Topic: A Man alone and apart


Date: 2008-01-24 13:33 EST
Eric woke up this morning, he was 32 today, he felt it to, a bit more achey in the back, though it was January, and the cold always did get to him some. The pitfalls of playing highschool football and doing a lot of manual labor jobs over the years.

He thought he would wake up in his own bedroom, instead he woke up in a room that looked like something out of a D&D style inn. He got dressed, in the clothes he had from the night before, as all his normal clothes were gone. He went to the door, peered out, seeing no one in the somewhat dark hallway, he managed to find some stairs going down. He quickly went down those stairs and found himself in a barroom.

After looking arround and wondering what the hell had just happened and seeing all the weird looking things in the barroom he spoke up

"Where the Hell am i?"


Date: 2008-01-25 14:59 EST
Always without, always alone

Never finding peace, Never knowing love

A cold and dark world i have come to

Monsters and Gods, and i walk as but a Man

My heart full of rage, My soul empty as a void

I walk alone, always without


Date: 2008-01-25 20:50 EST
Lost Love, Broken Heart

A true love lost to me

A true love gone far from me

My words drive you away

A fool i am for losing you

A broken heart i have this day

Never more shall i love, my true love

She has gone away

My lost love, My Broken heart


Date: 2008-01-26 21:18 EST
Hell is just a name

and yet it is much more

Hell is a broken heart

Hell is a place of Nightmare and pain

Where love is nothing, and light is lost

Hell is what you make they say

Hell can be Forever or a heartbeat

And when there is pain

And when there is no love or light

Then you are in Hell my friend, the Hell you made


Date: 2008-01-29 23:07 EST
Working, love, work, goto school

Stay busy, do a good job, walk

Travel, see the world, make a living

Do, Do , Do

trying to make your way in the world

Have a purpose, make a Plan

Short lives, gotta fill it with things

Buy, sell, trade, get stuff

Get a home, get a wife, have kids, merry that man

We speed on by, walk that road

Make one's way in the world

and in the end we die, alone


Date: 2008-02-01 02:29 EST
What is a true monster?

Is it a storybook fiend?

Is it horrid to look upon?

Is it evil and cruel?

Does it eat little children?

No my friend, a true monster is not these things

A true monster is one who betrays

Betrays the one he loves

and lives the rest of his days with that pain


Date: 2008-02-01 02:35 EST
Love, the Illusion of the Heart

Love, the fool game we play

Love, the pain we make each day

Love, the weakness

Love, the sickness

Love, where you want to die

Cause you cant have the one

That one you dream about

Love, plague and sorrow

Thats all it is, misery and biterness

Love, the Illusion of the Heart


Date: 2008-02-02 14:05 EST
Heroes and Villians

A cute game played by kids

The Good guy, The Bad guy

The World a dark place

No Heroes, just Villians

No Justice, No making it right

We have no more Heroes

They all died long ago


Date: 2008-02-04 14:17 EST
Freaky things, time slows down

The sun turns green, the moons disappear

Man i tell you, there are freaky things here

Dudes dressed as evil priests, Dragons in baby clothes

Freaky things

Turn a corner, walk down a street and you see them

Zombies shambling along, some crazy spouting Doomsday

People turning into cats, and Cat people walking arround

Freaky things

Things from Dreams, Things from Nightmares

Things brought out from having a bad trip or that bad pizza

If you're not careful the freaky things well get you

grab you up and send you to a nightmare hell

so be careful of the Freaky things


Date: 2008-02-05 04:13 EST
Soon it approaches like a damn plague

A plague of pink and hearts and candy

A day of candlit dinners and lovers

People who need to get a damn room

Bunnies stuffed, cards that give paper cuts

a way to make more money, commercial junk

you know what i speak about

Valentine's day

i shiver at the thought


Date: 2008-02-05 04:18 EST
Winter, the season of Death and cold

you freeze and wish it was spring

you curse the snow, the wife and the kids

as you shovel the snow, and want to bash someone's head in

you fall on your ass and people laugh

Winter a miserable time of the year

you catch all manner of bugs, and wish you were dead

Winter, when does it end?


Date: 2008-02-06 02:14 EST
Life, its a game, of lies and fool ideas

You're born into the world screaming your head off

You grow up miserable, having to follow your parents' rules

You get picked on and suffer through school

where you get preached at with lies and read old books

you might work afterwards or goto college, either way you suffer

If you are lucky you find some woman, have kids, and get married

here you really suffer, though there are moments of bliss

enough to count on one hand

you grow older, pay your taxes, listen to more lies

buy things you dont need, and work yourself to near death

Then at the end, all goes black and you expire, and your last thought

I forgot that damn fence is was going to fix


Date: 2008-02-07 15:27 EST
Games, we play them all the time

Games of the heart

Games of getting ahead

Games in your head

Mess with someone

Make them twitch and squrim

Play with them like a puppet

Sick of games yet?

I don't care to play any more


Date: 2008-02-08 03:14 EST
My Curse

My pain

To lose the ones i love each day

To never more see those i hold dear

To never hear their voice again

It is no spell cast upon me, My curse

I was born with the Curse

The Curse to lose those i love each day

And to the grave i carry this Curse

The curse of my own making


Date: 2008-02-10 03:55 EST
And the Show goes on

Play our parts, and get it right

We enter on the stage

We prance and dance, yell and scream

We cry, we lie, we bleed

Play by the script given to us by the Director

Who hides behind the bright lights

We play to ourselves, and for all the world to see

Then the play ends, and we exit the stage

Never to play there again


Date: 2008-02-12 03:16 EST
We go through life hoping we find someone

We seek someone to love

Someone we hope will love us too

And when we find someone, we have doubts

And if Love is true, then all the doubts will fade away

And True love will win the day

Is Love real?

We can only hope and pray


Date: 2008-02-13 03:40 EST
Could it be that i am not alone?

Travel down the road of life

Alone i was for much of that

Passed others by without a second thought

The road is hard, and long, full of twists and turns

Alone i was, no one beside me

I travel still that road, but now

Now i have someone with me

One who cares, one who loves prehaps

Time and Journey will tell

If she will stay with me the rest of the way


Date: 2008-02-14 05:10 EST
Is love enough to conquer all?

Can it conquer doubt?

Can love save a loved one from being lost?

Can love survive all trials?

Is it enough?

Can Love prevail over Darkness?

Can Love keep you from coming apart?

Is Love enough to do all that?

One must ask, is love enough?


Date: 2008-02-15 16:18 EST
Distance its an ugly word

Distance, being far apart

It strains and pulls away

Being far from the one you want

Its not an easy thing for ones in love

Distance keeps getting in the way

You pray and hope one day

That distance is an afterthought


Date: 2008-03-02 00:19 EST
Love is Lost, never to be found, she has gone, nevermore to see her

How quickly we get bored, How quickly we lose

Love is no more, gone away, never to be seen

A fool one is to fall in love

Gone..gone away, never more to be seen

The Heart, empty and alone once again

A Man Alone i am, this is my Curse