Topic: Recovery's Journey Only Begins With Physical Healing...

Cheyenne Tyler Fordyce

Date: 2007-06-23 14:54 EST
Fifty-three hours later...

Troy was driving, driving faster than he'd ever driven before. The sound of tires squealing and skidding to a rather abrupt stop, could be heard outside the Inn. Troy leaped out of the '57 Chevy and flew up the stairs, throwing the door open. Troy looked rather... Well wild. He'd not slept in almost four days, was filthy and might have had traces of blood all over his body. Eyes wildly scanned the Inn, before finally the words came out between gulps of breath. "Healer, I need a healer, now."

Peering at the crazed man, Chryrie asked, "Why do you need a healer m'dear?"

Troy's gaze swiveled quickly to the voice, still looking rather crazed. He took what precious seconds he could, to try and compose himself into a more presentable being, so that the Fae could understand him. "My friend... Rogue.. Cheyenne she's hurt, hurt bad. Dying really bad. Please."

Chryrie's eyebrows shot upwards. "Cheyenne? Don't tell me she ripped the stitches I put in her already." Sighing, Chryrie was already moving towards the crazed one. "Where is she?"

Troy was oblivious to anyone else in the Inn, blinking at the Fae. "No, not stitches, much worse. Estates, come with me." And as quickly as he'd crazily shoved the doors open, he did so again, moving to the car to take the healer woman to the Estates.

Chryrie followed the crazed man, eyeing the vehicle dubiously before stating, "I'll fly overhead, if you don't mind. But go on and drive. I'll keep up."

Troy had heard the woman, and at this point he didn't care if she hopped on her broomstick and followed him, so long as she'd kept up with him... Precious time was ticking.

Chryrie voted to not get into the vehicle and flew overhead, easily keeping up with the crazed one's driving.

Troy screeched to a halt at the end of the drive. He'd never bothered to close the main doors, which were barely hanging on by a hinge anyway, due to his and Drew's booting it down earlier. He was already moving up the stairs at a hurried pace. "Up here hurry please, she doesn't have much time." Troy called over his shoulder to the healer woman he'd managed to dredge up.

There was a puff of dust in mid-air and then another as Chryrie appeared directly on the man's heels before answering him, "Right behind you m'dear."

Meanwhile, Lang whom was watching over Cheyenne, looked towards the doors at hearing Troy's loud mouth. He looked somewhat better than he had before, with his cuts bandaged, his ribs taped up. He moved from the Rogue's side, to open the bedroom door, to keep Troy from running over it.

As they made their way up the stairs and into the bedroom, their senses would be assaulted with the smells of antiseptics, blood and bile. Cheyenne's body was on the bed, it'd yet to be disturbed since Lang had placed her there. Her clothes were in tatters, there was little to nothing left to cover her form. There were hundreds upon hundreds of cuts and whipmarks over her entire body. There was still evidence of the salt that the thugs had rubbed into those cuts. Both eyes were swollen shut, her jaw was terribly bruised, lip swollen. Along with the cuts and bruises all over her body there was evident bruising to her rib area to suggest broken ribs, and definite discoloration to imply internal bleeding.

Troy attempted to throw the bedroom door open, but found it was already opened by Lang, and just pushed his way inside to reveal Lang, Kay, Drew and Cheyenne. "There there there she is. Please," he stated wildly while flailing around madly.

Chryrie kept up with the crazy one who's name she never got. But she skidded to a halt when she saw the pair. "Good goddess above."Chryrie looked to the crazed one as she moved to Cheyenne's side, calling out what she would need to get started, "Get me a large bowl of water. Warm."

Cheyenne was caked and covered in blood, the wounds were still bleeding, though not as profusely as they had been before. Her breathing was nearly non-existent and definitely labored -- to the touch, her pulse was barely fluttering.

Lang nodded to Chryrie, as he moved to the side, letting the woman get to Cheyenne. He had one arm around his side, but it was easy to see whom took the brunt of whatever beating happened. "Need me to get anything?" Lang asked while glancing to the woman, before giving a softer look to Chey.

Cheyenne Tyler Fordyce

Date: 2007-06-23 18:53 EST
Fifty-three hours and forty-four minutes later...

"Alright," Troy stated before flying down those stairs and through the foyer to the kitchen. He threw the cupboards open and knocked things helter-skelter, in search of a good sized bowl for the healer woman. He went to grab the smaller bowl... No he threw the bowl and it broke on the floor, digging in the cabinets, he pulled out a rather larger bowl, and filled it with the warm water she'd requested. Quickly shutting off the tap, he headed right back upstairs, sloshing a bit of the water of the edges of the bowl. Coming to a halt before Chryrie, he held the bowl out to her. "Here."

Kay finally managed to find her voice, speaking softly to the healer, "I can't do much for her Ma'am. She's...She's dying."

Chryrie answered Lang not bothering to look up from Chey at the moment, "I need you to sit someplace. I'll get to you in a moment." She said this while leaning over to get Chey's pulse, then smiled to Kay. "That's why I'm here m'dear. No patient of mine can die after I've stitched them once. It's just not done!"

Through a cascade of tears Kay moved off to the side and against her husband, Troy, burying her head in his shoulder, sobbing.

Troy set the large bowl of water at the woman's feet, and then stepped back, wrapping his arms around his wife. "Shhh she'll be ok, she has to be."

Drew, who normally had something smart to say, or at least something witty to break the edgy silence, was just simply locked in a daze, slumped in a chair.

"No," stated Lang as he looked to Chryrie, "I'll heal in time...take care of Cheyenne...she needs your full attention." It was just like him, putting Chey's life before his own. Doing as he was told. He moved over to the chair by the bed and sat down.

Chryrie settled on the bed next to Chey, gently placing her hands over the woman's midsection, breathing deeply. "Sorry honey, but stitches won't fix this." Her kaleidescope eyes swirled until they went white, the gentle healing magics flowing through her fingertips into Chey's body. Chryrie carefully coaxed tissue to meld together inside the woman so the internal bleeding would stop. The bones gently moved back to their homes to mend there. Once that was done, she checked Chey's pulse to make sure the magic didn't have any ill effect on her.

Lang's light blues stayed on Cheyenne right now, with him leaning forward a bit in the chair. A faint squinting of his eyes for a moment, before remaining still.

The Rogue didn't shift, didn't move. Didn't budge or utter a sound as Chryrie's healing magic was being worked through her broken and battered body. The internal bleeding was stopped once Chryrie's magic touched it. After some time though, as Chryrie willed her bones to move back to one another, a small, barely audible groan was uttered from the lifeless Rogue. Due to the use of magic on her person, her outer right ankle began to bleed profusely, though the bloodflow from that brand would not harm her. Her pulse was stronger, due to Chryrie's magics. It seemed like an eternity before she let out a rather large gasp and was gulping for air.

"Rogue! Rogue!" Troy screamed out and was making a dive for the bed when he felt Kay pull him back and he uttered a soft curse, eyes intent on the pair on the bed.

"She's alive, by the gods the woman saved her. Oh thank god," Kay's breath was let out against her husband's shoulder, her hands gripping his arm to keep him in place.

Cheyenne's breathing again got Lang to close his eyes, he moved his head into his hands, he didn't make a sound for a few moments. Finally a soft sigh would seep from him. "Thank you..for healing her...Miss..?" Lang now looked to Chryrie, realizing he'd never gotten the woman's name.

"Good.. good," Chryrie murmured, then she moved her fingers to the surface wounds that were still bleeding, one at a time. She started with the ankle as it seemed to be the gusher at the moment and weaved the tissue together enough to stop the blood, but made sure to leave the mark for now. Chryrie was speaking as she continued to stop the bleeding of Chey's cuts, "Chryrie, but I believe your friend here calls me Doc." A brief smile before concentrating once more on the wounds, checking the bones in her legs and arms.

Voices... Chey heard voices. It was so faint, but it was distinctly voices. Were those Angels? No, they couldn't be Angels. Were they the guests at her funeral? No, they couldn't be... She was breathing...Doc? Why was the Doc here?

I'm dead... No I can't be dead if I'm breathing...

The Rogue blinked her eyes open, every so very slowly.

Cheyenne Tyler Fordyce

Date: 2007-06-24 14:05 EST
Lang was far beyond grateful for what the Doc had done when he finally managed to find his voice, allowing for proper introductions. "Thank you Chryrie...I am Lang...This is Drew...Troy and Kay," Lang stated while pointing to each person as he said their names. "We can't thank you enough."

Chey's left arm was broken in two different spots, thankfully the bones in the her legs were intact, save the mass of cuts and bruises.

Chryrie let one hand stay on the broken arm, the healing magic convincing the broken arm bones to reset and mend, while the other reached down to a bag that seemed to just appear there and tugged out needles and thread. She nodded to each one in turn as she threaded the needle, then began the tedious process of stitching the rest of the cuts. "Pleasure to meet you all."

Lang nodded back to her, before looking back to Cheyenne. He went silent again, just watching Chryrie stitching the rest of the Rogue's cuts up.

Drew offered a slight grunt to hearing his name, though for the most part, the poor guy was as lost as he could have been.

Slowly, Chey's eyes focused on the ceiling and the canopy of her bed... Her bed?

Voices... Doc, Lang.. I'm... Alive? Ow! The hell is poking me?

She willed herself to try and speak...but it came out as a murmured moan that might have resembled Doc and then Lang.

"Nice to meet you as well Chryrie, and thank you again. We are forever in your debt." Troy hugged his wife tighter after again stating his gratefulness, he'd probably never stop thanking the woman that was on the bed with Cheyenne now, they owed so much to her.

"Indeed, it is a pleasure to meet a Doctor of your skills ma'am," Kay rested her head on her husband's shoulder, continuing to watch Chryrie, taking a few mental notes to keep her mind sharp and focused.

Chryrie's stitching was meticulous, but fast as she worked on those cuts. "Shhhh m'dear. You've been through hell, it would seem."

"Dude." Drew ran a through his hair, ok so maybe Drew wasn't the smartest crayon in the box when it came to situations like these.

"Relax Cheyenne." Lang said to the Rogue to keep her from moving. "Doc's just taking care of your wounds." He then looked to Chryrie a moment, before looking down. "Hell was an understatement."

Chryrie chuckled before saying, "Just wait till you get my bill." Not that she ever billed anyone. She tugged out a bag of IV fluids, of a pale yellow color and hooked it to the wall near Chey's headboard, then gently ran the tubes down to the woman's arm before she went through that scary process of rubber band, tap tap tap, insert needle, yoink! Attach!

I was dead. I know I was dead.

But those voices are so very real and... This incessant poking of the Doc's needle is so very real.

How did I live?

Another murmured moan at the lovely tap tapping process, but this time nothing really could be made from it. Darkness was threatening to take her once more, sounds were flowing into one jarbled monotone... He was alive, she'd heard his voice, or maybe they were all in the afterlife with her?

"She's going to need to rest. I could magically heal everything, but that would be against her wishes. Not to mention the side effects of a full magical healing aren't always pleasant." Chryrie stated as she took the bowl of water, and then the water flowed from the bowl, ran over Chey's body to wash up the blood, then return to the bowl. "The IV is to help her body in recovering from the blood loss."

Lang slowly stood up now, and walked around the bed to the Rogue's side. A glance to Chryrie a moment, before reaching down to lightly brush his fingers along the Rogue's cheeks. "I'll make sure she gets plenty of rest."

Chryrie set the bowl back down and carefully rose to her feet, now focusing on Lang. "You need rest too, Mister. And let me see those marks. I don't need you bleeding all over too."

Chey tried to stay awake in whatever semblance of awareness she was in. She tried to focus on the the individual voices that were all just a rolled up ball of sound, but she couldn't... She was just to exhausted... And then she was out cold once more... But this time it was a different darkness that had claimed the Rogue. Not the cold grasp of death, but the warmth of a second chance.

Cheyenne Tyler Fordyce

Date: 2007-06-26 19:42 EST
Lang chuckled to that, before looking to Chryrie. "Not going to take no for an answer...are you?" A slight quirked brow, as he continued to caress the Rogue's cheek.

"I rarely do." Chryrie looked to Kay then before asking, "Could you cover the poor dear with some blankets? She's going to freeze like that."

Kay was already moving from her husband's side with a nod to Chryrie. "Yes Ma'am." Slipping into the linen closet, she removed a few lighter blankets and carefully placed them on top of Cheyenne's body after moving back to the bed. She moved from Chey's side after taking a good look over her stitched up body, hugging herself and then her arms slipped around her husband.

Lang sighed to that, before turning to face Chryrie. Two broken ribs on his left side, one on his right side...with various cuts over his chest and back.

"If you don't let her take care of you Lang, Drew an I'll have to hold your ass down." Troy's practiced father-like tone was evident.

Chryrie chuckled at Troy's remark as she checked Lang's wounds. "Any allergies to magic?"

Troy got a glance from Lang at that comment, but he let it slide this time...The man did get Chryrie here to heal Cheyenne....That saved him an ass kicking. "No ma'am." His gaze now back on Chryrie.

"Dude we get to brawl?" A slightly hopeful look from Drew to Troy. Drew was definately out of it.

Lang's wounds weren't as bad off as the Rogue's. Kay had already doctored his to the best of her abilities. About the only major ones he had, were the three broken ribs.

"Good. That makes the ribs much easier. Although you did a good job of taping them up." Chryrie smiled and lightly touched over the broken ribs, mending those easily. "Mm.. the rest seems to be in good order. But keep the cuts on both of you clean. Infection is atrocious to deal with."

Troy chuckled a bit. "No dude, no brawlin, just chill a bit. She's gonna be alright, both of em are."

Chryrie reached into her bag, then turned to hand Kay several large rolls of gauze and some tape. "Make sure they change their bandages twice a day. Once in the morning, once before bed."

Lang gave a faint nod to that, as he closed his eyes, letting the healing magic of the Doc, heal those three ribs. "Alright..I'll do as you ordered." Not like he was going to argue with the woman. He owed her alot.

Kay took the offered medical supplies and nodded to Chryrie before answering her, "Yes Ma'am. I believe Troy and I already talked it over, we will be staying in the Estates with the both of them until they are fully healed. I can't thank you enough again."

"The less I have to see either of them in this fashion is better than any thank you's." Chryrie chuckled merrily, although she did seem a bit tired now. "She can have the IV removed once the bag is empty. But now.. I think I need to return to the Inn and have a drink!"

Troy himself nodded to that. They were all exhausted and tired, he could only imagine what it had taken out of Chryrie to do what she had. "We'll stay here and have a drink. Thank you again Chryrie."

Lang turned back to Chey, and went back to caressing the Rogue's cheek. "Still...we owe you our thanks." This said to he heard Kay and Troy about them staying.

"You're very welcome. Tell the Rogue if I hear of her ripping stitches this time, I'll have her hide." Chryrie grinned as she walked from the bedside, her bag disappeared. Although she did pause by Drew and offer him a lollypop.

Drew grabbed the lollypop with a cheezy grin to the Doc. "Sweet!" Unwrapping it, he begins to suck on it happily, much like a child after getting shots.

"Don't worry...She won't." Lang smiled but kept his gaze on the Rogue. True..he could be at the moment, but he was more focused on the one laying down.

Chryrie chuckled, ruffling Drew's hair, and with a wave she was clicking her way out the door. "Let me know if you need me again!"

"Hey Lang? We're gonna get going. Gonna go and occupy a couple of your rooms downstairs until you are both healed. You have a phone, use it. No going down the stairs or anything. Got it?" Kay steadied her rather tired gaze on the man.

"Yeah yeah." A slight off handed wave to Kay...not meaning to sound or be rude at the moment, but it was easy to see, he wanted to be alone with Cheyenne.

"Dude. Shower. Sleep. Fuck the beer and grub. I got a lollypop I'm fit as a fiddle." A rather dazed Drew ambles down the stairs and to a bathroom for a long needed shower and some rest.

"Lets go babe. We've done all we can for the night. Call us Lang if you need anything... Anything. We'll be up in the morning to check on the pair of you." Troy, with his arm around Kay moves out of the room and down to an unoccupied one.

((Author's Note: This was pulled from live RP. Ahead of time I would like to thank all the muns that participated in this section of the SL! You made it great and loads of fun! As a side note, I'd like to say I have a taste of what poor Marc-mun goes through when writing the GangSTAR! Good job, keep it up!))

Lang Darkwing

Date: 2007-06-27 16:34 EST
Once everyone left for the night, Lang sat down in the chair by the bed. He kept his eyes on the sleeping form of Cheyenne, as he was going to help her to recover from the hell they had been through. He would remove the IV once it had emptied, before falling slipping into the bed with his Rogue. He fell asleep, after softly turnning the Rogue to rest in his arms, letting her know...He was still there.

Come the next morning, Lang was up before anyone and had already redressed his own bandages. He would then sit in the chair again, and wait for Cheyenne to wake, so he could do the same to her. He knew Troy and Kay would stop by, but wanted to take care of Cheyenne himself.

Cheyenne Tyler Fordyce

Date: 2007-06-30 19:30 EST
Had hours passed, or merely minutes? Days or weeks?

She'd fought to stay conscious enough to hear everything that they were saying, but sleep had called to her like a mother to a child, unwillingly the Rogue walked into her embrace.

As always, or at least to her memory, that embrace was gentle at first.. Even soothing, but not long after that it turned into something much more vile.. More potent than anything she could remember.

Chey was safe and snug in her own bed, her own home. Lang's arms wrapped around her lithe form, his breath gently caressing the curve of her neck. Soon though, her body stirred slightly against Lang's as her subconscious mind began to replay the horrible events where she'd quite literally lost her life. She fought it at first, tried to will the images from her sleeping mind, but even in sleep, the Rogue was rather stubborn. She'd already been through so much, why.. Why did the torture have to continue, even now?

It was comparable to an out of body experience..

The blonde haired vixen in that straight back chair, barely resembled the Rogue. Her body was limp, lifeless and a bloodied mess. She could see the thug's leering looks at her very near naked form as the continued to beat her unmercifully... She could hear her own body groan and whimper, hear the bones crack, the flesh tearing. She could hear the blood dripping and pooling around the chair she was bound to.

Her body thrashed more next to Lang, the arm that had been previously broken and then stuck with the IV needle lashed out, slamming against the headboard, but the Rogue was still in a sleep-state.

She heard their crude laughter, she could still smell their individual odors.. Still hear their footsteps. The smaller of the men had started a betting pool on how long it would take before she either died or turned on Lang.. It was up to over a grand now.

Then the visions in front of her changed, she was in a different room now.. The room where they'd held Lang while they'd beaten him. She watched as they beat him, whipped him. If she could have cried within this dream, she would have now.

"Lang..." Her body within the bed, continued to thrash, more violently now, her head shaking back and forth. Her hands were clawing into Lang's thigh and the pillow beneath her head.

She watched as one of the thugs rolled in the TV on a cart so that Lang could see the process of her torture.. She saw the look in his eyes, felt the love and the rage that boiled and ripped him apart inside... She saw his eyes change, saw the wings sprout out from his back and then she screamed.

Inside the dream and within the bed of her house, not realizing that it was morning and that Lang was already up and in a chair watching her, the Rogue screamed like a child terrified of a nightmare that she'd had -- Only this was not just a dream.. It had been reality not even a day ago.

Lang Darkwing

Date: 2007-06-30 21:39 EST
Lang looked up to seeing Cheyenne starting to move on the bed, just thinking she was just waking up. He moved to stand up, and was just about to head over to gather the needed medical supplies. He then came to a stop upon seeing her thrashing around more.

Upon her thrashing more and to her screaming out, he moved to her side, and pulled her into a sitting postion.. She was once again held tightly in his arms, letting her claw again him as he spoke softly to her.

" Shhhh...It's alright baby...Ye are home..Ye are safe... " He hoped his voice would calm her again. He already knew this would take time for her to recover from, and he would be there every step of the way.