at Glo and he looked her over.

"You're with Catey, so room and board's paid for." Glo smiled and shifted to better display her attributes for Marek?s perusal. When he looked up again she gave him a well practiced pout and an equally well practiced semi-hurt look. "Of course, if you'd rather wait a bit and have a look at the girls..."

Catalina just quietly finished off her stew and bread, then washed it down with a sip from the bottle.

?Rest of the girls? How many are about here? Besides your lovely self I mean.? Marek?s brow arched again as he reached for his glass of water on the bar and shifted his lean against it slightly.

"Ah, one of those... how many would you like?" Glo reached over to take a drop of stew from the corner of his mouth that wasn't there.

Finished with her meal Catalina stood up, taking the key and the bottle in one hand and picked up her pack with the other.

"Have fun you two and get some sleep Marek. I'll see you in the morning." Catalina headed out the door and around the porch. Just in time, too, because she could hear the warriors come in, though she couldn't see them yet.

?All right... Take care Catalina. I'll be up and ready.? Marek cast a nod over at her with a smile. Then he quirked back at Glo with her touch. ?How much is your bed again to share? I'm new in town.?

"A bauble for you." Glo grinned generously and touched the finger to her lips.

?Bauble? Hm... local coin eh? So I get charged to share a bed with you eh? Even if it would mean I wouldn't be sharing a bed with one of those other ladies you mentioned?? Marek shifted his lean against the bar.

"The local coins are called marks and the girls take anywhere from ten to thirty of those. I prefer the shiny bits of jewelry." Glo shook her head, grinning.

?Hm... what if I promised you a few shiny bits of jewelry after I get done with this little objective our mutual friend Catalina has me on??

Glo seemed to consider that for a moment. He was certainly handsome and the suggestion was tempting. Then she leaned in, cupping his cheek in her hand.

"What if I promised you a long night if you get back?"

?You could... but what do I do for a bed tonight?? Marek smirked a bit, lifting his glass for a drink as eyes glanced around and then back at her slowly.

Glo moved around the bar then and reaching under it pulled up a key. "Tell you what, you take this key here, and if you think sharing sounds better after all, you'll let me know." She winked to him and then looked to the commotion at the door.

"Start filling bowls." She called back toward the curtain then.

Marek took the key and looked it over before he slid it into a pocket on his leather jacket. He gave a glance over at the incoming noise and lifted his glass again for a drink. His mind worked out a few scenes. It didn't take long at all for the inn to fill up with warriors, all wearing more or less armor, smelling none too clean, and were generally loud and rambunctious. Glo's girls coming in to mingle didn't make the men adjust there language at all.

Oh goody, company, Marek thought with a shift of a brow about, feeling like he had stopped in to get a meal at a local place down the street from a movie set and all the soldier extras just came in during lunch break. He took another drink of water before he settled it down on the bar.

After most had some stew, the din grew louder. Glo and a couple of tenders were busy pouring ale and handing out bottles. The scuffles were short and usually limited to two or four for now. The girls quickly found necks to hang on or laps to sit on.

Moving to take up his pack and sling over a shoulder, Marek reached into his leather jacket to feel the key again and then he moved to look for a room.

"To the right, third from the corner." Glo looked over then, hoping that he?d ask where her room was.

?Thank you!? Marek paused and glanced back over a shoulder and nodded. He nodded to himself as he moved off to find his room, accessible from the wrap around porch. He counted out with his index finger the third door from the corner. He slid the key out of his leather jacket and worked to unlock and push the door on open in turn.

The room was a simple one. A narrow bed, a table with a wash bowl on it, a trunk at the foot of the bed. He settled the bag down carefully next to the trunk on the flooring. With a light roll of his shoulders against the leather jacket then he stretched a bit. He rubbed the back of his neck as looked over the place.

?Hm... just like camping.? He smirked to himself as moved to sit on the bed. The noise from the inn would be heard for a while. And there would be more noise once the warriors made their way to their rooms, with or without girls.

?Just like staying in downtown Seattle on a weekend.? He smirked some, slid his leather jacket off and settled it over the large pack on the floor by the trunk. Lying back on the bed with an adjustment to the leather holster, he looked about the room slowly.


Date: 2008-09-22 10:52 EST

The next morning Catalina was up, dressed and ready to head out even before the sun sent its first ray over the horizon. She stepped onto the porch and took a deep breath of the slightly chill air before she turned around to lock the door behind her. Then she headed for the commons.

The inn still smelled of freshly spilled spirits and she had to step over two snoring bodies and a piece of wood that last evening had been part of a chair on her way to the bar and behind it. It was too early to expect coffee to be ready and too late to expect Glo or Rex to still be up.

Marek sat on the trunk, at the end of the bed in the room he slept in last night. He pulled the cigar from his lips and tilted his head back slightly to let a cloud of smoke escape upwards into the air. He glanced over his pack nearby and lifted a hand to rub at brow.

"Can't find yer -" Rex turned around when he sensed someone walking into his kitchen and broke into a grin when he recognized Catey. "Glo told me you were here. Ready to head out?"

"Just waiting for Marek. Here, catch." She tossed him the key that was more than just a key. It was the one room at the inn secured with magic from mind reading and other unwanted surprises. "Do you have anything ready we might take along provision wise?"

"There are some rolls" Rex nodded to a bread basket and then to a barrel. "Drinking water's in there."

"Thanks." Catalina moved to top off her canteen and then grabbed up a couple of rolls and stuck them inside her leather jacket. "Anything new I should be aware of?"

Marek took up his leather jacket and slipped it on then reached to pick up the large pack and lift it over a shoulder. Moving from the room he closed the door behind him and made his way for the commons. His gaze moved over what was left from the night before.

"Barell is commander at the East camp now. I'm sure you already about the line." Rex offered with a not so well hidden yawn. Catalina nodded to that. Lox had filled her in about the back and forth over the last two months.

"Karl?" She asked about the previous commander.

"Burned." Rex replied as simply as she had asked.

"At least the others don't have him then." Catalina grabbed up a third roll and took a bite out of it. Losing another commander was bad news. She had rather liked this one, too.

?Lovely?? Marek slid into a lean at the bar, glancing over the quiet place. The warriors had their fun apparently and left, or were drunk or sleeping it off no doubt for a good few hours.

"In here." Catalina called from the kitchen when she heard Marek's voice.

Marek slipped from the bar and moved into the kitchen. He glanced left to right with a nod to Catey and the other one in there.

?Morning... sleep find us well??

"Good morning." Rex greeted because Catalina had taken another bite out of her roll and was now busy chewing.

"You must be Marek. Glo told me all about ye and how ye prefer a bed for yerself instead of sharing with her." He grinned to Marek as he stepped closer and offered a strong hand. "Now she'll be wanting me to buy her new gown and prattle compliments all day. I be Rex, the owner of this fine establishment."

Catalina nodded to Marek and grinned with amusement as she chewed.

"Good morning, Marek." She offered after she swallowed, still grinning. "You slept well?"

?Not my fault she didn't show up at her own bed.? Marek shrugged his shoulders, taking the offered hand in a firm shake. ?And yeah, I'm Marek.? He glanced over at Catey from Rex. ?I slept decent. When's lift off? So to speak.?

"As soon as you?re ready. There are rolls and there's water." Catalina pointed to the bread basket and the water barrel in turn.

"She did." Rex snickered. "Oh, she'll have a fit when I tell her that. That should be well worth the new dress."

?I figured she ended up in another room? no worries.? Marek gave a smirk to Rex and nodded over at Catey as he moved to snag up a mug and get some water. He snatched a few rolls and tucked them into pockets and a side pouch on his pack with a shift at his back, taking a bite from one. ?Good to go, when you are.?

"She's picky." Rex grinned. "Good luck to you both."

"Thanks, Rex, see you in a week." Catalina turned to head out then with a nod to Marek. "I'm ready."

Marek nodded and took another bite from the roll in hand and then a drink from the mug of water before he settled the mug down and moved out after Catey with a shift of the other strap over a shoulder at his back.

Catalina took a deep breath once they were outside again. Then she pointed in an easterly direction.

"We'll go this way." She started to walk in the direction she pointed. There was no road or even path, only more or less barren dirt as far as the eye could see in the early morning twilight. "So, how do you like your 'vacation' so far?"

?Quiet... except for the noise from the boys last night drinking and fighting. I slept all right.? He tossed the rest of the roll up into the air and caught it in his other hand with a smirk. ?Food is fresh. Can't complain too much can I? So how far do we travel ... this way?? He gave a nod of his head in the direction they were heading, looking around the barren landscape.

"Until we get there." She grinned. "Yes, the rolls are fresh. When they're gone I've a couple pieces of old baklava and lemon bars with me. I'm hoping we'll make it all the way to the East camp before nightfall. Depends on how fast we can travel. Are you familiar with something called double time?"

She gave him a sideway glance. This was probably one of those things she should have asked a few days ago.

?As in moving quickly, double time?? Marek quirked a brow aside to her as they walked, then glanced ahead at the route they were taking. The very few trees that stood out against the brown-grey dirt appeared stunted and scraggly. ?Well, I'll look forward to the bars of lemon and baklava. Looks like we've a long walk.?

"I usually cover distance switching between something like a slow run and walking, and yes, you can call it a long walk. Plenty of time to tell me some of those stories." She grinned again.

?Considering our packs?. probably best we walk. Unless you know a way to find horses or a means to travel quicker. We do have a clock so to speak to meet with. Your dragon friend needs to pick us up at a certain time he said. So we have to be back at point A before that. How long from our next point??

"Ideally we make it to the East camp this evening, then we go from there to Vergalles. That used to be a settlement and has been run over by the war many times over, right now it's on this side of the front lines. That should be about half a day's travel from the East camp, provided nothing major happened in the last few days. Then I get to poke around there a bit. No matter if I find something or not, we can't spend more than two nights there. I always plan in an extra day per week for delays. "

?Okay... sounds all right. Least you've got a plan.? A smirk perked his lips as he moved along side her. ?Poke around eh? You looking for someone or something at the next stop??

"A plan subject to chance without notice." She grinned to Marek. "Mhm, I'm guessing I'll be looking for something. The place was mentioned as a maiden name in an old alias one of the people used I asked Lang to investigate. It's really not much to go on, but we'll have to start somewhere." Lox had agreed that checking the place out was a good idea. He had heard a few tid bits at court regarding the old settlement, too.

?So... what exactly, are you looking for? End result? Person, place, or thing?? Marek quirked a brow aside to her as they moved, glancing about the barren landscape and taking it in.

"You were supposed to be the one telling a story." Catalina took a few breaths. "About eighteen months ago while King Val was in Rhydin his girl friend was kidnapped. Val found out after she was free again who it was and went to get revenge. That went very wrong for Val. He ended up with one of those bullet things in his skull. The court here went into a panic over it."

"At the time Dax, Benji and I were sent to Val's ranch in Rhydin. Dax had been in Rhydin before on various missions for the king and probably a few on his own. He came across something that he must have discredited at the time, but was important enough to get him eliminated At least that's what the court thinks now, because Goldens are not so easy to eliminate. Likely, that Benji disappeared along with Dax during a mission into the desert of bones was merely Benji being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Catalina paused for another deep breath.

"I was sent to Rhydin this time around to see what Dax stumbled across just before they disappeared. I likely already scared whoever Dax scared...then again, maybe not, because I'm still here breathing."

?I see... political, murder and plot. S?pose it was a good idea you took me on as ?security detail? for this little trip of yours.? He smirked a bit with a chuckle. ?Oh well, I wasn't doing anything anyway this weekend.? He winked aside at her.

"You are along because I've never field tested my new bow before." She grinned to him as she patted the holstered gun at her side she had bought from him. "I mean that in the nicest way possible. Usually I travel alone because one is easier to hide and less of a target than two. Most of the time that's more of a benefit than extra eyes."

?Understandable. Run that route before, the Lone Wolf and all that.? Marek nodded a bit as they moved along. ?Well, I have to make sure you get back safe or your friend Seamus will be upset with me and might not ever make me a rocking chair.?

"Right. It's all about that rocking chair." Catalina chuckled at that, already missing Seamus. "One just has to get those priorities straight. Do you feel up for a little of that double time now?"

?Little... I'm carrying a pack though, so not for long... and I mean not long.? He smirked to her with a shift of the pack on his back.

"I was wondering about that." Her pack was on her back. She liked having her hands free, just in case. "Ready?"

They spent the next twenty minutes or so jogging. The pace she set didn't allow for talking. He moved along with her, and kept the grumbling down to a minimum too!

"Your turn to tell a story." Catalina stated when she slowed to a walk again. "There was something about things that can't be changed just yet."

Marek?s breathing was a bit hard. If it wasn't for one of the many devices he'd been implanted with, his smoking of cigars would have caused him to be coughing. Luckily, he was from a more? future world.

?What do you want to hear about? Or just pick the first story that comes to mind?? He smirked aside to her.

"We've plenty of time, so whatever comes to mind will be good." She smiled over to him, not out of breath in the least. Obviously she really was used to this mode of travel.

?I wish we had a jeep or a good bike. We'd be there in no time. Next time, we'll have to talk your friend Lox into carrying a bike.? He smirked. ?Far as stories... hm. Well, lot of women at that Inn back in the city we ventured out from. Met one before we left that offered up a room at her place to rent if I wanted it. Sounds like the place is too big for her to be in alone. Said she doesn't see the servants at times the place is so big to get lost in. Figure I'll check out the place when we get back and see. ?

"Could be worth checking out. What's the story part?" She grinned sideway to Marek.

?There you'll have to wait for a story. I haven't seen the place she lives in. I suspect it's some manor or maybe even a castle, I'm not sure. But sounded big. Far as stories I can talk on now? well? I've had a few runs like this before. Course we?ve cars to travel about the city and beyond it along the road ways. Though back where I come from, as I've said before, we carry guns... more then swords and daggers.?

"Here we should be the only two people with guns. Cars, roadways..." She repeated the unfamiliar words, "How's that like?"

?How's what like? Everyone having guns? Or everyone having cars? More dangerous... because a gun can fire its round, the bullet, from a distance. Which means it's easier for someone to attack you from further away. Cars are nice to use for a quick getaway from a bad situation.?

"Getaway Golden." She giggled at the idea. "Lox should just eat that up."

?Yeah. That could work for a new nickname for him. Runs off the tongue smooth like.? Marek chuckled with a nod of his head. As they traveled further the white bits of bone in the dirt increased in density. ?Food isn't always fresh where I come from. You have to look a little harder. Lot of food is instant. Quick fix.?

"Instant food?" She gave Marek an odd look.

?Yeah? stuff that is made quick, in like a few minutes from a machine. They call it a microwave or a quick grill. Why you add a lot of sauce of some kind to food? or little taste.?

"Oh, the start to the story with the sauce blocking the street." Catalina grinned.

?That was done, to cause a distraction so my crew could get away with some intelligence from a corporation.? Marek chuckled. ?It worked though... took three days to clean up the street the news said.?

"Did they say if the dirt tasted any better for the sauce?" Catalina chuckled. "It sounds like it was a pretty huge mess."

?Nope... but the stray dogs got a good licking from the street?? He chuckled with a shake of his head. ??not to mention the sweetness of the sauce attracted birds, squirrels, and other creatures. Whole street had to be closed till was cleaned up.?

"A modern feast for the wild creatures. It sounds like you managed to do a good deed." Catalina smiled, picturing the scene. Of course she missed the experience of high rises, but a scene like that would look out of place in any Rhydin street, too.

?Yeah? was one of my more interesting distractions during a run, yeah.? He smirked some, remembering it. ?Kent shook his head after it and said he'd never seen anything like it and thought the cops that showed up looked dumbfounded as did the security for the corp.?

"It sounds like a wonderful tactic. Too bad the things around here aren't distracted by sauce." She grinned over to Marek again. "Feel up for a little more of the faster pace?"

?Sure... why not? Just for a little?? He agreed with a smirk and nod, adjusting the pack at his back slightly for the weight. ? No... I think different more bare knuckles work in this place.?

They spent the next hours like that, jogging for a while and walking. Catalina didn't even have them stop for lunch. She pulled the pack from her pack long enough to pull out the bag of baklava and lemon bars and hand a couple over to Marek and, without pausing a step the pack was back on her back Of course they ate as they walked, too. She did hold them to just walking for a while longer after eating, though, before she requested another run. Marek moved with her he took in the sights, or lack there of, being mindful of their direction and the way back if need be.

The sights consisted of a bit of gray rock here and there peeking out of the brown-grey dirt speckled with bits of white, very few short trees either standing alone or in very small groups, and sometimes a tuft of grass. Only when they crossed a creek did they see more vegetation all in one spot. The creek bank was covered with grass and moss and even had a few bushes growing along it.

?Where are we staying once we get to this next place? Outside? or at another Inn of ... sorts?? Marek asked some time after they had left the creek behind them.

"If we're lucky in a tent at the center of camp. We won't see another inn until we get back there." She pointed behind her.

?I see... roughing it from now on.? He nodded with a smirk as glanced about the landscape and then ahead. ?We going to meet more friends of yours along this trip??

"Maybe, maybe not. You may have noticed that I avoid the warrior types when possible. The generals are a different story. The one at the east camp is new. I've seen him a couple of times but we didn't talk. He was a captain last time I ran into him. Karl was a friend or as close to one as one can get." She sighed and then fell quiet.

?Hm... well, then we'll try avoid them.? Marek nodded some. ?With luck, we'll miss most of the trouble and you'll get the information you're looking for at our destination in good time.?

"Do you see those." Catalina pointed into the distance when behind them the sun was reaching for the horizon. She had spotted the tell tale lines of smoke rising from several small fires.

?Yeah... that trouble, or just passing people like us?? He looked over that way and kept a watchful eye out.

"That depends on how you look at it. That should be the East camp. When you see more than just lines they either are in the midst of battle or cleaning up after one. We burn all the dead we can. You'll not find a grave yard on this planet. Feel up to another run? It gets dark fast here."

?Well, saves on buying tomb stones if burn them.? He nodded and shifted his pack again. ?All right... let's hit it before the dark finds us.?


Date: 2008-09-22 11:57 EST
East Camp

Catalina didn't slow her pace again until they reached the edge of the camp. The camp consisted of enough tents to house perhaps five hundred troops. The mood in the camp seemed subdued. It was difficult to imagine these industrious and quiet warriors could turn into the boisterous crowd they had seen at the inn the evening before. Catalina nodded to a few of those they passed as she led Marek to the center of the camp where a few larger tents were set up. But she did not stop to talk with anyone.

"Thanks." Was all she said to the warrior who handed Marek and her each a stick with roasted meat on it just before he doused the fire he had taken the sticks from. She did smile to him, though. Marek nodded to the man giving them food:

?Well, so far? friendly about here and mostly quiet.? Marek looked over the meat with a curious brow, least it was cooked.

"Barell?" Catalina asked when she halted her steps in front of one of the larger tents at the center of camp. When the warrior turned around to face her, she smiled. "Hail camp and congrats on your most recent promotion."

"Catey! Good evening, and thanks, I think. You made it just with the last rays of light. Again." Barell cast a curious look over to Marek before he looked to Catey again. "You got a packet?"

"No, not this time, and I'm not taking any reports back either. That's Marek, my partner for this mission. Can you make room for us for the night?" Catalina then took a bite from the meat on the stick.

Marek gave pause and looked over those about and then at the man Catey was speaking to. He gave a nod of his head and kept back a pace to let them figure things out while he took in the scenery and the people. The warriors were for the most part busy with strapping on bits of leather and metal armor and checking their weapons.

"Good evening and welcome to camp, Marek." Barell nodded over to him and then turned back to Catey. "Give me a few minutes and I've a tent cleaned out for you. Partner ey, and here I thought someone finally agreed to the idea of training couriers before sending them out on their own."

?Pleasure... I'm sure.? Marek nodded to the man. His gaze moved between the pair and then about them.

"You don't snore, do you?" Catalina turned to Marek with a grin while Barell turned to one of the warriors already dressed for battle to issue the according order.

?Not that I know of... no worries mate.?

"You can rest here for a moment. Someone will come show you which tent they cleaned out. Me you'll have to excuse. We're about to get busy." Barell offered a nod to each of them when he turned toward them again. He picked his helmet from a tent post. "Maybe there's time for more of a chat before you head out." With another nod he pushed the helmet over his head and hurried off.

"You can sit if you like. I think I'll keep standing for now. Once I sit down I may not want to get up again." Catalina grinned over to Marek before she took another bite of what she considered dinner.

?Looks like we're bedding down among the gents tonight.? Marek nodded after the man, gaze sweeping about. ?Hopefully we'll sleep even if they're noisy in rest. I'm good... once I sit down might want to stay there a few.?

"Out here it's not the gents I'm worried about. You kept up pretty good all day." She took the last bit of meat from the stick and chewed.

?Yeah... trouble all abouts...? Marek nodded a bit as he tried the meat. ?When are we parting in the morning... first light or noonish??

"Tomorrow when exactly we leave here won't make much of a difference. We'll be caught outside after dark either way. Did you want to have a look at what's out there while the warriors deal with them or can you wait finding out until tomorrow night?" The camp was kept fairly dark. Small fires had been set outside the camp, to attract the night creatures away from camp where the warriors on duty were prepared to deal with them.

?Maybe I best wait until tomorrow for more surprises. I'm a bit worn out from out large walk today.? He chuckled and then smirked some with a nod of his head at her. ?An interesting vacation so far.?

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Catalina grinned, but nowhere near as easily as Marek was used to seeing from her from Rhydin. "That's probably best. I do feel for these guys, each hoping they wont face a creature that looks like someone they fought side by side with and got taken and hoping next week it wont be them going after a comrade." She shook her head then, as if she could dislodge the thought with the gesture.

?A lovely thought to go to bed tonight with. I'll try to think about sheep.? Marek smirked a bit and glanced about as finished off the meat from the stick. The center of camp had turned quiet. ?More scenic views tomorrow??

"The third'n over's ready for ye." A warrior in just leather armor waved at one of the tents behind Catalina and a moment later was gone again between the tents.

"Sheep? Shouldn't that be a pretty woman and a castle?" Catalina started to move toward the tent assigned to them. "Scenic views, right. I'm afraid it'll be pretty much more of the same. No one tries to live or farm out this way. We may come across one or the other carrion eater. Hopefully that's as interesting as it'll get during daylight."

?I don't think I'll find a pretty girl here. Just a little sleep before dawn creeps over the horizon.? Marek nodded after the appearing and quickly disappearing man before his eyes moved back at Catalina.

"No, no ugly ones either. Glo might take her girls to a camp, but never to one that expects trouble." Catalina grinned, totally ignoring that anyone could think of her as belonging to either category.

"Are you coming?" She called back to Marek after having taken a few steps.

?Sorry, was thinking about your friend Glo a moment there.? Marek moved after her with a nod of his head and perked a smirk as he moved along glancing about. ?So these guys are expecting trouble then??

"Glo had that effect on a few." Catalina grinned and took off her pack before she slipped into the tent. "Aye, and they just had some trouble, too, to judge by how quiet they are."

Marek nodded and then slid his pack off one shoulder as he ventured into the tent with a duck of his head. Catalina dropped her pack into a far corner and lowered herself to a sitting position to the ground with a sigh.

"Sitting can be such a luxury." She chuckled. "Do you see a spot you prefer for bedding down?"

?This'll work, just fine. I'm not picky. Least have a roof... of sorts.? He settled his pack down with a glance about the tent as he lowered down to sit and then lay back with his head to the pack

"If you're sure." Catalina reached for her pack and took out the canteen and the bedroll. Then she snickered as she transferred a couple of items from her jacket into the pack. She had come across the candle they had joked about back in Rhydin.

?I'm sure... usually pretty easy?? He smirked and shifted some against the flooring of the tent as rested his head back and laid his arms over his chest.

"This might be the best chance all week to see about that candlelight." Catalina grinned over to Marek.

?Among all these brutes, I don't think that'd be wise to pull out.? Marek chuckled with a glance over.

"Maybe not." Catalina sat her pack aside and, once she had unbuckled and set aside the gun, stretched out on top of roll and blanket. Those ?brutes? would be busy this night. But Marek would find out soon enough unless he was a really sound sleeper. "Sweet dreams."

?Night darlin... see ya in the morn.?

Catalina listened to the sounds of battle that sprung up from one edge of the camp or another for what seemed to her like hours even as she forced herself to relax and to breathe evenly. Knowing that it was save to sleep in camp did little to calm her instincts.

She must have drifted off to sleep eventually though, because her next conscious observation after keeping up with the number of skirmishes was an officer's voice ordering fires to be lit. Here that was as if someone announced the sun was coming up just before it happened.

Catalina blinked her eyes open then and stretched. A moment later she sat up and reached for her canteen. After a few gulps of water she dampened an edge of her blouse and washed her face. She glanced over to Marek as she put up the canteen again.

?Are we ready yet?? A smirk perked Marek?s lips as he opened his eyes and glanced over to Catey. Dressed and his pack good to go, he lay against it with his head. ?They were busy last night sounded like. But got a few hours in.?

"Good morning and no. Are you in a hurry?" Catalina shook her head and chuckled. She turned to pack up as she answered Marek's other question. "No busier than usual the nights after a bigger battle. They'll need a Golden to come by sometime during the day to turn their efforts over the night time hours into permanent success."

?No hurry, just ready to move out when you are is all. Long walk again today?? Marek sat up and stretched his arms some. He glanced about and returned his gaze to her. ?Goldens always so helpful??

"Good. I need to ...take care of some urgent business before we head out. Today's walk won't be quite as long as yesterday. If everything goes as planned we may even have time for a nap before nightfall." Catalina found one of the rolls from the day before and took a bite out of it as she closed her pack. The roll between her teeth she picked up the holstered gun and, standing up, buckled it on. She removed the roll from between her teeth again once she had her hands free to do so and grinned over to Marek.

"Helpful? They are for the most part a pain...uhm, allies...that's what I meant to say. Just because they refrain from considering you food doesn't make them respect you. You're lucky to only have met Lox so far. He's the most decent of the race I've met beside the king. You may have noticed that there's not much fire wood around."

?Oh good? I look forward then to not meeting many of these dragons about here then.? Marek nodded over as he stood and worked out his legs a bit in a stretch. ?All right? well, you just say when and we can head off for point C then.?

"Would you like to check what they've to offer this morning at the fire places in the way of food?" She picked up her pack then.

?Do I want to? Am I going to like what I find? He slid his pack on a shoulder and shifted the weight as he moved to exit the tent and have a look about outside.

"Probably...Grouse and rabbit is what they find most often. If anyone feels up to bothering this morning there might even be something like stone bread or flat cakes. Warriors rarely go hungry." Catalina followed Marek outside and looked around. The general mood seemed to be somewhat less subdued this morning in comparison to what it had been the previous evening. "Give me about fifteen minutes. I'll find you."

?All right... don't wander off?? Marek nodded to her once with a smirk before he moved off to gather up a few things as he adjusted the pack on his back. He found a few fires burning and food about. The warriors gave Marek curious looks and friendly greetings along with offers of whatever they had cooking.

With a nod about to those offering greeting, Marek fed himself first and with a measured pace of quickness, before taking what he could that would survive for a bit and packing it away in side pockets of his backpack. Then he made up a plate for Catey. When she caught back up with him she was smiling somewhat triumphantly and carrying to metal cups.

"Hail and good morning." She greeted the group as she thrust one off those cups toward Marek with a grin. "Look what I found."

?Should I ask?? He took the cup driven his way and in turn offered her up the food he'd gathered for her to eat as lifted the cup for a testing drink. It looked like milk and didn?t taste like it came from a cow.

"Someone brought a goat along. What they?re feeding it is anyone's guess." Catalina grinned after she had taken a drink from the other cup. Then she looked curiously at the plate Marek had handed her. "What do you have there?"

?Your breakfast and lunch in one...? Marek smirked, nodding to the cup. ?I didn't know what you wanted to eat before walking? so gathered a little of everything they had. Have a few cakes in the pack for later with a break. Goats? milk ain't so bad. Better then soy milk for sure.?

"Thanks. Soy? What kind of animal is that?" She smiled to him before she started eating, transferring the now half empty cup to the same hand holding the plate to do so.

A couple of the warriors turned their heads, obviously curious about this soy animal, too.

?Soy milk... like a ... better for your health kind of milk? but made, not produced by an animal really. Kinda complicated. Either way, the stuff tastes funny and doesn't go well with your morning breakfast.? Marek held up the cup. ?This, is better then it, trust me.?

Catalina grinned while the warriors laughed and shook their heads. She turned to the one most likely to have been the 'baker' this morning - he still had flour dust on his pants.

"Thanks, these are pretty good." She waved the flat cake at him with a smile before she took another bite out of it. Then she turned to Marek again. "How are your legs and feet this morning? Do you think you can keep yesterday's pace?"

?I can try.? He shifted the pack on his back slightly again for a better fit and nodded some as set the cup down after finishing it. He perked a grin then. ?More amazing sights to see today, right??

"Right." Catalina chuckled. "Come see the amazing scenery of Dragon's Eye. Discover new shades of brown and grey you never imagined, enjoy the endless views, marvel at the local wild live"

The warriors were laughing. One threw in "Ye forgot t'mention t'colorful natives." He added something describing said natives and the Goldens in too colorful a language to repeat here.

?I've seen'em.? Marek gave a nod over to the comment. ?A few at least... no doubt to find more as we venture further, indeed.?

?After you, when you're ready then doll face. Time to enjoy some more of the landscape here.? Marek said with a light chuckled and a nod to Catey as she finished off what was on the plate and washed it down with the rest of the goat milk.

"I'm ready now." She smiled to Marek after she had thanked the warrior who collected the used dishes and pointed vaguely east. "We're going that way."

?Off to see the wizard?? Marek muttered with a smile as he turned and headed off in the desired direction. He hummed a bit as he moved on, his eyes watchful for the coming day.

"I hope we do not meet any of the mages along the way. That would be bad." Catalina nodded to a few of the warriors they passed as the headed out of camp.


Date: 2008-09-22 21:32 EST
More of the Same

?Let me know if you see something, I'll drop it before we have trouble.? Marek nodded at Catalina as his gaze moved over the group they passed. ?Why do they stay? With so little in this land... why fight??

"Some grew up here like I did. Well, not out here but in a town or settlement. It's home and there isn't anywhere else... Even if travel could be arranged for everyone and a place to go to only the most adventurous would take to the idea.? Starting over somewhere else was a scary prospect for most. At times the prospect of retiring to Rhydin scared her and she wasn?t at all sure that it was so good an idea.

?Others have been brought from other worlds as breeding stock and have been freed from that existence. They don't have any place other than 'here' to go to either. You've seen the portal and there really aren't that many dragons around that still know how to be dragons. So even if by royal degree you could force an evacuation, taking a dozen or less to a different world every two to eight days, you'd not get very much accomplished.? She shrugged. "Half probably have kids, the other half sisters and brothers, and along with that a hope that they get to have a life."

?So they?re stuck, basically with what they have here.? Marek nodded as they walked on. ?Know a few like that back home. Take what their given in life and deal with it. Make it the best it can be.?

"Mhm. And somewhere else might not be better, at least not for everyone. Rhydin, the only somewhere else I ever got to see, comes with its own set of dangers and issues that most people here would not have the knowledge or experience to deal with. They might well find death or undeath in Rhydin sooner than here."

?Possibly... depends on the day or night I guess.? Marek nodded again to her with a light roll of his head from side to side to work out the kinks in his neck as they walked along.

"Is your headache trying to come back?" Catalina asked with a mildly concerned look.

?Not so bad. It'll go as we move. I'm not worried about it. Do you have a plan for a quick move back to point A, where we started at? So we don't miss your friend Lox for that pick up? Or are we planning time in to walk all the way back to that shack? His eyes were watchful of the horizon.

"We're planning time in for walking back. When point B is on the straight line from point A to point C, there is no short cut to be found. The absolute longest we have for poking around is about two nights and whatever of the day in-between we don't spend sleeping. If we find that we're kept too busy to make any progress or if we find everything that can be found tonight, we'll head back once we had some rest tomorrow." She glanced to Marek again. "Running won't make it worse?"

?Naw? I'll be all right.? He gave a nod to both, comment and question. He shifted the pack on his back and slid his hands along the soft straps over his shoulders. ?What's your reward for doing this mission??

"Money, treasure, officially anyway. I'd like to know why Benji and Dax disappeared, too. And now, I'd also like whatever got stirred up in Rhydin to be cleared up. Retiring as courier and starting over there makes no sense while someone there keeps hiring assassins. Sooner or later whoever will get lucky and hire one that doesn't make mistakes." She reached back to pull the canteen from her pack. "Are you motivated by anything beside the obvious?"

?Sounds a decent enough reason for this trip. All right.? He glanced over again as they moved. A smirk perked his lips. ?Like what? And what's so obvious??

"Money's obvious and you stated a lack of something else to do." She grinned back as she unscrewed the lid and then had a few swallows of water.

?Where I come from, money is a big motivation for many.? Marek chuckled with a nod ahead toward the horizon they were heading for. ?The world is run on it where I come from and a good pay off means more then a life unfortunately. Assassins are all over the night life. When one like myself makes enough in the shadow work, the hope is they can retire and enjoy life. Catch is, they have to live long enough playing the game to enjoy any benefit.?

"Same with the courier job or the soldering. Glo's girls live dangerously enough, too, though they've more of an average life expectancy than warriors and couriers. I've been at it for so long, though, money quit being the main motivator." She grinned then. "At least here six years plus is a long time, for humans."

?Heh... sounds similar to life in the shadows back home. You learn how to survive, or you die quick making mistakes.? Marek nodded over to her again. ?So what's the deal with the detective you said you talked to? What's his story? He a lifer, a drifter or have some righteous cause for what he does back in Rhydin at that city??

"The DeMuer guy? Supposedly he grew up in the streets of some place or another, too. If that's true he ought to better at his job than his public image suggests." Catalina chuckled. "I wasn't at all sure about hiring him after I saw a plot wing following him around as he conducted business and all those girls that hang around him. At least he caught on right away that the main reason for hiring him was to attract some assassin hiring his way and away from me. I really don't know much about him."

"Money worked just fine for the detective. Lang' a different story. He didn't even want to take money at first. It seems to be his personal mission to 'clean up the city'." She shrugged again. "Since those two are friends, maybe the detective just hides his moral motivation better."

?Hm... he seems decent enough. Maybe the look at that famous Inn is his way of not attracting too much attention. Lying low like. Lang is complicated it would seem like many in the city back there. But that's what gives us colors I suspect.?

"Look, a tree." Catalina grinned and assumed a tour guide voice. "This tree marks the half way point between the current location of the East camp and the closest watering hole. Besides making for a bit of shade this type of tree also provides a temporary escape from bones and stiffs should you ever decide to enjoy a night time stroll and find one of those wanting to introduce himself to you or convert you."

?Nice to know there's something hopeful out this far between nothing? and nothing.? Marek chuckled with a glance to the tree and a wink over.

"On the bright side, there are no poisonous slithering or crawling anythings or predatory animals out here either." Catalina smiled back. "Unless something foul fell into the spring we should be able to scare up something for dinner there."

?Oh good... one thing to look forward to.? Marek chuckled with a nod. ?Least that's one thing we might not have to worry over then.?

"Is that motivation enough for a little run?" She asked with a challenging wink.

?All right... but just a bit.? He accepted.

"Just a bit." Catalina agreed. But her internal clock kept them at that pace for the same twenty minute interval as they had jogged the previous day. When she slowed to a walk again she glanced over to Marek. "How's that head of yours?"

?It'll be fine... no worries doll face.? He caught his breath with the shift back into a walk again, offering a light smile. The landscape had changed slightly as they traveled through it, unnoticeably at first. The tufts of grass were more numerous and grew closer together here. Large grey rocks, most the size of boulders, dotted the landscape as if someone had flown them here from somewhere else and then dropped them. ?What's the living like where we're headed to? Same... better... or worse??

"That depends on what you call better or worse. It's been a few months since the area was a battle field but it's still far from livable." Catalina shook her head lightly. "You're definitely not getting to see the more beautiful areas of Dragon's Eye."

?Heh... that's all right. Maybe next time.? He winked over as he smiled and moved along taking in the sights. ?Slavery big here? Any decent trade routes??

"Some call it slavery. There is very little trade of 'stock' between the necromancers. On this side of the line there is no slavery and the word 'stock' is not applied to humanoids. There is trade between settlements, villages and towns. Some traders do little but travel from one place to the next, often for months in one direction before they turn around. But trade happens away from the battle fields." Catalina grinned over to him. "Are you considering re-locating?"

?Nope.? He smirked over at her. ?Just inquiring about the local life is all. How many factions, or nations are there fighting in these lands??

"Two factions, this one is united under King Val. The opposition is not as closely united." Catalina smiled into the distance. She had spotted silvery green on the horizon, the first sign of the vegetation by the watering hole. She raised an arm and pointed it out to Marek. "See that spot of silver up ahead? It means sweet fresh water."

?I like the sound of fresh water?? He perked with a smile as his gaze turned that way from her. ?Two factions and a world of mostly decay. Awful little to fight over. More can be accomplished together then opposed. Course I wager not everyone likes to be part of a fix, most like to do things their own way.?

"Would your corps owners drop personal greed to work with the others for the greater benefit of everyone?"

?Not all of them, no.? He nodded over to her with a smile. ?Always somebody out there that wants to be the bad guy I guess right??

"Or the guy with the most toys." She nodded in agreement. "A few saw it differently, declared their humanoid 'stock' as free equals, and set about changing things. Some even tried and preferred living in humanoid forms. There was a huge throw over, some dragons rather killed all their 'stock' then seeing them freed. But it was successful and for a few hundred years things were pretty good for everyone, a golden age. But dragons live long and have longer memories and some want their old 'glory days' back."

?I can understand that. Like a prized fighter wanting to return to fight it out another day for money and fame in the public eye.? Marek nodded a bit and gave a light shrug. ?How'd you get started on the path of courier? If you don't mind my asking.?

"I got lucky, I guess. I remember a minotaur making sure I didn't starve or stayed out at night after my mom disappeared. The court often provided shelter and food. Arak eventually became a warrior. At some point one of the courtiers gave me a piece of paper and told me who to bring it to. Over time I learned when to be where to be given more of those message deliveries to do. I had delivered a few for the king himself before I knew who he was. When I was old enough he asked if I wanted to try for a courier position. That sounded better to me than having a tassel of brats I'd likely never see grow up." Catalina shrugged. "So I accepted, they let me do some target practice and sit in at some lessons and once I could hit the target they sent me out carrying messages back and forth between the elite at court and the generals on the battle fields."

?Sounds pretty important when you put it that way.? Marek commented with a smile aside to her. ?You're trusted with valuable things to transfer, not all that different from what I've done back home really. You know somebody in every gathering, camp and out of nowhere shack in this world??

"It's more know of than know. You saw how much time I got to spend with the new general. Some manage to stay alive for long enough to get to know better over time. A few, like Rex, manage to retire. Benji was starting to think about retirement when we were in Rhydin ..." She slightly shook her head and then started to pick up the pace. "Race you the spring."

?All right?? He shifted the pack at his back and he held on to the harness as they picked up the pace a bit for, heading for the spring. His eyes moved about their surroundings as they closed the distance. The spring was surrounded by skimpy bushes and thin trunked trees with silvery-green leaves. There were even a few small yellow blooms on a grassy type plant that grew between the bushes.

Catalina didn't stop running until she was at the waters edge, scaring up a few birds along the way. She crouched down and tested the water. Obviously she found it to be fine because she then reached for her canteen and refilled it.

Marek slowed as he neared the water's edge, his eyes followed the birds a moment. Something was somewhat normal and not too dangerous. He caught his breath as looked about the area.

?There a lot of these, or scarce?? He lowered some to run a hand through the water.

"Scarce. Water doesn't usually bubble up from the ground and stay put. Brooks like we've come across yesterday there are more of." She turned her head and smiled up to him.

He nodded to her as he lifted a bit of water in a hand to test the taste. Though the bio filters in his chest would no doubt aid in purifying any issue with the water, be it mild.

?Any large, nasty animals you've got here I should know about? Besides the dragon sort I mean.? He glanced about again.

"No, the animals will be a while moving back in. If the front line doesn't shift back this way again, maybe in another year or two the smaller game and predators will come back. I've heard of larger ones roaming around somewhere ages ago, but likely the dragons ate them all those ages ago, too. For now birds and burrowing small mammals are it."

?Well, least won't have to worry about that then.? Marek used a hanky from his pocket to wet down his neck and the back as well.

"You said you had cakes?" She watched him. "Point C is about an hour's walk from here, a little less actually."

?Always good to have even a little something for a break to nibble on.? Marek reached a hand back to unzip a side pouch on his backpack and drew out a few cakes he'd taken from camp while eating, offering her several.

"Thank you." Catalina accepted the cakes with a thankful smile and started nibbling on one as she sat down. "You might as well enjoy this place for a while. It's likely the nicest spot you'll see this trip."

?I should build a summer home here at this spot.? Marek smirked over to her as he removed the pack and settled it before he sat down to work down three cakes as his eyes looked about.

"Right." Catalina grinned. "This used to be part of Vergalles, a nice settlement with fields and animals before the necromancers moved in and before the front lines crossed over it back and forth many times over."

?Why doesn't somebody start killing the necro's?? He glanced her way as he tossed a last bit of food into his mouth to chew.

"The Goldens are trying. Dragons are very difficult to kill, more so when they use magic messing with the dead. Sometimes one of them is killed or unkilled and controlled by one of their own, sometimes the Goldens succeed in eliminating one." Catalina was slower about eating and just started to nibble on the last of the cakes.

?Understandable. Little fire probably goes a long way in turning necro's to crispy critters in these parts.? He nodded, zipping up the pouch at the side of his pack. ?What did you and Seamus do the last time you'd seen him before we left?

"What a question." Catalina laughed. "We've had dinner, played with his wolf pup, talked some, cleaned dishes, and made good use of his bedroom until Lox knocked on the front door in the morning."

?Ah? so you got some sleep then?? He smirked over at her as he adjusted his pack some. ?Hey, we're out here in the middle of nowhere, might as well chit chat.?

"No, not one wink." She smirked right back. "Right. What did you do the night before we left?"

?I gave Moose over to a friend to watch while I was gone, packed up my stuff. I always pack for a trip the night right before leave. I got a little sleep and watched the sun come up.? He nodded over with a smile and then winked. ?No bed shaking for me, sorry.?

"Aww. And you missed out with Glo, too. That she offered was quite a compliment by the way. She doesn't come out of retirement for just anyone, you know." She gave him a cheeky wink.

?Maybe if we get done early and head back early to wait for Lox... I'll give her a whirl.? He cast a wink over at her with a perking smirk. ?She was all right. Flirty type.?

"A professional, the best too, if Rex is to be believed." Catalina grinned, finishing off the last cake.

?We all have our calling in life perhaps.? Marek nodded and stood, dusting off his pants.


Date: 2008-09-24 23:49 EST

"Perhaps. What do you think your calling is since you moved to Rhydin? Do you have one of those guns handy?" Catalina came to her feet. Rather then heading out though she moved with careful steps toward one of the bushes a little bit away from where they had been sitting, her eyes on the ground.

?Maybe... what's on the radar?? He gave pause when she mentioned a gun and he quietly slid a hand below his leather jacket. His eyes shifted about slowly.

"Dinner." She had found what she was looking for. She pointed to the ground a few yards away from where she now stood and very pointed stomped a booted foot a few times. A second later two brown shapes streaked from roughly the spot she had pointed at.

?You want me to shoot those things?? Drawing the Five-seveN pistol from its holster below his leather jacket, Marek slid his finger in brush of the trigger in the same moment as the weapon came upwards with lighting fast reflexes, due to the 'work' back home. Brown on brown, whatever was to be dinner would become impossible to spot once it sat still.

"Yes." Catalina kept her eyes on the fast moving rabbits.

A quick pull by Marek, tap of the trigger once... twice? a third time to ensure the second was taken out as the armor piercing rounds zipped through the air and met their marks, and the rabbits quit moving.

"Let's go see if those bullets are like arrows or not." Catalina grinned over to Marek and then headed for where she made out the blurs of brown last.

Marek picked up his bag to slip over a shoulder as moved after her, keeping the gun out for now as he glanced around at the ground.

"Hah, found one." Catalina bent to pick up the first of the rabbits by its rather short for a rabbit ears. "Five pounds and edible once cleaned and cooked." She judged. "Better find the other one, too."

?Hard to find around here, or just quick to catch?? Marek quirked brow and then nodded some with a smirk as he tucked the pistol away below his leather jacket and looked about the ground for the other.

"If you know where to find a burrow, they're easy dinner. Otherwise they could sit in circles around you and snicker and you'd never see them." Catalina grinned. "They heard us coming to their water hole and they took cover until they thought their burrow was about to cave in."

?Well, like most things, you hear something dangerous coming you scatter.? Marek lowered to grab the other up by the short ears and examined it before he tossed it her direction. ?Catch!?

"Are you saying you don't know how to prep them?" Catalina caught the roast to be with her free hand.

?You didn't hire me as a cook.? He smirked and winked over to her. ?I'm just security darlin.? He chuckled gently and sent her another wink. ?If I was going to be cooking, I would have brought my bar-b-q spice rack.?

"You may yet wish you had." She chuckled and pulled a length of cord from one of her pant pockets. The only thing she had in her pack for flavoring was a bit of salt and as far as she had seen nothing grew around here yet that could be used to supplement the meal or add flavor. Once she had the two rabbits tied together for easy carrying she glanced over to Marek again. "Well, for now, thanks for protecting me from these viscous rodents."

?Just doing my job doll.? He gave her a smirk as he moved after her with his pack.

"Right. Ready to move on? I'd love to study the layout before dark. Makes for less stumbling about later."

?Sure thing...? Marek slid his pack over his shoulders and adjusted, following her lead with a glance about. ?Not sure being out at night is good...?

"It's not. So, what's that stuff you can't change just yet that had you so depressed a few nights back?" She asked curiously once they headed east again.

?Just life. It has a way of giving you grief when you don't need it ya know?? He parked a smirk aside to her. ?If it's not one thing it's another I swear.?

"What grief has it given you?" She looked over to him.

?Name it... I've probably had something close to it. Love found, then lost. Happiness found, then lost. Good times that never last. Unhappily ending stories. I've learned you shouldn't get too comfortable with life, it's bound to change and if it can for the worse then it just might do that on ya.? He finished with a nod.

"But you had all of them for a time. That's a good thing, isn't it? You also said you could change some things eventually. What did you mean by that?"

?Not sure at times... someday I feel like getting stuff done that needs to? other days? don't feel like it's worth getting out of bed for ya know??

"No, not really. I always thought it best to enjoy living while alive." She shook her head slightly as she thought about those weeks or months were she didn?t even bother finding a bed. "Not so much so when Benji disappeared. I was being pretty stupid there for a while, I think."

?Don't we all do something stupid at least once in life?? He nodded over as he moved with her. ?Had people disappear in my life, too. Some to find again, others, not to know where life took them.?

"Mhm, too much whiskey and taking too many risks, not a good combination.? She definitely harbored a death wish there for a while. ?What did happiness look like for you?"

?Wife and children.? Marek replied with a light nod of his head as they walked. ?How far is it to the next spot on our list to visit did you say??

"You've been married and have children?" That definitely surprised her. Marek did not strike her at all like a family man. But then, how would she know? It wasn?t like she knew any of the type. "Not so far, feel like running?" She certainly felt like running still every time Benji came up in a conversation.

?I was...? He adjusted his pack some on his back. ?Sure... bit of a sprint for a bit would be good.?

"You set the pace this time then." She nodded over to him. There was one thing Dragon's Eye and the courier job had going for it, lots of room to run.

Marek nodded aside to her and started off slow to get into a rhythm as his eyes kept watch about them and ahead for the venture. Catalina kept pace, and since he stuck with heading East even let him stay a few steps ahead of her.

?You really? need to invest in some horses or something... He chuckled some as they slowed down again, glancing back at her and then about toward the horizon.

"Why?" She slowed down when he did, and then once again walked next to him. They should stumble upon what was left of Vergalles any moment now. But something bothered her and settled as a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. "I do not like riding, horses are exceptionally stupid, they need a ton of food and enormous amounts of water, with a rider they make one a bigger and easier to spot at a distance target, they really aren't that much faster than me, and when they're spooked they run off, possibly with something you've desperate need of to deal with whatever made them run."

?Camel?? He gave a smirk aside to her as he caught his breath. ?We'll have to work on your Golden friend carrying a bike next time.?

"Right, what does a bike 'eat'?" Logistics could be a pain. There should be more green here, she thought.

?Nothing...? He grinned. ?Machine that you ride upon. Like a wagon... but smaller and faster.?

"So you're not talking about the roaring ones some leave outside the red dragon where others leave their horses? What makes them faster? A wagon without someone or something to pull it just stands around, you know." She grinned back.

?They're fast. I'll show you sometime.? He nodded and smirked a bit to her. ?Say... speaking about roaring ones and faster... how about on our way back to that shack we started at... you put in a good word for me with Glo and I'll call that payment??

"Payment for what?" Catalina grinned.

?Uh huh...? He chuckled.

"Seriously, you probably don't need anyone putting in a good word for you with Glo, and I don't mind at all." Catalina grinned over. Suddenly Catalina stopped and looked down, moving a foot. Marek chuckled with a nod of his head, then gave pause and looked down as well.


"We're here, more or less. That's a brick, and where there is one there should be others." Then she lifted her gaze and scanned the ground them, taking several steps one way and then another.

"Tada. A fire place." She called out a moment after she moved around one of the boulders that still littered the landscape. Marek glanced about, moving with her slowly, careful in their movements.

?Here eh?? What she called a fire place looked actually very little like one. Though the bricks or shards of them that were still left and visible above the dirt roughly described the outline of what may have been the hearth of a house ages ago.

"Yes. This is where I'll search and we'll spend the night." It was the most likely place to still find anything. But here, too, grass should have grown by now. Its absence worried her. She nodded over to a small group of more dead than alive looking trees. "Those should provide some firewood. Does getting wood fall in with security detail?"

?I could do that...? He gave her a smirk as he moved off to gather up the fire wood. His gaze swept over their surroundings as he moved. Boulders stood around aplenty, grass was sparse, and disappointingly little of the ?ruins? were visible above ground.

Catalina was excited and now that they were here and wanted to do nothing more than to start poking around. But setting up camp had to come first. She decided on a spot a decent distance away from the ancient hearth.

"You could leave your pack here. And if you don't need me along to find your way there and back I can have dinner ready to put on a stick by the time we've a fire going." She slipped the pack from her back and settled it to the ground where she stood, setting the two rabbits next to it. Marek settled his pack down with a nod and wink.

?This'll take a few minutes? nothing longer trust me.? A grin perked his lips as he moved for the trees.

"No hurry." Catalina grinned after him as she sat down and pulled a knife from her boot. Then she concentrated on dressing the rabbits.

Marek moved off toward the indicated trees. He closed his left hand into a fist and slipped it out at his side as three retractable handblades shot out in a curving arch from the back of his hand. With a sweep of his hand the blades sliced through the slender, sickly and partially charred looking trees knocking them to the ground one by one, then slicing and dicing them up into stackable short logs.

By the time Marek returned with firewood and a couple of green sticks to pit the rabbit roasts on Catalina had them skinned and cleaned, lightly salted, and ready to go.

Marek handed the sticks to Catalina before he set to starting a fire, Taking a fire kit from his pack and stacking a few logs. He struck up a match and dripped a bit of fluid onto the logs? before a flame flickered and came to life.

"Great job! And so fast, too." Catalina chuckled, still working the second of the rabbits onto a stick. "Almost as fast as a Golden. Thank you."

Catalina then threw the none edible rabbit parts into the fire and waited for the flames to settle down a little before she propped the rabbits over the fire. Marek nodded as he lowered down to rest a moment, his eyes moving about and then back at the flames as they flickered with the inedible rabbit pieces.

?Just like camping.? He smirked.

"Right, just like camping, with really lively ghost stories after dark." Catalina chuckled, but she was more than a little worried about those 'lively ghost stories' and there was no mirth in her laughter. "There's not as much grass around as there should be."

?Maybe another group marched through this way and tore up the ground a bit. Lot of foot traffic does that.? Marek offered an explanation.

"That is possible." She looked around some more from where she was sitting, trying to understand what the appearance of the land around them was trying to tell her. At least the boulders were still numerous. A legion moving through would have upset the new grass around the spring as well, though. Then she looked over to Marek again. "Do you have another story to tell while we wait for the food to cook or would you rather use the time for a nap? It'll be at least an hour before enough of it is cooked to slice off for eating."

?Well... what type of story do you want to hear?? He shifted down some to lay on the ground and prop himself up against his large pack. ?I don't have any real romance stories to tell... but I might be able to remember a few stories of other varieties.?

"I like those with something to make one laugh in them, but any you'd like to share will do." She smiled over to him and away from the area she wanted to search.

?Hmm... well, not too sure what might be fun to laugh at but I'm sure can think of something to tell.? He shifted against the large pack as he got comfortable somewhat while he thought. ?On a run? err, mission, one time I shot an orc in a shoot out we had against his group. He ended up losing the arm due to the wound and loss of blood. Three years later, my team met up with his again on opposite sides of the objective. He ended up losing his other hand. He sells cars now I think...?

"Unlucky fellow. Amazing though that he keeps bouncing back." She pondered the story for a moment as she checked on the roasting meat and poked at the fire, adding a couple of smaller logs. "Not a funny story, unless I'm missing something."

?No... Not too funny, except for the fact that apparently running the shadows wasn't the best choice of job for him. And he should of quite when he was ahead... with one hand at least.? Marek glanced over to her.

"Perhaps he didn't think that he could. Something I've been meaning to ask but never had the opportunity..." Her gaze lowered from his face to his hands. "How did you end up with those blades in your hands? I trust you weren't born with them."

?Nope... where I come from... people can get 'upgrades' to their bodies. Quicker reflexes when need them. Better hearing if you want it. Better eyes. Replaced organs and hidden... weapons.? He smirked over at her and rubbed his hands together for a moment.

"Hmm...So you just went 'shopping' for them?" Then she chuckled. "And here I thought Glo's girls were crazy about to what lengths they go to look different. Are those 'toys' a kind of status symbol?"

?Not exactly...? He lifted his right hand from his lap, the three handblades sprung forth from the back of his hand in soft arch forward. ?There're different levels, grades. These for example, are rated at severing bone. One of the highest ratings for handblades. I could slice through a door or a person in a few seconds. I've also undergone a procedure years ago for something called 'bone lacing' where cellular structure of one's bones are augmented with reinforcing plastics and metals to improve the bone's integrity and tensile strength. Lacing makes the bones almost unbreakable by conventional standards, but given a bad blow they could still break with enough force. I've got the highest grade... titanium.?

"Interesting... I get the handblades, they sound ever so useful. But the bones... do broken bones happen a lot in your line of work?" She studied the blades now that she was given a chance to look at them for more than a second or two. "Does pulling them out and retracting them cause pain to you?"

?Yeah? injury is quite common back where I come from.? He glanced to her and then the blades with a turn of his hand in the fire light. ?Every time.?

"Sorry. They're oddly beautiful, though... kind of like nature should have thought of it. May I?" She reached out to touch a knuckle, where the blades seemed to 'grow' out of.

?Yeah... just be careful of the underside? quite sharp.? He gave a light nod over as he slid his hand out. ?I've also got a few filtration system replacements. Like a replacement trachea. So smoke and gases don't bother me while on a run? err, mission. So basically, I can smoke them cigars of mine for years and not worry about any effect. I've also got a replacement kidney filter system. To help remove foreign agents from my bloodstream.?

"Nifty." She made a thorough study of his hand. "Do those upgrades have downsides, too?"

?Sometimes... but you don't think about it. When you work in the shadows doing things you just keep your mind focused on living until the next dawn.? He cast a wink over at her, the three handblades suddenly retracted back into his hand.

"Thank you." Catalina let go of Marek's hand after she had watched the blades retract, his hand once again looking like the blades didn't exist, and then smiled up to him. "For satisfying my curiosity and for trusting me with all those secrets."

She turned toward the fire again and turned another side of the roasting meat into the heat before she stoked the coals and added another piece of wood.

?Everyone needs a friend or two where they travel.? He shifted against his pack on the ground. ?What does Seamus do for fun? Besides make furniture and make you smile that is.?

"He bought that house and is gradually turning the land around it into a ranch. That should keep him busy for a while. And he got a wolf pup to keep him distracted so he doesn't just do manual labor. He can cook, too." Just talking about Seamus made her smile. "Do you know anything about werewolves?"

?Actually, I do.? A smile perked his lips. ?I've met a few people since arrived in Rhydin... one was a guy that has a wife and several kids he said. Spacer type. Owns a company called Zodiac Enterprises. I guess he's some werewolf high class or matured species.? He gave a light shrug of his shoulders, trying to remember the conversation they'd had.

?Seems a nice guy. Has good taste I think... I liked his boots. Made out of alligator.? Marek perked a smirk.

"Are his kids werewolves too?" She had to chuckle at the comment about the boots.

?Some... he's married to a weretiger species. She sounds like quite the looker in human form.? Marek chuckled. ?I guess some of children can shift to wolf, others to tiger form. Sounds like an interesting family. There're all types to meet back in Rhydin in that city and about and about its walls. You and Seamus gonna live together in that ranch house when he's done??

"Maybe. He hasn't asked." She gave a little shrug and checked on the roasting meet again. "Probably for the best. This mess here is far from solved and the way it is I couldn't retire and do that anyway."

?Never know... worlds are weird places to find things. Hard to say what might happen tomorrow or the following week.?

"True. I guess we could check what's edible now and then go see if we can find something now." She reached the knife from her boot again and started to slice pieces off the first of the two roasts.

?Gonna be a quiet night you think about here?? Marek asked with a light nod as he adjusted against the large pack behind him.

"No, it will not be quiet." She handed over a handful of slices and then moved to the second roast to slice off what was cooked now. "Do you believe in sleeping in shifts?"

?Sure... we can sleep in shifts?? Marek nodded over at her as he tested a piece in his mouth of the meat. ?You pick, first or second...?

"First for staying awake." She grinned and started nibbling on the meat. The question had been meant as a joke. Perhaps next time, if there?d be a next time, he?d laugh should she ask again.

?All right?? Marek nibbled on the meat and worked it down as he kept a watch about them with a slow roaming gaze over the landscape. ?How far to the next point on our list of lovely places to visit??

"After here, unless we find a good reason to squeeze in another short trip, we head back." Catalina glanced up and at the sun before she looked to Marek again. "We should have enough light left to let the meat cook some more and poke around a bit. Once it gets dark you'll want to be comfortable on one of the boulders a good bit away from the fire."

?I understand? went on a retreat of sorts to a place back home out in the wilderness with a decent amount of predators about. We stayed up high to be out of their reach.? He nodded.

"Tonight's trouble will come from the ground, attracted by warmth. The bones and the stiffs will go to the fire first. The wings catch on faster." Catalina picked up a narrow piece of wood that has not made it into the fire yet as she nibbled on another piece of meet and got to her feet.


Date: 2008-09-25 11:55 EST

She didn't go far before she started to brush at the dirt with the piece of wood, using it sometimes like a brush, others as a little shuffle, baring bricks or pieces of it for the most part. Not knowing what she was looking for, she looked at everything.

Marek nodded some as he stood and stretched a bit, his gaze moved about them before he undid his pack and worked out a slender P90 submachine gun. He checked the 50 round magazine and then moved his pack from the ground once he had closed again and settled it up on a rock for now. Then he scouted out a good spot to sit on another one.

Catalina made good use of what daylight was left. Whenever she came across anything remotely interesting or out of place she dusted it off and put it into one of her pockets. From time to time she stood up straight and glanced over to Marek.

Marek climbed onto a decently sized large rock that was easy enough on the top side for some comfort in sitting upon. With a light roll of his head to stretch a few tight neck muscles he settled the submachine gun in his lap and then looked about again. Catalina smiled over to him at seeing him so vigilant and then returned to poking at the ground. For now she'd content herself with picking up things. She'd analyze what she'd picked up in the morning. When the sun climbed lower she returned to the fire.

She removed the meat and, leaving it on the sticks, set it up on top of a bolder. Then she added another piece of the wood to the fire to keep it going.

"You can sleep sitting up?" She called over to Marek as she pulled her canteen from her pack and slipped its strap over her head and an arm. She made sure she had plenty of those bullet pouches on her for re-loading the gun before she closed her pack and carried a good distance away from the fire and then lifted it atop a bolder.

?Was just watching things, before you got comfy.? A smirk perked his lips as he nodded over at her and then lowered his form down, He crossed his legs at the ankle as settled the submachine gun at his side with an arm over it, though keeping his hand away from the trigger, no accidents.

"I'm almost ready for the sun to go down." She chuckled over to Marek. When she returned to the fire, counting steps as she went, she set the spare bits of wood in strategic locations all around, memorizing the location of each stick as well as possible. At last she was satisfied she'd done all she possibly could in preparation to survive the night and she climbed on one of the lower boulders not too far from the fire.

?Yeah... typical woman... always takes a bit more time.? He teased with a chuckle as he slid an arm under his head.

"Because the man is sitting in his comfy chair, not lifting a finger." She grinned back cheekily.

?So he can watch the pretty woman at work.? Marek chuckled and gave a gentle shake of his head before he rested it to his arm again. Catalina sat on the bolder ready to jump off it when need be and pulled the pretty gun from its holster just as the sun sent its last rays over the horizon. It was dark when she removed the safety a moment later.

"Sleep well, Marek." She called over, grinning to herself. He?d get little enough sleep this night, she knew.

?Always...? He smirked as his eyes closed and his breathing slowed to calm him a tad. Then he worked on clearing his mind from thought to allow some sleep. Luckily for her he didn't snore, something he learned how not to do long ago so it wouldn't cause trouble during a 'run' back home.

Catalina slightly shook her head. Marek sounded like he was really going to sleep. Then she listened into the darkness, hoping for a cloudless sky with lots of stars to show up before the undead came up.

She nearly had talked herself into believing Marek had been right after all and nothing more than warriors walking had kept grass from growing when she heard the first sounds of dirt and rock shifting. The sounds did not just issue from near the fire where she could have seen what she would be shooting at. Without enough starlight to see by, aiming by sound would have to do. That worked pretty well with arrows.

She pulled the trigger, twice. The noise was a bit much and it took her ears a while to adjust again.

Marek?s eyes slid open and he glanced over at the gun shot, seeing nothing much. His gaze moved toward the ground then with similar results.

"Yuck." Catalina's mutter was immediately followed by a couple of dull thuds and after another moment another shot. "The fire's over there, idiot."

Something had made a grab for her and she had struck at it with the gun, and obviously hit it. Shooting straight down shouldn't have missed whatever it was. A moment the smell of rotting meat told her it had been a stiff.

?What a lovely smell, you've found tonight.? Marek shifted on his rock a bit and shook his head with a glance about. There was movement in the dark, and even though the sounds were barely audible, the movement could be heard more easily than seen.

?Should have brought a napalm bomb?? Marek muttered under his breath as he shifted again on the rock, not too comfortable now, and adjusted the position of the submachine gun near him. A shape moved in front of the fire as Catalina's gun rang out again... That shape however kept moving, now away from the fire and toward the direction of the shot fired.

Catalina had aimed at a movement much closer to her and when that had stopped she slid off her bolder. Apparently these things had encountered this strategy before. She'd grab one of the sticks and use it like a torch for a bit, or that was her intention.

She was already reaching for one of the sticks she had laid out earlier when she picked up on the movement coming toward her. She pulled up the gun and fired.

?You might want to find higher ground...? Marek sat up on his vantage point, took up the submachine gun and scouted the ground around her lit by the fire light.

"Right. You're supposed to sleep." She muttered and shoved the stick into the fire. She bent to pick up a partially burned one and tossed as far as she could into the direction of Marek's rock, certain that he'd not sleep once he could see besides hear what was going on round him.

?You're too noisy for me to sleep.? With the light of the flicker of flame, he targeted the movement on the ground, using his vantage point to its best advantage. A shot rang out at the ground on the left and then over toward the right. A spray of rounds followed as he pulled the trigger all the way back on the weapon, enabling full auto. He cut several creatures in half. ?Don't they know I'm supposed to be sleeping??

Catalina found another such partially burned stick and tossed it over to where she had been poking around earlier. With a soft gasp at the amount of hands reaching out from the ground there she aimed her gun there and, continuing the count to herself, fired successive rounds. She stopped at the count of thirteen.

"I'm sure they were counting on both of us sleeping." Then she grabbed the stick she had shoved into the fire, and taking it with her sprinted toward the low bolder she had sat on earlier. That one she knew she could get on with two full hands.

Marek sent quick measured sprays of fire from the submachine gun that would cover her movement for the rock, knocking down several moving forms in the dim lighting.

"They're stealing my stuff!" She set the burning stick at her feet and pulled a pouch from her jacket, opening it with her teeth. Then she fired off the last two rounds toward the creature crawling out of the circle of light of the second brand she tossed. There would be no point searching the area again in the morning.

"This many are not normal" She counted fifteen bullets into the gun before she tucked the pouch away again. Now she knew why there had been so little grass. These things were likely looking for the same thing she was. At least that was prove she was on the right track.

Marek cut down several more forms as they moved near the flickering of flames she'd tossed about, slicing them in half with the high powered combo of the weapon and the ammunition it took. They all looked eerily like the warriors he had seen at the camp, brutish and wearing the same assortment of armor, even the same type of weaponry.

Catalina looked up then, searching the air for what gave the stiffs direction and, she hoped, was out in the open. She didn't see it until it was directly overhead, blocking the faint glitter of stars. She got off two shots at it before the black shape knocked her off the bolder with a high pitched scream.

"Wing." She called out in warning to Marek as she hit the ground.

The weapon turned in Marek?s hands and along with the focusing of his gaze he sent a burst of fire after the would-be flyer.

Marek reached a hand to his pack on the rock, slid the empty magazine free from the submachine gun and inserted the fresh one before his eyes searched about for a form. The wing had an intelligence the stiffs didn't. It dove for cover and snuck from there toward Catey, keeping out of the light from the fire and the fire brands. Marek was watchful of any movement below on the ground. The weapon in his hands moved with his eyes for any sign of motion other then Catey.

Catey didn?t move, though. Then the dark shape bent over her, clawed and emaciated hands reaching.


Date: 2008-09-26 11:48 EST
Change of Schedule

Catalina lay where she had fallen, unable to move. The wind had been knocked out of her quite thoroughly and her lungs burned. The wing leaned over her then and ? reached into her pockets? She held her breath on purpose now, ignoring the burning need for air. Some part of her was surprised that the wing had not bitten her yet. By everything she?d witnessed of a wing attack and knew of them, she should have been dead by now.

Her fingers searched the ground for the gun. It had not dropped close to her. Wrapping her hand around the grip she found the trigger she brought up the barrel a few inches and hoping for the best fired a couple of quick shots.

Marek turned his gun toward the sound of gunfire and, aiming high to keep from hitting Catey, he fired off a quick spray of four rounds. An "Umph" from Catey followed the piercing scream from the creature. Then Catey shoved off the for now unmoving creature. Getting its hand out of her pocket was a bit more complicated to judge by her muttering.

?Ugly... nasty... need to die...? Marek shifted on the rock. With several bursts of fire from the weapon in his hands, he cut down several nasty looking things that moved about near the flame.

Catalina, having dislodged that hand from her pocket, worked to pry that hand open, careful not to cut herself on those claws. Whatever it was that thing wanted of the shards she had picked up earlier, had to be important and she wasn?t about to let that thing have it.

"Oh no, you're not." She interrupted trying to get to the shard the thing was holding on to so tightly when it moved again. She took up the gun again and fired two more rounds into it.

Marek cut down movement, before giving pause and looking about from his point upon the giant rock. His gaze slowly swept the area as his ears listened. With the wing currently incapacitated the rotten corpses were slow to catch on and it took a while for each that was still moving around to make up its mind which source of heat to go for.

"We're leaving here as soon as have its hand open." Catalina called over to Marek. It was too dangerous to stay now. Wings were controlled directly if they were controlled. There was no point in waiting for a necromancer to show up or to see what else he might come up with. Anyway, there would be no sense in searching the area some more in daylight now.

Marek took up his pack and slid it upon his shoulders and, securing it, worked his way down from his point and to the ground.

?Ready to part this lovely setting for another?? He cut down several moving things near the flames to his left and right.

"Almost." Catalina pried a second finger of the tight fist of the wing open. It had taken some doing, but finally she had freed a shard of something and a bit of string from the wing's hand. She shoved both into an inside jacket pocket and picked up her gun as she got to her feet. Then she sprinted over to where she had stowed her pack.

?How about we find a quieter place to lie to rest hm?? A spray of bullets from his gun cut down a few movements to the side to keep those creatures from reaching Catey.

"Daylight would be good.? Catalina pulled the pack from the boulder and quickly settled it to her back, shifting the gun from hand to the other in the process, even as she turned back toward Marek ?The spring may just be far enough away to await daylight there."

?Lead the way?? He kept his weapon posed in his hands as he kept watch of the now previous camp site as he moved to meet up with her.

"I suggest double time for a bit." Catalina pulled up next to him. "Makes it more difficult for the ground to catch your ankles, too."

?Oh fun...? Marek picked up their retreating pace some, though the weapon in hand was held quite close and ready to use as they moved off. Catey kept her gun out, too, and held it aimed five or six steps ahead of her.

"Did that feel like an ambush to you?" She asked once she slowed to a walk. "Were they stupider than usual because of the noise or because of the controlling mage being relatively far away or not so well practiced?"

?Not sure, not my normal encounter in the shadows when I work.? Marek reminded her that this was first trip to Dragon?s Eye. ?Anybody seeking what you're looking for here in this barren landscape also? You have a competitor??

"The missing grass could be explained by creatures coming from the ground at night, poking around like I did. There was only one wing. He didn't even try to bite me. So he was controlled and the mage didn't think of biting or turning." She shook her head and then glanced over to Marek, her voice holding concern. "Did you get any scratches?"

?No... They didn't get too close. So nobody else is looking for the answers you are?? He glanced over at her and then ahead as they moved. ?They seemed persistent in looking about.?

"Something doesn't quite add up." Catalina shook her head. "Yes, they were that and the wing didn't show until quite a bit later. Pick pocketed by a wing, that should sound odd even in Rhydin."

?It does.? He nodded aside to her as they moved along. ?This world of yours has so many lovely things in it. I'm surprised more don't make homes here.?

"Right." She chuckled at his evaluation, but remained alert and nervous. Daytime was still many hours away and her eyes started to hurt with the strain of trying to pierce the night to catch any movements. "Well, at least nothing tried to pull you under yet. Go for another run?"

?Good for that... yeah... why not?? He adjusted the weapon in hand and the pack on his back. ?I'm gonna need a few weeks off when get back... I'll be too fit.?

"There is such a thing as too fit?" She chuckled and then picked up the pace again.

?For some of us? yeah...? He chuckled as he shook his head and proceeded on in the night. For a while they ran quietly. Until Catey reached over to grab Marek's arm and she halted her steps.

"Bones." She nodded ahead into the darkness. Different shapes and sizes of not quite white weak lights seemed to be dancing in the distance. They weren't lights though, only bits of starlight reflected by whitish bone. And they were just between them and the spring. "Are the guns good with them, or do we better find a way around?"

?Perhaps be best to find a way around and spend less time fighting them? Up to you though... how many are there usually??

"Five, ten, hard to tell." She shrugged and changed direction slightly. "Around it is."

Marek nodded to her and moved with her lead, the submachine gun kept close and at the ready as his gaze moved over the landscape in the darkness. The rest of their night time traveling passed without further surprises and even with the detour they took they made it to the spring way before daylight.


Date: 2008-09-27 12:32 EST

?Lovely night life you have here... should really consider making some walls or burning.? Marek smirked as he shook his head and looked about. Burning, of course, had been used by the dragons and still was being used, though here by the spring there was little evidence of that.

"Floors are kind of important, too." Catalina approached the spring area carefully.

?True... make it concrete or hard stone.? Marek chuckled.

"Wood's usually enough, but I like your idea better." She grinned to Marek and then looked to the water. "They don't like getting soaked either."

?That's something that's the same in our worlds at least.? Marek nodded to the water. ?Too bad there?s no river to take us along the path we need to go.?

"Not out this way." She stepped up to the spring and with a cupped hand first tested the water and then drank several hand fulls.

?I expect not many travel at night given the trouble about yeah?? Marek moved forward, and with an adjustment of the weapon in hand and a glance about he lowered near the water.

"It's really to be avoided. People try not to get caught out after dark." She came back to her feet.

?Yeah, so I've seen. A lovely place. Though I spect someone could make a lot of money here or do good trade for services of security in taking people safely from one place to another.? Marek nodded to her as stood and glanced around.

"But why would one want to? There must be thousands of easier ways to make a living." She grinned over to Marek and then scanned their surroundings again and gave a glance up and the stars that still twinkled here and there through cloud cover. Daybreak was still to far away for comfort.

?True... but just like some are stuck here, must be some somewhere that would be willing to set up a profitable system here.? He gave a shrug as he looked about, noting the sky above and then gazing out over the pool of water.

"Perhaps when the war is over." Catalina picked a spot to drop her pack, holstering the gun before she dropped the pack.

?Maybe. In the meantime this place could use something against the gloom.? Marek slid his large pack from his shoulders one by one and slowly settled it down.

"Like what? Orange and yellow streamers? Did you per chance pack any?" She grinned over to Marek.

?No... But next time maybe bring some balloons with us.? He chuckled and then smirked over to her.

"That's a marvelous idea." She laughed. Then she bent to her back, loosened the sleeping roll and dug into the pack. When she stood up again she held that bottle from Rex's Shack in her hand. As soon as daylight broke she planned on having a few drinks from it.

?What's that?? Marek glanced over at the bottle as he stretched his arms a bit and glanced over the pool of water and then back her direction.

"Medicine." She offered the still nearly full bottle and grinned over to Marek, concentrating on keeping her hand steady. Liquid courage, pain killer, sleep aid, disinfectant? distilled spirits had many uses. "Need some?"

?I'm good... I don't take much med wise. Keep my wits about me... sometimes that stuff makes you funny.? He smirked.

"Sometimes. I mean to get some sleep once the sun is up." That wing had come way too close. She set the bottle next to her pack before she glanced up again. The stars were finally winking out. Then she grabbed up the bed roll and picked a spot that would be shaded during the first half of the day to roll it out.

Marek nodded over at her, settling down by his pack and leaning back against it while eyes moved over their surroundings. ?Here comes the sun? quiet from the undead for a bit.? Marek nodded over to her as she returned to her pack.

"I'll make you run more later." She grinned over to him as she unbuckled the gun belt. She settled the gun next to her pack and grabbed up the bottle. "At least this way you should get back to Glo that much earlier."

?I'm sure she'll be happy to see me.? Marek chuckled and leaned back against his pack so he could prop his head on it some. ?Give her a whirl before I head back to that other crazy and wild world we came from.?

"Sweet dreams." Catalina chuckled as the first rays from the sun battled the darkness of the night. She moved over to her bedroll and she sat down before she uncorked the bottle.

?Yeah... if that's at all possibly around these parts.? Marek chuckled.

"Now it is. The sun'll keep watch and it won?t make any noise either." Catalina quietly toasted the sun that finally had decided to come up and then had a healthy drink from the bottle, followed by a second and a third before she corked it up good again and set it aside.

?Glad for that at least? heh... I should have brought my sunglasses...? Marek took out a clean hanky and folded it a few times before he placed it over his closing eyes.

Catalina settled back and closed her eyes. She concentrated on the warmth of the spirit in her tummy to avoid thinking of anything that would keep her from sleep.

By the time she woke up again the sun shone into her face. Perhaps they should be heading out. As it was they'd never make it all the way to camp before nightfall. Looking over her finds from the previous evening would have to wait a little longer. She glanced over to Marek as she sat up.

?Don't tell me... you want to press on, right?? The hanky was still draped over his closed eyes. He had heard he heard her shifting over there, though, and gave a sigh. ?Good place to fetch a tan.?

"Did you sleep at all?" She stood up and stretched.

?A little...? Marek reached to take the clean hanky from his face and to tuck it back into his pocket with a couple more folds to it. He sat up and then moved to stand with a stretch of his arms and legs.

"Good." She packed up everything quickly and gave that clear pool of water a longing glance. Had she been traveling alone, if one ignored that she'd likely not be in any shape to do so if she had, she'd be taking a dip. She?d live with the travel dust a bit longer.

"Ready." She announced once gun and pack where on her person again.

Marek reached for his pack and lifted it up to settle it to his shoulders before he picked up the submachine gun with a glance about.

?Something on your mind?? He glanced at her and then the water she gazed at.

"Mhm, a bath. Seamus has one that bubbles." She shook her head then and grinned. "We better head out. Good job last night, by the way."

?Take one quick if you want one. I don't know this world, so can't say when you see the next one.? Marek nodded and smiled over to her. ?I've experienced worse then last night... where those you shoot at shoot back, is a bit harder.?

"You're sure? It'll mean another half hour or so traveling after dark." His offer was really tempting.

?Means I can rest my limbs for another half hour.? He smirked over to her. ?Go ahead.? He slipped his pack from his shoulders and settled it on the ground then lowered to sit and lean against it.

"Thanks" She moved away for a bit of privacy to take off the pack and gun again, and then the boots, socks, and leathers. She pulled clean fresh clothes out to wear under the leathers later before she headed for the pool.

Marek sent a nod after her and then settled against his pack again. His eyes moved about to take in the landscape for a moment before he took a deep breath of fresh air.

Catalina slipped into the water with a soft sigh. For the next little while she simply enjoyed the water and the disappearing of itchy traveling dust. Marek didn?t gaze over toward the water, what a gentleman, well? for the most part, maybe a glance or two. He was watchful of the surrounding land or lack there off in the landscape, idly making some notes.

Very aware of time passing now would have to be paid for later in one way or another, Catalina climbed out as soon as she felt reasonably clean and once back by her things quickly exchanged wet clothes for dry and clean ones and was dressed and ready to go before the half hour was up.

?Had fun?? Marek cast a glance over her way as he stood and lifted his pack to his back once more and secured the straps. He picked up the submachine gun next and checked it before he gazed back her way with a smirk. ?I got fifteen minutes of sleep.?

"Very much so, thank you." She cast an air-kiss his way as she thrust a candy bar his way, glad that she had thought to stuff a few into her pack. There'd be no more real food until they made it to the East camp. "I'll make sure to suggest to Glo she'll give you a bath. With all that rest you should feel up to running a bit."

?Sounds good to me?? He took the offered bar with a perking smirk. ?Ah, something recognizable? Shall we??

"We shall." Catalina smiled over to him before settling into the faster pace. For the rest of today she'd insist as much as possible on regular jogging intervals.


Date: 2008-09-28 13:14 EST
Evening Stroll

Despite the grueling tempo she set, nightfall caught Catalina and Marek while they were still a distance away from East camp. Marek kept up decently as he moved along with the large pack on his back and the weapon in hand, just in case. They both kept watch of the area they traveled through and anything it might give birth to along their route.

"Sleeping for two weeks as you mentioned earlier is starting to sound like just the thing." Catalina grinned as they had to slow down again. "The closer we get to camp, though, the more likely that any creatures coming up will be attracted to there."

?Noise and gathering of many... usual yeah. Should bring a torch next time in town.? A smirk perked his lips and he had to chuckle at the thought of burning what was left of this land, or the creatures of the night that inhabit it.

"Do you have another story?" Catalina asked, her gaze on the ground ahead.

?What type of story you looking to hear?? Marek glanced from ahead over at her with a quirking brow.

"Anything really you feel up to telling." She reached for canteen and had a few drinks of water.

?Hm... not sure what to tell.? He shifted his head slightly, considering. ?What do the people here do for fun? Besides letting out their hunger in a bed? I mean? anything to keep the locals that live here happy in this landscape??

"In town you mean? I really only know the one town with Val's palace in it. There are other, smaller ones. They have nice places there, like any town I guess, places to eat and drink, plays to see, music to hear, dances to go to, places for shopping or trade, Court has to offer entertainments." She shrugged.

?Guards or soldiers protect them then from the undesirables walking around outside their little town??

"The structures themselves offer protection, there are some guards, and there are mages and dragons and healers. The so called night live as entertainment goes is limited. People just don't go out at night if they don't absolutely have to. Out here the unliving for the most part are recently so. The warriors do get most of them to put to rest. The few that make it to town are not so recently unliving, mostly wings. But it's enough for one person to disappear in a month for no one to want to risk going out at all." She glanced over to Marek to maybe see if he followed her lengthy explanation, but the star light was not enough to see the finer facial expressions.

?Makes senses I spose given the planet and all. Must be a decent population about. With people staying in doors at night and ya know?? He chuckled over to her with a nod as they moved along.

"A lot of children without fathers, that's for sure, and very few old - uhgmpf." Catalina felt herself falling and reached for her knife even as she fell. By the time she sat on the ground her hand curled around the hilt.

?What?? Marek paused as she stumbled, glancing over and down, and caught sight of her knife. A pale hand attached to a muscled arm had her ankle in a vice like grip. She was already stabbing and slicing at it as well as at the second that tried to reach up from the ground.

?They're out again... oh lovely.? Her tactic and speedy handling of her blade seemed to do the job.

"Let's hope it's just the one." She got to her feet again and a few steps away once she got loose before she bent to wipe the blade on the dirt. Then she put the blade away again.

?That can't be good, can it?? Marek nodded ahead to the horizon with a quirking brow as they proceeded after the ankle grabber was behind them. Fire streaked down from somewhere low in the sky to the ground beyond the horizon. It was definitely not lightening. ?Should I be concerned or just walk like nothing?s going on up there??

"Hmm?" When Catalina looked to where he was pointing there was nothing to see.

?Fire from the sky... dragon friend of yours or just trouble? We're heading that way... right? Or near it?? He cocked his head to the side as she watched ahead.

"I guess we'll find out. Maybe they got some help, maybe they're in trouble. If it's trouble it should repeat a few times in short succession. If it's help it should be with long intervals." If it was trouble, their night would be much longer, of course. They?d have to find a way around camp and trouble and head for the shack. She had to wait quite a bit though to see another bit of fire steak down. The camp had some help then, she decided.

They witnessed fire streaking to the ground twice more as they neared the camp. Sounds of fighting came mostly from the far edge. But they did not meet any more of the undead along the way. Marek shifted the pack on his back, keeping an eye out for the unwanted and the flames from the sky as they drew near the camp.

?Hail camp.? Catalina called out once they were close enough to be heard as well as seen. The warriors by the fires on this side of camp currently were watchful but not engaged. A few called back greetings.

?Busy night looks like.? Marek commented with a light roll of his head to work the muscles in his neck some.

"Ye got that right on." One of the warriors offered. "Catey. Ye might want to stay at the command tent 'till mornin'"

"Thanks Charly." Catalina nodded over to Marek before she turned to the warrior again. "Marek, Charles. Who's the one spitting fire?"

"That be Xey. She flew in this afternoon. Been a busy girl." Charly nodded over to Marek.

?So we've seen. Quite busy it would appear. Hell fire from above.? Marek nodded over to the warrior named Charly, a tall man that appeared slightly less rough than his comrades.

"More of a blessin' from above. Had hell over for a visit last week." Charles nodded to Catey again as a few of his comrades drew up bows. "Ye better git goin'."

"Already gone. Good luck." Catalina reached for Marek's arm, not bothering to glance behind to see what the warriors were aiming at, and walked past the warriors into camp. Behind them arrows whistled and something screamed.

Marek nodded as moved with Catalina from the warriors onward and into the camp, keeping a watchful eye as they proceeded and making note.

?Another fun night on your world, Catalina.? He perked a smirk aside to her.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the night life. If you'd rather be in the middle of it just say the word." Catalina shook her head grinning, letting go of his arm again and dodging out of the way of a warrior in an obvious hurry. "Me, I rather take Charly's advice and make use of Barell's tent."

?Sounds good to me.? He cast a nod to her with a smile. ?Let them do their job, while we proceed with ours. How long you think the trouble will be about here??

"This bad, an hour tops, unless the 'bad' is preceding real trouble. I doubt they expect any, or they'd not have Xey here." Catalina wagered a guess as she glanced over to where the heavier sounds of fighting came from, but there were too many tents in the way to see anything beside the underside of the Golden whenever she happened to fly over and low enough for the light of the flames to reflect in her scales.

?Certainly lively when the fights on, around this place. Your warriors know how to party.? Marek smirked to Catalina as he glanced up a few times to catch sight of the flying dragon above.

"They do party hard, mostly to forget all this for a few hours." Catalina followed one of his glances up. "Not much to see now, but maybe you get to see her fly around a bit as we head out in the morning."

?Like a hell fighter from above.? Marek nodded to her as he lowered his gaze from above. ?Least you have some dragons on your side here and there. Power and strength to your aid.?

"Without them there wouldn't be sides and for us only terror until eaten." Catalina glanced around as they walked past the innermost row of tents. The center of camp appeared to be deserted. Not even a page loitered by the command tent.

?Everyone busy watching the sides of this camp I gather. Least you have that going for you here. Don't have to worry about every dragon swooping down to nibble at your men.?

"Yes, there's that. May as well go inside, no point waiting for Barell's invitation." With that Catalina walked inside the command tent, pausing just out of the way of the entry for a look around. "Sorry, I'm not in the most chipper of moods this evening. I think I'm just now realizing how close I was to that wing back at Vergalles."

?Everyone has a brush with death here and there in their life. Just have to work past it and not dwell on it for too long darlin.? Marek slid inside the tent and had a look around as he slid a strap from his pack off his left shoulder.

"Death's one thing, undeath another. That one behaved way odd." She slipped her pack of her back and settled it to the ground. Then she smiled a little. "Look, chairs."

Marek slid his pack off the rest of the way with a nod to her and then tucked the submachine gun next to it. He stood up again with a roll of his shoulders against the leather jacket, working a few kinks out as he moved for one of the chairs. ?Ah, modern technology.?

The tent was, like all commanders' tents on Dragon?s Eye, a large one with a few dividing tent walls. Catalina knew that behind one of those walls stood a map table, quite possibly with a map still rolled out on it, and behind the other should be a cot or two, depending on if Barell shared his space with his page or not.

"Chairs are not so modern, are they?" Catalina headed for one of the chairs and after she had moved the piece of spare armor from it to the ground settled down into it with a sigh.

?Here, I'd call them modern.? Marek chuckled as he planted himself into one with a glance around the tent. ?You?re friends with the guy that owns this tent??

"Hmm, friends and friends... I met him several times. There never really was much time for chit chat. Now that he's a commander and if I kept working as a courier we'd likely be friends in at least a professional sort of way short order." Catalina stretched out her legs and crossed them at the ankles, glancing over to Marek.

?I see.? He nodded to her in thought. ?You know many that work for the King then? Soldiers and warrior types of these lands from your travel eh? That seems a plus when finding a place to rest.?

"Couriers are usually treated well, at least in the camps. Orders and news are always welcome. A courier making it from one camp to another or from court to camp also means whatever was carried didn't find its way to the other side. I know some of the warriors but in general it's they know who I am." She grinned and shook her head at his questions. "You are going to make me sound like I'm bragging. It is very rare that any courier survives the job for more than a couple of years. Currently there aren't any with two years or more experience on the job. I've been doing this now for longer than three times that."

?Then you're at the top for your service sounds like.? He smirked and cast a wink to her as he chuckled. ?Like back home, you live long enough running the shadows you gain a certain respect.?

"Something like that." She tried to reach her pack from where she was sitting now without having to get back up. Eventually she gave up and came to her feet to fetch it. "So, you've been running shadows for a long time?"

?More years then care to count.? He nodded over at her again with a smile perking his lips. ?Sometimes have been more interesting and harsh then others. But nothing ventured, nothing gained right??

"True enough." She sat back down and took the canteen from her pack. "It sounds like the worst of the night time fighting is over."

?Hopefully. Give the gents' outside about the camp time to rest and relax. Before the next trouble comes their way to push back from the lines.? He nodded over to her. Nope, he wasn't checking her out, well, maybe, old habits die hard, you know.

"It's really too bad that you didn't bring that camera you mentioned." She grinned over to him, opening the canteen. "Seamus might have liked to see some of the scenery."

?You should take him out into a waste land back on Rhydin, it's similar.? Marek chuckled with a nod of his head. ?Not much for sights, though a few pics of the spring when they pop up here and there would be good. Just to show it's not all dirt and hard ground, rocks about.?

"A dragon flying overhead, the idyllic shack, the inviting camp... those should all make for nice pictures to show off in Rhydin, don't you think?" She took a few drinks from her canteen then.

?Indeed. Not all that different from some places back in Rhydin... or some border towns back home where I ventured from.? He chuckled.

"What does your world look like?" Catalina glanced toward the tent opening and to the sound of voices and the clink of armor in motion approaching.

?Modern... vehicles driving around all over, large buildings reaching high into the sky. Vehicles that fly carrying a hundred people or so within them in the sky. Boats on the water carrying large numbers of cargo and people. Signs that light up in the night. Clothing like mine worn by many.?

"What about trees and big predators, do you have those?" She had another drink of water before she closed the canteen again.

?We have dragons... and other large beasts here and there. Some venture into the cities, others keep away from the populations here and there.?

"Catey. Marek. Someone told me ye came in a little while ago." Barell greeted them as he came walking in. Catalina had been about to ask Marek about the trees but abandoned the thought when she heard Barell and looked over to him.

"No, no, don't get up, I'll take this one." He tilted a chair to let what was sitting on it slide to the ground and then sat down in it heavily. He waved away the page at the tent flap before the youngster came inside all the way. "Go rest a while, night's far from over."

"Ye made yerself comfortable, good. Ye've avoided trouble?" Barell glanced over to Catey and Marek again.

?Some...? Marek nodded over at the man with a light smile of greeting to him as he shifted in the chair some, regarding him a bit with a glance to Catey and back. ?Was an interesting trip thus far.?

"A lot more trouble that we should have seen back at Vergalles, lots of stiffs and a wing, early last night. Not much between here and there." Catalina quickly relayed the information important to the commander. "Area looks like they've roamed there for a while. The spring looks untouched, though."

"I see. And ye both, no scratches, bites, cuts?" He looked them both over for any tell tale signs. "Xey brought a healer mage with her when she came in."

"I'm good and nothing got close enough to Marek." Catalina smiled somewhat.

"How ye're likin' yer new job so far?" Barell asked of Marek then with a bit of a smile.

?It has its perks. I'm getting a lot of exercise.? Marek chuckled a bit with a smirk at his lips as he nodded to the man. ?I kept the uglys away thus far. Some nasty things you have about this world at night.?

"Ye kin say that again. Only lost two tho' so far tonight." Barell shook his head. "Could of have been worse. Xeylia offered to keep watch 'til morn'. Ye two hungry or just tired?"

"We could probably do with a bite." Catalina glanced over to Marek.

?Both?? Marek chuckled and smirked. ?She's been making me run a lot... not used to that. Used to hitching a ride upon a vehicle, mode of transportation of some sort.?

"Ye're welcome to whatever's in that box and the bunks. I won't be needing them tonight." Barell nodded over to the crate sitting near Marek's chair and then stood up again with a slight groan. "Water's in the tent across."

"Thanks, Barell, both is much appreciated. Good luck out there. We'll see you before we've to head out again?" Catalina cast a thankful smile his way.

?Thank you. Good luck with your efforts through the night out there.? Marek nodded to the man as he stood with a stretch.

"Aye. Need ye to take a message for the court as far as the shack. Rex can pass it on or take it back himself." Barell nodded to Catey and then over to Marek. "Glad to see ye made yer first run."

"No problem." Catalina couldn't quite keep from grinning.

?I'm a little rough around the edges, just like the landscape here is.? A smirk perked Marek?s lips as he nodded to the man again with a glance over to Catey and then back.

"Rest ye well." With that and a nod over to the two Barell left the tent.


Date: 2008-09-28 18:02 EST
Pillow Talk

"I don't think he believed me when I told him you're not a courier in training." Catalina grinned over to Marek once she was sure Barell was too far away to overhear. "So, what's in that box?"

?I've been called worse and done worse.? He winked to her as he moved over to open the crate the man had spoken of. ?Well let's see here what we've got...?

"Should I plan on a slower pace for tomorrow or do you think you can handle one more day of endless exercise?" Catalina grinned over and watched him.

?One more day... but I'm taking a vacation when we get back to Rhydin. And you're buying me a drink.? Not that he usually paid for his drinks back at the Inn, but it was the thought that counted, right? He perked a smirk.

"I'll buy you a bottle at the shack too if we make it there before nightfall." Catalina chuckled.

?Sounds like a plan.? Marek chuckled as he looked into the crate with a curious brow. He picked up some things and tossed her a few bits of food found within.

?Catch! Think fast!? Catey caught what he tossed without thinking. He grabbed out a bottle of something and removed the cork before he took a drink to test it.

?And think fast again!? Finding some bread and cakes about, he tossed her a cake. Then he settled the food out on the table nearby, moved a few maps and items aside. He had another drink from the bottle and settled it on the table. ?I won't toss that... tastes all right.?

"Think about what? Oh man, real cheese." She took a bite of the cheese, catching the piece of cake with her free hand. "That's enough for me."

?They serve food, at that shack we started at?? Marek perked a smile, taking up a bit of bread and breaking it to nibble on as he snatched a bit of cheese.

"Usually just stew in the evenings. Rex and some of the girls know their way around the kitchen, though. So you won't starve." Catalina grinned over to him before she took a bite out of the cake.

?Oh good? and stew is all right? sticks to your gut to give you energy for later I spose.? He took up the bottle again for another drink, then lowered to the table as he snacked on the cheese, and then picked up a cake.

"Ah yes." Catalina laughed. "You'll be wanting energy for those nights with Glo. Are you going to share that bottle? What is it anyway?"

?Help yourself darlin." He nudged the bottle her way along the table. A smirk perked at his features with a wink to her before he tossed a bit of cheese back into his mouth.

"Thanks." She reached way over for the bottle and then took a drink from it. It was wine. Then she smiled over to Marek. "Mhm, not bad at all."

?He has good taste it seems.? He winked. ?Is it the norm' to take messages from one camp to another and back for you then? Besides just ones from the King??

"Maybe I shouldn't insist too hard that this wasn't your first job outside of town walls." She had another sip from the bottle before settling it back onto the table and in Marek's reach. "Yes, and I don't work for the king per se but for the Elite...that's pretty much the legion commanders and the Court... hmm, not so much the courtiers but the... committee... council... Val has the final word but he doesn't entirely rule on his own."

?I see. Well, they keep you busy that's for sure. Running here and there.? Marek nodded, taking it all in. A smile perked at his features. ?Figuring on gaining rest here tonight and moving in the morning??

"Yes. Can you hear one of those bunks calling your name already?" She grinned over to him as she finished off the last bit of the cake and cheese he had tossed over earlier. While she was definitely tired, she didn?t feel like she could sleep just yet.

?I can?? He pulled out a cloth and wrapped up some cheese and cakes for later, moving over toward his pack and tucking them away. ?Think it'll be noisy tonight around the camp perimeter??

"Probably not quite as noisy as last time, but some. Between the heavy fighting earlier and a Golden to help and keep guard... the fighting the rest of tonight should be less, the men will be subdued even if there only were two casualties tonight. Wings having been around even those on rest will stay up and alert until sunup."

?Trouble stick to the surrounding camp perimeter? Or does it find its way inside to the center much?? Marek nibbled on cheese, then cast a glance at the bottle as he zipped up his pack with the tucked away food for their trip tomorrow. Then he returned to the table and grabbed up the bottle for another drink.

"Trouble usually comes to the highest concentration of warm bodies. Trouble rarely ever comes all the way to the center of camp, not without a necromancer close. They only come close enough to try and wipe out a camp when they're sure they can without putting themselves in harms way, though. For that they have their armies of undead things. I've seen such camps or what was left twice." Catalina slightly shook her head. "Not the image to go asleep on."

?I won't inquire further on such an image then.? He nodded over after another drink from the bottle. ?Least some comfort in knowing it?s not likely that tonight they'll venture far inside camp. I don't envy those watching at the edges though.?

"Neither do I." Catalina sat quietly for a moment or two. "How'd you meet your wife?"

?Hm? Um? at a hospital, actually.? Marek moved back for his pack with the bottle in one hand then paused to looking her way. ?She was the charge nurse in the emergency room when I came in. I was a bit of a mess from a? run gone bad and a friend at the time didn't want to take me somewhere safe first and then try to find a doctor.?

"She cleaned you up?" Catalina nodded to one of the tent's dividing walls before she stood up, picking up her pack. "Cots should be behind there.?

Marek nodded as he moved in the direction she had indicated, holding his pack over a shoulder and the submachine gun in the other hand and leaving the bottle behind now, oddly enough.

?Yeah? was in a decent amount of pain. Best looking redhead I've ever seen. I've seen quite a few lovely ladies since her... but none compare ya know? It's one thing to like someone, spend time with them. It's another to actually fall in love one hundred and ten percent. We talked for hours as she worked on me with some other nurses and the doctor came around. She checked on me while I stayed in the hospital. Luckily nobody was looking for me under the name I was using then.?

"She forgave you the wrong name?" Catalina followed Marek over to the sleeping side of the tent.

?Yeah... once found out what I was and what my line of work was. Didn't take too long, and there wasn't much I could keep from her after that. She was good at getting things out of me.? A light smile touched his lips as moved for a cot. He settled down the weapon in hand and then the pack from his shoulder nearby before he sat down and removed his foot wear. ?She was one in a million. The first and maybe only woman I've ever truly loved.?

"She sounds like quite a woman. I never used the big L-word for anyone." Catalina settled her pack by the other cot and started to rid herself of gun, jacket and boots. "Do you think you'll find someone like that again or someone completely different to feel for like that?"

?Not sure. I've been with a few women in time, but none are the same as she was ya know? I've liked other women been with, but not loved them like I did my wife.? He shifted and removed his leather jacket as laid down on the cot and got comfortable. ?Wake me in the morning, if I'm not already awake.?

"No problem." Catalina settled back on the cot and, pulling a blanket over her, closed her eyes. For a while she listened to the sounds of camp and the fighting that was still going on. "What happened?"

?Hm?? He glanced over.

"Your many children do you have?" Catalina turned to her side and propped her head up.

?I had two. A boy and a girl.? He shifted his arm under his head for a pillow for the moment. ?Four and one year old when I lost them.?

"How long ago?"

?Several years...? He gazed up at the tent ceiling before closing his eyes. ?Far too long... someday are better then others.?

"Mhm. What about it can you change eventually?" Catalina still glanced over in Marek's direction. It was too dark though to see much of anything.

?Nothing... they're gone and that bit of happiness my heart held, was shattered forever. There's an old saying. Sometimes it's better to leave the pieces of glass on the floor, broken and shattered. Instead of trying to pick up the pieces and cutting yourself. I don't know if ever want kids again. I don't know if I could have them. I've had so much 'work' done back where I come from that getting a gal pregnant isn't exactly easy. But, I spose that's good in its own way.?

"I felt sort of like that for a while after it was obvious Benji would not be back, mostly bad days though. We've been going together for a little over five years..." She paused for a moment before she added, "Val threatened to not give me any more missions..."

?Time tells right? We all have to wait and see what it holds in store for us. Sometimes good? sometimes bad moments for our lives. ?

"Mhm. Benji just wanted to settle somewhere eventually. I gave up on that idea then..." Catalina shifted onto her back. "Seamus wants children, two of them."

?Then I guess I need to do my part and make sure I get you back to him safe and sound. Or he might break a chair he made over my head or something from the furniture he's making you spoke of.? Marek chuckled.

"I'm not so sure..." That was followed by a lengthy pause. "I don't know if I want to risk werewolf babies."

?Well, never know what might happen less you try I guess. Least that's what a few folks say. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that.?

"I'm not convinced that saying applies here." Catalina turned around again. "Maybe you'll run into someone like Seamus somewhere. Well...the female equivalent. He was all worried I'd fall off the bar stool when it hurt to sit after that fight with that stupid horse."

?Maybe I have... have to see how things turn out.? He shifted upon his cot to try and get comfortable again. ?You fought a horse? You know they are taller and have some hard hooves for kicking with right??

"You mean the woman that asked you to live with her?" She turned her head to glance into his direction again. "You were there when I told Ariana the sordid story, where you not?"

?Yes... that woman is certainly savory on a few levels.? Marek smirked, quirking a brow though. ?Told Ariana what? About the horse incident? Nope... I missed that one.?

"You were just too busy checking out the, uhm, buffet." Catalina chuckled softly. "Well, there was this trap... that dumb, good for nothing horse stepped right into it...I went flying, of course...and then the poor thing wouldn't stand still for me to get it free...and then I had to keep it from bolting...of course they have to breed big brutes instead of nice little ponies, too."

Marek chuckled as he listened listening to her and shifted on his cot again. ?Lucky you. Animals don't always do what you'd like them too, that's for sure.?

"The walk back to the ranch was no fun. At least the beast didn't snap a bone. And had you been just wee bit fast selling me that gun...well, I was sorely tempted to shoot it several times over. By the time the lads from the ranch found the trap layer he was already dead."

?I can bet you were, given how the horse was. Next time one does that though, you have the ability to put them down so to speak.? He nodded his head with a slight smirk.

"Provided I don't run out of bullets." Catalina chuckled softly. It was a rather sleepy sound this time.

?Heh... that'd suck out right. In the moment to shoot and out of bullets to put the thing down.? Marek chuckled.

"It got to live and I healed up just fine, too." Catalina smiled, even though Marek couldn't see that. "Seamus carried me up those stairs at the inn twice."

?Lucky girl. Not every man carries a woman... specially twice and up stairs too boot!?

"Mhm, very lucky. Made getting beat up by a horse be less bad." Catalina gave another of those sleepy chuckles.

?Heh... uh huh, poor Seamus.? Marek smirked a bit.

"Poor Seamus? What makes him poor?" She looked over to Marek again, not seeing any more of him now than she had earlier.

?I was teasing.? He shifted to his side upon his cot, trying to get comfortable again as slid a hand under his cheek. ?You might want to check that ranch he's got when you get back. He might be making a baby crib for the two of you.?

"What would we do in a crib? And I heard that smirk." Catalina grinned.

?I mean, you better check to see if he's making one for your kids in the future.? Marek chuckled.

"Shouldn't the L-word be in there somewhere first? I've absolutely no house keeping skills." She chuckled then. "You should know, you had to eat that salted rabbit."

?It was cooked, camping food is usually different tasting than food yaw get in town anyway. Less bring a whole kitchen with you.? Marek smirked. ?Besides... sounds like you and Seamus are 'hungry' for each other.?

"I've never cooked anything in a kitchen. And that kind of hungry takes energy too, you said so yourself."

?True... I think it finally got quiet outside in camp.?

"We should probably sleep some before Barell wants his tent back." Catalina covered a yawn.

?All right... probably best. Don't wake me too early.? A chuckle escaped him and he gave a nod she couldn?t see as he nuzzled against the cot some, adjusting his position.

"Right." Barell knew they'd have to leave at sun up and Catalina knew he'd wake them up in time.


Date: 2008-09-30 14:02 EST

When Barell did wake Catalina several ours later she felt like she had just closed her eyes and not slept at all. She got up quietly and, to avoid disturbing Marek, took her things with her to the other side of the tent divider to get dressed.

Barell told her what all happened over night and a summary of the events in the last few weeks and wrote out the message he needed to get to court while Catalina gave him some details of the happenings at Vergalles. His page brought in hot tea and an assortment of breakfast foods he had collected from several fires just after Barell had handed Catalina the folded papers and she had tucked them inside her leather jacket.

When Barell left shortly thereafter, she took one of the tea mugs and one of the plates and made her way to Marek's cot. Perhaps he'd like breakfast in bed.

"Good morning, rise and shine." She called softly. Marek shifted on the cot to his back from his side. His eyes slid open and he glanced about before he sat up.

?Yeah... back to the barren land.? He chuckled as he saw the plate with cakes and meets.

"I figure this is as good a time as any for a little luxury and spoiling." Catalina offered him the mug first and then the plate.

?Tea?? He took the offered cup with a glance into it and settled the plate down next to him on the cot as he lifted a cake from it to pop into his mouth.

"Coffee's rare, so's milk, at least out this way, nothing much to eat around for milk animals." Catalina sat down on the other cot. There would be enough walking and standing later.

?How was the night? Seen your friend yet? They have more trouble around us after we fell asleep?? Marek asked after a testing sip of the tea. Then he plucked a few more bites from the plate to chew on while Catey answered.

"No trouble this morning, and yes, they had a little more to after we fell asleep but no more casualties. Barell got me up almost an hour ago. He and I are all squared up and we can set out as soon as the sun is up." Looking over her finds from Vergalles would have to wait a little longer.

?Whenever you're ready, just say so.? He nodded over to her before he lifted his mug for another sip with a slight roll of his right shoulder in a stretch.

"We can wait for the sun to make an appearance." Catalina chuckled as she rose again and then pointed at the tent divider. She was ready now. "I'll wait over there."

Marek gave a light nod of his head and moved to stand from the cot as stuffed the remaining food from the plate into his mouth to work down with a swallow or two of the tea before he proceeded to open his large pack and remove a few items. Changing clothes rather quick, he was used to it from running the shadows back home; he zipped up his pack back up just a moment later and took out the submachine gun in a hand. Then he slid to the other side of the tent with his pack over a shoulder.

Catalina had used the time it took Marek to get ready to study Barell's map of the front lines and current location of the camps. Not much had changed in the time she had been in Rhydin. She glanced up with a smile when Marek stepped around the divider and then moved away from the map table.

They were on their way out of camp a few minutes later, accepting a couple offerings of provisions along the way. By the time the sun separated from the horizon they left the last tent of camp behind them.

?I ho... I ho... It?s off on a walk I go... we walk all day and to keep the necros away... I ho... I ho... I ho...? Marek chuckled after mimicking the tune off his tongue. He adjusted the pack at his back some. ?That dragon leave before dawn that was helping those guys back there??

"That sounds like a fun song." Catalina chuckled and shook her head. Xeylia was fairly young as Goldens went and not nearly as large as most. In regards to socializing she was as bad as most of the males, though. "No, she probably is consoling a warrior or three or sleeping. Staying airborne most of the night should have tired her out."

?I'd think so... they?re heavier then a bird in the air.? Marek smirked some as they walked. ?Where do they sleep here on your world? Caves? Mountains? Empty volcano??

"Depends. Those that mastered shifting form really prefer sleeping in soft beds to resting on a heap of treasure. The others...any place really so long as it's large enough, defendable and comfortable, those you mentioned, swamp, forest...some like warm, some like cold."

?Sound similar to some, back home. They show up ever together or in groups... or just show their aid alone and by themselves??

"On this side their efforts are coordinated by the Elite, just like the warriors and everything else to do with running a place. At least, those who want to be involved. Some refuse to be in their natural form altogether, doing their best to forget what race they are. If you ever do see more than one in one place out at the lines, something big is about to happen and you really want to be some place else."

?I see... I'll keep that in mind then.? Marek chuckled with a nod at that last part just mentioned. He glanced over a shoulder before his gaze swept around them and then ahead again. ?How far till our next point is reached??

"Unless the shack got up and moved, and if I can keep you running every so often, we should make it before night fall." Catalina grinned over to him. "How about it, did breakfast settle enough for a bit of running?"

?Settled or not... I'm up for a bit.? He smirked over at her with a shift of the large pack at his back, adjusting the shoulder straps. ?Like I've said... I'm going to lie in a bed or on a couch for a week after this trip.?

"Right. No worries, I won?t wear you out to the point of you having to disappoint Glo again tonight." With that and a chuckle Catalina picked up the pace. She wouldn't mind a week with nothing to do but enjoying Seamus. That wasn?t likely to happen, though. There would be plenty to do.

Marek chuckled at her last comment before he moved into pace wit her, keeping up decently. Catalina did keep them to a decent pace throughout the day, enough so that she didn't even ask for another run the hour before the sun dipped to the horizon.

The roof of the shack was just visible over the horizon when Marek spotted something that could perhaps be considered dinner. At least it looked a lot like an antelope, though not even half the size of one, and it appeared to be by its lonesome self rather than in a herd. He perked a curious brow, watchful of the creature as not everything was what it appeared, but sometimes you were lucky and things were just as they were.?

?That a normal sight around here? All alone seemingly and just standing there.?

"No, not a normal sight out here. One usually has to travel quite a bit further past the shack toward town to see any of them." Catalina watched the creature for a while. "Maybe it?s a good sign."

?I like good signs, like ?vacancy here with room and four walls?.? He gave a light nod and a chuckle to her before he glanced back at the creature for a bit. ?Watch out for the grabby undead... they aren't real friendly, buddy.?

"And look, we made it before dark." Catalina nodded ahead toward the shack.

?Shack, sweet shack.? Marek smirked as he turned his gaze from the animal toward the shack. They'd be indoors for the night and in this land that seemed like a good thing.

"And we can celebrate not having to go anywhere tomorrow. I think I'll have dinner twice if the stew's any good and a bottle of whatever they have distilled in-between." Catalina grinned. There might even be a chance to get some use out of the harp Rex had hanging on the wall.

?Sounds a good plan actually... I might have to second that thought. This place usually fill up with Warriors at night or certain times??

"Not every night, but often enough. Warriors stop by on their way out to the lines and on their way back to town and when a move of camp or station somehow justifies coming by this way. Which, considering what the deal with every night, it usually does. But, if Barell's latest news about that sort of thing is still good, there should only be stragglers tonight." Catalina hoped for a quiet night that allowed for a few hours of relaxing before bedtime.

?Long as I get some sleep I'll be good. Remind me to try and lock the door before find a spot to lay my head.? Marek nodded to her as he moved for the entrance with a shift of the weapon in his hand.

"Right" Catalina chuckled as she stepped up onto the porch and to the doors. She doubted that he?d be in a room by himself to need the reminder. "What was all that about me putting in a good word for you with Glo? Now would be the time to tell me if you changed your mind about that."

?Hey... I won't say no to having me spoken of in a high manner.? He winked with a smile as he moved to get a door for her. ?Though some food and decent drink sounds good about now.?

"Let?s see about that first then." She smiled over to Marek and then stepped inside.

Marek moved in after her and slid his pack from one shoulder to settle on a table. Three men in armor sat at the bar, eating and drinking, nodding over and calling out greetings as Catalina and Marek entered. Glo and Rex were nowhere to be seen. The most likely place for them to be was the kitchen.

"Glo! Customers!" One of the men called toward the curtain while Catalina removed her pack and slid it to the floor by the table Marek had picked. She sunk into a chair just as Glo peered out from behind the curtain.

"Be more specific, hungry or thirsty or what?" Glo grinned to the group at the bar before she glanced to the tables. When she recognized the 'customers' she winked over to Marek and Catey. As she came out from behind the bar and walked over to them she informed the other three. "What happened to your eye balls, those aren't customers."

?Where's the grub?? He asked with a smirk. Opening his pack from the top, Marek slid the submachine gun inside. He zipped the bag back up then and settled it to the floor. A smirk perked his lips at the sight of Glo and he nodded over to her. ?Some food... some drink... and maybe some sleep doll face.?

"Hello there Marek, just that? And here I thought you missed me. You're at least an entire day early." She brushed against Marek as if she had meant to greet him with a hug but ended up merely winking to him as she turned to Catey. "What did you do to the poor man? Did trouble chase you this way?"

"I made him lift his feet." Catalina grinned to Glo. "Doesn't it always? Nothing a bowl of stew and something to drink won't make up for, though."

Marek chuckled, her brush was met with a pat to her behind in passing before he took a chair at the table and lowered into it.

?Stew and something to drink works for me too... any bread around darlin??

"Of course, hon.? Glo nodded to Marek and then smiled to the both of them. ?Sammy showed some of the girls how to put a pie together earlier, some turned edible if not much to look at, care to give one of those a try, too?"

"I'd love some, and a bottle each please." Catalina winked up to Glo then with a nod over to Marek. "Of course he missed you, talked of little else the last two nights."

?I did not?? Marek smirked to Catey with a wink to Glo. ?Pie too? I'll try some... can't hurt my gut from what's inside me anyhow. I'll be bold. Stew... drink... and pie... oh, bread for the dipping.?

"Talking about dipping, Mr. Humble here even stood watch at the spring so I could take a dip without as much as a peek." Catalina grinned from Marek to Glo. "Poor man's still carrying all the travel dust around."

"A likely story, no wonder he thought of me since then. I'll wash him up for you then." Glo laughed and then winked to Marek. "You won't be needing a key then?"

?Depends what door it opens?? Marek glanced between the two with a smirk as he held a chuckle in, laying his hands to the table all innocent like. Though he did arch a brow at the washing up part mentioned by Glo.

"If Rex isn't too busy... I need the key." Catalina threw in. She didn?t feel like getting up again and hoped that Rex would find his way out of the kitchen later.

"I'll tell him." Glo nodded to Catey and then grinned over to Marek, already moving away to get them what they've ordered. "You don't a need a key to my room, hon."

?Well, I know why the warriors stop in? for something to distract them from the stuff outside these walls.? Marek perked a smirk and sent a light chuckle after Glo, watchful of her movement to go fetch the food and drink.

"It usually works for a few hours, for most anyway." Catalina leaned back in her chair.

?Places like this, but more lights back where I come from. Things to take your mind off your work or duty.? Marek nodded over to Catey.

"Not much like the red dragon." She grinned back.

?Similar... but less 'working' girls about.? He winked with a chuckle as he shifted in the chair to get a bit comfortable.

"There you go." Glo returned and set out all the treasures she carried before them: two bowls of steaming stew, a basket of bread, two plates with something that looked more like cobbler than pie and two bottles, already opened. Then she turned to Marek, leaning over to him a bit, making sure he got a tantalizing view of some of her assets as she nudged his bowl of stew a little closer to him. "Eat up, hon. I'd much rather you won't be falling asleep in the tub."

?Me? I'd never think of it darlin.? With a smirk at his lips Marek enjoyed the view as any living man would. Then he nodded and with a slight smile reached for a bit of bread to break.

"When you're ready, just come through to the kitchen, first room to the left once you made it out the back door." She gave Marek another wink as she stood up straight again, then she turned over to Catey with a smile. "Rex will be out later with the key. He said to tell you that he got a hold of some strings, too."

"Thanks, Glo. If I don't feel up to stringing them tonight I'll get to it tomorrow for sure. I?ve been looking forward to some time with the old girl. Unless Lox shows early we'll be here for a second night." Catalina started eating after a smile to Glo.

Marek nodded to Glo, a bath did sound inviting from the dusty travel. He shifted in the chair as he worked on the stew, watching the two women a moment as he tore bits of the bread to dip into the stew.

"Anytime, Catey. Just holler if you need anything else." With that and another smile Glo turned and headed back to the bar, making sure the men there had what they needed before she walked back to the kitchen.

"Working girls are part of the distraction." Catalina offered after Glo had retreated again and Marek was done glancing at her gently swaying hips.

?Understandable. It's an age old profession, found on many worlds I hear. It's simple, and easy to manage unlike some distractions can be.? Marek nodded over toward Catalina, ushering more stew onto a dipping piece of bread into the bowl. ?Tell Seamus, he owes me a good old fashioned styled rocking chair for getting you back in once piece, safe and sound.?

"What does one have to do with the other?" Catalina chuckled, picking up the bottle for a healthy drink.

?Nothing... just saying?? He chuckled with a smile. Then he reached for his bottle to take a swallow or two before he turned to finish the stew. A moment later his hand moved toward the pie.

"I'll let him know about your rocking chair." Catalina grinned and after another drink from the bottle turned her attention toward the pie as well.

?I might be a bit more modern day... enjoy technology? but there's something about an old fashioned rocking chair. You sit down at the end of the day... give a light push with your foot on the floor... and just start to relax.? He nodded over to her as he started in on the pie.

"Like that porch swing. I do enjoy that thing." Catalina took her time with the pie, savoring each bite. When Marek?s plate was empty she nodded toward the full sized harp hanging on the wall with half its strings missing. "On your way to the kitchen, would you mind lifting down that huge thing from the wall over there for me?"

?The harp?? Marek glanced from the instrument on the wall he had thought of as decoration back over to Catey. ?You play??

"A little, for fun... not well enough to earn a living." She shook her head.

?Everyone needs a hobby right? Something to do in their spare time.? He took another drink from his bottle before he settled it to the table again.

"There are not so many choices out here." She grinned over to Marek. "Don't worry, it's a quiet instrument, chances are your poor ears won't pick up a single note.?

?Nothing wrong with quiet.? Marek stood up from his chair with a chuckle and moved over to take down the harp and carry it back over to the table.

"Thank you." Catalina pushed her chair back and, turning it slightly, reached for the harp as Marek set it down. "Now, go have fun and a good night later. I'll see you tomorrow sometime."

?Yeah... maybe I'll find some decent rest tonight.? He chuckled as he moved over to grab his large pack from the chair. Catey already started to tune the harp as he ventured for the kitchen.


Date: 2008-10-01 13:38 EST

When Catalina was ready to check the commons for breakfast the next morning she found the place surprisingly empty. She'd not expected to see Glo or Marek up and about, but that Rex was not in the kitchen at this time of day was rare. He was usually up until well after day break and, at least when she was staying at the shack, had coffee ready for those who had to leave early.

But she did not require Rex?s help in finding breakfast and they had talked at length the previous evening after he had come out of the kitchen to listen to her play the harp for a while. When she told him of the bits and pieces she had picked up at the Vergalles ruins and just how odd the plot wing had behaved he had brought over a few lamps and they had looked over the shards together. They agreed that the shards were definitely not old brick, that some of them were glass not formed by dragon fire, that the other pieces could be leather or perhaps pieces of shell and that one pieces at least was likely a part of a seal. Neither wanted to voice a guess out loud about the bit of string. They did disagree about the possible age of the items she had picked up.

She had just found some of the misshapen pie and sat down at the kitchen table with a fork and a mug of water and was about to enjoy the sweet treat when she heard a female voice call out from the commons.

"In the kitchen!" She called back.

A moment later a reddish-blond bundle of energy slipped through the curtain. The woman wore a way too pleased smile on her pretty face and nothing else.

"Catey! Good morning, and what a fine morning it is. Where's that hunk that's supposed to be with you?" The curvaceous woman looked around the kitchen as if Catey had tucked him into a cabinet or under a chair before she grinned to Catey again. "Oh, stop groaning, it'll be fun."

"Right. You forgot something?" Catalina grinned with a slight shake of her head and busied herself with her pie. So the young dragon had heard of and come looking for Marek. "And what will be fun?"

"Oh, fine! I'll put on some clothes." The reddish-blond, otherwise known as Xey, gave a pout and waved a hand, covering her human body with an outfit more befitting a court setting than the shack. She was grinning again when she slid into a chair. "The fun part will be me being your ride to Wing Isle."

"What's keeping Lox?" Catalina thought a few rather unkind thoughts about the change in traveling plans and Xey, not minding in the least if Xey read them. She didn?t particularly like the idea of Xey taking them to Wing Isle.

"I can't say." Which meant that she wasn't told, but Xey wasn't about to admit that.

?Morning? ladies.? Marek greeted with a glance over to Catey and the other woman. He had woken some time earlier and, once he was dressed, picked up his pack and left Glo?s room in search of breakfast. He had found the commons empty but heard voices from behind the curtain. Leaving his pack behind the bar, he walked into the kitchen.

"There he is! Good morning handsome." Xey hopped up from her chair and took a few steps in Marek's direction, giving him a dazzling smile. Suddenly she stopped, though, frowning and holding her head with both hands. Of course she had tried to read his thoughts like she did with everyone, only that didn't go as well with him as with everyone else. She gave Marek a curious look then. "What did you do that for?"

?Do what? for?? He asked with a curious glance at the woman and then at Catalina before he turned his gaze back to the woman.

"Good Morning, Marek." Catalina grinned from Xey to Marek. "That's Xeylia. She'll be taking us to Wing Isle for us to meet up with Lox there."

?Taking us? As in... flying us?? Marek gave a curious look over to Xeylia.

"I'll be your ride." Xey was only too happy to inform him in a rather suggestive way as she followed him over to the table. Then she tapped a finger to his chest and, standing indecently close, she glanced up to him. "You've something wrong with your head."

?Tell me about it?? Marek smirked to her comment about his head with a wink to her. ?Our ride or my ride?? He perked a smile. ?I'm a little... hardwired, darlin. If you're trying to read me... you'll just have to ask.?

"Don't encourage her like that." Catalina glanced up and over to Marek for a moment before she returned her attention to breakfast.

"Well..." A smile spread Xey?s full lips. "Catey is being prude, so just yours. Oh, hush, Catey, plenty of time to take you to the isle and to have some fun. And you could just tell me what you think without making me ask."

?I think the scenery around this world is pretty bland, ?til you give a moment to look over the women.? Marek gave Xey another wink and slid his leather jacket over a chair, leaving the leather holster exposed at his side as he glanced around the kitchen and then back at Xey. ?So you're the ride? where's the other one??

Catalina coughed and reached for the water, standing up. Guessing along what lines Xey?s thoughts ran just now, she quickly and strongly thought of Lox and his having supposed to have met with Marek and her here.

"What other one? Oh, Lox, thanks Catey. Well, he'll meet up with you on the isle. He's a bit on the prude side, too, though." Her gaze seemed rather affixed to Marek. "No need to stop with the jacket, sweety."

?If you'd have showed up earlier this morning, maybe you'd have seen some more. I tend to not strip in public.? Marek smirked to Xey.

"I can leave." Catalina shook her head grinning, already on her way out. If Marek liked her she?d not be in the way, or anywhere close, for that matter.

"About an hour should do." Xey did turn her head to glance at Catey then and with a lift of a hand gave her a merry little wave. "He still smells of Glo." Then she turned to Marek again with a pleased and expectant grin. "Well, sweety, the 'public' is all gone now..."

?Hm? so it would seem.? Marek chuckled as Catalina made a departure and then shook his head gently with a glance back at Xey.


Date: 2008-10-03 13:31 EST
Wing Isle

Catalina made good use of the time given. She returned to her room, packed up and left a note to be taken to the court by the next courier coming through, and studied her finds from Vergalles some more. When she thought it was time to head out she left the room, locking it behind her and went in search of Rex to return the ?key? to him.

When she thought enough time had passed she went to meet Xey and Marek. She found Xey shifted and ready to go, sitting in front of the shack, her scales shining a reddish gold in the morning sun. Marek moved behind Catalina and past her with his pack on his back, giving her a smirk.

?Bout time you were ready slow poke?? He said with a teasing wink.

"Right." Catalina shook her head at him, grinning. "I've a job to do."

"Whenever you two are ready." Xey called over, already as low to the ground as possible for the humans' ease of climbing up.

"Might as well." Catalina moved past Marek and climbed up. "And don't you dare say a word!" She glared down at the way too innocent to believe appearing Xey as she sat down in the saddle.

"Don't worry, that was way too convoluted and, by the way, uncomplimentary set of thoughts for me to repeat." Xey didn't seem offended, though, at least not much. ?And just because of that I?m not going to tell you any number of things you could do about missing this cutie of yours.?

Marek chuckled as he moved to climb up into the saddle, seating himself and making sure to use belt in remembering their incoming.

"And off we go." Xey took to the air, humming to herself as she climbed slowly.

?Fun fun...? Marek held on and watched the ground give way to the sky.

"Riding a Golden." Xey snickered as she flew, her sides shaking with merriment, ignoring Catey's groan.

?What I did on my 'vacation' to the barren world... hehe.? Marek chuckled and then shook his head with a smirk at his lips.

"Right. Well, I guess you've some fonder memories now to take home than what you've seen at Vergalles." Catalina offered dryly from behind Marek, mostly ignoring the landscape below them.

?Oh yeah... like battle undead ugly things at night while you wrestled around with a wingy thingy? I'm glad I don't do nightmares... not something I want to wake up with at three am.?

"Wrestled with a plot wing?" Xey swung her head around, at once curious. She knew Catey was good, but to get that close to a wing days out from anywhere and live was unheard of. Even with a healer mage close bye few survived ?wrestling? with a wing.

?She did... while I was cutting down some rather ugly looking? undead, things? that kept coming out of the dark. Like that of moths to a flame.? Marek confirmed.

"I did not. The wing was quite incapacitated before I touched it." Catalina shook her head and boxed Marek's arm, hopeful of shutting him up. She certainly didn?t Xey making up stories about her. Marek only chuckled, though. Then she called to Xey. "He's been telling me stories all day long. Why don't you ask him about the one with the sauce?"

?I'm bringing a motorcycle next time in town? err... in the barrens... or finding a means to travel better... I'm gonna need that week of resting after all the running you made me do with his pack on my back.? Marek smirked back over his shoulder at Catey.

"Much better." Catalina grinned. "Complain about the stroll in the park."

?Actually... wasn't too bad, considering some runs I've been on back home... just... more walking and running by foot here.? Marek smirked. ?I'm gonna need new shoes.?

"And get used to them before your next stroll across scenic Dragon's Eye." Catalina chuckled.

?I'll bring a scooter next time??

"You should bring a camera next time so you can collect images of all the sights." Catalina grinned. "What's a 'scooter' anyway?"

?Small vehicle... two wheels? motorized. And true... not sure I own a camera though...? Marek smirked a bit as he considered how the ugly undead would look snapped on film.

"I don't look anything like that." Xey threw in as picked up the image.

?You don't look like what? Undead uglies ? No... that's true. Hard to miss a creature that has flesh hanging off it and looks like just woke up from a casket sleep of a hundred years.? Marek glanced below. They had left the land behind and now were flying over open water.

"Eew. Those are best incinerated. You should think of prettier things, like Goldens." Xey would have nodded to emphasize her words, but flying made that a rather useless gesture, and never mind that Catey had suggested the prettier sights first.

?True... they are better looking. I can't disagree there.? Marek chuckled. Satisfied with Marek's agreement Xey fell quiet again and concentrated on flying.

"Are you looking forward to returning to Rhydin or would you have liked to stay a while longer?" Catalina asked after a while.

?Oh, would have been nice to relax in a room back at that shack for a few days. Rest these legs of mine from all the walking around... but I spose it'd be good to get back and check on things. ?

"You could have done that last night." Catalina smirked. "Moose should be missing you."

?I did, a little? and hopefully he hasn't eaten the person I left him with out of food and home by now. Dog's got a big hunger like I do sometimes I swear.? Marek chuckled.

"It can't be all that bad. You didn't eat all that much. I wonder how much Cailean grew."

?I ate enough?? He chuckled. ?Cailean??

"Seamus's wolf pup, the one he got just a couple of weeks before we left, so he'd not be all alone when I'm gone."

?You mentioned him. Sounds like a cute little guy.? Marek nodded back over a shoulder as he held onto the saddle.

"He's very cute and was already following Seamus around everywhere." Catalina smiled.

?Already attached... feeding can do that too.? Marek chuckled gently.

"On Seamus's part at least I'm sure it was love at first sight."

?For the pup, or you?? Marek teased with a hidden smirk as he looked ahead. Up ahead the first bit of Wing Isle became visible, surrounded by water that today appeared a dark blue-green.

"For the pup." Catalina answered quickly and changed the subject. "I hope Lox won't have us wait for long. The portal is bad enough without having to wait.?

Marek smirked with a nod back over a shoulder as his eyes turned back at the sight of the Isle ahead. Other dragons flew over the isle, but Xey seemed to avoid getting close to any of them. Watchful of the up and coming land ahead, his eyes took in the scenes. Given he'd spent the past few days on a barren landscape this was like a treat. The green was more from grass than from trees, he saw as Xey closed the distance, but the isle had certainly more trees than he had seen in total on the main land during his stay. The isle also was hilly, something he'd not seen at all in the last few days.

?Quite the contrast, of the land ahead? and the one we just left. I take it not much along the lines of war is fought here.?

"At least not that I have seen. Though I guess it's called Wing Isle for a reason." Catalina gave a slight shrug.

"There's not been a wing on that isle in at least a century." Xey added to Catey's answer.

?Anybody ever write a book on all the stuff on these lands? Good, bad and other wise? Be one hell of a guide to those ?visiting? around here.? A smirk perked Marek?s lips.

"There aren't that many visitors." Catalina grinned and shook her head.

?That would explain only undead visiting us on our night walks?? Marek nodded. ?Sun, barren land for the most part? oh and undead things. Who wouldn't want to visit??

"Dragon hunters... they just don't get very far." Catalina chuckled. "Somehow they have this idea that Goldens sleep deeply on heaps of treasure and they can poke a flimsy little sword into them and then carry of said treasure."

?They don't?? Marek smirked, the ones back where he came from surely didn't fit that description. ?I'd think something with a bit more power, for a large scaled dragon. Present company excluded!? He shouted that last sentence to Xey. ?But anybody looking to hunt a dragon, has to not care about death themselves. Considering, you're taking on something rather large and powerful when strength comes in.?

"You forgot beautiful, intelligent, and usually with some kind of magical talent, and sometimes hungry." Xey lowered toward the ground sort of careful, but definitely not in a plummeting dive. Lox would chew her out if she dropped Catey. And Marek, well, she'd rather not have him drop out of the saddle.

?Yes? and those things too darlin.? Marek smirked hearing Xey. He had enjoyed his officially second dragon ride? not something done where he came from.

"Here we are and off you go. I'll grab a bite to eat and be back with you before anyone notices you're here." Xey set down in a clearing at the bottom of a hill. She stretched out a wing, touching the ground, making a slide for the humans.

"Thanks, Xey." Catalina climbed from the saddle and slid down the wing, moving a few steps away once her feet touched the ground.

?Thanks for the ride darlin!? Marek worked himself out of the saddle and down off the dragon to the ground.

"Which one?" Xey giggled and then took off again without waiting for a reply.

"Those look like a good spot to me." Catalina nodded toward a few trees that would provide a little cover.

?Yeah... that'll work for us for a bit.? Marek smirked after the departing dragon and turned toward Catey and then nodded.

Catalina headed over that way and once there reached her pack from her back and lowered it to the ground. Marek followed her and settled his back to the ground as he slid down to take a lean against a tree.

?Nice day at least? some shade.?

"Aye, weather wise." Catalina agreed, remaining standing for the moment. "So... when Xey gets back... will she keep you entertained?"

?I thought we we're going to meet up with Lox? Or has the plan changed?? Marek chuckled.

"No, the plan hasn't changed, but I don't see him just yet, do you?" Catalina glanced around.

?Nope... and he's hard to miss when all dragon and such.? Marek smirked as he glanced out from under his tree, checking the skies above. What flew above gave no hint of landing anywhere anytime soon. ?Don't see him... lot of movement up there though. This like a highway for dragons passing??

"They like this place. Anyway, we may have a bit of a wait. We'll have to wait for the portal to open, too. And since not all Goldens frequenting the isle are friendly and not all dragons are Goldens... well, I'd like to know what I'm in for until Lox gets here." It would be her first time on Wing Isle without the protection of a Golden from the Others. Her mind was already on how to best deal with that situation.

?Hence the staying below the trees. Makes sense, sure.? Marek nodded. ?Sounds like we might have time for a nap here. How many species of dragon are there here??

"Aren't they all the same species?" She looked over to Marek, answering his questions distractedly. At least the worry of the Others took her mind off the flight through the portal. "Yes, you might have time for a nap."

?Depends what world I hear?? He nodded over at her and leaned back against the tree behind him after a glance up at the sky. ?Are you getting any time to rest when get back or business??

"I won't know that until I've had a chance to talk with Lox." Catalina slightly shook her head.

?Understandable. They certainly keep you busy running messages around.? Marek nodded again.

"You can call it that, but I didn't do much running around of messages this mission." Catalina grinned. She wasn?t taking messages around in Rhydin either.

?No... just avoiding dead things trying to grab you.? Marek chuckled. ?They are a pain here. I should have brought a flame thrower...?

Xeylia took that moment to return, changing into human form the moment she touched down. She even thought of some clothes, a sexy number, the skirt slitted on both sides to the hips and how the top stayed up was anyone's guess. She headed over to them and once she was close enough to do so, threw a chunk of roast toward Marek with a grin.

"Catch. It's venison and I already roasted it for you."

"That's always part of the job." Catey grinned over to Marek and then nodded to Xey. "And there's a flame thrower right there."

Marek?s left hand shot out with boosted reflexes, the three hand blades snapped out in the blink of an eye and snatched the hunk of meat from the air before hitting him. He looked it over and then glanced over at Xey.

?So I see... should hire you out for barbeques.? He perked a grin. Using his other hand to pluck the meat free, he wiped off the blades in the grass, the blades retracted quickly back into his hand. ?Thanks.?

"I'm not for hire." Xey shook her head, staring at the blades that extended from Marek's hand.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it that way." Catalina smiled slightly over to Xey.

"Hmm. Okay." Xey walked the rest of the way over then and nodded over to Marek. "No problem."

?Must be nice to be able to cook your food and your enemies.? A smile perked his lips at Xey before he took a bite of the cooked meat.

"Must be difficult not to." She smiled back down to Marek, watching him for a moment and the sat down next to him. Of course that meant that he was treated to the sight of shapely legs. Marek rather enjoyed the view? he was man, hear him roar.

?I get by? but I'll have to inquire for you if ever I need a flame thrower. Being able to fly high above a battle and drop flame down into it... has its advantages I bet.? He smiled to her as he ate the meat she?d brought.

"It can, at times. I don't think I like being called a flame thrower, though. You're forgetting all the important things again. " Xey winked to Marek. "You know, beautiful, sexy, desirable, and all those."

?I didn't forget, I'm a male... males don't forget that sort of thing.? He smirked at her, making short work of the meat and tossing the last bit into his mouth. Then he pulled a hanky from his leather jacket to wipe his hands.

"Finally." Xey grinned to him and scooted closer, placing a hand on his thigh. "How about some dessert now?"

?And what would Catalina do?? He smirked aside to her and then glanced between the two.

"I'll be... oh, somewhere else." Catalina answered quickly with an inward groan before Xey could answer that question, shooting a murderous glance over to Marek. She picked up her pack and walked off.

"I'd not mind you watching, or sharing, Catey" Xey called after Catey ever so generously, and then turned to Marek again with a little shrug and a grin. "Oh well, more of you for me."

?All dragons think like you, or just the female ones?? Marek chuckled as he watched Catey and then heard Xey.

"What do you mean?" Xey followed Marek's gaze for a moment and then looked to him again when Catey disappeared among some trees.


Date: 2008-10-03 13:36 EST
Mr. Cheerful


Xeylia and Marek were still exploring that question and delving bodily into answers, so that angry voice yelling a couple of hours later failed to register.

"XEYLIA!!!" Lox had walked up and now paused a few paces away from them. His voice was stern and very angry. Loxanthalas arrived at Wing Isle, expecting to see Xeylia keeping watch, but there was no sign of her in the sky over the isle. Now he saw why, and he was furious. "What did you do with Catey!?!"

"Oops." Xey grinned to Marek, looking suddenly very guilty and then up from under him to Lox. "Nothing."

?She went for a walk actually...? Marek answered for Xey but made no move of getting up.

"Then where by all the gods above and below is she?" Lox shot a fiery glare to Marek, but otherwise ignored him. Then he turned that same furious gaze on Xey again, pointing up. "You're supposed to be up there, on watch!"

"Her partner didn't seem to mind." Xey still didn?t quite grasp just how furious the prince was with her.

"He doesn't know our ways or how dangerous this place is for humans. You will not blame him! Which way did she go?" Lox continued to stare at Xey. He was not only furious with Xeylia but also rather worried for their best courier and the window for using the portal was going to be a short one.

?I told her to stay... she left of her own accord?? Marek gave a nod of his head in the direction Catey parted in as he continued to evilly tease Xey while Lox was yelling at her. ?That way. Hasn't been too long either.?

"She could have stayed. I did invite her." Xey tried a pout.

?True, she did.? Marek wasn?t helping, but offered that up, with another caress to Xey.

"You're not that stupid, Xeylia.? Lox didn't even bother shaking his had at the man but took off in the indicated direction, implying what he thought of the human?s intelligence. ?I swear, Xey, if the Others got her I'll tear every scale from your body one by one myself!"

?I think he's pissed at you darlin.? Marek smirked down at Xey with a wink.

"Aye." Xey shoved at Marek, and meant it. Lox?s threats were never idly made. It occurred to her that the Elite may well accuse her of treason. "Better hope Catey managed to avoid the Others."

?She's smart...? Marek nodded to her.

"She's not a Golden." A dragon screaming not too far away made Xey wince and this time she shoved at Marek with strength. "You had better let me get up. It really was fun, sweety, but I want to be out of here as soon as his royal highness returns and before he can huff at me some more."

?Royal eh?? Marek gave her another nod as he moved back, and then headed over to snatch up his clothing, but not before gazing over her again. She got to her feet with a few choice words. He smirked to her, savoring the sight as he slid his clothes on one by one... yet quickly as earlier in the kitchen back at the shack. Xeylia actually looked worried now as she glanced into the direction Lox had stormed off to. With a slight shake of her head she glanced to Marek again. Watching him get dressed reminded her of clothes and she thought some up, in pitch black. While less colorful the dress was no less sexy or suggestive than what she had worn before.

?I'm sure, Catalina is just fine darlin.? Marek fixed his holster and slid his leather jacket back on with a wink to her. Xeylia was saved from giving a reply because just then Lox landed in the clearing, close to where they stood. Marek muttered under his breath as he picked up his pack, ?And here's Mr. Cheerful.?

"And Miss Cheerful." Xey grinned a little when she spotted Catey up in the saddle. Perhaps she?d not be punished after all. "Scared as can be of the portal rather than the Others. She should just let you distract her."

?Uh huh.? Marek lightly shrugged his shoulders with a smirk at his lips. ?Time to depart again??

Lox swung his head around to look toward Xey. The look he shot her way was clearly a warning.

"It's true, she could just close her eyes and imagine it's that guy of hers." Obviously Xey wasn't all that good at taking silent warnings.

"Whenever you're ready, but within the next ten or so of your minutes." Lox informed evenly.

?Behave yourself?? Marek winked to Xey before he moved to climb Lox and get himself into the saddle.

"Hello." Catalina greeted Marek once he had climbed up.

?Evening doll face? ready for another fun ride in the sky??

"Not really." Catalina replied with a pained grin.

"I'll deal with you once I return." Lox said icily to Xey and then took to the air. "You two better hold on tight."

Lox was in a hurry. He picked up speed and height quickly as he headed over open water and for the portal. He left it to the other dragons, of which there again were plenty playing in the sheering and swirling winds by the portals entrance, to get out of his way. Catalina kept her eyes firmly closed even after the wind quit tearing and tugging at her. Just as firmly as she ignored any protests her stomach tried to voice.

?This is like a rollercoaster... except way high up off the ground and with nobody puking next to you...?

"Behind you may yet happen. I think this gets worse every time." Catalina replied miserably.

?It's all good darlin? just think of Seamus and that wolf pup waiting for you.? Marek chuckled. ?Happy thoughts!?

"Right. I'll get to them eventually." She didn't sound convinced. Once Lox had gotten them past the worst of the turbulence she asked, "So, did you enjoy your 'vacation'? I mean more than just the last day."

?Yeah... fresh air... out of the city for a while... food was decent.? Marek smirked.

"You're easy to please. I miss the plant type foods."

?I'm a man... I need meat.? Marek chuckled.

"Just meat gets boring fast. Those mishappened pies were a nice treat, though." Catalina chuckled a little as she thought of those. "Better than anything I could come up with, I'm sure."

?No worries... darlin, no worries.?

"Sure I'm worried. You suggested for me to think of Seamus. And I can't cook, at least nothing in a kitchen and only badly over an open fire. I don't have any civilized skills." She groaned.

?I don't think he likes you for your cooking? so don't worry over it... everything turns out decent in time.?

"Right. Maybe." Catalina fell quiet then, busying her thoughts with the happenings at Vergalles and their oddities and what Seamus may have been doing over the last week.

When they finally arrived at Val?s ranch Lox paid Marek and made sure the man would have the loan of a horse to get the rest of the way home. Then he ushered Catey inside. He was eager to hear or pick from her thoughts what had happened and to have a close look at what she had found at Vergalles that could shed some light on their current puzzle.


Date: 2008-10-05 18:01 EST
Welcome Back

Lox identified some of the shards she had picked up at Vergalles were pieces of an egg, the egg of a golden to be exact and the shard with the piece of string attached to it was glass. He seemed to have a suspicion about that string, but he would have some tests done before he would volunteer any more of his thoughts in regard to that particular find. The piece of a seal would be fairly easy to match, he assured her.

He did appear troubled by the odd behavior by the Wing Catalina had encountered at Vergalles, more so even than Catalina had been, and enough so that he decided that Catalina would remain in Rhydin not just for a week or two to check with the detectives and to wait for some more modern testing results that Lox would order in town, but significantly longer.

All in all the debriefing and talking about steps to be taken next had taken much longer than anticipated. Feeling that he owed her and knowing that she was longing to get to her home on Rhydin, Lox offered to fly Catey to Seamus? ranch.

While Catalina usually avoided flying whenever possible, this time she accepted the offer. She slipped off Lox as quick as could be and almost before he landed, saying "bye" and "thanks for the ride" to him on her way down. Once her feet hit the ground she turned to sprint toward the house, hoping to find Seamus there.

"Seamus?" She called out, wondering if perhaps he had gone to Val's ranch to meet her there. The thought was dismissed as silly the next instant. He didn?t know when to expect her back. She hurried through the house and out the back door to look for Seamus there.

Seamus looked up from his work, leaning against the hoe as he heard his name called out. He was in the back, tilling at the soil assiduously as he had for the last few hours. He was hoping to plant some tomatoes, corn, beans and other things by the end of the day.

?Catey?? He called out in response. Cailean uncurled from his resting place excitedly at the sound of Catey's voice and excitedly ran for its source.

She found Cailean first, or he found her. She scooped up the wolf pup when he ran toward her, yipping happily. After greeting the pup, who had grown a bit in the week she'd been away, she sat him down again and sprinted toward where she had heard Seamus.

Her pack still on her back, gun still buckled on, and dusty from the trip, she was laughing as she ran into him and wrapped her arms around him. Seamus laughed and, dropping the hoe to pick her up, twirled her around.

?Nice t' se eye in one piece, too!? He regarded her with a wolfish grin before he kissed her softly.

"I missed you so much!" She chuckled and then she kissed him again, no less loving but fiercely and with passion.

?I missed ye, too!? He laughed into the kiss, squeezing her. ?How was it? No injuries or anythin'??

"Lots of injuries but only to those deserving of them. Me, I've no broken bones, cuts, scrapes, nothing. I didn't get much sleep though. How about you? Are you all right?" She looked him over then.

?I'm alright, stayed out o' trouble this moon. Slept poorly without ye, though.?

?We should both get some sleep then.? Catalina grinned to him and gave him another of those loving and passionate kisses. When she leaned her head back a little, not letting go of him, though, she amended, ?Right after I got cleaned up and something other than meat to eat.?

?Sounds like a good idea. Could take a nice bubbly bath?? He smiled cheekily and waggled his brows suggestively.

?Really?? She seemed to just melt at that suggestion. ?Right now??

?Sure. I got some strawberries, too.? Seamus grinned.

?Strawberries! I forgot there was such a thing. What are we waiting for?? She did let go of him then, reluctantly, and reached for his hand.

?A'right, a'right missy.? He laughed and, interlocking fingers with her, lead her to the house.

?You've no idea how much I missed you and how often I thought of you dumping me into that wonderful tub of yours this last week.? She just had to kiss him again when he paused to open the door. ?I'm sure Marek's sick and tired hearing me talk of you. Oh, he would like a rocking chair now that I'm back in one piece.?

?Hahaha, that so?? He grinned, leading her down the hallway to the bedroom. ?A rocking chair??

?I told him of all the furniture you made.? Catalina grinned and took the pack of, setting it down. It was quickly followed by the holstered gun.

?Ahh, I can do tha' then.? Seamus smiled warmly as he pulled her toward him, tugging her shirt off for her.

?You are coming in the tub too, right?? She returned the favor and tugged his shirt off even before he had a chance to answer.

?I guess I don' 'ave a choice... ? He observed with a wicked grin. He tugged at the waist of her pants as he trailed kisses down along her neckline.

?No, not really.? She grinned as she moved against him. ?The strawberries can wait too. I definitely want you more.?

?Miss me tha' much?? Seamus laughed again.

?More even.? Catalina admitted as the rest of both their clothes found their way to the floor amidst more kisses.

?Mhm.? Seamus scooped her up and walked to the bed with her instead of to the tub, and then gently laid her down on it before he crawled on top of her, still kissing at her neckline.

?I guess the bath will have to wait just a wee bit longer, too.? She chuckled softly, wrapping her arms around him.

?Always does.? He laughed against her neck. It would be a while before she'd be able to get a full sentence together again that made any logical kind of sense. She was way too busy enjoying and giving caresses and kisses. So was he.


Date: 2008-10-28 20:10 EST
Harvest Stew and Cheese Triangles

The weekend had come and gone and with it the Harvest Ball before Catalina felt up to taking care of a few errands. She had stopped by the bank to add her latest bit of pay to her box there and then by the detective?s office to check if he had come up with anything new in the last week and a half, keeping the most fun stop at Ariana?s bakery for last. Of course she purchased a box of lemon bars to take home for Seamus and, though she stayed long enough for a chat with Ariana, she found herself back in town with plenty of time to spare. Enough time to stop by the Teas?n Tomes.

She already knew that they didn?t have a single informative book on the subject that currently interested her most, werewolves. But they had books to help her with a few other things. If she really was going to retire to Rhydin, she needed to pick up a few new skills, reading was one of them.

The little schooling she received included reading and writing. She was a fast study, a survival trait on Dragon?s Eye, but even though, half a year was too little time to get passably good at everything. She had plenty of opportunities in the seven years since then to hone the skills constantly needed in her line of work. This place offered plenty of practice to pick up speed and accuracy in the handling of books.

Hunting the shelves for something of interest, she came across a book that claimed to be packed with forty eight recipes and easy to follow instructions for small chefs, ages five to eight. Perfect, she thought, for her to start learning the cooking skill. She stayed long enough to scan the book and then to purchase it.

Armed with the new book she headed for the market. There she bought everything the book claimed she needed to make ?Fall Stew and Cheese Triangles? times three ? just in case she messed up a few times.

An hour later and still with plenty of time to prepare the planned meal, or so the book claimed, she snuck into Seamus?s kitchen. She would surprise him with dinner.

She started by unpacking and setting out everything she had purchased at the market, including bowls and utensils. Checking the book for the instructions often, she set about preparing what little needed preparing, ignoring only the part of the instructions that demanded ?adult supervision?. The book asked for diced meet and vegetables that merely needed washing and tearing apart or the opening and emptying of a jar. Knife, peeling, slicing, dicing were all words not mentioned by the instructions, even the pre-sliced bread and cheese were only to be folded and torn.

When she was done with that step she paused a moment and looked around, glad she had decided to just get the one third of everything ready for now instead of all of the ingredients. There?d not be room on the counters to set anything else. She shook her head slightly. The kitchen had seemed large to her before, almost as big as the one at Rex?s and Glo?s inn. Now it appeared not quite big enough.

Then she picked up one of the three pots she had brought with her and set it on the ?back burner? of the stove after she had added the instructed amount of water to it. She checked the book again and then the stove. ?Bring the water to a boil? the line in the book read, but it didn?t mention how. The stove was disappointingly cold.

This appeared to be where that ignored ?adult supervision? would be needed. For a moment Catalina considered going outside to look for Seamus. But dinner would quit being a surprise if she did that, and she was definitely old enough to be considered an adult. She?d figure this out on her own, she decided and picked up the book again. Leaning against the counter, she leaved through the book. Her search for more general hints or instructions in regards to ?boiling? or ?stove? came up empty.

She set the book down again and moved over to the stove, studying it with all its discs and dials and less identifiable parts some more. Those dials seemed to hold the solution to her puzzle. She turned them this way and that. Eventually one of the discs glowed with heat. With a satisfied grin she pulled the pot over to sit on that disc. Now she?d just have to wait for the water to bubble.

Catalina took that time to set the table in the dining room. She even found a few of the thick, stocky candles and a tiered candle holder to set them on. When she was satisfied that the table looked just right for a candle lit dinner, she returned to the kitchen.

The water was boiling, of course. Another of discs glowed warm. She shrugged at it. If she tried to make it stop doing that by fiddling with the dials some more, the disc under her pot may stop glowing hot too. Ignoring the other discs and the heat rising from them, she scraped the prepared ingredients one by one into the pot and, as per the instructions, stirred every so often. Finally it was time to just set the lid on the pot and leave it alone for a bit. She turned to prepare the cheese triangles then, copying the steps of the diagram.

She just set the last of those triangles on the plate to join those already there when she heard a scratching on the door and glanced up. If Cailean was at the door, Seamus could not be all that far behind.

The look on Seamus?s face when his glance moved over the kitchen surfaces made her take another look around. A guilty blush rose in her cheeks. What a moment ago had merely looked like a too small for really cooking kitchen to her, now again looked like a large but very messy kitchen.

He laughed good-naturedly after pushing through the kitchen doorway, Cailean scuttling past his heels at the smell of food, even though it wasn't a bone he was smelling.

"I see ye've gone an' made a mess o' me kitchen," Seamus teased, winking playfully at her. He sniffed around, dropping his stuff on the floor next to the door.

"Smells good, wha' are ye cookin', dear?" He asked as he moved for a cabinet to grab Cailean a bone.

"Candle light dinner of harvest stew and cheese triangles." Catalina informed him with a bright smile as she moved over to Seamus for a hug. "It's not really all that much of a mess, is it? And I'll clean it up, too."

"Mmmm, sounds scrumptious," he beamed, squeezing her into a sweaty embrace. "It innit so much of a mess, jus' a lot o' stuff clutterin' up me kitchen. An' 'ere I was thinkin' it was big." Seamus grinned down at her to show he was only teasing.

"That's what I thought earlier." She chuckled and brushed her lips to his for a moment, happy that he was not mad at her. "Since it smells like I didn't mess up, how about I start putting everything not needed away while you figure out to just leave the disc under my pot glowing and how to make the others stop doing that?"

This only caused him to double over with laughter, though he knew that he probably shouldn't be laughing at her inability to use the infernal contraption. "Yeah, I think I kin do tha', darlin'. Good plan t' me."

He leaned in to kiss her softly before ambling over to the stove to fiddle with the dials. It only took a moment for him to turn off the unneeded discs and turn on the one beneath the pot.


"Oh, that was quick. I didn't even see what you did." Seamus made handling that thing look ever so easy. She had only just grabbed up the extra two pots to find a new home for. "Perhaps you better show me how that works."

"C'mere, darlin'." Seamus motioned her over before pointing to the dials. "See these li'l' circle drawings, an' 'ow a different one is colored fir each?" He was indicating the far left one, which was colored in for the front disc. "Tha's showing which disc it controls, an' ye can set th temperature t' either high o' low."

"I swear those little hints were not there earlier. That should make things so much easier." Catalina chuckled as she slipped an arm around his waist. She reached for one of the three pot holders she had bought earlier and, with it in her hand, lifted the lid from the stew pot. "While we're right here, we should stir the stew. The book says to do so every so often."

"I hope you really like stew, or maybe Cailean likes stew." She peered into the pot. The stew looked just like she thought it should and it smelled yummy, but it also looked to be an awful lot for just two people. And she had bought three times the ingredients just in case she messed up and needed to things over, which she hadn't. So they'd be eating harvest stew forever.

Seamus laughed again, curling his arm around her and squeezing. "That would pro'ly be a good idea if it says so." He peered into the pot beside her, eyeing it tastefully.

"I like stew. An' Cailean prolly will, too. 'e likes jus' about anythin'." Seamus could eat stew forever, aside from lemon cakes and chili. "Luckily, stew don' go bad too fast... An' this way we wont 'ave t' worry about dinner fir a while now."

"The table is already set. Let me put away some of this mess and then we can eat." With another quick kiss and a warm smile she slipped from his arm and busied herself collecting all the various food items that would make more stew, leaving Seamus to stir what was in the pot.

Seamus smiled pleasantly into the kiss before releasing her. He nodded his compliance at her words, though he was unsure how he ended up stirring the pot. With a wolfish, teasing grin he looked over his shoulder at Catey as she put the stuff away. "Ain't ye s'posed t' b' cookin', li'l' lady?" he asked, winking roguishly.

"I am cooking. And right now I am tempting you to taste the stew." She grinned back to him with a wink after having stuffed an armload full of stuff into the ice box. "If you really rather clean up the mess, though..."

She left the sentence unfinished as she returned to his side and leaned against him.

"Oh, why din' ye jus' say so?" he sticks his tongue out at her before stooping over to take a brief sip of the stew. "Yeouch!" he screamed, spluttering and stepping backwards from the stove, the ladle still in his hand. "Tha' was hot," he pouted, but after a moment of smacking his lips Seamus declared, "Mmm, tasty!"

"Careful, darling, it's hot." She watched him carefully to see if he really liked it or if he was just being polite and then smiled to him.

An arm snaked around her waist and he kissed the top of her head. "'ow much longer? I'm hungry!"

"We can go eat now. Here, let me take the stew, you can bring the plate with the cheese triangles." Catalina chuckled and picked up a couple of pot holders and then nodded over to the plate with the cheese sandwiches artfully arranged upon it. When Seamus had turned off the burner she grabbed the pot and led the way into the dining room.

"Oh, okay." Seamus looked excited and kissed her cheek before moving over to the plate of triangles. "It's a pyramid o' cheese triangles," Seamus mused with a grin, looking over at her before he followed in her wake.

"So it is." The pot set down and the candles lit Catalina turned to regard Seamus with a warm smile before she Reached for each of the soup bowls in turn and filled them with stew.

"My very first home cooked meal ever." With that statement she sat down and reached for her spoon, once again smiling over to Seamus.

He beamed up at Catey as he sat down, greedily watching her pour him soup. It'd been a long day! He needed to eat, he was still a growing boy.

After her declaration, he eyed her curiously. "First ever?" he asked, tilting his head as he picked up his spoon, preparing to gobble up the stew.

"Yes, I've only ever roasted whatever I was able to catch over an open fire. This is very different." Catalina nodded over to Seamus and then started to eat. Tasting the stew, she was rather proud of herself - it certainly tasted very different from fire roasted meat. The stew also tasted very different from anything she'd gotten at the inns on Dragon's Eye, not bad, just different.

"Really?" for some reason that sounded absolutely bizarre and unnatural to him. Didn't everyone cook? Shrugging, he dipped his spoon into the soup before lifting it back up for a sip. "Mmmm, this is very good, Catey." He beamed an appreciative smile at her before lowering his spoon again so that he could reach for a cheese triangle.

"I am ever so happy that you like it." She beamed a warm and happy smile to him. "Maybe I'll do well enough with this so your children won't starve once you have them. What did you keep busy with all day?"

He snickered into his sandwich as he took a bite. "I won' be 'aving children per say... I don' bear 'em." Seamus smiled wryly before responding to her question. "I was gardenin'. Played wit' Cailean a bit. Wha' about ye?"

"Well, there's that." Catalina grinned to Seamus over a spoon of stew. "I dropped off some stuff at the bank, checked with the detective's office to find out the detective wasn't in, stopped by the divine bakery to say 'hello' to Ariana, found a cook book at the Teas'n Tomes, made a mess of your kitchen... That reminds me, one of those items of that mess is a bag with a couple of lemon bars in it. "And Ariana says 'hello'."

She didn't pass on any of Ariana's teasing about her staying at Seamus's ranch and about just how often she had mentioned his name.

"It sounds like you and Cailean had more fun than me. How about tomorrow I'll stay here and see how much fun it really is to play in the dirt all day?" She reached one of those cheese sandwiches from the plate and bit into it, glancing over to Seamus as she chewed.

Seamus laughed heartily before glancing to the kitchen. "Mmm, lemon bars, you say?" He takes another bite of his cheese triangle before continuing, "She di'n't give ye any trouble, eh?"

Finishing off the triangle, he shrugged. "I like gardenin', I don' know if'n' it is any fun... but if ye wan' t' hang out wit' us tha's fine!" he finished, smiling warmly at her.

"Yes, lemon bars, and no, Ariana didn't give me any trouble, just good natured teasing." Catalina grinned. "But they're for desert or maybe for breakfast."

"I love spending time with you and there's no better way to find out if something's fun than actually doing it, right?" She smiled back to him, eyes shining with excitement at getting to spend the entire day with him. Work could just wait for one day.

He laughed again, his eyes twinkling. "I guess I'll jus' 'ave t' see 'ow dinner ends up, then." Seamus waggled his brows suggestively before taking another spoonful of soup. He looked forward to spending time with her, too. Work seemed to be keeping them busy!

"What does how dinner ends up tonight have to do with gardening tomorrow?" She looked to him with curiosity. Then she caught his suggestive look and grinned, but she kept looking to him, wanting very much to hear his reply.

"Oh..." he blinked with a sheepish grin. "I was referrin' t' yer comment abou' th' lemon bars." He smiled brightly before having another spoonful of stew.

"Right. Of course you were." Catalina blushed slightly and busied herself with a few spoonfuls of stew and a couple of bites from the cheese sandwich. Her mind was, of course, on what lay between dinner and morning. When her mouth was empty again she glanced up to Seamus again. "So, what are we planting tomorrow?"

"I 'aven't decided yet," Seamus answered, lowering his soup spoon thoughtfully. "I really wan' t' grow corn. So I was thinkin' o' doin' tha'." He paused, as if he had forgotten to say something. "Tha' reminds me, I made tha' rockin' chair for Marek." A proud smile was provided before he took another sip of the stew.

"Marek should be happy to hear about that and to get that rocking chair." Catalina smiled to Seamus, still surprised at just how many talents Seamus had. "Come to think of it, I would like something like that, too, just more along the lines of that porch swing on the porch of the inn, so we can sit next to each other for rocking back and forth."

He pondered thoughtfully at the idea of a porch swing. "I like tha' idea... I could maybe do tha' on th' back porch, so we can look at th' water." Seamus smiled widely back at her. "Yeah, tha's a good idea.." he trailed off.

Quite stuffed, Catalina leaned back in her chair and watched Seamus with a happy and content smile. She wouldn't mind at all if Lox and Val forgot all about her and she could remain in Rhydin and with Seamus indefinitely.

Seamus reached over for another cheese triangle, gladly eating it as he leaned back in his chair. He was content, here with Catey and with Cailean at his feet.

When Seamus was quite done with the stew and sandwiches, Catalina fetched the bag lemon bars from the kitchen. Instead of just handing him the bag, she made herself comfortable on his lap.

"I figure, since you ate what I cooked without complaint, you deserve a treat." She winked to him with a loving smile as she reached into the bag to pull out one of those lemon bars, and then held it to his lips.

He laughed when she sat in his lap, and wrapped his arms around her waist. "So am I gettin' you for dessert?"

He gave her a grin at her wink, but he was pleasantly content with lemon bar pressed against his lips. "Mmm..." he mumbled as he took a bite.

"We could arrange that." She grinned back to him and brought her lips to his as he chewed.

He swallowed his bite, chuckling into the kiss as her lips pressed against his. "Mmm," he mumbled again, contentedly. "I might like tha'."

"You're not the only that might like that." She winked to him and grinned. "Should we clean up the dishes first?"

"Bah, tha's tedious... but I s'pose we should an' all," he nodded as if trying to convince himself of such, though he'd much rather lift her up and just take her into the room.

"Mhm, probably." She set the bit into lemon bar on the table and, wrapping both arms around his neck, brought her lips to his again to kiss him more thoroughly. It wasn't like the dishes would walk off over night; they'd still be there in the morning to be dealt with then.

He didn't like the prospect of neglecting the dishes, but he couldn't deny the juicy kiss, either. Grinning into the kiss he pulled her close against him. "Mmm." Moments later he carried her into the bedroom, still kissing.


Date: 2008-12-15 20:13 EST
A Tree for Yule

Yule was only a few days away and today they would go out to find a tree. Catalina had been looking forward to that ever since Seamus had told her about this tradition and the one of decorating said tree. Now her cheeks and eyes seemed to glow with excitement while she waited with her new winter cloak folded over her arm for Seamus to get ready.

?Are you ready yet? Cailean is going to dig out the door if you take much longer.? Catalina teased over her shoulder as she tried to distract the wolf from the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready ye impatient li'l' lady." Seamus rolled his eyes and shook his head as he emerged from his room, shrugging on a fur-lined suede coat as Catalina swung the cloak over her shoulders.

His eyes squinted as he smiled cheekily, an arm extending for her to take as he opened the door with the other. Cailean took that as a cue to get going, and tore out the doorway the moment is cracked even a bit.

"Oi! Cailean, wait up!" Seamus called after the wolf as they laughed at the antic.

"He thinks you were taking too long, too." Catalina squeezed Seamus's arm lightly as they followed the wolf out. The air was crisp and the breeze far chillier than she was used to. "Where are we going to look for that tree? You did grab a saw or an axe, right?"

Seamus didn't mind the bitter air, in fact, he welcomed it. What's a better excuse for cuddling? He was looking up the hilly mountain-like vicinity up beyond the cottages just behind his, and raised his other hand, which held the axe, to point toward it.

"Yeah, I got an' axe. No worries, darlin'. When Cailean an' I wen' huntin' we saw some nice e'ergreens up there," he replied.

"I can see that now." Catalina chuckled as Seamus used the axe to point out their direction. "Besides that the tree needs to be small enough to somehow fit inside the house, what else should we be paying attention to?"

Cailean, once he noticed that his humans were taking a path different from the one he had started on, quickly caught up with them. Catalina bent down to pat his head. She didn't have to bend much. The pup had grown quite a bit and soon she'd not have to bend at all to pet on him.

Seamus swung the axe over his shoulder before responding, "Don' wan' any gnarled branches, wan' it t' b' straight up 'n' down, very full. If'n' it's sparse it won' look right wit' decorations on it an' all. Don' wan' any gaps in it, where it may b' missin' branches or somethin' strange. I think tha's it..." He frowned, wondering if there was anything else necessary for a good tree.

"I wonder if they grow those here." Catalina grinned up to Seamus with a teasing wink before she glanced around again.

He snorted and stuck his tongue out her in good nature. His eyes then shifted to the surrounding wood, seeking out the direction they should be heading in.

Cailean kept a few paces ahead of them. He paused to sniff a trail of something, but as soon as Seamus and Catey were about to 'catch up' to him, he darted a head again.

Seamus was eyeing Cailean as he darted ahead again. "Wha' are ye doin' Cailean?" he asked in amusement. Cailean didn't answer, of course.

"Maybe he's looking for dinner, or maybe for a girl friend." Catalina wagered a guess. "What have you been hunting out this way?"

"Fair point. Small game, mos'ly an' some deer," he responded, smiling sheepishly at her.

"We should have plenty of meat for the winter then. Where are you hiding it all?" She gave Seamus a teasing wink. He had not bragged about their hunting success.

"I 'ope so! I keep it in th' icebox in th' cellar." Seamus nodded, grinning. He squinted, looking down a path to the right where Cailean was already wandering. "Down tha' way, darlin'," he indicated, pointing, "There's a clearin' abou' half a mile down wit' many evergreen trees."

"In the cellar, hmm, I shall have to go down there sometime and have a look." Catalina squeezed his arm again with excitement when he mentioned that they were getting close to those trees. "May we really decorate it with anything we like?"

He let out a low, rumbling burst of laughter. With twinkling eyes he looked down at her, shaking his head. "O' course we can! Tha's wha' makes Christmas fun."

Looking forward again, he grinned. "Welcome t' Christmas tree haven," he announced, sweeping his arm with the axe out to show Catey the mini-forest of Christmas trees.

"This is amazing." Catalina marveled at the mass of little trees, ranging in hight from about two to eight feet, and each and everyone looked just perfect. "However will we decide which one is to be ours?"

She tugged at Seamus's arm to pull him to first one tree to have a closer look and then to another. Cailean's admiration seemed to jump from one tree to the next as well.

Seamus smiled proudly, puffing up his chest a little bit, as if these trees were his own. "Ye get t' pick! Whichever one ye wan', I'll chop down for ye."

He half-stumbled after her when she tugged at his arm, causing him to laugh. "Now, now.. Nae rush. We got all day."

?We do not have all day.? Catalina shook her head, laughing. ?You have to chop down the tree and then we have to carry it all the way to the house and set it up and decorate it. We also do need to hurry and find it before Cailean takes it apart.? She nodded over to the small tree Cailean was currently trying to dig out.

"Tha' won't take too long. Their trunk are nae vera thick." Following her gaze to Cailean, he only waved a hand dismissively, "Pfft, 'e's only tryin' t' 'elp."

"Mhm, I can see that."Catalina had to laugh. "I just hope that he won't want to help with the setting up and decorating. Maybe we should get two trees, one for him and one for us."

"Bah, tha's unnecessary. Cailean will b' fine. He's got 'is bones," Seamus waved a hand dismissively again, "He isn't a curious feline."

The she spotted a tree that appeared absolutely perfect, not too large or small, straight and even. After looking at the needles from up close and peering into the branches to make sure no animal made its home in this tree, she took a few steps back to admire the tree.

"What do you think Seamus, might this be the one?" Catalina slid her gaze from the tree to his face.

While she was checking the tree out, he was measuring it up and deciding where to put it in the house. He liked it, too, and he expressed that.

"I think it's perfect," he replied, smiling widely.

Cailean appeared to like it as well, he was sitting at Seamus' side and 'admiring' the tree as well. Or perhaps sizing it up for how much damage he could possibly create with it.

"That's a good boy." Catalina rewarded Cailean for 'admiring' their perfect tree instead of attacking it by scratching vigorously behind his ears. "You just keep your paws and nose out of this one and there'll be a huge bone in it for you. Not in the tree, mind you, but in you leaving it alone. Let's watch Seamus cut it down so we can take it home with us."

Seamus chuckled at the two as he swung the axe off his shoulder. He squatted down onto a knee, eyeing the lowest part of the trunk. Once deciding where he was going to aim, which luckily this tree had a good distance from the bottom of the branches to the ground, he pulled a tightly wound net from his pocket.

"I'm goin' t' need t' wrap it up so th' branches won' ge' messed up when it falls," he explained to Catey as he tossed the net around the tree. Pulling it back around, with some difficulty, the branches folded upwards with the pressure of the net. When he got the net ends next to eachother, he tied them off.

Cailean was enjoying the scritches from Catey, but watched Seamus in interest. It looked like a game! He wanted to join in. He pawed at the ground restlessly, snorting a bit when Seamus didn't invite him to join in.

"Might wan' t' stand back," he suggested, raising the axe so he could swing at the tree trunk.

"Come on boy, we're in the way." Catalina coaxed Cailean to retreat with her with one hand in his fur. Once she reached what she deemed a safe distance she turned around again to watch Seamus.

"He does look ever so good, doesn't he, swinging that axe?" She quietly commented to the wolf. "Like he knows exactly what he's doing. No wonder you like hanging out with him all the time."

Seamus was oblivious to her comments, though he would have appreciated them, as he axed at the tree. It didn't take long for him to get mostly through, the tree tottering from side to side as if it didn't know which way to go. "Timberrr!" he called out in a rush of excitement, stepping back out of the way of danger with the axe swung up on his shoulder.

The excited call had Cailean jump up and prance even before the tree hit the ground, first over to Seamus and then around the fallen tree.

"You'd think Cailean did all the work by all the bragging he's doing." Catalina couldn't help but laugh. It very much looked like Seamus and the wolf were enjoying a victory dance.

Seamus laughed at Catey's comment and stopped his victory dance, stooping to give the wolf a good scritch behind the ears. "Ye were mentally choppin' it down, huh boy?"

"Right." Catalina shook her head and grinned to the both of them as she closed the distance. "Now we just have to come up with a way to get the tree all the way home."

"Bah, no worries. Can ye carry th' axe for me?" he asked, setting it down against a tree. He leaned down to grab the tree around the middle and with a grunt he hoisted it up into his shoulder. His arm didn't go all the way around the tree, or rest on his shoulder properly, but her figured that he could manage.

"In a moment I might be able to do that." With those words Catalina wrapped her arms around his middle, avoding the tree trunk, and tilted her face up to him. The look she regarded him with was definitely teasing. "You didn't really think you'd get away with celebrating your success with Cailean and I make do with merely watching, did you, or do I have to paw at your pants before you scritch behind my ears?"

Seamus laughed, almost losing balance and dropping the tree. He leaned down to kiss her on the lips. "Bah, woman, maybe... But we will 'ave plenty o' time t' celebrate when we get back."

He eyed her with twinkling eyes and a wry smile.

"That's a good reason to hurry back." She squeezed his middle affectionately, grinning back up to him. Decorating the tree certainly took second place to celebrating.

"It seems to me it's getting colder, too, rather than warmer." She picked up the axe as he had asked and was ready to head back. "Off we are to a warm fire out of the wind something hot to drink. I don't think Dragon's Eye ever gets this cold."

Seamus chuckled, leading the way out of the wood. "Really? I thought Dragon's liked cold..." he pondered that, and at Catey's comment about the fire he was glad he'd put a few extra logs in before they left. Hopefully it will still be raging when they get back. "Wan' tea or cocoa... or coffee?" he asked, making a face as he added in coffee.

Cailean was running up ahead of them, leading the pack as he would refer to it. He'd occasionally pause to look back at his humans, huffing at their slow pace. But then, he wasn't dragging a tree along.

"Tea sounds just about perfect, the one with the dried berries in it, in a mug big enough to warm both hands." She beamed a smile to Seamus for offering coffee despite his dislike of it. Her next cup of coffee could wait until she went into town again.

He nodded his understanding, though remained quiet so she could answer his inquiry about dragons and cold.

"About dragons liking cold... Maybe there are some that like cold but I only ever met those who like warm. I should look for some clothes suitable for this kind of weather." The cloak she was wearing was well suited for the Rhydin winter, but none of the rest of her wardrobe was.

Do you think it may snow?" She had heard of snow, of course, and had seen pictures of it but she had yet to experience it. "

"I reckon it may.. Mayhaps we should get ye t' the marketplace tomorrow so we can get ye some winter clothing. I doubt me clothes will b' t' comfortable t' deal with all win'er," he stated as they stepped out of the wood, the trip back seeming much shorter than the way there.

"That sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't even know what exactly to look for on my own." Catalina beamed another smile to him. She'd have kissed him, too, for offering to shop for clothes with her if it wasn't for that tree looking rather uncomfortable to carry. Hugging him with an axe in her hand didn't appear all that recommendable to her either.

Seamus laughed, pausing to look at her with a goofy grin on his face. "Ye really ne'er had a winter?"

"Of course I've had winters." She grinned back to him and mischief danced in her eyes. "I've had winter once every year, with rain nearly every day and cold... well, not as cold as this but colder than the other seasons and not cold enough to freeze water."

"Ohh, I see." he replied, eyeing her. "Do ye miss it?"

"I miss being warm. I don't miss getting soaked." She chuckled and then shook her head. "You make it to where I don't really miss Dragon's Eye all that much."

"Is tha' good or bad?" he asked, smiling wryly at her.

"I thought that was a good thing but now that you ask... I guess that depends on if you're enjoying having me around or if you're waiting for me to leave again." The light and teasing note was only on the surface. That his reply would matter to her was obvious in the way she looked up to him then.

"Ye know I enjoy your company, so don' look a' me like tha', darlin'." He replied sincerely, smiling fondly at her. If it weren't for the tree, he'd have kissed her for reassurance.

"It's all good then." Catalina smiled back to Seamus. What was in his eyes as he looked at her and in his voice as he answered was enough for now.

Cailean paused again and this time gave a short, encouraging bark at 'his humans'. Then he took off at a run toward the house.

"Home at last," Seamus commented after Cailean, grinning at Catey. "Do ye wan' t' decorate it today?" he asked, continuing to the house at a slow pace.

"Of course." She could hardly wait to see Seamus's reaction to the 'decorations' she had collected from the bank earlier and wanted to put on their tree. But they'd still have to set up the tree and she was also very much looking forward to Seamus' idea of warming up. "That is, if there's enough time for that. I guess it could wait until after breakfast tomorrow."

He laughed heartily at her comment, setting the tree down against the house so he could open the door. "Th' eve is still young," he remarked, waggling his brows.

Seamus stooped down to kiss her before opening the door, Cailean bolting past him. "Slow down, Cailean!"

"He seems eager to reserve his favorite spot by the fire." Catalina chuckled softly and reached up for another kiss before she'd follow Cailean inside.

"Do we warm up with hot cocoa or with the hard manual labor of convincing the tree to come inside and stand straight in a prominent yet out of the way spot?" She twinkled merrily at Seamus.

"Mm, wha' do ye think we should do, eh?" he eyed her, scooping her from behind to kiss her softly. In a way of a reply she wrapped both arms around his neck and thoroughly returned his kiss.

"We probably can make due without both." She whispered against his lips some time later.

"I think I migh' agree," he whispered roughly in response, scooping her up and wandering into the bedroom, the door kicked shut after them.


Date: 2009-01-05 13:27 EST

Catalina stopped in the doorway to the living room and looked over to the pine tree standing by the mantel. Though she had seen it, and studied and stared at it many times over the last week or so since Seamus and her had set it up and decorated it, it still amazed her everytime she was about to step into the living room and she couldn't help but pause and stare at it some more.

She knew the tree would sparkle in its finery before they had even gone to find 'their' tree, when she had stopped by the bank to pick up some of the dragon treasure she had earned over the years and kept in a deposit box there. But the end result with lights on the tree reflecting in the jewels and Seamus' ornaments far surpassed everything she had imagined.

Looking upon the shine and sparkle put a feeling into her tummy of something very special about to happen.

Seamus stumbled through the doorway, his arms full of already wrapped gifts to bestow beneath the tree. Cailean ran past him, almost knocking him over and trailing snow through the house as he ran over to Catalina.

"Cailean!" he called after the wolf exasperatedly, "Be careful!"

While kicking the door shut behind him, he stomped the fresh snow off his feet. Then he shuffled awkwardly into the living room, trying not to run into anything. Barely missing Catey, he finally got near enough the tree to bend down to a knee and drop the presents.

Leaving the gifts in a pile where they were, he rose again to give Catey a kiss. His cheeks were flushed from the cold, but he smiled at her happily. "Th' tree looks amazin', eh? I still ge' excited every time I see it."

His voice seemed to have broken the spell and Catalina finally took her eyes off the tree. She'd not even moved when Cailean had nearly run her over or when Seamus had brushed past her with his pile of packages.

"Me too." Catalina admitted with a sheepish grin as she wrapped her arms around Seamus' middle. The grin disappeared though when she noticed the pile that had appeared under the tree. "What are those?"

Someone had mentioned something about presents and that not just fat jolly elves got and gave them (two adjectives she'd never associate with any members of that race she'd ever met), she remembered suddenly, and she had seen fancily wrapped boxes in some store windows. But those were in store windows and the mention of presents was so vague, she'd never have guessed there to be either under 'their' tree.

"Presents!" he replied, his eyes sparkling delightfully. Seamus fell back onto a knee to push the presents under the tree in a more presentable manner.

Cailean was sniffing suspiciously at a few bone-shapped gifts that conveniently had his name on them, as well. Others had Catalina's name as well as a few of their friends, such as Ariana.

"Presents." She repeated and then shook her head at herself and smiled into his sparkling eyes. Usually she was much better at figuring things out. How could she have missed this? A moment later she sat on the floor next to Seamus to give the handsomely wrapped boxes the admiration they were due. "They look ever so pretty. Cailean likes them, too."

She looked from the presents to Seamus again once he seemed to have arranged them to his satisfaction.

"I don't have anything wrapped up like those." She admitted quietly. "Did I mess up terribly?"

"Awe, Catey, o' course not!" Seamus turned to look at her, wrapping his arms around her gently. "Presents are nae something ye 'ave t' get. I jus' wan'ed t' get ye a bunch of stuff... It's kin' a like one's birthday, ye know?"

Catalina nodded slowly to his explanation even as she leaned against him and returned his hug.

"I like giving gifts, too, and I love how those presents look in the pretty paper." She did enjoy getting things for Seamus and Cailean, and both their reactions to being given things, but so far she had not thought to wrap up anything. She'd know better next winter.

Seamus beamed down at her, kissing the top of her head. "It's called wrappin' paper, they got all sorts o' colors an' designs for any darn occasion ye can think of! It be another Hallmark sort o' thing, I s'pose, way t' make money year-round." He shrugged, not realizing she probably had no idea what that Hallmark comment meant, let alone even knowing what Hallmark was.

But she did understand his excitement and it was infectuous. A twinkle of excitement and joy came to her eyes as she glanced from Seamus to the presents and back.

"You got me a bunch of stuff?" Of course she was curious what was in the boxes, but for now she just wanted to hug the warm feeling to her that Seamus wanted to give her things. Hugging such a feeling was not as easy as hugging Seamus and so she squeezed him tightly.

"O' course I did. Why wouldn't I?" he smiled boyishly at her, returning her squeeze lightly. "An' no peekin', missy! Not 'til Christmas mornin', got it?" Seamus scolded her playfully, even wagging a finger at her for emphasis. "Or else Santa wont get ye anythin'! An' ye'll get nothin' but coal in yer stalkin'!"

"Coal's a perfectly good present, too." She chuckled softly. "But if you don't want me to peek I won't."

He blinked, cocking his head to the side as his expression changed to that of a quizzical one. "Ye'd like coal for a present?" he asked, slightly flabbergasted.

"I'll like what you give me." She replied with the same kind of certainty as if she had told him the sun would rise again tomorrow. Then she leaned in and brought her lips to his.

Seamus lost all thoughts of coal when she kissed him, and he smiled softly as he pulled her close to him. "Mm, I jus' like ye."

"That could be arranged." She whispered against his lips between kisses.

Cailean, meanwhile, had decided upon one of those bone shaped packages and made good use of his humans being distracted, carrying off that package.

"I 'ope so," he whispered back between a kiss, arms wrapping securely around her waist for a light, playful squeeze. "Any ideas?"

"Mhm, yes, one or two. You're wearing too many clothes and I don't really want to think about traveling just now, though." If she wasn't so distracted by kisses just now her reply may have been more comprehensible.

Seamus laughed at her garbled message and kissed her in response. "Then don' think about it yet. We'll get there at some point this eve." And he returned to kissing her passionately. All thoughts of traveling were promptly suspended.

It was quite some time later when Seamus and Catalina had curled up on the couch together with mugs of mulled cider and Cailean had gone off to chew the wrapping paper of his bone shaped present when Catey remembered his earlier promise.

"Seamus, what was that about getting to something at some point this evening?"

He laughed, waggling his brows at her. "Wha' do ye mean wha' was tha' abou'? Ye should know." He nodded in the general direction of the bedroom with an impish grin etched on his face.

"Do I really?" She smiled back to Seamus. "Perhaps you better spell it out before I go assuming stuff. I could be way off the mark with guessing."

"How 'bout I show ye, eh?" The ciders were put down so he could rise and carefully lift her into his arms before disappearing into the bedroom with her. He kicked the door shut behind him.


Date: 2009-01-20 16:06 EST
No Lemon Bars Today

Catalina usually had a bounce in her step and a smile on her lips when she approached Seamus's house, looking forward to seeing Seamus and them sharing their days with each other. Today she walked slowly up to the house, still mulling over how best to tell him of what she had found at the king's ranch this morning.

Lox had been at the ranch and while she had known he or one of the other Goldens would be there eventually, she had not expected him today. In fact, she had started to hope that he had forgotten about her being in Rhydin and in the service of the crown altogether.

Of course he had not just been there to deliver her paycheck and to see how she was doing. He could have sent one of the more temporarily expandable Goldens for such an errand. No, he wanted her to go on another mission, 'He' in this case being the royal council. He had granted her permission to tell Seamus about her upcoming mission, but how to tell him he had not offered any assistance with.

Even those slow steps brought her to the door before she had settled on a way to tell Seamus. They had talked about it, of course, but as something that would happen at an undetermined day in the future. This was different. Lox expected her to be ready to go in just two days and he had felt generous giving her that much time. She sighed quietly and opened the door.

Seamus was just coming in through the back door with his arm curled around a pile of logs for the fireplace. Cailean came skidding in between his legs, almost knocking him over as well, with a big bone caught in his mouth.

"Oi!" Seamus yelled, looking at Cailean exasperatedly. Cailean was oblivious to this, and with his tail to Seamus he trotted into the living room to plop down on his sheepskin in front of the smoldering fire. "Bloody pup," Seamus mumbled, stumbling into the living room to toss some logs in the fireplace before placing the rest in the wood crate next to the fireplace. He stuck his tongue out at Cailean before moving to plop down on the couch.

"Seamus, I'm back." Cstalina called out as she walked in in the hope of getting a reply that would lead her to Seamus.

"I'm in 'ere, th' livin' room," he called out in response, though he caught the slightly put out tone of her voice, and rose to greet her with a hug. "I take it di'n't go well at th' ranch?"

"Lox is there." Catalina walked into the living room and over to him for a hug as she answered him. "Hello darling. The council sent new orders."

"'lo." He sat back down, pulling her with him to sit on his lap. "Oh yeah? Wha' were they?"

Catalina didn't answer right away but wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled up against him. She'd not realized just how much she had wanted to be right here she was now and to hear Seamus's voice. But when she started speaking, the words just flowed from her. She didn't even pause for a breath, afraid she'd not be able to continue once she did.

Seamus gently stroked her head as she spoke, his other hand wrapping around her snugly.

"They think one of the princes is alive and kept save by someone behind the lines and that the events here along with Benjie and Dax gone missing all happened because of that." She still avoided speaking of both as dead. "They think Dax found out that one of the younger necromancers staying here in hiding was either solely responsible or had knowledge of that somehow either an egg or the newly hatched prince were smuggled from the One's strong hold. Until just recently they all were believed dead. Now they want me to go behind the lines to find the prince and bring him back safely if he's still there. There's a question about it. They also have an unconfirmed report from a questionable source stating that the caretaker is deadly ill. It is possible that I'll get there just to find that the care taker has died and the boy is gone or that they've been discovered and are both dead or worse."

She did have to take a breath then. And just as she had feared she'd for the moment run out of words. So she nuzzled her face into the crook against Seamus's neck again.

"It's a'right, doll, jus' take a breath," a small smile before he continued, " Tha' is a very worrisome task they're given ye, ye know." He frowned at his comment, kissing the top of her head briefly. "When do ye need t' leave? Cause I'm nae lettin' ye go by yerself!"

Seamus was correct. Going into enemy territory was a worrysome task. The undead were enough of a danger when one could plan for save places to stay over night and on the Golden's side of the lines. Among the Others the undead would be more numerable and there would be no save places for her to rest. The mission itself was rather vague, too, and there was no telling ahead of time what she would find or just how far behind the lines she'd have to go.

"Lox gave me two days." Just two days to make her fare wells. So very little time and yet it was more than she had ever needed before. She used to be ready to go at a moments' notice. "There is no way I'm even going to ask Marek to come along. His new girl friend is pregnant."

He snorted at her response. "Well fine, I'll go wit' ye." Seamus looked at her very seriously, with a determined glint in his eye.

'No.' Was her first thought at his words. Should something happen to him because of her job she'd be in all kinds of missery in adition to the grief. But his determined look wasn't lost on her either. If she'd just tell him it was too dangerous then he'd rightly wonder why she was going.

"The undead will be unavoidable and their not lovable, harmless and well fed creatures like they're here. To get there you'll have to fly on a dragon. You'll have to pack very light, because once we're there you have to carry everything you bring. The landscape will likely be even drierier than what Marek got to see and if you'll see atrocities you can't do anything about them. We can't take Cailean and there's no Guinness to be had anywhere." She glanced at his face from under her lashes to see if any of the things she mentioned so far worked to weaken that look of determination. "Oh, and there is the possibility one or both of us will not be coming back."

Nothing she said could possibly break Seamus' determination to be besdie her on this trip, and he looked at her exasperatedly as she made a weak attempt to weaken his resolve. Her last comment made it a challenge he wanted to take on, to bring them both back alive. "Cailean will b' fine wit me boss, an' I don' need Guiness t' survive. It'll be a'right, I promise." He kissed her softly on that note.

Relief washed over her at his reaction and that surprised her. If anything happened to him her one big reason to come back would be gone. Besides that, she worked alone for the most part. The very few exceptions she could count on one hand. But she'd not have to say good bye to him.

"Golden's read thoughts all the time." She had to mention that. She'd have to tell him a lot more, too, to get him prepared for the mission as well as was possible in just two days. "Keeping your thoughts on unsuspicous things once across the lines will be paramount."

That would make him lucky, then. As being a lycan had the advantage of helping to shield thoughts or at least make them harder to assess. He knew how to keep his tame.

"Why do they do tha'?" he asked anyway, curious. Why was it so important?

"Usually it's just something they do. I'm used to it. Sometimes it makes things easier, sometimes it's anoying. I guess it's comparible to talking. People from off-world tend to not like it, less when a Golden puts a thought in your head that you'd never have come up with. It's not really a big thing until we're across the line. They know when someone's shielding, know any thought up plans, routes and whatnot. I never jide what I'm thinking, I think unsuspicous thoughts." It was that particular asset that prevented Goldens from any missions across the lines. They knew of each other by thought patterns. It also was the main reason Catey usually didn't read any of the orders she carried. "The wings read thoughts too."

He could easily think unsuspicious thoughts relating to Catey any time of day. A wry smile at the thought. "Th' wings? Are those th' dragons?"

"No, darling. At least not that I have seen." It was possible a dragon could be made into a skeleton or zombie or merely an animated dead, so perhaps a dragon vampire could be made as well. It was a frightening thought.

"Wings are like vampires. Just those I've happened across in dragons eyes are very ugly in every possible aspect, not cuddely like the ones here. They're probably the most dangerous of all the undead, because they keep most all of their faculties into unlife. Not that any of the others are not dangerous. It's worst when the thing is someone you once knew." While that wasn't anything for Seamus to worry about, him never having been to Dragon's Eye before, it was something Catey tried to be prepared for. She snuggled deeper into his embrace when memories wanted to float to the surface she'd rather keep burried.

"Oh," he said softly, frowning. Another kiss was placed upon her crown. "Is there anything we should begin workin' on, or is it okay if we lay 'ere a bit longer?"

"Packing shouldn't take long and my affairs are in order. You'll have to make arrangements for Cailean and the house. I'm guessing we'll be gone for a while, could easily turn into months. The council set a generous three months limit." If they did not make it back by then, they'd quit watching for them and declare them dead. "I should go into town at some point, say good bye to a few people and let Ariana know that I won't be around."

Seamus nodded, sure he could get into contact with his employer later as well. "No worries, me employer will take care o' Cailean an' th' house. An sayin' good-bye seems like a good idea." He kissed her brow softly. "I'll miss those lemon bars a mighty lot," he comments wistfully.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot all about going to the bakery." She raised her head and gave him a rather guilty look. Finding Lox at the king's ranch and hearing of the mission had left no room for any thoughts of lemon bars. "But I'll be sure to get us some to take along, so at least the first view days you won't have to miss him."

A happy smile. "I like tha' idea!" Another kiss to her face. "It'll be a'right, yeah?"

"I'm the best person for the job, or they'd not entrust me with it." She told herself that more than Seamus and hoped sincerely that everything would be all right. The mission details she could fill him in on once they were on their way. It would be a long flight.

The next kiss he intitiated she not only returned fully but didn't let him withdraw from for a few wonderful long moments.


Date: 2009-03-25 02:25 EST
From Rhydin to Dragon's Eye

Loxanthalas met up with Catey and Seamus in the hall rather than waiting for them outside. It wasn't so much that he would mind standing in the winter weather in his natural form, waiting for sunup and his passengers, but that he wanted to greet Seamus in his human form before his first flight. He certainly deserved that much for volunteering for this mission.

Considering Seamus either wasn't aware or had not grasped that whole concept, he would most definitely be surprised by Lox turning into a dragon.

Catey looked like she always did just before flying. Her pack was already on her back, the leather jacket closed all the way up, her skin pale and her lips pressed tight together, like she'd rather be anywhere else but was ready to leave.

Similarly to Catey Seamus had his pack slung over his shoulder and he donned a leather, fur-rimmed bomber jacket zipped up all the way. But unlike her, he was curious, eyes alive with excitement. It had been a while since he'd gone on a 'mission', even if it wasn't one of his own. He glanced down at Catey with a goofy grin. "A'right, aye?"

Catalina merely nodded. It was Lox who actually answered the question.

"She just really hates flying." Lox had a warm smile for both. "Good morning Catey and Seamus. The council sends appreciation for you volunteering to accompany Catey and of course you will be compensated. Are you ready to head out or are there questions to answer before we take off? It'll be a long flight."

Seamus decided he liked Lox, and smiled good naturedly in return. "Mornin', sir." A sidelong glance was cast to Catey before he looked back up to Lox with a shake of his head. "I think I'm a'right, thanks."

"Then we should be off before the portal closes." Lox started for the door. "I'll give you both in some more details once we're airborne. Of course there's more, Catey, I've not been idle the last two days."

"I told you they read minds, constantly." Catey shook her head and looked to Seamus as they followed Lox outside. But she was glad it was Lox taking them to Dragon's Eye rather than one of the others who would have picked a more private thought to comment on.

Seamus nodded, blinking at Catey's comment. It didn't exactly surprise him, but he shrugged. "Point taken, darlin'." He followed after Lox and Catey, looking around for the dragon they were supposed to be riding, though he didn't ask where it was. Who knows, maybe they could make themselves invisible!

Catey halted her steps after they stepped down from the porch. When Seamus took another step she reached for his arm.

"Not really and I am not an 'it'." Lox called back over his shoulder with audible amusement. When he had gone what he considered a safe distance away from the house he halted his steps.The air started to shimmer around Lox and his outline blurred and grew before it lost the human shape altogether.

"He's our ride." Catey whispered to Seamus. Had he really managed to miss that Lox was a Golden? She was so sure she had mentioned that before.

No, he knew Lox was a Golden, somehow he had missed that Golden's were dragons. He really did need to begin paying more attention or keeping notes on these things. "Oh." An embarassed flush was hidden behind his scruff. He did stop to watch Lox's transformation, and he was awed by that, at least. "Bigger than I though' he'd be," whispered to Catey.

"He is one of the oldest." Catey had not really thought about it that way, but as she looked at Lox now, she had to admit that he did look rather magnificent, dwarfing the ranch's buildings and everything else around him, and the early morning light glinting off golden scales. "One of the royals, too."

Seamus whistled, "Impressive."

"Thank you." Lox swung his head around toward Catey and Seamus to accept their compliments even as he unfolded and lowered a wing to make it easier for them to climb up. Of course he had arranged for a saddle for them. "Whenever you are ready..."

A warm smile to Catey and a nod to Lox. Seamus gestured to Lox's wing, "After ye." This was him being a gentleman, but also because he wanted to make sure he was going up properly by following in her footsteps. At least he wasn't going to have to hang on for dear life, he'd had a bad experience with a demon before... not that you're supposed to be 'riding' per se on a demon.

"Thanks." Catey quickly climbed up. "Do you want to sit in front or in back?"

"If ye don' mind, I'd like t' sit in front... I wan' to see all I can." A goofy smile was plastered on his face he looked up at Catey, following carefully behind her on the scales that were not as slippery as he'd suspected.

"Thank you." Catey swung into the seat leaving the one in front of her for Seamus and buckled up. She preferred sitting in the back. It would mean that Seamus's body would block the flight wind for her. And she definitely was not interested in the sights and planned to keep her eyes tightly closed for at least entering and exiting the portal. "I'm sure you will see all you can stand."

"It's not half that bad. I've not dropped you yet, have I? Most people enjoy the ride." Lox said more for Seamus's benefit than Catey's.

"There has to be a first time for everything." Catey grumbled back.

"Says who? Don't forget to make use of the seat belts. You're not going to make this the first time I lost anyone." Humor colored the now slightly rumbling voice.

Seamus chuckled, climbing in after Catalina. "I take it flyin' in'it yer favorite thin'." He adjusted himself, getting comfortable before he buckled himself in. At least she could snuggle up to him, so that kept him content, too.

"Right, it's definitely not a favorite." Her stomach was being bothersome and they were still on the ground. She wrapped her arms around Seamus's middle, only mildly inconvienienced by the back on his back, and called her next words to Lox. "We're ready."

"'salright, I'm here, dove." A backward glance to her and a reassuring smile.

At Catey's call Lox gave a shove with his strong legs as he stretched out his wings. A moment and a couple of powerful wing beats later the buildings of the king's ranch were below them and they seemed to shrink in size.

He was a litte surprised at how smooth the take off felt, and he was looking sideward at Rhy'Din and its surroundings as they shrank on their ascent. To be flying and not enclosed in something was a very bizarre feeling, but it was refreshing, too.

"I'm glad you are." Catey managed a wan smile for him before he turned away again. She appreciated Seemus sitting in front of her, keeping the flightwind out of her face, but she still had to battle down the panic that always wanted to move in when she had to go through the portal. She'd rather be facing a dozen of stiffs, wings and bones.

Lox was silent until he had reached the hight he preferred for flying. In fact, he didn't speak up until below them land changed to water. And then it was directly into Seamus's thoughts. He saw no point in distracting from the battle she was fighting.

"Entering and exiting the portal can be a little rough, just so you're prepared. Marek termed it a roller coaster ride and enjoyed it. We'll be in the portal for a few hours. I hope you're prepared for a lengthy flight. If you can, see if you can make Catey eat something while it's smooth flying." Lox added a few images of what to expect and ever so briefly the feeling of wind pulling in all directions to his words, to provide Seamus with a complete description of what to expect.

"Thank ye, glad t' know wha' t' be prepared for," Seamus thought nodding absent mindedly, thanking Lox in relief. He hadn't been sure what to expect, and Catey just made it sound horrible, so he was glad to find out it wouldn't be quite the end of the world. "An' I'll try t' get 'er t' eat somethin'."

He looked back over his shoulder at Catey, offering a cheeky smile. Food sounded good, anyway... even if they did have a large breakfast. He was sure they'd packed a few things to eat for the ride. "Hungry, darlin'?"

"No." Catalina was not in a particular loving mood just now, but she appreciated Seamus' efforts. He frowned, eyeing her worriedly before turning back around.

"Here we go, hold on tight." Lox bellowed out then. The wind had already become stronger than was usual for flight wind, and steadily increased.

Suddenly the wind shifted and the swirl of air burst around them. Vicious winds whipped at them from all directions, threatening to peel or erode the riders from the Golden's back. As if that by itself was not interesting enough, Up and Down waged a battle that took them all over the place.

Seamus was startled at first, but after a moment got used to it and leaned forward to embrace the turbulence.

While Lox navigated through the turbulence of the portal opening, Catey kept her eyes firmly shut and her face down against Seamus's back. She'd be glad for the protective leathers later. For now she busy with ignoring every little and not so little misery and panik as best as possible as seconds seemed to stretch into eternities for her.

Before they knew it, they seemed to be floating through what appeared to be the stars themselves. The swirling of lights spun for some time before it became quiet and still, a spell of protective shielding put around the group by Lox allowed them to breath air.

Seamus let out a breath of relief, glad to be still again, and able to breathe. But the exapnse of space and the stars and planets fascinated him, he let out a soiund of awe. "Wow, it's amazin'."

They sailed through what was known to many as space, watching whole worlds from distances far pass by. It appeared the stars were just within the reach of an arms length. Catey didn't see any of it, though, keeping her eyes firmly closed.

"Catey," he called out over his shoulder, a little put out to see Catey with her eyes closed. "Honey, it's beautiful, 'ave ye seen?"

"Yes." She had seen it before and no wish to see it again and now battled down any leftover bits of panik. Something in Seamus' voice made her risk carefully opening her eyes, to look at him, of course. For him she even managed a little mishappen grin. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

Lox's wings flapped deceptively slow and silent. They passed by a small planet that was held by swirling light and was circled by several smaller orbiting planets. It looked as if they could take them and play with them. Though as they drew closer one realized how big the planet and the orbiting ones were. Then they were past those.

It would seem like hours floating through the space they journeyed and in fact it was a few hours. The different stars and planets alike started to fly by faster and faster until the lights seemed a blur. As they flew, the lights started to bend and twist. Before they knew it the dizziness of flying through the vortex of space that allowed them to travel great distances blurred past their eyes as world upon world created a streaked light show. Obviously Rhydin was a long way away from Dragon's Eye.

Seamus was bemused by the light shows, and fascinated by space. He didn't realize the exapnse of the Universe, and how many different planets there were. He knew Earth was far from Rhy'Din, but Dragon's Eye had to be even farther away.

"Do ye think we've done past Earth?" he asked aloud, but it was more rhetorical.

"Possibly, and definitely too far from solid ground." Humor was back in her voice. "You are really enjoying this."

"I am, it's fascinatin'... I always always liked stargazin', an' now I know wha' they're all about." He looked over his shoulder at Catey with a goofy grin. "Why don' ye like bein' in the air? It's like freedom, ye know..."

A wistful look as he looked at the expanse of space again. Catalina's arms were still wrapped around his middle, but gently though, now.

"I love stargazing, especially with you. It's just, they're supposed to be far up, not close and all around. And I feel pretty stuck in a very small space. If there was solid grond I could get up, walk around or away. Entering and exiting the portal is the worst, though."

Seamus chuckled, squeezing her hands lightly. "I see where yer comin' from. Wha's so bad about enterin' th' portal?"

"You mean apart from it trying to turn one inside out, shred one to pieces, a total lack of any direction, and the possibility of it colapsing at any moment?" She chuckled. "Nothing, I guess."

"Well I guess when ye put it tha' way..." Seamus frowned, not liking to think of it that way. "Tha's not a very good outlook, though... Do ye ever miss Dragon's Eye?"

"Yes. As odd as that may sound. I do miss seeing the wide open spaces, the warmth, even the city and court. I miss friends, too. During the daytime hours Dragon's Eye can be beautiful." She grinned then. "Marek didn't appreciate the wide open spaces.

"If you've food out now's the time to stow it away. We're nearly there." Lox warned into their thoughts.

"Will we see any fo' yer friends?" he asked, turning to look at her, a smile breaking as he caught her grinning.

"We should manage to run into a few of them." Catey held on close again at Lox's warning. When she spotted the sphere Lox was flying toward she closed her eyes tightly.

The winds promptly picked up again and down they headed, toward the sphere. Again the turbulent forces seemed to do their best to shave the riders off the Golden.

Now Seamus knew why Lox told them to stow away anything out of the pack. He braced himself as they headed toward the sphere, but unlike Catey he found it exhilarating.

Yet, as they neared the center of the sphere there was a light that approached to the side. Various dragons and creatures of different races entered and exited the portal along with them. As they traveled past the center one could make out more detail. Some looked like they were spiraling out of control through the sky. Of course their landing would be hard. The surface of water loomed below as the winds lessened. Lox took them quickly away from the other dragons, flying lower, and then over what appeared a sizable island with few trees and a lot of dirt. He whipped his head around, stopping just shy of 'kissing' them.

"Are you still good for a little longer?"

"I'm fine." Catalina answered promptly, opening her eyes and relaxing her tight grip on Seamus. Seamus exhaled loudly as she released her death grip on him. She shifted in the saddle and even leaned back , somewhat relaxed now that the 'horrible' portal was behind them. Just flying didn?t seem so scary after that. She'd never get used to going through that portal, though. "I'm all for avoiding Wing Isle."

Seamus turned in the saddle to give Catey an inquiring look. "Wha's Wing Isle, an' why do ye wan' t' avoid it?"

Lox veered off and flew away from the isle over open water. He stayed relatively low. Besides Catey being more comfortable with that, the air was warmer at low elevations, and after traversing the portal appreciated everything not leeching more energy from him.

"It's a sort of neutral territory. Goldens and the others use it, mostly because of its location in relation to the portal. While they more or less stick to not attacking another there, it is an uneasy and never officially agreed upon thing, and it definitely does not include any of the other races. That makes it a dangerous place for you and me to be." She grinned to Seamus. That by itself wasn't enough of a reason for Lox not to try to get some rest before pressing on. "Beyond that, we already have too much information for this mission. Staying there for even just a short time would bring us close enough for any of the Others there to read information from our thoughts."

Seamus blinked, not necessarily feeling relieved or good about hearing her first bit. "I.. see," he faltered at her grin, squinting as he looked away to view the isle while they veered away and past. "So where are we goin' then?"

"We're heading for the mainland, specifically for an inn called The Shack. It's owned by friends of mine, and about a day's travel on foot from the front line." Catey grinned. "The inns along the way between the city and the camps are very different from the Red Dragon Inn, catering mostly to soldiers. You usually get a coice between spirit and brew, coffee is rare. One can usually get a bowl of stew and if one's so inclined female companionship by the hour or for the night."

He flushed at her mention of female companionship, looking embarassed that she could even bring that up. "I think I can live wit'out coffee... an' the RDI gets plenty o' those ruddy soldiers... although somethin' tells me they're hardly comparable."

Below them open water changed to coast changed to land. Here too the land was sandy-grey with very few vegetation. In the distance of the endless sky other flyers could be spotted, sometimes even a thin band of smoke rising from a fire.

"In Rhydin those ruddy warriors mingle with those titled and with decent females. They also tend to have less they want to forget and no voices to drown out. The soldiers here keep the undead armies of the Others back and sometimes they rescue those brought in for 'food'."

"Sounds like a dirty job.." a frown briefly tugged at the corers of his mouth before as he gazed out yonder. "Not a very green place, I see.. I can relate tha' t' th' Earth I left."

"Not here anyway." She pointed toward the horizon over Seamus' shoulder. "There should be a hint of green coming up that way shortly."

"The land takes time to recover from the taint of the Others even after the border lines have been pushed back." Lox put in.

He blinked, surprised by Lox's comment. "Wha' exactly do th' Others do again?" The idea the they could destroy vegetation was just mind-boggling.

"Necromancy in addition to everything else." Lox did not feel it necessary to point out what 'everything else' was.

"The war has been waged for many centuries." Catalina threw in.

"Yeah, ye've told me tha'..." Seamus wrinkled his nose. "Inn't necromancy when they like summon beasts or some sort?"

"Not quite." Seamus' question made her smile for a moment. But then she wondered if knowing would make him reconsider having come along. Not that she didn't trust him, but she had assumed that he knew, especially with her mentioning the creatures she encountered on Dragon's Eye with some regularity.

Of course he was aware of them, just not quite in their entirety.

"While the undead could certainly be considered beasts, there is more to it than just summoning and I'd rather deal with some large wild cats or badgers. Necromancy is a magic way of making use of the dead. In the case of the Others, which are called dragons where you come from, tend to go for turning those they killed into what where you come from are called zombies, vampires, and skeletons and they control them. They have created large armies of just such creatures, even raided other planets for creatures to turn into those armies when they thought just using the people here and the soldiers that died and couldn't be burned in time were not enough. They have not just made use of the human dead, but of the dead of all races including Goldens and their own."

Catey paused to let all that information sink in while she tried not to think too much on dragon bones (skeletons), minotaur stiffs (zombies), drow vampires, or any of the less often encountered abominations. Lox did not fill the pause either even though he started to drop altitude as they neared The Shack.

"That is why we burn our dead. The worst people here fear is to be taken by the Others upon death to be put into into their armies and to be forced to fight against our cause." She paused again. When she spoke again her voice was quiet.

"My mother was lured by a spirit's sweet song to leave the safety of town after dark." Catey did not mention that the ghost may well have been her father before his death or the father of her baby brother. "She took the new baby with her. I was asleep when she left and too young to make sense of her continued absense. I found out years later what happened."

"You may want to brace for landing." Lox did speak up now.

Seamus had remained silent about Catey's explanation and sorrowful recollection, thinking hard as he soaked it in. He opened his mouth to respond, but Lox cut him off and he murmured a sorry, his hands gently squeezing Catey's.

Catalina returned the gentle squeeze, taking strength from Seamus' gesture. What she had not put into words and tried very hard not to think of was the very real threat that Seamus may fall victim to the Others. It was that possibility that bothered weighed heavily on her now, not the death of her parents she could not remember to begin with.


Date: 2009-04-17 14:48 EST
Brew, Stew and Spirit

The sun stood low in the sky when Lox touched down in the dirt field in front of the shack. The Shack was a fairly large two story wooden building, appearing more a shack as its name implied than an inn. A porch wrapped around the building and stairs gave access to the second story and the doors lining the wrap around balcony.

"Welcome to Dragon's Eye." Lox sat down in the dirt and angled down a wing to make dismounting easy for his human passengers. "I got you here all in one piece once again. You both go on ahead. I will join you inside just as soon as I've had dinner."

"That you did, thank you, Lox. Enjoy your dinner." Catey slid down the wing to land on her feet.

Seamus looked at the Shack as Lox extended is wing, and he rose to let Catey down before he could follow her down. "Thank ye, Lox," he said as he held out a hand for Catey. Hand in hand they approached The Shack and headed up the porch steps.

"Are you ready to meet Glo and Rex and see what the inns out here are like?" Catalina gave Seamus a warm smile.

"As ready as I'll e'er b' I s'ppose," Seamus smiled wolfishly back.

Catalina pushed open the door and they went inside to, for the moment, become the only patrons of the inn.

Little sun light penetrated into the cavernous room and the small pools of light from the oil lamps hid more than they revieled. Wide beams held up the high ceiling and what had to be the second story rooms. 'Decorated' and 'antiques' were kind words to desctibe the broken farm implents and the harp with perhaps half it's strings missing affixed to the support beams. A bar with tall wooden stools and a shelf behind it spanned the entire length of the left wall. Small round tables with chairs that looked only slightly more comfortable than the bar stools stood scattered around. A curtained doorway at the far end led to what had to be the kitchen to judge by the sounds coming from that direction.

"Glo? Rex? Anyone?" Catey called out in the direction of the curtain after a few steps into the commons, continuing toward the center of the bar.

Seamus followed in after Catalina tentatively, looking around the seemingly empty inn in curiousity. He looked toward the curtained doorway as well when he realized the sounds were coming from there. "Prep time?"

"More like the quiet before the storm. It only gets busy when then warriors stay the night." Catalina had time to say just that much before Glo came out from the kitchen.

The attraktive brunette with tempting curves in all the right places came right through the break in the bar, with a warm and welcoming smile to greet them. She drew Catalina into a hug.

"Catey, darling, we thought you'd be lost too, we've not seen you in so long. You look absolutely fabulous, though, and a good afternoon to you, too." When she released Catey she took notice of the man with her. Her gaze traveled up and down Seamus's form in record time to stop on his face with an open and appreciative smile. Quite obviously she liked what she saw. "Hello there, handsome."

Seamus laughed good naturedly at Glo's comment.

"It's nice to see you again, too, Glo. I've missed you." Catalina smiled from Glo to Seamus. "Glo, meet Seamus O'Connell."

"Pleasure t' meet ye, miss Glo," Seamus greeted with a wolfish grin, sticking his hand out to shake hers. "Sorry fir keepin' Catey away so long, I was bein' a hog." Hog as in hogging her, not really a pig, you know.

"The famous Seamus, I'll be... It's definitely a pleasure. You've been traveling all day without a bite to eat, haven't you?" Glo didn't wait for an answer but turned her head to holler toward the kitchen. "Two bowls, now, and you had better come out here along with them." Glo turned toward Catey and Seamus again. "You two sit yourselfs down and take off those packs. Bottle or tap? You should have just enough time to enjoy your meal before the horde comes in."

"I'm thankful for small favors." Catalina grinned as she slipped her pack off her shoulders and let it slide to the ground next to one of the tables. "I think we'll share a bottle or would you rather try what's on tap, Seamus?"

"I wouldn' mind tryin' wha's on tap, iff'n' ye don' mind," sheepish smile as he shrugged his pack off and set beside Catey's.

Before they could sit down and before Glo could turn to fill their order, a bear of a man with short salt and pepper hair came from the kitchen, carrying a couple earthenware bowls and a small bread basket.

"Welcome back, Catey." He greeted her with a toothy smile and then set the bowls and basket of coarse bread on the table next to the two packs. He pulled a couple of spoons from his apron and left them on the table as well before he turned to pull Catey into a hug.

"It's good to see you, Rex. Seamus, Rex." Her introductions were short.

"I'll be back with your key before the troops arrive." He whispered to her before he released her again and faced Seamus to greet him.

"Good ter meet ye, Rex," Seamus greeted in return, shaking Rex's hand.
Rex did not look much like an inn keeper or a cook. Besides lacking the tell tale gutt he was davoid of any pudgyness. He'd pass for a well seasoned warrior or knight anywhere, though.

"If you need anything while you're here, just let me or Glo know. If it's to be had it's yours." Rex stated with seriousness. "Now you need to get some food in you and I have a few more things to do before this place gets crowded. There'll be time for a chat in the morning if you decide to escape the crowd early."

"That's right, stew's growing cold on them." Glo had returned and set a bottle and a mug on the table and then gave Rex a shove in the direction of the kitchen.

"Lox will come in after his dinner." Catey thought to let Rex know before he could turn away. Then she slid into one of the chairs with a grin to Seamus.

"Thank ye, Miss Glow," he thanked as she set their drinks down. Seamus grinned back at Catey, drawing himself a seat after she settled. "Verae different from th' RDI."

"Aye, very different." Catey smiled to Seamus before she reached for one of the spoons and a piece of the dark bread.

"We had better eat while we can. I hope you like it, because once we leave here, it'll be a while before you see anything decent to eat again." With that Catey dove in, grinning to Seamus between spoon fulls. "By the way, Rex and Glo are married, so there's no Miss to Glo. Considering Glo's profession, though she's mostly retired from it, it's not so very obvious just from observing the two here."

Seamus blinked again, not enthused by her comment but he dove in after greedily. He was ravenous. "Ohh, me bad.. " he mumbled into his stew, feeling guilty.

"Is something the matter?" Catey grinned to him. "Are you worried about what you might be forced to eat over the next few days or disappointed that Glo's married?"

He laughed at her comment. "I felt bad that I didnae know she was married, is all. 'Tis impolite, innit? An' I like th' stew. I used t' make stew a lot back on Earth."

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." Rex had heard Seamus' last comment when he returned to hand Catey the key for the room created and reserved for those on missions for the council. "And don't feel bad about not knowing earlier or let knowing now hold you back. Few of the patrons even suspect. Glo likes it that way."

Seamus grinned up at Rex sheepishly. "Welcome, sir. I'll try nae t'."

"Thank you, Rex." Catey tucked the key away and winked to Seamus. Nearly finished with her meal she reached for the already opened bottle and enjoyed a swig.

After another spoonful of stew, he pulled the tankard over for a healthy swig of it. "Mmm. Tasty."

"The brew or what's coming in through the door?" Catey teased. Seamus being there with her had her at ease and even the first of the warriors arriving kept her from leaned back in her chair.

"Huh?" Seamus asked, looking a little confused as he turned his head around to eye the incoming warriors.

It was fitting that Catey used the term warriors rather than soldiers. No two appeared dressed alike. The weapons they had on them differed as much as their clothing and armor. Very few appeared to have bothered shaving in weeks or, for that matter, bathed. Because with them they brought the smell of dust and sweat. They also were a noisy bunch, calling out their orders for drink and food on their way to crowd the bar.

A wrinkle of his nose as he took another swig of his beer. "I meant th' beer," offhandedly to Catey.

Catalina chuckled softly and ignored as best as possible the swelling crowd of warriors and Glo's girls filing in.

"Just let me know when you're ready to escape the commons." For once, Catey was prepared to stay for a while. It would be a shame if Seamus missed out on seeing for himself what the Shak could be like, she thought with a private little smirk.

"I'm ready whene'er ye are, doll." He blew her a kiss from over the rim of his tankard, a wolfish grin etched on his face. Looking around, he chanced another swig of his beer.

Catalina caught his kiss with a wink and reached for her bottle in preparation to leave the now noisy commons. But just as she pushed back her chair in order to get up and opened her mouth her mouth to let Seamus know now would be with her, Lox pulled over a chair, and sat down.

"That took a bit longer than I had planned. Are you enjoying your stay so far?" Lox grinned to Seamus, ignoring the fight that broke out behind him.

Seamus nodded to Lox as he took a seat. "Eat well?" A grin before he responded, looking around in mild curiousity. "Can' complain. A bit more in'erestin' than th' RDI."

Another nod to the fight that broke out behind Lox when he entered. "A bit violent in 'ere, eh?" He noted the pushing and shoving and coarse language. Hell, there were even prostitutes openly looking for business... not that that was quite different than the RDI to an extent.

"They're still warming up." Lox grinned and winked to the girl he suddenly had in his lap. Before he could send her on her way a burly man with a straggely beard had snatched her up and tossed over his shoulder.

"Right. Give it another hour and there'll be 'entertainment' aplenty." Catey laughed.

Seamus laughed along with Catey, a little surprised by the girl and man's forwardness. "Interestin'."

"Do I need to fight my way through to the bar or do you already have the key?" Several patrons, Lox included, ducked a flying chair before he looked to Catalina again for her answer. It was too noisy to hear the chair impact and shatter.

"I have the key." Catey crinched none-the-less.

A blink as a chair was chucked overhead. "Definitely nae somethin' ye'd see at th' RDI." Shakes his head in mile amusement.

"The first day upon my recent return to Rhydin a man fell from the banister and he was quite dead upon landing on the floor." Catalina knew that wasn't the norm for the Red Dragon but brought it up anyway. Her gaze slid to the bar where warriors stood so close that any of the fights breaking out there were short lived due to lack of room to fight in. And if one was to be knocked out in a fight, he's not find the room to crumple to the floor. "Do either of you need anything from the bar before heading upstairs?"

"Hmph, fair point.. Nae, I am fine." Tankard lifted at his still half full lager.

"Like we could fight our way through now?" Lox chuckled.

Catey recorced the bottle she'd only had two drinks out of so far and carefully placed it into her pack, making sure it was well padded. Perhaps she got lucky and it'd survive the trip outside. And if it didn't at least shards would not hurt her. While she was glad neither of the men wanted to fight for a spot of the bar, the door was further from them than the bar was.

"I'm ready." She announced as she rose and slung her pack over a shoulder and then ducked, just in case whoever she bumped with her pack would swing before looking.

He was half wondering if he should leave the tankard behind as he rose from his seat, careful not to knock into anyone as he slung his pack on his shoulder. As a precaution, he followed Catey's suit for just incase. A barfight wasn't really on the top of his to-do list tonight. Another swig of the beer. "Ready-o."

Cailean Connor

Date: 2009-06-01 10:30 EST
It took them nearly half an hour to make their way from table to the door and outside. Lox had managed to keep his mug intact long enough for none of the ale to go to waste, but he abandoned all concern for the potential weapon one he had drained the last drop. Not every delay was unpleasant, a few were caused by warriors recognizing Catey or Lox and them insisting on greeting them. Seamus slinked through hopefully unnoticeably behind the other two.

"Took you long enough." He greeted Catey and Seamus once they cleared the doorway, looking them over. Neither seemed worse for wear at first glance. "Lead the way, Catey."

"They really didn't want us to leave, did they?" Catalina paused to return her knife to her boot and grinned up to Seamus.

Wolfish look. "Musta been me good looks." A roguish wink for Catey as he tucked his thumbs into his beltloops. He glanced over his shoulder at the Shack, low whistle. "No idea 'ow they manage t' stuff so many bodies in there."

"Right." Catey grinned back before she started to climb the stairs. "But the crowd does keep folk from going down in a fight."

"It amazes me how a little slip of a girl like you can make it out of there without even a scratch." Lox said with obvious respect. "That blade was clean, too."

"I have my ways." Catalina stoped at the first door once they were upstairs and unlocked it.

Seamus had no doubts about that.

Seamus ducked in after Catey and Lox, taking a glance around the threadbare room. The room held a large desk and a single chair beside a bed and wash stand. It's only claim to any kind of luxury was a small, threadbare rug that may have been pretty a couple of decades ago.

"Well, th' rug is homey," he quipped in good humor.

"You think?" Catalina closed and locked the door once they were all inside and before she stepped over to the desk where Lox already unfolded a map.

"Rex knew we we were coming?" She asked of Lox with a nod over to the washstand. The water pitcher beside the wash bowl was full.

"He knew someone was coming, not who." Lox replied, motioning to both to step up to the now spread out map.

Seamus sidadled up beside Catey to get a better look at the map.

"This is the distraction that will get the two of you across the lines. It's the stockade closest to the current front lines. Ferdinant and his batallion are currently here." Lox pointed at a spot north and east of a grey area marked desert of bones on the map in front of them and then slid his finger down the map roughly three inches.

He looked semi-confused at the mention of a 'stockade', but he tried to use the other words in the sentence to figure out its meaning.

Catalina paled slightly the moment Lox mentioned 'stockade' and reached the bottle from her pack. Glad that the bottle had survived the exit from the commons she took a healthy drink as Lox continued the briefing.

"Max, Bel, Lux and we will meet up with with Ferdinant tomorrow morning and provide support by air for the operation of rescueing as many as possible. The plan is for Lux to take you further in under the cover of fighting. She'll take you as far west as she can without the drop off being discovered. The council settled the honor on Lux because with her being the smallest she'll be more likely not to be followed right away after breaking off from the battle." Lox glanced up briefly and held up a staying hand to Catey when he read her intention to explain 'stockade' to Seamus.

"In a moment, Catey." Then he slid his finger across the map again, this time along a squiggly line. His finger followed the line across a good quarter of the map. "No matter how far in Lux can get you, this creek is likely your best route. The council estimates eight days of travel there and ten days back if you find the boy."

"Ferdinant is to hold the line here." Lox's finger drew a line across the map south of the stockade. Then he described a half circle above that line. "This will be how far we scan for you and reasonably hope to provide cover for your return, provided Ferdinant and his warriors can hold the line there. The council is comitted to us keeping a presence as close to that point as possible for five weeks. If it takes you longer than that ..." Lox didn't finish this last sentence.

Seamus was watching Lox guide around the map, memorizing the lines and their respective descriptions. At the implied notion of not returning, he set his mouth into a grim line.

"Now to your mission," Lox looked from the map to Seamus and Catey. "The boy I mentioned from what we were able to piece together from various reports, is a hatchling rescued from The One's castle several years ago and given into the care of a retired serf just before the defector left for Ryhdin. We suspect the hatchling to be one of Rondhalia's, which would make him a royal prince."

"Dax and Benji disappeared, we assume, looking for either the serf or the boy. The council hopes that you will do better for neither of your thought patterns being that of a Golden." Lox gave Catey a slight nod.

"What makes the council so sure this isn't an elaborate trap?" Catey temporarily put explanations for Seamus aside.

"They are not sure, Catey. The king is not well, hasn't been since he caught that bullet in his head. If the boy is Ronny's and if he still lives, you see why we have to try to get him home." Lox turned to Seamus then. "Do you have any questions?"

Seamus merely shook his head. "When do we leave?" Was all he asked. He was aware of the danger, but he saw the task at hand as dire, and he was happy to help Catey.

"Early afternoon would have us catch up with Ferdinant by nightfall, but I'd rather not do that until first light." Lox turned his gaze to Catey part way through his answer.

"Traveling at night?" Catey did not like the implications, but she appreciated Lox not just making that an order.

"Flying." Lox corrected and grinned at her thoughts regarding the wings.

Seamus couldn't complain, he didn't mind flying. He knew walking was going to be necesarry thereafter, so he could put off some walking if he could.

"Okay, traveling at night it is." They'd have to travel on foot aplenty, and it made sense for them not to even be there until just before they were to cross lines. It would give the others less chances and time to pick up any stray thoughts regarding their mission. "Next question: where do we think the boy is exactly, or the old serf?"

Lox tapped his finger at the map again. Catey flashed Seamus a grin and a look that promised private explanations later before she leaned over to see.

Seamus grinned back, nodding. He could use a little bit more explanation. He leaned over he to get a look at the map.

"The map isn't all that detailed, but here is a small village. Most of the buildings are uninhabitable. We don't which of the buildings he stays or stayed in. But I trust it won't take you long to figure it out. As best as anyone can tell, the western part of the village is safest at night."

"That answered my next question, too." Catey grinned to Lox. "Is there anything you want Seamus and me to do tomorrow other then get to sleep early?"

"No, just rest and sleep, perhaps go inland a bit further and remind yourself what all this is about." Lox nodded to Seamus then. "Showing you the city will have to wait until you return from the other side."

"Sleep? Now tha' I can do." A wink for Catey. He nodded to Lox. "Of course."

Catey grinned to Seamus and tried very hard not to blush at his implication.

"Sleep sounds like a good idea all around." Lox smirked, not having missed anything. He rolled up the map and walked over to the wash stand to engage the well latch that would open a small door previously invisible in the wall beside it. Then he placed the map in the compartment before closing the door again.

"You both have a safe night and sleep well." Lox nodded to both of them and then walked over to the door. "Don't you keep Seamus up all night with explanations and horror stories, Catey, you've all day tomorrow to fill him in on all the details of what to expect."

"Thanks, ye too. G'night, Lox." Seamus laughed at his comment and grinned for Catey again. "I kind o' like horror stories."

"Do you now?" Catalina chuckled as she went to lock the door behind Lox. After Lox had left she turned around and grinned to Seamus. "Which one would you like to hear?"

"All o' 'em," Seamus grinned, though he was waggling his eyebrows sugestively.


Date: 2009-06-08 14:43 EST
It is Darkest just before the Dawn

Nights on Dragon?s Eye were dark. Dark was really too mild a word for it, particularly on moonless nights like this one. Seamus could not even see his own hand as he held it up in front of his face, not even when he touched his palm to his nose. Now Catey?s unease about flying before daybreak made more sense. They had left the inn in the middle of the night with torches lighting their climb into the saddle on Lox. But once they were strapped in and took off, there had been no light, none whatsoever.

Catey had flown under these conditions before. She knew that the clouds that now kept them from seeing the stars overhead would not bring rain. She didn?t even flinch overly when Lox bellowed out a flame to burn what could only have been one of the wings flying within easy range.

Seamus was familiar with blackened nights and clouds obscuring the heavens but releasing precipitation. Earth had damaged itself a lot, and maybe one day it would be normal again. The blackness didn't bother him, and he saw a smidge more than Catey because of his 'special' abilities. Not much to see regardless, though the sound of fluttering past them was disturbing.

?A vampire.? Catey commented softly to Seamus. ?If you turn your head slightly left you should see some glowing dots. Those are the campfires.?

He acknowledged with a nod. "They 'ave wings?" He asked curiously. Seamus knew they flew, but from all of the folklores on Earth about home, wings weren't a factor unless they shifted into a bat. He looked left to the campfires. "Is that a good or bad sign?"

"That depends mostly on what they were before they became wings, some can move through the air without wings, others shapeshift into something with wings. The Others are not all that particular about what all they work their necromancy on." She had not told him any of the horror stories the previous night. He'd come across his own horror stories soons enough she thought. "The campfires are a good sign. The bigger flares of fire will be good and bad signs at the same time."

He nodded, listening with interest. It was still something both familiar and foreign at the same time. "Well, coul' b' worse, then, aye?" Seamus tried to keep his voice light, in a weak attempt to keep Catey's mind off the flight.

"It can always be worse." Catey even chuckled. This flight was easy compared to the nearly endless flight through the portal.

He gently squeezed her hand, after finding it. "'ow much longer?"

"Those dots are growing and it feels like Lox is flying lower. We should almost be there." She returned the the pressure to his fingers.
He nodded again, watching the fires get bigger. "Wha's th' game plan exactly?" He knew what they talked about during the briefing, but he wanted to be sure.

Lox had indeed picked out a landing site and approached it. He took a deep breath and then roasted the landing sight with a long fiery breath, and then with another. He wasn't about to take any chances with anything about to rise from the ground.

"We meet up with the troops and the other Goldens. They strike at dawn to give us cover getting past the lines. And we had better not even think about that anymore." Seamus's question was a nice distraction from what was about to happen.

Seamus was bemused at Lox's course of action, though he knew why it was done. Another nod that was visible in the dim light of the campfires. "Good game plan." He wasn't sure if he was prepared for what was about to happen.

"The best laid plans...." Catey didn't finish her sentence.

"Luxeria will still be a while. Watch your step as you get off, the ground will be hot and possibly slippery in places. Get into the center of camp as fast as you can and stay there until Luxeria is here and ready for you. Grab something to eat if you can." Lox instructed them as he sat down and folded in one wing and tipped the other to the ground.

"Will do, sir," he commented before he tipped over and down the scaled wing of Lox. "Thank ye fir th' ride, Lox," he added as he stood upright, waiting for Catey.

"Aye." Catey followed Seamus down and, once her booted feet touched the ground, nodded to Seamus that she was ready to go on.

"Lead th' way, darlin'," he gestured for the camp. He figured she would know more people and know the layout.

The fires were kept outside the edges of camp during the hours of darkness. None burned within the camp. Only a very few tents had been set up. Few of the warriors were granted a few hour's sleep this night, and probably less had wanted the sleep. Warriors with weapons drawn stood near the fires, but currently no sounds of fighting could be heard. Heaps of rotting flesh waiting to be incinerated evidenced that there had been fighting ealier, though.

Catey greeted most of the warriors they passed by name, knowing well it may be the last time she'd be greeting each of them. When they reached what had to the center of the camp she halted her step and turned to Seamus with a whisper.

"I saw only seasoned warriors, no new blood."

"Catey!" A large shadow seperated from the darkness, massive arms open to greet her with a bear hug. As the warrior came closer it became clear that he wasn't wearing a horned helmet, but those horns were part of him.

"Kuhram." Catey returned the minotaur's hug before she stepped back to introduce the warrior to Seamus.

"That I get to see you again..." Kuhram shook his head. "And you going behind the lines."

A nod to those they passed, though he noted that they looked worn. A frown. "It looks like they just fought," he whispered at the same time. Slow blink. "Nae new blood is bad, aye?" Another frown creased. Seamus had learned not to be startled by the abnormal, but the sight of the minotaur was awe-worthy, and he nodded to him in greeting, unsure of what to say.

"Seamus, this is Kuhram, a close friend and my mentor at once time. Kuhram, this is Seamus. Seamus is with me." Seamus's question would have to wait a bit for its answer.

"Pleasue t' meet ye Kuhram." A relaxed grin formed in place of the from. "Nice t' b' meetin' some o' Catey's friends."

"Afore they all go up in flames." Kuhram grinned back and patted Seamus on the shoulder. Catey's short introduction told him far more than one might think could fit in the four short words. "Mighty nice to meet you, too, Seamus."

He gave a wide smile for Catey and squeezed her hand, adding a wink.

"About time." Kuhram turned his grin on Catey.

"Right." Was Catey's noncomittal reply even as she answered Seamus silent communication. Her soft smile didn't all go with her voice. "It looks like you're planning to actually bring same people over come daylight."

"That's the plan. Rather stupid of them to put a stockade so close to the lines."

"Could be a well set trap." That thought had nagged at Catey the moment she realized who all made up the troops for this mission, four Goldens and the best of the warriors. It would quite a take for the Others, even if casualties remained below twenty percent.

"It's disturbingly quiet just now." Kuhram seemed to agree even as flames shot up at the edge of camp.

"That must be the Golden's arriving." Catey spoke the thought out loud so Seamus didn't have to ask.

Seamus caught the look on her face, but saved worried questions for later. He nodded in agreement at the silence, and a look of understanding registered on his face as 'fire' and 'Goldens' clicked in his mind. "So they always roast th' ground when landin', aye? Sure bet tha's a detriment t' plantlife."

He clucked his tongue, but smiled nevertheless. Things in the ground themselves probably prevented the growth of plants themselves; the fires only did more damage.

"Only at night, Seamus." Not that there had been any plant life to discourage from growing; the Others had long since made sure that there was precious little in the way of fauna for any potential enemy or competition to use as cover. The burst of flames merely would destroy or discourage any stiffs that might reach up from the ground to take one of the Goldens as they landed. Catey shook her head slightly. "Only at night."

"We'll be moving in a moment." Kuhram interpreted the shriek heard from a distance. A couple seconds later warriors that presumably had been asleep in the few tents set up scrambled out of those tents, picking up gear as they went.

"War calls, eh?" Seamus duly noted, shifting the pack on his back as he looked to Catey for some sort of interpretation.

"It sounded like a warning call from one of the Others. It probably picked up a thought, saw the fire breaths in use or picked something up from one of the necros. Either way, it forces action." Catey glanced around for any indication in the sudden well practiced chaos of where to meet up with their ride while she talked with Seamus.

"This way." She started in one direction and called back over her shoulder to Kuhram, "Good luck."

"A'righ'," he followed after Catey, saluting Kuhram as he passed. "Nice ter meet yer, an' good luck."


Date: 2009-06-22 18:12 EST

Catey and Seamus had caught up with Lux, the in comparison small female Golden that was to take them into the Others' territory, while the warriors collected to move out. Catey had made introductions as they climbed up and took their seats in the saddle. The other Goldens, Lox included, had already taken off.

"Ready." Catey called to Lux.

Lux spread her wings even as Catey spoke and leapt into the air. The sense of urgency stayed with them as the Golden quickly gained altitude. The darkness grayed, but the sun's warming rays could not yet be felt. The shrieks they flew toward were a sign that the Goldens had met the opposition.

Seamus squeezed Catey's hand gently. "It b' a long day 'head o' us, aye?"

"Aye, a very long day." Catey confirmed, returning the gentle squeeze of fingers. What lay ahead of them was a series of very long days and very long nights. In a surrealistic way she was looking forward to spending the days and nights ahead with Seamus.

Even with the clouds still heavy in the sky dawn was short. Catey could already make out the buildings and fields below them as Lux sped toward the battle. The air flickering with heat in the wake of fiery breaths and magic, the battle shrieks from the Goldens and the Others that 'danced' now not far away at all was a scene of horrific beauty.

Seamus felt the heat from the ensuing battle of fire and magics, his face paled at the sound of shrieks coming from all sorts of beings. The human screams struck a chord with him most. He noticeably winced.

Catey tried hard not to let her mind while on the meaning of the more human screams that were audible to her only while the dragons were silent. The Others would slaughter as many of 'their cattle' as they could, and those not prized too highly as delicacy they'd use to battle the warriors that sought to rescue them.

"Hold on." Lux warned directly into their thoughts. She had gained altitude for a while and now dove down, directly at one of the much bigger than her Others. While her orders were to merely fake a hit that would cause her to veer off and leave the battle in a disoriented state, she saw nothing wrong with taking out who she could in the process. And the one she dove with seemed distracted with setting the buildings and people below on fire, along with the necromagic he was controlling.

She shrieked in triumph as she raked a claw through the Other's wing and then disengaged and used the updraft of the heat from below along with the left over speed from the dive to rise high into the air again.

While the glimpses of the scenes unfolding on the ground were very brief, Catey wished that they had never gotten quite that close a view. She grasped Seamus' hand tightly. Seamus squeezed her hand in turn, both awed and mildly shocked. The animated dead so fresh, it was hard to tell who was fighting who.

Lux stayed to the fringes of the air battle, gradually circling. Then she dove again, though this time without a last second warning to her passengers. She had spotted a group of 'delicacies' being herded off, and that she wasn't about to let happen right under her snout. She inhaled deeply and then directed a narrow band of fire around the group to sear off the herders.

"Stay put." She bellowed at the obviously pregnant woman and handful of small children before she flapped her wings again to gain altitude. This time she wasn't so lucky as to escape more or less without notice. She had not gotten very far when the air around her suddenly sizzled with electricity.

What followed was quite possibly worse than the portal travel, Catey would grudgingly admit to later. Lux constantly changed direction, not only to escape the constant attacks by the Others but also to avoid getting in the way of friendly fire and dealing with the ever changing up and down drafts.

This was more like a roller coaster ride than the portal, the way they twisted, turned and snaked before plummeting and rising. He gripped tightly to the saddle with one hand, the other squeezing Catey's hand tightly. This was turning out to be more of an adventure than he bargained for.

Then there was only painful heat. Catey tried hard not to breathe and kept her head tucked down, eyes tightly closed. Lux plummeted toward the ground. The terrible lasted for only a moment, but to Catey it seemed like an eternity. The air now rushing over hurting scales and skin failed to deliver a cooling sensation.

Seamus wasn't sure if her plummet was something they should fear or not, with the heat blazing around them. It was sweltering. The ground was getting closer and closer still. He squeezed Catey's hand again.

Lux's plummeting dive wasn't as uncontrolled as it appeared to her passengers or, more importantly so, any of the Others who may have peered over. But the maneuver and ignoring any pain she felt took every bit of her abilities and concentration, so her passengers had to make do without a word from her.

By the time she moved her wings in a series of quick, powerful strokes her wingtips scraped the ground at the bottom of the first two of the strokes. As soon as she had enough air between her and the ground she switched to a gliding pattern designed to appear to any who may take note of her at all as a wobbly, blind, and disoriented glide.

Catey risked opening her eyes for a quick glance around. The ground below them was bare except for a field of rocks at the nine o'clock position and falling toward the 8 o'clock position. She guessed those rocks to be the ruins of a lesser castle, now possibly home to one of the Others. Cover would be hard to find.

Seamus had sucked in his breath as Lux faux plummeted and then stroked back upward and off into a glide. He was impressed with the mobility a dragon possessed. He wouldn't admit, however, how his heart jumped into his throat. He squeezed Catey's hand reassuringly, a grin curving "'salright, we are still alive, nay?"

"For now." Catey replied in a voice that was somewhere between kidding and serious.

"You two better get ready. There's no telling how much further I can get you and there likely will be no time to touch down." Lux spoke directly into their minds. Along with the words she provided pictorial instructions on how they were to slip out of the saddle, slide down her wing, and hit the ground rolling when the time came.

"It sounds like we're in for some bruises." Catey sounded cheerful. But she knew Lux was taking the larger risk by pressing on. Reluctantly she let go of Seamus's hand and undid the safety belt.

He followed Catey's suit, thinking that Lux's pictorial was the epitome of an adventure. He could use it. A chuckle echoed at Catey's attempt of good humor. "Th' next adventure fer us, dove." He winked, though it might not have been noticed in the dawn light.

Catalina had noticed, despite everything, and she winked back.

Cailean Connor

Date: 2009-09-13 19:29 EST
Lemon Bars at Day's End

They hit the ground rolling not all that much later. By the time Catalina and Seamus had caught their breath and found their feet and thought to glance up, Lux was already not much more then a speck in the sky. Even at a distance, her flight appeared eratical. The sun had come up the rest of the way though, and already it was oppressively warm.

Seamus was a little worried about Lux, looking to Catey with concern. "Sh' will b' a'righ', won' sh'?"

"It is impossible to tell how badly she got hit and what is just for cover, isn't it?" Catalina was worried, too.

"If she makes back across the lines she should be okay. We should be on the move, too, find some kind of cover." However, there was nothing remotely resembling cover within sight. "There should be some kind of growth by the creek, maybe even a tree or two. Does everything in your pack feel like it survived the drop off?"

Seamus seemed to realize there wasn't any cover within sight, and quirked a brow at her mention of it. "Easier sai' tha' done, innit?" he asked with a boyish grin for Catey as he nodded his head several times. "Aye, seems t' 'ave made it an' all. Yours?"

"Seems so." Catey offered her hand to Seamus as if they were about to take a leisurely walk in a park. "Shall we be on our way then?"

He saw it that way, to an extent, he was with Catey. He smiled at her jovially, taking her hand in his as they set off. "O' course, o' course." Seamus looked down at Catey wolfishly. "I know this b' dan'erous an' all, bu' I'm glad ter b' wit' ye, ye know."

"Yes, it is dangerous and I'm used to running missions on my own and I'd rather know you're save on your ranch, but I'm also glad you're here." She grinned and pulled Seamus close enough to place a quick but loving kiss on the tip of his nose. Which he grinned foolishly at.

"Let's start with walking." Still holding Seamus's hand, Catey started in the direction of the creek. She set a brisk pace. "We'll be alternately be running and walking. It's the best way to cover distances here and it helps keeping one's mind blank. "

"I thin' I can do tha', love," he agreed, following easily even with her brisk pace. Given his 'abilities', he is able to endure a lot of physical activity at much faster paces than one could imagine for long periods of time. "Why is it 'portant t' keep our minds blank out in th' middle o' nowhere, 'zactly?"

"For one, the middle of nowhere is not as empty as it may appear, for another not every Other or Golden looks like a dragon. They read minds, so do the Wings." Catey didn't translate the terminology again. The less uncommon terms were on her mind, the less likely it was to raise a brow of a mind reader. "And here we are considered food at best."

Seamus wrinkled his nose distastefully at that. "I don' much fancy bein' food."

"The Others are very traditional. They do not build homes but prefer hollows and caves. That does not keep them from mixing with the farm animals though to check on things." She pointed in the distance. "Do you see those fields with bits of green? That is indicative of a farm. The owner likely lairs somewhere close by."

He nodded as he followed her pointing finger, gazing at the greenish fields. "Friend or foe, though?"

"Here, everyone is foe." Catey looked to Seamus. Perhaps she should have been more clear on that on the outset. "Even if someone wanted to be friendly, the risk of discovery goes up with everyone we come in contact with. Are you ready for a bit of running?"

She had been, Seamus just tended to be a little too trusting. "Fair enough." A vigorous nod. "Aye, let's do it."

A wolfish grin at Catey before he increased his speed, darting ahead of her. Seamus cast a look over his shoulder at her, waving his arm for her to join her. "C'mon, ye! Catch me if ye can!"

Catalina chuckled softly and shook her head, but picked up her pace. She stuck with her usual pace, though. There was no point in wasting energy on playing catch while they didn't know when they would be able to rest again.

Lucky for him then, that he had great stamina. Seamus loved the breeze on his face when he was running, it was therapeautic. After sprinting ahead for a while, he toned down his pace so he ccould keep at her side, an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry 'bout that, darlin'..."

"You're adorable." Catalina smiled to Seamus without breaking her stride. But running was not conducive to conversation, so Catey left it at that.

"I like t' think so, glad ye agree," he quipped, grinning boyishly at her.

The sun had traveled far in the sky and so had Catalina and Seamus by the time they spotted a thin band of green looping through hilly landscape. The bit of color among the seemingly endless tans and greys they had run or walked across for hours was a welcome sight.

"Tha' looks welcomin'," Seamus noted, nodding off to the green line ahead.

"We might make it to the green with time for a little rest and enjoy the last of the lemon bars I packed." Catalina glanced up again as she had done many a time. So far they had had been lucky and the sky had remained free of the Others.

"Ooh, lemon bars?" he asked, an excited look cossing his features as he looked at her wolfishly. "Then we should 'urry!" He was less concerned by the impending doom this land could provide, but that didn't mean he wasn't a little wary. Seamus easily scooped Catey, pack and all, up into his arms and began running for the green band, his laughter lingering in their wake.

?Yes, lemon bars,? Catalina chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Seamus. She couldn?t help but admire Seamus strength and running gait.

Cailean Connor

Date: 2010-01-05 18:14 EST
What A Night

Of course they made it to the creek before nightfall and with time to enjoy a bit of rest, lemon bars and a few of the other morsels they had taken along from the shack, but not with much time to spare. Night fell quickly here, and with the heat of the sun gone the temperature dropped and the sky clouded up quickly. Stars only offered their twinkling light for a brief time.

Catalina got to her feet the moment the sun disappeared at the horizon and urged Seamus to keep his pack on and a weapon handy. Her focus was on their surroundings, though. With concentration she listened into the darkness, not completely trusting the current silence. She was nearly ready to breathe easier and thank the fates and whichever deities were listened for a quiet night and to forgive them for not providing the safety of a strong tree or larger, thick bolder, when she perceived the first rustle of shifting dirt. She reached for Seamus?s arm to pull him with her as she made for the center of the creek.

Seamus hastily shouldered his pack as she led him toward the creek, the twin pistols poking out under his arms from their place in the holster.

?They won?t come up through the water.? Catalina hoped that the creek would prove to be wide enough to at least keep them out of reach of anything that couldn?t fly.

"They don' like wa'er?" he asked curiously, wading toward the center of the creek.

?The stiffs and bones don?t. Maybe it?s because they rise from the ground, maybe it?s because water tends to be cold. Wings fly and they see with more than just eyes.? Catalina answered with barely above a whisper. The undead were attracted by sound as much as by warmth.

"Huh tha's interestin'," Seamus whispered back, a thoughtful expression on his face.

The at first barely perceptible drop in temperature in the already much cooler night gave away the presence of the undead rather than any sound, for even when they moved they tended to make little noise. To judge by the degree of the change in temperature there were plenty of the undead present but not so many as to suggest that one of The Others already knew they were here, Catalina surmised with some relieve. She did not dwell on that, though. While keeping alert to the dangers from both shores she turned her senses up. If a vampire was to join the party, she wanted to be aware of it as soon as possible.

?We should keep moving.? While they kept walking the abominations would be busy following and the odds that one would overcome its aversion to water while busy keeping up would remain low.

"Mm, indee'," he murmured. Unfortunately, wading through water still managed to dull his normally unusually quick pace. Refraining from saying anything else to attract attention, he instead kept his eyes trained on their surroundings for any sign of movement, dead or undead.

It was not all that easy to keep walking and to remain in the center of the shallow stream not being able to see anything at all. Other senses had to supply the information usually gained by sight. In the center of the stream the water was slightly cooler and the current slightly more noticeable and, while the breeze was minimal, it was enough to carry the stench that always came with the Stiffs to their noses. The undead made very little noise, but they made some, and those sounds were very different from the splashing Catey and Seamus couldn?t avoid making as they moved.

Matuurek had been attracted by the strum of blood; warm, living, and adrenaline enriched blood pumping fast through thick, healthy veins. The music of it, a harmonizing duet so much more appealing than the blood of the caged and weakened stock of Ruthas, haunted her, taunted her. She masked her lust and thoughts from the dragon lord and was careful to place an illusion of her watching the stock and keeping the Minotaurs too weakened for them to even think of escape even as she took to the air. That she used to be one of them she preferred to forget.

Perhaps it was the clear flash of thought that she would be better off with a dagger in her hand to fight off the stiffs that had warned Catey to let instinct take over, or perhaps it had been a brief shift in the smell of rotting flesh. Either way, she had her bow in her hand, an arrow notched and aimed almost straight up before she could think about it. The first arrow still whizzed up when she sent a second one after it, ignoring the thought of what a waste of arrows that would be.

The faint twang of the bowstring was followed by an eerie scream that nearly masked the splash of her third arrow diving into the stream. But her first two arrows had not made any such sounds. Catey gave brief thanks for years of honing skill and instinct and for her body not having forgotten any of it while she was away.

Matuurek, at first only surprised by the feel of the arrow burrowing into her flesh, felt her strength draining. That impertinent female was using silver tips. The audacity! And she seemed to function despite the successfully planted thoughts.

Seamus hadn't noticed the stench or the sound until after Catey had already drawn her bow. Twin pistols were deftly unholstered and thrust into the night sky. He was audacious, too, his own bullets pure silver. No shots rang out, yet, because he was semi-satisfied with the wail induced from Catey's arrow.

?Wing.? Catey quietly and quickly shot to Seamus even as she listened for further real sounds and tried to ignore illusions and false thoughts. She hoped Seamus would find a way to ignore the vampire?s manipulations. One hit, or perhaps two, even with an especially designed arrow, was far from enough to incapacitate a stiff.

"I figured," Seamus whispered back. Blocking out the falsely implanted thoughts was a lot easier now that he was dealing with two different parts of his mind.

Matuurek had turned around and now dove for the male. The fragrance of blood was so rich she could already taste it on her tongue. Something was not quite right with this one, she noted with alarm as she closed in. How could she have missed that until now? Those stiffs, she knew. Their unnatural cold and the sheer number of them would throw anyone off. She cursed in her native language as she realized what the male was.

Werewolf. The only creature a wing truly feared apart from other Wings, the only other creature with enough strength to tear her heart from her. But he was in the form of a puny human. She would feast on his rich blood before he could shift.

Seamus would like to see her try. Two shots rang out as Matuurek neared, deathly close to the Wing if not a hit. He couldn't quite see in the dark, but he was one hell of a marksman.

The explosions of the shots fired were loud and rang in Catalina?s ears for some time after. Try as she might, she could no longer hear the soft sounds the stiffs made as they moved, or any swishing of wings overhead. Two drops of liquid hit her face and stung, but with the sting of colder rather than acid, so it could not the Wing?s blood.

Seamus felt the drops of an impending rainstorm, and he could smell it to. "Smells like rain, love. Wha's th' plan now?" He remained all eyes and ears for the wing, ready to shoot again if necessary. And he was glancing at the creek bed wearily, knowing it wouldn't be safe for long.

"Not drowning would be good." Catalina's mind raced. It rained rarely in this part of Dragon's Eye, but when it did, the rain came hard and fast. The creek bed would flood quickly. The rain and flood water would also chase the abominations away, which would be a blessing. They'd have to cut it close, though. "It won't do us any good to escape the water only to be pulled underground by the stiffs."

"Nae, it won't, will it?" Seamus chortled, somewhat amused by Catey's comment. He flashed her a winning grin.

Ideally they'd find a large area of solid rock to stand on. Where was that wing? Catalina listened intently to the fall of heavy drops, hoping for the sounds to give away the creatures location.

"Need t' find somethin' 'igher up, then? An' not made o' ground?" he asked, blinking owlishly into the night as he not only listened for any sound from the attacking stiff, but also in search for a rock-like area.

Just as quickly how hard they strained their ears didn't matter. The sound of heavy drops swelled to heavy rain to roaring waterfall in the space of mere seconds. Not only had it become impossible to hear any subtle differences but it was now also almost impossible to tell what was water from above and what was water from below. Mother Nature appeared determined to make up for months without any rain at all in the shortest amount of time possible and with a vengeance.

Catey gave up any attempt at speech - she'd just be breathing in water anyway - and blindly grabbed for any part of Seamus she might be able to get a hold of with her free hand. Her other hand had cramped around the bow.

The sudden flood of water surprised Seamus, it was unreal and unlike any rainstorm he had ever encountered. His clothes clung thickly to his skin, dragging him down though not too badly. He was straining to hear Catey's response, but the waterfall was too dense and he resorted to trying some heathen-like form of sign language where he was trying to indicate them walking, and then raising his hand to show some sort of higher ground area... And he was doing this all while trying to hold onto one gun and Catey at the same time.

"Argh!" Since he could hardly see his own hands, he figured maybe it was just best to drag Catey in some direction where he thought he had previously seen higher ground.

Somehow they made it out of the creek, though it took them a while to realize that with the rain coming down as hard as it did and the baked dry ground refusing to absorb much of the water. At least they did not have to worry about stiffs reaching for their ankles in this weather.

Seamus shook his head, not that it did any good to dislodge any water droplets. He had to holler at Catey to have any hope of being heard over the noise of the downpour.

"'ow long do th' rains 'ere last?" He was incredulously asking.

"Not long enough." Catey didn't even try to get her bearings. She knew it would be impossible for now. The constant roar of the rain beat at her nerves as well as at her ears, but just the same she hoped it would last all night. "We need to keep moving. Up would be a desired direction."

They would not stop again until daylight. Catalina wanted as much distance between them and where the wing had found them as possible and as fast as possible. The rain would provide cover only while it lasted, and it was unlikely they'd get this lucky again a second night, if one could call fighting with Mother Nature against drowning lucky.

"Ungh, o' course," Seamus replied, seeking an upward slope as they press on.

That wing was still very much on Catalina?s mind. How badly had they managed to hurt it? How much information had it glimpsed from their thoughts to tell whoever created it and how soon would it pass on that information? The undead might be limited to night time hours, but the Others were not. And just how soon would that one come looking for them?

"Ye know, ye get weird weather out 'ere." Seamus took a gasping breath and rubbed the back of his head, looking over his shoulder reluctantly ? not that he could see anything. "Think we lost tha' Wing?"

"No." Catalina didn't even respond to the jest. She was worried. Could she keep up the pace and talk without drowning? It was worth a try. "If it's too hurt to report back someone will look for it." That was perhaps the best possible scenario. A search would take time and the rain was still washing away any signs of their passing.

?Oh joy.? Seamus frowned as they continued pressing forward, casting worried glances into the wet darkness over his shoulder.

The rain let up as quickly as it had started. One moment water was washing over them with force then, like someone was turning of a multitude of faucets at once, it stopped. The silence that followed was enormous and their sloshing steps on the wet ground seemed disproportionately loud. Sadly, it was still just as dark as before.

Or perhaps it was not quite so dark. Something tiny glittered ahead and up in the darkness.

"If it can function it will tell what it learned. If it's somewhat incapacitated but not to ground, its mind will be read. The Others read minds, too, and they don?t have any morals holding them back interrogating one of their undead creatures." Catalina eventually offered, sounding frustrated. Before long they would have to worry about things rising from the ground again, too.

"Woah, what's that?" Seamus raised a brow at the sudden lack of water. Disregarding what Catey just said, he pointed ahead to the glittering.

"It stopped raining." Catalina had not paused to notice that Seamus was pointing, but kept on setting one foot in front of the other. The map had shown a forest, and she?d love nothing better just now then to happen upon it. "Give it a bit for the ground to dry up some, then we can pick up the pace. Maybe we can make it to some trees."

"Nae, nae, Catey..." Seamus ran up to her and grabbed her arm to get her attention. "Look!" Catalina raised her gaze up and looked. And she looked some more, Could it be?

"Stars." Though she wasn't at all sure if she liked seeing stars in the sky. It meant they would be visible too.

"Tha's th' sky?" Seamus tilted his head up and stared.

"The ground doesn't go that far up." Catalina sounded like she was grinning. Somewhere in Seamus's question she had found her humor again. "We should keep moving. Perhaps we'll even be able to see something before long. It's been known to happen after a rainfall."

"Oh.? Seamus sounded dumbfounded. "Aye," He chuckled and resumed their upward trek.

"We will need to find a place save enough to stop for a while. We need to at least eat something. A spot save enough for a nap would be even better." She shared some of her thoughts. "You had to avoid fliers before, right?"

"Aye, food." That sounded so foreign. "Gettin' dry migh' b' nice, too." Seamus chuckled again. "A time or two."

"Right." They were rather soaked, weren't they? Dry was not a first priority to Catey's way of thinking, though. "Then you know what kind of place we need. You didn't get injured, did you?" It occurred to her to ask. It would be better if they didn't smell of blood and had scavengers give their location away.

"Nah, I'm as righ' as rain." Seamus grinned in the dark.

"As rain" Catalina laughed. "Too funny."

"'s why ye adore me." Seamus blew her kiss.

"That and a few other qualities." Catalina shared some more of her worries with Seamus as they walked and what she remembered from looking at the map back at the Shack. Seamus did not only brighten their spirits with a joke here and there, but also offered some ideas for how to make the most of the tools at hand. Eventually there was enough starlight for them to risk running for periods. Their conversation simply took a break while they ran and picked back up when they slowed to a brisk walk.

Cailean Connor

Date: 2010-01-05 18:16 EST
Ulam Pines and Gamps

By the time the sun came up again they had covered quite some ground and, to judge by the sound of Catey's voice, in the right direction.

"Look, Seamus, trees!" That neither rain nor wing had messed with Catalina?s sense of direction came as a welcome surprise to her. She had not been as sure as she had let on.

"Trees b' good, righ'?" Seamus looked concerned as they approached the wooded area, still half-jogging. The trees were rather obvious and also obviously trees, and what they were approaching wasn't just a small speckle of the kind that hardly deserved the word. No, what lay ahead of them almost looked like a forested area. It was nothing lush and thick like one might find on Rhydin or on Earth, but close enough to what one could imagine a forest to be like in a mostly dry climate. The underbrush was completely missing. Seamus didn?t even see a hint of fungus, moss, or grass. This forest was really just a collection of trees, nothing else it seemed.

"Yes. They are cover from above and from below. And we didn't let the rain get us too far off course." Catalina was relieved.

"Thank th' gods." Seamus sighed in relief and leaned against the first tree for support.

"Let's go a bit further and find one that looks comfortable enough for sleeping in." She playfully tugged at Seamus's still wet sleeve.

"A'righ', a'righ'... Wait... sleepin' in?" His tired grin for Catey turned incredulous as he followed after her.

"Yes." She answered just as incredulously that he asked, already leading the way.

?'ow does tha' work out?" Seamus cocked his head to the side in confusion and assessed their surroundings curiously. The trees, pine and leaf, short and tall alike, were gnarled and thick trunked with thick needles in clumps growing on the branches of some, with small but thick and dark leaves spread more evenly along the branches of others. The trunks of most of the trees split three or even four ways five to ten feet up.

"One climbs up, finds a comfortable spot, and once reasonably secure one closes ones' eyes and sleeps." Catalina grinned. She didn?t mention rope being a useful thing to pack in case the only tree far and wide didn?t offer branches wide enough.

"Comfy, are they?" He grinned for Catey, seeing how this could work out.

"No, not really, but they are a save place. Get high enough and the things below ground can't sense you, and they provide cover from above. It's save enough sleeping on the ground during daylight most places, but I've no idea what roams these woods in particular or how far away we are from any camps.? She?d rather not make contact with any people during this mission if it could be avoided. Mostly because the more minds had Seamus and her in them, the harder it would be for them to make it back. ?Anyway, the ground's still wet." Catalina looked up from time to time, judging as they went what would make a good resting place.

"Ahh, well, makes sense at any rate." Seamus shrugged his shoulder, keeping his eyes peeled as well... and appreciating her backside as she led on.

"How about this one." Catey pointed up eventually. "It looks like it has enough leaves on it and is wide enough for both of us. Or would you rather have your own?" There certainly were plenty of trees around and no need to be frugal in that aspect.

"Any tree is good so long as I can share it wit' ye, hon," Seamus winked, grinning wolfishly. That comment earned him a wide smile from Catey.

"Up we go then. I wonder if any of the food stayed dry." She'd eat it soggy too, of course.

"Food is food," he grins up at her as he waited for her to start the upward climb.

Catalina attached her bow to her pack and then was ready to climb. Hand over hand, foot over foot. In no time at all she pulled herself up to stand on the first split, looking down to see how Seamus was doing. He followed easily behind her, assessing the branches with a child's curiosity. The gnarled trunk was surprisingly easy to climb, with the proper foot ware. The bark, though looking shiny smooth in places, provided plenty of hand holds.

"This is th' mos' curious tree I've e'er come across.." Seamus looked up at Catey with a grin.

"What's curious about it?" She gave him a hand up once he was close enough to do so, entirely comfortable with standing on the wide, strong limb.

"It aint like trees back 'ome, tha's fer sure," he remarked, taking her hand and letting her pull him up to stand on the limb with her. He imagined that the dragons, as much as they seemed to dislike trees, would have burned this forest down if they could have. So these trees must have some adaptation to that enemy as well as to the local weather patterns. He guessed that these trees also were able to withstand the undead things in the ground, perhaps even got nutrients from them, and that their roots reached deep to a source of water. "Strong, though, I'll give credit."

"Hmm. The trees in Rhydin do look different. More like some of the kinds here in the south. Food first or sleep first?" She went for neither though, but reached for her canteen. Thirst was worse than anything else.

"I think sleep, should prolly ration th' food." Seamus cautioned.

"If it's still any good to begin with." With a wave of her hand she indicated the options. "Which spot looks most comfortable to you?"

"Ye pick firs', hon. I'd rather ye b' th' mos' comfortable."

"Sometimes you're such a man." Catalina chuckled. ?I?d be most comfortable snuggled up against you.?

They did end up nibbling on a piece of hard bread that wasn't all that hard anymore as they finally got comfortable. Catalina had insisted that they take the time to set out their currently rather useless sleeping rolls for drying and whatever else could be dried safely. She guessed that they would eventually be glad to have taken the time this morning. The gamp did offer a spot with just the right curve to it to cradle Seamus and Catey, both. And if they so chose, the even found room to stretch their legs. Seamus couldn't complain, it was better than the ground.

Catalina woke to full alertness in what she guessed to be only a few hours later. She didn?t move but her muscles tensed as she tried to figure out what had alerted her. Then she heard the shriek again. She held her breath.

A second shriek came from far overhead. Too high, she thought, and too far away for the voice to belong to anyone searching the area for two humans, and dared to breathe again. Perhaps they got lucky and the Other either didn?t know of their presence at all or decided that the undead already took care of them or would with the next nightfall. But the sound also meant that making a fire would be out of the question for the time being.

Seamus had already been alerted to consciousness, sitting stiffly upright at the shrieking as he looked at Catey questionably.

She shared that observation and her thoughts with Seamus once they both stood on the ground again. Seamus agreed with her, for the sake of safety. Though his clothes were still damp, he was still more concerned with Catey than himself; he could withstand freezing temperatures and be alright. Hopefully the trekking would keep their blood warm. They would travel for as long as they had light to see by and at nightfall climb into a tree. With any luck they?d get a full night?s sleep before they?d have to travel in the open again.

Cailean Connor

Date: 2010-01-12 21:59 EST
The Old Village

They did have that luck and, though they had left the forest behind them part way through their third?s day progress, they happened across another gamp tree to make camp in that night. Catalina had shown Seamus how to get water from the ulam pines. Food was becoming an issue, though, and Catalina asked Seamus to keep an eye out for any jack rabbits and cautioned against using the noisy guns to catch one. If Catalina?s guesses were right about their current location and distance traveled, they should make it to the old village sometime this afternoon. Once there, making a fire and roasting some meat should pose only a minor risk.

Seamus was utterly fascinated about how water could be drawn from the ulam pines. It reminded him of cactuses, and he opened his mouth to tell Catey, then quickly closed as he decided that meant too much explanation. Instead, he kept his eyes and ears peeled for any signs of wildlife they could capture and eat. Hey, he was a hunter! Guns weren't necessary!

The old village, or rather the outer edge of it, was visible from afar. Catalina pointed out the odd circle of green in the distance to Seamus. She also pointed slightly east to give Seamus an idea where the Other?s stronghold was that the village belonged to at some point in the past. From what little the Goldens knew of the area?s more recent history, the stronghold was guessed to consist of an extensive cave system and of what was left of a castle that was built there roughly eight centuries ago.

The green circle was a typical for any kind of settlement, old or new, in these parts. People had stripped the ground to the bedrock, leaving nothing under their village for the undead to come up from after nightfall, and chiseled foundations for structures into the rock. Refuse and dirt was kept outside of walls surrounding the cleared area. It was that nutrient rich dirt that made plant growth possible even for long after the people had gone. Villages that still served as occasional hang out for Others while in their human forms for the most part escaped being burned down until a dispute cropped up. Others, like the Goldens, had those among them who enjoyed living as humanoids for months or even decades at a time.

Seamus had been about to ask about the green ring when Catey beat him to the punch line. He was interested in the outlay, committing it to memory.

"Th' stronghold soun's like an amazin' feat. Will we be goin' 'round those parts?" Just as a precaution, though he knew that even she didn't know exactly where they were headed except into danger. He looked at the smoldering buildings as they were about to enter the old village with an architect's eye.

"That is exactly where we are going.? Catalina referred to the old village. No way would they be going into the Other?s lair. ?It's the last known location of the caretaker, or rather, the only location. Ideally we go find him there, get the kid, and are out of here. But if anyone expected things to go so easy they'd not have asked me to go. They did ask, you know, it wasn't an order." Catalina watched the area as they approached, taking note of everything she could.

"Looks like it's been inhabited recently," he commented offhandedly. But it was the green ring that intrigued him the most. "This is th' mos' interestin' soil I 'ave e'er come across," he admits, wanting to sample it and run his fingers through its moistness with childlike curiosity.

"Eww." Catalina had to chuckle, though. "I guess it's pretty nourishing stuff and when there are enough people living in the village to make trash. It?s likely pretty moist, too. The wild plants seem to like it."

"Oh really?" he asked, smirking at her. "'ow thoughtful o' 'em." He winked for her before he looked back to the green ring. "'ey, if plants'll grow in it, it's good, trus' me. We 'ad a lotta bad soil where I'm from. 'twas 'ard to find good soil, an' if ye did, ye kept wit' it."

"The ground more regularly haunted by the undead and gone through several burnings and incinerations takes time to recover, after decades of such mistreatment a long time even for the way Golden's see it. Some of what used to be battle ground and has been won back long before I was born is still damaged even with healers and mages working on it." Sadness showed in her eyes as she mentioned that little trivia bit.

"Tha's rough 'n' 'orrible 'n' all." Seamus frowned.

"Things could be worse." Catalina cheered up a little. "And if we're even partially successful now we may just make a huge difference. It'll mean a lot and give everyone a moral boost if it should be true that one of the royal youngsters survived and can be brought home."

"Very true," Seamus agreed with a nod of his head. "I'm glad t' know we are makin' a difference." He glanced around some more. "Summat's been here within th' las' few weeks, maybe even sooner."

"It does appear quiet." Catalina didn't sound like she welcomed the quiet. "I expected for us to have to dodge villagers. Even the vegetable beds look old and neglected." She pointed out a couple of carefully banked patches of dirt with a few rather unkempt looking plants growing in them. She explained that those few inches of earth were used to grow vegetables and they should see if they could find anything edible among the weeds later.

"Oh? Is this a known hub?" Seamus looked to her curiously.

"We don't really know much about the place at all. It's not like the Others share their maps or allow anyone else to fly over. You've to understand that it's been decades or perhaps even centuries that anyone from our side has been this far beyond the lines. What information exists is old by the time we get it, and usually second or third hand." That mentioned information that could be gotten from anyone they brought back with them made even a child that had up until now lived in these parts almost invaluable, even if it wasn't a royal child.

"It's possible that the information of it being a village with a small population is from a few decades ago or from a couple centuries ago. By the looks of it, I'd guess roughly a century." She indicted a couple of what may have been family homes at some point and still recognizable as such. "Compared to the ruins we saw first coming in, these look more recent."

"I see." Seamus nodded with thoughtful gazes around the village. "I agree, it looks that way, save for the recent visitors."

"Visitors?" She gave Seamus a curious look. She?d been looking for signs of any current habitation. Seamus pointed to tracks in the ground.

"I tol' ye someone 'as been 'ere recently."

"Those scratches do look recent." Catalina agreed. "I am hoping for more than just visitors, though."

"It looks like they passed through a lot, though. Not exactly 'eavy wit' th' traffic of many, but rather of few going through many times." Seamus mused over this, squatting down to touch the ground thoughtfully.

"Those do not look deep enough to be claws. We should find where they stayed." Catalina was eager to check out the houses at the far edge of the village. From here at least they looked to be in better shape.

"This would be so much easier if smoke came from any of the chimneys." But Others did not need to burn any fuels for fires, so no smoke rising didn?t have to indicate anything.

He chuckled, nodding. "Aye, it would,? Seamus chuckled and nodded, ?but then they wouldn' 'ave asked ye." He winked and sniffed at the air experimentally, seeing if he could catch a whiff of a recent scent. He paused, sniffing more, and headed in the direction of a house not too far away. "I think I may 'ave somethin'..."

"Lead the way then." Catalina chuckled with Seamus and followed his lead. Perhaps he being a wolf for a night every now and then was not only not so bad but actually a really good and desirable thing. He liked to think it was helpful.

Seamus led her through the village, to a house that was both obscured and inconspicuous.

"It smells like this one 'ere," he murmured to Catey, instinctively changing his footsteps to creep toward it. Catalina too switched to stealth mode. Just because there weren't any of the expected signs of habitation didn't mean the place was empty.

A careful glance inside through a window didn't reveal anything. Catalina reached to press a hand against a door, but froze before she actually touched anything. The fine hairs on the nape of her neck and her arms suddenly rose. Usually that was her indicator that a Golden or Other was close by.

Seamus frowned as he watched Catey with an expecting look. She now used that hand to indicate for him to stay low for what little good that might do. At Seamus?s nod she resumed the task at hand with even more caution than originally planned for. The door did indeed give way to a slight bit of pressure and Seamus stepped back and half-crouched, though he stood on guard for in case he needed to dash after her.

Catalina waited, and then waited some more, every muscle tensed for action. Others, just like Goldens, could be very patient. While she waited she worked a blade from her boot into her hand. Eventually she couldn't stand waiting any longer and she carefully ducked inside. Seamus watched her like a cat, almost, sharply inhaling the air as she ducked inwards.

Like a cat was how she was moving, only a few steps at a time and as noiselessly as she could make it, every sense wide open. Nothing inside the house beside her seemed to move or breathe, though. When she was reasonably sure nothing was jumping out of corners and that the house proper was empty at least for the time being she stood and walked back to the door to wave Seamus inside. Nonetheless, she kept her voice low.

"Seems empty enough but it may not be that way for long."

"Ye are sure it b' empty?" Seamus whispered an upnod of his head as he stealthily followed her into the house.

"The beds and living quarters are empty of people anyway. There are some jars and roots in the pantry and I didn't find the well yet, and there was only one closet to check. I doubt there's anyone in any of the chests." That last was indeed unlikely. It was amazing how many things stood and lay around, in and out of crates. Even with the use of magic it was unlikely anyone could achieve quite that look of partial order and chaos from inside a chest after having crawled into one to hide. "It's going to take a while to find anything useful in all of this."

Altogether way too much furniture cluttered the room for it to be a comfortable place for humans to live in. In fact, despite the items not being all the glittery or shiny, it all had more the feel of a heap of a dragon's treasure than furnishings and house hold items.

"Huh?? Seamus sniffed around. ?Oh, yeah? well... they 'aven't been gone too long." He started to glance through some of the items that on second look appeared to be placed all around with care and even some method. "Looks recent..." He stopped and paused. "I smell... I think I smell blood."

"No dust." Catalina noticed. "Where?" Seamus?s observation had her attention and she stopped looking through a collection of useless things that covered a table two feet high in places. Seamus tested the air again as he moved forward, and then lowered to his hind haunches.

"What th'...?" Seamus asked skeptically as he lowered onto his palms, too, pressing his nose to the floor. He sniffed loudly. "Down below...?" he looked up at Catey with confusion, "do th' tunnels o' th' stronghold come under th' village?"

"You may have found the well." Catalina shook her head in the negative in answer to his question and then checked the ground for anything that would tell them how to get to the well. "Every house should have at least a small one, drilled straight down to a water reservoir. The lid might be magic or mechanic."

"Oh, th' well. Why didn' I think o' that?" Seamus frowned, looking around. "Mechanic, I can do. Magicks? No sireee."

Cailean Connor

Date: 2010-02-01 23:06 EST

At the bottom of the well, partially in a puddle of water and partially propped up against the wall Crathalenthixta, in her elven form, pressed a hand to her lip to muffle a moan of pain as another contraction ripped through her body. It was stronger and longer than the previous pains and broke her feeble hold over the concealment spell. Not that it mattered much, she thought, the male intruder had already scented her. She barely had enough time for that half a thought and to take a breath or two before another pain tore at belly and sapped her strength further.

Seamus's eyes widened, as he stared at Catey after a moment.

"Is she...?!" he asked increduously, as he heard the sounds of contractions. Then he looked around for his pack, to remove a rope. "We are goin' t' 'elp 'er, aye?"

"Is who what? What she and helping with what?" Catalina had found the mechanism for the well's lid and was now making use of it and the heavy lid that a moment had looked part of the floor folded down slowly.

Crathalenthixta would be amused and may even have laughed at the thoughts from the two, but right now she had other things on her mind.

Catalina didn't have to ask again what exactly was down there. A string of words, coughs, sneezes, clicks and growls echoing up the well gave away a few clues the eyes could not yet see. The voice sounded like that of an angry and impatient female, the language was a version of draconian unfamiliar to Catey.

As best as she could make out the woman was warning them. But of what exactly she couldn?t make out, not just because she had language difficulties but also because the sentences where interrupted by curses and pleas.

"Xti Trkaa amtjii." Catalina tried to get her mouth to form the words and crinched inwardly at just how mangled her attempt sounded even to her own ears. Of course Seamus and her would do what they could to help foil the Others? plans. "What happened to mind reading and telepathy? That would be so much easier."

Seamus chuckled at Catey, raising a brow as she attempted to repeat the words.

"Sounds like alphabet soup all out o' wack, t' me." He shrugged his shoulders at her comment.

"Ah-hah!" He pulled the rope out of his sack before he zipped it back up and threw it back over his shoulder. "Found it!" He exclaimed with a triumphant look to Catey and then peered down into the well after he finally found his rope.

"I don't think she's in any shape to climb up a rope." Catalina gave that rope Seamus was holding up a questioning look even as she tried to decipher a new string of sounds that issued from below. But this time the string of words also came with telepathic urging.

If those two wanted to do something useful, they?d have to hurry. Crathalenthixta was running out of time and not at all sure she?d be able to kling to life long enough for their efforts to do any good. But the agents of the Goldens? would have to be told a few things, too. Her powers were fading or she'd adjust to the strange thoughtpatterns more quickly and her telepathy would be stronger. Nearly constant contractions weakened her further.

"I though' we were goin' down?" Seamus blinked as he looked down again.

"Tjii" Crathalenthixta managed to cry up, sounding less angry. They?d have to come down, even if by the time they got their act together there were only the eggs to recover and her body to burn.

"That means 'hurry'. I guess that means she agrees with you." Catey looked around for something sturdy enough to tie the rope to.

"Then hurry we shall..." Seamus repeated absently, glancing from the well lid to a door knob. "Which do ye thin' will 'old th' longes' an' bes'?"

"The lid looks anchored well enough." A strangled sound from below had Catey opt for the closer solution. She also grabbed up a lamp of the many that stood around and worked to get it lit.

"You go down firs', doll.? Seamus nodded at Catey and secured the rope. ?I'll make sure ye get down there safe an' if ye need anythin' else I can grab it 'fore joinin' ye."

"Maybe you can find something of potential use in the way of rags among all this clutter." Catalina nodded to a stack of crates that looked like they were home to silk scarfes, and few other bits of cloth type materials as she fastened the lit lamp to a loop on her pack.

"Good thinkin'," Seamus nodded as he tugged on the rope roughly to ensure its safety. He smiled for Catey and stole a kiss. "'urry up."

?Right.? Catalina grinned to Seamus and down the hole she went. Another series of clicks, coughs, growls and sneezes accompanied her descent into the well. Along with some telepathic support from Crathalenthixta Catalina was able to make sense of most of what the dragon woman tried to communicate.

The woman was going to die no matter what. That was the nature of the magic her uncle had managed to put on her. To foil her uncle?s plan and the caretaker not at home, the woman had doused herself and the young she had thought to rescue from her uncle?s lab in flamables. Her intention had been to set eveything, including herself, on fire. The appearance of Catalina and Seamus in the village had put a hold on that plan. She saw in them a chance at life for her child and for the young.

"If you can find something like a net...bring it." She called up to Seamus even before she was all the way down. A moment later a little splash signaled that she had arrived at the bottom.

Her lamp bathed the area in a soft glow. The woman there was beautiful despite the red cheeks in an otherwise palid face and her obviously being in pain. She looked a lot like some of the porcelain dolls Catalina had seen in the stores in Rhydin.

The light also glinted off some of the smooth rocks the woman was propped up on and as Catalina bent to better evaluate the situation she could see what Seamus had scented; blood. The water at the bottom of the well was colored with it and thin bands of what had to be the mentioned flamables swirled in the mix. The sight of it took Catalina's mind off speculating about the rocks and their odd smoothness. Instead she prepared to make use of her healing powers.

Hearing Catey's splash, Seamus quickly busied himself with finding cloths and the like, folding them neatly.. and.. "A net? Ye serious?" He blinked a bit as he fished around for a net. Luckily, he succeeded. He set it on the ground beside the cloths. Feeling satisfied, he stuffs the items into his pack. "A'righ', I'm comin' down."

"No." Crathalenthixta grabbed a word of the human's language and Catalina's arm. The girls talents were barely existant and use of them now would be a waste of energy. Pain tearing through her body made her tighten her grip on that arm.

Seamus had begun his descent, gripping the rope tightly. And he paused. "Nae?" tilting his head down, and then at Catey's comment.

"She didn't mean you by that." Catalina called up for Seamus before she concentrated on the next few sentences the woman got out. Her lips pressed together as she listened to the woman with a quick nod here and there. So she wasn?t going to use those healing talents.

"O..kay..." Seamus continued on downward.

Crathalenthixta introduced herself in every important detail and explained that Catey was to take the baby from her belly while she still lived or it would die with her. She warned that they had to precise later because her uncle had not given up on finding and using her despite her having sought to trick him by being pregnant in human form rather than laying eggs for her uncle to use.

"I'm Catey Mandoccy and my partner is Seamus O'Connor. We'll do what we can, Cra." Catalina kept her voice absolutely calm.

Seamus nimbly dropped with a splash. He blinked to focus in the dimness to peer at Catey and? Cra? He tilded his head. "She's beautiful..." he murmured.

"Cra." Crathalenthixta agreed with Seamus before she flooded his mind and Catalina's with images of her escape, of the original plan, of the young Catey and Seamus had come for, and of whatever she could think of that might add to the pair?s chances of getting back to the Goldens.

The flood of images paused while she dealt with the onset of another contraction only to resume as soon as she could. She was very much aware that time was something she was running out of quickly and she trusted that these two were intelligent enough to figure out her message eventually and that they would pass on the other images to the Goldens if they made it. For now though this baby getting out was more pressing, that and the promise she would have from both. Her uncle was not to profit from her death if she could help it. "Bodies. Burn. Swear."

"Okay, Cra," Seamus looking a little panicked by the images, though he cought on. "Oh, Gods..."

"We will make it so. Tjiaharree." Catalina nodded to Cra.

"Aye," Seamus seconded, lowering the sack. "I got th' cloths.. and th' net."

"Something's not as it should be. My healing talent is useless with this and Cra said that even if nothing was wrong she would die, something the Lord of the castle has done to her, best as I can translate. The young may yet live, though."

Seamus frowned a bit as Catey related her earlier conversation with Cra, nodding and listening.

"I should 'ope so..." He paused. "Wait... is this who we're lookin' for?" His eyes went all wide as he looked back up at Catey.

"No. The caretaker was gone when she got here." Catalina would have explained more but a string of words from Cra made her shake her head for Seamus and then move to aid Cra as best as she could and to listen to the draconic words as well as to comprehand the telepathic images.

"Oh.. Well.. What can I do?" frowning at the ugent sounds Cra was making.

Crathalenthixta was anything but gentle in her communications. These two were the last hope her young and those she had smuggled out of the castle had at any kind of life. When she had repeated her plea that those two take the young across the lines she turned her effort to get the idea across that they'd have to cut the young from her body and soon before it died inside her.

"We 'ave t'...!?" Seamus?s eyes widened considerably at that image. This was something that did not settle with him well.

"If Cra is right it's that or two undead will be in this well by nightfall." The information sat no better with Catalina.

"Are ye sure?" Seamus looked down at Cra with a frown. "Well, if 'e is th' savior an' all.."

"Probably not." Catalina looked intensly at Cra. Right now she didn't like her job one bit. Nonetheless she drew her knife.

"Tjii" Crathalenthixta urge to hurry ended in a gurgle.

"I'm sorry? but I promise we'll get 'im safe." Seamus?s lips formed a thin line as he reachds to take Cra's hand and squeezed her fingers lightly.

Cra nodded to Catalina and, holding on to Seamus's hand, shifted somewhat to make Catalina's task easier.

"Luck. Thank. You." Cra kept her eyes on Seamus as she concentrated on the foreign words. There would be no more words or images from her. She did not want to see the blade cut into her human flesh.

Catalina's face was as if chisseled from stone as she bent to the gruesome task. The woman had begged her to take the child and she wasn?t taking it for food, she told herself to steady her hand. Any hesitation with the knife would only make this worse.

Seamus tried to keep Cra busy, to give her something to see in his mind. So he began to think about images of his life in chronological order. As a child, playing in the wheat fields with his twin Tomas? Then older, kissing girls... The night a werewolf got Tomas and his sworn vengance. Then his memories flickered to him being bit, and his first painful transformation.

Cra appreciated Seamus's efforts and let him know that much with a brief flicker of telepathic warmth. The last breath of life left her body as Catey lifted the baby girl from Cra's belly.

Seamus gasped softly at the warmth and then again at the little girl while Catalina wondered if she just imagined the cold energy that for a moment seemed to paralize her.

The the little girl's chest rose as she took her first breath.

"Oh.. wow.." Seamus was speechless for lack of a better term. He shook his head and quickly shuffled for the silken cloth, and then proceeded to remove his jacket. "'ere, this'll keep her warm..."

"I think she'll need some cleaning up first. Are you up for that?" Catey's hands had started to shake and she was afraid she'd drop the wee one or make a mess of the ambelical cord if she didn't get to that before her hands would shake any more.

"Aye, I can do tha'..." he frowned as he easily took the little one into one hand. He found an actual cloth, not silk, to wipe gently at the baby's face, then arms and legs while Catey finished what needed to be done.

"Seamus? These rocks, do they look like anything to you?" She positioned the net around Cra's body so that they may raise her up later. Catalina didn't just ask to distract herself from what she was doing. Cra had mentioned ?young? in the plural form.

"They are smooth.. They look like..." Seamus squinted, tilted his head and stared at the rocks. "Blimey, they look like ... precious stones almos'?"

"That wasn't what I was thinking, but yes." Catalina took up the lamp and slowly moved the glow of light over them. "Some of these seem to glint and glow, are you seeing that too or am I imagining things?"

"Nae, they are? Aren' they?" Seamus curling the baby to his form as he stared at the rocks in confusion.

"I never seen any intact ones, only bits of shells." Catalina assumed that Seamus' thoughts traveled along the same path as hers. "She did mentioned smuggled young. Perhaps we should come back down with some better light." Or perhaps they should just take them up into the light. Flamables and lamps in the same area was asking for trouble.

"Those are... eggs?" Dragons eggs? Seamus blinked, staring blankly for a moment. The baby was content for the moment. She'd remind these two soon enough that she had needs.

"Could be, even if some of them are dudds. She did ask for us to burn the bodies, not just one." Catalina bent to touch her hand to one of the suspects.

"Wait.. le' me get this straigh'.. we need t' burn th' bodies.. as in all these eggs?" Seamus stared inredulously between Catey and the eggs.

"Not all, just the dead ones." Catalina stared hard at the eggs or rocks as if trying to learn by just looking what was alife and what was not.

"But.. 'ow are we t' know?" Seamus continued to stare at them.

"We'll figure something out. If nothing else we can break one or two and learn from looking." Catalina didn't like that idea, bit was better than burning the wrong ones and taking the currently dead and undead to be with them.

"I.. tha' sounds risky." Seamus frowned.. "Can' we tell by 'em movin'?"

"We can try.? None of the suspects were moving so far. ?First things first though. We won't be able to overnight here now. We need food and rest. We need to see what we can find out about the caretaker and the kid we came here for. At least there are enough flamable materials in this house." Catalina already thought through all the details and adjusted their plan to the new circumstances. It was a productive way to keep her mind of Cra and the body lying there. ?As much effort as went into getting us here I can't imagine there not being some carefully concealed message around of some kind.?

"Aye, I know.. Th' caretaker doesn' seem t' b' 'ere.. From th' images.. seems she disappeared?" Seamus looked back to the kid with a soft sigh. "Poor thin'."

"Aye. Should we give her a name?" Catalina came over to gaze at the poor thing. "She looks much cuter now that she's almost clean."

"Aye, I know wha' ye mean," Seamus nodded thouhtfully. "Ver' cute," he agreed, then shrugged on a name. "I don' know... ye 'ave any ideas?" Seamus asked hopefully."Ye know more 'bou' dragons than I do."

"I know that no matter how long their names are, for everyday those will be shortened to the first syllable. The rest is for intimadation mostly, I think, for identification and ancestral information secondarily. If we get her that far the court will likely find something appropriate regardless of what we call her between now and then," Catalina touched a gentle fingertip to the soft skin with something like awe. "So tiny."

"We can call her...Cate for now?" Tilting his head as he looked at her with a slow smile.

"Cate. Let's get you up to some daylight." Catalina looked up to Seamus, mirroring that slow smile.

"We'll use th' net t' get 'er up then again t' bring th' eggs up?"

"I think I saw some leather bags up there. One or the other of those might be useful. Those rocks don't exactly look small enough to fit into our packs." Catalina did not even want to think about getting the net off the mangled body of Cra again.

"Oh, true. Good thinkin'." Seamus nodded as he lifted Cate for Catey. "Ye wan' t' go up firs' wit' Cate?" Then he paused. "Wai'.. is there any way for th' Others t' know when a birth takes place?"

"I think we'll have until .... " Catalina broke off as she thought of something. " The one who put that magic on Cra, he'll expect to find her remains that those of her baby to be burning in that fire we'll set. We need to make sure he finds what he's looking for or he just may set after us and Cate." She took Cate from Seamus and, using some of those silk scarfs, tied Cate to her in preparation to climb up the rope.

"Oh, oh! Aye, we will! Good thinkin'!" Seamus held the end of the rope for her.

?Your turn." Catalina called down after she had made it up without incident. The baby was remarkably quiet.

"'ere I come!" Seamus grabbed onto the rope and started the climb up.

Cailean Connor

Date: 2010-06-27 22:31 EST
The Long Way Back

The baby remained blessedly quiet while Catey and Seamus searched the house for clues. While they found every loose board and brick, the hiding places were all disappointingly empty. Catey had shifted her search to include edibles and something suitable to feed to the baby girl when she came across something interesting. The pantry appeared a good place to start.

"I think I found something." Catalina waved a couple sheets of paper for Seamus to see. The writing on it was in a language Catey couldn't read, but paper was rare. To her way of thinking that made her find valuable. She placed the papers inside her jacket to have both hands free to check under some more debris.

Seamus craned around from where he was rifling through things in a different cupboard to peer at Catey. He squinted, tilting his head. "Huh, wonder wha' tha' could b'."

"I have no idea. I guess we'll find out once a Golden gets to read it. It's existance is strange, though." Catey dismissed a few dried up roots as well as a jar of something brown and sticky but otherwise unidentifiable. "This place is so sad a mouse would starve to death in here."

He laughed, wrangling around some debris to come up beside Catey, peering at the weird substance-filled jar. "Aye, 'm incline' t' agree wit' ye on tha' one, Catey," Seamus chuckled, shaking his head. "Would it b' best if I did some pokin' aroun' t' see if I can fin' food elsewhere?"

"Maybe one of those beds has some roots in it. It's too bad that it's not nesting season. Eggs are about the easiest thing I can think of to feed a wyrm with." Milk was so out of the question, Catalina had not even thought of that.

"Ye grew up eatin' roots?" Seamus asks, raising a brow in mild amusement. Chortles, and shakes his head. "Aye, t'would b' nice fer all o' us, wouldn' it?" Peers around the room from where they are. "Ye know, this planet kind o' sucks s'far as sustenance goes." Though, he gives her an up and down look that is accompanied by a wolfish grin.

"If any were available. Meat one could get a hold of almost all the time. Everything else not so much." Any kind of food had not been easy to come by until after Catey had gotten to stay at court. "Not all the planet looks like this. For the Goldens and Others it's paradise, I guess, with all the meat around and imported they could possibly wish for. Perhaps there'll be time to show you the town and a little of what it looks like south of there." A wistful tone entered her voice as she spoke of the southern lands.

"What's this?" She was distracted from that well loved grin of his by what Seamus had picked up. What Seamus was holding looked suspiciously like postcards and totally out of place in the care taker's house.

He chuckled, raising his brows at her again. "Do ye miss it down south o' 'ere?" he asked, before blinking at her question. He looked down, too, at the postcards, shrugging. "Nae idea." He was about to toss them, he had merely looked them over before deciding to discard them. After turning them over a second, he passes them to Catey. "I can' seem t' make 'eads or tails o' 'em."

"The same archaic style of writing as is on the papers." She looked over the cards, front and back. "And from Rhydin."

That had to mean something. Catey's thoughts ran and tumbled over each other. She wished she could read what was written on the cards and the paper. As it was all she could do was wager a few guesses as to what the cards meant.

Seamus' brows furrowed. "From Rhy'din? Wha' coul' tha' mean?"

"At the very least it means confirmation of the trail we found in Rhydin leading here. But those cards look recent. What I cannot guess is why they've not been destroyed. It's dangerous to leave such things sitting around for anyone to find." Catalina added the cards to the papers already inside her jacket.

Seamus frowns. "Coul' they b' th' caretakers?" he asks, tilting his head at her curiously, wondering how this piece of the puzzle fit.

"It's likely. Did you come across anything that could work as accelerator for a fire?" Catalina glanced toward window and wagered a guess as to how much daylight they had left to work with.

"I've got me lighter in me pack," he offered helpfully, then added sheepishly, while scratching the back of his head, "But I'll keep lookin' for some sort o' accelerant." Seamus moved to shuffle off, then paused. "Are we buildin' a fire or burnin' somet'in' down?" he asked, furrowing his brows together a moment.

Catalina opened her mouth to reply and knew a moment of utter panic when she found she couldn't form a sound. Neither could she close her mouth again. Seconds stretched into eternities as it took all her strength of will just to draw in another breath. Even without turning to see who was about to join them she knew that with magic like this it could only be the workings of one of the Others and that it had to be close.

"Considering the stink in here a pyre sounds proper." A rich voice announced in an oddly scrapy accent. Then it's owner stepped into Seamus's field of vision.

Seamus' first reaction was to be on the defensive, and he reached for his guns instincitvely while taking a gander and sniffing at the being.

The being was a bit shorter than Catey, plump of shape yet not recognizably male or female, and pleasant to look at. The face was handsomely wrinkled Framed by white hair tied at the nape of the neck, leaving short and pointed ears clearly visible. Pale amber eyes looked Seamus up and down.

Seamus' returned the caretaker's up and down look, cocking a brow. "I take it yer th' caretaker?" he bluntly assumed.

"I have been called worse." The caretaker's amber eyes shifted to look at Catey. "You already found everything of interest and you are late. "

Catalina could move again. Obviously the caretaker did not mind her having searched his home or the things she had appropriated. But she glanced to Seamus instead of the caretaker.

"Late? Right." Catey thought it was a minor miracle that they got here as soon as they had. When she did tear her gaze from Seamus it was to observe the caretaker inspect the baby.

Seamus sputtered. "Late?!" A hand slapped to his forehead and slowly rubbed down his face. "Yer lucky we made it all," he scowled at the caretaker, but it softened slightly as the caretaker inspected the baby. "Healthy, innit?"

"For now." The caretaker sounded anything but enthusiastic.

"There has not been much of any preparation for the wyrm that I could find." Catalina sounded more hopeful in her fishing for information.

"No. It was not supposed to happen this way. But you were not supposed to be here just now either." The caretaker turned to face the pair of elites again. "I expected Dax and Benji before the last season of rains."

"A Golden would never have made it here." Catalina was quick to interject as she moved over to Seamus. Seamus opened his mouth to protest, but Catey spoke before he could. She tried not to think of any of the details about their disappearance despite the confirmation of sorts she just had been given that the caretaker's shemes had something to do with that.

"Things are the way they are. Time runs short for you and out for me. Cra has been hiding here for too long and it will be obvious in short order that I am not the one returning her or the spawn to the fold." Then, as if the fact had just been revealed, the caretaker's gaze snapped to Seamus. "You are incapable of flight."

Seamus fought the urge to say 'duh', and instead resumed scowling and crossed his arms over his chest. "Aye, tha's righ'. Is tha' necessary?" he askd, a brow rising curiously as his gaze flickered between Catey and the caretaker with a mild hint of annoyance.

Catalina shoot a look to Seamus. He was not being particularly diplomatic just now, and that just as the caretaker was imparting with important information. The caretaker had not just taken a huge risk by openly defying the local ruler. The caretaker's death was now merely a question of hours. Hours the caretaker should spend planning his complete destruction in order to avoid being used after death. Instead the caretaker was contemplating their safety or, more likely so, the safety of Cra's offspring.

"How many eggs can you carry?" The caretaker asked without replying to Seamus's question.

"One." Just one each and the baby would add plenty of difficulty to their return trip, Catalina knew. If the cartaker temporarily distracted their enemy or not would not make much of a difference.

"Two," Seamus had answered at the same time, then looked sheepish. That'd be pushing it, wouldn't it?

"How many if I were to fly you as far as possible?" The caretaker moved around among his posessions and re-arranged a few of them as he listened for the runners' reaction to this suggestion.

Seamus blinked, regarding the caretakers proposition carefully. "A lo' mo', I'd reckon..." he responded slowly, trying to devise a picture in his mind of how they could accomplish returning with them all.

"As far as you can take us, after that, one." Catalina finished Seamus's sentence. "The best we can hope for would be near the lines, correct me if I'm wrong, and it's just as possible once the pyre is lit you won't even be able to get off the ground before coming under attack."

The caretaker did not answer right away but looked from Catalina to Seamus and back while making adjustments to the intitial idea of a plan.

Seamus frowned, not pleased with that. "Could we find a place t' 'ide 'em as near th' lines as possible an' get some 'elp t' get th' rest?" he asked slowly, carefully treading.

"If you do not oppose traveling like prey?" The caretaker replied after a moment's pause. If they rode as passengers, they'd be lucky to get off alive even without bagage. Pray could be dropped anywhere, and if they were thought to be pray their chances to escape his fate would be higher. With a lot of luck they might even get some of the offspring across the lines.

"No opposition from me." Catalina looked hard at Seamus. As the caretker had pointed out without so many words, the option of leaving the way they had come was no longer available. During this flight under the Other would be saver than on the back. Spells and breath weapons would fly around them and the caretaker expected to die while aloft. They'd be closer to the ground held by a claw when seperating became neccesary. And maybe there'd even be time to hide the eggs as Seamus had suggested.

Seamus nodded, his brows furrowed slightly as he considered what they were proposing. "I thin' we kin do it," he offered optimistically after a long moment.