Topic: Corwell Smithy

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-07-28 14:05 EST
Help Wanted

Martin Corwell adjusted the ?Help Wanted? sign he had hammered to the outside wall next to the double doors to his smithy and took a step back regarding it thoughtfully. The letters printed with red paint were easy to read even for his eyes, clouded with age.

Danielle, his grand daughter, would be surprised that he finally gave in to her gentle yet persistent pleas that he should hire someone to help. Until yesterday he had remained steadfast in his refusal to do so. His sight had been less than perfect for years now, but not so bad as to have a negative influence on the quality of his work. Overall he was still in remarkable good shape. His back was still straight and his body had not lost any of the muscle like bodies were want to do when age crept into bones. But yesterday when he was helping Karl shoveling coal from the wagon he had to stop before the job was done.

The pain that shot up his left arm and how it had seemed to squeeze his chest had scared him. Not so much for himself ? he was ready to leave this world ? but for Danielle. The girl had come to stay with him for what was supposed to be one summer eleven years ago. But his son and daughter in law had never returned from their trip, the ship having been lost at sea. At first he had been at a loss as to what to do with the girl and how to raise her but, looking back, he had done pretty well even without the help of a second wife. There was a time that he considered finding a woman that could be a mother to Danielle, but he had not found any that could take Julie?s place in his affections.

These days Danielle was his joy and he looked forward to the meals in her company. She never failed to cheer his spirits when he dwelled too much in the past. He was not at all looking forward to the day when a fine young man would take her from him. But for her sake and his peace of mind, he hoped that someone would before he passed from this world.

A slight cough from behind took him from his thoughts and he turned around to see who was trying to gain his attention.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-07-30 14:22 EST
A Stranger Rides In

?You ate that too fast. Why, I bet you didn?t even taste it. If you just chew your food more slowly, and savor the taste, you?ll find that life is far more enjoyable. I guarantee it. You?ve got to learn to appreciate the beauty in this world. It has so much to offer. So if you come across a flower, don?t eat it. Smell it. Enjoy it. And when you get this piece of apple,? he held up an apple wedge he had just sliced off, ?I want you to savor it. Eat it slowly. Close your eyes and meditate upon its sweet taste.?

He held out the apple slice to the anxious, wet lips that swiftly scooped it out of his hand, chewed it and swallowed it down before they had taken two more steps together.

?There you go again. You?re hopeless, ol? fella.? He shook his head, smiled at his horse and rubbed the side of his head. ?Just for that, the rest of this apple is mine.? He put the last slice of apple into his mouth and slid his knife back into its sheath. ?See, dis is ?ow you sup?osed to enjoy it,? he said with garbled words, his mouth and cheeks full of apple. The tall, roan horse nudged him with his nose, obviously annoyed that the last piece of apple didn't go to him.

The man recovered his step and laughed. ?See, if you ate more slowly you?d still be enjoying your apple, just as I?m enjoying mine.?

The two walked side by side along the road that was becoming increasingly hot as the summer sun bathed the alpine valley in its heat. He had dismounted his horse a half hour earlier after a rear shoe had been thrown. He wasn?t about to have his horse go lame to make up a little extra time. He was still a two-day ride outside of RhyDin, and both he and his horse could use a little rest from their journey. All he had to do was find a way to pay for it.

The man had kind, grey eyes that had a glint of mischief and the accent of crow?s feet whenever he smiled or laughed. He was tall and well built, and carried himself with the grace and strength of one who was in prime condition. A baldric crossed his broad shoulders and held the sheathed sword against his back. His black, knee-high riding boots were well worn and covered in the dust of the road.

?We?re going to need to find a place to bed down for the night, boy,? he said as he wiped the last of the juice of the apple from his lips. His face had the stubble of soft, black whiskers, for he had not had a mirror to shave by since the inn of four nights past. He saw the sign for Beacon Town, which seemed as good a place as any to find a blacksmith and perhaps some food and rest.

He headed north along the lake, and by mid-afternoon he entered the town and inquired as to where a blacksmith shop might be. He saw the shop up ahead and an older man who had just nailed up a sign.

He approached the smithy and cleared his throat, ?Good day, sir. It looks like we?re both in the need for a little help.?

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-07-31 16:58 EST
Unexpected Employment

"And a good day to you, for what's left of it." Martin Corwell regarded the stranger for a long moment. The man did appear to be in prime condition and had an air about him that made him sympathetic. His glance moved over his horse. A healthy and well taken care of beast, he was pleased to note. One could learn much of a man by looking at his horse. He looked down at the horse?s hoof. ?Threw a shoe, didn't he?" he said as he nodded his chin toward the roan. "Do you still have it?"

?Yes, sir. About 4 miles down the road. I looked for it, but it was gone; so I guess I?ll need a new one pounded out.?

The smithy sighed, ?I?m already behind in my work. Seems everyone wants their work done yesterday.?

?Well, I know a thing or two about shaping hot iron. If you let me borrow your tool, I can have one made and get out of your hair in no time.?

Martin Corwell looked the man over. ?Is that?s so? Well young man, as the sign says, I'll be needing some muscle around the shop. Ya dun need ta be always smithin' so long's ya willin' to chop the wood, shovel coal, handle the air 'n such."

Garry smiled and held out a strong hand to seal the deal, ?The name?s Garry, Garry Bradstreet.?

?Martin Corwell.?

?Let me tie up Warrior here, and I?ll get started. I?ve never been one to shy away from hard work and an honest wage.?

"Speakin' of wage, would ye be wantin' all coin or be likin' room'n board?" Martin thoughtfully rubbed his chin.

Garry had to smile, ?To tell you the truth, some good cooking and a bed to sleep in is worth more to me right now than all the king?s gold.?

"Well, the 'keeper's room behind the kitchen needs a little work, but yer welcome to it 'n Danny cooks well enough."

?I?m sure he?s a great cook,? Garry responded as he put on a blacksmith?s apron.?

?He?s a she. My Granddaughter, Danielle.?

Garry raised a brow. ?Well, I hope that I?m not going to be any trouble for her, having an extra mouth to feed and all.?

"Naw, she wont mind 'n be likin' the company. Just the old man around can't be pleasin' to the young'n." Martin looked up and saw his granddaughter. He lifted a hand and gave a friendly wave in the direction of the house next door to the smithy.

Garry half turned to see who may have attracted the old man's attention. A young strawberry-blond woman in a yellow dress had paused half way up the front steps and waved back at them before she disappeared into the house. Garry?s hands just stopped in the middle of trying to tie the apron strings behind his back. He would not have been surprised to find that his heart had stopped also ? he was sure it had skipped a beat.

?So, ?.er?it?s just you two living here?? Garry asked after the girl disappeared inside.

?Yep,? Martin replied and he pointed to the back wall of the shop. ?I keep the stock of shoes over there on the wall. Might as well start with shoeing your own horse." He paused and added, "Then if you mess up, I?m not losing anything.? Martin gave a smiles and a wink and went off to his own project.

Garry nodded and went to find a shoe of the approximate size.

He liked his new boss.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-07-31 19:26 EST

Danielle closed the door behind her and leaned against it and, catching her breath, wondered who that stranger was that she had seen with her grandfather and just why she should be out be out of breath. She certainly had taken her time about walking back from the bakery. There certainly was something about that man and the way he had looked at her with his dark hair falling over his forehead.

?Oh my.? She whispered to herself as she recalled that he was tying on Poppy?s apron at the time. If he was helping out in the smithy, Poppy would likely be asking him to stay for dinner. She should go and find out for sure, though, before she started, and Poppy should be wanting his tea. She dislodged herself from the supportive door and headed for the kitchen.

Moments later she surveyed the tray she had readied to take over to the smithy to make sure she had not forgotten anything: two mugs of cooled tea, a plate with the sticky buns from the bakery Poppy enjoyed, a damp rag for cleaning up afterward. Now she?d get a closer look at the stranger and perhaps a name to put with him. She picked up the tray and headed out the kitchen door and over to the smithy.

She set the tray on the little stand just inside the door and made her presence known over the sounds of work in progress. ?I brought the tea, Poppy.?

Martin touched his hand to Garry?s arm to get his attention. ?Thirsty, lad?? He nodded his chin invitingly toward to door before he went to meet his granddaughter. ?Oh,? He exclaimed with delight, ?my favorites.? He reached for a bun with one hand and for a mug with the other.

?This be Garry Bradstreet.? He offered between bites a moment later as Garry joined them by the door. ?He?ll be helpin? out fer a while ?n stayin? fer dinner.? He?d tell Danny later about the full details of their arrangement. ?Garry, this be me joy, Danielle.?

Danielle held out her hand, ?It?s a pleasure, Mr. Bradstreet. I?m happy to see that grandfather found him someone to help.?

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-03 13:13 EST
Angel in a Doorway

Garry had been in the process of heating the horse shoe, shaping it, cooling it, measuring it to Warrior?s hoof, and repeating the process over again. All this time his thoughts were on the girl he had seen walking up the steps of the house; and it showed in his work. He had received a burn, hit his thumb, and nearly walked into the stable wall. The only saving grace was that Martin had been busy and hadn?t noticed. Garry?s smithing skills would not have made a great impression.

He was just sizing the shoe to his horse for the second time when he felt Martin?s touch to his arm. Garry released the horse?s leg and looked up; the shoe slipped from his hand and hit the dirty floor with a short ring sound. There was the girl he had seen walking up the house steps.

From this distance she was even more beautiful than he had imagined. As she stood in the doorway, the sun?s rays from behind her shown through her strawberry blonde hair in such a way as to make her look like a divine angel come to give an epiphany to the wondering eyes of mortal man. His heart beat hard as he tossed down the hammer walked toward her, wiping his hands on the front of the apron and feeling that slight cleansing would do little good to prepare his hand to touch her.

A handsome smile creased his lips as he took her hand in his and looked into her brown eyes, ?The pleasure is mine, Danielle,? he said with a voice that was strong and warm. He released her hand and stood there, his thumbs tucked into his belt, his gaze going from Danielle to her grandfather and back. ?Your grandfather as been kind enough to allow me to work for room and board. I hope that I won?t be imposing.?

He looked to the cold tea and buns, ?If that is waiting for me, I?m sure going to enjoy it.? He grinned and brushed a lock of his black hair away from his face.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-03 20:22 EST
His hand was warm and enfolded hers more completely than she would have thought possible and the touch sent a tingle up her arm. The warmth in his voice when he spoke stole her breath and made her want to hear him say more. Her arm still tingled even after he had released her hand again and she searched her mind for the meaning of the words he had said.

?You are not imposing, you are helping Poppy.? Inwardly she groaned. Where had her sense gone for her to be using her pet name for her grandfather? Garry must be mistaking her for a school girl and she did not at all want him to do that.

?Please, help yourself.? She indicated the tray and responded to his boyish grin with a teasing smile. ?It?s to hold you over until dinner, though how such little things as those rolls would hope to do so, I do not know. We?ll be having roast and fixings and it should be ready in a couple of hours.?

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-03 20:31 EST
Garry had to smile at the mention of 'Poppy'. Smiling came easily to him and his face showed that he did a lot of it. He reached for the drink first, fearing that if he took the bun in her presence, as hungry as he was, he'd make a pig of himself in front of her.

He took a sip and smiled back at Danielle, "Dinner sounds absolutely delicious. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a good meal."

Truth be told, he could have eaten a stick of jerky and still have been in heaven if he could sit across the table from this beautiful woman.

He reached for the bun. "I'm looking forward to seeing you at dinner, Danielle. I'd better get back to work before 'Poppy' fires me." He turned and gave her grandfather a wink, then walked back to his horse where he devoured the sticky bun in private.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-04 01:43 EST
Martin chuckled around another mouthful of the sweet treat before he washed it down with some tea. ?Fixin?s, eh??

?Potatoes, peas and cream in the gravy like you prefer.? Danielle watched Garry and missed the bemused grin on her grandfather?s face.

?Some of?t apples fry, too? Havin? company, ye ken.? Company was a good excuse to ask for his favorite dessert.

Danielle nodded, ?And apple fry for dessert. I had better get busy then.? Reluctantly she left the smithy.

Back inside the house and already busy with the dinner preparations Danielle remembered the tray and, deciding to fetch it later, told herself that she had better concentrate on what she was doing and not ruin dinner by woolgathering over the handsome man working next door. But peeling potatoes and apples did not keep her from replaying Garry?s words and gestures in her mind.

It was with some surprise that she noticed how quickly the time had passed. She had just set the bread on the table when she heard Garry and her grandfather come through the door. She quickly removed her apron and brushed down the skirt of her dress, and barely had time to brush her fingers through her hair when the two men entered the kitchen.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-04 20:47 EST
Garry followed Martin into the kitchen; he had his duffle sack slung over his shoulder. He had taken if from Warrior?s saddle when he had bedded down his horse in one of the few simple stalls that were attached to the blacksmith shop. People often would leave their horses with the smithy to shoe, so such holding stalls were not uncommon.

Garry?s eyes immediately went to Danielle. ?Dinner sure smells wonderful, Danielle. I hope I have enough time to get cleaned up before we eat.? He grinned and added, ?If not, I believe it would be to everyone?s advantage if I ate in the stables.?

Martin laughed, ?Aye, we?re in ?ere a bit early lad, an? I?m sure my Danny doesn?t want us t? be gawkin? over her shoulder as she?s finishin? the preparations.?

Martin showed Garry to the door off the kitchen. It led to a small and sparsely furnished parlor that then had a door to a bedroom. The bedroom had a sink and running water, and a large and well-mattressed bed. Martin pointed out where the bath house was and left Garry to his own. ?You?ve got about 45 minutes, lad. If you?re not there when th? food is served, don?t be expectin? for me to wait.? He laughed and close the door behind him.

Garry Bradstreet spent little time looking around. He got out clean clothes from the duffle and laid them on the bed. He removed his shirt, gathered up clean underwear and pants, and grabbed a bar of soap and a bath towel from a stool near the sink. He hurried out of the room, slipping quickly through the kitchen so as not to be seen by Danielle, and then out of the house and down to the bath house.

The bath house was a simple one with a hose coming down from an overhead water storage tank that counted on the sun to do the heating, but it was enough and more convenience than Garry has had in weeks. The warm water and soap felt wonderful, and he wished he had more time to spend in it. Nevertheless he had plenty of time to get himself clean and dried off and his clean pants and socks put on.

Garry came out of the bath house and walked back up to the house. His black hair was wet and his muscular upper body was covered in the warm light of the setting sun. Then was no way to avoid the view from the kitchen window, so he just hoped that Danielle was busy at the stove.

When he walked into the kitchen he came face to face with Danielle as she was taking a pot off the stove. ?Excuse me, m?lady, I?m just going to my room. I?ll be ready in five minutes.?

"Five minutes will be fine." She tried not to stare, but he was gone as quickly as he had appeared, and she needn't have worried to be caught looking.

He went to his room, shaved, added just a light touch of the French par fume he had obtained while in the army, combed his hair, and put on a clean, white poet?s shirt. He walked into the kitchen with his hair still slightly damp and a strand hanging on his forehead. He saw Danielle putting the food on the table and Martin coming from the other direction.

?Danielle, you have made us a feast fit for princes!? Garry said with a wink and gleam in his eye.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-06 22:37 EST

?You have not tasted any of it yet. But please, do be seated.? Martin already sat at the head of the table and Danielle picked up his mug and filled it from the tea pitcher before setting it back down. ?Do you prefer ale or tea with your meal, Garry??

"Tea would be wonderful, Danielle; and I hardly need to taste when my nose has already told me what's waiting to be enjoyed." He gave her a wink and sat down and moved the silverware just slightly to give his hands something to do as he watched Danielle pour the tea.

"Please, get started," she said when she was safely sitting on a chair, then lifted her brown eyes to look at the handsome dinner guest.

Martin had not been waiting for Danielle?s invitation. ?No need t'be shy there. Ye must be starvin',? he said, as he loaded his plate and passed the bowls to Garry.

"I can't deny it, Martin. I haven't had much more than jerky, goat cheese and bread for the last two weeks." Garry couldn?t help but smile as he looked up at Danielle, "This dinner is amazing. Do you always eat like this? If so, I think I've found my lifetime employment!" He laughed and took the bowl in his hand and began to place the food on his plate.

"Not always, no. There'll be days when stews or something cold is all we want." Danielle answered with a soft chuckle.

"Were ye lookin' for long term work, then lad?" Martin asked as they started to eat.

"I'm keeping my options open, but that is certainly one of them." He looked at Danielle. If anything would keep him here in this town, it would be her.

"Ye want t'be learnin' a few things then; what were t'other options?" Danielle was happy that her grandfather was asking all the questions burning on her mind.

"I was on my way to Rhydin when my horse threw the shoe. I heard there might be work there. Perhaps at the docks. But I had nothing definite in mind." Garry picked up his fork and began to eat. But he had not missed Danielle lowering her gaze when he mentioned the possibility that he may not stay long.

"Do ye like the dock work better'n smithin'? Not much skill needed at the docks." Martin offered between bites.

"The mountain air's not for everyone," Danielle threw in.

"I've done a little smithing, a little dock work, and a little of everything else; but for the last eight years I'm been military," Gary replied with a smile and looked from Martin to Danielle.

"Where at, and what make you give that up?" Danielle asked and smiled back with more than just polite interest.

"I was on the northern boarder. I was a knight captain and up for promotion. But . . .," he shrugged, ?I guess I wanted more from life than a military career."

Danielle had been studying him as he answered, only taking her warm brown eyes off him when it occurred to her that she should probably eat something before everything got cold. It was Martin however who asked the next question. "What side were ye on?"

"I was with the Rhydin Boarder Guard. We were protecting the northern border from intrusions."

Martin nodded at his answer. He may have liked Garry a little less had he been with the Kazur army. "With ye havin' been in t'service so long, do ye know 'bout fixin' armor and weapons? T'would be nice t'have one in t'shop who knows what's important to t'soldiers."

Garry smiled and looked at him, "Aye, I know about armor. I can even make chain mail if I have to."

"We'll see iffn ye like it here then." The old man grinned as he picked up his mug.

Danielle actually ate a few bites, but she was listening closely to each of Garry?s replies to her grandfather?s questions. "Have you been to Beacon town before, or is this valley all new to you?"

Garry reached for his tea at the same time she did. "It's my first time here, so it's all very new to me. I really have no idea at all what's in town or what's around the down."

Martin glanced out the window before he turned to Danielle. "Ye dun mind iffn I start on the desert? T'is getting t'where I oughta be headin' over to Jarlson's for our game." At Danielle's nod he reached for the bowl of fried apples and one of the smaller plates.

"Perhaps when grandfather lets you have a little time to yourself, I can show you around," Danielle offered without looking at him. She didn?t want him to see her reaction should he decline her offer.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-06 22:38 EST
Garry smiled, "I'd love that. I think it would be good to get to see this town that I might settle in." He was not yet ready to give up on the food for the dessert and added more meat and potatoes to his plate. "Danielle, you are the best cook I've ever seen."

"Thank you," she replied with a bit of a blush at his compliment.

Martin chuckled, "Told ye she was." He was rather obviously enjoying the fried apples, even more so after he added a dollop of sweet cream to them.

Gary looked over to the apples that Martin was loading with cream. They sure looked good, but he was still enjoying the main meal. When he put the last fork of meat into his mouth, he wiped his lips with a napkin and leaned back in his chair. "That was the best meal I've had...perhaps ever, Danielle."

Danielle managed to have her plate empty by the time Garry was done with seconds and rewarded his praise with a wide smile. ?I am glad you enjoyed it."

"Apologies, pray don't feel like ye have t'hurry from t'table jus' because I do. I'll see ye in t'mornin'." Martin rose as soon as he was done with his desert. ?T?boys be waitin?.?

"Enjoyed it? It was magnificent!" He looked to Martin as he arose from the table. "I'll see you as the sun rises."

"No need t'get up, lad." He grinned to Garry before turning to Danielle. "Make sure he's not missin' out on them apples. Don't wait up." Martin stooped to brush a kiss on Danny's head, then he headed out to his game.

Garry watched him go. "He's quite a man. I like your grandfather."

?Yes, he is.? Danielle smiled a little, suddenly shy now that Poppy had left. "But he doesn't get up quite that early, Garry."

"To tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind sleeping in just enough to let the sun arise before I do," he said with a grin.

"You will be able to, at least until sometime after equinox. In the wintertime we do not get very many hours of light, though."

Garry had just a little of the fried apples and savored the taste. "I'm used to getting up well before the sun. It's a military thing." He looked at her and couldn't believe how beautiful she was. "I think I'm going to like it here, Danielle."

Danielle answered quietly, "I do believe I would like that." Garry smiled and looked down at his plate to hide a blush. That he, a grown man, should blush at so simple a statement made Danielle less nervous.

He then finished the dessert and set his fork down. "Would you have any coffee brewed?"

"No, but I could make some. I'll have to have some hot water for the dishes anyway." She smiled, ?Grandfather can't sleep when he has coffee in the evening."

"Well, at least let me help you with the dishes while the coffee is brewing." Garry immediately stood and picked up his plate and mug.

"Thank you," she responded as she rose, turned and grabbed the pot to be used for heating water. She took it to the sink to fill it while Garry brought the dishes over to the sink. He reached around her to set the plates on the side, a hint of her delicious fragrance wafted toward him - perhaps the apples and cinnamon she had prepared and lavender soap, he guessed.

"I'll just...set these here,? he said softly, his breath moved a bit of her hair.

"Thank you. That will be quite alright." Danielle turned off the water just before the pot was full and started to turn. "Oh." She was surprised that he should be quite this close. He was standing right there, not having moved since put the plates on the sideboard and she suddenly found her face inches from his with nothing but the water pot between them. "This should be on the stove," she said softly.

He smiled and looked down into her brown eyes, then blushed, realizing that he was in her way. "Oh. Yes...I was just....putting the plates... I'll get some more." He went to the table and picked up Martin's plate and mug and placed them on the sideboard also.

Her heart skipped a few beats while he was looking at her, then beat all the faster as if to make up for the lost time as she took the pot to the stove and busied herself with pulling out the coffee things. "It'll take a few minutes to warm up enough."

He kept bringing the dirty plates over. "Tell you what. Do you want to wash or dry?" He gave her a wink.

"As you do not yet know where the clean things go, I'll let you wash." She stepped up to the sink and pulled a towel from under it, leaving that cabinet door open for him as she moved to the side. "You'll find everything you should need right here."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-06 22:39 EST
Garry pulled out soap and a dish cloth and began to put dishes in the hot water. He looked at her and couldn't help but smile. He couldn't remember the last time he washed dishes with a beautiful woman - perhaps never.

"Grandfather hasn't offered to help with the dishes ever." She gave him a wide smile in return. "This is very sweet of you."

"It's the least I could do after such a wonderful meal. Besides, it gives us a chance to talk." He handed her a washed plate which she took and then dried off as she walked over to the cabinet to put it away.

Talk, but about what. While she was cooking she thought of a hundred of questions she wanted to ask of the man, but now none wanted to come to mind. She chuckled softly at herself. "You know, we could have talked just as easily with you enjoying your coffee." While she was at that side of the room, she poured some hot water over the waiting coffee grounds before she returned for another dish to dry.

"Do you have. . ." he stopped the sentence. He was going to ask if she had anyone special in her life. He changed the thought to something safer, "any other work in town that you do?"

"No, not really. There's enough to do here to keep me busy, and the occasional delivery for grandfather. You did mention that you were heading for Rhydin. Is that where you're from?" She continued to dry dishes and brew the coffee.

"I grew up in a small lumber and mining town far away from nearly everything." He handed her a washed mug and looked down upon her.

The coffee was ready and the dishes were just about done, so Danielle filled two cups. "Nothing pulls you back there? Do you take sugar and cream?"

"Yes, please. And no, I have no desire to go back."

"Your parents ...?" She left that question unfinished. It was not something to ask upon so short an acquaintance. "I can't even remember mine. Their ship was lost at sea. Coffee's ready." Danielle went to dry the last of the dishes and puts them up before turning to the table and picked up a cup.

"My father was in the army. He died when I was eight. My mother raised us. She died when I was seventeen. She caught the fever that winter." There was no sadness in her voice when she mentioned her parents and Garry guessed that to have happened when she was quite young. He took his mug and followed her to the table. "Want to sit on the steps with me?"

"I'm sorry. I should not have asked. And yes, I would like that." She agreed with a ready smile.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-07 23:58 EST
A Walk Around The Block

Danielle sat down on the front steps, leaving plenty of room for Garry to sit next to her if he so chose. The sun had just set and soon stars would twinkle in the sky. There was not a cloud in sight and the heat of the day dissipated quickly. Light spilled from some of the windows of the houses along Steel Lane, but the shops between the houses were closed up for the night and dark.

"Will your horse be okay for the night or do you need to check on him again?" Danielle lifted a hand and waved back to the man who just left the house across the street. "That was Mr. Hillback. Most of the fancy iron work like railings and fancy gates are made in his shop." Danielle supplied the information after Mr. Hillback had turned down the street and was well out of hearing range.

Garry nodded from his seat on the steps next to Danielle, and gave a wave to Mr. Hillback just to be friendly. He was sure the man was wondering who was sitting on the steps with Martin's granddaughter. "I'm sure he does good work. I'll have to pay him a visit sometime." He turned his head and looked upon Danielle and smiled. She was beautiful beyond words and just sitting with her made him feel good. "I suppose I should check on Warrior later. Would you like to see him when I do?"

"Yes, thank you. Is he as much a warrior as his name implies?" She looked to Garry with a little smile, inviting him to volunteer as much or as little as he felt like. Though she was curious regarding everything about him, she did not want him to think of her as a pest. What he thought of her seemed above average important.

Garry sipped his coffee, enjoying the taste and the peacefulness of the evening. This day was surely ending a whole lot better than it had begun. "Warrior was just a 4-year old when he was assigned to me in the army. He had a disposition about him that most didn't want to deal with. He and I understood each other. So I named him Warrior, for he seemed well suited to what we had to do. When I left the army I asked for him and they gave him to me. I guess it was a perk for being an officer. He's mellowed over the years. I guess there's nothing left for him to prove." He smiled and sipped his coffee, realizing that the same could be said regarding himself.

"He does sound like someone I?d like to meet." Danielle glanced at her coffee cup and found it empty.

Garry Bradstreet also finished his coffee and set the mug on the steps, off to the side. "Would you like to go for a walk? So far, all I've seen of this town is your grandfather's shop, your home, and the front of Mr. Hillback's house." He stood up and offered a hand to help her down off the steps.

She sat her cup down and placed her hand into his as she stood up. The very moment her fingers touched his palm a tingle moved up her arm. Danielle glanced sideways at him. Did he feel it, too? "We should remedy that. But I'm afraid there is not all that much to see. The town is mostly shops and houses, a few bars, but nothing of spectacular architecture or size."

He didn't care if she showed him a row of a score of privies. As long as they were together he'd hardly notice anything but her anyway. Danielle's hand in his felt far too good to release, but to do anything else would hardly be proper. He held her until her feet reached the street, then reluctantly released her hand. His eyes moved down the street which was now dark but for the occasional street light. He began a slow walk in that direction.

Danielle fell into step beside him, missing the warmth and odd sense of security the moment he released her hand. "This," she indicated with a sweep of her hand, "is Steel Lane. Most of the streets are named after the type of shops found on them. You can actually find almost anything in town. The gates make trading easy, at least during the summer months. The only gate of any use during the winter is the south gate to Rhydin."

He listened to her words, or more precisely, her voice; for it was her voice that seemed to be reaching right inside him and be doing something strange and wonderful to his heart. "It seems like a perfectly logical way of doing things," he said in a voice that was soft yet deep. "I gather that the winter season brings much snow with it and has to be prepared for." The back of his hand touched hers as they walked along the street.

Something in his voice made her smile up at him. "Yes, there will be a lot of snow, and the passages will be blocked for a few months. Do you like or hate the winter weather?" It seemed natural that she should find her hand in his again.

He had to think about that question. "You know, Danielle, it's hard for me to answer that. I used to love the winter until I entered the army. Then the winter just made everything so much more difficult." His hand again brushed by hers. "I think I'm going to enjoy finding out what it would be like to get snowed in and not have to worry about moving troops and cannons."

She gave a soft chuckle, but her reply would wait a moment. They had arrived at the end of the street and she paused. "Left to the lake or right for more streets of shops and houses?"

He scrunched his lips and thought. "I would love to see the lake, but perhaps during the day. Let's take a right. I'm enjoying seeing your town with you. Have you always lived here?" His hand touched her back near the shoulders as they turned to the right.

"For as long as I can remember, although grandfather tells me that we lived in Rhydin for some time." She answered his question as they resumed their walk before returning to the earlier subject. "If the snows get bad enough, you'll be having a few days off. Even when the weather is somewhere in between, it is always warm by the forge and the fire place inside the house."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-07 23:59 EST
That statement flooded his mind with pleasant thoughts of being snowed in, sitting in front of the fire with Danielle. "You know, that sounds quite delightful. I think I just might stay here. That is, if your grandfather allows me and if I'm not an imposition and bother to you."

"Grandfather did sound like he might enjoy keeping you around." Danielle smiled, suddenly feeling giddy, and pointed out a street branching off the one they were one. "That's Baker Lane, with a very good pastry shop half way down on the right. The cinnamon rolls grandpa enjoys so much come from Marion's bakery, though, near the far end of the Lane. You are definitely not a bother, much the opposite. Grandfather is not exactly in his prime anymore. He should have looked for an apprentice or help a long time ago." She continued, "I, for one, am very happy he finally decided to do so, and that you happened along."

He smiled at that, a handsome smile that ran from ear to ear. "I can't believe my good fortune. If my horse hadn't lost a shoe, I would have headed straight to RhyDin and never have met you." He looked into her eyes and took her hand in his, "I must remember to thank Warrior." He turned and now held her hand as they walked. "Okay, so the bakery is there. That's important to remember."

"Is there anything Warrior likes more than anything else? Such positive interference should be rewarded."

Garry gave her hand a squeeze. "He's particularly fond of apples, although he gobbles them down like a pig."

"There are few left from making desert." She smiled up to Garry. Her gaze was drawn to the dark lock spilling over his forehead and she wondered what his hair might feel like. She was thankful for the darkness hiding the blush she could feel rising in her cheeks when she noticed where her thoughts were straying and again paid attention to where she was setting her feet. "Over there is Jewelers Lane. Can you guess what kind of stores you may find there?"

He looked down Jewelers Lane as they passed by it. "Yes, I can guess. They could be quite handy to have around. I'll make note of it." He now laced his fingers with hers. "It's a beautiful town. I think I'm going to really like it here."
Danielle was very much hoping that Gary would like it here. "Up there," she pointed vaguely into the distance ahead of them, "is the fortress called the Beacon, home to the Guardians. Most of our business comes from the soldiers there."

This information interested him. "The Guardians? That's an interesting name. Who are the Guardians? How many soldiers? Do you ever go up there?" He was concerned, for he knew very well how soldiers could act. So far the town seemed very civilized. He had not seen any "seedy" areas where soldiers might want to spend their money.

Danielle chuckled softly. "That's a lot of questions all at once. Let me try to answer them one by one. To the first couple of them the answer must be that I do not know exactly. I do go up to the fortress now and then when grandfather needs me to deliver something for him. The soldiers usually come into town for whatever they need or to visit the bars. Some even live in town." The town was civilized. If any of the soldiers wanted to find seedy entertainment they went to Rhydin.

He smiled, realizing that he must already be sounding protective, and he's know her for only a few hours. "I was just curious. It's the soldier in me. I need to stop that." He saw that they had made a complete walk around the block. It was beginning to get very cool with the sun going down and their elevation being quite high. "You want to see Warrior now?"

"Yes, I would like that. It is getting a little cold for being outside without a shawl or cloak; and you do not need to stop being a soldier on my account. Between the chief of police in town and the commander at the Beacon, the soldiers are all well behaved for the most part, and certainly no worse then anyone else in town." His concern had touched her and she would miss it when it disappeared.

He realized that they had begun the walk without considering the drop in temperature and taking proper clothing. "It does get chilly here at night. That would make for wonderful sleeping, but right now it's a bit cold." He released her hand and his arm came up behind her and around her shoulders. "Would you rather go straight home? I can always bed him down myself. I don't want you to get cold." His hand held her shoulder, arm around her for warmth.

"Thank you. This is quite comfortable and it will be warmer inside the smithy." Oh no, she would not give up even one moment of this. It felt way too good to feel his strong arm around her shoulders.

He was glad she had answered the way she had, for he was enjoying the closeness and the feel and warmth of her body against his. Her hair touched his hand and it felt so soft upon him. "Well, I'm sure Warrior will be happy to meet you," he replied with a smile as they slowly walked toward the stable. He was in no hurry to get to the destination - it was the journey that he was enjoying.

"I'm looking forward to meeting him, too." She answered his smile, wishing that she had thought of mentioning the chill earlier. "Is there anything I should know?"

"About Warrior? Well, whatever you do, never mention the name of Princess. She's a filly that Warrior took a shine to and he was none to happy about leaving her. So we have come to an agreement that we just don't mention her name now." Garry tried to keep a very serious expression. "Other than that, he's fine."

Danielle chuckled softly. "The poor beast. Perhaps you should find him a lady friend, one that isn't named Princess."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-07 23:59 EST
Garry laughed, "In time. Right now Warrior is getting over his loss and prefers not to be sociable." They came to the door of the shop that led to the stable and entered inside. Garry closed the door behind them to keep out the cold. Just a small amount of light entered from the street though a dirty and cobwebbed window. "He's over here," Garry whispered in the darkness.

"Thank you." She whispered back, and then wondered why they should be whispering as she carefully made her way across the smithy's floor. "Is he sleeping?"

He grinned at her question, realizing that she must think him silly for whispering around a horse. "Perhaps, but I think I need to wake him." He looked toward the stall. "Hello Warrior. I've brought someone for you to meet." He heard a whinny from the 16.3, black destrier.

Danielle stepped up next to Garry, trying to make out the dark horse in the slightly black darkness. "Hello there," She greeted the beast softly, holding her hand palm out up for the horse to smell. Warrior made a sound and his upper lip began to move over Danielle's hand, looking for an apple or other consumable present.

Garry ran a hand over the horse's flank then went to make sure that water was in the water bucket and he added hay in the hay rack. "I think you'll be fine for the night, Warrior." He moved to the head of the horse next to Danielle. "Warrior, I want to personally thank you for going through all the trouble of losing your shoe just so that I could meet Danielle. I'm forever grateful." His arm moved around her waist, this time not for the warmth of two bodies close together, but simply because he wanted to touch her. . . to be close.

"I'll add my thanks to that. The treats will have to wait until morning, but you are welcome to the apples left from dinner." It would be nice to lean against Gary, but she had just met him - was it really just that afternoon? Already it seemed to her as if it had been days or weeks rather than hours.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Warrior. You be good." The horse gave a slight grunt as if insulted. Garry took Danielle's hand and led her around the horse and to the shop area. The heat of the forge could still be felt. He paused a moment, and turned and looked at Danielle. "I think he likes you." He smiled and shrugged. "Can't say I blame him."

"You really think so?" She blushed and lowered her eyes when she realized that he could apply her question to either of his statements. Then snapped her eyes back up, for she didn't want to miss his reaction either way.

He could feel his heart pound as he looked at her in the soft glow of the forge. His voice was soft and warm, "There is no doubt in my mind."

Danielle smiled at his answer, pleased beyond words and found her gaze captured by his.

Garry just looked into her eyes. He wanted so much to touch her face and hair and to kiss her; but it would not be right. He had no right to want such things. He was her guest and they had only just met. How could he have such feelings so soon? His gaze upon her face turned into a warm smile. "I guess we should go back to the house. I've kept you out too long, I'm sure."

"You have kept me from an evening of boredom over mending grandfather's old shirts. And then he'd only wear them again instead of his new ones." She gave him a little wink.

A second lock of black hair fell across his forehead as he chuckled, "Well, I'm sorry to have your grandfather have to put up with shirts with holes, but I can truthfully say that I can't remember a more pleasant evening than this one."

Danielle started to lift her hand, wanting to smooth the look back in place, then thought better of it. "I very much enjoyed the evening, too."

He looked toward the door. "I guess...we should go." He held out his hand for Danielle to take it. She placed her hand into his and nodded.

They walked to the house, stopping on the steps to pick up their coffee mugs before going inside. Garry immediately went over to the sink to wash the mugs. "If you have other things to do, I'll clean the mugs and the coffee pot."

"Thank you very much. All I have left to do is to climb the stairs now that you've relieved me of the cups."

He set the cups down and turned to her, missing her already. "Well. . .," a smiled creased his lips, "you have a good night's sleep. I'll see you in the morning." Why was this so hard? Why was he dreading seeing her leave?

Danielle smiled back. "Do sleep well and be careful to dream something wonderful. It is said that the dreams of the first night in a new bed come true." Reluctantly she turned toward the stairs, and then turned to face him again. "Two eggs or three? For breakfast, I mean."

He grinned and turned to her, "Two would be fine, Danielle. Or, and I'm sure I'll have good dreams." He started for the sink then turned and added, "But there are not many dreams that could be better than this evening with you."

He turned before she could see his blush, then cleaned up the mugs and coffee pot so that it would be ready for the morning. Garry Bradstreet went to his room, removed his boots, and just sat on the bed, replaying the evening over and over in his mind.

Upstairs, Danielle replayed the evening in her mind, hoping she'd made a decent enough impression and she admonished herself not to read too much into what could very well have been just friendly, well mannered actions and tricks of the light. Not that she was listening to her own admonishments very well.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-09 11:24 EST
Thoughts Through The Week

The following morning?s breakfast was served with fried ham, biscuits, great coffee, and plenty of secret smiles between Danielle and Garry.

Garry went off to work with Martin and over the next three days the two men made considerable progress catching up with all the work that had been piling up on the old smithy. Each evening after dinner Martin would go off to be with his friends, and Garry and Danielle would sit on the steps and drink coffee until the sun went down, then take a short stroll. It was supposedly to walk off the dinner, but they both knew that it was to share some time together and, if the situation permitted it, to hold hands.

Garry was looking forward to the weekend. They had decided that Sunday was to be when Danielle would bring him down to the lake and they would have all day together. Just the thought of it made Garry smile. In fact, he?d often break into a smile as he?d think of Danielle while working in her grandfather?s smith shop. He?d be pounding out hot metal and break into a smile, and Martin would think that he was just enjoying his job. What Garry was actually enjoying were thoughts of Danielle ? how beautiful she was when she did the many things she had to do around the home, how sweet her voice was, the deep brown of her eyes, the softness of her hair, and that smile of hers that made his legs so weak that on several occasions he thought he just might collapse at her feet.

Garry Bradstreet was so busy at the shop that he never became aware of the town dance that was taking place that Saturday night.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-09 11:43 EST
Morning Visitor

Lieutenant Josh Jones pulled his cover off his head when Martin answered the door to his knock. ?Good morning, Mr. Corwell.?

?S?that you, Josh?? Martin grinned as he recognized the young officer. ??N?so dressed up. Showin? off t?promotion??

?Not really, I thought I?d stop by on my way up to the Beacon to see if it would be okay if I asked Danielle out to the dance this Saturday.? Martin lifted a gray brow, wondering if he had missed something. Josh had not stopped by, that he knew of, since the Beltane dance, and Danielle had looked none too pleased when she had returned home early from that dance.

?Why don?t ye come in then n?ask her. Danny?s in t?kitchen. We?ve just finished coffee.? Martin moved aside and invited Josh in, calling toward the kitchen. ?Danny, Josh?s here t?see ye.?

Danielle frowned at that news and reached for the dish towel to dry her hands. What was Josh doing here? There was a time when she had liked Josh, but not since the Beltane dance. He?d danced with her only once, and then busied himself with trying to impress Captain ?Julie Darling? by being rude to her escort. She sat the towel down and forced a polite smile on her lips before she turned to greet Josh.

?Good morning, Josh. What brings you here this early in the day?? She was unimpressed by his fancy uniform and refused to comment on it.

?Good morning Danielle. You look mighty pretty. New dress?? It wasn?t a new dress. Danielle just looked at him, her mien not changing. ?There?s another dance this Saturday.?

Danielle nodded. ?So I hear.? Of course there was a dance, there was one every two or three weeks. She had been waiting for a chance to tell Garry about it and was already looking forward to going with him. But that didn?t explain what Josh was doing here, for certainly he couldn?t intent to ask her after the way she shredded his character on the walk back after the last one.

?Would you do me the honor of attending with me?? He asked with a boyish smile.

Danielle was stunned. How could Josh even for a moment think that she?d accept. She searched her mind for a reply that wouldn?t ruin any chance of her going dancing with Garry.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-10 00:05 EST
Garry was in his room, listening to the conversation. He looked out of his room and saw the young soldier with Danielle, and a streak of jealousy ran though him. He hadn't known about any dance, but if there was a dance in town, Danielle would be going with him. He went back into his room, opened the closet door and pulled out his Knight Captain uniform and strapped on his sword. He already had his boot on. He stepped out into the kitchen and looked at the lad. "Soldier! Stand up straight! What do you think you're doing, looking like a common school lad in uniform in front of the citizens of our fine town?"

Josh straightened his posture and face at the first of Garry's words. Then he took in the uniform and relaxed ever so slightly. "Good morning, Sir. I'm asking a fine citizen to the dance."

Danielle turned from Josh to Garry and gave him a little wink and hoped that Garry would interpret it to mean that is interference was not only welcome but desired. ?Josh Jones, Garry Bradstreet." She kept the introductions painfully short, not wanting to volunteer any information to Josh.

"Well, Josh Jones, you think you are asking her to a dance. You would not be asking her if you know that this officer had already asked her to the dance and she answered in the affirmative. Isn't that right, soldier?" He gave Danielle a wink back, letting her know that he understood.

"Yes, Sir." Josh looked to Danielle though. "I'll see you there then. Good morning."

"Good bye, Josh." Danielle was relieved to see Josh leave.

Garry stood at ease, his hands folded together behind his back. "Good day, soldier."

"I'll walk out with ye. Gotta open t'shop anyhow." Martin escorted Josh out.

Danielle gave a little a sigh and then turned to Garry. "Thank you. That was very nice of you."

Garry looked down and blushed a little. "Danielle, I didn't know about the dance or else I would have indeed asked you before this. I hope I wasn't out of line." He looked at her and smiled. "Do you like my uniform?" He winked and smiled.

"I wanted to tell you of the dance before but I couldn't think of how without making at appear as if I was forcing you to ask me out. I'm sorry. Josh showing up like that ...." She breaks off when the meaning of his words sink in and a smile spreads over her face. "Really? I love to go to the dance with you. You look very handsome in your uniform."

He smiled and reached out, his hands at her upper arms and he looked into her brown eyes with his gray-blue. "I have to admit, I got very jealous. I hope I wasn't too hard on the boy." His smile broadened when he realized that she had accepted. "You would? You'd go to the dance with me?"

Danielle smiled up into his smoky-blue eyes and found her gaze captured. "Yes. I am very happy you thought to ask. That boy deserved every bit of it." For a moment she wondered if he would kiss her and her breath caught in her throat.

He wanted so much to kiss her right there and then, but it would not be proper. They still hardly knew each other. ?I better go change out of this uniform. I only put it on to scare your young friend." He smiled and released her to go to his room.

She found that she could breathe again. "I'm glad you thought of it, though he probably won't stay scared long."

Garry removed his sword and turned to look at Danielle as he began to unbutton his military jacket. "He might not, but I'm sure he won't be foolish enough to bother you again, Danielle." He looked at her standing there. How he wanted to take her into his arms. He bit his lower lip. "I better changed to work in the shop."

Danielle watched with fascination as his fingers coaxed the buttons through the button holes of his jacket and blushed when she noticed him looking at her. "Poppy'll be wondering where you are." She turned to take care of putting away the already cleaned dishes. Her mind was already on the dance and how it would feel to dance with him.

Garry went into his room and removed his jacket and shirt. All he could think about was Danielle. Who was he kidding? Certainly not himself. He knew he was falling in love with her and that was a dangerous thing to do. Yet it thrilled him. Just the thought of dancing with her Saturday night, and taking her to the lake on Sunday - this was one weekend that he couldn't wait to come. It was Friday and Saturday night seemed an eternity away.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-10 01:58 EST

Lunch had been over way too quickly to please Danielle. Poppy and Garry had been talking about steel and iron prices, banding wheels and the latest order from the hardware store. Though she knew all the jargon ? for years her grandfather had only her to talk to over meals ? the subject was not particularly interesting to her. The highlight of the conversation had been the mention of a trip to Rhydin in the near future. But Garry had winked at her twice and she found that had made up for the shop-talk.

Now Danielle was forming the cookie dough into round balls and set them in neat rows onto a cookie tray. She hoped that Garry like chocolate cookies with pieces of soft caramel; they were to be a thank you for him rescuing her from the awkward situation this morning with Josh.

As the cookie tray filled her thoughts drifted to the dance tomorrow evening. Tomorrow still seemed so far away, but it wasn?t far enough away for her to get a new dress. Her old, light green one from two years ago would have to do. She had pulled it out earlier and found it to still be passable. The styles didn?t change much from year to year in Beacon town, but she wanted Garry to think of her as pretty, not just passable.

Danielle slid the full tray into the oven and started to clean up to thoughts of Garry?s hands on her arms and how incredibly young he had looked when he had worried his bottom lip with his teeth. Soon the fragrance of warm chocolate and caramel wafted through the kitchen, reminding her that she had better check on the cookies.

She was just in time; the cookies were done and still chewy. Quickly she filled two mugs with milk and set them as well as a plate piled with cookies on the snack tray, and then brought them over to the smithy for Garry and Poppy to enjoy.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-10 23:31 EST
Garry spent the morning putting the steel band on the rim of a wagon wheel. To be honest, the repair of the wheel was almost an automatic process; he actually spent the morning thinking of Danielle and the dance that would be coming up tomorrow night. He was imagining how it might be with music playing, Danielle in his arms, feeling her close, the scent of her. . . cookies? He could swear he smelled cookies. He looked up and saw Danielle enter, and a smile spread across his face like wildfire through dry grass on a windy day.

Danielle smiled into room after having set the tray on its usual spot. "We're having cookies and milk today instead of tea. Where's grandfather?" It wasn't that she was disappointed not to see her grandfather in the store, much the opposite. But she was curious how long she'd get to enjoy Garry's exclusive company and considered it an unexpected treat.

Garry straightened up and walked toward her. "He went down the street to deliver a set of meat hooks to the butcher. He should be back soon." Garry came up close and smiled warmly, not even trying to hide his feelings for her. "Are you trying to put weight on me?" he asked teasingly with a wink. "These cookies smell heavenly."

She returned Garry's smile. "Not at all. They are a little thank you for rescuing me this morning."

He stood right in front of her and looked down. "That was my pleasure, Danielle - literally. The truth is, I would have been miserable seeing you there with someone else. If I had known about it sooner, I would have asked you."

The words made her feel warm inside and her smile deepened. "Though you did say that already, I do like hearing it again. I wonder if it'll be anything like you expect though." She thought of the various races that made the fortress their home.

He shrugged, "I don't know what to expect. In fact, it's been so long since I've even danced." He thought for a moment, then brightened, "Would you mind just going over a basic dance step or two here in the shop? I think we have room." He looked at her, smiling warmly, hoping that she would agree, for he so wanted to hold her in his arms.

Even had he asked a favor she hadn?t been inclined to grant, she?d find it awfully difficult to resist the look he gave her. "I wouldn't mind in the least." She gave a delighted chuckle. "What steps would you like to go over?"

"Well, I know the basic bransle, but it's the slower ones that have me guessing a little. I thought a little practice now might save your toes later."

"There should be reels, waltzes, polkas and some of the modern things that please the ex-sky-ship soldiers. I'm afraid I'm not very good at the modern ones." She chuckled. "I guess we may have to muddle through or sit those out."

"Let's do a waltz." He looked around the shop and there seemed to be enough area if he were careful with his leading and avoided the dangers such as the forge and where tools where hanging. He held up his left hand and reached to put his hand around her back, providing a firm touch below the shoulder blades that would enable him to lead his partner and show her off on the dance floor.

For a few moments Danielle had to concentrate on just breathing. What would waltzing in his arms be like when she was dizzy before they had moved so much as one step, she wondered. "I believe you're supposed to start with your left foot."

He took her right hand into his left and they adjusted their bodies close together, his mouth just off her right temple as he whispered, "I believe you're right. A three beat and we'll being on the one." He paused a moment, just loving the feel of her in his arms, savoring that moment. "Okay. One...two...three. One..." and he led forward with his left foot and began to move her about the shop.

There did not appear to be a floor but clouds to dance on. A few turns into the practice Danielle started to hum the melody of a folksong that matched the slow rhythm of Garry's counting. Garry would have closed his eyes and swore he was in heaven but for the fact that any misstep in the shop could lead to injury. His cheek slowly closed the distance to Danielle's temple, and he felt her soft hair against his lips. After several turns around the shop he slowed down by the table with the cookies, right where they had begun, but he couldn't seem to bring himself to release her. Danielle did not pay any heed to tools or hard corners and closed her eyes when she felt his cheek against the side of her head. The pulse throbbing in her temple and the rushing in her ears made their own music. That he had slowed their steps totally escaped her.

"You dance very well." Her compliment was barely above a whisper. Dancing had never before felt anything even remotely like this, all at once like having finally come home after a long absence and indescribably exciting.

Garry now just swayed back and forth with Danielle in his arms, his lips just brushing her forehead. He whispered, "Thank you, but you're far better than I am. I'm really looking forward to this dance with you. You are really wonderful." He meant that in many ways.

"I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow evening, too." To an evening with him and many chances to be in his arms just like this, and to walking there and back with him, and maybe to feel those warm lips on her skin again, she hoped.

He smiled against her hair and his eyes were closed when there was a sound at the door. "Well, well...what's going on in my shop? Should I be doing another delivery so that you two can have more time together?"

Garry immediately backed away and straightened to attention. "I'm sorry, sir. Danny... er... Danielle, she? er? brought us cookies and since we're going to the dance together, I asked if she wouldn't mind if we practiced a little. It's my fault. I just didn't want to embarrass her at the dance."

Martin grinned. He did have a couple wishes of his own and these two getting along well portended that he may yet live long enough to see those wishes come true. "Cookies? Now, that's a rare treat." He stepped up to the tray and picked up a cookie.

Danielle swayed slightly when Garry released her so suddenly and she was glad she wasn't required to respond right away. "Garry dances well enough for there not to be any embarrassment. There's of course not enough room here to practice a reel."

Garry picked up on that, cleared his throat, "Yes, we were practicing the dances where you didn't have to move too much. Moving a lot could be dangerous here...and yes! Cookies! Danielle your cookies look delicious."

Danielle replied with a soft chuckle. "I had better be getting dinner started and leave you two to get some work done." Escape seemed preferable to whatever Poppy may come up with once his mouth was empty again. "Will one of you remember to bring the tray in later?"

"I'll bring it in," he called out. He watched Danielle leave and looked at Martin who was smirking. Garry held up a cookie and winked, "Great cookies."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-13 22:54 EST
Danielle was quiet during dinner and kept her eyes mostly to her plate. Though she didn't know why, she did not like the idea that grandfather should catch her staring at Gary with a dreamy expression. As soon as she was done eating she put water on the stove for coffee.

The next while had been pure torture, Danielle thought. Her grandfather had posed the most awkward questions to Garry, even mentioned her grandmother in that line of questioning and implying that Danielle would be less than safe going to the dance with him. As much as she liked Garry?s company, at that moment she wanted to be somewhere else.

It was with great relief that Danielle announced the coffee was ready. She already had picked up her cup and was ready to flee outside with it when her grandfather mentioned a fishing trip he had planned with Karl for the next morning. So her flight was delayed until after she had wished grandfather biting fish and a good night.

Danielle breathed deeply of the evening air before she sat down on the steps and sipped slowly from her coffee cup. Garry sat down next to her and nudged her shoulder. "I'm sorry if that was embarrassing. I think your grandfather knows attracted I am to you, Danielle."

"It was rather awkward, though, wasn't it?" She was pleased to know that Garry found her attractive, but that her grandfather should comment on it was indeed embarrassing.

Garry took Danielle's hand in his, his voice was warm and soft, "I think I knew it the moment I saw you."

"I was on the way into the house. You waved back." She gave his fingers a little squeeze and turned her face to look at him. She was still searching for the words to what she wanted to tell him when the couple that had been walking down the street paused at the steps.

"Good evening, Danielle, Sir. Is your grandfather still up per chance?" The silver-blond winged female asked.

"Good evening, Lady Topaz." Danielle nodded to the gentleman with her and rose. Said gentleman bowed formally and Garry rose and stood off to the side, acknowledging the impressive couple with a bow.

"Yes, he is inside." She moved and opened the door, calling to her grandfather. "Lady Topaz is here to see you." Then she turned to the couple again as she stepped aside. "Please, do come in."

"Thank you" The Fairy and her well dressed escort went inside and Danielle could just hear her grandfather welcoming them before she closed the door again behind them.

Garry whispered, "Who are they?"

"Lady Topaz is the commander of the Beacon. I don't know who the man with her is." She smiled. "I wonder what she wants to have made. At least I'm guessing she's here to place an order of some kind. Our roof's fine. She must be in a hurry, too, or she would have insisted on introductions, I'm sure."

The two decided not to go for a walk this evening in favor of finding out what work awaited Garry and Grandfather as soon as Lady Topaz and her escort had left.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 11:17 EST
Preparations for the Dance

The heavy iron hammer was hung up with a clang, and the smithing tools were put away and the floor swept. It was getting toward Saturday evening and time to close up shop. He untied his apron, slipped the strap over his head and hung up the apron. Soon it would be time for the dance and already he had butterflies in his stomach. He closed up the shop, locked the door, and headed back to his room to get ready.

Danielle had spent the last hour in the bath house and now, with her hair still damp, returned to the house to get ready for the evening. She blushed when the object that her thoughts had been circling around met her in the kitchen. He was not supposed to see her looking like a half drowned rat.

Garry gave her a smile and then looked away, "Pardon me, Danielle. I'll be out of here in a wink. It's my turn in that bath house, or you'll only dance with me at arm's length!" He grinned and slipped quickly into his room, stripped to the waste, grabbed his bath bag with towel, soap, and shaving items, and headed to the bath house.

He was gone so quickly, she didn't even have time to reply to his greeting. Which was just as well, she thought, as she climbed the stairs. The awkwardness of last evening was still there, but that did not keep her from looking forward to the dance. It did, however, make her heart beat louder and her fingers tremble whenever she tried to imagine how the evening would turn out.

The whistling from the bath house could be heard from fifty feet away. Garry lathered up, scrubbed, washed his hair, shaved and brushed his teeth, all the while singing and practicing his dance moves. If anyone had seen him in there they would have died laughing. He didn't care. Tonight he'd be with Danielle and if the night met even half of the expectations of his imagination; it was going to be spectacular. He came out with wet hair and dressed just from the waist down, but not in what he'd be wearing. Soon he was back in his room, and laying out his clothes.

Danielle came down the stairs, ready to leave the house, after she had stopped at Poppy's room for his inspection and to say bye for the evening. The light green dress she was wearing was obviously cut for dancing. In her hair, now dry and brushed to a shine, she wore a darker green ribbon matching those adorning the dress.

The only dress clothes that Garry had to his name was his army dress uniform. It was the dark grey and black of the Border Guard, deep gray pants with a thin black stripe at the sides, spit-shinned boots that came to just below the knees, a fancy white shirt that was beneath the army jacket also of dark grey and black, but with silver embroidery at the seams, collar and cuffs that made it extremely handsome in appearance, accenting his trim waist and broad shoulders. The collar was not a lapel, but straight at the neck. He dried and combed his hair, added a bit of the fragrance that he used whenever he wanted to smell delicious. He stood in front of the mirror and inspected himself. It was as good as he was going to look without a completely new wardrobe. He picked up something from his nightstand and walked out into the kitchen.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 11:20 EST
The Walk to the Dance

Danielle stared in admiration for a moment. Garry looked absolutely breath-taking in his uniform. Then she smiled to him. "Good evening, Garry."

The smile spread across his face as he approached the beautiful woman that stood there before him. His gaze of total appreciation moved over her and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. "Good evening, Danielle." He approached her, "You look so beautiful. I'm breathless." He could say no more, but he pulled his hand from behind his back and held out a red rose to her. He shrugged, "Just a little something I got from the flower girl this afternoon."

Her lips formed a silent 'O' as she reached to accept the flower. Then she found her voice again. "Thank you." It occurred to her that she should probably do something with the rose other than holding it, but she was at a loss as to what that might be.

He smiled, "Let me get a glass with some water. I don't want you holding that all night. I need those hands for dancing." He gave her a wink and went for a glass and put some water in it and set it on the table. "I just wanted to give you something to show you how much this night means to me." It wasn't much, but he had little money left of his severance pay. It was just a little keepsake reminder of this night.

"That is a very kind thought." She moved to the table and placed the rose into the water glass, and then smiled up to him again. "I can't remember ever having looked forward to a dance like this before." She knew she would remember the evening in detail even without a keepsake.

"Me too, Danielle. It's all I've been able to think about since learning of it. I can't wait to show you off, the prettiest woman in Beacon town." He gave her a wink opened the door and helped her down the steps and held out his arm. "Shall we?"

She agreed that they should and linked her arm with his, and they started toward the Beacon. Several other people were on the road this evening, all walking into the same direction they were.

"The dance is to be on the green at the back of the Beacon. That way, should it rain, it can be moved inside. There is a rather large bar there with a dance floor, called the Rapiers Crossing. It's been closed for the most part since the altercation with the empire and these days only is opened for special occasions."

He followed the direction in which everyone else was walking, acting as if he knew the way. "It sounds like it should be fun. I can hear the music already." As they drew near, the number of people of many races were all coming together and the sounds of talking, laughter, and music grew louder. He placed his hand on Danielle's protectively.

A wooden dance floor was set up on the grass, not so far away from the gated door at the back of the fortress. A band was seated in a corner of the dance floor, benches stood around in no particular order on the grass, and off to the side stood a table with punch and finger foods set out on it. Danielle waved or nodded to the people they passed.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 11:22 EST
Their First Dance

Garry's smoky blue eyes darted around the area, taking in the surrounding and those in attendance. He saw the food and punch, looked to Danielle and asked, "May I get you some punch, or anything to eat?"

"No thank you, Garry. Not just yet. Perhaps later." She was way too nervous to think about putting anything into her stomach.

He nodded, and walked her to an area where they could stand by themselves while waiting for the musicians to begin another song. He looked down upon her and smiled, "You look so beautiful, Danielle. You're going to make all the other women feel like they're old wash women."

Danielle chuckled softly, though she could feel another blush rising in her cheeks. "Nonsense. There are a lot of beautiful people here."

He turned to her and took both of her hands in his, caressing them with his thumbs, "But none nearly as beautiful as you." The musicians began to play again and he looked to the dance floor. "Shall we show them how it's done?"

A tingle went up her arms and whatever reply she had ready in response to his compliment was forgotten when she lifted her eyes to his. "Yes." She managed breathlessly.

He led her onto the dance floor as the musicians played a reel. He turned to her, bowed, took her right hand in his left, his left hand on her waist, and they began the fast dance around the floor. His eyes sparkled with laughter as they began to loosen up and enjoy the evening and each other.
Garry's laughter was contagious and the reel a lively one. By the end of the dance there was no trace of any awkwardness left. Danielle eyes shone with merriment. "That was fun!"

He laughed and applauded for the musicians, "Yes, it was. I enjoyed it." The musicians began to play again. This time the tempo changed and it was a slow dance. Garry looked at Danielle and smiled, "Would you do me the honor of this dance, m'lady?"

Danielle stepped up to Garry again. "It would be my pleasure, m'lord."

He took her hand into his and walked her onto the dance floor, turned and slipped his right arm around her and began to dance, leading off with his left foot and moving to a slow rhythm. He smiled at her, enjoying the fragrance of her hair. His voice was warm and soft, "You dance divinely, m'lady."

"As do you." As the afternoon before, the dance steps appeared to just flow. Danielle enjoyed being in Garry's arms. It also gave her the perfect opportunity to study his face from up close without it being considered staring. Her heart beat a little faster when her gaze paused on his lips, the same ones that had rested against her temple yesterday.

He looked down into Danielle's brown eyes with his blue-gray, and when her eyes moved to his lips his heartbeat increased. He found himself leaning closer to her, until his forehead rested against hers as they danced. His eyes closed and he moved his head to the side so that once again his lips were against her temple. He moved his face, brushing his lips over that area of her soft skin, inhaling her fragrance and feeling her body move with his on the dance floor.

Danielle sighed softly. The touch of his lips was a relief after having wondered for so long if it would repeat. She could get used to this, she thought. Though she wished for the dance to continue on forever, the band had other ideas and the slow tune came to a stop. Garry hated to let her go, but if he continued to hold her like that on the dance floor, they would have gotten stares. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, "Thank you for the lovely dance, m'lady."

"You are very welcome, m'lord." She beamed a warm smile to him. Before Garry could completely lead her off the dance floor though, a bubbly female voice had Danielle pause.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 11:24 EST
Marion Satfield and the Husband

"Danielle, wait up!" A brown haired, blue eyed, well fed and healthy looking young couple approached them. "Good evening Danielle." The woman offered a wide smile. "You must be Garry, a pleasure to meet you. Roman, say Hello."

The man offered a nod but his bubbly wife didn't pause long enough for him to offer a greeting.

"This is Roman, my husband, and I'm Marion, of course, Danielle's friend. Are you enjoying our little to do? Do stay away from the watermelon, it's not at all good, but do try the punch. Have you seen Josh yet? He's here you know. Oh, listen, a waltz! You promised, Roman." Roman shrugged helplessly to Garry and Danielle, but was grinning from ear to ear. "We'll catch up with you again later." Marion threw back over her shoulder, already dragging her husband to the center of the dance floor.

Danielle grinned to Garry. "That was Marion Satfield and her husband."
Garry stood there in absolute amazement. He just hoped his mouth wasn't gaping. "I didn't even get to respond and she had an entire conversation with me. Her poor husband could be a mute and no one would have any idea." He looked to Danielle and laughed.

"I did hear him say 'I do' at their wedding.? She chuckled softly. ?So it's not like he never gets to talk. And Marion will now and then pause for a breath. But she can be a little overwhelming at first."

Garry grinned, "Those were likely the half the words he'd ever need to use - 'I do' and 'Yes dear'"

Danielle was still laughing. "She did let me tell her of you, though."

That had Garry's attention, "Yes....I noticed that." He smiled and asked in a teasing flirtatious way, "So, what did you say about me? Hmmm?"

"Nothing but the truth, m'lord." Danielle grinned back. "That you applied for the job Poppy was advertising, the you've a fine horse that likes apples, and that you can wash dishes without breaking any." She had told Marion much more than just that, like how heart stopping gorgeous he looked with his shirt of in the sunlight and how adorable his smile was, but it didn't bear repeating now.

He was a bit disappointed. He was hoping to hear something a little more flattering. "Oh, so you just told her that I was...a good worker, a hired hand. . ." now he began to tease, "a local drifter looking for a meal. . . " he grinned a very handsome grin.

"I told her no such thing. You might actually say I was bragging just the tiniest bit over how expertly you handled Josh. Marion appeared appropriately impressed." Secretly she hoped that Marion wouldn't embarrass her by following through on her threat to ask Garry to take his shirt off so she may see how true Danielle's statements have been.

Garry smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders, "How about I get us both something to drink and we go off by ourselves for a while? Just to rest up before the next dance."

Danielle Corwell: "Thank you, that would be welcome." Danielle smiled back to him, suddenly thirsty.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 14:27 EST
Escaping Josh the Nosh

Garry Bradstreet went to the punch bowl and ladled the punch into two glasses. He glanced over to Josh who was also at the table, filling a plate sky high with food. Garry had to laugh to himself for it looked like Josh was already a bit drunk and satisfying his sorrows with food.

Josh elbowed a soldier next to him and whispered in his ear. They both laughed and cast a glance at Garry. He just ignored them and brought the punch over to Danielle and handed her one. "It's a beautiful night. Let's go over to where we're a little further from the music and out of the lights."

"Thank you,? she said as she accepted the punch with a warm smile. "Lead the way." She linked her free arm with his, ready to follow his lead. Danielle, her gaze having followed Garry, had noticed Josh and the man with him, too. Now that she knew where Josh was, he would be that much easier to avoid.

Garry walked them by the dancers who were completing the waltz, and then past benches and tables set up on the graze. Soon they were we alone together in an area where the lights could reach. Garry picked up a small bench on the way and set it down under a tree. "How is this, m'lady?"

There was enough light to see each other with dark adapted eyes, yet others could pass by within twenty feet and not notice them. He wiped off the seat of the bench to be sure it was clean, "Please, have a seat."

"It is very acceptable, thank you," Danielle said as she smiled up at him before sitting down, smoothing the skirt with a quick brush of her hand in the process. "We have a near perfect view from here, too." She also liked the idea of them being able to talk with each other without being interrupted by someone to greet every few minutes.

He straddled the bench and came close to her. "I just want to tell you that you look so beautiful tonight. I love your green dress." He sipped his punch and looked about, a bit embarrassed and not sure what to say.

"Thank you. I would have loved to get a new one, but there wasn't time. You look very impressive in your uniform and you smell good." Danielle watched him sip from his cup then turned her gaze toward the crowd. It was a very mixed crowed with people of all ages and though most were human, there were some other races represented as well.

He turned back to her and smiled, looking at the silhouette of her face as she stared at the crowd. "You didn't need a new dress, Danielle. I can't imagine you looking more beautiful than you do right now."

He shrugged at the mention of his uniform, "It's the only decent clothes I have. I've been in the army for too long, I'm afraid." He finished his punch and set the glass down behind him. He wanted to touch her and feel her hair, but he restrained that urge. His voice was soft, "I don't think Josh is too happy with me."

"Josh hasn't been happy with anyone of late. He was fun before he joined the guards. Ever since though he thinks he's too good to help his parents or to mind his manners. It's really not anything to do with you." But she didn't want to talk about Josh. She wanted to learn more about the handsome man sitting next to her. "Have gotten to visit a lot of interesting places while in the Rhydin army?"

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 14:32 EST
New Privies and Other Exciting Places

Garry chuckled, "I wish I could say yes to that, but unless you happen to think that dangerous forests, muddy camps and smelly army barracks are interesting, I'm out of luck. Oh, we did get new privies once. They attracted a lot of interested ? lone lines, in fact; but that was short lived." He smiled as he teased her. He loved to see her smile.

Danielle laughed at his mention of new privies. "That is not what I imagined. What do you get the fancy uniforms for when all you get to do with them is to muddy them up?" She sipped from the punch and found it be rather pleasing.

He laughed and leaned forward to her. "They're to make us think that things will get better." He realized that his life did indeed get better, but only when he left the army and came to Beacon town. "To be truthful, I did see some interesting places - towns on the top of tall mountains, great trading centers near the shoreline, places of historical and religious significance, an occasional village occupied by other races and cultures. If one looks with an open mind, I think you can find something interesting in wherever you go."

He paused for a bit and then asked, "What about you, Danielle. Do you ever get to go away from here? Perhaps to someplace very different and intriguing?"

"Does Rhydin count? When grandfather goes to pick up supplies I sometimes get to come along to browse the stores there, and if he gets very busy, I might get to go to deliver an order in Rhydin. But it is rare that someone from there comes all the way out here to have something made. Other than that, I've not been anywhere but here." Danielle could not think of anything interesting to tell Garry about, though right now she wished that she had.

He had been staring at her lips as she spoke, then reached for her hand that was lying in her lap. "I've been there several times. Perhaps we can go together the next time you have to go there. I would really like that."

Danielle turned her hand and curled her fingers around his as she looked up to him. "I would like that very much. The Beacon has ordered all those light holders and there is a need for more supplies. Has grandfather perhaps made mention of it this afternoon?"

He shook his head, "No, he just told me to try to clean out some iron racks because we'll have to get in a lot more supplies. That must be what he was talking about." He smiled and looked from her lips to her eyes, then back again. "He did mention that he?d need you to go there for him, but I didn?t know why. I guess it must have been for those light holder supplies.? Garry had to smile, ?You might as well know that I did ask him if you and I can go together. You know, for your protection and company. It?s a long trip and supplies can be heavy."

Danielle's heart beat faster under his gaze. "You did?" She had to pause to take a breath. "I mean, what was his response? He didn?t mention anything at all about business when I looked in on him before we left this evening, nor over dinner." Of course Garry knew already that nothing was said about supplies during dinner since he was there for dinner.

"He just said that it might be a good idea, and that he'll think about it." If they stayed there one more moment he was sure he wouldn't be able to resist kissing her. "How about we dance again, and then come back here when we need to rest?"

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 14:33 EST
Slow Dancin' in the Dark

The tunes that drifted over from the dance floor now were of the more modern kind. "You would have to show me how to dance to this kind of music." She would love to feel his arm around her again and regretted not to be able to give a more enthusiastic answer. "I like dancing very much, especially with you," she thought to add to make sure he knew that she wasn't rejecting his request to dance.

Garry sprang up and held out his hand, "I must admit I'm not very good at these modern dances, so if you wouldn't mind, can we just practice over here before joining the others?" He looked at her hopefully.

Danielle smiled up to him, and taking his hand, she rose to her feet. "That would save me some embarrassment should I be slow to pick up the steps. Thank you for the offer." She set down the cup of punch before she stepped up close enough for dancing.

It was a fairly fast dance that might resemble a medieval slow swing, and he moved Danielle in and out, with occasional turns. It was fun, and he was laughing at his own clumsiness. Then the song changed to one that was a slow dance, resembling a slow rumba. Garry took Danielle in his arms, this time he put both hands upon her back and held her close as they moved to the seductive rhythm of the music.

Danielle had enjoyed the swirls and turns, though she wasn't sure that she had picked up the steps. This new slow rhythm was much easier to follow and Garry's steps were easier to feel with her being this close. "I do believe I may like these modern dances," she said softly. She looks at his body and decided that with both of his hands upon her back, the most sensible place for her own hands to be was on his upper arms.

As they danced he slowly began to move his hands over her back, with one hand moving higher to her shoulders. She smelled and felt so good, and he was sure he had died and gone to heaven. Ever so slowly he let his face approach hers until his cheek was against the side of face near her left temple.

Danielle's breath caught more than once. His hands moving over her back felt almost too good, and she was a little surprised to notice her feet still moving to the music.

The night grew darker and stars were brilliant as they moved their bodies together slowly to the sound of the music. Garry held her tight and hummed to the music, slowly his head turned and his lips were touching her forehead. "This is nice," he whispered against her.

"Very much so," she whispered back. Although the music was slow and what turns there were could hardly be called a turn, she felt dizzy, even when she did close her eyes. The music changed again, but Danielle was not at all aware of it. She was, however, very aware of Garry, the way he felt, his fragrance, and his movements.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-14 19:54 EST
An Eternity in Their Kiss

Garry heard the music change to something faster, but somehow he just couldn't make his movements change with it. He just continued to sway slowly, holding Danielle in his arms, his cheek against her forehead so that his lips just touched her. He held her a bit more tightly and his voice was a soft whisper, "I'm so glad you are here with me, Danielle. This night is perfect."

A small sound of agreement was all she could get out as she breathed in his scent, a delicious mix of cologne and something uniquely him. The night, this moment, was indeed perfect. Her fingers curled more securely around his upper arms.

He could feel that she also was in no hurry to end this "dance" that became more of an embrace. He could feel her hair on his face and loved how soft it felt and its fragrance. It seemed that they were all alone. Everything else faded away as unimportant. He took a chance and actually places a kiss on her forehead and then leaned his forehead against hers as his hands came up to her shoulders.

Her heart beat so fiercely she thought that Garry must be hearing it for sure. She leaned her back a little when she felt the change of his hold on her, but not so much as to compromise the touch of his head to hers. That lock of hair had fallen over his forehead again, she noticed with a little bemused smile.

He looked into her eyes with his face just inches from hers, and he saw her smiling at his hair falling on his face. "It seems to always do that," he chuckled softly. "What do you think I should do about that?"

Her smile deepened as she lifted her right hand from his arm and reach up, gently brushing the lock from his forehead with her fingertips. She guessed that it wouldn't stay on his head for very long, but she had been wanting to do just that for days now. Her gaze returned from his hair to his smoky-blue eyes and she promptly forgot to take her hand back down.

The touch of her fingers was like magic to him, and he was never so thankful for having hair that didn't always stay in place. He stared into her deep brown eyes and slowly brought his hand up; his fingers moved to gently touch her cheek. His face moved closer to hers in slow, hesitant movements, closing the distance between their lips.

Danielle held still, mesmerized first by the look in his eyes, then by the tantalizing feeling of his fingers on her cheek. Her eyes closed when she could feel his warm breath against her lips. She idly thought that she probably should take another breath soon or faint, but somehow having the thought was not followed by acting upon it.

Their first kiss lasted only a couple of seconds, but the remembrance of it would last for the rest of his life. He lowed his mouth to hers; closing that distance between their lips that was literally a breath away, and he felt his lips come into contact with her soft, moist ones. It was a simple kiss, but he was totally lost in it. This was the kiss he had wanted since he first caught sight of her. This was the kiss he would have fought an army for.

His lips on hers felt better than she could have imagined, firm yet warm and gentle, and it made her feel treasured and happy in a way she had never experienced before. All too soon the cool evening air replaced his warm lips again. Danielle opened her eyes, needing to see him again so that she might still feel him; and that by itself wasn't enough to ascertain that this was no dream.

His lips were overtaken by a most handsome smile as he gazed back into her eyes. No words were necessary. Without words their feelings were expressed with complete fluency by the smiles on their faces and by where their eyes were focused. His hand now cupped her cheek feeling the softness against his palm, and he brought his lips once again to hers.

Her fingers slid into his hair of their own accord as she totally lost herself in the sensations of his second kiss. If the first had been so perfect in every way, what should this one that was so much better be called?

This kiss refused to end so quickly. That should be of no surprise, for how could it possibly come to a quick end when two hearts were holding it together with the desperation of inner longing being fulfilled. He kissed her gently, moving his lips against hers, feeling her breath, hearing the sighs that they both would make. He was in love; and if he had actually succeeded in denying it to himself before, he would never get away with such desperate lies again. He loved her.

That emotion was echoed by her heart in the way her lips moved under his, and in the way her body came to lean against his. Eternity was in their kiss, though that was barely enough time to take in every nuance and appreciate it. Danielle knew she'd be changed for it.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-16 10:28 EST
Behavior Modification

Garry held Danielle and smiled between little kisses to her lips. The evening was going so well. Everything about it was perfect. Had he spoken what he was thinking, it would have been said that he spoke a little too soon. Danielle?s heart swelled and beat so hard to where she could feel it throbbing in her throat.

"Well, well, look at the two lovebirds!" Josh came walking up with two of his friends; they had all obviously been drinking too much. "Hello, Danielle. Now I see why you didn't want to accompany me at this dance."

When Danielle finally associated the voice as one addressing them and as belonging to Josh her heart wanted to stop and she stiffened in Garry's arms. She felt herself blushing. "Go away, Josh." She said without turning to look at him.

"Go away? Hell no, we want a show, don't we." The two young soldiers with Josh laughed. "Yeah, we want one of those sex shows."

Danielle rested her head against Garry's shoulder for a moment longer, long enough to catch her breath, but not long enough for the blush to recede. When she lifted her head again, she first looked up into Garry's face. She did look well kissed with her lips lightly swollen and the glow still in her eyes, despite Josh being outrageously rude and annoying.

That crossed the line for Garry and turned and looked down on Josh. "That's gone far enough, Josh. I suggest that you and your friends go find other amusement tonight."

"What? And miss out on seein' Danielle giving out. No way. This is as good as it gets."

Danielle turned and glared daggers at Josh and his companions, ignoring the color of mortification in her cheeks. She was utterly speechless. Josh deserved a whipping. This was not how his parents had raised him.

Garry was beginning to lose his patience. "There is nothing that you're going to be seeing here, Josh. You better go right now."

"Or what? What army are you a part of...Captain." They all began to laugh.

"The Rhydin Border Guard, now be on your way." The Rhydin Border Guard was known for the toughness of those within it. The Border Guard faced the worst of the creatures who desired to come in to Rhydin to kill and steal - demons, trolls, orcs, wolves, spirit creatures and every other form of evil could be found just over the border. Those in the Border Guard were the first line of defense. The mortality rate was great. Few would last more than a year or two before death or desertion. Garry was in it for eight years before his retirement.

"The Border Guard. I heard you were all a bunch of wusses, hiding out in the mountain and screwin' the sheep. I want to see what you do with our little town whore here."

Danielle knew to move out of the way then. Garry already had shown remarkable restrain. "You oughta be ashamed of yourself, Josh.?

Garry's fist shot out in a direct line to Josh's chin. It happened so fast that Josh didn't know what hit him. The force of the punch sent Josh though the air backwards. He was out cold before he hit the ground several feet from where he had been standing. Garry looked at the two friends, "Anyone else have anything to say?"

They looked at each other. "No, sir."

"Then I think you've seen all the excitement that you are going to over here. Pick up your friend and get out. NOW!" The look on Garry's face scared the daylights out of them. They were picking Josh up when Garry turned to Danielle, "Maybe we should go back to the house."

Danielle almost missed the punch, it had been so quick a movement. Seeing Josh on the ground was a relief, him being quiet was even more so. Then it occurred to her that Garry might actually believe what Josh had said and she lowered her eyes. She was willing down the tears that wanted to come to her eyes. "Yes, that might be best."

He put his arm around Danielle and they slowly walked across the green. "I hate having our evening ruined because of a rude, drunk boy. Would you rather we stay? I'm alright either way."

She risked a sideway glance at him, trying to guess his thoughts from his features. Him still putting an arm around her had to be a good sign. "Poppy will wonder if I return home early from yet another dance."

"Well, I really don't think Josh will be bothering us again tonight with his rude lies. I sure wouldn't mind a little of that free fried chicken." He smiled at her and touched her cheek, "You are so beautiful, Danielle. It'd be a shame not to show off that dress on the dance floor again."

His words cheered her. The smile that came to her lips was hesitant, but it was a smile. "Aye, it would be a shame to miss out on the food. You really didn't believe a thing he said?"

Garry smiled, then replied softly, "Of course not. I don't believe a word he said. He's just a drunk, jealous boy." He gave her a hug. "Let's have some fried chicken. It smells great. They must have just brought it out."

"It does smell inviting. That was one fine punch, very well aimed and delivered." Danielle grinned then and her eyes held admiration as she hugged him back. She put Josh and his bad behavior firmly out of her mind.

Garry twisted his lips and shrugged, "I didn't want to hurt him, but when he was rude to you, I lost it." He looked at her and pulled her close with his arm. They walked over to the middle-aged women with the rosy cheeks handing out the fried chicken and received a plate with the chicken and some napkin.

"Thank you, Mrs. O Conner." Danielle said with a smile as a woman in a jade and black dress uniform stepped up to the table on Garry's other side.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-16 17:41 EST
Captain Julie

"A timely punch, Sir." The dark-haired half-elf briefly touched a hand to his arm. The collar of her uniform bore the captain insignia, but she wore no name tag.

Garry turned and looked at the dark-haired woman. He did not enjoy fights, especially at festive affairs, so he took no pride, but held plenty of embarrassment that he had to use force to bring the young man in line. "Good evening, ma'am, I'm sorry for the disturbance. In spite of his insults to this lady, I should have been more diplomatic."

Her gold flecked eyes held amusement. "Though Jones likely doesn't have the sense to appreciate your interference, he should prefer a sore chin to spending the night in the brig." She pointedly looked at the backs of a pair of retreating armed guards.

His eyes followed hers to the retreating guards and he smiled. "Well, as long as you put it that way, I took great pleasure in doing him the favor." He chuckled and bowed, "I'm Captain Garry Bradstreet, retired from the Border Guard and now doing some honest work with Danielle's grandfather." He paused a moment and realized that perhaps Danielle didn?t know everyone in Beacon. "Oh, pardon me, please. Do you two know each other?"

"Captain Miriam Julieneris of the Atrebla Guards, or Julie as everyone else around here calls me." Miriam nodded a greeting to Danielle.

"We've met a few times. Good evening, Julie." Danielle smiled. She wondered just how bad Josh had behaved before he had found Garry and her to harass.

He presented a warm smile, "I'm very pleased to meet you, . . Julie." He found it difficult to be that familiar with an army captain. "You have a very pleasant town here. Your guards must be doing a good job at keeping things peaceful and protected."

"Thank you." She answered the smile, including Danielle in it. "Please do enjoy the rest of the evening. Oh, do excuse me." She waved to a group of soldiers all garbed in similar uniforms, sitting at a table attempting to gain her attention.

Danielle nodded to the female captain. "You, too." With the possibility of running into Josh removed, on top of getting to spend more of the evening in Garry's company, enjoying herself should be easy.

Garry nodded, "Thank you, Julie." He then turned to Danielle and held out his plate of chicken. "If you would hold these two plates, I'll get us some more punch."

Danielle accepted the plates. "I'll be happy to." She followed Garry to the punch bowl.

He filled up two glasses with punch, gave Danielle a wink and led them to a picnic table that was empty and had a view of the dance floor and musicians. He set the glasses down and took the plates from her. "This is perfect. I'm glad we stayed." He pulled out the bench and let her slide in first, then sat next to her. "They say that hunger makes the best cook, but it can't compare to your cooking, Danielle."

"I'm glad that we stayed, too." Danielle picked up a piece of chicken and grinned. "I am going to enjoy eating something I didn't have to cook. Do have any favorite dishes, or is there perhaps something you absolutely dislike? I would much rather that you keep enjoying your meals."

He was glad the woman had given them each two pieces of chicken because the first was all too quickly diminished to bare bones. "I've enjoyed everything you made, and being up at the border for the last eight years has made me a very unpicky eater. I do love the lamb stew with the stout ale added to the gravy. I'd die for that."

Danielle chuckled softly. "I'm sure lamb can be found somewhere in town. But stew will not do at all for taking along to the lake tomorrow." She sipped from the punch before she picked up the second piece of chicken.

He smiled at the mention of the lake. "Ah, for the lake some wine and cheese and fruit would be all I need. How does that sound to you?" He couldn't wait to be alone with her and all day to enjoy it.

"It sounds wonderful. Does that mean that you would prefer I leave the fried pork at the house?" Danielle had been looking forward to the dance, but not to the point of forgetting to plan for the outing to the lake.

"Fried pork?" His eyes widened, "Oh no, we must bring the fried pork along. We don't want it to feel left out." He gave her a wink and finished his second piece of chicken and wiped his mouth.

Danielle laughed as she wiped her fingers on the napkin. "No, we would not want it to feel left out." She finished off the punch and set down the cup. "This was as delicious as it looked." She was much less nervous now than she had been at the beginning of the evening and enjoyed Garry's company all the more for that.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-16 17:43 EST
The Last Dance

Garry finished wiping his mouth and hands and drank the remainder of his punch. There were many more things to eat at the dance, but he was more interesting in Danielle than food. "Would you like to dance again?" They musicians were going to start "The Horse's Bransle" and that was always fun. There were two lines facing each other, the women on once side, the men on the other. The men did movements that would indicate a stallion being interested in the filly, and there would be dancers moving up and down the center of the aisle formed by the two lines. "C'mon! This will be fun!"

Danielle rose at his invitation and placed her hand into his. "I'd love to." They joined the other dancers and soon were drawn in. Danielle giggled at the faces Garry made while he was dancing across from her and she already looked forward to the dance bringing her eye to eye with him again when the line moved.

They did the stamping of the "hoofs" and the turns, moved up to the front of the line and then around the outside to the end of the line. It was fun and Garry just loved seeing Danielle laugh. Her laughter was such music to him, that if it was for sale he'd spend a fortune accumulating it. When the dance was over he took her into his arms and laughed. Then the musicians announced the last dance. It would be a slow one, and Garry just took Danielle into his arms and began to dance once again.

"It is difficult to believe this is already last dance." Danielle could have danced in his arms until the sun came up and it would not have been long enough. She willed the music to go on. It would be weeks before there was another dance.

"I feel the same way," he whispered in her ear as he held her in his arms and swayed in a slow dance. "I don't want this night to end. I want it to keep going." He moved his cheek against hers.

Danielle sighed deeply, "As do I." She closed her eyes when his cheek touched hers and silently moved through the slow sequence of steps. Though the band had played the last tune twice, eventually the music stopped.

Garry slowly withdrew his face from hers and he took her hands into his. "Thank you, Danielle... for coming to this dance with me. In all my life I've never had a more wonderful evening."

"It was my pleasure. I am very glad you thought to ask." She gave him a little wink. "The evening was very much the most wonderful I ever experienced as well."

Garry wrapped his arm around shoulders and they walked toward the house slowly. Neither was in a hurry to get there. Danielle found herself wondering if he might kiss her good night. She would very much like to feel his lips on hers again. They walked up the steps and into the kitchen, locking the door behind them. It was fairly dark in the room, with but a small candle still burning - an obvious 'night light' set out by Martin before he went to bed.

Garry stood before her and smiled. "Thank you again for the wonderful evening," he said softly.

Danielle looked up into his eyes. They looked even more smoky in this light. "I will sleep very well this night." She wanted to say more but could not think of anything.

He reached for her as she began to turn. "Wait. . ." he whispered, and brought his lips to hers. His arms moved around her and the kiss lingered in that soft intimacy that sets one's heart beating fast and makes you wish time would stop.

When Danielle found herself in her room some time later she could not quite remember how she had arrived there. Her lips were still warm from Garry's kiss.

Garry went to he room and just sat on the bed for a very long time. He smiled and could still smell the scent of Danielle upon his jacket. The best thing of all was that tomorrow was Sunday.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-17 11:41 EST
Sunday Morning

The morning sun filtering through the window of the upstairs room was already warm when Danielle awoke. She pushed the window open as soon as she was out of bed and a quick glance skyward told her that the weather would hold. If there was going to be storm, it would likely hold off until the sun went down again, for right now the sky was very light blue and appeared very far away. She had sat out the yellow dress last night because it was the only one that she had a hat to match and a pair of boots comfortable for walking.

Danielle sat down to brush her hair once she was dressed. She would get to spend the entire day with Gary. She had been looking forward to that all week, but now she wondered what they would be talking about during all those hours - nothing really interesting had ever happened in her life to tell about. She sat down her brush, reached for the hat and left her room before she could make herself more nervous or think about Garry?s kisses.

Her grandfather was already sitting at the table when she entered the kitchen. ?Good morning, Poppy.? She paused to kiss his cheek. ?Coffee will be ready in a few minutes.? She sat the hat on her chair and busied herself with the preparing of breakfast. ?There?s fried pork, potato salad and a pie in the pantry. Will you be sure you?ll be all right for the day??

?You worry t?much. I?ll be fine. Mrs. Hillback already said t?come over in t?afternoon. Karl?s goin? t?be there, too. That?s about all t?excitement I?ll be wantin? for a Sunday.? Martin folded up the paper he hadn?t really been reading even before Danielle had come downstairs. ?How was t?dance??

?Oh, it was wonderful, Poppy. Garry really knows how to dance. I can?t remember ever having had so much fun at a dance. Except for when Josh tried making trouble. You really shouldn?t allow him in anymore. Garry took care of him, though. Two eggs today??

?Aye, two.? He wondered what happened to sweet little boy with the blond curls and sighed. ?I feel for t?lad?s parents.?

?Captain Julie came over afterward and introduced herself. She thought Garry saved Josh from a night in jail. Marion and her husband were there, too? Danielle set plates and cups on the table. ? Mrs. O Conner had brought some of her famous chicken. I?m sorry you missed it.?

?There?ll be another time.? Martin smiled to himself. ?What would ye say to a trip into Rhydin? Ye could pick up a new gown or two after ye showed Garry where t?get t?supplies.? He looked up when the door opened. ?A fine mornin? t?ye, Garry.?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-19 13:29 EST

Garry had been out at the bath house, cleaning up. He was dressed from the waist down and had the towel over his shoulder as he stepped up the outside steps and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Martin. . . Danielle. I love that yellow dress you're wearing." He winked at her, "Perfect for a picnic."

Danielle turned around to return Garry's greeting, but when she saw him standing there partially dressed the words refused to come. He looked absolutely breathtaking and thoughts of the previous night's kisses floated to the surface in her mind. She nodded to him and turned back to brewing coffee, hoping she had done so before he or Poppy had a chance to notice the heat in her cheeks.

He looked to her grandfather. "Danielle is going to show me the lake today. Should be a good day for it." He dried his hair, but before heading to his room he asked, "Anything special come up at the shop for Monday?"

"I just was askin' Danny what she'd say to a trip into Rhydin." Martin smiled to Garry.

Danielle had forgotten about the question, too, when Garry had walked in. "I would love to go."

"To Rhy'Din? On Monday. Would I be able to accompany her? Could be a long and dangerous trip. If there are supplies to be had, I could be of help there."

"Ye can use t'gate and t'sooner we have the iron t'sooner we can get started on t'order for the Beacon. It get's t'be after sundown over t'shoppin' ye can stay at t'inn and return in t'morning." Martin didn't expect the shopping to take quite that long - Danielle was pretty quick for a girl to pick out clothes - and this time of year plenty of iron should be available. "If ye rather wait 'til Tuesday, that's early enough. Have t'get a cart n'horses arranged yet."

"Okay, sir. Sounds like a good plan. Excuse me please while I get a shit on." He headed to his room.

The coffee being ready Danielle busied herself setting the coffee and bowls on the table while resuming the conversation. "Did Lady Topaz leave a generous payment then that I'm to get new clothes?"

Martin chuckled, "That she did. But it's not like we're hurtin' for coins. Winter'll be here soon enough, too." The smithy was doing well and though Martin made sure Danielle had what she needed now, he also put money away to ensure she wouldn?t lack for anything after he passed away. He reached for the coffee pot and filled all three cups once Danielle sat down.

Garry came back out with a shirt on. "That coffee smells great!"

"So does t'food." Martin fixed his coffee the way he liked it. "Ye two gonna be walkin? or is that horse t'get some fresh air?"

He sat in the chair and leaned back, "I was thinking of taking the horse if Danielle wouldn't mind."

Danielle added some potatoes fried with sausage and bacon to her eggs. "That should be fun." She looked up to Garry as sat the bowl where he could reach. "It has been a while though since I've had a chance to go out with a horse so." In fact, she hadn't ridden since she outgrew the pony Poppy had gotten for her and Warrior did not strike her as a carriage pulling type of horse, even if they had a carriage available.

"It'll be perfect. We can strap our lunch to the saddle." He looked over to the breakfast she had prepared and nearly drooled.

Danielle chuckled softly and nodded toward the basket standing on the counter. "That should be difficult to attach to a saddle."

He looked over to the basket. "Whoa...we must been camping for a week!" He laughed and winked at Martin. "If we didn't work so hard, we'd all be as fat as ol' man Cobbs down the street."

"If we'd get nothin' t'eat t'most we could do be heatin' the iron. For there'd be no strength t'lift the hammers." Martin grinned and set down his cup before picking up his fork.

Garry laughed, "Good point!" Then he waited for Danielle before he began to eat.

Danielle picked up her fork and started to eat with a quick glance to Garry. She found it difficult though to forget what Garry looked like under his shirt and barely tasted what she put into her mouth.

He ate and tried not to stare at Danielle, lest Martin would grow suspicious. In truth, he could hardly wait to be alone with her again. The way she felt in his arms, the scent of her hair, and the way she kissed was so fresh in his thoughts - he replayed them over and over in his head.

"I hear ye met Captain Julie and Marion." Martin invited a comment between bites. The conversation remained on last evening?s dance during the rest of breakfast and returned to planning the shopping excursion to Rhydin while Garry helped with the dishes.

Garry picked up the picnic basket while Danielle put on her hat and said good bye to her grandfather, then they headed out together.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-21 16:35 EST
Ride to the Lake

Danielle walked beside Garry over to the smithy where Warrior was waiting for them. "There are some apples in the basket, too."

"No wonder this basket is so heavy!" He smiled and opened the door to the stables. "Warrior, ol? boy, you're going to like this picnic." He set the basket down and went to work tacking up his horse.

Danielle chuckled softly. "I do believe it is the bottle of wine that make the basket heavy." She stepped up close to the stall and greeted Warrior while she glanced to Garry and what he was doing every so often. Making her voice soft and quiet she whispered to Warrior. "You wont be doing anything to embarass me, will you?"

Garry grinned and watched Danielle talk to Warrior. He put on the saddle blanket, then the saddle and fastened it beneath the horse, adding the martingale since he already had the halter on Warrior. A few adjustments and the destrier was ready. He walked the horse outside, stretched his legs and attached the picnic basket to the back of the saddle. "Are you ready?" He asked Danielle.

"As ready as I can be." She had followed them outside, more than a little nervous. Though Garry had not said that he meant for them to ride, Warior now was wearing a saddle.

"I'll give you a leg up. It's easy. With that pretty dress you'll just have to sit side saddle in front of me." He put his hands together for Danielle to step into. "Just up and onto the saddle."

Danielle had seen enough women ride like that. It should be easy to copy. "Just up and onto the sadlle, got it." She took a deep breath and then approached Garry, putting a booted foot in his hands.

He lifted her up nice and slowly, making sure she was steady in the saddle, then mounted and sat on the heel of the saddle, sliding a bit into her. He reached around her and took the reins in his hands, an arm on each side of her. "Let me know if you get uncomfortable," he said softly against her ear.

"Thank you, I will." Though how she could possibly be uncomfortable this close to Garry she couldn't imagine. She slipped her arm around Garry's middle and found her ballance. She chuckled lightly. "I've not sat on a real horse ever. Ponnies are a lot closer to the ground."

He smiled at her statement, "Well I do think that Warrior feels honored that he'd be your first full sized transportation." They slowly walked out of town, heading southeast. When they were well out of town and alone on the road, he held Danielle a bit tighter in his arms.

"He is very well behaved." Warrior's gait was steady and it did not take long for Danielle to adjust to the motion and she was able to enjoy riding like this. When she felt Garry's arm tighten around her she leaned against him a little, wishing the hat would allow for more.

"Now, you'll have to tell me where to go. I only know the general direction. I have no idea where a good picnic spot is." He could tell by the vegetation in the area that they were getting closer.

The shore of the lake was not at all far from town. "This lake's true name is Otyep Lake, though few people actually know it's name. There are several nice places for a picnic with a view along this trail." She pointed out the path following the west shore. "It's fairly well traveled as the path also leads to the portal. If we cross the creek, we'll find a grassy shore line. On the southern side, if one bothers to go that far, is an islet that is also very nice for enjoying the lake. Which would you like better?"

"Let's go to the area less traveled. I don't wish to be disturbed like we were last night. The islet sounds wonderful!"

Danielle smiled. She would rather not run into neighbors or friends either, but have Garry to herself. "You should enjoy the ride with a view of the lake from the hilltops."

The motion of riding along with her close proximity to Garry had worked together to slide the hat of Danielle's head. She rather enjoyed the feel of light breeze against her skin and did not reach to slide the hat back in place. Along the way she turned Garry's attention to all the noteworthy rock formations, flowers and even some of the animals they happened across.

He had no idea where they were going, but he was happy riding along the lake with Danielle in his arms and he face against her hair, his lips close to her ear. They had passed by one or two others who were intending to fish, but other than that they had been alone.

Eventually they came to the southern-most tip of the lake where the road continued south over flat land and the lake bent. "From here on Warrior will have to make do without a path. When we go to Rhydin, we'll be following the road to the portal."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-21 18:41 EST
Finding the Perfect Spot

"Okay, m'lady, then we shall be trail blazers and find new lands to conquer and new campgrounds to eat in," he said with a chuckle. He loved having her in his arms around her and her leaning against his body. His voice was soft against her cheek, "Are you still comfortable? I would think we'll find a place upon the lake very soon." He could see the sky open up ahead where the brush and trees stopped at the southern shoreline of the lake.

"Yes, I?m comfortable." She turned her head to smile to him, and she wondered at her still being comfortable, having heard so many people complain about riding for any amount of time being painful after not having done so for a time. "We can stop anywhere you like, but the islet goes up quite a ways before it becomes narrow enough to see the water on three sides."

"Well, I certainly want to see the water! I think that when the day warms up it would be fun to wade in it also." He places a quick kiss to her hair and rode on up the islet to where the cattails and water grasses and sand began to take over from the birch and hickory and pine. After a short while they could see the water clearly on all sides. Heron and duck were in the water; redwing blackbirds flitted through the trees and complained of the disturbance.

"This is a most beautiful spot. It's a good thing, too, that it is rather far from town, or there'd be too many people on a regular basis and the birds would find some other place to go to."

Several areas along the shore looked inviting. The only problem there were faced with now was to decide for only one. Garry looked about and picked an area that was secluded in the midst of the toll water grasses, yet also had a nice bed of turf to picnic on and for Warrior to nibble throughout the day. "I think this place over here has our reservations for the day. What do you think?" he asked with a wink.

Danielle chuckled softly. "I think you picked a fabulous place."

"Couldn't have done it without you," he said as he slipped off the saddle and held up his hands to Danielle's waist to help her down.

She reached for his shoulders as she slid off Warrior's back and was glad for Garry's hands at her waist. Her legs did not appear to agree immediately that standing up was what she should be doing. "Thank you."

Garry held her until she was steady. "You're very welcome, m'lady," he replied with a smile. He then unfastened the picnic basket and blanket from the saddle and began to walk to that beautiful grassy spot with her. He held out the blanket, "Would you set this up for us? I'm terrible with blankets."

She took the blanket from him. "It'll be my pleasure." With a fluid motion she shook out the blanket and allowed it settle on the grass.

He watched and just had to laugh, "It would have taken me all day to get the blanket that straight, and you did it in one motion. I'm impressed." He set down the picnic basket and sat down on the blanket and began to take off his boots and socks.

Danielle chuckled softly. "It really would have taken you all day? There's nothing to it. Would it take you all day to put sheets on your bed?" She blushed the moment the words were out. She had not meant anything but to tease him a little. She quickly grabbed an apple from the basket and walked back to Warrior with it. When she was close enough she balanced the apple on her open hand and offered it up. Softly she whispered to the horse as he came close. "See, I didn't need your help to embarrass myself. Thank you for being so good on the ride here."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-21 18:43 EST
Cooling Their Feet

Garry tried not to smile at her remark so he continued to busy himself with setting his socks in his boots and his boots to the side. He turned onto his stomach and watched Danielle with Warrior. He wondered how this day would turn out, and what the ride home would be like. Would they be closer or would all the dreams have some crashing down. She was definitely a beautiful woman and he wondered why no man in town had won her heart. He looked at her shapely body in that pretty yellow dress, and her legs that appeared below the low hem. He leaned his chin on the back of his hands that were themselves pressed to the wool blanket and just watched her.

When Warrior had accepted his treat she returned to the blanket and Garry. She lowered herself to the blanket to sit near him. "It appears that I have fallen behind." She glanced at his boots. "You do look comfortable." She turned her back to him and bent to undo her boots.

He lifted a hand and just started to rub her back. It was still not yet midday, and the morning sun felt so good. "It's nice lying here, so quiet and peaceful."

"I am sure it is." His hand on her felt good and she was in no particular hurry to get the boots of her feet. It was an odd sensation to be taking off any article of clothing with him so close; one that put butterflies into her stomach. Eventually she sat the boots aside with her stockings in them. She made sure her legs were properly covered again be her skirt before she faced him again, a small smile played around her lips. "That feels very good."

Garry stopped rubbing her back when she turned around and faced him. He lifted himself up to a sitting position, then stood and reached for her hand. Let's go walk at the shoreline.

Her warm brown gaze moved over his face as if to commit every detail to memory again and her fingers tingled with the sudden desire to brush them over his cheek. She wondered at herself. She had never before felt any such compulsion with anyone. Then he moved to stand and the moment was gone. She placed her hand in his and pulled herself up, giving him a warm smile. "I would like that."

They were just a couple of yards from the shore, and they walked on the grass to the smooth, silt of the lake sure. The water was cool but refreshing when Garry put his feet into it. "This feels good! Come, put your feet in the water." He bent down and rolled up his pant legs to mid calf.

Danielle decided that she liked the easy way he had to disburse her nervousness. She chuckled softly at his invitation and, lifting her skirt to keep the hem from getting wet steps up next to him. "Oh, the water is cold. But you are absolutely right, it feels good."

He glanced as her legs as she lifted the hem of her dress higher, then put his arm around her shoulders. "Let's just walk a little this way," he said, point to the north. As they walked, the water felt less cold. Turtles and frogs moved from the places where they were warming themselves as they approached, and a family of ducks swam slowly away. They came to the tip of the islet and now the expanse of the lake was before them. Garry stopped and just looked out upon the lake. "I've never seen anything so beautiful." Then he turned, looked into her eyes and added softly, "Except for you."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-21 18:45 EST
Confessions on the Lake

Danielle blushed slightly at his compliment. Her gaze was captivated by his eyes the moment she turned her head from the scenery to look at him. "Neither have I." She had been here only once before, but it had been winter then and not nearly as full of life or as beautiful. But she wasn't referring to their surroundings.

He rotated more fully towards her and still held her right hand in his left. He lifted his left hand and touched her hair, the way the golden sunlight displayed her hair in such glory was nothing short of magical. "I haven't stopped thinking of last night," he said softly.

"I cannot stop thinking of it either." Her left hand came up to rest on his right arm. Her heart beat faster at the joy of his admission.

He looked down and his words were deep, soft, and spoken rather shyly, "I think of our dances, and eating together, and sitting in the back under the tree and all that happened; but most of all, I think of holding you. . .and our kisses."

Somehow the uncertain look in his eyes gave her courage to respond just as honestly. "Mostly I think of how heavenly it felt to be in your arms and that I would very much like to be there again and often, and just how much I would like some more of your kisses and how gorgeous you look with your shirt off and your hair still damp from bathing." Danielle also wondered how he could appear so familiar and how she could feels so much for him when she had known him for only a week.

Her words were the ones he'd have paid a fortune to hear, yet she offered them so freely. "Then, may I hold you now?" he said and slipped his arms around her body and held her tight. "You feel so good," he whispered against her forehead. Then he backed his head away just slightly and tilted his head to bring his lips close to hers.

Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck. She had not a thought to spare the hem of her dress or the lake they were standing in. "Please." She managed to whisper before she felt his lips on hers, warm and firm but gentle. Tentatively she moved her lips against his.

He also was tentative with the kiss. Last night when veiled in the shadows and moment of the night was one thing, but this was daylight and could not be misconstrued as an impulse in the dark. This was real, and being real and in the daylight made it even better. Their lips moved softly together for a few moments before he let the kiss go deeper.

Her lips parted with a soft sound that came from somewhere deep inside her and her body melted to his. Daylight painted warm pictures under her closed lids and whatever ground she had been standing on seemed to have dissolved altogether.

They hadn't kissed this way last night, and that was probably a good thing; but now, in the daylight, standing in the shallow water of the lake's shoreline, this kiss totally absorbed him. He felt her tongue move with his and her breath upon him. Most of all he felt his heart being opened with feelings he never had felt before. He knew from this moment on, he would never be happy without her.

Danielle tried to decide what he tasted like, but 'like more' was the only phrase she could think of. She certainly wanted more of this, of feeling and tasting and floating. The kiss was to her all at once ever so exciting and soothing. Her fingers entangled in his hair.

He finally allowed the kiss to break and he smiled and cupped her cheek with his left hand. "Then, last night wasn't all just a dream that was too good to be real? I was worried when I awoke that I had just dreamed the entire evening into existence." His eyes shone with mischief as he teased her.

The mischief in his eyes was something she could respond to easily. "No dream." She smiled at the realization she just had, "You were really worried? Just like I was? Then, are you per chance hinting that you might like me just the littlest bit back?"

The word, ?Like?, was much too mild a word for what was in her heart.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-22 18:44 EST
How Many Ways to Say 'I Love You'?

Garry lifted his eyes skyward as if in deep contemplation, he twisted his lip in a perplexed expression, and then replied. "No, I just can't say that I like you the littlest bit." He looked into her eyes and smiled, then took her hand and continued their walk around the point of the islet to return on the opposite side. "Actually, Danielle, I like you more than that 'little bit' - much more. Of course I'm sure that has me liking you a lot more than you like me, but . . . I guess I'll just have to live with that," he said with a smirk on his face.

Danielle wanted to take back the words at Garry's initial reaction and paled when he finally replied. But his smile, at odds with his words, left hope. It took her while to realize that he was teasing her. The words 'much more' and the infliction he gave them made up for some of that. His smug grin, however, deserved some teasing in return. "If you put it that way, 'like' has very little to do with it." The more she thought about what he said the happier she was with his response.

He began swinging her arm playfully, smiling in spite of efforts not to. She had actually indicated that she liked him, and that was warming him more than the midday sun. "Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I really don't think that 'like' is the right word." He looked down on her with a mock frown, "Do you?"

She shook her head lightly and smiled up to him with soft-brown eyes. Though she recognized the frown to not be serious, she wanted to make it go away. "The phrase 'care for' may well be more appropriate."

He thought a bit and nodded. "Yes, that a good way to express it. I suppose I do care for you far more than you care for me." He gave her hand a squeeze as they continued to walk along the lake shoreline. "But you know, I'm not sure that even 'care for' is the right phrase."

Danielle grinned and held his hand a little tighter. "Before I take up the argument of who does what more, I would like to know the phrase you deem more fitting."

Now she had him. He had boxed himself into a corner and she was quick enough to see that and take advantage of it. He had to think fast. "Well, the word that I was thinking of was. . . OH! Did you see that turtle over there! He was huge! Went right under the water!"

Danielle laughed at his attempt to distract her. "I think I care far more for your plight and find it more interesting than the size of any turtle." But she did have mercy on him. "Can you hear the picnic basket calling to us?" She tugged lightly at his hand.

"YES! I hear that picnic basket loud and clear, and just in time too!" He laughed and gave Danielle a hug and they turned inland down a little path that led them back to Warrior and then to their picnic area. "I think I could eat a horse!" He looked quickly to Warrior, "No offense boy!" He laughed and knelt down on the blanket, not remembering when he ever had such a good time.

"I do so hope you will find the contents of the basket at least as satisfying as horse steak."

Danielle sat down on the blanket with a chuckle. "Oh, that's cold!" She only now noticed how wet her skirt was and pulled up her legs under it in attempt to avoid further contact with the offending hem. "There's even that bottle of wine in there that you were dreaming of."

"Great. I'll pour the wine, honey." He stopped, and then quickly reached for the bottle, realizing what had just slipped from his lips like it was a fish pulled from the water with a greased hand. He couldn't take it back, so all he could do was hope she didn't hear it.

He saw her try to move out of the wet area of her dress. "Oh...that must be uncomfortable. Can I do something to help? I can try to wring some water out; or, I can get another blanket from the saddle to wrap around you and we can let it dry." He wasn't sure what he was saying at this point, only that he had called her 'honey'.

"It certainly is not pleasant, but the sun is shining and I'm sure it will dry just as well with me in it." She was not about to disrobe in front of him. "What was that about honey? Should I have packed a jar of it?" Oh, she had heard all right and if the huge smile she was giving him was any indication, she liked it, too. "A glass of wine would be lovely just about now."

He blushed noticeably, realizing that she had heard the term of endearment slip from his mouth. In a last attempt to recover he said, ?Oh, did I say ?wine honey?? I meant to say ?honey wine?. I was wondering if we had brought some mead with us.? He fought down a smile, thinking that he had covered himself rather well; then seeing she wasn't buying it, he just conceded and gave her a wink as he pulled the cork and poured two glasses of wine.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-23 12:49 EST
Picnic And A Bottle Of Wine

Danielle's smile softened as she noticed his blush and her heart went out to him as he stumbled over the words. "You didn't ask for mead." She lowered her voice and a little shyly added, "I like you calling me something sweet when there's no one else to hear." Her fingers curled around the glass he was holding out to her. "At least for now I'd rather grandfather doesn't hear it. I'm not so sure that I am quite ready to answer all his questions." She studied Garry closely, not wanting to miss any of his reactions to her words. Keeping their earlier kiss firmly in mind kept her heart beating.

Garry looked into her eyes and smiled. "I guess my feelings for you slipped out in a simple word that came to my lips as naturally as my breathing. I more than like you, Danielle. I even more than care for you." At that he stopped and looked away, not sure what to say anymore.

She reached for his hand that recently had held the glass she now was holding and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. I more than care for you, too."

He looked at her, smiled and brought her hand to his lips. He places a kiss upon her fingers, and then relaxed and let anything deeper be unsaid. "So, what do we have in this basket? Did I hear something about fried pork?"

It took her moment before she felt like she could reply; the look in his eyes had been so intense. "Yes, you did hear that along with something about potato salad, pie, cheese, bread and apples."

He lifted his glass to her, sipped the wine, then pulled out the plates while she took care of the food. "Danielle. I just want to thank you for last night and today. Being with you has made me so happy. Happier than I've ever been in my life."

Danielle had set down her glass after a couple of sips to have both hands available for helping with the picnic. "I can't recall ever having been this happy either or ever having enjoyed anything else quite so much. I do hope for there to be more such absolutely wonderful days with you." She couldn't keep a happy chuckle from bubbling up and winked to him. "It does not look like either is going to win this argument about who more than cares more for the other." She handed him a plate well stacked with some of everything but pie.

He took his plate and picked up a fork. "Could it be that we feel the same about each other?" he said just before putting the first fork of food into his mouth.

"Now that you said it, that appears very likely." She picked up the other plate and a fork. "It's rather surprising really, At times I feel like I've known you forever and then something reminds me it's only been a week." She started eating.

"I know what you mean, Danielle. Having met you, I don't think I'd want to dance or picnic with anyone else." He smiled and looked away and ate. The food was delicious and he devoured it in good order between sips of wine, refilling their glasses three times during the meal.

Danielle looked at her glass. "I'm not so sure I should be drinking all this. You're already making me dizzy. I would probably be very unhappy should I see you go on a picnic with someone else." She refused to think about him having his arm around someone else for dancing. "And yet I know very little about you."

He put down his plate and empty glass, and would wait until later in the afternoon for the pie. He lay on his back and looked up at her. "You shall never see me with anyone else, Danielle. I've already decided that. I hope you don't mind that decision that I made without inquiring if it would be acceptable to you. And I want you to know all about me...and to learn about you."

Danielle giggled as she set her plate aside and the glass on top of it. "I don't mind that. It only stands to reason that one, you, should decide such a thing before talking about it." Her warm brown gaze studied him. "You should tell me something about you."

"First, come and look at the sky and clouds with me, then I'll tell you anything you want to know." He motioned for her to lie with him on the blanket. "I happen to know that just lying down after a meal will help with digestion." He made that up.

Danielle moved to lie next to him. "Grandfather showed me to look at the clouds a long time ago. But he's of the opinion that one should take walk if one needs help with digestion."

Garry smiled, "Yes, that's the other theory. I think both are valid and have their good and bad points." He moved his arm around, over Danielle's head and moved to go under her head and pull her closer to him. He looked at her and shifted closer. "How is your dress doing?" he asked softly.

"Still a little damp but no longer frightfully cold." She smiled to him. "Mmm, yes, definitely dizzy but comfortable. There are not very many clouds to look at." But she was looking at Garry rather than the sky to begin with.

"That is true, Danielle. Seems all the clouds have taken a vacation this day." He turned on his side facing her, his hand laid on her arm as he looked into her brown eyes. "I really like being here with you,... honey," he said softly and smiled.

"Honey." She repeated the word softly and smiled into his smoky-blue eyes. "I much rather look at you than the clouds anyway." She lifted her hand and touched her fingertips tentatively to his cheek. "You're even close enough to touch." Perhaps three glasses of wine was a little excessive for lunch in the summer heat.

His arm was beneath her head and his other hand touched her hair and played with it as he watched the way her hair moved in his fingers. "I want to touch you, honey; with my...lips." He moved closer and kissed her. Her fingers slid into his hair as she answered his kiss. She liked the way he called her honey now and told him so with her lips moving under his, she hoped.

His fingers moved through her hair and he held her head as he kissed her, at first just lightly, then quickly the kiss deepened as the feelings were allowed to be released. He moved closer and held her tight as they lay upon the blanket and kissed in the early afternoon sunshine with the cool breeze blowing off the lake. Danielle moved her free hand to his side for just a touch. But then she wanted to feel more and slid her hand around to his back, reveling in the way his hard body felt under her hand.

Garry continued to kiss her, his hand cupping her cheek and caressing her. When the kiss had ended he just laid there upon his side and looked into her eyes. His voice was soft and low, "I've discovered that word I was looking for before, Danielle."

Her fingers had slipped from his hair when he lifted his head and her hand now rested against his shoulder. She returned his look with a soft and happy smile. He could see the little flash in her eyes the moment his words made sense to her. "Something tells me you knew before."

He smiled, "I can't seem to hide anything from you, Danielle. Then I guess it will be no surprise at all if I were to tell you. . ." he paused then whispered, "I love you."

Danielle listened to those whispered words echo inside her and if possible her smile became even softer before she replied in a breathless whisper. "I love you, too." The words were still a surprise. There was nothing quite like hearing them.

The wine, good food, heat, and unused to exercise all conspired to make Danielle sleepy. His smoky-blue gaze and whispers were hypnotizing and, as exciting as feeling arms around her was, it was also a very comfortable feeling. She still wondered what he was whispering when sleep claimed her.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-25 03:20 EST
Preparing for a "Voyage"

Garry had been drifting in and out of sleep in one of those times of rest when you're never really sure what's dream and what's reality. The one thing he was sure of was that whenever he'd open his eyes, he looked upon the face of Danielle as she slept in the crook of his left arm, and knew that he had found the woman he'd love for the rest of his life.

Danielle had slept deeply. When she did wake and she opened her eyes, it was to find Garry looking at her. The soft smile that had been on her lips even as she slept deepened then. Slowly she lifted a hand and touched her fingertips to his face, as if to make sure he was really there.

He took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips. He didn't say anything for awhile, for no words needed to be spoken. Their eyes and smiles conveyed more love than could have a score of chapters in a book written by the more romantic of bards. His fingers traced the delicate lines of her cheek and jaw, and his gaze moved to her lips.

Waking up with Garry like this was something she would miss come morning. Her fingers slipped from his cheek into his hair and she slowly pulled his head down to hers. A soft sound escaped her as his lips met hers with a feather light brush.

The feel of her lips could become a sweet intoxication if he merely yielded to his desires and lingered longer in the kiss. He finally pulled away and smiled, "When we were walking, I saw a canoe pulled into the cattails. Have you ever been canoeing?"

"No, but there's a first for everything, isn't there?" Canoeing with Garry sounded like it would be fun. The boat they had happened across had looked to be in good shape, too. "Have you been canoeing before?"

He grinned, "Once a while back. It's a piece of cake." He stood and helped her up. "Please wait here just a minute. I want to go move Warrior to another grazing spot."

Danielle nodded her agreement to him. "I will wait." She rose and found her hat, although it was certainly late to remember protection from the sunlight, better late than never. She tied it back on and then lifted a hand to her face to feel for signs of sunburn, wondering if Garry liked freckles should she have picked up some this day. By the time Garry returned she also had had a few mouthfuls of tea, and the plates and glasses set back into the basket.

Garry took the rope to Warrior's bridle and walked him to a new area to graze. He looked back and saw Danielle standing there, looking off in the opposite direction, and he would have sworn that she was an angel. Everything about her thrilled him, everything she said intrigued him, and every look of her eyes made him both weak and yet determined that he'd fight an army just to be in her presence.
He looked back and saw Danielle standing there, looking off in the opposite direction

He tied Warrior in a new location and came to Danielle and held out his hand. "Are you ready? We can canoe for a half hour and come back for that delicious pie you made."

She turned to smile to him and placed her hand into his." I am ready." They walked toward the cattails where they had seen the canoe earlier. "There are a couple of apples left for Warrior, too. He is certainly being well behaved."

"Well, I think he likes you and is on his best behavior." He reached down and took hold of the canoe. "This probably belongs to some hunter. I'll hold it while you step inside."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-25 23:51 EST
Me and You in a Tippy Canoe

"Thank you." She lifted the skirt of her dress with one hand and - still bare footed - climbed into the boat. She sat down with a chuckle. "It looked a lot bigger from the shore than it appears now."

"Yes, it did look bigger," he said as he tried to get into the canoe without falling in the water or tipping it over. He finally got settled and pushed away with the paddle. Soon they were out in the open on the lake, running parallel to the shore and about twenty yards out. It was quiet and peaceful, and the day just couldn't be better.

"This is lovely." Careful not to unbalance the canoe she dipped her fingers into the cold water, then flicked a couple droplets at Garry and grinned.

He laughed and gave her a wink. "Careful now, I have a paddle in my hands," he teased her.

"So you do." She laughed, "But what might you be willing to do with it besides paddling?"

"Oh! I can do some excellent splashing!" He grinned and gave a little flick of the paddle to send water in her direction, although not hard enough to actually get on her.

"So I see!" She chuckled, but decided not to test him. The water was cold and she remembered well how uncomfortable getting her clothes wet was. "Where are those giant turtles when one could use one?"

He continued paddling, then let the canoe coast and he looked over the side. "Oh those giant turtles are under there somewhere, I'm sure." He laughed, loving Danielle's sense of humor and the way she would give it to him right back. "Just don't let them bite you."

"I'm sure they are. Do you think that they might?" She had never heard of one of these particular turtles biting anyone.? The lake looks very different from here. Even the breeze feels different." She closed her eyes for a moment and held her face into that breeze before she looked to Garry again with a happy chuckle.

He was just staring at her face, watching her with her eyes closed, thinking that she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. "Yes," he agreed as he started to paddle, "there's something so peaceful about being on the water. I can see how people do nothing but fish all day even if they don't catch a thing." He turned the canoe around before they got too far and started to head back to the shore, again following the shoreline that would eventually lead to their camp.

"I cannot understand that. I would think they would have more fun without a stick in their hands." She teased as she watched his muscles ripple under the shirt. "It is however very beautiful out here. I am very glad you thought of it."

"I am too, honey." He smiled and just looked at her and how pretty she was in that yellow dress. He looked down at her legs and saw that the bottom of her dress was now dry. "I'm looking forward to tasting your pie."

"It is nothing special, just a plain apple pie. How are you liking the smithing, is grandfather letting you do anything interesting?" She once again let her fingers glide through the water.

It was important to her that he should like the work, even if she did no longer worry about the possibility of him preferring a job at the docks in Rhydin - at least not so much now as she had before today.

He shrugged, "It's okay. I like doing it, but I don't think I'll do it forever. Not that I'm planning to leave here anytime soon." He gave her a wink, "Working here has great fringe benefits."

"What do you want to be doing instead?" She knew that Garry happening along had re-kindled her grandfather's hope of having someone to pass the smithy onto and she was sad for him that his hope would be dashed again.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking of going into law enforcement, or even to run for a governmental position. Then at other times I think I would love to run a trading company. And I really haven't ruled out smithing. I do enjoy working with my hands. I'm not in a hurry to make a decision. Things work out if you give them enough time."

Danielle smiled to him. "All of those sound interesting. Though I can't see you behind a counter or packing pickles into jars and flower into little brown bags and asking Mister this or that which kind of bristles he'd prefer his new broom to have." She turned slightly to see where he was paddling them.

He laughed, "I can't see me doing that either." They continued to head back to their picnic area. "We'll be back soon if my arms don't give out." He was just teasing her. With his strength, plus the endurance built up from the recent blacksmithing, he could paddle the canoe all day.

Danielle turned her gaze back to him. "Somehow I do not believe that to be very likely, especially not with that pie waiting." She chuckled softly then something caught her attention in the water. "What is that?" She pointed to a spot between them and the reeds.

He put down the paddle and moved forward, kneeling on one knee next to her. "I don't know. Is it moving?" He leaned over a bit to try to see better.

"No, just floating barely under the surface." She, too, tried to get a closer look at it.

He could see it had some color. "Maybe we can grab it."

"With the paddle perhaps?" She was even more curious now about the object in the water.

"Good idea." He reached back for the paddle, brought it forward and went down after the object. Suddenly the canoe tipped!

"Careful - Oh!" Then the shock of the cold water took her breath away.

Before he could shout "lean back!" they were both in the water, and now all he could think about was Danielle. How could he have been so clumsy! The next thing they knew they were both under water that was ten feet deep.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-26 15:30 EST
Ice Water

The water was cold. Ice cold. For a moment that was the only thought in Danielle's mind. Then she got her bearings and broke the surface to draw a breath. She tugged at the hat strings. The soggy hat had slipped back and it's weight pressed its restraints uncomfortably against her throat. Then Gary came up sputtering and she had to laugh at the look on his face, despite their situation.

His only thought was for Danielle. He had kicked to get at her and reached for her, not realizing that her dress had floated up and his hand got caught inside it. He came up and blinked with water in his eyes and his hair down his forehead and saw her laugh. That relieved the tension and he also started to laugh. "That's settles one thing. I'm not going to be a sailor!"

"At least not with a canoe." She chuckled. The hat removed she could breathe without restriction. "So what is that thing?" She nodded her chin at the object he was now directly next to. They could at least find out what it was before worrying about how to get out of the water.

He pulled her close and treaded. "I'm not sure what it is. You want me to take a look." The water was so cold, but he was curious too. After all, suppose it was some treasure!

"Yes, please." She placed a hand on his arm. The warmth of his body was tempting, but she needed the movement of her other arm to stay above water.

"Be right back." He moved from her and did a little "jack-knife" dive and went down the ten feet to see what was there and shinning at them. He inspected it and came up, seeing Danielle's legs and her dress floating like a yellow halo around her. He surfaced and wiped the water from his face and caught his breath. "It's a turtle trap!" he said with a laugh. "Looks like the giant turtles got us after all!"

Danielle laughed. "I guess I owe you an apology the. I thought you made them up." With a look from the canoe to the shore she added. "It doesn't look to be worth the trouble to try and get back into the boat. What do you think?" The water didn't feel quite so cold anymore.

"I think you are right. Let's get out of the water before those giant turtles come back," he was only teasing, but the water was cold and that was as good a reason as any to get out of it quickly. He grabbed the paddle and the rope that was floating and attached to the canoe, and he pulled them along while swimming with one arm next to Danielle. "Are you okay, honey?" he asked as he struggled along.

"I will be fine once we get out of the water." She could swim, but the going was slow with the energy-draing cold and the water pulling at her dress. A hint of blue had come to her lips, too, despite the summer sun shining down on them.

They made it to the cattails where they could finally stand and push their way through the reeds. Garry left the canoe and paddle there and reached for Danielle and helped her to the shore where they stood and looked at each other. "We are like drowned rats, except that you still look beautiful."

She did believe that she looked like a drowned rat, but not the rest. The dress was clinging to her most uncomfortably and made walking a struggle. "Charmer," she grinned and allowed the ruined hat to slip from her fingers. The breeze, that had been welcome earlier to relieve the summer heat, now only made her shiver with cold. "And the dress had just dried, too." She made a futile attempt to hold the skirt away from her legs.

"Come, I'll get the two blankets. We need to get these clothes off us before we get sick." They went to the picnic area and Garry picked up the blanket that was on the ground, shook it out, and held it up between them so that he could not see her below her face. "If you get out of your dress, I'll hold this up and then you can wrap it around you. We might still have time for our clothes to dry before going home."

Danielle gave him a careful look as he picked up the blanket. Propriety demanded that she should protest his suggestion, but her teeth chattering told her that he was right. Rubbing her arms for warmth did not appear to help much. She turned around, facing away from Garry and, reaching for the buttons, muttered softly. Of course they had to be on the back, difficult to reach, and wet hair was getting in-between her fingers and the little buttons.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-29 17:39 EST
Blanketed Against the Cold

Garry Bradstreet held the blanket up so that he could only see Danielle above the shoulders, but when he heard her muttering and saw her struggle with her elbows up in the air, he didn't see any reason why he shouldn't offer his help. "Um, Danielle. Would you like some help with those buttons?"

"Would you please?" There was really little point in denying his offer of help. She was cold and wet and she was wearing a shift underneath the dress. He could not be any more comfortable in his wet clothes either.

He lowered the blanket and draped it over his arm and began to work on the buttons. "Oh, I see the problem. Your hair has become wrapped around the buttons. It will just take me a minute." He fingers worked on her hair, slowly unwrapping the hair from the button, trying not to pull her hair. After the first few top buttons, the others were routine, but he continued down anyway, opening the back of the dress, seeing her soaking wet shift beneath it. "Okay, I'll hold up the blanket again while you get those wet clothes off."

"Thank you." Her skin still tingled under the shift where his fingers had touched in the undoing of the buttons. She gave him a moment, and then pulled the sleeves off her shoulders and down her arms before she stepped out of the dress. Certainly that would be enough wet clothes removed. She took a step back, toward the blanket he was holding up.

Danielle looked down her shift. Why were underthings made of white cloth? She'd be more decent without the turned sheer material clinging to her. With a quick motion she pulled the offending piece of clothing over her head.

Garry watched the dress and shift come over Danielle's head and he came to the realization that he had a nearly naked beautiful woman just on the other side of that blanket. "Let me know when you want me to wrap this around you."

"Now would be good." It was an odd sensation to stand with nearly no clothes out in the open, one that left her feeling vulnerable.

Garry wrapped the blanket around her, his arms moving about her shoulders and his cheek against Danielle's. "Let me just warm you up a bit, then I'll go get the other blanket."

She murmured her permission and leaned back against him. For long moments she simply enjoyed his cheek against hers, his strong body to lean against and his arms holding her. Eventually she stopped shivering and reached for the corners of the blanket to fold it more securely around her. "I think I'm okay now."

He kissed her cheek and went to Warrior for the other blanket. While next to Warrior he removed his shirt, wrung out most of the water, and hung it in the sun over some tree branches. He came back to Danielle, his chest glistening in the sun with the dampness left by the wet shirt, his wet hair leaving little drops of moisture on his cheek, and the blanket in his hand. "I guess you'll have to either hold this up for me or turn around," he said with a grin.

Danielle had picked up the dress and shift and after she had squeezed as much water out of them as she could, careful not to splash the blanket, draped them over a bush. She lifted her gaze from his glistening chest to his face. "Which would you prefer?"

His eyes smiled and he just said, "Perhaps it would be easier if you turned around."

"I can do that." She smiled back to him before she turned around. Now, of course, she had plenty of time to think on how utterly gorgeous Garry looked with his shirt off and his dark hair curling where it started to dry.

He was glad that he had removed his boots earlier in the day, so his wet pants and underwear came off quickly. He took an occasional glance behind him to make sure that Danielle was still looking away. He then tied the blanket around his waist and tossed the remaining length over his left shoulder in good Scottish fashion. "Okay, you can look now," he said as he picked up pants and underwear and walked away to hang them in the sun a short distance away.

She did look then and her eyes widened in surprise. It should be outlawed for anyone to look this good in nothing but a blanket. "Look at you, a highlander in the middle of nowhere." She gave an appreciative chuckle.

He laughed as he walked over to her and took her into his arms, "Aye, lass, but no 'ighlander 'as ere been so lucky t' 'ave a lass such as ye in 'is arms now," he said with a mock accent.

Danielle laughed with him. Her hands came to his shoulders as if of their own accord and her heart skipped a beat as she felt nothing but warm skin under them. "Accent and everything even. You're only missing the large, two-handed sword."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-08-29 17:41 EST
A Choice of Dessert

He pressed his body to hers and smiled, "Well, I like to have my hands free to be able to hold you." He looked at the grassy area below them, "Perhaps we should lie down. It'll be warmer than standing straight up here in the breeze."

She leaned against him and gave him a suspicious look, not at all sure if that wasn't just something he had made up. He did not appear to be teasing, she decided. "Perhaps."

He kissed her cheek and hid a smirk. "Okay, well I'm just going to lay down here on this nice soft, warm grass; and if you wouldn't mind, just stand a little more to the right and block that wind for me. . .if you're not going to join me, that is." Garry laid down on the grass, his belly to the ground. The blanket had slid off his shoulder and fully exposed his tanned, muscular back and broad shoulders. He laid his head on his hands and looked like he might be going to sleep.

Danielle chuckled, "Oh, no, I'm not doing that." She sat down next to him, making sure the blanket-dress was covering every inch of skin it should and careful that none of her still wet hair touched her. "Are you that tired?"

He turned onto his back and looked at her. "I'm just tired of waiting for that delicious pie that just sitting there in the basket, waiting to be eaten." He gave her a wink and sat up.

"You'll have to look at it a lot harder in order to get it to float over this way." She gave him a teasing wink.

"Oh, you mean you're not going to go over there and get it?" he teased, wanting to see her walk with that blanket around her and getting the pie while trying to secure the blanket at the same time.

"No, thank you. I'm quite comfortable now." This was difficult enough without moving around and thereby adding chances for the blanket to come undone. She smiled, "but I'm not keeping you from fetching the basket or the pie either."

"What? And chance having this blanket fall to my ankles? Oh no you don't. I'm not so easily tricked." Garry laughed and came forward on her laying Danielle upon her back and tickled her side with his right hand while supporting himself with his left arm lying just to the right side of her head.

Danielle giggled, more from his teasing than tickling. But she was ticklish, too, when surprised by it like she was now. Holding the blanket in place with one hand she tickled him back with the other. "Perhaps you didn't really want any pie after all."

He stopped tickling and used that hand to pick a strand of wet hair from her cheek and lay it behind her ear. He voice went soft as he caressed her cheek with the tips of his fingers. "Maybe I just think your lips are more delicious than even the most wonderful pie ever to come out of an oven."

She went still then. Her gaze was drawn from his eyes to his lips. The hand that was tickling him came to cover his at her cheek. He could not possibly be meaning to kiss her now; they were not even properly dressed. But she wanted him to.

The length of blanket that had partially covered his chest was now lying on the grass beneath him. His hand cupped her cheek and his thumb lovingly stroked that soft skin. He saw her eyes move to his lips, and that unspoken invitation could not be denied. He lower his lips to hers, brushing over them sensuously.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-30 22:47 EST
An Apple and a Pie

His kiss and touch sent tendrils of warmth through her that quickly accumulated into something more. With a tiny sound she reached up. His skin was warm under her hands and she could feel muscles rippling under that skin.

He kissed her tenderly; it was a kiss unique to lovers that conveyed secret promises of the heart and sealed an unspoken life-long covenant. His right hand caressed her left cheek, fingers combing through her wet hair over and over as soft moans of delight punctuated the kiss of soft lips. He realized that nothing but a thin blanket separated his flesh from hers as he moved his body be directly over hers.

Her heart was beating hard and fast. Between that sound and that of the rushing in her ears she could hear no other. When moving her hands over his skin was no longer enough she pulled him to her.

He felt the sweet encouragement of her embrace, pulling his body tight to hers. Their kiss became more aggressive in its expression of their love and desire. All her face was honey to his mouth, and all her body pasture to his eyes; her long lithe arms were around him and hotter hands than fire touched his back as he lifted his leg over hers, and sunk into their kiss.

Warrior decided it was time for those apples the humans had hidden in that basket. It was not all that good a hiding place. The sun had warmed the apples and the soft breeze carried the tempting aroma to his nostrils. He whinnied with anticipation just before he got a hold of the cloth that covered the basket with his fleshy lips. Danielle did not hear the whinny. In fact, nothing seemed to exist but Garry's mouth, hands, and body and the way he made her feel.

Garry was always sensitive to the sounds Warrior would make. It was something that helped keep him alive when patrolling the border regions. So the horse's whinny did not go unnoticed. Garry broke the kiss and looked up. "Oh no! Warrior!" He got up too fast for his blanket to hold closed. It was only the quick grasp of his hands that kept the blanket from falling completely off of him. The added length of blanket beneath his feet had him trip and go sprawling forward on the grass. The motion cause Warrior to quickly step back from the basket, for he surely knew he was doing something wrong. Garry just laid there and laughed, thankful that at least some of his body was still covered.

Danielle immediately missed Garry's presence and his warmth. She blinked away the dizziness and caught her breath as she looked around to see what had taken Garry away and laughing. She turned to her side. The expression Warrior gave as he carefully approached Garry was at once guilty and one of confused concerned. Garry's laughter was contagious, too. When Warrior nudged Garry, the cloth from the basket still between his lips, Danielle had to laugh as well.

Garry grabbed the cloth from Warrior's lips. "Thank you. That's just what I needed, a checkered loin cloth." He adjusted his blanket and went to the basket, picked it up and brought it back to Danielle. He was blushing and still laughing when he took out an apple and tossed it over to Warrior. "Well, I saved the pie."

Danielle had sat up and readjusted the blanket. Now she greeted Garry's return with a chuckle, her face still flushed. "So you did. As the brave defender of the pie you certainly deserve a slice or three, too." She combed her fingers through her hair and removed a blade of grass.

His blanket was around his waist as he took out the plates and held them for her. The afternoon sun was quite warm and although the clothes would take some time to dry, his body was drying and already getting warm beneath the blanket. "I just couldn't allow our pie to be stolen. Not after all the work you did to make it. Besides, Warrior would just gobble it down without giving heed to the subtle nuances of flavor."

"We couldn't have that." She reached for the plates with a soft chuckle. She was perfectly comfortable now. Garry's kiss had quite effectively warmed her - she could still feel the impression of his lips on hers - and she didn't even mind the impromptu garb so much anymore.

Garry watched her cutting the pie, his eyes looking at her exposed shoulders, then to her ankles and feet. Everything about her was perfect and beautiful. He just wanted to touch her. "It looks good," he said.

She quickly placed a generous slice of pie on his plate. The way he looked at her made her feel entirely too warm in way too pleasant a way. "Enjoy." She smiled and sat back to watch him.

He took the pie and fork and did enjoy it - very much. He moved close to her as they ate. "This is delicious, Danielle. You have got to be the best cook in all the land." He ate the last forkful and added, "This is just a wonderful day. I can't imagine it being any better - even with the fall in the lake."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-30 22:48 EST
Going Home

"That was quite something." She said softly, not at all referring to the dip in the icy lake water, but to that latest kiss. It had been so much more though, than just a kiss, but what to call it she didn't know. She gave him a little grin as she handed him the second plate. There was no way that she could get a single bite down, she'd not even tried.

Garry happily took the second piece and it was not long before the plate was clean and he was wiping his mouth of the crumbs. He set the plate down in the basket, covered it and pushed it out of the way. He poured more wine for the both of them and handed Danielle a glass. "It's important to keep drinking when in the sun like this."

"But wine?" She chuckled, "there is some tea, too." But she did take the glass he handed to her and sipped from it before she leaned against him. "Do you think our clothes will be dry enough when it is time to return?"

"Well, I was thinking that we'll probably have to ride into town naked. Do you think anyone will notice?" He tried not to grin too much as he teased her.

Danielle laughed and blushed at the suggestion. "There is no way you could make me do that. Oh, you are impossible."

Garry laughed and hugged her. "I think that another hour or two and our clothes will be just fine. So, what should we do to pass the time?" He raised a brow in a flirtatious way to her.

Though she had no idea how late it really was - that unlooked for nap earlier had upset her inner clock - she guessed that it was already too late to reach home in time for dinner, even were they to leave now. They would probably have to leave soon to make sure they arrived back in town before it was too dark for Warrior or themselves to see where they set their feet.

"Are you sure we have that long or can your horse see in the dark? Though, if you keep looking at me this way, I might come to think that staying out with you all night and thoroughly ruining my reputation and giving Poppy a heart attack in the process isn't quite so bad an idea."

Garry couldn't help but smile. "Well, maybe I did build in a little too much leeway into that time. Our clothes might still be damp, but we could leave in a half hour. So, how do you want to spend our last thirty minutes by this beautiful lake?"

"Like this is just fine. I really enjoy just sitting with you and there will not be many opportunities to do so once we're home again." There moments alone together would indeed be few. Garry had work to do and her grandfather would watch and listen to most everything they'd do and say over the meals.

He nodded and smiled, and put his arm around her, his hand sliding into her bare shoulder. "This is indeed nice, Danielle. Times like this I wish would last forever."

"As do I. Perhaps there will be another Sunday with nice enough weather to do this again before it gets too cold. Minus the dip in the lake, of course." She chuckled softly.

He lowered his head and chuckled, "Yes, I think we can do without the extra bath." They sat and talked, and when it came time to get dressed, they were both pleasantly surprised that the sun and gentle breeze had combined to do an excellent job on drying their clothes. Garry finished attaching the blankets and picnic basket on Warriors saddle, then turned to Danielle. "You all ready to head back home?"

"I guess so. I'm not eager to leave, but I'm looking forward to the ride." Moments later they were both in the saddle and started the long ride back. Already the breeze was getting cooler and Danielle was glad that her dress was dry. Otherwise she'd have been chilled, even Garry holding her close to him. "Would you mind terribly if I said anything to grandfather?"

"I don't think so. What would you like to say to him?"

She thought on that for a while before answering. "How happy I am that you called you me honey and that you return my feelings for you. I might leave out the bit about the canoe though."

He kissed her cheek as they rode, and then said, "I have no problems with that at all. I think he already knows that I love you." His heart pounded as he said those words, but they just slipped out so easily and naturally.

"He might," she smiled softly. "I wonder if it will come as a surprise to him that I love you, too. He does appear to know a lot before anyone else does."

The words she spoke just filled his heart with such happiness. He wondered if her grandfather also knew that he planned to ask Danielle to marry him. Sometimes it seemed that Martin knew things before he did.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-08-30 23:58 EST
Good Night

It had been dark before they reached the lights of the town. But Warrior had managed anyway without any mishap. Danielle guessed that the border guards had to occasionally travel at night, too, and that Warrior had at least some practice in finding his footing at night.

Garry had kissed her good night before they had gone inside. And what a kiss it was! It appeared to her that each time they kissed was better than the time before, even though each time she had been convinced that no improvement could be possible. She had floated up the stairs without being fully aware of doing so and could still feel his arms around her and the heat of his lips when she rasped at her grandfather?s door.

Silently she opened the door a fraction and whispered, ?Are you still awake, Poppy??

??Course, Danny, c?mon in.? Martin sat up in his bed as Danielle walked into and across the room. ?Here, sit down n?tell me how t?day was.? He patted a spot on the bed.

?Oh, it was wonderful ? perfect really ? and so?s Garry.? Danielle started even before she sat down. ?From getting Warrior out to the lake and back.? She returned her grandfather?s hug. ?We went to the islet for the picnic and a long walk in the shallows and saw giant turtles and we talked a lot and got a little wet when we tried to make use of a hunter?s canoe and he kissed me.? Her voice took on a dreamy quality on the last words.

Martin held back a chuckle. ?You?ve quite a day then.? Though he could not see her in the dark, he knew by the quality of her voice that her face shining with happiness. ?He dinna do anythin? untoward then.? He brushed his hand over her head.

?No, Poppy. He did call me honey, often, and I like it and I love him.? She tried to see her grandfather?s face in the dark.

Martin chose his words carefully. ?Ye?ve not known him verra long. Are ye quite sure, little one?? Danielle nodded, and then thought that Poppy could not see that, but before she could say anything else Martin continued. ?Then ye be wantin? me t?say yes when he asks permission for anythin? t?morrow??

?Yes, Poppy, please.? Her reply was soft and, he thought, she sounded a little afraid. ?You and Grammy knew right away.? Danielle reminded him.

?So we did.? He did chuckle now. ?Do nae worry, Danny, he?ll be askin? n?I won?t make it t?difficult fer him. Off t?bed with ye now.? He paused for a yawn. ?Mornin?s not so far away. Sleep well, Danny.?

?Good night, Poppy.? She offered softly and left his room as quietly as she had come in.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-09-10 18:25 EST
Off To Court

It was several days before Garry felt that the opportunity was right for him to speak to Martin about Danielle. They had been working all day together on a special casting for an elaborate iron rail fence that was to go around the courthouse property. It was an intricate pattern of fleur-de-lay with spirals of iron that represented leaves. Together they had cut the casting in half and carefully removed the original so as not to damage the cast.

?It looks good, son,? Martin said as he examined the casting. ?Ye did fine work.?

Garry smiled and wondered if Martin realized that he had called him ?son?. ?Thank you, sir. We work well as a team.?

?Aye, that we do. I?m glad ye ?ave come into our little town here. Ye?ve been a good help t? me, an? I know that Danny has not been complainin? about it at all either.?

Garry cleared his throat. This was as good a time to ask as any. ?Martin, speaking of Danny, there?s something I?ve been meaning to talk about with you.?

?You two ain?t havin? an argument, are ya??

?Oh! No, sir. Actually it?s just the opposite.?

?Ah, well, that?s good t? hear. You?ll both be leavin? for RhyDin tomorrow for those supplies an? I wouldn?t want yer two t? be arguin? all th? way.? Martin was of course just joking, for he knew Danny?s heart already, but Garry thought he might actually be serious.

Garry stood up straight and wiped his oily hands on his shop apron, then took a deep breath. ?Sir, you probably know that I?ve grown quite fond of Danny in the short amount of time that I?ve been here. She?s an exceptional young woman, and quite good looking as well.?

Martin busied himself with the casting, trying not to smile and to appear more interesting in the workmanship than the conversation. ?That she is. My granddaughter is th? apple of my eye. I would ne?er want any harm to come t? ?er.?

Garry nodded, ?I feel the same way. In fact . . .? he decided to get right to the point, ?I would like your permission to court your granddaughter.?

?Danny?? Martin acted surprised.

Garry blinked. ?Is there another?? He question was serious.

Martin laughed. ?No, no . . . one is enough for an ol? man like me.?

?Well, then the answer is yes, I?d like to court Danny, if that would meet with your favor.?

Martin stood up, set down the casting and grabbed a towel while he pretended to think. ?So, you?d like to court my Danny.?

?Yes, sir.?

Martin smiled and walked over to Garry and held out his hand. ?Ye ?ave my permission; and ye be good t? ?er, lad.?

Garry took his hand in a strong grip, ?Thank you, sir. And I?ll be very good to her. I can promise you that.?

Martin finally smiled, ?I know ye will. If I wasn?t sure ?bout that, I would ?ave said no. But ye be respectin? ?er on this trip now. I feel safer wi? yer bein? there wi? ?er, but I don?t want ye t? be tempted t? do what ye know ye shouldn?t.?

Garry blushed just a little, ?I respect her, Martin, and will be very careful to do nothing we wouldn?t do with you there.?

?Well, ye don?t ?ave t? be goin? that far!? Martin replied with a grin, remembering his younger days.

They both laughed and continued their work until it was time to wash up and head into the house for the evening meal.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-13 16:32 EST
Off To Town

Monday had dawned in an ugly shade of gray and they decided to delay the trip until after the rain. Though more iron was needed to fill the order from the Beacon, the smithy was not as low on materials as to be running out within days. They could afford to wait for the rain to stop and there was no reason to take any unnecessary risks. They were to make the trip by wagon, so they could bring at least part of their purchases back home with them.

The rain had started that afternoon and continued until Wednesday evening. They decided to give the roads a day to dry out after that thorough soaking and to head out Friday.

Martin had made good use of the extra days and added a few items to their shopping list. Danielle and Garry would be buying not only what was needed to fill the rather large order from the Beacon, but also be ordering the supply that was to see them over the winter. They would be busy to manage all the purchases by Saturday evening and were to head back on Sunday.

The trip into town had been smooth and uneventful. The road was dry once again and made for easy traveling. Warrior, though definitely not a carriage horse, had pulled the cart without complaints and made good time. They made it through the portal and arrived in town just before the noon hour. The noises and smells of the crowded town greeted them the moment the turned from the portal onto the nearly deserted side alley. But the main streets were already bustling with traffic.

Garry was not used to portal travel. He didn't particularly like it - never did. Still, it saved them quite some time on the road. It had been a while since he was last in the city. He didn't have good memories of it. Those he had met in the Red Dragon Inn did not impress him in the least. But this was different. He smiled to himself. This time he had Danielle with him, so perhaps the city would generate some good memories. "Do you know where the iron mill is, Danny?" This last week he had begun to call her by the more familiar name her grandfather used. He liked it.

"Yes, it's outside the old wall." Danielle pointed in the general direction they would have to go to get there. She was looking forward to getting off the hard seat - the cushions had helped only for the first part of the trip - and to stretching her legs. "Is that where we are going first?"

He turned his head slowly and looked at her, a glint of mischief in his eye. "Of course not." He tried to hide a smirk." I think the first thing we need to do is have a meal and get rooms for tonight before the Inn fills up."

Danielle chuckled softly at the look on his face. "You do look like you have something specific mind. Is there a favorite place you would like to visit?"

"Well, the only inn I know here is the one with the Red Dragon. Do you know any others?"

"No, Poppy and I always stayed there, if we stayed in town over night to begin with. But there are a lot of places in town where one can get decent meals."

"Well, if my memory serves me well, the food at the Inn left a lot to be desired. Let's find someplace that will give us a good meal."

Danielle reluctantly moved her gaze from him and down the line of buildings they were passing in search of one of the eateries Poppy and her had been to last autumn. A smile replaced the concentrated look on her face when she spotted the place she had been looking for. "Ah, there it is. Do you see that boar's head sign way down the street, where that yellow carriage is about to pass?"

He nodded, "Looks good to me, honey. Let's go eat."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-09-16 04:21 EST
The Boar's Head Inn

Garry drove the wagon to the Boar's Head Inn and parked it outside as the sun was nearing its midday zenith. He helped Danielle out of the wagon and then tied Warrior to the post. "I'm sorry, boy. I know this must be humiliating. I'll make it up to you. I promise." He took Danny's hand and they walked inside. The inn keep nodded to an empty table, and Garry went to the table and pulled out a chair for Danielle. "It seems like a nice establishment," he said softly.

"Poppy and I did like it." She smiled to Garry before she let go of his hand and sat down. "I am glad you approve."

An older woman with an apron came over to the table. "G'day, m'lord, m'lady. What will ye be havin' today?"

Garry looked at the board on the wall. "I think I'll have some of that lamb stew." He looked to Danielle. "What would you like, honey?"

Danielle glanced to the board, then up to the woman. "Sweet tea, please, and the ham plate."

"I'll have an ale," Garry added.

The server smiled and said she'd return right away with their food.

When she was gone, Garry reached over and took Danielle's hand. "How are you doing?" he asked softly.

"Well, here we are sitting some more." Danielle chuckled softly to him. "It's odd how exhausted one can get from doing nothing. I'm looking forward to walking a little this afternoon." She liked the way her hand felt in his and they way Garry looked at her. "How are you doing?" The eatery was starting to fill up slowly as they waited for their food.

"I'm hungry as the boar in the sign, but other than that, I'm really happy. We are alone together, Danny." He smiled, "I really like that. It feels good."

She answered his smile. "As alone as one can be among strangers. I am enjoying not having to share your company with grandfather."

"It does indeed take some of the pressure off us."

He had no sooner said that when the serving lass brought their food and set it down. "Iffin there be anythin' else ye be needin', jus' gi' a hollar."

Danielle nodded politely to the woman. When she had left she turned to Garry again. "That cannot be easy for you either. At least I've known grandfather forever." She reached for the tea. "Do you talk much together while working?"

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-09-16 04:22 EST
Fly on the Wall

"Oh yeah...we do. On and off." He grinned and went silent as he spooned some of the delicious stew into his mouth.

"Would I like being the proverbial fly on the wall?" Danielle followed his example and turned her attention to the food once she had sat down the glass.

"Well, most of the time you'd be so bored with the shop talk, you'd just fall asleep and fall onto the floor." He took a drink, drawing this moment out. "However, you might have been interested in the conversation I had with your grandfather yesterday just before lunch."

"Were you talking about the new winter fashions and the next dance then?" She would very much like to hear what they talked about all day long, but could not resist teasing him.

"Yes! How did you know? You must have been listening." He smirked and took another spoonful of stew.

"I did no such thing." Danielle gave a little laugh. But if he wanted to pretend that he liked talking of clothes, she was happy to accommodate him. "So what do you think of the new wool? I heard black is finally out and even in Rhydin they are starting to wear colors other than that and red. Will you get yourself one of those shirts with the frilly cuffs?"

"Funny you should mention that. I was indeed thinking of expanding my wardrobe while we are here. Something that would be suitable for being with a lady and taking her places." He immediately took a long drink of the ale.

Danielle looked up to him, lunch forgotten for the moment. "I thought you suitably garbed so far."

He raised a brow and hid a smile. I have nothing good to wear but my army uniform. I want to find some clothes that would be appropriate to be seen in at many social affairs.

"Are you planning on attending many social affairs?" Tea seemed far more to her liking than food and she reached for the glass again to sip from it. Apart from the dances there were very few social affairs to go to in Beacon Town and he did look rather stunning in his fine uniform.

"As a matter of fact, I think I am planning on it." He finished his stew and looked at Danielle and smiled. He couldn't keep her in the dark any longer. "Danielle, there is something I have to tell you."

Danielle pushed her plate away and turned her gaze fully to his.

He again took her hand; this time in the both of his. He looked into her eyes, "Danielle, I asked your grandfather for his permission to court you."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-09-16 04:25 EST
The Perfect Dessert

The light in her warm brown eyes seemed to brighten as the meaning of his words became clear to her. "He gave his permission, didn't he?" It was not really a question, but her heart had started to race just the same.

He smiled from ear to ear, "Yes, he did."

His answer did not slow her heart, but did make the smile on her lips spread. "That is wonderful." For a long moment she could do nothing else but look into his smoky-blue eyes and wish that they were somewhere other than in an eatery that was now bustling with people and noisy with their conversations.

"Are you finished? I would like to go now if you are."

Danielle nodded and the spell was broken. "Yes, I am finished." There was no way that she could get another bite down.

Garry left the money for the meal on the table, helped Danielle with her chair, and they walked out to the wagon. "We have to go to the iron mill now, but first. . . " He moved his face toward hers and gave her a kiss upon the lips, and he didn't even care that it was in full daylight.

When his lips touched hers Danielle forgot that they were on a busy street in town. Suddenly she felt dizzy and her hands came up to his arms to steady herself.

His arms slipped around her and he let the kiss linger and deepen until he became a bit self-conscious of the looks from the passersby. "Let's go get that iron!"

Heat rushed to her cheeks the moment his lips left hers and she was at once again aware of where they were. "Iron, yes." That was not a very intelligent thing to say. She groaned inwardly and then chuckled softly at herself as she turned toward the wagon.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-20 02:29 EST
Iron Mill

The transactions at the iron foundry went quite well once Garry demonstrated that he wasn't about to be taken for a ride. They were strong and rude men in the iron foundry, but Garry was every bit as strong and when they discovered he was a captain in the border guard they became more compliant in fulfilling the order that Garry and Danielle had handed them. Garry had kept a protective eye on Danielle, and more than once wished that he had obtained a room at the inn first, where she could have stayed while he handled the business end of the trip.

Once the wagon was filled with their order, Garry drove it to the Rhydin Stables that were just around the corner from the Red Dragon Inn. They unhitched Warrior and when the horse and wagon were safe for the night, Garry took Danielle's hand in his. "I'm ready to find us a room and get cleaned up."

Danielle was familiar with the general roughness at the iron mill. Even when she was little the men there had behaved no different. She admired the smooth way Garry asserted himself. But she was looking forward to the to her more enjoyable part of the shopping. The clothes shopping, however, would have to wait until tomorrow. "A bowl of water and some fresh clothes does sound like a piece of heaven just about now." She agreed.

Danielle loved walking with Garry. He never failed to match his stride to hers and even the city air seemed better for him holding her hand. The city itself appeared to have gotten even more crowded now that evening was approaching.

Fulfilling their order at the iron mill had taken several hours, and with the time spent in the stable, it was now only an hour before the sun would set. It was a good time of the day - cooling, people getting off from work, nighttime activity just beginning to commence. Garry enjoyed the slow walk to the Inn. They walked up the stairs and opened the door. It had been a long time since he was last here, but it hadn't changed much.

Danielle remained slightly behind Garry as they entered the Inn and tightened her grasp of his hand slightly. One never knew what situation one walked into when visiting this place. Its common room attracted visitors from all over this world and others. But just now everything appeared calm.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-20 02:30 EST
A Room Or Two

He stood there protectively, looking around the common room. None of those he had seen before were around, but the inn was much more crowded than he remembered it being. Garry smiled at Danielle, "Let's see if they have a room or two."

"Two." She chuckled. "I'm sure grandfather had two in mind." She winked to Garry and stayed close to him as they stepped up to the counter.

He blushed slightly, "Oh, yes, right. Two rooms. That's what I meant." He was still grinning as he went up to the person on duty. "Would you have two rooms available? I'd prefer if they were next to each other." The woman behind the bar smiled and said, "Sure, but you'll have to share the bath that's between the rooms. Just use the locks on the doors and you'll be alright. Sign in and I'll get you the keys." Garry signed them both in, got the keys and thanked the woman tender. He turned to Danielle, "Let's see, we have rooms 205 and 207. Must be on the same side of the hall because we're sharing a bath."

Danielle chuckled softly. "Then let us go see what they look like. I don't think that we ever before stayed in those numbers." She was relieved that the rooms were next to each other. "We're sharing the bath house at home. This should not be very different."

He smiled, picked up the luggage he was carrying over his shoulder and headed up the stairs to the second floor. He was on the 3rd floor the last time he was here, so this was also new to him. He went to Danielle's room first and set her clothing bag on the bed and looked out the window to the front of the Inn. "This should be very nice, honey."

Danielle took a look around the room before joining him by the window. "It is a nice room. Though if everything goes as planned we will not have much time to enjoy the rooms. I like it when you call me honey." She slipped her hand into his.

He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He turned to her and smiled and took her into his arms and just held her there, his cheek against her forehead. "This is nice."

"Very nice." Danielle leaned against him and for long moments simply enjoyed feeling his arms around her. He would eventually have to go look at his room. But there wasn't anyone waiting for them with dinner and therefore there was no hurry. "You did well at the mill. Grandfather will be pleased." She said at length, her voice quiet. Then she tilted her head back a little to look into his eyes. "You really do mean to court?"

Her question caught him by surprise, but he just had to grin a wide, handsome grin. "Well, I really meant it, honey. Of course, it's really up to you. You can always tell me to get lost." He tried not to smile.

"Oh no, I would not want to do that." She reached up to cup his cheek with her palm. "I do believe I would be very sad should you disappear. If it was really up to me, I'd ask you to stay."

He kissed the palm of her hand and spoke softly, "It is indeed up to you, my love, for I stay because of you." He looked upon her face and his heart pounded within. He cleared his throat and went on, "You may have the bathroom first. Just knock upon the door when you have finished."

Her smile softened and her heart swelled with emotion. "Thank you. I will do that." He would want to change out of his dusty clothes, too. The thought of being clean and that they would be spending the evening together kept her smiling. "I will hurry, too."

Danielle watched Garry walk to the door after they had agreed that he would knock at her door when he was ready to leave for dinner. Only after he had closed the door behind him did she turn to her bag and got out the few items she would need to freshen up. She took the time to shake the wrinkles from the other dress she had packed before she headed for the bathroom.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-21 20:47 EST
Chardonnay Before Dinner

Garry finished dressing, brown pants and brown boots that came to knee height, and a white shirt, and then left his room. He moved to Danielle's next door and knocked. Waiting outside the door, he combed his fingers through his hair and brushed it back off his face.

Danielle put down the brush she had kept herself busy with until Garry would come for her. There was something calming about brushing her hair and the butterflies in her stomach needed calming. She jumped up and moved to open the door upon hearing the knock. Her lips parted into a smile when her eyes met his and she stepped from her room, closing the door behind her. She was dressed in her yellow dress, her strawberry-blond hair tied back with a matching ribbon.

Garry held out his arm for Danielle. ?I thought we might have a drink or two downstairs, then go out for dinner.?

Danielle placed her hand on his offered arm. "That sounds delightful."

He walked Danielle down the stairs and into the common room and moved to a booth for a little privacy. ?What would you like to drink, honey?

"I have no idea. What does one drink before dinner?" She slid into the seat.

?I'll be right back.? His voice was soft as he smiled.

Danielle smiled back and gave him a nod. She had never gone out to dinner with anyone other than her grandfather. Those occasions certainly had not included drinks before dinner. When Garry had left, presumable to get them something to drink, she took a look around. The common room was already full with people.

Garry went behind the bar and selected a nice 5-year old Chardonnay, picked up two glasses and came back to the booth with the bottle opened. Her gaze returned to Garry when he sat down. She watched him as he poured the two glasses and set the bottle down. He lifted his glass to hers. ?To us and to... courting.? He grinned and tapped glass to glass when she had picked up hers.

His toast put an answering grin on her lips. "To us and to courting." She brought the glass to her lips and took a sip.

Garry sipped the white wine and looked over the rim of the glass at Danielle. How beautiful she was made his heart beat harder within his chest. ?I used to come her long ago, Danielle.?

Danielle sat down the glass, aware of his regard. "Do you find it the same or changed?"

He looked around at those gathered. ?Oh, it is much more crowded than it had been when I was first here. There are a few who look familiar.? Particularly one.

"Is it anyone you would like for me to meet?" She was teasing him. She did not expect him to introduce her to his old drinking buddies.

Garry laughed. ?I didn't have drinking buddies, and there would be no one I'd want you to meet from before. You outshine them all, Danielle.? He took another sip and then reached across the table for her free hand.

Danielle was well able to put two and two together and come up with something close to four. She blushed and wondered which of the ladies present used to be his girl-friend. She took another sip from her glass. "Do you have a place in mind for dinner?" She found that she did not care for the idea of him with another woman and attempted to change the subject.

Her question brought a mysterious grin to his lips and he added some more wine to their glasses. When she had picked up her glass again he replied with a wink. ?Why, it just so happens, m'lady Corwell, that I have a most romantic place in mind.?

"That brings up the question of what is the most romantic place." She gave him a soft chuckle. The wine was starting to put the butterflies to rest, or at least drown the humming of their wings in warmth.

He looked into her eyes with his blue-grays. ?A place where I can whisper to you of my love and not be heard. A place where nothing but candle light illuminates your face and reflects golden off your hair. A place where I might where I might lean over and kiss you and none would be aware. A place where the food and drink would augment the night and leave us with sweet memories.?

Danielle leaned forward as he described that special place. She blushed at his words and wondered what place he was talking of. She had never before heard of a restaurant just like that. "There is such a place?"

He shrugged. ?I just don't know, honey.? Then he laughed, ?Yes, I know of just such a place.?

"Are you going to tell me?" She chuckled softly and sipped from her glass again. She was thirsty, but the wine only made her more so.

Garry pressed his lips together so as not to smile too much. ?Umm... nope. I think I'm just going to surprise you.?

"I do believe that I may like your kind of surprises. The place certainly sounds intriguing." Her warm brown gaze remained on his face.

He poured the remainder of the wine between their two glasses. ?We'll just finish this up and then we can be on our way.?

"I would like that." She gave him a warm smile and picked up her glass again, taking more than just a sip. She very much was looking forward to dinner at a quieter place.

Garry hoped that he could still find the place, but knew it was worth the trip. Perhaps he would hire a carriage. He took another long drink. ?You look so beautiful tonight, Danielle.?

"Thank you. You do look very handsome, too." In fact, she thought him the most handsome man alive.

Garry looked over to Mack, hearing her talking with the other woman. Then he turned his head back to Danielle. ?Thank you, honey.?

"You are welcome, Garry." Danielle?s gaze had followed his. A gun was lying on the table between the women.

Garry finished his wine and waited for Danielle to do the same, then they would leave. Seeing that his glass was empty she hurried to finish hers as well. He started to become concerned about the atmosphere in the Inn, and protective of Danielle.

The empty glass back on the table Danielle turned her eyes and smile back to Garry. "There, finished."

?Let's go find that restaurant.? Garry stood up from the booth and offered her his hand.

"I'm looking forward to a quiet dinner." Danielle nodded to him, placed her hand into his as she slipped out of the booth and rose to her feet.

They started to walk towards the door eager to escape the noise of the Inn. ?I think I'll get us a carriage.? He felt the three glasses of wine, so he was sure that Danielle must be, too.

"A carriage ride! You are spoiling me." She gave him an excited smile. It had been a long time since she had been treated to one of those. Certainly she had never driven through Rhydin in a carriage.

Garry?s arm moved around Danielle. He gave a final glance around, then a smile to her. ?I want to spoil you? every day of your life.?

Danielle smiled up to him, blushing a little, but words refused to come to her lips.

Walking past Sarah at the bar, they headed out of the Inn. While they stood on the porch, Garry waved to a carriage driver to come pick them up in front of the Inn. Danielle took a few deep breaths of the relatively fresh air once they were outside. Before she knew it a coach rolled up and Garry opened the door for her.

Danielle got up into the carriage and took a seat on the far side of the bench. The sun was lowering itself to the western horizon and it promised to be a beautiful night.

Garry whispered the name of the restaurant to the driver, discussed price, and then climbed in beside Danielle. He closed the door of the coach and the ride began.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-22 17:20 EST
Carriage Ride

Danielle leaned back and enjoyed the ride. Rhydin looked much prettier viewed from inside a comfortable carriage at sunset than while walking the streets during the day, she decided and told Garry.

?You are being very secretive about our destination.? The soft glow in her eyes was not from the wine. But the butterflies had definitely flown away and she was able to enjoy Garry?s company without being nervous in the least.

Garry had been looking out of the window to his right, then turned and looked into Danielle's eyes, enjoying that view more than any sunset. He turned slightly toward her and slipped an arm around her shoulders. "I want it to be a surprise. There's so little that I can surprise you with; you know, living in the same house and all. So you're just going to have to wait and see." He gave her a wink and a smile and noticed that they were departing through the Dragon's Gate and heading north.

"I do not mind waiting. I think it is rather sweet of you to make a surprise of it." She leaned against him and reached for his free hand. "It is rather odd living so close together. But I do like getting to see you several times every day as opposed to just the irregular weekend."

He tenderly caressed her hand with his fingers while his other hand stroked her shoulder and played with her hair. "That's true, and yet I'm finding that even such frequency as that is leaving me woefully unsatisfied. When I'm not seeing you, I'm thinking of you." He looked down at the floor of the coach and mumbles softly, "Especially at night."

"You are supposed to be sleeping at night, though." She glanced up to him with a smile. "Just the same, you're constantly floating through my thoughts, too."

He laughed, "How can I sleep when I know that you are so close to me, but so out of reach." He turned to his window and changed the subject, "Anyway, look at this sunset!" The coach was going over a ridge and it gave them a last look at the sun and the display of colors against a deepening blue sky.

"It is very beautiful. I can already imagine the stars where the sky is darkening." Danielle's fingers played with his and she moistened her lips with her tongue. "I should not have drunk that wine so fast. Now I'm even thirstier than I was. Did the patrons in the common room appear aggressive to you, or was that just my imagination?"

He turned back and looked into her eyes, and then to her lips. "They're always aggressive, usually born out of jealousies and ruined relationships." As he spoke, his words became softer and his face moved closer to hers. "Those are all problems that we don't have to worry about." His voice softened to a whisper as his lips came to hers in a kiss that began with soft brushing of lips, but quickly deepened with the passion of the love they shared and the freedom of the wine.

By the time Garry lifted his head again, Danielle had forgotten all about the Inn's patrons and the sunset. She looked at him expectantly, slightly out of breath and still feeling the heat of his lips on hers. The carriage had turned off the main road and was slowing down.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-09-23 15:20 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 1

Garry Bradstreet felt the coach slow down and he looked out the window and saw that they were going over the wooden bridge at the southern end of the lake. It was a large lake set in the midst of farmland and forests. The waxing crescent moon was still thirty degrees above the horizon and reflecting in the lake's still water. As the carriage slowly made its way over the wooden bridge they could see lights reflecting off the water from a large establishment on the banks and docks on the far side.

"That's the Lakeside Inn," Garry said softly. "They are noted for their fine food and high-class cliental." He looked at Danielle and kissed her again. "I think it's time that they had a truly classy lady grace their tables." He gave her a wink with a proud smile. He could barely afford this meal, but it was something he wanted to do for her - he wanted to create memories that they would share forever.

Danielle smiled to him, her eyes wide with surprise. "It looks like a castle from a story book." When it sank in that he meant her by the 'classy lady', a little blush crept into her cheeks. "You are so wonderfully outrageous." She wrapped her arms around him for a quick hug.

The coach made its way over the long, wooden bridge and traveled down the road that hugged the perimeter of the lake. As they came closer to the restaurant, there were more carriages coming and going and the "LAKESIDE INN" sign was lit up and clearly visible. Their coach finally came to a stop in front of the inn and the valet came out to meet them. He opened their door and Garry exited first and reached for Danielle.

Danielle placed her hands on his shoulders and chuckled quietly as Garry lifted her from the carriage and set her an her feet. She dropped her voice to a whisper so that the valet would not hear. "You do make me feel like a princess." Then she placed her hand on his offered arm and did her best to appear as regal as the valets and the drive way appeared to her.

They walked up the steps where another valet opened the door and bid them a good evening and welcome to the Lakeside Inn. Garry acknowledged him and walked into the restaurant where the ma?tre d' greeted them. It was a magnificent parlor with red carpet, wood paneling, animal head trophies hanging high, and the only light provided by soft oil lamps on the walls and on the desk of the ma?tre d'.

"Reservations made under Bradstreet," Garry said.

"Ah, yes, we have your name here. . . Captain Bradstreet. Please, come this way."

Danielle noticed that the carpet seemed to swallow her slippered feet with every step. She hardly knew where to look first. The diners, valets and waiters all appeared to outshine another and the dining room itself. Though to call it a dining room was an insult. It was more a collection of small but elegantly appointed dining rooms, Danielle thought after having gotten a view small glimpses of curtain draped alcoves that surrounded a highly polished dance floor and a small orchestra.

They meandered their way past tables that were lit by candles and occupied by people involved in soft conversation and laughter, moving from area to area until they came to an area that had tables against the windows that looked out onto the lake. Garry had indicated his preference when he made the reservations and they were able to accommodate him. Their table was designed for only two people, sitting against the wall with the large picture windows, a candle furnishing the light. Garry helped Danielle with her chair and then sat down. The ma?tre d' handed them their menus.

"Your description did not do the place justice. It is a dream," Danielle whispered softly to Garry once they were alone. Even the menu was overwhelming. "I will need your help in deciding what to have."

They were seated at a right angle, but both at 45-degrees to the window, so that each had an excellent view and yet still close to one another. Garry put his left arm around Danielle and leaned closer, using her menu to peruse the selection. "Well, I'm sure the prawns are good for the appetizer, as well as the cheese and tomato salad, and of course the foie gras can't be beat. For the entree, I hear that the lamb is excellent, as is any of the steaks, and the seafood is always fresh. The sea bass is in season, as is the trout." He looked at her and grinned, "I guess I'm not much of a help, am I?"

"Oh, you are a lot of help. Tomato salad does sound very good. Do you think they have tea or lemonade or they way too fine to have something like that?" Danielle had no idea what half the names on the menu referred to and appreciative of Garry's translations. She turned her head to look at him when he did not answer immediately and found him studying the menu.

"I have an idea, why don't we order two things and share! How does that sound? If you like, I'll order for you."

"Yes, please." She gave him a wide smile, thinking it a marvelous idea. The difficult job of selecting dinner accomplished she leaned against Garry and relaxed. She gave a quiet chuckle. "Choosing dinner is hard work."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Yes it is. I think I've worked up an appetite just looking at the menu."

He laughed and watched their waiter come to the table and introduce himself. Garry indicated that they were ready to order. "The lady will have the tomato salad, the lamb dinner with the asparagus and cream sauce, and a glass of iced tea. I'll have the prawns, the sea bass with scalloped potatoes and broccoli, and a light ale to drink."

The waiter wrote down their order. "I'll have your appetizers and drinks here shortly." Then he left.

Garry couldn't wait for dessert. He leaned over and kissed Danielle.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-09-25 20:37 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 2: The Main Course

The illusion of being alone was near perfect and only faint sounds from the orchestra were heard. By the time the waiter returned with their drinks and their appetizers, Danielle and Garry were enjoying the view out of the window. Though night had fallen the lake seemed to glimmer with its own lights and the sky was dotted with the first specks of starlight.

Garry felt that this was the perfect culmination of a perfect day. He put his arm behind Danielle and leaned toward her and spoke softly, just enjoying the closeness. This would be a night he'd always remember.

When the appetizers had arrived, they ate and shared. He had some of her tomato salad and then he held up a prawn to her lips and let her bite a piece off. The music in the background, the soft candlelight, the view of the stars and the reflections off the lake, the soft murmurings in the background, the impeccable servers - all contributed to making this a magical night. When their appetizers were finished Garry leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Danielle."

Danielle's heart skipped a beat at his whisper, only to beat that much faster afterward, as if to make up for the lost time. Though she already had known, nothing was quite like actually hearing the words. She slowly turned from the view to look into his smoky-blue eyes. With a soft smile and her heart in her eyes she whispered back, "I love you, too, Garry."

Her words touched him so deeply that it took him a moment to respond in any fashion. Words were not sufficient for times such as this, and so he leaned in and placed a kiss upon her lips. It was soft and lingered far too long for being in such a public place even if shielded in subdued lighting, but Garry didn't care; and when the kissed ended he kept his face near to hers, looked into her eyes and touched her hair until he saw their server coming with their entrees. He moved away and sat up straight, "Here comes our main course!"

Danielle was thankful for his warning. Though there was not enough time for the blush to recede from her cheeks, she too was sitting straight when the server placed their dinners on the table and removed the lids. She smiled when Garry declined his offer to serve them. "Everything smells and looks so good." She was still whispering as she watched Garry fill their plates with small amounts of everything.

"You are always cooking such wonderful meals for your grandfather and me, you really deserve having a good meal cooked for you, sweetheart."

He stopped and thought what he just said. He had never called her that before. It just slipped out. He spoke again immediately so that the word would not dangle there in space to be reflected upon for too long. "I do believe we chose well. The lamb and sea bass are fighting for our attention."

"They certainly are and they look much prettier than anything I ever put on the table." She had not missed the endearment. But this was certainly not the time to remark upon it. When he sat the plate in front of her she picked up fork and knife. "I hope I can do justice to so fine a meal."

He watched her and smiled as he also ate. "Well, Danielle, they might have made this look fancy, but I'm convinced that nothing compares with the taste of your cooking."

The idea of sharing entrees seemed to be a good one, their own special version of a surf and turf with a variety of flavors and textures to their food. The server came over and refreshed their drinks and asked if there was anything else he could get them. Garry just thanked him and gave his compliments to the chef.

The food was delicious and, Danielle was convinced of that, far better than anything she had ever eaten before. But her heart warmed just the same at Garry's compliment. Though she had thought that she was too excited to eat much of anything, she found that she was hungry.

"So, tomorrow we go shopping for clothes," Garry said casually after taking another bite of food.

"Yes, the fun part of the shopping trip, for me anyway." She gave him a little wink before she continued, "How do you shop for clothes? Poppy just tells the merchant how many shirts he wants and is done. I am far pickier than that."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-26 20:03 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 3: Coffee

"I would guess that I'd fall somewhere in between you and Poppy," he replied with an amused grin. He had been saving all of his earnings and would likely spend the entire amount in the city. "I'll be glad to get some new clothes so that you'll find me attractive when we go out in public together."

"You are perfectly attractive right now." That she thought him attractive without a shirt on was not something she felt comfortable telling him just now. "But you'll need something warmer for winter. Where all would you like to go?" This was the second time that Garry had mentioned going out, but the Saturday dances were not all that much of an occasion, and she couldn't think of any other social events for them to want to go to.

To be truthful, he had really not thought much about where he would take her as they were courting. There was little going on in the city and to go anywhere else was quite a trip unless they continued to use the portal to Rhydin. "I don't know, Danielle," he responded while finishing the last of his meal. "I enjoy the times when we are alone together, I also enjoy the dances, and being here at places like this. To tell you the truth, as long as I'm with you, anywhere is absolutely perfect."

"The day at the lake was wonderful, too, despite the dunking we both got. We'll find you some clothes that'll do for the wilderness as well as places like this. Did you try some of these asparagus yet? You had better hurry, or they'll be gone."

"I love the creamed asparagus," he helped himself to some more. "You are right about me needing some winter clothes. New boots and gloves are on my list." His leg moved and he felt it brush up against Danielle's. He didn't move his leg back, but instead left it touching hers.

She smiled to him, but didn't move her leg either. "Those are on my list, too, along with a few not so mentionable things and of course I have to have a new dress or two." She chuckled softly, "And I will just have to try and copy that asparagus recipe."

He chuckled and let his leg press just a little firmer against hers. When they had finished the meal their server came over and asked if they would like any dessert or coffee. Garry looked at Danielle, "Anything more, honey?"

"Coffee would be wonderful, thank you." Regrettably, there was no way that she could fit another bite of any of the delectable deserts.

"Two coffees, please. With cream and sugar on the side." With their plates taken away and nothing upon their table but the candle and a rose in a vase, Garry put his arm around Danielle and looked outside. "I've never had a more pleasant dinner."

"You know what?" She grinned then lowered her voice to a whisper, as if she was telling him a great secret. "Neither one of us has to do the dishes either." They also would not have to leave the table and sit on cold stone steps to enjoy the coffee.

He laughed and leaned his forehead against her hair and whispered in her ear, "With no dishes to wash, whatever are we to do with all the time on our hands?"

"When we came in, there was this nice, polished dance floor. Perhaps, if we still feel like we could move that much, we could see if it's as nice for dancing as it looks?" Danielle loved dancing with Garry. But she would be just as happy to simply sit here with him until the candle burned out - or longer.

"I have another idea," he said with a bit of a mischievous grin. "This Inn sits on a dock that goes some distance around the perimeter of the lake. How about we take a walk after we have our coffee?"

Danielle smiled, "I like your idea." A walk around the lake sounded absolutely romantic to her. She could hardly wait for the waiter to bring their coffee and to be done drinking it.

The coffee soon arrived and it was savored in between their light conversation. As soon as Danielle was finished and had set down the cup she looked expectantly to Garry. "I'm ready for that walk now."

"I am too," he said. He summoned the server over to the table, and when he had paid the bill, he rose from his chair and helped Danielle with hers. "There is a side door that leads out onto the docks. The server said we can take that one."

Danielle linked her arm with Garry's and he led them outside through the side door. The night air was cool but not too much so. Right now they were only people on the dock. But that was likely to change once more of the Inn's diners finished eating.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-09-27 20:17 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 3: After Dinner Walk

The night was cool, but not uncomfortably so. It merely encouraged a little more body contact, and Garry was most willing in that area. They walked out on the dock and the night was suddenly transformed into a peaceful, quiet journey into a realm where it seems that only he and Danielle existed. He put his arm around her shoulders and held her close, and they walked on the planks of the boardwalk that was only 4-foot wide, but seemed to go some distance around the perimeter of the Lake. They passed light poles with stylized swans at their tops and little gazebos at the end of short paths between the light poles. At first they saw lovers occupying the gazebos and they tried to ignore them as they walked past. Soon the light poles ended and they walked the boardwalk in greater darkness.

"It is beautiful out here." Danielle slowed her steps further as they left the light poles behind them. "Thank you for a most splendid evening. I have never before been to a place like this; didn't even imagine such a place could exist." She glanced up to Garry, but it was too dark to read his reaction of his face.

He was smiling, enjoying the closeness and the feel of her body next to his. He enjoyed the splash of stars across the sky and the occasional sound of a frog or turtle plopping into the water. He also slowed their steps, not wanting another fall into a lake. They came to an area where trees came close to the lake and the boardwalk cut a path between them and the water. There he slowed to a stop and turned toward the lake. "So, this is where everyone is supposed to skinny dip," he remarked casually. "Are you ready?" He was glad the darkness was hiding his smile.

Danielle was about to tell him no, but then she caught a glint in his eyes. ?You made that up.? She chuckled softly and was glad for the darkness. At least he couldn?t see her blush at his outrageous suggestion.

He laughed and took her into his arms, "Well, it was worth a try." He held her tightly. "I love you so."

"I love you, too." She wrapped her arms around him and tilted her head back so she could gaze into his eyes. Her voice dropped to something close to a whisper. "Do you really want to go swimming like that, without any clothes on?" She tried not to grin, imagining that he was blushing as she asked so forward a question.

She had him speechless. That was the last thing that he expected to hear from her. He expected her to be shocked, laugh, and just drop the subject. Now she had him being shocked. He thought about it and finally said, "Well, I suppose I'd be willing if you were."

"Perhaps some other time." She was pleased with his long pause. "We didn't bring towels for one, and I'm not all in the mood for a dip in the lake." She chuckled softly to let him know that she was teasing to begin with. But he had put the image into her head and her thoughts were circling around it.

He was relieved - in a way. In another way he was now thinking how wonderful it would be to do that with her. "Darn. I meant to bring towels too." He smiled and placed a kiss upon her forehead. He closed his eyes and brought his lips down to her eyes, and then her cheek.

"Of course you did." She turned her head until their lips met. Her lips were so soft and moist as they kissed in the dark. His hand came up and caressed the side of her face as he tilted his head and kissed her deeper, delighting in the taste and feel of her mouth. His other arm moved around her waist and drew her into him so that their bodies were touching from hips to chest to lips.

This was heaven. Danielle hoped the kiss would go on forever. When Garry finally did lift his head she was oddly out of breath. For a few moments she stood utterly still. When it became clear that he would not repeat the kiss she leaned her head against his shoulder.

They were still a little too close to the Inn and he was concerned that some other couple might come up the boardwalk. "Let's go on a little further," he said softly, and walked her to the end of the boardwalk where a grass path picked up and continued around the lake.

"Would you like to go all the way around the lake?" Danielle had kept an arm around Garry's middle when they resumed their walk.

It was a very large lake and he guessed it would take an hour, but and hour of walking by a lake with Danielle sounded like heaven. "Why not! There?s a lot to explore, but I must warn you - I might be compelled to kiss you every fifty yards." He gave her a little teasing pull against himself.

Danielle gave a soft, happy chuckle. "I would not mind that at all. What might there be to explore in the dark?" Walking around the lake was preferable to returning to the restaurant right away, and inevitable to their rooms at the Inn. She was far from ready to relinquish his company.

He couldn't think of anything to explore, so he just made something up. "Well, you never know. Maybe there will be a treasure to be found. Or perhaps a Leprechaun sleeping on a log whom we might capture and release only if he offers us a pot of gold...? He turned toward Danielle again, and moved his cheek against her hair. His lips brushed her ear and trailed down her neck.

"Somehow I doubt that." Her breath caught and her body swayed closer to his. Her free hand came up and she rested her palm against his chest. "But it could not hurt to look."

His kisses went from her neck to her lips, and again they kissed deeply and for a very long time. When the kiss ended they walked further along, and Garry knew his already had his treasure worth more than all the gold he could imagine.

"You do the oddest things to me." Her heart was beating loud and fast. So much so, she wondered if he could hear it. "I like it." She added when it occurred to her that he may misunderstand her first words.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-10-05 23:38 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 4: Change Of Plans

Garry and Danielle walked around the lake, stopping far too often and for far too long each time to just hold each other and kiss. They seldom had any real "alone time" when at home, and this was so delightful to be in a place where they could be alone and enjoy each other and not have to worry about who saw them and what they were doing. If the temperature dropped or if a mist rose from the lake, neither one of them noticed.

By the time they walked the entire circumference of the lake and came to the front of the Lakeside Inn, the carriages had all left and the restaurant was dark, with only a few employees remaining to clean up. Garry looked
at Danielle, "Oh my, looks like we took a bit to long for our walk. Maybe there is someone at the reservations desk."

"How much of a walk do you guess it will be back into town?" Danielle noted the empty drive way. "How would they procure a carriage?"

He looked at Danielle, "Honey, we'd be walking all night. Besides it's not safe walking that road at night and I didn't bring my sword. Let's see if they have a room here." He walked her to the door and saw a clerk behind the reception desk. He whispered to Danielle, "We may have to pretend that we are married."

Danielle was still processing the first set of information when Garry whispered to her. She nodded absently before the meaning of his last few words had become clear. The clerk had already addressed Garry by the time the whisper called a soft blush to her cheeks.

"Hello, sir," Garry said as they approached the desk. "We had a lovely dinner here at your inn, and then went for a walk and seem to have lost all track of the time. It appears that our carriage back into town has left already. Are they any other carriages coming, and if not, do you have any rooms left?"

The clerk smiled and shook his head. "I'm afraid there are no more carriages, sir; and we're all out of rooms too."

Garry looked concerned, "You don't have any rooms at all? I'd hate to have to have my wife walk all the way back to town. We're going to have a baby and it just wouldn't be good for her."

The clerk sighed and looked at his books. "Well, I don't want to have the missus have to walk back. We do have the bridal suite tonight. It's the only room that's not being used. I can give it to you at the standard room rate if you like."

Garry looked at Danielle and shrugged, then smiled to the clerk. "Thank you so much. We'll take it!"

Danielle was too stunned by the turn of events to say anything, at least nothing she cared to voice within the clerk's hearing. Married, a baby, bridal suite ? the thoughts were tumbling in her mind until her stomach tried to do loops as well.

The clerk gave Garry the key and told them to go to the third floor to suite, room 302. Garry thanked him again, took the key and walked Danielle down the hall and up the stairs. There were a few people still up, talking, smoking cigars, having drinks, but for the most part the Inn was now quiet.

"Bridal suite?" Danielle did not look at Garry as they climbed the stairs but watched where she set her feet. "All our things are at the Inn in town. What'll happen to those rooms?" They had come into town to do some serious shopping and such required coins. She wondered if they were in a safe place.

"I'm sorry, honey. Your kisses just had me forgetting all about the time. Tell you what. Tomorrow morning the carriages will be running again and we'll head into town, do a little shopping, have lunch, then shop again in the afternoon." They came to the door. "I'm sure our rooms and supplies will be fine. They'll think we went to bed early. We'll sleep there tomorrow night and head home the following morning. How's that?" He put the key in the door, opened it and turned on the light.

"Wasn't that the plan for tomorrow to begin with?" She stepped into the room and then stopped suddenly. Wide-eyed she looked around. The room looked nothing like a bed room. In fact, though there was plenty of fine furniture, none of it even remotely resembled a bed. Danielle turned around to face Garry. "Are you sure that we got the correct room?"

"Yes, my love, it's what we planned to do anyway, so we're not really losing much time." He looked around. This seems to be a sitting room. I bet they have a lot of weddings at this Inn. It's probably where brides get dressed by their attendants too. He locked the door and then took her hand. The bedroom was off the sitting room. It was magnificent. The bed was huge and with a canopy. There were laced curtains over French doors. Garry opened them and led Danielle out onto a beautiful balcony that overlooked the lake.

"Oh my. Look at this." The sky was a splash of stars, all of them reflecting in the lake. They could now see where they had walked from a different perspective. "We should have just come here in the first place!" he said with a laugh.

She smiled and looked to Garry instead of at the scenery. Excited like a little boy, he almost looked like one, too. She wished that she could feel some of that exuberance now. But the earlier mood was gone and Danielle was starting to feel the lateness of the hour. Nor could she quite shake off the sense of wrongness. "I don't think so."

He smiled and looked at her. "I'm sorry, honey. I know this is not what we had planned. I'll sleep out in the other room on the couch. I'll just need to use the bathroom first."

"Thank you." Danielle nodded to him with a little smile at his quick offer. She remained on the balcony while Garry made use of the facilities. Her gaze fell on the walkway around the lake and she wondered why she was suddenly feeling so unexplainably sad. They had spent a wonderful evening together and everything about the Lakeside Inn was luxury and perfect. Now they were to have even more time together and Garry was - well, the perfect gentleman. She should be happy rather than moping that the evening was coming to its end.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-10-06 12:59 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 5: Evening in the Bridal Suite

Garry Bradstreet came out of the bathroom with his shirt off and a towel over his shoulder. "Can I use one of these pillows?"

Danielle stepped off balcony and back into the room. "There is no doubt in my mind that you can." She gave Garry a teasing wink. "How would you like to use it?" A multitude of pillows sat upon the bed besides the four oversized ones obviously meant for resting ones' head on while sleeping. Danielle picked up a deep green round pillow of the much smaller, decorative pillows and threw it at Garry. Before he could retaliate or dart for the remaining missiles, she had grabbed two more.

He dropped his shirt and towel reaching for the pillow that was hurled at him. "I think I'll use this one to . . .," he stopped and chucked it at her, "have target practice!" He aimed at her legs, grinning from ear to ear.

Laughing Danielle attempted to escape the missile aimed at her legs - and failed - even as she took aim and threw the other two pillows at Garry, one at a time. "You call that target practice?" She reached to pick up the pillow at her feet.

He grabbed the pillows as they hit against his face and chest and came after her. "I prefer hand-to-hand warfare over archery and hurled missiles!" He wrapped his arms around her, pillows still in his hand and began swatting her bottom.

Danielle squirmed and wriggled, trying to escape his arms even while she reached behind her in an attempt to wrestle at least one of the pillows from him. "So I see." She giggled. "Oh, this is not at all nice."

"Ahhh..." he teased, "do I sense a surrender coming from the vanquished army?" He held her tight against his chest which was clean and cool and smelling good from washing. He put his lips to her ear, "Does my lady surrender?"

She rested her head against his chest for a moment and filled her lungs with his scent. "The vanquished army considers surrender. My lady asks what your terms may be."

He moved is face into her hair and inhaled her fragrance; his hands dropped the pillows and moved up her back, hugging her tightly to him. "It is fortunate for m'lady that the one who had conquered her is a rather reasonable person and will not demand her to release her very large bed to him. This time only he shall settle for just a pillow and a goodnight kiss."

"Your terms are acceptable, milord." Slowly she lifted her head and looked into his face.

Garry smiled and brushed a lose strand of hair from her cheek, pushing it behind her ear. He looked upon her face, and his voice was low when he spoke, "Danielle, I have already confessed my love for you, being rather poor at keeping that a secret." He smiled and went on. "I have full intention that when the time is appropriate I shall ask you to marry me. And if at such time you were to say yes, and we were married, I should wish that our honeymoon would be just as wonderful as this day I've spent with you."

Danielle's smile deepened at the mention of his confession. But his next words quite took her breath away. For a long moment she just looked at him, love shining in her warm brown eyes. Her expression of stunned surprise slowly changed back to teasing when she found that she could draw another breath. "Including the wheeling and dealing at the mill?" She moved her hands up his chest, marveling in the feeling of his skin, and came to rest on his shoulders.

"Are you kidding? That was the best part!" He had to laugh at his teasing and he held her face in his hands and kissed her with a kiss that expressed all the love he held for her in his heart. He'd marry her this very night if he could, but that would not be the proper thing to do.

Whatever she was going to say in reply was forgotten when his lips met hers and her eyes closed. A warmth unlike any she had felt before flooded her entire being; in an odd way it was a feeling like having come home.

He didn't want to ever stop kissing her, but they did need to come up for air. He smiled and gently caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. "Thank you, Danielle, for such a wonderful day. I hate to see it end. It's been better than my best dreams."

"I would rather that it didn't have to end as well." Her whisper was husky with the effects of their kiss. She could gaze into his eyes forever. "Perhaps tomorrow will be just as wonderful."

He nodded in agreement, "This day will always be very special to me." Garry then went to the bed and picked up one of the four sleeping pillows. He turned away quickly, not wanting to see the bed that he and Danielle could be sharing. "If you should need anything, honey, just give a holler. He kissed her cheek and walked to the bridal suite's lounge.

"I will." But she wasn't sure if she had said the words out loud or merely thought them. She stood there for a while longer after he had left before she told herself that she would sleep much better lying down than standing up and she readied for bed.

Danielle removed her dress and folded it over the back of a chair. Her night gown being at the Red Dragon Inn along with all her other things, the shift and petticoat would have to do for sleeping in. She hurried through her toilette and was between the sheets before Garry had turned off the light in the other room.

He laid on the couch, the pillow beneath his head, and just thought of how nice it would be to be holding Danielle. The day would come. He turned off the light and closed his eyes.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-10-06 13:00 EST
The Lakeside Inn - Part 6: Morning in the Bridal Suite

Rays of tickling sunlight and a light morning breeze wafting through the open balcony door sent Danielle deeper under the blanket. It could not possibly be morning yet, she told herself as she drifted between sleep and wakefulness.

Garry was used to rising before the sun, so with the rays of the sun breaking through the window, he was ready to get up off the couch. He stood up and stretched and ran his fingers through his hair, then took a peak into the bedroom and saw that Danielle was still in bed. He walked quietly toward the bathroom in his bare feet.

As quietly as Garry had moved, the unused to sounds of running and splashing water so close teased Danielle awake. Once she was awake she just had to get up. She stepped to the balcony doors and looked outside. The sky was still mostly clear with only the barest wisp of white streaking through the blue. The day should be as nice as yesterday had been, if perhaps a little colder. Another errant breeze sent her for her dress.

Garry came out of the bathroom just as Danielle was heading for her dress. He had only a towel around his waist, and he saw Danielle in her shift and petticoat. "Oh! I'm sorry!"

Danielle turned her head toward Garry when she heard his voice. He looked absolutely breathtaking in the hotel towel. A blush came to her cheeks as she realized that she was probably making Garry uncomfortable the way she was looking at him. "No problem." She reached for the dress and held it to her as she took a few steps toward the bathroom. Then she stopped and smiled to him. "Good morning, Garry."

He looked at her and smiled. Oh how he wished he had awoken with Danielle in his arms. "Good morning to you, Danielle. May I have a kiss?" He stepped toward her holding his pants in his arm and hoping the towel stayed up.

"Of course, darling." She stepped up to him and, without letting go of her dress, wrapped her arms around him and lifted her face. It was a little awkward hugging while carrying things, but when his lips met hers all awkwardness disappeared.

His wet hair hung down his face, and his smooth, muscular chest pressed against her as they kissed. He also wrapped his arms around Danielle, feeling the towel barely circling his hips, but not caring, lost in the kiss and the arousal of feeling her body so close to his.

Garry's kisses were entirely too addicting, Danielle thought, even more so when neither one of them was properly dressed. She could feel the heat of his skin through the thin material of her shift almost as easily as with her hands on his back. Even his arms holding her felt more intense this morning.

The kiss slowly broke and he looked at her breathless. "If. . .if I don't get dressed this moment, I'm going to want to bring you back into that bed and spend all morning here." He smiled, but he meant every word of it.

"Oh." The sound carried a hint of alarm, but Danielle was puzzled at why should feel that way. The best reason she could come up with while still dizzy with his kiss was, "We'd miss breakfast and there was something else we wanted to do this morning."

Garry laughed and kissed her nose. "I'll go get dressed in the other room and wait for you." Oh how he loved her. He supposed that he could have countered those two arguments, but he also wanted to maintain at least some distance until their wedding day.

"I'll hurry." She promised with a chuckle and left his arms to disappear into the bathroom.

It took her until she was buttoning up her dress to remember what it was they had planned for this morning, so preoccupied were her thoughts with Garry and what might be desirable about spending a morning abed. They would go shopping for clothes. But first they had to find a way back into town. When she was dressed she finger-combed her hair - there was no brush - before she left the bathroom.

She found Garry in the sitting room. "I'm ready."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-10-07 12:12 EST
Shopping In The Morning

By the time they had finished a light breakfast and stepped outside, carriages again lined the Lakeside Inn's drive way. There were not near as many of them as the previous evening, but they really only needed one. As the weather was nice they picked an open carriage for their ride back into Rhydin.

The ride was beautiful and there was just something about being alone with Danielle on a beautiful day and put Garry in a very good mood. Perhaps it was spending a night with her in the bridal suite, or maybe just all the kissing and holding they had done, or even just knowing that this woman sitting next to him would be with him for the rest of his life. Whatever it was, Garry was in a very good mood when they arrived in Rhydin and he helped Danielle out of the carriage in the marketplace. "Well, my love, look at all these shops! I think they're all calling your name."

"Half of them anyway." Danielle chuckled as she took a look around. Several clothing stores lined the market place. Their main chore for the day was to shop for clothes. Though Danielle would have enjoyed looking at all the other wares, she doubted that they would have time for that. Garry, too, needed some warm things for winter. "Can you hear any of them calling for you?"

He put his hand to his ear, "Yes, I do believe that men's clothing store has seen me coming. I'm definitely going to be returning to Atrebla Valley a poor but happy man." He needed just about everything, from underwear to overcoat and everything in between.

Danielle giggled with delight at his antics. "Poppy did say we could spend anything we didn't need for the supplies on clothes. That should help a little." Her grandfather probably had not foreseen just how good Garry could be at bartering when he had said that. "I think I'll be going over here first." Danielle pointed at a Shoppe advertising boots. "And then to the one next door. Where and when should we meet up again?"

"How about we meet right here in two hours. Then we can either walk to the Inn or take a carriage, depending on how many bags you have me carrying." He gave her a playful nudge.

"You mean you are volunteering?" She laughed softly. "You will have things of your own to carry, too. Of course, the stores could offer to bring things to the Inn this evening. Then we'd have our hands free to eat lunch."

He laughed, "I do believe I'm in love with a very savvy shopper! I never thought of that." He gave her a kiss. "Okay, see you in two hours."

"In two hours." She repeated his words and entered the first store. It did not take her very long to find the perfect pair of boots for the winter and she had that much more time to while away over picking a dress or two at the next store.

When she left the store to meet up with Garry, she had the sales lady's word that her choices would be delivered to the Inn before dinner time. She hoped that the dresses she had picked, one for dancing and one for should they want to go anywhere during the day, would find Garry's approval.

Garry bought warm socks and boots in preparation for the Atrebla Valley winter. He also bought himself a heavy coat that had a hood and new gloves. He went to another shop to get a supply of underwear, work and dress shirts, and some dressier pants that he could wear when he and Danielle would go out together. Garry took Danielle's advice and had everything delivered to the Inn. Then he made one other stop that he would keep secret from Danielle - a jewelry store.

The two hours were nearly up when he finally came out of the hardware store with a new honing stone for his knives and sword. He came up to where he and Danielle departed and saw her standing there.

A smile spread on Danielle's lips when she spotted Garry and she moved toward him. "How did you make out?" Though she would have liked to feel his arms around her again and to hug him, the middle of the market place did not seem the right place. So she slipped her hand into his and gave his fingers a gentle squeeze.

He just held up the little bag with the honing stone. "This was all I could find. You know how picky guys are with clothes. I just couldn't find anything that didn't make my butt look big." He bit his cheek to keep from grinning.

"You are too funny. Let me look." She laughed and fell a step behind him without letting go of his hand. There was nothing wrong with his bottom that she could see. In fact, she found the sight rather pleasing. "Hmm, perhaps you should stop to tug your shirts in, if you don't want anyone to look."

Garry laughed and gave her hand a gently squeeze. "Let's have some lunch and in the afternoon I want us to shop together. I want to get some idea of your taste in things - what you like and what you don't like.

"Those are both marvelous ideas. I'd love to find out your taste in things as well." More importantly, she loved the promise of getting to spend the afternoon with him. As odd as it would have been to have Garry watch her shopping for clothes or putting boots off and on, she had missed his company. "Perhaps you can help me find a Yule present for grandfather."

"Yes, and I should get him one also." He already knew what he was getting Danielle for a Yule present and he wasn't about to give that information away. They went to a little lunch shop within the marketplace and Garry ordered a liverwurst on rye sandwich and a glass of ale. Danielle opted for a glass of tea and a bowl of stew.

The lunch shop was crowded and noisy, too noisy really to have a private conversation. So they ate quietly for the most part, only occasionally commenting on a snippet of the conversation buzzing around them. But for the most part they entertained each other with speaking looks and grins.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-10-07 12:13 EST
Shopping In The Afternoon

After lunch they went outside and began to walk down the street and do some window shopping. "Do you think your grandfather would like a new pipe?"

"I have never seen him with a pipe." Danielle wondered where Garry came up with the idea. "Did he mention one?" A display of pens and feathers caught her eye and she stepped up to it for a closer look.

Garry grinned and shrugged, "No, but it seemed a good idea at the time." He laughed, "Okay, you come up with an idea."

"I know he would love a new deck of cards, especially if it had a fanciful design and nice pictures that would make his friend Karl just a little envious." Her grandfather had mentioned the deck Karl had received from his sister the previous year more than once.

"Great idea! You are a genius! Maybe we can get one of those nice wooden two-deck holders too. One of us can get the cards and the other the holder."

"That would make him very happy. Oh, I can hardly wait to see his face when he unwraps them," Danielle chuckled softly at the image, "or when he returns from his first card game of getting to pull those cards from such a fancy box. Can you picture it?" Market place or not, that idea deserved a hug, and that was just what Danielle was giving Garry as she spoke.

He loved getting the hug and didn't care if it was in public. In fact, he was proud of being seen with Danielle and he liked getting affection in public. They went in and purchased the gifts and looked around at the other unique items in the store. Garry was carefully observing Danielle to see what she picked up, what she admired, and what didn't interest her at all.

Danielle felt and looked like a child in a candy store; better even, for she was allowed to touch everything in sight. The store offered every kind of fancily adorned every day items, and though most would be very much out of place at home, Danielle was fascinated with just about everything.

Garry didn't miss the way she traced the carving of a cherry wood backed brush. It was the only thing in the store she had touched with any display of affection besides the cards and box they had picked out for her grandfather.

He made a note of the brush and spoke to the merchant while Danielle continued to look around. There was an exchange of money and a fully wrapped box would be appearing at the inn later that day. Garry then went back to Danielle and slipped his arms around her and looked over her right shoulder, "Anything else you want to see, honey; before we head back to the inn?"

"There is a lot to see, isn't there?" She felt a little guilty for having wasted so much time just looking. "I do believe I looked my fill. Are there any other stores you would like to visit?" Danielle had yet to see Garry show any interest in anything particular. But she already had a fine surprise in mind for him, and it was one that she would not get in Rhydin.

"Well, there is a jewelry store down the street and it's on our way back to the Inn. I think I'd like to just browse through there for a few minutes. I can't remember the last time I was in such a store and I thought it might be fun." He took her hand and they began to walk down the street. He really wanted to observe her taste in rings and get her ring size. He'd have to be very clever he thought.

"Of course it is fun to look at sparkling, glittering things." Her eyes were sparkling in anticipation. "I'm surprised you thought of it, though."

He looked at her and smirked, "Hey, guys can like that stuff too you know." He really had no idea what "that stuff" was. Never in his life did he have any occasion to buy or even wear jewelry. The only stone he'd have any familiarity with would be flint, and he didn't think flint engagement rings would likely be the "in thing" this year.

"I didn't say that they didn't." Her chuckle was a happy one. "Oh look, that one's absolutely ghastly!" Danielle pointed a necklace that only a troll could like.

Garry thought it was rather nice when he first saw it. "You are right, honey. What were they ever thinking when they made that!" He knew right then and there that he better pay very close attention to everything she looked at.

But Danielle was not proving to be as helpful as he wished. Though he had gotten her to comment on just about every piece of jewelry displayed, she did not seem to have any preferences for one style or color over the others.

He had to take matters into his own hands and be a little more creative. "Look at these rings! They are so small I bet I couldn't get one on my pinky. Now you have much thinner fingers than I do. Do you think that any of these would fit you?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. They do look tiny, though."

"Oh, maybe the clerk could see what size we both are. That would be fun. We can see how different our fingers are!" Garry nodded to the clerk who had heard their conversation. "Wouldn't that be interesting, honey?" Garry added.

Danielle grinned up at Garry, but before she could say either way the clerk was there with a bundle of rings and had reached for her hand. "Looks like maybe a seven." He slipped one of the thin rings hanging from the bundle onto her finger. "Mm, a seven, just as I thought." Then he reached for Garry's hand.

He held out his hand and found out that he had a 9 1/2. "Hmmm, I don't know what that means, but... er... okay. I'll take it. I'm a 9 1/2 Danielle." He grinned and winked at her, storing in his memory that she's a 7.

"Oh no, I think you're a perfect ten." She laughed and winked to him.

He put his arm around her and walked out of the store. It was getting on in the afternoon, and they needed to head back to the Inn. "Let's go see if we still have rooms. I don't think we'd be able to get that bridal suite back for the second night in a row."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-10-10 18:57 EST
Scones and Coffee

"Should we check on the rooms first?" Danielle asked as soon as they had entered the Red Dragon Inn. She wanted to make sure everything was still where it should be and she would love to get out of the clothes she'd been wearing since the previous evening in exchange for something fresh.

Garry looked to Danielle after having made note of the only two patrons currently in the common room. A woman with feline?s features was sitting at the bar, eating cherries and talking to a man standing behind the bar with a bottle in his hand.

"You know, after all that shopping in the marketplace, I'm thirsty. How about we have a drink and maybe a little bite to eat before going to the rooms. I'm sure our packages won't arrive for another hour at least."

"Shopping is thirsty business." She was not hungry in the least, but something warm and wet would be welcome after a day spent shopping and the walk from the market place to the inn.

"It is for me," Garry winked to her. "So many things to look at, more than a man's eyes are meant for. You want tea, coffee? wine?"

"Coffee, please." Danielle watched with a soft smile on her lips as Garry moved behind the bar, poured two cups of coffee, added cream and sugar, and put two blueberry scones on a plate. She wondered what else he thought of as 'more than a man's eyes are meant for'. He had seemed to enjoy the outrageous play at the jewelry store as much as she had, though, and they had not gone to look at any of the more frilly things together.

Garry avoided looking at the cat-like woman as he passed by her on his way back to Danielle. "Let's take a table, honey."

?That isn't per chance your idea of dinner, is it?? Danielle gave the sconces a suspicious look once they were seated. They had yet to talk about what they might like to do with their evening.

?I'm exhausted. You know, I'm looking forward to getting home tomorrow. If I stay here another day I'll be broke.? Garry dropped his gaze to the plate with a teasing grin. ?Hmm, looks good. Has fruit, must be good for you. Can't beat a scone.?

Danielle picked up the cup and sipped from it before she grinned back at Garry over the rim. ?As you're so exhausted, maybe you should have both. Does that coffee taste odd to you?? The coffee did taste like a sprite took a bath in it. She pushed the plate further toward him. ?You just need a day or two of rest, bending over hot iron.?

Garry would have killed for two cups of coffee and two scones a year ago while on the border guard, so he didn't notice anything wrong. But he'd play along. ?Hmm, yeah, not like yours
at all, honey. Maybe we should forget about this snack and head upstairs.?

Danielle had expected more teasing. Garry turning serious made her pause. She set down her cup and gave him a questioning look. ?Are you sure you're okay?? She tilted her head slightly to the side and studied his face closely. He did appear a little wan. ?Perhaps you stepped in a puddle or something worse in the market place and are now coming down with a horrible cold??

?Oh my! That must be it.? Garry made wide eyes at her. ?I think you need to help me to my room and take my temperature.?

?Exhausted, spendthrift behavior, lack of appetite, looking forward to work, unsocial...? thoughtful she checked off all the symptoms. She could not decide if his attempt at teasing was off the mark because he had mentioned that their time alone together was coming to an end or if he was truly starting to come down with something.

?Come to think of it, that sounds far worse than just a nasty cold.? She pushed back her chair and offered him a hand up. Garry taking sick on the way back to Beacon Town would be terrible. Garry taking sick at all was a terrifying thought.

?I guess I just don't want to spoil my dinner.? He smiled and leaned into to her. ?Besides, I want to be alone with you.?

?That must be the fever talking.? She made an attempt to hide her concerns and keep her tone light. ?I'm sure that we can get someone to bring up a cup of chicken broth for you.

?I'm feeling very weak. I might need some help lying down.? Garry whispered as they headed up the stairs.

?Oh my, you're really feeling that bad?? Poppy never had admitted to needing assistance with getting to bed, even when he was seriously ill. He?d have slept with his boots on rather than admit to that. ?Perhaps we need a porter to help you and send for a doctor??

?No! No doctor! Actually I started to feel much better!? He laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ?Well, there goes my ploy. You know me too well, Danielle.?

?Oh, so you were 'merely' teasing.? She promptly removed her ?assisting? arm. Though she was relieved that he wasn?t sick, she did not all appreciate that he had made her worry so. Danielle tried to look out of sorts, but a grin was already tugging at the corners of her lips.

?Let's ... um... talk about your grandfather's gifts!? Garry opened the door to her room. The teasing had not gone as he had intended.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-12-07 13:01 EST
In the Middle of the Night

Danielle suddenly was wide awake, her heart racing. Instinctively she kept her eyes closed while she tried to figure out what had disturbed her sleep. The bed she was in, though comfortable, was not her own and it was dark. Memory returned a moment later.

She was in her room at the inn. Garry and her had spent the evening in pleasant conversation, ignoring best as they could that it would be their last evening alone together for quite some time. In the morning they would return home.

The noise of people talking and laughing that drifted up from the Inn?s always busy common room, though something she was not used to, was not what had woken her. Had someone entered her room? That was a frightening thought. She carefully listened for any sound that may have been audible under the din from downstairs and the rapid beating of her own heart.

The sound she thought she had heard did not repeat. Danielle told herself that she probably dreamt it and just could not remember the dream. Carefully and slowly she opened her eyes to look ? right into a pair of eyes that seemed bright in the darkness. She forgot to release the breath she had taken for what appeared an eternity to her.

Before she could scream for help a hand, presumably belonging to the same person as the eyes, pressed a foul smelling rag to her mouth and nose. Her struggles were rewarded with a quietly muttered curse as she raked her fingernails over the back of the hand over her mouth, but were otherwise ineffective.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-12-08 15:50 EST
Three Mintues to Make Up

Garry Bradstreet never slept deeply.

That was not the way of one who had been a Border Guard, for to sleep deeply often meant that one would never awaken. A Border Guard never slept while on watch. That would be considered traitorous and punished accordingly, but even in the barracks throats had been known to be slit.

A noise from Danielle?s room had Garry?s eyes suddenly open. He laid there listening, assuming that she was getting up to use the privy.

Something didn?t sound right.

Footsteps were too heavy and even if Danielle had been drinking (which she hadn?t) she would never stumble so much in the night. Garry picked his head off the pillow and continued to listen, but the room grew suddenly quiet. He got up out of bed and knocked on the door that adjoined their two rooms.

?Danielle?? he whispered. ?Danielle, are you okay??


He grasped the handle and turned, but it was locked. He tried again but this time put his shoulder to the door, and with a sharp crack the lock broke and the door opened.

There was enough light to see with his dark adapted eyes, and it was clear that Danielle was gone. His heart was already pounding as he ran to the window. He looked just in time to see a man turn a corner lit by a street lamp. The man was carrying a woman over his shoulder.

Garry?s countenance became hard as rock and his hands flexed.

?Josh,? he spit out the name.

?You?re dead.?

He rushed to get dressed, and this time he slung the baldric over his shoulder and felt the familiar weight of his sword.

It took two minutes for him to get dressed and out of the Inn?s back door. Josh had a three minute head start, and it would prove to be far too short to survive.

Joshua had kidnapped the wrong woman.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-12-09 03:53 EST
Rough Transport

Danielle woke with a soft moan and tried to bring up her hands to cushion her aching head, which only got worse from constant bouncing, only to find her hands bound. Mouth dry and tasting funny, she had to close her eyes as the pain made her head throb.

She could feel fresh cold air just beyond the rough blanket that covered her, the material filling her nostrils with the scent of horse. But while the blanket obstructed her view it did nothing to protect her bare feet from the bite of the wintry chill.

Mercifully, the cart slowed and came to a stop. To judge by how cold her feet were, Danielle guessed the trip to have been a fairly short one. It would still be hours before Garry would think to miss her, she nearly groaned at the thought.

?That the vamp?? She heard a hissed whisper as the driver jumped off the cart and landed on cobbles. ?Be quick about it.?

Too late to try escape by rolling off the cart, she thought, and quickly feigned unconsciousness. Just in time too. Rough hands pulled at her and then she found herself slung over a shoulder.

?What yer waitin? for. Get that cart out of here.? The voice, though whispering, seemed familiar.

?No startin' without me, ye hear?? The first voice hissed from higher up as the cart and horse pulled away. A door latched and then the only sound she could hear was the labored breathing from the man carrying her.

Then another door squeaked on metal hinges and she was slipped off the shoulder and dumped ungently to the floor. The squeak repeated and was followed by a key turning in a lock.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-12-10 02:02 EST
Tracking Prey

Captain Bradstreet was on the hunt.

That Josh had the nerve to plan a kidnapping of the woman Garry loved was unbelievable; that he actually pulled it off was the most stupid thing the lad would ever do.

Garry moved swiftly and quietly through the Rhydin streets, a lethal hunter using skills that were second nature. In this modus operandi his thoughts were focused and his actions mechanical, his years of training released in every movement of his body.

He turned the corner to see a wagon pulling away from the livery stables, the same stables where he had Warrior boarded overnight. He observed the wagon?s direction and ran full speed to the stable. He knew it would take him two minutes to saddle and tack Warrior; this time he did it in a minute, forty-five. He was already on Warrior?s back by the time they left the stable. He raced down the street not worrying about the sound of his horse?s hoofs on the cobblestone, the wheels of the wagon made enough noise to cover any sounds of the approaching horse.

Garry estimated how far the wagon could have traveled in that minute, forty-five, and cantered Warrior to that point and stopped. There was no sign of the wagon anywhere.

Had the kidnapping occurred during the day when there would be the usual activity on the city streets, Josh would have escaped undetected. However, it was a cold morning and still dark in the early hours of a new day and sound traveled far in the city that was still asleep.

He heard the distant sound of a door open in an ally that was up ahead and to the right. Then there was the faint sound of a horse and a man?s voice followed. It reminded Garry of hunting on cold, dark mornings on the northern border. The snap of a twig could be heard two hundred yards away, the fall of leaves could be detected within twenty-five feet.

Hunters learned this. Molecules move more slowly in the cold, hence air becomes more dense. Sound travels faster and further in a more dense medium, which is why one can hear the sound of bubbles in the water, and why sound becomes so much louder when one places their ear against wood or metal.

Garry?s head turned to the sound. He dismounted and followed it.

He walked down the ally and saw men in the shadows of doorway.

The men pulled a woman off the wagon.

Garry?s woman.

And the hunter went in for the kill.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-12-24 18:03 EST
Of Death and Fire

Garry stood in the shadows and watched Josh pull Danielle off the wagon and put her upon his shoulder. The man who came from the building climbed up on the wagon and drove it away as Josh carried Danielle inside.

Garry moved forward, his breath condensing before him in the cold morning air. He had no expression upon his face as silent footsteps brought him to the door just as the wagon disappeared around a corner.

Inside the building Joshua locked the metal door and turned around with a grin on his face. The warehouse was dark but for the light of a small oil lamp in one of the windowless offices. He didn?t want to attract any attention; at least not yet. Josh was convinced that Danielle was either a vampire or that she knew where they're hiding, and he planned to first prove or disprove that she herself is a vampire, and failing to do that, he would torture her for the information of where those vampire sleep. This was the information that he had told his friends, and his plans were going very will, very well indeed.

Josh stopped in his tracks and stood at the dark silhouette that stood in the shadows near the doorway. ?That was fast,? Josh said, a bit startled.

The shadow said nothing.

?You must be really anxious to hear her scream and have your way with her,? he joked with a little nervous laughter.

Again the shadow said nothing.

?What?s wrong with you? Say something?? Joshua said, more nervousness in his voice.

?Give. . .me. . . the. . . key,? the shadow said slowly and deliberately. It was not a request. There was a glint of metal at the shadow?s side as the sword reflected back the light of the oil lamp.

?Who are you?? Josh asked, taking a step toward the lighted office.

Captain Bradstreet stepped out of the shadows. ?I will not ask you again, Joshua. Give me the key.?

Joshua recognize that it was Captain Bradstreet and his heart pounded in fear. "How did you find us?" Josh didn't wait for an answer. He ran to the office.

Garry followed after him and had to duck when he reached the doorway. The oil lamp went by his head, missing him by inches. It crashed on the floor of the warehouse, spreading fire in the main chamber. Garry immediately sprung at Josh.

Josh, in spite of being young and foolish, was still a soldier, and not unskilled in swordsmanship. He brought up a sword just in time to meet the steel Garry brought down upon him. The force of the blow sent Joshua staggering backwards.

?You have gone too far this time, Josh. I cannot let you live.?

?She?s a vampire!? Josh shouted back. ?She?s a dirty whore vampire and needs to die!?

Garry moved slowly toward the young soldier as Josh back away around the desk in the office. Josh swung his sword in desperation. There was a clash of steel upon steel as the two men fought, but Garry was stronger and more experienced. Josh lunged with his sword, throwing himself off balance. Garry stepped to the side and thrust this blade deep into Josh?s gut. Josh?s eyes took on the wide-eyed stare of a man who knew the pain he was feeling would be his death.

Garry pulled his sword free and watched Josh slump to the floor. He sheathed his sword and looked out the office door and for the first time he noticed the fire that was spreading toward the room that Danielle was imprisoned in.

?The key! Where?s the damn key?? Garry shouted as he pulled Josh up and looked into blank eyes. Garry went through Josh?s pockets and found nothing. ?Damn! Where is it? Think, Garry! Think! He had it in his hand when he ran to the room.? Garry?s eyes darted around the room. ?He went to the lamp!? Frantically he looked on the desk but saw no key. The room was starting to fill with smoke.

?It must be here somewhere!? He looked about the room and then under the desk.

There it was, lying next to a leg of the desk.

He picked up the key and ran through the growing heat and smoke to get to Danielle?s door.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2006-12-24 21:05 EST
Any Which Way but Out!

As soon as her kidnapper had closed the door behind him, Danielle pulled the blanket off her face. The room was dark and she still couldn't see anything, but breathing became easier.

Next she tried to remove the rope from her wrists. That proved to be an impossible task and after several attempts she gave up. She would need to find a knife or something equivalent.

With some difficulty she got to her feet and felt her way in the dark, along the wall first, then along a longish table. It was a clumsy undertaking to find a usable tool on the table. The noise of glass braking made her proceed with more caution. She did not want to step on any shards.

Garry moved past the fire, the smoke burning his eyes so that he could barely see. He came to the metal door and banged on it. "Danielle!! Danielle!! I'm coming, my love!" His fingers worked frantically at getting the key into the lock, dropping it once before finding the key with one hand and the keyhole with the other. "Danielle!"

"Garry." She whispered his name at first, before repeating it loud enough to be heard.

The key went into the lock. He turned it and the door opened.

She turned toward the sound of the opening door. Smoke tickled her nose before she saw Garry in the dim glow.

The door opened into the dark room and he saw her standing there. "Danielle!" He rushed to her and took her into his arms. "We've got to get out of here. . .fast!"

Danielle leaned against him for him for a moment. She would have hugged him, but her hands were still tied. "I'm so glad to see you." Then she stood straight again. The increasing smoke gave emphasis to his words. "Lead the way."

Garry saw that her hands were tied and that needed attention first. He reached into his boot and pulled out a single-sided blade that was finely honed and used for eviscerating game. It sliced through the rope like butter. "Come, love!" He took her hand in his and left the room.

They immediately came to a dead stop. The fire was completely cutting them off form the main doors. She bumped into him as he stopped, but she did not need to ask why he had stopped. The flames were burning brightly now and she no longer felt cold in her night gown. Even the floor started to feel comfortably warm. Only, she was not comforted by the stray thought. "This isn't good."

Garry looked looking around for any way to escape. Warehouses just as this would often be built with only one way out to protect from theft. She turned around and looked for a window or a door. The room did not appear to have either. Defeated her gaze dropped to the floor. "Look, a trap door."

He smiled, "Danielle, you're a genius!" He reached down to pull on the heavy black ring, but the door wouldn't budge. It obviously hadn't been opened in quite some time. He pulled again, every muscle in his strong arms staining, the veins in his next standing out. Finally the door sprang open and a blast of cold air came up from beneath them. "I'll go first just in case. You have bare feet." He sat on the floor and lowered himself down, feeling for something that his feet might hold on to. "Okay...come!"

Danielle lowered herself into the hole in the floor, seeking purchase with her feet. Though it made her shiver again, the cool air was free of smoke and welcome for that. "The door!" The trap door, too, was metal. She pulled it closed overhead in the hope that would keep burning debris from falling down on them.

Garry stood on the rungs of a narrow ladder as Danielle closed the door, leaving them safe but in the cold darkness. As she took a step down to let the door drop closed, she came into Garry's arms. Garry then took another step down and his feet were on the ground in the small tunnel beneath the warehouse.

The tunnel itself was not high; in fact, it was only a little over five feet talk and Garry would have to crouch. In this moment of safety and relief, he just held Danielle in his arms. "I'll get us out of here and we'll get out things and get right home to where it's safe. It's going to be alright."

She wrapped her arms around him and for a moment enjoyed the luxury. At length she spoke. "It has to be all right. I wonder if this is another way to the outside, or if we're stuck until the fire burned itself out." She hoped fervently that there was a way out, or at least a way further away from the fire. She had no desire to be baked in a pit. The sounds from above of the building starting to collapse were anything but comforting.

"I have a feeling it's a way out. Sometimes warehouses didn't always do business in legal goods, and they needed a back door when the constable came with his deputies."

Garry reached into his pocket and found his small can of matches. He struck on and saw an old, rusty oil lamp on the wall. He lit it and filled the tunnel with light. "You must be freezing," he said while taking off his heavy coat. "Get this on you. It'll keep you warm." He then reached for the lantern, took it in hand and headed down the tunnel. It was not a long one, ending at a basement door in the building across the street - a door that was locked.

She gave him a relieved look at being able to see again before she took a coat, still warm from his wearing of it, and wrapped herself up in it. "Thank you." With a mirthless chuckle she added, "I wasn't given the opportunity to get dressed for the outing."

He touched her cheek with his hand, "Josh will never bother you again." That was all he was going to say about the matter. He then took his shoulder and slammed against the door. The two hinges began to pull away from the door frame. He moved back and slammed the door again. This time it fell away. They could simply climb some steps, push open an outside basement door, and they'd be free.

So it had been Josh all along. She wondered what had happened to the nice boy he used to be that he had changed so much, but for now her mind needed to be on more urgent matters. She reached for Garry's hand as they made their way through the tunnel.

With the door shattered on the ground, Garry turned to her and whispered, "Wait here." He stepped over the door and walked up the steps, unlocked the outside basement door and pushed it open. He could hear voice a block away shouting about the fire. Further away was the sound of sirens.

Garry put his fingers to his mouth and made a loud, piercing whistle. He waited only a few seconds before Warrior came around the corner and approached him. "Good boy," Garry said while patting him. "I'll be right back." He went back down and smiled at Danielle. "Our ride is here. We have to hurry. I'll carry you." He didn't want her getting a nail or splinter in her bare feet. He carried her up the stairs and set her on Warrior's saddle. He then mounted behind her.

People were running to the warehouse just as Garry and Danielle were riding away. He didn?t hurry so as not to attract attention. There was a dead body in that warehouse and he didn?t want to get questions.

Garry dropped Danielle off at the inn so that she could get dressed while he hitched up the wagon. A half hour later they were both warmly dressed and in the wagon, heading out of town filled with the supplies of iron and their Yule presents. They looked to the west and saw a column of smoke rising in the cold morning air.

Garry wasted no time getting out of town. It was late afternoon when they pulled the wagon up to the blacksmith shop, glad to be home and looking forward to some rest and celebration.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-12-25 03:07 EST
A Merry Yule

Danielle stood back to admire her handiwork with a critical eye. This was probably the best their Yule tree had ever looked, she admitted to herself. The ornaments and candles were distributed evenly and for once the star atop the tree stood straight.

Originally they had planned to all go and to make a fun outing of picking and cutting the tree. But the weather, heavy snow and a chill wind, had changed their plans for them. Danielle had welcomed the extra time and spent the previous afternoon adding a few finishing touches to her present for Garry.

Her thoughts drifted as she enjoyed the view of the decorated tree. Time had passed quickly since Garry and she had returned from their trip into town. Between the extra hours the men worked to fill Holiday orders, her helping out Marion at the bakery, her own preparations, and the wintry weather, the opportunities for private moments with Garry had been few and far between. She missed the evening walks they both had enjoyed so much.

But even when they had a few moments to themselves as if by mutual agreement they never spoke of that last night in town. They had not spoken of it during their ride home either. Yet, she wished for an opportunity to thank Garry properly and she felt that he needed to eventually talk of it, too. Perhaps the Holidays and the winter break would offer a chance for both.

A noise from the kitchen snapped her from her reverie and reminded her that Poppy was to send Garry on a last minute errand so they?d have a chance to put his present into his rooms.

Danielle turned to mantle to arrange the spare pine branches the men had thought to bring along with the tree with bows and candles. They rarely used the room because it was so much easier to simply congregate in the kitchen and it had taken some time for the fire laid in the hearth to dispel the chill. But now she was getting warm, standing right in front of the fire place.

She was just contemplating what else to occupy her time with when Poppy poked his head in to let her know that Garry had left.

?Good timing, Poppy, I was just done here. Isn?t the tree just perfect this year?? Danielle quickly joined him.

?Aye, t?is a nice one and ye did a fine job prettyin? it up.? Martin spared the tree a glance. He would take a closer look later. ?Karl?ll be over any moment. We?ll have about an hour.?

?An hour should be just enough time.? They wanted to clear the horribly aged and splintered coffee tables out off Garry?s sitting room to replace them with the ones Martin had made for him and to recover the rubbed bare from decades of use sofa with the crushed velvet Danielle had found in town. Karl was to bring extra padding with him, too, in case it was needed for restoring the sofa. ?I?ll just fetch the curtains and pillows right quick.?

With that Danielle hurried up the stairs. She had fashioned curtains for Garry?s windows of the same crushed velvet, just in a slightly lighter shade of green than the material for the sofa. The pillows were a deep dark red.

If everything went according to plan, Garry would not pass his presents until he went to bed, to hopefully not even see them until he got up again in the morning.

Dinner was already on the table when Garry returned with the well seasoned Yule log. He proved amenable to Martin?s insistance that he could just fold his coat over the back of a chair and sit down to eat before everything got cold.

Garry entertained them with the telling of his adventure of obtaining the Yule log and dinner passed with much merriment. They had just finished eating when a group of carolers came to their door.

After the carolers had treated them to a medley of Yule songs and they in turn had been treated to cookies and spiced tea, Martin led Danielle and Garry into the living room. They would enjoy their evening coffee, cookies and each other?s company there.

With a little ceremony Garry added the Yule log to the fire and Martin added the chip saved from last year?s Yule to it.

?Now t?is officially Yule.? Martin pronounced as they sat back down. ?Where?d that brandy go fer lacin? t?coffee?? With a merry chuckle he answered his question. ?Ah, right behind ye Garry, warmin by the fire just like it should.?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 12:20 EST
A New Chapter and Another Winter

The Holidays had come and gone and the winter weather that followed cooled more than just the outside temperatures. When it had just been Martin and his grand daughter, they had managed to make the best of the snowbound weeks, and only a month ago Danielle had looked forward to that time.

But winter had turned out to be very unlike she had anticipated. Rather than enjoying games and conversation with her by the hearth, Garry had spent hours every day to clear a path to the smithy so he could work. They ended up spending less and less time together and when her grand father took ill none at all.

When the spring thaw came and the trail to the portal was once again passable, Garry had left to accept a mission. He was only to be gone for a couple of months but nearly a year had passed without so much as a letter from him.

Danielle had come to know him as a responsible person and therefor found it difficult to believe that he would just disappear with his affairs unsettled.

Not that she had much time to miss Garry. Her grandfather had been sick more days than healthy and the days that were not taken up with caring for him she spent catching up on chores that she had no time for while he was laid up. She even had to put off their trip into town for winter provisions several times.

Finally the trip could be put off no more, and she would have to go alone. Her grand father, while currently healthy, was not strong enough to withstand the rigors of travel.

Danielle would have to hurry, too. She'd not have as much time to look for Garry while in town as she had hoped for. While winter seemed to be late in arriving in the mountain valley this year, they did already have the first snow and the sunshine and dry weather they had now could not last much longer. So it was decided that to save time she would get into town just riding the neighbor's horse and buy a cart there to bring back the provisions.

The Morning of her trip dawned bright and clear and the air was crisp but with only a mild breeze blowing and Danielle made good time. The decent weather was not to last, though.

Gray, snow laden clouds moved in quickly, as they tend to do in the mountains, and with them an icy wind. The temperature dropped drastically, making the lone rider shiver in her traveling cloak.

But she had come too far already to turn around. She?d spend less time in what quickly turned into a full blown blizzard if she pressed on.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 15:00 EST
In From The Cold

Danielle came into the Inn with a blast of cold air and quickly shut the door behind her before she once again pulled the cloak tight around her shoulders. After a quick look around she walked toward the bar, shivering inside the cloak. Despite the late hour the common room was crowded.

?Evening, mate.? The rather well dressed, blue skinned bar tender had a wink and a grin for Danielle before he tossed a rag into the laundry bin behind him. A little dragon sat on his shoulder. ?You're looking a bit parky. Fetch you something warm to drink??

?Something hot please.? She managed to get the request out between shattering teeth.

?Alcoholic or otherwise? We've got coffee, tea, hot cider. Mulled wine. Pick your poison, mate.? He listed with a gesture to a pot on a burner while someone snickered at the word ?cider?.

?What works quickest to make the shivers stop?? Just talking about shivering seemed to make the shattering worse. The ice crystals caught in her lashes started to melt now that she was inside, and so did the snowflakes that were stuck to her traveling cloak.

The bar tender giggled. Apparently at something the dragon on his should was doing or saying. Then he looked sheepishly at Danielle. ?I'm afraid I don't drink hot beverages anymore. Des, what would you recommend?? He looked over in the direction of the other tender and gave a semi-distracted wave to someone Danielle couldn?t see.

?Warmed brandy for the lady, Locke!? The female tender replied and Danielle took note of the names.

?Aye, aye, captain!? Locke playfully saluted and then carefully warmed up some brandy and then set it front of Danielle, looking uncomfortable at handling the hot beverage. ?Three silvers, please.?

Danielle pulled her mittened hands from her cloak and then the partially frozen mittens off her hands before she grabbed the glass in both hands.

?That feels good.? She had a thankful smile for Locke before she brought the glass to her lips. Then she had to concentrate on controlling her shivering long enough to take a few sips.
She already had set the glass back on the counter when suddenly she had to take her hands off the warming glass to cover a coughing fit.

With an ice-white brow arched up on his blue face Locke addressed the frozen girl again. ?You doing all right there, mate?? Then he glanced over to a group by the bar with a wink and a grin, ?New blood, cold blood. I ain't misbehavin'.?

?Hot.? Danielle got out, the brandy burned like fire from her throat to her belly. When she had recovered enough to say more she added, ?Yes, thank you.?

?That treating you all right?? Locke gestured to the glass in front of her. Obviously she's never had brandy before.

The tiny dragon craned her neck to look at Danielle curiously. The hood of her cloak had fallen back and now golden blonde locks tumbled free. The shattering of teeth had died away, too, to where she could talk without the cold induced stutter and the girl now managed a real smile.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 15:00 EST
?Thank you. I'm starting to warm up I think. Just my luck to have to outride a blizzard just before getting into town after the day had started bright and clear. Please tell me you have rooms left to let and you won't be sending back out into the weather to find another inn.? She asked with a beseeching look. Just the idea of venturing back out into the cold made her shiver again.

Locke didn?t answer right away. Danielle watched as he pulled a bottle from the ice box, flipped it in his hand and popped the cap off before he sat it in front of a customer and then with a quick turn on his heel grabbed a bourbon bottle from a shelf, twisted the cap, and poured some of the drink into a glass. He added a dash of ice and served the drink to another thirsty patron. Danielle wondered if he had heard her when he turned his attention back to her.

?It is terribly cold outside these evening. Are you faring well, otherwise?? He grinned cheekily at the little dragon still sitting on his shoulder before he once again turned to Des. ?We've got rooms to let, right??

?Sure do have rooms, Locke. They just gotta sign that big ledger and decide if they want a private bathroom or to share the one in the hall.? The capable woman replied.

?I already found a place for the horse in the stable on the way in.? Danielle nodded with a relieved smile at the good news. ?Is it much more for a private bathroom??

?Oh and if they want a room with a view of the main street, courtyard, or back. Not too much more, just a silver more a week is all and all the rooms do come with two meals a day from the kitchen.? Des supplied the information even as she turned to greet a friend who just arrived.

?In that case I'll take one with a bathroom for a week please.? Danielle brightened visibly, already having feared that she might not be able to afford the better accommodations.

Locke slid some coins into the till before he turned to grab the ledger. He flipped it open, then turned the pages until he found an empty one. He shrugged his shoulder, a barely perceptible gesture with the dragon on him.

?Des knows more about costs then I do.? Then Locke moved away to serve the next patron.

Danielle pulled a little leather pouch from somewhere within the cloak and counted out coins to cover the cost before she picked up a pen to sign her name to the ledger: Danielle Corwell from the Corwell smithy in Beacon Town.

?Good to have you here....? Locke smiled politely at Danielle when he returned for the ledger a moment later. Glancing down at the page, he read her entry and then held out a gloved hand for her.? Danielle? Name's Locke. Locke D'Vestavio. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.?

?A pleasure.? She gave him a friendly smile. Locke D?vestavio ? now she knew his name and what a beautiful name it was; musical, she thought, and took his gloved hand for a moment. Then she remembered that she was still holding the pen and placed it into the ledger.

Danielle picked up that glass again, taking a much more hesitant sip this time. When Locke glanced her way again she smiled with an expectant expression.

?Something else I can do for you?? Locke asked promptly.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 15:01 EST
Her smile turned into a bemused grin. ?I do believe I need a key and the knowledge of which door the key goes to.? A slight blush of purple tainted his cheeks before he replied to Danielle.

?Terribly sorry mate.? He snapped the ledger shut and put it back in its proper place, before grabbing one of the keys from the wall. ?Room 18. It's, uh, upstairs, down the hall, 5 one from the end on the right. They're numbered too, in case you get lost.?

?No worries. I'm just happy I don't have to go outside again tonight. Thank you again.? She accepted the key. ?Room 18. I hope that turns out to be a lucky number.?

The little dragon perched on his shoulder chuckled and Locke lifted his gloved fingers to pet it even as he turned to fetch more glasses and fill them from various bottles.

?Luck is what you make of it, mate.? He said to Danielle once he had filled the latest orders and scooped the coins paid for them into the till.

?I'm sure I could do with some extra help from that corner.? Danielle placed the key into the little leather pouch.

?Last call, mates! Mind your P's and Q's!? Locke announced a moment later and Danielle finally felt comfortable enough to take off her cloak, revealing a blue winter wool riding dress.

She folded the thawing and now rather soggy garment over the stool she was still standing in front of before she again picked up the glass.

?I should probably request a pot of tea or something along those lines to take up to the room with me.? She mused when Locke and Des had filled most of the last call requests.

?You need to get off my shoulder now, mate. It's almost closing time.? Locke said with a glance to the little dragon on his shoulder, then set water to boiling and grabbed some tea packets. The dragon grumbled and fluttered its wings, but didn?t move. He set the tea tray in front of Danielle with a flourish. ?There you are, mate.?

?You're mighty nice and very quick. Thank you.? Danielle smiled and took out some more coins to pay for the tea and a few extra for the nice bar tender to keep and placed them discretely onto the counter.

Locke tilled the remainder of the coins, taking the extra ones as tip with a grateful smile for Danielle, before he looked over to Des. ?Anything else I need to do this evening, or am I all set?? He reached up to pluck the little dragon from off his shoulder.

?All set as soon as the "Self-Serve" sign is put on the bar.? Des turned to wave to everyone with a bright smile.

Danielle took another sip from the still slightly warm brandy and then, deciding to forgo the rest, sat the glass on the counter. Locke grabbed the self-serve sign and placed it on the bar, pulling harder on the dragon. He felt the fabric of his shirt rip as he set the dragon down on the bar.

?Wonderful. Well, I believe I have some work to catch up on Des. I enjoyed working with you this evening.? Locke waved to the rest of the patrons. ?Have a pleasant evening, everybody!? And with that, he was up to his room, to change his shirt.

?Good night.? Danielle returned his greeting, but he was already gone.

?G'night Danielle!? Des had heard Locke earlier and remembered the lovely woman's name.

?Good night.? That greeting too was returned with a smile.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 15:01 EST
Danielle took the bar tenders' leave taking as her cue to go get settled into the room that was to be her home away from home for a week and picked up the dark gray cloak and stuffed the soggy mittens into it before folding it over her arm. Then she grabbed up the tea pot and bags and started to head for the stairs. Half way to the foot of the stairs she remembered her bag that she had left by the door and altered her steps to pick that up, too.

Everything picked up, she maneuvered carefully up the stairs, not to spill any of the hot water along the way, all the while puzzling on how she'd get the key into the door with all she was carrying.

After a few minutes, Locke headed down the stairs, grumbling a little bit. White dress shirt and dark tie had been exchanged for a black button-up to go with the black slacks and shoes he was already wearing. He waved at Danielle in passing before he entered the patrons' area.

It took Danielle a moment to recognize the bartender in the elegantly dressed man she passed on the stairs. By the time she did he had already passed her. Not that she could have returned his wave anyway, not having a hand free to do so.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 20:17 EST
A Second Trip

Danielle's trip into town had been a successful one even though she had to cut it short. No matter how much she wanted to find out what had happened to Garry, she could not risk a second blizzard keeping her from returning home until after the spring thaw. But she would return as soon as the weather permitted to resume her inquiries.

The winter had been short and the thaw happened much earlier than it had in previous years. Even so, it had been long enough for her to imagine all kinds of fates, good and ill, that may have befallen Garry, and she was anxious to resume her search.

Martin had conflicting feelings about letting her go. While he too would have liked to know what happened, he was not at all easy about her going alone. Rhydin could be a dangerous place for a young miss and his Danny should not be alone when she found out that the man of her heart had moved on. But he was also very much aware of her distress and it tore at his heart to see her in such a state. So, when the time came, he helped her pack and then sent her off with a smile and her promise that she would return in a week's time if she found out what happened or not.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 22:14 EST

Upon arriving in town Danielle's first stop after having stabled her horse had been the Red Dragon Inn to procure a room. Merry music drifted from the great hall every time a masked and costumed patron opened the door to then slip inside.

"The annual Masque." The tender informed as he handed her the key to her room - number 18 again.

Even up in her room she could hear the music and she found it hard to resist. Before she quite knew what she was about she found herself back downstairs at the doors to the great hall.

The soft yellow dress she had quickly changed into, while perfect for the dances at home, was not a ball gown by far, but it was the best dress she had packed for this trip into Rhydin. She was not wearing a masque either, but she simply had to come to the hall to at least have a peek.
While nearly everyone wore a masque, there were quite a few who did not. One in particular, under a black top hat and above a powder blue tailcoat, drew her gaze. It was white and silver and glitter. In the mage light it glittered like snow. It even was styled in the shape of a snow flake. The overall effect was quite stunning.

The costumes of men and women alike were all elaborate and some even quite daring and for a while she just stood there by the doors, admiring them. Perhaps her dress would pass as a costume, she told herself as she allowed the group of party goers that had just arrived to sweep her inside the hall.

Danielle had thought the hall crowded before, but in what appeared only minutes the number of costumes to look at had doubled and so had the number of pairs moving in beat to the music on the dance floor. She watched them twirl and move with a dreamy expression for quite some time. How much she would like to be one of them, dancing in Garry's arms.

Then a movement caught from the corner of her eye had her turn her attention away from the dancers. The snowflake, with a deft toss of his hand, threw his cane up into the air and suddenly hit the ground in a somersault. Without skipping a beat, he popped up, reached out his hand, and grabbed the cane as it fell. He gave a bow to the rest of the hall, before he quickly twirled the cane in his hand and then touched it to the ground.

The little show was over and Danielle moved to find a spot that offered safety from jostling. The music had changed from a lively country dance to a waltz and her foot lightly tapped the rhythm. A servant from the bar paused near her and quietly asked what she would like.

When she again spotted the twirling cane the owner stopped and gave her a deep bow, very polite and even more formal. Could it be that he knew her? But she didn't really know anyone here but the business people near the dock. Perhaps it was a game, she thought, and returned the greeting with a formal courtesy, inclining her head lightly and smiling. The snowflake doffed his top hat just slightly toward her.

After brief but pointed glance to the dance floor Danielle smiled to the snowflake again.

He gave a shake of his head and sighed, ?Terribly sorry, milady, but I am afraid I am cursed with these two sinister feet that will not let me dance the way I want to. 'Tis a shame, to leave a lady such as yourself disappointed. I beg your forgiveness, milady.?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 22:15 EST
?My forgiveness you shall have, milord.? While his reply disappointed, her smile did not falter. He had declined her invitation rather handsomely and quite possibly saved her toes considerable harm. And, having heard his voice, she thought she knew who he was.

?You were tending bar the last time I was in town, right?? The words were out before she could think better of them.

?Possibly, milady.? He canted his head to the side and regarded her.

?It is easy to pick out something vaguely familiar among large amounts of unfamiliar, even with all the masks around.? She explained with a merry little wink.

?Rather obvious, isn't it, milady?? He tapped at the snowflake mask after having handed of his now empty champagne flute to a passing waiter.

?Of course I could be sadly mistaken and be embarrassing myself royally just now.? She did not know enough to guess why the costume should make it obvious to anyone who was hiding beneath the mask.

?You can imagine, with the temperature I possess, that I would freeze even the hottest of hearts present in this place.? He appeared to be admitting his identity, but to Danielle his statement was confusing at best. He missed her reaction though because he gave a deep bow to the lady just about to pass.

?That is a very handsome mask you are hiding behind just the same, milord.? She complimented once he stood straight again.

?Thank you most kindly, milady...Danielle?? He had another very formal and polite bow for her.

?Yes, your very first guess is correct, milord.? She nodded, eyes shining. So it was Locke after all.

?I hope you enjoy your stay at the Inn, and I hope that you find everything to your liking there and here in Rhydin." But his eyes were no longer on her, chasing after a lady in the crowd instead. ?Nice costume, milady.? He complimented another.

?I would be surprised if I did, but thank you kindly for your wish.? She had not missed his look or the pout on his lips when he lost sight of the woman. ?Please, do not feel obliged to entertain me, milord. I'm sure if you hurry you can catch up with the lady.?

His eyes went up towards the stage, where the woman had reappeared, and he threw a salute over to her. He gave another tap at the snowflake mask, then a white-gloved hand went up to adjust it.

?Perhaps, milady, there are those present whose attentions I am actively attempting to seek. I never leave my fate in the hands of random chance and luck? Then he moved into the crowd, presumably after the woman who a moment ago was by the stage.

Someone handed Danielle a Champagne flute and she went in search of a chair that didn?t already seem to be taken. For a while she was content to watch the merriment and to sip from her glass.

How much fun this ball could be, she thought. Garry and what may have happened to him was never far from her mind. And just now she was feeling rather alone and her mood for merry music was fading fast. Perhaps poking her head in had not been such a good idea after all. The ball was not proving to be the distraction she had hoped for. She rose and on her way to the door paused at a table already holding several discards and added her now empty glass to them.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 22:16 EST
Danielle never made it to her room though. A black suited gentleman with kind green eyes approached her as she left the hall, seeking to cheer her up. Before long he suggested that they put a headstone on the evening with a dance. While the term seemed an odd one to Danielle, she saw no reason to decline. She did enjoy dancing.

The gentleman promptly pulled her onto the dance floor and then swept her into a spin. Danielle chuckled softly and easily matched her steps to her partner?s. Enough of the string music remained to make ballroom dancing feasible, though barely, but the strong rhythm going through it added a considerable amount of liveliness.

Danielle was sent off into a blurring spin. In this split second Temhota two-stepped with Maeve and Johnny, thumbs in belt loops to boot. Only he doesn't own a gaudy belt buckle. Completing his circuit he rejoined hands with the girl, who had not seemed to notice his little side play.

"I'm afraid I never caught your name."

?You dance very well, milord.? Her expression made her joy at dancing obvious.

"And you didn't answer my question."

?Question?? Danielle looked up into the gentleman?s handsome face with a delicate brow slightly raised.

"Your name?? Now that they had a couple to showcase with he carried a simple waltz around the strutting pair., subtle dips, haphazard spins that sent the skirt of her buttercup yellow dress flaring. All sense of his reality was forgotten.

?Danielle Corwell is my name.? She gave her name in-between dips and spins with a beautiful smile.

"Danielle Corwell, My pleasure to meet you." He fluffed flared skirts with a free hand while the other provided the pivot point. Very 1950's, but he was reliving a lost childhood. At first the gesture had startled her, but then she was laughing softly at the effects.

?It is my pleasure as well, milord.?

Rena's arrival caused Temhota a slight pinch and miscue in otherwise flawless steps. Tonight was his to enjoy without harm! "Think we ought to switch to Sock-Hop?"

?I would be in total agreement if I new that dance. I am afraid I have never heard of a dance by that name.? Danielle felt only slight disappointment that the dancing should be over.

"Kick of your shoes and kick your feet! It's that simple!" Centuries of unlife had bestowed ageless and useless knowledge. Loafers were sent flying off Temhota?s feet.

While taken up in the merriment, Danielle could not bring herself to simply kick off her shoes, but she stepped out of them just the same and left them at the edge of the floor, then looked expectantly up to Temhota.

?Just kicking??

Temhota nodded before he picked up one of her shoes and tossed it to someone. ?Then grab someone and spin.?

Danielle tried to take note of where to go look for her shoe later but had lost sight of it, then as per instruction, grabbed a hold of Temhota and starts spinning. Temhota promptly moved back into close quarters.

"I promise I'll get your shoe back.? He spun and cackled up a storm.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-28 22:16 EST
The lady the shoe had been tossed to happened to be distracted, so she neither moved to catch the flying object not to doge it. So she was hit in the arm.

?Hva in Hel?!? She looked down at the shoe as the heel caught on the lace and hung there.

?I may hold you to that.? Danielle chuckled as Temhota spun her in circles, slipping a little on stocking feet.

Someone held up the shoe and asked loudly, ?Cinderella was here??

?I'm no Cinderella, and that's no glass slipper.? Then she saw the face of the woman. ?Oh, you may have upset the ladies, milord.?

?I want to know hvem tossed that shoe!? The other lady frowned at a small hole in the embroidered lace on her sleeve where none should be.

"Skate around any more and I'm afraid I'd lose you." No sense in a lady dancing with one heel while he was at fault. A simple stutter allowed him to reach under Danielle's knees to lift her up. His arms full he still announced himself as the culprit who threw the shoe. "That is ours. I apologize."

?There is little chance of that with a gallant savior around such as you.? Danielle balanced by placing a hand on each of his shoulders.

?Kitty, did you see hvem threw the shoe at me?! Fix it? Hvordan?? The lady looked up as Temhota arrived with Danielle. ?Do you see hva you have done to my beautiful gown?!?

?Oh, I am sorry. It is such a beautiful gown, too.? Danielle nodded to the two ladies.

"Until now, no. I'm terribly sorry. I was consumed with the moment of excitement." Temhota set Danielle t her own footing.

?Takk. I truly hope you do not plan on tossing shoes around again.? The lady was still frowning but she accepted his apology.

?It was very exciting. I'd be happy to put them back on my feet and not let this handsome lord talk me out of them again.? Danielle tried to assure the lady and looked around in the hope of locating said shoe so she might keep her promise.

"I know a reasonable tailor who owes me a favor, Ma'am. His needle is at your disposal." Temhota gave Danielle a final twirl, making her laugh out in surprise, before he himself spun away after her. Then he traced her fine jaw line with a fingertip. ?Thank you for the memento. Ms. Corwell. I'll be returning to you."

That temporarily took her mind off the shoes. ?Thank you for the dances. I enjoyed them very much.? She did find one shoe and resumed possession of it, but the other seemed to have gone up into thin air.

?Speaking of thin air,? Her other slipper appeared from underneath coat folds. "Does this fit you?"

?Oh!? Danielle?s eyes lit up. ?You found it.?

"This looks too large to be yours."

?Does it really?? She wriggled the unshod foot out from under the dress. The foot matched her proportions, and should fit the shoe, too, seeing as she wore it earlier.

It did match the other slipper she wore, Temhota admitted with a gesture and struggled to hone in on the wiggling foot, then slid the slipper into place. "So I can be wrong... My apologies."

?None needed. I am glad you found it. Thank you.? Danielle smiled back.

"My fault you lost it." His head held angled into apologetic bow.

?I could have declined the dance, but then I'd have missed the fun.? Danielle offered with a friendly little wink.

?So I may throw your shoes at more people?? Temhota brightened.

?That would not be advisable.? Danielle chuckled at his teasing. ?You may run out of tailors owing you favors.?

"Right." He was already in the hole owing Shy fancy lacework and out one tailor.

?If you enjoyed yourself as much as I did the dances should have been worth the expense. If they were indeed to be the headstone of the evening, I should bid you a good night and go dream of the ball.?

"The pleasure was all mine Ms. Corwell. Sleep sweet." A snaking, pointed smile crossed his lips.

?Sleep well and pleasant dreams to you as well, milord.? Danielle curtsied, and then was out the double doors and on her way up the stairs and to her room.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:51 EST
Two Duels, Two New Acquaintances And A Bad Idea

A few months later Danielle was in Rhydin again, the masque all but forgotten. This time she was not looking for word from Garry. This trip was solely for finding the one woman that could make the medicine that would hopefully grant her grandfather another year.

Finding the woman had been much easier than anticipated, but she didn't have any of the needed medicine in stock. It would have to be made and that took time, no matter how urgently it was needed or how much the herb woman hurried. So now Danielle was stuck. For a day and a half, or so the herb woman had informed her.

To take her mind off her worries she took the portal to Twilight Isle as she had done on previous visits. She even found a sparring partner practically the moment she emerged from the portal. Scarlet, the woman had introduced herself when she offered the distraction.

The plan worked, too. For the next half hour Danielle didn't have a single moment to think of Poppy or to puzzle over the chances that she would make it back home in time for the medicine to do any good.

But all too soon the duel was over and Danielle once again had time to worry. As luck would have it, she was not left to her brooding for long. Because just as she glanced up to will the portal to spit out another dueler, someone stepped from it.

"Where are the creaky, brittle-boned geezers?" The rather blue-skinned ice elf dressed in a pink and white vertically striped button-up, black slacks, and Oxfords, wanted to know as he stepped upon the beach.

Danielle recognized him at once. That bar tender seemed to be just everywhere.

?Creaky and brittle boned... I've not seen any like that tonight.? She chuckled at his description for what must be the experienced mages. ?I do remember you, though.?

"As do I.? Locke glanced over to Danielle with a wink and a smile. ?Have you been faring well since last I saw you?"

?Not really. My trips into town have not been very successful. But I didn't get caught in any more blizzards.? That last bit at least was a good thing and she really did not know him well enough to tell anything further.

"She says there haven't been any old blokes in filthy robes with staffs dueling here tonight. This is Twilight Isle, correct? Home of the Duel of Magic?? Locke inquired of the official before he once again turned to Danielle. ?Aces to hear, mate.?

?Are you interested in the magic duels? I'd not have guessed to run into you here as well.? Perhaps he would be willing to distract her for the next half hour. But he shook his head.

"I have dabbled in these duels, here and there. Care to test me?" His reply was in direct opposition to his gesture.

?I don't get to come here all that often but yes, I'd love a little test. I very much like the idea of being the object of your hopefully undivided attention for five to fifteen spells.? Danielle accepted the challenge, and Locke moved to procure a ring.

"I'm all yours, mate." Locke winked as he stepped into the ring a moment later.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:51 EST
?Wouldn't that be just the thing?? She chuckled, wondering what had her behaving so boldly this evening. ?Good luck.?

"Duel well, mate." Locke advised just as they started casting. When one of Danielle?s spells made contact he complained jokingly. ?People always hate the pink shirts..."

?Aww, they're such handsome duds, too. I rather like pink.? She did like the way he dressed.

"I always seem to get the pink ones loused up, though." Locke made sure Danielle would not get to land another of those spells.

?Will the ward not fix those for you?? Her experience so far, though admittedly she had very little of that, was that the ward fixed up most damage to the clothing of the duelers as well as wounds.

"I certainly hope it does!" Locke summoned a cold, cloudy mist from the sand, diverting the meteors from their target. Then cold, blue and yellow lightning sprung from his fingertips towards Danielle and a moment later her dress was sporting one of the famous scorch marks, too. "Looks like a night of ruined clothing for all."

?So it does, and mine's not even pink.? When the official pronounced Locke the winner a moment later, they both sat down in the ring, waiting for the ward to fix their clothing.

?It appears to work.? Danielle noticed after a while.

?Hate to ruck and run, but I need to see if I can make it over to the Outback before the queue closes there. It was a pleasure to see you again Danielle. Have a perfectly pleasant evening.? Locke hopped to his feet and sprinted for the portal. Before he stepped through he turned long enough to send a wink to the official and Danielle.

?That was fun.? Danielle left the ring and headed back to her seat, looking rather defeated.

?He's a nice guy.? The official offered. ?Maybe you can visit him when he does his shift at the Inn.?

?He was very nice when I first met him. I was frozen, windblown and wet. He acted like I looked decent and even got me something to warm up.? Danielle contemplated the suggestion. She was stuck in town, staying in a room at the inn, and didn?t really have anything to occupy her time. ?I don't know. Visiting people at work is usually not such a good idea. He might get in trouble with his boss.?

?Folks do it there all the time.? The official laughed away her concern. ?Have a drink...he's a tender there.?

?If you really think it would be okay, I may just do that. When is his shift??

?Tomorrow night, I believe from 12 to 2.?

?How lucky! I was planning to stay that long anyway.? Now Danielle had a plan for tomorrow evening. That left her with tonight and a long day to fill with activities.

"You did quite well, milady." The man offered, who up until now had been sitting silently.

?Me? But I lost.? Danielle glanced over to him. He appeared young at first glance, perhaps a year or two older than her. But upon closer inspection he seemed ageless.

"Doing well does not always include losing." He said calmly. "I did well the one and only time I dueled here and I myself lost."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:52 EST
?He did very well, indeed.? The official agreed as she prepared to leave and made her fare wells.

?Oh, you cast spells, too?? Danielle had thought him merely an observer until now.
"Indeed though it was many years since I had done so when I dueled. Magic died on the world that I had last been a resident of and I was there for a good number of years doing without." He said with a nod.

?Oh, that is just terrible. You must be very happy to have found this island.?

"Not just this island but also the entire world of Rhydin. One can feel the magic." If he was happy it didn't show on his face or in his eyes, though his words were stated simply with all the truth he could put in.

?I can't do any magic besides here, though. But you're right, even I can feel it everywhere just the same. I can't even imagine there not being any to be felt. It must be kind of like when the sun doesn't come up for a few days in winter.? Something in the way he spoke appealed to her and she decided to stay and listen for a while longer.

"Or when there are days of cold and cloudy skies where the world is little but white and gray." He said with a nod. "Though to some who live shorter lives, it was much more gradual and they did other things to make up for it."

?I do prefer sunshine. Are you one of those people then who have lived for centuries?? Rhydin was populated with all kinds of creatures, even more so than Beacon Town.

"Something like that. I have lived nearly as long as there has been life. And death." He said and a faint ghost of a smile crossed his features. "And on many worlds of both magic and technology."

?I must seem disgustingly young to you then.? She grinned but his words reminded her painfully of why she was here.

"No. I have no contempt for the young or those who are considered old. It is what one learns and does in one's time that makes the most difference. What one can leave behind when the end comes, if and when it does." He shook his head, once more seeming emotionless.

?I guess there will be little enough of that from me.? Too many times she had contemplated what she might do with her life once she no longer had Poppy to take care of and come up empty.

"Why do you say that?" He asked, his gaze direct with the question.

?My friends, the ones I went to school with, are all already married. Marion even has a little boy already.? Yet her yearnings had very little to do with that. Before she had met Garry she liked the thought just fine of at some point in time being her own mistress. But now that appeared utterly undesirable.

"Does that really make a difference? Forgive me being a little familiar in the saying of it but I really do not believe that it does. I know not for certain your race, but I can plainly see that you are neither old nor middle aged and even if that were so there is nothing stopping you from making yourself great."

?Maybe it's the in comparison short live spans that makes the leaving behind of children and the wherewithal for them to live rather than struggle be so desirable. Poppy, that is my grandfather, would love to see me settled before he...? She did not finish the sentence. As time passed without word from Garry, Poppy had started to encourage her to look elsewhere. While she had accepted one or the other invitation to please Poppy, she could not bring herself to feel much of anything for the young men.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:53 EST
"I see. I have seen many a human come to middle age before having children. Some that I met said that they preferred to have something before the child was born that they would have ease and lack of struggle while it was growing. Some I have known started far too soon and often as not when war was about to break out and left a young child or infant with nothing but a name and sometimes not even that." He understood instantly the unspoken ending. "Unfortunately no one has power over Death and Time.?

?Some not so kind tongues would call me an old maid behind my back.? That thought made her chuckle, though it was a rather sad sound.

"Some but there are others who would not. There are different types in every place and people and culture. What some would call old, others would call when the time is right or even too young."

?Perhaps you could come and talk with Poppy sometime. Then he may not feel so disappointed.? Poppy missed having Garry around, too, even if he never said so. And it wasn?t just because of the work. They could just have hired another smith for that.

"Perhaps. You must know one thing. It is an important lesson that many must learn on their own. You are the only one who can say when you are ready for something. If you are not certain, no one should try to make you." He stated it in an impassive voice that spoke only of facts and not of emotions. He wondered if he had said too much but once said, he could not take it back.

Danielle nodded slowly after he was done speaking, glad for the lack of feeling in his voice. She?d be in tears by now for sure if not for the detached quality of his voice.

?I thought I was ready once.? But while Poppy and Garry seemed to have come to an understanding, Garry had not asked her.

"Sometimes thinking and knowing are not the same, unfortunately. There was a time when I once thought that I was better than other people. I know better than that know. One learns from that which changes one."

?Ain't that the truth. You think you got to know someone and then it turns out you know really next to nothing.? All the frustration of her fruitless searches was in those words.

"Thinking and knowing. Two sides of a coin. Hard to see the other side of it without turning it over. Unless it were those four-sided coins of Sylpen that people always seemed to step on." He had to add the last which was most certainly meant as a lightener of the mood, though he showed no more emotion than he had been showing.

?Those coins do sound painful.? He did succeed in drawing a chuckle from her.

?Nothing tonight, thank you.? A male voice spoke and both turned to see who it was and then nodded greetings to the stranger.

"Some once used them as weapons. Those that didn't hurt the feet proved to be a fair distraction for all those interested in money over anything else."

?A fine strategy to be sure.?

The young man nodded in return and preened his wings. Butterfly wings, Danielle thought, how odd.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:54 EST
"That which works usually is good enough though sometimes even good strategies have their flaws."

Danielle puzzled over that statement for a time, then grinned, ?I seem to have run out of worthy replies. The hour must be growing late.?

"What makes a worthy reply? I think that any reply at all is worth the time to speak it. Though I understand your point." He glanced at the sky out of habit, but it was impossible to guess time by looking at the sky here, the isle being blessed with permanent twilight, then nodded. "Yes, a bit. Though I have yet to be made to understand where the point is which turns late into early so it could easily be either." Another jest, probably though with no more emotion than before.

The young fairy tried not to stare, but was clearly fascinated by the deep philosophy and what he considered an entertaining battle of wits, in which this girl should be considered if not unarmed then badly armed, considering the sparing partner. Years of contemplation had given the other plenty of arms and armor for such a battle.

?It depends on when one went to sleep and woke. At least that is how I understand it.? Danielle chuckled softly; delighted to have an answer for the ageless one he did not have before.

"I see. So what to some would be early, to others would be late and really, the only deciding factor is perception. As old to young and hot to cold and everything in between." He said in understanding of the statement. "One learns something new every day. It makes sense in a way." He admitted. "It would sound a little odd for someone to say 'It's getting early.' If they stayed out very late, after all."

?That it would. And I am definitely out late.? Danielle gave a soft chuckle. No one expected her and even if she did return to her room at the inn, worry would keep her awake.

"And for me it matters not because I have no where where I am expected and will not sleep for another night or so. Though, if you think you should go, I will not attempt to keep you too long." He said calmly. He was enjoying there conversation but he was nothing if not polite.

?I am wondering how late I may be and still be able to get the key for my room at the inn. I should hate to be caught without a place to stay for the night.? That would be bad; even if she would lay awake she should eventually try to at least get some rest.

"We could venture there and find out, if you would like?" He offered then turned to the winged one. "You are welcome to join us, I am sure."

?I would like that.? Danielle glanced to the winged one again, deciding that he must be of the fae as unlikely as that was.

?Really? Hmmm.? He preened his wings as he thought about the offer. ?Alright, sounds interesting. I like how you talk, very thought provoking.?

"I would not say so if I did not mean so." He assured the winged one and rose to his feet from the sand and adjusted his sword and dagger then brushed the sand from his clothing.

The fairy came over and offered his arm to the pretty girl at the same time the ageless one offered. Danielle rose to her feet and accepted both with a smile.

?This, being escorted by two handsome men, is certainly preferable to traveling alone.? They certainly were good looking, she thought in a detached sort of way.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:54 EST
"Shall we go by the portal or by the magic of one of us?" He knew the magic to teleport but didn't know what the others knew or what they preferred so he had to ask.

?I could do the magic if you wish, but whatever everyone is comfortable with.? The fairy?s grin was mischievous.

That sounded like an interesting offer and the grin made him curious, though not a sign of emotion showed as he looked to the young lady, whose name he had not caught. "Whatever you would prefer, milady?"

?The offer does sound interesting, doesn't it? And I do feel lucky enough to give it a try.? She had been much bolder in her actions than was usual for her all day. Worry, she decided was what made her act so out of character. This seemed a minor risk to take in comparison.

?Alright, just try not to sneeze, may throw it off.?

"When you are ready then, sir, I believe we are." The ageless one agreed and Danielle nodded.

The fairy fluttered his wings and fairy dust swirled around them. Danielle saw her surroundings shimmer. When the shimmering stopped and she could once again make out her surroundings, she found herself standing between the two men in the common room of the inn.

?Oh that was fun. Different but definitely fun.? She brushed a bit of fairy dust off her yellow dress and then glanced around. ?And look, they are still open.?

"Intriguing and a bit different than I am used to but quite functional." He said in his usual emotionless tone.

?My pleasure,? The fairy sported a light blush as he bowed to his ?passengers?. ?I always like to show off a little. You know, I have not caught either of your names in that interesting conversation you two were having.?

?Danielle Corwell of the Corwell smithy in Beacon Town.? Danielle offered a little bow and then regarded each of the two men with a questioning look. ?It occurs to me that Poppy may wish to know your names as well when I tell him of my adventures during this trip into town.?

?I am Tormay.?

"Nevermore..." He said in a lowered voice in a tone that said plainly it was not his name and that something else was meant by it.

?Nevermore?? Tormay looked quizzically at the un-named one.

"I have no name. He who I was many many many years ago is no more and never again shall be. Call me what you like but I cannot give that which I have not." He said with all his usual calm. "And it is a pleasure to make the acquaintances of you both."

?It is most certainly a pleasure, sirs.? Danielle agreed with sincerity,

?No name?? Tormay was clearly horrified at the prospect of not having a name. ?Pardon my manners; it has been a pleasure to meet the both of you.?

"Indeed. None." He said with a nod. "Shall we procure a table, a booth, or some other seating arrangement perhaps?"

?You have talked me into taking a night cap before heading upstairs.? Danielle grinned.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:55 EST
"Easily convinced." He said with what could have been amusement though there was only a hint of it.

?Do you think it will be this crowded here tomorrow evening, too? Perhaps the official's advice to visit the young man while he's working was not such a good one after all. Only now, sir, because ...well, I don't know exactly why.? Danielle knew exactly why. She did not want to be alone. But if she admitted that she would be asked why and she did not want to answer that question.

?No name.? Tormay thought deeply, or as deeply as any young fairy could. The next moment he blinked at Danielle, clearly caught of guard by something she said. ?I believe that I shall call you Anon for now.?

"Perhaps. I believe it depends on the time of evening though the tenders that I have seen here multitask very well indeed." He nodded to Tormay. "I will accept that."

?Wonderful, Anon it is.? Tormay grinned big.

?I do not wish to be one task of many.? Danielle followed the ageless one to whatever seating arrangement he was leading the way to. ?In fact, I do not wish to be considered a task at all.?

?I am sure that would be quite irritating.? Tormay giggled a little.

"That was not what I was insinuating, I assure you." He said as he pulled out a chair for Danielle and she slid into it. "I merely meant that they are good at concentrating on many things, the important ones most of all. Though I admit your point. One must also consider that one can sometimes not find what one seeks when one knows not where to look and that knowing where someone or something is going to be at a certain time, is rather a blessing."

?Thank you. Aye. I definitely don't know where to look, or what to look for. That I appear to know whom to look for tomorrow evening and where does not change that.? Danielle knew that she wasn?t looking for the bartender. But if she had to give up searching for Garry, she had to start looking somewhere. ?Who knows, he may already have his eye on someone else anyway. So perhaps, as I know so little, I should try all the harder to enjoy the company of those who managed to find me.

Tormay sat down and looked wide eyed at Anon, then Danielle, and back again, clearly not keeping up with all the whom, wherevers, times, and what is known and not known.

"No but you could take a moment of his time and concentration to establish a time when you could be his only concern." His tone almost saying 'think about it' though he was calm as he pushed her chair in and gained his own.

?I could?? Danielle blinked with surprise. ?What an outrageous idea. That just might work. He could of course answer "never", but at least that would give me some knowledge.?

?Of course it will work.? Tormay nodded to Danielle. Though he wasn?t sure what ?it? was, he always liked to look on the bright side.

He nodded without a word or sign though he was amused. How could he not be? ?What would the two of you like to drink? My treat."

?I would definitely go for a chamomile tea. Thank you, Anon.?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:56 EST
?I should take some notes. Do you have a pen? And a piece of paper? To drink... hmm... I think something daring to go with the exceptional evening... perhaps a glass of ?? Danielle tried to think of the most daring thing she ever heard of, ?Grog??

Without fanfare the requested drinks appeared before those who had asked for them as well as a pad and pen and ink before Danielle and a glass of dark red wine before him and one of his gold coins disappeared from his pouch to the till.


?I will, thank you.? Tormay sipped at the tea with obvious appreciation.

?Thank you.? Danielle picked up the glass and took a careful sip, then crinkled her nose and gave a delicate cough. The stuff was more vile than daring, she thought, but she had asked for it. Perhaps it would grant her few hours? sleep later. ?H?h?hot.?

Then she quickly scribbled the note before she could forget the charming line, ?When may I be your only concern?? When she looked up again she found the ageless one gone.

?So, what are the notes for?? Tormay asked as he watched her fold the note and tuck it into the bottom of her sleeve and then take another sip from her glass, this time without coughing.

?Somehow that was much better when I was an icicle. Oh, the notes...? She did not get to answer his question, though.

?Icicle? Really? How was that like?? Tormay was all wide eyed curiosity, the notes temporarily forgotten.

?It was very cold.? Danielle shivered just remembering the surprise blizzard and being caught in it. ?Not to be recommended. Anyway, the notes... the ageless one had a nice turn of phrase I mean to use provided I can remember it and that I was planning to use it. I'll probably be way too nervous to get anything out besides Hello.?

?I am sure you will say more.? Tormay grinned. ?And even if you don't, all you have to do is get his attention.?

?You think?? Danielle was not at all sure that she wanted that attention. Garry?s image once again flickered in her mind.

?Try something unexpected.? Tormay stuck out his tongue.

?Like falling on my nose?? Danielle laughed. ?He's probably used to all kinds of sophisticated ladies and just nice out of pity to a country pumpkin.?

?I suppose that would work too. Oh, like those sophisticated ones matter anyway. They are so flat and boring.? He waved his hand as if to shoo off the ladies. ?Make sure you drop your notes then so he can read what you were trying to say.?

?Now that is a marvelous idea! I'm sure even I can manage do drop something.? At least it sounded easy enough.

?What can you talk about to him that the sophisticated ones couldn't??

?I don't know, smithing perhaps, the price of wood and coal, and how to plan for wintering in the mountains.? Danielle groaned at her list of possible conversation subjects. ?No wonder Garry disappeared.?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-29 13:57 EST
?Yea.... Ok. Don...? Tormay coughed and reached for his cup.

?Perhaps I'm just fated to become an old maid.? Could it be that she really was that boring?

?Don't talk about the price of anything. Smithing is really a good thing though. No no, can't do that now. Talk about smithing. Stay away from horseshoes though.?

?Hmm, I don't really do any smithing. I could just go on about how Poppy makes things.? And about how incredible Garry looked swinging the hammer as shadows from the fire danced over his chest. She did not put that last thought into words but shook her head to make the image go away.

?Right... should have known that.? She really didn't look like she could lift a hammer; much less drag it to an anvil. ?The wintering in the mountains sounds very good though. I am sure none of those sophisticated ladies would know how, and yet it could show just the right kind of interest in the young man.?

?It's not good at all. You'd know if you ever got snowed in for a few weeks or months.?

?Just leave out that part.?

?If I leave out all the parts there's nothing left.?

?Well then, you would be just like the sophisticated ladies then, wouldn't you?? Tormay nodded in finality.

?I would be? But they all look so sophisticated doing that. I'd just look...well, stupid.? Danielle was getting drowsy and it showed in her conversation.

?Which makes you interesting. Stupid isn't what you should be going for, just clumsy. Although, fun would be better than clumsy.? Tormay amended.

?I'm afraid I'm not all that good at being clumsy or delicately helpless either.? Danielle shook her head. ?Say, aren't you a fairy? Could you just wave a wand or something??

?I could make you sneeze perhaps.? He offered.

?Wouldn't my nose get all red?? That suggestion didn?t seem helpful to Danielle at all. ?I do look downright frightful when having a cold.?

?Oh... that would be a problem.? Tormay giggled at the thought of the beautiful blonde with a bright red nose. ?OH! I know! I could make him sneeze.?

?How would that help??

?It might help you get his attention?? He didn?t sound convincing.

?How so??

?I haven't thought it that far out. I just kinda figured it would work itself out the way I intended it to.?

?I think I'll go with that well turned phrase, and if I can't make the words come out of my mouth, I'll just hand him the note.? Danielle celebrated that conclusion with another drink from her glass. That stuff still didn?t taste any better than before.

?Well then, why didn't you just say so in the first place??

?I thought I did.?

?I thought you did too, but I had to make sure.?

Danielle nodded and took another sip. ?I think I am getting sleepy. I could at least avoid dark circles under the eyes.?

?Good idea, I must be off myself. Good luck with the note.? Tormay smiled.

?Have a good night, Tormay, and thanks for all the advice.? Danielle rose to her feet.

?Good night. If you need more advice, try to track me down.? Tormay rose and bowed.

?Thanks.? After another nod Danielle went to the bar to pick up her key ? No 18, same as last time - and then went up the stairs.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-05-29 18:51 EST

Captain Garry Bradstreet stood amongst the pines on one of the mountains that lined the Atrebla Valley and looked down upon the village of Beacon Town. He held Warrior?s reins in his right hand and felt the destrier nudge his shoulder. Garry scratched the horse?s nose. ?There she is, boy. Home.? From that height and distance Beacon Town looked little more than a few buildings with a column of smoke rising here and there. To the world it might be quite insignificant, but to Garry it was the most important location in the entire universe. One of those little columns of smoke likely came from the Corwell Smithy, where Martin, or Poppy as he was called, would be working on some new creation, shaping hot metal into something beautiful and useful. Poppy had taught Garry nearly everything he knew about being a blacksmith, and Garry knew he?d been taught by the best.

But it was not the blacksmith shop that was bringing him back to Beacon Town; it was Martin?s granddaughter, Danielle. Garry ached in the pit of his stomach from missing her so much. It had been a long year away from her, far longer than he had at first anticipated. If he had known it would be this long, he?d never have left. The plan seemed reasonable enough when he had made it in the winter a year ago. He wanted to ask Danielle to marry him, but he had nothing to offer her. He knew she?d tell him that she needed nothing but his love and the home they were living in, but that just didn?t seem right to Garry. They should not have to rely upon her grandfather?s business to keep a roof over their heads. A lady as beautiful and wonderful as Danielle deserved so much more. A couple of months away to seemed like a small sacrifice in order to get the resources to purchase their own home and start their life together. If he had only known what would happen . . . if he had only known.

Garry and Warrior made there way down the mountain, occasionally passing the Guardians who kept the law and order in this valley. At least, that was their claim. Garry remembered the young soldier by the name of Josh who was obsessed with Danielle. The lad had evidently lost all sense and went to Rhydin to kidnap her with the intention of killing her, thinking that Danny was a vampire. Garry had to kill the kid and barely freed Danielle in time from the burning warehouse. Thoughts about that danger still made his heart race ? how close he had come to losing the woman he loved with all his heart.

That trail of thought led to a much more pleasant memory as he descended into the valley. He remembered the time he and Danielle spent the night in the bridal suite of the lodge. He smiled when the pillow fight came to remembrance, and even at the thought of him sleeping in a separate room of the suite. Danielle was a lady, and he always treated her with utmost respect and honor. They were saving their intimacy for their wedding night when the bridal suite would be theirs on purpose and not by default.

Garry mounted Warrior when they reached the level road of the valley and rode the remainder of the way into Beacon Town. It was good to see the village again, with its people busy planting their crops, making repairs, and even building new homes. Several of the villagers recognized Garry and called out a ?welcome home? to him. This was indeed his home, and it was ?home? because this is where his Danielle is. He promised himself right then and there that he?d never leave her again ? no matter what.

He rode up to the Corwell Smithy and dismounted, but the shop looked to be closed up. Garry opened the door and called out, ?Martin?? There was no answer and the fire was out and evidently had been for some time. ?Martin, you here? It?s Garry!? He called out again and there was no response. Garry put Warrior into a stall and removed the saddle and the supplies he had brought back with him, supplies that included a few special gifts for Danielle. Then he closed up the shop and walked to the house.

Garry knocked on the door and waited.

There was no sound.

He knocked again and waited, and there was still no sound. He tried the handle of the door and it was not locked, so he walked in.

Something was not right. The home was dark and stuffy and didn?t smell of the delicious cooking that Danielle did on a regular basis. ?Danielle. Martin.? Garry called out into the house. There was no sound but the pounding of Garry?s heart. What happened? Could they have left? Was someone else living here? A quick look around and Garry recognized that the furnishings did in fact belong to Danielle and her grandfather. That was a relief, but where were they? He started up the stairs and called out again, ?Danielle. Poppy. Anybody home? It?s me! Garry!?

He heard a groan coming from Martin?s bedroom as he approached the doorway. Martin was lying in bed and the room smelled of sickness. There was a bowl of water on a night stand by the bed, along with some medicine bottles; and a cloth was folded and placed upon Martin?s forehead. Evidently someone had been taken care of him and Garry assumed it was Danielle.

?Poppy?? Garry said softly as he approached the bed.

?That you, Garry?? came the weak voice from the man who had become like a father to Garry.

?Poppy, yes, it?s me.? Garry pulled up a chair by the bed and sat down next to him, placing his hand on Poppy?s. ?I?m home now; to stay.? He saw a weak smile from the old man.

?Danny . . .? the word was barely spoken. ?Is she here too?? Martin?s voice was weak and Garry had to listen carefully to understand.

Before Garry could answer there was a voice at the door. ?The girl?s gone. She was supposed to go into the city for some real medicine, but we haven?t heard hide or hair of her.?

Garry turned and saw an old woman standing in the doorway. She had gray hair pulled into a tight bun, a mole on her chin, and eyes that looked like they?ve seen no joy in many years. Her face was wrinkled and her hands had the swollen knuckles of advanced arthritis. ?I?m Garry Bradstreet. I guess I?m the closest thing to a son that Martin has right now.?

?Figured that?s who yer were.? The woman came closer and removed the cloth from Martin?s head. ?He was burnin? up earlier today. Ain?t got no decent medicine to do much. Some witch hazel on a cloth is all I can do for now. I?ve been comin? here three times a day to take care of ?im an? give ?im some food iffin he wants to eat, which he hasn?t all day. Not much more I can do than that, yer know.?

Garry listened and nodded. ?Well, I?ll be here with him now. Thank you for all your help.? Garry stood and reached into his pocket and pulled out a few silver coins. ?Here, let me thank you properly for your help.? He held out the money and the old woman didn?t refuse. She gave him her address if he should need any help, and Garry thanked her again before she left.

Garry spent the next two days at Martin?s side, caring for him, trying to get him to eat some soup or scrambled eggs, or even toast. He made a drink he learned in the army where you take half a glass of milk and pour in ginger ale for the other half. If you do it in that order it never curdles, but it does make a drink that tastes good and settles the stomach better than anything else, staying down when nothing else would. In spite of all the care, Martin was not getting better.

At night Garry would sit in the chair by the bed and listen. He?d listen for Martin?s breathing, and he?d listen for Danielle. Whenever a wagon would travel down the street, Garry would jump to the window and look out, hoping that it would be Danielle returning.

The night would always bring such terrible thoughts. What if something happened to her? What if she got lost or harmed or the wagon went off the road? The mountain roads could be treacherous. Then there was the heart-wrenching question ? what if she found someone else and wouldn?t be back? Or what if she came back, but brought a new man with her, one who had the means to support her? Garry held his head in his hands and tried not to think such thoughts. He wouldn?t be able to blame her if in fact she did find someone else to love. She certainly deserved a man who?d not leave her for a year, even if that was not what he intended to do.

The third day came and Poppy seemed to be even worse. Garry did all he could, but he had resigned himself to losing the only two people in this world whom he loved ? Danny and Poppy.

Julian derKorst

Date: 2008-05-30 12:44 EST
Martin?s Secret

It wasn't the sound of a wagon, but that of horses coming down the street that Garry heard next. They were moving fast and then abruptly stopped. Then there was a knock on the door, followed by,

"Miss Corwell?"

Major derKorst turned to his companion, a beautiful brunette of ageless quality. "Perhaps she's still in town. Martin should be upstairs."

Garry came out of his thoughts when the knock came on the door. Who could this be, he wondered. He rose up from the chair and started down the stairs.

"Coming! Hold on!" They were calling for Danielle, so he knew she wasn't with them. He feared that they were probably some new friends from the military wanting her out. He lit the lamp in the kitchen and opened the door and stood there just a moment, wondering who they were.

"I'm sorry. Miss Corwell is not at home."

"Bradstreet? Glad you found your way back." The flicker of surprise in derKorst's eyes was so brief that most would have missed it. "Dr. Le Amon, medical doctor, healer extraordinaire and Director of Hy Breasil, Captain Garry Bradstreet, retired unless he had a recent promotion and junior smith."

"I believe we've a patient to see." Le was 100 percent business, even though she gave Bradstreet a quick once over inspection. Garry gave a brief nod.

"Major derKorst, this is a surprise. Dr. Le Amon, a pleasure. In fact, you are both a sight for sore eyes." He was surprised they even knew about Martin. "Yes, Martin is upstairs. I just hope you're not too late. I've been afraid he wouldn't make it through the night. Come in, please. He's upstairs." Suddenly Garry began to have some hope, the first since his entry into the village and finding Martin sick and Danielle gone.

"We've been informed, though less than an hour ago. We'd been here sooner, but the bloke Danny left the message with sent it through the chain of command without marking it a priority. He didn't even stick the name on the outside, or I'd have had it within moments of Danny having delivered it to the Beacon." The major's well practiced gaze remained on Garry Bradstreet. Dr Amon had stepped right in, even before Garry finished the invitation.

"Martin's in his room?" She thought to ask, her foot already on the first step of the stairs.

Garry met the Major's eyes while he was talking, and the incompetence of the military chain of command didn't surprise him. He turned to Dr. Amon, "Yes. Please go right up."

He turned to Major derKorst, "I want to go up with the doctor. You may also come if you wish." Garry wanted to be right there when the doctor saw Martin, but he couldn't understand why a Major and such an extraordinary doctor would come to see a mere blacksmith.

"Are you a personal friend of Martin Corwell?" Garry asked as they ascended the staircase.

"Lead the way. She'll throw us out soon enough anyway." Major derKorst made to follow Garry before he replied to his question. Dr Amon of course had already navigated the narrow stair case. 'Friend' did not describe their relationship at all. "Mr. Corwell is not just a smith."

Julian derKorst

Date: 2008-05-30 12:45 EST
Garry walked up the stairs with the Major directly behind him. He knew that Martin was not just a smith, but one of the best. Still, that did not explain a Major and prominent doctor coming to see him. "Well, he much more than a smith to me," Garry said, but further comment was cutoff by Martin's voice.

"You!?!" They could hear Martin's voice before they were half way up the stairs. And Martin did not sound pleased. They could not hear what Le replied, but they had traversed the stairs in time to witness Martin's ashen face and hear his next words to the doctor.

"Am I already dead then? You, too, Julian?" Martin looked like he was about to have another heart attack from fright.

The exclamation took Garry aback. "What is he talking about?" He looked from the doctor to Martin.

"Poppy? You're not going to die." He was being optimistic, for he indeed thought that he was.

"Hush old man and let Le have a look at you. We're here to keep you from weaseling out of your obligation, not to send you off." None of the shock Julian experienced upon seeing the bear of a man laid up and a mere shadow of himself showed.

Weaseling out of his obligation? Garry was perplexed with what kind of obligation Martin had with the military. They were probably mistaken but as long as the doctor could help, Garry didn't care.

Dr. Amon had opened her bag and now pulled out various instruments; all but the stethoscope appeared to be of incredibly advanced technology.

"Shoo now. Give me a few minutes alone with Martin." Dr Amon stepped up to bed with a confident smile for the old man, clearly expecting Julian and Garry to find the door without her assistance.

Major derKorst followed her order immediately. His look for Garry seemed to say 'told you so'. Garry wanted to stay, but he slowly backed away. He saw the Major's look and Garry shrugged and gave a faint smile before following Major derKorst back down the stairs.

"What were they talking about up there? They seem to know each other. And what's this obligation?"

"What I am about to share with you must remain within these walls." Julian had already judged Bradstreet to be a man that would take a secret to his grave, no matter the incentives to part with it.
Garry nodded. "Okay. It remains with us."

"Martin Corwell is one of the Guardians, not even all of the Guardians are aware of him being one. He's the keeper of the key, as his father was before him and his great grand father before that. It's not an obligation that is generally passed within the family, though. It takes a special kind of personality to take on the task." Major derKorst paused for a moment before he continued.

"Martin has not yet determined a successor. None but the keeper knows what the key actually looks like."

Garry listened and tried to absorb what was being said. "Keeper of the Key? I'm afraid I don't understand. Is this "key" some kind of code, or is it a real key?"

Julian derKorst

Date: 2008-05-30 12:46 EST
"Only the keeper knows that. The story is that one of the time lords, a cronomancer Guardian will have rescued the key and has brought back to before there was knowledge of its existence, for at some point the head Guardian will need it to free that which is imprisoned while keeping total control in order to avert the disaster that otherwise would ripple time in all directions." Julian had hoped that Martin may have talked to Garry about this before. Now it was obvious that he had not. Probably for the best, seeing that Bradstreet had been missing for the past year or so.

"And Martin holds this key? And if he dies, then I would guess the secret of the key and its whereabouts dies with him." Garry was overwhelmed with what he was hearing. It was almost as if all this were a joke, but he knew the Major didn't joke.

"Those under the spell of that which is imprisoned are constantly working on the destruction of the Guardians and devising all kinds of schemes to free it. Were they to know of the key's existence..." The witches would use everything humans could conceive of to get that key and as many more humans could not conceive of, or they would kill the keeper and with it the secret. Julian was not sure which would be worse. "You see why secrecy must be kept."

Garry looked down and walked about the kitchen as he thought about what was being described to him. "Yes, secrecy must be kept," Garry said, almost subconsciously.

"It is paramount that the key will have a keeper until it is needed. Martin cannot be allowed to die until he has named a successor." And that was the crux of the matter.

"Can the Dr. restore his health? Is she capable of doing that?" At this point Garry still cared more about Poppy than about any key that Poppy held.

"Perhaps. I'm sure she will let us know momentarily." Julian had witnessed Le work many miracles, but when it was someone's time to go, even she could only delay the inevitable.

Garry just gave a nod and looked up the stairs, wondering what was going on up there. Then he turned to the Major. "You said that Miss Corwell sent the note. Do you know where she is?"

"Yes, she is in Rhydin to get a particular medicine from one of the other Guardians. She was ready to depart when she took the message to the Beacon." Major derKorst was happy that he could give Bradstreet something positive. "Considering how Querylon works and travel time, she should be back tomorrow, late afternoon, evening at the latest."

Dr. Amon stepped into the hall just then and softly closed the door to Martin's room behind her. Hurried steps brought her to Garry and Julian. Her mien was serious and offered no hope.

"Poppy? Er, I mean Martin. Is he okay? Is he going to live?" Garry's relief about hearing of Danielle was quickly diminished when he saw the expression on Dr. Amon's face.

"It's worse than I imagined. I'm lifting him to Hy Breasil now but I'm making no promises. Make sure Q knows every minute, make that every second, counts." Le didn't wait for Julian's reaction but turned to return to Martin's room the moment she was done speaking. Already in the door she paused, though. "And get Danny back here now."

Julian didn't need Le to explain further to understand how grave the situation was. She hated lifting, and if she was willing to risk that Martin must indeed be more than half way to Hades. Garry swallowed and looked from Dr. Amon to Julian, not having any idea what to make of all this.

"What does she mean . . . lifting him to Hy Breasil?" He was happy to hear about getting Danny back here now, but these were not the circumstances he was hoping to meet her under.

"A high tec means of travel, nearly instant, and much saver than these roads, reserved for critical patients. Hy Breasil is the Lady's place of healing. If every second counts I must be off and take every gate available. Are going to Hy Breasil, staying or coming with me? I've an extra horse now." Major derKorst was eager to be on his way.

"I'll go! Well Miss Corwell be taken there?"

"Yes. Come on then, you can come with me as far as the Beacon. Gives me the chance to order someone to take you across the bridge."

Garry didn't hesitate. He knew how to act on an instant's notice. "Let's go!"

Julian derKorst

Date: 2008-05-30 13:10 EST
There was no opportunity for further conversation. Major derKorst pressed every bit of speed out of the horses and while Garry was an excellent rider, it took every breath just to keep up. In record time they pulled up at the main entrance and Julian dismounted even before his horse stopped moving.

"Zerkov! Have these horses walked and get me a fresh one into the portal room. On the double." In two strides he was up the stairs and fired off orders, never breaking his stride as he crossed the hall. He didn't even pause to see if Bradstreet was following or to wait for the 'Aye Sir's.

"Rushy! Three mages, in the hall, by 2100 hours, ready to go. ETA 2130. Keep the portal clear. Get the wash kitchen ready for Q and quarters. Penkovskii! Get some rest, you'll assist Q. Melange! Take Mr. Bradstreet to Hy Breasil. Port authorized. He's to get as close to Corwell as Amon will let him. Avoid admin. Clearance gamma."

"Aye, sir." Melange, a white-haired woman of apparent Elven decent and garbed in robes fashioned to match the Atrebla uniforms, moved to intercept Garry Bradstreet. The stripes on her sleeves pronounced her a seasoned war mage.

"Mr. Bradstreet? Mage Melange. I am to take you to Mr. Corwell. If you would please follow me?" She did not offer a hand.

"Have you ever been teleported before?" Her voice was as calming as her movements and she exuded competence.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-05-30 13:52 EST
Captain Bradstreet accepted the Major?s offer of the extra horse, leaving Warrior stabled at Corwell Smithy. However, it was not very long into the ride when he was wishing he had his own horse beneath him. It would have made staying abreast of Major derKorst a far easier chore. Upon reaching the main entrance, Garry dismounted right behind Julian and followed into the entry hall and listened to the major?s commands.

He looked at Mage Melange, and gave a nod of greeting. He was quite familiar with those who wielded magic from his time in Rhydin, but had stayed away from such persons as much as possible, not trusting something that was for the most part invisible and inexplicable.

Garry raised a brow when she asked if he had ever been teleported. He hadn?t before, he didn?t want to be now, and he wouldn?t be upset if he managed to avoid that experience for the rest of this life. Nevertheless, if it meant being with Poppy and Danny, he would do it ? or anything else that might be required.

?Thus far, Mage Melange, I?ve not had the pleasure. I assume that?s about to be remedied.? He gave her a confident smile.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-30 14:31 EST
"I'd not call it a pleasure, but it is faster than a boat. I understand that speed is essential." The mage led Garry back outside and indicated that they should mount the horses that were still being walked while she talked.

"We'll be going down to the lake and leave the horses at the shore. Don't worry, they always find their way back to the stable. Once I am ready to 'port us to the causeway it is advisable that you remain utterly still. You may, if you like, close your eyes; some find that helpful. The causeway is the structure floating on the lake that looks a lot like a bridge leading from and to no where. Hy Breasil Medical Center is located in the bubble dimension also referred to as Hy Breasil. I will port you first, so don't get scared if you don't see me next to you right away. It's saver that way and I will be right along. Try not to fall off the causeway, that would cause an avoidable delay. You should not be experiencing any discomfort or disorientation as you step from the causeway onto the front lawn. Do expect a much milder climate upon arrival, though. We will take a side entrance as I was ordered to circumvent administration and security. Then I'll take you down to ICU using the stair case instead of the lift, again in order to avoid security."

They were well on their way, though Melange kept her horse to a leisurely pace, by the time she paused for a breath. Any diver would have been envious of just how long this woman could talk without having to pause for air.

"Do you have any questions?"

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-05-30 16:18 EST
Garry gave her that ?You?ve got to be kidding me? look. His head was filled with questions, not the least of which was ?Have there been any fatalities doing this?? but he kept them to himself.

?No, I think I?ve got it straight ? keep still, don?t fall off the causeway, wait for you to arrive. I think I?ll keep my eyes open, though; hate to miss any of the excitement.?

Actually he would have loved to miss all of the excitement of the last few days. This was not exactly the kind of Beacon Town homecoming he had been anticipating. The only thing that could make it worse would be seeing Danielle show up with a two-month old baby, and that thought wasn?t even funny!

They arrived at the lake and Garry dismounted at the shore. He looked around, took a deep breath and stretched. ?Beautiful day for a transportation,? he said facetiously. He made light of the situation to keep fear and worry at bay, but he knew this entire trip was serious ? gravely serious.


Date: 2008-05-30 23:26 EST
Querylon interrupted what she was doing to answer the forceful knock against the front door of her cottage, hoping that whoever it was could be put off for a couple of days.

?Major derKorst, what a surprise.? She stepped and invited him in with a wave of her hand. ?What brings you here??

While the major had come around a few times to check on her since she had left Vincent, his mien this afternoon did not suggest that this was to be a social visit.

?Querylon,? Julian bowed briefly but respectfully before he followed her invitation, ?we are in dire need of your special talent. I have come to fetch you. We must leave at once.?

?I can not leave, I am sorry.? Querylon was sincerely sorry. She hated to have to deny any favor the major asked of her, but what she was working on just simply had to take priority. ?I am in the middle of preparing a potion for Mister Corwell. His girl expects it to be ready by morning and she seemed unhappy that it would take that long.?

?Mr. Corwell is the dire need.? Julian had not missed any of the emotions so clearly expressed by her beautiful face as if she had put them into words, nor had it escaped his detection that she must have been working none stop at this potion for days ?I?ll help you pack, just tell me what you will need. Would you like a change of clothes??

?Just everything on the table,? she shook her head and went to pull a stack of tissue paper from a cabinet drawer, ?but be careful not to crush or bend any of the herbs.?

?Everything?? Julian groaned. There was not a clear spot on the table to see if it there was wood under all that stuff or a table cloth. ?This will take forever.?

?Yes.? Querylon stated simply as she picked up a basket to carry everything in.

Packing everything did not take forever, but Querylon insisted that they could not pack the partially finished potion until it was properly cooled. So it was sometime after dark when Major derKorst helped her into the saddle and they were ready to set out.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-30 23:35 EST
Deceiving Appearances

Danielle checked the folded note that was carefully tucked into the sleeve of her dress before she entered the common room. She still wasn?t sure that she should visit the young elf. Her mind was miles away more often than not and she did worry what she would find upon returning home on the morrow. Her bag was already packed and she was all set to head out come morning.

Her mind thusly occupied her steps were slow. She was almost surprised that she had made it that far when she came up against the bar and onto a stool. The Inn was crowded again, even more so then the night before.

?Good evening, Locke.? She said, still pre-occupied.

?Evening, Danielle. Get you something to drink?? Locke winked and grinned.

?Yes.? She finally managed to pull her thoughts into the here and now and even a little smile. ?I was going to get a drink.?

?Right-o. One moment.? Locke moved so fast, for a moment he seemed to blur as he filled orders of other people at the bar. Then he was standing before Danielle again. ?What would you like??

?Hmm, what would I like?? Danielle?s mind was blank; she could not seem to remember the name of any suitable liquid and for a moment she looked utterly lost. ?I have no idea. I forgot to get advice on that.?

?I can try and whip up something quick and interesting if you like.? Locke offered in-between fetching bottle from a cooler and pouring spirits into glasses.

?Yes, that would be very helpful. Thank you.? She gave Locke a thankful smile.

As crowded as it was, Locke didn't have time to really whip up anything too fancy, just a Collins glass filled with orange juice and vodka. He handed the drink to Danielle, smiling.

?There you go, mate. Name's Locke. Locke D'Vestavio. Give me a shout and I will try to catch your order, savvy??

?Thank you kindly.? She reached for the glass and took a sip. ?That's pretty good, like juice with a little something extra.?

?Screwdriver. Simple, yet effective.? Locke explained with another wink.

?Yet no metallic taste at all. Screwdriver, what an odd name for something sweet.? Effective to do what, she wondered. Danielle touched her fingers to her sleeve. Yes, the note was still there. But what did it say?

?Locke? When will it be less busy?? That was certainly not what the note said. Danielle shook her head lightly. But Locke was off again to take and fill orders and to collect coins. Just as well, Danielle thought and took another sip.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-30 23:36 EST
Just as she had given up on receiving a reply Locke once again stood in front of her. ?Earlier in the day is better. Why do you ask??

?Oh never mind, I did it all wrong.? Danielle felt heat rise in her cheeks and she quickly pulled the folded note from her sleeve to hand to Locke. ?Here.?

But he just took the note and put it into a pocket, presumably to read it later. That certainly was not to plan either. Danielle sighed and for lack of anything else to do picked up her glass again for another sip.

People around her came and left, seemingly without taking note of her. That suited her just fine.

?Tara, please refrain from shooting the customers.? Locke said and Danielle turned to look what that might be about. But the moment already had passed. She didn?t see her new friends from the previous night among the patrons, either.

?Anybody else whose order I missed?? Locke asked for the umpteenth time before he could run out of things to do, and a few minutes later, ?Missing anybody else??

?Yeah me Locke! I want a complaint form!? Someone called out.

?What for?? Locke asked with an arched brow.

?Oh a complaint form, what a marvelous idea. I think I could use one of those, too.? Danielle?s complaints had nothing to do with the inn, though.

?For you failing to see that THAT guy jus' shot up yer roof while all I did was point the boom stick at someone.? A doll faced woman pointed at a man Danielle couldn?t see.

?My apologies, mate.? Locke offered to the doll.

?If I was yer mate ID EAT YOU!? The woman replied. Danielle winced at hearing those words come from that pretty face like chalk on a wet board. The woman had more to say and none of it any prettier.

?It is rather busy now. Perhaps you would like to assist me behind the bar. Make sure I don't miss anything?? Locke invited her after she was done venting.

?Hand me that apron, Locke. Miss Dey used to let me wear it an' I used to be a tender here I?ll have you know! Yes, Locke, do it or I will tell Panther you slapped me.?

Danielle just shook her head in disbelieve and then made another attempt at getting here glass empty before setting it down again.

?There. Empty. Well, nearly empty... almost empty... empty enough?? Danielle was not even aware that she had said the words out loud when the doll with the impossible manners, now wearing an apron, looked to Danielle.

?I am sorry but that glass still has a drop left. It is against the rules to leave liquids in tavern glasses. Drink up or I will have to ask you to leave according to Rule # 408.?

?This would be so much easier if you used smaller glasses, Locke.? Danielle doubted that there truly was such a rule.

?What would?? Locke regarded Danielle with a confused look.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-05-30 23:37 EST
?Getting your attention, silly.? Danielle blushed again and bit her bottom lip. But that last word had already slipped out. She thought the doll silly, though, not Locke.

?Need something?? Locke didn?t seem to have taken offense.

?Yes. A drink in a really small glass, a tiny glass, perhaps better a thimble.? Danielle felt strange suddenly.

?This is Danielle. Me and her met a few months past. I dueled against her the other day.? He explained to the doll.

?You did, did you?? The doll narrowed her eyes at Locke. ?Well stop pussyfootin around an' ask her out already. Yer both makin me sick.?

Danielle was mortified that the woman should speak so. He certainly couldn?t be asking her out now! She was going home tomorrow and she would not come back into Rhydin until Poppy was well again.

?I already have a mot, mate.? He replied with a flat-faced grin. He did pour Danielle a slightly smaller glass of vodka and orange juice, though.?

?What's a mot?? Danielle and the doll wanted to know, though the doll threw in a few words better suited for use by a sailor.

?Girlfriend.? Locke shrugged his shoulders.

?Oh.? Well, that settled that.

?Then you have no business talkin to her!? The doll shooed at Locke and then spat sharply Danielle. ?Go 'way.?

Locke nodded to Danielle and then to the doll before he once again resumed pouring drinks and fetching bottles while the doll turned to greet someone.

There were still a few hours to get through until she could leave to fetch the medicine from the herb woman. Danielle still was trying to think of how to best spend those hours when the doll got loud again with a finger pointed at her.

?Locke here has a girlfriend an' this woman is coming onto him.?

?Dude! Don't flirt with pretty blue.? The doll?s friend appeared outraged.

Locke, while glancing at each in turn, didn?t say anything at all. That bothered Danielle more than anything the ill behaved brats said.

?You can just keep your stupid drink, Locke.? Danielle had just about all she could stand and slid off the stool, then she turned to Locke again. ?Uhm, I still need that key.?

?Key to what?? Locke appeared confused.

?Room 18. And I will be taking one of those complaint forms.? She should be able to while away at least half an hour filling out one of those.

Locke just let the spiteful doll grab the complaint form and sighed. ?I miss anybody's order??

?Here you are, HOMEWRECKER.? She handed Danielle the piece of paper, then turned to Locke. ?No. You are doing fine. I will chastise you when you screw up.?

?You forgot that key. The sooner I have it the sooner I can remove myself from those nasty creatures that seem to enjoy nothing better than to cause other people grief.?

Locke grabbed a key and dangled it in front of Danielle. ?There you go.?

?See what I mean Sami?? The doll, Danielle started to suspect that she was an old hag in a pretty disguise, pointed again. ?She's flirting so bad with him he missed yer order.?

?About time.? Danielle snapped up the key and immediately regretted her words. That woman was grinding on her nerves and while she was disappointed that the elf didn?t appear to have a back bone, she was not upset with him. Not every man could be as gallant as Garry. The entire idea had been stupid to begin with. She didn?t really want to go out with anyone.

?I meant, thank you,? she amended before she turned to get away from the spiteful voice and ignored whatever else it was that the doll spat in her direction.

Danielle was halfway to the stairs when she paused mid-step. Now that she could no longer hear the grinding voice being in the middle of the crowd noise, too loud to hear oneself think, was much more appealing than brooding in her room until dawn. She shouldn?t even put any store into anything the hateful creature had said. With that thought Danielle turned to sit down at a table instead.

Julian derKorst

Date: 2008-05-30 23:41 EST
Collecting Danielle

?Would you mind terribly to wait outside with the horses while I go inside to fetch Danny? It should not take long. She?s probably already packed up and I doubt that she is finding sleep tonight.? Julian asked as they were riding toward the center of town.

?No, not at all. In fact, I would prefer that. Your plan permits me a few moments? time to prepare for the task ahead.? Querylon abhorred riding after dark and even with the major leading, it took every ounce of her concentration and what little equine skill she possessed to just keep from falling off. She was glad when Major derKorst finally halted the horses in front of the inn.

?I will be back in a trice. Are you sure you will be okay out here by yourself?? Julian did not like having to leave her without protection. When he perceived her nod he added, ?Head for the portal if there is any trouble.?

Major derKorst paused just inside the door for a quick look around. Not immediately spotting the object of his search, the Major marched to the bar and addressed the keep.

?May I see your ledger please?? The bar keep however appeared distracted, so Julian repeated his request somewhat louder. The ledger please??

?Need a room, sir?? The bar keep had heard him this time and pulled out the ledger.

?No, information.? Julian turned the ledger to the page with the most recent entries.

?What sort of information?? The barkeep wanted to know with a raised brow.

?Is she here, lad?? Julian tapped his finger on Miss Corwell?s entry.

?Over there, mate.? The boy gestured to a table after he had looked at the page to read the name.

?Thanks be the lady?s.? He would not have to fetch her from her room. Without another word he marched straight over to the indicated table.

?Miss Corwell??

?Yes?? Danielle turned and looked up with questioning eyes and then paled visibly when she recognized first the uniform and then the major.

?Dr Amon send me to bring you word, you are to return post haste.?

?Poppy. Is he...? Daniele came to her feet at once.

?Not yet. You can ride?? He took her arm and led her to the door.

?Yes. Hey, wait a minute.? She needed to pick up the medicine in the morning.

?There is no time. You can return for your things later.? Julian held the door open for her.

Danielle paled a whiter shade of pale at the major's words and obvious hurry. Tears stung her eyes and suddenly she was glad for the major?s secure grip of her arm for she could not see where she set her feet.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-01 16:28 EST

Danielle was as if in a daze, walking through a night mare. While she observed that the way Major derKorst was leading them was not at all the way she knew was the shortest one to the portal to the Atrebla Valley, she did not think to comment on or ask about it. Neither did she react in any way when the major led them, as it appeared to her, straight into a wall at the end of a narrow ally. It also was perfectly fitting for the nightmare she was currently living that the herb woman didn?t appear to find anything wrong with the route they were taking and riding her horse into a wall.

Major derKorst had terrified her with the news that Poppy, her grandfather and the only family she had since her parents disappeared when she was but a very small child, was not only very ill, but dying and that they needed to hurry if she wanted to say good bye to him.

In fact, the entirety of the last few days had an unreal quality to them. Granted, Poppy had taken ill several times in the past year, but he had always gotten well again. He never had sent her off with a message to Major derKorst or to find an herb woman to get medicine, and she didn?t go visiting strangers at work just because she missed Garry, and there certainly was no such thing as handsome 6 feet tall fairy men.

The portal did not take them to the valley either, but into an odd room. It was ringed with portals. In the center a huge crystal globe hovered over a pedestal, a greenish ring around it at an angle, globe and ring defying gravity. The room itself was bright as if lit by the brightest summer sun, but she couldn?t detect so much as a single source of light. It was the strangest, most unreal place she had ever seen.

Two wide steps separated the portal she had emerged from and the floor of the room that appeared no more substantial than a few fluffy clouds reflected on the surface of the lake on a hot day without so much as a breeze. The sound of the horses' hooves hitting the shiny floor was loud, though. No, she would wake up soon and this night mare would be over.

But that was not to be.

Major derKorst lifted Danielle from her horse and set her on her feet and then turned to Querylon who was now standing next to them.

?Querylon,? he paused until she was looking at him. His voice was the kind that forbid all argument when he continued, ?the mages will port us to the bridge.?

Only then did Danielle become aware of the three war mages, all three of them looking expectantly at them. And then the great hall flickered. When the flickering settled she was standing on the bridge from and to nowhere.

She felt Major derKorst's hand gripping her arm again and thought Querylon looked disturbed. The she was led off one end of the bridge and she instinctively held her breath in preparation for stepping into the icy water of Atrebla Lake.

To her surprise that last step did not take her into the water but onto a grassy field. Across the field were two large buildings unlike any she had ever seen before. But she was not given time to study the strange surroundings. Already Major derKorst was leading them toward a side entrance and she nearly had to run to keep up with his stride.

Once inside the major led her and the herb woman down an oddly bright, long hallway, around a corner and another hallway. Doors lined the walls at irregular intervals. He paused them in front of a set of metallic doors. After a moment the doors slid apart and two people definitely not human but of a race she didn?t recognize stepped from the room and walked past them.

Major derKorst pulled her into the small the room that could only be a closet though it lacked shelving. As soon as Querylon had followed them in the doors closed and Danielle had the odd sensation of her stomach falling.

Before she could give that another thought the doors slid apart again and major derKorst pulled her back into the hallway. Perhaps he had taken a wrong turn, Danielle thought. The major paused to exchange a few words with the goblin that now stood in the hallway and then led them around a corner and down a different, much shorter hallway. He stopped at one of the doors and opened it for her and the herb woman to enter the room that lay beyond.

A narrow bed, white linen, stood in the center. A woman in a thin white coat stood beside the bed, eyes closed, her hand rested on the chest of the man lying in the bed.

?Poppy.? Danielle whispered. She recognized him at once despite his face being pale gray. For an endless moment she had the sensation of the floor having disappeared from beneath her feet.

?Querylon, blessed be, over here. The rest of you: out!? The woman in the white coat demanded.

Danielle stood as if rooted to the spot.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-06-02 16:47 EST
Either it was the journey that made him perspire, or Mage Melange was quite accurate about the milder climate. More than likely it was a combination of both. The mage led him off the bridge with a step onto a grassy field that seemed to spring up out of nowhere. Garry did not have a great affection for technology, but when it came to choosing technology or magic, technology would win every time. Magic was just to unpredictable.

They immediately headed to one of the two large buildings that were there and took the side entrance, then the stairway down to ICU instead of using the lift, just as she had said. They walked down several hallways and came to room that had the door open and a great deal of activity going on. Garry saw Poppy on the only bed in the room and it appeared that he had arrived there not long before Garry. They were still removing his clothes and preparing instrumentation that Garry had never seen before. Most of his dealings with medical personnel had been in field tents on the front lines of defense, where a cot and antiseptics were considered a luxury. This was an entirely new experience.

Dr. Le Amon came into the room so quickly that her thin, white coat flowed behind her. She pointed to Garry, ?Go sit over there against the wall and don?t say anything.?

Garry complied and sat in a chair that was behind the door when it opened. He knew he was there in the room only because he was the closest thing to a relative that was around at the time, and there was obviously a concern that Martin could expire at any time. He sat and watched as they made Martin comfortable and Dr. Le Amon began to make preparations. She closed her eyes and rested her hand on Martin?s chest.

At that moment the door opened once more and Garry heard Danielle?s voice whisper ?Poppy?. He rose to his feet and saw her enter. An angel from heaven wouldn?t have looked more beautiful and glorious than Danielle did to him in that instant. There was another woman with her whom Garry didn?t recognize.

?Querylon, blessed be, over here. The rest of you: out!? commanded the doctor.

?Danielle!? Garry said as he rushed to her side and held out his arms to her.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-06-03 11:13 EST
Garry's voice touched something deep inside Danielle, and movement came back to her as if his voice had removed whatever was holding her in place. Then she was in his arms, her hands and cheek resting on his broad chest. "Please, don't be a dream." The plea rushed from Danielle very quietly. Perhaps she was hallucinating him, but he felt real, solid and strong. She lifted her head to gaze upon his beloved face, and his warmth - she had not even noticed that she was cold - started to slowly spread out from her center.

Such a flood of mixed feelings washed over Garry. The fear and worry for Martin were momentarily forgotten by the joy of being reunited with the woman he loved more than life. His strong arms wrapped around Danielle, and his hands moved over her back, and then up to her head, finally returning to her back as if he were feeling her to determine if she were really substantial and not some deceptive spirit. "Oh my love," he spoke softly against her ear, "I'm not a dream; although I confess that I do feel like I must be dreaming. Oh how I've missed you!" He held her extra tight, not wanting to chance her slipping away.

"Hrrm, Hrrm." Julian derKorst cleared his throat. "If you would follow me."

Danielle had heard Major derKorst, but the words made no sense. She'd not go anywhere when Garry was here. Her hand moved up to touch his cheek. "It?s really you. I?ve missed you, too."

Garry?s hand covered hers and he kissed her palm. "I'm home, and I'm never leaving you again, Danny." He looked to Julian and back to Danielle. "I think we need to leave the room. Poppy is not doing well, honey; but he's in very good hands. Let's follow Major derKorst." He placed his arm around Danielle and took her hand in his opposite hand. He just had to keep touching her; the feel of Danny was like a spring of water to a man dying of thirst.

"The herb woman . . . Poppy sent me for medicine and to tell Major derKorst." Garry wasn't going to leave, but would stay; and despite her worry about her grandfather her heart lurched with joy at hearing those words. She walked as close to him as possible and still be walking, needing to feel the warmth of his body against her.

Major derKorst led them down the hall and opened a door to a private waiting room, while Garry walked with his body and Danielle's pressed against each other. To an observer they might have looked like two grieving people comforting each other, but in reality Garry was so filled with joy and relief in having Danny with him again that it took all his self control to not just turn her around and kiss her long and deep. They entered the waiting room and Garry motioned to a couch. "Let's sit there," he said.

"You'll have to excuse me. I will join you as soon as duty permits." Major derKorst flipped the sign at the door and then closed it behind him, not waiting for either of them to reply. Garry watched the Major leave and smiled at his wisdom and sensitivity.

"Yes," Danielle said as she sat down without releasing his hand. They had so much to talk about and there was so much she wanted to know, but right now it was enough just to be able to look upon him and to feel him close.

Garry kept his one hand around her and continued to hold her hand with the other. His body was turned toward hers and he just looked into her beautiful eyes. "I can't believe we're together again. I was so afraid that I had lost you. And when I came home and found Poppy so sick, I thought I was losing the only two people is this world that I love." He leaned in and placed a kiss upon her cheek, wanting so much to kiss her lips but not wanting to do anything that might be inappropriate.

"Me too," Danielle replied. The feeling of his lips on her cheek was heavenly. Her fingers, that had been cold earlier, were warming up now that he held her hand. Then her warm brown eyes were gazing into his again. She still could not quite believe that he was really there and a little afraid that should she look away he might disappear. Then she remembered his words and the way he had said them and smiled. "I was looking for you or for news from you when you did not return, but no one wanted to admit to knowing anything. Poppy took ill a few times, but never like this."

Garry pulled her against him so that she might lay her head on his shoulder. "They probably didn't know anything. I will tell you all about it when we get home. It's a long story, but it's over and behind us. I'm so worried about Poppy. He's just got to make it through."

"I want to hear every detail of that long story, too." She did rest her head on his shoulder. For long moments she was silent and squeezed his hand. Tears once again stung her eyes and there was a knot in her throat, threatening to choke her at the thought that it was very possible that Poppy would not make it this time. "You?re really here to stay." Danielle said once she could talk again. "That has to make a difference. He missed you, too."

Garry nodded his head against Danny's. "There's nothing in this universe that's going to take me away from you and Poppy. I told him I was home for good, so he knows it also." Garry kissed her forehead. "He'll be okay. He's a fighter." Garry couldn't even imagine the home and smith shop without Poppy around, yet he also knew it was a very real possibility.

"I am glad you two got to talk." She tilted her head without lifting it from his shoulder and gently squeezed his fingers again. She wanted to feel his warm firm lips on hers.

Garry looked at Danny as she looked up at him. His gaze went to her lips and then to her beautiful brown eyes as he slowly lowered his face to hers. His hand caressed the side of her face as he took in her features. "I love you, Danny," he whispered just before his lips came to hers and moved against them in a slow, loving kiss with his eyes closed.

Danielle wanted to tell him that she loved him right back, but his lips were already on hers. So she told him by kissing him instead of with words. Eventually she withdrew her hand from his and moved her fingers into his hair.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-05 12:25 EST
Good News Bad News

"I love you, Garry." Danielle whispered against Garry's lips some time later. While she was deliriously happy that Garry had returned and was all in one piece, the worry about her grandfather would not allow her to enjoy his presence as fully as she would have otherwise.

Her words melted Garry's heart. Those were the words he had longed to hear for over a year now. He just held Danielle more tightly and placed kisses on her hair. After a minute of just holding her and enjoying each other's presence he pulled slightly back and looked into her eyes.

"Danny, I can't stand staying in this room and just waiting for news. I want to walk to Poppy's door. Would you like to come?"

"Yes! I didn't even get to have a good look at him earlier." She greeted Garry's suggestion with enthusiasm. It was like he head read her mind before she had the thought of needing to know what was happening with Poppy. "I didn't like being in town waiting for the medicine to be made and leaving his care to a neighbor either."

Danielle came to her feet perhaps a little too fast, but she didn't let a little dizzy spell slow her down and only held Garry's hand a little tighter than she used to. Garry smiled, seeing once again that they were so alike in so many ways. He turned to the door and opened it.

"Come, sweetheart. I think I can find our way back to the room." He reached for Danielle's hand and walked into the hall and looked both ways.

"Ah, yes! This way!" Garry headed to the left. They walked down the hall and made a turn and the door was clearly visible. "Who was that you came with, love?" Garry ask as they walked in the direction of Martin's room.

"Major derKorst and the herb woman that was to make the medicine. She said she'd have it ready by morning for to pick it up. She doesn't look much like an herb woman, though." At least the woman looked nothing like Danielle thought an herb woman should look like, old, white haired and wrinkled. This one was young and with very red hair and didn't have as much as a mole in her wrinkle free face.

"She must have good herbs," Garry teased and gave Danny's hand a squeeze just before they came to the door. "Here, you step in front of me. I can look over your head." Garry maneuvered to get behind Danielle so that they could both look through the door's small window.

Danielle peered through the window. The herb woman, easily recognizable by the rare color of her curly hair, had her back to them and looked very engrossed in whatever it was she was doing. But the way she was seated didn't allow Danielle a glimpse of Poppy's face. Two other people were in the room, both in thin white coats. One of them looked to be reading to the other two from various flickering boards. Her lips were moving anyway though Danielle couldn't hear anything of what may have been said inside the room. The other stood next to bed, adjusting one of the bags that hung from a stand.

"What are they doing? Can you tell?" Danielle had never before been at a hospital, modern or otherwise, and what little she had witnessed of a healer's work had not prepared her for what she was watching now.

"I don't know, honey. But I do recognize one of the women. Major derKorst said that she's one of the very best. Her bedside manners stink, but as long as she can help, that's all that matters." He looked over her head, his chin against Danny's hair. "She had said that she couldn't do anything for Poppy while at home. She needed to have him here." He rested his hands on her shoulders to comfort her.

"I'm so very glad you are here." Danielle leaned back against Garry, accepting the comfort he offered. "She does look capable, doesn't she?"

He nodded against her hair. "Yes... she does."

The woman turned then and saw them peering through the window. She seemed to say something to the other two and then walked toward the door.

"Hmmm...we've been discovered, honey."

"She doesn't look angry, though." Danielle took half a step aside just before the door opened and the woman slipped out into the hallway.

Garry looked at Dr. Amon and whispered to Danny, "She's the doctor." He then turned to the doctor and didn't say anything. He figured that he'd find out soon enough.

"Danielle Corwell?" The woman asked and when Danielle nodded continued, "I'm Dr. Amon and in charge of caring for your grandfather."

"How is he?" Danielle asked the question uppermost in her mind. Garry reached for Danny's hand and gave it a squeeze, ready for anything.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-05 12:26 EST
"Your grandfather is in the best hands, but you have to understand that he is very sick. We lost his vitals twice already." Dr Amon kept meeting Danielle's eyes and took note of the girl's expression. "That means his heart beat and breathing stopped. But we got those going again for now."

Garry dropped Danny's hand to bring his arm up to her shoulders and he put his arm around her as the news was spoken. Danielle?s fingers immediately felt oddly naked.

"With most people with heart problems there is a blockage we can remove or a weakness in a part that we can fix or replace. With your grandfather, though, the problem is a general degeneration. In layman's terms, he is getting old, but his heart is doing so at a faster rate then the rest of his body." Dr Amon paused for a breath.

"How much... time, doctor?" Garry squeezed Danny around the shoulders.

Dr Amon glanced up to Garry "When the heart does not want to work, the other systems want to fail too. While we have a regenerator, we can only regenerate as is not as was twenty years ago. That is why we brought in Querylon. She has the very rare talent of re-directing for lack of a better word, life force."

"Can she make his heart younger?" Garry wasn't sure he was even asking the right questions.

"In a way, but not really.? Dr Amon turned her gaze to Danielle again. ?As you may imagine, with a young person such can work with much less complications than with one of your grandfather's age. Your grandfather has very little life left to be re-directed and he can't really afford that. So what Querylon is doing is directing life force from one of the few herbs that this can be done with into your grandfather."

"So, I guess you're saying that we're literally trying to buy time, but with the herbs as the monetary unit." Garry commented.

"This is not a cure however. A plant's life force is simple and much less powerful as that of a human, and therein are limits. The medicine Querylon was making for you was along those lines, but the direct method is needed now.? Dr Amon turned to Garry again, ?Yes, we are buying your grandfather some time. He will use the plants' life force instead of the at best hours he has."

Danielle took in all the information without so much as blinking, not wanting to miss a word. So the doctor and the herb woman were turning hours into days. To her that seemed like a miracle.

"Querylon is good, very good, but she too can't do without sleep and those herbs do not grow like grass. We can probably get him up to a year, less should he catch a cold or infection." Dr Amon wanted to avoid giving the pair any false hope.

Garry nodded, a little hope starting to come once again. "If you and Querylon can get him well enough to go home, Danny and I will take really good care of him. We promise."

"I have no doubt of that." Dr Amon smiled to both before she continued with a more serious mien. "He will have to stay here until Querylon managed to work enough magic to get him stable. In a week, perhaps two your grandfather may come home. Querylon will come by your house on a daily basis until it is safe to switch to pre-made medicine.?

"May we go in and see him?" Danielle needed to see for herself that he was alive and that there was hope. The doctor's words, while she immediately trusted her, were just not enough.

Garry looked at Danielle then back to Dr. Amon. "And can we stay here with him?"

Dr. Amon shook her head sadly. She had always hated this part of her job the most. "No, I can't in good conscience allow that while Querylon is working. The risk of distraction and that of either of your life forces responding is too great. But if you'd like wait here a while longer, I will call you in the moment it is save. Querylon has been working none stop for days and I am sure she cannot keep this up for much longer."

"If you'd like to stay close by, our waiting rooms are equipped for overnight stays and the cafeteria food is actually rather decent instead of just barely edible." Dr. Amon was rather proud of her cafeteria. It did offer personnel, family and recovering patients a comfortable place to rest besides a wide range of meals to please nearly every pallet.

"Thank you, doctor. We'll talk it over while we're waiting." Garry nodded. Danielle looked up to Garry, tears once again threatening to spill over, but also hopeful that he'd be for staying as long as possible.

"I am very sorry I did not have any better news for you." Dr Amon nodded, and then turned away from them and as quietly as possible re-entered the room.

Garry turned and took Danny into his arms when Dr. Amon left. "I wouldn't feel right going home with Poppy here, honey. I'd just be too distracted to do any work anyway. I could stay here. This wouldn't be close to the worst place that I've slept."

"I want to stay,? Danielle offered after a moment?s thought, ?but I've nothing with me. Major derKorst was in such a hurry that he'd not even let me grab the traveling bag from my room at the inn. How long can you stand me in the same clothes?" She agreed that they would have no peace waiting at home for word of how Poppy was doing. Even if they only would get to see him for minutes here and there, those minutes would be well worth every little discomfort.

Garry had to grin at Danny's words. "I think I can stand you until the clothes literally fall off your body." He laughed and kissed her cheek. "If you get too stinking, I'll ask a nurse for one of those hospital gowns for you; the kind that doesn't close in the back." He gave her a wink.

"They make gowns like that?" She asked with a moment's horror. Then she realized he was merely teasing her and she chuckled. Garry's teasing felt good and she was glad for the respite from dealing with the terrible news the doctor had for them. "You got me. What do you think the stable master will do to Fred's horse when I am not picking it up in the morning?"

"Oh, he'll have the horse tended to. I'm sure about that. Soon we'll all be home and things will get back to normal. Well, not quite normal." He gave Danny a wink, wondering if she could guess what he had in mind.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-06-10 23:20 EST
Back Home Again

Garry walked out of his room on the first floor of the Corwell home, his hair still wet and his fingers still buttoning the remaining buttons of his shirt. It was the morning after their return from the medical center, and for the first time in eighteen months Garry finally felt at home and good about things again. He could smell Danielle's cooking and he could instantly tell that she hadn't forgotten how. He knew that Martin would be resting up in his bedroom and Garry wanted a chance to get to talk with him privately today. He saw Danielle and a smile broke out upon his face. "Hey there, sunshine! Good morning!"

"Good morning, Garry." Danielle quickly set down the big coffee pot on the table and then turned a bright smile to Garry. "Did you sleep well? You have no idea how much I missed seeing you come from that door in the mornings."

He had to smile as he walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "I slept like a log, baby. It's so good to have us all under this roof again. Not to mention the smell of your cooking and that coffee you make." He took a seat at the table. "I want to spend some time with Poppy today. Also want to get ol' Corwell Smithy stoked up again. Don't want people to think we're out of business. Some competition might crop up. You can never be lax in the business world."

"Poppy already has his coffee upstairs. He said he needed a couple cups at least before considering getting up." Danielle poured coffee for Garry and herself before sitting down at the table. "I'm sure he'll love some company, but I doubt he can manage the stairs down any better this morning than he did yesterday going up. The smithy has been closed for quite a while now. I'm sure the moment people see smoke rising from the chimney there'll be customers though. I've had to turn quite a few people away that said they'd come back later."

Garry sipped the coffee and looked upon Danielle's face. He couldn't wait to give her the gifts he had gotten, but that would have to wait for just a little while longer. "I'll take up his next cup of coffee. I need to talk to him." Garry looked down into his cup. "You know, boring business things." Garry wanted to ask Martin for Danielle's hand in marriage, and that had to be a man-to-man time.

"That is a great idea. I'll have a little shopping to do this morning." She didn't want to leave even for an hour now that Garry was back, but there was little in the way of usable food stuffs around the house after no one having been home in nearly two weeks. She hoped Garry wasn't missing bread with his morning meal and that the muffins would be an acceptable replacement. "I shouldn't be gone long, though."

He eyed the muffins and then looked back to Danielle. "Take your time, honey; and here . . . " he reached into his pocket and pulled out a good amount of money. "I know we're in need of just about everything, so you stock up, okay? And ask someone to help you out to the carriage with the bags." He smiled, realizing he was always getting protective of the woman he loved so much. Trying to cover his concern he added, "Those lads in the grocery need the exercise. Don't let them get away with just standing around and watching you." He gave Danielle a wink, knowing that if he were one of those lads, he'd be watching Danielle like crazy.

"Thank you." For a moment Danielle had considered refusing the money, but it had been a while since Poppy had restocked the cash drawer and it was starting to look rather empty. Then she had to chuckles at his description of the boys. "Their mom would box their ears if she caught them gaping. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see on the table?"

The first thought that came to Garry's mind was a wedding cake, but he refrained from saying that. "I think some meat and potatoes would be good to build up Poppy's strength, and plenty of vegetables, so don't worry about spending that money." There was plenty more where that came from and he'd soon have to tell Danielle all about it. "Oh, and maybe some ice cream for these hot evenings. And plenty of tea for some of that sunshine iced tea. And. . ." He stopped, realizing he was like a kid in a candy store. "Well, whatever you think is best. You know better than me."

"I had better have the ice man bring some ice too." Danielle chuckled. Garry did seem to want her gone for a while and she started wondering what all he had to talk about with Poppy, or if he just was looking for an excuse to get her some time in the sun. "It probably won't hurt to have something refreshing to offer to Querylon either. She always looked exhausted when she was done working with Poppy at the hospital."

"Excellent point!" he replied. "See, all guys can think about it ice cream and steak. We need you to get the practical items." He sipped his coffee and began to chew on a muffin. "Mmm...this is great." He took another bite. "Let me know when you want me to get that wagon hooked up for you."

"I don't think I'll need the wagon hooked up." Danielle could barely eat. She was too busy looking and smiling at Garry and enjoying that he was there to look at. "I'll bring a few of the important things with me and the rest will be delivered later. It's not like I'm going to Rhydin for winter provisions."

Garry looked down and laughed. "See! What do I know! I'm really thinking that I need you in my life Danielle." He looked at her lovingly and gave her a wink. "I'm so glad to be home," he added softly.

At that look and those words Danielle simply couldn't stay in her seat any more. She just had to get up and wrap her arms around Garry. "I'm very glad that you are home, too."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-13 13:11 EST
Man to Man

Garry gave Danielle a kiss and then waited for Danielle to leave for the general store. He turned his gaze up the stairs and knew that this was the time. He took a deep breath and went to Martin's refilled cup of coffee that was sitting on the table. He went and picked up the coffee and walked up the stairs.

"Well, Poppy, with this cup you've managed to drain the pot to empty." Garry smiled and handed Martin the cup.

"That makes one thing I can still do." Martin greeted that news with a pleased smile. His hand was not completely steady and he had to use both hands to drink from the cup.

Garry went over to the window to look out. Danny was walking up the street and turned her head to look back to the house just before she would round the corner. She thought she saw someone standing at Poppy's window. It had to be Garry, she thought, and raised an arm to wave.

"I'll have the smithy up and running today, Poppy. I'm sure the people of this town will be happy to see smoke coming from our chimney again. You've taught me well, so I don't expect problems. If there's anything I don't know, I'll come up and ask."

"You should find plenty of material to work with. Danny went into town to get supplies before the winter, but I wasn't in any shape to make use of any of it. In the drawer with the book is an order from the Beacon. You'll probably want to get to that first." Martin drank some more coffee, not so much because he was thirsty, but the emptier the cup got the easier it was for him to hold the darn thing. "So, Garry, have you decided then to take over the shoppe and be a smith?"

Garry waved back at Danielle, loving her so much. Already he was missing her. He turned to Martin, "I'll do that. I know they'll be pounding down our doors if they don't get their order fulfilled." He walked to Martin's bed and sat down on the chair that was next to it. "I think that decision has been made for me, Poppy. I'm ready to start. You've taught me well."

"It puts me at ease more than I can put into words that it'll be you rather than some stranger taking over the smithy and using my tools." Martin gave a chuckle and then a little impatient with his weakness, "here, you hold that led cup. I've been hoping that your interest in the smithing was real and not just a play to get to eat Danny's cooking."

Garry took the cup. "I've got to admit that I do enjoy her cooking." He laughed and set the cup down. "Actually, there is something else that I really need to talk with you about. I suppose this is as good a time as any."

"Now, isn't that just a coincidence. There's something I really need to talk with you about, too." Martin sat up straighter, which took much more effort than he thought it should.

That took Garry by surprise. "Well, do you want to go first, sir?"

"I might as well." Martin nodded slowly. "It's something I should have talked about with you before you left. But I thought I had plenty of time to wait for the right moment and I wanted to be absolutely sure you were the right one to ask. Mind you, I was starting to doubt myself on that when ye didn't make it back before the second winter."

Garry listened, thinking that Martin was speaking of the smithy business. He just nodded and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and listened.

"Julian, I mean Major derKorst, when he reminded me that I had a bit of business to take care off still he told me that he explained our little secret to you, or as much of it as he could." Martin's eyes were as sharp as ever as he looked at Garry, despite his body giving out on him.

Garry suddenly realized that Martin was talking about the Key. "Major derKorst mentioned something about a key that you held, Poppy."

"The key that doesn't look like any key I've ever seen. Such a small thing and yet it is what keeps me from joining my Julie." Martin was tired and he wondered if Garry could fathom the depth of that simple statement. By all rights he should have been dead by now and while he'd have loved to stay around long enough to see his grand daughter settled, he was ready to leave. "Anyway, I think you'd be perfect for the job if you'd be willing to take it on with all it entails."

"What does it entail, Poppy? What does it mean to have the key?" Garry was confused. He didn't know what was being asked of him.

"Utter and complete secrecy." And that was the crux of the matter. "Even you and I will not talk about this ever again after today. So you be sure and ask every question you have. You can only mention it again when you think you found someone to take on the burden for you and to let one of the Guardians' know that you passed on the responsibility. For once the enemy finds out that the key is here, no one will have any peace."

"I will tell this only this once, for it is strange and I don't understand all of it, so listen well. The fortress is a door of sorts, and the Guardians, well, they guard it. A creature, a mage of enormous powers, not quite human, not quite demon, but definitely bent on destruction, has been imprisoned in a bubble dimension many hundred years ago. The people that put away the creature, obviously they could not just destroy it, devised this prison in this particular way because the creature has followers that would do anything to free their master. And by anything I truly mean anything. Many have lost their lives over the years to the schemes of those followers; all of those schemes designed to destroy the fortress and its inhabitants." Martin thought of the war with the Kazur Empire that the creature's followers had instigated, the assassinations of prominent Guardians and some of stories his grandfather had told him of happenings before his time.

"If the dimension would have been designed completely separated, without such a door, the followers simply would have devised a way to find and destroy it. I have never seen the actual door, and it likely doesn't look like one any more than the key looks like a key, and originally there was no key." Martin was glad that Garry didn't interrupt his telling of the strange story and it was about to get even stranger. He had a hard enough time remembering all of it, not ever having talked of it since he heard it, and just talking seemed to sap his strength.

"At some point in the future the need arose for the Guardians to open the door, but without freeing the creature. So they devised this key. This imprisoned creature or one of his followers found out about the plan or the key or both. Either way, there was trouble. One of the Guardians then happened to be one of those time mages and he brought the key to safety into the past. And he kept every measure to keep that a secret." Martin shook his head slightly. The concept of a future that already happened eluded him.

"The key has to be kept and kept secret until it is needed. It's appearance and location is only to be known by the one keeping it, just in case. Even who keeps the key is to be known by as few as possible. These followers even torture the dead to gain the information they seek." This last sentence, when he had heard it, had been what enabled him to keep the secret even from his beloved Julie.

Martin sank back into his pillows, exhausted from talking for so long and yet relieved.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-06-14 12:55 EST
Garry listened very carefully. His life in the military and as the son of a general had been filled with secrets and confidences, and he had learned early how a slip of a tongue could lose a war, but this was something very different. "I guess I do have some questions, Poppy. How will the Guardian learn that you have entrusted the key to me? And how many Guardians are there, and do all of them know? And how do you know a real Guardian from perhaps an impostor who is trying to get the key?" He was just beginning with his questions.

"Good questions, all of them. If I forget to answer any of them, remind me." Martin remembered having asked much the same questions all those years ago. "I will let Major derKorst know when he comes to visit the next time. The number of Guardians varies, but there always seem to be just enough to deal with whatever happens. And no, only a few know; right now Major derKorst, Dr. Amon, Querylon, and the Commander, of course. That last question I cannot answer, but those four seem to know the difference with just a glance. Before, it was Mr Amon and Dex Montoya. They too seemed to know who was who with just a glance as well."

Garry's brow furrowed. "So, you're telling me that Major derKorst and Dr. Amon, and Querylon and the Commander are all Guardians? Wouldn't the enemy be able to tell a Guardian when they see one, and isn't it odd to have so many Guardians in one location?" Garry was a military strategist, and his training might come in very handy.

"No. They?re the Guardians that know of the key and that I have it. There are more Guardians, not all of them live in Atrebla. And besides the Guardians, there's an army up at the fortress, I'm sure you noticed. When they were needed, Guardians came from all over. For a while there was an air ship parked at the bottom of Atrebla Lake. My best guess is that there are about fifty or sixty of them, or at least there were that many coming and going all the time during the war." Some of them had died, of course, and he had seen a few new ones since then. But he had stayed out of the loop and guessed that there were more like him, secret Guardians, each with their own special duty.

"Seems to me that if I were the enemy and wanted to find the key, I go looking to see where the Guardians are. If I accept this key, it could be very dangerous for Danielle, couldn't it?" Garry didn't want to put Danielle into any danger. He remembered how even Josh nearly killed her, and Josh was just a young man.

Martin nodded. "Me having the key was a danger to Julie while she lived, to my son, and to Danny once she came to stay with me, which is another reason to keep the existence of the key quiet. As long as they don?t know it exists, they won't know there is anything to look for. That?s also why I chose to forgo any kind of recognition. Having no one know that I am a Guardian was a little extra safety for my wife and child, and then Danny."

So Garry was concerned for Danielle and considering her safety should he take the key. Martin had to suppress a smile. It certainly was no more dangerous for Danielle should Garry take the key than it was with him having the key.

Garry rubbed his chin and thought about this. Then came the natural question. "Poppy, if I don't take the key, who would you give it to? Who else could be trusted with such a think?" Garry was already beginning to realize that he would agree to this.

"I don't know." For a moment there was a flicker of something akin to fear in Martin's eyes. Certainly Querylon could not keep him alive indefinitely. Then he told himself that Julian was a resourceful man and the fairy a capable commander. They would find a solution should he fail. This would have been so much easier had Danny been a boy or if they key could be kept by a woman. Has he mentioned that rule already? "The key may not be kept by a woman. I may be forced to turn to Julian."

Garry looked down at the floor and nodded. "Well, Poppy, you're not going to have to be concerned with that. Of course, I'll accept the key from you. What does this key look like, and where is it?" Just like any man, he's interested in the particulars.

"That?s good." It was better than good, Martin thought; it was exactly what he had hoped for. "Thank you. It's that silvery looking short stick over there on the dresser, next to the shaving bowl."

Garry looked to the stick on the dresser. "That?!" Then he grinned. "Right out in the open. The best place to hide something." While the short, flat stick seemed to be of some kind of metal, when Garry touched it, the thing lacked the cool, smooth feel of worked metal, and when he lifted it, it seemed much lighter to him than it should be.

"Exactly. If it was in the safe or in the cash box, everyone would know it was something of importance." Martin felt an enormous weight lifting from his shoulders the moment Garry picked up the key.

Garry turned the key over and looked at it. "What does Danielle think this is? I guess she is going to have to think that you gave this to me for a reason."

"A nose and ear hair trimmer." Martin laughed. "It does open up, you know." Indeed, there was a fine line in the silvery material where two parts met. Garry pulled at it and the thing came apart easily. The shorter part was hollow, the longer of the two pieces had pieces of thin wires sticking out.

Garry had to laugh. "I'm afraid I'm not old enough to need a nose and ear hair trimmer." When he had pulled it apart and saw the thin wires, he had to ask, "What are these wires?"

"That I don?t know either. Like I said, the entire thing looks nothing like any key I've ever seen."

Garry scratched his head and put the key back together and returned it to it's place on the dresser. "Well, Poppy, there's something that's on my mind too."

"You had better not leave that thing here. It's yours to keep now." Martin then cleared his mind of the key and everything to do with it. "I am all ears."

Garry picked up the key and slipped it into his pocket. Martin would never see it again. He walked to Poppy and stood near the chair. "Well, you know Danielle?" He brought his hand to his face, "Of course you know Danielle, she's your granddaughter." He just shook his head, surprised at his own nervousness. "Well, when I first saw Danielle, it was like seeing the sunshine for the very first time. Do you know what I mean, Poppy?"

Martin nodded slowly. "My Julie was like that."

"Well, you probably know that as good as Danny's cooking is, it's not what has kept me here. I've loved Danny from the moment I saw her. She's a very special woman." Garry fidgeted and sat back down in the chair. "I've got some money over the last year. It's a decent amount so that I might support her with it while the smithy business picks up again. Martin . . . Poppy, I'd like to marry your granddaughter if that's alright with you."

"That is not just alright with me, son, there's absolutely nothing that would make me happier than to see her wed to you." Martin smiled wide. "She's been driving me up walls this past year with 'Garry this' and 'Garry that'. That stubborn girl refused to even go look at anyone else so her grandpoppy could maybe live long enough to at least wave at the next generation."

Garry had to laugh, "That makes me so happy. There's not been a moment when she hasn't been on my mind. When I was in town, I had purchased an engagement ring. I want you to be at the wedding Poppy. Maybe we can have a short engagement. Would that be okay with you? In some ways, I feel we've been engaged for over a year already."

"Of course, if you two were to wait another year I'd definitely not be here to see the wedding. It can't possibly take that long to have a dress and suit made." Martin cleared his throat some. "I should probably have mentioned this before giving my blessing, Danielle isn't exactly without means. Between what her parents and I set up for her, she'll have annual stipend of twelve hundred pounds, and the house is going to be hers, of course. And we should probably discuss what kind of . . . what's the word for bride money . . . you'd be satisfied with."

"You mean a dowry?" Garry smiled. "Danielle is worth more to me than all the treasures of the word. I think we'll be just fine. And who knows, maybe you'll even be around to see your great grandchild!" Garry grinned, very excited that he had Poppy's blessing.

"Dowry, right. I must be getting old." Martin gave a short chuckle. It was just as well that Garry had not even thought of that. He didn't have anyone else to leave his wealth to anyway and it wouldn't matter much if she got part of it a few months sooner or later. "You're supposed to haggle here, son. Who knows, you might be blessed with a house full of girls and have to provide those dowries for a dozen of them."

Garry laughed again. "A house full of girls would be a wonderful home, I'm sure. And by the time I'd let them marry; I'll have a very nice bank account to supply all those dowries. What would you think if we were to name our first daughter Julie?"

"That would please me very much." Martin felt his eyes water at Garry's suggestion. "You'll want to make sure you'll set the date for before the first snow if you expect any guests. Winter comes early in these mountains."

"Next week wouldn't be too soon for me, Poppy," Garry said with a laugh. "But I get the feeling that Danielle is going to want to do it right with a beautiful dress and a nice reception. I love her for that, too."

"You two will do this right; I've no doubt of that. But a week is too short for proper courting and I doubt Querylon will have me well enough to walk her down the isle in a week's time." He did hope that he could do that for Danny and that Querylon was up for the task. He'd gladly give up a few months for that.

Garry smiled, "I was just kidding about the two weeks. Heck, I don't know if she'll even say yes to marrying me. I've been away for quite a while." The thought of a "no" response actually frightened him. "I'm going to ask her when she returns, Poppy. I'll wait for the right moment. I have a few ideas about setting up the right mood."

"I'm sure you do." Martin smiled to himself, remembering the moment he had begged his Julie to be his wife." And you had better be getting to it. She never takes long with shopping. Anyway, I should rest some before Querylon comes visiting."

Garry nodded and placed his hand on Martin's. "I love you, Poppy. You rest. I'm going down and will help Danny when she returns....and then set up the right mood." Garry stood and made the room as dark as possible and looked at Martin and smiled. As was stated, he didn't even mention the key.

"Thank you, son, I love you, too. Welcome into the family." There was no way that Danny would say no, Martin was sure of that. With that happy thought he drifted to sleep.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-14 22:43 EST
Danielle Returns

Danielle alternately hurried her shopping because she wanted to be home where Garry was - perhaps he could use some help with getting the smithy ready to open shop - and dawdled with her shopping because Garry had sounded like he needed oodles of time to talk with Poppy. In the end she wasn't gone from the house to make her purchases any longer or shorter than usually.

As she had explained to Garry earlier, she'd have no use for a cart. Most of the things she bought would be delivered later in the afternoon, ice and the wished for ice cream would be arriving together. So she was carrying only two bags when she walked back into the house.

Garry had attended to the position he had assumed, and therefore he was in his bedroom when he heard the door open. He came out and saw Danielle with two bags of groceries.

"Oh baby! Here, let me help with those." He rushed to her, but it was obvious that she would have the bags to the table before he could be any help whatsoever.

Which was just as well because that left her with two arms free to hug him. "Hello Garry. There's really no need. But you'll have to wait for your ice cream a little while longer. Did everything go all right?"

He gave Danielle a hug and kiss upon her cheek. "Oh, yes! It went well. Shop talk, mostly. I'm going to wait for tomorrow morning to get the smithy going again. I thought it would be nicer for you and me to spend some time together before I start right into work. Poppy said you'd probably give me a very hard time with that decision." He continued to hug her so that she couldn't see him smile.

"Where would he have gotten that idea?" Danielle nearly glowed with happyness at his suggestion. She would have found a way to spend time with him to clean up the smithy, but they'd certainly enjoy the afternoon much more without the distractions of dirt, soap and water. "Tormorrow is plenty early to get the smithy ready. Look I did get a treat for Warrior." With that she reached over to the table without leaving his arms and pulled a couple of carrots from one of the bags.

Garry saw the carrots and had to laugh, "You're going to spoil him, my dalring. It's no wonder he was in such a hurry to get back here." He pulled back just enough to look upon her face. "Maybe we could take a walk after the rest of the groceries arrive. It'll be nice to see how this old town has changed since I've been away. Besides, I can think of nothing better than to walk beside such a beautiful lady." He smiled and gave her a wink. He could actually think of a few things that would be better - and all of them involved Danielle.

"Not in enough of a hurry, if you ask me. And you quite saw through my plan of making him too fat and too happy to ever manage to leave again." Danielle tilted her head to smile up to Garry. She was in no hurry to unpack the rest of the bags or to deliver the carrots to Warrior, she'd much rather stay right here were she was and peer into Garry's eyes. " A walk is a fabulous idea, especially once the herb woman is here. I'd hate to leave Poppy alone for long while he can't do much of anything for himself. The down didn't really change at all, though."

Garry smiled as he pictured Warrior too fat to ever leave home. "Well, why don't we get these put away while waiting for the rest to arrive and for that herb woman. Or should I behave myself and stay out of your kitchen?" Garry knew enough about women to know that sometimes the best place for a man to be was anywhere but in the kitchen.

"Oh no, don't leave. I like having you in my kitchen. You can help, too. All the stuff here goes over there and over there." She pointed at two different cabinets just as there was a knock at the front door. "And the bag with the little meat pastries is for lunch."

Garry nodded and picked up a bag and started to help. He was always interested in seeing what was purchased. He began to put things into closets in the places that make sense to him. "Meat pastries?" He raised his eyebrows and smile. "You treat me too good." He attention was diverted to the knock at the door. He never assumed a knock to be innocent, especially now.

"I've had no time to cook lunch so I grabbed some ready made." Danielle turned to see who was knocking, leaving Garry to find his way around the kitchen. "It's your ice cream." She called back over her shoulder before she showed the delivery boy where to put the ice and ice cream. She was back in the kitchen before Garry had the bags unpacked.

"The other boy knows where everything goes, but we don't usually get ice." Danielle watched him for a moment.

"We better get that ice cream on that ice. Ice cream should always be eaten just as the sun is starting to set." He was joking, but not really. There was a reason for that statement. He finished emptying the first bag and turned to see if the boy knew where to put the ice and ice cream.

"If it's that important, we could go follow him to the pantry and see that he get's it right." Danielle chuckled softly.

"Oh, I think he can handle it. Once the herb woman arrives, why don't we bring those meat pastries to the lake and eat them there. I want to see that lake again." He smiled, "Good memories."

"Very good memories." Danielle smiled. "I'm sure they'll taste twice as good there. One is for Poppy though, if we can make him eat." She was eager to be off with Garry and hoped that Querylon would arrive early. An entire afternoon just to enjoy his company without anyone or anything to worry about was like a gift. "Did I tell you yet what a fabulous idea I think you had there?"

Garry picked up the second bag and began to unload that one. "Which idea is that? Ice cream? The lake? Not working today?" He smiled and added, "Somehow I think they're all related. Oh, and Poppy was going to sleep when I left him, so he might not be ready to eat for a while."

"Not working today. The left over money should be in the bottom of that bag." Danielle moved to help put up the last view items. "Then we'll leave two here and ask the herb woman to try to get him to eat something."

"Okay, I'll get a bag for lunch and some cold tea for drinks." He walked behind Danny and moved his hand over her back as he passed. He just had to touch her; it was just so good to be with her again.

"You are just thinking of everything today." Danielle was impressed. She turned her head and smiled to Garry when he walked past. She already missed his arms around her and that small touch felt wonderful and made up a little for the embrace being over. Perhaps she could device a plot that would have her leaving and returning often.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-17 18:31 EST
An Afternoon at the Lake

Querylon had arrived, carrying a basket with the supplies she needed. Not only had she agreed to try to get Poppy to eat something when Danielle and Garry had asked her to, but she had seemed relieved at the prospect that the two would be out while she performed her magic. Danielle had shown her upstairs, and made sure that their guest would have everything she needed. Now Danielle hurried down the stairs, excited and eager to be going out walking to a picnic at the lake with Garry.

Garry had finished preparing the small picnic basket while Danielle was upstairs, and he was waiting for her as she came back down. He just couldn't wait to get that lovely lady in his arms again. "All set? I can hear the fishes in the lake calling out to us."

"Yes, I'm ready and we're free to leave." She nearly glowed, she was so looking forward to get to spend the rest of the afternoon worry-free with this wonderful man. "I do believe I can hear them, too."

Garry smiled and held out his hand and walked Danny out the door, down the steps, and down the street. he breathed in deep of the air. "I can't tell you how much I missed you and this place." He looked at Danielle and then put his arm around her shoulder, needed to feel her closer. "It just feels so right being here with you again."

"I didn't get to miss this place, but I sure missed you. I'm very happy that you've returned." Her hand missed the warmth of his the moment he let go. But then she felt his arm around her shoulder and slipped her arm around the back of his waist.

"This does feel right and you look and smell even better than I remembered." Danielle agreed wholeheartedly as they turned onto the road that would take them to the lake. She loved the way he smelled today, almost like when he took her dancing the first time. That last thought reminded her of something. "Marion told me when I was at her store this morning that the next dance would be in two weeks."

Garry had to smile at her compliment, and he sure wanted to kiss her, but he wasn't sure that busybody eyes weren't looking out of home and shop windows as they walked down the street. He was glad when they were on the road to the lake and becoming more isolated from the rest of the town.

"A dance? In two weeks? Hm... that's sounds great! Let's see, I wonder who I should ask," he said teasingly and Danielle just had to chuckle. He then put the basket on the road, turned toward Danielle and asked, "Most beautiful lady, would you go to that dance with me and make me such a happy man?"

She halted her steps when he set down the basket and smiled up to him. For a moment she considered teasing him back, but something in the way he looked at her just then made that thought take flight.

"Of course I would go to the dance with you. Nothing would make me happier." Danielle had of course been hoping that he would ask her, and now that he had, she felt like hugging someone. As he was conveniently right in front of her, he was the recipient of that elated hug.

Garry returned that wonderful hug and just closed his eyes and inhaled her wonderful fragrance, feeling her body against him -- and it felt so good. He pulled back and smiled, "Thank you, m'lady." He gave her a wink, took her hand in his and took the basket up in the other. "Okay, we're nearly there and I'm hungry enough to eat the basket and everything."

"The basket and everything? Oh, I should have gotten more of those pastries if you're that hungry." Danielle chuckled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Perhaps we should run the last bit to the lake?"

Garry turned and laughed, "Run? Sure, you say that because I'm carrying the basket!" He laughed more, loving this wonderful woman just so much. "I think I'll just continue to walk. If I were to run I'd likely go so fast that my boots wouldn't stop me and soon I'd be sliding across the lake." He gave her another wink, loving their back and forth teasing.

"Of course I ask because you're carrying the basket." Danielle laughed and winked right back. There was no question that were they to make a race of it, Garry would win. Even without her dress making running difficult and if he was to carry two baskets he would arrive at the shore first. "That should be quite a sight to see, you sliding across the lake. You come up with the most amazing pictures. Oh look, Garry, there it is!"

They had left the last of the buildings behind them and now were treated to the first glimpse of the lake sitting like a sparkling carpet in front of the majestic mountains rising high into the sky behind it. Though Danielle had lived here for most of her live and had seen this particular view of the lake many times, it never failed to take her breath away. They came to the shore of the lake, to an area where the late spring sun had the grass growing thick and green, and with just a smidgen of clover and buttercup.

"This looks like the place, my sweet," Garry said as he reached into the basket and pulled out a thin blanket from his closet that he had slipped on top of the food while Danny was upstairs. "I thought it might be nice to have something clean to sit on," he said as he spread it out over the grass.

"It is a perfect place. You really thought of everything!" Danielle flashed him a dazzling smile and then simply watched as he spread out the blanket, fascinated with the way he moved. She gave her head a little shake to clear the cob webs. "What can I do to help?"

He handed her the two plates and the package with the meat pastries. "You could put the pastries on the plates, darlin'. I'll pour the iced tea." He hadn't brought much food, only the pastries, but that would be enough. He was more hungry for Danny than for anything else.

Danielle's fingers brushed against his as she accepted the plates and she suddenly felt much warmer than she should just from the sun shining. She still wondered how it was possible to feel that little touch all the way to her toes when she slid the pastries from the bag onto the plates. "Here we go." She placed the plates next to each other in the middle of the blanket and then sat down next to them.

Garry kneeled in front of Danny and leaned forward, supporting himself on his two extended arms, one on each side of her. He brought his face close to hers and he whispered, "I can't tell you how many times I've thought of this moment over the last 18 months."

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-06-22 22:33 EST
"How often?" The words came out of Danielle in a breathless whisper, but she was not really expecting an answer. His lips were way too close to hers - excitingly so. Heat rose in her cheeks when she thought of a similar moment after their disaster with the row boat, and of the uncountable times she had thought of that moment while he was away. It made all the sense in the world if Garry couldn't actually be able to keep count.

Garry grinned and moved his face even close to Danielle's so that she could feel his breath. "I think that if you multiplied all the days by a hundred times a day, you would have a close estimate." He moved his face to the side of Danny's, his lips very close to her cheek, "I think that is a lot, and do you know what I would be thinking all those times?"

"That many, at least," she replied with a whisper even softer than the previous one. His breath felt warm on her skin and her heart was beating fast and loud, she thought. She turned her head from left to right, meaning to shake it 'no', but she got no further than that.

Garry turned his head and his lips touched her cheek. "Do you know what?" He paused to let the rhetorical question settle. "All those thoughts put together aren't nearly as wonderful and amazing as being here with you right now." His lips moved closer to her mouth.

It was a good thing, too, that he gave her time to at least try to comprehend his question, because her mind didn?t want to work at all just now. The sensation of his lips moving over her cheek also impaired her hearing with a soft rushing sound in her ears, and she had to repeat his question several times in her mind before it made enough sense for her to come up with an answer. "I agree."

His lips moved to just above Danielle's and his voice was a mere whisper, "I love you, Danielle. I love you so much I can't begin to describe the half of it. You are my life. You're all I want in the entire world." His lips were but a millimeter over hers. He could feel her breath and delighted in it.

Her heart swelled with happiness and emotion and appeared near bursting as his words sank in and repeated in her mind. No dream she ever had of this moment, nor any memory of Garry kissing her in the past could have any hope of competing with the right here and right now. "I love you, too, Garry, so much so that there aren't words for it." Between his intoxicating closeness and his heady words she felt dizzy, but her hands came up to his shoulders simply because she couldn't stand for another moment not to touch him.

Her response just melted his heart, and his arms were beginning to feel like rubber from leaning on them for so long. He loved having her hands upon his shoulders but that only made his arms weaker; weak enough that he didn't fight against moving forward the final millimeter and his soft, moist lips pressed against her even softer lips. His eyes closed and he moved his lips against Danielle's. His heart pounded and he just soaked in the moment.

Her eyes also closed and relief flooded her as Garry's lips finally touched hers; that and something else that she couldn't name that made her want more. Her arms slid further around his neck as she savored the feeling of their lips moving against another. She wanted this moment - his lips on hers, his body so close she thought to feel his warmth through their clothes, his hair brushing against the back of her hands - to last forever. Even now she knew that when he would move back again she would feel bereft.

Garry didn't believe in the saying that absence made the heart grow fonder. He knew that it wasn't his absence that was causing the feeling in his heart, but rather the natural steady growth of a love that was meant to be and to last forever. He moved his legs to take the pressure off his arms, practically straddling Danielle and allowing his left hand to rise to the back of her head and hold her into the kiss. He deepened the kiss just slightly, feeling her breath against his face, and touching her tongue with his.

The gentle touch of his tongue surprised her. It was a sensation utterly foreign and her first instinct was to move away from it. The taste though - she couldn't quite name it, yet - perhaps a little sweet. She was thankful then that Garry's hand had kept her head from moving and she tentatively moved her tongue to re-create the touch.

A soft moan of delight came from somewhere inside Garry and then he smiled against her lips and slowly moved his face away from Danielle's. "I love you, Danny. I've always loved you, but now it has grown into something that just overflows my heart. I finally feel complete again now that we are together." I hope you don't mind me saying these things.

While she missed Garry's lips on hers the instant they were gone, it took her a moment to open her eyes again and another moment for them to focus. "No, Garry, I don't mind. You may say anything to me you wish." Her voice sounded a little off to her own ears and her heart was still racing as if she just had been running. She had missed part of what he had said, though. Hadn?t she? "Would you mind terribly saying it all again?"

Garry had to laugh, and he moved to sit behind her and take her into his arms. His voice was soft and his mouth was close to her left ear. "Well, I said that I love you; and that I love you so much my heart is just overflowing." He paused a bit. "I think that's what I said. Or did I ask you for that meat pastry? I?m not sure." He grinned and placed a kiss below her ear. "No, I'm sure it was about how much I love you."

Danielle leaned against him and held his arms to her. What she was feeling for him now had been there since she had first seen him, and it had grown since then too. And now that he had returned and once again was a part of her life it, was growing even faster, as if to make up for the time that he was away.

Danielle shared that last thought with him. "And now that you are returned and I am no longer lost, this love has grown even faster, as if to make up for the time spent apart. Meat pastry?" She had for the moment completely forgotten everything even remotely to do with lunch, including pastries. "Right." She chuckled. "Do you really want me to believe that you thought of food just a minute earlier?"

But now that he had brought it up, she stretched an arm to reach for one of the plates, unwilling to move out of Garry's arms or away from him for even a moment. She caught the edge of the plate with a fingertip and maneuvered it closer. When the pastry upon it was within easy reach, she picked it up and, turning slightly within Garry's arms, brought it to his lips.

Garry had to laugh at Danny's response. It just endeared her to him even more. "No, I really didn't think of food. I just wanted to see if you were listening." He was still grinning and chuckling when she brought the pastry to his lips. He took a bite. "Mmmm...that's good. Of course, not nearly as good as your lips."

"I was trying to listen, but my heart was beating so loud I couldn't hear all of it." She admitted honestly, and while feeling bold she added, "I think I like the way you taste, too, not just the way your lips feel. But it may take a few more tastes before I can be absolutely certain." She gave him a teasing wink. Of course she had already decided that not only did she like the taste of him, but she also found it addictive.

As he chewed the pastry he remembered something. "Oh...I nearly forgot. I brought home a gift for you. Just a little something from my travels."

"A gift? From your travels?" She was immediately curious. Gifts were something very special. "How could you forget about a gift for this long? You've been home for weeks!" She turned some more so she could look up into his face, but she kept a hand on his arms to keep holding them to her. The pastry still hovered in front of him with only one bite missing.

He smiled and took the pastry from her and set it down. "Well, I was waiting for the right time; and besides, I've been so concerned about Poppy that I just didn't feel right about pulling out such a special gift." He felt inside the bottom of the picnic basket where he had hidden it earlier when packing their lunch. " it is." He pulled out a small box and held it out to her. "I hope you'll like it."

"A special gift?" Daniele smiled to Garry, her eyes gleamed with joy that he should have brought her a gift at all. "I?m certain that I?ll like it." She took the small box from his hand and a second later she shifted her eyes from his to look at the box. Carefully she lifted the lid to peer inside. The sheen of polished, precious metal greeted her sight and she inspected the bracelet she found more closely. Garry watched and hoped that she would like it.

"Garry! It is beautiful!" With even more care she lifted the bracelet and sat the box aside to study each of the seven stones held together by golden links. Each stone was different and each was beautiful, and strung together so that the result was stunning. "May I try it on right away?" She asked half excited and half in awe that she should be wearing anything like it, and absolutely overwhelmed that Garry would give such a thing to her. Up until now, the only piece of jewelry she owned was a string of pearls that used to be her mother's.

"Of course. Here, let me help you." He picked up the bracelet which was remarkably light, for the stones, while beautiful and unique, were not large. Most of the weight was from the gold chain that held the stones. He put it around her wrist and attached the two ends together. He was pleased that it fit so perfectly. It was the kind of bracelet that would look good whether an accessory to fine clothes or the everyday type of wardrobe. Once he put it on her wrist he took her hand and kissed it. "I have a story to tell about how I purchased this, but that's for later."

"Right, that is for later," she agreed and smiled brightly at the bracelet on her wrist. Then she turned the rest of the way so she could embrace Garry. She wrapped both arms around his neck, "Thank you. It?s the best gift ever." Then she brought her lips to his for a thank you kiss.

Garry wrapped his strong arms around her and kissed her. It wasn't just a quick kiss, but long and slow, showing his love for her that was behind the gift. Danielle leaned against him, returning his kiss bit for bit, no longer shying away from the touches of his tongue but enjoying each fully. It took no time at all before her entire attention was on Garry and him kissing her. Even the weight of the bracelet on her wrist was not enough for her to give it another thought while Garry was kissing her.

The kiss slowly ended, but not the intimacy of the moment. Garry looked into Danielle's beautiful eyes and slowly caressed her check with his hand. "I love you, Danielle. I love you with all my heart." He paused a moment, then added, "You know, I've come to realize that I can't even imagine not having you in my life."

?Life was difficult to adjust to when you were gone. I?m very glad that you said you'd not leave again. I don't think that I could make that sort of adjustment again." Her fingers brushed over the nape of his neck as she returned his look. "I love you, too, Garry."

He suddenly looked very serious. "Danielle, I have one more box for you to open."

"Another present?" She wondered at the seriousness of his mien.

Garry nodded and moved on the blanket until he was kneeling in front of her and then he reached for the picnic basket and picked out a small box that was wrapped in a napkin. His hands were shaking a bit, which was definitely atypical for Garry.

"Danielle, as I said, I can't think of my life without you in it." He paused and then went on, "I'm not a wealthy man, but I do have some money put away now. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I do know one thing - I love you with all that I have and all that I am, and I'll love you and care for you until the day I die. I will do all I can to make your life happy, and I'll always treat you with respect." Again he paused and opened the box which had a gold ring with a central diamond with two smaller ones, one on either side of the central diamond. "Danielle, I would be very honored, and certainly the happiest man in all the lands if you were my wife. Danielle, would you marry me?"

Danielle smiled to him, encouragingly so, when she saw the little hints to how nervous he was all of a sudden. She had no idea what to expect, the bracelet Garry had given her was wonderful already and his mien now was so different. But she certainly had not been expecting this - hoping for it, dreaming of it, yes; but not expecting it, not today. She was certain that Poppy would give her little warning or at least a hint once Garry had asked his blessing. There had been none. Not even a glance or a mysterious smile.

Her gaze left his to look at the ring nestled in the box, but returned to his right away with happiness shining from her warm browns. She had not really seen the ring, and would have to look at it more later; and she hoped that was not important. Right now only Garry mattered to her and that he should not worry about her answer any longer. "Yes," she breathed with conviction. "I would marry you. I'd love to be your wife and for you to be my husband."

The smile raced across his face from ear to ear, and he dropped the box with the ring in it and pulled her against him and just held her tightly, placing kisses on her hair and forehead. "You've made so happy, Danielle. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you just as happy." He pulled back to look into her eyes, then cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

"I'm already happy," she said against his lips, and then showed him just how happy she was and how much she loved him; and that she was going to do everything within her power to make him happy too. All this she demonstrated with her kisses, her arms once again wrapping around him.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-06-24 07:43 EST
Garry's strong arms embraced her, holding her close as they kissed. He was so happy that he couldn't wait to tell Poppy. He just had to tell someone! The kiss finally ended with him placing kisses over Danielle's face, then he remembered the ring. "The ring!" He looked down and found it still in the box. With hands still shaking he took the ring and reached for her left held. "Would you allow me to place this on your finger?" he asked as he looked upon her face.

"Of course." She smiled to him, happiness just shining from her face. And then, because she was just bubbling over with it, and he was the only soul around, she told him, "Garry just me asked me to marry him! Isn't that absolutely wonderful? I must be the happiest girl alive!"

Garry laughed and shouted out, "And Danielle said, 'Yes!', making me the happiest man alive!" He then took her left hand in his and slid the ring onto her ring finger. He was so relieved that the ring seemed to fit perfectly. "It looks beautiful on you, my darling. I love you so much."

Danielle chuckled at his shout. When he took her hand again she looked down at the ring as Garry slipped it on and her breath caught when she saw how beautiful it was. "Garry." But the word lacked sound. She lifted her warm brown gaze from the ring now on her finger to look up to Garry, all awed surprise and still not quite having regained her voice. "It is beautiful."

He shook his head. "No." He sighed, "It just doesn't do justice in comparison to the beauty of the woman who's wearing it. It needs to be far more beautiful to even be noticed." He smiled and brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "I can't wait for you to be my wife, sweetheart. I asked Poppy for your hand in marriage while you were shopping. He looked pretty happy about it. I think he'd like to be around for the wedding."

"You did ask him then. The lout." Danielle laughed, "He didn't say a thing, not even a smile or anything, not even when I showed the herb woman upstairs." She shook her head slightly. "I don't want to wait either. Now that you asked me, I can hardly wait to get started with being your wife. Wife, that sounds pretty, doesn't it?" And then she just had to hug him again. "Yes, Poppy has been talking about hardly anything else all of last year."

Garry chuckled and held Danny close. "I think Poppy wanted it to be a surprise for you. He knew I was going to ask you today. And to tell you the truth, 'husband' sounds pretty darn good too! I'm so looking forward to being your husband. It's all I've thought about over the last year."

"The surprise most definitely worked, my darling husband to be." She still bubbled over with happiness, even more so when he confided that he had been thinking of asking her for so long, and she didn't quite now what to do with it all besides bursting. She brought her lips close to his ear and whispered softly, "I love you, too. And I think the pastries are getting all jealous and the lake is feeling neglected."

Gary just cracked up over that. "Well, that lake is just going to have to get along without us being in it today. And for some reason, I'm not really hungry anymore. Sweetheart, all I think of is you... and I just want to be close to you and hold you and kiss you... and make plans! Yes! We'll need to make lots of plans!" He laughed and held her against him, and then brought his mouth to hers.

This time the kiss went beyond anything they had experienced together in its conveyance of their love for each other. This time his tongue was not shy in seeking out hers and enjoying her mouth. Neither was hers. She just had to find out what he tasted like now, didn't she? Kissing Garry most thoroughly from sheer happiness also seemed a much more sensible idea than bursting. The lake and pastries and just about everything else went unthought-of for quite some time as Danielle enjoyed every nuance and sensation of their kiss.

Her arms wrapped more tightly around him when she was quite thoroughly dizzy and some of what she was experiencing grew so strong that it scared her. Garry would keep her safe, of that she had no doubt.

When the kiss finally ended, Garry placed his hand on Danielle's cheek, cupping it against his palm. "I love you so much. I'm going to be so proud to be your husband. I'm going to work really hard to give us a good life." He looked to the town then to Danielle. She leaned her cheek into his palm, catching her breath. She looked to him with love in her eyes and a soft smile on well kissed lips. "Maybe we should go back home. I want to tell Poppy."

"He will be so happy for both of us." She wanted more of those intoxicating and absolutely overwhelming kisses, but she also wanted to tell her grandfather the happy news. "Oh and you mentioned plans that need making. I'll need a dress!"

Garry laughed and stood and held out his hand to help her up. "Yes, you do. And I need to plan a reception!"

Danielle took his hands and a moment later stood on her feet, laughing with Garry. "We could ask the Major if we could have the festival grounds. Oh, and we need to see how soon Poppy can get up walk around. And we will have to something about our living arrangements. We can't continue to have you sleep behind the kitchen and me upstairs." She blushed a moment later, but then she was already helping Garry to collect everything back into the basket.

Garry helped her gather everything up, thinking about what she said. "And just where do you think I should sleep, my love?"

"In a bed of course, my darling husband to be." She chuckled to him, ready to head back. "Don't husbands and wives sleep in the same room where you come from?"

He had to laugh again, "Yes, they sure do. And I greatly look forward to that time."

"Me too." Danielle smiled up to him, not at all minding that little blush that was sure to be in her cheeks to judge by how warm they felt or that he would see.

Garry held the picnic basket that was now void of two special gifts, and took Danielle's right hand, glancing over to her left hand to see the diamonds shining there.


Date: 2008-07-01 11:28 EST
Martin?s Wedding Preparations

?How is that, Martin?? Querylon lifted her eyes and focused her gaze on the old smith a few moments after having let go of the magic energies she had been working with nearly all afternoon.

?Much better.? Martin filled his lungs with air, appreciating that he could do that without experiencing pain. Then he reached for the herb woman?s hand. ?Thank you, Querylon. I know I?ve said it before, but I can?t really express my thanks often enough. What you?re doin? there, despite the obligation?s passed on means the world to me.?

?It?s the least we can do, Martin.? Julian derKorst had knocked and stepped into the room in time to overhear Martin?s last sentence. Martin appeared much healthier and about ready to leave his bed. Querylon?s pallor worried him, though. For a while he thought that she had taken his advice to work a little less and leave time for R&R, but now she appeared to have abandoned the R&R again. ?A good evening to you both. I was given to understand that you needed to see me, Martin.?

?Julian, it?s good to see you. Yes, I do have some news for you.? Martin nearly smirked and appeared much younger for that. ?The key has a new keeper.?

?About time.? Julian winked and smiled, sounding relieved. The news didn?t seem to perk up Querylon and Julian concluded that she had been informed already. ?Bradstreet??

?Right on.? Martin gave a deep chuckle. ?Just before he asked my Danny to marry him, too.? Then his expression turned more serious. ?We?ll have to discuss a few things.?

?I shall leave you to your business. I will see you on the morrow, Martin.? Querylon rose with a warm smile for the old smith, at once ready to depart. Then she turned to Julian and inclined her head in greeting. ?Major derKorst??

?Thank you, Querylon. If you would please wait for me, I?ll escort you to the portal, at least. I?ve a couple of things I?d like to talk about with you along the way.? Julian regarded her with a warm smile. ?I?m sure Danielle would be happy to set you up with a cup of tea.?

?Of course.? Querylon lifted questioning eyes to Julian, but he gave no further hint, leaving Querylon to wonder.

Julian derKorst

Date: 2008-07-01 11:31 EST
Julian waited until Querylon had left the room and the door closed behind her before he took the seat she had left and then turned to Martin.

?Congratulations, old man.? Julian smiled. ?I take it you?re no longer all that upset about being forced to hang around a while longer??

?No.? The thought of leaving Danielle alone and pining over Garry being missing had given him considerable grief. That he would get to stay around long enough to walk his Danny down the isle, he considered a great gift. Leaving then would be that much easier. ?Querylon agreed to stop her afternoon visits after their wedding.?

?I imagine that took some doing.? Julian and Martin exchanged a knowing look. Without her magic Martin would have a few days at best, and they all knew it. Julian took a deep breath. ?You have some business to discuss??

?That I do. There?s the matter of the smithy. I want it signed over to Garry as soon as papers can be drawn up.? Julian seemed to have no objections, so Martin continued, ?And he needs a pin for the portal.?

?I?ll talk with him about that. He will want to take his bride along on his trips into town.? There were a couple of reasons for Julian to want to talk with Mr. Bradstreet. But that could wait a few days if it had to.

?I imagine he will.? Martin smiled and then turned serious again. ?They want to get married before the first snow. And here I?ve a huge favor to ask of you. What?s the chance of them having the ceremony up at the Beacon and maybe opening the Crossed Rapiers for the party??

?Pretty good.? Julian nodded after a moment?s thought. ?The weather would be less of a factor that way. Let me know once they picked a date and I?ll have that set up for you. On second thought, I?ll send Rushy down to discuss details with you or the young folk.?

?Splendid. I appreciate that.? Martin grinned nearly from ear to ear. He had anticipated a negative answer to pave the way for him to request the festival grounds for his grand daughter?s wedding. ?Thank you.?

?You?re welcome.? Julian was pleased to finally be able to do something for the fellow Guardian. Martin had allowed little enough ?favors? during his lifetime. ?What else might I be able to help you with??

?There is one more thing.? Martin wasn?t smiling now and his voice was firm. ?Keep the funeral small, befitting a smith, no speeches.?

Julian nodded solemnly. ?It shall be as you wish.?

?Good.? Martin smiled again, albeit a little sadly so. ?Now you had better take your leave. You?ve a lady waiting for you downstairs.?

Julian chuckled and rose to his feet. ?That I do. Be well, old man. Focus on being fit enough for the wedding and don?t spend energy on worrying about details.? He clasped Martin?s wrinkled hand in his strong one. ?Call on me if you need anything else. I?ll see you in a few days with papers for you and Bradstreet to sign.?

?Fare thee well, Julian.? Martin offered when Julian bowed. Then Julian left and Martin sank back into his pillows to enjoy a little nap before Danielle would come upstairs to see that he ate his dinner.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-07-05 15:15 EST
Danielle and Garry arrived at the Beacon, and knowing that he had to go see Major derKorst at his office, Danielle was looking forward to getting to enjoy that enormous but comfortable library there while waiting. "Will you find your way to the major's office?" Danielle asked after having described the way to Garry as best as she remembered from a previous delivery she had mad for Poppy.

Garry had to laugh, and then he leaned down and gave his beautiful fianc?e a kiss. She was just adorable. "I think I can find my way to the major's office, and if I get lost on the way, I'm sure that there are many who can point me in the right direction. Just you don't be getting lost amongst those piles of book," he said teasingly. He loved Danielle so much that she was his entire life. He didn't know what he'd do without her. "I'll come join you as soon as I finish talking with Major derKorst."

After the kiss she said, "I'll be right by the big fire place through those doors." She nodded at the doors across the hall to the right that were currently standing wide open. "I promise I won't get lost. Good luck, darling." Garry was, of course, correct. There were enough guards around to point him to the right office. Anyway, there was nothing too complicated about up the stairs, down the hallway, around the corner, first door on the left. Danielle wouldn't need a book to pass the time. She loved just looking upon the shelves of books and scrolls and the artwork between them. And she'd much rather dwell on Garry and how good he was to her then read about other people.

Garry had no trouble finding the major's office. He was far too accustomed to the military and their procedures and style to feel out of place. He came to the door and saw the place with the major's name. In typical army fashion he knocked and then opened the door slightly and looked in, not sure if the major would have a receptionist, as most officers did.

This office did not have a receptionist. It held a wide desk with a comfortable, leather covered chair on either side, shelves and cabinets for mostly paperwork and few books - probably ledgers - and most noticeably a large window. The window was where Julian had been when Garry first knocked, peering out of it. Now he turned around and smiled when he recognized Garry. "Bradstreet! Come on in. I appreciate that you could come up here, saving me some time."

Garry walked into the office and shut the door behind him. "No problem at all, Major. Besides, Danielle was excited to come and spend some time in the library."

"I hear some congratulations are in order. You have found yourself a fine bride. Let me wish you happy." Julian was indeed pleased to do so.

He stood there and smiled at derKorst. "Thank you, sir. I'm a very lucky man," I understand you might have some important information for me. Is that correct?"

"I do indeed have some business to discuss with you, that is correct. Shall we be comfortable?" He indicated the leather chair in front of the desk. Garry moved to the chair and sat comfortably with his left leg crossed over his right knee.

Julian moved behind the desk and sat down as well. "First, let me convey the Commanders congratulations to your new position and her welcome to the Guardians. Lady Topaz regrets that she can not be here to welcome you personally, as she would have loved to do, and hopes that you do not feel slighted that she charged me with that honor."

Garry raised a brow, surprised that the position was even mentioned. He had heard a little of the Lady Topaz, but had no idea she was the commander of anything, let alone the Guardians. "No . . . no, I don't feel slighted. Please convey my thanks for her welcome, and that I'll try to be every bit as good in the position as Martin has been."

"She?ll be very happy to hear that, and I am sure she'll welcome you in her own way as soon as she?s able to do so." Julian smiled. "Here?s where I should ask you if you wish to be recognized as Guardian, or if you?d rather not. Either way, you are entitled to make use of what the Beacon has to offer and some benefits. What is your preference?"

Garry sat up straighter in the chair and took a deep breath. He was quite perplexed. "That's difficult to answer, sir. I have no idea what are the pros or cons of either choice." All this was still very much a mystery to him, and they were talking as if this were one of your typical job appointments down at the local meat factory. "Please explain my options in a little more detail, if you wouldn't mind."

"The main differences are how recognizable you will be to the other Guardians and how others may perceive you should they recognize you as one and if we call on you should there be any need for your talents or not. Martin, as you know, preferred to keep it a secret, mostly for security reasons. Others liked having the extra respect and the association." Julian opened the only folder currently on his desk, a jade colored one. He had been expecting his current visitor, of course, and was well prepared. Another difference is how we keep you in the books for pay purposes."

Garry listened, but was not hearing much on pros and cons, other than the choice of recognition or added security. He didn't particularly care how he was kept in the pay books. "Then, from what I understand, I would prefer that it be kept secret, just as with Martin."

Julian nodded and picked up a pen to make a notation on the previously blank sheet of paper he had opened the folder to. "The sum of 1000 silvers to be paid to Garry Bradstreet quarterly for keeping the Beacon supplied with...." He looked up then, "Does nails sound plausible to you?"

Garry nodded, "I'm sure the army will require nails of all types."

"Nails it is." Julian finished the notation and moved the paper over. "And a pocket charm for the portals instead of the pin." He slid the next paper over to Garry, upon it a pin and a pocket charm, each depicting black crossed rapiers over a jade background, both in the shape of crests.

Garry looked at the paper with the pin and the pocket charm, and he reached over and picked up the latter. "How do I use it?"

"We?ll get to that shortly. I would like to show you the portal room, too. You already have met Le Amon, Querylon, myself, and you at least know of Topaz Datratzanov. Shall we keep the knowledge of your position among those or would you prefer an additional person of contact?"

"Those should fine," Garry said. In truth, he wouldn't have known who else to put on the list.

"If you ever find yourself in need of anything, small or large, please do turn to any one of us." Julian pulled the paper back once Garry had picked up the pocket charm and put it back into the folder, moving the pin into his pocket to be destroyed after Garry had left again. "Besides activating the portals that lead to and from the portal room, showing the charm will get you immediate transport to Le's hospital and aid from anyone wearing the Atrebla uniform."

"Should you lose the charm, notify me immediately." Such a thing in the wrong hands could spell disaster, but Julian wasn't about to insult the man by pointing that out.

Garry gave a deep sigh; all this was more than a little over the top for him. "I'll be careful with it. Is there anything else I should know?"

Julian took the next two papers from the folder and placed them into a metal waste basket. He then picked up the matchbook that had been under those papers, lit a match, and then held the match to the papers in the basket. "Just the all clear sign in case you wish to bring someone with you into the Beacon through the portals."

"The all clear sign? What is? Lighting a fire in a trash can?" Garry paused, then went on, "I'm sorry if I'm asking such stupid questions, but all this is completely new to me. I don't know about portals, charms, how to use them, all clear signs . . . sir, I'm just a smithy now. Maybe you have the wrong man."

Julian closed the folder, stood up and moved around the desk to stand before Garry. "Watch my left hand." Julian demonstrated the small sign of hand. "The guards are trained to look for it, when they don?t see it they know something's wrong. We've had trouble in the past. The metal can is there to destroy paperwork that shouldn?t exist. I had prepared some forms in case you should want to officially be a Guardian." Julian nodded. "Just a smith, but even a smith can bring trouble. Better safe than sorry."

Garry watched his hand and memorized the small sign and assumed that this was the all clear sign. "Okay, I have that down." By this time he just wanted to leave and go see Danielle.

"Good. Then, if you?re ready and have no more questions, let me show you the portal room." Julian looked to Garry, waiting to see if he had any questions.

Garry shook his head and stood up, than asked, "Is this the only portal room in the area?" If so, that would make the sign far more understandable.

"Yes." Julian answered simply and moved to open the door. Once again Garry just nodded in affirmation and then followed the major out of the room. Julian led Garry back down the way he had come and to the opposite side of the hall from the doors to the library, into the portal room, nodding to one or the other guard they passed along the way. The portal room was ringed by four large portals, each to be reached by a couple of steps, and each shimmered a different color. Two guards and a mage stood more or less in the center of the room, apparently on duty, watching the portals. The floor was polished to a fine shine and seemed to glow with its own light. Suspended over a gray marble pedestal floated a similar gray globe, a jade green circle floating around it.

"This one leads to an alley in Rhydin, a block and a half away from the Red Dragon Inn." Julian pointed out the portal of shimmering blue, almost like a perfectly round lake's rippled surface standing on its end. "I imagine that one will be the most use to you. The others lead to the opposite end of the valley, Krondor, and just past the pass to Guardian." Julian pointed them out in turn.

Garry looked at the portals, never really expecting them to look this way. He never had much exposure to magic and didn't particularly care for it, but he could see the purpose in these. It would certainly make it easier on Danielle when she needed to go into town. "Yes, I think I'll be taking Danielle into Rhydin for some wedding preparations."

"They do make traveling faster, and during the winter months when the passes are closed travel to and from the valley would be impossible without them." Julian offered with a smile. "Now, I believe I have kept you long enough from your lovely fianc?e."

Garry was actually quite pleased this had ended. He needed time to sit and think and absorb it all. "Well, thank you, Major, for all you've done and your help. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other soon." Garry smiled and gave the major a salute and turned and left the room.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-07-11 21:57 EST
Walking Home

Garry was very glad to leave Major derKorst's and head to the fortress library. He went down the hall, retracing his steps until he saw the library. Danielle was in there looking at some book and he walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek. "Find anything good? he asked softly.

That she held the book upside down didn't necessarily imply that she wasn't reading it, but it was a fair indication. She snapped it shut when she heard Garry's voice and jumped up from the comfortable chair she had been sitting in. The book dropped into the now empty cushion as Danielle wrapped her arms around Garry and happily smiled up to him. "Nothing half as good as you. How did everything go?"

"It went very well, my love. I have a little token that we can use to take the portal to Rhydin. We can go shopping whenever we want." He smiled, knowing that she would want to shop for wedding things. He never had to worry about Danielle overspending. She was very thrifty. Of course, he didn't tell her about the stipend he'd be getting for the "nails". That would come at the right time. "I've already got them interested in the nails I can make. I think everything is going to work out very well, darlin'."

"Nails? Poppy taught you all kinds of fancy iron work and they want you to make nails? Where is this Major derKorst now? I'll go right up there and talk to him." Then she looked to Garry with suspicion for a moment. "You're not teasing me again, are you? Did you really just say we could go into the big town any time for shopping?"

Garry just had to laugh; she was so adorable. "These are special nails that only I can make; and yes, we could to shopping in the big town any time you want, sweetheart. We should get back to Poppy and see how he's doing. And I think we have a dance coming up, don't we?"

"Yes we should and yes we do." She chuckled and pressed her lips to his for a moment. "If it's special nails only you can make then I guess it's okay. Congratulations, you pulled in your first contract, and the smithy isn't even open yet. You will be ever so busy." Keeping one arm around his waist, she was ready to depart to see how Poppy fared.

"Did you want to sign out any book?" he asked as they began for the door. He hadn't noticed that she had the book upside down.

"No, I don't think I'll be having much time to read anything anytime soon. What kind of wedding should we have?" She would much rather get back to making to making plans.

They walked out in the street and Garry raised his arms in the air and turned in circles, "I want the entire world to come see me marry the most beautiful woman in all the universe!" he shouted out, not caring who heard. He then looked at Danny, "Would that be too large a wedding?" he asked with a smirk. Danielle couldn't help but laugh and she shook her head, blushing when a few people turned their heads to look at them.

"Garry!" She said when she could talk again, still chuckling. "That's way too many people and I doubt anyone would agree with you on the 'of the universe' part."

He laughed even more and took her into his arms. "I love you, Danny...I love you with all my heart and I'll be so proud to be your husband.

"I love you, too, Garry. This much." She opened her arms wide in a demonstration of endless and then wrapped them around him. She had meant to keep him laughing, but then she looked into his eyes and what she found there took her breath away.

What she saw was how much he loved her and how much he wanted her. He wanted to be with her in the most intimate way. She could see in his eyes the desire he had for the woman who was to be his wife. He swallowed and tried to speak, "I...I guess we should get home." Then he just pulled her into him. "Oh, Danny, I can't wait for the moment that I can say that I'm your husband. I so want you." Maybe he shouldn't have said that, but it just slipped out.

"I can hardly wait for that day, too." Her voice had taken on a much softer and quieter quality. Then she leaned forward and brushed her cheek against his, not quite knowing what to do with all those feelings he could wake with just a look nor how to express them. "We probably should get home."

He conceded that they should go home, and took her hand and walked with her, waving to the occasional neighbor they would see. When they got to their home he opened the door for her. "How about I make a cookout for us tonight and we eat under the stars? How does that sound, oh future Mrs. Garry Bradstreet?

"That's a wonderful idea, absolutely perfect, husband of mine to be. We can gaze at the stars while trying to make plans on perhaps a slightly smaller scale." She gave him a wink and a wide and happy smile as she brushed against him to walk through the open door. It occurred to her suddenly that she had never met any of his friends. "Do you think Warrior may like to get a wedding invitation?"

Gary thought about it for the first time. His closest friends were now dead. He shrugged, "Most of those I know at this point would only come to drink and get drunk. I'm really not sure I want them around spoiling our special day. I think my side of the wedding party is going to be a little sparse, but that doesn't bother me. I love you, and as long as we're married, I don't need anyone from my family present." Truthfully, he couldn't thing of any he wanted to invite.

"You could invite your new relatives, Poppy would be happy to accept your invitation." She smiled to him. Poppy had come to think of Garry as son and she thought that Garry couldn't love him any more if Poppy was his father. And she did remember what he told her of his family all those months ago when she had first asked about them. She was about to climb up the stairs to check on her grandfather when another thought popped into her head. "Oh no, you need to find a best man to keep you from running off on our wedding day or from fainting or whatever it is a best man does."

He laughed. "I'll find someone, I'm sure. I've got some ideas. There are a few friends I've met at the Inn." He headed toward the rear of the house. "I'll see about getting a barbeque going."

"I'll check on Poppy." Then she skipped up the stairs and down the hall, only slowing down to open to door to Poppy's room. "Hello Poppy, we're back. How was your afternoon? Garry managed to get a new contract already, isn?t that wonderful?"

Garry went behind the house to the nice secluded porch and looked at the little fire pit. It looked perfect. He gathered the wood and cleaned out the pit and began to make a fire. This would be perfect for grilling the meat they had purchased.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-07-11 21:57 EST

An hour later, after Danielle had talked Poppy into a bowl of soup and had seen that he ate it, she brought the empty bowl back into the kitchen, ready to see how Garry was proceeding with their dinner plans. The aroma of sizzling meat greeted her even before she slipped out onto the porch.

Garry had the two steaks cooking perfectly. This was going to be a meal to remember. He also had purchased some wine and he wanted to share it with Danielle this evening. While he knew that Danielle rarely drank anything with alcohol, this was a delicious wine and he knew she'd like it. He looked over his shoulder and saw Danielle and waved to her.

"That smells wonderful." Danielle glanced to the pit and then smiled to Garry as she came over.

"Only the best for the woman who's to be my wife," he said as he handed her a glass of wine. "Let's celebrate with wine. It's a special day and you are my very special woman."

"I missed you, too, my most handsome groom." She took the glass from him with a wink. She had more news to share to add to the specialness of the day.

"Poppy says for us to have fun and he sends his congratulations to your new contract, too. He also said that he'll be having lunch with us tomorrow." Danielle was happy that he finally felt up to getting up. "We'll be having lunch upstairs, though. He refuses to get carried to the table."

Garry touched his glass to Danny's and drank the wine. "We have an entire bottle that has to be emptied this night," he added with a grin. "The steaks will be done soon. All we need is two plates and knives and forks." The night was beginning to settle around them as he turned the steaks over and was so happy about all that life had brought him.

Danielle sipped from her glass and then held it out to him again. "If you will hold this for just a moment longer, I'll go get us knifes, forks and plates. An entire bottle? You may have to help me find the stairs." She chuckled.

He took her glass and waited. Live just couldn't get any better than he was experiencing at this moment, and he wondered how long it would last. He was feeling the wine and smiled at Danny when she returned, looking at her legs through the material of the summer gown she was wearing.

"I like what I'm seeing, too." She grinned to him when she saw his look and then set the plates and silver ware down so she could relieve him of her glass again.

He blushed and gave her the glass back. "I'm just so obvious in the way I want my soon-to-be wife, huh? I can't help it, Danielle. I'm just a man who has such a beautiful woman next to me." He tried to be quiet now and put the steaks on the plates. "We eat like kings and queens tonight my dearest," he said, once again taking a sip of that wine.

"You certainly are making me feel like a queen." She blushed a little and took a drink from her glass. Much more quietly she admitted, "I do like the way you look at me, it makes me feel beautiful and warm."

He began to cut a slice of the steak. "You are indeed beautiful, Danielle. I don't know if I can't wait to be with you. I think we need a very quick wedding", he added as he tasted the steak. "Ummm...delicious!" he added his approval of the meal.

"You keep saying that." She took another drink from her glass before she set it down in order to pay proper attention to the steak. He had many so many references to not being able to wait that she started to wonder what their might be to being married that she was supposed to find out soon enough.

Garry's arm went around Danielle as she began on her steak. Between the steak and the wine and the night and the close presence of Danny, he was quite amorous. His kisses went to her neck. "I love you so very much," he whispered against her neck.

"I love you, too, very much." Danielle found it impossible to concentrate on eating while his kisses send delicious shivers though her, so she set the fork and knife down again.

He saw her lay down her eating utensils. "Are you as hungry for me as I am for you, my Danielle," he whispered into her ear, and refilled her wine glass. How far away was this wedding? Obviously far too long.

"I don't know." She whispered back. She certainly would prefer his kisses to steak, but she had a suspicion that he was referring to more than just that. She should have insisted that Marion answer some of her questions instead of allowing her friend to brush her off with some vague hints and that she would find out the rest soon enough. "How hungry are you?"

He had to laugh, and he certainly respected Danielle and did now want to do anything that they would regret in the morning. He mouth moved on her ear. "I'm very, very hungry. Can't have these steaks get cold." He began to cut another piece to eat, noticing that it was getting darker and the lightning bugs were beginning their shining dance.

"They are pretty tonight." She had followed his gaze with hers. Then she picked up her silver ware again with a little sigh. But Garry was perfectly correct; it would be a shame to not even try what he had cooked. They could kiss later. It wasn't like anyone would be sending her to bed the moment dinner was over.

"Oh, this is good!" She exclaimed with surprise when she had gotten a taste of his cooking. "You had better be careful mister groom, or you'll be taking over the cooking."

He had to laugh. "Oh no! I know how good a cook you are, my Danielle. I'm good for the occasional steak on the grill. I need you to keep us living." He had another drink of the wine and another piece of the steak and leaned next to Danielle. "It's such a beautiful, perfect night," he said while watching more stars appear.

"That it is, even more so for getting to share it with you." She found her wine glass again for another sip. "I still find it hard to believe at times that you are really back and worry that I could wake up. Then I look at the ring and pinch myself." She finished with a little giggle.

He smiled, knowing that he'd never leave her again. "I'm here, my love, and nothing will take me away." He finished his steak and poured more wine for Danielle and himself, then just slipped his arm around her and held her close in the darkness. "I can't wait for us to be married," he whispered against her ear as his hand lay upon her leg.

"What exactly is this you can't wait for?" She pushed the plate away to better snuggle up against Garry, keeping the refilled glass in her hand for now and sliding her free arm around him. She had eaten about all she could anyway with Garry distracting her so.

He blushed and grinned and felt so silly. "I just can't wait for being totally with you all night. I want to wake up with you in my arms. Is that so bad, Danielle?"

"No, not bad at all, I like the idea of getting to sleep in your arms and getting to look at you first thing in the mornings." She took another drink from the glass and then set it down. Two arms free were much better for hugging.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-07-12 02:15 EST
"There's more to it, though, right?" She was sure there was, or Marion would?ve giggled and snickered and winked a lot less. She snuggled closer to Garry, glad that it was dark because that made talking easier. "You know, sometimes when you kiss me I think if I could crawl inside you I'd not be close enough."

Garry wrapped Danielle in his arms, just enjoying this time of closeness and privacy. It's not been easy for them to have any privacy since they have known each other. Her soft words just melted his heart, and he knew he couldn't love her more, yet every day he found himself doing just that! His lips moved against her cheek, "I know just what you mean. Do you think that's the 'oneness' that comes with a man and wife in marriage - that we are actually part of each other?"

"It could be." She said slowly contemplating just that. It seemed the most natural thing to do, to turn her head until his lips were brushing her lips instead of her cheek. "Is that something to snicker and giggle about though?" She asked against his lips before ever so gently kissing them again.

Garry moved his lips over Danielle's. "I don't think so," he whispered between their light kisses. His hand then came up and cupped the side of her face and he continued the soft kisses upon her lips. He now completely forgot about the stars and fire and steak and wine. His total presence was wrapped up in the wonderful woman he held within his strong arms.

"What do you think?" She managed to ask before their kiss deepened and she once again just wanted to crawl inside him. She wrapped her arms closer around him with a soft sigh and then breathed in the special scent of him as her lips continued to move against his. Her tongue remembered a taste and moved of its accord to see if it still was the same. It was still there, just laced with sweet wine she found out a moment later.

This was a kiss that was not about to end soon. His mouth slowly made love with hers as they explored all the sensations of young lovers. He loved the taste of her mouth and the way she kissed and the way her body felt in his arms. When at last the kiss ended - and it seemed to only end so that they might catch their breath - he just leaned his head against hers and closed his eyes. Finally he whispered, "I love you with all my heart, Danielle. I just couldn't live without you."

It took her a while to reply, not because of needing to catch her breath or because her heart was racing, though both was certainly the case, but because she was busy listening to his words echoing through her. "I don't think I could live without you anymore either, and I love you with all that I am, not just with all my heart."

He knew for sure right then and there that he was the luckiest man who ever walked the face of this planet. "I can't wait for you to be my wife," he said softly. The fire crackled and continued to burn as it consumed the wood, and he then looked up at the stars. "I'll always remember this night, my darlin'. It's in my mind forever.

"Me too." Then she had to chuckle softly. "You said that again - about not waiting."

He had to laugh. "I guess my impatience is coming through, but I know we need time to get everything together for our wedding." He looked back to the door. "We should probably be going back inside. It's getting late and I want to be able to hear Poppy if he needs us."

Danielle nodded and gave a little sigh, she would prefer staying in Garry's arms. But he was, of course, right. "We should do some serious planning, too. While I love your outrageous compliments and hearing them, we're not getting much accomplished that way." She grinned to him. "We still don't know how and where and who will be there or exactly when, what to wear, what to have to eat and drink, what flowers to have and where, or any of those things that need organizing."

He had to laugh. She was right of course, and he loved that she always paid such attention to details. "Okay, darlin'. Tomorrow we spend the morning planning, then after lunch I need to get busy at the smithy. How's that?" He stood and picked up the plates and the empty bottle of wine, ready to head inside.

"I'll keep you to that promise." She smiled to him and then stood up, collecting the glasses and drinking what was left in hers on her way to hold open the door for him.

As they walked inside Garry knew what he'd be thinking of and dreaming of this night. They cleaned up the dishes and prepared things for the morning, and then he took her into his arms one more time and gave her a goodnight kiss. "I love you." He smiled. "See you in the morning."

"See you in the morning, my love." Then she moved toward the stairs, hoping they'd be holding still long enough for her to climb up them without her loosing her footing.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-07-20 13:08 EST
Dance at the Festival Grounds

Danielle came down the stairs, a little nervous. When she had been in town earlier this week to order her wedding dress she had also picked up a new dress to wear for the dance today, and she was not at all sure if Garry would approve of it, because it was not at all in the style of what she usually would have picked. The seamstress had been excited about her gown and when Danielle had mentioned the dance, the middle aged woman had brought out this dress, swearing it was absolutely perfect for the occasion and for Danielle's figure and coloring. Danielle didn't have the heart to decline and it had seemed fine when she had tried it on in the shoppe. But now it made her feel ... different.

The gown was deep red, almost burgundy, and yet it seemed to compliment her hair color rather than clashing with it. It had the tiniest of sleeves with a hint of ruffles around the sleeves edges and the neckline, which while still modest appeared outrageously daring to Danielle. The skirt flaring from the empress waistline was contrastingly simple and only adorned with a couple rows of a matching and shiny ribbon. She wore long gloves with it made from the same material, the bracelet and ring Garry had given her over the glove of her left, and matching slippers. The result had her appear even taller than her already above average 5'8''.

Garry had been waiting in the kitchen, slowly pacing and a bit nervous for this would be the first time that they've really be at a social function since they've been engaged. He was dressed in a formal black suit and starched white shirt. His black dress boots were well shinned. With his dark hair and handsome good looks, he was not hard at all to look at. He heard Danielle's steps on the stairs and turned to see her come down to the kitchen. He would later swear that she literally took his breath away. She was amazingly beautiful. "Danielle . . ." He could not say more at first. Then he added softly, "I've never seen anyone look so lovely as you do this night. You are so beautiful."

His reaction put a smile on her face and she at once felt much better. Perhaps the seamstress had been correct after all. She walked the last few steps over to meet Garry with her gloved hands stretched out toward him.

"You are ever so handsome, too. The ladies shall all faint just getting a glimpse at you." She felt a little feint, too. She had never before seen him in such formal attire. The last few times he had taken her out dancing, he had been wearing his captain's uniform.

Garry laughed and took her hand in his. "I was just thinking that I'm going to have to beat away all the men who are going to want to dance with you tonight. I'm not going to be at all fair about sharing you. I hope you'll not mind." He looked at Danielle and smiled. He couldn't even imagine how beautiful she'll look in her wedding dress. "Shall we go, sweetheart?"

"Not in the least. I want to dance only with you anyway." She smiled back, glad that he wasn't willing to share her for so much as a single dance. Though they might not get away with that plan. "Yes, I'm ready to leave."

Garry opened the door and stood off to the side to give Danielle room to pass by. Once in the street he offered her his arm. "It's a beautiful night. I'm sure it will bring out everyone." He felt so proud walking her down the street. "I wonder if our friends will be there tonight."

"I am sure everyone will be there." She placed her hand on the offered arm, her free hand lifting the skirt of her dress a little to make sure it didn't collect too much dust off the cobbles as they walked. "I've not heard of anyone being sick and it is indeed a wonderful evening for a dance.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-07-20 13:10 EST
Marion told me this morning that the Widow Mentar had offered to watch her little ones. So she and her husband will be there, too."

"Oh, that's nice. I would have hated for her to have to miss this." He could see others in the street heading to the festival grounds.

"I hope I remember how to dance," he said teasingly. He was wishing it was their wedding that they were going to, but it would come soon enough. "So, did you find a nice wedding dress when you were in town." He knew that was one of the main reasons she had been there.

"No, I didn't find one already made, but I found a very nice seamstress that showed me the most wonderful plans and materials for a dress, and she promised to have it ready by the very first day of September." Danielle glanced up to Garry with a happy smile and then gave him a teasing wink. "I shall be the girl in the all white and more white dress."

"Okay, I'll try to remember that," he said with a grin. "I'll be the guy passed out on the floor." He tried to hide his laugh. "I can't wait to see you in that dress, Danielle. In fact, I can't wait to be your husband, and to have you for my wife." He looked at her and wanted to kiss her right there in the street, but now there were starting to be people all around.

"You can't do that! No passing out that day" Danielle had to laugh, but when she looked up again and caught the look on his face, the laughter faded and turned into a breathless smile.

She had caught him admiring - no, wanting her. "Okay, I'll try not to pass out. I suppose that wouldn't look to good. Besides, that would only delay being married." He paused and looked around, "I guess we have arrived."

"So we have." Danielle looked at all the people there and those still arriving, excitement added to the glow of happiness already on her features. The array of colors of the pretty gowns of the ladies and the Sunday best of the gentlemen kept her eyes busy for a while. There seemed to be far more people here than usually came out for the dances. The dance floor was dressed up, too, with garlands strung on poles above it. Music already tickled her ears and seemed to go straight into her feet, and the aromas of warm meat and something sweet wafting from a long table tempted her nose. "Where did all these people come from? We're not even to have fire works this time."

Garry looked around and was absolutely amazed. He knew very few of those who were here; some he recognized, and he knew the names of a few. He had been away for too long and felt a bit of a stranger in his own town.

"Where should we go first?" Danielle lifted a hand to wave over to her friend Marion when she spotted her, but there was no hope of getting close enough anytime soon to say hello.

"I think we should see if there is anyone we can say hello to. I want to see them drool over how beautiful you are." He grinned, "But how about a drink first?"

"Those are both wonderful ideas. There's supposed to be a drinkable punch this time. Maybe we can find that." Danielle smiled to Garry before she turned to search the tables for where the bunch bowl might be.

"I see the punch bowl, I think. Lots of people gathered around it." They began to move through those gathered at the dance, nodding and smiling a greeting to those they passed.

"So it may all be gone by the time we get there." Danielle chuckled. "We may have to drink something else. Oh, look! There are Querylon and the Major. Who's that other man with them?"

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-07-20 13:14 EST
Garry's eyes followed where Danielle was pointing. He gave a little wave over to them, glad that he knows someone here besides Danielle. "I'm sure they'll be some punch left." Then he remembered how Danielle was with the wine. "Of course, maybe we can have some other drink later."

"Danielle! Hold up and let me look at you." Marion caught up with them just then. As always she was pulling her husband, Roman Satfield, behind her. "My, what a color, and don't you look just hot in it. Doesn't she, darling? And who's this?" She turned to Garry. "Oh, we've met you before. You're Danny's Captain, aren't you? It sure is nice to see you again." And then she was grinning to Danielle again. "Is your grandfather doing any better? I've some more of those meat pastries he likes you could pick up tomorrow."

Danielle just smiled and nodded. She knew there was no point in even trying to interrupt Marion until she had to pause for air.

Garry tried to respond at several points, but it was fruitless. He just smiled and looked from Danielle to Marion and back and forth. He then looked at Roman and gave a man-to-man shrug.

Roman gave a good natured roll of his eyes and then nodded his head to Danielle and a nod and a wink Garry, also waiting for his wife to have to take a breath.

"Good evening, Marion, Roman." Danielle smiled and, hoping the men would get in a few words, waited with extending her hand toward Marion to show her the ring Garry had given her. For seeing that was certain to have Marion start another long monologue.

Garry tapped Danielle's shoulder. "I'll get our drinks while you talk. It should just take a minute." He left to find that punch bowl.

"I'll be right back." Roman winked again and followed Garry to the punch bowl.

Garry looked at Roman and smiled. "The women love to talk about dresses and weddings."

"Good gods above and beyond, Danielle, where did you get that! Let me have a look." Marion reached for Danielle's hand even as she continued to exclaim over the bit of jewelry.

Garry had obtained the ring when he was away, traveling amongst other ports and he knew it was spectacular. They'd be talking a long time.

"Weddings, ey?" Roman grinned back. "Congratulations. Though I think tonight it's Marion talking, might be different by morning."

Garry laughed, "Thank you. As long as Marion doesn't talk her out of it, I'm happy."

"No chance, she's been going on about how nice it would if Danny would get married, so she'd have someone to talk to about married stuff." Roman grinned. "I hear you opened the smithy up again. Are things going well?"

"Yes, they have. Maybe too well. I'm getting more business than I'm ready for. I guess people were holding onto their jobs, waiting for it to open again."

"Could always get an apprentice." Roman accepted two glasses of punch when it was his turn and waited for Garry to get his. "I was thinking of getting a new sign for the bakery, but it can wait a bit. Dun need it 'til Yule."

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-07-20 13:15 EST
Garry accepted his two glasses. "I've thought of that, but right now I just don't have the time to teach. Besides, with the wedding approaching I'm going to be even busier." He gave Roman a wink.

"I'm sure you will, be. When's it to be?" Roman grinned.

"September. It's coming up fast, and we better get back to the ladies." Garry didn't want to leave Danielle alone for too long with all these guys around.

By the time the men returned to join the women, Marion had waved over Mrs. and Mr. O Conners to congratulate the recently engaged couple. As luck would have it, Marion had just paused for a breath, and Roman quickly handed her a glass. The middle aged couple remembered Garry and greeted him with warm smiles, and now they'd even have an opportunity to speak a few words while Marion tasted the punch.

"Good evening, Mr. Bradstreet, Mr. Satfield. It's a pleasure seeing you both and your ladies." Mr. O Conners offered before extending a hand to Garry. "Our congratulations to your engagement, Mr. Bradstreet. You got yourself a mighty fine woman there."

Mrs. Conners nodded to the words of her husband and smiled to Garry and Danny, both.

"Mr. and Mrs. O'Conners, so nice to see you again." Garry gave Danielle her drink.

"Thank you, Garry." Danielle greeted him with a thankful smile as she accepted the glass.

"Have fun you two. I'll see you tomorrow, Danny." Marion had already said everything she could have squeezed into the minutes they had waited for the men, and now saw someone else she wanted to say hello to. She grabbed Roman's arm again." Let's go see the Hillbacks, I want to hear all about their new puppies."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," he said. "After we finish our drink I'd love to have a dance." He had been dreaming of dancing with Danielle again for nearly a year and a half.

"I'm sure the Hillbacks want to hear all about what Marion thinks about puppies." Mrs. O Conners gave a bemused smile.

"Got to love that girl. Congratulations from me too to you both. Now off with you young folk." Then she turned to her husband. "You won't mind getting a seat near the floor so we can watch a bit?"

Garry smiled and thank her for the congratulations, then put an arm around Danielle's waist and led her away. "I can't wait for a dance with my fianc?e," he said softly.

"Right away, Garry." She smiled to him and after nodding to the O Conners drank her punch quickly. Dancing in Garry's arms was what she had been looking forward to all week.

Garry finished his punch and wondered if getting the drinks was worth the trouble with the cups being so small. They were better fit for a lady's afternoon tea than for any decent drink. He set down the cup and took Danielle's hand. "I think I hear the dance floor calling our names," he said over the sound of the music and then gave her a wink.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-07-26 11:35 EST
It took a little maneuvering, but they did make it to the dance floor without anyone holding them up, and just in time for the musicians to strike up a Waltz. Danielle?s eyes shone even brighter when she realized that she would actually get to spend the next minutes in Garry's arms rather than skipping apart from him to the country reel.

Garry heard the music of the waltz begin and he was quite happen to have timed it so perfectly. He had a few dances under his belt, and the waltz was one of them. He held Danielle's hand high as they passed through the crowd and took their place on the dance floor. He turned and faced her with a smile and a bow, "M'lady. I would love this dance." He put his right hand on her back and took her right in his left.

"It will be my pleasure, milord." She smiled up to him as she came into his arm, placing her ringed and gloved hand upon his shoulder.

He led with the left on the one, and they flowed over the floor, passing those who were less capable at the dance. Garry never took his eyes from Danielle's. He felt her red dress moving with the breeze they were creating. "You are so beautiful, Danny," he said with no little admiration in his voice.

"I love dancing with you." She felt like her feet floated over the floor instead of touching it, his lead was so perfect and easy for her to follow.

Garry watched her and wanted to kiss her, but that would be a bit difficult to do while waltzing. The waltz took more concentration than most dances, and if he tried kissing her they'd surely fall over someone. "We need to make more wedding plans, honey."

"That we do. Marion wants to bake the cake and some other cakes and pies. She thinks there will be lots of hungry people." Danielle had to chuckle at the image or Garry trying to select a cake with Marion talking. "And we should probably find a priest or priestess. Oh Garry! We never set a date." It was only due to his expert lead and their being such well matched dance partners that she didn't skip a step as that realization hit her.

Garry had to laugh. "Yes, I had thought of that when Roman asked the question about when we would be married. Also, we need to reserve a hall and send out invitations. I don't know if we're going to have time to do all this." He was starting to panic.

"I think Poppy already asked Major derKorst about getting the tavern for that. But we certainly can't invite anyone without knowing what day they should all be there." She chuckled at his panicked expression. "It will be fine, darling. I'll say yes even if we get married in a pasture wearing rags and rain is pouring down and nothing but steaming cattle for guests."

He had to laugh at that, and fortunately the dance was ending. He took Danielle into a hug. "I think I like the idea of just having cattle for guest."

"Oh no, we're not planning for that." She laughed as she held him a little tighter for a moment, wondering what tune the musicians would strike up next.

He stood there and just held her hands in his. "I wish we were married right now," he said in a whisper against her ear. "Maybe we should just elope," he said, half teasingly against her hair.

"Why?" She whispered back, completely missing that other couples around them had started to move again. "What would you do if we were married right now?"

He furrowed his brow and scrunched his lips together, thinking about how to answer this. She sounded quite serious and he certainly didn't want to sound like all he wanted was to be in bed with her. He had to think of something else. "Well . . . if we were married, then we could have a spare bedroom in the house again. You know . . . for having guests stay with us."

"That is such a weak argument." She grinned, guessing that this particular reason was far from his mind only a minute earlier. "Whom would you like to invite for an overnight stay?"

He knew he was busted, but he'd try to act innocent. "Well, you never know who might come visit from Rhydin and need to stay with us for a while. It's always good for us to be prepared. Right?"

"You may have a point there, though I cannot think who." She winked up to him.

That wink got him and he laughed. "You know why I want to be married right now. You're just teasing me!"

"I want to be married to you, too." She blushed but did not take her eyes from his.

He moved his lips to her ear and whispered, "If we were married, I think I'd want to leave this dance already and take you home to bed."

"But we only got to dance once. Are you already tired?" She leaned her head back a little, studying his face with a touch of concern.

She had to be teasing. Didn't she? Then he thought that maybe she wasn't, and that horrified him. "Oh, no. I'm not tired. Come, let us dance." He took her in his arms for another dance, but his thougths were on what she just asked.

"I am glad." And off they were again to swirl over the dance floor and among other couples. When she looked up to him again she smiled and then glanced further up and beyond him. "Look, darling the stars are out, too." No, she had definitely not been teasing him. She had tried to ask him several times why he found waiting so difficult, and even told him that she had not gotten a clear answer from Marion on the subject either. And he told her that he wanted to sleep with her in his arms or beside him.

They turned in a circle and he saw the stars. "Yes, they're out there alright. Very bright too."

"And absolutely beautiful!" Then Danielle looked to Garry again, a happy smile on her lips. All too soon the tune came to its end and the music faded.

Garry bowed, "Thank you for the dances, m'lady. I enjoyed them very much." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, smiling into her eyes which to him were more beautiful than the stars.

"No more so than I enjoyed them, I am sure of it." She smiled back, curling her fingers around his and giving his fingers a gentle squeeze. "Are you as thirsty as I am now?"

He was really thirsty for her lips, but he'd settle for a drink. "I was just thinking that a drink would be perfect. What would you like, honey?"

"Anything really, so long as it is wet, please. I don't think they will many dancers for the livelier tunes this evening, it is just too warm for those." Then again, it may not be the exertion of dancing alone that made her feel overly warm.

"I'll be right back," he said and went for a drink. This time he brought back punch that was very alcoholic, but very tasty with strawberries and sorbet in it. "Here you are, honey. This should taste very good."

"Thank you." She accepted the glass and raised it to clink to his before she brought it all the way to her lips. She ended up taking more then just a sip. "Oh this good, and delightfully cold, even better than your ice cream."

"Better than my ice cream?" he replied raising a brow, quiet surprised. "Well, then we're just going to have to drink more of this punch." He put his hand on her back. "Shall we go where we can see the stars better?"

"I would like that." And she quickly took another sip with the thought that a less full glass would be easier to walk with without spilling any of it upon her dress. Then she let his hand on her back guide her through and away from the throng of people.

He moved them away from the crowd and into the shadows of the night. He moved behind her and put an arm around her a waist and his cheek near her ear. "I love being with you," he whispered. "I guess that's a really good thing since we're getting married."

"Yes, that is a good thing, because you will get to do that all the time." A little shiver went through her as his breath tickled her ear. She leaned against him, holding his arms to her and gazed up at the stars.

He took a sip of his punch, and then began to place cold kisses against her neck, moving down to her shoulders. "I love you, Danny," he whispered.

"I love you, too." She tilted her head slightly to the side offering her neck for more of those cold kisses. She could feel the tingles of Garry's cool lips on her heated skin all the way to her toes and hoped that he'd not stop anytime soon. "That feels ever so good."

"Then you wouldn't mind if I continue," he said while nibbling on her shoulder, loving this closeness, holding her against his body.

"Not in the least." Danielle sighed softly and was perfectly happy. It was like he had read that wish from her mind. She held his arms to her a little tighter, taking another sip from her glass.

Garry continued to hold Danielle and place affectionate kisses upon her neck. He only stopped when he felt the sudden eerie coldness pass over them and the stars momentarily disappear from the cloudless night. It passed as quickly as it came on, but it left Garry with the same foreboding dread that he had encountered several months back.

It was searching.

?We should probably go back,? he said against her ear. ?Don?t want everyone to think we already left.?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-08-05 11:04 EST
Garry had felt something he had hoped to never feel again, something that made his breathing stop and his heart race. All he could think of was to get Danielle to some place safe. He brought her back to the crowd while looking up into the sky.

"I'm in the mood for one more dance," he added quickly.

"I think that is a good idea." Danielle smiled to Garry, still taking up in the sensations of his cooled lips warming against her neck and shoulder, but not so much so to have missed the change in his mood. So as he led her to the dance floor she peered up to him. "What is it; did you see you see someone?"

He smiled at her, trying to cover up the anxiety that he felt. "No, I didn't see anyone. I just started to think that this fine music could be over before we know it and I wouldn't have got all the chances to dance with you that I would have liked." He took her into his arms and pulled her close to him, but his attention was up into the night sky.

"That would of course be a terrible thing, to miss a dance." She grinned up to him as she picked up the steps to the music. She had intended to enjoy dancing this very close to him, but there was something about the way he gazed at the stars that struck her as not quite right. "Are you worried about a summer storm perhaps?" She doubted that was what had him somewhat distracted, though.

Garry just held her closer, tight against his muscular body. His voice was but a whisper, "Sometimes the night seems a little strange, that's all, my love." He remembered the last time he had fought against the darkness and how many men were lost. "Perhaps after this dance we should head back home."

"The night time can also be most wondrous." She thought again of how he had held her only moments before and her smile turned warm and soft again. She had meant to be teasing him, but her voice sounded huskier than teasing to her now, especially with his hard body pressed against hers, and she had to concentrate for a moment where to set her feet to avoid stepping on his toes. Only for a moment though, and then it seemed to her like they had always danced this close. "Are you suddenly afraid of the dark?"

He laughed, "No, my love. There's nothing to be afraid of." He knew differently. He knew how many had died at the hands of this . . . this thing from the very pits of hell. "It's just I'd like to have some along time with you."

"Some alone time with you does sound wonderful. I do not think Poppy expects us back quite so soon either." His laughter sounded real enough, and she still wondered what stars had to do with wanting to be alone with her. But his body so close and the movements of the dance turned her thinking processes sluggish. And, she suspected, that iced punch may not have been as innocent as the first glass.

Garry continued to hold her close as they danced, and she likely didn't realize that it was more for protection than anything else. He did notice some eyes cast in their direction, but that didn't bother him at all. "I think Poppy would relax more if he knew that we were same and home, honey. I was just concerned about him. You know how he can worry."

That made her laugh softly. "Garry, you are being impossible. He's not worried in the least when I am out with you." It was more likely that her grandfather would worry when they came home early.

She was right of course. He knew that, but he was just tying to find a good reason to get her safe at home. "Yeah, well that's true, but I know he can still be concerned." Garry then to dance seriously and his lips came to her cheek. "I love you, Danielle," he whispered.

"I love you, too." Danielle whispered back then her breath caught as she felt his lips brush her cheek. It would be lovely though to get to stroll home together before the streets were crowded with everyone wanting to go home, and perhaps they could even sit on the porch for a while before going in. Or so she hoped as Garry turned her around the floor.

He loved hearing her speak her words of love as they moved along the floor, and when the music ended they were near the spiked punch. "How about one more drink before he head home," he asked her.

"So we do not expire from thirst on the way home?" She gave him a teasing wink. "Yes please, I would love another glass."

Garry grinned and went to get them both another glass of punch. He came back and handed it to her and looked around at the crowd, some were dancing and some talking; a few were looking at them. Garry was so proud to be with the most beautiful and wonderful woman in all the land. "To us, my sweetheart," he said while touching his glass to hers.

"To us, my love." She lifted her glass to her lips then, her gaze still upon Garry's face. She didn't even see Major derKorst nodding toward them.

Garry lifted his glass to Danielle, took a sip, and then saw the Major heading in their direction. "Major derKorst, nice to see you this evening." Garry wondered if he needed to let the major know what was nearby.

"It is a pleasure to see you both." Julian bowed to each before he turned to Garry again with a wink to Danielle. "May I compliment you on your beautiful escort this evening and beg for an introduction to the lovely lady?"

Garry had to laugh. "Major derKorst, may I present my beautiful fianc?e, Danielle Corwell. Danielle, as you know, Major derKorst."

Danielle had to chuckle too. "A good evening to you, Major derKorst."

"Of course, Danielle, I did not recognize you at first and when I did, I just to come over and wish you both to enjoy the dance." Julian gave both a friendly smile and waggled a brow at Danielle. He was certainly in a relaxed mood this evening. "You look lovely together upon the dance floor."

Garry laughed, "It's practically impossible to not look good when dancing with such a lovely lady." He gave Danielle a wink. "We were just about to head on home. It's getting a little late and we didn't want Martin staying up and listening for the door."

"How is the old man doing?" Julian asked with a brow slightly raised.

"He is getting better, thank you for asking. He said he'll walk me down the aisle for sure." Danielle smiled. "And he's talking about wanting to go fishing, too."

Garry grinned, "You know how he is, major, you just can't keep that ol' smithy in bed." Garry looked at Danielle. "Well, we're just about to head home. Nice to see you again, major."

"Not for long anyway. Please, give Martin my best." Julian bowed to both. "It is always a pleasure to meet you both. Don't get lost on the way and have a pleasant walk home."

"Good night, Major derKorst." Danielle gave him a friendly smile and then quickly finished the melting punch in her glass. She found a surface to settle the empty glass to and then she was ready to head home.

Garry gave the major a wink and then turned to Danielle after setting his empty glass down next to hers. "Shall we?" he said, while placing his hand on her back. He really wanted to get some alone time with Danielle. She looked so beautiful he would hate to end this night without a few kisses.

"Yes, my love, we shall." She snaked her arm around the back of his waist and smiled up to him.
Garry Bradstreet: Garry smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "This was a wonderful night. I think I'm going to get very addicted to being with you at these events. I guess we really are going to have to get married," he joked, leading her away.

"You know you could just ask me out to dances forever without us being married, right?" Danielle winked up to him with a teasing grin. "Of course, you'd have to let me dance with other people then and get permission from Poppy every time."

"Well, that's what I was thinking too," he teased back. "I've been thinking it's easier to just marry you than to keep asking Poppy and to have to beat off all the other guys who want to dance with you." He gave her a smile and a wink as they heading down the road taking them further from the dance and more into the natural darkness and silence of the night.

"So that is what you have been hinting at. You are afraid Poppy will say no one of these days and one of those guys to break your handsome nose." Danielle giggled at the unlikely chance of either happening. "That would explain so much."

They had just entered into the shadows of some trees lining the street, so he turned and pulled her closer. "You've guessed my fears," he said softly, then moved his mouth to her towards hers.

Danielle tilted her face up so his lips would meet hers, wondering as his mouth came closer if his lips would still be cool with the last bit of punch or if they had warmed already like hers had. Her free hand came up to his arm.

Garry moved his arms around her waist and pulled her close to himself as their mouths met. He kissed her deeply, feeling her responding and wondering if it was the result of that delicious punch, or if it was really her desire for him. The kiss slowly ended and he just held her. "I love you so much," he whispered against her hair. "And you are so beautiful tonight."

Her fingers curled around his arm and remained there now the she gazed up into his eyes, just as her body remained soft and pliant against his. Her voice did not sound like her own to her at all when she whispered back with a very soft sigh. "I love you, Garry."

He smiled and held her tight for a few moments and then continued toward their home. He didn't feel ?the presence? anymore, but it didn't make sense to risk it by being alone in the streets. It wasn't long before they were on the porch of their home. "Would you like to sit out here a while before going inside?" he asked her.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-08-10 22:28 EST
"I'd like to enjoy the rest of the evening on the porch with you," Danielle said, hoping that Garry had not changed his mind about some alone time with her. Danielle stepped up onto the porch and sat down on the bench there.

Garry wasn't sure about the porch. If he had seen what he thought he saw while at the dance, he really didn't want to them to be out in the open. But then he saw Danielle sit on the bench and his heart just melted. She was so beautiful, and that dress was just too nice to bring inside right now. Besides, perhaps he only imagined it. This is far from where it had last made its destructive appearance, and he doubted that it would hunt him down this far. Garry looked at Danielle and smiled, "I'd enjoy that too, honey." He went over to the bench and sat down next to her. "Did I tell you how proud I was to be with you tonight?"

"No, not yet. How proud were you?" She smiled up to him even as she scooted close.

Garry put his arm around Danielle and leaned close. "Well, let's see. I think I was about as proud as any man could possibly be when he has the love of such a beautiful woman."

"I can do more than just look pretty." Danielle chuckled softly and slightly shook her head. "I was proud of your fine manners and the way you didn't let Marion embroil you in a lengthy conversation and how well you danced. That you look drop dead gorgeous didn't hurt, though."

Garry laughed and leaned close and placed a kiss on her cheek. "You are too kind, but I could tell Marion could be an all-night engagement if I showed any interest in what she was saying." He gave Danielle a wink, then looked out from the porch and up into the night sky.

"Of course she would be. It's her charm." Danielle knew Marion was an acquired taste for most, but she loved her dearly. "And we'd not have gotten around to dancing then. What do you see up there, darling?"

"Up where? Oh!" Was he being that obvious? "I just love looking at the night sky. You never know when you see one of those falling stars." He turned back to Danielle, "Of course, they can't compare to your eyes."

"Do you have a wish you need one of stars to fall for, to make it come true?" She turned her eyes up to look into his.

Garry reached up with his right hand and his fingertips gently touched her soft cheek. "I think I've already received my wish." His hand caressed her cheek as he gazed into her eyes.

"I don't currently have a use for a falling star either." Danielle tilted her head lightly into his caressing hand.

Garry bought his lips to Danielle's and kissed her. It was a kiss that wasn't intended to end quickly. He deepened that kiss and he melted into the taste of her mouth and feel of her breath. "I love you," he whispered against her mouth.

"I love you" She sighed back after a while. But for long moments she was too busy with enjoying the feel of his lips and his mouth to come up with the breath to form the words.

Garry sighed a deep, satisfied sigh, and gave her another kiss before leaning back slightly. "So, we're getting married tomorrow, right? I think it was tomorrow. Or was it tonight?"

"Good question. I can't remember." She grinned up to him with a teasing wink and then gave the appearance of thinking hard. "Did I throw a bouquet at anyone at the dance?"

He gives that same appearance of thinking. "Why I think you did! Honey, we're already married. Let's go to bed."

"Your memory is terrible." She poked him playfully as she chuckled softly.

"What?" he gave her that very innocent look and realize that he should have stayed there until she had a lot more of that alcoholic punch. "Well, we do have to settle on a date, my dear, because I doubt that what happens in Corwell stays in Corwell." He looked her over, "By the way, I love that dress."

"Thank you. I am very glad that you like it. And you are perfectly correct; we do need to set a date." She smiled to him. All the punch in the world would not be enough to make her forget getting married to Garry.

Garry kept his arm around Danielle and stroked her shoulder. "Planning a wedding seems to be more difficult and stressful than planning a battle campaign, at least for me it is. I hope you're good at it, Danielle. I get the feeling there are a lot of people who'll want to be there with us." His hand rubbed her back.

"It's not so difficult. We just need to go to Marion to pick what flavor cake we'd like, let everyone when the wedding is, pick some flowers, decide who to invite besides just everyone, pick an invitation, and make sure everyone has something to wear." She listed all the things she could think of, which wasn't all that easy just now with Garry so close, that kiss earlier and the punch before that. She probably forgot a few things, too. "We probably should go into town next week to pick some furniture and check on those clothes." Then she snaked an arm around his back and gave his waist a little bit of a squeeze.

?Furniture?" Ah, now she had said something that he could actually wrap his thoughts around. "Yes, it will be fun to pick out furniture." All the other things she said went over his head. He'd have to write them down and think about those. But furniture is something a blacksmith can understand. "Okay, my love! So, when do we head into town? Next week?"

"Poppy should be able to fend for himself by then. I can make sure he doesn't have to wander around to cook and that he has some company." Danielle already looked forward to picking out items for the room they would be sharing and, of course, to a fitting for that wedding dress. "Thursday, maybe?"

Garry gave a nod. "Thursday it is." He leaned in and gave her another kiss. "It's getting a bit cool out here. I think we better be heading inside, darling."

Danielle merely nodded after that kiss, not feeling the least bit cool.

Garry stood and reached for her hands, helping Danielle to her feet. "I hate for this night to end, but I'm getting tired and I need to get the smithy shop operating early tomorrow."

"That you do. I'm a little sad, too, that the evening's to be over already." But there would more evenings and she had to smile just thinking of those.

He nodded as he opened the door, and he was already looking forward to all the evenings and nights together. "I hate for it to end too, Danny."

Danielle moved through and inside the house and turned around, waiting for Garry. She would at least kiss and hug him good night before heading upstairs to check in on Poppy and then to her room.

Garry locked the door and moved to Danielle and slipped his arms around her. "I love you, Danielle," he whispered. He then brought his mouth to hers once again and kissed her deeply with his strong arms embracing her.

Danielle first leaned the melted against him as she responded to and returned his kiss, holding onto his shoulders.

Garry wanted her so much, and it was difficult to not suggest that she come visit him in his bedroom. Nevertheless, he was an honorable man and he would be patient. For now, he enjoyed the kiss and didn't want it to end.

"I love you, Garry. Sleep well and sweet dreams." But she stayed in his arms for a while longer to wait for the world around her to quit spinning.

Garry held her for several minutes, gave her one last kiss, then wished Danielle a good night. When he went to his room, the first thing he did was look out the window at the night sky.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-08-20 13:39 EST

Danielle looked particularly decorative in a sunshine yellow summer gown and a matching ribbon in her hair upon the arm of the handsome smith as they entered the commons of the Red Dragon Inn after a day of shopping in town. A ring and a bracelet glittered on her left whenever the stones caught and reflected some light. They both paused for a look around.

?It's not nearly as crowded as last time we were here.? Danielle turned her warm brown eyes toward Garry with a smile.

"A table or booth, m'lady? And what is your wish for a drink this eve?" Garry found the inn and the patrons to much the same as he remembered.

?Whichever you prefer for seating.? Her smile deepened. ?I feel a little like celebrating, so perhaps a glass of wine would be just the thing??

"Then wine it is, m'love. I feel like celebrating also after all the shopping we've done. My feet are killing me." He gave her a wink. Garry led Danielle over to a table not far from where Talitha was sitting, and he pulled out the chair for Danielle. He smiled to Talitha as he seated Danielle which Talitha returned with a nod.

"Thank you, darling." She slid into the seat and then turned her head to smile teasingly to Garry. "Perhaps we should have looked for some more comfortable boots for you while we were shopping?"

"Aye, I'm definitely putting boots on our next shopping day list.? Garry had to laugh. Putting those boots on her list wouldn't do Garry much good.

I'll be right back, sweetheart." He wound his way through the tables and to the bar, finding a good Pinot Noir for him and his lady to share, and then two glasses. Danielle?s gaze followed him as he walked over to the bar. It was not long before he returned to the table with the wine and glasses. He set the glasses down and pulled the cork and poured the wine. Then he sat.

"I do hope this will be good. The Inn is not the best place to get good wine." He lifted his glass to Danielle. "To my beautiful fianc?e."

?To my most handsome groom to be.? Danielle picked up her glass and raised it to touch it to Garry's. Then she brought the glass to her lips for a sip. "It is just the right thing for after a successful day of shopping. Did you find something to wear? My dress is nearly finished and the seamstress even offered to come out to help me get dressed.?

"You know, I really liked that king-sized bed we had looked at." He had to laugh, she was thinking of clothes and he of a bed. Garry sipped his wine, never taking his eyes from Danielle's. "Aye, love, I think I found a most suitable outfit to make even this poor groom look good."

Danielle recognized Rena, one of the people she had met on Twilight Isle, then and bowed her head toward her with a smile. Then she turned her gaze to Garry with a soft chuckle.

?I think you look great in just about anything, even when you take the shirt off for working at the forge.? She blushed just a little as she said that. ?Which kind size bed would that be? The one with the posters or the one with the green pillows on top or the one with the little stairs to climb up into it??

"I really liked the one with the four large posts. It was large and well-made." Garry was pleased that Danielle had paid such attention to a bed. He looked to Rena and Piper and gave them both a nod and a warm smile.

"Perhaps we should go back there tomorrow then and let them know that we decided on one. I think I liked that one, too. We can always get some more pillows for it." She chuckled then, "I'm so glad you didn't insist on the horror with the wild life carved into the head board. I?d never get a wink of sleep in that."

"You didn't like the elk and bears carved into the headboard? I thought it had that wonderful rugged look." Garry saw his opportunity. He loved teasing her. "Yes, we can surely get that one if you like. And maybe a moose head on the wall."

"Not one bit." Danielle shook her head, grinning. "I think if you insist on the moose, I shall have to insist on separate bed rooms." Then she reached for her glass again to take another sip. The wine was really good, considering. Any serious facial expression she may have tried was ruined by that bemused grin on her lips.

"Okay! No moose on the wall." Garry looked shocked and then laughed and leaned over to kiss her cute grin. Her happy chuckled was muffled by his lips. When he leaned back again she winked to him.

"I shall not insist on the pink swan washbowl either, and I think I can make do without the ballerina drapes, too." She was pleased with how similar their tastes were in regards to furnishings. Of course she never seriously considered getting either, but she loved teasing Garry, too.

"I'm so lucky that I will have a wife with good taste in home decor.? Garry laughed and laughed. ?There's no need for us to have to design on a dime either, my love. I think our home will look quite presentable with you in charge of the furnishings." He winked and sipped his wine.

?You say that like you liked the pink swan." She shook her head lightly. ?I like us getting to pick the furniture together. I am not going to let you weasel out of that. Talking about weasels, did you remember to check on Poppy's tuxedo, too?"

"Are you saying Poppy's a weasel?" He raised his brow with a slight grin as he refreshed both their glasses even though Danielle?s had been nearly full, still.

"Well, he's not here to try on his tuxedo, is he?" Danielle grinned happily, not minding in the least that her grandfather had not come along. She liked having Garry all to herself and it was good to see Poppy walking around and appearing nearly well enough to have done some shopping on his own.

"Well, yes. That's a good point. And to answer your question, I did see a nice tux for him and I reserved it. So, tomorrow we need to order the bed, maybe some other furniture, a few more wedding arrangements, and then we can head home. I have a lot of work waiting for me."

"Yes, you do have a lot of work waiting for you." Danielle giggled. Danielle leaned back in her chair, bringing the wineglass with her. "Saturday morning we're meeting with Marion to pick the kind of cake we want. You've put that off long enough. It's nice to know though that she is not likely to walk in here."

?I guess I've put that off as long as possible. Okay...when we go back we'll see Marion.? Garry winced...that was definitely not a manly job. To him, all cakes were the same.

"She will be so happy to get you into her bakery." Danielle smiled, teasing Garry some more.

"I just hope it's not gooey. Maybe we can get a chocolate one...or coffee flavored?" He gave Danielle that hopeful look as he wondered if she had enough wine to make that sound reasonable. But she had yet to take a second sip from her glass.

"A coffee flavored cake is a marvelous idea. Perhaps with some of that honey whipped cream she usually puts into that almond cake. We certainly have to suggest that to her." Danielle nodded, looking excited about the idea. "Just don't let her talk you into those cherubby looking cake toppers."

" big fat cherubs on the wedding cake. But no dragons either!" Garry was surprised that she went for the coffee flavored wedding cake. He looked over to Tara as she slammed the door and waved.

?Hi everyone! Wind gusts!? Tara jerked her thumb to the door as she explained the slamming of the door. Then she cheerfully waved to everyone.

?No, definitely no dragons either, just a normal bride and groom or some sugary flowers." Danielle nodded firmly. Then she leaned forward again and close to Garry to whisper softly. "That was the woman that old me to leave a while back."

"I like the sugary flowers. They always make the bride and groom look goofy." He leaned in to Danielle and whispered, "Which woman?"

?Aye, most of those groom and bride things look goofy. Standing on a cake doesn't help to look anything but goofy, of course." Danielle gave an ever so discrete nod toward Tara in reply to the whispered question.

?Your humble consort kneels before Your Royal Highness, Vasaris, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of the Dark Star, decorated General of our Imperial Army and Navy, devoted and doting father to our son His Highness Prince Nareloth otherwise known as Little Dipper, and patient, if not loving husband above all other things.? They overheard Tara greet her husband.

"The Great Conquering Dragon of a Thousand Races, The Suffering of Trillions, The Dark Light That Shines in the West, Grand Chief Lord Admiral of the Great Invincible Navies of the Impregnable Nation, The State Himself, bids you rise," Her husband replied and at last stopped hovering as he smiled down at his wife.

With the protocol out of the way, Tara rose and nodded discreetly to Danielle before she put on an award-winning smile for the husband.

"Danielle, can I be your Smithy of One Thousand Hot Coals, Bender of Steel, Lord of the Horseshoes, and Scrapmetal King of the Planet of Iron Plant Hangers?" Garry nodded and put his arm around Danielle and looked at the very strange married couple.

"Of course you may.? Danielle laughed out at that. ?You forgot to mention anything about those nails you're so famous for, though."

"Oh yes, and Prince of Rusty Horseshoe Nails!" Garry finished his wine. "Well, m'lady, I think it's getting time for us to retire for the eve."

"I don't have to remember all those titles, though, do I?" Danielle was still giggling.

"Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized." Garry stood and stretched. "It's been a long day."

"If we must." She gave Garry a concerned glance. He was certainly in a hurry all of a sudden. She then took a second sip from her glass before she set the glass down on the table. "Are your feet really bothering you that much?"

"Terribly!" Actually, he just wanted some alone time with Danielle.

?I'm ready to leave when you are, darling.? Worried now, she came to her feet at once. Garry took Danielle's hand in his and headed for the stairs. As they started to climb to the stairs she whispered softly. "I love you, Garry."

?How about we just sit out on the balcony for a while?? Garry gave Danielle a kiss as they headed up the stairs.

"I would absolutely love that." She gave him a warm smile.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-08-29 00:34 EST
Garry?s true appreciation for the portal came when he discovered how easily he and Danielle could get back home with all the wedding preparations that they had purchased while in the big city of Rhydin. It was an exciting time for him. He loved Danielle more than life, and he couldn?t believe they were actually getting married in less than a month. Until that time came, he devoted his time building up the smithy business and watching over of Danielle and poppy. It was a life that made him happy.

But all was not was at peace within him. He still hadn?t told Danielle where he was or what had happened to him while he was away for that year. He wasn?t sure if it was just to protect her, or if talking about it would make it more real once again. He wished he could put the year out of memory, but what he had seen the night of the dance was not going to allow that to happen.

It was searching.

Damn, but they should have killed it when they had the chance.

Garry Bradstreet

Date: 2008-09-01 19:00 EST
The following day had been a good one ? busy and productive. The Corwell Smithy was back in full operation, and the distinct ring of steel against iron could be heard up and down the street; that is, except for the frequent times when Garry was talking to people who stopped by to bring him business or just to shoot the breeze for awhile. Garry was already well-liked in town and had a reputation for being an honest man who always had a smile and a good word for anyone who?d walk into the blacksmith shop.

The best part of the day was when Danielle brought him lunch. That hour of setting down the hammer and washing up and being with the woman he loved always seemed to go by much too fast, even though getting back to work was never drudgery. He enjoyed his life for it now had purpose. The smith shop, Martin, being Keeper of the Key, all gave his life meaning; but being on the verge of starting a new life with Danielle as his wife meant far more than all the other things put together. The day had gone so well that he forgot all about the creature that he thought he saw in the sky the night of the dance. He began to dismiss it as just his imagination and nothing more.

It was nearly an hour past sunset when Garry finally turned off the burner and removed his leather apron. He had spent too much time talking to people during the day and needed to make up some of that time in the evening. He hung up the tools and turned to remove his gloves and wash up when he was confronted face-to-face with the living nightmare he had hoped never to experience again.

?Bradstreet,? it hissed with a twisted, hideous smile.

Garry stood motionless. In a split second he weighed all his options and none of them seemed good. ?What do you want?? he asked, staring back into eyes that were jet black except for red pupils.

The creature took a step forward, coming more into the light. The black leather wings could be seen folded against the hairless, black body. The creature stood a good 6?6? and the white fangs seemed all the more pronounced against the obsidian black, leathery flesh. ?You know what I want,? it hissed slowly, as if it was enjoying the torment it was inflicting upon Bradstreet.

?I don?t have it.?

The creature tilted its head and snarled. Every word the creature spoke seemed to come with an effort in words that were a low hiss and difficult to understand. ?That?s too bad, Bradstreet. Then you shall die as did those before you who replied in similar fashion.? The creature moved slowly toward Garry, who was stepping back toward the furnace. ?Someone on your ship had it; therefore there must be at least one who knows where it?s been taken. I?ll find that one. Trust me, Bradstreet I?ll find him.?

Garry cursed the day he had joined that crew. He knew it didn?t feel right but he ignored what his senses were telling him, thinking more about the money to be gained, money that would allow him to purchase a home and support Danielle, money that he would never see. He reached for the end of a rod that had been left in the furnace to cool slowly, and held it in front of him. ?Keep back!? It wasn?t much of a weapon but the heat of the tip would likely do more to keep the creature at bay than would the tip of a sword. He was glad he had not yet removed his gloves.

?Perhaps I should just visit the pretty female in the house,? it hissed and turned a glance out the window toward Martin?s home, where Danielle would be preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Garry had seen this creature move. It was fast - too fast. It could be at the house and have Danielle before Garry got halfway there. ?Wait!? He watched the creature slowly turned back toward him. There was still time. ?I don?t have it, but I can get it for you.?

?When?? it hissed the question.

Garry had no idea where that damned thing was. He didn?t even really know what it was. All he knew was who had it last. ?It will take some time. Give me a few weeks to track it down.?

?Two,? it said, then backed away and departed out the door.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-09-09 13:09 EST
Warm Milk

It had been a busy and productive day for Danielle, too. Poppy had been well enough to not only get dressed, but to also come downstairs. He had stayed in the kitchen after breakfast and Danielle enjoyed his company as she cooked, baked and cleaned.

The furniture Garry and her had ordered from town had arrived just after lunch and Danielle had put aside her plans of baking ahead for the entire week in favor of directing where which piece of furniture was to go. After the men had left and she had settled Poppy back to his room for a nap before Querylon would arrive for his afternoon treatment, she returned to what would be Garry and her bedroom and added finishing touches to it.

It was past time to worry about dinner by the time she was done with that well loved task. It was just as well that dinner was ready late that evening. Garry had worked late at the smithy and Querylon had stayed with Poppy longer than usual.

The evening had turned out busier than usual, too, in a good and relaxing way. Poppy had been talkative throughout dinner, entertaining Garry and Danny with stories from his past. He was still in the middle of one of those stories when Danielle moved to the sink to wash up the dinner dishes and came to its end as Garry put up the last of the dried plates.

By then Danielle thought she might burst. She?d been waiting for hours to show Garry their future bedroom, hoping that he would like how she had arranged it. But first Poppy would have to be settled for the night. Garry offered to help Poppy up the stairs while Danielle would make their after dinner coffee.

Finally Danielle got to show Garry her surprise. His initial reaction was disappointing, though. Garry, though he assured her that he liked the room, appeared far less excited to Danielle than she thought he should be after how much he seemed to have enjoyed the shopping. But then he had pulled her into his arms and kissed her rather fiercely, leaving no doubt in Danielle?s mind that whatever excitement was missing from his reaction to the room was due to the day having been extra long and busy.

Garry had been rather quiet, too, when they had finally returned to the kitchen to drink that coffee that was waiting there for them. He even had declined to take the coffee out to the porch and drink it there as they usually did at the end of a day. They did not linger and wished each other a good night as soon as their cups were empty.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2008-09-09 13:43 EST
Some of the day?s events played through Danielle?s mind as she warmed a cup of milk on the stove several hours later. Poppy had woken Danielle some time earlier, being agitated about something he had dreamed, or so Danielle thought. Besides agitated Poppy had also seemed disoriented to Danielle and it had taken some time to calm him enough to where he could return to sleep. She, too, had returned to her room and made every effort to return to sleep. But her mind refused to come to rest. After a while of jumping from one worrisome or exciting thought to another she decided that a cup of warm milk would be worth the effort to hopefully get some sleep later.

When the milk was near to boiling she poured it into a cup and set the pot into the sink. Then she picked up the cup and took it with her to the porch.

The night had turned slightly chilly, she noticed the moment her bare feet touched down on the porch and a stray gust tugged at her night gown. Perhaps she should have taken a wrapper with her. But the thought fled as she sipped from her cup.

Garry had been behaving oddly at times, Danielle thought, ever since the last dance. Each instance, of what she could only term as distracted, by itself was easily explained. But there had been quite a few of those instances. Could really all of them be just a sign of wedding nerves and a lot of work or were they a hint that something more was bothering Garry?

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2009-04-10 14:13 EST
Spilled Milk

A sound interrupted her reverie and returned her to the here and now. It wasn?t a particularly loud sound, but it none-the-less had her on guard. A part of her still wondered why such a sound should make her anxious as another part of her already supplied the answer. The cup slipped from her fingers and her heart stood still for half a breath only to beat twice as hard a moment later.

Then, not evening noticing the shards now littering the porch, she turned and ran inside. She took the stairs to the upper floor two at a time and didn?t even pause at her grandfather?s door but burst right into his room.

As the burning feeling in her stomach area had warned she saw Poppy crumbled to the floor between bed and door. That sensation only grew and threatened to choke her as she crouched down beside him.

She?d just help him up and settle him back to bed, she told herself, but the grey-ish pallor to his skin told her otherwise. Try as she might, there was no pulse to be found, and no amount of denial and wishing that it was not so, Poppy was gone.

Danielle sat the rest of the way down and, gathering his lifeless hand into hers, gazed at the old man who had been the only family she had known for most of her life. She didn?t so much ignore the little voice that told her to call for Garry but she didn?t feel up to battling the choking fog of grief for long enough to do so.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2009-04-10 14:57 EST

The fog thickened as Danielle sat there. There was no room in her mind for a thought other than the one that Poppy was gone. Danielle welcomed the thickening of that fog, drew it closer around her like a shield against the thoughts that would have to follow this one.

There were voices. They remained outside the fog, including the one that belonged to Garry. Time, too, remained outside the shielding fog. Someone took Poppy?s hand from her, but Poppy was gone, so that made some kind of sense.

Someone, perhaps it was Garry or perhaps Marion ? it didn?t really matter, got her dressed and guided her down the stairs and outside. On some detached level she knew that she didn?t like the dress. It was black.

For a brief moment the fog parted. Danielle recognized the face of Major derKorst and she nodded to what he had said and the emotional pain evident in his face, despite the words not having registered with her. In that one brief moment she also was aware of Garry?s arm around her middle and his strong form standing beside her. Then, mercifully, the fog closed back in.