Topic: The Private Journal of Izira Nyte

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-03-26 14:47 EST
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - ((Early Morning))

I?m not quite sure what has possessed me to do this, but here I am doing it anyway, writing my thoughts and feelings down in a book like a girl half my age. No. I shouldn?t speak in such a way. I know that there are many that must feel they cannot express themselves appropriately to anyone else and this sort of exercise is good outlet to get the thoughts that clutter their minds out. Yes, I suppose that is why I am doing this. My mind is far too cluttered.

It started with meeting Eva, listening to her talk of troubles with love. I could write a book about troubles with love, not that anyone would want to read that book or like me much after doing so. Listen to me, I speak as though I have a horde of friends. I guess those few friends I have made would forgive me my foolishness of the heart. Eva, Alain, Paladin. They would not hold my past follies against me. Nor do I think Rena or Jeli would, though I do not know either lady very well.

Jeli. She certainly gave Eva the impression of knowing me intimately, kissing me in front of her as she did. I confess it was not a bad kiss. Better than my last, that was shamefully stolen from a man whose heart belongs to another. I had been away from kindness too long, I fear I went overboard with my gratitude. Alain seems to have forgiven me for it. I don?t think Cassandra knows. If she finds out and hates me for it I would not begrudge her the anger. I know I was out of line and I regret it. I am thankful Alain still calls me friend.

Alain. He as well I shall make confessions. Even after kissing him and knowing it was wrong I held a kindling in my heart for him. The roads our lives have taken us down have been so similar. When we spoke I felt he truly understood me as no one else could. Now with the bond between us, that is even truer at times. Honestly, it worries me a little this bond between us. It is stronger when we are closer, more so with contact. That and his being with another is reason enough for me to keep my distance? though, I have heard rumors amongst the workers of a tension between Alain and his lady. At first I worried that they spoke of myself and he, but that was not the case. I?m not ?his lady? after all. Surely they speak of Cassandra. But the last time I saw them together at the Red Dragon they were cheerful towards one another and left together to go back to Alain?s place. Alain hasn?t made any mention of troubles between them to me, but that doesn?t mean they aren?t there. I have been a poor friend and have purposely not asked after her for selfishly not wanting to know that things couldn?t be better. But if I ask now how would it look? Truly, I want nothing more than his friendship and I do not wish to seem the vulture circling the carrion. Oh, I wish Eva would visit. I could certainly use a female friend to help sort all this out.

Meeting Eva has been another blessing in my life. After walking her home that first night, I thought a lot about my life and those I had in it. Thinking about those hearts I have broken in the past, it started a splinter in the feelings I was holding for Alain. He is a good man. He?s never given any indication of caring for me more than a friend and I do not want to ruin that friendship by putting him a position with me that would again make him uncomfortable. Friendship is okay. Waiting until I find something right for me is okay. I do not have to force myself into someone?s heart. I would have thought I?d be more able to deal with the idea of being alone having done it for so long now, but surprisingly it took a night out with Eva for me to find that answer.

Eva. What is it about her? She is certainly not a striking beauty but there is something about the person within that makes me happy Paladin introduced us. It has been ages since I had a female friend. Course I can only hope that this friendship does not travel the same path as that one. No, it couldn?t. Eva is a far different person from Dytannia and even I am much different from the girl I was then. The bonding has definitely quelled the fire that runs through me, is should be unlikely that my emotions and the flames will be the better of me. I can hope.

Eva has her own troubles with romance. I long to be more helpful to her as far as finding a solution goes, but answers for those kinds of troubles are not as easily found. What is best is for me to be her friend, be a willing ear and a shoulder to walk her home when she?s had a bit too much. I know I have told her about my gift of birth, the flames, but perhaps I should tell her that it?s the reason I can match her drink for drink and still manage a straight line afterwards.

Ai'ya, I?ve been writing for too long! I need to make breakfast!

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-03-30 20:05 EST
Sunday, March 30, 2008 - ((Early Afternoon))

Where to start?

Yesterday was supposed to be a great day without question. I found a jazz club in RhyDin that would allow me to perform there for a night. The Blue Note. I even went so far to find a suitable dress to wear for the occasion, black and sparkling under the low lights of the club. It was a breath taking experience and I received a number of compliments on my performance from those attending the club that night. I think the singing made up for the poor job I did at playing pool before hand, one man?s comment to me was much in agreement to that fact as well.

After the club I thought I would go the Red Dragon and have a glass of red to celebrate the night. And I did succeed in doing so, but it?s from that point on that my upbeat night stalled and met a plateau.

Alain was at the inn. I was oblivious to what was going on until I touched him and the bond snapped me out of it. I?ve been a poor friend, indeed. Turns out the must have been some truth to those rumors I heard amongst the workers. Alain and Cassandra are on a break. I don?t really understand a break and not being broken up, but it seems that this means there is a chance for them to overcome this obstacle and come together again.

Celebrating my own night was forgotten. Instead I ended up spending time with Alain and making sure he didn?t drink himself into a stupor. Gods know I do not need another night like I had with Dakota, dragging his drunken self out from the freezing cold. A woman there, Mercy, seem very into the idea of Alain jumping back into the saddle and forgetting his troubles. I would not say that I do not agree about moving on, but to just do such a thing so quickly? Shouldn?t the heart be given time to heal if that?s the way things end up going? Perhaps a few years of solitude have helped me mature a little. I know that giving my heart time was never a concept that meant much to me before.

And I will admit to you a weakness. When people are broken-hearted there is often the idea of finding comfort in another. I will not say the idea did not occur to me. It would have done so with or without Mercy?s comments. Even so, Alain is my friend. It would have helped nothing if I had attempted that route. It would have only shamed me again. The hurt such actions might have caused could never be worth the price of letting go if even for a moment.

I told Alain to have courage. The pain he feels can only last so long. Well, perhaps it can linger forever depending on the outcome?but even if it is to fall that Alain and Cassandra cannot work through their different needs, happiness can still be found in the future for them both. I have loved and lost many times and still I am able to find joy in new friendships.

I will hold them both in my thoughts.

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-04-03 20:41 EST
Thursday, April 3, 2008 ? ((Late Night))

I should have written something two days ago, but I didn?t. Every time I picked up my pen I couldn?t find the words to express what I wanted to put down. This is all due to Alain?s return to the inn on Tuesday and Silas? meddling ways. Well, Silas has gotten his way now.

Ever since Silas has caught the scent of my emotions for Alain he has been on me to make a move. A definite problem when Alain was taken. Once Alain became technically single, Silas thought that there was no reason to continue debating with myself about how Alain might feel for me and to just? do what people were made to do with one another. His words, not mine.

As said, Silas somewhat got his wish tonight?wicked little creature that he is. No harm came from it, but I am still tempted to drop him into a full bath for the trick he pulled. I was robed, reading in the study when he came in and said something was up in the kitchen. He sounded panicked, so I didn?t stop to think what might have been up. What was up was Alain. He made me baklava and here I come chasing after a cat, which vanished on me, in a robe and with my hair still wet. I think Silas knew my walls were wearing down, I can only talk myself out of believe what I feel is there for so long. This bond between us makes it hard to keep our emotions secret and the dancing around what was being felt was trying. I broke. I told Alain I wanted him and I told him why I was afraid to do anything about it.

It?s too soon for him. I?m afraid of being a passing amusement. That I don?t know what he wants from me and that it was becoming harder and harder for me to convince myself that all he wanted was a friendship. Through the bond I admitted that I was afraid he would hurt me. I am afraid to risk my heart again.

He said he understood. That he did care for me, that he did want something more than just a friendship between us. He also agreed that now was not the time.

Then he asked if he could kiss me.

My lips are yours, Alain D?Mourir, is what I said. I meant it. The kiss? it was soft and sweet. His touch was delicate and aware. He did not pull my hair or press himself so hard against me that I could not breathe. He tasted like the baklava and vanilla ice cream he had been eating. If only all my favorite foods could be delivered on the lips of Alain. I might never eat, but I would die happily.

I wonder what would have happened if rather than my lips I pledged my body to him in whole.

And it is that type of thought that is going to give me a restless sleep and make me wonder how long is long enough for a man?s heart to heal. And what if during healing he changes his mind? Alain seems a popular man, I do not doubt there are many who would joyfully share his bed with him.

My legs still feel weak from his good-bye. A mere kiss to the forehead and hid wishing me a good night, but his lips were so close to my ear and I could feel his hot breath against my skin. Through the bond both of our thoughts were mirrors of want. I could have easily given myself to him there and then. But we did not. All that passed between us was that perfect kiss and honesty about our feelings for one another.

Ai'ya. I want him in my bed tonight.

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-04-04 13:25 EST
Friday, April 4, 2008 ? ((A Few Hours After Midnight))

What would I do without friends?

I?d spend another ten years hiding away from life and all the good and bad things that could happen. Before the bonding, hiding away made sense. If I got out of control, someone else could have gotten hurt. That?s not the case anymore. Now, if things don?t go as planned, it?s only my heart on the line.

I?ve felt so many emotions tonight, up and down. I couldn?t get my heart to slow enough to allow me to sleep so I went to the Red Dragon to seek out Eva. She was there, but the lighthearted conversation I had been thinking of having turned into a festival of doubt instead. While consider the whole side of Alain healing I completely forgot to think about Cassandra. I thought I put things out there too soon between Alain and myself, but it was too late to undo that. I had decided to not regret it.

Truly, I am just kidding myself to think that without telling him he knew nothing of how I felt. I said it myself then, I told him because I didn?t want something to happen between us without him knowing what I wanted. I cannot just be someone used for comfort and then moved on from?at least, not with Alain.

Rena also put another thought into my head. She asked me if I was unsure if I should push for something with Alain or stand back and wait. I already knew it was a bad idea to push, but what I realized is that I am afraid to stand by as well. I am worried that this chance could be missed.

Fate carries us down so many paths. I couldn?t help but wonder if I had already start down the wrong one.

Eva put things into perspective for me.

I never knew angels could be so simple in their ways and appearances. I also I do not know how Eva would take to being called an angel.

I will be?as she said?sunshine panties. I will enjoy and take pleasure and be content to wait and see where this leads.

And if Alain backs off, I should not get down about it. That was the point. It will not be because he regrets kissing me, but because if we are to allow time for this it will be far easier at a slight distance. For every time we get close, I get closer and closer to being unable to hold myself back.

Have I said it?s been too long?

I think I need to investigate the various settings of that high-pressure, detachable showerhead massager.

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-04-10 00:26 EST
Monday, April 7, 2008 ? ((Late Afternoon))

If it was all a dream, I hope I dream it again... soon.

It?s easy to forget everything and just live in the now when he?s around. Even those worries that surround him vanish when he smiles at me. If only time would linger in this moment for longer.

Last night Alain slept in my bed with me. There was nothing else, just sleeping?and a thick cover between us. Such a simplistic thing, the heat from another?s body while resting. I don?t know that I?ve slept better in a long time.

In the morning he lingered, helped me with cooking breakfast for the hordes. I don?t know that he took me seriously about those that have been visiting my kitchen until they started pouring in and looking for things to do. All the girls are quite useful, there are a number of them and it is hard to keep track. Ad?le and Christelle are the oldest two and helped keep the younger ones in line and on task. Corentin, bless him, seems to be over his head at times. When I came in this morning Alain had already put the boy to work. Though, I suppose he is not a boy? seventeen is nearly a man grown, or a man grown in some cultures. Still, he is a bit quiet and shy? why he willingly suffers the onslaught of girls in the kitchen is beyond me. Alain didn?t go easy on him either. It was all in good fun, but I fear his face may never return from the shade of red it became.

Today ended too fast. I regret knowing I will have to keep my distance away from Alain outside of the inn. But he is up to dangerous business and does not want me to fall victim because of it.

Here's to hoping he remains safe.

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-04-24 12:17 EST
Thursday, April 24, 2008 ? ((Just After Three in the Morning))

I have sorely been neglecting my writing. Now I feel there is too much to say and I am unsure as to how I will get it all down.

Many days past, I stayed the night at The Silver Mark with Alain. I just slept there. I did not do anything I might later regret. In the early morning hours he came back to the inn with me as breakfast still needed to be served and I didn?t want to keep his people waiting.

That was? Saturday night?

It must have been, the next day Alain attended the first Mass at chapel they built at Esp?rance. I did not attend. I have never been comfortable in church since?

I do not feel like dredging up that memory just now.

Sunday night I met up with Eva at Red Dragon. She was upset, having just found out an old love who wouldn?t marry her when she wanted to marry him is now married. It marred my heart to see her so. But I have to believe that it wasn?t her fault he would not marry her. She said this relationship was before her six years leave of RhyDin. He was married three years ago. Still, the man didn?t have the decency to tell her this fact. I will not forgive him it, even if he is more or less completely silent. Eva found out when the man wife showed up. A horrible way to find out, near a smack to the face? only this was a smack to her heart.

I didn?t see Alain that night. Though, after leaving Eva, I wanted to talk to him. It seemed to me that Eva?s situation held up a mirror to mine at that time? a man moving on. But I am not na?ve to the pain I would cause another if she saw me with him. Alain and Cassandra still were unclear to one another.

I spoke with Silas.

Silas hasn?t fully decided how he feels towards Alain. He views him as being too young and having a hunger for all that life could offer him. He said if physically company was all I sought there would be no problem, but there is great risk in that my body does not come without the price of my heart. He thinks I have rushed into this too quickly, that years of solitude have made me too vulnerable to the kindness others would offer me. He even accused me of hero-worship.

When Alain came back to the inn there was more on my mind then there had been before. My worry over his situation with Cassandra, that he would find another as time passed, that rushing or slowing things did not seem to be the correct response. I thought things would be so much simpler if I could just remain unattached to someone while being with them physically, but the idea of being with a stranger causes my stomach to turn and panic to rise in my throat.

I spoke to Alain.

He asked me to wait for him. He wanted me to wait for him because he knew I loved him. It seems my sleep addled mind spoke these words to him when I stayed at Silver Mark with him. Those words were not untrue? but I hadn?t meant to speak them. But he couldn?t say it in return. He only gave me that love was growing in his heart. I couldn?t give him what he wanted. I couldn?t tell him I would wait for him. I had waited years of my life already and I desired companionship. I told him he had my heart at the moment. What I did not say, but was clear, was that he risked losing it.

It was clear.

Early Tuesday morning, before the sun was even close to rising, he came to me. He said he couldn?t sleep. He had gone to Cassie and broken things off with her officially. Then he told me he loved me.

There is warmth that takes over me when I hear those words, warmth that has nothing to do with the fire in my blood.

Even so, I refrained from falling into his arms and giving him my body.

I think Silas? words haunt me somewhat.

That and the business Alain is up to.

In RhyDin I have to play a role, of some who does not mean anything to Alain.

I did this well last night. I went to the inn. Eva was not there. Alain and Rena were. Alain was leaving. A woman covered in tattoos and with rainbow colored hair with him. I did not ask, I do not plan on asking. I do not want to know.

I spoke with Rena some, was introduced to a man with her. Aerol was his name and he strikes me of being very fond of Rena. It seemed their conversations went better without me, so I excused myself from their company.

Then I met Locke.

An elf with a gift for the element of ice, I was bold enough to approach him and ask if I might try something out. I was curious to try a game I read about that the children of my father?s people play. It is something that helps hone their skills and bond with others. Locke was hesitant at first?more than hesitant I would say. I managed to sway him, however, and the result was? well? fun.

It is hard to describe what I was doing. We were touching hands and with my gift I could allow the energy of his ice into my skin without causing harm. The two powers playing against one another, I managed to create a sensation of licking flames that were cold as ice against his hands.

I could have remained at the inn longer into the night were I not summoned back to the inn, a problem had occurred with the water when someone was toying with magic far above their skill.

RhyDin is a surprisingly small place. I am sure we will meet again.

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-05-01 00:13 EST
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - ((Late Afternoon))

Things between myself and Alain are good, if somewhat undeclared. I have come to accept that for now our feelings for one another are something we must keep to ourselves. At first I allowed the fear of betrayal to sink too deep within me, and I started to pull away from him. But I have confronted this and admitted as much to him. I cannot let my fear drive guilt into his heart, he is doing what he must and is at a great enough risk without my help.

It is enough to me to know that I have his heart. And since it is his wish, I will continue to keep him at a distance when we are beyond the realm.

But within the realm...

It is an experience like no other. Not merely for the feelings between us, but the bond that exists there as well. With each other it truly feels as though we are one.

This morning he came to the inn after being away for three days. He made us a picnic and we had lunch outside of his village. After eating, Spring nearly had her way with us but for the sudden risk of interruption.

He is gone now, back to work. I hope he remains safe.

I miss Eva.

And Locke hasn't come to visit yet.

Perhaps this weekend I will see more of my friends.

Izira Nyte

Date: 2008-05-20 19:45 EST
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 ? ((Early Morning))

Ten more days and it would have been a full month without checking in with myself. Where does the time go? Alain is still up to his business, working for men better not further mentioned. Part of his cover involves him playing mate to other woman. I put my trust in him and believe he will not hurt me. Silas remains disgusted but at least he has stopped talking to me about it...mostly.

Locke has been for a visit, several times. Last night we finally made good on the idea to create ice lanterns with living flame visuals within. They are beautiful. I am still amazed at what we were able to create together. Though, I do not think that my pride half compares to that of Locke?s. We made enough, I let him take one back with him along with the bottle of liquor I gifted to him.

It was odd, he questioned me as to why I would give him such a gift and even now I am not completely sure. I told him it was because he was a friend to me, but even the truth in that answer does not seem to cover it. Am I a giving person? These thoughts awaken more questions within me, about my own willingness or need to sacrifice myself for others in one way or another. There?s an itch that echoes deep inside of me, demanding to be scratched. I don?t know what will satiate this undefined but persistent need. Silas is no help, he only told me cryptically that either I would find my answer or my answer would find me.

He is up to something, but I don?t know what.

Eva is gone. She sent me a letter telling me she would be away for a while. This was several days ago, perchance her return approaches. With luck she will come to visit me.

Until then, I wait.