Topic: Lich-Vampyre Infestation


Date: 2006-06-03 01:24 EST
It is a fine evening for magic dueling, like most evenings are on Twilight Isle. But, as anyone might notice who spends more then the briefest of moments on the isle this evening or any evening in the past week or so, the smells wafting on the occasional gentle breeze are not at all as pleasant as they used to be. In fact, some of them are downright foul and offensive. Worse than the odors accompanying the most noxious of foul fogs any of the casters have ever come up with.

If you pay attention to such things, you may notice that the island goblins avoid an area of an evening. Most likely the area from where the breezes picked up the offensive stench. And should one of the younger ones be overcome by curiosity and dare a careful investigation of the origin of the odors, other goblins either glanced over with a sad look or avoided noticing the curious one altogether.

Sooner or later, and if you didn't happen to blink at just that moment, and provided you were watching a curious goblin to begin with, you may catch a blur of motion originating from whatever cover there was to hide the origin of the odor from the general view. An as of yet indescribable creature had for the briefest of moments separated from the cover. I say indescribable because the speed of movement was too quick to notice how many limbs if any, cloak of fur, crouched or upright, or any other detail.

There may have been a horrified scream that though it stopped almost before it had started sent chills up your spine or made the fine hairs at your neck stand up even if you didn't witness the blur of motion. But you cannot be entirely certain because it happened so quickly.

However, it was certain that the curious goblin that was there a moment before is there no more. After a while you notice the occasional breeze is once again carrying the pleasant smells of spring, just like it should on Twilight Isle.


Date: 2006-06-06 12:07 EST
I walked through the portal onto Twilight Isle a little later than normal. As I headed for my usual chaise in the sand, an atrocious aroma assailed my senses, and then was gone as quickly as it had come. As I approached the chaise, Topaz smiled, "good evening Azjah."

I settled into the chaise with a smile, asking a goblin for a glass of scotch, and noted that he skirted the edge of the treeline must more than is usual. They are nervous little creatures, but I had not noticed such fear of the shadows around the rings before.

"Good evening Topaz, how are you tonight?" She and I talked amiably for a bit. Neither of us has any clue what to get Destre and Gavilean for their wedding, and Topaz noted that they seem to have everything they want in one another. She commented that she did not have a date for the wedding, and I told her to be careful what she wished for, as she could wind up with Quasi Motto if she was not careful. With a laugh, she told me not likely, but that she would not object to having Chris or Del or Lucien be her escort.

Topaz told me that her week had been very interesting, she said "Ra got back into town. I've hung out at the Inn a few times and met some interesting people, I met one cool guy that showers Edelweiss and has tendrils in addition to arms and legs."

I chuckled, "You have had a busy week Topaz." I had been there when Lucien had speared Berrin's foot with one of his infamous tendrils, and Topaz had been rather appalled by the wicked looking coiling spears that had thrust upward from the sand.

Another stray tendril of breeze carried a rancid-sweet stench that offended the senses and was then gone as a young elf stepped through the portal. She wrinkled her nose as I did, and as I reached for a fan to disperse the unpleasant odor, I bid the young woman welcome to the Isle.

She greeted both Topaz and I, commenting upon the smell as she walked toward the bar to secure herself a glass of ale.

I chuckled and told Topaz that what ever the stink was, it was worse than Brig's noxious fumes! She agreed, even Brig's foul smells were no comparison to the intermittent odor coming from a copse of trees beyond the rings. Thankfully it does not remain long, but Topaz wondered if Vanion was working on something disgusting again. I frowned at her, "Ugh, even he can't come up with something that bad, can he?"

She shrugged, and Rena commented that she thought he could indeed concoct something as vile as the odor we were suffering. Topaz shrugged, "I don't wanna go find out. Do you? Vanion's been in a foul mood of late."

I gave her a surprised look, "I haven't seen him around the Isle of late."

The young woman looked around the beach for a bit, sipping her ale, and abruptly a glowing red orb trained on Tass from the copse of trees behind the bleachers. It was difficult to tell if it was a single orb or two, but it was gone almost as fast as it had appeared.

The young elf spoke up, "does anyone know what is causing that? It smells like something long dead and rotten."

Topaz glanced at her, "We were just talking about Vanion's rottenness." Another stray breeze carried the odor across the rings and the beach. It was so foul and rancid it made eyes water and stomachs knot in protest and was gone again as quickly as it had come.


Date: 2006-06-06 12:08 EST
Cory was next to arrive, and he stepped through the portal, giving me a quick tilt of his head as I bid him good evening. He found himself a seat in the sand near the treeline as I asked him how things were going at the ranch. "Tha's dif'cult t'describe."

As I was speaking to Cory, the red orb focused on Rena for a moment, and she noticed it. A frown crossing her features as she glanced around trying to find the source of the glowing, but it was gone nearly as quickly as it had come. The glowing red was abruptly replaced by a scream that seemed to come from much further away, and was followed shortly thereafter by the sickening stench.

A shiver ran up my spine at the sound of the scream, and Cory looked quickly over his shoulder toward the trees. The young elf got up and walked toward the trees, as if she thought to go investigate the cause of the scream. However, I have heard rabbits scream when caught by predators, and I was not about to go walking into the darkened woods to see what rabbit had been caught and was now being devoured by what predator. Even the goblins maintained a greater distance to the trees tonight than normal.

Cory seemed uncomfortable with being so close to the trees, and got up and walked toward my chaise. I smiled up at him, "want a chaise, or sitting in the sand?"

Something moved in the trees, but it was too fast to follow, and blended into the darkness too quickly.

Cory groaned as he eased back down into the sand, "I dun mind a l'il sand. Thanks fo' the off'a."

I smiled at his groan, "working hard, or hardly working?" I glanced nervously toward the trees as the woman remained watching into the darkness. She took several steps into the trees, and was swallowed by the darkness.

Cory was just answering with "a pleasin' mixture o' both," when Vincent walked through the portal.

Vincent's expression said it all as he looked around, "by the hoary hosts of Haggoth! Me thinking there's evil afoot, and not just myself?"

A blood-curdling scream ricocheted off the trees and sped across the sand of the beach. My attention was dragged off of Cory and toward the direction from whence the scream had come. A single word was discernable, "HELP!"

Vincent looked toward the darkened trees where the shriek was emanating and true panic could be heard as the plea for help came again. Vincent seemed to hone in on the location and charged headlong into the darkened trees before anyone could stop him.

I watched the place where Vincent had disappeared as Cory asked me how I had been, and whether I'd learned anything more about my intruder. I gave Cory a distracted answer, telling him that no one had admitted it, but based on the intrusion into my computer systems, I was guessing it was Kendrick who'd been the cause of the chaos.

Vincent's voice rang out from the trees, "MEDIC!"

We didn't have an medically trained personnel on the Isle! But about then Brigath walked through the portal.

The screams from the woods were weakening, as though the young elf were either dying, or slipping out of consciousness. Brig's expression showed confusion as he sought the source of the screaming. With that he took to the air and quickly located Vincent and the young woman.

Cory could hear the urgency in Vincent's voice from the trees, and he rose, walking briskly into the darkness after Vincent and Brigath. His voice soon carried from the darkness, " Wha the hell's goin' on?"

Moments later, they exited the forest bearing the body of the elf. She was alive, but clearly losing or lost a lot of blood, and from where I was, she appeared to be missing a leg!


Date: 2006-06-06 12:09 EST
And then another bone chilling scream ripped across the night air, but it was cut off nearly as quickly as it had come. The direction though was completely different direction from where the attack had come on the young elf.

The young elf was babbling about monsters as Vincent prepared to take the young woman for medical help. They were gone in moments, leaving us all worried and nervous.

After Vincent departed, Brigath announced that he would go in search of this 'monster'. "Meantime, I can cover more ground than any of you trying to track it down."

His words sent a chill of dread through me, "Brig? Don't go alone!"

He frowned at me, "Why ever not?"

I gave him an exasperated look, "Because that thing just attacked her? Who's to say it won't attack you?"

He gave me one of his stubborn looks that I know so well, "Yah, and as a Keeper, it's my job to keep the patron's safe. I almost hope it attacks me. Will make it easier to find." He remained hovering just above the sand as he spoke.

"Brigath, this is serious!," came my objection. Brig is a wonderful soul, but going off alone into the darkness to hunt heaven knew what did not strike me as the most brilliant thing a mop-wielding sorcerer could be doing!

Brig looked at me with a hard edge that I have not seen in many years, "Yes, yes it is." And then he was off, skimming over the tree tops in the direction of the last scream long before my next objection could be finished. Bloody man was setting off to be a hero!

Topaz spoke up, "but we sure could do with a hero. I don't want to see this happening again, or anything like it."

About then, Vincent returned, only this time he was dressed in robes, and had his blade Purifier out and at the ready. He called to Brig, "Where'd it go?"

I muttered at Vincent, "He's off trying to get himself attacked."

No sooner had I told Vincent that Brig had gone off alone than Brig returned with ah deep frown on his face, "You want the bad news, or the bad news?"

I took a sip of my scotch as Vincent told him to give him the bad news first. Like any of it would be good?

Brig settled into the sand, "Well, either there's more than one of them, or this thing is killing every single goblin it can find."

I gave Brig a questioning look as Cory sat down once more into the sand beside my chaise. His expression said he'd seen more than he wanted to, and wished he could expunge the memories.

Vincent asked Brig whether they should raze the isle and regrow everything from scratch, ostensibly to assure that they got all of whatever this menace was.

Brig shook his head, "I dunno. The other bad news is that because there's so many hints of where they've been, I wasn't able to narrow down where they are NOW."

The idea of razing the Isle seemed a bit excessive, "I don't think Topaz would like to hear that suggestion Vincent."

She seconded that, "Certainly there must be a better way, a less destructive way."

Brig offered up the idea of baiting whatever was running amok upon the Isle. Then he turned to Topaz, "you can round up the goblins, can't you?"

She shot Brigath a look, "don't look at me when you say bait Brigath."

Lucien faded into the visible spectrum so that everyone else could see him as Brigath gave a mirthless chuckle. He leaned against a tree and simply listened.

I shook my head, "How many goblins are missing?"

Topaz looked around, "perhaps one in twenty, to judge by those here."

Vincent then offered to make replicas for bait purposes, and not risk any more of the Isle's goblin population.

Brigath looked at Vincent, "Well, I was kinda thinking that those of us who intend to kill them would be the bait. Nothing like letting your enemy come to you."

Lucien raised a brow at that, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing from him! He continued, "If we take the goblins out of circulation, they won't have any prey, unless they are satisfied with rabbits, which I highly doubt."

Vincent smiled, "I have been wanting something like this for a while. Things have been, slow, on that front."

I looked hard at Brig, "do you know what it is?"

He shook his head, "no idea. Something that eats elves legs and smell nasty."


Date: 2006-06-06 12:10 EST
Cory had summoned some sort of pulsing violet orb that stopped just above his left shoulder. He was deeply in communication with it when Topaz commented that replicas would be a lot better than using her for bait.

Lucien dropped an Edelweiss blossom into Topaz's hand as he nodded at Brig

"No, you shouldn't be the bait Topaz, but you should be near by to help shield us." Brig looked then at Vince, "I assume you are willing to assist me." It was not a query, but a simple statement of fact, or expectation.

Topaz caught Lucien's gift of the flower as she turned toward Brigath, "that I can do. You'll want to get away from the trees Lucien."

Brig was deeply in thought as he asked whether they should close down the portal until this was taken care of, or set safeguards for the patrons of the Isle.

Lucien gave Topaz a skeptical smirk, "Is there something in there I should be concerned about?" The rat had been listening for some time, and he was simply having fun with Topaz and her concern.

Brigath pointed to a pool of blood as Lucien remained leaning against his tree, and I reiterated that a woman had just been attacked. Quite frankly, I don't think anyone should be alone near the treeline right now.

Lucien gave us all a droll look, "attacked by what?"

No one had really described it thus far, and none of us really knew just what had moved onto the Isle.

Topaz informed Lucien that what ever "it" was, it was stinky and quick.

Lucien, in his usual unruffled manner proceeded to ask, "Stinky and quick. There are a lot of carnivorous things out there that would fit that description."

Brig looked at Topaz again, "CAN you get the goblins rounded up?"

She nodded and leaned down to chat with the closest goblin.

Brig continued, "let's keep them out of harm's way and just protect the dueling area for tonight. By tomorrow night, the thing or things will have to be pretty hungry."

Lucien nodded at Brigath, "hunger will make them bold, what bait will you use?"

Brig agreed, and I simply did not believe I was hearing these guys planning to use themselves as the bait to draw in this unknown killer. "And make them come for whatever prey they can find. In the place of OUR choosing."

I gave Lucien a disapproving stare, "Lucien? You're not joining this madness, are you?"


Date: 2006-06-06 12:11 EST
Lucien ignored me and shot Brigath a half smile, "are you tasty enough?"

Topaz straightened and the goblin she'd been speaking with wandered off to talk to its brethren. She then turned toward Brigath again, "They'll be staying here or close by and away from trees."

Cory finished communicating with his orb, and it rocketed off toward the forest leaving decaying foliage in its wake.

I gave Topaz a worried glance, "can anything else be done to protect them while the dueling is closed?" With the Keepers in their towers, who would be watching over the goblins, who, it appeared, had suffered the most serious predation by whatever this thing was.

Brigath watched as Cory's orb vanished, giving Cory a questioning look before agreeing with me that simply keeping the goblins away from the trees would not be enough to keep the goblins safe.

I nodded at Brig, "Precisely. Will the Keepers be able to let them into the towers?" There had to be somewhere safe the goblins could go for the time being, although, I'm certain I would not want a horde of goblins moving in with me.

Brig nodded, "I should be able to fit them in mine."

Lucien's voice carried across the sand, "Brigath, it ate the female's leg, or it drank the blood and discarded the flesh?"

Brig gave Lucien an enlightened look, "Now that, is an excellent question; to which I have no answer."

Lucien's voice was a low whisper of velvet, "Knowing that would help narrow the field of potential culprits."

"Ok then, I can stay at least until Esper gets here, just to keep watch. Esper should be able to handle himself as well if not better than I." Brig had committed himself to watching over the goblins, and I was not happy about his sudden willingness to put himself in the line of fire. "So, we should be able to avoid any more 'mishaps' for the rest of the evening."

Lucien turned those soulless black eyes on Topaz, "Whom resides upon this Isle beside the Keepers and Archmage?"

She answered that there were four Keepers.

He pressed the question again, "No others?"

Brig answered, "None that I am aware of at this time."

Lucien nodded, "So the risks are contained within the Towers, this should leave it safe for a Hunter to prowl the Isle?"

"No' exactly," Cory piped up as Topaz wondered aloud how much of this may be due to contamination from Vanion's tenure.

Brig glanced at Cory as Lucien turned around and took a long searching look at the man.

Cory explained, "M'friend there 'as agreed to scour the Isle fo' the nex' thirty-six hours." As he spoke, the violet light could be seen rising above the dense trees, and then plummeting back down out of sight.

Brig nodded, "If I might inquire, what exactly IS your friend?"

Lucien also asked him, "Your 'friend' is not a life form, is it?"

Cory pondered a moment, "Tha' I dunno," he told Brig before he informed Lucien that it was not a life form per se.

"Will it attack, or will it simply report back to you what it sees?" Came Lucien's next query. Brigath nodded, as did Topaz. Everyone wanted to know if they remained to hunt this thing, would the orb consider them a viable target.

Cory told us all that it was on a fact finding mission only, and that whatever the thing that attacked the goblins and Liianice had to be holed up somewhere on the Isle, and he was hoping the orb could give everyone a better fix on the thing's hiding place.


Date: 2006-06-06 12:11 EST
Lucien gave Cory a slow smile that revealed long, very sharp canine teeth, "good."

I know that expression, and it never bodes well. Ever.

Brig asked Cory to have the orb report back in 24 hours rather than 36, and Cory agreed to have it report back sooner.

Brig announced that he was going to see if he could wheedle any of the other Keepers into being here on the morrow to help deal with this thing.

Lucien gave a long look at Topaz, "You do not live upon the Isle then?"

She gave him a smile, "not these days, though sometimes I stay over night. I certainly won't tonight though."

His smile was one of confident satisfaction, "Good, I would dislike having to tie you up with a tentacle or two."

She chuckled, "you wouldn't".

I didn't have time to advise Topaz that it was never a good idea to challenge Lucien. He would without the least compunction if he thought it in her best interest.

Lucien raised a black brow at her, "If it was necessary, there is much I would do."

She was clearly not into light-hearted teasing, but she shot back at him, "What makes you think I'd let you?"

Lucien gave her a dark look, "The Isle is no place for you until this thing is found and dealt with once and for all. Unless you desire playing the role of bait?" His look was full of meaning. One thing neither Gabriel nor Lucien has is a very good sense of humor. At least Lucien makes an effort. Gabriel does not even try to look at humor and teasing as viable means of communication.

Topaz was flirting with the protective side of Lucien when she informed him, "bah, I'm the coordinator. I gotta see to it those things are removed. I at least should do a better job of protecting patrons."

Lucien announced in his uncompromising way that she should let the Hunters hunt, and remain out of harm's way. He then succinctly informed her that she would to no good putting herself at risk.

Topaz was not listening to the warning in Lucien's comments as she busily set to work putting up a series of shields around the dueling area, "I plan on coming along. I'm pretty good at this magic stuff, you know? Just ask Brigath."

Cory chimed in, "Bu' this ain'tcha fault, Topaz. Ya too valuable to lose."

Brig chuckled at some memory that I could not place due to my extended absence from RhyDin, "she HAS pulled my ass out of the fire before."

"There. He said it." She triumphantly shot at Lucien.

His expression was priceless, "A female hunter? If you are important, you should remain safe to assure the patrons that everything is being done that may be done. Not participating in the job Hunters do." His chauvinism was showing big time right now.

I chuckled, better warn her before she pushes Lucien too far, "Topaz? He's a bit of a chauvinist."

She muttered at Lucien, "and tell other people to go die? No way. Did that, don't want to have to ever again." She then tied off the shielding and the intense look of concentration on her features relaxed as she finished double-checking the shields.

Brig moved away from the rings, putting some distance between himself and the rest of us, and he seemed to be listening to the whisper of the wind.

I rose and walked after Brig, pausing beside him. He smiled down at me a bit distractedly. "You know, you shouldn't hunt this thing alone. There is safety in numbers." I really didn't want him hunting it at all, but I've seen that stubborn set to his jaw, and that expression before.

He chuckled softly, "I won't be alone. At the very least, Vince and Topaz will be there. And surely at least one of the other Keepers will see the need and step up." He was still listening to the wind, and I know there is nothing I can say to stop him from this path of insanity.

But, I had to try, "Brig, this is not a joking matter."

He turned then, "Everything is a joking matter Azjah. You just have to find the right angle. Believe me, I'll be laughing my tail off when we bring this thing down." There was a hard edge to his voice that I have seldom heard. Brig, the man who could make light of most everything had a side to him that was seldom exposed for anyone to see, but right now, I fear that inner steel will take him into trouble he's not equipped to handle alone.

"And what happens if it brings you down first?" I demanded.

"Then Vinny will destroy it, or I will," Topaz stated rather confidently.


Date: 2006-06-06 12:12 EST
Lucien glided closer to the fairy, "Creatures of light do not belong hunting such darkness Topaz."

She grinned back at Lucien, "You really think I can't cast a nasty spell or two? Light can be painful and destructive too."

Lucien calmly explained to Topaz that it was not a question of ability, rather a question of propriety. He would never see the logic of a female willingly going out to hunt when there were men whose jobs it was to hunt the darkness that now stalked the inhabitants of Twilight Isle.

I shook my head at Brig as he gave me a feral smile, "life on the edge, Azjah. It's the only life to lead."

Brig's easy going nature was usually endearing, but right now, it was infuriating, "Brig, please, you wield a wicked mop?" but my sentence was clipped short as Topaz laughed.

"He won't when he goes hunting." She told me. Then she broke into laughter, "Ohhh, too droll! Mopping up beasties!" She composed herself and apologized, but added that the imagery was simply too funny not to laugh.

Lucien's dry humor came into play, "I have no desire to mop up fairy blood."

That didn't allay my concerns for Brig, and I muttered at him, "Brigath, you're as single minded now as you were years ago."

He made kissy faces at me, "love you too Azjah." Then he laid a hand on my shoulder, "I'm touched that you are concerned, but do you really expect me to do anything aside from what I'm doing?"

I absolutely hate it when he makes good sense! I do! Giving him my best glower, "I'll be seriously angry if you come to harm, you varlet!"

Brig gave me a smile, "I'll keep that in mind, and point it out to whatever it is we find if I seem to be in trouble."

I decided to change, it would buy me some time to compose my feelings before I said or did something embarrassing. I looked back over my shoulder at him as I headed for the lockers, "If I just shoot you now, you won't be able to go chasing this thing. You do realize that?"

He nodded with an insouciant grin, "That possibility has always existed."

With an unladylike snort, I told him, "and yet, you continue to tempt me!" With that, I disappeared to change out of uniform. His last words clearly heard were, "As I said, life on the edge."


Date: 2006-06-06 12:14 EST
I returned a few minutes later to hear Brig and Dmitri talking, "what are you doing chasing after something, or what are you chasing?" Dmitri was questioning him.

Brig answered "dunno what we're chasing, but it's eating patrons, and that kind of annoys me."

Dmitri gave Brig an incredulous look, "what? Who did it eat?"

Brig continued to talk to Dmitri as the goblins began to disappear as air elementals engulf them and carry them into his tower. "Liianice's leg, while she was still using it."

Dmitri asked if he could be of any help. So here was another one just itching to jump into harm's way and maybe get himself eaten! Brig smiled, "I don't know. How good are you at killing?"

He gave Brig a smile, "I can be good."

Brig nodded, "Be here tomorrow night if you want to help. When the duels open."

Dmitri nodded, he would be present. " Do you have any idea of what we are up against?"

The Keeper of Air shook his head, " Not really. Just that there is probably more than one. And it eats goblins and elves."

I could no longer keep quiet and gave them both my best 'you idiots' look, ":: Noooo, of course they don't have a clue what it is, and they're all set to confront it head on."

Brig chuckled at my sarcasm before thanking Dmitri for his offer to help hunt this thing down. And I simply growled at him.

Rena offered Brig a warehouse for the goblins, which was rather nice of her as the stench is likely to remain inside of Brig's tower for some time, let alone the damage the diminutive creatures might wreak!

Brig gave her a grateful smile, "I appreciate that, but I'm not sure what would happen to them if they tried to leave the Isle."

She repeated the offer and Brig laughed, "Thanks Rena, I'm more worried about getting the smell out after they are gone." He then sighed and told us that he needed to get up to his tower to make certain the goblins were not ransacking it. His sigh spoke volumes. He would be spending the night policing a horde of the little creatures.

He walked toward my chaise, placing his hand on my shoulder, giving it an understanding squeeze, "Don't worry, I'm not looking to get myself killed."

I took a sip of scotch and gave him a skeptical look, "You had better not." I did not want to face the prospect of losing such an old and dear friend.

Topaz and Lucien were still talking, and had moved closer together and I noted that Lucien was watching the fairy very closely. He finally reached down and plucked the Edelweiss from her hand and slid it into her hair. She was telling him there was really no need to worry, and that she'd done similar things previously, and has lived to tell about it and bury the dead. A commander she said should only order what she is willing to do herself.

He smiled indulgently, "Slaying is for Hunters, not for lovely creatures of light. And there are field commanders, and there are strategic commands. You are not required to be field personnel."

She continued to try to convince Lucien that she needed to be here, and told him, "but you see, most people do not believe in fairies, so unless I want to be seen, they don't. A huge asset in a lot of missions."

He nodded, "allow me to see you off the Island tonight? And you are correct, remaining out of sight has its usefulness."

She agreed to permit his escort, which is helpful since I suspect he would have done so with or without her permission, and about that moment, Gabriel appeared nearby, which freed Lucien to escort Topaz home.

Brig gave me a very thoughtful look, and I reached up to place my hand over his, which was still upon my shoulder, "Brigath, make sure you have backup." I cannot tell him why, but something tells me this thing is worse than anyone suspects, and that worries me.

Dmitri heard me, and told me he would be here, and that he was going to stay on the Isle to see if it came out later on in search of goblins, or perhaps him. I warned him to look out for Cory's sentinal before turning to Brig.

He lowered his voice and squatted in the sand beside me, "Strange question for you."

I leaned closer, as a conspirator might lean closer to someone's whispered words.

He had just started to speak when Klinton stepped through the portal, giving a quick glance around the Isle before seeing me with Brigath.

Brig spotted Klinton, and whispered, "nevermind."

"Nevermind?" This seemed very strange for me coming from Brig, and he stood up.

He stood there poised a moment, as though considering, and then simply and enigmatically said, "I'll just say this. If something DOES happen to me, don't go shooting any wolves that show up at your door." With that, he stepped away from me and turned toward Rena, "You offering to help me manage them tonight?"

She nodded and told him that while she could not hunt, she could babysit. Brig was taking her up on her offer, and shortly the two departed for Brig's tower.

Lucien offered Topaz his arm, and the two of them headed for the portal as Topaz bade us good night.


Date: 2006-06-06 12:21 EST
Brig sat cross legged on the top of the tower, looking down towards the lagoon. He and Rena had gotten the goblins squared away in the bottom level of the tower, and after a drink he had shown her to one of the guest rooms. As soon as the door was closed, the roof top perch had called to him and he had sat there through much of the night.

He really wasn?t worried about the coming hunt. In spite of what Azjah had said, he had no intention of playing the hero. The power of himself, two former archmages, and Lucien (whatever he was), should be plenty to handle the situation, even if no other Keepers were able to help. But something about Azjah?s words had struck a chord in him.

And so he sat, watching the lagoon, meditating, and exploring his thoughts and feelings to discover what had caused the reverberation.

Near dawn he stirred. A smile found its way to his lips as he whispered a single word and sent it whisking away on the wind.


Near the rings the portal flashed and as something translated through. But there were none near the rings to see it, and it was gone as quick as a thought.

Brig stepped off the edge of the tower and let himself freefall for 50 feet or so before bringing himself to a gentle landing next to the snow white wolf that sat there waiting for him. He dropped to his knees with a huge grin and embraced her, which the wolf endured with stoic poise. As he released her, she deigned to lick his cheek once, and then sat still again, watching him as he rose back to his feet.

?You still game, dear heart? It?s been a long time, but it feels right.? He looked down at her affectionately. She merely continued to stare at him, waiting with a patience learned over long years.

His laugh echoed against the wall of the tower. ?All right, all right. Business later.? The air around him shimmered and then a jet black wolf stood next to the white one. Kayla let out a howl of delight and the two raced down the mountain side neck and neck.


Date: 2006-06-06 12:26 EST
"Julian?" Major derKorst lifted his liquid blue-green eyes from his papers and trained them on the door.

"I'm ready to head out." The fairy stepped fully into the room, but left the door ajar.

"I see that." He was still miffed that she had refused to take any volunteers along. But that was out of concern for her. He dad to agree with her when she had told him of what had happened on Twilight Isle the night before that in this instance her body guards would make for a temporary distraction as bait at best rather than be of any real use.

"Caelan's blade?" He referred to the rapier at her side. No detail escaped his expert eyes, be it weapon, the set of her shoulders, or the absence of the sparkle of excited anticipation that should have been in her eyes.

"Yes. It should prove more useful than any other, if my suspicions are correct, even with me not knowing exactly what magic Calean charged it with." Julian rose and stepped around the desk while she spoke. There was only one more thing she needed to take along, and he would give it to her, if he could.

Now standing directly in front of her, he put his hands on her shoulders and waited until she had tilted her face up and was looking at him before he spoke with all the confidence in his voice and look he could muster - and that was quite substantial. "You have managed more difficult missions before and are even better prepared for this one." Julian put an even stronger emphasis on the next words, "You will do well."

Julian hid the relieve he felt at the change in the fairy's stature. She stood more relaxed and the sparkle he had missed in her eyes was starting to make an appearance.

"Off with you know." He turned her around and gave a her a gentle push. Which earned him a chuckle.

"I'll be back in time for the AM briefing." Topaz threw back over her shoulder, already walking down the hallway.

She never made a promise when she wasn't convinced that she could keep it, he knew. Julian closed the door slowly. "Good luck." He whispered before he returned to his desk.


Date: 2006-06-06 13:18 EST
They had spent much of the morning tracking the traces of the creatures, getting a fix on where the hunting party should begin that night. By the time the two wolves had finished their search and stopped to rest in a clearing, Brigath was convinced they were facing undead.

The air around him crackled as a man's body took the place of a wolf's. He sat down with his back against a tree and stretched his legs out. Kayla stepped over and layed down with her head on his thigh.

"What do you think, Kayla?" He buried his hand in the fur of her head and scratched her ears. "Anything we can't handle?"

The wolf, who's eyes had closed as he began his scratching, opened an eye to look at him for a moment then closed it again.

"Yah, I know. But I never like to do this, you know that. It's not really my way." He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. "But you gotta do, what you gotta do, I guess. If it wasn't my way to begin with, it's my way now." Then he chuckled softly. "And how dare you claim I'm getting old and slow. You didn't outpace me once this morning."

The wolf just snorted and Brigath laughed. "Fair enough. Now get off." He pushed himself up to his feet, causing the wolf to glare at him briefly. He smiled lopsided at her, pulled a dagger from its sheath at his belt and flipped it into the air. "Let's get this done."

Kayla caught the blade in her teeth as it descended and padded into the woods. Brig's face turned somber as he watched her move away and with another sigh, he jogged after her.


Date: 2006-06-06 13:39 EST
I arrived to find the Hunters, and the fairy assembled and prepared to begin the search. A white wolf was pacing back and forth between the trees and the rings in agitation, and a desire to be off after the prey. As I swept a glance around the Isle, I noticed several people carrying silver weapons, and heard Brigath announce my arrival as I faded into view.

I gave Brigath a formal nod. He was a special friend of the Marchioness, and as such, warranted my respect, although he seems a carefree soul, and I find it difficult to see him as a warrior and leader of this hunt. But, tonight will show the man's mettle.

The fairy's voice carried from about 15 feet up in a tree, "there he is, hullo Lucien." I scowled seeing the fairy present and prepared to join the hunters.

"I thought we understood your place was not here." I stated to the woman. Clearly she did not listen to reason.

Brigath snapped, "She's coming. Get over it. You may not need her, but I do."

I turned slowly toward Brigath, "I did not take you for a man to put females in danger." I find it unthinkable that any Hunter would 'need' a woman present in the perils of hunting this evil.

Brigath shrugged, "well, you took me wrong then."

Several of the others gave me an odd look, and the one known as Vincent stated that they were for equal rights between men and women, including the equal right to do what it takes to get something done. Clearly he has no respect for the different roles Hunters play from the women, who are the light and strength of a Hunter. They do not respect their women, and I find that very sad for their species.

Her voice held amusement of all things as she said, "you misunderstood, obviously." Then she moved to join the group, "It's the beasties that put everyone in danger."

I misunderstood nothing. She was walking into danger and that would take concentration away from the hunters as we must protect her as well. She might be the cause of a hunter not succeeding, and that is a difficult thing for any true Hunter to accept.

Brigath then looked at Kayla and at our small group, "everyone ready to go?" As everyone confirmed that they were ready, he turned to the wolf, "lead on". And we moved into the forest in search of our quarry.

The wolf let out a howl and raced onward. For a moment I considered shifting into the form of a wolf, but an inner voice suggested that I not let on that I could communicate directly with this white wolf. Everyone followed, and the deeper we got into the forest, the more it became apparent that I would need to shift, and I chose the form of the predator of the night, and the owl became my means of locomotion.

Brigath used his power over the element of air and floated through the air. Vincent took up the rear guard as Dmitri leaped into the trees, using the skill of elven kind to move in silence amidst the branches.

The white wolf followed the scent of decaying flesh. Her ability to follow a scent trail is invaluable. She led us into the western plains, and I could feel the others spreading their gifts and senses out, seeking the creature or creatures who'd attacked the elf woman and slain the goblins. Brigath remained low, zipping back and forth avoiding the tree trunks as we progressed deeper into the wilderness of the Isle.

Kayla, the white wolf as I learned her name to be, broke from the trees, and turned North, following along the edge of the plains, when she abruptly halted, and lifted her muzzle to the night with a howl of warning. Brigath dropped to the ground beside the wolf, communing with her and learning what her warning meant for the group of Hunters.

I circled overhead, using the keen sight of the owl to search the area in great detail, noting that the fairy kept back from the group. While she was not in the lead should an attack happen, she was dangerously behind us, and easy prey for a rear assault.

As we reformed into a single group, Brigath indicated a slight rise at the edge of the plain. "We think they are there. There is a cave around the other side." Everyone surveyed the site, and Topaz's voice carried to the group, "There's something mostly North and a little West."

Brigath nodded hearing her, "Hopefully that's them." He then pulled a token Kelathe had given him from his robes and tossed it toward Topaz's voice, "Use this when you deem appropriate. Kayla and I will circle around and approach from the front, try to draw them out."

I turned my night adjusted sight toward the north and west where the fairy had sensed something, and there I found movement. The Hunt was on.

Dmitri asked if the plan was to draw them back here for an ambush, and Brigath then began directing everyone into the places he felt would be most advantageous. He sent Dmitri west, Vincent to come over the top of the hill, and me to the West. When there were no objections, we all moved into position. At that point, I shifted into humanoid form and moved silently to the west.


Date: 2006-06-06 13:41 EST
Brigath wished us all luck, and I heard him say to Topaz, "Don't let us down." I knew a moment of irritation that he was relying on a woman. That is not the role of women in my world, and it grates on me that here such is the rule rather than the exception.

The elven one sunk into the ground, moving within the ground itself as Brigath shimmered into the form of a black wolf and started running around to the east to circle and come in from the North. The white wolf keeping easy stride with him as they slipped into the night.

As I moved off toward the west, I could make out tiny bits of rotting flesh. Our unwelcome visitors were undead. There is no mistaking such abominations, but they did not appear to be simply vampyre either.

Brigath reached the North side, near the cave entrance and shimmered back into human form. His wolven accomplice bared her teeth and moved in on the cave. Brigath was close behind her.

Vincent landed on the hill, and began slinking toward the top.

I paused as the stench assailed me briefly, but then it was gone as quickly as it had come. And then two creatures emerged from the cave toward Brigath and Kayla. The fight was on. One of the creatures extended it's rotting hand, and a bolt of energy left it, aimed at Brigath.

I summoned the clouds above me, gathering the elemental powers of the storm in preparation. Fire and lightening would work best on these abominations. Lightening began to rip between clouds as the coming storm intensified overhead.

Brigath rose from the ground and flew straight toward the creatures, which we all knew now were Lyches. Their glowing red orbs shifted in their eye sockets, and more energy bursts followed the first one, aiming for both Kayla and Brigath.

Dmitri then rushed forward, silver swords flashing in the fast disappearing moonlight. The clouds roiled overhead, and thunder began to rumble across the plain.

The wolf yelped as a bolt singed her, but then she leaped upon the closest Lych, teeth tearing at its rotting flesh. A second one advanced toward Brigath with alarming speed, which was used to advantage by Vincent, who allowed Brigath to be the distraction before Vincent then enjoined the attack. His blade flashed flame, and buried itself into the nearest Lych.

Dmitri arrived, the silver swords moving in a deadly dance of elven grace as one blade sliced the head from the shoulders of the Lych nearest to him.

Brigath's strikes seemed to do nothing to the creature he faced, and the deadly chill of the Lych was taking it's toll on the sorcerer. The wolf returned for a pass at the second Lych, leaping toward it, but it was ready for her attack, and batted her aside with ease. She yelped in pain.

The stench increased as I moved in, and the second Lych sensed my presence, turning on me and throwing lightening bolts at me before blinking into a different location. I gave a fanged grin to him and followed. The storm overhead had grown to levels I could now use.

I summoned a lightening strike from the clouds, directing it to where the Lych was standing. Blue white light sizzled into the ground, shaking everything for miles, but the Lych escaped the strike.

Brigath dropped down from the skies to drive his staff at the Lych that was attacking his wolven friend, and Dmitri was also there trying to drive the Lych away from the injured wolf. The brief respite allowed the wolf to dodge away from the Lych.

The first Lych flashed grotesque fangs in a parody of a smile at Vincent and then attacked him. Vincent stayed where he was as the creature sped toward him. At the last instant, he lifted his hand and unleashed a Disassemble spell on the Lych.

I leaped after the Lych that had attacked me, summoning spears of tendrils to rip upward from the ground seeking to impale the rotting body long enough to draw down another strike of lightening to incinerate the creature. Thunder reverberated again as I prepared for the next attack.


Date: 2006-06-06 13:42 EST
Twin pillars of stone rose from the ground, carrying a Lych skyward and then began to crush the Lych at the direction of the elven hunter.

I heard a scream, and watched as one of the things reached for Vincent. He faded and reappeared some distance away. His teeth were chattering, but he was fairly unscathed.

In that instant, the fairy closed in and thrust a rapier forward, sliding it between the flesh dripping ribs of the Lych. It screamed, surprise and horror echoed across the Isle as it crumpled to the ground in slow motion. She left the blade buried in the corpse of the Lych, the enchantments upon it keeping the Lych from regenerating.

The tentacles I'd summoned waved in the air, seeking the second Lych as Brigath was stalking a third. As the second Lych moved toward Brigath, the chill of the grave causing the tentacles that touched the Lych to turn black and frozen, thus I abandoned attempted to entrap it using the tentacles.

Brigath continued to stalk the second Lych, his staff spinning dangerously, and suddenly the ground beneath his feet moved, and another stinking creature erupted from the ground, throwing him into the air, and violently impacting a tree. His scream of pain from the cold was cut short as his body impacted the tree at considerable velocity.

I opened the ground near the 4th creature, sending a swarm of flesh eating beetles careening toward it, and Dmitri shouted and ran at the creature, slamming large boulders at it as he covered the distance between himself and Brigath's inert form.

Kayla stopped dead in her tracks, and her howl told me what I had guessed. She stood at his side, his body bent and twisted at impossible angles.

In a blur of motion, the Lych sought to escape the flesh eating beetles, but a few reached it, chewing hungrily into the decaying flesh. They would not stop the Lych, but distraction is always useful when fighting such creatures from beyond the grave. I reached out my right hand, narrowing my focus on the Lych as a ball of blue-white lightening formed in my hand. It crackled and grew as I pulled the power of the storm into my hand.

Vincent managed to decapitate the Lych he was engaged with, and it wailed and collapsed into a pile of rotten flesh and separated bones. Vincent's eyes were full of hatred and rage, and his voice lifted above the din, "For your trespass against the Knight Magus of the White Lady, I condemn your ashes to hell the likes of which you have never seen." White flames sprang from his hands to immolate what was left of the creature.

I threw the lightening ball at the Lych I had, and instantly shifted into the owl form. Razor sharp talons raking at the thing's head and face. It was too stunned to disapparate, and grappled with me as I continued my assault. The cold was bitter and bit deeply into the hollow bones of the owl form. It worked hard to tear me apart, and suddenly pain ripped through the owl's wings

A raven rose from the Lych that had fallen first, flying straight as an arrow at the third Lych's back. It sank its beak in deep before pulling back and flying off with a dripping mass in its beak. Vincent pulled his blade from the ashes of his Lych and followed the raven. And then the fairy flew between Vincent and the raven!

I landed on the ground hard as the lych crumpled to the ground. One wing completely unusable, the bones crushed and frozen. In pain, I shifted back into humanoid form, drawing an ancient dagger from my boot. This dagger came from the Crusades, and was a relic that even the Lyches could not ignor. Holding the dagger in my good hand, I advanced on the Lych.


Date: 2006-06-06 13:46 EST
Kayla sniffed at Brigath's body, and then reached down with powerful jaws and grabbed a silver chain that lay against his lifeless chest. It was the Key of Air, and as her jaws closed around it, she yanked it free and ran into the night racing toward the portal with a preternatural speed that suggests she is far more than she appears to be. The patrons at the rings who had not gone on the hunt saw only a white blur and a flash from the portal as she bounded through without slowing down at all.

I continued to advance on the Lych, and Vincent flew nearer and proceeded to lean against a tree to watch. The chill from the Lych burning into my flesh, the encounter having already left me with broken bones and the chill from the grave.

Vincent gave me a smirk, "need a hand Lucien?"

I turned a deadly black gaze on him. His expression spoke volumes as he was delighting in the prospect of my perhaps needing his assistance, but I did not, and refocused on the Lych before me. A shower of warmth radiated through my bones as I fought with the Lych before me.

He pointed at the Lych and a beam of white light shot from him, impaling the Lych as he muttered, "I don't know why I didn't think of this before." The Lych's body was consumed as Vincent's ray struck it, burning it to ashes where it had stood. Vincent quipped, "There's a reason we're called the Temple of Divine Light."

From out of the night, a raven reappeared, and dropped a pinkish bloody lung on Vincent. I wanted to laugh as the mage looked at the lung and then the raven, "oh no. It didn't just??" and with that, the Raven disappeared inside the first Lych's body.

Topaz landed next to Brigath's body, "someone should go find Dmitri." She looked down at Brigath's body before asking if anyone knew how to resurrect a soul into the body from whence it had come.

Thunder echoed between the clouds overhead, and I glanced up, sending them fleeting into the night sky before moving closer to the body laying at such a twisted an impossible angle. She checked for a pulse, but I could have told her there would be none. Kayla's call had told me when he'd died.. She spoke softly without raising her eyes to me, "as soul-less as some of your looks." She'd known I was right behind her and did not need to see me.

Vincent stepped forward, "I'm afraid he's a bit beyond my help."

In distraction, Topaz asked for someone to go in search of Dmitri yet again.

I snarled silently. Raising the dead was a horrible thing, but I spoke softly to the fairy, "I have raised from the dead twice."

She let her shields drop, "You can give it a try, but Brigath's no longer in the body. I doubt you will succeed." She was as pale as she sounded.

I knelt beside the inert form, and the power of my people rose through my body, creating a pale, shimmering aura. The aura slipped from my essence and into the broken corpse beside me, but I did not remain long. There was nothing I could do to bring him back. He was well and truly gone from this shell. I rose, turning slowly to face Topaz, "He is not there, I cannot bring him back.:

She nodded at me, "I had suspected that much."

I gave her a slight smile, "Your suspicions are confirmed. I will bring his body back to the beach if you wish."

She was in mid-sentence when she decided it might be best to return Brigath to the beach. And again asked where Dmitri was.

I reached down with my good arm and hoisted the body over my shoulder. This would not be taken easily by the Marchioness. I could hope she would have left, but I can still feel her presence upon the Isle, and now I will deliver back to her the body of a man she had once loved, and still held very dear.

As we prepared to return to the rings, Dmitri walked out of the trees, and relief swept Topaz's features.

Vincent disapparated and returned directly to the rings while I walked back. I was not looking forward to what was about to happen. Within minutes we stood at the edge of the clearing, and I paused to watch the Marchioness. I gave Topaz a quick look, "She is going to be very unhappy about this."

She gave me a sardonic look, "I'm not dancing for joy either." But there was no emphasis or inflection. It was as though she were completely drained of nearly everything.

There was no help for it, and I moved into the clearing, bearing the lifeless shell that had once been Brigath. Topaz was following behind me. We settled on placing his body beside the caller's couch for the moment.

I heard Topaz say, "Sorry Azjah." And I rose and turned toward her.


Date: 2006-06-06 13:49 EST
The Isle was quiet, only Gavilean and Kyndra were near the rings. But I know Lucien had come to join the hunt for the creature that was killing goblins. I found them standing together, as though Gavilean was trying to comfort or protect Kyndra as the hunters departed.

Moments after I walked in, Cory followed. I headed for my chaise in the sand to wait for the outcome of this awful ?hunt?.

Gavilean stood, bowing with all of the Courtly grace his position demanded, ?Baroness von Drachen Walde, I am pleased to see you once again.?

I smiled, ?Good evening Gavilean, or should I refer to you by title?? I had not heard anyone refer to his title as King, but since he had addressed me by one of my titles, perhaps formality was what he preferred.

Kyndra greeted me, and I bade her a good evening. I cannot be angry with her, it is Klinton who wanted her.

Gavilean smiled, ?Oh, please, Gavilean is fine, or if you prefer m?lady, Gav is what my friends call me.?

I nodded at him, and looked around for a sign of the goblins, ?Gav it is. I find I have taken a liking to being away from Court.? The formality and the ease with which one can insult a Peer can be tiresome.

He smiled and moved closer, ?Aye, I also have enjoyed my time away from the regalia.?

?The petty rivalries of Court can be tiring. Are you ready for the ceremony?? He was shortly to be wed to Tera, and the two of them seemed very happy.

Gav nodded, the smile on his face told the tale, ?the day cannot come soon enough, m?lady.?

I wished them both much happiness, and he inquired whether I would be present for the festivities. ?I am planning to do so Gav. I cannot speak for Klinton of course.? And I could not help glance at Kyndra.

The tension waiting for the hunting party to return grew. Kyndra glanced at Gav, ?I wonder what is happening, I do hope they find whatever it was that attacked the elf.?

Gav turned toward Kyndra with a smile, ?I?m sure they will be alright. They seem quite skilled.?

She shuddered delicately, ?Aye, they do, but I heard that thing ate that elf?s leg off.?

I winced, ?Yes, the young woman lost a leg, it was horrible.?

Abruptly, a white blur raced across the sand toward the portal, and a flash as it passed through the portal. ?What on earth?? I was still surprised by the speed with which the creature had flashed by us.

I looked at Kyndra as she too was startled by the sight, ?I sure hope they aren?t scaring them back this direction?? She seemed worried that indeed the monsters may come this way and it certainly was a possibility, but that white streak didn?t look dangerous to us.

Someone I had not met previously looked at Kyndra, ?Don?t worry lass, I?d kill anything that came this way. Can?t have officials of the duels getting waylaid? maybe laid, but not waylaid.? He winked mischievously at her, but he could not know the seriousness of the reason for the hunt.

Kyndra couldn?t help but laugh, ?well, waylaid would definitely be bad.?

The stranger introduced himself to me, but I found my attention more riveted on the woods than on conversation, and I do owe the gentleman my apologies when next we meet. He introduced himself as Elijah Basha Uhr.

He followed my gaze toward the woods as time dragged on. Kyndra spoke up, voicing my concern as well, ?It?s been awhile now?. I?m getting worried.

Out of no where, Vincent appeared. His words brought the news we least wished to hear, ?It?s over, although there were casualties.?

Kyndra startled and jumped as Vincent appeared near the rings, and then Lucien stepped from the tree line. I rose slowly to my feet, Lucien was carrying a casualty, and I knew that inert form draped over his shoulder, ?Brigath? I whispered. I could feel the blood rush to my feet. I watched in silence as they crossed the remaining distance. There was no need to ask. There was no breath in that body.

Kyndra turned to look as I?d whispered Brig?s name, and I blinked hard. I would not cry, not here. ?That pig headed, ornery??. Idiot!? The words were choked out quietly as Lucien laid him in the sand beside the callers couch. Kyndra stood, and her hands went to her face to cover her gasp of shock.

I walked very slowly toward his body. The broken remains of a man who had been fun loving and vibrant in life was now only a lifeless husk that had been shattered. I knelt beside him, slowly settling into the sand, and Lucien stood behind me. My words were meant only for Brig, ?You left me you wastrel? you left me years ago, but not like this.? Abruptly anger welled within at this travesty, and I found my hand slapping his face with every ounce of frustration and anger I felt over his death. With that, I rose, not daring to look at anyone else and walked silently toward the portal, vanishing through it.

Lucien bowed to Topaz and followed me through the portal.

Gabriel D

Date: 2006-06-06 13:52 EST
I found the group Lucien had described still assembled. As I faded into view, I heard Topaz ask someone to cast a fireball or immolation to destroy the body. But the male was trying to convince her that Lychs paralyze rather than kill, but I could tell from my place there was no soul to put back into that cadaver.

A young woman was kneeling beside the body, her tears falling like rain.

Grief. It was sharp among most of those present.

Topaz noticed my presence and turned to look at me, ?Did you forget something Lucien??

I smiled inwardly. She could not tell us apart.

I then gave the corpse a dispassionate glance before gliding toward the group standing around it.

Elijah was asking, ?so, then do you guys want to cremate him or bury him? I?ll help but before some kind of plague develops because this guy died by a creature of the undead, we should do it soon.?

I quirked a brow at Topaz before answering her; ?I have not forgotten anything. I have come at the request of the Marchioness.?

Elijah turned to look at me, ?Here for the body??

My attention remained focused on the fairy as she inquired what the Marchioness had charged me with doing. ?I have come with instructions to offer whatever is required for the proper care of the corpse. She stated that when she had been with Brigath, he had expressed a desire to be cremated.?

Topaz nodded, ?That should be taken care of as quickly as possible.? She wanted to have this done quickly, and the sooner I could accomplish my instructions, the better.

Elijah began instructions to the goblins to begin construction of a funeral pyre. It would not have been necessary, but perhaps it would prove therapeutic to those who would be present. Simply summoning enough lightening to incinerate the body might be too traumatic. I waited as they set about building the pyre.

Goblins were crying, one crawled into Kyndra?s lap and began sobbing hysterically. I watched for as long as possible. All the while, clouds had begun to form above us, darkening and rumbling. Several of the patrons glanced upward, but they could not know that it would not rain upon them, but was simply the summoning of the power it would take to flash incinerate their friend.

Elijah was hunting a way to start the wood on fire, and turned to ask me if I had any ideas. I gave him a level look, ?I will take care of it.? My gaze then swiveled to the pyre. The goblins were busily building both the pyre and a litter for the man?s body.

Topaz told me she?d tried an immolation spell earlier, but she could not accomplish one. She had expended more energy than was wise.

At length, I had seen enough, ?That is sufficient. We do not require a great deal of tinder.?

They dragged the litter to the pyre and finally they were ready to bid farewell to their friend.

Thunder reverberated across the Isle as lightening ripped from cloud to cloud overhead. Topaz shivered as the sound rocked the ground beneath their feet.

I began the formalities of a prayer, using the ancient Romanian that was my first language. Blue white streaks rip between the billowing clouds as the air crackled with electricity. As the invocation came to a properly solemn ending, a streak of blue sizzled from the clouds overhead to strike the pyre everyone now stood gathered around. Blinding white light rips the dusk apart as thunder rocked the shoreline ominously. Flames roared to life in the tinder, engulfing everything in a column of flames.

Everyone watched in silence as the blue hearted flames consumed everything in moments with very little smoke.

I turned black eyes on the fairy as she thanked Lucien.

?Gabriel.? I gave her a formal, old world bow before backing way from the scene. It was time to leave them to their grief.

She gave me a surprised blink, ?Gabriel? Not Lucien??

I gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement before fading from the visible spectrum.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:08 EST
Topaz had managed to sneak by the guards and through the wards without alerting either to her return to The Beacon in the middle of the night. But she had just about made it to the stairs, when Julian DerKorst stepped from the library.

?Topaz?? Julian called softly from just behind her.

?Julian. You are still up.? She turned to face him. Julian was in civilian clothes this evening. That did not happen often.

One look at her was all the experienced major needed to know that the evening?s business had not gone as expected. The always enchantingly beautiful woman - he thought she looked even more so when not dressed in magic ? looked more like an alabaster statue of herself just now. Her voice didn?t ring any livelier in his ears either. But she was not bodily injured as far as he could tell. He was too relieved about that to mind her learning more of his secrets. Not that she ever so much as hinted at that she had, he just knew better. Julian put an arm around her shoulder and directed her back the way he had come, to the couch in front of the fire place.

?Coffee or brandy??

?Yes, please.? The fairy sat down sideways, tucking one leg up under her and watched Julian pour brandy and still steaming coffee into the two cups sitting on the table behind the couch. ?How did you know when to have hot coffee ready??

Julian made a point of not drinking coffee after the sun had set. Topaz knew that. She reached for one of the cups as Julian stepped around the couch and sat down beside her.

?This is the sixth pot up from the kitchen. There would be a fresh one every half hour. There is also a fire going in your rooms.? He regarded her with a warm smile.

?Thank you, Julian.?

Julian waited until she had a good part of the coffee in her before he prompted, ?It is easiest when you start at the beginning.?

?I arrived before anyone else did. While I was checking the shielding around the rings some of the others arrived. Brigath had made arrangements for Kyndra to take over his hosting duties for the evening. When most everyone was there, I gave fair warning, started on getting the individual shielding in place and dropping the none-essential magic. That?s when I ran into the first problem. The shields would not stay around Vinny. I probably spent too much time on trying to keep them in place.?

The fairy paused to take another sip from her cup. Julian did not offer any distracting comment, so she continued, ?Lucien showed up late but before we set out. Putting shielding around him was difficult, too, but I had expected that.?


Date: 2006-06-06 14:09 EST
?When everyone was ready to head out, I dropped the last bit of none essential magic. It was rather overwhelming and confusing at first.? Julian noticed the first chime of bemusement in her voice as she continued. It was a private sound. He knew she wouldn't tell him or anyone else of what she learned about her companions of the hunt while expanding her senses.

?By concentrating on finding the creatures I was able to ignore most of it. Yes, not all, just most. Once I had found them though, they overwhelmed all else. Each ten times nastier than that demi-god, Manamar, and there were three of them.? The fairy gave a disgusted shiver that said more than words could have. ?Greed is so much lesser an evil.?
Topaz finished off the coffee.

?What were their intentions?? Julian prompted when the look in the light blue eyes started to take on a far-away quality.

?Desire for destruction, despoiling, death; bloodlust, despair, enjoying horror and the moment of death. There was not even a hint of hunger for nourishment, survival eventually, then just to inflict maximum damage in dying. In hindsight, I?m rather surprised none of them blew up. They all intended to.?

Julian took the empty cup from her and wrapped his arm around her, careful not to damage the delicate wings. ?It is over now. Let that filth leave. You do not need that information anymore. Just let it go.? He had found just the right notes, hypnotic almost, that allowed the fairy do just that.

?I liked the way Lucien felt.? Topaz knew Julian would not like hearing that even before she said it, but it was part of the evening?s events.

?What happened after you found them??

?I did manage to put Kaletha's token in a strategic spot, but then the others arrived and chaos ensued. There was no time for anyone to concentrate long enough to do anything with that. Brigath was magnificent. He turned into his wolf form and was doing a pretty good job tearing the first one of the Liches apart. Actually, I do not believe they were just liches or even lich lords. One of them at least had fangs and moved like Vampires do. Perhaps that?s why I was suspecting that Vanion was involved.?

?I did sneak up behind it while Brigath was distracting it and keeping it from casting any more spells and managed to thrust Raven between its ribs. I did not stay to watch it crumble. I got to busy after that to recall the exact order of events. I used whatever time I needed to take to orient myself to check on the shields and fix them were needed.

?When I noticed that the shields around Lucien were failing altogether ? what was he doing staying that close to one for so long? ? I decided it would be quicker to magic some heat into him, and more likely to do any good than to continue to use micro magic on the liches. I can only hope I found a middle way and did burn up anything by mistake. He seemed well enough after the fighting was done.?


Date: 2006-06-06 14:09 EST
?Are you saying that you were attacking the liches with those mini shields turned weaponry the entire time?? Julian did not bother to hide his disapproval. She'd know anyway. ?Blessed mother.? His curse drew a little smile on the fairy?s lips. Just for a moment, but Julian was happy to see it at all.

?I also found out what Caelan?s rapier?s special magic is. He put his familiar into the blade. Raven did come out of the blade and dived into one of the liches still standing. I think he grabbed a lung. Then he flew of with it. I guess, Vinny must have thought the Raven an enemy. He went after him with the intent to kill. There?s no telling what could have happened if he?d succeed so I had to leave the fighting to at least try to stop him. That man does not know what a hint is.?

The fairy started to sound as exhausted as she looked. But Julian saw this as a positive sign. Sometimes she was too self-controlled for too long for her own good.

?In-between all the fighting going on, Brigath disappeared. At the time it had not felt like he had died, so I wasn?t alarmed. But after the fighting was all done, I only saw his body. And that was very dead. By then though, I couldn?t even muster enough energy for a fire spell, not for him nor to burn the liches? bodies. I had a hard enough time just getting myself visible again and to put the shielding up to keep everyone else out.?

?What other casualties were there??

?None.? Topaz paused, searching her memory. ?There should have been injuries though. But no one complained of any afterwards. Maybe they will not be aware of any until the cold and excitement leaves their bodies.?

?Vinny took care of burning the trash and Lucien carried Brigath?s body back to the rings. Azjah was so upset, she actually slapped Brigath. It took a while, but eventually the consensus was reached to burn the body. The worst about that were the goblins. There wasn?t a one not crying or wailing.? Topaz swallowed twice, but that did nothing to keep her eyes from flowing over.

?Finally?, Julian thought to himself and pulled the fairy into his lap. Topaz did not cry often. The number of those that knew she did so at all was low, Julian suspected. His shirt was getting increasingly damp, but her body was still; no sobs, no shoulders heaving, nor anything else beside his shirt getting wet evidence her crying.

?One sobbed in Kyndra?s lap.? Topaz said a while later and, ?I so wanted to leave there. I knew I couldn?t. Lucien bowed when he had to leave with Azjah.?

?You should have allowed Walter and Alfred to wait at the Inn. They could at least have brought you back.? He let her cry until she was out of tears. When she had not volunteered anything else for a long time he wondered if she had fallen asleep. ?Topaz?? he asked softly. Feeling her nod against his chest he added, ?Are you able to sleep now??

He did not wait for her reply but rose with her in his arms. By the time she said ?yes? he already had climbed the stairs and was in the process of depositing her on her bed.

Before he left her rooms he made sure the fire in the hearth was all that it should be and he left instructions with the guards outside her rooms that the Commander was not be disturbed before lunch. He would re-schedule the AM briefing for mid-afternoon, too.

Kayla Wolf

Date: 2006-06-06 14:15 EST
The white wolf trotted up to the mithril gates of I'Taurn, a sliver necklace and piece of parchment grasped in her teeth. She paused to inspect the gate, then the guards. Finally she stepped right up the center of the gate and sat, fixing the right hand guard with a gaze that made it clear she expected the gates to be opened for her, and promptly.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-06-06 14:17 EST
Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:47 pm Post subject:

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

I was back in RhyDin. I stood looking at the great Albite house, afraid to step beyond the doors. Afraid of what I would find. And more afraid of what I would not find.

I had wandered RhyDin for a time before coming here to face this task. But I had only been hiding from myself. It was past time to find out whether Morrin and I had at last succeeded in sending everything Annaran into Hell for all eternity.

A half bark, half growl from the end of the driveway stayed my hand upon the massive front door. A white wolf had seated itself there as though expecting entry. I nodded to the guards at the gate, and the wolf rose and trotted along the serpentine paved drive.

She paused at my side, and in her jaws was a letter, which she proceeded to drop into my hands. I have never seen this wolf before, and yet she knew me, for the missive was clearly addressed to me.

It was from someone I had not seen in many years, but his communication was one of crucial import and I read the missive twice before looking once more at the messenger.

"Well Kayla lass, yer friend doth ken verra well Ah'll aid 'is cause. Tae be ascertes, Ah'll 'elp 'im 'pon both o' 'is r'quests. Prithee lass, dae coome 'nside 'n we shall d'cide 'ow best tae obtain th' last o' 'is r'quests. Ah've two in mind fer ye, 'n ye mayst d'liver th' oother thin' 'e doth speak o'."

With that, there was no help but to open the doors and return once more to my home in RhyDin.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-06-06 14:18 EST
I opened the door, and invited the wolf inside. The entry shone white, and undisturbed. The great oak doors to the formal Great Hall were closed, and I was not ready to go in there. For it was upon the hearth that I'd last found Daemonbane, and the accursed books.

I invited Kayla to follow me up to my private suites. The rooms are more livable and it was not likely that any artifacts would seek me in those rooms.

We walked up the stairs, and I opened the doors to the sitting room, leading my guest inside to sit in front of the rhodochrosite fireplace that was cool and dark.

I had agreed to both of Brigath's requests, and it was there that Kayla presented me with a silver chain and key.

I would keep the key safe. Away from those who might seek to take it. I' Taurn would protect what it held.

Then I laid out the two choices I had for Kayla. Both deserved the fate that one of them would receive, it was merely a question of which one Kayla preferred.

I would procure the taller one for her. It was something I would enjoy doing.

The wolf gave me a solemn nod of understanding and agreement.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-06-06 14:18 EST
I returned several hours later with my quarry. He was docile under an enchantment, and sat quietly; staring with unseeing eyes at the fireplace that now crackled with a small fire. He would do nicely.

Retreating to my own rooms, I found it pleasant to stand on the balcony overlooking the grounds to the rear of the House. Silence emanated from the stone structure, but the land was alive with a riotous mixture of plants, animals, and minerals. It was so diametrically opposed to Matlal right now.

Pain stabbed at my heart. Matlal had once been this lush and alive. I had brought pain and destruction to the land. It would take a long time to heal Matlal, and I did not know how badly the other islands suffered.

I glanced down at my hand. Crimson was pooling in my palm. I bled, even as the land still bleeds. I hope Kayla returns for my prize soon, for I must face the Great Hall, and then return to Matlal.

Kayla Wolf

Date: 2006-06-06 14:19 EST
She spotted the Sidhe woman across the courtyard, and let out a growl at the guards who had not yet opened the gate for her. The elf?s sharp ears heard noise and she turned to spy the wolf. Kayla gave a self-satisfied snort at the guards as Alais motioned for them to open the gates.

Kayla inspected the woman as she trotted towards her. Brigath trusted her, but Brigath?s judgment was flawed at best as far as Kayla was concerned. Still, Alais had the aura of one who would not flinch at the tasks requested of her. This time, it seemed, Brigath had made a good choice. She came to her decision quickly and dropped the note into Alias? hand without hesitation.

With a patience learned from years of association with Brig, Kayla sat quietly while Alais read and re-read the letter. She didn?t understand why it seemed to take humans, or elves for that matter, so long to understand things. Finally, Alais laid the letter aside and invited her in.

Kayla Wolf

Date: 2006-06-06 14:19 EST
Kayla followed Alais through the house, still clutching the Key of Air on its chain in her mouth. When the woman eventually found a room that was to her liking, she opened the doors and they entered a dark room with a draft coming down the chimney. Kayla dropped the Key at Alais feet and waited for her to take it. The draft tickled her nose and she sneezed just as Alais was grasping the chain. The woman did not even flinch, which Kayla noted with approval.

Alais described to prospects for Kayla, who was further impressed that she was even given options. Not that it mattered all that much, but the elf was doing them a favor and so she gave the appearance of considering both of them gravely before making her choice.

With the business at hand concluded, there was no reason for her to remain and wait for Alais to acquire her prey. She quickly exited the mansion and loped towards the inn.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:21 EST
The briefing that afternoon had been mercifully short. The officers had nothing out of the ordinary to report. Major derKorst was not surprised when Topaz released the other officers as soon as possible but requested him to stay a moment longer.

?This is not Guardian business, but you should be informed just the same. I have some unfinished business on the isle.? Topaz started as soon as the last of the others had left. ?I need to find out how the creatures got onto the isle and make certain others may not enter the same way. Though I did not find any more of their kind last night, it is very possible that I missed something.?

At the Commander?s nod Major derKorst offered, ?Understood. But may I suggest that you wait another day with this and to at least ask for volunteers to aid with the task??

The major regarded the fairy with one of his crystal hard looks while she silently weighed the pros and cons once again.

At last she said, still thoughtful, ?You may. The shields should still be effective for another day, perhaps two. I will let you know what I may come up with before I go back to the Isle.?

?Thank you, major. That is all for now.? Topaz went to her office a few moments after Julian had left the briefing room.

Kayla Wolf

Date: 2006-06-06 14:22 EST
Kayla returned the next morning, and padded through the gates which this time opened at her approach. Alais must have been expecting her for the door to the mansion had been left ajar. Kayla detected a new scent in the house and was pleased that Alais had been so efficient. She trotted up the stairs to the room with a draft, and found it much more comfortably warm this time.

Kayla let out a bark and waited for Alais to attend her.

She did not wait long. There were things Alais needed to do, and she was pleased to see Kayla's return. She led the wolf back to the private room where the man sat under the enchantment. "'ere ist th' one Ah dae b'lieve wilst best fit yer needs lass."

Kayla laid her ears back against her head in displeasure. She didn't blame the woman. She was sure Brigath had encouraged Alais to be merciful in his letter. He liked to delude himself that that was actually possible. No matter. The elf would understand. She turned and trotted out the door, making her way through the house as if it was her own to the entrance to the manor grounds. Here, she sat and waited patiently for Alais and the prey to arrive.

The sorceress followed, bringing the enchanted male with her. The wolf was obviously not happy about his being unaware, and she found the wolf waiting at the rear grounds just outside of the house. So it was to be, with a look at Kayla, Alais released the man from the enchantment, leaving him to face the wolf.

Kayla Wolf

Date: 2006-06-06 14:22 EST
Awareness slowly made its way into the man?s eyes as he emerged from the enchantment. Confused and disoriented he turned his head from side to side, trying to get his bearings. When his eyes fell on Alais he shrunk back, fear written on his face. His voice came out in barely a whisper as he uttered her name, ?Alais??

The smile on the sorceress? face was cold and hard. ?Ye dae well tae fear me, but t?day yer fate is no? in mah ?ands.? Her eyes flicked to the wolf, drawing the man?s attention downward. ?And Ah suspect tha? ye?ll wish t?was me tender mercies ye were facin? afore th? day is doone.?

Kayla?s lips were drawn back to reveal her teeth and a low growl rumbled in her throat. As the man?s eyes met hers, the spell that had begun in a grove on the Twilight Isle descended upon him. All of his senses narrowed until the wolf was all he could perceive. Her growl reverberated in his ears, an inescapable throbbing that pressed in on him. Her eyes bore into his. Not the eyes of an animal who killed because she needed to, but the eyes of a sentient creature who delighted in the hunt and the devastation of her prey. Her breath rose up and nearly overwhelmed him, filled with the sickly sweet scent of blood and meat from her kill that morning. With a scream, he turned and fled, running blindly onto the grounds.

Kayla raced after him, nipping at his legs, driving him forward. Every time he stumbled and fell, she was on top of him, claws raking his back, jaws closing with a snap right next to his ears. Then she would be past him and he would flail his way back to his feet, weeping with terror, staggering forward in whatever direction he happened to be facing. Again and again she drove him to the ground, winding his panic tighter and tighter until at last he fell and could not rise. His body shuddered, wracked with sobs of incoherent fear. His hands clawed uselessly at the ground, instinctively trying to grasp something, anything, that might provide a way of escape. This time Kayla lept upon him and stayed. She slashed at his side with her claws, forcing him to turn onto his back. He desperately tried to push her away as her jaws descended towards his face. His shrieks turned to gurgles as the the wolf?s snout entered his mouth and they came to an abrupt end as she bit down on his lower jaw and her teeth pierced his tongue and chin.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:24 EST
? Chanting in the woods ? tongue welling with blood as a knife drops to the ground ? the wrenching as his spirit is tied to another ? double vision from the eyes of wolf and man? the exhilaration of the battle ? searing cold of the lich?s touch ? blackness?

Kayla slowly backed away from the still form, her tongue welling with blood where she had bit through it. Her blood had mingled freely with the blood flowing in the man?s mouth and as she watched, the body suddenly sat up and gave a wracking heave, coughing up blood that had flowed into it?s lungs.

Kayla sat back on her haunches, putting on the appearance of extreme patience. Brigath finally stopped retching and started breathing shallow rapid breaths, leaning on one hand, wincing at the pain in his back, side and face. His searching eyes found the wolf, and he managed a bloody, half grin. ?Guess you were right, Kayla. It was necessary after all.? He started to try to stand and cringed, giving up the effort.


He closed his eyes and focused on slowing his breathing, taking longer deeper breaths in spite of the pain. Periodically he paused to spit out the blood that still flowed from his tongue. As he gained a measure of control over his body, he looked to Kayla again.

?Are we in I?Taurn then? Good. I knew Alais would come through. I?ll have to think of a proper way to thank her.? A gurgley chuckle emerged from his lips. ?But I think perhaps we will wait to do that until I am a little more presentable.?

Kayla sat silently, letting him ramble, but giving him a look that reminded him she was only patient to a point.

?Ok, ok. Let me just fix the appearance and we can make our way out of here.? By this time he had managed to get himself sitting up unsupported, and ran his hands briefly and gingerly over his face. After they had passed, the features had been transformed so that he looked just as he had in his old body. ?That?ll do for now. I?ll fix the rest after I?ve had a chance to recover a bit. Let me see if I can at least muster up the strength to get moving.?

At the indication that he was ready to depart, Kayla moved over next to him and let him brace himself on her while he painfully levered himself to his feet. Then the two of them walked slowly over the grounds to find an exit.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:25 EST
As I faded into the visible spectrum, and searched the beach area of Twilight Isle, I caught sight and scent of the fairy. She was dressed in a light blue dress that flowed and moved around her as a living thing caressing her magical form. She carried a rapier at her hip, and I noticed that there were no flowers in her hair. She should always wear flowers in her hair. Something is missing when such a lovely creature is devoid of the beauty of flowers.

I could sense that others had been on the Isle, and I asked Topaz if she had sent anyone preceding us to the Isle.

She smiled and said good evening, observing the social niceties that I had just failed to observe, "Good evening to you. It is possible, the portal was not disabled, but no, I did not send anyone. And the goblins live here, of course."

It was not the goblins I could sense. Whomever had been here was human. I turned and gave her a long look, "We stick together on this, right? No separation." I knew it was asking too much for her to wait right here on the beach and let me search. She had already exhibited a propensity for failing to allow the Hunters to do their jobs while she remained safely behind.

"Yes, Sir." Came her reply, with a practiced ease that sounded suspiciously like she was having fun with me.

I gave her a slight grin, "with sufficient practice, you may become good at that." However, I know she is not ever going to learn to show respect when it matters. She will always throw herself into the fray without regard for her safety.

She chuckled, "not too good, I hope."

I quirked a black brow at her, "Is it possible to become too good at being a woman? One day, you must explain to me this disrespect men have for their women in this realm." I knew it would needle her, and I find that thought pleasing.

Her laugh rippled across my skin, "I've always been that, female I mean. So that part comes naturally." She laughed again, "hmmm, and you're asking me?"

I was scanning the tree line, "we should begin along the edge of the plains where we found their cave." I doubted that they had come through in that cave, but I was hoping to get a better feel for their magic signatures, and that should help me recognize other works. They would have set the cave with defenses; things to drive the curious away, or to entrap the too bold. It was a good place to start.

I nodded at her, "well, since you seem to agree with their disrespect, yes." She was the first female that I thought would give me a straight answer that was not representative of Rigel. I know why the Marchioness does such things, but it does not sit any easier with me even knowing.

She looked toward the treeline, "lead the way."

I unsheathed the ancient dagger that I had brought along to deal with these things. It was the dagger I'd brought the other night as well. It is a holy relic from the time of the Crusades. There are not many of the undead who could face such a weapon, and it was not silver, which would have been impossible for me to wield. I glanced at her in the habitual twilight of the Isle, "do you require light?"


Date: 2006-06-06 14:26 EST
The fairy gave me a puzzled look, "It is not disrespect. Much the opposite, they trust in my abilities. If they wouldn't, they would be less respectful, but more protective. Or, just take unwanted liberties. That kind walks around in these parts too." She chuckled softly and I looked askance at her. She gave me an impish smile, "The twilight of the isle will be sufficient."

I shook my head, still scanning the plains before us, "in my home, females are few and treasured. They understand that their men, the Hunters, are quite capable of dealing with the threats. We are a dying species. They are our healers and our nurturers, not warriors." The disparity between my world and the outside worlds I have encountered never ceased to amaze me. Our women are strong, and yet, they see no need to go charging off into dangerous situations, nor do they see a need to hunt the undead. They have faith in us.

She walked beside me as we began to approach the cave where we had had the standoff earlier. "I'm no good at healing. I tried. And I am not domestic in any sense of the word." She was defending her skills and desire to be in the Hunt.

I was still watching for traces of the Lyches, and hoping no more had come through their entry point. "Domesticity is not all there is for our women. They are the keepers of knowledge, they manager our disguises, they are the light to the darkness that runs in all of our males." How do you explain the role of our salvation to someone who does not see the need to stay away from Hunting?

She kept up with my hard pace, but did allow me to be slightly in the lead. "Do you keep them in cages?"

I paused, turning to give her an incredulous look, "Cages? Why ever would you think such a thing? They are treasures!!" Her question took me by surprise, and every fiber of my being rebelled at such a notion.

"Cages, huts, caves, castles - same difference. Some around these parts do and call it being protective. Treasures as in the sort of stuff Dragon's sleep on?" She believes our women had no say in their lives??

"We respect their gifts, and they respect ours. It is not disrespectful to them. It is mutual respect for one the other's abilities." I paused as we reached the cave entrance. "Do you feel the power signature?" I raised my hands and let the magic that made up the outer wards flow through my sense.

She smiled, "Then it's really not all that different. Most who know me come to respect my abilities and me theirs." She didn't see that hunting was not for females. To her, it was alright for a woman to hunt the undead!

I paused, turning to frown at her, "You put yourself in danger."

She disagreed, "I can't, not with all these spells. And yes, so did everyone else."

I gave a human-like sigh, "but you do not realize that when a woman is along, the Hunters are distracted, they are required first and foremost to protect you." The idea that a female should perish on a hunt is unthinkable, and our focus is always split rather than single-mindedly bent on the destruction of the undead.

She gave me one of her charming smiles, "did I distract you?"

"Of course." I moved silently toward the mouth of the small cave.

She gave me an enigmatic smile, "thank you," before following me toward the opening. "Why is your race dying out?" Her footfalls were nearly silent as we paused at the entrance. There were no Lyches within, but the reek of their power lingered.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:27 EST
I remained very still, focusing on the energy signatures just inside the cave. They had spent a lot of time here in this cave, and had erected some strong safeguards, but nothing I could not unweave. "The spent a lot of time here, but this is not where they came through," I told Topaz without turning to look at her. My attention needed to be focused entirely on what I was doing, or I could wind up hurting one of us should I be careless.

I allowed some minutes to pass before answering her next query, "That is the question of our people. Fewer and fewer children are born to us. The last one was born over 200 years ago." I have never spoken of my people to any outsider beyond the Marchioness. It seemed very strange to do so now.

I could feel her work some of her magic as she watched me unravel the wards, "So you are alive. Two centuries is a long time. How do you make babies, and what are the dangers involved?"

Her questions sounded as though she'd thought of me as not quite alive, and so very strange that we did not have children as most over humanoids did. "They did not come through here, but I desire a closer look at some of the remaining defenses they set up."

She had used her magic to find the origin of the nasty signatures inside of the cave as I paused, turning my gaze on her, "We must find our other half. The half of our soul, unless we do, it is possible to turn Vampyr. But, for those who do found our mates, we love and have children the same way as everyone else." We are living creatures. Her questions suggest that perhaps she does not believe that is so.

She cocked her head slightly, "like everyone else laying eggs, or like everyone having lots at a time, or like everyone else just one at a time, how often?"

My laughter surprised even me in the cavern, "One at a time, when we are very lucky, but most of the newborns die within the first year." I could not picture having many at once. Children are a rare gift that we have not had in several centuries. But, finding a lifemate is even more rare, and sadly, the reason so many of our males turn Vampyr.

Topaz doubted that we would find much in the way of defenses, she had observed that they relied mostly on speed, and it was then that I learned that she and Vincent had done something to slow down the Lyches. They were very fast, but everything helped that night. She did not see the magical remnants of their defenses, but I did. She paused, "why do they die?"

"Yes, but this construct is not like any I have seen before. It is not typical undead." My hands traced the weavings and echoes of magic. Where would they likely have come onto the Isle?

"Agreed, one of them had fangs, and the way he moved, it was a lot like the common run of Vampires in this town. Vanion excluded." She was watching me as I studied the residues.

"Are there other caves on this island?" I was pondering the most logical entry point, and they seemed to like the protection afforded by such natural spots. Out of the light that there was, naturaly defensed, and difficult to see from the air.

She searched her memory, "no, no caves. Hot springs, a lake, the towers, forest, beaches, cliffs?. Maybe in the cliffs. But if then more like overhands and small hollows, not real caves." She knew her isle well, it would make it easier to search.

I turned then to face her, "hot springs?" Hot springs are usually created by geothermal vents that reach the surface and have a continuous source of water; these are places that came from the bowels of the land, and would be a fine place to hide.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:28 EST
She misunderstood my question, "Yes, puddles with hot water bubbling out of the ground. Some are deep enough to sit in."

So these springs were small. Too small to hide the Lyches from what she was describing. "How deep is the lake?"

She frowned slightly, "I don't know. I have not spent any time in the lake."

I turned then, "The way they used this cave, I am suspecting there must be others, it is the best place to open a rift." I know the Isle is protected against such things, but there are ways to shield a rift, and they did not simply walk through the portal to gain access to the Isle.

She was still pondering as well, "the magic they used was not limited to the kind one might expect lich lords to use either." She had recognized these as something new as well.

I nodded slowly, "no, it was not. Show me the lake." I paused, "if you would." It seemed that the social niceties worked better here than simply being expedient.

She groaned, "A rift? As they're not stupid, they'd put one somewhere where it wouldn't cause the isle to split up. Around the rim, or somewhere would be my choice for one."

I gave her a quick nod, "or an underwater cavern." I glanced at her then, "can you go underwater with those wings?" She would need to set up some warning markers on the Isle after this. The Lyches had shown that rifts were indeed possible here, and without warning magic, could go undetected. But I would talk to her later about ways to set alarms.

She nodded thoughtfully, "water breathing is certainly within their spell abilities." Then she gave me a smile, "yes." Water would not destroy her wings.

I gave her a devilish smile, "Pity". If she couldn't have gone underwater, I might have convinced her to return to the beach and wait.

She seemed surprised, "Why is that?"

I flashed her a fanged grin, "I thought I had found a way to keep you safe and not in the thick of the Hunt."

She grinned back, "You were not trying very hard, I hope?"

I gave her a smug grin, "were I to try at all, you would know it. I desire a look underwater. Do you see the bits of flesh there in the sand?" The bits of rotting flesh led from the lake. I could find no where that they had led into the lake. All led away.

She looked at where I was pointing, "yes, obviously there were at least here, and I doubt it was washing up."

I knelt in the sand studying the ebb and flow of the lake. "No, unless they dumped bodies in here." I stood slowly, offering her my arm as I did so, "shall we go for a swim then?"

She needed no preparations, and the dress she wore was the stuff of magic, "as we didn't find anything but bits of green skin off the victims, I would suspect they didn't have any waste to dump. Though I never heard of a lich or a vampire consuming bones. It bothers me that we never saw any." She took my arm and was ready to step into the water. "Ten minutes is my limit for under water though."


Date: 2006-06-06 14:29 EST
I glanced down at where her fingers curled around my arm, "they consumed everything. Hang on tight then, this will be a quick trip." Without a word further of warning, I shifted into the form of a barracuda and dove into the lake without a splash. I would be the largest fish in the lake this way, and few things would take on an 8 foot predator with teeth. Fresh water predators don't grow nearly as large as the salt water predators, and I could not see any sharks or whales in the lake.

She managed to hang onto my dorsal fin as I cut through the water, and I darted down along the deeper parts of the lake, seeking caverns or caves. About 20' down from the surface, I moved in on a black hole in the walls and the water.

She remained silent, and I caught the echo of her thought, she could not speak underwater. I would need to remember that for future reference. She also was beginning to wonder just how many forms I could assume. Perhaps one day I will satisfy her curiosity. Snapping the barracuda's jaws together, I startled a small school of blue gills.

I swam warily into the black opening. It was a small cave, it had an air bubble trapped in the ceiling. I shifted into humanoid form and lifted my head into the air space. It was stale, but breathable. As she too surfaced, I commented that the Lyches had indeed been here.

She let some of her protection spells fall enough that she could better sense the lingering presence of the Lyches. "The bubble is a bad sign." She clung closely to me, hanging onto my arm the entire time.

I nodded thoughtfully, "yes." Then reaching upward, I watched as the ceiling moved beneath my hand. We had found it. The place of entry was here.

Topaz elected to shift out of the visible spectrum and cloak herself in the magic of her kind. There was curiosity, and just a hint of alarm in her actions as I traced my hand over the remnants of magic. The ceiling shifted and moved before dropping thousands of leeches in massive swarms out of the shifting rock. The water splashed as they flopped into the black water around us.

She put up a shield to keep the leeches from attaching to her. Teeth and suckers from the leeches sought to sink into flesh and suck dry whatever had the misfortune to stumble into this place. They writhed and floated at the surface before wriggling downward, seeking blood.

I maintained my focus, unweaving the spell, slowly and very precisely. Topaz was well aware that things were not going precisely the way we had wanted them to go. We had found the entry point, but it was well guarded. I worked on, dismantling the protections.

She watched as the leeches slowly floated to the surface, dead or dying around us. "Naturally weak, or your doing?"

I kept working, " It is the nature of a vampyre to send the foul things of the land at a Hunter who unravels their protection spells. There will be other traps. This was done by the one who you said had fangs like a vampyre." I could not predict what would be sent at us next, but it was there, and I could feel the swarming growing as I worked at undoing the weave.

She watched me closely, "You say that word so differently. What you suspect is not the common Rhydin sort of vampire then?"

The sense of foreboding grew, "this one is not like those I have run into in RhyDin, no." A non-magic user would have been run off now as the waves of fear radiated from the weaving. This ward was meant to send inquisitive souls running in abject terror.

She remained beyond the visible, but her words carried in the small cave, "I really only ever met one to have any kind of conversation with. That one didn't like being undead though. Beyond my experience then." I could hear the smile in her voice. She was considering this as a new kind of learning experience! "Well, I always like learning something new. I just wish they'd 'feel' better."


Date: 2006-06-06 14:29 EST
I turned to look toward where I could sense her presence, "they are lost souls. They have given up their soul for the quick thrill of 'feeling' during the kill. They must be stopped. That is what Hunters do. They are friends, family, and each time we must Hunt one, a part of us dies." How long have I hunted old friends, family. People much younger than I who could not hold out and who could not face the dawn? Perhaps there is a reason we lose the ability to feel when we are so young. To hunt our own for so long, how could she understand?

Topaz dropped enough of the 'visibility-magic' that I could see her shiver at the 'nastyness' of these creatures and what they will surround themselves with. She had been pondering what I had told her about our newborns dying, "There may be one on the other side. I am sorry. Is that what happens to your babies?"

My hands continued to work at unraveling the weave above our heads as I shook my head negatively, "no." I was expecting another of the lych things to be on the other side. If for no reason than to assure that no Hunter came through into their plane. I could feel her trying to include me in her shielding. It felt light, like the brush of those glittering wings, but it was her signature.

A crack opened in the rock, stinging scorpions drop by the thousands out of the widening split. They are ensorceled to attack and sting anything they touch, and their poison was painful and lethal. I had encircled us just in time, and they fell harmlessly into the water, floating at the surface amidst the carcasses of the now dead leeches.

"Whatever will they think of next," came her slightly sarcastic comment.

I buried my laughter. If she only knew. "We are close." The crack in the rock widened, and abruptly there is a foul stench that is all too familiar. I had gotten us through the defenses, and we now had access to the place our lyches had come from. Twin red orbs glittered maliciously and a split second later, taloned fingers rakes out at us. It made a grab for my throat, screaming as it's nails were burned in the contact with my shields.

Topaz reflexively moved back and didn't make a sound, but before I could reach for the Lych, she cast a spell from the Isle. Fire erupted toward the red orbs, the immolation spell licking greedily at the creature.

I drew the ancient dagger and sank it into the rotting flesh. The sickening scent of burning, rotting flesh greeted us as the blade sank deeply into the creature. The bones and rotted flesh flopped into the water with us, it had fallen through the rift into Twilight Isle.

Her immolation spell didn't last long in the watery environment, and she sought then to protect herself against electricity. I smiled. She'd seen me direct lightening to destroy one of the Lyches, but I could not draw the lightening through the rock.

Leaving the dagger embedded in the corpse, I looked at her, she was not a hysterical, screaming female like so many I have met in Rhydin, and I respected her for her composure. "Leave the dagger where it is for now. This is how they came through." I indicated the rent in the rock overhead, where a plane of darkness and stench was now connected to Twilight Isle.

She did wince at that, but remained otherwise silent.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:30 EST
I gave her a smirk, "I trust you do not desire this door to remain open?"

"No! Much the opposite." She was rather emphatic about that, and in the dim light appeared to be turning just a little green in the stinking air bubble, which had grown decidedly more odoriferous.

I nodded and turned back to the rift as she snapped the spells she had cocooned herself in earlier. The closure of this rift would take old magic, and I began the sealing spell in my native language. Ancient Romanian has a music all its own. It has lulled many into its spell, entrancing and beautiful, and deadly when needed.

My hands wove a new sorcery here, and as my hands moved closed, so too did the rock above us. It crushed together with a resounding boom before fusing into one rock above. The corpse floated in the water as I turned toward her.

"You call that music?" She smiled. Perhaps our tastes in music were less than in harmony.

I gave her an unrepentant smile, "well, the finale with the rocks was a bit grating."

"A bit much" she agreed with a grin.

I reached for the dagger and the corpse it was sunk deeply inside before turning to her, "shall we go?"

She took a not quite so deep breath of the reeking air as I allowed her to once more take my arm. I swam toward the surface in humanoid form with both the fairy and the corpse. Had anyone witnessed such an incongruous sight, they would have been shocked for certain. I dragged the stinking bundle onto the shore, and was clean and dry in the way of my people before we got past the damp sand of the shore line. I turned toward the Lych thing, and the clouds overhead darkened and roiled. Blue-white lightening ripped down from the darkened clouds over the beach, incinerating the thing there, and when the smoke cleared, the ancient dagger was laying in pristine sand. I reached down to pick up the ornately decorated blade, sliding it once more into my boot.

As I straightened, she smiled, "so, you made the sky darken."


"I guess I wasted time on worrying about lightening striking me for naught." She admitted.

I gave her a grin, white teeth glistening in the twilight. "You worried about being struck?" I held out my hand and a ball of blue-white crackled there in my palm. "We have dominion over the storm." I held my hand out toward her.

"I don't usually stay in the air during a lightening storm. And during the fighting, there was too much going on to look if the energy might be controlled."

So, she had been concerned about the storm. I had not given it much thought then, but now I could see her reason for concern.

I slowly moved the snapping, crackling ball back toward her, "have you ever touched lightening?"

She looked out over the lake, "I am very glad you insisted on coming along. I would have eventually thought of looking under water and done probably just what you did, unraveling the tainted magic. Even if I had stopped before the thing came through." Then she turned toward me and the offered lightening sphere, "no, I haven't." She lifted a finger toward the crackling ball with more curiosity than care.

I held it still as the sensation of crackling greeted her fingers, and static began to lift tendrils of her hair, "how would you have killed it? And how would you have closed the rift?"

Her fingers played along the surface of the sphere in my hand, "In hindsight, by letting the magic bits decide what they wanted to do. But, I'd not have been quick enough. Of course, I would have left well enough alone and gone for help after having noticed the creature's closeness. I still feel queasy."


Date: 2006-06-06 14:31 EST
I released the lightening, "I shall take you back immediately." I had not realized she was still not feeling well. It had been a distressing evening for her.

She glanced at me quickly, "I wish you wouldn't. I'll be right as rain quick enough now that there's fresh air and no rift open to that horrible place."

I sent my senses out seeking, "we are finished, I do not feel another, do you?"

She shook her head, "no, but with the spells back in place, I wouldn't until it was close. The downside of living where there are so many people."

She had to cloak her abilities living in close proximity to others. Her innate talents would be deemed intrusive or dangerous, and so she deliberately masks what she can feel and sense in others. It is not something I would wish to do with my skills, and yet she seems content enough to live among humans even though it means keeping her abilities reined tightly in.

"They waste away. We cannot nourish them properly.: It was time to answer her questions, even though I do not have the real answer. Even Gregory has no answers. Francesca, Gregory, Shea, they all work to find an answer, a solution, and yet there is little hope right now.

She pushed on, "what kind of nourishment do they require?"

I took a deep breath, that was the crux of the question, "their needs seem to have changed over time." Then, deciding it was time to change the subject, I offered her my arm, "Show me the rest of the Isle."

She was not so easily distracted, and as she took my arm, she observed, "so it is changing away from the same thing as adults, just easier to digest and smaller pieces?"

I stared across the lake, watching fireflies blink and dart along the shore, "Adults require blood. Infants cannot." We have tried nursing our young, but it does not seem to be enough, and yet, they cannot drink blood as we do. Their metabolism has changed, and we cannot nourish our young as biology had made so successful for other mammals.

She began walking beside me, "well, you already know this beach here, and the rings, both caves," she winked at me in teasing since I'd found the second cavern, "the Towers are hard to miss. Over around here is the goblin's beach, but they forget they have one to themselves." She watched me closely as she went back to the subject of our children. "You have no chain of stores where one can shop for dinner?"

I turned and gave her a slow look, images of jars and containers of various blood types skittered through her thoughts, "we live in the wilds, far away from most of the land's inhabitants. Infants cannot live on blood, and the normal means of feeding infants does not succeed."

"What is the normal means?" She was not assuming anything, and in some ways that is a good thing, but it was putting me in uncomfortable territory.

"It is not until a child reaches 5 or 6 years that they can handle blood." I smiled uncomfortably at her, "we are mammals, just as humans or elves." I hoped she would understand that it meant we should be able to nurse our young, but for some reason, that avenue of nourishing our young was no longer sufficient. Something has changed and our young cannot thrive in that manner any longer.

She gave me a thoughtful look, "so why doesn't the old way not work for the babies anymore? Is there evolution at work?"

I do not have the answers, and that makes this discussion very difficult. "We believe there is evolution causing this, yes. We are a dying race Topaz. Our children die more often than ot, and our last one to survive was born over 200 years ago. We are hunted. We lose family to Vampyr. Our Prince tries to seek a solution, but there has been no resolution yet."

"That oughta be fixable. Did you try importing wet nurses? Or an animal alternative?" She was trying to offer ideas, and she truly did not know my people. It was very kind of her, and at the same time offered pain. We have spent centuries trying to discover the cause of our infant mortality rate, to no avail.

"We have. Those measure succeed no better than any other. This is a maudlin topic. Not fit for such a lovely night." I needed to divert her train of thought.


Date: 2006-06-06 14:32 EST
She gathered my need to change the subject, "I'm sorry, my curiosity is running off with me."

"You do not need to apologize. We are a rare species." I gave her a wink and continued walking, "And fairies must be very curious creatures indeed." I am uncertain whether to consider her actions due mostly to curiosity, or to something else entirely.

She laughed merrily, "if I'm anything to go by, yes."

I kept walking slowly, "Will the Keepers watch the Isle for signs of others?" It would behoove her to have the Keeper's watch for signs that we may have missed another entry point. I doubted that we had, but they could have used one of the others to open a rift I had not detected.

She nodded, "Yes, they will. Usually the isle communicated with the Archmage."

If the Isle communicated with the Archmage, how had these abominations been missed? I looked down at her, "You will not remain upon the Isle until we are certain." It was not a question, but if she was as wise as I believed, she would not argue with me on this point.

"Not by myself, and not overnight." She was hedging. She would come to the Isle, but at least she would not remain alone here.

I gave her a grave nod, "what happened to 'yes sir?'"

She had already moved on to another topic, "Do you think there might be dancing at the wedding?" Then she gave me an impish smile, "Sir," she added with an utterly unrepentant grin.

I lifted a brow at her, "I have never attended a royal affair that did not include civilized dancing."

Her eyes sparkled, "splendid. That is, dancing is something you know how to do?"

The little minx! I raised both brows in disbelief at her temerity, "I lead splendidly. I trust you will not step upon my toes?"

She chuckled merrily, "I won't. Can't say the same for the tentacles. So how many of those do you have?" She was feeling better in the clean air, and away from the dark places of the Isle, and we walked along the cliffs overlooking the ocean below. "Would you like to go up there and check out the view?"

I glanced up the cliffs. We would be silhouetted against the skyline up there, but I could not detect danger at the moment. "Yes. The tentacles?" I gave her a somewhat puzzled look.

She led me along the path that led up to the cliffs, and it dawned on me just what she was speaking about. "How many do I have? I have never counted them. As I can shape shift, I can create monsters of the ground."

She laughed gayly, "I could have sworn at least one of them was attached to you. What all can you change into?" Her curiosity might garner her more answers than she's prepared to accept.

I gave her a gallic shrug, "They are at my command. How far can you fly?" I turned my gaze out over the vista before us.

"That depends on the weather for the most part. In optimal conditions.: She shrugged, "I don't really know." She was enjoying the closest thing to a bird's eye view of the Isle from our perch atop the cliffs.

I glanced at the iridescent wings, "you cannot fly in bad weather?"

She stood watching birds soar over the water, "In strong wind, no. And during lightening storms it is not to be recommended. Extreme cold is just bad for the cold. Too much heat isn't nice either."


Date: 2006-06-06 14:33 EST
I chuckled and reached out to lightly touch the shimmering wings, "And here mastery of the storm is my forte!"

She grinned up at me as I could feel her shields in place protecting her wings, "aye, you are very dangerous."

I gave her a slow, lethal smile, "only when necessary. For the most part, Gabriel and I keep a low profile." It is far safer for our people if we do keep a very low profile. Drawing attention to us would only exterminate us faster than we are already dying out.

She believed Gabriel looks like me in every possible way, and I confirmed what she had clearly seen, ?we are twins.?

She informed me that Gabriel had come to the Isle just after I had left, and that she had mistaken him for me. I knew that but now was not the time to explain that Gabriel and I share everything we learn, even when he was hunting me.

I smiled, ?It is he however that gets into trouble.?

She gave me a puzzled look, ?how so??

I laughed inside, the stories I could tell her would give even the fairy grey hair. ?He came to bring assistance for Brigath. I have saved his sorry hide many times over the last two millennia.?

That surprised her. She thought it would get boring, but in truth, I cannot say I have ever been bored. Humanity is much to interesting, and the changes in society with time are amazing. I shook my head, ?There was this time in France when he surprised me, and locked us both in the ground.?

?Why would he do that?? She gave me a chuckle, ?It could not have been a very good lock, cause here you are. Where is France?? She was full of questions, and the whole reason for forcing Gabriel to hunt me is a complex tale. How to distill it into something short and comprehensible rather than going into the whole history?

?He believed I had turned Vampyr, and we have an agreement. Should one of us turn, the other must hunt. He was too close to turning, and so I convinced him that I had turned Vampyr, so that he must hunt me, and not hunt others, risking that he would kill during feeding or hunting. We were locked in the ground for nearly two centuries. I would call that a very good trap. France is from our original home world. It is a geographical and political area on one of our continents.?

She gave me a confused look, ?obviously hunting means something different when you use the word.?

I smiled slightly, ?My people have Hunters. We protect our dwindling numbers from those who have become Vampyr. We slay the undead. All of which were once Carpathian.? How do you explain that the terrors of the night are actually my people who have given up their souls rather than hold out for their true lifemates?

She mulled over my words carefully, ?how do they become undead??

That was a topic I did not wish to elaborate on just now. ?Have fairies no protectors??

She laughed, ?fairies do not usually get into situations where a protector is needed.?

I turned to look at her, ?But the undead do not distinguish between humans, Carpathians, Elves, nor fairies. Those that we hunted the other evening would have eaten you as well as that unfortunate elf.? It is the reason we move among the humans of our world. Vampyrs do not mind terrorizing anyone unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She walked onward along the cliffs, ?In the forest is little need to cull one?s senses. Danger and its direction can be felt miles before it gets anywhere near. That is plenty of time for even the slowest to hide or move away. Those that we hunted would have never seen a fairy if not for me.?

So they relied on avoiding trouble in their natural habitat. ?So you mask your abilities??

She nodded, ?Most of the time. It's just too much information will all the strangers, and less than half of them decent beings.? Then she laughed merrily, ?I'd be sick all the time if I didn't. And people get really antsy when they think their privacy got invaded.?

I flashed her a fanged smile, here she was, a creature of light and peace walking along a cliff edge with a creature many considered darkness incarnate. ?You would be amazed at the decadence of this nexus. You are wise to protect yourself thusly.?

She winked conspiratorially. ?I know.?


Date: 2006-06-06 14:34 EST
I paused, watching the sea birds swoop low over the waters surface. ?Darkness grows inside each of our males, until we find our light. If we find our light. Many give up, yielding their souls to the temptation offered when we feed.? She cannot know the temptation during feeding. The insidious whisper of the heart and sweet taste of blood, that if not careful, becomes laced with adrenaline. It is an intoxicating thing to know that a life hangs in the balance, and that if we lift the enthrallment, terror will release adrenaline into the blood, and that high is unlike any other.

She pondered, ?only the males. Odd that, ?feed?, that?s different from eating??

I smiled indulgently, yes, feeding is very different from eating. ?Centuries of no emotion, no feeling, no color drive many to give in to the temptation to take that last bit of life from one they feed upon. Terror and adrenaline are a powerful intoxication.?

She quickly smiled, ?my favorite food is steak with fresh fruit. And chocolate.?

She could not know that consuming such would require me to reject all ingested materials at a later time. ?We males are the only ones who become Vampyr, and I cannot imagine eating as you. I find the thought of consuming the dead repulsive.? The notion of cutting up dead animals and consuming them is nauseating in the least.

Her fingers tightened slightly on my arm, ?no feeling whatsoever? That is sad. Really? No joy over pretty thing or comforts, no worrying, likes, dislikes? Hunger, warm, cold, really nothing?

For creatures who never lose their emotions, I am certain this sounds very strange. ?Until we find our light. Our soul mate. We lose the ability to see in color and to feel by the time we are around 300 years of age.? It is the reason temptation grows, and only a man?s honor keeps him from yielding his soul to the temptation be become Vampyr. ?I consume living blood.? To answer her question about what I needed to survive.

That gave her pause, ?from what range of species?? At least revulsion was not in her features.

?Humanoid.? Others can work, but the best nourishment comes from humanoid blood rather than animal or lesser life forms.

She is too observant sometimes. ?Obviously there are exceptions.? It was a statement and not a question.

I was enchanted, ?Yes, blood is never taken from Vampyr. Demons are not preferred. Why do you enjoy the consumption of dead flesh?? Perhaps I can get her to see that the consumption of living blood is much less repulsive than the ingestion of dead animals.

She turned, ?Do wild ones have a gamey taste? Good questions, I?m guessing it?s taste buds and what things the body needs to make energy. When the body needs something, it makes one crave a particular taste, until one finds just the right thing to stop the craving.? She took an eminently pragmatic look at something that generally sent most people screaming into the night.

I relaxed slightly, ?blood is likened to wine. Healthy athletes provide the richest blood, drug addicts and the infirm require removal of the poisons in their blood.? It wasn?t necessary to explain how that is done.

She nodded, ?and the stuff of magic in it or lots of metals? Like dragon blood or unicorn blood? Are they even considered humanoid and their preferred from being those of animals??

Unicorns are not considered humanoid. All blood can be consumed. Some is more nutritious than others. Jacques survived on insects for decades until Shea found him.

?Poor guy,? her words were softly spoken and with compassion and no sarcasm.

I nodded, ?He had been hunted by fanatics who cannot tell the difference between Vampyr and Carpathian. They tortured him, and buried him staked in a coffin. The only things he could reach were the insects that ate at the rotting coffin they had buried him inside. We should return to RhyDin. There are things I must do before morning.?

She gave me a radiant smile, :all this talk of food made you hungry? Umm, I meant to say Yes, Sir,:: But her wink said she hadn?t forgotten, and she was enjoying teasing me.

I gave her a very toothy grin, white fangs gleaming in the twilight, ?I fed before coming.?

She surprised me then, ?I like your smile.?

I turns for the beach with her, ?You are a rare one. Your smile is pleasing as well. Will you allow me ot return you to RhyDin??

She linked her arm once more in mine, ?more than that, I am happy you offered.?

I leaned down and picked up a night blooming jasmine, threading it into her hair, ?you should be wrapped in flowers.?


Date: 2006-06-06 15:16 EST
I had spent the evening calling matches on Twilight Isle bordering on public tears. Every time the spell foul fog was cast, I couldn?t help but remember the teasing Brig and I had shared. But now he was gone. And that loss hurt deeply. It was pain that I have never considered, that I would lose the only other man I?d ever given my heart to, and each memory came to the fore front as I struggled to get through the night.

At the close of my shift, I walked through the portal from Twilight Isle and headed for my car. Gabriel was just behind me as I arrived at my car. There sat the white wolf I had seen before; the same one that had gone streaking across the beach and vanished through the portal. Now the female wolf sat patiently waiting, for me it seemed. I paused to study her, ?I?m afraid I don?t understand. Brig said you might come to the door, but?.?

I was just about to ask Gabriel to speak to the wolf, and I had knelt down beside her when a cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows from around the corner of a nearby building. My name was spoken softly from the cloaked figure. My attention snapped toward the unrecognizable figure as I felt Gabriel tense. My left hand reaching instinctively for the shoulder holster I always wore. The gun slid from the holster and was raised toward the approaching figure.

He quickly held up his hands to show they are empty, and then slowly reached one hand up to draw the hood back, revealing his face, ?I?d really prefer not to die again, if it? all the same to you.? A familiar lopsided grin met my disbelieving stare.

The barrel of the gun wavered slightly, ?Brigath?? I blinked, it couldn?t be. Brig was dead. I?d seen it myself. Gabriel had assured me the body had been cremated in its entirety. Yes here was a man who could only have been Brigath approaching me with caution.

He kept his hand up, ?rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.? There was a sadness in his smile, but there was also a twinkle of mischief that I had seen so many times before. The voice was right, the inflections were right, even the movements were right, but, Brigath had died. I had been there!

I rose slowly from my crouched position beside the wolf, never taking my aim from dead center of his chest. ?I saw your body. There was no life in it. Lucien confirmed that you were gone.? Lucien had assured me that there was no chance to bring him back. He?d entered Brig?s body and confirmed nothing could be done. Lucien would never make a mistake such as that.

The man claiming to be Brigath nodded, ?Gone indeed. When my neck broke, my spirit was transferred to my dear friend there,? and he gave a slight nod to the white wolf beside me.

I hazarded a glance at the wolf, and struggled to find my voice, ?Gabriel cremated your remains.? I was bordering on shock, and the events of the previous night was in counterpoint to what I was seeing and talking with right now.

Brigath maintained a soft spoken demeanor, ?Your warnings of the night before did not go unheeded, you see.?

The wolf continued to gaze up stoicly at me while Brigath spoke.

I gave him a suspicious look, ?Tell me then, if you are Brigath, what was the name of the woman you left for me?? I needed to know for certain. It was no great thing to obtain charms that allowed one to take on the outer appearance of another, but only Brig would remember the woman?s name.

He chuckled low, ?well, you certainly prefer a painful memory. Merewyne Bane Branneth.? He slowly lowered his hands, but they remained in clear sight.

I winced, slowly lowering the gun barrel. Painful? Why? Had he regretted our time together? Had I brought him pain rather than happiness during our time? But the name was right.

He continued, ?If you like, I can also tell you the wine that we drank that night. Or the texture of the silk robe you wore.?


Date: 2006-06-06 16:25 EST
My temper finally surfaced beyond the pure, unadulterated shock he had just given me. ?You foolish, pig headed, OBDURATE excuse for a sorcerer!? I took a deep breath before continuing because I was about to let on that I did still care more than I?d ever said since my return to RhyDin and I couldn?t do that now. ?I believed you DEAD! You, you??how could you let me believe you were dead?? Words simply failed.

He was wincing as I started, as though dreading what I would say. He stepped forward, his arms stretching out, but stopping just short of enfolding me in them; waiting for me to close that distance. ?I came back as quickly as Kayla to get me here. I have purposefully not appeared anywhere until I could speak to you in person, so you didn?t hear rumors and not know what the truth was.? He remained there, uncertain if he should wrap his arms around me, or wait for me to come to him.

I raised pale blue eyes to him, ?I am of two minds right now Brigath Cedran! I am so relieved to see you, and so angry, I could shoot you personally!? But my actions gave me away, my hand stole up of its own volition to lightly touch his cheek, to assure myself he was not merely a wish or a dream, but warm flesh and blood.

He braced himself as I reached up, perhaps expecting me to slap him again. I noted his slight flinch and stoic expression, and then lightly brushed my fingertips across his cheek. ?I already slapped you for your temerity to die on me! How? How did you work this out with Kayla?? I glanced at the wolf, but then gazed up into his eyes and hugged him fiercely.

Brig closed his arms around me tightly. I could hear his heartbeat beneath my cheek as it rested against him, his whisper heard more through his chest than the air around us, ?I?m so sorry I put you through that.? He lifted his head enough to look down at me, ?Kayla and I go back a long way.?

I began to relax a bit into his arms, my forehead still resting against his chest, ?I believed you dead. I?d lost you for good, and that hurt more than I can put into words.? I slid a sideways glance at the wolf, ?she is more than she appears, isn?t she?? He said they had been together a long time, and she had been the one to save Brigath somehow.

Brig gave the wolf an affectionate look, and she shook her head and laid down to wait, as though bored by this whole human interaction. Brig laughed and looked at me, ?Indeed she is, while at the same time, you will never find a creature more truly wolf than Kayla. But, the spell that we carried through together, we have done before.?

I leaned back, giving him an incredulous look, before punching his shoulder soundly, ?You could have told me! You could have given me something to trust in that you would be safe in the end from those things!? He?d let me think he had no back up plan at all!

He nodded gravely, ?you?re right. I could have and should have. I honestly didn?t think it would be necessary though. After I called Kayla, I almost changed my mind, but she forced me to go through with it.?

There was more to this than he was letting on right now. Something he didn?t want to share if I didn?t ask. Whatever it was, I was so relieved to see him alive, I?d overlook many things for this gift. I shook my head, ?something whispered that that hunt was bad news. I?m not clairvoyant, but something felt wrong.? I turned to once more look at the wolf, and softly said to her, ?thank you Kayla.? Then turning back to Brig and reaching for my DE again, ?and now I am going to shoot him for good measure!? How could he still make my emotions run the gamut from crushing sadness to pure elation?

Kayla lifted her head and dipped her muzzle in acknowledgement of my thanks, and a whisper in my mind told me not to forgive him too quickly.

Brig let me go, backing away slightly with a chuckle that might have held just a bit of worry, ?You have that right Azjah, if anyone does.? He then turned and knelt with his back toward me, ?Just please make it quick.?

I shook my head, I have never shot anyone in the back, and certainly not this man. ?For all the time we?ve known one another, do you really think I could??

He glances back over his shoulder with a grin, ?If I did, I?d be running rather than kneeling here.?

I took my foot and gave him a shove in the butt, unbalancing him onto the pavement.


Date: 2006-06-08 20:25 EST
I have pondered for long periods just what my feelings are regarding Brigath's return. Here was a man whom I have held dear for years, suddenly turned monster. Brig killed another to take his body! And this was not the first time, by his own admission.

The turmoil had kept me restless all day. Lucien had checked on me several times, but there were no answers for me about how I should feel about this. It was maddening. Part of me was thrilled to have him back, and part of me was completely repulsed. How could I ever look at him the same way, knowing that he was collecting other's bodies so that he could live on?

Klinton came in from his workout, and invited me to join him for dinner out. He knew the situation, I had shared with him what had happened. Not all of the details, but enough to assure he had a solid grasp of what had transpired, and just how badly that knowledge was tormenting me. I accepted his suggestion, believing that such would take my mind off Brig for a while. I was wrong! After dinner, we headed for Twilight Island and the Beach Bash party that Brigath was hosting.

I stepped through the portal with my arm linked in Klinton's to see Brig preparing to host the party. He was decked out festively in floral leis and the goblins were diligently trying to encase everyone in a grass skirt. Several of the patrons were glowering at the goblins; Lucien included. His expression was thunderous as one of the goblins sidled closer to him with the flowing grass skirt.

Kllinton's voice was soft, "that is so unbelievable?" We had decided on keeping our normal routine, and not avoiding Brig, but the details surprised Klinton as much as they had shocked me.

I leaned closer, "Yes, but I am not certain I can face him right now Klinton. He's a body snatcher, before the body is even uninhabited." I shuddered as I headed for my usual chaise. I am not really ready to see him because I still have not resolved my own feelings. I could say something completely unforgivable, and I did not want to do that.

Kyndra slipped through the portal, and looked around. I smiled, "Hello Kyndra." She waved and I felt Klinton tense beside me. He'd wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I felt him tense slightly as Kyndra arrived. He gave her a nod, but quickly averted his eyes. I asked her if she was going to participate in the dueling, and she smiled radiantly, "yes, I thought I would throw my hat into the ring tonight."

She sent a goblin in search of a couple of coconuts, and about then Brig tossed a couple of leis indiscriminately into the growing group on the beach. Brig's voice lifted across the beach, "Evening everyone!"

Klinton caught a lei and swooned at Brig, who promptly blew Klinton a kiss. It was light hearted, but pulled at something deeper within me. Klinton suggested we get a drink and enjoy the festivities. I flagged a goblin and asked it to bring me a scotch, and Klinton decided to let the goblins bring him a surprise. I am not certain that I would allow such liberties, as one never knows just what they will decide is the drink of the night. It could be truly wretched, but I leaned over and asked the goblin to bring Klinton a surprise. It squeaked with delight and ran off.

Kyndra walked over to Brigath, wrapping her arms around him I could hear her tell him it was good to see him, and something twisted again. She was working on her party outfit, and Brig in turn encased her in a tight hug. He then conjured a coconut much too small and halved it for her. They gave new meaning to "itsy bitsy" bikini tops. I do not believe even Kalinda wears such daring devices. But, she chuckled and demurred, saying they were not big enough, and merriment danced in his eyes, "I know." She grinned as she took the hulls, and promised to be right back. Then she disappeared through the portal.


Date: 2006-06-08 20:41 EST
Lucien leaned against a tree trunk behind me, watching Brigath with an intensity that was unsettling.

The goblin soon returned with my scotch, and a layered concoction that was carefully set down before Klinton. He nodded at the goblin and then glanced uneasily toward Kyndra. He shifted his gaze and smiled at me before tasting the layered concoction the goblins had brought to him.

Kyndra returned shortly wearing her grass skirt and coconut half bikini top. I blinked, she was stunning. There were several wolf whistles, and Lucien watched Kyndra closely before gliding closer to Brigath. Brig glanced quickly at Klinton and I, .and I felt Lucien's antagonism as he asked Brig if the flowers were for his funeral. I winced. Lucien was extremely displeased with Brigath, and the tension was growing. I know that no one but Brig and I heard Lucien, but that did not allay my concerns over Lucien's current state of mind. And then Lucien gave Brig a fanged smile that was anything but reassuring as Brig suddenly realized Lucien was as close as he was.

Brig's gaze narrowed at Lucien, but whatever he was thinking did not pass his lips at that point.

Klinton sipped his drink and gasped. Whatever the goblins had brought was rough. And he was avoiding looking at Kyndra despite the wolf whistles from the appreciative males on the Isle. I had to chuckle though at the expression on his face, whether it was from the drink or Kyndra, I can't be certain, but it was priceless.

I kicked off the stilettos and curled up against Klinton. "she looks festive," I commented. She was talking with Brigath, and asking where her lei was, as he took one from around his neck and dropped it over her head.

Lucien glided back to stand behind me, but his focus remained on Brig.

I leaned against Klinton's shoulder, "we didn't dress the part my dear." I was trying very hard not to look at Brig, but found my gaze shifting that direction repeatedly. We had come from dinner out, and I had no grass skirt nor flowers in my hair, he grinned, "at least I have a lei."

I chuckled softly, "you will always have a lei."

We were teasing one another amiably as he announced that he would hold me to that promise. He was propped up in the sand beside my chaise and tried another sip of the goblin special, so I reached for his lei, tugging gently to gain his attention.

Kyndra was telling Brigath that she hoped to be a bit distracting for the party, and perhaps a certain dragon. I heard Brig tell her that said dragon would not be there as he had withdrawn his entry, but there was no remorse in Brig's expression. He was savoring being in Kyndra's spotlight.

The Roman, Cassius sailed onto the beach, and abruptly shot a look at Brigath, "I thought you were dead."

Brig chuckled, "Ah, that death thin, yeah, that rumor was going around. But, as you can see, I'm alive and well."

I shuddered. It was no rumor; he HAD been dead. And was only here now because he has become a body snatcher. He was only here because someone else was dead. Klinton tightened his arm around me, inquiring if I was cold. I was, but it was not an externally induced chill. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, glancing at Klinton, "Just a sudden chill."

Cassius was struggling with a toga, and Brigath tossed him a lei, "here, just wear this, it's more appropriate for tonight."


Date: 2006-06-08 20:53 EST
About then, Vanion arrived. I noted that Brig seemed less than happy to see the vampire, and frowned as Vanion announced that he was here for Brig's 'party'. Vanion went on trying to goad Brigath, "such a shame to see that the reports of your demise were greatly exaggerated. I suppose they won't just hand me the Keys to the Tower of Air now."

Brig gave him a sickly sweet smile that I knew too well, "Yes, I really hate to disappoint you in that regard." Then he tossed a flowery lei at Vanion's shadowy figure. Vanion's only reply was a cruel smile.

Lucien watched Vanion briefly, but his attention was riveted on Brigath, and trouble fairly shimmered in the air. Goblins continued to try to get grass skirts on the new comers, and Vanion and Lucien were the most formidable of their attempted victims.

I leaned toward Klinton, speaking softly, "what none of them realize is that Brig's become a body snatcher, and it could have been any one of them used for his needs. I simply cannot believe he did that." A shudder rippled down my spine.

Klinton looks up at me, shaking his head as he glanced around the Isle, he nodded gravely, "It could have been me, or you." He then gave me an odd look, "How does one just 'become' a body snatcher?.isn't that something you have to be born with or something?"

I hazarded a quick glance at Brigath, but averted my gaze quickly, then very softly leaned closer to Klinton, "do you have another term for taking a soul out of its living body and then inhabiting it?" Shaking my head, I took a sip of the scotch, wanting to forget the images my mind was creating. Brig had said he'd done this before, and my mind was trying to imagine what the person had looked like that Brig had killed when we were together. It was most unsettling.

He broke my morbid thoughts then, " No...I would say that's body snatching...but, it's hard for me to believe that this is the first time it's ever happened." I hadn't told him that Brig freely admitted to several such events, and that is the terror of it, he?s done it several times previously.

Vanion was trying to pull together a team for the tournament, and was being none too subtle about his goals. Domination of the match, and create his own clique for the evening. Personally I cannot imagine Vanion forming lasting alliances, but that is unkind and unfair since I do not really know him at all.

His call to arms brought the current Keeper of Earth forth, and Kelathe made her way toward him through the crowd. They held their own discussion too low for me to hear, and apparently reached a satisfactory alignment for she remained with Vanion for the start of the Tournament. They concluded their negotiations with Vanion offering Kelathe a firm but reasonably gentle handshake.

Rab trudged in wearing an amazingly clean shirt. Normally the carpenter was less than spotless, but tonight he had made an effort to be presentable. He grinned and looked around before greeting everyone in his usual open good natured way, "hullo Magikers!"

Brigath flung a lei at Rab, who first yelped, then sniffed his flowers, smiling at Brig, ?very nice.? Rab took a serepticious look around the Isle to see how everyone else was wearing their leis before draping it around his neck.

Kyndra smiled invitingly at Brigath, ?I guess you?ll have to enjoy my outfit tonight since said dragon won?t be here tonight??

Klinton finally glanced at Kyndra, ?Brig wouldn?t be the only one enjoying the outfit.? But he quickly looked at me, and I had to chuckle.
Rab suddenly blinked, ?er, Brig! Yeh look great! I?d heard yeh were?. unwell, as it were.? Rab too had heard that Brig had died.

?A vicious lie! I was sunning myself in Tahiti!!? Brig refuted.


Date: 2006-06-08 21:05 EST
((This meeting actually took place prior to the meeting with Azjah ))

"Thank you Julian, Have a good evening."

Kayla padded quietly into the Atrebla arena in time to see Major derKorst's back as he exited towards the locker rooms. Topaz was heading towards a table set with juice, to refresh herself after her swords practice. Kayla's motion caught her attention and she looked over. "You look familiar. Were you not on the isle with Brigath, tearing apart one of the creatures?"

Kayla merely gazed around the Arena, verifying that no one else was present, then turned back to the doorway from which she had entered. After a moment, a hooded figure emerged from the shadows of the door and Kayla trotted over to greet him.

"Aye, that she was, Topaz." He drew back his hood as he spoke, revealing his face wearing a lopsided smile. "Thankfully, she acquitted her duties very well, or I would not be standing here."

The expression on Topaz' face shifted from disbelief to realization to acceptance in the space of a few seconds. She whispered to herself, "His body was empty. I should have known."

Brigath's smile grew wider as he watched her work things out for herself.

"It's actually you, isn't it? I mean, shouldn't you look different, somehow?" Topaz, ever curious, began peppering him with questions. "Does anyone know yet?"

A chuckle bubbled past Brigath's lips as he answered her. "Yeah, it's actually me. I can look different if you like, but I kind of like this look, didn't you?" He gestured at his face and body as he moved to the juice table and filled a glass. "And no, no one else knows yet, except Alais who assisted in my return." He set the glass on the table.

Topaz grinned at him as she followed him to the table. "I did get rather used to this look, and would prefer not to have to get used to a different one." She tipped her head slightly to the side and asked "Alais helped you?"

Brigath nodded. "Indeed she did. She procured the necessary? ummm? ingredients for the spell I had woven."

The fairy ignored the hesitation in his words and laughed. "Well, this calls for a celebration. Or maybe you want to hear the 'How could you be so bloody inconsiderate' speech first?" She stepped up to give him a hug as she spoke.

"We could skip the speech, if it's all the same to you." He hugged her back tightly. "But I came expecting to hear it, and I certainly deserve it."

Topaz looked up at him. "Actually, you could just imagine me standing next to Azjah when you see her and she's blessing you out and I'm repeating every word she has to say. I'd rather be celebrating."

Brigath winced as she mentioned Azjah. "Yes? I must say that sharing the news with Azjah is the meeting I am least looking forward too."

"I'll bet," Topaz chuckled unsympathetically. Knowing what he would be in for from Azjah, she saw no need to make the same speech here.

They separated from the hug. "How long have I been gone?" He had forgotten to ask Alais when he had gone to retrieve the Key of Air from her.

"Just a few days. Lucien and I went back yesterday and he destroyed another one and closed the rift. I think the Isle is safe again, though we've got a new species of scorpions on the Isle now."

"Well thank you Alais for being swift at least." He reached to and rubbed the wolf's head. "And you, Kayla." His eyes lit up as Topaz told of closing the rift. "Oh thank goodness. I wasn't looking forward to having to deal with that again."

"No, dealing with Azjah will be hard enough," Topaz said with a hint of mischief in her voice. "Bring some flowers, thornless ones, when you go to Azjah, and a well padded box of chocolates. That way it won't hurt so much should she throw them at you. You'll be going to seen Kyn as well, won't you? Perhaps two sets of flowers and chocolates then."

Brigath chuckled, "I was thinking of just crawling in on my hands and knees with a shield over my head, actually. And yes, I'll be going to see Kyn next. I'm saving Azjah for last in case I don't survive it."

Topaz laughed. "I really don't think Azjah will actually kill you. Bruise you really good, maybe. But she'll be elated you're back amongst the living just the same."

"True, it would be counter productive to kill me for getting myself killed. And she's very practical when it comes to things like that."

She laughed again. "That was my evaluation, too." Her mind hopped back to Alais and she asked, "Does Alais charge a lot for body finding?"

Knowing the fairy well, he took the subject change in stride. "She did not charge at all. She did it as a favor. We have had association in the past, though it was long ago."

Topaz stepped back to look him over. "It's just too easy to forget you've been dead and switched bodies with you looking and sounding just the same. I'm looking forward to seeing the looks on people faces," she grinned.

Brigath laughed. "That, my dear Topaz, is the idea. Normally when I would do this switch, my death would not be so? well? public. But after all of Azjah's warning before the hunt, I began to get the feeling that the time was upon me to 'refresh' myself. Fortunately, I listened to those feelings."

Kayla let out a snort and rolled her eyes, causing Brigath to look down at her and laugh. "Ok, ok. So I wasn't going to do it, but Kayla insisted." The wolf just turned her gaze to Topaz as though sharing a moment off exasperation at the man standing between them.

Topaz grinned back at her and said "Thank you. I'm glad you insisted." She turned and picked up her glass of juice as Brigath poured one for himself. "Welcome home, Brigath." Their glasses clinked together as they toasted his return.


Date: 2006-06-08 21:05 EST
((Place holder for the meeting with Kyn ))


Date: 2006-06-08 22:11 EST
Klinton shook his head, ?how long has he been doing it??

I sipped the scotch before answering very softly, ?he said ?several? times, and when I asked just how old he was, he simply said a couple of hundred years,? He actually is not certain how old he is right now.

Klinton sighed quietly, ?are you mad that he is a body snatcher, or mad that you just found out about it??

And there was the crux of the problem, I didn?t know.

Serveral goblins were attempting to tie a grass skirt around Rab?s middle, and I had to chuckle as Rab started dancing clumsily away from the goblins. ?Whoa there,? he yelled, endeavoring to drive them away, ?no, no, no, see, I?ve had my dayful of goblin doin?s arready!? But they were ignoring him and continued trying to get him decked out in a grass skirt.

I heard a sharp hiss and turned to see a bold goblin trying to get close to Lucien, and then saw one goblin manage to get part of a skirt shoved into Rab?s belt. ?Ack!? Rab made for the punchbowl and was trailing a half applied grass skirt as flaps behind him. Rab was ineffectually shooing goblins, ?g?on! Pester someone else!?

Lucien was not being a good sport about it, he snarled at the goblins pestering him, and showed long white fangs every time they tried to get close to him. Abruptly Lucien turned into a half wolf, half Carpathian and lunged at the goblins who were pressing their luck. They ran off in a multitude of directions, each taking part of the grass skirt they were trying to get on Lucien.

Rab seemed to have a change of heart, his expression changed and he muttered, ?ah, yeh little bleeders, jest doin? yer job now, eh?? Then Rab caught sight of Lucien, and let out a screech, ?AH!!!!!!!!? taking a few hasty steps back before muttering, ?Magikers!?

Lucien?s dead black eyes locked onto Rab in that half wolven form and Rab grinned meagerly, ?nice wolfie, er, halfie wolfie.? As he continued to backstep away from Lucien, Lucien began to stalk him.

I was answering Klinton?s question, toying with the glass of scotch, ?I do not believe I am angry. Shocked, taken back, repulsed?. But?.?

Rab retreated double time toward my chaise as Lucien snarled, ?er? was all I heard before looking up to see Rab wide-eyed watching Lucien approach. Rab was towering behind me, but looked very uncertain, ?er, Azjah? That Magiker is stalkin? me. Make it stop.? And he pointed at Lucien.

I had to struggle not to smile. Lucien wouldn?t hurt Rab, so I looked up at the half and half form Lucien had taken, ?Lucien, that is playing unfairly.?

Rab waved his big, callused and very empty hands at Lucien, ?I left me mallet home, not fightin at all.?

Lucien then shifted into an entirely wolven form and resumed stalking Rab. Who looked at me with wide eyes, ?Azjah, I thought yeh?d help! Now lookit him!? I glanced at Lucien, who had taken the form of a very large, dark grey wolf with slavering jaws, and drool dripping onto the sand from very long canines.

Rab began rummaging rather franticly around in his pockets, a look of inspiration on his face. He produced a large sandwich of very questionable contents, ?here yeh go, wolfie man?. Where upon he flung the cheesy mass at Lucien.

About that time, Brigath?s voice bellowed out, ?LUCIEN! BACK OFF THE GUEST STARS!?

Lucien lifted his head disdainfully, and glowered at Brigath. I smiled at Rab, ?he won?t hurt you Rab, he?s enjoying terrorizing you.?


Date: 2006-06-09 20:58 EST
Brigath made a kissy face at Lucien, who simply snapped his teeth together at him, and then leaped at Rab. It was a flagrantly provocative challenge that Brigath answered by shifting into wolven form and leaping between Lucien and Rab, snapping back at Lucien.

Rab shouted at Lucien, "Ah! Get of Brig, yeh foul creature! Quick! A mallet!" He was frantically looking around for something to use as a mallet like weapon, forgetting for the moment that Lucien had initially pounced at him. But it was designed to get Brig into a fight, I could tell by Lucien's actions. It was Brig he was angry with. "someone, me plot of land for a mallet!"

Lucien and Brigath snarled at one another, Lucien baring his teeth threateningly.

Des arrived about then, and Rab ran toward her, "Des! This wolf is about to kill Brig! We cant have it! There'll be no tourney! The drinks will disappear! No snacks!"

I shook my head at Rab, "No Rab, Lucien will not harm Brig anymore than he would have hurt you."

At that, Brig shifted back into human form, "lay off man. You got attitude, take it up with me after." With that, he shook his head and turned back toward the rings and the pending party. With that, he turned away and proceeded to ignore Lucien for the remainder of the tournament.

Lucien shifted as smoothly and as easily as Brigath, "you made that invitation, be prepared." And with that, Lucien moved once more to the tree he had earlier been leaning against. He watched as Rab took refuge behind a woman.

Rab was not convinced, "he was about to hurt me, he saw I was unarmed!" But he relaxed slightly behind Des, "Magikers, egad." It wasn't long before Rab was wandering amongst the guests looking for something to snack on. He headed for Rena, greeted her, and commented on her lei.

Klinton sat back, nodding thoughtfully, "but think Azjah, if he was not one of those, he would not have been around to be with you." He took another sip of the goblin's drink, "What is this stuff?" He choked out a whisper to me.

I was considering Klinton's argument when Vanion turned toward me, "What of you, Azjah? Are you fighting tonight?"

I turned arctic azure eyes on the dark vampiric elf, "I thank you for the invitation, but tonight I am only a spectator." Having declined Vanion's invitation, I looked at Klinton, then shook my head at Lucien's actions. "He's got a decidedly twisted sense of humor lately."

Rab gave Lucien an uncomfortable glance while he was talking with Rena.

Berrin arrived, and walked slowly through the portal in silence. He glanced around, and then gave Klinton and I a scoff before heading toward Delroy.

Des was very cheerful and looked lovely as she settled in to prepare to be a commentator for the event. She smiled at Rena and Lucien, as Kyndra teased her asking where her costume was for the beach bash. She waved at Klinton and I before taking a festive looking drink with a little umbrella poked into it.

Kyndra waved at Lucien, who nodded at her, "You are in the spirit of things Lady." She smiled again, "well, Brig said everybody would be dressed up. I think he was still playing a trick on me." Lucien's expression darkened as she mentioned Brig's name. "Not everyone dresses festively" was Lucien's only remark back to Kyndra.


Date: 2006-06-09 21:02 EST
Xerzes arrived, and Rab gave him a grin, "Xerzes was eliminated in the lobby!" And Brig broke into laughter hearing him. Xerzes however did not see the humor in being ribbed.

Klinton looked up at me, his goblin surprise only partly consumed. "Wanna go put on swim suits?"

I leaned close and kissed his cheek, "we could." It would be easier for me
to slip into the water than it would be to remain here and listen to Brig
right now. Klinton watched me closely a moment before adding that we could
depart and have our own party. I gave him a bright smile, but then I
caught sight of Berrin. Threading my fingers around Klinton's lei, I
remained close to him as Berrin simply stared at me. "What kind of party
did you have in mind?" I was trying hard to ignor Berrin and Brig, but it
wasn't working.

Des suddenly saw Vanion, and she fairly squeaked and ran to hide behind Rab
as she began gesticulating wildly at Vanion, "ACK!" She was speaking
rapidly, something about Vanion having tried to kill her earlier.

Rab was shielding Des, and commenting to Rena about her tall thin drink
with flowers poked up out of it, and holding a gigantic pineapple in his
other hand. "I found this fruit., they said it was a garnish, but I know
it's a pineapple." He studied the pineapple and then tried to tuck it into
his pocket. "OW!" Rab yelped over Brig's announcements, and hastily pulled
it from his pocket, muttering to himself.

Querylon greeted Vincent with a bright smile as she draped a lei around his
neck. Somehow the image of Vincent wearing flowers seemed so out of place
given the dealings I have had with the man. But he returned her smile and
they listened politely to Brig's opening announcements.


Date: 2006-06-09 21:12 EST
Brig hovered above the crowd. "OK!" His voice booming magically over the assembled crowd. "We've got a rumble comin' up here!" He pointed to the ring that had been expanded to allow for 10 magic users simultaneously rather than just 2. "Everyone gets in, when we're ready to go, I'll announce the start of the round."

Rab chimed up seeing Xerzes, "Xerzes! Yer already ganged up on and knocked out, sit down." He gave Xerzes a quick grin, and waved his pineapple at the magic user.

Brigath looked at Xerzes, "ahh damn, now I gotta adjust my paperwork."

Xerzes looked at Rab, "Hush you." And he snorted at the carpenter on his way toward the ring.

Klinton leaned over toward me, "The one that doesn't involve swim suits, but what would people think?"

I blushed slightly, but noticed then that his gaze followed Kyndra to the ring. Patting the chaise beside me, I invited him to join me up on the chaise rather than sitting in the sand beside me. He shook his head then, "I'm gonna throw a suit on, come with me." He winked and then tried to pull me off the chaise.

With a laugh, I agreed and told him "Alright, I'm all yours." We slipped through the portal to return later in swimsuits prepared to enjoy the warm waters around Twilight Isle.


Date: 2006-06-09 23:24 EST
The official known as Tera Destre hid behind Neo, peeking over his shoulder and sticking her tongue out at Vanion before ducking back down to hide. She saw Xerzes arrival, and greeted him, but kept a wary eye on the vampiric elf.

Brigath continued to address the audience, "Our fine commentators this evening will be Rab of the Mallet, and Tera Destre, soon to be Tera Starfare. And now, HERE WE GO!"

The Roman, Cassius needled Xerzes, "You show up for tournaments like you duel in Diamond Quests, dead last."

The duelers headed for the ring, alliances formed, and I heard Kyndra say to Brigath and Des, "I hope you two have a bucket of water handy if my outfit goes up in flames."

Rab made his way to stand beside Destre, telling Kyndra "Ayep, if yer outfit goes up in flames, there'll be many hands to put it out." He nodded sagely before beginning his commentator's role. "Yer all in for a big mess. Lover gainst lover and brother gainst arch-evil-enemy an all that. IT?S A FINE NIGHT FOR DAMAGE!" And then he promptly covered his ears with his hands as though expecting something to go BANG any moment.

Des agreed with Rab, "Oh, this is so grand, don't ya think Rab? So exciting."

He still had his hands over his ears, "WHAT?"

Des continued, "Who is gonna hit who, and how and with what?"

Rab grinned, "Hope yeh got a janitorial someone for all the body parts Brig."

The first several rounds showed that Artemus was the premier target for this tournament. He was summarily attacked by Vanion's alliance, and was the first to be eliminated from the competition. Rab seemed surprised by the taking of sides in such a flagrant manner, "I mean, could that many really dislike Art and Xerzes that much? They're kind to animals and such. Not like Vanion for instance, or so they say."

Destre booed Vanion and his allies soundly, clearly not maintaining an air of independence as commentators.

Xerzes was soon to follow. The alliances clearly marking certain people in a pecking order for elimination.

Queen Teleperien arrived and skirted the crowd in search of a table, and was greeted by Rab, whom she graciously greeted in retrurn. I caught a faint image of the elven woman's thoughts, and apparently the carpenter has trouble with magic and has fallen into fits in the past when too much was surrounding him.

I stood completely still, my focus on Brigath. The ending of this tournament could not come soon enough. We have a score to settle, and we will settle it tonight.

The Marquess and Marchioness returned dressed for taking a swim in the warm waters off the Isle. He wore only swimming trunks and escorted the Marchioness who was dressed in pale blue bikini and white silk wrap. The Marquess had his arm around her waist, and I was pleased to note that she looked a bit more relaxed than she had been since Brigath's return.

King Gavilean Starfare arrived through the portal right behind The Caer's, and he came with a beach towel and wearing shorts. It seems very odd for me to see royalty dressed thusly, it is not the way of my people nor Rigel, but this place does lend itself to unusual combinations.

The King and the Marchioness greeted one another, before the Marquess leaned closer to speak to Azjah. I could hear him clearly, as he asked her what she would do with him in this water all by themselves. Her greeting to Gavilean resulted in a muttered answer for himself, "invite others over apparently." But the King was much too interested in seeing Tera, and he made a beeline for the commentator.


Date: 2006-06-09 23:34 EST
The trouble maker Berrin made note of the teasing between Klinton and Azjah, and shook his head but began to move in their direction. He had not learned to avoid them after his encounter with me, so be it, I can deal with his presence.

The Marchioness shivered seeing Berrin, "how about we go quietly in and see?"

Klinton started to inquire if she was cold, but noting the look from Berrin, agreed and they headed alone into the water, putting distance between themselves and Berrin, who was not dressed for such an environment. She draped her wrap over a chair and they slid into the darkened water.

I did take a few minutes to study Vanion. He appeared to have been elven at one time, but now was more vampire than elf. He has a sadistic and cruel streak that is so much a part of the Vampyr. He was enjoying his choreography of his allies for this tournament, and was having startling success.

Queen Teleperien continued to watch Vanion as Destre yelled "VANION TRIED TO KILL ME!" Gavilean glanced around, "Who is this Vanion?"

Tera gave him a radiant smile, "Hah! That Vanion is getting a whooping too!"

I crossed my arms and glanced back at Brigath.

I felt the stirring of the arrival of Xenograg. He walked through the portal and looked around. He was greeted by the elven Queen. They settled together at her table and began to catch up with one another, but Xeno's expression clearly said that he had heard of Brigath's death, and was surprised to see him now. Eldar tea was ordered as he settled in to watch part of the tournament. I felt when he raised protective shields against the excessive flow of magic on the island tonight. He glanced at the ring, asking Teleperien "do we call this a melee despite the lack of weapons?"

I glanced at the darkened water, assuring myself of the safety of my charges before shifting into wolven form and padded around the perimeter of the rings. As I got behind Rab, I growled low, the wolf inside grinning at his fear of this form. Rena glanced between Rab and I at the sound of a low growl.

Rab abruptly noticed me behind him, "Hey!" He stood up, trying to shoo me away, "Des, there's a wolf who's really a man behind yeh!"

I curled my lip at him, showing long white fangs as he grabbed his prickly pineapple once again, offering it to me, "here, I can't open it anyhow." I snapped my teeth together in disgust and began to move again. Padding further around the rings, I moved nearer to the elven one and sat down silently beside her before sticking a cold wet nose under her hand.

She looked down, "well, hello," and gently scratched my ears as Xenograg simply looked at me. The attention was pleasing and a slight wag of my tail told the elven one such. She continued to talk to me for a moment before glancing at Xenograg, who was clearly not comfortable with so much magic being used. I cocked my head to the side and growled low at the man with her.

Xenograg glanced quickly at me as Teleperien tried to sooth my temper, "he won't bother you.' But the aura of the sorcerer was off, and it set my hackles on end. I snarled low as he looked at me yet again. The elven one did not understand what had me agitated, and she gave the man a shrug that said so clearly.

I gave Teleperien's hand a quick lick before rising and moving again, making my way closer to the caller in preparation for the end of the tournament. Growling low as I passed Xenograg. I heard her ask if he had refused to feed me, but it was so much more than that. But they did not feel it apparently.

I glanced across the beach, and nearly barked a laugh as I watched the carpenter fend off a goblin that was trying to adjust his grass skirt.

At length, I moved within stalking distance and began the slow, purposeful slink wolves incorporate before launching an assault on their prey. I felt several pairs of eyes watching me, the Elven queen, Rab, and a woman called Querylon. Rab tried to warn Brigath of my presence, but the sorcerer was occupied with his tournament.


Date: 2006-06-09 23:38 EST
I heard Rena comment to someone that the alliances formed this night would not last, and she is certainly correct in that respect. They would not last beyond this very night.

I dropped into a pounce ready position near the officials, and my nose twitched slightly as I waited. A soft snarl rumbled from my throat as I watched Brigath. About that time I heard Topaz walk up from the beach, waving and greeting everyone as she moved forward. I froze in mid stalk.

She spotted me and winked before moving on to join Xenograg and Teleperien, and I resumed my inexorable approach toward my quarry.

She sat down and joined them, and I heard her tell them that her senior officers were all out of town. We would need to have discussions about sharing that kind of information so freely in such a public forum. Do fairies have no sense of self preservation?

She quickly covers, "Oh, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Oops." But she did not appear to be in the least bit remorseful about saying such a thing in public. She then changed the subject, asking what she had missed so far.

I growled low. She needs a Hunter just to keep her safe from her own folly!

My growl had Rab nervously looking behind him, as though he were afraid I might have snuck up behind him, but he is not my quarry.

Des commented again for Topaz that Vanion had tried to kill her, and the elven Queen looked at her with an expression that said she too has had close calls with the vampire. Topaz told her that "Vanion has nothing but bad blood, that's no news."

I caught a fleeting image from the vampire of humor, and something about simply being misunderstood. Every Vampyr I have hunted has felt the same, but in the end, it is because they are understood that they are shunned and feared as they are.

I felt Topaz's gaze seek me out amongst the crowd, and I slunk lower to the ground, watching every movement of my quarry. I could feel the urge to hunt rising sharply.

Rab commented that he?d like to see in the ring was the sudden appearance of exotic beasties to fight in the place of the sorcerers, animals like elephants and dragons, but I don?t think he would like to have a dragon rampant if my little snarls worry him so.

Topaz laughed, ?be careful what you wish for Rab.?

Destre agreed, ?Ohhh, now that would be mighty fine to see Rab, like Kalinda and her tattooes that come to life!?

I swung my head toward Rab and gave him a full mouth wolfish smile before padding slowly toward the fairy. I was greeted with a warm smile and a scratch behind my ear. ?How are you this evening??

Xenograg looked at Topaz, ?that wolf seems to not like me.?

She chuckled merrily, ?I wonder why.?

He winked at her, ?I suppose I am just too dangerous.?

I did not look at Xenograg, but focused my attention upon Brigath as Topaz observed that it was wonderful that he was back. There are many words I would use to describe the condition of his return, but wonderful is not one I would consider. I growled low at their discussion.

Topaz chuckled as she continued to stroke my fur, ?I know, and he deserved every bit of the beating Azjah was sure to have given him. But don?t you think one dressing down?s enough??

Xenograg shot me another look. ?I will not cross the Marchioness.?

I nuzzled her hand, but continued a low rumbling growl at Brigath.

She leaned down close to my ears, ?He did say the previous owner had misbehaved. Very much misbehaved. Like the lich-things maybe.?

I turned my head toward her, giving a short bark, and returned to watching the caller.

?Yes Sir,? she replied to my bark. I wanted to grin, but it would have ruined the effect of the growl at that point. But in the end, I gave her a sideways glance and a wolfish grin.

She chuckled again, ?remind me to tell you the story about the mountain valley deer.?

I slunk out from beneath her hand and moved toward the caller. The ring was nearly empty, and soon it would be time.


Date: 2006-06-10 18:06 EST
I returned to a stealthy stalking, moving in a freeze-frame manner toward Brigath, and when I was close enough for an effective pounce, I dropped and waited. I could feel Topaz?s eyes on me, but she remained back and silent.

Kyndra had left the ring, and Brigath was asking the group for a round of applause for Rab and Destre. They were wrapping it up, and the time was at hand.

Rab relocated his pineapple, and Kyndra returned to her blue drink, and I growled low, just barely in the range of human hearing. Rab glanced around nervously, and then hurried for the portal.

My gaze was locked on Brigath, snarling loudly as the goblin departed. As I launched myself at Brigath?s shoulders, Kyndra moved in saying ?well, my outfit survived, but Brigath ducked quickly, putting himself between Kyndra and I, despite the fact that Kyndra was never in danger from me. With a snarling bark, I whirled back around to face him.

Kyndra raised a brow, and Brigath laid a hand on Kyndra?s shoulder, ?excuse me for a moment,? and he disappeared briefly. I watched his every move as Topaz advised Kyndra to remain out of the line of this battle.

Brigath reappeared out of uniform, looked at me with an equal dislike, ?bring it? was all he said before he shimmered into the form of a black wolf.

I leaped from my crouched position as did he, and we crashed together in mid air with teeth snapping and claws ripping at one another. I grabbed a mouth full of his neck fur just as we crashed together, chest to chest. We hit the ground together hard.

I heard Topaz comment that this should be interesting, and that she was torn in loyalties, uncertain whom to cheer for. Rena wondered what had brought this on as she watched beside Topaz.

Topaz glanced at Rena, ?Brigath had the audacity to die temporarily without telling Azjah before hand, I think.?

Rena took a sip of her beer, ?okay, and??

Topaz shrugged, ?though, I could be wrong.? She was wrong, but I would discuss it with her later.

Rena scoffed, ?Knowing her, I doubt it.? It is lamentable that Rena in fact does not know the Marchioness. Not at all, but there is an animosity there that is not explained, and not likely to be resolved, and so the misinformed opinions she holds are likely to remain.

We both rolled to our feet, snarling at one another when a white streak raced through the portal, slamming into my side. I yelped at the unexpected attack, seeking to roll away from the female. The white she-wolf snapped for my ear, and I spit out the fur from Brigath, leaping at the man again.

Brigath stood his ground, doing his best to keep me in position for Kayla?s next attack. It was two on one, but the battle was joined, and that would not stop me now. He circled as Kayla snarled, circling between Brigath and I. I lunged at the front legs of the white wolf, clamping jaws down over her foreleg, using the power of the wolven form to try to break her front leg.

She yelped, snapping at my face, and garnering a mouth full of fur and raking teeth across my cheek. As I hung onto her front leg, Brigath leaped upon my back, tearing at my sides with his claws, and seeking to sink his teeth into my neck muscles.

I snarled at Brigath, releasing the white wolf as blood ran in rivulets from the tears in my sides. Pain was a red haze at the edges of my vision, and I lunged for the black wolf?s face. Both wolves lunged in, and my own yelp echoed across the beach as they drew more blood.

The white wolf tried to drag herself back, away from the tearing and rending that Brigath and I were engaged in. Her leg was a bleeding mess, but she rolled, using her hind legs to claw at my belly.

I leaped free of her tearing hind claws and spun around on Brigath, sinking teeth into anything I could reach. He had leaped free of my back once the white wolf was free of my teeth.


Date: 2006-06-10 18:08 EST
The Marquess and Marchioness walked slowly along the sand, slowly approaching the small crowd after their interlude away from the crowds when she glanced toward the ring and went pale. She dropped the Marquess? arm and began sprinting across the sand toward where Brigath and I were squared off again. The Marquess saw what was happening and joined his wife in a race across the sand to the rings.

I heard the Marchioness? voice, ?stop it! Lucien!!!? She skidded to a halt surveying the scene up close, ?Oh hell. Klinton? Do you have that dagger???

Klinton stopped beside his wife, studying the scene before him as well. There was blood and fur laying in the sand as two wolves remained sizing one another up, poised for yet another attack and defense. ?LUCIEN!? He glanced at Azjah, ?NO! Just the trunks tonight.? The marchioness reached for her shoulder holster, but she did not have it with the swimming suit and wrap.

Kayla was dragging herself away from the two aggressive males, and Topaz moved toward her, ?would you like me to have a look at that leg?? There was a great deal of blood, and my teeth had lacerated her leg thoroughly, but I had not broken the bones. I heard Topaz call my name, but I could not take my gaze off Brigath.

Topaz did not wait for Kayla?s permission before she set to work with her fey magic placing some shields in place to stop the bleeding, ?this would be easier if you were to hold still for a moment,? she told Kayla.

I limped back several steps, and Brigath crouched low, growling. The hair on my back was standing up as I prepared to answer the challenge in Brigath?s growl. Just as I began to circle the black wolf, Klinton stepped between us. It was a very dangerous place to be, but he stood his gound. ?Lucien! Do NOT attack.?

Abruptly Brigath shimmered back into human form, clutching the Key of Air. ?Enough.? Kayla had left Topaz?s ministrations and was standing behind me, prepared to leap.

I shifted into humanoid form, a red glow in the depths of my eyes I was certain as I locked gazes with Brigath. My blood began seeping through the white shirt and black trousers.

?I don?t know what problem you have with me, but you?d better get over it fast,? came Brigath?s words through panting breaths trying to regain his composure.

Topaz moved to turn her attention on Brigath and I, but then she agreed with Brigath, and I would not permit her to come to my side to see the damage.

I was not breathing hard since such is not required, and my words were a low snarl, ?You are no better than Vampyr.? I could feel the rage still flickering in my eyes.

Klinton spoke up a bit to Brigath, but his eyes remained on me, ?Are you okay Brig? Is anyone hurt??

The Marchioness moved toward me. She stood at my side for the moment as Klinton whispered to her. I straightened to my full height still glaring at Brigath.

Topaz?s voice was soothing, ?That is wrong Lucien.? She did not see her friend as the monster he is, and I gave her a quick look. I would not allow her to practice her magic upon me. She was trying, but her stand was with that unnatural monster Brigath.

Brigath glared hard at me, ?Is that supposed to mean something to me??

?It should? was all I said to him. He knew my point well enough. He did not require further explication.

Brigath glowered, ?well, why don?t you enlighten me? Why does your dislike of vampires cause you to want to attack me??


Date: 2006-06-10 18:21 EST
The Marchioness lightly touched my arm, ?I think we should go.?

I did not look at her, ?Gabriel is coming. He will escort you home.?

The Marquess glanced at me, ?And you Lucien? What will you do??

For the moment, I ignored the Marquess and focused on Brigath, ?Only the vilest creatures take bodies as you have done.? There was no venom, no emotion at all in my words. It was a thing of fact and not an emotional decision.

Topaz shook her head and tried to move closer to me, ?I told you, it?s like you hunting vampires. Kind of. At least I thought I did.? She then turned to Brigath, ?Maybe you should tell him about the guy you got the body from Brigath.?

Brigath was as angry as before, ?Ahhhh, I see. So suddenly you care about HOW someone is killed. No qualms about, oh, say, burying them alive underground.? He snorted, ?it?s very convenient to justify your own actions by looking down on those of others.?

I gave him a slow, lethal smile, ?I am a Hunter. Hunting Vampyr is different from what you have done.? While Vampyr will take the body of their victims, I have never done so. Killing those in need of dying is one thing. Killing them to take their body for your own use or pleasure is the mark of Vampyr.

Topaz?s voice was low, ?is it Lucien?? I glanced at her and nodded.

Brigath looked around the small crowd, spotting Berrin, ?Berrin!? The Marquess had moved toward Brigath, inviting him to join him for a drink, a means to break the stand off, but when Brigath summoned that menace Berrin, he stopped . Brigath waved Berrin toward them, ?a moment of your time please.?

Berrin looked up from his spot in the sand, slightly confused at being summoned by the Keeper, and I gave him a derisive look. The Marchioness moved to stand between Brigath and myself, but she gave Berrin a wary look.

Brigath continued, ?No, no, don?t get up, just answer me a question please. Are you perchance a vampire?? Brigath was ignoring everyone?s attempts to end this stand off, which is the only thing I find admirable in the creature.

Berrin stopped in mid rise, ?Umm, no. I assure you I am not. Should I be??

Topaz chuckled softly hearing the question, and then looked quickly at Berrin, ?No, Berrin.?

Brigath nodded, ?Thank you,? and then looked back at me and simply raised an eyebrow.

?You have failed to make your point. THAT,? indicating Berrin, ?is simply a slime mold. You on the other hand are more vile than the creature that yields his soul for a quick kill.? Killing Berrin would have been easy, and has nothing to do with the actions Brigath has taken. He did not simply kill. He killed to acquire a body for his own purposes. There in is the difference.

?Ah yes, that again. He is slime mold so it?s ok to murder him.? Brigath snorted, but he ignores the action that makes my killing very different from his slaying. I do not kill to acquire the body to inhabit. He did.

I gave Brigath a slow smile that held no mirth, ?He would not be missed, and his death would not have resulted in a leech living within his shell.?

Berrin rose, looking hatefully at me, and began a slow approach, ?I do not see the harm I have ever done to you.?

Azjah began to walk toward the portal, ?Lucien, Brigath, please, this is not the time, nor the place.? She wanted this to end, but she could not quite look at Brigath. What he has become repulses even the Marchioness.

Brigath crossed his arms, ?Stuck up prick. Dead is dead. Doesn?t matter what happens to the body afterwards.?

But that is where he is wrong. It very much DOES matter what happens to the body afterwards. And the reason I can never accept his ongoing existence. ?You killed him so you could take his body. There is a vast difference. And what vileness would help you do such an abomination??


Date: 2006-06-10 18:23 EST
Topaz spoke softly, ?I am glad Brigath found a way to survive the lich vampires. And I am quite sure Brigath would have used this opportunity to rid RhyDin of something just as bad in the process.

He shook his head, ?No Lucien, there isn?t. You would have killed Berrin for a few words that he said. How is that cause better than killing a man to stay alive???

I gave Berrin a fanged snarl as Kyndra shuddered, knowing precisely why I am after Berrin.

Sneering at Brigath, ?But not to inhabit his body. Killing is one thing. This is totally different.? The man had killed to keep his own life despite the fact that his victim had not attacked him. There was no self defense. It was theft of a body and the murder of a man to prolong his own that was forfeit fighting the lyches. ?So you find it acceptable to survive at all costs? Never mind the price others pay for your ?needs???

The Marchioness pushed lightly against my chest, she?d returned from her effort to lead me to the portal, ?go home Lucien.?

?Well, I think we?re just gonna have to agree to disagree there, Lucien, old bag,? Brigath shook his head, ?listen to your mistress, get out of here.?

I glared at Brigath, ?You are vile Vampyr.?

Topaz moved beside me, ?I?ll walk with you part way Lucien.? So I offered my arm to her and she laced her arm with mine.

Brigath snorted, ?and you are an ignorant asshole. But I still love you.? Then puckered his lips and blew me a kiss, but his eyes were as hard as my own. This was not finished between us.

Vanion had been silent up to this point. He?d silently hoped I would kill Brigath, but had not joined in when Kayla made it two against one, and then his opinion of me had changed when he learned that I am a Hunter, sworn to hunt and lay to permanent rest all Vampyrs. ?No you puke, I am a ?Vile Vampyyyyr? He was trying to mimic my native accent

I paused briefly, ?A Hunter will end your time.?

Vanion smirked, ?So many have said. Do you know what I like to do when racist bigots threaten me?? He then walked close enough to whisper. Our paths will cross again. Of that, there can be no doubt.

Kyndra quickly jointed Brigath, ?I?m glad you?re back, no matter how you got here.? He moved off with the woman ad Topaz and I moved away from the rings. The white wolf limped along beside Brigath. He leaned over and gave her a long kiss, ?I need to get out of here. A fine night just turned sour.?

She nodded, ?I see that, well, have a good night.?

He stopped and turned to her, inviting her to give a whisper, he would come for her and take her to the Tower of Air. That brought a long studying look from the Marquess.

I heard the Marchioness turn to Klinton and say that things had gotten out of hand. I have not finished this, but I have made myself a resolution. Brigath will not see anything but charm from me when the Marchioness is around, but, she is not always around.

I walked along with Topaz, as she tried to put an acceptable cover on Brigath?s actions, ?Perhaps I should first tell you about Tyr, or even better, the demon in the mana.?


Date: 2006-06-10 18:33 EST
I keep walking, ?He is vile, Topaz.?

She spoke quietly as we left the others behind, ?There?s a desire to stay alive in every creature. You hunt, I eat and consume magic. Brigath on a rare occasion switches body. Not just anyone mind you. He is particular as you about who to kill and who or what not to. You are trying your darnedest to hold onto the light. Brigath is essentially good too. There was no evil done.? She turned her gaze up toward me, a hopeful expression on her face.

I quirked a brow at her, ?How can you call someone good who had killed in order to have a new body?? For me, this action is much too close to the Vampyr that my people can become.

?The same way I know you?d have stopped before you?d have killed Brigath, even had there been no interference.?

I gave her a skeptical look, ?You believe that??

She smiled up at me, ?I?d still rather you?d not go around hating Brigath over ome misunderstanding, and Yes, I do.?

I lifted a brow at her choice of words, ?I do not hate,? and then looked out over the Isle. We were well away from the others now.

She chuckled softly, ?okay, strongly dislike.?

I turned toward her then, ?I do not dislike Brigath either. It is simply a matter of doing what is right.? She seemed so very intent on seeking my acceptance of what that creature has done.

We continued walking as she said, ?that perception definitely plays a large part, and you do like flowers.?

?You look pleasing in flowers,? was all I said. I could never stop hunting the man for his actions, but it would not do to tell her that right now.

She glanced sideways at me, ?Yet, you do not see their colors,?

I shrugged, ?I have not seen colors since I was very young.?

She paused then, ?do you still remember what they looked like??

?Yes, but they seem to be lacking in vibrance, as though even memory is fading.? The colors I remember seem to become less and less brilliant. As if memory fades as my sight had, only more slowly.

Her fingers tightened slightly around my arm, ?a little is better than nothing at all. This dress, and my eyes are both the same color, very light blue. Perhaps if you practice using those memories, they will not slip away completely.?

I paused, studying her a moment, trying to see blue from memory, ?the same shade of grey as the Marchioness? eyes to me. But perhaps you are right.? I cannot see the colors, but I can remember them. I turned toward the Tower of Air then, a scowl creeping into my face.

?It is pretty, isn?t it?? she asked, noting the direction of my gaze.

?It is functional. Its current resident troubles me.? I remained unmoving.

She smiled, ?He will be fine. The little shields will stay in place until the body healed itself. Your?s too.? She was deliberately misinterpreting what I worried about.

Turning slowly toward her, ?Your concern for me was unnecessary. I will heal when I go to ground.?

She reached up, but did not touch my face, ?but, you might have done so without me getting a chance to talk with you.? Her hand dropped back to my arm once more.


Date: 2006-06-10 18:34 EST
We continued walking, ?that would have been unfortunate for me.? And then I tried to change the topic, ?There have been no more sightings??

She shook her head, ?No, none. I was back and looked thoroughly. I kept my promise too. Walter and Fred were along.? I lifted a brow at her. ?Body guards.?

?Did you drop your culling to use your senses?? I did not want to think she had gone to the island with her senses dulled to the point that she would not sense one until she was right upon it.

I picked up the echo of her thoughts, about not telling me that neither of her body guards had a bit of magic about them, and covered it with a quick ?aye, sir.?

I resumed our walk, heading for the cliffs, ?did you know Topaz, Carpathian life mates have no secrets because they share a psychic connection at all times.? I turned to watch her expression.

?No, I didn?t. What kind of psychics?? She took the change of subject well.

?Many would call it telepathic, but it is more. Once blood is exchanged and the vows said, neither can hide any thoughs? I did not add that there was never a desire to hide thoughts, and this connection between lifemates resulted in their bonds growing with time rather than weakening as many other species.

She was caught up in this topic now, ?what about emotions??

?Emotion and color returns.? I was enjoying her curiosity. This was the first time I could remember anyone other than the Marchioness taking an interest in my people. Well, an interest that did not seek the extermination of our kind.

She gave me a smile that needed flowers, ?You said that before. I meant the knowledge of them in another.?

I deliberately misunderstood her, and shrugged, ?I have heard of such happening. Gregori was seeing a single person in color, everything else was in black and white. The woman was his lifemate, that he was seeing through another.? He?d met Alexandra?s image when he was merged with Jacques. Jacques saw her in person, and that image was the only thing about what he saw that Gregori registered as being in color.

She was surprised, ?can you do that? Seeing through another??

I gave her a quick smile, ?if we have a connection. Usually it?s a blood exchange, but family can do so as well.? We can do many things together, seeing through another is just one thing, but it was not time to tell her that I could kill another through their eyes.

She puzzled on that a moment, ?what happens when one of such a couple dies??

I took a deep breath, even though I physically do not require it, ?The other does not survive the loss. Most often, the surviving mate walks into the sun.? Such a death is gruesome, but better than the sense of loss the survivor would suffer. ?A lifemate is the connection of two souls. There can be no mistakes.? If the pair are not truly lifemates, the vows will not bind them, and the other does not suffer the loss of one.

?I guess that beats some of the alternatives. I?ve been married before. Twice that it counted for anything.? She moved then, ?The first was a mistake. I was happy with Krollon. He too could shift his soul from one body to another, though he did not have to kill to do so. I consider him having been a soul mate, but no connection as you speak of was ever possible.? She was not dressing up anything now, these were honest words and facts.

Something possessive lifted it?s head at her admission of being happy with Krollon. ?There have been a few Carpathians that became desperate, they tried to bind to someone not their soul mate, and it failed. It resulted in the death of one of our women.? I staggered a bit and reached for my ribs. Blood had been steadily seeping from the wounds Brigath had left me with earlier. I told her it was imperative that I go to ground, and she smiled, informing me that she wanted me in dancing shape for King Starfare?s wedding. I gave her a fanged grin, ?when next I rise, you will not be able to keep pace with me.?

She smiled back, is that a challenge??

I nodded, ?If you would like, yes. I shall make it my solemn duty to make certain you dance until there is not a step left in you at this wedding.?

She laughed merrily, ?then you may have to carry me home.?

I lifted her hand to my lips, ?That would be my pleasure.? With that, I faded from the visible spectrum as a shower of Edelweiss flowers rained down where she stood.