Topic: Down Memory Lane


Date: 2008-10-15 20:44 EST
It had been many, many years. I looked in the viewing portal, and noticed a link that bore an old and familiar name. Being in a somewhat fey mood, I touched it, and allowed the pull to take me across distance, perhaps even time. The Inn -- not entirely the same, but not different to any great degree. Where/when was this?

I settled into lotus, sitting just above the hearthstone. My back near the facing of the fireplace, the mantel above; it seemed a safe vantage point from which to observe.

Of the many Inns that have been, this one had the closest to the oldest memories I carry of the place. There was the mix of the intriguing and the disreputable, the varieties of over-indulgence in intoxicating substances, and conversation of variety and depth. M'Lady Rynieyn was kind enough to greet me, and to talk of many things, past and present. (Why she thought that I'd look askance at her beliefs was a puzzlement, for I've never favored the conventional in all my days...) DarkmereAlcar was another familiar sight, and I was introduced to the Doctor, and to a delightful youngling, who, once assured that I was neither scary nor a predator, sat near me for a discussion of the nature of virtue.

The Minotaur was about, one Horam by name, behaving as one has known others of that race to do. Late in the evening, though, there was a surprise -- Lady Rynieyn engaged him in a weaving conversation and got a kiss for her trouble. It seemed to delight her a great deal.

The hour grew late, and I took my leave, but I shall have to return -- it as been too, too long. Perhaps others of the far past will turn up, perhaps a new beginning is.


Date: 2009-02-04 03:20 EST
The youngling in question, Mokksha, had been haunting the inn off and on since that meeting, hoping to see the sage again and repeat the delightful experience of conversing with him once more. It was several months before they were able to encounter each other again, but to her it was worth every minute of the wait, because elder Tao, as she called him, was as wise, as kind and as mysterious as she remembered. They talked of her recent engagement, her plans and preparations for the wedding, her concerns that some event might prevent her from ever marrying and her fears that children or a lack thereof, might cause the path she had set out upon to vanish in the wilds. He assured her that she would reach her destination, but added, so to speak, that he could not draw her a map, only provide guidance until she chose the path she wished to travel to get there.


Date: 2009-02-05 01:49 EST
"And the explanation for that extraordinary conversation?" The Voice of Reason's tones were even more edged than usual. "She fears to marry outside of her race, to perhaps bear a mutant-hybrid child, and you simply offer to open the future to her to ease her mind?"

The old man smiled, slightly. "You speak sharply, as if I was offering a gift to one unworthy to receive it. Both assumptions are false; it is no gift, and she is indeed worthy -- and wise enough to hesitate as well, sensing truly that to walk the future is not something done lightly."

"But to walk the future at all is to destroy it; there is no future after, only an unspooling of the now."

"Only for those who remember the walk," came the slow response. "And that I will not permit."