Topic: [OOC] This-and-That

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-08 12:28 EST
Randomness and updates and even possibly explanations. You know, the same ol' same ol' that everyone does.

So this is my new folder. I used to share a folder ages ago with the player of Caytlin Bennet. It didn't feel right bringing it out of the catacombs since it was actually her folder (but you'd hardly know it since she went through and deleted all her posts when she left DM). I find I have some time on my hands, and I'm going to try writing for Ammy as a way of easing back into roleplay. We'll see how that goes. I'm cautiously optimistic, but we'll see.

Anyway, welcome and thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you enjoy it. Naturally, you don't have to, but please keep that info to yourself. I'm not writing for criticism, just for creative expression.


Date: 2012-01-13 19:20 EST

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-13 23:07 EST
Lyn <3 You've made my evening!


Date: 2012-01-14 18:28 EST
It's been wonderful seeing you back -- writing and playing! :)


Date: 2012-01-14 20:48 EST
Glad to see another known face. I will enjoy making this one of my rounds.

D-the hersheys kiss hidden inside Kruger

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-15 19:17 EST
Heh, thanks ;)

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2012-01-16 00:31 EST
What D said. :) Welcome back!


Date: 2012-01-16 10:09 EST
You made my evening the other night! I stumbled upon your folder and have now been immersing myself since then with "Enticing Dewy-Feathered Sleep."

I remember when she lost her ability to fly. It's nice to read her struggle with that still.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-16 20:13 EST
Ahaha. Yes, she is still struggling with a lot of things. Flight just being one of many, Lyn.

Hee. Still seeing you around makes me happy <3

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-31 10:57 EST
In Regards to Destined to Drown:

Funny thing, I actually found a thumb drive that has additional entries on it (though I didn't note the writing prompt which is kind of vexing). After some thought I have decided to post them. If I am recalling the timeline accurately, the whole thread took place shortly after her dead/rebirth, and was a complete experiment that I was doing as part of a writing group thingy. I did not (and still don't) expect spectacular things from the thread. Even with what entries I found, it still remains unfinished. There were a 100 prompts, and I came no where close to finishing. Since I no longer have the list of prompts, I really don't think I'll finish it. That said, there are things that took place in the thread that are in use still in play, one of which being a scar. Not to mention the thread was eventually supposed to give closure to another story arc.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-02-05 11:04 EST
A sampling of the cookies Amthy helped make for Kazzy:

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-02-06 22:08 EST
Amthy's invitation to Morpheus which would have been delivered to the Cottage at some point:

Side note: this is just a bit of fun, and doesn't necessarily reflect any sort of anything and probably exists in Vaporland.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-02-13 13:20 EST
From Little of Me:

The pillowcase Amthy embroidered for Morpheus


Date: 2012-02-27 22:22 EST
?Pfft! People like all types?small or big, dunn matter none. Boobies make every?un happy.? She didn?t grab Robyn?s breasts from across the table, but she did make grab-handy pantomimes of goose honking them from where she sat.

So glad I had time tonight to catch up on your posts, darling. This gem alone made it worth it.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-02-28 17:03 EST
LoL~ Glad you enjoy Ammy's love o' boobies, Lyn XD

On a related note: The thread The Fine Art of Becoming Someone Else is on pause :) It will be resumed at a later date.

Caytlin Bennet

Date: 2013-06-06 22:20 EST
Sooo it looks like I will be posting on this board with Am's player's permission. First it will just be pulling out stuff from the past but my plan is to work my way up to writing Cayt again though that doesn't mean Am's writer will stop using the character in her own posts :)

Anyway here is the obligatory OOC blurbs needed:

Eventually setting descriptions will be placed here as well as timeline notes or any other tidbits that might be needed.

Any questions or comments about the stories found here are welcome to be posted here or sent via PM. Please inquire before joining in any stories, thanks! =)

Geladine is the homeland of the character Caytlin Benn?et and my own creation with lots of help from the player behind Amthy. Chances are there will be lots of mentions of it in this area as well as occasional glimpses from that land through various NPCs.

Ardane is a large manor that was built by William ?Shadow? BlackMoon a long time ago and when Cayt and William divorced several years ago, Will insisted that Ardane remain Cayt?s so she turned it into a refuge for her daughter?s ragtag pack of Hishn and those that have come from Geladine to work at Rising Star Stables. Actual full description of the place will eventually be posted.

Rising Star Stables is a top rated Pegasi Racing and Breeding stable. A full description of the place will eventually be posted.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2013-06-27 21:18 EST
About the RhyDin Quilt Project:

Yes, I totally made real quilt blocks. I know I didn't have to, but I actually do quilt/sew so I thought...why not? It was a nice change from the work I was already doing and it gave me a chance to practice my stitchery. I haven't done any in a while! I forgot how fun it was. It's easy to get pulled in to obligations when it comes to sewing and to forget that it's fun.

Anyway, for those that are sewists/quilters/hobbiest and want to know:

The "Nymphs are Neat" square features fabrics from Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet and Ginger Blossom as well as Amy Butler's Lotus (I think that's the line that had the fullmoon dots in it). The fabrics for "Cayt needs a Date": pearl bracelet by Lizzy House (I think it was from 1001 Peeps, but she renamed all the colors for the Pearl Bracelet's basics line), Ginger Blossom by Sandi Henderson, Savon Bouquet by Verna Mosquera, and Blush by Basic Gray with Bella solid in Natural.


Date: 2013-07-22 17:49 EST
The Story Catalogue is in absolute need of Pix-ness!

Edited to Add: I included Tea Party 2 from the Forsaken Blades Clubhouse folder. Unfortunately, the first tea party thread is gone and I don't even have a copy of it. The third tea party is still there, but all of Tara's posts have been deleted from it; I do have a full copy of that one on my hard-drive though. Do you remember what started the first tea party? I thought I used to have it, but it is no where to be found at the moment.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2013-07-22 19:18 EST
Lyn <3

The first tea party started somewhere in the middle of a random thread! I think it was a guild meeting thread or the one where Tara introduced the clubhouse. I need to look. It's been a long while. When I find it I'll edit this message, lol.

edit: The thread is gone! o.o! I remember it having Tara, Jewell, Ammy, Kina, Gavilean, a cameo appearance from RUDE, and possibly Viki.

Isn't that also the same thread that had the dolphin melting into purple goo?

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2013-08-03 19:27 EST
All kinds of congratulations are in order...

Congratulations on 200 posts for the forum!

And congratulations to Amthy for 500 posts!

Let?s keep seeing those numbers go up. Amthy and Cayt have devoted fans that demand more. ;)

The RPS Guy

Date: 2013-09-21 03:12 EST
Chris was there at the first one. I'm not positive on this but if we saw a dolphin melting into purple goo I think we were drinking shroom tea at that party.


Date: 2013-09-21 16:44 EST
Chris was there at the first one. I'm not positive on this but if we saw a dolphin melting into purple goo I think we were drinking shroom tea at that party.

This is very likely and...

OMG! ::fangirl faint:: It's Chris!

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2013-09-21 18:21 EST
Chris was there at the first one. I'm not positive on this but if we saw a dolphin melting into purple goo I think we were drinking shroom tea at that party.

Considering that the tea was make-believe and they were eating mud pie? LOL this is a distinct possibility!

The RPS Guy

Date: 2013-09-22 02:18 EST
LOL. You flatter me Jewell. Hey Amthy. Hope all is well with you two. Too bad Chris' cameras weren't really real or we could check those. Or his caddy, but I guess he is not real either. Sure was fun and easy to write in those post though. I find being stupid comes easily for me. ::smiles::

Katt Batten

Date: 2015-08-31 22:14 EST
Just sneaking through. Hope all is going good with you and your crew, Amthy!