Topic: From Ash and Frost


Date: 2013-01-04 00:12 EST
The Rebuilding to Eyllis.

From out of the fire the phoenix will rise. From the frosty earth the seedling will grow.

Homes will be rebuilt,towns renewed .

Forests will grow. The land will be green again.

And the people,the people will become strong again.Out of the ashes and blood of war shall rise the land and the people.

Though never the same the land will heal.


Date: 2013-05-29 01:01 EST
There had never been a finer sight. Yet a sad sight. Home. Eyllis. The palce she had resigned herself never to seeing ever again. It had taken them a while to get here. The snows had trapped them for days in Lukiae Mountains along the pass.

They had rationed there food and water and yet had gone the last three days with no food,only snow melt to drink. Yet the place them came back to looked less inviting than the snowy passes they had left.

Snow Haven was abadoned. The snow drifted down from behind them in to the valley,across the grass that seemed tot rived there. Nieli desert was beyond that, open empty. No encampments of elves would wlecome them now. It was miles of desertbefore the forest. What remained of Taindira forest. Their fmailies, their friends, all of the people who had survived where there.

Zara looked towards The Rahelia Plain. Still brown, still empty of roaming game. Not a soul around. It felt ghostly. Ibaea was gone, the encampment The Collector had made there still was urning,she could see the smoke. Teien was burning, she could still see the flames even from where they stood at the foothills of Lukaie. Kerani was too far beyond the river to see. She wonered what had happened to that city in all of this. So much had changed. She could go back in her mind to the days where the plain was greem, where the forest was full.

With a breath and a glance to her comrades they headed on. Down through SnowHaven Valley. When they reached the southern most sand dune Nieli desert spread out before them. It would take at least two more days to cross it on foot, and with no food and what little water they ahd left things were bleek at best.

Zara and Ruvyn sat at the top of the dune. Llewellyn and Luna were making thier way down with Delan behind. " Do you think Abban survived all this?" She gestured to the land beyond them.

Ruvyn looked out to the land. Dead, buring and burnt. Blood washed. "No." He gave her a half smile. "Most of the people of Abban fled in to the forest or fled beyond. At least those who were not captured,sold or killed."

"I suppose we wont know till we see." She rose to her feet and offered him her hand. He rose slowly dusting off the sand from the back of his pants. As they started down the slope to join the others she didnt see Luana,not at first. But it was then she saw her dearest friend standing with five horses. Tanseril beside her.

"Tanseril!" Zara shouted and ran to him and the horses. "You are a most grateful sight." She clasp his hand. The otheres joined them around the horses.

"We were getting worried. I was to give you one more day. I saw you all coming though. You all look in need of a good meal and rest. These horses shall take us back to the forest." He hugged Luana close. "Llewellyn, the people are asking for you to lead them. Many of the clans are gone, most of the elders. "

Llewellyn mounted her horse. "Then let us ride and see what the damage is ."


Date: 2013-05-29 01:04 EST
Zara sat around Vaernon lake with her gathered friends her family. She watched Delan walk with his sisters and mother. No doubt telling them all that had happened.

She saw both Aeila and Dyldra. They were with other drow elves,thsoe from Abban no doubt. There were two maybe three dozen of them spread out along the river. She recalled what Sydney Moon had said about Eyllis long ago in Hael. That it had not been good news. Then it had been bad, now it was far worse.

Ny was dead.Long burried. Eli and Dho had escaped and not been seen nor heard from since. Perhaps it was wise of them to stay hidden, to stay gone.
There seemed no true tribes any longer, though it seemed many still were alive. It looked to her as if all of the townsfolk and kin of Tindomerel were there. Most of Cael's Tribe were there save for a dozen warriors and the elders. Llewellyn stood there with them,speaking to those who had lost loved ones.

Near the water The tribes people of Uhar'Gar,Amaera,Sumean,Tyaear and Saeabrar stood. But Zara could teel they had lost many in the battles that had raged. No longer were lines drawn, they were just the people of Eyllis.

She leaned over to Ruvyn. "It all seems so different now." She scanned the lake and the forest. Therewas more light in the forest, for so uch of it had been lost. Tanseril and Luana stood with the Huavain tribe. Ael'Si people walked the shadows with the sacred cats. There were none from Kadrimme, they had all long fled. Viniten peoples were gone, as well as Shari. None from Deth'Rua had survived the first slavers attacks. Zara knew now more what ahd become of the people of Snow Haven.

"They have come together. No longer are lines drawn or races seen. It will take everyone to rebuild Eyllis. " He place his hand on her shoulder. "Once things are a bit more settled, I plan to go see Riz."

Zara turned her head to look at him on that. " If anyone would know how to rebuild Abban, it would be him."

Ruvyn grinned to that, "I was hoping to convince him to come back with me. But even if not. Llewellyn wants to come with me. Will you?" Zara looked to him then to the lake. " Once things are settled? That may be many months from now."

He shrugged, " Still, will you come with me?"

"Aye, I can not say that Delan will come. He has much more to rebuild here than I. I just have the land and the people he has his family."

"You are his family too. Recall what I told you when you came back? That I had fallen in love here, with this place and its people. Eyllis had long been my home but I had never ventured long out beyond Abban. Now I have a family here, not just you and our sisters. But Llewellyn, the people. I would fight and die for them, and I will wait as long as it takes to go and see Riz, as long as Llewellyn comes with me." His gaze panned to where Delan sat with his reforgeing family. " You saved them, as much as they saved themselves. "

Zara nodded softly. "Yet still so much to do." Ruvyn chuckled softly to that, "Sister, there will always be things to do. For now lets rest, enjoy a good meal and in the morning when the da is new, we will go about taking care of things."


Date: 2013-06-21 01:33 EST
Time. It ticks away the day. Even for those here in this realm where a clock is not known and the idea of time is told in different ways. Here it is by the sun and the moon, the shadow of the forest upon the ground, the color of wheat. The glow of growing gems within the darkest caves.

There is nothing to mark the hours unless one watches the sky. But it still holds sway.

Time is what it will take for the land and people to heal. Time and the coming of the rains. Which will wash away the foulness left behind by war and re-green the plain and forest.

The blood of the lost will wash away, the mark of the slavers will be but a memory in time. The Taindira forest will grow back, to be wondrous once more. The Rahelia Plain will become green. The city?s that fell will be rebuilt new and better. Those who were lost will be mourned and remembered.

Now there is a peace. A peace within the people and the land. A peace within my own soul. Though I mourn for the losses, and fear for the future. I feel a peace I have not known in some time. Thinking back tot he last time I sat here on the bank of Vaernon lake, so long ago when I first set out to find who I was. The friends I made along the way, the alliances forged.

All the fear and destruction of the first wave of slavers. That day on my way back home. The road I took saving that girl from the slavers. The road there after to lead some but not all of them away. The passage through the mountains. The road that led me to Rhydin and in some way to Delan.

We were two very different sorts of rangers. He having fled his homeland to find his family, myself having fled to save it. Not knowing at the time that he had been there in my own house. Nor had I known that my fathers brother was an evil man who'd taken his family hostage so many years before.

I sit here by the lake and look out over it,across to where Delan sits with his mother and sisters. The mourn the loss of a father and husband. They grieve the fact that one child will not ever come home, for she has found a place among different people.

Here in this place I sat so long ago, yet I did not carry these worries then. Sooner or later I will go over to them all. For my wise brother is right, they are my own family now as well. And no matter what part my own blood line played in the death and destruction of their family I am not The Collector. I will do what ever I must to help them become one again, to help them live here as a family and heal.


Date: 2013-08-14 00:27 EST
The days that passed were filled with farewells. The dead some known, some never found were laid to rest there by the lake shore.

The people of Abban wanted to go home. Many of them were not comfortable there out on the surface. Ruvyn was to do short trip to Abban tos ee what remained of it and what the slavers had done to it wintin the week.

The tribes were no longer, most of their homes gone from the land. Even in the forest the old homes of the elves seemed to be changing, moving . The forest needed to be replanted,the people given new hope.

Today was a day for The Rahelia Plain. The land needed tilling, the dry grass to be pulled and plowed under. Tanseril and great tribe of the Huavain brought their horses in. The mighty craftsmen of Saeabra made plows and hoes of wood and rock. There were mena nd women some old some yooung ready to plow,pick and rid the land of the dry grass.

Zara and Luana patrolled the outter rim of the Rahelia. It was cold winter in The Lukiae. The snows fell heavy and the snow drifted down throught he empty snowhaven and to the west. The Valley of SnowHaven would grow bigger this year, it was already happening. Luana was the one to note that Nieli desert had grown as well spreading throught he dry grass to the reast in to the sand dunes south of snowhaven.

Winter was setting in. You could feel it. The fall had been plagued with slavers, blood and war and now it seemed the blood of war would freeze before it could thaw. But today the sun was warm as the people worked int he plain to rid it of its dry grass and weeds.


Date: 2013-08-14 00:31 EST
By the time the sun set the plain was nothing but dirt. The young set out to plant seeds that would survive the winter to come. Witht he days work done everyone went back in to the woods. It was the only shelter any of them knew.

While they sat by the nightl fire Zara looke dover her gatehred friends and family. "Tomorrow at dawn I plan to ride out to what remains of The Collectors Encampment."

"There will not be much left, the warriors saw to that. Every building was burned to the ground."

Llewellyn looked over her bowl to Zara. "I will come with you, it is past time we see what is left. Their are no true tribes any longer, but many would like to return home, to some place they can call their own. The forest elves would like to get to reseeding this land."

Zara nodded, "It is time. The tribe may have become more combined in the times that have passed, but these lands are ours it is time that we claim them again. "

Ruvyn smirked over his bowl to his sister. "Well you know I am coming, Luana what about you?"

Luana nodded. "I would like to see what's become of Kerani and Teien soon as well. But it is past time, do you not agree Tanseril?" He had a mouth full of food so he nodded.

"We could make a few days of it all. " Delan spoke up, his face had been half turned away looking ver his shoudler to there his mother and sisters. They sat their around the fire with the rest of them.

Nakiasha Dulthaas was brushing Caerthynna's hair. Zara looked over tot Nakiasha and her now blidned weakened daughter. Of all of the captured souls Caerthynna was the most injured to have survived.

Meira sat there eatting her food slowly. She was not acustom to this life out int he open.Aluenda sat to Zara's left between her and Llewellyn. The youngets of the siblings was young still, but her eyes shown as if she had lived two dozen century's.

Somewhere beyond the Mountains their sister Shaila lived with the people of SnowHaven. And there in Teien their fathers grave stood unmarked.
"Can I come?" Aluenda looked over at Zara on this. Zara looked across the fire to Delan,wondering if it was wise . Ruvyn was the one who answerd her question, "If we plan to go to Abban I do not think it would be safe, though there are places there I would trust there are also many dangers. But if your itching for something to do, I am sure Llewellyn can give you something to do here while we are away."

Aluenda seemed sad for a moment then smiled at Llewellyn. Llewellyn shook her head ar Ruvyn then looked to Aluenda. "Yes, there is something I have for you to do. In fact Meira, you could help your sister."

Meira looked up from behind her curls. She didn't say anything merely nodded.

Llewellyn smiled. "Since I will be gone, I need someone to head the re-planting. There are a few elders left, and most are too old for this work. As I have no siblings, I need to appoint someone to take charge as it will. I would like you both to do that. You will have to convene with the elders of the tribes left, and there will be help. But you two will be in charge of the re-planting. How does that sound?"

Aluenda grinned. "I know nothing of trees or this land though..Meira neither." Llewellyn nodded. " Aye, I know this, that is where the elders and others of the tribe will help. They can teach you about the land and the trees. It will help you both I think, become more accustom to this land. Lady Dulthaas you and Caerthynna may help as well."

Caerthynna's head moved up and ehr sightless eyes looked over at Llewellyn. "Thank you, I would like to help. I feel as if in this place I can see."

Llewellyn nodded, "there are many types of sight. Infact, I think tomorrow before we all leave I will take you to see the old owl, she will have a few things to teach you."

Nakiasha smiled softly, "I would like to help, it would be nice to plant things again,I used to love to garden."

"There will be many things for you all to do here, and people to keep you all safe while we are away." Delan smiled to his sisters, Meira seered at him and when he wasn't looking he got a spoon tot he side of the face. " Forget not brother, some of us are warriors as you are."

Delan rubbed his face and looked to Ruvyn or anyone for help. Tanseril held up his hands in a truce, Ruvyn merely smirked. " I know not to mess with any of them."

Zara grined and finished off her meal. At long last things felt somewhat normal.


Date: 2013-09-03 22:31 EST
At dawn they readied their horses. Great Huavain horses. Llewellyn and Delan were off with Nakiasha, Meira,Aluenda and Caerthynna. They had a meeting with the old owl. the elder of the Uhar'Gar tribe. The other leaders were there also. As Llewellyn set up the Dulthaas women to head the replanting of The Taindira forest while she was away.

Ruvyn was reading their packs for the long journey. I could take many days to travel through Abban once they reached it, and there was no knowing what they would encounter once there.
Luana was with Tanseril reading the horses.

Zara stood on the far edge of the woodland, where the tree had been cut or bunred down. Soon there would be saplings planted here. She looked beyond to the Rahelia Plain . There would be new grass there, winter grasses. Far to the north the snows fell hard upon the Lukiae Mountains . The snow drift was looking over the far dunes and in to SnowHaven.

Winter was coming on hard from the north. A season had come and gone in the time of war, a fall with no celebrations, only blood shed.

It was before mid day when the six of them left. They said their goodbyes knowing all would be well. They ehaded to the north. They would not ride through the lain as it had just been replanted, but rather cut through the desert for a few miles before heading west to where Ibaea once stood.


Date: 2013-09-24 00:44 EST
It was well after mid day when they reached the wall of he encampment. There was still smoke in the air. The tang of blood hung there as well. They left their horses outside the wall.

That wall was made of homes and businesses that once thrived in Ibaea. Now there was nothing left of them. Most of the encampment had been burnt to the ground, only a few out buildings remained, along with he beams and foundations of the Slavers homes.

They walked slowly. There were bones here. Bones of the dead. Both friend and foe, man and beast. There was no way to tell them apart. For the crows,ravens and other scavengers had come to pick the bodies clean.

Zara rolled up her sleeves. "We need to gather the bones of the dead, friend or foe they can not stay here. We must make them a communal burial. Then we must clear out what is left of the place. Clear it, till it is grass, or dirt. "

They nodded and broke away in small groups. Delan walked towards what had been the Collectors home. There was nothing left but fallen timbers and a foundation.

Zara and Llewellyn had walked with him while Tanseril,Ruvyn and Luana worked on clearing the out buildings.

"His bones would have gone up in to flame and ashes. I have nothing to bury. "

Zara knew he spoke of his father. " Then his soul is free, he no longer lives in pain, nor I think worries. For he would have seen the great triumph of his son. Come lets clear this all away, and buried the long dead."

Hours passed moving broken stones, beams and bones. The mid day sun beat down upon them but they worked with hardly a break to rid the land of what was left there. They also found what was left of Alton, Delans father.


Date: 2013-09-24 00:44 EST
They worked till it was dark.

As the moon rose. There was ntohign left of what the collector had brought upon the land. The buldings that ahd been there were gone now, even their foundations wee gone. It had taken hard work and a bit of magic.

They now laid to rest those fallen. Firend or foe, man or beast.

They lay them all to rest under a small grove of trees that still seemed to trive dispite all they had been through.

Under the light of the moon they built a place, a small staute of rocks fromt he outter wall. A place for those lost, for those of Ibaea and Eyllis. A place to morn and remember.


Date: 2013-09-24 00:44 EST
They made camp on the western side, closer to the river. They sat around a low fire and ate food Ruvyn and Llewellyn had caught, or foraged for.

They spoke of the work they had done, and the days to come. They had depated on how to travel. Should they go to Abban in the morning? Or should they go to Teien? Or perhpas make a trip down river to Kerani?

The easiest route seemed to lead them to Abban, then Teien, then Kerani. But Ruvyn had warned that it could take days within the bowles of the earth, and they may be wiser to visit the drow city last.

Finally at the end of their night they had chosen, they would go down river at dawn. They would see what had become of Kerani, then head back to the north to Teien then go in to Abban.

As it was it was a two day ride to Kerani.


Date: 2013-10-04 00:38 EST
At dawn after they and their horses had eaten. They made way to the south along the river. The grass here seemed so different now, much of it had been destoryed in the time of the slavers. It was raw grass, brown and yellow. The best grazing still lie close to the river bank.
They traveled past the bridge to Teien at mid day.

At dusk they made their camp on the easten side of the river, they would cross at dawn. They had no shelter there out in the open between the river and the desert to the east.

They sat around a low fire. Far to the east they could see the lanterns lit within the forest.The Elandara River seemed the one thing uneffected by the slavers, they had tapped it some up near Teien, but any blood,sweat or tears had long ago washed away.

Zara could see across the river even now as the sun sank low. Kerani was gone. There were no buldings left, not even any foundations. The slavers had torn through it at the beginning of their raid. Homes, businesses lost to ashes. Friends, familys, tradions gone forever.

But They would still go at dawn to see it.


Date: 2013-10-08 15:27 EST
At dawn Zara was ready to go. Tanseril had offered them some of the finest horses for the trip. They would be of good use. At least until they reached Abban.

"He wont change his mind, if that's what your worried about." He tightened the saddle on his own horse.

Zara glanced at him and grinned.

They reached what once had been Kerani before midday. The Collector had burned that city to the ground.

The ground still smelt of ash. There was still blood upon the soil. Though winter raged in Lukiae Mountains , and those snows had drifted much further in to Snow Haven, the winter had yet to grip the land. No rain had fallen. With the re seeding of the winter grasses in Rahelia and the sapling planting in the forest, they would need rain soon.

The crows, ravens and vultures had come to clean the bones of every body left behind. The wolves and bears would have already come and gone. But there were bones, bones of the dead.


Date: 2013-10-23 23:38 EST
Lost, desolate, empty.

There was nothing left not even blood,bones or foundations. Kerani was gone. The ground was dead under where the city once stood.

Zara bent and let the dirt fall through her fingers. "I am glad Eli, is not here to see this. That he and his family fled."

Llewellyn stood quiet. Luana looked North towards Teien. That city still stood, much still in smoke.

"There is nothing here, we should move on." Ruvyn suggested and Zara nodded to that.

Two days to get there, but only moments spent. There was nothing there, not even dead to bury.

They left soon after ward making their way for Teien. It was a tow day ride back to the ruined city.


Date: 2013-12-04 22:14 EST
Teien had once been grand. It had been a city unlike any other.

It had been a place of trade and commerce.

A place where anyone was welcome

That had become its downfall and in the end the down fall of the land, the people and all of Eyllis.


Date: 2013-12-04 22:16 EST
The wall that had been raised was gone, only bits and pieces stood. Beyond the city that had once been very small had over grown what Luana had known as a child.

The slavers had diverged the river to feed their crops. Elandara River would never be able to be one smooth line again.

Beyond the ruined wall buildings remained. Homes had been turned in to barracks and homes for slavers and those enslaved. Businesses that would not profit the slavers had been burned tot he ground long ago. But many had remained, for some had lived through it all, working there, they aided the slavers, but had no will of their own.

Now the town lay a shambled. Homes burned down, businesses left to smoke and blood.

"It will take weeks to clean this all up." Ruvyn held his hand over his face. There were many dead here, many bodies decaying.

Zara looked over the ruined city, and wondered how it had come to this.
"I will send word to the forest."Llewellyn looked to the sky, and gave a musical chirp. "We will help in making his city grand again, but we must continue to Abban, those in the forest will come and start our mission."

A bird landed on her out stretched arm and she seemed to talk to it for some time in elven.

Zara wandered away through the ruined buildings. Luana joined her. "It was not always a bad city. I remember the better times. But once slavers came, it changed forever. We must find a way to ban them from here, from all of Eyllis."

Zara nodded, looking at burnt out buildings and the bones of the dead. The smell was almost unbearable.

They dare not cover all the city. For they knew they would find too much death.

The left the ruined city, heading north for a few hours,away from the smell of death and decay to set up camp once more by the river bend.

They did not eat that night, only sipped at strong tea and watched the stars in silence. Tomorrow they would head for Abban.


Date: 2013-12-19 15:11 EST
Abban: A New Darkness

They stood at the mouth of the cave. The entry to Abban.

It had taken three days. The rains had come. And then the snow. It was early. Far too early. But The land needed the water, even if it did not need the cold.

They stood bundled outside the mouth of the cave. It was really a deep network of caves. Zara had been there long ago. Ruvyn was born and raised there, the others had no idea what they were in for.

"This place will not be like my fathers home was." She spoke to Delan. "While his home under the mountains of Bailion . Though those caves offered many dangers. Once we were within his compound we were save. Here below these mountains there will be no safety."

She glanced to Ruvyn whom was telling Llewellyn, Luana and Tanseril the same thing.

"Both Ruvyn and I know these caves, and with your drow blood it will help you see. Llewellyn has the aide of the forest magic sight on her side. "She glanced then to Luana. "And my best friend there, she has a trick up her sleeve. But Tanseril has none of this, he was born in the sands, and grew up there.."

Ruvyn came up to them then. " I have made them all ready as I can. We have packs that will keep for a month if we get lost in there." He grinned lightly. "I have no clue if anyone is down there, or if we may find nothing but death. But either way. I must go."

"And we are coming with you all of us." Llewellyn took his hand and smirked at him.

They stood before the entrance still written there were the words. "Tar sina tarna naa Tel' daer Mori'Quessir tal en' Abban. Ilya Mori'Quessir naa leitha a' minna. Ilya n'at anid" Ruvyn read the words out loud his accent hitting the words hard. Thought he words were in elven, they were written like drow.

"Beyond this passage is the great Drow City of Abban. All Drow are free to enter. All others avoid" Zara spoke then. "The drow here were not always friendly."

"They will not be, if we find any alive. Some came to the woods, freely, openly, they are happy there, others would rather die in the dark than go above with elf kin. I am sorry to say that. The two head houses were the only ones who accepted outsiders, and that was rare even then."

They left the horses to graze freely, and made their way in to the darkness. It was mid day out though the snow and rain would not let up. Within the caves, there was a subtle glow.

"When I first came here, seeking my ..our father." Zara looked to Ruvyn as he led the way in. "I did not make it very far. Even for a ranger."

"I could have shot you that day. " He touched the bow across his back now, then saw the look Delan gave him. " I was born and raised here, and though I understood the elves and humans above... and even sometimes.. had my share of them both. I did not have to like them."

Now Llewellyn looked at Ruvyn. He looked ahead then back at her. "I am not the same man."

Zara nodded to that. "No he is not. I followed him, fearing for my own life. He was fierce, in his black armor, his eyes burning bright in the darkness. I did not want to go through the formalities of speaking elven, so I asked him one question."

"It pained me to speak the tongue of men. But then, if I had not, I may have very well led my own sister to her death. She spoke of my house, and showed me the mark she bares...I knew then long before I got to know her better who she was and why she had come."


Date: 2013-12-19 15:16 EST
They walked on in the dimly lit tunnel. Speaking lowly,keeping an eye out for danger.

" I had never seen a drow city. And Abban was amazing to me. Though Bailion is far more lovely. He kept me safe, even as others watched me. He led me away, when he could have easily killed me. I did not trust him then. When we were alone he explained everything to me. I told him who I was seeking, and it did not seem to surprise him." She saw her brother grin ahead of them.

"The snow child." She head his voice echo a bit and she had to smirk. She looked back to Llewellyn. Luana and Tanseril They were the ones who had never heard all of this story. Luana knew some, and Llewellyn knew some. But Tanseril seemed to be hung on every word.

"He was not ashamed of me, nor of our fathers many wives. He was and still is the only son, while we share two other half sisters. Aelia and Dyldra, who you have all met. "

"And Ruvyn's mother?"

"Seirye, she died." Ruvyn looked back.

"As it seems the women of Riz all did. Dangerously."

Tanseril's brows rose and Zara shook her head softly, it was a tale for another day. "Then Ruvyn thought our father dead, but as you know Delan and I found him, living well in the mountains of Bailion"

"Ruvyn vowed to tell me all he could of my drow bloodline. f the ways of the drow, drow magic and other things I learned on my own. He knew well of me, it seems I was whispered about here as well."

Luana grinned at her. "The mighty Zara."

"Not so mighty, but known." Zara looked over at Delan as he took in the darkness.


Date: 2014-01-14 15:45 EST
" I found it hard to keep track of the time at first. There was no sun, no moon or stars. But I found my self more intrigued by my brothers room. Stone walls, with the house symbol on fine black fabric rippled across them. The huge bed, caved from stone, plush furs and pillows, a massive book case, with so many books I could never have read them all, large crystals. Some that grew right from the floor."

She nodded to her right, the purple ones, then the white ones to her left. Then as they move don she pointed out the blue ones, the ones that gave of the most odd light. They other crystals glowed too, but these lit their path way.

"These crystals, the blue ones will help you keep track of the time. At night they will glow even brighter than they do now. The white ones grow all over Abban, they offer some sort of magical focus.. or so Ruvyn told me thus. The purple are amethyst. Converted by those whom used to worship the dark lady Eilitraee. They will all sparkle and glow, but the blue ones you will see will be brighter once the night has fallen outside."

They walked on as they did Zara leaned down a few times to pick things from the floor. "We will not be able to forage for green things, here there are mushrooms, most kinds I found are eatable when cooked. Stay away from the ones that are green."

She walked on the others walking in front of her.


Date: 2014-01-16 23:20 EST
"I learned much in the little time I had here. I learned my brother was an early riser,one who liked to read as much as he loved to fight. He was kind to me, though surely he had his own thoughts."

Ruvyn looked back then stopped as they entered what used to be the old main room of Abban, the main crystal was gone, as they walked in the dim light of smaller blue crystals their boots crunched on the floor.

"It was shattered." Ruvyn knelt to the ground where the once great crystal was. "No one person could have done this, even a battle ax wielded by a mighty dwarf could not have done this."

Zara glanced around. "We need to stay close together. Ruvyn,lead on, see if we can find some where safe so when its time to make camp we can do so.

Ruvyn nodded and led the way. They passed rooms that had caved in, places where once drow had slept, or learned. They walked down a way Zara recalled and came to the entry way that once led in to his own room. It was gone, the room had be filled with rocks.

"This was no cave in...these rocks were placed here..some dragged here along the floor." He looked to the groves in the floor. "We are not alone here..."

Llewellyn touched her fingers to the rocks that filled the entry way to what had been his room. She had wanted to see it, the place where he was born,raised, become the man before her. But it was gone.

"Your books, scrolls, weapons?"

"I took it when I left, I hid it in a place outside. There was little I left behind. We need to keep going, down the tunnel here there used to be the barracks of sorts, a place where the warriors could train. We may find shelter there."

Zara nodded and let him lead the way down the dim tunnel. "Many of the blue crystals are shattered."

"Once night falls, we may have need of Delans fire powers to light us a torch." Delan merely grinned to that. "If we run in to what ever moved those rocks and shattered that main crystal we may have need of them before that."

They walked for some time. But they all smelt it long before they came to what had been the barracks. The scent of death.

The bones were rotten, the blood dried. "These were not all drow." Luana noted an elven blade on the ground, the hammer of a dwarf,then long bow that was likely human in make.

"A battle. The drow here did not keep dwarves as slaves. Some humans, other elves.. but these weapons were not brought in by any slave...perhaps they came from outside or deeper within these tunnels." Ruvyn had no answers. " The dead have been picked clean, the bones are rotting but there is no flesh...something cleaned these bones.."

Zara scanned around, Delan stood to her left Luana and Tanseril to her right. Llewellyn was by Ruvyn's side. "This place will offer us no shelter."

Ruvyn nodded grimly. He looked tot he passage ways, he knew where each one went. "To the left would have been the more private areas for the right a passage that leads to the class rooms, where war is taught.. and here before us the way straight towards another entry room, to where the magic users would gather sleep and learn, beyond that a temple of sorts. If anyone is alive here, they would hide there .. there are hidden levels of the temple."

"Then we head that way, but we need to check out the two other pathways, make sure."

Ruvyn nodded. "To the left then"


Date: 2014-01-23 23:18 EST
They walked to the left. In groups of two. Ruvyn with Llewellyn,Zara and Tanseril and Delan and Luana. It was an odd pairing but out of the them all, Ruvyn,Zara and Delan saw the best in the dim light.

Llewellyn had keen sight,from dark nights ind ark forests but it was nothing like this. Luana had a trick with her, a ring she wore. It was something she picked up from the slavers. But even that was not the same as drow sight.

Poor Tanseril was not used to this. He often hit his shins on the sides of the tunnels or on rocks. Zara led him along slowly at the back of the pack.

"I should have not come." He looked to Zara in the dim. "Your eyes will adjust. It takes time. Llewellyn and Luana both have their tricks, magic and years of training. You were born to hot sands under bright sun, if it didn?t take you time I would worry more."

He smiled to her. "Will you tell more of your tale?"

She looked forward to Ruvyn who led them down the tunnel. So far they had passed two rooms all with that caved in appearance. Yet now they knew the rocks had been placed there not fallen from above. There was the scent of leather, of dust and death. There were more bones here, bones that had been crushed under foot.

None of them spoke of what could have crushed them.

They found nothing along that left corridor. It was empty and every room was filled with rocks. "There used to be a way out just there."Ruvyn pointed to the walled in room.

"Then we go back and check the right corridor." Zara led the way back this time, retracing their route here. " Ruvyn told me about the drow. I had always figured them a wicked race. But then anyone can be wicked it matters not what race they are."

They came back in to the larger room they had left and all looked to the right passage. Ruvyn looked to them and then to his sister. " She mastered the arts of drow magic quickly. The art of the darkness." He summoned the ball of what looked like shadow to his hand, then seemed to disappear in to it. Zara could see him as she knew Delan could.

Delan even gave Ruvyn a tap on the shoulder much to Tanseril's wonder. The globe faded and Ruvyn grinned. " She's even better than I am at this." Tanseril saw that Ruvyn was floating a few inches off the floor now. Zara chuckled lowly. "That is only because I am lighter."

Ruvyn then looked to Zara. "Show him the last thing sister.. it is impressive upon your fair skin."

Zara sighed at her brother then pulled off her left glove and let the purplish flames overtake her hand. It lit up the room a bit more. Tanseril backed away and the others all had a good laugh.

"It doesn?t hurt." The fire went out, "its helpful for seeing in the dark and for fighting though. It was harder to learn drow."

"Her accent still isn?t right." Delan added and Ruvyn snickered under his breath.


Date: 2014-01-28 15:20 EST
( Contains: Disturbing Images )

They stood a moment there in the main room before heading down the right passage.

" What was it like before? This place?" Zara could not answer Tanseril's' question so she left it to Ruvyn.

"Those shattered rooms we left behind us, were once as great as within any fine home on the surface. They held stories of their own. The main room once glowed with that crystal now shattered. " He led the way slowly through the dim tunnel.

He slowed as they came to an entry way. The room still stood. But it was a mass grave now.

"Oh gods.." Llewellyn shook her head. Zara wanted to look away but could not.

She had never ventured to this part of Abban before. Never seen it as it had been, but she could picture it.

Ruvyn didn?t move inside. "Once this room was a place for training. It was not always easy. The masters of arms and magic were hard on us all. " He saw them dead at the far back wall against a closed door.

"The floor under all this.. is covered with a fine cloth and padding, the weapons you see on the floor, and in those dead are of drow make. Like the ones Delan and I both carry, like the dagger I gifted you sister."

He stepped in a bit. "This was an attack..." They all could see none were spared, not the old or the young, the newly trained or the masters of arms.

"Stay here." He looked to Llewellyn,Tanseril, and Luana. "Guard them here sister. Delan, I could use your help." Carefully he picked his way through the bodies towards the back, where two lie dead.

Delan followed him as the others looked on.

"These were the grand masters of sword and magic, they died last."Ruvyn looked down to them both slumped at the door. One lay face up, her face was covered in long thin gashes, her right arm was flung out beside her, her left was gone at the shoulder. An ax the color of onyx was embedded in her stomach.

The man lay face down, in a pool of old blood. His right hand was gone,as were both of his feet. Delan winced at the death he must have faced. "This was an army.."

"Drows have enemies, many of them mighty, but I can tell you of none that would do so much. They all died, many fought, but many were new." He dared not look at them, the young ones. "These two died last standing before this door. It leads to private chambers that they would have used. "

He had noted the lock from the doorway. "I could possibly break the lock, but this door." He pressed his hand to it, "its one of the few here made of wood."

Delan nodded. He wasted no time burning a hole in the wood big enough for them both to slip through.

Zara watched them, and the others.

"Stay alert." She told them all as the two men slipped beyond her sight.


Date: 2014-01-30 16:10 EST
Delan led the way in a fire burning in his palm.

"Here." Ruvyn held out a unlit tourch. Delan lit it ablaze.

The room was untouched, nothing there was missing.No blood on the floor, a pair of fine swords glittered in the darkness against the far left wall, to the right a crystal globe shone blue then green in the fire light.

"Take a look around, take anything you think might come in handy." Ruvyn moved to the right. Delan nodded and moved to look over the left side of the room. " They shared this space, and each other as well?"

"I do not know. " He was taking scrolls of the bookcase, a few crystals, potion bottles. "Take the smaller weapons, we can give them to the others, short swords, daggers."

Delan started to collect the short swords, there were many there upon the wall, in a chest on the floor, but heronly took one for himself,one for Llewellyn and one for Tanseril as Zara already owed a drow weapon and Ruvyn had no need of any more weapons. He took a few of the daggers,some were throwing weapons.

"Take the arrows as well." Ruvyn had crossed over the room, his pack was a bit more full than before. Delan took the three or four dozen arrows in to his arms.

"I found some things that might help us, come lets go back to the others."


Date: 2014-01-30 16:13 EST
They distrubted the found weapons amoung the others along with the arrows.

"I found something that might be of help to us all." Ruvyn held out his hand and sitting on his palm were six stones, they shone soft white.

"Seeing stones." Zara took one from his palm and held it up.

Ruvyn nodded and handed the other four to Luana,Tanseril and Delan. "No more tripping over in the dark for you." He winked at Tanseril. "Keep them in your possession, they will help in more ways than one."

He moved ahead and took Zara up front with him. Delan took the flank as they headed on down the tunnel. "It will be dark above soon." Zara nodded, she had noted the crystals glow. "Can it be safe to stop any where here? With all this death, all the questions we all have?"

Ruvyn shugged, "It would not be safe, but we will need our rest. I will find a safe enough place for the night, we can take shifts watching over." He led on and Zara followed.

The next three rooms were filled with rocks like those in the other tunnel.
The final room was larger but in ttact, no death had happened there. "This is where the weapons came from , the ones we saw in the main room. Drows take weapons off kills, and like others find them and keep them. The human bow, the dwarvern tools, any others, were taken from this room, used to kill the fallen, left behind and some likely taken on ."

He looked around the room, there was on way in and one way out. It would be death for them all if they were attacked. "We can not stay back here, it would mean death for us all. We need to go back to the main entry tunnel, for the night."

Zara nodded. They made their way back to the main room and alls aw the floor was shimmering with light. "Night has fallen, and though the crystal is in shards it still serves it purpose. Find a place where we can make a small camp, a place where we can see our ways out and the ways in."

Ruvyn choose the spot. They made a small camp rolling out bed rolls and handing out cold food. But it was food none the less. "We will take shifts." Ruvyn looked tot hem all, "I think it wiser if Zara, Delan and I are the guards. We are all accustom to places like this. The last shift Luana, Llewellyn and Tanseril will serve as one before dawn comes."

They all silently agreeded.

"I will take the first shift." Ruvyn offered.


Date: 2014-02-04 00:21 EST
It was unsettling to rest in such a place, and Zara knew none of them really would sleep, they would close their eyes, take a short reprieve, but not sleep.

After three hours Zara took over the watch.

The room was dark save for the sparkling floor. Behind her she knew the others rested but not well. It was too quiet. Not a sound. Not of rats or mice, nothing but the even breathing of her company.

They all knew they were not alone here, and with one tunnel left, they were all tense. What awaited them down that final tunnel? What had done all this? Zara had seen the crystal that now littered the floor in its prime.

No weapon alone could have done that damage. Even an army with weapons would have only scared it. Somewhere beyond in the darkness of the tunnels there was a beast, something lurking.

When Delan rose to take over for his shift Zara turned to him. "I will gain no rest here."

He sat beside her and nodded. "Nor are the others. Ruvyn and Llewellyn sit together eyes closed but awake. Tanseril is wide awake as is Luana." Yet still he whispered. He took a seat beside her and ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed the back of her neck. "Nothing at all like our trips, this place. Ruvyn said it was once great, now I sense only darkness."

Zara leaned back in to his hands. "Something awaits us. But we have no other option."

"No we do not, what ever comes. I think this lot can take it." He turned her head to face him. In the dark his eyes glowed silver, with that soft fire under lighting them. "We have not had time, time to think about the future. Dealing with this battle, these wars. For one moment,
let us." He brought her closer and kissed her softly.

Zara leaned in to him, and gave in to the soft kiss. They had not had time, he was right. She had not been thinking much about what lie ahead for them, only her friends, her family and home.

The kiss lingered for a long moment. Before he pulled away. "I will sit up with you, till it is time for the others to take over."


Date: 2014-02-05 15:25 EST
The night slipped on, in the shimmering darkness. No one got any real rest.
At the first signs of the coming dawn they readied to move on.

"Our way lies before us. We have ventured down the other paths to find, oddities and questions, death and decay. We may find more this way. Be ready, with blade and magic." Ruvyn led the way as the light from he shattered crystal faded behind them.

They pressed on straight ahead.

The tunnel was wide here. They walked in a tight group.

Llewellyn bow ready. Tanseril his hand on his new drow short sword. Delan seemed to be ready to draw any of his weapons. Luana walked slowly taking in every sound. Ruvyn walked his dagger already drawn.

Zara too already had her blade at the ready. "Is it not time that we learn what we could be facing?" Tanseril asked quietly.

"Many things all the darkness home, not just drow. If there are any alive they will not likely be welcoming. But with Ruvyn and Delan with us, they would not out rightly attack. Trolls ,goblins and orcs all call caves and tunnels home, as do many kinds of dwarf kind. " Zara glanced back down the way they had come.

"If any slavers escaped they may have come here, if they survived we may yet face some." Ruvyn added.

Ruvyn halted them at mid day, they had not yet crossed any rooms.
"Take a break, this is the deepest of the tunnels, the magic entry room will be up on the right in another half mile. There are three more branches that lead to rooms . We will check them as we did the last ones. "

Zara sat down and the others sat and broke in to a mid day meal.

"What can we expect ahead?" Llewellyn sat half perched on a rock.

"The main room will be much like the one we left hours ago. But there should be three crystals at the center,the blue, the white and the purple. There will be three tunnels, one to the right, one to the left and one straight ahead. Like before they lead different places. The right to training areas, the left to private rooms, and the one straight ahead down towards the temple. I suggest we check the left tunnel first. Then as we did before check the right before we head on at dawn down toward the temple complex."

"What of the temple?"

"We will walk the straight tunnel for two miles at least before the tunnel opens up to a huge cave. We will be directly under the high peek of the Aevir Mountains , this cave reaches high and wide. There should be three large buildings made from stone and crystals. Each one is a temple. The drow here all trusted in different things. The first two houses worshiped Eilitraee, the dark lady. " He took a breath and smiled dimly.

" She is the most...normal of the goddesses. Less hostile than any other. That temple is rather on the small scale. The other two are for Lloth and Selvetarm. Lloth is the darkest deity, she is the one that enjoys in the suffering of others. the other four houses truly worshiped her, for Selvetarm is Lloth's champion. He is the patron of unequaled battle prowess and blood lust. He cares only for battle and destruction everywhere. His is the last temple, smallest of them all, for only one house worshiped him. "

"Be on the look out for spiders. Large ones small ones and webs. Both Lloth and Selvetarm both use them to their bidding. If any drow remain they may have drow poison in their arrow heads, some of it may be sleep poison, but some of it may not be. There is no antidote for the poison that kills you. The sleep poison wears off in time. Those seeing stones Ruvyn gave us all, they will help detect the essence of drow poison on arrow tips. " Zara added, she knew well the deities of the drow and what they did.

She nodded to Ruvyn who pulled on arrow from his quiver. "Look at the tip."

When even glanced at they would all see it. It seemed to sparkle in purple and blue flames. "This arrow tip has sleep poison on it, it glows purple and blue. The poison of death glows red. There are other types. They all have colors that more or less match what they do. "

They all knew that Zara,Delan and Ruvyn had the poison of sleep and death upon them. "While we will not use the poisons we have upon anyone unless we must, if anyone is alive, they will likely shoot first." Delan added.

Luana,Llewellyn and Tanseril nodded.

"Come lets press on."

They all rose to their feet and headed on.


Date: 2014-02-05 15:37 EST
They were quiet as they walked. Taking careful steps upon the ground.

They crossed the half mile of tunnel within the hour.

Ruvyn stopped before they walked any further. "Walk in slowly. I will lead us in. Luana behind me followed by Tanseril, Zara, Llewellyn then Delan. Be on alert."

Ruvyn lead the way in,now he had his short sword at the ready.

Luana followed him with her bow ready,Tanseril with a sword. Zara with her bow,Llewellyn with her own and Delan with his sword.

The entry room was empty. The three crystals were gone. Broken apart. They littered the floor with specks of purple,blue and white.

Ruvyn sheathed his blade,as he did he nodded back. "There?s no one here. Least not in this room. "

Zara stared at where the three crystals once stood,only their bases remained.

Their boots crunched along the ground. There was no way to avoid it. The sound echoed lightly.

"Let us go quickly to the left." He moved quickly picking his way as best he could across the shards of crystal. The rest followed quickly picking their way out of the main room and in to the tunnel. "Two and two." They moved in Ruvyn leading with Luana beside him. Zara walked with Tanseril and Delan and Llewellyn took up the flank.

The smaller crystals here were in tact. None were broken. Ruvyn held up his hand as they came to the first room. Unlike the others the door stood in its frame. The others moved out of the way. Ruvyn reached out slowly and twisted the door knob. The door swung out. Two small boulders tumbled out of the room and across the tunnel to the other side.

"More boulders, but this time the door was kept in tact. Perhaps as a trap. " He shut the door. "Here lets put these boulders against the closed door." Delan and Tanseril helped him move the two boulders to the door.

"Lets keep moving."

Down they went slowly. Every few feet there was another room to the right or left. Each time Ruvyn opened the remaining door,and each time boulders came out at them. With every closed door a bolder was placed before it. "We are coming to the last room, it would have been the head mistresses. "

Zara recalled the other large room, the one with all the death the two at the back. "She is dead isn?t she.."

"Yes. She died along side the master of arms. But she was not alone. Though she was the highest of her order there were three under her. I did not see them with the dead before, nor have I yet to see the three under the master of arms."

They moved ahead. There was a massive door of wood and stone before them it was closed. "Move to the sides, if there are boulders with in they will come right out." He moved tot he large door on the right and Delan took the one on the left. "One.. Two...Three.."

They pulled the doors open, they swung out and nothing came tumbling out. Ruvyn peeked in slowly. He started to move in when an arrow whizzed by his head from behind. He saw it then a goblin, or what he assumed was a goblin. It was a bit larger than normal, and looked to have some orc blood in it. The arrow that flew caught it in the head. The thing flew back dead long before it could even raise its sword. Ruvyn looked back at Llewellyn and nodded.

Now they all had a weapon in hand again as they edged in to the room. "Check the shadows, two and two." They broke off in to three teams of two. Checking the shadows of the large room. It held four beds, one larger than the rest. There were books,scrolls,crystals and all sorts of potions upon book cases. There were whips above the beds.

"The head mistress was of Rilyn, but her acolytes were of Arab. A whip is their common tool. See if there is anything we might have use of, then lets get out of here."

They searched the book cases and chests. After a long search they took a few scrolls, and some potions. They even checked the body of the goblin.
"He was a pet." Ruvyn noted the collar. "He attacked out of reverence for his mistress. Even though she is dead. He was bound by magic, which means at least one of her underlings is alive some where, other wise he would have gotten free of this room. Come lets go back to the main room."

It took them till the floor shimmered with the tone of fallen night tor each the main room again. "Make camp, there, were we can view our ways to go and our way out." They had not been beset upon yet, not had their path way been blocked. But they still were wary.

They made no fire. They ate meager rations and again like the night before sat up waiting. They took appointed watches, but again found little rest.


Date: 2014-02-06 17:32 EST
( Contains Blood and Some Disturbing Images )

In the morning they had some elven bread and broke camp.

"To the right. We will walk less than half a mile in, the first training room was for the young ones, then went along accordingly. "

They moved down the tunnel. The broken crystals crunched lightly underfoot there was no way to avoid it.

They walked in twos. Ruvyn with Luana, Tanseril with Delan , Zara with Llewellyn. There had been no more story telling. For Zara had never been this deep in to Abban. There was a shadow of fear that hung over them all.

The dead behind them, the questions unanswered.

The half mile passed with out a sound. Till Ruvyn slowed. "It will be on the right, an open entry way. It was craved from the very rock of these mountains. Beyond the entry way, the room will be as large as the main room we left behind us was. If it still stands in tact that is. Bows at the ready, they will be our most use full weapon. The room is large and oblong, there is no other way out. "

He led them on. The entry way was coming up. A few more paces ahead. But Ruvyn stopped short. He knew he was not alone in what he heard and smelt. "Bows ready.. were not alone." He pulled his own bow from his back.

The entry way arched from the living stone of the mountain. There were no boulders blocking it. Ruvyn stood on the far side of the entry way, the others filed behind him along the wall of the tunnel.

Ruvyn slowly eased to look around in to the room. When he came back his face was nearly pale. or as pale as any drow could get. "Well?" Zara whispered.

"I wish I could spare us all what's inside. Many dead young ones, and there are scavengers within. Three goblin kind, three orc kind and three of mixed breeding. Something between Orc and goblin. Llewellyn, Tanseril and I will take the right. Zara, Delan and Luana take the left. The orcs will rush us, the goblins will try to flee.. the others will likely attack. Take down the goblins the moment we move, arrows to their heads. Once they are dead, take on the mixed and the pure bread orcs."

They all nodded. Ruvyn held up his gloved hand and counted down from three.

Three, two, one.

They moved as one, right in to the room.

They saw the horror. The dead young there on the bloody floor.

Llewellyn and Zara were at the back their arrows flew first. Luana and Delans flew next. Three hit their marks on the goblin kind who, as Ruvyn had expected tried to flee. They were dead before they got three strides away.

The orcs rushed them as did their mixed breed allies. Luana's arrow hit a mark upon an orc, as did Tanseril's and Delans. But the arrows did little more than slow the orcs down.

They split in to groups.

Bows and arrows were quickly traded for swords and daggers.

They moved as small units. Zara and Llewellyn fought as if they had been fighting side by side for decades. When Zara turned to parry a thrust from an on coming mixed orc Llewellyn drove her sword through it. Then they moved towards the next.

Tanseril and Luana fought well together. Though it was clear from their styles that Luana was the better fighter. They took on an orc.

Delan and Ruvyn fell in to an easy fighting style. While Ruvyn's moves were quick, fast jabs with a short sword Delan used his long blade to slice the backs of two orc ankles .One of which had been on its way to Tanseril and Luana but now fell mercy to Luana's quick work with a blade.

There were four left two orcs and two of their mixed breed cousins. One orc was already wounded, its dark blood pooling behind its left leg. The two mixed breeds were pushed against the far wall. Their goblin nature had kicked in and they had wanted to run. But they were quickly held back by Zara and Llewellyn.

The orcs attacked the others. They rushed in at Tanseril and Luana. Tanseril drove to the left Luana to the right. There was the sound of the dying mixed breeds along with the ping of a cross bow being fired. Tanseril had come up from the ground with the cross bow in hand, it was small meant for a child but it still slowed the coming orc when the quarrel hit the beast in the eye.

The other orc limped its way towards Luana. She backed up on her hands and flipped over the dead on the floor, a moment later on her feet she had drawn her sword but saw in that moment it was not needed. The orc who?d been pursuing her was frozen to his spot his great war sword had been raised above his head.

Luana nodded to Zara. Ruvyn put the frozen beast out of its misery while Delan and Llewellyn dealt with the quarreled orc in dew measure.

They were left with three dead goblin kind, three dead orc kind and thee of their mixed breed cousins. But that was not all the death in the room. They had to put aside that they fought on the blood of young ones. Children.

They had died quickly. Some had raised weapons. But had died none the less.

Ruvyn stood at the back of the room. He watched as Tanseril lay the borrowed cross bow back to the floor. It had aided them, but had done little for these young ones.

Zara had seen much in her time. Much more once the slavers had come. Even in Rhydin she had seen much death. But this, this was a new low.

There was nothing they could do for them, so carefully they made their way back out in to the tunnel. They moved on silent. What ever lie beyond ,there would surely be more death.

The next room was eighty paces in. And as they walked they all noted the blood on the ground, on the walls. It stained the white crystals. There was the scent of blood and earth.


Date: 2014-02-06 23:34 EST
( contains disturbing images, and some gore )

The room that followed after eighty paces was no better than the one they had left behind. There were more dead here. These were older drow, beyond the years of a child but not yet in their first century of life. They had fought back.

"What ever attacked came the same way we did, it started in the first room, then tracked its way here, leaving behind the blood of the fallen. Here it met some resistance. But still not much." They stood in the open archway,they had no need to go in. With the dead also lay three more goblin kind.

"I would say that the goblins came first, perhaps driven up by something lower, the orcs and the half breeds as well. They came to loot the bodies and perhaps join in the death of drow. They found death them selves."

Those goblins were dead. "The ones we found must have been the last of a group." He bent down to the one nearest the entry way. "They were killed by drow poison. A quarrel." He plucked one from the goblin. "Some one else is here." He rose to his feet.

They all looked in to the room. Ruvyn walked a few paces forward and leaned close to the ground. "Delan, give me a little more light."

Delan move forward and summoned a small ball of flames to his right hand. He held it down towards the rocky tunnel ground.

There was blood. Blood that was days old and some that was hours old. More crushed crystals. They all saw what he did. There were spent quarrels here,some still shone with the tell tale signs of drow poisons. They stuck in to the tunnel walls and lay along the sides. There were also long grooves in the floor and foot prints. Most elf kind did not leave tracks when walking,but these track were dug in from a fight.

They led down the dark tunnel.

"Keep your eyes open, there are spent quarrels everywhere, some still linger with drow poisons. And something came this way. It tracked from below. Someone fought it. I am willing to bet that same someone left those goblins dead behind us, but did not venture any further. It seems to me that they were taken away, by force."

Ruvyn rose to his feet and Delan let the fire fade from his hand.

They pressed on. Ruvyn slowed after another eighty paces. "The next room is on the right ." He kept his voice low so there would be no echo.

"This one for the older fighters, those in their first and second century. This room is more complex than the ones behind us. The entry way is the same, but the room is broken in to areas by large pillars, that used to hold up fabric between them. Each area could hold one hundred young drow. There is only one way in. I suggest we move in as one, go to the right, along the wall. We will be less vulnerable to attack that way. I'll led the way in, I want Tanseril and Luana right behind me. Zara you follow with Llewellyn and Delan. Move quickly and as quietly as possible."

They came to the entrance way. There was more blood here, the same grooves upon the floor and more signs of a fight. More foot prints joined the ones they ah seen before. Ruvyn peeked in to the room. Broken up from right to left. Each area was broken apart by large pillars. There were four in all. Ruvyn could make out the tops and bottoms of the pillars. Their fabric still hung between. He moved in. There were more dead her near the door. He moved along the wall with the others close behind.

There at the far right they stood against the wall,looking at the fabric that separated them from the first area. Ruvyn held up his dagger and mimicked cutting the fabric. Then counted down from three with his fingers. With a swift movement he cut through the fabric and they moved in. Weapons at the ready, but there was no need. More dead,these were still young drow only in their first century.

The blood here was older. Many days old. The bones of the dead here were more visible,as they had been in the first two rooms, they were starting to rot. They didn't linger. Ruvyn moved on to the next barrier of fabric. He tore through it with his dagger. More dead, days dead. They had fought. "One hundred and fifty years behind them all, and yet what ever came at them came hard." What ever had come at them hadn't torn through any of the barriers.

Ruvyn cast a glance around. The others were close on his tail,bows ready.
The next barrier was broken. More dead. More bones and rot. "Two Centuries behind them and yet they died." They had fought. There were signs of it everywhere. The battle that must have been waged. A battle of weapons and magic no doubt.

The last barrier stood before them. Ruvyn cut through it. There was nothing beyond. No blood, no bodies. "This was the last area for those in their two hundred and fiftieth year. "

He looked around. He moved slowly looking over the floor and far left wall.

"Brother.." Zara whispered to him and he turned to see what she saw.

Along the far back wall something glittered in the low light.


Delan once more called fire to his hand. They all saw it then, the webbing that glittered along the back wall. It spread up to the dark ceiling.

"Spiders." Zara breathed the word.

"Quickly, back in to the tunnel." Ruvyn moved pulling Llewellyn with him.

The others followed.

They ran out of the room and in to the tunnel.

"There is one room left, for the elder mages. Then there is a half mile trek down in to the darkness." He looked to the small blue crystals near by. "We have an hour of day light left. We must get to the last room. We will secure it and remain their till dawn. Quickly."

He moved off and the others followed.

They ran quickly and quietly as shadows. Picking their way over the old blood and the grooves in the floor. There was more webbing here along the walls.

They came tot he last of the archways. Ruvyn looked in. The room was empty. It stood in tact with out a drop of blood.


He ushered them all in. "Delan light us some torches. Check the walls for webbing, and any holes. Sister you will fill any gaps with ice."

They moved off checking for webbing and cracks in the wall. While they found no webbing they did find many small holes which Zara filled with ice. Ruvyn even had her float to the ceiling to check it for cracks. When all was deemed safe they eyed the entry way.

"Block it off with thick ice. Something that would take a mighty blow to break. "

Zara eyed her brother at his request but did as he asked. She filled the arch way with thick ice. One layer then another and another. It would take a mighty blow or a lot of fire to burn their way out or to burn ones way in.
"Make camp in the center of the room. Delan a small fire if you would. Place your torches around us in a circle. "

They made camp there in the center of the room. They set their torches around them and Delan built a fire at the center of the room.

Once they were all there in the center of the room Ruvyn sat down facing them. "I have a theory on what we may face ahead. Its time you all hear it before we go any further."


Date: 2014-02-08 22:25 EST
(Contains :Some disturbing images. )

They sat around a fire. Their only way out blocked by thick ice. They dug in to their rations as they sat on their bed rolls. But there would be no sleep tonight. The room was lit by fire and the glow of blue crystals. Ruvyn sat before them. Zara had never seen him so serious. He looked like Riz there in the fire light, a man ready for battle.

"The way to the temples lies before us. A half mile trek down in to the dark. I have a feeling that two temples may already be gone. Eilistraee and Selvetarms temples. If they still stand I will be rightly amazed. " He took a breath. He pulled some of the sticks from the fire and lay them to the floor. "This is our route ahead, half mile down."

He lay sticks as he spoke laying out a map of sorts. "There will be a large arch way, then the temple complex. "He lay that out, the entry and the large oval temple complex. "These rocks are the temples. Selvetarms to the right, a small temple." He had three oval rocks there placed one on top of the other. "It has three levels. If it still stands and any of its worshipers live we will face heavy battle. They are savages one and all. But I do not think any of them live, nor do I think that the temple stands." He lay five flat stones on top of one another.

"This is the temple for Eilistraee. It is five levels. If it stands we will be lucky. It would offer us shelter and help if any followers live. But I doubt it."

He lay eight stones at the back of the oval he had made. "This is the temple of Lloth. This temple I am mostly sure will be standing. It is seven floors, and has an exit here, " He made another line of sticks out the back of the oval. "It goes down to lower levels. Levels where the goblins and orcs likely came from, levels where many things happen. I have never seen the lower levels. Only those who worship Lloth were allowed there. But by the webbing we saw and the markings upon the floor. I fear that these acts of violence were not done by slavers, nor goblins nor orcs."

"But by spiders..." Zara whispered.

"Yes, likely some sort of devil spawn. There were whispers of drow kind being taken to this temple, females. They were being given to the spiders, as mates."

"Oh god.." Tanseril whispered.

"Yes, some sort of drow, spider spawn. Lady Lloth is the queen of them and does at times take on the look of a spider with a Drows body. " He held his hands over the fire.

"All this death, was caused from within. If there are any drow kin left they are either worshipers of Lloth or now slaves. If we press on we may find heavy fighting, and perhaps death."

He let his statement settle in. "At dawn we have a choice, we can press on and see if anyone is alive below. Or we can leave. There has already been much death, and it is likely that if any are living they are slaves or loyal to a vile goddess. Those in Lady Lloth's service will not hesitate to kill us all. They will be armed with cross bows and quarrels that have drow poison. There are many kinds, the first slows your movements, you become sluggish and you will eventually fall asleep. The next you to sleep with in moments, you wont even know what hit you. Those two glow blue and purple with your seeing stone powers. Then there?s the one that slowly kills you, it glows green, then the last one kills you in a breath, that one glows bright red. "

He rose and paced. "Better to be dead. For if you find your self feeling sluggish, or worse if you fall asleep. They want you alive, for torture and who knows what else. I am sorry to say it but the women are the most at risk. Young, lovely, and though not drow kind they would be able to be bread for spider spawn. " His eyes looked over the ladies then.

He went back to crouching before them. "At dawn I plan to push on. I don?t expect any of you to come with me. I may be walking to my death, and will not lead you all to yours. "

"I am going." Tanseril surprised them all as he spoke up first. "There could be survivors, ones we could save from slavery to this vile goddess."

Ruvyn nodded. "You are brave master horsemen."

"I am going. I faced the slavers in Teien and have been close to death before. I fear it not." Luana spoke her eyes serious over the fire.

"Many are dead behind us, many died above in the wars with the slavers, my people, my family. My home was destroyed. Now we have a chance to get Eyllis back. There is darkness here. I can feel it. All this death even from within. If this is our new foe we must stop it. For there is not much beyond these tunnels that would stand to the drow. If we must go on and fight and die, I am ready." Llewellyn rose and moved to Ruvyn's side. She took his hand and his face softened a little.

"I am with you brother. "Delan stated with a smile. "To the end."

Zara looked to her friends, her brave family. "I am at your side my brother, I am with you all. "

Ruvyn nodded. "We will be save in here for tonight, we can gain some rest. Shifts in twos. Llewellyn and I will take the first. These may be our last hours, spend them well." He rose and offered Llewellyn a hand up. They moved away from the main fire taking a torch with them.


Date: 2014-02-10 15:26 EST
They sat in their small groups. Their torches beside them. The main fire burned in the center of the room.

Luana and Tanseril sat aside as Llewellyn and Ruvyn did. Lit only by their torches the three sets of couples shared this night.

Zara lay with her head upon Delans shoulder. They had been through so much. They had ventured far and wide together and now they faced death again. It loomed over them all. This night could be their last.

"I never expected this." Zara whispered as Delan ran his hand through her hair. His eyes were on the fire, then to the others. They sat embraced, or lay in tangled. If this was to be their last night, none of them seemed to be wasting it.

Zara followed his gaze when he did not speak. Luana and Tanseril lay upon their bed rolls, their torch above them outlines their huddled forms. Ruvyn and Llewellyn sat closely embraced.

Delan looked down at Zara then. They had survived so much. Both alone and together. Rhydin had brought them together, but in truth it had been the darkness of the slavers over Eyllis that had brought them close. They had saved her friends and what was left of her family. They had come almost to late to save Eyllis but now beyond these tunnels there would be new green grasses in Rahelia Plain , the Taindira forest would recover and grow mighty once more. The towns, villages and cites would be reclaimed by the people.

His mother and sisters would be safe. They would live long happy lives within the forest, or perhaps within one of the new towns or villages.
It had all not been for nothing. The treks through the mountains, the times he was sure they would die. Meeting new friends,making new allies. Becoming part of a family.

He recalled that night in the moonlight when they were trekking along. How Zara had looked. In the fire light her eyes were so clear, her face so pale. He ran his fingers over her cheek and drew her to him.

Zara had been thinking about it all as well. Everything that had led them here to this moment. But when Delans fingers caressed her cheek her mind went right to him. The fire light reflected in his eyes along his ebony skin. She swore he looked at her as if he could see through her eyes in to her soul.

The kiss he caught her in was slow. As if he wanted to savor it. There was a spark of fire, a flare of ice as Zara wrapped her arms around him. He had not kissed her this way since they had come on this venture. Now they seemed alone even though they were not.

But the others were wrapped in each other.

Zara felt him shift her to his lap and felt the kiss deepen. She had almost forgotten how good he was at this. He took her mind off everything but this. The warmth of his hands on her bare back, the feeling of his lips upon her own. The way they twined so easily together.

When he broke the kiss his eyes found her own. "I love you." Zara smiled, "As I love you."

His fingers came up through her hair. He could still see their future together if they lived through the days to come. He smirked lightly and Zara followed his gaze.

Llewellyn had put up her travel tent, as had Tanseril across the way. The tents offered them some privacy. Delan wiggled his brows at her. "This may be the last night of our lives, so my snow queen, will you do the honors?"

Zara chuckled. She had packed her tent as well. But rather than bothering to get off his lap and fish through her pack, she reached out with a few fingers and touched the floor. The ice danced from her fingers, flowering over the floor .A dome of ice formed over them, like a ice tent.

Delan chuckled to that feet of magic. He couldn?t argue, he liked her where she was. His hands went back to her sides. His eyes to her own. He wanted to tell her that when they got out of this he planned to marry her. He would ask Ruvyn for his blessing , and marry her under the trees of Taindira. But he did not know if they would live to see the sun light again.

For tonight he would love her, deeply and fully.


Date: 2014-02-10 15:33 EST
( Note: Contains Sexual/passionate/ intimate images)

It was for the grace of magic that their ice tent had not melted. For Zara was sure she was but a puddle upon the bed roll.

Curled beside Delan wide awake she replayed he night that had dripped by in her mind.

She had expected passion. They could die tomorrow. But she had not been prepared.

He had started by kissing her. Slow tastes of her lips, her neck. His hands had moved over her sides and under her shirt. Warming her . He had taken his time undoing the buttons and ties of her shirt and tunic. So she had taken her time with his own clothing.

His lips had been torture upon her bare skin. They had skimmed and pressed, and left little hot spots all over her bare torso. His hands had cupped, grasped and skimmed along her bare body as if he was memorizing it.

In turn she had skimmed her cool hands along his body. Over that ebony skin. She had given him pulses of ice and he had returned them with pulses of fire.

He had feasted upon her breasts. His lips and tongue devouring her as if she was his last meal. He had taken her to the edge and left her there for a moment before driving her over it again and again.

Her hands had feasted upon his body, her mouth upon his lips and neck, across his fine chest. And when they had come together in the hours before dawn, she swore that she too could see in to his very soul.

Now there was the low crackle of the fire outside that had kept burning through the night. There were the low voices of Ruvyn and Llewellyn. Zara could hear her brother whispering to one of her most beloved friends.

"Your eves dropping. "Delan whispered. Zara smirked and looked up to him. He looked like a very satiated man. "Only a little. "She whispered back and moved to hover over him.

He grinned up at her and grabbed her hips and pulled her on top of him. Zara bit down on her lower lip to keep her self from moaning. Delan sat forward and nibbled upon her fine pale neck. "Mmm." He pulled away and cupped her breast in his hands. "Have I ever told you how sexy you are?" His fingers traced up over her shoulder up her neck and through the ends of her hair.

She cocked a brow at him and he chuckled and pulled her down on to him. That made her moan.

" And your alluring, and a little devil." She smirked at him. He ran his fingers through her hair and smirked at her then wiggling her brows he flipped her to her back and hovered over her.

"See...devil.." She ran her fingers up over his broad shoulders and through his hair. He took her right hand and nipped at her fingers then placed her hand over his chest, there over his heart. "No matter what happens tomorrow my heart is yours, even if we never see the sun again."

Her face softened at his words. "And my heart is yours. Always."

She felt him slide inside her again as he lowered him self closer to her. He took her again to the edge and over it. This time again he let him self be taken with her. He let the night take them.

Later when he knew dawn was closer he drew her sleeping form closer. He ran his fingers over her face. He hoped in his heart that they would see the sun again. He silently hoped that it had not been their last night.


Date: 2014-02-10 15:38 EST
Ruvyn was up before anyone. He left Llewellyn asleep in their tent. He had shared his night with her. He had never loved in his life time. But now he was in love. He had been in love from the moment they met. A moment at the edge of the destroyed woodland of her home where she held a arrow to his neck.

He smiled lightly recalling that day. He had fled Abban. His sisters had gone before him, and some of the other drow as well. But now he had left it behind. He had seen the damage the salvers had wrought. He had seen the fires, the blood.

He stashed some of his things in a small cave there by the entrance to Abban. Then with his weapons, a few scrolls and a weeks worth of food in his pack he had skirted along the foot hills of the Aevir Mountains.
He cut across the grass lands he reached Kerani at night fall. The forest beyond, or what was left of it. The forest was burning. The town of Kerani was burning and there were people fleeing to the river and forest beyond.

Ruvyn moved for the city, his intent was to flee to the forest. But something kept him there.

The sound of thundering hooves, the scream in the night.

He couldn?t well leave anyone behind to suffer. So he drew his drow sword and rushed through the alley way. When he turned the corner he saw the men on horse back they had pinned a young girl and a boy to a building that was not yet burning.

They taunted them both. Ruvyn swore and rushed at them from behind.

They barely had time to see him coming. The horses spooked and tossed their riders and went thundering in to the night. Against the building the girl cried out in fear as the men started to get to their feet. "Look out!"

Ruvyn ducked and rolled to the left as an arrow whizzed past him and thudded in to the man who was coming at him from the left.

"Run!" Ruvyn called to the two as he took on the five remaining men.

He was glad to see the girl pulled the young boy along and up in to her arms as she fled for the river.

Ruvyn grinned to the men and took them on. He had no fear of death.
Those men had been laid low by his swords, and he caught the last boat across the river at the dawn. Behind him the city burned.

He like many others fled for the forest. But unlike the rest he was a drow.

The woods had burned, the mighty trees chopped down. The forest had been thinned back. At some point the elves of the forest had fought back. Ruvyn soon found that it wasn?t just forest elves that now called the mighty wood home.

He had made it in to the first of the remaining trees. His body was tried. He had a long thin cut over his left bicep and he was hungry and thirsty. He leaned back against a tall pine and drank deep from his water.

"Caro il bel Mori'quessir." He felt the arrow tip at his neck. When he opened his eyes he saw her. Dressed in tones of green. She held a fine elven bow in her hands, and had a sword over her back, a short sword and dagger at her hip. Her hair was in a long braid over her back it was silver as star light, her eyes were bright moss green. Ruvyn looked at her and held up his hands. "Amin lava."

"Who are you?" Her arrow did not move. Her eyes had been so intense.

"My lady of the wood I am Ruvyn Auvry. I come here seeking shelter and help."

At his name her bow lowered. "Ruvyn Auvry, truly?" In her voice he could tell she knew the name.

"Yes, truly."

Later he found out who she was, Llewellyn Cael. She had not trusted him at first but led him in to the forest. There he found that the Drows whom had fled had been given a place to stay around the lake, around with respect and to some degree a measure of fear. He found his sisters there and then met Tanseril and Luana.

Luana had been more welcoming she had hugged him and blessed the sight of Zara?s brother.

It was much longer before Llewellyn came around.


Date: 2014-02-11 16:04 EST
Two weeks had passed. There had been no word from Zara. Bur Ruvyn trusted that his sister would come home, she would bring help. She had fled for all the right reasons, and now he knew she would return.
Every day it was running the trails of the forest. He had fallen in with the other warriors and rangers easily. He wasn?t sure what to think of the forest, it was so different from home, but it had its own beauty.

A month flew by, with no news. It was then that Tanseril had led them in tot he far reaches of the Nieli desert. Most of the remaining people of Eyllis had fled in tot he forest. But a few had stayed in the desert. The Huavain had remained,to tend to their wild horses. The men mostly, for they would not risk their families, there too were the few of Ael'Si. It was with them Ruvyn had to speak. It took some doing but they agreed to let him use two of their great cats.

He had to get a message to Zara.

It was luck that Llewellyn had something of Zara's. The cats left with his message. He had no way of knowing if Zara would get it.

Tanseril returned to the forest and Luana.

But Llewellyn was set on going through the desert on foot, to SnowHaven and beyond to the Lukiae Mountains. Some of the elves of Eyllis had fled to those snow capped mountains and beyond.
Ruvyn had chosen tog o with her. She didn't like the idea, but he wasn't about to let her go alone.

So they camped there in the dunes that night then headed out at dawn.
They hardly spoke that first day as they trekked to the mountains. He was sure they shared nothing in common. True Llewellyn was strong,powerful and one of his sisters friends, but she and he were very different.

Four days of walking with out speaking much, let him really watch her. She walked with cation,looking off towards where the cities and salvers now reigned, the tracked the markings of animals and elves a like. He could admire her, she was strong .Not only of body, but of will and spirit. Her home had been destroyed most of her family killed and yet she had stayed to fight on.

They reached the last of the dunes on the fourth night. That night they spoke of one of the few things they shared, the hate of the slavers.

They trekked through the cold of SnowHaven for two days. There was no one left and not a sign of a soul. They moved on ever on to the foot hills of the Lukiae Mountains.

Nine days later they were trekking their way through the pathways of the mountain. The snow fell on them and they followed tracks. Now they were on the hunt, some where up here there were slavers.

They found those slavers the next week. But the mighty wolves of the mountain had gotten to them first. There was nothing but blood and bone.

Ruvyn walked around the dead bodies,wishing he had the chance to drag those souls to hell. Llewellyn was tracking over the camp. The slavers had chosen to camp at the edge of a cliff. Ruvyn could see over the edge now. To fall would mean death upon the stones below.

"Ruvyn!" Llewellyn s voice calling his name had him turning. He saw it then,flying through the air right towards him. A mighty black wolf. It was larger than a bear and twice as mean. He had no where to go, so he started to draw his sword.

The mighty wolf flew at him. He then saw Llewellyn coming in fast. Her arrows led the way burring their heads in to the wolves flank. "Down!"

Ruvyn ducked as the wolf leaped . The wolf overshot him and flew off the cliff, and he had an arm full of Llewellyn on top of him. He looked up in to her eyes, "Th.." He was suddenly silenced by her lips upon his own. He let his blade slip from his reached grasp and grasped her instead. Her lips were soft ,warm and timid. But he had loved the feeling of them.

When she had withdrawn he once more starred in to her eyes.


Date: 2014-02-17 21:45 EST
Now looking back on it Ruvyn smiled. That kiss had just been the beginning. He had fallen for her days before it had happened and fell even more as the time went on.

Now he loved her, he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone in his life time. He planned to ask her to marry him. He wanted a family with her.

He looked back at their tent then towards the tent of Luana and Tanseril and the ice tent that his sister had made.

These were his friends. They were his family. He had not lost as much as the rest of them. His other half sisters were alive, some where beyond Riz was alive and well. He heard Zara?s chuckle and shook his head. What had he led them all in to?

He started to pack up his own bag. He saw Tanseril slip out of the tent across the room. Of all of them Tanseril was the one Ruvyn had through would have gone the moment he was given the choice to. But the dune elf had proved him self more brave than he appeared.

Ruvyn nodded to him and Tanseril gave him a salute with two fingers.

He heard his sisters chuckle again and saw her ducking out of her ice tent dressed in her dark colors. He approved of the change. They were going in to the deep dark, every little bit would aide them. It was only then he noted Llewellyn who had come out dressed like wise. Seems the ladies were on all the same wave length for when Luana left the tent he saw she too wore dark tones of blue.

He shook his head. He had dawned his dark leather armor ,tunic and pants. Delan came out of the ice tent dressed like wise. Even Tanseril wore dark brown.

They packed up their things. Zara drew her ice tent off the floor and they banked the fire. The day had broken above and it was time to see what awaited them below.


Date: 2014-02-20 17:33 EST
They were packed. They all had dawned their darkest of clothing. Ruvyn knew they all carried those seeing stones. Weapons were sharp,bows at the ready.

They put out their torches and fire and stood before the walls of ice that had given them shelter through the night. Ruvyn looked to them all.

Luana Ashemmii, the ranger born of elf and human blood. She had proven a powerful warrior even for her size, even though she was the shortest of their group she had a strong heart, and was a devil with a sword. Her long dark brown hair was back in a braid over her tunic and pants of dark blue. Her eyes were deep pools of brown and when she looked over at Tanseril you could see how they warmed. She had been born and raised and Teien and had faced the slavers and survived now a few dozen times. Now she was ready to face a deeper darkness.

Tanseril Huavain was a dune elf. His skin showed that golden hue that those of Nieli did. He was born of the tribe of Huavain. The Great horsemen of the desert. A ranger as well, Ruvyn didn't doubt that he had seen his share of battle. The people of the sands had been driven out hard and fast, yet the great horsemen had fought back and won part of their desert back. He stood next to Luana he was at least nine inches taller than she was, his hair was sandy brown and his eyes were golden like a lions. He worn tones of dark brown. Ruvyn had thought him the weak link but he had proven himself a fine back up.

Then there was Llewellyn Cael . The woman he loved. Of the tribe of Cael, a mighty archer and warrior. A ranger of Eyllis she had stood on the front lines of the war with the slavers. She had been born tot he trees which the slavers had devastated. Most of her kinsmen had been killed, and many of the Cael elders. But she had risen as a strong leader for those who were left. She stood in her darkest tones of green, her hair the tone of starlight was in a long braid down her back, her moss green eyes were keen on the ice walls.

Then there was Delan Dulthaas. He stood at the ice walls ready to start melting them. He had put on dark clothes and armor. His long white hair was pulled back, his silver eyes shown the sight of fire that burned within him. Ruvyn was counting on that magic now, and would again. Delan was born in Shynt Raena. Drow kin and a brother as far as Ruvyn was concerned. His family had been taken by The Collector. He had lost his father in that battle and a sister had fled with the people of Snow Haven. But his other sisters and mother awaited them in the forest. He loved Zara, Ruvyn could see it. And as someone who loved his sister he prayed that they survived to see the sun again. Ruvyn knew somehow that Delan planned to marry Zara,soon. Once they were free of this darkness. Perhaps if they all lived they would have some sort of joint wedding.

Last as Zara Idande. His sister. He didn?t care if they didn't share a mother she was his half sister, she was his blood. Drow and Ice elf. She was strong and lovely. She wore all black, and looked out with those icy toned eyes, her long blue silver hair was also in a braid. He knew he could count on her and her magic . Her heart was for Delan. She had lost her foster family to the slavers after she had escaped with her life. She had lost her both mother long ago to The Collector. Some where beyond in the deep tunnels of the Bailion Mountains their father Riz still lived among drow kin. Ruvyn was counting on her as well, blessed with drow magic as well as her icy touch.

"Do it." They were ready. As ready as they could be.

Delan peeled off his gloves and pressed his hands to the ice walls. They stood behind him ready. Ruvyn smirked knowing that like him they would choose bows.

The ice began to melt. Layer by layer. Delan made them a passage through the ice walls. The tunnel beyond was empty. They all passed through the door Delan had melted in to the ice.

Ruvyn took point once more. He surveyed the ground and the tunnel walls. There were no new webs, only the ones that had been there the night before. The groves in the floor led forward. The blood was old, nothing fresh.

He began to move. Two and two they moved. Ruvyn had Luana walking beside him,Llewellyn and Delan behind them and Tanseril with Zara heading up the back. It would be a half mile trek down in silence.

They all knew to keep on the look out for cross bow quivers,and spiders no matter how small. They knew to stay away from the walls. Ruvyn had theories of what lie before them, but he had no way of knowing.

They walked soundlessly. He could be grateful that all his company were elves, their steps were light, the rocks and dirt in the tunnel barely stirred as they moved. There would be no tracks of theirs upon the ground.

Ruvyn walked slowly. He knew they all saw exactly what he did. The tunnel walls were lined with webs, spent quivers lay on the floor,in the walls,above them along the ceiling. Some of those quivers still glowed faintly,blue,green, purple and red. But most of the quarrels had no left over poison upon them. There had been a fight, what ever had come this way had fought back,taking those who fought it with it.

Two hours passed in silence. Ruvyn soon came to a halt. "Short break." The others stood in the tunnel, drinking their water,taking a short break. Ruvyn pulled Delan from the group by the shoulder.

Zara watched him but stayed with the others.

"Two more hours and we will be at the entry to the temple complex, before we get there , there should be a chimney that leads up. It goes towards the surface. If anything awaits us to ambush us, it may be there. But also if we need it, it could be our way out, in case." Ruvyn looked over his shoulder at the others. "I know you all are in this, but I need you to promise me something."

Delans brow quirked. "Depends on what it is."

Ruvyn smirked. "If something should happen to me, I want you to give Llewellyn this." He dug a folded note from his pocket. Delan took the sealed note. " Here I thought you were going to ask me to run, to save them all if something should befall you."

Ruvyn shrugged, "I thought about it, but then I knew you wouldn't."

Delan chuckled .Then He and Ruvyn walked back to the group and relayed the info about the chimney to the others. They headed on after that. This time Ruvyn let them walk in their coupled groups. It would likely be the last time they did that. One more moment was worth it.


Date: 2014-03-02 20:44 EST
An hour passed still in silence. But as they walked the pairs held hands and shared looks. Soon there was sun light. It came from above. Ruvyn held up three fingers and they all drew bows.

Edging closer to the light,carefully.

They moved in to the halo of light as one. There was nothing. Above them there was only light and the long tunnel that led far to the surface. The sun beamed down from high above them. There were no webs there in the light and none along the tunnel up. Ruvyn took a deep breath.

They could leave now. He or Zara could float up, tie rope along the way. All the way to the top, the others could climb up and out. Yet he didn't hear any of them mention that option. They were in this come what may.

They did all stand there in that halo of light. Ruvyn even smiled at the feeling. He had no way of knowing what it was like out above. But he imaged the first of the snows had stuck in the plain, that the forest was now lightly dusted by that same snow. The people would be rebuilding homes and businesses where Ibaea once stood. There would be new farms along the diverted river near where Teien once stood.

He could almost hear the birdsong. He could see in his minds eye the people taking down the old burnt and ruined homes and businesses and replacing them all with new. There would be hard work ahead , but there would be joy and hope.

He closed his eyes and made a silent prayer. They all would see day light again, stand in it out away from all this darkness and fear. They would see home again.

They stood there a moment longer then Ruvyn turned and led them down the dim tunnel. Now their moment was over. Luana walked beside him again, behind him Llewellyn walked with Delan , and Zara led up the flank with Tanseril. Soon they would see the arching entrance to the temple complex.


Date: 2014-03-02 20:48 EST
The archway stood within their sight. Ruvyn took one last breath. The others stood with him. He drew his bow from his back and notched an arrow. He smirked seeing the others already had theirs ready. He edged closer to the arch way.

The temple complex bloomed out before him, about twenty feet down. There were fires both purple Faerie fire and the dull orange of real flames. Selvetarms temple was gone. The levels knocked down with great force. Some of the pillars remained, but the temple itself was nothing but broken rock and wood now,some aflame. There were dead bodies there in the ruins, those who had worshiped the god were dead. But there was movement below. A mass of it.

Orcs and goblins moved about carting rocks around. They were nothing but slaves, easily taken care of. Eilistraee's temple stood, but not intact. The building burned from within. He had seen that temple in its height. It had been lovely, carved from the stone, it had once glowed purple and blue, now that Faerie fire was dimming as the other fire took over. There were dead there too on the floor. Ruvyn traced the line of orcs who led bound captives towards the last of the temples.

Lloth's temple stood. It seemed larger than it had been before. But that was only an illusion. The orcs had been busy, whipped by their new masters. New pillars stood outside that dark temple. He saw their new masters, his own kin. But these were drow of houses he had long hated. House Arken, the mage house. Though many of them lie dead in tunnels far behind them he saw a few of them scattered below. He could pick them out with their flowing blue or purple robes.

House Hla, more mages and some fighters. Some had died behind them in the tunnels they had passed, but more remained. Their mages wore tones of green, their warriors wore red armor. He knew the tales of the Hla House, they had gifts of foresight,great seers. They would pose a problem.
Then there were the priestesses and Clerics of House Arab. Mostly female drow who loved to torture and desired power. Handmaidens of Lloth. They out numbered all others. They were easy to spot, they wore dark clothing in tones of black or purple with cloaks that seemed a mix of colors, truthfully their cloaks held much power. Ruvyn ducked his head back to look at his company.

"Orcs, goblins numbering in the hundreds if not thousands. They are slaves to the will of Lloth now. Selvetarms temple is gone, Eilistraee's temple burns. Most of those who worshiped are dead, or being taken inside Lloth's temple in chains. Three houses lie below, Arken, with a dozen or more mages that I saw. Hla with twice that many and a small but brutal force of fighters and Arab. They outnumber the rest. Priestesses and Clerics of Lloth. They are in charge."

He peered around the archway again. There were walking sentries on the walks of stone above and below them. There were mages who patrolled with goblins at their side and as he feared spiders. Pets of Arab and Lloth they scurried about higher along the walls and far up ceiling, they were not huge but not small either.

He saw it then, what he thought had been a statue on the face of the Lloth temple. It moved. It.. was massive. Its body was that of a spider, huge and black with long eight legs, that had sharp barbs of hair. Its cephalothorax, the area of the spider that was a combination of head and thorax was black as ink, spiny and as large as mountain bear .

It had chelicera. Those fan-like or claw-like appendages that served as mouth parts. He knew too much about spiders to not know that those appendages were are hollow and contained venom gland. The spider would use them to inject poison into its prey. The abdomen was large and black, but seemed spike free. Its head was small, and Ruvyn saw the reason for that. He thought at first perhaps she was a rider.

Her body was that of a drow woman. He could clearly make out her nude torso,white hair and red eyes. But her legs seemed attached to the spider below her, as if they were one. She had no feet. Some binding of drow and spider, as if Lloth walked among those who worshiped her. Powerful and massive. It moved with the gait of a galloping horse. It was then he saw it had some sort of long tail,it was a dark green,scaled and had what appeared to be a barb at the end.

He watched as the creature he had no name for moved down the wall of the temple to the ground. All the drow around bowed to it. The slaves both of goblin and orc kind fell to their knees. The creature was massive, and the woman who was attached to it was beautiful in a dark way. Where it moved all bowed to it.

Ruvyn sucked in his breath and ducked back around to face his comrades. "We have a bigger problem. There are spiders, but there is something else. Something I have no name for. Its body is that of a spider, head, cephalothorax, abdomen. But it has a drow part of it, she seems to be attached to it.. it also has a tail almost lizard or dragon like with a barb on the end. The spider itself is massive, its body is like that of two massive mountain bears, its head is smaller but it has poison no doubt in its chelicera. I am sure the barb has poison as well. The woman.. it is like Lloth made in to flesh. She is beautiful in a dark way, all were bowing to her, even the orcs. "He leaned against the wall carefully taking a deep breath.

Sticking his head back out he looked over the temple grounds below. The guards moved looking in to every adjoining tunnel. "We need to move, now." He wasted no time and moved out from his hiding spot. He kept to the high walkway where no guards walked, the others flanked behind him.

He moved quickly before they could be spotted. He ducked into an adjoining tunnel. "We are not safe. "He glanced behind them to the glow in the distance. This tunnel could lead them any where. "They have been making improvements. This tunnel is rather new. "He kept his voice low. He looked out to the temple complex again. It would mean them all death to go down there as they were. "This way."

He led them down the tunnel towards the light.


Date: 2014-03-07 15:09 EST
In this tunnel their were crystals,unharmed new and old growth. Their light told him as well as the others that night would fall soon. But there was another glow further down the tunnel.

They walked for a span of thirty minutes before the glow became more than just something distant. Ruvyn crept up to the archway and looked beyond. Three guards sat at a table playing dice. Beyond them were weapons,armor and something Ruvyn knew would come in handy the cloaks of Arab Priestesses.

He ducked back to his friends. "Delan and I will go in. As we are we can pass as guards, you four stay here."

Delan moved beside him and they simply walked in to the little alcove. The three guards at the table barely looked up. Ruvyn merely walked around the table from right to left. Delan walked left to right.

"You in?" One looked their way. They spoke common which shocked Ruvyn, but then they were away from the prying eyes of the many ladies of Lloth. Ruvyn eyed the dice game, a game played on skill and lying. He nodded to Delan.

Delan was quick as he stuck a poisoned quarrel in the back of the guard he stood behind. The guard fell over flat. The other two laughed, spurting drink from their mouths , they were heavily drunk and not on drow wine.

"You can have his spot." The other smirked at Delan. Ruvyn quickly slid his poisoned dagger in the back of the one who'd spoken first he fell over flat as well.

The remaining guard chuckled hard. "Ah they can not hold their orc mead, come sit drink." Ruvyn moved to sit and with the guards eyes on him Delan moved quick as light and slit the guards throat before the man had any chance of calling for help or defending himself.

Ruvyn then brought the others in. "Luana, Zara Llewellyn put these cloaks on and draw the hood, if you have a way to hide your mouth and hands that would be best." He handed them that odd multicolored dark cloak. Zara was sliding on a pair of black gloves, Luana's were blue and Llewellyn's were green, he was glad to s e their all mirrored Zara's fashion sense, they could hide their mouths with their clothes by simply pulling up the collar of their shirts, the fabric was thinner so they could breathe.

Ruvyn then started to dig through the cash of armor and dug out something for Tanseril. " A helmet, one of the warriors of Hla would wear." It was a brownish red. "And if you have gloves use them now. "

Once the others were hidden and looking a bit more like drow Ruvyn nodded to Delan. "I will lead with Luana close beside me, Delan and Llewellyn will follow us, Zara and Tanseril at the back. Remember here the women are in charge more than the men, even the warriors. Watch out for spiders, we head towards the temple. "

Back down the tunnel they headed. Ruvyn lead the way down from the higher walk way to the lower ones, on and on they went down curing ramps and flights of stairs carved from rock.

Ruvyn slowed and watched as two guards passed them. They said nothing,only walked by. Once they were at the lower level they stood just behind the smoldering ruins of Selvetarm's temple. he watched as the captives were led in to the temple of Lloth while the temple of Eilistraee burned.

There was a cry and it drew all of their attention. A mother ran from the burning temple after the small band of Hla warriors who were flanked by Arab Priestesses.

The men dragged out two young drow women by their hair. The Priestess in the back looked back at the wailing mother and the woman fell to her knees,then was dead within the next breath.

Ruvyn held himself back, and knew the others were doing the same. "We go in to the temple. Zara you will have to lead, with the ladies behind you, we three men take up the flank. Speak to no one, if anyone speaks to you shoot them a glare that would kill. We go right in, following the slaves, go now." He moved Zara to the lead.


Date: 2014-03-07 15:18 EST
The temple rose from the ground, built from the living rock of the mountain. It rose high, but didn't even come close to touching the ceiling of the cave. The new pillars were made of found boulders, and pieces of the ruined temples. Orcs moved past them, paying them no mind. Goblins hurried along behind their masters. Zara kept her eyes forward. Now she understood why they had needed these disguises. Not one here was light skinned.

She followed in the flow of chained slaves. There was nothing they could do to help them now. It would have to wait. The doors of the temple were open, they were massive made of rock and what looked like mithral for there was a dull sparkle to them.

The arch way created by the open doors was large enough for a giant to pass with no trouble. The slaves were to her right, led in by massive orcs and drowess with whips. Some wore the same cloaks she Llewellyn and Luana did, others wore red armor, or robes of green,blue or purple.
An orc three times Llewellyn's size brushed against her as they moved in. The creature coward and lowered its head. Llewellyn shot it a dark look from under her hood.

Zara pushed them on, following the line of slaves.

Inside the temple was amazing. If it had not been so tainted with evil she would have thought it beautiful. They stood in a large open space,like a great entry hall. To her left she could see the blackish purple steps that led to the next level. Ahead the floor was covered with fine rugs, there was light here from torches ,Faerie fire and the crystals of Abban.

The slaves were being led in ahead, along the line of pillars that held the great room a loft. There were more drow here, more male drow in dark armor, as well as the reddish brown armor that Tanseril now wore.

There was a band of drow men who were dressed much like Delan and Ruvyn with bows quivers and swords and only light armor. Assassins perhaps or some form of rangers.

Zara kept going following the captives. They streamed in behind her, dozens of them. Her dist tightened at her side, she could do nothing not here out numbered. The room bloomed open even more to what would have been the temples cathedral area, the large dome over head, the alter ahead. The stone carving of Lloth was amazing, almost life like.

It was crawling with spiders , and to her own horror scorpions. On their knees drow prayed to the dark goddess, there was a large stone alter there in the basic shape of a person laying back arms spread. It was an alter for one purpose, sacrifice.

She knew the others starred at the horrid alter as she did. But they had to keep their minds on the slaves. So she followed them on as they were turned right with the crack of whips. Now in a hallway lit by purple Faerie fire and blue crystals. Zara could feel the fear the slaves had, many of them would know what was ahead.

" Jail these slaves." One drow female spoke at the head of the group. The slaves were parted from their long chain only to be shackled and taken off two by two. Ruvyn pulled their group to the far wall. "The jail is in the lower levels." He pointed to the door the slaves were being led through now.

From behind them came a call, something in drow. Ruvyn cursed under his breath. "They found the dead guards, they are locking down the area. The temple will be closed soon and our only way out will be through the back tunnels."

Guards rushed in and hurried the slaves along, while drow moved around checking every inch of the temple. "Zara, led us out, ladies following, we head for the higher levels as if we are checking them out, go..."

Zara nodded and led them along back out of the hall. No one stopped them as they moved back in tot he main room, nor as they went up the stairs. But as they moved towards the second floor the huge doors of the temple were closed. Zara looked back down behind them as drow hurried around looking for anything out of place. Ruvyn held up seven fingers. Zara hurried them along towards the seventh floor. Up and up they went,quiet and quick.

Once they came to the seventh floor Ruvyn took the lead. There was no one around. They had to find some where to hide till night fall. He could hear the calls of the guards on lower levels, the rush of footsteps up the stairs. He sent a silent prayer up and hurried them down the hallway then to the left quickly, over the rugs past the walls with Lady Lloth's statues next to them, past the spiders that crawled everywhere.

He moved them quickly and they all kept pace, he rounded the next right quickly. He knew the guards would be coming up on the the floor now, that they would look in to every room. But by now when nothing had been found they wouldn?t look too carefully.

"Here ." Ruvyn had been counting doors. Though his sister was no longer here her room would be. And it was likely not taken by anyone, he was hoping for that. He pulled open the door, the room was dusty and smelt of must, but there was no one within. "Inside."

They filed in and Ruvyn pulled and locked the door behind them. They all took long slow breaths. "Who's room is this?" Luana looked around the empty dusty room "My sisters." He saw the looks of question on their faces as they looked at Zara.


"Aeila was a priestess of Arab?" Llewellyn looked shocked at Ruvyn. "Do not worry when the queen of spiders did not answer her prayers over the slavers and their killings she lost faith. She turned to Eilistraee. We should be safe here. This whole hallway is full of old rooms of old priestesses, they wont check them. But we need to stay quiet."

There were nods all around. They set up a make shift camp on the floor. They sat and Delan started handing out cold provisions. The room glowed with light of the crystals.

"It will be dark soon. We came very close to being stuck below. Once it is dark the search will be given up. Then we head out again, back down to the jails. They will be guarded by orc and drow. We will head through the archway and through a door, then down a short flight of steps. The jails should be at the bottom to the right, to the left are the deeper levels. We will kill the orcs and drow that stand in our way and free the slaves. We must move quickly, they will be jailed in cells that can hold up to five, by my count there were at least one hundred slaves. "

Ruvyn bit in to the dried jerky and chewed. "We will lead the slaves away, down to the lower levels. There will be maybe one or two orc or drow guards down there but no more. There will be more spiders though, any we see we must kill, for they will tell their masters of our escape. The lower levels are a mass of tunnels. I was there twice as a boy. There are two ways out. One leads out past the mountains in to the plain beyond the Aevir Mountains. The other leads up. It is an old dwarven stair case, that leads in to the old ruined world of the dwarves the drow killed long ago. From there it leads out to the high passes of the mountain. Those slaves need to go out the pass to the plains."

As he was biting down in to another bite her heard something. "Someone is coming.. down the hall.. you four hide now." He looked to Zara,Delan,Luana and Tanseril. "In the closet there, under the bed, any where.."

They moved quickly finding places to hide. Ruvyn rose and pulled Llewellyn to her feet. " Follow my lead." He tore off his armor and shirt and tossed it to the ground then he climbed upon the bed. "You are a priestess, you answer to no one. On top of me now.. keep your hood over your head, and here." He pressed the cold handle of a dagger in to her hand. He lay back and Llewellyn moved quickly over him as if she was mounting him. "Someone will enter, likely a male guard, when he speaks say only one word.. DOEB. " Llewellyn nodded.

A breath later the door was opened from the outside. It was a darkly dressed male guard. He saw her a priestess of Lloth on her male and his head bowed. " Evagna ussta jallil." Llewellyn from under her hood glared at him. "DOEB!" She told him and he quickly backed out and they heard the door re-lock.

Ruvyn kept Llewellyn where she was till he heard the guards foot falls pace away. "It is safe.." The others all came out from hiding. Llewellyn pressed the dagger back in to Ruvyn's hand. He sat up and kissed her on the brow. "Even I would be scared of you."

Llewellyn felt the blush creep over her cheeks as she got off him and the bed. Ruvyn rose and put his shirt and armor back on, her then took his shed weapons from Delan. Beside the bed the blue crystals glowed more brilliantly.

"Its time."


Date: 2014-03-10 19:16 EST
(Rated M for Mature: contains sexual images, and gruesome images )

Ruvyn unlocked the door and looked out in tot he hallway. It glowed blue and purple. "The Faerie fires have been lit, and the crystals glow." He moved out and the others followed.

"We go back down as we came up. Take your time. We can not rush. There will be drow about now, more of them would have come inside when the call to arms was sounded. Remember women are in charge here, even more Ladies of Arab as you three are impersonating. You answer to no male. If a female warrior or mage speaks to you, you will say nothing to them, only if they are of Arab will you bow your head, nothing more. The creature is their goddess, and the highest in rank here, but there may be a few left of high rank from Abban. High ranking priestess's are easy to pick out, they wear a gold broach that holds their cloak on as well as having other gold accessories. I pray we do not run in to any of them. "

He took a breath as they gathered to move. "Zara will lead our way down, back towards where we were before. Once we are in that room we will stay to the shadows and move through the arch way. " He nodded to Zara who took point with Luana and Llewellyn behind her. Tanseril followed with Delan behind Ruvyn took the flank.

They left the hallway and went back down the steps. Slowly down from the seventh floor. They passed guards in dark armor,goblins who followed Arken mages,Hla warriors who followed Hla mages. None spoke tot hem or even glanced at them as they moved.

When they got tot the third floor landing Zara stopped cold. Below in the main rooms he saw them all bowed before the alter. Priestess of Lloth. They bowed tot he stone carving of their goddess. They spoke in drow as they knelt. Zara wanted to look away but couldn't. On the alter was a drow man, he lay there very nude. Around him a few priestess danced, the too were nude.

Ruvyn pulled them all to the hallway behind the landing. "It is what you think it is." He muttered to them all. "Males serve one true purpose here. Noble or high ranked males are chosen to mate with, to make the next generation. Other than that, they can be guards, weapons masters even masters of magic, but the houses are rules by the females. At least the houses whom worship Lloth. Three to six males will be chosen to be mated with. " He ran his fingers through his hair. "We are lucky only the high ranked priestess's of Lloth are to mate with those males. You three bare no gold on you, so we will be able to slip by. But stay to the shadows."

Zara nodded and led them back on to the landing. The chanting had gotten louder as the nude females danced around the very excited male. The others were bowed to the floor. Zara moved swiftly down tot he first floor and in to the shadows. Along the wall they moved as the event went on.

Zara kept her eyes on the praying drowess, none of them looked up or away from the floor. The priestess's were all very busy fondling the male who lay tied down. She could see the door they would part through.

Zara didn't glance back at her company but knew they all could barely look away even as the event went on. The arch way got closer and as it did one Priestess climbed on the alter and on to the male. She heard the others cry out and chant. The stone goddess they all prayed too was looking on. The chant rose and rose and rose, as the Priestess brought the male to his climax. Zara turned just as she heard the female cry out. A moment later as they all went in tot he side room Zara heard the male, he cried out as well, then there was more chanting.

Zara moved them all to the far wall beyond the archway. They stood alone in that room they had all been in hours before. The arch way to the jails stood a few feet before them.

"They kill him don't they?" Luana asked lowly.

" Not yet, while three to six males are chosen there are at least twelve high naked priestess of Lloth. So each man will please more than one. But each one will mark him with her blade or whip. The last one he pleases will be one of the highest ranking priestess's she will free him of his man hood, then he will be sacrificed. That Priestess will keep her token then.. and when she comes to be with his child she will wear that token."

Zara shivered and saw Tanseril and Delan's faces go almost green.

They all heard the chant renew beyond. "Let us go."

Ruvyn led the way now as the room was empty. When he reached the arch way he stopped and looked beyond. " Faerie fire lights our way, there is a passage way." He looked behind them then nodded to the others.

In to the passage they filed,Ruvyn leading with Luana beside him,Llewellyn and Delan in the middle and Tanseril with Zara at the flank. The passage way was lit by faerie fire torches that floated a few inches from the passage walls. They went twenty paces before they saw a door.

Ruvyn moved towards it. It had been fitted in to the passage way. A door not made of the rock of the mountain but of wood. There was a small spy window set within the door. Ruvyn gave a knock to the door and saw a face flash in to the window then the door opened from within.

"Fre'sla rath." Ruvyn spoke and gestured to the three ladies behind him.

The two male guards one orc one drow fell to their knees. Ruvyn nodded. Zara,Luana and Llewellyn passed with Tanseril closely following them. Delan brought up the rear and as he moved beyond the door Ruvyn closed it. With the drow and orc guard still on their knees eyes cast down, Delan and Ruvyn made their move.

They could not chance being caught. The two guards were left dead in the passage way.

"The stairs await us. Faerie fire will light our way, there will be spiders . Squish any you can underfoot. Delan, Zara your magic will be of good use to us here." Ruvyn led the way once more in to the purple gloom of the winding stairs. They moved in a single line. As they moved downward tot he right they squished any spiders they saw underfoot. Delan and Zara killed spiders above them with frost and fire.

Down they went. Twenty steps, forty steps, sixty steps. As they went lower there were more spiders. Larger ones that took more than a boot to kill. But they did not move forward till every spider was killed.

One hundred and six steps later they stood at the bottom then there two passages one went straight and one to the right. Ruvyn moved off to the right with the others behind him. More lights lit their way to to yet another door stood before them, it was the same as the last. So as he had before Ruvyn moved to the door and knocked.

It opened from within and once more two guards, one drow one orc. Once more they bowed to their knees to let the women pass. Once more Delan and Ruvyn put both to their ends before they moved on. They all moved forward and stopped when they came to three branching tunnels.

Ruvyn ran his fingers through his hair. "Its changed, since the last time I was here. We will have to split up. Go down each tunnel. Luana with me, Tanseril with Zara and Llewellyn with Delan. If you come to a door knock on it as I did before, they will let you pass. If you come upon open guards, attack do not wait to be questioned. Free as many slaves as you can and meet back here. Go, quickly."

He moved off to the far left with Luana moving beside him.

"We will take this one. " Zara moved forward with Tanseril behind her.

Delan nodded, "That leaves us the right. "He led the way in with Llewellyn close behind him.


Date: 2014-03-13 23:57 EST
Ruvyn moved along the passage with Luana close at his side. He wasted no time. As they neared the end of the twisting tunnel there was again another door. He reached out knocked on it.

Once more it opened from within. Two guards one drow one orc. They never saw what came next. Luana was a mighty warrior with a sword but Ruvyn couldn't discount her bow skills now as both drow and Orc lay very dead with arrows sticking from their skulls. Ruvyn bent down and picked the keys from them.

"This way." He left that door open and moved ahead. Their was the jail room beyond, it opened up a large oblong shape, there were fifty cell easily within the room.

He handed off a set of keys to Luana. "One will open the jail door, one will open their shackles, move quickly." He moved tot he left and Luana moved to the right.


Down their center passage Zara too came to a door. She knocked and it opened from within. Once more a drow and an orc stood guard.
They bowed to her. The drow began to speak but before he could utter any words his body was frozen. The orc beside him as well. They would die within that frozen shell, but to be sure she drew her sword and stabbed them both through the heart. She went two strides ahead and took the key ring from where it rested upon a small wooden table. With Tanseril silently behind her she moved in to the cell room.

"Good gods." Tanseril muttered when he saw the room. It was oblong and held at least fifty cells. There were drow kin, elven kind and even a few humans within those cells.

"Take these keys. "Zara handed him the set she had found. "Free them. " She moved off to the right. She wouldn?t need any keys. She merely walked up tot he cell door placed her hand tot he lock and froze it, it shattered with a swipe of her sword. She would do the same with the shackles of those imprisoned.


Delan led the way down the far right passage with Llewellyn close beside him. They came to a door and he knocked. When it opened there stood one orc guard. Delan not waiting for any questions quickly and effectively killed the orc.

Llewellyn picked the fallen creatures pocket for the keys. "This one holds no keys."

Delan peered down the tunnel. "Come on. " He moved down towards where the cells must be. The room opened up before them,long oblong with fifty cells at least. Delan put his finger to his lips and moved in to the room.

Some where there was a drow guard.

"Natha tet mrimmd'ssinss." The voice was in Llewellyn's ear.

" Venorsh, telanth naut. " She turned to him and narrowed her eyes at him. He quivered and fell to his knees. He was then pleading for his life.

Llewellyn bent down as if to pardon him and slit his throat. The drow guard gasped and fell over twitching.

"Your accent is good." Llewellyn turned to look at Delan. "For a moment I was worried, how much Drow did Ruvyn teach you?"

"Enough. "She smirked under her face covering. "He had the keys." She tossed Delan a set. Together they made their way through the room setting free prisoners.


In the passage they all stood with two hundred and fifty prisoners behind them.

"Far more than I thought." Ruvyn admitted. He had just spent a few minutes telling all those captured they were being led to freedom, in elvish,drow and the tongue of men. Everyone seemed to understand. He also told them of the possible dangers that may lie ahead.

None turned back to go to their cells. Ruvyn had given any who were able to wield a weapon a dagger, a sword an ax anything in case it came to a fight.

"We push on, you will flow forward then at the end of this passageway turn left, then go forward. We should come to a large room in about an hour from there. There are two ways out. One leads out past the Aevir Mountains in to the plains that should be on the left, the other will lead up to the old ruins of the dwarf kingdom. Your way to freedom lies ahead. "

"I will lead them out, pace your selves through the group. Zara I will have you at the end of this long trail of slaves. You will close the pass behind us with ice. We will not be over taken from behind." As one the group nodded and took up places in the line of Two hundred and fifty souls they were to save.

Ruvyn at the lead moved forward.


Date: 2014-03-17 23:50 EST
It was slow going. Ruvyn had tried to place the weakest of the prisoners at the front with him. The strongest were closer tot he back. But he had also places those who could fight and would fight along the line, in small groups. If it came to a fight he wanted it to be in their favor.

An hour passed in the purple gloom. Yet they had not yet reached the end of the twisting tunnel. It was quiet, safe for the slight shuffling of feet or the occasional squish of a spider seen.

At the rear of the long line Zara froze the way behind them. One way out. They would not be ambushed from behind.

When two hours passed with no end in sight Ruvyn called a rest. The slaves gathered in the tunnel. The six companions shared their food and drink with those who needed it most. He let them all rest and conveyed with his fellows.

"It is further than I recalled. " He stood in a small circle with Zara,Luana,Tanseril,Delan and Llewellyn. None of them were any worse for wear but some of their now free prisoners were old,frail and dying.

"Some of them may not make it another hour. "Zara glanced to those few, maybe ten that could die here upon their "road" to freedom.

"We should be close. As soon as we reach the room, I will send the old, frail and dying ahead with those willing and able to fight. The others behind them. We will make safe the room then follow them."

There were nods and they broke once more.

The shimmering light of crystals created them an hour later. The room was large round and much like those above had been, it held three large blue crystals. There was no sign of any danger. Both passages looked clear.

"I will do a quick pass of the left passage before I send them through, stay here." Ruvyn ran forward and in to the left passage. Llewellyn kept her eye on the right passage while Luana and Zara tended to any who needed them. Delan walked the whole of the room with Tanseril crossing round the other way.

Ruvyn was back within moments. "It is free of webs or spiders, no guards. "He turned to face the prisoners, now free. "I would ask those who are old, young, injured, frail and close to death to rise first."

Twenty rose slowly some with help. "Now any who are aiding them along." Twenty more rose. "Now I need willing able men and women who can fight to go with these first few. " More rose to their feet.

"Go, all of you in small groups, as quickly as you are able."

They left, slowly. Some of the older ones were carried along. There were only three young ones. Ruvyn felt sorry for them, they would likely never forget this. Once those sixty moved down the tunnel and out of sight there were One hundred and ninety left.

"You are free, all of you. Both ways will lead you to freedom. Go now... be free." They rose and moved off some in small groups. They moved towards the left tunnel with slight cheer.

(check out The OOC For pics of all the characters, and more coming soon


Date: 2014-03-17 23:56 EST
Ruvyn turned to move to his friends. The room began to grow darker. The crystals light fading with that of coming day. Ruvyn looked towards the prisoners who now fled in an easy flow. He turned to face his friends. "Do you feel that?" He pressed his hand to the wall.

They came then, not from behind or from the tunnels but from above. From above the three now dimming crystals they came. They repelled in on line and webbing, the dropped down with heavy force and seemed to float down with the grace of a feather. Drow, orc, goblin, spiders. Dozens of each came in to the room from above.

The prisoners fled many running. Some turned with their given weapons to fight.

The room exploded in to a melee of battle. Arrows flew with cross bow quarrels. Spiders danced along the wall and dropped down on to those who had chosen to stay and fight.

Of those who had run, they would have moments perhaps to flee in to the coming light of day. This attack had been perfectly planned, for the day light was coming. None would have thought the drow to attack in the day.

Yet here in the gloom, it might as well have been night.

Ruvyn knew his friends were fast at battle. Able to see with the help of those seeing stones. But he could not see any of them in the melee. He move quickly,sparing off with his own kin. House Hla had come as well as house Arken, there were a trio of house Arab he could see. He knew

Zara,Luana and Llewellyn had left their cloaks to the floor. He could see them now as he spun out of the reach of a blade.

He watched as those who he had freed now fought. Many had stayed. He hoped it would give those who fled the time they needed.

He slashed and parried ducked and let arrows fly. As of yet he had not sen any of the quarrels that flew glow with any poison. Drows did enjoy a good fight now and then.

He spun and dodged a flying quarrel only to watch an orc go stomping off one of the freed fighters. The man was human but showed no fear as he faced the beast. Ruvyn was sure the man would die, but his focus was torn from that fight to his own as a goblin and a spider came after him.

When his blade was both bloody and green he looked back to where the man had been. Half an orc stood frozen to the floor, it head was gone and the man who had faced it still stood fighting. Zara was alive somewhere in this.

Zara's focus was on the orcs that had come in to the room. She had watched as her friends spread out through the room then lost sight of them all. But she could smell the burning of flesh, so she knew Delan was out there in this. Now and again she'd see the arch of a flying arrow. She trusted in her friends.

Some of those who had been free had taken up the fight. Many were skilled drow and elves. But there had been a few humans. Though she never discounted the skill of humans she did her best to keep an eye on them.

So as she moved freezing and slashing with every other step, she came to the aid of those who might need it. As a man fought and killed a drow an orc went racing towards him. He showed no fear only lifted the ax he'd been given and yelled out at the beast.

Zara ran jumping on the back of a scurrying spider she jumped,flipping up in the air past flying arrows and quarrels, she came down behind the orc touching it once freezing it in mid stride as it went towards the human man. The man stood a moment shocked, then with a yell beheaded the creature and moved on to his next foe.

Zara was already on hers when the frozen orc head flopped past. She spun with her blade cutting and freezing all in one powerful move after the next. She ducked under the charge of a orc and saw that its hide was on fire. Some where in this Delan fought.

Delan killed with quick cunning. He stabbed drow that came at him, threw fire balls at racing spiders who tried to dart after those who had chosen to fight rather than flee. He used his fire to keep the goblins at bay as he moved through the chaos of the melee.

He saw the dead frozen orc as he moved around the room,killing and burning with every step. Somewhere Zara was alive. He saw the flash of Llewellyn's flying arrows. He moved towards an orc who was barreling down on a trio of friendly drow fighters. It was easy to tell friend from foe.

Their allies wore simple clothing, while their foes wore armor or reddish brown, and cloaks of blue,green or purple. He wanted nothing more than to get at the trio of Arab Priestesses he saw but they were well guarded still near the center of the room.

He saw Tanseril rush past, the horse men rode a spider and had departed from that armor he had borrowed. He rode past his foes and took them down. He rode that spider as if it was a mighty horse. Yet as the spider started to buck and try to climb the wall he killed hit stabbing it through its head. Tanseril then moved off on foot in to the melee.

Tanseril had ridden on rougher mounts than a spider. That dead one made for his third. It wouldn't be his last. He could see now where all this chaos had come from, there was a chimney there above the faded crystals. That was where the drow,orcs,goblins and spiders had come from. They had flowed in, they out numbered them all, even with those who had chosen to fight rather than flee. But no more had come down since the fight began.

Already some of the enemy lay dead. But two lay dead a few of those who had chosen to fight rather than flee. Tanseril moved with more ease than he thought he would. But he granted that tot he stone he kept safely tucked in a inner pocket on his tunic. he fought back to back with those he had helped to free.

He knew some where Delan lived for he saw the fires, he had seen the flash of Llewellyn's arrow and knew she was out there. He had seen frozen enemies upon the field of battle and knew Zara was alive. He hoped and prayed that Luana and Ruvyn were alive.

Luana had fought slavers in Teien. This melee reminded her much of that. The chaos of battle. He slight stature had he ducking under orcs with out them even noting her. When she came to face a drow foe they showed her no mercy and she could see as she killed the the surprise that she one so fair and short would kill them.

She fought with wicked sword hand and a great left hook. She knew her friends where out here fighting, she had seen the signs of them. The fries, the frost, the flying streaking arrows.

But they were out numbered. And there were three who stood at the center of the room, who seemed untouched. They had not moved, not since the battle began. Not even as those who could have fled joined the fight.

Not as drow,goblin and orc died. Not even as their beloved spiders died. Six allies with the help of maybe one hundred freed men, and women were beating back the forces. Ducking under one of the remaining orcs feet she saw Llewellyn go racing past, shooting arrows one after another in to spiders who were upon the wall.

Llewellyn did not just use her bow, though it seemed to prove the most effective. She had spun past orcs and cut at their ankles with her daggers, she had thrown one of the drow knives in to the back of a house Hla warrior then as he had turned buried an arrow in his face.

She had faced battle before. Though none like this. None with so many she loved at risk. They would live, she trusted in her gut. As she spun shooting arrows off at cross bow bearing drow.

Ruvyn watched as across bow bearing Drow was driven back to the wall by an arrow. He saw for a moment Llewellyn through the din of battle.

He could count the dead. He counted three dead of those who could have fled but choose to fight. But there were more dead foes. Of the goblins only four stood, there had been at least thirty. There had been fifty huge orcs now there were but twenty. Of the drow there had been the most over one hundred but now thirty or more lay dead. There had been fifty spiders and they were now dwindling fast as arrows flew towards the walls and the crawling spiders.

Another ally died before him, and he took up the orc and goblin that had killed the fair human woman. The clash of blades, the cries of battle and death flowed all around him.


Date: 2014-03-24 17:06 EST
Blood of Battle

They stood on field of victory. One hundred and eight allies, his fellows among them. They had beaten back the horde. Now only drow, and spiders remained. The last of the orcs lie twitching in its death throws.

The room was filled with the dead. Eight allies had died, and many more had been wounded.

Ruvyn saw Delan had tied a ripped piece of cloth over Luana's left arm. Tanseril carried a million little cuts upon his left shoulder. Zara's nose bled, and Llewellyn's lip. Ruvyn's left hand carried a gash in it, but he still fought with both his sword and dagger. Delan had small cuts only his brow,chin and neck.

There were five spiders left, and ten drow along with the three Arab Priestess's who stood un harmed at the center of the room. The allies had been driven around and around the room. Now they stood divided, those who could have fled and did not stood inches away from fleeing to freedom before the left tunnel while the six companions stood before the right.

They were all weary,tired and injured.

Then from the center of the room it came. A bold of energy that pulsed through the drow and spiders who still stood. They rocked off their feet and then died moments later. Leaving only the three priestess's at the center of the room.

The shaking started first. The room shook. They all braced the wall for balance. In the center of the room the three women stripped them selves of their robes and stood very nude in the light that came from above.

Some of the allies ran, turning down their tunnel and fleeing. A few stayed awe struck. The shaking continued. From near the left tunnel the companions watched. From above it came, at first it looked like lightning, striking down upon one of the nude priestess's. But when they looked upon it closely they could see it was a tendril of webbing.

Each priestess was caught in a tendril of web and drawn up in to the chimney above. One by one their soft chanting ended with the crunch of bones being broken. Zara watched in horror as blood dripped down from the hole in the ceiling, it dripped down over the dull forms of the blue crystals.

The few remaining allies fled down the tunnel. It was tot heir luck, for a moment later the room shook and one of the huge crystals was ripped from its spot at the center of the room and flung in to the space where the tunnel entry had been. There was but one way out.

" Run! Run! " Ruvyn called and he pushed them all in to the tunnel just as two more legs came down from above. He knew what it was. The creature had come. In to the tunnel the ran as the ground shook underfoot. Ruvyn brought up the flank of their group he saw the creature slowly drop itself in tot he room and start for the tunnel. "Faster!"

Ahead Zara moved with Luana and Llewellyn behind her. Tanseril and Delan were close behind Ruvyn quickly joined them.

"What is it?"

"Its the creature.. the one I told you about. " Ruvyn said as they ran on with the tunnel shaking.

"There?s no way it can fit through. "Zara looked back, she saw nothing, then suddenly they were in the dark.

"Its cut off the way back..." Ruvyn took a breath. They kept going, jogging down the tunnel. "This way leads to the dwarven tunnels yes?"

"Yes, it leads up. There should be a stone staircase soon, then we will be in the ruins of an old dwarven kingdom. I have never seen it...we will have to pick our way to the surface."

"Do you think we will face more enemies?" Tanseril asked as they jogged on and around a bend. "More than likely. We need to get to the stair case, and find our way from there. " There in the bend they all stood and took a breath. The tunnel was wide enough for them to walk in a group.

"Are we all alright?" Ruvyn now asked looking over the group. He saw a few wounds but none looked deadly.

"We will live. " Zara smiled and looked over to Delan.

"Oh hell with it." Llewellyn grabbed Ruvyn and kissed him hard. Flowing witht he idea the others followed suit embracing and kissing their mates.

Ruvyn grinned and sighed. "We are out of the battle, yet I do not think done with the war. Lets push on." There was little light. There were no glowing crystals here now as the sun was out some where high above them.

"We will need some light."

Delan let a fire ball form in his hand and there in the bend of the tunnel he found what once was part of an ax handle. "This should do." He tore a piece of cloth from his pack and wrapped it around the old handle. He then lit the cloth on fire.

"Alright." Ruvyn nodded, the torch would offer them light.

They moved ahead in their grouping.


Date: 2014-04-09 01:21 EST
"This place was once home to dwarves. " Ruvyn walked hand in hand with Llewellyn, they didn't look back as they headed on down the wide tunnel. The others walked along side of them, bathed in the torch light.

"When Eyllis was still young, when the first of the elven kind had come through the Lukiae to settle in the valley, desert and forest. Before any town or village. The dwarves had been here. The drow were here as well, but their was peace between them." Ruvyn walked looking to his left, the torch light lit up the markings upon the tunnel walls. Dwarven runes. Craved in to the rock.

"They came to know peace with the surface elves as well, trading in goods. The dwarven people were craftsmen,miners, great smiths, bards and tradesmen. They were wise, they could see in to the darkness and bring forth gold, silver and gems. Their kingdom was Toreurdost. A city made from the rock. They built the passage ways and expanded those that needed it. It was to their credit that the drow had a true home, more than
just the few tunnels. For the dwarves carves out their passages as well. "

"They had clans, names lost unto time. The King Horgar MoonHeart. He was the first king of kings under Abban. He had lived many moons, and he was the bane of orcs, goblins and giants. It is commonly known that drow and dwarven kind do not get a long. But in rare places they do. This was such the way when they lived here."

Ruvyn walked with an easy pace. Nothing followed them. There were no webs here, no signs of drow,or anything else but the old markings of the dead kingdom of dwarves.

"The drow then were goodly drow, drow that became part of the first two houses of Abban later on. They did not war with anyone, not even within their own ranks. Eilitraee was freely and openly worshiped then. "

He stopped to look at one of the massive carvings in the wall.

"The king was loved, and even more so was his wife and queen. She was said to be the most lovely of dwarven females ever known. She bared him four children so his line was set. They were miners and craftsmen, and warriors. For even though the did not war with the drow or elven kind, they rid their tunnels of orc and goblin. The rid the high passes of giant and troll."

He pressed his fingers to the rock and walked on.

"Great MoonHeart ruled for three score century before war came. When it did it was led by the will of Lady Lloth, a host of drow and spiders. The battle was not swift, nor were any spared. " There were bones now, old bones in armor of gold and silver, shields of wood and stone lay broken,bent baring old symbols of long forgotten houses of dwarves.

"There were some drow kind that fought with them, but they fell to their own kind. It is said even some elves from above came to the aid of the dwarves, but that none survived the bloody battle."
He came to a stop before them loomed a wide opening, on either side stood a statue craved from the rock.

"Dwarven gods." He looked to the statues. "They likely once held gold, silver and gems, but most of the goods were looted long ago. The few things left behind are said to hold a curse. But in truth I think the drow could not bring anything else with them and left the rest to rot, as a symbol. " The bones and old armor.

"The stone steps are close. The battle raged through there and in to the halls of the once great city beyond. It is said that the king and his warriors stood strong as the drow invaded. " They walked past the dwarven statues and around a wide bend. There were more bones here, bones of both drow and dwarf. They were old bones,nothing left upon them, some were turning to dust.

"Great MoonHeart sent his wife away, with two of his children. For those two one boy and one girl though grown were not warriors, they were a miner and a smith, craftsmen both. The other two also one boy and one girl were warriors so they stood with the others in he battle. It was told that the queen fled with the army raging around her. She had guards with her as she fled to the higher levels. But Lady Lloth and her drow were not so easily fooled. While drow and spider raged with the warriors of the great clans, and the king himself. Orcs and goblin kind spilled in through the higher tunnels. Lady Lloth has always loved chaos. "

Ruvyn ran his free hand through his white hair. " It was a war.. and the blood ran freely. The tale is told to most young drow, or it was when I was young. The orcs had brought cave trolls, and a giant. It is told that the queen in attempt to save her children fought with that giant. But she did not save her children. The drow, spiders, orc and goblins over ran the dwarves. "

"It was murder. For none are said to have escaped. Oh drow fell in the battle as well, but they were not wiped out. The story says that the king stood last, alone with his kin and kind dead and dying around him. There are tales that say Lloth appeared then, as if from the blood itself. A massive spider with the form of a drow woman on its back. It was told that the king was taken by her in to the drow kingdom and enslaved. He was broken now, his family and kin dead, his armor rent, his great battle ax broken. Lloth gave him to her new priestess's. " He let the end hang, for he knew they had all seen what the priestess's did to males.

"The result of those breeding?s, were odd creatures, that the drow slaved in to cutting the rock, they were made miners. Once they had outlived their usefulness they were fed to the spiders. The Dwarven king lived enslaved for two more centuries, broken and used. It is told that at the end of his life that Lloth herself mated with him before eating him. "

He saw the looks upon the faces of his friends,upon Llewellyn's face. "Yes, horrible I know. If any dwarven kind survived that day none ever returned. Even now some spider spawn seem to have the skills of a dwarven miner, yet the look of their mother. "

He saw both Zara and Luana shutter. Delan was speechless and Tanseril looked as if he might faint. "I merely tell you that tale so you know what awaits us. The battle is long over, but there will be bones, old blood and perhaps the ghosts of those who died. "

They rounded another sort bend and before them stood another huge archway held up yet again by stone statues. Ruvyn with Llewellyn's hand in his own stepped up to them.

"Behold Great King Horgar MoonHeart." The stone to he right rose high above them all. It had the look of a king. His bread was long , he bore a helmet that was a mix of crown and helmet, he wore armor that had been stripped of its gold and gems, but the workmanship in the stone remained. He had a huge battle ax over his right shoulder. The statue was quite impressive. Ruvyn bowed his head the stone.

"Was this his wife?" Luana stood before the other stone statue. Ruvyn looked over and nodded. "Yes, Ilrin Silverfoot MoonHeart . She was lovely. Strong and wise." That statue was no less impressive, the queen stood as tall as her king, she wore a long flowing dress, in her hands she had once held a necklace with the clan emblem upon it. Her fine necklace had been taken but the marks in the stone remained, her face was long and narrow, she almost didn?t look a dwarf. Her crown had been taken but still there were signs of it. She was a beauty, even after the ages had passed the stone showed the fine workmanship and love for both the long gone rulers.

" Come the stairs are close."


Date: 2014-05-26 00:08 EST
They ascended the steps. There were remnants of the battle that Ruvyn had spoken of all around them. Bones, old blood, broken armor and weapons. Some of the bones were turning to dust, most had been stripped of valuables long ago. The only things left besides the bones and old blood were broken useless weapons and armor.

One only had to look, to know what had happened here. They were all seasoned fighters all knew the prices of battles and war, this one had been wrought upon the dwarves. The battle had begun upon these stairs. Up they went,side by side in the gloom lit only by faerie fire and the light of the single torch in Ruvyn's hand.

You could almost close your eyes and hear the sounds of the battle. The ring of swords against ax, the ping of flying cross bows. The calls in drow and dwarven. You could see as the noble dwarves stood fighting to save king and kin, to save their home.

"The drow won the day, why did they not remain here?" Luana asked as they went up.

"They needed it not, they had their home, their kingdom. They also had the king, he was wounded, but not dead, yet he was utterly defeated. There would be no coming back from it. They had the off spring of the great king and the spider beast. They had their slaves to carve their tunnels." Ruvyn paused on one of the landings and shown the light over the carving in the rock. It was a dwarven rune, once it might have glittered with mithral,gold or bronze but now there was none of that just the workmanship in the rock.

They continued on,passing more old bones, broken armor and weapons. Some were the bones of the drow and orc,some of the weapons left behind were still crusted with old blood and gore.

They walked ever up, one hundred steps later Ruvyn paused. He titled his head and listened.

"I hear it as well." Zara stated lowly.

"Be prepared, there is no knowing what lies beyond. The end of the stairs is soon."

They walked up another twenty steps and came to a massive arch way, this one too held up by statues of the king and queen of the long lost kingdom. Ruvyn took the first step out and the others followed. The room beyond bloomed before them reaching high above. There were walkways above them and below them. There in the softly lit gloom there was the ruins of the city.

It could have been any city above, for the buildings were well made. At least those that still stood were. It had once been a bustling city, now it was ruins, left overs of homes and businesses. It spread out over the floor, and there were tunnels that led to the walkways below them.

It was as if the city the whle kingdom was perched upon a huge slab of rock. Ruvyn headed forward followed closely by the others. They could all hear it now the soft clicking sound.

"We need to find our way to the higher walk ways." The fires both orange and purple lit up the ruins of the city as they passed them.

"Anyone get that feeling we are being watched?" Tanseril asked.

"Ghosts.. or something worse most likely." Ruvyn wasn?t shocked to see his friends had all armed them selves. Ruvyn led the way, hoping he was heading the right way. They walked around the dead, the flesh had long ago rotted away. There were more orc bodies here,their bones were larger and almost green toned in the dim light. "This should be the way."

Ruvyn stood in front of an arch way, on the wall were dwarven runes. "What does it say?" Zara wondered out loud. "I haven't any clue, I never learned dwarven. But with all the orcs we passed, this should be the passage to the higher walk way, we will have to zig zag our way up. " There was that clicking sound again.

"Be on your guard. " In to the gloom he went and looking back over their shoulders once the others soon followed.


Date: 2014-06-18 22:40 EST
Through the archway and in to the gloom. Ruvyn led the way the fires barely lit the passage. Stone steps rose up and curved to the left. One by one they made their way up to the next higher passage.

Ruvyn walked out first. Then nodded back to the others. they flowed out, two and two. "Stay on your guard. If we are attacked from above or below we will not long survive."

He moved along the high walkway with Luana beside him. They had split in to their groups. Eyes ever watchful, the clicking noise echoed around them now and then. They passed more old death. The bodies of dwarven and drow. The moved silent and quick along the pass way. The level below them was a good hundred feet down. If one was brave enough to look down they could see what had been the city, the ruins of homes and businesses, those that still stood.

They came to another archway, this ones runes shown a bit more brightly. Ruvyn led the way his hand flared with purple flames. Against hey went up. Ruvyn was leading by his gut. Hopefully he wouldn?t get them all lost. When they crossed back out they were again higher.

"Well at least we are getting higher. Hopefully I am going the right way."He looked back to Luana, then over the others. "This way." He led them on over the higher pass way. Illuminated by the fires of purple and orange, flickered along the floor and across them as they moved. There were a few bones here,fewer than they had seen below. But Ruvyn moved on, they were dangerously vulnerable here.

So high out in the open. If they got attacked from above or below they would stand no chance. Ruvyn listened to the clicking sound. It was the only sound within the whole of the massive room. His company made no sound, that was a benefit. They moved silently as elves could do. Ruvyn moved quickly with purpose. He wanted to get them up and out as quickly as he could. The looming threat of the Drows coming to get them all was in the back of his mind.

Then there was the fact that he had no idea what else could be here within this ruined world of the dwarves. What that clicking noise was. They could face anything. Looking over his shoulder her sighed lightly. Able warriors all of them, had they not all proved that?But the drow were known for their tricky tactics.

When they reached the neck open archway. Ruvyn looked to the carved runes that were etched in to the solid stone. He then ducked in to the shadows followed by the others. Up again they went around a narrow stair well. He had one hand out before him the purple light lighting the way, the other hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

The clicking sound doubled in the deep. They all paused as they rounded their way up. Ruvyn slid his hand from the hilt of his sword and held it up in a fist just above his shoulder. The others stopped up behind him. He
listened he waited. The clicking continued. "Quick and silent." He looked back to the group then led them on fast as he dared move.

They crossed out to another high pass. He dared not look down. Quickly across they ran, past bones and old blood. Past the remains of the long ago forgotten war. The clicking sound getting ever louder with every step.


Date: 2014-07-08 18:36 EST
Ruvyn passed at the next archway. This ones runes shown in tones of blue. He could see the stairway beyond through the darkness. He looked back the way they had come. "Take one moment, catch your breath." He handed Zara his water and she took a sip then passed it around the group.

" What is that sound?" Tanseril asked before he took a swig of water.

Ruvyn shrugged. "I dare not guess. It could be anything." He looked up towards the high rocky ceiling. So many places to hide, so many chimneys and passages hidden. "Lets press on." He tucked the water canteen away and then turned to head through the arch way. That was when a quarrel bolt thudded in to the wall beside him.

Llewellyn looked off in to the distance going for her bow. "Drows."

Ruvyn looked the same way. "Run!" He shoved the others in through the arch way. As he saw them too crawling down the walls coming after them. He ducked in to the stairwell just as another quarrel flew past. They ran up the steps and came not to another high pass but to a long wide room.

"Did we go the wrong way?" Zara looked over her shoulder.

"No this is the way. This is the way the queen came when she was fleeing."He nodded towards the bones of the dead. All dwarven. "Hurry." He ran ahead and the others fell in behind.

He thought of the peace that must have reigned there when the dwarves had ruled. And how his own kin had ruined it all. He danced past the fallen. Moving the others quickly ahead of him. He passed the ruined mangled swords and shields of the fallen dwarven warriors who had tried to save the queen and her two fleeing children. He past the first of the rotten bodies of the fallen orcs that had come through the higher tunnels. "We are getting closer." He called as the others ran on the clicking was getting louder.

He could only hope that they could all out run the drow behind them. He dared not look back not even when quarrel bolts flew past him. "Go right!"

He called ahead to Zara who led the fray with her hand blazing purple. Zara went right and the others followed quickly. Luana and Llewellyn on Zara's tail. Tanseril, Delan ,and himself bringing up the rear.

They broke in to a wide tunnel, adored with runes. There was more old death there, more bodies of fallen orcs and goblins. Less signs of fallen dwarves. "Turn left up ahead!" He dared to look back to see the spiders closely followed them.

Zara veered left and the others flowed behind.

"Delan, Tanseril your bows!" Ruvyn had pulled his from his back as he ran backwards shooting off arrows at the spiders that now flowed over the walls behind them. Delan and Tanseril turned bows in hand and followed suit. Spiders fell but more crawled from the cracks in the ceiling.

Zara,Luana and Llewellyn ran ahead. Zara looked back and then just kept going. "Which way do we go Zara?" Luana asked as she trailed the ice elf closely. Zara was following her nose. The scent of the soil here was different than it was below. The bodies of the fallen were orcs, goblins and dwarven. These were the men and women who had died to try to save the queen and her children. But they had fallen in battle. They had moved higher and the clicking sound was echoing over the sound of the spiders crawling over the walls and ceiling as they descended upon the party of elves.

Zara looked over her shoulder to see the men were catching up. Ruvyn was waving his hands to the left so she looked left and saw that there indeed was their way out, they had gone up and now the tunnel to freedom lay ahead of them. There was on light at the end of the tunnel but the crystals that had been gone for so long were now present.

The clicking sound had grown ever louder and now thudded in the deep. Ruvyn,Tanseril and Delan were close. So Zara pulled Luana and Llewellyn in to the tunnel she then turned and followed them.

That was when the clicking stopped. Then in the deep they all heard it. A sound like lightning. It cracked from above. Zara looked up and saw with horror that spiders were spilling from the ceiling , through a hole that formed not just through the cracks. Rocks started to fall, as the tunnel started to collapse behind them. The whole tunnel started to shake,sending soil and rocks falling all about taking crawling spiders down as boulders and dirt fell.

"Ruvyn!" Zara cried out as her brother ran behind the other two men. All who had bows in hand firing off fast.

"Go!" Ruvyn cried out. He saw the tunnel was collapsing ad he knew that there was no way he and the other two men would be able to bridge the gap before the tunnel caved in, but they ran on shooting spiders as they went.

"Zara!" Luana's cry had Zara spinning slicing a spider in half as it tired to get to her. "Go.. go go." Zara ran on shooting ice from her finger tips. She froze spiders where they climbed she spun sword in hand and hacked off legs.

"Ruvyn, Tanseril and Delan.." Llewellyn shot of arrows at the spiders that came after them. Her arrows took down three spiders at once. Her eyes were wide with horror as the tunnel was falling behind them.

Ruvyn pushed the men ahead and watched the women run on. It was then that a wall of rock fell from above. It crashed down cutting off their road to freedom. It also cut them off from the women. "Zara..!" Delan rushed forward but Tanseril was able to stop him.

"No.." He held Delan back with a strong hand. "We can not."

Zara saw the rocks come crashing down, saw the spiders spill from the opening above. She held back her fear and tears and ran on. Luana and Llewellyn ran ahead of her. She switched from blade to bow as spiders filled the floor.

"Zara what was that?" Luana asked as Zara caught up. Zara shook her head as she put up walls of ice to block the flow of spiders. The spiders hit the wall of ice and were held at bay.

"There was a cave in." She caught her breath and felt the tears that sung her eyes. She was utterly spent, and now they were cut off from the others.

The two women looked to her then to the wall of thick ice Zara had placed between them and the hungry spiders. "They didn?t get through, they were trapped on the other side. Spiders were coming from the ceiling. " Zara took a heavy breath.

Luana looked forward, then back. "We can't go back." There were tears in her eyes but conviction in her voice. She looked to Zara and Llewellyn both were tired,dirty and worn to the bone, both held the pain of a loss that they all left behind them.

"No we can not. We have to keep moving. I have to trust that Ruvyn will find a way for them all to get out. But for now we have to keep going. The spiders will have trouble with the ice but if the drow follow we will not have long."

Zara rose and walked to her two dearest friends and clapped them both on the shoulders. "They will all see this through. Just as we will." She saw both women nod. Though the looming fear held over them all they took a moment to catch their breaths and take a much needed drink before moving on leaving the wall of ice and the spiders behind them.
All three left their hearts behind them.


Date: 2014-08-12 15:09 EST
"Delan lay down some cover fire." Ruvyn called as he shot off arrows at the spiders that spilled out before them, they were on the run again, back the other way, down the unknown tunnel. Delan nodded and let the flames that he had race the floor over the crawling arachnids.

Tanseril and Rubyn shot off arrows to get the ones on the walls. The fire took many lives and kept the others at bay allowing the men to run for their lives down the tunnel and around an uknown bend.

They could hear the spiders dying behind them as the flames spread over the dead and dying to those who were still alive. It would hold the spiders at bay for a long enough moment for them all to catch their breaths.

"We need to keep going." Ruvyn bent forward his hands on his knees catching his breath. The other two took a moment to catch their breath. They had been on the run for hours,or at least it felt like hours. The battle below seemed like a distant memory now. But Ruvyn knew they did not have long. Soon the drow would follow, and likely other foes with them.

No one spoke of what had happend nor what could come. But dread hung over them all. "I should have asked her to marry me." Ruvyn sighed and he looked back the way they had come. He felt the sting of pain as he looked back the way they had come.

"Then you will , when we get the hell out of here." Delan offered. "Come on."He walked over and clapped his hand on Ruvuns sunken shoulder.

Tanseril soon joined them. "We are all in this together and we will make it to the surface. And those three women are some of the strongest women I have ever known. They will all make it, then you can propose to Llewellyn."

Ruvyn smirked and nodded to them both . "Your right lets keep moving. The spiders are just the beginning of it." He clapped his hand on Tanserils shoulder then as a group they walked down the new tunnel with the spiders burning behind them.


Date: 2014-08-26 22:26 EST
Zara kept their pace easy but fast. Trusting her gut to lead them out of these tunnels. God she was sick of tunnels, sick of being underground in the darkness. Even with the purple fire in her hand and the glow of the crystals it was still a looming darkness.

She cast the glow of the purple flames that danced over her hand and forearm towards the walls and ceiling. No spiders followed them, they had left them all behind only to find more old death.

"What was the hardest part of leaving Eyllis?" Llewellyn spoke softly as they moved along. Zara looked over at her, "Knowing that there would be death and war in the wake and that I could do nothing. I could only hope that some of the slavers followed me and while a few did, more stayed. "

She paused as they came to a open entry room where a large blue crystal stood in tact. They had passed much old death but it was there in that room that they saw the old bones of the last of the fallen dwarves.

"This is where they died. The queen and her last two children. Her king would have been taken by now. The last of her guards had fallen to the drow, orcs and goblins. Yet they took some with them. I imagine she fought back." Zara crossed towards the three sets of bones. They had been striped of their gems and clothing long ago, but she knew some how who they had been.

Looking past the bones she saw their tunnel out. Looking back over her shoulder she sighed. The men had to head north through unknown passage ways, and though she had never been here she knew her way out. As long as they headed south and up they would end up above. Beyond the Aevir Mountains and the Cesio pass.

She bowed her had to the fallen queen and her children. "Our path lays before us. They were all so close. Yet they were descended upon. Let us hope we make it tot he surface." Luana and Llewellyn walked on past the last of the bones bowing their heads. Zara followed them. Their path was lit by the blue and purple crystals. Night must be close for the blue crystals burned bright. The three walked side by side. Zara thought about the last time they all had seen day light. That day looking up at it so far beyond. None of them had turned away, they had all gone in to the unknown and now they were divided.

They were hunted by drow and spider. Some where the spider goddess waited, planning against them. There were orcs and goblins as well.

Anything could descend upon them. House Arken, the mage house. Though many of them lie dead in tunnels far behind them. They were powerful mages, she had seen them and knew they were not to be trifled with. There were still the warriors and mages of House Hla. Those gifted with foresight. Then there were those left of house Arab. Though some had died and been given to the spider queen, others would come.

The most posing threat was the spider beast. Part drow woman part spider. It was the true vision of Lady Lloth. She had gained a glance at it. Massive , it could have easily taken them all when it had them nearly trapped. But she had not, she had driven them this way. Zara paused and looked to the other two women.

"Lets take a break."She looked up and down the tunnel. There were no cracks here, no webbing, the tunnel glowed pale blue all around them. Luana and Llewellyn lowered along the wall and Zara joined them. "I am starting to think we were pushed this way. Lady Lloth loves chaos. I have a feeling we will be seeing more spiders soon, as well as drow."