Topic: Welcome to Forever and Always(OOC comments, suggestions,Etc)


Date: 2008-02-20 16:49 EST
Welcome to Forever and Always dear reader, this being a little corner of Rhydin, and the lives of two people, both from Earth, who found each other and fell in love on this strange world. I and Erin-Mun do hope you enjoy what you find here.

If you have any comments, sl ideas, or just coming by to say hi, please leave them here, and thankyou for your time.


Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-20 17:01 EST
Erik-mun has his own folder nowww... Rock it, Homez!

Now where's the picture show?!
::pulls up a chair::


Date: 2008-02-20 17:21 EST
-brings out the popcorn and fires up the projector-

and now playing folks, LostBoys, one of my fave Vamp movies


Date: 2008-02-23 18:29 EST
-Plops down on the couch beside them. Munching on a Butterfinger.- But I want to watch The Crow! Ooooh...I submitted advertisements for the folder by the way. -Nod, nods. Takes another bite off of the Butterfinger.-

Abby Normal

Date: 2008-03-18 19:00 EST
I don't know if you will read this, or the post I left for you in my folder, but yes, it is for you. I understand, and I will make it easy, okay? If that is what you want. I don't know anymore.

If things change, my door is always open. I am glad you have new friends to turn to, and I will listen if you need it.

I truly do wish you the best.

Abby Normal, the red headed witch of the Pacific Northwest