Topic: A diary covered in cobwebs and dust

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 10:48 EST

Life has been crazy for me between all my trips back and forth between Geladine and RhyDin lately that I decided I needed to sit down and relax for a while. What did that cause? Attempting to start a diary again.

I used to write one years ago when I first came to RhyDin town, then I stopped. I can only hope I keep up with it this time around.

The last dozen days or so I've been spending a lot of time getting to know my brother Sevran again as well as his wife Penelope. Strange how much he has changed since last he was in my life. I suppose falling in love can change anyone because it certainly changed him.

In a way I'm happy to have him home but in another way I'm starting to feel annoyed with his presence. I mean here he is wanting to act like nothing happened before and that he didn't leave us all to run off and find himself for years on end. On the other hand if he is in Geladine offering to take on responsibilities that means less for me, right?

Needless to say I am rather divided on this subject. There are days I want to be nothing more then a bar keep and stable owner while other days I just can't believe how lucky I am to be involved in my homeland's evolution from tiny country that barely mattered to a country that is growing by leaps and bounds.

Speaking of the stables.. I have to get there soon, Nysden wanted me to help him with the training of the yearlings if I had the time. Think I wouldn't mind getting on the back of one of those beauties today, either that or see if I can't get the Supra out for a drive.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 10:57 EST
For the first time in days I have a moment to myself. There goes my hope at writing in this thing every day hmm? Oh well. So much has happened I'm not sure where to start.

Nysden informed me that they were having a problem with the portal at Rising Star and I told him I would bring it up when I returned to Geladine after helping him with the yearling training ... hmm was that only three days ago? I think so but I'm not even sure what day it is anymore.

Anyway I didn't go back to Geladine until the next morning since I was just plain wiped out after being at the stables all day. Without even worrying about hunting I stayed the night at Ardane with the rest of the stable's jockeys. That was strange, I haven't spent a night there since William's 'death' so long ago. Spent some time talking to 'Rora and surprisingly enough the girl was actually ... civil. Perhaps it isn't too late to actually connect with her.

The next morning I was out bright and early, didn't even stop at the inn and just went to Geladine via one of my own portals. I watched the whole process very carefully after what happened with the one at RS but nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Spoke with Father and his advisors, informing them about the situation at Rising Star. I was promised that two of the elders would look into it. I figured I wouldn't worry about it until later after all I had made plans with Amthy for lunch.

As usual lunch with Amthy turned into an evening. An evening that included going to the Dragon and guess who was there, William. Why is it when I think I'm safe from running into him that he shows up? Doesn't matter I suppose because nothing really happened, more or less just said hello to one another before he left.

Am and I left soon after to talk about the possibilities for attending a party the next night for the end of Spring. It was quite late when I got back to Geladine, late enough that I didn't see anyone before I fell into bed -- a rather dreamless sleep followed.

Yesterday was just busy. I'll have to write more about it later because right now my hand is cramping up and I need a really good run combined with a hunt. I'm starving! Until later then...

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 11:02 EST
Finally a moment to myself. It's been an extremely long day and I felt as if I would never get anytime to myself but here I am in the quiet of my room at the Dragon after a nice long soak in hot water and I feel as if I'm relaxed enough to try and go on with the explanation of what happened yesterday in Geladine.

I never did make it to the party devoted to the end of Spring but with all that happened in Geladine it's no wonder.

My day started out with the usual, an early breakfast with Father. It was nothing overly exciting. Most of the thirty minutes spent at the table was filled with updates on various things happening in Geladine -- like the new docks being built in a newly formed town, Caeserin, off the Northern coast. Father told me that Sevran seems to be doing well in the tasks set to him since his return. Wonderful. Not entirely sure I want to go into how I feel about that right now so I'll leave that for later.

After breakfast Father and I went to the nearest temple devoted to the Moon Goddess in the town that has grown up around the castle following the battle I lost my husband. Strange way to look at it now isn't it? I mean it's the only way I can think of it anymore. Yes, William is still alive but it was that battle that was the end for us.

To get back on track, we attended service with the rest of the inhabitants of Laerlyn and afterwards spent three hours in council with the High Priestess Faerlyn about various problems including the failing of not only the portal at Rising Star but two other portals set up in Kiliana forest near the Elven settlement and the other in the Darcain Mountains at the main morphite mine.

Despite the time spent there, no solution or answer was given but it was obvious to me that Faerlyn was worried about something else entirely. I only wish I could have approached her without all the advisors and Father because perhaps then I might have been able to find out exactly what that was.

From there the day only got worse because Father insisted that a trip be taken to Corintheus for the evening that required both Sevran and I to attend. Not only did I have to go to Corintheus but I had to dress accordingly. Ugh. That's all I have to say about that. I tried to caution against the use of the portal to Corintheus but Father simply smiled and said, "I could say the same to you about returning to that chaotic place you so love." Needless to say I chose to stay quiet and for a change perform the duty of being a good daughter.

Nothing all that important happened except that Sevran showed remarkable skills in dealing with Roderick. That shouldn't surprise me since the both of them are full of themselves. When it was all said and done I couldn't wait to leave Geladine and Corintheus behind to escape to the quiet of my room here to sleep.

Today was spent at Rising Star with the pegs and Nysden with little but the winged beauties on my mind though we did have a discusion about the portal and I promised him that Ayliana and Jonathon both were quite well and staying in Laerlyn until the preparations for the new portals could be made. I suppose I could have offered to bring them with me or use my own portal set up here but I'd rather not have people here in my room. Perhaps that is selfish of me but I do like a bit of privacy now and again. Besides I haven't even had time to see Dom lately, why add in special trips to Geladine that can be handled by others into the mix?

Speaking of Dom, I only hope I can spend some time with him tomorrow before my shift at the inn.

On that note I can't write anymore without risking my hand cramping up and I definitely need sleep.

~A very tired me. ::scrawled in almost unreadable script ended the entry::

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 11:10 EST
Why is it that lately the only time I have to myself anymore is just before I fall asleep? At least that's the way it seems. It's been awhile since my last entry but with all that has been going on in Geladine with the various portals failing there wasn't much choice.

I was able to take time out to work at the Inn and Keep since my last entry but I gave the excuse that it was for research. Well, the Keep is filled with books right? So it wasn't too far off to say I was researching the problem there. Unfortunately I didn't find anything there or anything in a search of Ardane's extensive library.

I was able to steal a little bit of time for myself during those two days to take the Supra out and to see Dom. He rarely asks questions about why I'm gone so much which to me seems a blessing. Despite how much I enjoy his company the thought of telling him everything just doesn't sit well with me.

Perhaps that is a side effect of all the problems I've had with men but it also makes sure that I'm still just me and not just a portion of another person. I could never go through what I did when I lost William again so I suppose I just don't want to lose myself again.

I don't want to delve too much in my feelings about that right now because there is so much on my mind right now.

Like the portals. Goddess. It seems the problem with the portals has to do with the morphite used in the framework of the permanent structures. Or that is what they have figured out so far because when they changed the morphite chips in the portal stationed in Galadrin's Pass the portal was once again functioning.

Unfortunately, it was only functioning for about 12 hours.

Back to the drawing board as I've heard others say. I'm just too tired to think about it any more and I need sleep so that's all from me for now.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 15:01 EST
It's been a while since I wrote in here but I have valid reasons for that. The research I've been doing has taken up all of my time, so much of my time that I in fact resigned as a barkeep for what more or less has been my home for several years.

Perhaps I shouldn't let my every waking moment be consumed with research but what else am I to do? I'm desperate for finding a way to reverse the effects upon the portals and in turn upon myself that I'm grasping at straws lately.

No longer do the portals even attempt to work and my own magic is fading. I can even feel it fading away, as if siphoned off by some other force and I don't know what to do. Even shifting has become difficult and more energy consuming.

I'm so tired, all I want to do is sleep and hope that during those hours of blessed unconsciousness that things will right themselves but of course it won't happen. Instead I have dreams of seeking the Goddess only to find nothing. And I do mean nothing. In place of her temples, in my dreams, there is a blankness as if they never existed in the first place. And that scares me.

Fear. Something I used to feel on a daily basis when married to William and now.. now it is always there.

I want to go home. I want to walk into the throne room and throw my arms around my father and hug him. I want to listen to Hettie prattle on and on with Amthy about dresses and fabrics or anything for that matter. I just want to be in Geladine.

I'm so confused right now that I know if I were to come back to read this another day that it would not make sense to me.

I think a few hours away from it all is exactly what I need. Is there even anyone I can go to and talk about such things with? Amthy but even she is having her problems and there has been nothing I could do to help her.

Why do I feel as if I have failed everyone?

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 15:04 EST
The smell of a brand new leather bound journal is rather intoxicating. The smell of leather and parchment almost makes me want to spend more time with this newly purchased book and see what secrets it will reveal to me. Secrets about myself that I didn't know, at least I hope that is what will happen now that helping Amthy with her journal has goaded me into being more inclined to write upon these pages.

In order to make this easier on myself and so I shall have something to write about every day, when I bought this journal I asked the sales clerk if they had something that would help me write. After several confusing moments of neither one of us really being all that sure about what the other was talking about, she handed me a small paperback book entitled "1000+ writing prompts."

I flipped through it quickly and found that there were lots of different questions and topics within to encourage free flowing thought so I figured why not?

Anyway, I shall start with something easy today.

What's a typical day for you?

A typical day for me includes:

Waking up early, showering, dressing and then joining those that live here at Ardane in the dining hall for breakfast. It is a noisy affair considering how many people live here and sometimes I wish it were not so loud but it's rather comforting at other times.

After that the day really begins with the walk to Rising Star Stables and where my work for the day awaits.

Work could include going over paperwork with Nysden, training any number of Pegasi, mucking out nests, grooming Pegasi, fighting with 'Rora, keeping Amthy out of trouble and keeping the various animals that call the stables home from killing one another. Just to name a few.

Sometimes I skip out of work all together and spend the day with Amthy. Sometimes it's even of my own free will. Other times it's because she's dragging me kicking and screaming towards the nearest shop. "Oh I just found the most darling boutique, Cayt! we just have to go!" Want to know how many times I've heard that one? You guessed it, far too many. But I adore Amthy so. I guess shopping is the least I can deal with if it makes her happy.

Thankfully she will never ever read that. Or else she'd make me go every day.

Anyway, my evenings are generally rather quiet. Sometimes I slip into something a little more comfortable (namely white fur) and head out into the forest to just be me. Sometimes I curl up in the overstuffed chair in my room before the window overlooking Lake Serenity and read until my eyes grow weary. And other times I head off into town to spend the evening at the Red Dragon or with Amthy.

All in all that's a typical day for me. Something I'm rather content with.

So there you have it, the first entry in my new journal. Here's hoping I can keep up with it!

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 15:05 EST
Here it is day two and still I'm writing. Maybe this won't be so bad after all, huh? Anyway now for the question of the day.

What's your favorite guilty indulgence?

My favorite guilty indulgence? Something I feel guilty for doing yet enjoy it anyway? That's a good question. Let's see if I can't answer it.

I guess for me it's really hard to pin down exactly what that would be. After all I don't feel guilty for doing anything that I do. Why should I? I've worked hard to get to this point in my life. I've been through a lot and according to a certain pixie, I don't do nearly enough for myself. If it was up to her, I would be going to the spa once a week for all that girly stuff she so enjoys. Followed up with a LOT of shopping.

I don't spend money frivolously. I don't feel guilty about spending time with the Pegasi which I thoroughly enjoy. And I certainly don't feel guilty about any of the other things I do that I enjoy.

Except for one thing. See, I have these 'what if' fantasies. They just creep up on me when my mind isn't fully occupied with a task. Oh sure, I enjoy them. And sometimes I really indulge myself with them. But afterwards if I happen to talk to Amthy, I have to really snap down tight on our bond so she doesn't know just how guilty I feel if I were to even think of sharing them with her.

Why do I feel guilty about them? Because in most cases they revolve around William. Yes, I know he is horribly bad for me. Yes I know we could have never made our marriage work for various reasons but it's not like I can make my heart forget about him.

So yeah, my sweetly happy 'what if' fantasies would be the answer.

I think I will save myself from digging into this subject more and just say good night.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-23 15:07 EST
Describe your funniest childhood memory.

Hm, thinking about this I would have to say it was a day Father, Sevren and I spent at the beach.

Sevren and I somehow talked Father into letting us bury him in the sand (I'm pretty sure it involved me shedding tears). The reason it is so funny is because the Royal Guard stood watch, looking as if they wanted to rescue Father from such a fate and at the same time wanting to run the other way. Especially when I asked for one of the Guard's helmet in order to carry water from the ocean to where we were burying Father to make the sand more pliable.

I remember my nose twitching and looking up at him, eyes squinting against the bright light and smiling as only a child could. And the man couldn't get his helmet off fast enough. Hoping that it would be all I asked of him.

Sevren and I spent a lot of time forming the sand over Father's body into a decent resemblance of his favored form (a dragon, why couldn't he just be happy to enjoy his feline form? Maybe then I might enjoy my own more) before he burst from it in a show of strength while roaring at us both. Sand flew everywhere and the lot of us dissolved into giggles upon the beach.

It is a memory that is both happy and funny at the same time and I carry it close to my heart.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 12:31 EST
If you could change one person's mind about something, who and what would it be?

If I were trying to be funny I would say Amthy and her infatuation with shopping. I mean, come on that would save me in the end right? No more being dragged through countless shops, listening to what the in fashion is and why my wardrobe needs an update. But that isn't what this is for, this journal is to make me think about what I really think and feel so here goes!

Sometimes I think I would try to change William's mind about his life. I would try to make him see what he is missing out on in life by not being true to himself. But then I remind myself that what I want him to be like is not the reality. As far as I know, he is being true to himself. Maybe because that result means there is no hope of reconciliation, I just don't want to think of it. So before I go on about this, time to switch this to what I would really want to do.

I think perhaps it would be Aurora. Yeah, that would definitely be whom I would want to change their mind. What would I want to change her mind about? That there is more to life than her Pack and her honor within it. That there is laughter along with the tears. That there are smiles along with the frowns. That there is love along with hate. That her parents love her more than either one of them could ever put into words while they don't understand her. That the ending of their marriage had nothing at all to do with her and everything to do with two people that were just wrong for one another. And that it is okay to look like an adult but give into the impishness of childhood. To act as if the only thing in the world that is important is to cut loose, be free and have fun.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 12:31 EST
What is your weapon of choice?

That's easy! Myself! Okay, I know I can't get off answering this question that easily so let me go into more detail.

I've always been comfortable protecting myself in my animal forms mostly because it feels more natural for me. Oh sure I can use a dagger in a way that has been known to scare people. But it is with teeth and claws that I know many cannot match me.

I'm completely hopeless with a sword, much to the dismay of the Master of Arms who was charged with teaching me. Bow and arrow? I always end up hurting myself. I did learn how to use a gun (thanks to Dom) but it is a loud and ugly thing that made me feel, I don't know, dirty to hold.

So yeah, my weapon of choice is definitely myself. Preferably as a tiger but I can hold my own as a wolf too! And boy do I have to with Rora's Pack at Rising Star and staying here at Ardane.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 12:32 EST
What four things are most important in your life?

This is a really good question so I guess I should take some time to answer it.

1) Aurora. She is definitely my number one priority. I may not be the best mother but I am really trying my best to understand her and be there for her. And I try to listen to her opinions and not purposely bait her. Though sometimes that is REALLY hard. I can't help it that sometimes I see an opening and I go for it. Boy does she not react well most times either. Though there have been a few times I caught her off guard enough to hear her laugh. As rare as those times are, I cherish when it does happen and keep them close to my heart.

2) Amthy. Out of everything in my life here in Rhy'Din, she is the one thing (besides Aurora) that I know I could not live without. I don't really know how to explain it other than we share a bond that I had always wanted with my blood brother and never really had. She is my best friend, my confidant and my tormenter all wrapped up in one. Without her, I don't think I would have survived Will. I definitely wouldn't be able to laugh about him like I can with her.

Maybe I should do something to show her how important she is to me? I'll have to think on that and come up with an idea to surprise her. She loves surprises after all!

3) Rising Star Stables and the people who work there. It isn't the money I make from it that is important to me. It's the people I have grown to know through working there and the Pegasi who each have a unique personality. If it was Amthy who made living after William bearable, it was Rising Star Stables that made life after magic failed me worth living.

I am at home here. I am comfortable with the people I see every day. I love the physical work that must be done to make it a success. And it is extremely important to me to keep it going so that it can be a refuge to not only me but the rest of those trapped here now that going home to Geladine isn't an option.

4) Geladine. It is true that I cannot return home, no matter how much I have tried to do so, the land where I was born will always be important to me. It is the blessing of a Goddess, whom I wonder if really pays attention anymore, that runs through my veins and makes me partly what I am. I might question many things but the love and importance of Geladine I don't even try to. Whether or not I ever step a foot upon the fertile lands of Geladine ever again, it shall always be in my heart and in my mind.

If you can still hear my prayers, I only ask that one day you see fit to allow us to come back home.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 12:34 EST
Where would you prefer to be right now--mountains, desert, beach--and why?

The Darcain Mountains. Though the beach does have its lovely points but if I were to chose a place with water to spend time at, it would be the waterfalls with Amthy. But anyway, why the Darcain Mountains are my choice is what's up to be written about so I guess I shall do just that.

Most of all the reason I would like to be there is because it is a part of my homeland. The mountains were a place I visited often for various reasons. Sometimes to explore for the sake of exploring. Sometimes for official Crown business but even those times were interesting and enlightening.

The people of the Darcain Mountains can be considered a sober lot without a smile to spare for others but I have seen their hearts and it had always made me feel alive to be among them. They know how to work hard and play hard and thoroughly enjoy themselves doing either.

Also the beauty of the mountain range is something that I see even now in my sleep. The way the snow blankets the landscape, evergreens growing where most would think only stones would be found. And the mountain streams! Nothing is as cold or as wonderful tasting as water straight from a mountain stream. Dipping your hand into the icy water and drawing it to your lips, the liquid not only freezing your hand but sending a delightful chill through your entire body. Then the feeling of being refreshed chasing right after. Nothing can compare. Okay, maybe a few things can but it sounds better to say that nothing can!

I'm feeling rather homesick now. Think I'm done for the night.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 12:35 EST
What item do you own that speaks loudest about who you are as a person or an individual?

I had to think about this for a few moments before I answered. It's something that most people don't even pay attention to or in most cases know about. Except for Amthy.

Several years ago, Amthy gifted with me a pretty silver chain with a removable charm as she called it. Since I always wear two bracelets she thought I needed a necklace I would wear daily if I would wear no other jewelry. She called it my charm necklace.

At first I didn't know why she decided to name it so because the day she gave it to me the only charm upon it was a detailed silver howling wolf head. I cherished the gift and wore it daily.

The next time Amthy decided to surprise me she gave me a new charm, a beautifully detailed roaring tiger head in silver.

It has been gifts like that over the years which had told me how my dearest heart sister sees me or wants me to see myself. And sometimes it even works.

Some of the charms that she has gifted me (all in silver, some with morphite accents) with include:

* a tiara (Obvious, wouldn't you think?)
* a chef hat (Goddess knows that had to be a joke)
* a riding crop (for riding, of course)
* "best friend" (well she is my best friend and I hers, right?)
* "sexy momma" (Another joke, right? Ha!)
* a swan (according to her its for being graceful)
* a vase (for my pottery throwing skills apparently)
* a heart (for my loveable nature? Ha!)
* a rose (for beauty, yeah, I laughed)
* a puppy (for loyalty, even though I told her wolves are far more loyal to their
family than a dog ever could be)
* a rabbit ( "For the cute bunnies you catch!" Never mind that they are anything
but cute when I am finished with them.)
* and several others.

Writing this has made me pull out the velvet box I keep the charms in and take out each one to remember the 'virtues' Amthy told me they were to represent when she gave them to me. And it makes me smile. Others may think my heart sister to be nothing but a pretty piece of fluff but I know better.

I really do owe her something special soon.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 13:11 EST
Does heartache make you stronger?

Yes, I think it does. The reason I think it does is because of my own experience. Living through it and moving on with my life has made me a stronger individual. I still have my fears and insecurities but they don't cripple me and I don't rely on one person to make me happy any longer.

I've learned the hard way that life is what you make it and life after heartache or heartbreak will continue on and even get better if you let it.

The two biggest heartaches (or breaks if you will) of my life resulted in retreating into myself for a long stretch of time before emerging and finding a new strength or new truth that made me realize I can go on. In fact I can do more than go on, I can enjoy the life I live.

Even though I believe heartache makes me stronger, it certainly doesn't make me want to risk my heart frivolously with any who would like a crack at it. I've learned caution is not a bad thing and it's a lesson I have no desire to have to relearn.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 13:12 EST
What color makes you think of happiness?

You know, I never really put a color to happiness so I guess there is a time to think about it and I guess that time is now.

Happiness is the warmth of the sun on my fur while spending time with Aurora and her pack.

Happiness is the feel of the sun as I take one of the Pegs through their paces.

Happiness is the reflection of the sun playing upon Lake Serenity.

Happiness is Amthy in full gushing glory, it's just too hard to not let that feeling rub off on me.

Happiness is the sun playing off freshly fallen snow as I bound through drifts.

So I guess the color of happiness for me would be yellow. Though I am not all that fond of the color yet it is still the color I'm now going to associate with it. Kind of funny in a way I suppose. Strange even that I think of Amthy being happy as yellow too. Maybe because she is like a ray of sunshine when happy.

Okay, enough on that so until tomorrow!

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 13:13 EST
When was the last time you cried and why?

When I see questions like this in the book, I want to pass them by and forget they exist. I mean why ask those kinds of questions? But then I remind myself that if I really want to examine who I am and what I am feeling I can't skip questions like this. They ask something that I need to think about too. After all to lie to myself and say I never cry or feel sad or jealous or anything else would be .. well would be just that, a lie. I'd rather not lie to myself.

So when was the last time I cried? A few nights ago after writing about heartache. No, I didn't start crying while writing it. Didn't even cry before I went to sleep. It was a nightmare that yanked me out of sleep and left me sobbing.

It was a nightmare I've had more times than I care to count. Putting me back in the castle after the battle against the demon wolves when I was searching for William. But instead of what really happened, I find myself stumbling upon the bodies of all those I have ever cared for and the land in ruins. Maybe it is my fear of what is going on in Geladine now that I cannot return that makes this dream so frequent. Or maybe it is my fear of failing those I love at work.

I don't really know what it is and I don't plan on going to see someone to ask them to interpret the dream for me either. If dreams were meant to be fully understood, they would give a clear message but they don't so I'm not going to beat myself up over this one. I just have to remind myself when it wakes me up that it is just that; a dream.

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 13:15 EST
What do you think makes a happy family?

This is a tough question because I have seen all manner of families since arriving in Rhy'Din and I've been involved with a lot of different types. But I guess the keyword here would be happy.

I wouldn't have called William, Aurora and I a happy family. There was too much tragedy involved for us to ever really be happy. I could lay the blame on that to one thing but I'd rather not start feeling bitter about that. I've moved on and recognized my own faults in that and going back to linger upon such things isn't really good for me.

Father, Sevren and I were happy, sometimes. We loved, supported and enjoyed one another's company before it was all torn apart by forces I would rather not think about right now.

Marie and I were happy as a small little family unit. She loved me, taught me and cared for my needs until the day she passed on.

The Bramble was another family unit that I found happiness within because I belonged and was accepted. Ariana made it easy to feel accepted around. She accepted me for who and what I was and made no judgments. As did most of the others she brought into her extended family.

But I think the happiest family 'unit' I belong to is the one that binds Amthy and I as sisters.

Now just to name what makes those different things happy for me.
Acceptance of who everyone is within the unit, love, respect for one another, loyalty to those within the unit and a feeling of being needed as an integral part of the unit.

To me it makes sense, not sure it would make sense to others. Good thing no one else is going to read it, huh?

Good night, Moon.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-08-18 13:17 EST
After watching Amthy destroy Ardane's kitchen in the name of love, I thought perhaps it might be time I put some thought into the romantic sense of the word love. Especially considering the romantic holiday she plans on spending with her two loves. So here goes.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What a question to begin with, right? I may avoid this issue most of the time, except for very rare conversations with Amthy but it's not because I don't believe in love anymore. I guess it's to guard myself against the lack of it in my life. I have plenty of people I love as friends and even a part of my family but it isn't the same.

Love at first sight. It is something I believe in. And yet something I don't believe in. I mean who can tell you if that stirring of emotion at the sight of someone is love or lust? Or maybe even hate? There is a fine line between all three if you ask me.

I can even point out three instances of those feelings at first sight. And for the sake of delving into my thoughts, I shall.

Hate at first sight. I recognize it for that now that I look back on it but that is exactly what I felt for Roanoke upon first sighting. That and revulsion for what he was doing. It turned my stomach inside out to see someone curing a pelt of what very well could have been someone I had known. Just because an animal is an animal doesn't make them any less intelligent and filled with feeling. Their view of emotions are different than humanoid types but still they feel.

Lust at first sight. Very rarely has this hit me but it hit me hard with two individuals and the reason I put them together is because they looked a like. Blood heated and my pulse pounded. I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in strong arms, crushed against a broad chest and my breath to be stolen by a kiss. And a whole lot more. Something very primal within me came to the surface when I was faced with both Chris and Dom. Granted I only gave into that feeling with one of them but that's something to think about another time. Definitely not tonight. Or Goddess knows I'll never get any sleep.

Love at first sight. William. There was just something in him that stole my heart from the beginning. Looking back, I know my heart was foolish and far too innocent but I don't regret the experience. I regret some of what took place to fully explore the feelings I felt but in general I wouldn't give it up for anything. It made me, in some way, who I am today.

Hopefully that answers the question fully enough. Yet the possibility of another question revolving around that topic sort of makes me want to give up the idea.

I really think a run would do me good. So until tomorrow.