Topic: The Brooding Populi.

Populi X

Date: 2006-03-06 09:52 EST
As so may know Maris has not been seen since his last encounter with Jewell. The feralish chimara spent all that time within the forge, to hammer all his aggression, and personal problems. He'd normal have Hanzo around to unload a lot of problems on, but he either one betrayed him or two truly needed to move. Both of which he had attributed to the saiyain's natural tendency to learn and train himself, mostly to keep the bloodlust that came ever so easily to the saiyain race at bay. Maris understood that. Even from when he met and took the child under his wing.

"So what's the deal? I don't get any of the morals in Rhy'Din anymore." He pondered aloud. "Aside from Leni, as best as I know, the female fabric is falling apart at the seems for their morality. I suppose men aren't much better either."

Continuing to shape the blade into is form, his thoughts still troubled him. "I should even conisder an apology to those I've hurt?" He shook his head. "I'll have to think on that, read about what Dad did in times of distress. I'm sure would give me the answers I seek, and calm my nerves.....I miss Hanzo being around, he'd know what to do far better than Dad's journals." He hammered too strong in his fustration, breaking the blade he was forging. "Damnit! Have to melt it all down again and start over." He sighed. "I need an apprentice once again."