Topic: Maps

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-07-28 15:39 EST
Atrebla Valley

Snow capped peaks, glistening glaciers and sweeping vistas are just one part of the allure of Atrebla Valley. You can enjoy all the comforts of Dex's manor and the Beacon of Truth or step out into the wilderness and the home of some of the Iron Mountain's wildest creatures, including grizzly bears, caribou and wolves.

The eastern and western slopes along with the valley of Atrebla render an alluring yet ominous scenic vista to those who are unfamiliar to the lands. Various portals are known to the inhabitants of the valley which make the otherwise two-day journey by horse from one end of the territory to the other unnecessary.

Atrebla, predominantly consists of high mountain valley (4500 feet above sea level) which stretches between mountain passes, almost like a closed canyon, 50 leagues from north to south, each end providing access points. The breadth of the land emcompasses 2 to 5 leagues between the eastern and western bases of the high peaks referred to as "The Iron Mountains". The generally snow capped mountains vary from 6500 ft to 12,000 ft with the western ridge possessing the higher rise of the range.

The territorial glacier icefields are the mothering source for the beautiful Alpine lakes nestled alongside the ranges. The many streams fed by these lakes lead toward a main river lying in the heart of the valley. Rising out of the glaciers of the Iron Mountains, the swift silt-laden waters of these rivers ripple over braided gravel flats, tumble over rapids and plunge over thundering waterfalls on their way to three different oceans. Passing through the glistening snow-covered peaks of Atrebla Valley, their turbulent, icy waters challenge settlers. Although crossed by ancient roadways and trailways, the valleys of all three spectacular river environments are essentially unchanged from the time when native people hunted and lived along their banks.

One of the streams that flow in from the east side of the river heads toward the land of Krondor. This stream also hugs a descending narrow canyon and provides the third access into the Atreblian valley.
From the north about ten furlongs from the riverhead overlooking the valley and lower meadows lies the Manor of Atrebra. The interpretive trail up the Rockpile, the prominent heap of boulders at the northeast end of small meadow Lake, gives an excellent introduction to the famous Valley of the Ten Seers. Interpretive signs along the trail focus on the geology of the area, and viewpoints at and near the top give classic views of the lakes and some of the mountains called the Ten Seers.

The well-designed switchbacks up the west side of Klanb Mountain give you a relatively easy opportunity to reach the top of the Iron Mountains. Granted it is a low one, yet reaching the summit reveals sweeping views up and down the Atrebla Valley. It is "the best place from which to get a good general idea of the topography of Atrebla Valley and its surroundings." Spectacular views and fresh air from the path to see the lake from the trail are located about two furlongs and disappear upwards into the forest. A winding path carpeted in soft pine needles is perfumed by the beautiful views. The picture of its meltwater carries fine rock flour ground for thousands of years from the surrounding mountains into the turquoise lake, making it impossibly bluer. Clouds recede down the glacial carved valley towards forever, and a sudden warm breeze carries hints of the wildflowers blooming far below. It's a living postcard, you are in it, and you are alive in a new way that makes those sixty leagues seem a bargain.

Located on the southern tip of the valley lies "The Beacon of Truth" or the so-called home base for the Guardians of Truth wherein the commanding council can be found. The structure sits at the edge of an Alpine lake, beside a high alpine meadow. The Beacon is graced by the backdrop of the icy topped mountains. A simple guardhouse sits at the edge of the icefield and marks the pass into the neighboring valley heading north. A strenuous climb along the edge of the cliffs is required in order for one to exit the northern pass. Atrebla contains a superb backcountry trail system and icefields accessible by cart. It is renowned for wildlife viewing, and is home to some of the Iron Mountain's rarest animals, including healthy populations of grizzly bears, moose, caribou and wolves.

Otyep falls originate in a fair-sized lake (unseen from below) that lies in a basin below the receding toe of the Foos Glacier. Drawings from early explorers show that the ice once flowed right over the cliffs down which these cascades now drop. Beginning at the south of the shallow alpine valley exists a small trail that stretches and descends down to the riverhead and then rises again toward the north. The Southern pass, is somewhat softer, and marked by a mysterious looking portal. This portal is the passageway to and from Rhydin.

Danielle Corwell

Date: 2006-07-28 15:48 EST
(the Kazur Empire)

The empire of the Kazurs is loosely patterned after the empire of the Mongols established by Chenghiz, the Great Khan, on Earth during the early Second Millenium CE. On RhyDin, the Empire arose far to the east of Atrebla a full two centuries ago; it has been expanding by starts and fits ever since. The Empire is basically calculating rather than unrealisically aggressive: war is great, but only when you can gain something worthwhile from the effort. Like all empires, this one is based on superior military power, excellent organization, poliical will, and a considerable amount of tolerance. (You will note that - in Earth's history - intolerant empires have always been short-lived.)

The Kazurs were originally horse-based warriors - archetypal pastoral nomads preying upon the agricultural civilizations around them (c.f. Earth's Huns, Arabs, and Sioux.) The dominant social grouping was the clan, ruled by its khut ( = chief) - and now each principate of the Empire is called tolkhut [ = domain of the chief), and is ruled by a khut, who would be a "prince" in Western (Earthly) terms. But the title is not hereditary, and it requires the holder to actually be and remain both a political and military leader.

The original arrangement was that a clan chose, or at least accepted, its own khut, based upon his abilities and performance. With the rise of the Empire - and the Kazurs' adoption of the organizational expertise of their more "civilized" conquests - ultimate power has come to rest in the Khut Thar ( = high chief), who sits on the fabled Black Throne in Chandribor, capital of the far-flung Empire.

The present occupant of the Black Throne is Solis, an ageing but thoroughly efficient and perceptive khut who personally led the Kazur legions to many conquests, and who is a firm believer in picking the right subordinates and then letting them do their jobs. His only criterion is: is it good for the Empire?

Each tolkhut is almost autonomous. As long as the Empire's (few) regulations are observed, a khut may do almost anything within reason and custom. In the Kazur imperial tradition, this means that each tolkhut retains its local identity and laws and customs; but the policy decisions are Kazur. This has largely been a beneficial arrangement to the subject peoples (assuming that independence is not a viable option). Trade is up and minority groups of most kinds are protected.

What makes all this possible, of course, are the Kazur armies. A Kazur legion is based on ligt cavalry, but in Bedford Forrest mode, trained to move on horseback and fight when necessary on foot. Fully 40% of a Kazur legion consists of specialized troops: heavy shock cavalry, light foot fighters and scouts, engineers, heavy weapons...and specialized combat mages.

The Kazurs have applied their superb organizational abilities to the field use of magic, resulting in wizards with not only specialized training in selected magical disciplines but also in high-level combat skills. Naturally - even in the vast Kazur empire - such people are few. But they are, even in small quantities, deadly effective.

Of course, such valuable assets canot lightly be risked in combat. The Empire has therefore developed an elite corps of combat mages and complementary fighters whose elements can be called on when the need is great enough. Mounted on huge winged panthers (tarasnyoi, Sky-Fangs), they can utilize portal magic to pass quickly from one place to another and swoop down on an enemy with alost-irresistable force. (Think Stealth aircraft with - if necessary - tactical nukes.)

The Western Empire - which is what Atrebla has to deal with - comprises about one-fifth of the Empire as a whole. Its power base is Radurdan, a broad area of northern forests, plains, and rivers conquered less than a century ago; and its khut, Jengtal, is without doubt the most capable and highly-regarded prince of all the Kazurs. A true leader, brave and honorable, intelligent - and when necessary totally ruthless - the Khut of the West conquered Krondor many years before, and has since largely been engaged in operations against the mountain-kingdom of Agaelon; northwest of Radurdan.

South of Radurdan is Muir, a collection of principalities and mercantile city-states with no unified force. West lies Krondor, broken and mostly desolated by the wars and their after-effects. Southwest rise the Iron Mountains...within which lies Atrebla.

* Jengtal has since risen to Khut Thar and is now the Emporor of The Black Throne.