Topic: [Reference & Resources] Bric-a-Brac

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-08 12:09 EST
Otherwise known at the things I need to keep track of and often lose! Mostly odds and ends, either about Amthy's background, OOC mechanics, or things I find even a little important. All information listed here is OOC in nature unless otherwise stated.

Thread Order:

Not All things Are Meant to Last > Destined to Drown (unfinished) > (huge time gap later, like years) Remembrance Day 2011 > Huckleberries & Persimmons > (couple mos later) Enticing Dewy-Feathered Sleep> Little of Me (interlude) > C is for Cookie (interlude) > Enticing Dewy-Feathered Sleep > Brave Boy Jump (interlude) > Enticing Dewy-Feathered Sleep > The Fine Art of Becoming Someone Else (interlude) > Enticing Dewy-Feathered Sleep > And Now You See Me > Enticing Dewy-Feathered Sleep > Letters to Miles > It Can Be Mended

Main Story Arc Threads:

Not All Things Are Meant to last > Make Way For Magister > Faerie Glamour/ Death Knight's Delusion > Destined to Drown (unfinished) > And Now You See Me > It Can Be Mended

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-08 12:22 EST
Amthy's Scent and Bubble Profiles

Embarrassment - Strawberries
Nervousness/Anxiety - Burnt Cinnamon
Content/Happy - Wild Flowers
Whimsical - Orange Blossom
Romantic/sappy/Love - Roses
Playful/coy/mischievous - Cherries
Sleepy - Lavender
Afraid - Dank Earth/Soil
Relief - Cotton
Sad - Rain
Annoyance - Camphor
Curious - Ginger
Lonely - Anise
Snuggly/Clingy - Nutmeg
Brave/Adventurous - Lemongrass
Indecisive - Oakmoss

Bubble Types
Rosy Pink Kiss - Simulates the warm feelings in a kiss
Golden Giggles - Incites a brief giggle fit.
Purple Passion - An aphrodisiac
Blue Bliss - Temporarily masks feelings of sadness.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2012-01-31 13:48 EST
Another interesting thing I found on my thumb drive: a copy of the profile that used to be on the Rhydin Wiki!

Character Name= Am'thyst Oak
Aliases= Amthy, Pix, Ammy , Lady Flitterwings, Little Light, Sunshine of the Meadows
Birthplace= Hildegarde's Garden
Residence(s)= Ardane (Outside of Town), The Manor (Outside of Town), The Chateau (In the Mountains), House Helston (Rhy'din Town), The Red Dragon Inn (Rhy'Din Town)
Guild= Forsaken Blades (defunct?)
Occupation= Damsel-in-Distress, Kept Woman, Captain of the Randy Dandy
Age= Unknown
Birthdate= March 3rd
Species= Air Elemental Fae Changeling
Gender= Female
Height= 5'2.25"
Weight=105 - 110 pounds
Skin= Fair
Build= Delicate
Hair= Gradient Green (pale olivine at the roots to dark green at tips)
Eyes= Luminous, Unblinking Tsavorite Green

"Keep a green tree in your heart, and perhaps a singing bird will come." -Proverb

Amthy is cloaked in a shifting glamour that allows the viewer to perceive Amthy as they 'wish' to see her based on their *first* impression of her appearance. If they view her as a child, she will look very childlike to them. If the viewer expects to find pointed elfin ears, they will see pointed ears. The glamour incorporates their initial impression with her basic features--such as they will always see her with green hair and green eyes and as the female gender but her height and apparent age may shift as well as other minor features. Generally speaking, her features are fine boned and classic in appearance.

Due to Amthy's bond with Silvanous, the spirit of her Oak, her body shape and general appearance has changed from a pixie to a dryad/oak nymph. Her hair is just passed shoulder length and a gradient spectrum of green. It is pale milky olive at the root (for roughly a quarter of an inch), graduating to a deeper olivine and finally dark olive green at the tips. It changes color with the seasons being paler in the winter months and brighter in the spring.

Amthy's eyes are a bright tsavorite-esque green. While they do not glow in the traditional sense, they do shimmer with magical energy that give them a luminous appearance. She does not blink unless on purpose. Her lashes and eyebrows are the darkest green that is seen in the tips of her hair.

===Physical assessment===
A member of the Fair Folk, Amthy's form reflects her current elemental shift. Her body is sleek and agile. Her measurements are 32-26-32 and she is five foot two and a quarter inches tall. She is NOT well-endowed in the bosom, but this fact can be disguised due to the way her glamour operates. She is fleet of foot and nimble.

===Identifying features===
Amthy has one circular scar on her chest from a stab wound inflicted by a stiletto.

==Inventory and equipment==
Something of a clothes horse, Amthy's garb varies day-to-day. She tries to stay up to date on the current mode of Rhy'din fashion, but this sometimes leads her to explore clothing from various time periods and multiverses. In general, she dresses in what might be termed as 'period' clothing. This might be renn styled to victorian. The more feminine and colorful the better. Amthy adores flounce, ruffles, ribbons, and texturally intriguing fabrics. Not to mention she bedecks herself with all manner of hair do-dahs and jewelry. This can lend itself to a casual eclectic appearance.

All of Amthy's clothing has one thing in common--her bodice of holding. A magical portal embedded in her clothing to a store of misc items she has collected over the years. This gives her access to most things -- if she can locate them in the boundless clutter.

Amthy is playful, mischievous, coy, inquisitive, and greedy. A personification of a breeze, her temperment is mercurial. Often she has the appearance of being flighty and feckless, but she is also, in rare moments, insightful and serious. She is difficult to anger and does not hold a grudge. Violence is her last resort.

Amthy has many bird and butterfly-like habits that are derived from her elemental nature. She coos and caws when excited. She flits about unable to stay in one place long because of her short attention span. She is drawn to sugar and good-looks. Amthy is very animated. Her emotions are easily deduced from her expression and body language. Her self-confidence is evident in the way she moves, as is her relative 'youth.'

*Devastatingly Goodlooking
*Miles Vincent Malign
*Playing War
*Taking Chances
*Her Friends
*Collecting Things
*Good-looking People
*Ugly People
*Low Self-Esteem

Amthy's education is sparse. She was placed into the Junior year of Rhy'din Memorial High--a placement that was a favor to her sister, Caytlin, and not awarded on merit. She later dropped out due to uncontrolable circumstances (Death) and poor grades. The foundation for what she had accomplishment during her tenure at RMH was later re-traded back to Renaurd in exchange for her memories, which left her illiterate (again).

*Passingly Acquainted with the Sabre (Skill Rating: 2)
*Passingly Acquainted with the Long Bow (Skill Rating: 6)
*Passingly Acquainted with Darts (Skill Rating: 5)
*Passingly Acquainted with the Whip (Skill Rating: 3)
*Passingly Acquainted with Fisticuffs (Skill Rating: 4)

*Bubbles - Various types of Emotion embued magical bubbles able to transfer/influence feelings from one person to another.
*Eavesdropping - Being an air elemental, she can listen to the gossip of her Wind Sibs who bring the words of others to her ears.
*Glamour - As a member of the Fair Folk, this is an inborn skill at her disposal.
*Various air and earth based elemental magics that she rarely uses therefore aren't super defined.
*Gifts frequently attributed to nymphs such as a sort of invisibility (really her walking between realms) among other things that she doesn't really use.

===Magical Quirks===
*Pixie Dust - A lingering reminent of her pixie form.
*Scent Triggers - High emotion causes Amthy to give off a fragrance corresponding with her current state-of-being.
*Glamour Cloak - Amthy is cloaked in a shifting glamour that becomes what people wish to see (e.g. if they see her as a child, she will have the appearance of a child while retaining her key features).

* Chair Holder for the Urban Relocation of the Rhy'dinian Vampiric Albino Pygmy Dustbunny Committee
* Member of the Rhy'din Pegasi Racing Association
* Activities Director for the Forsaken Blades (Defunct)

Amthy is a Fae air elemental?a Sylph. She is a fragment of the ?soul of nature? and the personification of a breeze. In that way, she is soul-less herself since she is part of the ?soul? of another entity. Generally speaking, Sylphs are believed to be mindful of living in the present and not the past or future, and Amthy is no different. Like most other Sylphs, she has a close affiliation with butterflies and birds. She has since lost the ability to assume the appearance of a butterfly (an ability she regained briefly as a pixie). In her natural state, Amthy is transparent and has nearly no substance. Given what she is, if summoning magic is performed that calls to air; she may (or may not >D) respond to lend her aid.

Why then do I call her a Fae Changeling?
Because she is a changeling if one takes into account that a changeling is: ?A child surreptitiously or unintentionally substituted for another.? Amthy was not ?born.? In her natural state she has no corporal body. She is a timeless and ageless fragment of nature. She was unlucky enough to have her True Name divined by an Unseelie solitary faerie. The faerie Hildegarde used this knowledge to bond Amthy (against her will) to a physical form to serve as the soul for the creature/poppet/golem Hildegarde had created. This is how Amthy came by her body, or what she refers to as her ?shell.? With her new physical form she gained self-awareness and emotions. What Hildegarde intended to do with the newly created entity is what warrants the use of changeling.

Amthy?s initial form was of a Sidhe. Her shell is plastic and is easily manipulated by strong, continuous magic (usually foreign). Her shell also demands a great deal of magic to maintain its form and function. Hildegarde wove spells into her body and hair that needed to be strengthened ever-so-often, and this is why cutting her hair was considered a mortal injury since it removed some of the spells.

Shortly after her arrival in Rhy?Din, after she fled from Hildegarde?s Garden, she was transformed into a pixie by another faerie named Mysty Snow. She was given this new form to hide her should anyone come across the Veil to find her. After Amthy acquired the appearance of a pixie, she was no longer able to assume the guise of a sidhe. It also freed some of her air abilities. Originally, Amthy could not assume a human size or shape. That ability was granted by Mysty nearly year after she was turned into a pixie.

Nearly two years (RT) after Amthy began living in Rhy?Din, she was bonded to her mentor, Silvanous. Silvanous is an oak tree spirit that lives in a Faerie Ring in the woods near the Malign Chateau. With this affiliation she gained a minor earth magic ability and the ability to siphon Silvanous? power to sustain her shell. Several years after the beginning of the bond Amthy?s shell was changed again from the prolonged exposure to Silvanous? magic/essence. She became a wood nymph, or to be more accurate, a dryad. She gained many of the abilities associated with that form, but in turn found that she was cut off from her native element. This was a recipe for disaster since it caused Amthy to be very unstable in every way conceivable.