Topic: Fire and Ice


Date: 2010-01-26 12:53 EST
Land of Eyllis

One could live here their whole life and never find everything that these lands have to offer.

With the wind to her back Zara sat on a rock watching the deer rising from the sleep in the Rahelia Plain. Dawn broke over the sands of Nieli. The great desert of Eyllis. Behind her more deer emerged from the Taindira forest. Dawn was always lovely in Eyllis.

Winter was leaving, the snow was melting, the hill tops in Rahelia were already loosing their snow, the dunes of Nieli were slowly loosing the snow as well. The melted snow would be used by the elves that lived in this land. It would flow to the Elandara River.

In the distance she could see the Lukiae Mountains still had their icy glow. All across the wide plain the snow was melting as the sun rose higher. Zara had been gone for six days. She knew this land, knew its people. She was a ranger. A wild little thing, going about her business. Eyllis was the land of elves, and only elves though everyone knew that down the Cesio pass and in to the Aevir Mountains lay a city, of men. Humans. Zara had seen humans before they came in to Teien to Trade, it was the only trading post, it lay on the Cesio pass two miles from the Aevir Mountains. It was as far as most humans dared to go. This land was strange and wild. But Zara had seen them else where, as well.

She had spent six days away. Six days and now miles away from where she had been born.

Zara knew nothing of her birth parents, she only knew that those who raised her were not of her kin. But they were family. How did she know? Her "mother' was a short elf, with long waves of golden hair, and bright green eyes. Her "father," was tall, slim and dark haired, with light eyes the tone of violet. She was tall, nearly tall as her "father," with long hair the tone of the snow, icy blue shimmering silver. Eyes of the same color, skin sun-kissed, and lips of the oddest blue. Those things alone told her she was not their daughter. But she was. They had raised her, they were al she had ever known.

Her childhood was a blur int he back of her mind. Growing up in Ibaea one of the smaller towns in Eyllis. She grew up in a little cottage, no siblings, learning how to farm, trade, and tend to the house. And as she grew, how to mend and repair simple items. Her father was a smith, one of the best in their small village. She was quick tot he art, but the heat sometimes made her feel sick. That went away with time as she got more used to it. Still, there was something about the warmth of the fire.

She became a good farm hand, a well earned smithy, and a hunter. She went out many times with the boys of the hunting party, to be the only one who bagged a dear. Twenty years had passed and she was but a youngster to the eyes of the elves. She lived her first full century there in Ibaea, working beside her father, helping her mother, learning the back roads in and out of her small town.


Date: 2010-01-26 12:54 EST
How distant that all seemed now as she watched the dear run a cross the field towards the sun. She was well in to her second century now, sixty by human standards, two hundred in Elven, yet she looked not a day over thirty. She had become skilled with blade, and bow over those years, and skilled in magic her parents did not posses. The ice came first to her fingers, the snow, the frost. Things not unheard of in Elven custom, for there were elemental mages, of every kind. But then came the globes of darkness, the purple fire, harmless yet it could track anything for miles unless that which hit was protected from such magic. She could float up in the air several inches at first then feet.

Magic did not seem to harm her, though, as she learned more and went in to the several academies she learned she wasn't fully resistant to magic.

Now she knew what she was. Two hundred years and she knew. She had met every kind of elf, many types of humans, dwarves and dragons, evil and good. The first time she met a Drow she thought surely he was going to kill her. But he did not. He simply starred at her in shock.

She was of Drow kin, but not fully. Half breeds in that race where unknown of, usually they were killed at birth. Zara was a half breed, half Drow and half Ice elf. She was likely the only Drow that could withstand the cold, and she loved it. The snow, the ice, it flowed through her. She loved her time in the Snowhaven Valley between the desert of Nieli and the Lukiae Mountains, which were colder still than even the valley. And she was likely also the only Ice elf that could withstand heat, the long hours before a forge. The hot desert of Nieli.

She much preferred it out here on the open plain Rahelia, the Taindira Forest behind her.

She knew these lands well, knew of the people who lived in them. There were four established villages in Eyllis. Teien a trading post along the Cesio pass, the one place humans felt safe. Kerani a larger village in the South east close to the river. Ibaea is the smallest and was where Zara grew up and Abban a Drow City in the Aevir Mountains. There were also small encampments of elves. Tribes of elves.

Snowhaven, held the ice elves. The Nieli Desert held the desert elves, the North western plains were home to Sylvan elves. The South western plains were home to Sunrise elves, sylvan elves, Halflings, and some humans. The Lukiae Mountains were home to more ice and frost elves as well as Gnomes, and Dwarves. And it was well known that the back side of those mountains were occupied by orcs and other such beasts. Taindira forest held the most elves, encamped close to the Vaernon Lake and on the North Western end near Nieli.

Rahelia Plain was the only place no tribe, nor village would ever be. This plain was sacred. Used for hunting, star gazing and speaking with the ones whom had passed on. She came here most often, to watch the dear.


Date: 2010-01-28 13:54 EST
Life as a ranger had become quite simple. It hadn't always been that way. When she first struck out on her own path she had found the world she lived in was not so simple.

It was filled with dangers.
When she first stuck out she was barely a child, in the eyes of both elves and men. Her younger years had passed staying in Ibaea. The small village had been her nest. But soon she longed to know of the world around her.

So it was that one night she sat down with her parents. And told them of her mission.

"Atar, Atara," She began as they were sitting down for dinner. "For years I have lived here, learned and grown."A full century had passed. Though she didn't look a day over twenty those who knew Zara could see the wisdom in her eyes.

"I have longed to see the world." Her father smirked softly. Three years back Zara had gone out with the hunting party, they trekked across Eyllis to the South to the Rahelia Plain.

And now every time the hunters went out Zara was with them. That first time she alone had gotten the dear the fed the village. Now the village had grown and so had Zara. Alinar Idande looked at his daughter. She was not of his loins or even of his blood. But she was his daughter. He had watched her grow from child to adolescent to woman.

His smirk widened when he looked over at his wife. Iliana Idande had that same look upon her face. They knew the time had come for their daughter to strike out and find her place in Eyllis. She had become a fine hunter, a fine smith, a good farm hand. But some where in Zara there was a yearning to know. Alinar knew that his daughter was well aware that he was not her father and Iliana was not her mother not by blood.

She had asked them before where she had come from. "Arvandor." They would say. You came from heaven. But when she reached womanhood they had told her the truth. "You came to us by the grace of the gods, we found you on our door step wrapped in cloth in a small basket. Someone had left you there. And we could not deny you. You may not be of our blood but you are our daughter."

Zara had grown up even more since that day. Her ice blue eyes looked to her father now as he was smirking at her. "We this day would come. I knew someday I would have to let you go. " Her mother smiled and sat down and took Zara's hand. She didn't speak, only gave Zara that longing look.

"We have something for you." Her father said rising from the table he crossed the small room and lifted three boxes from the other table. He set them before Zara.

Wide eyed she opened the boxes. To find finely made weapons. In the longest box was a long bow. For many years she had carried a short yew wood bow, it had broken on her last hunting trip. This bow was amazing, the wood was dark and flexible, and soft to the touch. In the next box she found the matching quiver and arrows. Her mother smiled. " We had the quiver bespelled, you will never run out of arrows. Any kind you place within the quiver shall remain."

Zara was at near tears. Her father pushed the other two boxes closer. She opened the smaller box now to find two things with in it, a hunting knife, and a dagger. Both were fine pieces of work, that Zara knew to be her fathers handy work. The knife was perfectly curved. Made of mithral and iron, the edge was very sharp. The handle was wooden, a dark red wood. The dagger was light in her hand, but perfectly balanced. It was made of mithral and iron was well. The blade shown a soft blue when she turned it in to the light.

Her father chuckled and pushed the last box in. Within that box was a sword, a fine Elven blade. Its pure mithral blade shown like a star on a dark night, that blade was slightly curved, the guard and handle felt warm in her grasp. The handle was darker toned more like iron but she knew from touching it t too was mithral. There was something so perfect about it. There was also a small traveling bag in that last box. Zara set her gifts down and embraced her parents.

The day following she set out with her travel bag filled with things for her many adventures, her bow, quiver already full with arrows, her dagger tucked in to her boot, her hunting knife along her belt, and that fine sword there along her belt as well. The wide world was before her.


Date: 2010-02-03 00:04 EST
She hated to say good-bye to her friends. To her home. But the world was calling to her. Things yet unseen, undone. She had said good-bye to her parents at dawn then set out to find the members of the hunting party.

The hunting party was composed of five members.

Nylian Asleif, who was Zara's best male friend in the whole wide world. He was a handsome elf, five foot seven with long silver hair and bright blue eyes. He was a Grey elf, and a fine marksmen. They had been friends their whole lives, Ny was born in Ibaea. He was the leader of the hunting party.

Elidyr Soliania was the next member of the hunting party. Elidyr was tall for an elf, at nearly six foot, his long black hair and light silver eyes drew all the women to him. Born in Kerani, he was an Ear'quessir, a sea elf.

Dhoean Gilth was the next member of the hunting party. A quiet person, Dhoean stood at five foot ten inches, with short greenish toned hair and brown eyes. Born to the Gilthi tribe of elves whose home lay in the North western end of Eyllis near the Aevir Mountains. He was the youngest son of the tribe of sylvan elves.

Luana Ashemmii, was the only other woman besides Zara to grace the hunting party, at four foot seven she was also the shortest member. But Luana is Zara's best female friend. Her long dark hair and dark eyes pegged her as a half breed, and that she was born in Teien, Luana was half sylvan elf and half human.

Along with Zara they had made a fine team for the last few years and now Zara was setting off to meet them. One last hunt she would have with her most beloved friends, and then she would wander alone, to see the wild world.

She met them where they would always meet two miles from Ibaea. At the small rock out cropping. Luana was the first to greet her. "Vedui' Zara," Zara smiled to her dearest friend and smiled. "Greetings." Elidyr and Dhoean nodded to her, and Nylian walked up to her and greeted her with his customary bow. "Come then we are off."Ny instructed them and off they went towards Rahelia. It did not take them very long to run that distance.

The deer were plentiful now, nibbling on spring grasses. All eyes turned to Zara. Her bow in hand already she was sending up a short prayer to the goddess, in thanks and forgiveness for taking a life. Then she let the arrow fly. The buck was down in one arrow shot.

Three more were taken by the days end.

Back in Ibaea they enjoyed a fine feast with family and friends. Zara knew she would be gone from here by dawn. She walked around the fire and searched out Luana. The short elf was not hard to spot. Luana sat with Dhoean. Zara often wondered about those two, or hoped. When Dhoean saw Zara coming he rose and left the women alone.

"Luana.." Zara began. "I have something to tell you," Luana with her knowing artist eyes settled a look to Zara. "Your leaving, seeking out adventure. To see the world beyond. " Zara nodded. Luana snickered, "I knew this day would come, you must promise me that you will return, seek me out in Teien," She gave Zara a pat on the back and left. Nylian soon sat beside Zara.

"I was hoping to speak with you." Zara nodded looking back to him. "Alone" He finished. Zara's brows rose at him but she figured he had some tactics to talk about for the next hunt.

They walked away from the fire away from the celebrating through the little maze of farm houses. "I know that you are leaving, as we all knew. Dhoean and Elidyr were taking bets, I think Dho won. " He stopped and turned to face her. "Zara I do not want you to go. I t is dangerous out there, rumors fly that slavery is spreading from Abban...they are taking women, children anyone they can find.." She held up her hand. "I am capable of caring for myself Ny. I have lived in this city for a full century, everyone else as seen all of Eyllis. But me. I do not fear danger or death." He sighed and touched her cheek, her skin was always cold, he had long wondered why but he didn't linger on that he leaned in and kissed her.

Zara with drew seconds later and smacked him. "Ny!" He seemed frozen in place for a second before he blinked. He reached up and touched his face, "Zara..I.." She shook her head, "Do not say you love me. You and I are friends Ny. Long have we been friends. Long will you and I be friends and nothing more." She looked in to his eyes and strode away.

She spent one last night in her own room in her parents house. Then at dawn before anyone had risen she was up and gone.


Date: 2010-02-03 00:20 EST
The day was new. Spring was settling in. The cold chill was leaving. Zara had never minded the cold. Long had she reveled in the snow. Now miles of grass and open wilderness lay before her. She was headed sought following the Elandra River towards Kerani. She looked back once tot he fading dim of Ibaea. Shed return after she felt her questing had reached some end.

It was twelve miles to Kerani. If she ran she could do a few miles in two or three days. But she was not going to rush. No, she would walk, a few miles each day from dawn till dusk then make camp. That was her plan.

The land before her was grasses, thinner than those in Rahelia. Some trees, and rocks. Lands ridden on by horses, walked on by brave tradesmen and valiant warriors alike. Rabbits nestled under low bushes, birds hung to the few trees. Lizards sat upon flat rocks. The wind rushed through blowing up dust and petals of wild flowers.

This is what she had been longing for. Freedom.

By the time night fall fell she could no loner see Ibaea. She had camped by a small tree, rock and some bushes. That had provided her meal for the night. With every kill she thanked to gods, and blessed the animals sacrifice. She ate well that night, under the stars and moon. Her fire burned low.

She thought of what Ny had done. Why would he act so rashly? In all their years she had never led him on. She had never had any interest in boys or men. They ere to complex, and she had yet to know herself well enough. She knew he would be upset with her for a long time coming.

When dawn came she was already back to her "road" to the South. She could see the Elandara River just off to the West now, the bride that lead to Cesio pass not that far up the ways. She had vowed to see every inch of Eyllis. First to Kerani, then towards Taindira forest, to seek out the tribes that lived there. Then in to Nieli desert, and more tribes. Then across Rahelia, towards the Eastern half of Nieli. Then over the dunes in to Snowhaven. And perhaps after that the Lukiae Mountains.

Two hours passed and the bride over the Elandara River was now behind her, the Cesio pass long past for now. She walked with hardly a person in sight, only a few wandering traders, heading out along the western bank of the river for Kerani. It seemed the trip would be long and lonely. With the wind at her back Zara kept on.


Date: 2010-02-03 00:43 EST
The river had turned out to be her saving grace. The waters were cool, and filled with fish. Her second and third day and night in the walk for Kerani had been as the first.

There had not been much to see, but she still took it all in. Now on her fourth day she was closer tot he river. There she had seen more elves, and a few humans. Fishermen lined the river, from the bridge at Cesio pass to Kerani, on both banks. She waters also served well for nomadic peoples, as a source of not only food and water but as a place to rest and take in a cool bath.

Zara spent her third and Forth days and nights by the river. On the forth night she joined a few fisher men. They felt safer with her near by it seemed. Rumors of slavers int he area had gone up, and Zara had not failed to miss the mention.

By the start of the fifth day.Zara was given an odd opportunity " We;d like to pay you," The short little halfling said. He was among three elves and one man. All fisher men of Kerani. " We plan to fish out our needed stock then head for home, but the road is dangerous. We would like your aid, fine ranger," "I will stay with you and guide you home."

He had not met many people thus far and the fishermen turned out to be fine men. All whom had families in Kerani. They each told tales every night, one after the other. Zara sat transfixed as they spoke of fishing, wars, elves, humans, Halflings, orcs, and of the horridness of the slavery going on. Abban had started it, they all blamed to Drow elves. But they had no proof blame. Teien held many under ground slavery houses, and Kerani held one too. None of that was spoken of though.

It turned out to be a fine profit. The coins were good, but the stories and knowledge gained were better.

Seven days passed on the river, fishing at the banks. Then the men with Zara as their guard headed across the river on the ferry. Kerani in sight the men each paid Zara. By the time they had said their good-byes. Zara had a stocked purse.

It would serve her well. She needed a few new clothes, a long hot bath, and a good meal. The local tavern was known for many things, good food, and service were not on the list. The Dragons Vine was known for slave trading, black market, and robbers. It lay at the far Western end of town. Zara stayed tot he east staying in one of the smaller Inns. It provided food, and a hot bath.

The trades near the inn turned out to be honest fellows, mostly fishermen. But Zara did find a few ears for her long road ahead.

Nine days had passed since she left home. And now she was back on the ferry across to the East bank of the river to head for the forest. Taindira forest had been spoken of in tales and stories all her life. Her father had told of battle there that he was apart of in his younger years before he gave up the sword for farming and smith work.

When she crossed the river and first stepped in tot he forest, she smiled. It was amazing, trees all around. The smell of pine, oak and earth. The breeze was even amazing under the trees. She headed off due east. All the while being followed above by elves of Cael.


Date: 2010-02-03 23:33 EST
" Deri ar' lye innas cron lle " The voice came from above and Zara stopped in her tracks. " Amin naa il sinome a' awra ai'er. Amin tula no' lema. A' ele Eyllis." Zara held put her hands and bowed her head towards the forest floor. Soon she saw six pairs of brown boots. " Where are you from?" A female voice asked but Zara did not look up. "Ibaea. " There was a moment of silence. " Follow us." Zara looked up now before her stood six elves, three women three men. One among them the leader. But as they walked showing her the way she could not pick out whom among them was the speaker.

Soon she came to find herself sitting at the large fire. They had not taken her weapons nor treated her ill. "Esta sinome." Was all they said. Zara sat by the fire looking to the encampment of elves. These were forest elves. Most were tall with light tones of hair, and eyes. As the day went on she wondered if she was to be their captive.

"My men think your a spy, for slavers." Came the same female voice from before. Zara looked over to the woman, tall, elegant, with long silver hair that was tied in a braid and bright green eyes. A fine bow over her shoulder. "You do not look like a spy. "She sat. "I am Zara Idande, of Ibaea and I am no spy." The woman looked her over, "Idande, a family of farmers and a smith, and you, on a journey to see the world that is Eyllis. I am Llewellyn Cael. This is Cael encampment. " Zara bowed her head, knowing enough about elves to know that Llewellyn was of high rank to carry the name of the tribe.

"How long have you been away from your home, Lady Idande?" " A little over two weeks."

"Where are you heading?" "To the East." Llewellyn nodded. "You will need a guide, it is upon me to lead you till you leave these forests, there are many tribes besides Cael. I have good relations with all. " "I do not wish to make trouble." Llewellyn chuckled, "It is no trouble. I am a ranger and a stewart for my home here. If you are headed east then east we shall go. East till we reach Vaernon Lake Then along the lake tot he north then back along the southern end of Rahelia back towards Cael. You will meet every tribe that lives here, and know of them as I do. Then I will bid you farewell and let you continue your journey. But long before that you will learn of the forest its people and all I can tell you of the other tribes that lay upon your journey."

"That is most kind of you." Zara bowed her head. Llewellyn nodded. "We start off tomorrow at dawn, till then eat and sleep well." She rose and was gone leaving Zara alone by the fire.


Date: 2010-02-04 23:18 EST
Zara enjoyed a fine meal and the best sleep she had since leaving home. And at dawn she needed no rousing to wake she was awake and ready when Llewellyn came

Llewellyn walked along side Zara. Looking up once in a while. "As long as we are near Cael my men will follow us. Once we reach outside the borders it will just be us two."

"You trust me?" Zara asked. Llewellyn smiled softly. " I trust your name, I know of your father, he is a great smith. And his daughter must be equally great." Zara nodded, "Thank you. I will earn your trust."

Two hours passed before the archers of Cael were no longer with them. "It is three days till the next tribe. We have but time to learn about each other. I will depart what wisdom I out the land. It is a dangerous journey you are on young ranger." Zara brows rose, "I am no..." Llewellyn held up her hand. "But you are, you will come to see as time goes by that you are. " They walked for an hour in slience.Zara watching the forest with great intrigue. It was alive all around her, from the trees and bushes to the animals.

Llewellyn only took note. "You could be well at home here Zara. You see everything, sense it as well.Tell me, what do you sense ahead?" Zara turned her eyes forward and looked to the trees. "A small gathering of wild boar." Llewellyn nodded, "we must stay down wind of them, they can be very violent." She picked their coarse carefully and Zara followed.


Date: 2010-02-04 23:21 EST
As the light changed within the forest Zara knew the day was coming to an end. "We shall make camp here. I will show you how to correctly make up a tent in the forest." And so she did showing Zara through the motions of putting up a tent. Soon they were before a crackling fire. Zara grateful offered Llewellyn some of the last of her fish from the days before. Together they shared a meal and Llewellyn started to recount all she knew of the forest.

"The first tribe we will come upon is Saeabrar. Fine wood crafters, they are the southern most tribe along the lake. They too are forest elves. Sylua is the next tribe just north of Saeabrar. They are known as the fairy kin, for they are moon elves. Magic flows with them. Tyaear is next just north of Sylua, fine fishermen and water mages. They are both water elves, forest elves and silver elves. "

Zara took the words in and nodded.

"Sumean is next, great water elves they all are, masters of the element. Amaera will be the last along the lake that we visit. Great singers, they care for the wild swans and other water fowl that live on the lake. Both forest and water elves live in that tribe. Then we will make our way back to the West along the southern border of Rahelia, till we reach the Uhar'Gar tribe. Some of the wisest and oldest of elves in the forest. Then we will return to Cael. I will help outfit you with supplies, then I will take you to the southern end of The Nieli."

Zara nodded. Llewellyn looked tot he fire. "Rest now, I will take the first watch, at dawn we head off, tomorrow night I will tell you of the desert elves." Zara slept then peacefully till it was her turn to take watch. Then at dawn she and Llewellyn set out to the East once more.

The day passed with talk of how to read the forest. The animals, the plants. What plants were good for food, medicine and shelter. What animals were best to kill,for oor. What tress provided the best places to sent up a tent, and what trees were best for fire wood. All the while Zara noted how Llewellyn treated each thing she spoke of with the most respect.

They walked all day with Llewellyn testing Zara's knowledge of the forest. Llewellyn smiled. Zara was a ranger in heart and soul. She watched and learned and took note. And any time she was wrong, she grew more knowledgeable.


Date: 2010-02-08 23:18 EST
That night Llewellyn had Zara set up the camp, catch dinner and make it. Llewellyn was not surprised to find Zara an able hunter, and fine cook. "You must always clean your space in the forest, wash you dish wear, clean the blood away, for if not wolves and bears will come. " Llewellyn departed that wisdom and showed Zara just how to clean up after dinner.

Soon they were settled before the fire. "I told you of the forest elves, the tribes that live here and you know enough to survive out here in the wild forest. Now I must tell you of the desert, its people and its dangers. While one in the forest worries about bears, wolves. Those in the desert have more to contend with. There is little shade there, a few low bushes, dead trees, and the backside of sand dunes. "

Zara nodded. Llewellyn continued.

"The people make their homes out of that sand. And must endure the heat. When I first saw you I thought you might be a desert elf, you skin is sun touched, as theirs is. But you will find few there with light hair or eyes. From the southern end of the forest just beyond Cael you will go to the North Shari is the tribe you will happen upon. There lives desert elves, green elves and some forest elves. This is the only tribe that may have light hair and light eyed people amoung it."
Zara looked to Llewellyn then to the fire nodding.

Llewellyn looked to the forest and continued. "Once you continue on head northward still yet veer slightly west Deth'Rua is the tribe you will see next. They can tell your past and future with the stars. Stay over night there to see the fine sky. They are desert elves, you will see the differences. Continue west at day break, veer slightly east Ael'Si will be next, you will know you are close when large felines flank you. Do not harm any cat within the desert or Ael'Si warriors will seek you out. They treasure their cats, and the felines will not harm you. Here live desert elves and some green elves. " She smiled knowing all to well that Zara would not harm anything unless sit harmed her first.

"When you continue on Head north, the sands will fade slightly veer more to the East to find Viniten. They are said to behold great powers over the rain, that si why some of their land is green now. Here too are desert and green elves. This is the last tribe of that part of the Nieli. Travel only from dawn to dusk every day. The tribes will ask you to stay likely at least two days, stay two days and two nights and leave on the third morning by dawn. Do not refuse them or they will be very angry."

She tossed another piece of wood to the fire. "On your last morning out from Viniten head south east as if you'd be heading back to the forest then when you see a small plateau head east to find Huavain. the great horse tribe of the desert. I would recommend staying with them for a few days, they are interesting people, dune and desert elves. That will teach you everything you'd ever wish to know about horses. When you at last head out head to the North west Kandrimme lays against the dunes, and they are fine flacon trainers known best for their great eagles. They will teach you much about birds of prey."

The fire burned low again. "Tonight you take first watch."Zara nodded looking over their small camp. Thinking of all the people she had yet to meet all the knowledge yet to be learned.


Date: 2010-02-10 22:58 EST
"This is out last push, by this eve we will be in Saeabrar, as fine wood crafters they will like to see your bow, and arrows."Llewellyn looked to her own. "It is their custom. They honor fine archers, and thus we will be honor for carrying fine bows. "

"How many live in Saeabrar?" Llewellyn gave it some thought, "most tribes long the river have at least one hundred members if not more. Worry not, we will be welcomed all along the river. I am often guest to many of the tribes. You will meet fellow rangers as well, though they are all men." She chuckled. And Zara wondered why Llewellyn still called her a ranger. What made someone a ranger?

The day was filled once more with talk of the forest. Zara thought she would never fully get her fill of the wonderful forest. Llewellyn had her pondering over animals tracks,clmbing trees and sniffing every flower they passed. Zara was convince that by the time she was back in Cael she would know every tree, and plant that lived in the forest.

When night fell they were greeted by two Elven men. Both bowed to Llewellyn. " This is Zara. She is a fellow ranger." They then bowed to Zara as well and led the two women in. Zara was amazed by the size of the encampment unlike Cael's people who seemed to live in and above the trees. Saeabrar's people lived inside the trees in homes cut right from the massive trees, those by the water lived in what looked like floating houses. They were treated with the utmost respect given fine food, supplies and a comfortable tent to share.

When dawn came they were brought their breakfast. And soon met by four men. "These are some of the fine wood makers I spoke of Zara."Llewellyn had her bow outstretched to the men. Zara did like wise. The men studied both bows, then both quivers. They laughed and joked and studied Zara's bow and quiver the most. "Your quiver is bespelled. They find it interesting" Llewellyn whispered. Soon their bows and quivers were returned to them. The four men bowed low and left.

"A great honor for us both." She looked to her quiver where now a dozen more arrows sat. Zara blinked at the arrows, finely made the most wonderful arrows shed ever seen. Llewellyn chuckled. They spent the day with the tribe, walking talking. Llewellyn introduced Zara to many of the families. They watched the water in the lake for a long time as the many children played. They had a fine dinner and herd stories of the woods told by elder members.

At dawn they thanked the great tribe, and left along the bank of the river to the North.


Date: 2010-02-10 23:15 EST
The encampment of the Sylua tribe was as Zara expected, but it held a different enchantment over it. Rather than fine wood makers like The Saeabrar Tribe. The Sylua was indeed touched by some form of magic. Though Llewellyn couldn't explain it. " They say that one day a water fae touched one of the people and from then on all decedents held on to the magic. "

They spent the day by the water side watching the people of Sylua. As they tended tot he reeds and water plants as they seemed to speak tot he fish and talk to little filtering bugs. Zara watched with interest. Never had she seen such magic. They displayed it freely. With no fear.

Llewellyn smirked as Zara watched the tribes people. They ate lunch and dinner without he tribe hearing stories told over a roaring fire. Zara found this tribe most enchanting. me the moon fell she was fast asleep with dreams of fae children.

At dawn they ate a bountiful breakfast and Zara shared some of her own tales with the tribes people and Llewellyn. She told them of Ibaea of farming and the smell of ripe grasses. In turn some of the children told her a story passe don from mother to child about the fairies of the lake. Before night fall Llewellyn and Zara were off on a well lit path to the North towards Tyaear.

They walked the well lit path for some time Zara studied the lamps that hung form the trees. "Isilme calma, moonlight lamps given to the people of the fairy tribe to light their ways. We will be passing out of their realm soon, and will make came then continue on at dawn. "


Date: 2010-02-11 23:36 EST
Tyaear lay before them now it was just past noon as the light on the lake shown brightly. They had been welcomed with open arms again in tot he mists of the great water mages and fishermen. Zara could see them now on little boats in the lake or standing waist high in the water seeming at peace with everything about them.

Llewellyn introduced Zara again as a ranger and the people welcomed her. Llewellyn seemed most at home here so far away from Cael. The people greeted her the men watched her in amazement. Zara only noted then that the men watched her as well. She wax quick to rejoin Llewellyn. The elfess snickered as she sat down.

" Your not used to men looking at you are you?" Llewellyn waved to a few of the Elven men. "No." Zara admitted. "I have a few male suitors throughout these lands, men who wish to be my mate. I have not settled upon any, a link with the tribes would be good for Cael. " Zara looked back towards the lake many of the Tyaear men walked about without shirts on, she had never seen so many bare chested men.

Llewellyn was chuckling. "There is no harm in looking Zara. The males of each tribe are different many are very handsome. " She looked over a few. "Braern, is one of the finer fishermen's, his skills lie in water arts." Following Zara's gaze to the tall Elven man with his back to them. "He is unattached you should say hello." Zara shook her head. "I have no interest in wooing anyone." Llewellyn's brows rose, "perhaps in time you'll find someone you cannot resist."

They spent the afternoon there talking and learning the best ways to catch fish from the lake. That night they dined on fish and Zara watched as Llewellyn spoke to a few of her likely gentlemen callers. Zara sat aloe by the fire not willing to speak to anyone even though she could feel their gazes.

At dawn they left Tyaear. Llewellyn seemed in very high spirits as they walked along the banks to the North.

"Braern spoke to me last night, he seems to have a little bit of a fancy with you." Zara flushed and looked away. Llewellyn snickered, " I told you, you should have spoken to him. Need not run off with him. But speaking to someone besides me and the elders and children might do you well. " Zara nodded, she wouldn't know what to say to a man, the only men she knew were those of the hunting party and her father back home.

They walked for a few hours before making a small camp near lunch time. Zara both cooked and cleaned after ward in silence.


Date: 2010-02-15 23:15 EST
They reached Sumean when the moon was high and casting it long glow along the lake. There upon the Lake Zara watched as women and men walked with ease upon the surface as if it was made of glass. "That is why they are called water riders, the walk and ride the water as if they were made from it them selves, and their stories say they are."

They came in to camp and were greeted by many. Zara noted that many of the tribe had green, blue or silvery green, or blue hair. They sat by the fire and once again enjoyed a fine eel of fish, and breads. Storied were told in Elven and common to the group.

After a good nights sleep and much thought on what Llewellyn had said the next dawn Zara walked tot he lake side and sat tow attach someone the people fishing and walking on the water.

"Its amazing isn't it?" A male voice drew her attention from behind. Zara looked over her shoulder to the Elven man standing barefoot and bare chested behind her. "Yes, amazing." He nodded and didn't say much else as he went to fishing. Llewellyn was so good at this talking to people, men and women. Zara was fine with elders, children and fellow women but the only men shed ever spoken to were her friends and father back home. And those few men on her journey here, and very few so far had been Elven men of her own age.

She couldn't find it in her to speak to him and rose and left the lake side.

Later that night Llewellyn reappeared and took up a seat beside Zara. "Kelvhan would not have bitten you." She smiled looking over to the male Zara had seen by the lake. "He is a fishermen of a good family, handsome enough yes?" Zara shrugged and looked to the fire. "Your not used to talking to males outside of your home, I can tell. There they know you, you have ranking there. Here your a ranger and well thought of already.. go talk to him. " She nudged Zara softly.

Zara rose slowly and walked around the fire to join in the talk on the other side. Kelvhan was there and Llewellyn smiled when the two got talking.

At dawn when Llewellyn woke she found Zara still sound asleep. She would let her sleep a little while longer before waking her. They enjoyed breakfast without eh tribe then once more headed out after few good-byes.


Date: 2010-02-15 23:24 EST
Three days and two nights later they reached the encampment of Uhar'Gar, like Cael they built their small tent like homes around and in the trees, clsoe tot he birds they were named after. Zara came to understand why they had arrived at night. Uhar'Gar praised its owls like gods, and its people were most active at night like the owls. The people were slight and swift. They spoke in wise words and their elders were among the oldest in all of the forest.

Zara felt she could spend days there and never fully understand these people. But she spent her nights getting to know some of the tribe and learning all she could about the great owls that called the forest home. They enjoyed the tribes company for one full night and half day.

A day and a half later they were back in Cael. Welcomed home by Llewellyn's archer friends. Already Zara felt much at home here in the forest. Llewellyn spoke highly of her new found friend and hated to see Zara go. But after one nights full rest and some new supplies for Zara Llewellyn led Zara for the southern end of the Nieli.

"Before you go I have a few more things to impart I have told you all of the forest and desert that I know, still there is Snow haven to tell you of, that and of Gilthi, Tindomerel and Abban." "Gilthi lies in the northwest of Evils bear the Aevir, and contains mostly sylvan and forest elves. One of my dear friends from back home is from there."

Llewellyn nodded, " then just of Tindomerel, it lies in the far southern end of Eyllis near the Aevir, and holds the most diversity for a tribal land, if it can be called holds elves,humans, Halflings and Drow. And I think it becomes more like Teien every day. " Zara nodded. "I know well of Teien and Kerani." Llewellyn nodded, " most do. The townships are not well thought of. "

Llewellyn walked slowly the trees were beginning to thin. "In Snow haven you will find three tribes, Ilri, is the most southern close to the dunes and Nieli. Its both snow and ice elves there, magic sues as well they ill know your coming. Daeoro is the most northern closer to Lukiae. Snow and ice elves there as well, they prize their white flowers. And Vonlirr, is the deepest within the valley and the coldest tribal land. "

Zara nodded she could see the desert now, the light was bright. "Make a small camp, and I shall tell you what I know of Abban." Zara went to work making a camp recalling what Llewellyn had said about the desert, from dawn to dusk. It was almost noon now and far to late to start in to Nieli.

"Abban is the under city of the Drow. Many things can be said about Drows, many surface elves do not like them, but they are people like everyone else. Bad and good both. I know little about the city itself few surface elves have ever seen it, there are six major houses of the Drow, rather than tribes. The first two hold the most power. House Rilyn is the first, mages, fighters and ruled by both male and female. They allow inbreeding, but no inbred child can be raised in Abban."

Zara's brows went up slightly.

"House Auvry is second, known for their great warriors, weaponsmiths and traders. They also allow inbreeding, and a child of dark skin can be raised in the under city. House Arab is third and women rule this house, clerics and priestesses they worship the dark goddess of Lloth. And men are merely for sport, play and slavery. House Mae is the firth house and mostly men, great raiders of the surface, they give most Drow a bad name. House Hla is fifth they are the great wizards of the Abban and should never be crossed. House Arken is the fifth house and also holds many wizards, both men and women can be wizards in this house. "

"Most Drows worship Lloth the dark goddess. Eilistraee the good goddess of the Drow is worshiped by the first two houses. Selvetarm, is Lloth's grandson and Champion is worshiped by House Mae. All others are to Lloth. "

Zara nodded. Llewellyn settled down in the small camp as night began to fall. " Many surface elves would say I'quelin Mori'Quessier naa ba Mori'Quessir . But I think everyone deserves a chance. I have never met a Drow. And would not judge. " Zara smiled, " You are very understanding." Llewellyn nodded, "I treat those around me as I wish to be treated."

Zara hardly found it easy to sleep that night thinking of all the adventure yet to come. Though she would hate saying good-bye to Llewellyn she knew it would not be forever.


Date: 2010-02-18 01:11 EST
The good-bye was not easy. But heading northward away from the forest was harder.Zara had grwon ver aucstom to the dark shade of the trees and even now with the sun just peeking it stung her eyes. The sand was cool in the morning as she made her way for Shari . She had expected them to see her coming.And so she had seen them, warriors both men and women flanking her along the sand.

She bowed low to them and rgeeted them in elven then asked to be taken to the chieften. While they led her in she ntoed that indeed some were fair haired and fiar skinned as she was,a few had light toned eyes. When she reached the encmapment she was greeted by a tall elderly man, with tan toned skin and black hair. He welcomed her to stay with them. Noteing her as a ranger.

The Shari people were very kind.they welcomed her in to their camp and thus began the story telling. Zara both herad and told tales. The Shari were very interseted in the ways of those near the lake. And so she told them,seaking highly of the people.

She spent the night in a nice tent laying against a cool bed roll. The sands were cold at night and warm in the day. At sawn though she hated to go so soon she bid the people goobye and headed on to the north. Veering slightly to the west as she walked.As the day got warmer she took time to stop and rest in the shade of small bushes or dead trees shadows.


Date: 2010-02-18 01:17 EST
She was glad to be greeted by a few very oddly dressed elves. They wore sand toned clothing and were very tan.One amoung themw as a woman she was sure even though eher face was hidden by a long colorful scarf. They led her with out pause in to the Deth'Rua encampment. She was welcomed with out question. Llewellyn ahd said that Zara would be well known of sooner rather than alter.News went quickly in the land of new rangers. Zara still didnt know why she was recalled as a ranger.

But she took it all in stride as she was greeted by the people of the tribe. Llewellyn ahd said they were star gazesers and readers of said stars. Zara did not know what tot hink of that. But come night fal they lit no fire only small torchers and sat looking up, women, men, old and young. "They can read your past and future with the stars." Llewellyn had said.

As she sat looking up one of the elders came to sit by her. Zara smiled to the elderly woman. "The night speaks well of you dear, it says many great things about your past, and about your future. "Zaras brows rose softly, "what does it say, great one?" The elder took Zaras hand. Then looked up, "On your journey you will come to meet many people,learn of your self,and your powers, come to learn of your home, and return home with news. "Her eyes shut, " and many months from now, you will meet a man..And you will fall in love with this man." Zara looked to the elder who merely smiled.

Zara didnt know if she beilved in love or not. The rest fo the night she sat pondering the stars.


Date: 2010-02-18 14:45 EST
At dawn she said good-bye once more and headed off to the North. She could have spent many more days there, but the people of the stars had her pondering her journey and now who this man was. This man she was going to meet and fall in love with.

Ael'Si was slightly to the East so she veered that way across the sands towards the settlement. She knew she was closer now as two large sand toned cats flanked her. They were large the size of a small panther, but sand toned and lovely. Three more joined them as she stood before the encampment. She was greeted and asked why she was there, once she spoke her name they welcomed her. Mighty ranger they called her. The people of the great cat tribe moved around like great felines them selves. They stride long and lithe their eyes picked out the smallest of rodents crawling along the sands.

Zara became quite fond of the and their large cats. She found that there were many cats about the tribe, the larger ones were warriors and guards the smaller ones like pets who were trained to catch food or vermin. Here on the outskirts between land and sand they lived in peace with the land. And Zara stayed with them for two full days.


Date: 2010-02-18 14:47 EST
When she set off to the North once more heading more due east now she saw the Viniten encampment and looked back to see two large sand toned cats leading away. They had watched her come and go. The land became patchy and green as she walked in to the encampment. The people welcomed her, already speaking of her name and her journey through the lands. She came to sit and eat with them for four days seeing first hand how some of their mages called upon the storms to bring rain tot he dry desert land. Here it was at first that she felt that spark with in her.

"All elves have some powers, you'll come to find yours." Llewellyn had said. As she watched the rain she felt that power surge though her. But it passed with the coming dawn. s she walked away towards Rahelia she wondered what the power was. Why the rain had made her feel it. As she crossed in to the green plain all was forgotten. Now she could travel all day through the tall grasses and find good shade once more.

Off across the Rahelia Plain letting the cool breeze bathe her in. She could smell the grass yet still feel the warm sun upon her skin. So much had happened so long had passed. The months were changing, she knew but the time she reached Snow Haven it may be winter.

But she kept to her quest taking rest once the night came upon in full. She built no fire with in the plain though it was forbidden. She spent the night there looking up at the stars still thinking of that foretold future. Perhaps she would meet that man she would come to love on her quest. Shed met many people and many men already. But she felt no loving feelings now for any of them. She pondered who the man might be that would steal her heart. A warrior? A poet? A fine smith or trader? She shifted in the grass looking up. Wishing she knew more now.


Date: 2010-02-18 23:45 EST
At dawn still heading south east she saw the plateau Llewellyn spoke of and headed due east from there. Huavain. was the tribe of great horse lords and so she was not surprised when three male elves all on horse back circled around her.

"Greetings Zara, ranger of the wilds." One of them dismounted and bowed to her. He was short with sandy toned hair and brown eyes. "I am Tanseril Huavain and we have heard of your coming. Please, let me give you a ride in to the camp. "

Zara looked to the great horse, then to the Elven man. Shed never ridden a horse. Tanseril took her hand gently. Zara let him lead her towards his horse. "This is Thain, he is a very good horse. " Zara held her hand out for the horse. It sniffed at her and blew back that sniff in to her face. The men around them laughed. Tanseril nodded, "he likes you, here I will help you mount." He led her around and then with much ease lifted her up on to the horse then was up behind her and off they went for the encampment.

Zara found ridding oddly relaxing. They reached the encampment and were greeted by many. Tanseril introduced Zara to the tribes people. She learned that every family had at least one horse, the warriors each had their own and children learned to ride at a young age. The found the horses int he wild and did not break them or tame them. They were still very much wild. They ran in large groups when not with their Elven families.

She spent time hearing stories and telling them. This place felt much like home. The peopled like many of the tribes before welcomed her and grew close to her. She learned about their fine horses, and grew more used to ridding. She stayed a long time without he great horse tribe. Five days had fully passed before the dawn of her leaving came and Tanseril was the one to ride out with her.

"I do hate to see you go Lady Zara,"he admitted. Zara smiled, she knew he had grown fond of her. "Perhaps you might come back someday?" He said very hopeful as she easily dismounted. "Perhaps, fair thee well till then." She headed tot he north west looking back only once to see Tanseril watching her go. He was a kind soul, good with his people and his horse. But she knew he was too fond of her. Like Ny had been before. She may return but hoped by then he might have settled for someone better suited for him.

Kandrimme lay before her by the time the moon was full over head. She sat by the fire side as the tribes people spoke. She was watching them. So different from the other tribes, they had sharp eyes and ears like their bird companions. Every shoulder had a falcon of some sort upon it, those of high rank had eagles, fine dark brown eagles. At fist the mighty birds scared her. They were wild after all merely there trained to hunt and kill prey for their masters, they were even trained to hunt down other elves and men should they so feel the need to.

But in time Zara grew used to the sharp eyes of the falcons and of the people. But she stayed no more than three days with them. Heading out on the forth morning for SnowHaven.


Date: 2010-02-18 23:46 EST
As she headed across the dunes she thought of home. Of Ibaea. The months had gotten colder,even the sands had been cooler during the long days. Now as she rose up over the dunes and looked down in tot he valley known as Snow Haven she looked off towards home.

Shed been gone many months now, how much had changed? She thought of Kerani, the very first village she had ever seen outside of her own. And now shed seen the tribal lands of both he forest and the sands. Lukiae stood beyond the valley already its high peeks had snow. And now as she headed down the backside of the sand dunes she felt the chill from the valley. But it did not raise the hairs on her arms or even on the back of her neck. No, she seemed to revel in the cold.

She was headed east along the dunes for Vonlirr the deep set tribe. She gathered her will and headed down in to the valley.

The snow seemed to shimmer and shine in the light of the mid day sun. She was not greeted when she wandered in tot he encampment. Only given a few long glances. As she got closer to the center of the encampment she could hear whispers all in Elven. " Mae govannen Zara Idande Oio naa elealla alasse'"

A soft female voice said and Zara looked behind her to see a woman standing she was nearly as tall as Zara was with long sliver hair that shown softly blue in the light. Her eyes were peering ice blue. Her skin though tan had an odd blue tone to it.

"Vedui'." Zara bowed her head. "I am Elara Vonlirr, and we have heard much of your travels through the lands. I would like to welcome you to the encampment. But I think there is more pressing news for you in Ilri." Zara's brows rose to that. Elara looked off towards Ilri. "I will take you there at dawn. Please rest in my tent and enjoy a fine meal." Elara led Zara to her tent. That Zara enjoyed a fine meal and Elara's company till she took in rest.


Date: 2010-02-18 23:52 EST
At dawn the winter chill still hung on the camp. But even with her arms nearly bare Zara did not feel the cold. Elara as promised took her for Ilri. Zara wondered what news could there be in a place shed never seen. She didn't ask any questions though and at the far border of the encampment Elara left Zara. " Wait here Keelin will come to you."

Before Zara could ask Elara disappeared in to the ever gathering mist. The mist became thicker and thicker as Zara waited. "Be not worried, Zara of Ibaea. "

Zara focused through the mist and it parted slowly and a woman the same height as Zara herself came through it dressed in light blue and white, her hair was stark white and shimmered like snow, her eyes were blue nearly the same tone as Zara's own. "My name is Keelin Ilri, and I have heard of your coming. I thought you might come to us first but I had the other Snow Haven tribes look out for you." "What is this about?" Zara asked, and Keelin came closer. "Your past Zara. Please come with me." Zara didn't know what else to do but follow.

They entered the encampment of the Ilri and again people whispered in Elven as Zara passed. She caught a few words 'lost daughter' 'great wander' and 'half blood.' She had no clue what any of them meant. Soon Keelin and Zara were alone. " I should explain my peoples whispers first. You know you are not of Idande blood." Zara nodded, "yes I know that. My parents have always been very up front with me on that. " Keelin nodded, " yet they know not where you came from. But I do." Zara looked to Keelin and her brows rose more.

"It will not be easy to hear. You are of this tribe, your mother, your birth mother was my sister, Kalea Ilri. She died a few years after giving you up. But she couldn't keep you." Zara starred at Keelin. "Why?" Keelin sat back a bit, " Many tribes would accept a half breed, but many of them are also very dogmatic, and back then Ilri was one. " "Half breed but..." Keelin held up her hand, " your mother was of this tribe, but your birth father was a Drow elf, of house Auvry. Riz Kenai Auvry, second son of the royal house. "

Zara felt as if the breath had been stolen from her body. She knew of the second house of the Drow City, they allowed inbreeding as Llewellyn had said. "My father is..." Keelin nodded, " you know the mark upon your skin just above your left hip, your parents told you it was a birth mark, and it sort of is." Zara looked to her left side and brushed her fingers along the cloth of her shirt.

Very few had seen that odd marking upon her, it was onyx in color and shaped like a tree. " In Abban royal houses have their markings upon Drow children the mark shows as purple in the light of the under dark, but in children of fairer skin the mark is onyx like the tone of a Drows skin. Auvry's mark is of a tree. The tree of the goddess Eilistraee, whom is a good goddess. "

Zara nodded. "My mother is dead, what of my father?" Keelin shrugged. "I do not know, I know that Kalea loved him very much. He never married her, I am sure by now if he's still alive he has taken other wives. But that is why the people of snow haven whisper, long has it been foretold that the lost daughter would return."

Zara ran her fingers through her hair. Keelin smiled, " that is why the cold will never bother you, that is why ice runs through your fingers, you likely have felt it. Its part of your power, all ice elves can do things with snow or ice, our bodies run colder than other elves, and most of us could not endure what you have in the desert of Nieli. But in contrast most Drows are killed by deep cold. I can only assume your blood is very well mixed. You might also have some Drow powers, but you have to test that theory out. " Zara was nodding along. " When I left for my quest a boy I knew kissed me, he looked nearly frozen after ward."

Keelin nodded, " you must be careful of your touch, your powers are coming in to the full. "She ducked in to her tent and came out with three things, a pair of dark green gloves and a cloak the same color. "These gloves, are enchanted, they will keep your hands warm and keep you from freezing over things."She handed them over. "And this cloak will keep you warm and safe from the sun as well. Our eyes are very sensitive to light, as are Drow kins eyes so you will need it all the more."

Zara accepted the gifts and was quick to put the gloves and cloak on. Keelin smiled, "It suits you." Zara smiled and looked away off towards home. Keelin followed her gaze. "It has been long since you saw Ibaea. Stay a few days with us, I can teach you of your powers, and tell you of your mother. Then you should return home, seek not out any more tribes here, they will have to be given time to accept you."

Zara nodded agreeing to stay.


Date: 2010-02-22 15:34 EST
Zara stayed for a few days with in the Ilri encampment though they seemed to accept her, there was and under lying feeling of hate. Keelin told Zara about her mother, taught her of her many powers over ice, snow, mist and water. Then with a few supplies Keelin bid her fare well. Zara wanted to see the last of the tribes in the valley but Keelin had told her it was better not to.

But she wasn't ready to go home. With much weighing on her mind She headed north far past the Daeoro tribe over the snow covered sand and rocky dunes and in to the snow covered field of Northern most Rahelia, then she looked up at the Lukiae Mountains. Unsure of who she was or where she fit in now. She headed in to those cliffs.


Date: 2010-02-22 15:35 EST
'Half-blood.' The words echoed in her ears like the cold wind. Up along the trail higher in to the mountains she walked alone. The snow clung to the high peeks but it was cold here. But she did not feel the cold upon her skin, more so in her heart. What did it mean to be a half-blood? Did it make her any less good or noble? What would her parents those who raised her think of her? What would her friends think of her? Would she still be consisted a ranger in the eyes of Llewellyn and those she had met?

The trail was long and lonely, used only by bears and the orcs that called this land home. She knew it was dangerous up here, many kinds of beasts called these mountains home. She wandered up along the craggy trail past the pines and oaks that hung on to the rocks, past the under brush and the hiding squirrels in there under ground homes.

Here she was alone, alone with all her thoughts and fears. What did being half Drow mean? She had never met a Drow, and had only heard about them from Llewellyn. Perhaps she should seek out a Drow in Abban. But surface dwellers were not often welcomed below. She climbed all the higher towards the snow and ice. Wishing for some escape.

As day turned to night she found herself in a small save with a small fire. She was not hungry though she had enough food to last her for some time. She sat staring in to the fire. The heat felt nice, never had heat bothered her. She wondered how that could be. If ice and snow elves could not stand the heat and Drows could not stand the cold how did it come that her birth parents had even met? She had not asked Keelin, and wondered if the woman would have old her anything.

She found no rest not even when all else was quiet save but the crackling fire and the howling wind. She had found herself and lost herself all in the same day.


Date: 2010-02-22 15:36 EST
The trek up around the mountains turned in to her quest now. She was seeking out danger more than anything else. She would track foot prints of orcs and giants till they disappeared around a bend. She tracked some for days through the snow and rocks only to find them long gone. She tracks the great wolves of the peeks stalking after them, as they stalked after their deer or rabbits.

But no fights came to her in the first few days, she found many a cave to use as her home. The star at night her only company. Lost. So lost she was. Not knowing if she could ever return home.

On the fifth morning out along the trail she came across prints of a band of orcs. They had wandered past her in the night and were now not far ahead. She tracked them to the camp. There were ten of them, large smelly things.

They sat around a fire drinking and eating. Zara felt very sick when she saw what they were eating. It looked like parts of a person torn asunder. As she looked over their came she saw cages, five grimy cages. In three of them sat chained slaves. Two humans and one elf, all in tattered clothing. two were women, one very young. The one male of the group was the elf, he was looking around very much alive waiting to attack his captors.

The one human woman looked about thirty her hair was matted with blood her clothes torn. The girl in the other cage couldn't have been older than ten or maybe twelve. Her eyes were red with tears, her clothes tattered and bloody, but she looked unharmed. Zara knew that the blood on that girls clothing was not likely hers.

Zara looked back tot he Elven male they held. He looked like a fighter, his eyes were constantly scanning the camp. She followed his gaze tot he far left. Ahh weapons, his weapons a fine Elven bow and blade. One orc guarded the cages, two guarded the way in to the camp.

Zara looked around from her low place under brush. Now would not be the best time to attack.

She looked to the sun, it was far to high. She sank along the rocks as three orcs passed her. Now there were thirteen orcs in the camp. There seemed to be another way in or out of the came at the far eastern end. But it was well guarded. She looked at the cliff face behind the camp. There was no ways he could scale that. If she could get in the back way she might be able to set the Elven man free then he might be able to aid her in killing the orcs and setting the other two free.

She knew that the back way was likely a few miles back around about through the mountains. That could take days if she didn't run in to trouble. No, she had to figure out a way in from the front without being seen.


Date: 2010-02-22 23:27 EST
Hours passed and patrols walked right past her hiding spot. She dared not move till darkness came. A the sun set an odd scene unfolded a small group of hooded men came for the camp, they pulled with them a large cage on wheels. Zara looked at them carefully. Drows, three were Drow males and three were human.

Zara knew then that they were slavers working somehow with the orcs. As she walked up to the orc sentries the three in front conversed without he orcs in their horrid tongue. Zara looked at the large cage then at the men whom stood behind it. This was her shot. She kept low close to the under brush. Then she let an arrow fly back behind where the men and Drow slavers had come from. It bounced off stones and set forth a rumble. The Drow males looked first then shouted at the three men to go look. Once they ere gone Zara slid along the cage and under it and took hold.

Soon the cage was wheeled in to the orc encampment. Zara hung on waiting. Not many orcs would work with anything besides other orcs, she wondered what the deal was. As the night got darker she slid from her hiding spot. Now she could see the cages that held the captives quite well, as well as the orc sentries and patrol groups. She saw the three Drow males, their hoods down before the fire. Laughing. But the three men were no where to be seen.

As she scanned over the orcs by the fire she noted something, it made her stomach turn. Three bodies lay there quite dead, and picked apart. Their clothes, weapons and anything of value gone. All three human men were dead, being feasted upon now. So that was the deal the Drows bring them food and the orcs collect slaves.

The night grew colder and darker and many of the rocs went off tos leep.the Drows were long in their tents now. Only three orcs stayed up, one sentry in the back along the road and two in front. Zara used this time to free the Elven man.


Date: 2010-02-22 23:31 EST
She slid up beside the cage cloaked and hidden. At first the Elven man started to scream. "Dina." She called in and lowered her hood. He blinked at her and nodded. "I am going to set you free, then you and I can kill your captors and set them free." She looked tot he woman and the child both asleep "Who are you?" He asked in a hushed tone. "Taur'othar." Was all she said as she set to picking his lock once the lock was picked and he was free she helped him down. "If you help me we all get out of here alive." He nodded "I will help you. my name is Aerarnon I am from Shari. " Zara nodded, "come then. "

She led him to his weapons and he took them up with a smile. "Quick as shadows we must be. First we have to kill the sentries on both sides, there is one in the back and two in the front. " Aerarnon nodded, "shall we take the two up front together?" Zara shook her head. "You go take the one out that stands guard to the back road, and find his friend who sleeps there near by, I shall take the two up front, then we will meet back here." He nodded and headed off. Zara took long a breath and headed out as well in the shadows to the front sentries.

They never heard her coming nor did anyone hear them as they died. The first was dead before she even got to the second one. Both died quickly one full of arrows the other with a quick slice to its neck. Shed never fought orcs before but knew well enough how to kill an animal. She left no signs behind taking her used arrows with her. She met Aerarnon back at the cages a few moments later. "Both are dead, cuts to their neck." Zara nodded. " We must free the others." She set to freeing the child while he freed the woman.

Then they headed in to the shadows the four of them. "Oh thank you." The woman said the girl clung to her feet. Zara then noted they must be related. "You are welcome, now all three of you go, that way in to the mountains, double around and you'll find the way back to your home." "Tindomerel is miles from here. We may never make it." "I will take you " Aerarnon stated. Zara nodded, "good keep them safe, till they reach home. "He nodded, " they will be looking for us come dawn."

Zara looked to the sky, "I will take care of them, keep them busy. Go now hurry lead them along." Aerarnon nodded then looked to the woman and child and the three ran off. Zara watched them go and once out of sight she crept back in to the camp.

Very soon the first patrols would be waking to find their look outs dead. She had to move fast. She wanted nothing more than to kill the three Drow men, so she set off for their tent. All were still sleeping soundly. She cut her way soundlessly through the tents back. The tent was divided in to small rooms. A male in each. She listened tested the air for traps and finding none she set off and one by one killed each. She used her hunting knife, and Elven sword. She cut their necks and made sure they would not scream for help.

She left the tent without he three dead Drow to the slowly brightening sky. She heard orcs awake now, the first patrol was out. They were heading for the cages. She had to stop them. So using one of her arrows from before she shot it in to the air back along the front road. The patrol ran that way to find two dead look outs, they set out in search of their killers. The parol came back later to wake the others, they'd not found anything. But when they went to wake their allies they found them dead in their beds filled with arrows and cut throats.

Zara hid now shed killed the Drow and her fair share of orcs. Now only five remained all looking quite scared of their camp now thinking it haunted. She knew her job was done. Even after finding the Drow men dead and their captives gone the orcs did not go to pursue the once captive slaves.

Zara confident that they would not see her nor follow her slid away down the back road.


Date: 2010-02-22 23:34 EST
She felt good again, three days had passed since the orc cam and she continued to follow the tracks of those she had rescued. Round about the mountain they had gone, resting in caves at night. She saw no other signs of anything following them. Aerarnon would keep them safe she was sure.

A week passed before she found the other side of the mountain again, the tracks had led her here and now they went down the mountain towards the Rahelia. The three were safe and Zara had found herself again, and found that she was a ranger after all. A protector of the people and a walker with wilderness. Now more sure of her self than ever she headed down the pathway towards home.


Date: 2010-02-22 23:51 EST
Ibaea had never looked so good. The snow had begun to fall all around her. Ibaea was before her now after so many months she had come back home. She hugged that dark green cloak closer and walked on in tot he village square.

She got smiles and waves and as she expected her friends from the hunting party were the first to greet her. "Zara!" Luana Ashemmii ran towards her smiling and they embraced. "Oh Zara where have you been? " Zara embraced her dearest friend smiling. "I have been every where." Nylian, Elidyr and Dhoean walked up behind the embracing women Elidyr bowed his head to Zara and Dhoean smirked at her. Ny was very silent as he looked to Zara. "Welcome home." Zara smiled softly, she knew he had not gotten past her not loving him back in the same way that he loved her.

The four walked along towards Zara's farm house. There her parents rushed out and greeted her. Iliana couldn't have been happier to see her daughter. Alinar nodded to those about them then embraced his daughter. Zara smiled to her parents then to her friends. "I need to speak with my parents." She addressed her friends. The three nodded and left the farm house. Zara would see them later.

Once inside Iliana started to mother Zara. "We were so worried about you. But we started to hear about a wondering elf how was going through the lands. We hoped it was you." Zara smiled to her mother the woman who had raised her, she had come home and now she had to tell them. "Atar, atara. I have seen the wild world of Eyllis, I have met many great people. And I have learned the truth. You never knew where I had come from, but you raised me as your own. But I know now where I came from. "Her mother sat down slowly while her father looked on. "In my travels across the land, I came in to the tribe of Vonlirr where a woman of that tribe told me that someone in Ilri had to speak to me, she led me to meet with Keelin Ilri. And Keelin told me. " Zara took a long breath.

"My birth mother was an ice elf of Ilri, her name was Kalea. And she died two years after she gave me up." Iliana smiled softly, long had her daughter wanted to know where she came from. Zara sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Keelin gave me these gloves and this cloak they are supposed to help, not only keep me warm but keep me from freezing over things I might touch. She taught me of my powers and told me of my mother. She also told me of my birth father. His name was Riz Kenai Auvry."

Alinar sat down now. Zara knew her father would know that name. She continued. "He was a Drow of Abban the second son of the house of Auvry. " There was silence now. Yet Zara continued , " That is why Kalea couldn't keep me in Snow Haven, and I could not be raised in Abban for my skin as light. I am sure you both wondered what the marking on my back above my hip meant. You told me it was a birth mark and indeed it is. A mark of house Auvry. "

Iliana took Zara's gloved hands in her own. "It doesn't matter who they were, my dearest daughter, you may not be of my blood but you are my daughter." Alinar nodded along. "She's right, we love you Zara, you are our daughter. But I am glad you know the truth now. You have longed for that. " Zara smiled and was at the verge of tears. She had been so worried that her parents would never understand but they did.

"I know of my ice elf side, but I need to go to Abban to learn about my father and my Drow side." Alinar shook his head, "that will be far too dangerous, they do not often allow surface dwellers in to the under city." Zara nodded, "I have a feeling if I show this marking that they might allow me in. I am going to ask the hunting group to come with me to Gilthi, but I only pan to tell Luana of my birth parents. She is of two houses human and elf and she will understand. " Both Iliana and Alinar nodded.

Zara stayed there in her child hood home for a few days soaking in her parents love and the love and friendship from her dearest friends then she did as she said she would and asked her friend to join her on a trek towards Gilthi.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:14 EST
Gilthi was five miles from the edge of Ibaea. The four friends started off at dawn. Dhoean was more than happy to be headed back home it had been long few months. And even through the now thinking snow the friends never wavered.

None seemed to wonder why Zara wanted to trek this way. When they reached Gilthi is was night fall. Dhoean lead them along the ever growing village encampment. Towards his parents dwelling. The Gilthi's happily welcomed their son and his friends in to their small hut home.

Zara knew she could never tell them all why she had wanted to come this way. So she intended to lie. Later that night she rose from her sleep and went to rouse Luana. Somehow Luana was already wake seeming to sense Zara's coming.

Zara sat down beside her friend out side the small hut home. "I know everyone is wondering why we have come this way. And I am sure even Dho knows it was not to see his family. I am going to tell them that I need to go to Teien, that you alone will lead me there and they will return home. But in all truth I will not be going to Teien. I am going in to Abban. " Luana listened intently. "The Drow City." Zara nodded, "I must tell you something, something you must keep between us, you must not tell Dho, Ny or Eli." Luana nodded. "On my journey," Zara began "I learned of who I am, where I came from. I have told my parents, and now I shall tell you. I am a half breed, part ice elf part Drow." Luana looked to her dearest friend and there was no judgment in her eyes. " You choose to tell me because I am a half breed as well." Zara nodded.

Luana smiled, "I do not blame you there is much judgment in this world, I will hold your secret. In the morning we will tell the others that I am leading you to Teien and send them off. Once they are away we will cross the river towards Abban and outside the cave I shall leave you and go for Teien myself. " Zara nodded and hugged Luana, 'thank you."


Date: 2010-02-23 23:16 EST
At dawn while eating around the large table in the small hut home Zara told Ny, Dho and Eli of her and Luana's plans. Ny tried unsuccessfully to let him accompany them but the two would not allow it. In the end the three men went back for Ibaea and once they were long out of sight Zara and Luana set off. It was short two mile trek to the river bank where they crossed the old stone bridge towards Abban.

While they walked Zara told Luana of all she had seen and done. Of the tribes of the forest, sand and snow. Of Llewellyn, Tanseril, Elara and Keelin. Of the men she had met and those who found her interesting. She told Luana of the star reading of that love yet to come. Yet Zara convinced even Luana that she did not believe a word the elder had said. Of the orc encampment the battle and setting slaves free. Luana listened, then told Zara of how things had changed in Teien of how everyone was fearful for their own lives. Slavers were every where.

Once they stood outside the cave entrance to Abban the two said good-bye. "Be careful Zara."Luana hugged her friend then headed along the path way down the South Road for Teien.

Zara watched Luana go then turned to look in to the darkness of the cave


Date: 2010-02-23 23:17 EST
The sun was still high int he sky but within the caves of Abban it would be dark, very dark. Zara thought back to her days in the Lukiae Mountains. To those small caves that she had used as shelter. They had been dark but the light had always come in they were never that deep. The main entrance to Abban was not guarded above the entrance in to the mountain it self was written. "Tar sina tarna naa Tel' daer Mori'Quessir tal en' Abban. Ilya Mori'Quessir naa leitha a' minna. Ilya n'at anid." Beyond this passage is the great Drow City of Abban. All Drow are free to enter. All others avoid.

Zara read the passage twice over it was in the common tongue of the surface elf. Likely to keep most elves, dwarves and some humans away. But she had not come all this way just to turn around so with one last look at the sun and the surround she walked in to the dangerous under world of Abban.

No sentries stood guard near the entrance, no one seemed to be around. She walked slowly carefully. Using her keen senses to guide her. Amazingly she could see. The darkness did not seem so dark to her eyes, everything seemed as if she was still on the surface. She took deep breath smelling the earth. Moist and wet and deep. There was also the scent of blood on the air. She grew ever cautious as she walked. The main tunnel suddenly broke off in to three different directions. Which way should she go?


Date: 2010-02-23 23:22 EST
" Tampa" Came the order from her right. And when she looked that way a young male Drow came running at her cross bow fixed upon her. Zara held up her hands. " Kel tuulo' sinome ie' yalu. Palme Edhel." Zara looked over the youth he was tall with stark white hair and crimson eyes, he dressed in all black, was well armed not only with that cross bow but a dirk and sword at his side and his eyes were fixed on her. "Lle quena i'lambe tel' edan?" If she had to go through everything in elvish it would take quite a while.

He looked at her for a long moment. "Yes, I speak the tongue of men." She nodded, "I am here to seek out house Auvry. I have business with them." Those crimson eyes narrowed at her, "what business does a surface elf have with the second royal house?" He shifted closer and she saw that upon that cloak he wore was a purple tree much the same to the marking on her back. He was of house Auvry. "I have this to discuss with them." She lifted up the left side of her shirt to show that onyx marking upon her fair skin. The Drow male lowered his cross bow. And looked long and hard at that marking. "Come with me."

He gestured in to tunnel he had just come from. Zara went in first and he followed closely behind. They walked for some time in silence all the while Zara took note of passages they passed of other Drows. Soon they stood in a wide opening in which sat a large structure craved from the very stone. "House Auvry." He stated flatly. And led her inside all the while others were watching her.

They walked in to the large house structure in to a large gathering area where many Drow both male and females stood. He led her on grabbing her by the arm. Zara did not show any resistance figuring it wasn't worth it. He led her own through corridors and archways they passed more on looking Drows, many bore the same purple tree upon their cloaks. Soon she was alone in a large room with the male whom had led her in.

"It is dangerous for you to be here, the only surface elves allowed in are slaves, and those to be mated with. We may allow inbreeding but those of fair skin are not allowed to stay. " Zara nodded. "I know this, but I came seeking Riz Kenai Auvry." The male Drows brows rose, "what do you wish from the second son of the great house?" "To speak with him, I am his daughter." The male cocked his head at her starring hard at her. "Ahh the snow child." Zara looked back at him in shock. "Forgive me I am Ruvyn Auvry, son of Riz and Seirye. You are my half sister. "

Zara blinked at him. "You know me?" He chuckled, "I know of you, much has been said about our father, he was as humans say a ladies man. He's had many wives. Your mother Kalea was one of the first surface elves he ever took. He knew well of you, and wished that you had been born of Drow kin. But he quickly recovered and wooed my mother. Then when she died he took another wife than another. I am his only son, you have two half sisters as well Aelia Auvry who has since become of house Arab and is a priestess. And Dyldra Auvry who is set to marry in to the first royal house of Rilyn. There very well may be more children, but not in Abban." Zara knew what that meant more fair skinned children.

"And our father?" Ruvyn looked off in to his room. "He was killed about six months ago in a surface raid. So it is said, but I think that he was taken and given to loth by The Arab sisterhood." Zara blinked and nodded, "he is dead I came for nothing."

Ruvyn shrugged, "perhaps not for nothing, show no one else your mark stay here in my room, in safety, everyone will think I've taken a surface lover, and they will not bother you. I will tell you what I can of our father, and the Drow world. Perhaps I could teach you some Drow as well. " Zara nodded, "what of Drow magic?" Ruvyn chuckled, " there is much in the ways of magic here, but if you speak of your blood given powers, I can tell you of those as well. First you name." "Zara." Ruvyn nodded, "Tell no one else your name while your here. Some are more dangerous than others. They may have heard of you." Zara's brows rose.

"News has been coming in for days about three Drow males killed while giving over meals to orcs. There was a trade to be give three men for an elf male, and two females. None ever came back. But whispers of a ranger came in, and I have heard of your journeys through the land and what they have begun to call you. " Zara nodded, word did travel fast.

"Stay here, no one will bother you. If anyone enters speak not to them. None should enter this room but myself. I will bring you food." She nodded to him and he bowed and left.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:29 EST
There was no way to keep track of the time. There was no sun. So she merely waited wandering about Ruvyn's large room. He was her half brother, she still couldn't quite grasp that. She wandered about the room looking at the stone walls, covered in fine black fabric most of them barring that house symbol. The bed was large, craved from the very stone and covered with plush pillows and furs. A massive book case covered most of the far wall, and many books and scrolls stood upon its sturdy leveles.A few large crystals sat upon the floor,there were some she was sure were growing right from the floor.

She studied the crystals for a long time the three by the book shelf were not growing from the floor and they were a soft purple tone. There were three more along the wall that where white and indeed were growing from the wall. And there were three near his bed that glowed a dull blue and lit the room.

She had no idea how long had passed when he finally returned with a large tray of food. "I tried to find you food you might be used to. Drow food can be odd to some surface elves. And everyone is already whispering about you. Ruvyn's taken a surface girl.." He muttered and sat the tray down on that large round table. Zara had taken note of the whole room now, the wepaons,t he books and scrolls and the crystals.

He slowly sat down and Zara joined him. "Your room is most interesting." He chuckled, "Its one of the better ooms, many children born form the royal line have nice large rooms. " Zara nodded and looked to the food, Elven breads and meat and odd looking mushrooms. Ruvyn was eating the same food. So she carefully took a bite. "You have many books and scrolls." He nodded, "I must be well educated in all things. I have become a high ranked warrior and now must become more well versed in other things. " Zara took another bite of food. "What do all the crystals in your room mean?' Ruvyn looked to the crystals, " the white ones grow all over Abban, they say it is an honor to have them in your room, the offer focus for all things. The purple ones are amethyst, most coveted among those whom worship the dark lady Eilitraee . The ones that glow blue light the room, you can also tell the hour outside by them. At night they are brighter."He nodded their way and they were indeed growling quit brightly.

He ate more as did she. When they w re done he took the tray away and sat it outside his door. "You may rest in my bed and I will take the floor. Tomorrow we will start your training on all things Drow." Zara nodded and walked over to the bed and slid her boots off and curled up upon the furs.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:32 EST
At dawn the soft blue glow of the crystals woke her along with the sound of metal on a whetstone. She sat up in bed reaching for her dagger. Ruvyn looked over at her. "I am only doing my morning chores Zara."She sat up and slid her boots on. He had not touched her weapons nor had he been rude to her yet. She slid her sword in to its sheath and her hunting knife along its notch she left her bow, and quiver full of arrows where it lay against the wall.

She watched him as he sharpened his weapons by hand. Then he took out one of the larger books from his shelf and handed it over towards her. Slowly she took the book and opened it it was written in elvish rather than Drow. She started to read the book it was all about Drows and what or whom they worshiped. She sat on the edge of the bed for a few long hours as Ruvyn went through his usual morning routine. When he left for a awhile she found out that the book was written in both languages if one would flip the book over and read from right to left.

When Ruvyn returned he had a tray filled with lunch. Again they ate. Zara had no questions the book was very thorough. After lunch Ruvyn sat down beside Zara. "Our ways are odd to most other elves, sometimes they are even odd to other Drow. There are Drows all over the realms, many different from those in Abban. As I am sure you know slavery is widely accepted here, there are many who keep slaves. I am not one of them. For a long time house Auvry has tried to abolish it. But we have not yet succeeded. "

Zara nodded. "It will take more than one person." He agreed, " It would take a long time for you to understand us, and likely before long my sisters will hear of you and come looking. So today I will go over the powers all Drow have from birth powers you may have yourself. Then tomorrow we will see if you can perform any of those skills. I have no doubt that you are a fine warrior, so after that I will tell you of our father and of Abban and then I will lead you out of Abban to the main entrance. Hopefully a few days here will be enough for you to come to terms with who you are. Some Drows are evil, many in fact. But not all of us, just like not every human, elf or other being is all good or all bad. It is a choice. Being a Drow does not make you wicked." He smiled and Zara nodded then he began to explain the powers of a Drow.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:35 EST
It had not taken Ruvyn long to explain the given powers most young drowlings possessed. Many of the powers were skills most elves had, swiftness, great hearing and sight. Better sight int he dark than most other elves. But then he went in to detail in tot eh magic of Drow blood.

"Most Drow children of a young age can do this." He summoned what looked like a large black ball in to his hands and then it descended over his bed. His bed was suddenly gone. "Orbs of darkness, they are useful in fighting, your enemies cannot see unless they are fellow Drow or have magical abilities to see through the spell. " The darkness lasted for a few long moments then disappeared.

Zara was nodding along. Ruvyn smirked softly and went on. "Levitation is also a skill many Drows learn at a young age. Though for some it is impossible." He looked to his feet which were a few inches off the floor. "It is useful in battle when descending upon an enemy in tight under ground quarters, " He lowered him self slowly. "The last skill is known as faeire fire. It is a harmless purple flame that outlines a persons body. It is harmless but many of the dumber races will fail about any how. It is a great trick for hunting in the dark. " And that seemed to be that. He then would explain how one summoned each power to Zara. She took it all in carefully wondering how many of those powers she might have.

After dinner she read more of his books. Reading up on the language of the Drow. She pent hours trying to get the accent right. "Its harsher than Elven, rougher, more wild."Ruvyn smiled from a cross the room as she tried out words.

"Dalninuk." She looked over at him and he nodded. "Very good, there are not as many words in Drow as there are in Elven or human. The tongue of men has the most words. Though we speak it rarely in Abban. We use careful hand gestures to communicate or Drow tongue. " Zara smirked, " Yet you speak the tongue of men quite well."

He chuckled. "I have spent many years as a scout speaking with would be slavers, and others. I had to learn human. And Elvish as well. " She nodded and continued her reading, she found that there was no word for love in Drow. How odd.

She closed the book and looked across at her brother. " Are Drow kin forbidden to love?" Ruvyn stopped what he was doing and walked over to her. " Some might say yes, most would give their undying devotion to Lloth. But the second house gives its devotion to Eilitraee. We are not encouraged to love. We may take mates Drow other wise. But love is a term used for the surface. "

Zara gave that some though she wasn't sure she believed in love, but not to be able to love seemed much harder. "Have you never loved someone?" He chuckled, "Our father. I loved him, he was my dearest friend and mentor. And I love my sisters in the way a brother should. I loved my mother as a son should. I have taken no mates, I have had a few women here now and again. I am more like Riz than he'd ever wish to know. But I have never loved a woman, in the way you speak of."

Zara nodded. Then he left and came back with dinner. They ate in silence. He had brought more Drow kin food and some wine. " Morimatra." He lifted the small black bottle. "Drow spiced wine." He poured her a half glass full and Zara took a slow sip. It wasn't sweet like most Elven wines it had a tang to it. But it was enjoyable.

Once more she slept in his bed while he slept upon the stone floor.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:41 EST
The soft blue glow of the crystals woke her once more. Ruvyn was no where to be seen and she figured him out doing his morning chores. She rose and changed and walked over towards the books. The door to his room opened but Zara saw it was a Drow female whom entered. She looked for a place to hide and found one there along the wall behind a chair.

The female walked in to the room. "Oh brother are you here?" She called in the common tongue. She wall tall with long white hair and crimson eyes. She was beautiful, she wore dark clothing much like a warrior would. Zara figured this was not Aelia but rather Dyldra. Ruvyn walked in to the room a few moments later seeing his sister and no Zara he peered over the room. He only would have noticed the chair in the far corner was out of place.

"Sister." He addressed the female before him. "I would have thought you gone to The Rilyn complex by now." Zara dared not breathe.

"I came to say goodbye.I had heard you had a little surface elf here in your room.But I see her not." Ruvyn smirked, " Oh that one, she's long gone. Merely a play thing." Dyldra smirked , "Aelia was on her way here to seek out the mystery woman but I told her I would come instead." Ruvyn nodded, "As you see there is no woman here but you my sister. You should be on your way to the Rilyn complex. "Dyldra nodded. The exchanged no hug no lament and Ruvyn led her out.

Zara did not move did not breathe until both were gone. She stayed put though unmoving from her spot. Ruvyn came in a while later and found her right away. "Your very quick and smart. Only I would have been able to pick you out." Zara rose slowly. "Dyldra is lovely. " He chuckled, " Yes, that is why the firsts on of the first son of Rilyn wishes to wed and bed her. " Zara nodded softly understanding that the marriage was one of power more than love.

"Be glad it was not Aelia, she would have found you. Her and her wicked sisters are all very powerful in Arab." Zara nodded and took a long breath. "We will have to be careful, tonight I will see what Drow powers you can perform, and I will tell you of our father and Abban. It will be a long night. But I will not leave, come morning when everyone is still sleeping I will have to lead you out quickly. "


Date: 2010-02-23 23:43 EST
The night was long indeed Zara felt as she was back on her long journey thought the lands as she had felt fighting the orcs. Her body was tense her muscles ached. Her mind had to be clear though.

It took her a while to get the first task down. Ruvyn started with what he called the easiest Faeire fire. He stood still and let her try again and again and again. After an hour she had it and he smirked as his limbs were lit in bright purple flames. He stood still and smirked and showed her how it did not burn when he lit her alight.

The night grew longer and longer as she performed each task. The orb of darkness came easily to her at first she was frightened by it but Ruvyn quickly explained it to her the feeling of the power in her hands. He then explained how to lower it over something. And once more he stood as the target. Each time he would instruct her from within the globe. When she came to stand inside his globe of darkness she could see very well as she could see outside in the sunlight.

"It is a rare gift indeed that you have, your sight is that of a Drow. You see well in the under dark of Abban and within the globe of darkness."

They continued on as the night grew on. Zara felt weary and tired but she kept on as Ruvyn intrusted her on how to levitate. That took the longest but when she had succeeded she was a foot off the ground. He smiled the whole time impressed by her. It was nearing dawn when they sat down over some food and he began to tell her of their father, his sisters, his mother and Abban. Of all the training he had gone through, and of all the dangers of the under city.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:46 EST
The crystals by his bed shown bright blue now and Zara felt more weary than she had in many days. Ruvyn rose and crossed the room then came back and added her a wrapped package. "Some food, and a bottle of Drow Wine." He winked. Then handed her something else. Another wrapped package. "Clothes fit for the Drow in you, black clothes of the under city. They may serve you well someday." Zara smiled and wanted to hug him but did not. "Thank you." He nodded then handed her his long black cloak. "Put this over your green cloak and hide your face in it. We must leave now." Zara rose and gathered all her things and then slipped his cloak over her head.

He took her gloved hand and led her out. There was no one about. He moved quickly along the stone pathways back the way they had come days ago. They saw no one. He hurried along ad Zara kept the pace. Soon she could see the light from outside. A few moments later he stood in the shadows and she in the light. She handed him back his cloak. "I am glad to know you brother." He smiled, "And I you. Now you go home, one day maybe we will meet again but this time I may come to you." He bowed slipped his cloak on and was gone.

Zara stepped in to the light and pulled her own hood up.the snow was deep and bright now.The sun was harsh to her eyes she knew it would take a few days to get used to it again. Now she headed towards home. All the while never knowing what had transpired.


Date: 2010-02-24 14:51 EST
While Zara headed in to Abban Luana Ashemmii headed home for Teien. Never knowing that her home was lost forever and that she was going to be captured.

She made it in to town and saw that the slavers were there she saw their cage carts and the people were hiding. She was careful sliding along the other walls towards her house. She had lived all her life in Teien. Her mother had been Elven her father was human. They had been silver traders in the marketplace for as long as Luana could recall. A year back her parents had left going along the Cesio pass for some where better. Luana didn't go with them. Now as she starred at the house that had been her parents since the day she was born she wished she had. There was nothing left.

"Get her!" Someone called. "Her that one with the dark hair." The voice came again and Luana cursed softly and started to run for the wall. Five men came at her all from behind. Arrows whistled past her. She ducked and rolled and ran. "Go you fools hurry on!" The voice yelled and Luana started to climb over the low wall but she never made it. They pulled her back down.

"Take her." The voice called and she fought the whole way. But blackness took her as one of the men hit her in the head from behind.

"Luana...Luana." A female voice called. Luana moaned and blinked her eyes open and sat back and rubbed her head. "Oh Luana." Luana looked to the left and right and saw she was in a cage under ground some where, likely in some basement of one of the slaver houses. Then she saw who had been calling to her. "Sid?" She looked to the woman, Sydney Moon was one of the most lovely bar maids in all of Teien. She was tall with fair skin, bright eyes and dark hair. Men adored her for her fine figure. "Oh Luana, they've taken over the city, everyone's fleeing or being captured." Luana sighed and rubbed her head again. They were not alone down here many sat in the cages. Some looked s if they been there a while. Luana looked back to Sid, "I will get us out of here." She looked around and saw taunting her on the far wall were her weapons posted up with a few dozen others.

"They keep bringing people in, I heard one of the men say they caught a Drow. They are going to torture him." Luana's brows perked. " A Drow? I long thought the Drows were in on this slave trade." Sid shook her head, "Not an Abban drow..they caught him some where in the mountains ." Luana pondered that.

Sid sat back and hugged her knees closer. "They killed Dolf." Luana sighed and looked to Sid. Dolf was the tavern keeper. "I am sorry." Sid nodded, "Where to be marked in a few days, I have heard they burn it in to your flesh." Luana shuddered at that. "We will be long gone before that."

"Oh I think not pretty little miss." There was the voice from before. A man stood there his face was marred by scars and his hair was greasy and black. "You'll be marked then sold. I might keep you both for me self." He grinned and looked over Sid. "You most of all." Sid scooted back to the back of her cage.

"Captain, we have another one." Another voice called down. "Bring er down then ye fool." Down came the five men from before dragging a young Elven girl by the arms. Luana cringed the girl was bloody her clothes ripped. She didn't have to think hard about what the men had done to her. They tossed her in a cage and all six left. She studied the girl for a long time they had already marked her with the slavers symbol.

"We are all going to die." Sid sobbed. Luana cursed and wished she could reach her weapons. The bars were magically charged so she dared not try to touch them or reach out with magic.

Luana sat back soon they would all be marked one by one. It was late when they came down and dragged Luana out kicking and screaming. Sid screamed after her thinking her friend to go and die.


Date: 2010-02-24 14:54 EST
A day and a half passed. Luana was returned to her cell with the mark of the slave trace burned in to her back. "Did it hurt?" Sid asked softly. Luana nodded, " they burn it n to your flesh." She showed the mark still red and bloody. It was the size of the coin of Teien, the markings plain as day. The marks of a slave. Sid cringed and sat back in her cell.

"They were making an example of me. They plan to mark everyone else before the trade show. It burns like hell fire, and they laugh while they do it. " Luana sat back and hung her head. She might be able to heal the mark but shed never forget the pain.

The slavers fed them and only seemed to beat on the males that had been caught. The females were labeled as fine goods. Luana had been watching the girl they'd brought in. She was awake but still bleeding and crying for her mother. Likely the child's mother was dead.

On that day they brought him in, they posted his fine weapons to the wall with the others and tossed him in a cage. A cage away the little girl was between Luana and the Drow. He was naked to the waist, and Luana saw that he already bore the symbol of the Teien slavers. He was the Drow Sid had heard them speaking of. He was beaten, bloody, and bruised all over. The men chuckled as they walked out Luana caught something about how the mark almost didn't take. A she saw more than one of the men had burns on his arm. The Drow must have fought back.

Luana sat back how many more would they bring in? Was Sid right would they all die? The day turned to night the only way she knew that was by how cold the basement had become. Now all but two cages were full. Two more Elven men had been caught, and were worse off than both the human girl and the Drow male. The food was getting worse and less of it came down to them.

Luana had been watching the girl but now her eyes peered through the bars at the Drow male. He was breathing, there was an odd tone to his dark skin as well that she couldn't pick out. When their daily ration of bread got tossed at them she saw his body flinch. She had been memorizing his form, his hard features. To recall them later.

Luana sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. By tomorrow they'd have the last slaves and then those not already marked would be and all to be sold. She gazed at the weapons on the wall, most would gather a good price, but she knew of them all her Elven weapons and the Drows two lovely swords would gather the most coin. She wondered how much she a warrior who was talented at art work and sword play would fetch.

It was late when she saw movement in the Drows cage. He was up awake and moving. He was pacing, looking to his right to the human girl who was sitting up at least, though looking half starved now. He knelt down and looked to the girl. Luana looked to the bread she had been tossed then to the girl. And at the same moment both she and the Drow male handed the girl their food. Luana managed a slight smile despite everything.

It was dawn when two men came down stairs. They joked and snickered as they unlocked the cage where the girl lay sleeping. Luana looked at them she could never sleep in a place like this but the girl was mistreated, wounded and likely starving. "I don't see why he wants this one, she's so little why not that one." He pointed at Sid, "a fine nice ass she has and fine large breasts, even the elf there is better." He looked Luana's way. "I don't know, but she's what he wants." Then bent down to lift up the girl.

"No stop it you fiends!" Luana screamed at them, "leave her alone!" They aimed their cross bows at her and Luana froze. They wouldn't shoot her but she knew that those cross bows were armed with sleeping tonic darts. They then lifted the girl. "Boss gonna be mad. This ones dead." They dropped her back down. They both shrugged and left the body there and left the basement. Luana looked to the girl pale and bloody, and indeed dead. The poor thing, maybe shed taken her own life.

The day went on and two more slaves were brought in. She knew the hour was getting closer. She wondered how many she could kill with her bare hands, how many could she save. She looked over towards the Drows cell. He looked at the poor dead girl then his eyes met Luana's. Silver eyes. She blinked, for the first time she noticed him fully. He was handsome for a Drow, and those eyes. He had a fierce look in them.

He was like a wild animal in a cage just waiting to destroy its captors.


Date: 2010-02-24 14:55 EST
"This is our last day." Sid hugged her knees and looked across at Luana. Luana shook her head. " Listen to me all of you. In the morning they will come down here and start setting us free, we need to fight we need to fight back. I know not all of you are warriors, but those of you who can fight, fight with me. Those who cannot run, run as fast as you can."

She looked over to the Drow male who seemed to nod to her. The two other Elven males nodded as well, one of the females Luana couldn't tell if she was Elven or human nodded. That was five, five might be enough to at least distract the slavers.

Luana waited the hours ticked by and like clock work five men came down stairs with no sign of the final one the one with the greasy hair. As Luana figured they set them loose one by one each man taking on a slave or two. As they started heading them out Luana looked back to her fellow captives and nodded. And on that cue Sid ever the bar brawling bar maid slammed her fist in to the mans face whom was holding her.

All hell broke loose then Luana rushed to the weapons wall where to her surpriseshe saw the Drow male. The Elven men had the weapons in the same moment and Sid and the other woman were fighting like cats being pushed in to a tub. Nails and teeth.

Luana kicked and shoved and slashed at the men. When she found her self back to back with the Drow. "Take them all and get them out of here.. go now quickly." She wanted to question him but he burst in to movement and suddenly the basement was catching on fire. "Everyone with me hurry." She grabbed Sids arm and everyone ran. The ran out right past the last slaver who Luana slashed at, he got a long cut on his arm. The slaves ran, and Luana looked back she saw the house burst in to flame. She winced. He had risked his life

Shed not forget him. She ran out of the city that night not knowing how many slavers had survived if any. All the slaves got out, save for the poor girl and the Drow male.


Date: 2010-02-24 14:56 EST
Luana waited for Zara to come home Iliana and Alinar Idande had let her stay with them. She had told them her tale and shown them the mark of the slavers. Iliana skilled in healing arts had done all she could for Luana. But the mark remained. "It is all right." Luana smiled to her, "I need to show Zara this. ' She sat back at their table and drew. The one thing Luana was better at than sword play was the art of drawing. She had parchment before here and there she drew the slavers faces, each one

If any survived she would recall them, everyone would hunt them down. Ny, Dho and Eli were already wanting to go off hunting but Luana stayed them there. She needed Zara to be apart of this. She also drew the marking, the mark burned in to her back. And over and over again she drew the Drow males face, his form, his fine weapons.

He had risked his life and shed never known his name. Many had been saved all had fled. Sid had gotten passage through the mountains, the two Elven men had gone with her. The female warrior had stayed behind in hopes of finding more survivors. Teien was a slavers haven now, everyone gave it a wide birth.

Luana waited. And Soon Zara returned.


Date: 2010-02-24 14:59 EST
Zara was surprised to see her most beloved friend their in those house of her parents. Zara sat down and told them all of her journey of her half brother and all she had learned of the Drow. Then Luana told her story.

"They had me the moment I came within the walls. I don't really know how many days we were all down there. Sid was there, along with another woman, two Elven men and a Drow male. They had a young girl as well. She died. But the most amazing thing was this Drow male, he was kind yet fierce, he gave his crust of bread tot he child when I did, at the same moment. He risked his life to save us all. I still don't know the basement was set ablaze. But he told us to run. We had made a plan to fight and he alone saved us."

Zara had been listening to the full tale and nodded. Luana had recounted every last bit of her story, and was retelling the main parts she sat back. She slowly showed Zara the mark. Zara winced and looked away. "I am sorry I could not be there for you my friend."

Luana shook her head, "You couldn't have known, and now you know of your brother, your half sisters. I merely sorry that your birth parents are both gone." Zara nodded and took Luana's hand. "What to Ny, Dho and Eli think?"

"They know the truth, they know that you were not with me when I went home. They were here a while ago. They know the full truth. They will not judge you Zara. You are their friend." Zara nodded.

They sat there for a long while Zara recounting her time in Abban and Luana going on and on about the Drow male. She showed Zara her sketches of him. Zara looked at them. "Is he not handsome, and his eyes Zara they were so fierce. Yet he was kind, and here I thought all Drows were evil.He was amazing.I can see you falling for a man like him." Zara made no comment about the Drow male only looked to her friend, " We all choose what to be, evil or good. But something must be done about these slavers." Luana nodded and handed over the parchment with the drawings of the six men. "I never heard their names, this one." She tapped the page where the dark haired mans face was. "I scored a hit on his arm, his face was already mared, and his hair was greasy and black. He was the ring leader I think. Or at least in charge of the other five. " Zara memorized that face.


Date: 2010-02-24 23:09 EST
Later when Ny, Dho and Eli returned they didn't treat Zara any differently they smiled and embraced her as a friend. The five of them spent the long night trying to figure out what to do about Teien.

"The town is lost, traders wont be coming down Cesio pass for it, least not the right kind of traders."Ny stated. Dho nodded, " we need to warn the lands, each head off in a different direction." Eli nodded, " yes that is a good idea, we could all head off warn whom we can,protect our families." Zara nodded, " yes, all right. Dho return home to Gilthi, Eli go to Kerani, Ny you stay here in Ibaea. Luana and I will go to the tribal lands of the forest and desert. They know me there they will trust me. "

Ny sighed, " I should come with you." Zara shook her head. "You must stay here, protect the village. Luana and I will return in a few days. Ny we will need to barrows your fathers fine horses." Ny nodded, " they are given." Dho nodded to them all, "I will come back and help Ny once my tribe is warned." He was gone then out the door. Eli smirked, "I will travel down the river warn whom I can, I will stay in Kerani." Zara nodded understanding. Eli had six sisters he'd want them protected. Luana,Ny and Zara nodded and Eli headed off.

"On horse back it shouldn't take us long to get to Cael, I will warn Llewellyn and she wills end the word through the woods then we must go to Huavain, Kandrimme and Ael'Si. They will help us warn the other tribes of the sands and hopefully they will agree to warn those in Snow Haven. For I can not go there. "

"If they will not I will go." Luana smiled and Zara and she left Ny there in Zaras house. They borrowed Ny's horses and rode off for the forest.


Date: 2010-02-24 23:11 EST
They rode hard and fast through the night. Never speaking. There was too much on the line.

They reached Cael by dawn. Zara baid Luana to stay with the horses while she went in tot he woods. Luana stayed and Zara went running calling to Llewellyn. " The child of two houses returns to us." Llewellyn greeted her and bowed, " welcome back Zara my friend." Zara smiled, "Llewellyn I must speak with you and quickly."

Zara and Llewellyn spoke of all that had passed of every thing Zara had seen and been told and then of Luana;s story oft he slavers and the danger to all the people of Eyllis. Llewellyn sat back with a nod. "I will have my men go now, and warn those by the lake side, and those of the wise owl. What of the tribes of the sand?" Zara looked back the way she had come, " my friend and I have horses we will ride to Ael'Si, they wills end their wild cats with messages tot he other tribes there then Luana and I will ride to Huavain and Kandrimme, " Llewellyn nodded "Tanseril Huavain will be glad to see you." Zara shook her head, " he fancies me I know. But I am not right for him my friend. But I hope that his love for me will aid me in warning those in Snow Haven." Llewellyn nodded once more, " Yes. Now you must go run quickly, and I hope we see each other again."

Zara nodded embraced her friend and then ran off back the way she had come.


Date: 2010-02-24 23:16 EST
Luana and she rode again quickly along the grass on the western border of the sands of Nieli. Zara knew they were close when she saw those great cats once more. "Stay with the horses, and harm not the cats. They are a blessing." She smiled to Luana then ran in to the encampment.

She sought out their warriors and wise men. She told her story of Luana's tale of the dangers and they agreered to help her. They would send their cats to the Viniten, Shari Deth'Rua tribes. The warriors would ready for any attacks. Zara thanked them and they thanked her then she ran back tot he horses. She was not surprised to see Luana on the sand holding the reins of both horses in one hand a large sand colored cat beside her. "When this is all over I may come back here." She said as she mounted up and they road away the cat stayed with them till they reached the Rahelia Plain.

The horses would need rest soon. They rode on till the break of day and then stopped. "We are still three miles from Huavain. "Luana nodded, looking towards the woods. "What will they do is the slavers come there?" Zara followed her gaze, "they will fight, their are warriors there..Cael will fight."

They let the horses rest and eat before ridding on for Huavain. Luana halted her horse when she saw a few men ridding for them. "Its alright, its Tanseril ." The three Elven men stopped before them. "A fine horse Lady Zara." He bowed to her. "Tanseril Huavain this is my dearest friend Luana Ashemmii. And we have much to tell you." Tanseril nodded to Luana and then led the two in to the camp.

They sat before the huge fire and Luana told her story while everyone listed then Zara told them of the dangers and what they might need to do. Tanseril nodded along and agreed that a rider from his camp would go and warn each of the tribes in Snow Haven.

Zara looked off as the sun was setting they would have to stay over night then ride for Kandrimme. She looked back towards the fire. Tanseril was still sitting there talking with Luana. Zara smiled, there was a fine match.


Date: 2010-02-24 23:23 EST
Zara woke at dawn and walked out for her horse. Luana soon followed. "You must stay here Luana." Zara slowly mounted. "Stay here and stay safe." Luana looked to her best friend and shook her head. "My place is by your side."

Zara smirked. "I will be back with in a days time. And your place my friend is here for now." She looked off towards Tanseril. "I think the young horse masters eye has settled upon you." Luana looked that way. "He is very handsome, but I thought he fancied you." Zara chuckled, "Perhaps, but he is wise enough to know that I am not right for him. Stay here be safe and I will return tomorrow." Zara smiled and rode away for Kandrimme alone.

Luana stayed behind in the Huavain encampment.

Zara didn't look back. She smiled slightly, knowing that there was a good match. Tanseril was as wild as Luana was. He loved his horses and his people. He could keep her safe and keep up with her. And Zara had a feeling he would not mind that Luana was part human.

Kandrimmes people welcomed her once more and she sat with the elders and the warriors and told them all of what was going on. Of the slavers and the dangers to their people. They were thankful to her for coming and she stayed the night with them. She trusted in Tanseril to send his horsemen to Snow Haven. Keelin, Elara they both had to be warned as well as the people of Daeoro.

Kandrimme sent out its great hawk, eagles and falcons to patrol the sky and keep a look out. Along with the horsemen of Huavain, the great cats of Ael'Si and all the warriors of the sand tribes Zara would not worry. She had hope that if they were attacked all would be all right.


Date: 2010-02-28 01:08 EST
As she promised Zara returned to Huavain at dawn and found Luana smiling still. "Are you not glad that you stayed?" Zara asked as she dismounted. Luana nodded, "Yes I am glad I stayed, and now I must ask of you something." Zara grinned, "Yes stay here a while. I will return home and in a while see you there again." Luana nodded. Zara stayed through the mid day hour watching as Tanseril and Luana walked side by side. It was a smart match, and Zara was very happy for her friend. As the mid day hour passed Zara was mounted up again, she said her good-byes and rode off for Ibaea.

It would not take so long to get home. She could ride right to the North west and be there before tomorrow. But as she started away and in tot he Rahelia Plain she saw the smoke rising from Kerani. She stopped her horse and looked back now. She could only go forward and that path lead her to Kerani. She rode hard and fast as the day turned to night and crossed the river.

Homes on the outskirts were burning, fishermen, tradesmen, women and children were dead. She dismounted and left her horse there by one of the burned out houses. her thoughts went to her friend Elidyr Soliania He lived on the far west of town. She ran through the village people were about some wounded she spotted a local guards men. "What happened here?" She yelled as he helped his hurt comrades by. "Slavers..they came through burned the out lying homes and raided the town, we drove them away, but many are dead or hurt."

Zara broke in to a run again then passing people as she ran for Eli's house. As she ran across the hill towards his parents farm house she saw it was already burnt out. "Elidyr." She ran in to what was left of his house. "Eli!" She looked around, there were no bodies. No tracks of anyone being taken away from the house. Perhaps they had gotten out maybe they were in town.

She ran back in to town looking again for the local guard. "You there," she called and the man turned. She stopped short when she saw it was Eli's father. "Lord Soliania." She bowed her head. "Zara, greetings. How many times must I ask you just to call me Garrik?" She smirked to him, Garrik Soliania was the head guards men for Kerani, his lovely wife Maeralya was a born and breed farm girl. Eli was like both of them he had his fathers height, his mothers dark hair and a tone of eyes unlike them both. "Is Eli.. Elidyr here?" Garrik nodded, " He his mother and all his sisters are held up in safety. He came to us first warmed me, then I had him take his mother and sisters in to my barracks." Zara sighed a long low breath. "Your home.."

He nodded, " Gone, but my family is safe, thanks to you. Now you should return home. The slavers are going village to village we were warned Tindomerel Gilthi were both warned, and Elidyr told me that you and Luana rode out to warn the forest tribes and sand tribes."Zara nodded, " they have been warned and are prepared to battle if they need to."

Garrik nodded. "They to home you go. Quickly back across the river no where near Teien will you go." He moved with her for the eastern end of town. She bid him farewell there and went to fetch her horse. She rode back across the river and started for home.


Date: 2010-02-28 01:10 EST
She could see home see that there were no fires yet. She looked to the bridge. There struggling was a woman a human woman with three men. "Let go of me...!" She screamed and trashed. Zara stopped her horse. "Stop!" She called at them and the men looked her way.

"We do what we want." He flashed her the slavers brand. Zara dismounted. "No, you do not." She strode towards them and drew her sword. "Let go of the woman." She pointed it at one of them. They let go of the woman. She looked to Zara, then to the men. Zara kept her sword pointed at the tree. "Miss," she addressed the woman. "Rachel." She stumbled and fell as she crawled away towards Zara's feet.

Zara kept her eyes on the three men. "Rachel, take my horse ride as fast as you can that way"She pointed to Ibaea. "Look not back, only ride. " Rachel ran fort he horse who snorted and swayed as the woman mounted up. "Nor Sii' " She yelled not at the woman but at the horse as if on command the horse ran off towards Ibaea. Zara kept her eyes on the men all the while.

They starred at her, " Ye just cost us a good bunch of money little elf." One said. The other one to his left chuckled, "Nae look at her this ones better than any maid.. take her in fetch a better price from Renald. The other man just nodded along. Zara watched them all, these were not slavers these were just men trying to make a few gold coins. Zara took off her coin purse and tossed it on the bridge. Coins spilled out every where "Take that money and leave here, now. And if I ever see any of you again, you will die a swift death." The three of them went after the coins and Zara walked over the bridge.

"Forgive me." She then started for Teien. She sheathed her sword pulled her bow tigther along her arm and pulled her hood over her face.


Date: 2010-03-01 23:23 EST
Teien was not a long walk from the bridge and she passed a few cages filled with people along the way. No one stood guard over any of them. She looked tot he city. All the cages were being brought in to the gates one by one. Those who had brought the cages this far were already inside. Zara slid along the cage sides looking at the people inside. Elves from Teien, mostly. No one from the tribal lands of the forest or Sands a few humans some likely from Kerani, and Teien. Drows maybe from Abban else where. They begged and pleaded with Zara as she walked near.

She held her gloved hands to her lips. As she walked past the locks on each cage her unloved left hand touched the locks. As she continued walking the locks shattered and the cages opened. And those with in ran they ran a cross the river and away from Teien. They were much safer running to the East. Cesio pass to the West would likely be swarming with slavers. Those come from long miles to gain a few head.

Zara walked to the gates and flashed the symbol of the slavers to the gate keeper. Shed taken from the men on the bridge. They allowed her within but the gates closed behind her. She walked her face hidden within the darkness of her cloaks hood. Teien looked very different now. Zara had been there a few times with Luana and her family. Now store windows were boarded up, the streets were dirty covered with filth and blood. Home were burnt or burning. And the people of the town,those who hadn't run or couldn't were all gathered bound in the square like cattle.

Zara fought the urge to scream as she walked.

"Who re ye? "A man asked as she neared the horde of those captives. She held up a gloved hand flashing that paper with the slavers sign on it. He let her pass. There must have been three dozen elves, humans, drows, and Halflings within the square bound, gaged. Women, chidlren, old and young. Some bloody and beaten some looking near death. Zara shook her head, she had coins many coins. She only given the men on the bridge some of her coinage. But she couldn't buy everyone's freedom. Most of these people were likely already marked and doomed forever to be seen as a slave. Some could likely hide their marks, under cloth or clothing. But she knew even if they could hide the mark from the world they'd always know it was there.

She walked along looking for the man, the one man who Luana had most often drawn. The man with the greasy hair. She had those drawings with her but none of the slavers she saw looked like those men. Perhaps they had died in the fire.

She walked on watching her surround carefully. She wasn't the only woman here. She could see that plainly. There were female slavers as well and those willing to buy slaves whom were women as well.

"Looking to buy?" A voice asked and she looked to her right and there he stood the man from Luana's drawing. Marred face, greasy hair.

"Renald!" Someone called and the man before her looked away. "Yeah Luke, go ahead." He called back Zara looked towards the man named Luke he and another man, whom looked more of a boy rushed off for the gate.

"So, Miss... ."He addressed Zara again " Makaela of Arab." Zara spoke that she was of the sisters of Arab the all female Drow clan. Dangerous women they all were. Makaela had been a name Zara had read in one of Ruvyn's books. "Miss Makaela," He held his hand out to her and Zara merely eyed it. Women of Arab did not touch men, unless it was to play with them, mate or marry for fortune and power. He smirked and with drew his hand. "Ye come to buy something?" Zara looked to those in the center of town. "Perhaps. I have not found a worthy enough mate in Abban. I am looking more for someone to play with for a while...a Drow male would be most favored, but an Elven man of good stature I may not refuse. " Renald nodded.

"We have a few Drow around. Look around see if there's anything you like. I'll give you a good price." Zara nodded. "And just who are you?" He bowed then, "forgive me, I am Renald. I am one of the generals of this little band." He looked around. "Luke there's right hand man and Isac though he's a piss shot is my aid too." Zara looked to the man and the boy. "And the other men?" Renald looked around and shrugged. "I have two more men with me. But these other all work for other people you know. I alone will get you a good price." He winked.

"I will go look about then." She didn't bow didn't look at him and shifted away. She walked through those in the court yard she knelt to a few of the Drow men as if looking upon them closely. "Lle quena i'lambe Tel' Eldalie?" She would whisper as she knelt down to each one. When they answered her, if they could she whispered tot hem that she was a friend and was going to help them escape. She cut their bidding's with her knife then told one of them to act as if he was about to attack her and throw her down. But to be careful not to let anyone see her face. Once the plan was laid she walked on kneeling by a few Elven men as well. With t em she whispered the same things, and cut them free. Once she rose she walked back past the Drow male that was going to 'attack' her.

He rose up acting like he was still bound and came after her. Zara spun her cloak moving with her so not to show her face as he mocked hitting her.


Date: 2010-03-01 23:25 EST
"Stop!" Renald shouted and Zara fell back and as Renald and the other slavers came running in those free burst up in to action fighting. Zara crawled along out of sight as the slavers battled. She cut robes on hands and feet as she went. When she finally rose the fighting had burst in to a huge brawl. Now those women and children, and those who did not wish to fight were running. Some of the women did fight and Zara smirked at that. Then she slid away while Renald and his men were busy. She slid to the far west end of the wall and through the secret passage that only she and Luana had ever known about.

As she neared the passage way she saw another small grouping of slavers they had a bunch of children on their hands and knees. Young children, elven, drow, human, Halflings. One of the men held the branding mark of the slavers. Zara pulled her hood over her head and ran towards then. She hit the man with the branding iron over the head then garbing his neck with her unloved hand she touched him once and he fell over dead. The other slavers ran towards her and she fought with them while the children were crying and screaming. Soon the men were all dead and she was leading the children through the passage. There were a dozen children and now shed killed at least that many men.

As she led the children a way she looked back towards Teien. What could she do? Many of the children would not have parents any more.

She walked on along the outside of the wall. Inside there was much fighting. Many of those from within that had been slaves broke free and ran for the mountains past their captors as they went. Zara watched as some children recognized a parent or guardian and ran for them. By the time the once slaves had all mostly fled all the children had run off with someone they knew and trusted.

Some slavers chased them but they ere met with a quick end by the stoke of Zara's sword or her bow. How many had she saved? She would never know. As people ran in to the mountains she looked back once. Shed saved many, but shed killed a few dozen men, if not more now.

Renald was standing outside the gates now and her pointed at her.

A few more slavers came at her and some of the guards men that had once been loyal to Teien. They all fell dead. She killed each one fighting without fear. She was defending those who ran off. Those who had to run to save their lives and the lives of their children.

Renald came ridding up then his two lackeys slowly coming up behind him. "You lying little elf!" Zara smirked knowing her hood was down. Zara just stood there ready. Renald came at her on his horse. But with her glove off Zara focused and pushed her power from her hand in to her sword. And when he came running at her she leapt high in tot he air and scored a long slow cut upon his already marred face. He fell tot he ground bleeding. Some of the blood froze in place. His two companions got frozen in place. They would all live to fight another day. But once Zara had her footing more of Teiens once loyal guards came running at her firing cross bows and arrows. Zara turned and fled for the mountains.

She ran with the hope that her family and friends would be safe. She had killed men, wicked men. But a few to say the least and now shed be a wanted criminal.


Date: 2010-03-03 00:25 EST
She had joined in those who fled Eyllis. Some had fled from Teien by her own doing. Some left of their won will to find some where better some where safe. As she walked along the road in tot he mountains she looked back a few times. Teien guardsmen would not come this far but the slavers might chase her down.

Shed left home, left everything she loved behind. She gripped the hilt of her sword. She had those weapons, and her memories. She hoped that her family would be safe. That her friends would stay protected. If every slaver came after her, then they'd all be safe. She was oddly hoping that the slavers were after her. Maybe then the good people of Teien could over throw the slavers.

She walked along many others walked ahead or behind her through the pass in the Aevir. It lead on to the West. There had been stories always told of what lay beyond the moutains. They had all learned that many humans lived that way, and that elves of all kinds were not as common.

As they passed the Aevir. Zara looked back at those mountains. She had seen all of Eyllis, she had made great friends, and learned of who she was. And she had defended her home. But in the end she knew she may never see home again.

She watched as those who were leaving Eyllis branched off to the North and south. Some kept on to the West. Zara could see no settlements. Only earth, soil and grass lands for miles. The land was wind swept with very few trees and only a few low lying bushes and shrubs. The land seemed more dead than alive. But on ward people went some disappearing from sight as they headed north or south. She watched as families were reunited, rescued children with parents. Many of those she walked along with nodded to her and thanked her.

Many offered her coins or tokens, but she took nothing. Only kept on her way.


Date: 2010-03-03 00:29 EST
The night was cold and the wind was brisk. Snow clung to the low shrubs and to the branches of the free dead trees. But there was not much snow. Zara wondered why. She did not sleep, took no rest at night. It would be far too dangerous here. Every dawn she headed off again tot he west. Now there was little sign of anyone. She figured some where to the North or south there must be a town, or village. But she wasn't going to stay any where not until she could no longer see the Aevir.

The hours were long, lonely and cold. Even if there was little snow the air was cold. But Zara didn't feel that cold she walked on head on in to the brisk wind. Most folk would seek shelter but she walked on. She thought of family, of her friends. Would they think she was dead? Or would they hope?

She walked on looking a head in to the unknown. The land was bare and mostly just dirt. Far ahead she could see the tale tell signs of a mountain rage. Aevir was still within her sight. That meant she wasn't out of danger yet. the further she got the better. Had she ruined her name? The name of ranger? Or had she become a hero? She had killed men, evil wicked men but she had killed them nonetheless. Shed never enjoyed killing. Anything she needed to ask asked the gods to forgive her need for food. Then she would kill the animal with as little pain as possible. But the men she had killed without any concern for how much it might have pained them.

She walked with her hood drawn looking to the sky. There were clouds there but no birds. She sighed longing to see something besides dry earth and under brush. She thought of home once more of the smell of freshly tilled earth of her mothers flower garden or the smell of hot metal in the forge. The scent of the forest the feel of the waters of the river or lake. The sun and its warmth on the sand. All these things played in her mind as she walked alone towards the West.


Date: 2010-03-03 00:32 EST
Three days had passed since she ran from home. Ran to protect all she had there. Shed taken up camp within a small grove of half alive trees. It seemed a spot that many had used along the way. The trees offered shelter, food and a good supply of fire wood. The small grove could hold a few small encampments but at the moment she was alone. The night had passed and she had not rested much in the last few hours. But the sun was breaking over the strange mountains to the West. Birds and beasts were coming awake with in the grove. Zara sat bak against the tree that had served as her shelter overnight.

A small herd of deer had used the grove that night and now were browsing through it for anything worthy to eat. A sound in the canopy made them all break for the grass land beyond. Zara shifted to stand. Could it be the slavers? She looked around to the East no one came. The sound came from above her again, and she shifted away from the tree.
There had come to rest a very large owl.

Zara starred up at the large bird. It was far too large, most owls she knew were smaller this one was special. Uhar'Gar had such owls among them. The owl looked back at her and let loose a loud cry then it flew down towards her. Zara held out her arm to it and there it landed. "Vedui' Raamavoite Hodoer ." The large owl cocked its head at her and Zara gave the mighty bird a soft pet. It was then she noted the piece of parchment tied to is leg. Carefully she united the parchment and then unfurled it. All the while the owl remained there upon her arm. As she began to read the words she sank to her knees.

"Dearest Zara.

I have come in to Uhar'Gar. Tanseril led me here and I have met some of the great people of the wood . Including your friend Llewellyn. Many of us are here. Ny with his family, Eli with his family and Dho and his. Kerani the people have fled here in tot he woods and in to the sand. Ibaea is also gone my friend. After I didn't hear from you I asked Tanseril to go with me to Ibaea. . When we arrived we found all the homes on the outer edge gone. The city in ruins and people dead, and dying. Those who were alive were very injured but we understood what had happened. Slavers had come. Dho was there with Ny who been injured. Ny had sent his family away as had Dho. They are all safe. But Ny told me that something had happened. And I am sorry to tell you my friend that your parents are dead. Ny recounted the whole tale for me. He and Dho had taken up a watch on the village along with many of the others. Your parents were well protected. Ny said they were caring for those who were coming in from other places. They were the healers and care takers for the wounded. But the slavers came. Ny was dragged away but Dho went after him. When Dho came back, he found that both your parents were dead, the slavers had raided their house. I am sorry my friend.

I hope this message finds you. There has been word traveling from the slavers that you are wanted dead or alive. What is it that you have done? Please if this great owl finds you send word back.

My blessings and love,



Date: 2010-03-03 00:34 EST
The sobs shook her body. Her parents dead by the slavers hands. Her dearest friends put in dangers. The great owl on her arm nuzzled in to her cheek and Zara looked to it. She sniffled and sat down now fishing out what little parchment she had left. Then without he great bird on her shoulder she began to pen a response to her friend.

" Dear Luana,

The sorrow grips me now. But I am sure my parents did not die in vain. They would have both fought. They were valiant to the very end. Please thank Dho and Ny for me. Send my love to everyone. I hope that the wood and snow are safe. I could not bare to loose much more. I am alive, know that. I can not tell you where, and you know why. And the reason the slavers are after me is two fold. I left you with Tanseril and did not go home. I went across the bridge to Teien. I saved a woman from slavers and used their credentials to get in to Teien. There hiding my face I masqueraded as a Drow female from Abban. And I set many slaves free, but in the process many died, some by my own hand. I made enemies of the now disloyal Teien guardsmen and of the slavers. They are after me, and anyone who knows me. They are too weak to come in to the forest, sand or snow. They will not rise up an against the tribal lands. I am sorry that the villages are gone, but glad that you all are safe. You must try to send word to Ruvyn of Abban. My half brother, I am sure he knows well of what the slavers are doing, perhaps their can be a peace long enough between those of Abban and those of the surface to rise up against the slavers and push them out.

Know that I am safe, I am a survivor. And tell Llewellyn that I understand now what it is to be a ranger. Give my love to everyone. But it is better if you pretend not to know me. It is a dangerous time to know Zara Idande of Ibaea. And though every part of me wishes to return to avenge the death of my parents. I know that is not wise. Please do not write me again until it is safe. And if it is never safe know that I shall be well no matter what. Stay well yourself, stay safe.

Blessings upon you and all those I love


She folded the note and wrapped it about the great owls leg then tied it on. "Sana sina a' Uhar'Gar yassen ilya hortha." She gave the bird a final pet along its back then it flew off in the direction of home.


Date: 2010-03-03 00:36 EST
She could never go back. She knew that now. Ten days had passed since the letter back to Luana was sent away. Zara knew Luana would respect her wishes. The Aevir Mountain were now hidden by mist. Those strange mountains she had seen days ago were now closer, she could make them out. The high peeks the cold snow. Those were dangerous mountains. She didn't fear that danger. She headed on. She had passed a few small villages in the last day, but she hadn't stopped. Low on supplies she had kept on. She might be recognized she needed to get further away.

Only a few passing mechants has passed her. She risked not being seen, her hood always up, those gloves always on. To them she was just a wanderer a danger to them.

She walked all day and all night. Only stopping each dawn to take in rest. She would need to stop soon gather food, water, new clothing. She was low on all her suppiles. She was grateful she had enough coin.

Three more full days passed before she saw her last hope for supplies. It was a large city, walled and finely guarded. She took hope int hat, hoping it was free of slave traders. As she got closer to the town she saw a long and winding river that cut through the land. That was likely the same river that ran through Eyllis.

She took some joy in that when she touched those waters they would run all the way back home. The water was fresh and clear. She took some of it for her supply of waters. Four full water skins. She then crossed the river over a mighty bridge towards the town. It was larger than she had expected. It was pressed right up tot he edge of the mountains and that great river ran off of another and another that ran all the way to the South. There was likely some where in the distance the ocean.

She kept her hood up as she approached the gates.


Date: 2010-03-03 00:41 EST
The whole city as surrounded by walls, and at certain points there were gates and towers. Now Zara stood at the gate that lead out to the east and headed in to the West deep in tot he city. She could already head the buzz of people beyond. Many came and went through the opened gates, merchants with their carts full of things to by or trade for. There were a few smaller houses on the out side of the walls, there farmers tilled the land and cared for animals to bring in to the city proper.

Zara walked along the worn road towards the gates. She was expecting someone to stop her but no one did. The few guards that stood watching just nodded to her. The city must be used to travelers. Once inside the walls Zara continued on the dirt road turned to round stones and here people walked horses trotted along pulling carts carriages or with riders atop and buildings seemed to be every where.

She saw some of those she had saved within Teien. They passed her by and took no note of her. She knew what she looked like. Her cloak dirty as well as her boots and pants. She looked dangerous and dirty. She walked along looking in the windows of a few shops as she passed them. This city held many fine wares. She hoped she had enough to get a few things. She headed in to the store that held traveling supplies, dried food,water,maps and the like.

"Welcome stranger to Hael." An elderly man stood behind the counter. "What can I help ye with?" Zara looked around, she would need some dried meats, bread and cheese for a few days. The hunting had not eben very good. She needed a suitable tent, and perhaps a map might do her good. "I am in need of a few suppiles my good man. I am an adventure on her way to the west." The man smiled, "The west be full of dangers lass, the mountains you see hold orcs, giants and other beasts." Zara smiled, "I fear no beast. I am in need of a suitable tent, some dried meats, some cheese and bread for a few days. And a map if you have one of what lies to the west."

His grin grew all the more. "I have all that lass, but are you able to pay me?" Zara nodded, "yes." The man went to work gathering the tent,food,bread and cheese and the small map. "Its not complete no ones been that far. But it shows you in to the mount for abut five or six miles." Zara looked over the food, good dried meat and fine cheese, cracker bread like most outfitters sold, the tent made of fine weather proof skins. "How much for it all."

The man looked to her then to the goods. " Forty gold." Zara nodded it was a good price there was enough food there to last her a few months the tent was well made and the map even if not complete was well worth it. She plucked a ruby form her pouch then set a few silver coins along with it. "Will this due?" The mans eyes went wide. He plucked up the ruby. "This alone is good enough."Zara smiled, "then for the other coinage maybe you could tell me where to find some good clothing, and some where to stay for a few days."

He smiled, "Esmeraldas carries the finest in clothing in all of Hael.Jack the outfitter has a few things as well, for more rugged apparel. And The Clover Inn be your best bet of staying places."Zara nodded and took up her things, the food all tucked in to her side bag, the tent she rolled and fit in there as well. The man watched with keen interest. Surely she wasn't the only elf or only one with magic in town.

"If ye tell Ese and Jack old Bill sent ye they will give ye a discount." Zara nodded. "Thank you fine sir, good day." She bowed and left with her wears going along the road down in to the open air market here people sold everything from food, to wine to the pleasures of good company. She passed Esmeraldas fine wears and peeked in the window. Ladies dresses hung there, along with fine suits for men. There would likely not be anything there for Zara. So She sought out Jacks. The outfitters wasn't hard to find.

She found the man inside quite kind and curtious. Likely he wasn't sued to having females in is shope. He had a few pairs of clothing that Zara found fitting enough for her, simple pants and shirts, heavy and durable yet still pretty enough. They were not Elven wears shed look more human than she had in days. She bought the wears and got a discount then headed for the Clover.

The Inn was massive, four floors tall and the buzz from within was very load. Hood kept down her bags kept close she headed inside. No one seemed to notice her till she got to the bar. "Welcome to the Clover, how may I help ye?"A very familiar female voice addressed her. Zara smirked when she looked up to see Sydney Moon standing there behind the bar. In fine new clothes looking lovely as ever. Zara smirked, Luana had said the woman went running. And so this is where Sid had ended up.

"I would like food, drink and a room for a weeks stay," Zara stated flatly. It would be better for everyone if no one knew her. "We have a fine menu, the special tonight is roast lamb with veg and drink of choice for three gold." Zara nodded, "I'll take the special then and a glass of Elven red." Sid went right to work fetching the drink. The food came out a while later. It was rather good, the vegetables were a little over done but the meat was well worth it. Zara ate keeping an eye on her things and on the bar patrons. She noticed a few city guards in the back.

Sid was a wiz at tending bar. She snagged empty plates and glasses while firlting and handing out drinks. Zara finished her meal and slowly sipped her wine. Sid took up Zara's plate. flirting asked the owner about a room for you. For a weeks stay its ten gold." "Tell him or her I will make it thirty gold a night, if no one bothers me in my room, no matter what," Sid's eyes sparkled and she went off to talk with the man that stood like a stone behind the bar he nodded once and Zara smirked under her hood. Sid came back with the yes to her request and a key.


Date: 2010-03-03 23:22 EST
Zara retired to her room on the second floor,room twelve.It wasnt much, a bed,desk and drawers,one small window and one very small bath. It would suit her well enough. She didnt unpack anything keeping all her things together her weapons always with in arms reach door and window locked.

No one bothered her in her room or down in the common room.She only came down at night to have a meal and drink and take a survey of the room. There seemed to be no slavers here and when she asked Sid about it Sid paled slightly and said. "They not be welcome in Hael, the guards chase them out." That was the ebst news Zara had heard in a long time.

A week of good rest,fine meals and drink had her in a better mood than shed been in for many days. But she was on the tail end of her stay.Tonight was her last night shed paid up her dues and cleared out of the room.She sat for one last time at the bar with a good meal and good drink talking to Sid. Zara wished she could tell her who she was.Sid would be happy to see her.But if slavers came through looking for her, it was better for Sid to be in the dark.

After a fine meal,fine drink and fine company Zara headed out of the inn back in to the busy streets of Hael. She could see her self staying here,the twon was welcoming.But she knew she could never show her face.It was too risky for everyone. She spent her last night walking about the streets letting the good city seep in to her.

At dawn she left through thenorth gate and then once more when she was beyond the city she headed west in to the mountains. The map she had called them the Balilion Mountains. And they streched west for many miles. Zara looked back once towards home and then heade din to the mountains. There was a clear path that lead in to them.Trad s must have made it.


Date: 2010-03-03 23:26 EST
As she took in a cave home she thought of that warm day sitting in the Rahelia plain the wind to her back. She had known the truth of everything and the dangers had not yet set in. How everything had changed. She had become wanted,danegrous and a wanderer with no home. The caves suited her as her home for many weeks. Time was slowly dripping by. Every day she headed deeper to the west,higher and lower along the mountains. She passed only a brave few. Some dwarven scouts,some rouges on adventures.And merger merchants. She bothered no one,and they left her alone.

No one ever saw her face,and she was going to keep it that way. Here in the mountaisn she found food,water and shelter so her goods from Hael would last her some time. With wild food and good pure water from the moubtain she would not need her rations form Hael till she reached the other side of Bailion. Most nights she ate wild mushrooms,berries and what ever wild foods she could find. There were cave rats for meat.Though they did not taste very good. She kept some of the berries and tubers she found,likely to be in need of them when food was less able.

Winter was ending.She could feel it in her bones. The days grew warmer,trees blossmed ,fruits hung off t of them.And the wild beasts of the Bailion came awake. She found more caves takn by wild,boar,bear ad wolves and treated them with much respect.

She had no way of knowing how long it would be before she saw soild flat land again. The map didnt tell her, it stopped,she knew in a few days the map would not aid her any more, shed have to add to it as she went.She took that in stride. Of all the dangers she had heard of shed faced none.Shed seen a few orc tracks and few signs that giants had raided passing merchants but none came after her. While she continued on to the west three slavers were indeed trying to follow her tracks.


Date: 2010-03-04 23:19 EST
"What do ye mean were not allowed." Renald shouted at the wella rmed guardsmen. "Just as the sign say,No slavers in Hael. Take your men and go."The eyed him those two well armed and the archers from above. Renald cursed lowly. "I just wnat to be knwoin if ye have seen a geen cloaked elf woman." The guards men eyed the men before them. "Many people come through our gates,good sirs." Renald shook his head and swore again and then he walked away with Luke and Isac. "We should have stopped miles agio, seen if we could catch ourself a wizard to help us."

Luke shrugged, "shes miles away by now Renald." renald glared at her. "You fool you think that up rising back there was not all her doing? She was in leage with those tribal land elves.Teien was the best slaver haven ever and now it is lost. And it all that elfs fault. "He shook an arrow at him. "This elf.And we will find her."

They amde a small camp outside the city walls soon their two other firneds joined them along with one surly looking wizard. "Your men ere say you need my help. They said youd pay me." Renald ndoded, "Yes idneed. Jermey and Jac were right I will pay you. If you aid me you get some gold but more over I will not stalk in to your town rape your daughters and wife then sell them to the highest bidder. " The wizard looked hard upon Renald. "I need something of the elf's." Renald handed over the arrow. The wizard went to work

It took hours and Renald was not a patient man but the wizard finnally gave him the barrings of where the elf could be found. "Shes deep with in the Bailion Mountains there. "The wizard pointed. Remald grinned tossed the man his coin and the wizard ran off.

"We will need some suppiles Renald." Jac said. Renald nodded, "follow the wizard back o his village get us some food and wears and then we head out."

Hours later the three men returned to Renald with food and wears for two weeks worth of travel. Then all five set off.


Date: 2010-03-04 23:28 EST
Bailion was lovely in the spring.Zara had treked on to the west and now could no longers ee the world she had left behind though she could feel it in her heart. She hung on to hope that her friends were safe and well. That what was left of ehr fmaily was also safe.

Many weeks had passed in her trek.Spring was in full bloom now.The road was amrked by wild flowers and mroe people did Zara see.More traders and merchants and adventure seeking rogues. For many miles she followed a dwraven caravan till she saw that there was indeed a city some where under the rocks for dwarves she dared not follow them too closely or for too long.

Shed not spoken to anyone.Nature had been her only friend in the last month. Even though it was warm she kept her hood up. It would be unlikely that anyone from Teien would come this far but she didnt want to risk it.

By day she walked the pathway to the west apssing merchants as she went.At night she rested in what shelter she could find some times sharing a hole in the rock with a wild beast.


Date: 2010-03-04 23:35 EST
Renald and his gang of slavers treked in to the mountains ons tolen horses.The riaded a merchant band of their gold and good, and rode off with the five fine horses. They would make short work of tracking the elfess.

The bespelled arrow led them on awlays pointing the way Zara had gone. Renald had great plans for her,torture of corse. But he though f her clad in lether serving him and his men more than drinks. The idea made him smirk.

Three days in they knew they were clsoe they stopped some apssing merchants and threated their lives for information.The merchants had seen a green claoked woman walk by them a days past. Renald smirked they were getting close.


Date: 2010-03-04 23:41 EST
The noise outside her cave woke her the next morning. There down on the road five men on horse back looted a wagon while they demanded anwswers from those amoung the wagons crew. Zara listened and picked out a few words. "Slavers,Teien, and elf." Zara couldnt see the menw ell from her place in the cave ut knew these five men had to be looking for her. Theyd come a long way to die.

Zara couldnt climb down and help the merchants it would lead to everyones death.She crawled back in to the cave atehred ehr things and treked through the cave in the darkness.Shed chosen this cave beacuse on one side was the path way and the other was a narrower path way that led down along a spring that had come up in the mountians snow melt.

She walked through the darkness to that far end of the tunnle and out. She was miles now from where she had come in.If the merchants gave her up Renald and hs mn would be following her. She didnt know they ahd magical help.

The path was long and narrow and led to the north west. There would be no going back now.The path straight west was long behind a mountain spur. Here there would be no one to spot her,no one to risk. Here there would likely be more orcs and wild beasts then anything near human.


Date: 2010-03-05 15:37 EST
Renald reached the cave mouth. "The horses will not fit in here." Luke looked in, "I hate caves." "Likely there be a spot where her path and this path meets all we do is head west the follow the arrow."Jacs said Renald nodded and the men headed west for two days.Finally the path broke off to the north,and the bespelled arrow pointed that way.

Zara headed north west for two full days before she saw the road leading back for the main western road. She could take it but she knew it would be dangerous.So she headed on to the north. She hardly rested only hunted at night and dug in to her stores of food and water.

"Its been six days Renald. The horses need food and rest." Jac's leaned to a tree and looked to his comrades. "The men are tired, shes still at least two days ahead of us." Renald looked back at him. "Then we keep ridding through the night." The others didnt protest but the horses did.

Zara heard them coming long before she saw them. The horses were tired,and the men were just as tired. They apprehed from behind a spur and Zara was perched high above them. "Damn arrow doesnt work.says shes rght under our feet."

Zaras brows quirked and then she saw it her own arrow bespelled against her.

"Maybe shes dead." Luke offered an easy out. Renald grolwed. "No she cant be dead, damn arrow must be broken." He shook it. Zara snickered to her self and set up a shot.She would show him a broken arrow. Her shot was clean and the bespealled arrow shattered in a rain of ice and there was nothing left.

All five men looked around. "Raiders?" Renald shook his head, " goblins maybe, or ice giants." He scanned the area. Zara was neither ice giant or goblin. But she could fool them. There behind her rock perch she changed from her normal clothes to those her brother had given her and slid back on her cloak,quiver and bow. She resheathed her sword and dagger to her belt and slid her hunting knife in to those black boots. She smirked feeling very much like a drow when she slid her gloves over her fair hands. The get up was perfect,the collar of the shirt came high up over her face, showing only her eyes through that cloak. She looked like a drow when she stood up and fired again.

"There there!"Isac shouted and tried to fire but he was a piss shot the bolt went wide. And before Jac or Jermery knew it they were covered by a globe of darkness.

"Drow sentries.."Renald cursed. "We need to get out of here!" "What about the elf?" "She likely dead as you said." He began to turn his horse but he turned right in to the globe of darkness and sent his own men over the cliff face screaming.

When the globe faded Renald saw that Jac and Jermery were dead on the rocks below. Zara continued to fire upon them. She gathered the mist about herself and them below as she fired she heard the horses take off with the men with them.


Date: 2010-03-05 15:38 EST
Ten days had passed and shed seen hide nor hair of the last three slavers. They had run away so fast they were likely half way a cross the land by now. Zara had changed back in to ehr normal wears tucking thsoe dark clothes away.The had sereved her well and now she was free to show her face if she so wished. When she finally started heading west again the road dipped along the last spur of the Bailion and flatted out over a long ridge of green grasses, farm houses and a large city beyond.

Shed survived and now had the world at her feet.


Date: 2010-03-05 15:42 EST
Shed become well known again as ranger and protector of the people. The villagers had welcomed her stedy hand in all things not just battle. But when Orcs raided or giants came down Zara stood with the warriors of the towns,villages and citys she had passed by.

No one ever knew her name .She never stayed longer than a few months. She earned an honest keeping and let the horrors of her life long past slipa way. Shed never forget Eyllis nor her friends there.But no word had come, so the dnager was still there. It was better this way better for everyone. Here she was not wanted or hunted for her hide. Where she found slavery she set them free and fought the good fight.

Three years was a long time to anyone even an elf. Shed seen many wild places, fought with beasts and men and gotten a few scars to show for it. She even made a few friends though she knew she could never truly have friends like she had back home. Trekking thousands of miles on foot or horse back when she could she saw the ocean, the beach, and the many diverse people of the lands outside of Eyllis.

And when she first came in to the wood that surroudned the odd city.She felt as if a power had sucked her in.There was something about this place that had need of her, she could just feel it.So with that she set up a camp on the outskirts of the place she would later learn was called Rhydin.


Date: 2010-03-05 15:43 EST
Three weeks and she had taken in the city and its people meta few at the inn and settled in to the life she might be able to build here. She could do good here.There was slavery here.And there were battles to be fought and won. She could show her face now all the time with no fear. Here she met talking dragons,orcs who were not evil and a few talking animals that she found very odd. She found her home in the woods to be most comfortable even though she knew the inn offered fine rooms.

She was a ranger in the end and a new life was just beginning.


Date: 2010-03-09 00:39 EST
"All my wondering, all my searching and hoping and I end up in Rhydin. A strange place for a ranger so it seems.But a power led me here, and a power keeps me here.Thus here I will stay till I fnd out why."

His gaze paused on the woman behind the bar for a moment, as he noted she was watching him as closely as he watched her. Slowly he moved up to the bar, till he was in front of her. " Excuse me...but where am I?" Another sip of tea.She was still behind the bar. Taking up a perch. "The city of Rhydin."

Name placed to memory, as he looked around a moment as his hands atleast moved to rest on the counter of the bar. " I see. and I take it is not strange that people up here?"

"Nae, not from what I have heard. There is a magic to this city." Drow knew well of magic like most elves.She was not too carefull with her words. She was out of the way enough for others to gather their own drinks " I see. " Putting that information to memory as well. " Are you the bar keep? " Now looking to her as he eyed the male behind the bar.

She took a slow sip of tea. Carefull. Watching. Feeling her fingers against her palm. They were getting cold. "Nae, it is self serve this eve, and it was quiet so I took up a place here to watch... I could get ye something though if you like." Said as she sat the tea cup down and pulled those dark green gloves back on.The drow kept an eye on the path of the male. " Tea would be fine. " The gaze remained on the male till he was further away, before it returned to the woman offering him help.

She was carefully placed. Rising form the bar tenders stool now. To stand. Tucking her hair behind her pointed ears as she went to get the kettle. "What kind?" " Herbal tea would be fine. " Already fishing around in a hidden pouch for a few coins.There were endless types of tea. Both in bags, and loose. She nodded tothat and found the right bag with thsoe words on it then a clean cup, placing the bag ins he poured the hot water over it to let it steep. A few moments later he ahd a nice cup of tea before him. "There you go. On me." She smiled softly.

The nexus was at fine work tonight. She waited. Knowing all too well that the nexus often dropped those it took back.He blinked as he reappeared, then shook his head. Coins slid to the woman behind the bar. " For your kindness. " Murmured as he sipped the tea. She looked back to the room. Finishing off her own tea. When the nexus returned the patron at the bar side. She smiled having left his still hot tea there for him.And she had paid for it as well. "Keep your coins." A nod.

"No.. " Shaking his head. " You were kind enough to help me.. It is the least I could do."She smiled and took the coins up and palced them in the jar shed seen other tenders put coins in. "Thank ye then, the little children of Rhydin thank ye." His brows rose as he looked to the jar she put the coins in. " A rare sight. " Murmured more to himself than to her.

Ice blues looked back to the room. Quiet those by the hearth side. Her rbows rose softly, wondering what he had meant. But she didnt press it. "Forgive my rudeness.. My name is Delan. " Murmured to the woman behind the bar, over the rim of the tea cup. " This is good. " Murmured about the tea.

And one fled the hearth side elaving the other to rest and another to stare at the fire. Zara saw no reason to flee. And shurgged to herself. She then shifted about. She smiled. "The Inns best I would assume.I found it in the tea box. Mae govannen Delan. My Name is Zara."

" A pleasure, Lady Zara. " Bowing his head to her, as he set the cup down. He then glanced to the others for a moment. " Seems most are heading off for the night. "The night is full of fearfull things.I have heard. But have seen few.Rhydin is said to have many creatures lurking in the shadows."A slow shrug. " People seek safe places early."

He finished off his tea. " Then perhaps I should find a place to rest for the night. " Murmured as he set the cup to the side again, then rose to stand.She moved now from the tenders perch to the patrons side of the bar. "The inn has rooms above. " Looking to the stairs.

His brows rose to that. " Perhaps another night. " Bowing his head to her again. " Untill next time, Lady Zara." A turn as he started towards the door She nodded. "Good night." She looked at the back door and would head that way.

" Good night to you as well. " Out the front door he would go.


Date: 2010-03-09 00:43 EST
For a few days the mysterious drow had remained in her thoughts. It seemed odd to her that he would reamin there. Shed come across may elf kind and more than a few drow. Most seemed,unfriendly.Keeping up the lore that all drow were evil and did no good she assumed.

The one from nights ago at the very inn she sat at now stayed with her. She could not place why. Shed come and gone and come and gone many times int he last week fromt he inn. Meet more patrons made more possible friends. It was good to know people, good to get in gtheir good graces. Shed had a few slip ups with her ice magic but none seemed the wiser about it.

Still every night she had come. Yes to seek the company of those she had met already and thsoe she had hope to see. What was it about him? It was osmething in his eyes. Silver eyes. Very unlike most drow. What was it about silver eyes...

Yet for each day or night she went he was never there. Had he been some odd dream? Or was it possible that he had merely been passing through. People came and went from Rhydin so easily. Perhaps it was just some fateful intervention..or a dream....


Date: 2010-03-09 00:54 EST
Shes been staying in an encampment of sorts just outside of town in the forest.A place shes gotten to know for the last few days. Rhydin was still a new palce to her,new faces to see things to learn. The Woods had been her palce of stay form that first moment she arrived. The woods seemed more fitting to her,than the rooms at the inns. She was a ranger after all a child of the out doors.

Delan would be spending his time in his own small camp, deep in the woods far from town. He was currently sitting at the small fire he had started, with his eyes closed.

The night was cold. But her fire burned before her, cooking her dinner. Rhydin had proven intersting so far. She had met few ,but had come to find it not so different from home. Surely it was odd for someone to be staying out in the cold. But she enjoyed the wild. She might catch the scent of someone else in the forest with her, as he was just starting to cook somethign to eat as well. He prefered the wild more than being around people himself.

She had caught that scent.It was possible for someone else to be out here. She looked around, there seemed no danger about so she set to her dinner. A nice hot soup with veggies and cooked meat. Better meal than shed had for many days. He caught the scent from her camp, before moving to stand up following the scent. He blinked as he came up on her right. " Didn't expect to run into you out here. "

She was a little starteled but didnt let that show. He was slient,like most elves. She hadnt heard him even in the snow. "I perfer the wild." She took a bite of her dinner.Savoring it. "I was wondering who else was out here." He chuckled as he slowly moved around so he would be in her line of sight, before sitting across from her. He then started to eat his own. " I prefer the wild as well "

She smiled dimly. They hadnt been far apart she assumed his camp and hers. "Brave, the nights are cold here." She had a little tent set up behind her, made of thick animal skins,and large brances form the tree it looked quite sturdy and warm. She savored another bite. All the while her eyes never left him. Delan , the drow male from the inn. So he had not been some odd dream.

He chuckled lightly. " Aye they are rather cold. " Murmured in agreement, as he took another bite of food. " Do you wish me to leave?" "No." She shook her head. "You may stay.Enjoy the fire and your meal.I would not mind." She took another bite. She was sitting close to her fire,but she still wore that heavy dark green cloak and those dark green leather gloves.

" As you wish, Lady Zara. " Smiling to her as he enjoyed the fire and the meal. As he looked around to the surroundings, taking note just how close their camps were.

She had notcied that too. Not so far apart were their camps.She savored another bite. "I have not had company in some time here,your welcome to stay as long as you like M'lord Del?n." Being called lady Zara did not seem to bother her, she was far used to being called that or M'lady Idande. " You can call me Delan, no need to be so formal. " Winking at her with a smile, as he slowly finished his meal. He then moved to stand up.

She nodded, "Then Zara will do for me,formalities are bothersome."She had finsihed as well a nd rose when he did.

" Perhaps we should watch the other's back tonight.. This place from what I have heard is not a safe place. " His brows rose. She nodded. "I have heard much the same.Yes perhaps we should." She had been her own watch for many eves now catching rest here and there mostly in the daylight hours.

" I'll return shortly. " Bowing his head to her as he moved back to his camp to gather his things, and to put out the fire he had going. Giving her a moment to ponder over this second meeting between them. She nodded and went to tidy up her camp site. She was always very careful to wash and put away her cook and eating wear. This all she did while she pondered this odd second meeting. The first one had seemed likea dream,but now she was sure she was wide awake.

He would return a moment later, washing his cooking ware, before putting it away. He then started to set up his own tent. With a glance over to her, every once in a while. She glanced at him as well. He was used to living in the wild. She noted. He took the same time she did with her cook and eatting wear, and the same steps to set up his tent. She satrted to wander about him. As she took up a place before the larger fire.

" Peas in the pod are we. " He murmured as he moved back to the fire as he flashed her a light smile.

She smiled back and laughed at that. "Indeed." She stuided him for a long moment before looking in to the fire. She wodnered if he would ntoice what most did about her.In the fire light her bare skin had an odd shimmer about it,softly blue in tone. Her hair thats wept her face didnt hide it.

He had noticed it. " You are touched by the ice. " Murmured to her as she'd notice that the fire seemed to reach out towards him. Making his dark skin glow with the same glow as the fire. She nodded.And stuided him again. The fire did reach out to him,making his skin look warm. "Yes, I am part Khelek'quessir. Ice elf."

" I guessed as much when I first met you. " He nodded to her gloved hands. " And as you can tell.. I have a touch of fire magic in me. " Murmured as he looked back to the fire. That explained a lot of things, her hair, her eyes. The blue tone of her skin. the way the snow moved around her as if it was summoned to fall a certain way about her. "I did notice. A handy skill for a Mori'quessir." She used the elven word for drow, but indicated that she had respect for them with her using the term mori'quessir instead of Tel'gothrim.

" You are kind to use the elven term. " It got him to smile for a moment. " You are not worried that I might hurt you. " Looking back to her, more so right into her eyes. She starred in to the fire. It warmed her quiet well.She did not seem subdued by the heat like most Ice elves. She even held a hand out towards the flames. The flames licked ger dark green gloves and she felt the warmth go in to her hidden fingers. She looked upa cross at him. "I am not.I am able to protect myself." Indeed she was, sword at her hip,dagger in her belt a small hunting knife in her boot. A bow just behind her with quiver and arrows.

He nodded lightly. " I am able to protect myself. " Two swords on his hips with a bow and quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder. " Besides.. not that you would find yourself enjoying the company of one such as myself. A half ice elf, and a drow with a touch of fire. "

She took note of his weapons. Then her brows rose softly. "Why not,I enjoy the company .And your powers do not bother me, nor does the tone of your skin. "She smiled softly and dropped a globe of darkness over the bush far to his right. Only drow could descend such magic.

" Perhaps. " Murmured as he looked over his shoulder to that bush. She smirked dimly then looked back in to the fire. "Drow kin do not bother me,nor does the fire.I am an odd elf. Myself." His brow quirked as he looked back to her. " That you are, and a very lovely one. "

She smiled to that. "Thank you." The darkness spell would vanish as it had come. He might note her soft blush it could ahve been from anything, the fire light,the warmth. Or more likely his comment. " So you can blush....but it draws attention to your eyes.. " Murmured as he rose to stand again, now moving towards his tent.

She didnt look at him only in to the fire. Yes she could blush.Though she always tried hatd not to. She rose thenent for his tent she ducked in to hers. Shed leave the fire going for a while. It warmed the area. He looked to her a moment, before turning to head towards her tent. Only to poke his head inside. " One last thing. " She was just inside when he poked his head in. "Aye?" She was settling her weapons beside her bed roll.

" We could keep the other warm.. I was taught that when it is cold. Bodily warmth is key to keeping warm. " Not that either really needed it She blinked at him.Unsure of what to say. "Yes I have heard that saying can be true. " She had never dared to risk it.Her body ran colder than most other elves, her fingers were usally always cold unless within her special gloves. "It might prove us well to share the same space."

" Tis up to you. " Slowly pulling his head out of her tent, before moving towards his own. As he had expected her to just hit him, and tell him off. She nodded and let him go to ponder his words. She had shared tent space before, and yes it had always proved to be warmer. So she ducked out of her tent and walked across to his. She wasnt as bold to jst pop her head in. "It would likely prove warmer for us both." Was all she said from outside

He loked to the flap of his tent. " If that is what you feel is best... Please come inside. " Murmured to her as he was already in his bed. She slid inside. " I have an Idea,it will only take me a moment." She bowed her head and stepped outside. He would hear not much of a sound outside,but as savy as she was with magic she got her idea done alone, which was imple, she moved her tent closer to his, so that ina quick waft of wind and a little cold they now shared one larger tent, s he was quick to motion to set her things up just as she had them before. Soon she unrolled her bed roll beside his.

Once he caught on to what she had done, he chuckled softly. " To scared to share my bed with me? " Merely teasing her as he watched her.

She eyed him, she was farely clsoe to him now in her own bed roll. "Nae. But I do not wish you to freeze."

" Do not worry about freezing me. " He smirked at her. " Nor do I wish to light you on fire. "

She snickered. "I think thats highly unlikely. "She felt she was close enough to him as it was. She set her weapons beside her, and slid her boots off then cralwed under and in to her bed roll. Much in ranger style she slept in her clothes,only chaning when she had to and usually only in the warmer day hours. He chuckled. " Fine..hide in your little bed roll. " Waitting till she was just about to lay down, before giving her a light shove. With a touch of fire magic added in.

She chuckled and inched closer so that their shoulders would nearly ne touching then she gave him a push back. Her gloves were off now and hed feel the tell tale chill of her hands and of her ice magic. She shivered to the warmth of fire sent through her.

She then used her cloak as a second blanket for them both. Hed not how warm it was, it carried an inner wamrth about it, and it smelled of the woods and of her. A soft crisp scent. "It is not little."She smirked. "It serves me just fine. "She lay on her side facing him.
He chuckled softly to her shoving him back, with a shiver to her cold touch. " Perhaps. " Murmured as he slowly drew her in closer. Both of them laying on their sides facign the other. Letting his warmth flow into her to keep her warm, and her cool touch keeping his warmth from setting the tents on fire.


Date: 2010-03-09 14:52 EST
Come the following morning, Delan would of silently slipped from their joined tents. Letting Zara sleep as he moved to do a quick patrol of the area around their camp. Once he was certain there was no danger, he got a fresh fire going before he started to fix a small breakfest for them.

She woke up soon after her left and changed.She let her mind wander back to the night before. She had never been so bold or rash. She barely knew this man,and yet she had shared a space with him, and slept quite well.

He looked over his shoulder to the tent as he hadn't seen her come out just yet. Pondering on the previous night as well, as he was normally one to keep to himself. It was just a spur of the moment thing. She came out to the smell of food and the warm fire. "Quel amrun." She held her hands over the fire for a moment before slipping on those trusted gloves,dressed in darker colors today,than yesterday. That green cloak again over her shoulders.

" Morning. " Murmured back to her as he handed her a plate of food. " And no need to hide behind your gloves and cloak. I don't bite. " Smiling to her as he started to eat..As well as pouring them both a mug of hot cocoa. She snickered and sat down taking up some food. "I am not hidding. " The hood of the cloak was down. "They keep me warm, and the gloves are bespelled,to keep my hands from freezing over things that I touch."

" You didn't freeze me over last night. " Murmured as he took another bite of food. Using the mug to hide a grin. She chuckled softly. "You have fire within your veins, that alone saved you. " She took a slow bite and eyed her mug. It smelled quite wonderful sweet and aromatic.

" You seemed to enjoy it.. as when I woke this morning...You were rather..close..All drapped over me. " A sip of the cocoa. She merely blinked at him as she took up her mug and s sipped it. She wondered if he was lying. But she did recall feeling quite warm and cozy most of the night. "You did suggest we share a space, tis not my fault I toss and turn. And I doubt very much if I was drapped over you. You could have easily pushed me away. I would not have taken offense"

He chuckled softly. " You didn't toss and turn..and you were curled rather tightly against me. " Winking at her now, before blowing a kiss her way.

She took another bite of food then another sip of the warm sweet liquid. He was an able cook, and used to human dinks she placed the flavor now, as the drink called hot chocolate or cocoa. The warm mug wamred her gloved hands. She was soon finished, "since ye cooked I shall clean up." She didnt remark on his comment about her being curled up against him and tried to pay the blown kiss no mind.

" Thank you. " Murmured as he handed her his mug and plate when he was done. Then moved to changed clothes. Leaving the flap of his tent open. She went to wash their dishes off.Looking after him only once. He was an odd dark elf. She had known only a few in her early years and none had been like him. She washed the plates and mugs with ease. Water magic came as easily to her as ice did. Once done she stayed outside their shared space. Looking to the fire.

He came back a moment later, before sitting down beside her. " I am guessing you are pondering on why I appear different from most drows. " She looked over to him. "Ye do seem different from most,but I have known very few of drow kin,and only those from my home land, I know not ever drow can be the same just as every elf can not be."

He nodded lightly. " Would you prefer that I be mean towards you? Or dip you into a kiss and really warm you up? " Looking to her with a sweet smile.. She eyed him softly. " I would not stand for meanness, and I never said the drows I have known were mean, just different from you." She made no comment about his kiss remark. Only looked to the fire.

He nodded lightly, as he suddenly turned while pulling her towards him. Stealing a kiss from her lips, while sending a pulse of fire magic into it. Only to pull back and turn back to the fire. Like nothing happened.

She blinked at him when he pulled away. She had shivered to the kiss?Or was it the magic he sent through her? She said nothing and did nothing, She rose and would retun the clean dished to the shared tent. She came back out with her bow over her shoulder, quiver full of arrows on her back she already had her sword,dagger and hunting knife with her,now she looked fully armed. " I think I shall patrol." As if nothing had happened ,just as he seemed to want.

He smirked as he turned to stand before she could slip off, this time keeping to his words as he dipped her. One hand on the small of her back, with the other slipping into her hair. " Not just yet. " Murmured as he let his warmth seep into her.

She shivered now to that warm touch on her back.He was swave to say the least and fast as well. She could not or rather would not counter him. "And why not, are you enjoying this game...?I told you I will not stand for meanness.."She could very well take off her gloves and send icy pulses in to him, but she did not. She could have easily held a blade to him ,and warmed him only once to behave. But she did not.She looked only in to his eyes. "I am not to be trifled with."Those icy blues flared a bit.

" What game? " Looking right back into her eyes, as his eyes flickered to a fire color. Matching the flaring intesity of her own eyes. " If you wanted to..You could easily get free.." She could indeed. Why didnt she?She wasnt someone who hesitated at anything. She merely bit her lower lip and pressed her gloved hand to his chest. Then pulled away. "I need to patrol." It was more of I need to get away.. before.. at least thats what her eyes now back to their normal tone said.

Yet he pulled her right back into that close area of his form. " I already did..tis nothing to worry about. " Another pulse of fire magic into her form. " Or do you wish to hide from me?" Tilting his head slightly. Another shiver crossed her form. "Nothing can quickly change to something." She was in close again to him. "I am not hidding."Strong resolute she glanced in to his eyes. Her gloved hands were pressed against him,she could feel the heat of his body through her gloves. "I am used to patroling, that is all."

" Remove your gloves. " Murmured to her, as he didn't make a move to do so himself. Nor had he made a move to kiss her again. Just locking his eyes onto her's. She looked to her gloves then slowly pulled the right one off then the left and tucked them in tot he folds of her cloak. But her hands stayed at her sides now,her eyes locked with his.

He shifted as he moved her hands to press back against his chest. Letting her feel the heat flowing through his form even better. As his soaked in the cooling touch of her form. The heat seeped in to ehr hands warming them, but she knew that coolness, thatf rosty tinge seepped out and in to him.She flexed her fingers slightly against his chest. She had learned long ago never to touch anyone like this, it could mean their death,but she was drawn to his warmth.The feeling made her shiver. "You should not be so trusting."She with drew her hands.

" Perhaps..but your eyes tell me that you do not wish to harm me. " Murmured to him as he finally let her pull back from him. "No I do not." She took a few steps back from him. And rubbed her warm fingers over eachother then through her hair. She did not know what to think, much less what to do. So she merely slid her gloves back on to hands , why tempt fate.

" Leave them off. " Murmured as he moved to sit back down. " Unless you fear that you might freeze me. " Now looking over his shoulder to her. She stopped then shurgged and pulled them off and tucked the away. "I do not think that is possible..." She knew his bdy ran far to warm for her magic to harm him. "I just do not like taking touch can be deadly." She sat down,then looked off in to the woods.

" As can mine, but we both know how to control it. " He murmured as he stuck his hand into the fire, lettig the flames lick at his dark skin. " Yet. " He moved that same hand to allow the back of his fingers to toch her cheek. Letting the fire in his form run free.. Knowing her natural coolness flare to keep it from hurting her, as well as letting it seep through her.

She watched him carefully. His hand seemed un hurt by the fire, and when it touched her cool cheek it warmed her,and she closed her eyes, her natraul coolness keeping his likely normally dangerous touch at bay. "Yes, indeed." She blinked and smiled dimly. She looked to the fire, then back at him. "May I ask you something?"

After a few moments, he lowered his hand as he looked back to the fire. His brows then rose. " Aye.. ask away. " She looked at him then away. "Why are you out here,in the middle of no where? Why Rhydin? And..."She gazed back at him, "Why did you kiss me?" She would not loose her nerve, she wanted, needed to know.

" I've always prefered to be out in the wild, and I just happened to be dropped here. " To her first two questions. He then looked to her. " Because I wanted to kiss you. " Moving his hand back up to brush a few strands of her hair from her face." Why did you allow me to kiss you? " To his first two answeres she nodded. Understand the first more than the second. Her brows arched at his final answer. "Because I wanted ..."

His brows rose as she chose not to finish her answer. " Because you wanted? " Tilted his head as it seemed he wasn't going to let her off that easy. She wasnt sure what to say. "Yes...I"She looked to the fire, then back,nearly loosing her nerve. "Beacuse I enjoyed it.."

He nodded softly. " Tis the first time? " Asked softly and carefully. As he moved that strand of hair behind her ears. Allowing them to be seen fully. "The first time? For a kss or one I enjoyed?" She let him tuck her hair behind her pointed ears. " Being kissed and you enjoyed. " Smiling at her as he lightly nudged his shoulder against her's.

She chuckled. "I have been kissed before, but I never got to enjoy those..."She eyed him He nodded softly. " Froze the poor men to death did you? " Teasing her as he let it be known in the tone of voice he used. She shook her head ."Nae I did not freeze him."She knew he was joking. "Nearly.. thats was before I knew of my powers, he did get slapped though."

He nodded lightly. " So I am the only one that kissed you, that didn't get slapped and that you want to kiss again. " She nodded in return. "Aye," She looked over at him. " The man, or young man I should call him for we were very young,whom kissed me was my best friend back home, he adored me you see.And I felt nothing but friendship for him. And yes you do not get slapped,yet.And yes I would enjoy it to happen again. But I will not hold my breath."

" Then kiss me. " Looking to her as he shifted to sit facing her. Hands coming up to invite her into his arms.
She eyed him, those open arms and chuckled. "I am no navie young woman..the moment I try you will likely pull away and act as if nothing happened." " True.. I could do that, but I could just laugh at you for wanting to kiss a man you barely know. Yet I am inviting you freely to slip in against me. "

she eyed him "You kissed a woman you barely know,I could have gutted you like a fish.Or strung you up from that tree."Eyeing it then inching in closer. "I could still do those things."Now closer to him. " But you won't do any of those things, for I have given you no reason to do so. " One hand brushing against her cheek when she moved closer.

"Indeed.Tis true."She closed her eyes when his hand brushed her cheek. All the while ehr mind screamed that this was crasy and so was she. But still she inched in closer,in to those open arms to his. Then with one more eyeing look at him, she dared to kiss him.

When she moved into his arms, they would slip up under her cloak to draw her into a lean against him. Then turned his head to kiss ehr ever so softly on the lips.. Letting her see that he wanted to kiss her again he was now leaning against him, his hands under her cloak had drawn her in to that soft kiss. Her own hands rested now upon his shoulders. All the while her mind was calling her crazy.

He let the kiss linger for a few more moments, before he leaned back just from the kiss. " Fire and ice are we. " Murmured just above a whisper She opened her eyes and smiled lightly. "The two normally can not exisit near the other."She looked n to his eyes and let her cold ahnd grace his warm cheek and jaw line. " True.." Murmured as he leaned his cheek into her cold touch. " Yet here they are...yearning for the comfort of the other." Murmured as his hands sneaked up the back of her shirt. Letting his hands rest on her bare skin of her back

She shivered to his bare hands on her bare back her back arching a bit. Her fingers trailed along his cheek again and she smiled. "Indeed. " She liked how his hands felt on her back how they warmed her skin . He enjoyed her cool touch upon his skin, before he shook his head softly. " We are both crazy.." Now chuckling softly as he looked back into her eyes.

She chuckled and nodded. "Aye... I agree with that."She let her hand drop to his shoulder. Then I guess we will have to be crazy together. " Shifting as he would allow her to lean fully against him now if she wished. She snickered some and nodded then leaned against him. She could deal with that. Being crazy felt good. He chuckled again as she agreed with him. But made no move to pull away from her or to push her away.


Date: 2010-03-10 00:30 EST
Rated PG-13

The morning after the oddest night in her life.yet the most wonderful Zara was up before the sun, taking an early patrol. Along the river bank towards the warm hot springs. No one came out here, no one knew this places beauties.

Yet as she was looking over the hot springs, she just might spot a familer set of cloths setting folded on a near by rock. And a moment later, Delan would surface nude with his back to her. Seems her new companion knew about the hot springs as well.

She froze first whens he saw the clothes then again at him. She blushed and turned her back and looked the other way. So hed found the hot springs...She shook her head and walked for the little river of run off fromt he springs it was just hot enough to wash her hands and face in. Though she had come all the way for a nice long soak. Shed put that off.

" You can join me.. It's nice and warm in here. " Delan said as he looked over his shoulder to her. Now facing her and lucky for her..He had dipped back down into the water. As his form seemed to be keeping the water much hotter.

She looked carefully over her shoulder. "Its alright."She smiled and sighed softly at least she could count on small favors. "I'll wait till later. " The water looked much warmer, she wanted to go in, it would be relaxing... but she would not. "I'll keep an eye on the surround."

He chuckled softly. " Oh just get in here or I will undress you and drag you in here. " Said as he was starting towards the edge of the hot springs.

She shook her head at him and looked again tot he water. "Fine.."She walked to where he had laid his clothes and weapons and laid her dagger,hunting knife and sword down then shrugged out of her shirt. She seemed to have no fear of udnressing with him watching. Like most elves of herhomeland she wore undercoverings.

Yet if she looked, she would note he had turned his back to her. Giving her some hint of respect and honor as he let her undress with out him staring at her. She did note that,when she finnaly was fully undressed she was in the hot springs before a moment had much passed. Sunk low in to the boil.

He looked over his shoulder once she was in the water, and started towards her. " And here I was hoping you had some fight in you. "

Her brows arched at his words and her eyes peeked open. "Pardon? What do you mean? " " I was hoping I'd get to drag you in here nude, while you were kicking and screaming. " Murmured as he slipped up behind her. Hands already seeking out her shoulders for a magical heated massage.

She snickered softly,and looked over ehr shoudler at his.Her eyes then closed to the soft heated massage. "Never would have happened. I am a lady..And I need a nice long soak..unless you favor those you share space with to smell badly.."Not that she ever had or ever could.

He chuckled to that. " are a lady..and I do not think you mind me being this close to you. " Murmured softly to her as his hands continued to massage her neck and shoulders. "Nae I do not mind."The water was always warm, but now it was even warmer. With him in it. Her cold skin did not feel as cold now. "I didnt think anyone knew this was here,these forests are so different,if I had not had the animals to guide me I would have never found these springs.."

He nodded softly. " I just happened upon them one night. " Softly as his hands moved to work on her back. Allowing him to move in a touch closer to her back. Lips brushing against her ear. " Did you enjoy the view of my backside?"

She snickered softly. "I did not look for that long. "Her back arched slightly to his hands. And ehr ar twitched slightly. "I have a sense of deciency and honor..just as you do."

" True.. but you did stare. It is how I knew you were there. " Sending a pulse of fire into her back as he continued to massage it. Working the knots out. She blushed faintly,and clsoed her eyes. "For a moment."She shivered to that pulse then turned to face him. She pressed her hands a little warmer than normal to his chest but all the same that pusle was cold that he would feel.

" And did you enjoy it? " Murmured as she turned to face him. Arms snaking around her waist to draw her in. He felt the cool touch of her skin, with him turning up the heat of his own touch and that of the springs. She was snagged in clsoer to him. "Yes."She looked up in to his eyes, and felt the heat rise in the spring. Her hands still pressed to his chest. "I am allowed to admire." " Would you like to admire every inch of me? " Looking back into her eyes, as he brushed his lips along her jawline. Then up to her ear. " Or are you to much of a lady to allow yourself such a chance?"

She wondered if she ahd suddenly burst in to flame when he graced ehr cheek and jaw line. "I am awoman of honor,and would not allow such a thing.. even if I desired it. "She traced his cheek with her fingers.those soft tell tale pulses following.

" But as a woman you do wish to see it. " Sending stronger pulses of fire into her form. As his lips moved down along her neck now. Seeing if she'd push him away as he had been such a gentleman to her before. Now he was being a rogue..Trapping her there in his arms and using the combination of his magic and the hot springs to cloud her mind.

She closed ehr eyes, and shook her head.She could feel steam rising from the water or was that her skin? She shivered all the more as he kissed down her neck ...then softly she pushed hima way. "If I do or not, means nothing."She would not be clouded. "Such things are not just done...I will admit I would like to, but such things are not done..we hardly know the other..."

" Perhaps.. but we have been staying very close to the other.. with you at times cluching my arm when I try to leave your side when you sleep. " Softly to her as he let her slip away. Then moved to climb out, backwards the let her steal that look.

She looked then looked away. "I know..." She sank down in tot he water. She enjoyed his compy,she liked him more than she should she knew that had had no rubuttle for his comment. He smirked a touch to her stealing that look, then looking away. " Tis no harm in looking Zara. " Murmured as he moved to get dressed. Only to return a moment later.

She sank in to soak her hair then came out.The air was cold out and the heat from the springs had been very nice. She tip toed to her clothes. nwoing she would not stay very warm long. She was quick to dry and dress. He then smirked as he leaned againt a tree, watching her as she dressed. " I must say.. You do have a nice firm, full figure. "

Twirlling her wet hair up in to a bun and strapping on her belted sword and dagger along her pants she yipped and starred at him, then blushed bright red. He grinned as he turned to head back to their camp site. Leaving her to stand there as she pondered just how much he had seen of her body. She felt as if se might be froze there to that very spot in that moment. How much had he seen?She tucked in her shirt. She waited a long time bfore heading back.

And by the time she got back, he was fixing them something to eat for breakfest. Acting like the last scene never happened.

When she did return she merely sat before the fire and let her wet hair down to dry. She dat him only to the fire,her mind now clouded with that last scene. She brushed ehr fingers along her side and rubbed her cold hands over her back just above her left hip. Then returned her steady gaze to the fire.

He handed her a plate of food. and leaned in close enough to whisper in her ear. " You do have a lovely body, Zara. "

She blinked at him and enarly dropped the plate. That blush returned to her cheeks. What could she say..."Diola lle.." Was all that came out, some how that was all she was able to say thank you not in common but in elven before taking a bite.

" Welcome..and perhaps later.. you can get a better look for yourself. " Murmured in her ear as he leaned back to start to eat his food. Just to get that idea into her already clouded mind.

She still wondered how much he had seen?How long had he been standing there? Had he heard her self mutterings, had he see that birthmark she bore there above her hip? Had he seen everything? Then she starred up at him, and cheweed. That just added to the cloudyness in her mind.. Now shed have trouble not trying to mentally undress him.


Date: 2010-03-11 00:35 EST
She could ask him how much of her form he had seen. But he had seen every inch of her when she dressed, and had it locked into his mind now. The food before her alone focused her mind.She ate chewing very slowly. Letting her mind focus on the flavors rather than the hot spring. She rose with her cleaned off plate,and passed him to go and wash it off.

He smirked as he finished his and moved to follow her. Only to press up against her back, whispering into her ear. Poor Zara would hear a perfect description of her nude form. All the way to the bithmark. She froze as she was washing and turned and looked at him wide eyed.Then she muttered somehting in elven, but some stange dilect of elven and burried her face in her hands. He set his plate to the side, before lowering her hands. He then lifted her eyes to his. " No need to feel ashamed, Zara.. The look in your eyes were asking how much did I see. "

Her cheeks burned with blush she could feel it with her cold fingers. She was finally lifted to meet his gaze. But she didnt say anything, she was to embarrassed. She nawed at her lower lip for a moment. "I am not ashamed..."She said ina low voice.. "I am... man.. has ever.. "She brushed her fingers through her hair. Then sat down,and rehid her face.

Yet he didn't allow her to sit down or hide her face. " Nor have I allowed any woman to gaze upon me. " Murmured softly to her as he leaned to her ear. " Nor have I ever kissed one or wished for one. " Arms moving around her now. Seeing if she was following what he was saying.

Her brows rose softly. Her own going around him. She caught his meaning,and was oddly surpised, and touched as well. She nodded softly As she lingered in his embrace. He nodded to seeing that she understood his words. " We are more alike than you think..and I can see the look in your eyes.. You wish to share more with me"

She blushed softly and looked in to his eyes. "Aye, but it is very strange to me.. I have never longed to share ... more with anyone...nor ever felt the way I have felt these last few days.." He nodded softly again. " But we will wait for now. " He kissed her cheek, as he slowly pulled back from her to sit down at the fire again.

She nodded and sat down again. Sheck looking in to the fire.She wondered still what he might have thought of that birth mark,it was about the size of her own ahnd and shapped oddly like a tree,and it was as darka s his skin was that onyx tone of a drow. She held her hands over the fire and let the thought dwindle. Did only the drow and her kin of home know what it meant? When the fire started to warm her hands she with drew them.

" What does the mark mean? " Murmured after a few long silent moments, as he looked to her. Seems only they knew.

Those warm fingers slid through her now dry hair. "Its part of my heritage, half ice elf half drow... I never knew my birth parents.. but years as a ranger led me to find out who there were, my birth mother was an ice elf, of a tribe called Ilri, they are great mages, of birth father was a drow.. of the house of Auvry which is the second royal house of the drow city Abban in my homeland . They allow inbreading along with the first royal house... but only drow children can be raised inside Abban But all children of the second house are born with a marking on their ebony skin they call it the mark of the god...or goddess.. a drow child ut is purple in tone.. only able to be seen in a certain light... I was born light skinned and my mark is the ebony color... daughter of the royal house.."

He looked to her as she told him about herself to a point, and about her mark. " So you are a princess? " His brows rose a touch.

She chuckled lightly, "No... my father was a noble but his wife, my mother was not,and though the second and first houses allow inbreeding no child of light tone can become anything in Abban...other than a wife,or slave. I am a ranger...that is my calling."

She'd hear a sudden growl from him, but he managed to surpress his own fire. Yet the fire beside them suddenly roared higher..

"My siblings,have hold in Abban, and I am welcome there under their leave..I have a brother and a sister, both dark skinned, and only truly half siblings..." She did note the fire roar, and his anger. " Slavery is not a kind word around you...not a kind word around most drow kin,I have found...or even elf kind, humans seem the most oddly tollerent of the word... least in Rhydin."

" It was welcomed were I am from...and I was cast out for taking a stand against it. " Said as he looked to the fire, getting it back under control.

She was not scared of him, nor his power. She even inched in closer to him. And linked her cold hand with his warm one. "I see."She gazed in to his eyes then to the fire. Then she fished something from that bag at her side and unrolled it upon her lap. "This is my home, or a map of it." She smiled dimly looking at it. " We are alike for even more reasons it seems...Abban."She pointed it out with her free hand. "Is one of only two palces in Eyllis where one would see slaves... Teien ."A point, "was the other."

He smiled faintly to her, before he stared at Teien. He didn't say anything, before looking back to the fire. " When you saw my backside...did you see anything? " His turn to be a worried to a point. "I left for many reasons, adventure at first... to see the world I had not known as a child... then as I became more aware,I knew that there might be some place better...or more understanding...less...full of pain as well. Nae... why?"

He nodded softly as he rose and pulled up the back of his shirt. Then let the magic fade that was hidding a mark on his back.. It was the slave mark of Teien.. She looked back to her map to the little village Ibaea. She pressed her cold fingers to the word and let the map roll closed. She him and then closed her eyes.. Then her cold fingers traced the mark... "You have seen Teien, then... "

" Yes... I was once a slave there..untill I killed the one who owned me..and fled. " He closed his eyes to her touch, before lowering his shirt. " I am a wanted man there.. " He said softly as he looked back to her. The mark she knew well,shed seen it ona dozen drow,elves and even humans whom passed through the village, that liked her homeland with the outside world. The mark was always burned in tot he flesh, she shuttered at that knowledge and nodded to him. "So am I.."

His brows rose as he moved to sit down beside her. Taking her hand into his. " I killed a dozen slavers before I left through the mountains... they had children... young human,elven,drow children.. I saved all the children from the marking... But I fear I will never go home to Ibaea again...nor see Snowhaven,or ride in Nieli or sit in Taindira forest and converse with the creatures...or look up in Rahelia Plain and speak to the spirtis of thsoe who born me and those who raised me.. "She folded her fingers along his hand.

" You will return home one day. " Softly to her. " I will see to it. " He knew what it would mean for himself if he done that for her. Her brows rose softly. "My parents both thsoe who raised me and thsoe who bore me are dead,most of my long time friends are still there working to rid the land of the plague of slavery... Before I left my brother was working to rid Abban of it... something tells me he is dead as well... The road has become my home... And I would not ask you to go back to Teien."

He shook his head lightly. " But it is your home and that is were you belong. " He then shrugged slightly. " No one would miss me. " Murmured as he moved to stand up.

She looked after him and then to the fire. Thinking of home.Of those shed left behind.Of everything that ahd happened to her family, her friends beacuse of slavers. "I can not.. Cesio pass will be guarded,I have a few friends left there but not even they could get me home...besides, they say your home is where your heart is.. my heart is not in Eyllis. It has not been their since my parents died..."

" I could get you home. " Said over his shoulder as he was looking around in his pack. Checking to see how much fod he had left.


Date: 2010-03-11 00:44 EST
She rose and walked over to him, and her cold fingers found that spot on his back where the slavers had burned their mark. ' When i was seeking my birth parents,one of my closetest friends was taken captive by the Teien slavers... I was half way a cross the land at that time,and I could not aid her.. when I returned home she was there,and told me of her story...of how the slavers had treated her, she showed me her mark,and told me of the man who saved them all..." She touched his shoulder now, sending a soft pusle of ice magic in to him.

He closed his eyes to the soft pulse of magic, before he looked over his shoulder slightly to her. " Did she tell you what this man looked like?" "The more I think about her story now, the more I would never wish to go home. Yes... she did."She smiled. " My friend Luana Ashemmii was the only other female to be in the hunting party with me we were best friends, she was a great artist...When she told me of her time in the cells below the slavers home she told me of this man... this drow, as she called him for she never knew his name, he had been kind... and handsome...She said there was one time when a young child was brought down... the child was near straved and at the same moment she and this drow shared their only bite of food with the child... "

He looked back to his pack. " The child died. " He murmured as he moved to stand..Then turned to grab up his bow and quiver of arrows. She looked to the fire. "So I heard...but you saved the rest of them... Luana told me of the battle to be free...of the costs..."She watched him then with drew to sit back down. He paused to look over his shoulder. " She lead the others out while I distracted them.. It was a bloody battle, which nearly killed me.. "

She nodded, "Yes she recounted the tale, she wanted to help, but knew she had to gett he weak away...she never forgave her self for that... a true hero, she said, so rare now... two weeks later I stalked in tot own with one purpose... and sullied my good name... for a better purpose... it may be my home, but if I return, I will die.. and any with me will die...."She glanced to him. "I will not allow it."

He smirked faintly. " Is that so? You would protect someone that you barely know? " He shook his head lightly. " Are do you do it for another reason?"

She held her hands over the fire,letting the flames lick at her cold fingers. "I protect those worth portecting, and you are worth it... you saved lives at the risk of your own, you put others before yourself... you are a warrior and a hero... I would do it for that reason... and beacuse I know I care for you... and could not bare tos ee you die by the hand of those I long fled..."

" Prove it. " Now turning to her as he set the bow and quiver down. Then motioned her towads him, as if baitting her to prove herself.

She with drew her hands and ran her fingers down the hilt of her sword. Those weapons the only thing left that was good from her home land. She looked over at him and rose with out hesitation. Her hands brushed his cheeks and jaw line. Then she kissed him deeply.

His hands came up to cup her hips, as he kissed her back as deeply. Sending soft pulses of fire into her form, before he slowly pulled back from the kiss. " My my.. I must of made a rather good impression on you.

Her brows ticked upwards a bit and she nodded to that. "Indeed." As always his touch sent shivers through her. "Three days after I left home Luana sent me a letter via messanger. " She eyed the woods, the trees the animals about, seeing if hed catch what she meant. "Slavers had gone to Ibaea, and murdered my parents..I almost turned back to avenge them, but I knew it would only lead to my death I vowed then not to return I wrote Luana once telling her to tell my friends to forget me, my name... that way they would be safe."

He nodded softly before he pulled back from her, moving to his tent. After a few moments, he walked back out with something about the lenght of a sword.. Wrapping in a cloth then held it out to her.

She drew up her bow, her quiver already on her back. She looked off to the west. The wind blew through her hair. " Whats this?"Her brows ticked upwards once more.

" Take it. " He murmured to her and once she did, he would move to get his bow and quiver again. Both being placed upon his back. Before he turned to head out into the forest. When she unwrapped it..she'd see her mother's necklace and her father's sword.

She gasped and looked after him but he was gone in to the woods. She starred at the balde,a fine piece like ehr own sword,the larger blade had served her father well before he settled to farm life. The necklace was simple, elegant,like her mother had been...She held back tears as she slid the necklace on


Date: 2010-03-12 00:13 EST
As she stood there looking over the sword and necklace. He was out hunting for a few rabbits for them to skin and prepare for dinner. Giving her time to ponder on what had just happened.

The sword had been over the hearth in her child hood home, a reminded of times past to her father. The neckalce was simple elegant and light, her mother had worn it all the days that Zara could recall...' One day I will pass this on to you, it was my mothers, and hers, and now mine and it will be yours...' Iliana Idande had told her, Zara had expected to get it long down the road. Now she wore it about her neck. A few tears slid down her cheeks and crashed to the forest floor as ice.

He would return a few minutes later, looking to her for a moment, yet said nothing as he sat down by the fire. He then started to skin the rabbits he had caught, as he really didn't know what to say to her.

She looked up at him. "How did you?When did you find these...?" She had regained her composure to some degree. He must have been in Ibaea after she had gone... after ...then he knew of her name... of what she had done. "How long have you carried these with you?"

" For about three years. " Murmured over his shoulder to her. As he was hanging the skined rabbits on some sharpened sticks he brought back. She nodded. "I figured these things lost... my father was a great smith and warrior before he retired to farm work...and this necklace, had been in my mothers family for deacades... they were my parents even though they didnt bare me... thank you for giving me these... what must you think of me... not returning to those she loved aid... "

He smiled faintly. " It was the dying wish of a good man...that I get those to you...after I took care of a problem. " Now he was starting to cut the rabbits up, as he was making stew with them. She looked up at him. " Then you knew who i was the moment we met at the inn? "A dying man.. she bit her bottom lip and gazed to the sky. He nodded lightly. " I had a hunch, but I wanted to make sure.. " Now looking to her. " He would of been proud of what you did.. and your family was the ones that nursed me back to health.. It was the least I could do. "

She blinked a bit more, then nodded it made sense that her family would aid him.They were always helping. " I hope so...thank you... again. " She looked to that sword that liad beside her now. He father hadnt weidled it in years, she could see him fighting now in her mind to save his home, his family. She grasped the swords pommel and shook a way her tears.

" The ones that killed your parents are dead now. Killed by the very sword they tried to take.." Glancing to her for a moment, then back to the stew as he started to add the seasoning.

She looked up at him. Then nodded. " He prized his items, but never sold them for very much. He said fine art was his prize, better than gold...I never saw him wield it... but always guess that he would one day...."She looked to the stew. Then up at him. "So you sought me, and some how ended up in Rhydin... I suppose you never figured I might fall for you..."

He chuckled softly. " No I didn't expect that.. He did weild it..but in the end.. I weilded it.." Said without looking to her, before moving to get them both a bowl to eat out of. She nodded. "You should keep it." Quite serious. "It is much too heavy for me."Looking at the elven sword the equvilant of an elven broad sword,made of mithral and iron. When he hadded her a bowl she nodded and smiled. "It smells very good."

" He said you would probably try to get me to take the sword. " Murmured as he filled her bowl for her, then his own. Then started to take a spoonfull. She tooka slow bite and chuckled. " He had a very good since of honor. Atar ,he would want you to have could wield it better than I." " Trying to say you want me to wield it in honor of your father, and use it to keep you safe? " Now looking to her a moment.

"If you would. And I need no protecting, I am a master at sword play, and markswoman... and my touch can kill... " She took another bite then sat her bowl down and lifted the sword beside her with both hands and held it back out to him. "Take it please, no matter what becomes of us.I will know it is in good hands."

He looked to her then to the sword, then back to her. " You really want me to keep it...don't you? " "Yes." She nodded looking in to his eyes. "It is a fine sword, it will s rve you well,and it would do my fathers spirit well to know it is in good hands...and it does my soul well as well." He nodded softly as he set his bowl to the side, before slowly taking the sword from her. Looking it over a moment, before spinning it to sheat it along his back. Letting her see that he already had it's sheath in place. Her brows quirked and she snickered and sat back down and started eatting once more. She was glad he took it,it looked better with him.

He picked his bowl up, and started to eat again. " No thank you for making sure you got them? " Now he was just teasing her. "I said thank you twice... shall I say it again or were you looking for something else?" She finished off her meal. " You dancing around the fire nude for me. " Looking to her as he looked and sounds very serious. She snickered and went to wash her dish, still laughing when she came back.

He took his bowl to wash it, before coming back. " I'm waitting. " She snickered at him. "In your dreams...I think you've seen your fare share of me...And I am not about to show you again..." He smirked at her. " That so? " Now moving to stand up before moving towards her. She nodded to him. "I will not be dancing around the fire... nude.. never know whos out in the forest..."She moved for the tent.

He smirked as he caught her by the back of her pants, only to spin her around to face him and be pressed up against him. " That is a dare. " The fire starting to show in his eyes. She looked in to hsi eyes seeing that flare in them she pressed her hands to his shoulder and sent a cooling pusle in to him. "I do not subcome to dares..." " You dared me, little woman. " Smirking as his free hand moved up to attempt to remove her shirt. All the while keeping his eyes locked on hers.

She felt his warm ahnd on her bare back. "I did no such thing..."Her hadns trailed down his back. Then up under his shirt to s end an icy pulse right in to his skin. He growled softly to that pulse to his back, and moved his hand up the back of her shirt. Sending a slightly stronger pulse of fire magic up her spin. " Chicken. " A smirk as he twisted out of her arms, then moved by her with a smack to her rear as he headed towards his tent. " Oh..your father told me that you prefered bad boys. "

Her brows arched and she followed him. Making no comment about that smack. She followed him in to t heir shared tent. "he said no such thing,I never dated or showed any intrest in boys..." He smirked to that. " A father knows more than you think. " Looking to her with a smile, as he started to remove his weapons.


Date: 2010-03-12 00:20 EST
All that had passed had left her with a lot to think about. She had been up and gone before the sunw as up.The chill hung to the air, but it never bothered her. She idly touched that necklace about her neck as she walked along the river.Armed ready for anything. Maybe shed be able to find something good for lunch. The sun started to rise and she stopped to watch it.

While Zara was out looking for food. Delan would be keeping an eye on their camp sight. Keeping the fire going so she could warm herself when she got back. Leaving him to look over her father's blade.

Walking along the river she did find a good meal.Breakfast for ehr had been cold bread with some of her left over jam from he rlong journey.Lunch would be better.She found some wild gesse. fore using any force against them she sought out one that ight be weak from the cold. Then with a thanks to the gods she let an arrow fly. The bird would feel no pain. She would return to camp with two. Already defeathered birds.

He looked up from the fire. " And the winter goddess is back. " He murmured softly with a wink to her.

She smiled softly to him. "With lunch." She laid the two cleaned defetaher gesse down softly upon the rocks beside the fire. Then held her hands over the fire while pulling off her gloves. She had thought much about the night before,now her eyes settled to that sword he had in his gaze.

" least you are a usefull winter goddess.. More than just eye candy to look at. " Teasing her as he sheathed the sword over his back. He then started to get the gesse ready for lunch.

She smirked to that and looked over her shoulder at him. "I am useful for much."She went to aid him with the lunch prep. She hadnt spoken much to him after all their playful banter last night. And she felt as if she hadnt slept. Her mind had been too busy.

" And just what are you usefull for? " His gaze moving to her. Telling her with his eyes that he was daring her to tell him every single thing. She snaged one of the geese from him. "I am an able warrior, a good cook, and an exelent ranger. "She went to season the cleaned off goose in her hands. Then went to making a spit rt roast it with over the fire. " That's it? " His goose was being cut up, so it could be used for a stew, or to make a sandwich out of the meat.

She eyed him. "No, both warriors and rangers have many different skills,I am good at them all. I am useful for battle,in any way, tracking,hunting,and "She looked to the fire,where she set her goose to roasing,it spun of its own accord with a look from her. "Magic of serval kinds.. I make fine company, unless you disagree."

He chuckled softly. " True.. but I prefer catching you nude when you are standing by the lake in shock. " She looked at him and blinked. "You will never let that go will you? You will make me relive being embrassed. " She sat to let her goose cook away. "She ran her hands through her hair.

" Nope. " A wink to her, as he made it to where they got about half of his goose between them. " Not that you minded gawking at me to the point you pondered pouncing me. " Said as he handed her a cup of hot cocoa. She took the mug and gave him a long look. There would be enough goose for a few days. The roast one for now and his nicely chopped up pieces for later and tomorrow. "I did not ponder any such thing."Said before taking a long sip.

" You are a poor liar, Zara. " A sip of his own cocoa, before leaning towards her. Looking into her eyes. " Look me in the eyes and tell me you never pondered pouncing me in a moment of heated..and longed for passion. " Voice smooth as silk, and with a very playfull glint to it.

She looked over her mug then lowered it and looked in to his eyes. She didnt say anything. She knew she coulndt lie.She kust looked back slowly in to the fire. She sipped her cocoa and she closed her eyes as she drank. " You do wish to.." He murmured with a grin, as he took another sip. Only to move to sit beside her when she closed her eyes. Leaning to her ear. " Then do it. "

She opened her eyes shocked that he was next to her she almost dropped her mug. But steadied her hands. "I will do no such thing,want or not." She looked away slowly. But he caught her chin and turned her gaze to look into his own. " You lie. " He stole a sudden kiss from her, before looking back to the fire. Not bothering to hide that rogueish smirk.

She blinked at him after that stolen kiss then went to tend to the roasting goose. Yes, she did lie. But she didnt want to tell the thruth or even think about the truth. The sun was higher now she could feel it The goose over the fire had hours to cook and she knew that, she was just keeping busy.

He set his cup to the side, then stole her's and set it to the side. He then turned and caught her by the shoulders, and turned her to follow him as he moved to lay down. Placing her over him, and before she could jerk away. His arms snaked around her.

One moment she was standing then before she could fight it she was laying there beside the fire looking down at him. " What are you trying to prove?" "That this is what you want. " Murmured up to her as he let his natural warmth flow from him and into her.

She shivered softly and closed her eyes to that soft pulse of warmth. "It may be." Looking down at him now. She pressed her fingers to his chest.That pulse given back cold. He shivered to the touch of cold from her hands. " Maybe nothing, dear. " Murmured as he winked up at her. " Or do I need to spank a confession out of you. " His hands moving down her back to her rump.

She snickered. "You do not need to do anything. "She eyed him. "No confession is needed. I will freely admit, that this is what I want. But.. "she looked back in to his eyes. " But? " He grinned to her confessing to him, but it didn't stop him from giving her a fire aided spanking.She snickered and inched softly away. " I don't know. "She blushed softly. Her mind gone back to thinking. Over thinking.

He smirked up at her. " Oh no you don't. " Pulling her back to hover over him. She looked back down at him. Back to being hovered over him. Her fingers brushed his cheek. "I should not feel this way." " Tis not a sin to feel this way. " A nip at her fingers. " Tis natural for people to have feelings for another. Or is it because you are ice..and I am fire?"

She shook her head to the last question. "No...I know it is natrual,and it has nothing to do with the it not customary to feel this way about someone you have known longer than we have known one another.I have nver wanted anyone... not like this..."

He nodded lightly. " Nor have I, but I do. " Slowly lowering his hands so she could slip from him now if she wanted to.

But she didnt move. She just ran her fingers across his neck and over his shoulder. Then down his arm she took his hand in hers ,and replaced his hand to where it had been.

His brows rose to her movements, before pulling her down to rest against him. With his other hand coming up to run through the back of her hair. She rested right against him and clsoed her eyes as his hand ran through her hair. She didnt want to move. She was warm there against him but knew also her chill would leave off on him,so slowly she would with draw. But not before she kissed him softly upon the lips. He kissed her back softly, before he moved to sit up with her. Looking to the goose she was cooking. She looked tot he raosting goose it was coming along well.At least they hadnt lost track of it. She rose to her feet to check on it.

Lunch was ready within no time,the goose was the main dish but there was elven bread and fresh berrys ont he side. The smell was wonderful. "Lets hope I havent lost my touch."She said as she handed him a full plate.


Date: 2010-03-12 00:26 EST
A few Days have passed
It was another early morning.She woken long before the sun had risen and went out fully armed as always to patrol.Shed left him sleeping comfortably in their shared tent. She was still wondering abot her feelings for him. She knew well of love, she ahd lovd her parents and ehr friends. But this was different,a different kind of feeling in her heart.

She smiled softly as she walked. He knew her too well already even though they had not known each other long. She was letting her mind wander a bit when she heard somehting. A cry, not of a human or any other person. But the cry of an animal in pain. She scanned about and followed the cry. Ducking low in the undrebush she saw it. A young deer. Likely a month or so old. Trapped in a hunters noose by the foot. Zara winced as the poor thing pulled and pulled wailing all the while. It would likely draw wolves to it before anything else. She looked once more about the slipped in. The deer spotted her. Wailing all the more.

"Amin Mellonamin."She spoke softly lowering her self to her knees to show the poor caught deer it ahd nothing to fear from her. The deer stopped wailging and pulling on he rope and Zara crawled closer. She was very careful.She worked quickly using her hands to unbind the tie that made the hunters noose. The deers leg was allright nothing that wouldnt heal. She used a touch of magic to freeze the rope in to shattering and the deer once free spung off quickly in to the distance.

"Na esta taur ea " She rose happy with her work. She scanned the area once more no more hunters nooses could she see. She shook her head, they were horrid traps that horrid hunters used. Usually for larger prey.

She started to head back to camp. A crunch in the under brush behind her made her look over her shoulder. Delan would never be so loud. No elf worth their weight in gold would ever make such a noise. And she was proven right when a cross bow bolt flew past her and thunked in to the tree to her left. She drew her sword with out a moments pause.

"Nadorhuan rim" Only cowards hid in bushes and fired at people. That and robbers. "Show yourself." She watched the trees, the underbrush, for signs,another bolt thunked in to the tree to her right. " A little wide." She called out. Then she spotted the form ducking behind a tree. She sheathed her sword and rolled low to the ground while the person behind the tree hid. She then from that vanatge point drew her bow. When the person behind the tree looked out ready to fire he or she found Zara gone.

Zara watched now arrow notched from her safe place. She watched as the person came forward nervous, with that cross bow. Human. A man,she could tell from the height and broadness of the shoulders. He wore a worn cloak about him. He looked right and left. He wasnt alone, Zara noted. Two more men came rushing in at the sound of his whistle. Three to one. Zara loved odds. She looked again, three,all looking about for her. She let arrow fly it hit the first an with the cross bow knocking him back pinning him to the tree cross bow gone flying away. The other two drew swords. She could play hide and seek too.

The one pinned to the tree pulled the arrow from his cloak. "Its her alright... told you shed come this far," Zaras brows went up. She looked at the three again, as they looked at her arrow. She knew those men, those raggid cloaks, had she not lost them miles ag? Years back in the mist of the mountians? They were from Teien. She knew the guards men of Teien would never come this far, but the slavers would. She shook her head. This time shed have to kill them. Shed left them years back in the mist of the mountians and hoped some orc or some horrid dragon had gotten to them, they proved most difficult.

Now they lowered their hoods. Yes she recalled their faces, three men all fairly close in age. One with dark hair and two with light. And one baring a long scar along his already marred face from where shed gotten him with her sword. She notched another arrow. And didnt make a sound.

"Come out ye little elf, we wont hurt ye." One called. She looked out towards them,she recalled their names now, scar face was Renald, the leader of the pack. His dark hair was greasy and disgusting. That scar had marred his face even more. Luke was the shorter fair haired one,he was second in command. And Mr jumping no shot with anything cross bow was the youth of the group,Isac. There had been five to start with when they first came after her. The other two had fallen off a cliff side. These three had not given up.

"I told you the trap would work." Renald snorted looking around. "Little elf cant help but save poor little animals." So the trap had been for her, good play on them. She looked over at them again, she could could take out Isac with her bow no problem. Luke was a good swords men, and Renald wasnt bad. She needed to take one down and wound one enough so she could deal with who was left. So she made her peace with having to kill them. And from her hiding spot let her arrow fly, then let two more fly. Isac never saw them coming. The first hit in his arm, pinning him back to the tree. And before Luke or Renald could get to him the second hit in his gut and the third the though his chest. Isac was dead by the time both Luke and Renald were to the boy.

Back against the tree she sank.

"Damn it." Renald cursed. He looked to Luke. "You go that way I go this way." One went right one went left. Zara stayed put, she was no novice, she kenw that trick. She slung her bow over her back and climbed in to the tree. In he darkness of the bows she would not be seen, she let her cloak hide her.

Luke walked around and under her and walked on. Renald was cursing as he walked, she could have picked him out of the dark. She ahd a bone to pick with Renald. So from her tree spot she dropped a globe of darkness over Luke.

"Renald.. Hurry!" He cried from the darkness, he could not see. She swung down within the darkness, able to see within it quite well, her icy blue eyes were all that Luke saw . "Renald.. shes.." All was turned to gurgles and blood. By the time Renald found Luke all he found was the mans body and his head two foot paces off. "Damn ye to hell ye little elf witch."

"Be careful..."She called using the forest as her aid her vocie echoed. " Tempt not fate Renald..." He spun a round looking for her. "Come out and fight like a man..." She chuckled to that, "If you mean fight like you with dirty tatics I think you have seen I can do that." She dropped down soundlessly behind him and pointed her drawn arrow to his back. "Turn around, drop your weapons."

He muttered a curse and turned dropping his weapons all but one he thought him self so sly for that dagger in his boot. Zara focused her icy glare upon him. "You should have given up, now your men are dead, and you will join them." That arrow was aimed right for his heart. "I dont give up little elf..." His hands were clutched at his sdie and he tossed something at her. It was dirt. Dirt rose upa round her in to her eyes and she let the arrow fly but it hit the tree. She growled and wipped her eyes and slid her bow over her back and drew her sword. "You fight like a child Renald." She watched, she listend, the trees, the underbush it was all within her aid.

"Theres a pretty price on your head." He said and she spotted him cross bow in hand aimed for her. "It doesnt have to be attached to ye shoulders." He smirked and let the bolt fly Zara ducked and rolled and two more shot flew by her one in to the soil and one grazed past her arm. She rolled to use the trees as her coverage. Hed run out of bolts eventually. Three more stuck in to the tree she hid behind. Then she heard his heavy boots move shift and come towards her. So much for her wanting some answers. She ducked and ran for the other side as botls flew past her, three made their mark . One in her left arm, one in her right thigh and one in her right shoulder. They hurt for sure but shed had worse.

She ducked and drew her bow ocne she had some coverage. He was out of bolts now. It was all about waiting. She waited listening to his heavy boot falls. She counted them as he started to run, he thought her down she knew that. Shed let him think that till. He came upon her quickly too quickly to stop her sword slid through muscle and bone before he even came close to her, she cut him down.

He was dead before he met the ground. She wipped her blade clean and slid it in to her sheath then made her way back to camp.


Date: 2010-03-16 01:36 EST
( 18 +)

The morning was brisk,yet anyone could tell it was a bit warmer than the last few mornings. Zara was not in their shared tent she was gone.Out patroling perhaps.Maybe catching breakfast for them both. The camp fire was lit low.Winter was hanging on but just barely. Spring wasnt too far off.

Delan would wake to find the icey Zara gone, before shaking his head lightly. " Guess it got to warm in here for her last night. " Mused to himself, as he changed clothes, before slipping out of their shared tent.

There was a rustle in the leaves and underbrus.A sound that Zara would never make usually.

She stumbled in to camp. A thing Zara never did was stumble. Three cross bow bolts in her, one in her right shoulder, one in her left arm above the elbow and one in the back of her right thigh. She was lipping lightly, blood stained her shirt,arms and pants. She had meant to come back with some fish something good for lunch or dinner, but instead shed come back with wounds.

She leaned her back to a tree and winced closing her eyes. " Three less slavers..." Was all she said. She leaned there eyes half closed. Eyeing the bolts, which one hurt most she couldnt tell any more.

His gaze snapped around to the rustle of bushes, not thinking anything about it, before he caught sight of her. Shooting up from the fire to help her to sit down. " Hold still. " Murmured to her as he then shot into the tents, getting his pack. Once he was back with her, he looked into her eyes for a moment. " This is going to hurt like hell "

"Oh yeah."She kept her knees bent that bolt in her back of her leg hurt like hell but the one in her arm was doing more damage than the other two.Even if the one in her shoulder hurt it wasnt that deep. "Go ahead I am strong."

He nodded, as he carefully took the one out of her arm first. Quick to apply pressure to get the bleeding to stop. Then a allowing that hidden healing energy to repair the damage to the wound above her elbow. Once he was content that it was healed. He moved to the one in the back of her leg, not worrying that the healing was drainning his magical reserves.

"Dont strain yourself."She could feel that ehaling pusle go through her. "Tear them out bind me up.I'll heal them myself, dont need you dying on me."

" Hush. " Murmured as he moved onto the one to her shoulder. Once her shoulder was healed, he leaned back from her. He leaned back from her, breathing a touch deeper.

She eyed him now all healded bloody clothing but healed. She shook her head at him. "I could have healed myself.I just didnt have the skill to rip the bolts out."She felt a little sore nothing more. "Thank you." She inched forward and pressed her gloved hand to his cheek, why risk it.

He smiled lightly. " Perhaps, but you would of done the same thing for me if you were in the same postion. " Closing his eyes to her soft touch. " And stop wearing your gloves around me. "

She snickered and removed her gloves. "It could hurt you now, your in need of rest." She nodded then softly, "Yes I would have.Thoug im not sure my healing arts would work on you, they do tend to have a touch of ice about them."

" So worried about me.. " Winking at her as he moved to lay down by the fire. Shifting to rest his head in her lap. He then tossed two of the arrows in the fire, while looking at the third one. It looked oddly familar to him.

She smiled down at him as he rested his head in her lap. "Yes."She watched the cross bow bolts go up in flames. "Dont you think I should change ebfore you lay on me and get all bloody?"She eyed her bloody pants and shirt. "I look like hell."

He looked up at her. " Don't worry about it.. " He then looked to the bolt again.. " How many were there? " Reaching up to take one of her hands in his, then tried to get her to stroke her fingers through his hair.

She did run her fingers through his hair."Three, orignally there were five,five men from teien.Slavers.Then two died falling off a mountain side and I had throught Renald had given up.But he had not.Now hes dead too.Good shot though."

He nodded softly. " This looks like one that hit me before. " Murmured as he tossed it in the fire. " Now turn and lay down with me, " Smirking up at her,

"Likely so.Renald and his men were the ones who held you and marked you."She turned and laid down beside him. "They are dead now,anyone else who dared follow Renald wont come this far, to many orcs and giants along the way." There was an all knowing smiled upon her face as she laid there.

He smirked up at her to that grin of her's, gettign him to shake his head lightly. " That scared of you are they? " Moving his arm around her as he enjoyed being at ease with her. " Or are you trying to get me to go out and get hurt so you can slowly nurse me back to health? "

she snickered to that comment. "No need tor un off and get hurt.And I didnt plan on getting attacked.It just happened. And no they are not scared of me. Though they should be. "She ruffled his hair slightly. "I do owe you though."

He chuckled softly. " Why should they be scared of you? " Winking up at her as he kissed her cheek. Hands shifting her to lay fully over him. Drawing in the cool touch of her body, while sending warm pulses back into her.

She lay there and eyed him. "I am a dangeros woman.I just killed three men with no aid from anyone,and although I was hurt it was a rather good fight.And I set their slaves free once before,all of them.And killed dozens of their men,they should fear me."She closed her eyes to the warm pulse. "And I am only nice to you and my friends.My eneimes have no such luck."

He smirked to that. " You are a marshmellow.. Nothing to fear about you. " Moving his hands along her side, as he was so asking for her to hit him. And she did have him at her mercy for the moment. " You forget.. I've done the same thing.. and could beat you with an arm tied behind my back. "

Her brows perked at him.She could hit him.She wanted to but didnt "Men and their talk,all talk. I am no marshmellow,ouse some orcs or giants and kill them off single handedly would that impress you?Or does nothing impress you."

He smirked slowly. " Seeing you blushing from head to toe, while you are nude..would impress me. " Trying not to not to smile. " And you are a marshmellow. "

She poked his chest softly. "You and your obession with my body.Its very embrassing."She lifted her self off him. "I need to change my clothing."She strode away from him slwoly. "I am no such thing. "In to their tent she ducked.

He smirked as he moved to stand up to follow her towards the tent. " You are a marshmellow. " Stepping into the tent.

She looked back at him as she was just setting down her gear, her belted sword and dagger and her quiver and bow. "What makes you say so?"

" Because you could never bring yourself to hurt me. " Letting the flap of the tent fall behind him. " Plus.. you love the way I look at you, and enjoy looking me over. Undressing me with your eyes when you think I am not looking. " Now taking a few steps towards her.

She watched him. "I see no ahrm in looking at you or doing so. And yes I do like the way you look upon me. And no I could likely never truly hurt you.But I could try."Her eyes flared a bit then she to dig through ehr things to pull out clean clothes the ones she wore were beyond any repair. "Now go away so I may change."

" Nope. " He crossed his arms as he was fully intent to watch her change clothes. " I think I have a right to be in here, as it is our tent. So go ahead and change clothes. "

She sighed softly.Took her change of clothes and with a smirk dropped a globe of darkness over herself Now hed see nothing unless he stepped in to the globe. She had her boots off before the globe desended.

He smirked to that. " Playing hardball. " Murmured as he would wait a moment, then stepped right into that globe of darkness.

She could see wuite well, being of two houses offered her powers of ice elf and drow. She did love to use that globe of darkness for more than fighting. It made a fine place to change.Unless the person you were with was also a drow. She eyed him seeing him perfectly as he could see her ruined clothes at her feet pants barely up shirt still undone.

" Well..hello. " Looking her over very slowly as he started towards her. Seeing if she'd try to fend him off, or allow him to draw in close to her.

She shook her head at him and let the globe of darkness fade about them. "Very funny."She buttoned her pants and fixed her shirt.She wore a new look for her all black,it was one of her few clean clothing options.

He smirked to that. " Let me help you with that. " Winking at her as his hands came up, to slowly start to unbutton her shirt.

She had only a moment tos ee that her wounds all three were indeed healed fully,and the spots were no longer sore. She whaked at his hands. "You have seen enough of me."She whacked at him again.

He grinned as he continued to try and unbutton her shirt. " I have not.. you hide from me. " Winking at her

Hed only gotten two buttons undone and she shrugged and left those as is. "I did not have a chance to hide the first time. "She poked at his chest and swatted his hands away. "I should be the one undressing you."

He smirked to that. " Then undress me.. I dare you to do it. " Catching her hands and pressing them to the front of his chest. " Unless you are to scared. "

She starred at him for a long moment.She looked to his clothing,as simple and rugid as hers was. "I do not subcome to dares."But her fingers stayed where he had pressed them. She could not deny that she wanted to undress him.

" Either you undress me, right now.." Hands moving to her hips, as he drew her in closer. Brushing his lips over her's " Or I shall leave you here.. all alone. "

She was now closer against him.And how he tormented herWould he truly just leave her there?She wasnt sure.She didnt want to risk it. But would she subcome to the dare. Her fingers already answered her minds questions by undoing buttons.

He smirked as he watched her fingers making short work of the buttons to his shirt. Only to pull her in flush, trying to trap her hands against hsi now bared chest. " such a hurry to undress me. " A playfull tsk coming from him.

Her hands were like ice against his chest yet he was so warm.She looked up at him now. "You said right now,did you not?I have no desire for you to disappear on me."Her fngers pressed there,her eyes looked from his to where her hands pressed.

" And why do you wish for me to stay so close? " Murmured as he slowly turned to lay her back on the furs of their bed. Trying to keep her fully distracted from what he was up to.

She flowed with him not letting her busy mind question anything. "If you go.I will be all alone. I don't want that. "She felt the furs under her now,and hr brows rose her hands pressed up along his shoulders finding the fabric of that shirt to remove it fully.

He would let her remove his shirt fully, before he shifted to hover over her. " You wish for me to be the first one you have been with.. " Looking into her eyes.

She blinked up at him a little shocked and embrassed. "You think thats what this is about?"Her fingers came to a stop upon his shoulders. "Though I will not deny that I have feellings for you." She looked up at him, she didnt finish, what could she say.He was right and she knew it. "I am not ready for that." Was all she came up with.

He leaned down and kissed her lightly. " You are madly in love with me..and wish for me to stay by your side. "

Love wasnt a word she used often.But she did love him. Though she still didnt understand why or how it had come to be. " Yes."She blushed softly.

Brows rose as she didn't deny his words, before he leaned to her ear. " Very well then.. I'll stay with you. "

Her brows rose softly and she nodded. His whispered was making her smile. "Id like that." She lowered her hands and looked up at him.

" Good. " Smirking as he shifted to pull those furs up to give them some cover, as he moved to lay beside her.

She curled up under the furs feeling warmer already than she had been feeling. She could not expalin her feelings, nor how they had come about. She knew that love was never simple nor eas. But she felt it now as he lay there with her.

He slowly pulled her to lay mostly over him, allowing her to draw in more of the warmth of his form. Not saying a word as he just enjoyed the moment.

She pressed her hands against his arms her icy fingers trailing there.Leaving frosty desings that quickly faded. "Are you feeling better?" He had healed her and thus been weakened.

" Much better. " Murmured to her as he moved his hands to the small of her back. Sendign small pulses of fire up her spine. While smiling innocently at her.

She shivered and closed her eyes to the pulse.Her fingers pressed to his arm once more then ran up to his neck and she gave him a pulse there. "Enjoying yourself?" She was,she laid there most content.

He shivered to the pulse of ice. " Be nice.. " Winking at her, as he chose to rub his hands along her back, " But yes.. I am enjoying myself. "

She grinned and nodded andlaid there her hands laying upon his shoudler and arm luke warm and not sending any pusles in to him. She was glad he was alright,she felt better ,she had the moment he healed her.

" I should make you wait on me. " After a few more moments of silence. " So you can start making this up to me. " Oh he was being a bad little drow

Her brows rose at him and she lifted her ehad to eye him. "Wait on you. Well I could make you a fine meal.But I dont intend on serving you. And I can make it up in some other way."
He smiled so sweetly to her. " But.. I healed you. " Now a little sniffle as he started to turn from her.

She smiled dimly at his sniffle and turned his face back to meet her gaze.She kissed him once then rose slowly. "Fine,if I cook you some breakfast and serve you shall that make us even?"

He kissed her back. " Only if you cook me three and do so nude. " Smirking slowly as he was very serious.

"I am not standing out there cooking in the nude.I will cook you breakfast,lunch and dinner.But nae in the nude will I cook. I could get burned. "

He gave her his best pot, but soon lost as he started to chuckle. " Fine..but you have to be nude while you are in here."

She had some cook wear and starred hard at him. "Only if you offer me the same ."Very serious as she stepped out to start breakfast.

He quirked a brow to that demand, as he moved to stand up.. He'd one up her as he waited till she was gone. Then fully undressed. Waitting till the food was ready to join her.

She hadnt caught anything thanks to the slavers so she had to rely on what they had. A simple meal something humans always enjoyed .Eggs and meat and bread that was toasted. Two plates full later she walked back in to the tent.

And she'd find a nude Delan waitting for her to return. Nice full view to come home to.

She nerely lost both plates of food to the floor.But she regained her balance. Even if her face was scarlet red. She merely starred at him and held out his plate.

" Thank you. " He smiled at her as he sat down on his cloak and started to eat slowly. Letting her keep that nice full veiw.
He had a full chance before at the hot springs to stare at her. To memorize her every curve.Every deatil down to her birthmark,he had enjoyed recounting that look to her. Now it was her turn, to stare and memorize. Even if she was at a loss for breath.

He smiled sweetly at her, so letting her see that he was doing this just to torment her. " Like what you see? It is beautifull out here. "

Her plate was still in her hand.He had taken her quite seriously. She looked to her food then back to him. then back to her food before she slowly sat down to eat her own plate full. She had a mouth full of food chewed and swallowed. "Quite nice.A very nice view."He was tormenting her,next hed ask why she wasnt doing as he had requested,she looked to her black clothes and took another bite.

He grinned. " Is it me..or are you trying hard not to gawk at me? " Now letting a touch of arrogance flow from his form

If she ate quickly enough she could say she had to wash the plates. The idea of undressing in front of him made her blush. More so than seeing him there,with nothing to hide. She was trying very hadr m but any time she looked up her eyes trailed over him.She coudlnt help it. "Maybe. Cocky much? You did this just to toment me"

He smirked to that. " An interesting word you use, seeing how that is where you keep looking. " His brows rose a touch.

She nerely dropped her plate again, at least it was empty of food. "I do not, and you seem a touch arrogant. Tis all I meant. If I gawked at you would you be more pleased or tease me about that?"

He grinned as he slowly moved to stand up. " You do gawk.." Once he stood, he moved slowly towards her.

She looked up at ima nd rose quickly. "I should go wash the plates."She wasnt beinf sucked in to tending to him in nothing herself. What then would happen.

Oh but he caught her before she could flee. " You made a promise to me.. If I was nude.." His hands moved to undress her.." You have to be nude. "

She starred at him. "That I did." She didnt stop him not at first. But then she stayed his hands. " A deal is a deal." She had to suck up her nerve.She hadnt but her botos back on so she could easly undo her pants. She paid no mind to him or tried not to.Keeping her mind on the task. Pants were gone tto the side and she focused on undoing her shirt. Hed seen it all before she reminded ehrself as she tossed the shirt away to the side. "Happy?" Now she had nothing to hide behind.

He smirked as he watched her undress, before moving around her slowly. Enjoying the view of her nude form, before wrapping his arms around her from behind.

She blushed deeply,then closed her eyes as his arms went around her. "Its not as if you havent see it all before."


Date: 2010-03-16 01:38 EST
Her eyes closed as she sat their with thir eveining meal. The whole day had felt as a dream. She had subcome to his dare and he had willingly subcome to hers. Though hers had not truly been a dare. She still felt very odd there even inside their tent where no one else culd see them. She felt as if everyone could.

Every now and again shed gaze up at him. She had gone through with her part of the bargain and he continued to fill his part. Though every time she looked up and caught his eyes looking at her, she blushed deeply. She had nothing to hide behind. Theyd gone since morning like this from the moment he set down his dare. And she made up the bargin with him.

She had tried very hard all day not to hide. But hed often caught ehr crossing her arms over her chest or hidding behind something anything she could in the tent. His words to her always the same. "Relax Zara...its just you and me." The words were always whipsered in her ear, and always made her realx and stop her hidding. Shed only gotten dressed to make lunch and dinner then returned back to the tent. She was starting not to mind this bargin.

She wondered if he had his fill of her. Hed been looking at her like this all day. Every flaw,every freckle every little scar. She had seen him many times looking at that mark upon her back.Once now his fingers had traced over the tree. Her skin was sensitive every where, but there on that small patch of skin she could feel the elements more, the cold of the air outside and his warm touch. How long could they linger like this in their won little world? Zara hope maybe they could linger here forever.


Date: 2010-03-16 01:41 EST
For so long now the road has been long and weary for so long I have gone without a home.

Home. It seems and odd term to me now, now that I know its true meaning. Before a home was a place filled with family, friends and memories, it could be a building made of stone, or sand, or sticks. O it could be a place a whole realm. Eyllis was that for me. My home. It is filled with all those things, but my last memories of it are not good ones. Ones of death and destruction. Of vengeance.

I have been away from home for five years. Not so long in the life of an elf. One who can live for a very long time, even forever if you play your cards right. I left home and traveled so far for three years, spent another year in towns and villages along the way and now Rhydin had taken me in. A year is close at hand now again, five long years.

I show no signs of age, no weariness, no lack of sight or hearing. My body shows no signs. My eyes hold the wisdom of my many long years. My skills I have learned tell the testimate of those long years. I could live a very long time and never see home, Eyllis for that matter again.

I have made new friends, new allies and new discoveries here in Rhydin. But Eyllis no matter the damage caused there will be my home for all time even if I never return.

I have no way of knowing who might be dead, or alive or captured. No way of knowing what the slave trade has done to my homeland. I know that five slavers are dead along with the score of others I have killed. But is a score of slavers enough? Can Eyllis ever be free of it?

I know not.

I have gained more than I thought possible when I first ran from home to save all I held dear. I have back with me the necklace my mother called her own. And my fathers sword. I gave that to Delan, he will do the weapon more good than I ever could.

Delan is also a new an odd yet welcome occurrence in my stay here in Rhydin. I never thought much of love before. There was too much to see to much to do. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I love him. I do not know how it came to be that way. But I know it. It is more than mere friendship love, or the love of those you come to be close with. It is love, the kind my parents had. The kind the breaks all the rules.

I trust him. That is a huge deal for me. I have trusted a few people in my life time. He is an able warrior, a fine healer, good company, and yes I will admit I freely admire him. Not just his body, though I do like to look upon him. Gawk as he would say. But his heart his spirit and soul. More than that his very aura. It is warm, so warm like the fire in his veins. I have never felt so alive so stirred in my soul and heart as I do around him.
He is also a wonderful kisser. That I do enjoy, being near him around him.

When we stood with nothing to hide behind he admired me as if he was looking upon me for the first time. And I gawked as he would say at him. No, there is nothing wrong with looking, but I see far more than just his physical form I see in to his eyes his soul and his good heart.

Desire is a word I have not often used not in this tense. Never have I desired a person, wished to be near to them to be with them. Never have I felt in all my years with all my enchainments to keep me warm have I ever felt so warm.

He reads my eyes and my movements so well. He knows me as if he has known me all my life. I know that I could never harm him, never in any way. His fire kept at bay by my cold touch and his warmth keeping him alive while close to me. In a normal world we could not be close to one another fire and ice two sides of two very different coins and yet we both long to be close to each other. We have years of practice behind us year of knowing our powers and our selves.

I know in my heart now what home is. Yes, it can be a place a building in some area.It can be a whole realm like Eyllis is to me. Always home. But it can also be a state of mind. I feel at home here now, even through Rhydin is not my home. I feel that warmth of familiarity around Delan even if we haven't known each other very long. Even if to my rational mind it seems a folly to love him.

I know what it is to live the life of a ranger now. I know what the word means. I also know that if I did deiced to go home again to walk that long road back towards Eyllis that Delan would come with me. Despite all that might stop us.

I have not told him out right that I love him. But he has said it to me that he knows I love him, and I have not and will not deny it. But in the days past when we were alone inside the tent under our agreement. I longed to say it to him. To look up in to his eyes and say it out load. He was a true gentlemen. His hands barely touched me, and when they did it was upon my back or shoulders along my neck and ears. I dared to think of him as a lover would, tightly embraced in a kiss of passion. Wound up under blankets of furs. I became quite comfortable around him even with nothing to hide behind. He would look at me smile or smirk brush his fingers along my side or back and walk about with no worry no embrasasment. Full of pride.

Its been few days and sometimes we keep to the agreement and some times we do not. He's asked me now about every scar. He's traced them all with his eyes, and the ones he dared to touch with his fingers. And I have done the same. That mark of Teien, I linger upon it now and again. Wishing I could heal him of it, knowing now how they burned it in to him not with fire, for no heat could likely break his skin but with ice, hard frozen powers of a wizard most likely deeply elemental.

I marvel at his ebony skin, blackish blue and purple tones all mixed within. His stark white hair, his silver eyes. His full lips. I have studied every marking upon him and know of their stories. Yet still I have not asked him where he is from he spoke once of it but not the name. We are both on the run side by side willing to fight and die for that which we believe in.

The sun grows lower now, I should tend to the fire and ready to get cooking when Delan returns. Tonight I will tell him, I will find the power with in my self to say the words. Delan, I am in love with you.


Date: 2010-04-11 00:31 EST
Under the pine trees she sat watching the fire flicker. She had come to the conculsion to tell him as soon as he returned. He had gone out this time for food. She had paced for the first hour he was gone.Good meals were sometimes hard to find. But ow two hours had passed. She thought of the day she was attacked by the hunters. Her eyes flickered to the surround, then she rose grabbing her bow as she went. She coudl track with the best of them and was not about to wait any longer. She dashed in to the forest the way he had gone.

The ground was soft enough with the snow melt that she could see his tracks. Not that she would have needed them. She spent years tracking deer through hard terain. She followed the tracks for a while they were heading for the the hot springs.

He knew she didn't need any tracks to track him down, but he left him just to get her to follow him to the hot springs. Where she would find her loving man, leaning against the rock wall. Clothes tossed onto a nearby rock, letting her know that he was more than likely nude under the water. Upon hearing her footsteps, a smirk played across his lips. " Trying to catch me in the buff? " Now looking over his shoulder to the ice elf, as he looked her over slowly from head to toe.

" You should undress and join me in here. The water is nice and hot. Or do you want a good hot, sweaty reason to join me? I'm sure I can think up a few things that could help you out. " Winking at her as he waited and watched for her reaction. As he was hoping to get her to just stare at him, as she tried to talk with turning beat red.

Spring was coming to Rhydin though the air woudlnt tell you that.Itw as still cool from winters chill. But Zara could feel the change as slight as it was. The snow was melting. now in the forest the town had breen free of it for a while though the clouds had come a few days but with only cold rain. The forest had hung on to the snow but it had begun its melt. The soil and trees drinking up the water. Soon more deer would come, to nibble on fresh buds. Bears and wolves would be awake more often on the hunt. The forest would come alive.

Taindira forest would be in full spring bloom by now. The shrubs and trees full of blossoms. She sighed as she walked on. Llewellyn may very well be enjoying those flowers. Or was she. His voice drew her attention bak now as she was at the hot springs and there he was soaking in.

"I have already seen you in the buff." That offered to hima with a slight smile then she just starred at him .Her cheeks flushed ,more so one look from him already made her blush. "I thought you were out hunting."She wasnt undressing,she just stood there staring at him. She had been stewing and worrying for nothing. "I could come in."She crossed closer twards thatr ock that held his clothing. "If you really wanted the company." She stood there leaning to that rock toying with the ideas in her head.

He smirked to the offer. " Like you aren't thinking about stripping down and join me. " Winking at her again, as he contiuned to look her over slowly. " Now strip and get in here, before I find another hot ice elf to share my bed. "

Her brows arched at him. She gave it some more thought before slowly slidding off her bow,then quiver. Then her gloves,cloak and belt with her sheatehd sword and dagger. All very slowly. All the while keeping an eye on him.

"Know a lot of ice elves do you?" She smirked, "and you think I am hot?" The term did not confuse her at the very least,shed been around long enough. She stripped off her shirt and pants and under garments then tip toed to the waters egde then slipped in. "And here I thought I was more cool."She tapped the tip of his nose with her finger and gave hima little frost pulse. Then winked at him. "I was sitting at camp thinking some bear had gotten you, and here you are soaking in the springs."

Do it now, do it now. Her mind chanted to her. Tell him now! But she just starred once more at him. he had no shame it seemed, not any at alla round her. Though even now after their wager and deal she still blushed when he looked at her,now or at all. Dressed or undressed. She bit at her bottom lip. "I was waiting.. " She took a breath. "I want.. theres something I need to say..."

She at least got that far.


Date: 2010-04-29 14:51 EST
She could feel the water so hot now.As if she was set a blaze. Maybe that was beacuse she had to tell him what she felt. Or maybe that was beacuse he was so fiery. She was trying not to loose her nerve as she starred up in to his silver eyes. So pure so light for a drow elf. She tried to keep her eyes there not on his form before her, but every so often her eyes moved. What she wanted to say felt so simple it lingered int he abck of her head. But what if, what if he didn't feel the same way?What if she loved him and he didn't love her back?

It was a risk she would have to take. She settled her feet to the bottom and took one step towards him. She was trying to keep her hands where they were at her sides, but her fingers longed to grace the plains of his chest, the curve of his storng shoudlers. She bit her bottom lip and shook off her nerves. " Delan," She said his name again.Names had power to them.The way you said soemones name could indicate many things, love,hate,power,respect. When she said his name again ti was softer tahn she ahd said it ebfore. No longer did she feel so ebrvous, that feeling in her stomach gone now,turned to a low dull heat.

"I've fallen in love with you." She got the words out. Her gaze met his.Waiting now for his response.

Delan would smirk slowly as he watched her, eyes looking her over as she walked towards him. Running a few fingers through his hair at the look she was giving him. Brows slowly rose to her words, before he smiled oh so sweetly at her. " I know you are madly in love with me. Your journal is quite the good read. Such things you keep hidden from me. " Winking at her, as he suddenly tugged her into a lean against him.

Hands moving around to the small of her back, before dragging his nails along her skin as he looked into her eyes. " As for how I feel for you? I could see myself staying by your side, if you think you can strut around nude for me when I tell you too. " Winking at her with a sudden kiss to her lips.

She was intwined in that kiss before she could answer but he would get it as soon as the kiss ended. Which it did eventually, though she didn't want it to. She blinked at him after the kiss had ended.She caught her breath and blushed softly. "You shouldnt go through my things." She scolded him, but it ws too late for that he already knew the full truth.Every she had written , from the moment they met. And older things dating back to her time at home, her travels across Eyills. Every describtion of every person shed ever known. And many things about him,personal things shed never had the guts to say out loud.The idea that he had read those things made her bush deepen.

"You tease and torment me to try to goat me I know."She eyed him and sank back in to the water putting a few inches between them. "I could do that. If I didn't think you'd grow bored of the sight of me." She then slid back to the edge "I would have figured you'd seen enough?"She stood there, not hidding under the waters protective barrier but blushing.They were out in the middle of no where so she didnt really worry. "Or is it that you find something amuseing about making me prance about in the nude? "

She titled her head at him. She pushed off the edge and walked towards him and placed a very cool hand on his shoulder. "Or is it that you enjoy to look at me, as much as I enjoy to look at you? "She trailed that hands long his arm.Her eyes leveled with his. " So did you enjoy reading everything?All my past, all my present.. and all the thoughts that go on in my mind?" She grined at him and placed her hand upon his chest.


Date: 2010-06-18 00:37 EST
( The following is for adult readers only)

He juct cocked his head at her and pulled her closer. He lowered his head to kiss her ear and neck then whispered. "Pehaps. I do like to look upon you, you always blush when I see you." He chuckled lightly as he pulled away and saw her cheeks flush even now. His finger touched the soft warmth. He let his fingers rest there a moment before that tell tale chill of her skin returned.

"And yes it was a good read." He snickered to her question and pulled himself from the water and walked to dress. Zara watchded him go. He nnoved witha liquid grace and with no shame. He looked at her. "Coming?" She nodded and got out from the water and went to dress. When she was nearly done she felt him there watching her again. His fingers touched the birth mark upon her back and she felt that flare of his natural fire power she looked over at him. And he stole a kiss. He then walked off back towards camp. And Zara feeling dazed soon followed him. He was such a rogue. She hardly knew what to think half the time when he was around.

She returned to find him in their tent. "What was that all about?" He turned and looked at her and winked. "I love to torment you, as you have said before."He held her journal in hand and she leaped for it and he hid it behind his back. " Such a dirty mind you have." Then he crossed to her and handed the book to her. "Can I ask you someting Zara?"

She nodded softly as she sat her journal down.He came closer, she always felt warmer with him closer,even though her veins pulseded with ice . He touched her cheek,her pusle quickened. He leaned down closer to her and her gaze met his. His fingers trailed along her cheek to her ear and down over her neck.Her eyes closed softly. His lips met her cheek then her ear then her neck. Her hands found their way to his shoulders as he lifted her up and pulled her too him. Was this the question he wanted answered or some sort of answer.

Then suddenlu she was under him against the furs of their shared bed. His kisses continued down across her throat and chest his hands crassed down over her body, then under her clothes. Her body shivered with the heat and he felt the tingle of her icy touch along his back. He tossed off his shirt then nearly tore hers away.

He kissed along the soft fabric of her under garment and his hand came to rest along the side of her breast not touching yet. "I know you desire me." She looked to him. "I do not deny that." He smriked, "You desire for me to do this,"His ahnd moved caressing her breast through that fabric. She sighed softly and closed her eyes. "I am asking you now if you want me to stop..for I can no longer just tempt and tease you Zara,I feel more than I have ever felt beside you.I want to be with you,to love you. As you should be loved. But if you do not want this, tell me now."

She openedher eyes and looked up at him, she thought for a moment she might be dreaming. She had longed for weeks for him to say the words aloud. For him to toch her and not just tease her with his words or looks. It all felt a dream till she felt his fingers push the fabric away and his bare hand touched her. She felt that heat rise again, through him in to her, and she felt the heat rise in her self. "Do not stop." She leaned up and kissed him softly.

He went slowly then, letting his hands roam and udnress her, he allowed her to undress him.She found that she had a bold side when he allowed her hands to roam free. He knew her as if he had knwon her all his life. And when he laid with her by his side kissing her softly he added that he did in fact love her, and had from the moment they had met. He kissed her ears and neck, and touched her softly. He knew she had never been with any one like this. And she knew some how that he too was now going in to the unknown. But he followed her lead and she his, in to passions they longed to share toegther.

And when the night was black as ink,and their tent was filled with a misty fog from their combined heat a nd ice.He mummered soft sweet things in to her ear. He had been gentle and she had been willing. And when they lay twinde in the after math she felt a new sensaion cross her form. "I never knew it could be like that, so.. enormus." He grinned at her. "I've likely ruined you for any other man, being so well endowed."She chuckled at him. She hadnt meant that and he knew it. "I want no other ,but I find myself longing for you again." He pulled her over him,his hands finding her breasts again. "This time you have to take control."

When the pre dawn light flithered through the heavy misty fog inside and otuside of their tent she lay sleepy beside him. His eyes weere closed but he was awake. His finger slid over her bare shoulders and through her light hair. He knew she was awake, as her hands roamed over him. He had felt a new thrill when he heard her voice his name,over and over again. And when s e whispered that she loved him he whispered the same back. She was bolder than she had ever been ,taking charge and elading him to voice her name a few times. It seemed to thrill her as well. Now he knew she was drifting off to sleepa nd he would follow her there in the misty fog.

He woke a while later to the smell of food. And found ehr cooking a meal for them both/ He slipped out out the tent with just his pants on. She sat in front of the fire cookings dressed in soemthing hed never seen her in ebfore. It was sage green and it looke d like a dress, but was far to revealing to be soemthing shed wear outside of the bedroom. He snuck up behind her . "If some hunter were to come upon you now, hed take you, looking like that." She grinned back at him and lifted her hand to his face and let loose that chilling touch. He smirked. Feeling the pulse of the magic. "I thought you might be hungry." He nodded to her still standing behind her looking down the front of that night gown. "Where did this come from."He stroked along her sides and she shivered. "I've had it for some time now, I've just never worn it." She looked back at him and he smiled. "I like it,but I like you better in the nude." He winked at her and stole a kiss.


Date: 2010-06-29 00:53 EST
He was such a tease even as they ate. He grinned across the low fire at her. And when she moved to gather his plate he stopped her and pulled her firmly in to his lap facing him. She grinned at him and his fingers rose up through her hair and moved over her shoulders. She felt at ease with him there,and he took full advantage of that.He kissed her ear lobe,cheek and neck softly and quickly. "Tell me Zara, do you still desire to see your home again?" The question hit her and she quirked a brow at him. "The slavers."Was her answer as she touched that mark upon his back. He flet her cold hands there and seemed to shiver. "We can hide from them,perhaps they have been driven out."

"And if they find us?" He gave her a dark and dangerous look. "Then we will kill them." She inched forward. "Youd risk death for me?" He looked in to her eyes. "I have lived a long time alone,your not the only one who is dangerous."He touched the small of her back letting a pusle of fire run through her. She shivered to it. "We were meant to be,Zara." He whispered her name in to her ear. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"I would like to see home again."He nodded. "Then we should go." She looked around them, to their Rhydin forest home. "What if we dont come back?" He chuckled at her. "Beside you is my home." He stole and kiss then. "When should we leave?" He shrugged to the question, "Its getting warmer if we leave now before summer sets in it would be better." "Its a long road to Eyllis, Through untamed land, the Bailion Mountains. We could get some things in Hael. "He nodded, "We can stock up in Rhydin then restock when we reach Hael. I am not worried about the lenght of the journey." She noticed his ahnd rose up along her thigh. "Worried we wont get enough alone time?" He shook his head. "I'd be alone with you out in the open wilds,for all to see, just to see you blush." She blushed to that.

He kissed her cheeks then lifted her off his lap and took the plates to wash them. She followed him.

Later after a mid day nap in the cool of the shade.Zara woke to see Delan beside her watching her sleep. "That was a nice afternoon nap." He poked her sides. "Your like a little elf goddess." She smirked at him and sat up. But he pulled her back down on top of him. Her brows quriked at him and he chuckled. "What will your friends think of you, seeing you with me?" "I am part drow, they wouldnt judge." He shook his head, " no not to that, to the fact that I have made you such a naughty minx. "His hands rose over her bare shoulders. They were inside their shared tent in the back under deep shade. She looked to him,and ran her fingers over his bare chest. "I dont know what they will think of that."

He grinned. "You dont care either do you?" She shook her head. "I am happy." He leaned up and kissed her deeply. She let the kiss continue for a few moments. "As am I." He said back and winked at her. "Now how about you get your little elven butt dressed, and we will go in to town." She looked down at him, "You will dress as well?" He nodded, " unless you want all the women to follow me around." She tossed his pants at him as she rose to dress. "You can undress me with your eyes while were there and then undress me for real later." He winked at her as she dressed.

The trip in to Rhydin ahd been short. Zara had a few goodies and got well wishes along ehr way. She packed her bag full of provisions for the road. Delan had made his way on his own. They would meet at the edge of town. They ahd packed up their combined tent in the Rhydin woods. Zara looked towards home, towards the Mountain range that she kne wnot the name of. She knew that beyond it lie many dangers and likely many fun times as well. So much time had passed, four and a half years. But she could not come tor egret elaving, nor any of the actions she made. She knew her parents both those that bore ehr and thsoe that raise ehr were happy with her,looking down from above.

"Women," Delan smirked at her as she came to meet him outside of town, at the easten end. "They take so much time." He looked packed and ready to go. She shook her head at him and togetehr they walked over the bridge and to the east.

She knew this time the trip would be different.Rendala nd hsi gang of slavers were dead. But the slavers in Eyllis might still be about. But that was leages away. It ahd taken Zara years to reach Rhydin, to find a home.Or some place like it. She knew every where she had passed and knew she and Delan may likely pass those same places. She knew Drow kind were not accepted every where, where she could apss as elven he could not. She gazed to him and he caught her look.

"Do not worry, I will not." He took her hand in his. It fit so well there.He then winked at her, she knew him hed have ways of hiding who he was from thsoe who did not accept him. But it would be a long while before they came across any place.


Date: 2010-07-26 00:34 EST
The journey leads me back home.

At frist I was worried for Delan more than myself.I knew enough about people to know their fear of drows.But as we walked from Rhydin to the east we crossed out of the city and in to luch forest.I could smell the sea.A deep ocean wind. We would make camp every night. Delan would smile at me. He knew we were still far from our goal.Still within Rhydins limits.

But as the days passed to weeks and we crested top low mountians Rhydin was no longer within our sight.

She had never know what to expect past the low hills to the far east of Rhydin. They had passed farm land,the coast,open water.Along craggy cliff faces and low hills. And now Delan smiled to her looking back over his shoulder. They could no longer see Rhydin. Before them streched out a plain of wild grasses and trees. Wild beasts were sure to roam there. " Rohirrim lad."He looke dover at her and she quirked a brow. "Horse riders plain?" He nodded and point off to the east where she could make out a town butting up against craggy rocks.

"The coast continues on for miles that is Dolen Lond. " She looked to the city once more she hadnt recalled it on her way to Rhydin but she ahd stayed far fromt he coast.Delan enjoyed the coast line for its cool rich flavor. As he called it. "If we were in need of supplys we would stop there, but I think we will do fine out in the wild."He grinned at her.

She shook her head at him. She recalled briefly crossing thsi expanse long ago. It seemed different now. But she had never stayed too clsoe tot he coast or even close enough to anyone to get noticed. He grinned at her. "I know my way around here.I'll show you a few places."Her brows rose at him. They walked for a while down and over rolling green hills, past meadows and oak trees. The land became more rocky as they neared the coast. Then it was smooth snad as the beach streched out.

He sat back in the sand digging his toes in to its lasting warmth.Zara followed suit. "We should camp here tonight, there are some rocky coves not far down good for privacy." He linked his hand with hers and she followed. He found the cove with ease and helped her set up a small camp. Zara found she enjoyed the smell of the sea.

They sat around a blue green fire their tent behind them. He kissed along her neck softly after they had eatten dinner. She smiled and closed her eyes. His hands made quick work of her shirt,belted weaopns and pants. "Come join me for a swim."He smirked at her and she saw that he was already in the buff. He dashed away in to the awaiting waves and she followed.

The water was warm ,which surprised Zara. He splashed at her and she giggled. They swam a little bit in to darker waters where her feet just touched the sandy sea floor. e ran his fingers through her hair,their was only a sliver of a moon tonight.

After their swim she lay with him by the fire wrapped in furs and his arms. Warming and drying almost instantly. As they lay there looking up he nuzzled his nose in to her neck. "Its time I tell you about my past." Her brows quirked to him. "Youve been very open with me.Now it is my turn. Come lets go in to the tent." He rose and she followed leaving their fire as low embers.

He sat down inside the tent and Zara followed.Not knowing what to expect.


Date: 2010-07-26 00:37 EST
"My past is nothing like yours Zara." He said as if to warn her of the bracing tale. "But like yours it is full of sorrow, and regret and adventure. He looked accross at her now and she couldnt help but wonder. His eyes were clear so bright silver they shone ven in the dim of the tent. "If we had met in different times,we would have never been friends, nor lovers, nor maelamin." He smiled at that word and Zara smiled back. Beloved...

"I grew up in a different place, far from this coast line."He looked out over the beach towards the sea as if he could see home,his home from where he sat. "It was a small island, at least to the eyes of a young boy. But in the laregr sceme of things it was massive. The center of my known world for most of my youth, or youth as humans may see it. " Zara nodded, understanding.

"Shynt Raena." Zara's brows rose at him, the launage was deep and she knew it to be some sort of drow. "Invisible Haven." He smiled at her as he kenw she was trying to figure it out. "It was more than home to drow kind. Many kinds lived there think of it as a rhydin on a isle, but no dragons or beasts like that. Pirates,sailors,elves,men, women, drow kind, orc kind, some minor beasts. "

He shrugged as if it didnt matter. "My mother was from the isle, my father was not/ But both were of drow kin. I also had four sisters, all younger. Caerthynna , was the next eldest,younger than I by thre years , she had my mothers eyes, but was always built like a warrior or sailor like my father. Meira was five years younger than I, she and I shared the same eye tone.Silver is very rare for drow kin. As I am sure you know. Shiala who was seven years younger than I was much my fathers daughter, she took on his height and his work,built for the sea with hair the color of it. And the youngest of us who was eight years younger than I the one we all wanted to protect was Aluenda . "

He looked off as if he recalled every moment of his youth.

"I was twelve when they first came. There had been whispers of people looking for rare beasts. Though not rare elves,and drows were always on their list. For they were rare else where. I came home from the market to find my father badly beaten my mother crying and Caerthynna was gone. She had been only nine. " Zara sat back and shook her head. "Slavers?" Delan nodded sadly. He looked off in to the distance. " I never wanted to leave home after that, but my father convinced me to. "

"He and I went out one day, he was going to show me the ropes of his buisness. He worked near the sea, he loved it.A year passed and nothing, two years,three. I was now a man, at least to the eyes of most. Stong and able. "


Date: 2010-07-26 00:40 EST
He looked to Zara then. "We came home one raining day to find them all gone. My mother, my three other sisters.The house in shambles. My father was furious. He wanted nothing but revenge. I joined him when we went down to the dock to find the slavers ship. Everyone knew where to find them, some ahd stood up to them. Others had fallen. Revenge didnt get us any where, a few dead sailors. "

Delan looked off again. "My father was full of pain then,I knew not how to help him. I was a skilled figther even then, but he knew the ways of a blade and of the sea. He left one day, out of the blue. He swore to me he would find my sisters and his wife, my mother and come back. I waited for three years. I knew he was never coming back after that. I sold our family home and set out to anyone who might take me on a shipa way from the curse isle. "

"I fell in love with the sea for some time, sailing was like nothing else. I would find palces to work in little towns along coast lines I did not know. Many knew me by then,I had a reputaion for hutning down slavers and setting free slaves in little or big towns.I already had a price on my head. By then I had become a master at sword play. I had come by my swords in that way.Each made just for me, by a master smith who told me he loved my work. I didnt know it then but I had set his wife free from slavers years before. I did a lot of damage with my swords. I was avengeing my family. It gotr in ina lot of trouble.I landed in jail a few times." He smirked at that.

"I was still avenging when I burned down the town in which I learned many slaves from Shynt Raena. I didnt know they were waiting for me, someone caught me. " He looked to Zara then. "I found my self in Eyllis. Mant months later after ship trails and days ina cgaes and cells .They plled us along in cages and crates from the coast all the way in past the mountians and in to Teien." Zara took a breath. " The marked and sold many, but found it hard to mark me. I must have killed a dozen of them before I came in to Renalds hands. He found the way to mark me with the cold. " He looked off again. " It was before all that that I learned who my sisters and mother were sold to."

"Someone in Teien?" Zara breathed and he nodded. " One of Renalds men." Zara thought back to them all,Isac,Jac,Jermey. "Most of his men are dead. " He nodded, "all but one, He wasnt truly Renalds man, as much ad Renald was his. I never heard his first name, they always called him the Collector." Zara shook her head shed never heard that name. "He had a fondness for young girls." Zara nodded recalling her best friends tale of the young girl whom had died. " He likely still lives in Teien or near by. "

"Your going to kill him." Delan nodded. "Yes, I am." Zara rose and crossed to him. "I will help you. For all my family and friends. And for yours." He nodded and leaned to kiss her cheek. "We should only travel by dusk once we are out of the reach of Hidden Haven. Drows are not widely accepted. " Zara nodded, she could travel well enough under darkness.

"So now you know, the man you love is much more wanted than you figured." She chuckled. "I am just as wanted."


Date: 2010-08-04 15:30 EST
They left the beach the next morning travling beyond Hidden Haven to the west. They left the coast line behind for rolling hills. They passed through open plains for many days.

After a week of grasses ,trees and little patches of dirt Zara spied a town. Delan looked off at it. "We are in need of a few things.But I dare not go in." Zara looked to him there in a little grove of pines they ahd rested throug the warm day and now the night was coming. " I will go in and gather what we need."

"They will not allow you out till morning." She pressed her hand to his chest. "I will be alright. " She leaned in and kissed him and made off for the small town.

It wasnt much of a town a low bolder wall went around it. One man stood guard at the small old rusted gate. Zara drew her hood over her head as she got closer. "State your business in Aseg ." The man said as she got within reach of his cross bow. "I require food and shelter , and supplies for the road ahead." The man with the cross bow inched clsoer. "Lower your hood please." Zara did so. The man starred at her for a long moment. "An elf. Where ye be from?" Zara looked to him, "Hidden Haven was my home for many years but I have need to see something besides the sea." The man looked her up and down and nodded. "You may enter."

Zara smiled drew her hood and walked through the open gate that quickly closed behind her.

She knew she didnt have long most shops would clsoe once it was dark. So she hurried to the first outfitters store. She bought enough for two.But the man behind the counter didnt question her. It was dark all too soon, and Zara had to find a cheep inn to stay in for one night. She found a little palce at the other end of town. She paid in cash for a room for the night then locked herself in the room. She hoped that Delan would be alright with out her.


Date: 2010-08-04 15:33 EST
Delan watched her go. He wanted so much to go with her in to Aseg. But he knew he would be reconized there.When had come through that very town on his way in to Rhydin. Though at the time he didnt know where he would end up. Aseg was along the coast at least close enough. He was drawn in to Rhydin from that very place.

Pulled by the force of the nexus. That force had shuddered his form and made him loose place of time. He built no fire that night worried that passing guards or patrols might see it. He knew he wasnt alone out here, their were resting beasts and birds in the trees and a few miles away there was another small camp of men. He didnt worry about them, they had no clue he was here.

He only worried about Zara alone in that town known for its harsh way. But then he smirked at the idea of anyone trying to harm her. Shed kill them with out any thought. Still he didnt rest well,and knew he wouldnt as long as she was gone.


Date: 2010-08-04 15:38 EST
The sounds below in the common room awoke her. She peeked out of her room and went down the hall.A few patrons stood at the up stairs railing looking down. "Whats going on?"

She asked a woman standing there leaning over. " Guards lookin for some one." Zara peered over the railing at the five men. They were dressed in full battle armor.They flashed a piece of paper at the inn keeper. No human eyes would have seen what Zara saw On that apper a very well done picture of Delan. She was careful not to show her worry or suprise. She listened in closely.While the others there were humans and likely wouldnt hear much Zara heard every word.

"Were lookin for this drow." The man in front said, clearly the leader. "Hes wanted for a string of murders." Zara nearly snarled at that,Delan had killed men but so had she.Slavers. The taven keep shook his head. "No drows here." The four men behind the leader started searching the down stairs stopping at every table to look upon thsoe there. Zara knew what would come next. She backed away slowly back to her room gathered her things and slipped out the back window.

When the men came through the rooms she was long gone.

She stopped off once before leaving to gather a few provisions and left through the same gate she had entered from. No one stopped her. Carts and traders came and went through the gates. But Zara was very careful.She travled tot he north for a while before heading back west towards the camp.

She found Delan pasing. She looked behind her once.No one followed her.

"Whats wrong?" He asked as she lay her pack down. "Men looking for you, and this." She handed over the paper with his picture on it shed torn it from a nail. He looked to the picture, a nicely done sketch of him. In the picture he had a shadow of a beard. "Nice." She smirked at him. He tore the paper in to little bits. "They will partol the area by dusk we should move before then. " "Agreed."

By dusk their was no sign of them at the grove of pines. They moved quickly off to the north then continued to the east. They did not stop when night fell. Neither one needed any light to guide their agile steps.

For two full days they went on, stoping only for a few moemnts to eat,drink or tend to personal affiars.


Date: 2010-08-06 15:37 EST
Once they knew that no one was following them they stopped. It was bright out midday and they foudn some shade in the shadow of a bolder. "Aseg is the last town for many miles." Zara looked at him as she took a drink from the water skin. She didnt question how he knew that. "We should rest till dusk then continue on."Though the town was out of sight Zara was worried for them both.

Delan leaned back upon the rock and chuckled. "You will see in a weeks time we will be surrounded by woodlands. Full of rump deer and lush berries. Perhaps we will find a nice spring to bathe in."He wiggled his brows at her. She smacked his arm lightly. He chuckled again, "ouch," he rubbed his arm. She snickered at that.

They spent the mid day ehat in the shadow of the bolder. Zara got in a good nap as did Delan. They woke in time for a good meal before being off again at dusk.

As they walked through the dark night Delan linked his ahnd with Zara's . Even though they were on the open road and many dangers about she felt safe with him beside her. He cast a wink her way.


Date: 2010-08-06 15:39 EST
"Bless the gods. " Zara filled her water skin full with the clear running spring waters. Delan smirked at her. They coulds see the forest ahead of them they had passed the dangers of the open road. Before night fall they crossed under the deep shade of the forest. They found a place to camp under a massive birch tree.

Delan set up the tent and kicked off his shoes. Zara watched him and was following suit. The road had been long.

When he found the pond deep enough to serve as their own pool and was quick tos trip and jum in she followed him.The water was cool and felt nice. Delans powers over fire made the water warmeer as time went on. Zara washed and let her body soak in the water. Delan grinned at her,watching as she bathed.

He smirked more whens he watched him. "Come here."He waved to her. She swam in closer and ran her cold fingers down his arms. He shivered lightly then pulled her hard against him. His fingers traced her form,his hands ran over her slowly. Zara closed her eyes,feeling as if she might melt.

She felt his hot kisses on her shoulders. "I have missed this." He whispered in to her ear. "I have as well."He smiled, " the trials of the road, and being so hunted. "She smirked at him. "We will have time for a while to be alone in these woods." He nodded to that. "Mmm hmm, much time alone." He pulled her tighter and kissed her deeply.

Later when she awoke in the tent she curled up against him. He smirked softly feeling her curl to him. "I have missed that as well."Her brows perked at him. "Being close with you, and hearing you voice my name,over and over again." He grinned. She smirked up at him.

They stayed there for two full days before pressing on for four. They found good food in the woods as wella s fresh water. The cover was thick,and some days they lit a fire to cook with. Always careful of attracting attention. Many days and nights they had alone. Zara enjoyed every passing moment.


Date: 2010-08-10 14:39 EST
As the trees thined Zara knew their long days and nights in the woods were coming to an end. Delan seemed more wary now. They had gone back to travling only at dawn dusk and through the night. "We will be coming out of the woods soon enough." He said to her as the trees thinned more. " Grass lands mostly,little in the way of food or shelter." She nodded, they were well stocked for the journey. " And a main road, crawling with traders,and guards." She nodded again, " then we stay off the main roads." He smirked at her , they had been travling almost three weeks now. The days were warmer and he could see Zara was used to the heat even for an ice elf she proved very hardy.

As they passed the thinning trees and the wide expanse of open land spread out before them Zara could hardly believe her eyes. Wild grasses for miles and then farm lands,small houses and a massive city. Twice the size of Hael. Delan came out in to the suns rays with his hood drawn. Zara looked back to the few trees behind them. "We should wait to move." He nodded and they ducked back in to the shade.

From their vantage point Zara could see the city walls and the out laying farms. She could see the main road and many smaller dirt roads. She could see the ehavy influecene of guards and aptrols that went up and down the main road . The road disappeared in to the woods and the patrols stopped their. But many a time Zara watched from the limbs of a tree as did Delan as partolmen came close to their hidding spot.

When dusk came the aprtols stopped.Only a few foot soilders were palaed closer to te walls of the city. Zara looked to the out lying homes. "They live outside the walls. " Delan nodded as he shoulder his pack. "yes,farm land,they risk getting hurt in major wars but usually they fair no worse than those with in the walls. " Zara nodded as they walked through the tall grasses. "Do you know that citys name?" Delan shrugged, "I never got close enough to it in my travels."

They walked through the darkness of the night when the pre dawn glow started they took shelter inside an old barn. "And what if the farmer finds us?"Zara question him as he lay down in the hay above in the loft. " No one will find us Zara, this place looks like more of a store house for grain."Zara had noted the barels,bags and heeps of hay.No animals though. Delan lay back streching and tugged her down.

"No one will come in here today." He kissed her neck softly.


Date: 2010-08-10 14:42 EST
She awoke some time later to find Delan perched looking out a high windowless panel. "Whats going on?" She crossed to him. He emrely pointed out the window, the sun was slowly drifting down towards setting and a dozenmen rode out from the city beyond behind them was a wagon with a cage a top it. Zara sighed.Slavers. "They ride for three days to reach to port on the othe side of those mountians." He pointed off east and south. Zara could make out low hills.

"Are we to stop them?" She asked as if she knew the answer. "Wed have to leave now, and run all night to find a palce worthy of to drow to hide in the hills. " She smirked at that and went to change in to her black suit. Once changed they headed out in a full run across the darkining land.

Running was no task for either of them. They passed the resting mena nd their cart and were a full day ahead when they found a palce to hide in the craddy hill tops of the low mountians Delan ahd pointed out just hours before.

"We can rest tonight and tomorrow, they will not come through at night, the day after they will slowly pull through and we."He smirked to her, "will desend." She nodded to that. The thrill of this was evident .

That night they ate well and rested but Delan could not sleep. Zara leaned her head to his shoudler as they sat agasint the craggy rocks. His fingers twinde through her hair and down her sides. She knew his mind wa son the slavers and how he was going to kill them.

"Delan?" She asked him softly and he said nothing in responed only made a soft hmm sound. She shifted to settle over him straddling his legs. He grinned to her and his eyes were far off for a moment. He then leaned in and kissed her softly letting his mind slip from the slavers to her as the kiss deepend. But he pulled away softly. " Though I would love nothing more than to lay you back and be with you tonight, I can not focus." She smiled to him nodding.

They sat up all night watching the sky filled with stars. Once ina whie shed catch him looking at her as if he was thinking deeply about something.


Date: 2010-08-10 14:44 EST
Delan looked from the stars to Zara. The dim moon light played on her half hidden face, in her blue eyes over her icy blue hair. He clsoed his eyes and thought of her bathed in moon light standing in nothing but a smile beconing him to come to her. He looked back to her, she looked so peaceful yet some home so powerful.

Dressed in all back hidding all of her form. Her face showed now only because they were alone, but he knew come tomorrow, she could pass as a drow to all eyes that had never seen on up close. Still his eye lingered upon her form how he wanted to slip his hand under her shirt and feel her soft cool skin. How he wanted to feel her cold touch upon him.

He had never loved someone so deeply. The image of her now in the dim moon light was beautiful to him. But he had another image in mind. Zara dressed on a flowing white dress, flowers in her long hair,her friends about them in a great wood. He closed his eyes and watched the scene. Zara walking down an aslie of fallen leaves to him dressed in green and black. Her smile wide. He opened his eyes and starred at her and when she looked back he smiled.

He could see her as his wife so easily, he could see them hand in hand for decades to come. He could also see her bareing his children. The idea shocked him, but pleased his soul. He wnated to tell her his dream,his wanting. How he wanted to ask her to marry him, to be with him through the many ages that would follow. But he could not ask her that, not here and now, not yet.

When she cocked her head at him he leaned in and kissed her deeply. Then he turned to watch the sun rise.


Date: 2010-08-10 14:49 EST
As dawn broke they watched the cart with the slaves, still far off from the mountains they would have to wait out the day and the coming night before they would get their chance.

Another dawn and the cart and its men were within full view and striking range. "You sneak down behind the cart while I distract the soldiers" She smirked at him kissed him once deeply before hiding her fair face. She then slipped along the ridge and he went the other way.

As he slipped down next tot eh narrow road he smirked seeing her hiding in the shadows ready when he was. He chuckled to himself then shaking off the fact that they made such a good team he leaped out at the cart. The twelve men had all been force to walk in front of the cart and all focus their eyes on the Drow before them.

"Gents.."Delan bowed to them. "Your gold, and jewels and weapons if you would." Zara came out of her hiding spot and snuck up in to the back of the cart. There were six slaves shoved in to the small cage. Zara made short work of the lock.

"Go,"she whispered. "Run in to the mountains, run away from here." They didn't need any convincing as Zara soon heard the clash of steel to steel. She looked over the cart to Delan fighting all twelve men, it seemed six at a time. None of the soldiers even noticed the slaves running off or Zara. She picked her way off the cart around the other side.

She watched for a moment they had put Delan in the middle of their small circle six men inside six men outside. Zara slipped down along the craggy rocks behind the first man. He didn't even know what hit him when her dagger slit his that. Nor did his friends know what happened to the man. Zara slit his throat then dragged him off to the slight under brush to leave him to die. One by one she went around the outer circle taking down men one at a time.

Delan was a seasoned warrior and had already killed three of the first six. But now wary the last remaining three of the outside six moved in tighter about him. Zara knew she could not longer be stealthy. So instead she stood up in plain view. Delan knew they saw her when the shock played on their faces he grinned and used that moment to kill another. The shock also killed tow more by Zaras quick bow work. It was now three to two and Zara longed for close combat again.

So while Delan danced with two she took on one herself.


Date: 2010-08-11 00:54 EST
They set the horses free and pushed the empty wagon back out of the road. Delan chuckled the whole time. "The moment they saw you they knew it was over." She smirked at him as they now walked deeper in to the low mountian range searching for a camp sight. "You had it well handled. "He smirked to her , " To think they had so little on them."Yes he was a man of his word hed taken anything of true value form the dead men.

They walked through the day light hours now not worried of being found till they found a suitable cave. Delan gatehered the fire wood and Zara started to tend to their coming meal before Delan stopped her. "I could use a good bath now." Zara smirked at him, "I may be very good at summoning water, but not enough to clense you and myself. "He chuckled and took her hand. "Follow me."She smirked at him as he wandered deeper in to the cave. Then Zara heard it a soft dripping noise. It became louader and louder as Delan led her on.

Suddenly the small cave seemed massive as huge amounts of water tumbled down from above in to a natual grotto. Delan stripped off his dirty clothing. He smirked to her then. "Come along." Zra soon followed suit stripping then following him in to the spray.

She found him pressed under a water fall smirking at her. He reached for her and when she took his hand he tugged her under it. She got rinsed with cooling water from above.

"You always seem to find the nice places."She grinned at him as they sat in a deep pool of clear water. He looked to her smiling then pushed him self closer to her. "Maybe we could stay here a few days. I have missed this sight of you, nude before me blushing even still." His fingers brushed her warm cheek.

"I would not mind staying here." He pulled her in closer at that so she pressed tight against him.


Date: 2010-08-11 00:55 EST
Later when he lay with her on their rolled furs he smiled to thier enjoyent. How she had cried his name, how her fingers dug in to his back. How he longed never to stop. He whispered her name again in her ear now. She roller over and face him and he smiled. "Did I wake you?" She shook her head softly. "I was mostly awake." He chuckled and kissed her softly.

After their hearty meal they sat by the water fall with their feet in the cool waters. Delan looked at her sitting there so content she looked back at him. Her eyes seemed to demand his attention. His fingers brushed along her cheek and he let a soft pusle of warmth go through his finger tips.

Zara eyes shut and she smiled. She could reamin there for hours,days even


Date: 2010-08-11 00:57 EST
As they wandered now away from their cave home Delan grasped her hand.

"You never want to leave do you?" Zara smiled.She didnt want to leave, the time int hecave though it had been but a few days had been the best of their travels so far. But also she wanted to see home again, which was still miles and miles away.

" I would never leave,but some things are more important. " He grinned to her. They left the cave and wandered down the trade path through the low hills. Delan felt safe she could tell he never glanced over his shoulder. They had left the slavers and the town well behind them.

Zara recalled these low hills from ehr journey in.She still had the map she had filled out through out her journey away form home. But she kept that tucked away. This time the journey had been very different.


Date: 2010-08-14 01:07 EST
When Zara had left home she had run. Or so it seemed. She ran and hopped the slavers would follow her out. Some had, they were all dead now. But others had remaind. What had become of her home since shed left, it been three years, almost four now.

Eyllis. The word in her mind seemed so odd to her. The name of her homeland. The name of the place she had been born and lived her first full century as an elf. Eyllis. Shed come to find many places along her route away from home places that welcomed her with open arms. People who she aided praised her.

She thought back tot he day she left saving any and all she could. Delan and she weren't that different. But he had risked his life to save more then she had likely. Though together they had faced a few salvers, they had yet to face any real foes, no mountain giants, or rock giants. No orcs or goblins. They crossed few people and saw only tracks of the wild life they had hunted dear, rabbit, goose and grouse int he woods. They had fed on berries and roots, and saved their water through the open patches of land. They had taken grain and water from empty store houses. But only in places where slaves were known to be kept.

They had laid under the stars with no tent just their furs. They had laid under rocky slope, in deep cave and wondrous wood lands. This trek was not fast nor slow. It was the perfect mix. On her way towards Rhydin her journey had been slow three years long, but she had stayed in a few places now of they had come to pass. Those were still miles away long from where they now sat under the shade of a rocky slope still in those low hills.

Delan seemed content with their pace. He didn't seem to rush nor to want to. They ate well most nights and mornings, some days they walked while eating lunch or sat down to rest and ate a bite. They took shelter in caves and dinned on the mushrooms Zara knew so much about. There were crystals in those caves like the Crystals in Abban. They glowed with their own light, in shades of purple,blue,white and yellow.

Every now and again she catch Delan looking at her. Not int he way that made her blush, but in the way that made her want to ask him what he was thinking. It would be doing simple task of washing clothes, dishes or while around the fire, or when they were hunting dear or elk or sneaking upon rabbits and grouse.

Zara thought back to those days she fled to the wise owl that had sought her out to the words penned by her dearest of friends. Was Luana alive still? Were any of her friends alive? Were the people safe or in hiding, had there been war? Were the woods alive, the sands? Ws anything as she could recall it?

She had to steady herself for a moment looking out at the craggy rocks. What if nothing was left, the forest turned to ash the people enslaved? Or dead? She knew Delan saw her worry, his hand rested to her shoulder and he shook his head is if to silently say, ' do not dwell on such things.' She looked to him, his silver eyes her anchor in that moment, nodded and would not cry.

She sat back in to he shade and closed her eyes as Delan kept watch. They had seen no one, and hardly anything in the last two days since they left the cave. A few hawks,rabbits,and cave rats. No soul, no monsters no slavers.. nothing.

Zara thought for a moment back to her time in Hael. Sid had been there and Zara never said a word to her, nothing that hinted at who Zara had been. This time if they passed through Hael which she was sure they would she would great Sid with a smile. Delan wouldn't be shunned there, Zara had seen many dark elves in her short days there, and slavers were not allowed.

Now when she thought of the Rahelia plain she could not see it, not really. So much had passed that the image faded from her mind. Shed been gone too long. She looked out again forgetting nothing now of her trek past Hael, in to the Bailion, the city beyond she had first seen Cindeigh, and the many towns that came after. She was a ranger again, to those she helped, a friend and ally.

She looked to Delan now who looked off down the road they would soon head down. She studied him for a moment, as she sometimes caught herself doing. Yes, she loved him, and could marvel at him. But in the shadow of the rocks he looked so stoic, powerful, a dangerous force. His hair whipped back in the wind, his eyes steady to the empty road. She marveled at him for a moment and for a moment could see him standing by the lake shore in Taindira forest. Much at home there as he was any where else. She wondered if he would be content there? Or would they need adventures? There were always the Lukiae Mountains. Filled with so many adventures.

There were ales she knew her friends would tell, and things she could teach him, and things shed learn about him. Shed learned so much now, he hid nothing from her, his past was an open book as hers was to him. When he looked at her she felt as if she were the only thing in the world.

He looked at her now his brows rising. She just smiled and shook her head. He then snickered and took her hand. They then continued down away from their shade and on to the road to the East.


Date: 2010-08-14 01:10 EST
Delan looked off to the North, there was nothing to look at really. Rocks, trees, a few birds here and there. They were resting after a long days trek, it had been two days since their cave home, and Delan was missing it. The deep shade, the cool waters, the sound of Zara's voice echoed a million times over to his ears. He looked back at her now and again when her eyes were closed or looking far off.

That dream of her in white still played in his mind. But when he saw sorrow and worry, and the biting of fear on her face he knew what she was thinking. He had no words to soothe that worry only placed a hand to her shoulder to steady her to bring her back to him. There was no point in worrying about things she could not change.

If Zara had not run, had not fled. He knew she would be long dead by now. He had seen how the slavers killed, how they tore through her family. He was glad those men were dead, as well as Renald and his lackeys. He was sure there would be more, maybe many more but he was ready to fight them.

He also knew that if they returned to Zara's home to Eyllis and should everything be gone and all of her friends lost, dead, captured or God knew where. That Zara would be forever changed. He knew shed hunt the slavers down and kill them without mercy. He'd help her. But it would wound her soul to loose so much.

He wanted to vow to her there that she would not loose him. He would remain beside her. But he could not vow that not now, not until they knew what lie ahead. Day by day, he would have to treasure. He looked away now, closing his eyes for a moment.

He could not see her dead, no. Lying so still, her body forever cold, never again to be warmed by her blush or his touch. She had so much to give, and he would see that she lived. And he would live to, he had to, for her for everything he dreamed could come true. Zara and he decades down the line ageless as elves were married and happy, surrounded by their great great grand children. He smiled to that idea and then caught her looking at him.

He then took her hand and led the way down the hill side to the road. They would walk likely until dusk, and if the moon should rise and be bright enough they would walk on, and should the light be less they'd walk on. They were not hindered by the night, for he knew Zara could see as well as any Drow could in the darkest of nights. Like she could within deep caverns.

He enjoyed the might walks the most. The sound of wolves and owls. The night air on his skin, the chill of Zara's hand in his. It was at night they walked slower, not for any reason more than to marvel at the night sky and talk softly.


Date: 2010-08-14 01:12 EST
As night fell and a small crescent moon rose Zara walked with him hand in hand. The day had gone away so quickly and now the night settled in. There was a chill, but Zara did not feel it. If it was because of Delan or the fact that no cold seemed to ever touch the ice elf she knew not.

Now as they walked slower enjoying a little hand held meal Delan cast his eyes to the moon then to her. They had spoken very little since they left the cave. But she dared not ask him what he was thinking. Knowing in turn he'd ask her.

The days in the cave had been the best since the forest pools. Out in the open they could not linger nor love as she wanted to. They were cautious.

She looked back to him again as she finished the light meal. She was about to say something when a lonesome howl echoed along the rocks. Zara looked up and left and then saw the wolf, a common wolf, sleek and gray. Delan spotted it too. "Calling for her mate." He winked then followed the slow movements of the sleek black male that joined the female on the hill top. Zara watched as the two wolves nuzzled and yipped at each other then ran off side by side. Zara grinned to that and looked to Delan who's eyes were now set on her.

The moon light came down just right through the high cliffs and hanging trees and lit her face, eyes and hair in moon light. And when Zara looked at him she saw his eyes as if they were made of liquid silver glowing, burning really as he looked at her. She blushed, he'd looked at her in many ways and many times but now she couldn't look away.


Date: 2010-08-18 00:50 EST
Liquid silver. That was what it was like, pure and flowing and perfect. His eyes, burning with the glow of the moon. Then the kiss surprised her. He had been wary and very careful since they left their cave dwelling, for days wondering if the slavers would come to find them. But nothing had come and they'd been alone on the road.

But now he seemed to throw all that caution to the wind as he kissed her. True they had seen no one and no signs of anything, no dangers had sought them out nor had they gone looking or stumbled upon any. But still Zara was surprised by his sudden and passionate kiss.

She found her self lifted in his arms then pressed to the wall of rocks behind them away from the road. The kiss was returned with shock then with an eagerness. Her hands easily found the back of his shoulders and neck his hands pressed her tighter to that wall, held her firmly against him.

When he broke the kiss it was only for lack of breath. Zara took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Even now with the moon light off his face his eyes seemed to burn like little stars. His fingers traced the outline of her face, trailing through her hair, going over her ears then down her neck, then lastly along her lips. She stared in to his eyes as his fingers did these simple moves.

She had not felt him be so passionate since they had left the cave. She wondered what this sudden moment had been about. He smiled to her as if he sensed her question or that he saw it in her eyes. "The moon light, you looked so. "His fingers traced her face now in shadow. "Beautiful. I couldn't help myself."

Zara smiled and blushed deeply. "You surprise me Delan Dulthaas." He grinned at her then stole another kiss. They were back on the road to the East within no time.


Date: 2010-08-19 00:15 EST
"You surpise me Delan Dulthaas."

In all truth he surpised himself. The moon light had been perfect highlighting her face and eyes. He loved her,and she looked so stunning. He had been wary of all the dangers that could come at them at any moment since leaving the cave. Oh how he never wanted to leave. But she had been right some things were more important. But he couldnt have helped himself, he had to kiss her. To feel ehr cold fingers grace his back and shoulders to fell her press against him.

He had wanted nothing more than to steal away to some cave close by where they could lay together. But he knew they could not. The road was long yeta head of them,the road went off to the north, tot he south and for ever it seemed off to the east along the low rise of craggy hills. So he stole one last kiss and took her hand and walked along that road with her.


Date: 2010-08-23 00:48 EST
When they stopped for their morning respite he saw signs of orcs. Foot prints and left behind half eaten meals. He waited for Zara while she finished her morning routine. The morning for her usual required a bit of privacy which he gave to her, as she gave to him.

He followed the tracks till they were no more, the land became to hard packed to follow them but he knew which way the orcs had gone, off north away from them.

When Zara came around the bend he nodded to her. They were on their way shortly after eating as they walked. Though the city was far behind them, there were dangers here. Dangers that didn't afford time to sit and eat most days.

How he missed the deep woods full of lush prey, fresh water and berries. He was getting tired of their rationed meals f dried meat, hard cracker like bread and cheese. Then there was the cave rats and mushrooms they had on occasion. Neither which he liked. And he longed so much to be alone with Zara out of danger.


Date: 2010-08-23 01:04 EST
Three weeks had passed and at long last the last spur of the low hills was behind them. A full month had passed within the trails of the low craggy hills. A month of rations, cave rats, mushrooms, caves and constant walking and little rest. How he needed a good long bath. He looked over to Zara, she was tired to of the hills, her hair was back and dirty her face looked more akin to an elf on the run. They both needed a bath.

As they left the last of the hills behind them a wide grass land spread out before them, dotted with farms. In the distance to the North east was a town. Small though it looked from here. It brought on a renewed since of vigor for them both.

They walked all day not worried about slavers. Zara knew this country, shed passed through it before. She knew the town as well. "Elirine, not a large place, mostly farmers and traders. I made my last stand there before heading off in to the unknown, the people know me. I helped them beat off orcs and goblins. " Delan smirked to that. "And should I be worried?" She knew what he meant and shook her head, "Nae, you will see why."

They reached the town by midday, it had no walls no guards and no out posts for men at arms. They walked in with hardly a glance at them Then Delan saw why she had told him not to worry. The town was mostly dark elves. Men,women,chidlren. A few lighter toned elves here and there, but no humans. He looked dumb founded for a long moment. "Elirine is mostly Drow elves, though not all as dark as others." There were many kinds of Drow here he could see that ebony skinned, some like most of his kin. Some where chocolate colored or even lighter, a mix of tones, browns and blues. Zara smirked walking, many knew her he saw as they nodded and smiled to her. Many children ran beside them now crying for her, their ranger.

Zara led them towards the inn. Outs side a trio of men sat each smiled to Zara as if they all had been comrades in arms. Zara nodded to them as she led on in.

Delan was amazed he felt accepted here.

"Well, look what the old cat dragged in dirty as hell." A tall Drow woman stood behind the perfect bar, her eyes were light blue, an odd color. She smiled to Zara. "If it isn't the ranger herself, back from God knows where, and bringing in someone new." The woman looked at Delan and smiled. Zara snickered, "Greetings Daphne. This is my companion Delan." Daphne nodded once more to him. "You two look like you need a good meal, some sleep and one hell of a bath." "Yes," Zara agreed, " we need a meal and drink for us both, then your best room." Daphne nodded and went right to work making them food. Zara ordered an Elven wine Delan managed a smile and did the same. "They know you well here?"

"Yes, we do, Zara is one of the best rangers to come through these parts." Daphne left their food and drinks off and Zara paid her. Zara took a sip of wine then , "You can relax Delan, we are safe here."

Delan took a slow sip of wine then having a hard time believing that. Zara ate her meal enjoying the smells of it. Delan soon found he was starving, and enjoying the meal as well.

When Zara showed him up stairs to their room he seemed to be less tense. He walked in first and she behind him locking them in. "Our own room with a private bath."She nodded towards the small door in the wall. She shed herself of her weapons, her traveling bags, cloak and boots. Then turned to face him. "Coming?" She stripped off her dirty clothes and slid through the small door.

Delan waited one moment, two. Then shed his clothes and things likewise and followed her. He found her standing under a rain of water in a foggy bath room. "What took you so long.?" She looked happier already, her face wet, her body smelling slightly of lavender already. Delan had no answer for her as he stepped in to the foggy shower. Now two sprays came down one for each of them. He leaned back in to the warmth of the shower, letting the grime wash away. He felt Zaras cool hand son his chest, then the tickle of bubbles.

He opened his eyes and watched her as she smoothed bubbles over his chest. "I don't want to smell of lavender." She snickered at him and held up the soap. this one did not smell of lavender, it was smooth and musky yet had a clean scent about it. She held up her other hand in which she held the lavender soap.

He stole it from her and rubbed it over her shoulders as she scrubbed his chest and shoulders down.


Date: 2010-08-24 00:39 EST
When they were clean,and smelling and feeling better at long last they left the bath room in fuzzy robes. Thier clothes had been taken as Zara requested to be cleaned. Every pair she owned was dirty and Delans was like wise. The only thing she refused to have cleaned were her cloak and gloves those shed tend to herself in the morning.

She padded across the room to the large bed to comb through her hair. Delan watched her smiling. The room was larger, it had massive windows and a huge bed. Room enough for four or maybe even six people but it was theirs.

He dropped his robe at the bath room door way. Zara looked up at him. " Though that is a good look for you, you have nothing clean to put on." He grinned at her. "Who needs clothes we are alone." That was true the door was locked the windows shaded. Zara rose and shed her robe. This all reminded her so much of their days in the Rhydin woods. That first out right dare.

She gave him a once over and he did not hide the fact that he gave her more than one once over. Still though hed seen her this way many times now she blushed. His warm hands cupped her cheeks. " Alone,well fed, and clean at long last." He kissed her softly, then led her to the bed.


Date: 2010-08-24 00:41 EST
The sound of someone knocking awoke him and he found Daphne outside witha tray of food. He ofered his thanks then with the food went back in to the room. Zara lay sleeping content there curled up in the bed.

Delan set the food down upon the night stand and walked to the window. Elirine was awake already alive with people. Never since leaving home had he seen so many drow kin.So many different kinds of drow kin. He looked back to Zara, sleeping. The road had been long and they would need their rest. He doubted there were many towns like this one along the way where he would be so accepted.

Cold fingers danced over his back.Cold lips pressed to his warm flesh. "Come back to bed." Zara on her toes said in to his ear. He smirked turning to look at her. "My my, look at you." She wore nothing,and did not hide. "Sleep well?" She smiled nodding, running her fingers over his chest. "Come back to bed."

He chuckled, "Daphne brought us some food." He looked to the tray on the night stand. "I am not hungry yet." She looked back to the large cozy bed. He followed her gaze. " Ahh so all that sleep left you wishing for something else?" She leaned up and kissed him , " we are alone,and not in some mountain chain,in some cold cave, but in a room all our own. Did you not rest well?"

He reurned the kiss. "I did," he ran his fingers over her bare shoulders. Yes he had longed for days, weeks to be alone with her again,but now he felt as if was the wrong time. "But not now, let us eat and dress and go out to enjoy the town. We will need a few things for the road ahead." Zara pouted, she ntoed that their clothes had been returned clean and pressed. "Alright."

She padded over to her clohes and took up her fresh clean under garments and put them on. Delan watched from where he stood by the window. She dressed then tossed a shirt back at him before sitting down to eat. Chuckling he shrugged on his shirt and went to join her for their morning meal.

She sat eatting looking across at him. She felt more rested than she had in days, but he seemed distant,as if soemthing was on his mind. She knew if he wanted her to know he would tell her.

Dark Prince

Date: 2010-08-24 14:49 EST
He continued to remain slient as he ate, as he was remembering everything that he had told her. Back when they were on that beach, when he finally told her everything about himself. A pause for a moment, as he slowly set the fork down. A glance to Zara for a moment, with a faint smile as he stood and moved over to his bag. Searching for a certain item.

Upon finding what he was looking for, a small frame and moved over to Zara. Holding it out towars her, his voce soft as he spoke. "This is them..before they were taken from me." It was a small picture of his family, done a few days before the slavers took his mother and sisters.

Once she took it from him, he moved to sit back down across from her. "Once we find this Collector, and kill him. I do not know what I will do. All my life has been geared towards finding this one man, and seeing if they are still alive." Hands coming together as he looked down to the table.

Zara could tell, part of her beloved drow, whom rarely showed the scared side of himself. Was showing it now. "If they are alive..I doubt they would remember me..or approve of what I have become. I don't even know what happened to my father." Softly before he just shook his head. Falling silent.


Date: 2010-08-25 01:11 EST
Zara took the small framed picture of his family. There they were his siblings, his mother, his father. All outside an old house on a beach like sand.Shynt Raena, Invisible Haven. His home, the home that ws stolen from him. On the far end stood his mother,dorw kin,she was tall lovely, her hair was long,longer than Zara had ever seen a drow female wear her hair.

Caerthynna stood to her right, she looked strong, her hair was shirter her eyes were nearly exactly the same as his mother not only in color but shape and placement. Meira stood to the right of Caerthynna , her eyes blazed silver her hair was shorter almost curly. Shiala stood next to Meira, she was dressed like a sailor,looking touch and ready for a fight.

Then there was Delan... and beside him his father, they looked much alike and in Delans arms standing in front was Aluenda. He was twelve at this time, before they first came. This must have been taken days before Caerthynna was taken, she had been nine

Zara knew what happened next his father convinced him to go out, and they returned to find the others, his mother ,Meira, Shiala and Aluenda. gone. Then his father disappered.Then Delan became someone else, a different person. She ahnded the frame back to him. "We will find your family,I dont know if they will be alive..But we will find this man, this Collector, and kill him. We will kill anyone aiding him." She knew he was scared as scared as she had been that day sitting in the shade of the roocks thinking about home, worrying about what could be.

"We cant know what will happen, if they are alive.I hope they are. And if we find them and if they wish to stay in Eyllis then they can." If anything was left, but she let that thought fade. "And if they dont we will find them a safe way back to where ever they wish...they are family if they approve of what you have become or not... and if you wish you could go with them, lead them back home..." She looked down , she meant he coudl go, and she would not.If there was anything left of her home or her friends she would stay there,and he could go.. It would kill her yes to let him go, but she could do it.

"We will find out, I promise you... we will find all the answers." She took his hands in hers, being strong, though she wanted nothing more than to cry.

She didnt want to break down inf ront of him so she let go of his hand aftera moment and rose with their empty tray. "I will take this down to Daphne." He wouldnt be able to stop her she was up and gone before he could say a word.

Down the stairs two at a time, she sat the tray at the end of the bar and sat down there. "Mornin there Zara." Daphne took up the tray and eyed the elfess. Zara let her tears flow. Daphne stopped ehr bar duites and went to Zaras side. "What wrong?"

" Daphne... have you ever heard of a man called the collector...?" Daphne tooka step back and a few at the bar side fell quiet. " Yes.. we know of him here..."

Zara looked up, tears filled her vision. "What can you tell me?"

Daphne lowered herself to the sootl beside Zara and the conversation at the bar went on. " I know him, .. a slaver, one who favors young girls.. he takes them.." She looked off Zara looked to her, " You know him?"

Daphne nodded. " He came through here when I was a child.. and if if had not been for my brother I would have been taken... He stole a few girls from here back then, he was taking them all to the east to be traded... sold.. he had a few drow girls with him, a few elf kind.. He also had someone else with him I never saw his face but I knew he was a male, a drow male.. likely someone being used for terrible things..."She took a deep breath as if the memory haunted her. "My brother, he came in to find me fighting him off... and struck him with a short sword.. . The man him self was tall, or at least he seemed that way to me then.. he wasnt ugly I suppose to some he might have been handsome.. before the short sword cut at his face.. hes likely missing that eye now, the left... If Iolan hadnt been there I would have been taken. Why do you ask? He is a horrid man..."

"He stole Delans family... I think he was taking them to Teien..a town in my homeland.." Sahpne stood slowly,placing her hands on Zaras shoudlers a move that would have hurt anyone else if Zara wasnt in control. " I hope you find them, and kill him. " Zara nodded , " I hope we do too." But she wanted to be selfish, she wanted Delan to stay with her, but she knew that may not happen.

With a deep breath she returned upstairs. Se had to tell Delan what Daphne had just told her. She pushed the door open. "I found out some things... about the collector. " He was standing looking out the window.

Dark Prince

Date: 2010-09-03 17:54 EST
After Zara left, he moved to stare out the window. As his mind seemed intent to bring back those long lost memories of his childhood. He had never thought upon them, till that night she had asked him about his past. Now his mind tended to drift back to that point in time.

" I promise to make him pay for what he has done. I'll not rest untill I have avenged you." Whispered words to himself, but more to his missing family. Where ever they maybe. He knew it was a low chance any of them were still alive. As anger and revenge had brought him to this point in time. But those feelings had been ebbing away since he met Zara.

Upon hearing Zara's voice, his gaze moved to her as he moved to sit down. He had a feeling he would need to be sitting to hear what she had to say.


Date: 2010-09-08 00:50 EST
So they sat by the large window and Zara told him everything that Daphne had said to her. "I asked Daphne if she knew of this man called the collector."She kept her voice low,just for his ears. "Dahpne knew of him his reputation, she knew him.He came through here when she was a child, and her brother Iolan save her, gave to Collector a mark he wouldnt soon forget. She said he took the girls east, the ones he stole. Drow and elf girls, she also said she saw a man with this collector, a drow male, though she never saw this drow mans face. Likely a slave made to to terrible things."

Zara took a breath. "Dahpne fought him off and Iolan hit him with his short sword. She described him as tall, at least to a childs eyes, handsome. but now likely missing that eye where her brother hit him. She hopes we find and kill him." .

She looked out the window. She knew Delan would do anything to avenge his family. Just as she had, but she had also run away. But in his way he had done some soul searching before ending up here. "We will keep heading to Eyllis , we can leave in the morning if you like. "Zara knew they had no time to spare not now. The road ahead was long,it could be months before they arrived there.


Date: 2010-09-09 15:39 EST
She rose and lef him with the news she had brought. The morning was upon them and she was going to set forth in to town to gather supplies. "I will set out for the last few things we may need, I know the road ahead, the next twon is days away, and they are friendly to me,but I would not take anything from them." She didnt explain why,Zara had her reasons. "I'll be back soon."

She left the room,she needed not her cloak or cloves for it was warm out and that should be enough to counter the effects of her cold hands. She did take her sword and daggers with ehr but left her bow and quiver of arrows near her cloak.

Elirine had always been a place she felt welcomed even though she was nto of dark skin like most of the residents here. She headed down stairs spoke to Daphne once more then left out in to the city. They needed only a few things, they had gathered suppiles the day before. But this was more a trip for her to clear her mind. Delan had a lot to think through as did she.

She wandered to a few shops, got her blades sharpened,her rations filled and her mind filed with the small talk of the town. She looked off to the east a few time towards home. She had long to go home for so long now to walk down the Cesio pass through the Aevir Mountains . To see the towns again,if they still stood.

Teien, Ibaea, Kerani, and even Abban. Though she knew Teien held bad memories as did Ibaea and even Kerani. She wondered if her hlaf brother and sisters still lived, or had they too been trapped taken. Ruvyn was not likely to be dead, she knew him well enough to know he would not go with out a fight.Aeila and Dyldra she knew less well, but both were likely like Ruvyn fighteres by nature. Her parents were now long dead

But what of Ny,Eli, Dho and Luana what of Gilthi? Dhos small encampment of elves..What of Llewellyn and the Taindira forest and Vaernon lake. What of Tanseril and the Huavain Elara and the Vonlirr or Keelin of Ilri.

Was Snow Haven gone? The desert of Nieli? Was the Elandara River tainted by blood shead? Rahelia Plain blacked in fires? What of the Lukiae Mountains would people have fled there?Or would they have fallen?

Zara found her self sitting outside the town lights looking westward,fighting the urge to scream and cry all at once. It wasnt fair at all, none of it. This trip home had not been full of dnagers, not as the trip away had been. This had been full of new experences. And love. She thought of Dealn, now he had told her his mission to find his lost family if they could be found. If this man, this collector was in Eyllis they would find him and get answers form him, if he was not Zara would travel far and wide to find him and end his life.

Her family was dead, but his was not. She had to beileve that. Would they know him?Accept him and all he had done?

She wondered the same of her friends, if they were alive.Would they still love and accept her?And if her parents were alive would they condone what she had done, all the lives she had taken?

She closed her eyes and let everything sink in.She had to be strong.Stonger than this, she couldnt fall apart. Not now.

The sound ot the town bell ringing shook her from her moment. She lept off the rock wall and went sprinting for the center of town. The bell was only rung for two reasons, major storm coming in.Which she could tell it was not ,being clear out. Or they were under attack. Women and children were ushered insdie safe for those who would fight. Zara sprinted past the inn,to the center to town. She found the mayor there.

"Sennandri" She called to the woman,a mid ehight lighter toned drow woman. The woamn turned and regarded Zara. "I heard you were back in town, a moment not to soon." Zara nodded, she could see Dahpne and Delan coming out of the inn,Delan was armed carrying Zaras quiver and bows to her. Dahpne was armed as well.

"Orcs.." Senn explained. Zara looked back out to the west to see the dust rising. The people of Elirine had faced down orcs,goblins,giants,slavers and many other things through the years. They did not hide they stood their ground. Those that could not fight would be well guarded int heir homes enchanted by drowsh magics.

"Goblins as well." Zara noted the front runners of the coming hord. Delan was at her side then and she took her quiver and bow from him both slipping to her back. "Archers to the front of town,take your places behind the houses. Senn called and with one back ward glance Zara ran towards the out laying houses with the other noted archers of the town.

"Fire at will!" Senn was mayor and leader,everyone knew their place. Zara took up her place beside the people. She knew Delan would take up his own part in this fight.

The arrows flew at will over and around the houses towards to orcs and goblin kind that rushed in. A dozen goblins fell in the first few moemnts, cross bows stung out a healthy dose of drow posions. Low bows hit the orcs behind, Zaras bow was along bow, her arrows were not posioned like many of the others at the wall, but as she slipped them in and pulled back she froze them over, when they struck an orc or goblin it froze the creature soild, sometimes breaking in to many pieces after ward.

For the many that fell in those few first moments . Rocks flew in at them tossed fromt he field beyond they rolled by homes,crushed fellow fighters and soemtimes a goblin or three. Zara was flung aside in to rocks and rubble as Orcs and goblins crashed in to the center of town.

"Take your marks." Senn called, from the roof tops more arrows brought down more, and now swords men,axe men and all fighters alike went in to the coming fray.

Over the tossed bolders around rubble like waterthe orcs rolled in till they filled the cnetr of town,trashing away as they killed or were killed.

Zara dug her self free of the rubble and freed those she could aide. Some were long gone. She looked towards the bloody fray and slid her bowk then drew her sword,with a nod to thsoe she saved they rushed in from behind.

Everything shed been thinking about was quickly washed away in blood and gore. There had to have been at least one hudnred orcs and likely more than that in goblin kind, many ahd been taken down by arrows, and now many more lay dead in t he streets. As orcs rushe din upon drows, the dorw moved with grace, killing easily.

This would end with all the orc and golbin kind dead , and some drows dead and wounded.

Zara could not pick out Delan in the mass, she told her heart not to worry. She ran in to the fray,setting her mind to this task alone.


Date: 2010-09-12 01:38 EST
The enemy was fleeing under a rain of arrows. There werent many left now, a dozen maybe.

"Help!" A voice cried. Zara spun and saw a mother trapped with her children behind her two orcs standing before her ready to strike. Zara moved with out thinking,sprinting the twenty pases that separated her from the woman. Then Zara was between the woman her children and the two orcs. Her balde was already dark with blood. "Dar adel amin." She spoke in the elven tounge which was the most commonly used about Elirine, more so than language of the drow.

The woman nodded hodling ehr chidlren behind her while Zara stood between her and the orcs. Orcs didnt speak elven,but they did sometimes know some drowish. Zara looked them over these two werent smart. While the few others of their kind fled they stayed behind to torment a poor woman and her children. Zara was slowly walking them back away from the woman and her two children.

They hadnt struck yet. The didnt get the chance to, Zara reached out with her sword and touched one on the boot, not a killing bow. But Ice pusled through her hand through ehr sword and over the orc, that turned solid and then burst cracking to to bloody cubes. The other seeing its friend shatetred turned and ran, but likely wouldnt get far with the archers firimg down upon him. Zara saw Delan now enar the wall taking off fleeing goblins.

Zara turned and the woman thanked her then rushed away indoors with her children.

The orcs that were alive fled, no goblins survived. Zara looked around, the dead orcs and goblins would have to be burned.The dead towns folk would have to be found and buried.

Walking over to stand beside Senn,Zara eyed Delan as he walked over. He looked as if hed had the best time,not hardly a mark on him, while Zara was covered in blood and gore, and little pieces of rock rubble.

Not to mention mud and dust. Delans clothes were dusty a bit of blood and mud on his bootsand his balde he was cleaning as he walked over. Senn smirked to Zara. "Thats a hell of a drow you have there."

Zara chuckled half worn to the bone.

Senn smirked patted Zara on the shoulder the thanked Delan as she walked past him, the villagers would waste no time gathering up the goblin and orc bodies and pileing them up otuside the city walls to burn them. But first their own fallen had to be found,woudned sent to be healed.

Zara knew she had promised that she and Delan could leave at day break tomorrow. But she didnt want to leave the people hanging.

She cocked her head at him slightly when he came to stand beside her. " I can not leave them to burry their dead and tend to all these orc and goblin bodies alone.. Once the task of burrying and burning is done, we can go." She knew there would be repairs to be made houses to be fixed but Zaras trade was not in fixing, tending to dead yes, that she could do.


Date: 2010-09-14 00:10 EST
The day was long and hot. There had not been many of the villagers that had died.Only a dozen, but each had friends,family and was known here. It was bloody work,messy work. More were unjured than killed. Zara could not help in the healing, it would be to risky with out her gloves, which were still inside her and Delans room at the inn. So she helped to bury the dead.

They were given found fairwells. Zara knew where Delan was. He was in the small cottage set up for tose withinjuries.Broken bones had to be set, wounds banaged,deeper wounds healed by those talented in magic. Zara glanced towards the cottage now and again. They had set off in different directions for the first time since leaving Rhydin.

She now helped pile up goblin and orc bodies,sometimes pieces of bodies in wagos to be pulled outside the walls. The work on fixing the destroyed wall was already under way as the frst wagon full was pulled away.

The orc and goblin bodies were piled far outside the walls. Once all the boides were gathered they would be set ablaze. It wa slong hot work, Zara could feelt he sweat dripping down her back. Not since the Nieli Desert had she felt the heat like this. Now and again she would take a long drink of water and wipe the back of her neck with a wet cloth.

By dusk the piles of orc and golbin bodies were bruning. The wall was still mostly destoried but plans had been set to fix it come dawn.

After a long cold shower Zara and Delan found them selves along side the warriors , the simple villagers and all others gathered inside the mighty hall,which was connected to Senns house to celebrate the victory, mourn the dead and cheer on Zara and Delan. There was food , drink and much talk.

Delan seemed to be very stoic about it all, thanking the people for their kindness, saying it was his honor to serve in the battle. He always looked to Zara, as if she had been the hero. But he had done as much as she had.

Zara thanked them as well, for welcoming them back.The battle hadnt been huge but it had been enough to weigh her down. To wear her out. So she ate and toasted and praised theuse who had died. All the while wishing for sleep. And a long cold bath, to battle off the heat she still felt that had settled in from the long hot day.

The people celebrated and mounred and cheered on the victory. Zara slipped out,to stand outside in the now cool night air. She could see the fires in the west, the piles of orc and goblin bodies burning still. She ran her hand over her neck,letting the cold seep in across her skin.

She knew someone,likely Delan would come looking for her sooner or later. But for now she stood there soaking in the cool air. She hadnt been mortally injured,a few cuts,scrapes,bruises for sure. More than anything the heat of the day had weighed on her. With her eyes closed she thought of those days in the cool woods.

She found it odd though.Delans warmth,his natural heat had never bothered her, not even in the hot springs. The sun did now and again bother her when she didnt wear her cloak. She wore it now, along with her gloves, they brought in coolness to her along with their other ablities.

She leaned to the back wall closing her eyes. The battle had washed away her thoughs, but not permiently. They came flooding back to her now, how she wanted to be selfish,to hold on to Delan for as long as she could. But their road leading to Eyllis was leading them possibly to this man, the collector and answeres for Delan.Perhaps even his family. But it may very well lead them out of Eyllis just as quickly. What could she do?

She sighed and pressed her hands to her forhead,it was finally cool.She knew the long hot day had set her body off,heated her more than her ice elf half could stand. But the drow in her had enjoyed the battle, the blood.

When she opened her eyes she saw Delan leaning there across the way looking at her with concerned eyes.He hadn't made a sound, she didn't even know hed been there. He looked as worn as she felt, "How long have you been standing there?"

Dark Prince

Date: 2010-09-17 11:20 EST
" Long enough to know that you are worried about what will come to pass if and when we mee this Collector, and find out about if my family still lives. " He didn't need her to tell him that, as he as well had been pondering over that very thing. Without a word as he leaned off the wall across from her, and started towards her. He was tired, sore and just wanted to rest at the moment.

Yet being with Zara had openned his eyes to the rest of the world, to the point he wanted to be with her. If she would wish him to walk along the same road as her. " Before you say anything more. Just know, that even if my family is alive or has passed from this world. I will stay by your side, for as long as you want me there. "

Once in front of her, he leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. He then turned to head back, giving her the time she wished for to rest. "When you are ready to head off, let me know. I'll be in town. Helping out where it is needed." Said over his shoulder to her.


Date: 2010-09-19 01:13 EST
He didnt get far as she pushed off the wall and went after him. Yes she had been worried,worried about that and so much more. she took his hand in hers the moment she caught up to him. "Theres not much more to do. The bodies of the orcs and golbins will burn all night, the rubble will have to wait till dawn, and Senn talked of building a wall. "

She looked to him tired and wore as she was. "Lets go back to the inn,take in rest, The others will too. Tomorrow is another day. We can stay and help if you want to. I would not ask you to stay with me, if your family needed you more. I would understand. I have ponderd much, the fate of my friends, youe family. My home. But no more of that tonight. I am to weary" Understand. Yes she would understand even if her heart would break to see him go.


Date: 2010-09-19 01:24 EST
Three days later, later than shed expected they left Elirine. Theyd helped celar rubble, and build a small outter wall. Senn and Dahpne had thanked them over and over again. The whole town ship now praised them both as wonderful rnagers and friends, welcome at any time.

Elirine was behind them now. Thing felt different, but the same. Was it the fact that the path they followed was so riddled with questions? The road was clear enough.Keep heading east, keep heading back to Eyllis.Zara knew this land, knew what was to come. She wasnt going to stop not until she reached Cindeigh, which was at least a week away, even at the pace they kept. Three days had passed since Elirine.

The and streched out,meadows,forest here and there,grass lands,farm lands, small towns.All which Zara knew. But she wasnt going to any of them. She looked towards them,the first they had passed that very morning. They needed nothing, no supplies and no rest. She knew they wold last till Cindeigh,then and only then would she take up any true rest.

Surely they might rest at dusk,udner some trees or the open air.But Zara had not rested not fully since leaving Elirine. She was wanting,needing it seemed to get answers she needed as well. She glanced to her right where Delan walked,cloaked and shadowed as she was. Zara wore her cloak and gloves even though it was warm out. They kept the ehat off her, kept her cool as much as keeping her from freezing things over. Delan wore his cloak and hood out of habbit she supposed.

In a weeks time they would be in Cindeigh. Then the Bailion for maybe two weeks after that, if they pushed harder they could cross the wide expanse in a week.Then it was maybe three days till Cesio pass and The Aevir Mountains . Home. Meant many things for Zara. Mostly as of late it meant possibly a hunt for the collector,and perhaps seeing ehr friends again. But she couldnt know if they lived.

They walked at a measured pace. theyd talked of dangers,and were rationing their food, though they had enough. Zara told him more about Eyllis. It seemed to make her feel better. She would walk talking with her gloved hands weaving out the areas she loved the best. The Taindira forest, the wild Rahelia Plain , the cold valley of SnowHaven. The dangers of the Lukiae Mountains. She painted them in wodnerful colors, of green,gold,blue and purple.She spoke fo the good people, her friends and allies.

Then she told him of her first trip through the grasses in which they now walked.

"It was different then, I was running away. " She admitted , "hoping the slavers would follow me. They did eventually. I had never seen any place like this. Farm lands " She looked off towards a farm house. " people genually good. Trusting people. " She ran her hands along the long stalks of grass. She looked off,soon they would find a place to rest for the night. But for now she let her mind wander off in to the wilds of Eyllis. But this time she was not alone.Delan was there in those wild places of her homeland.


Date: 2010-09-23 00:56 EST
. She felt the urgency even if it wasn't spoken. It was for them both. She long to get home quicker now, to know of her friends fate. The fate of the places she had been talking about. And she longed to find this collector and kill him, for Delan to find his family. She looked over to him now they had taken up a little place under a few pine trees for their resting spot for the eve. The fire was now low. Dinner had been filling, fresh caught rabbit with carrot, potatoes in a thick broth with cracker like Elven bread.

Zara had her hood down her gloves off. Hands pressed to a cool stone before her. Delans eyes were on the fire. The dishes were done, no tent had been set out only two bed rolls under the clear brisk night sky. It was perfect, in her Zara could feel the ice elf singing to the cold. The Drow in her did a little shiver. Drow were not known for liking the cold, in fact deep cold could kill them.

Zara was just evenly balanced enough that the cold did not kill her, nor did the heat. But it had come close now twice. Now and again shed see him look across at her. She recalled all the wild places of her home, of the warm people. In the fires embers she could see it all ablaze, nothing left but ashes. She closed her eyes her hand upon the rock balled in to a fist. The image was so clear. If Eyllis was gone, her friends gone, she would not rest till the collector was dead, till every slaver within miles of Eyllis was dead.

She looked to Delan now, she loved him. She wanted him to find his family alive to get his answers and his justice she wanted to see it. To see him smile again. When they met, he had sight her out, and now after so much, she loved him even more. She closed her eyes again, she felt tears slide down her cheek. She had sworn she wouldn't do this, sworn she would be strong. Before he looked up again she pulled her hood over her face hiding the fact that tears now streamed down her face.

He glanced her way she could sense it. But she looked up away breathing in the cool night air. Soaking it in. Embracing it, feeling empowered by it. She idly brought up her hands to wipe the tears away. She hoped he wouldn't notice.

She needed to level with the possibility that nothing was as it was. Or maybe it would be just as it was. She knew it was likely ten times worse for Delan. Heed been chased away from his home, and now he was this close to finding his family...or finding out they were dead. When she looked up he ant across the fire any more, she looked to her right and he sat beside her, silent. She knew he could tell she was crying there was no point in hiding it now.

Dark Prince

Date: 2010-09-27 20:27 EST
Ha had remained slient this whole time till he had noted that she was shaking, not from the cold but from her attempts to hide the fact that she was crying. He also knew she was trying to ready herself for the possiblity that if he found out that his family was alive, that he would just leave her to go home with them.

" You need to stop trying to make yourself believe that I am going to walk away from you. Even if we find that my family is still alive, I will continue to stay by your side, Zara. Nothing other than death will change that. " Pulling back her hood, before he moved a hand up to let the back of his fingers wipe the tears from her cheeks.

" So stop telling yourself that. It will not happen, as I know my mother and father would be proud to know that I have found someone to walk along the road that is called life by my side. " Now he aimmed to pull her into his frame, to let her see that he was being honest with her.. He would be with her, till death claimed him.


Date: 2010-09-28 01:00 EST
She looked to him. Hidden by her hood. She listened to him for a long moment. " They are your family.." Hed pushed back her hood and brushed away her tears. She didnt know what to say. She looked in to his eyes, knowing he was serious.

"Its just that, I would not ask you to stay.They may need you,you may need them.And if they are alive I doubt they will want to stay in Eyllis. " She smiled to him, she was touched that he would want to stay with her,that nothing could change that but death. She nodded softly now,he was serious.She pressed her head to his shoulder when he pulled her close.

She would try to convince her self that they would live through this. She closed her eyes for a moment. "I am happy too..." She opened her eyes. "That you found me, and I you." She would be there with him till death took her, she had already known that. She linked her hand in his. "Thank you.." She didnt know what else to say. She felt better more at ease.


Date: 2010-09-28 01:18 EST
When she slept at long last she slept close to him in his arms.The cold didnt bother her, but she loved feeling warm and cozy. She smiled softly before falling asleep. If her parents were alive she knew they would be proud of her.

At dawn they packed up and moved on through the grasses.Now hands linked. Zara wasnt as worried now.At least not about Delan disappearing. She still wondered what lay ahead.

Days passed,easily. They walked and rested and talk more. Zara told her the worries she had about home. He had listened and understood. "If nothing and no one is left, we will find the ones who did such a thing and kill them. She nodded,but it didnt put her mind at ease. He ran his hand down her cheek, "If they were gone your friends, your home you would feel it, here."He pressed his hand to her chest above her heart. She nodded he was right she would feel it.


Date: 2010-09-28 01:20 EST
Cindeigh was now two days out. Theyd walked for two full days and nights and now as the thrid day dawned they rested in a grove of old pine. Just beyond them ran a low movng river,that wasnt much more than a thin stream of water, but it had proven to be fresh, clear and cooling. They would cross it at dusk. Then continue till they saw Cindeigh.

For the last half a night Zara knew they were being followed. Not closely, but followed by someone or something. Shed see a shadow,she knew Delan had to.Hed be wary,keepigng his eyes on the surround. Theyd not stopped in any village or town,not since Elirine.

There it was again, a shadow. Zara lifted her bow and waited. Delan watched,then his eyes panned away, there was another shadow. Thieves?Raiders?slavers? Zara was ready for a fight,tense.Delan watched he was tense beside her. They wouldnt go easily if this was someone trying to catch them.

Two felines came forward,sandy toned cats a bit larger than your average town cat.Zara sucked in her breath. And lowered her bow. "Vedui' beleg Cathle." She looked to Delan, he likely had never been to Ael'Si. But she had. "They are not enemies." She saw his hand on his sword hilt relax. "They are of Ael'Si the great cat tribe of the Nieli. They are a long way from home."

The looked to her then sat down one was female Zara coold tell by size, the male was much larger and darker in color. Both had golden toned eyes wich studied Zara. Then slowly the female came to stand beisde her. Zara knelt down to run her hand through the thick golden fur and saw it,like the great owl before this cat carried a message. Zara was careful to take the rope off the cats leg and unfurl the message.

The male carried soemthing about his neck.Zara watched Delan undo the fine mithral chain on the end a heavy looking locket. When that was done the two cats ran off together eastward. Not once looking back.

The note was worn,the paper falling apart. But Zara knew this hand writting shed seen it.

" Sister,
Come with all speed, the people need you. We are trapped,hunted,dying. We have all fled in to the forest. Abban is even not safe. Aeila and Dyldra have fled with half of the other drow houses in to the Lukiae.I came in to the forest with your Friends. Nylian,Elidyr,Dhoean, Luana ,Tanseril their children and Llewellyn of the Cael. Most of the Ice elves have feld with the drow Elara Vonlirr and Keelin Ilri asked me to send this to you."

The page was tearing,ink blotted.

"One of the Ael'Si offered me these two felines. On carried this note the other, something I hope will prove useful to you. Come quickly sister,we are holding out, but the slavers have spread like wild fire. There is a man come now, his men call him the collector. He is an elf..and elf sister,with his eye missing,and he brought slaves in with him.I saw them.. women,children. Many girls have gone missing. I heard his true name one night while scouting with Tanseril. Helkaer 'Ksher , he weilds magic like your own. I have sent word to some old friends, but none have come yet.I hope these cats find you...please hurry


The message could have been months old or years by now, the paper was so worn, but she read the message out loud and with every word Delan seemed to tense. They knew his name now the collector, and why he had not yet died of old age, he was an elf.. Zara looked to the chain in Delans hand and the heavy locket.

He slowly handed it to her. She knew what it was the moment she stouched it, she was sure Delan knew what it was as well.

" Mori'quessir elg'cahl."Drow posion, the posion they dipped their cross bow darts in.It was prized,and valued in almost every town and village from Eyllis to Rhydin. There were different types, some that made you sleep,some that made you have a slow death, and one that killed you the moment an arrow ,knife or anything covered in it pierced your flesh. There were marking on he locket,drow markings.

Zara ran her finegrs over it, "Its the deadly kind,enough to kill maybe two dozen men. If not more .Ruvyn wouldnt have sent this out if he didnt think the cats would find me." She looked to Delan as she slipped the locket chain in all carefully in her pocket.

"We can not delay any longer, we must hurry to Cindeigh replenish our stocks and rations then make our way as quickly through the Bailion as possible."

She saw Delan give her a tight nod, she new what he was thinking, some of those women Ruvyn mentioned, might be his sisters, his mother. She looked to the streem then headed off that way as soon as they were packed, which didnt take long.

Zara thought about this man. The Collector ,Helkaer 'Ksher his name meant evil,and icy one... He had magic like hers, many elves had magic.. but this unnerved her to the core.

They ran to the stream and crossed it quickly and kept on the fast paced move. With over two hundred miles to cross,two days worth of walking ata brisk pace. Zara knew they would reach Cindeigh before the day was done. They would need no rest,only food and shelter. She knew Delan wouldnt rest for long there.


Date: 2010-09-28 01:23 EST
When they crested the hill and looked down to the large town she could see the places she knew, the inn, the armory,the market place. She could also see the Bailion, it had taken her almost five months to cross from Hael to Cindeigh,but then shed had slavers on her tail and hannt known the way now she did. Now she was being pushed toward home, faster than ever.

The Blue Dragons Flagon Inn, was warm and boasted people she knew. It had good meals and better drink.But all Zara drank was cider,after that long hearty meal. Delan was quiet again,eating watching drinking his cider. Shed not bothered to get a room,likely they wouldnt need it.They could stay in the common room till dawn then leave out in to the city for supplies. The gates had nearly been closing when they at last reached them from the hill crest.

Zara knew theyd find little rest in the next week. She had no high hopes for any more romance. She had msised thsoe nights ... She looked to him now, so hardened by the news, so ready for justice,vengence. Zara sipped her cider, letting the hum of the inn drown out everything else.


Date: 2010-10-04 00:30 EST
At dawn they made way to get what they needed for the coming days,the mountains held some food, mushrooms,cave rats, some berries and under ground tubors. But no wild game,save for maybe a rabbit here or there. They held dangers,orcs,giants, and now there was talk of a dragon too. Great just what they needed a dragon..The stocked up on rations and water,some travling clothes, and not much more before meeting at the gates and heading out once more. The crossed the road past farm houses and deep grasses.

The Bailions seemed huge now,streching out for miles. Zara had a map she knew the way so she lead the way up in to the pass cut in to the mountains. "The Balilion.. no way round for miles,it took me a long time to pass this way ebfore, maybe if were lucky I can find a shorter route through some cave this time." She led the way. "Orcs,giants,wolves,bears and I heard talk of a dragon lurking about.."

At dusk Zara could barely see the lights of Cindeigh, and that was only if she stood high on a bluff. There was no moon tonight, so Zara led with a lantern lit by magic,it was an interesting little thing, she could fold it down in the day light, and if she so wished the light would dim or brighten or even change color at soft elven words. Delan followed closely behind, they only needed the light now, for there was no moon.

Zara stopped when she heard a sound.Delan had stopped as well. She let the lantern brighten and they saw them the same two cats on the road not far ahead of them. They loped back towards Delana nd Zara and purred softly. Zara knelt to touch the female once more. " Dar manka amin innas, lan amin a' tengw n'alaquel." It took only a moment for her to find paper and pen,she used the rock as her table as she wrote quickly.


I am coming with help, keep everyone safe, fight on,we will be there soon.


She gently tied the note to the females leg. "Auta." With that the two cats ran off. Zara rose and she and Delan walked on, that had been a short delay that meant they would eat while walking the next two at least. Zara didnt complain, though she wished maybe for one night where she didnt feel so pressed. Now and again his hand would brush hers. They were road weary,dusty and dirty. But all Zara wanted to do was stop so she could kiss him. But she put all thata side and spoke of the weather and tracks they had seen.

Zara tried to pick her way along the normal trail as well as higher ones,so far thered been only a few caves nothing that linked up with any others. They kept a good pace now. Zara more worried about home than the future.


Date: 2010-10-05 13:37 EST
It had been slow going. The weather seemed against them. It would start out fine and they would make it a few miles.But then the clouds would come and the heavy rain. Two full days of these strange weather condtions.

Zara wasnt going to push through this kind of weather. It would be to dangerous.Flooding,falling rocks. So much could happen. So again they rested in the relative safety of a cave. The fire was warm at the very least. Delan ahd been lucky enough to catch a rabbit which was slowly roasting over a spit. The cave had fresh water,and plenty of mushrooms. Zara knew every specices well, which ones tasted good and which ones didnt. There wa sonly one speciaes that was semi poisonous but thsoe were easy to pick out, they had bright green spots upon their undergills and stem.

Zara rubbed her hands across her shoulders.Weary from carrying heavy packs, and days,now weeks of walking,a nd at times running. Cross country wasnt really hard for her, nor did it seem to be hard on Delan.But it did feel good to rest.

She had been thnking about what Ruvyn had said about the collector. Helkaer 'Ksher . It didnt sound like any noral elven name she had heard. Least not in Eyllis. Most eleves carried their family name,or if they were married that name. Very few carried names like Helkaer 'Ksher. It had such a definate meaning. Zara let a soft pulse of ice seep down over her sore shoulders. But it didnt seem to help.

She looked across to Delan as he turned the roasting rabbit. He had made some comments about the collector. Comments she took to heart, she wanted this man, this elf dead too. She wnated to rush to her friends and families aid.

Now and again her fingers dipped in to her side pocket over that thick metal pendant,it was really more like a box,wider and much thicker than anyone could wear about their neck. Mori'quessir elg'cahl , drow posion. I would help them get in to Eyllis. When they reached Hael she would seek Sydney Moon out.Sid had always had a way of knwoing things. She had friends in high places, and in sercret places. But now the rain would keep them from moving on.

The rabbit was warm and well seasoned, and the mushrooms though she was growing sick of them filled out the meal. Nothing was left but bones which Delan burried to keep away wolves and bears. Their little bed rolls were futher back away from the entrance. It was hard to tell day from night in the rain. But Zara knew it must be late afternoon.

After the meal Zara sat next to him.Enjoying in the fires wamrth and his. She leaned her head to his shoulder and closed her eyes. She could feel his hand slowly massaging her shoulder, there was a soft radient heat that emmanted from his finger tips that realxed her tight and worn muscles.

"That feels nice. " She opened her eyes to look up at him. His eyes were on her. Her brows rose at him. "What?"

He shook his head and leaned down and kissed her softly. Zara returned the kiss with renewed vigor. She wanted to let the kiss linger.To let those embers turn in to a fire within them both. But she knew that they couldnt. So she pulled back softly. His fingers graced her cheeks and she smiled. Even for just a moment she let everything fade.The worry, the anger, the fear. It was just her and Delan once more.


Date: 2010-10-11 16:19 EST
When the fires light turned dull, to nothing but embers and the day had faded.The rain kept on. Thunder rolled and lighting sparked above them. With the fire out they moved back to where the bed rolls had be set. Zara sighed slipping off her boots. Their weapons lay there already,for they had no need of them now.

When she turned she saw Delan starring at her once more. Her brows rose and in the next moment her arms were around him, her lips pressed to his in a kiss he had once again started. This time Zara did not pull away, only returned that passioanate embrace,lifting herself from the ground. Entwining about him.

She felt his warm fingers upon her sides,her back and arms .Over her shirt then under it, then her shirt was gone. His lips upon her neck. One moment they stood her back nearly pressed to the cave wall the next she was udner him atop the bed roll,her fingers puled at the fabric of his shirt.

She shivered to his touch as she felt his hands grace her bare skin,when there was nothing left to take off. He worked quickly, and with a vorgor she hadnt seen ina while. In the darkness she could see him just as well as if they were under full light. And she knew he could see her, but he let his hands, his lips do all the wandering. His eyes stayed upon her face.

Her cold fingers graced his back and sides.Pulling him closer. His left hand rose from ehr skin and took her hands back over her head. He then kissed her softly,then continued kissing her, down across her neck and collar, and lower. Her eyes flickered as his lips moved,kissing and tasting her cool flesh.

Each touch wamred her skin like a million little fires. And with ehr hands trapped she could do nothing but surrender to the feeling.

When his lips last returned to kiss her once more. Zara felt as if every bone in her body had turned to jelly. Her hands pushed up against the one hand of his that still held them firm.

His other hand soon joined it and she could glasp her hands in his.

Nothing else existed now,nothing but this moment.The world outside was dark and stormy but within the cave it was warm and perfect. Once more they let love lead them through the night,the soft echo of their voices did not escape the cave through the cracks lightining or rolls of thunder.


When dawn broke the storm was gone, but Zara saw that Delan had not moved. They lay still intertwinde on the cave floor covered with soft blankets. The night before lingered in her mind still as she could feel his brush through her hair and along the back of her neck. Her fingers rested over his chest, her hand over his heart. She had fet it race the night before,now it was steady in it beat.

Her body felt slightly warm,as if shed be laying by a warm fire all night. Her fingers she knew were likely cold there upon his chest but he did not move, he did not speak. The night before had been different,the words they spoke were in whispers and moans. Zara didnt want to move,she longed to stay there intertwined with him forever.

She sun was shinning through and she knew theyd need to go sooner or later. But Delan hadnt moved, his fingers played on her bare shoudlers and back, brushed teaseingly along her hip and side.

He had not moved had not tried to. She smiled at that fact. When she proped herself up to gaze in to his eyes he winked at her. She chuckled slightly, they had needed that night.