Topic: Sanctuary Library

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-09-24 17:17 EST
EDIT NORE 2007 Jan 10
* I know this is a bit late, but better then never. After talking to Issy mun a while back, I thought that I would add, these are just sites I found on the net regarding the Celtic stories of Scathach. These are just for parties interested in other views.

What we would like you to understand is that These are not the guidelines or the complete Vision that Issy has for the sisters and the Rhy'din version of Scathach. Her version and vision makes us remember what Free Form is all about, being creative. If you wish to know how we see, and most importantly how Issy sees this, please contact her with any questions you might have if you need a matter cleared up. ~ Jen*

Scathach the Shadowy - by Magik and Mythology

Scathach - by The Troth


Scathach - by Encyclop?dia Britannica

Shadowy Isle - Members Log

English Translation of Scathach's Prayer - by unknown

Why Scathach Wear No Color - by Midori M. Hirtzel

The Laughter of Scathach the Queen - by Fiona Macleod

Hail Scathach - by Find a Godess

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-09-24 17:48 EST
UI's Celtic Mythology - Scathach - by United Irelander

Scathach Academy

Scot Warrior: Scathach of Skye - by Anachronism