Topic: Family Matters To Me


Date: 2005-07-31 23:21 EST
When Jewell was five her parents were killed, typical sob story in RhyDin. Her older brother, now occupied as heir to their kingdom, paid her little heed. Sure, she got the royal treatment- the best schooling, training to control her magic, minimum participation in political affairs. She was more a fly on the wall then anything else, useful only as a bargaining chip for her brother?s, and the senate?s, political agendas.

It was her ?use? as a political bargaining chip that had driven her from home, finally. She wasn?t a loner, she wanted a family- desired that closeness with a group of people that others found in their homes. It wasn?t until she had been in RhyDin for months that she finally found her niche- the Ravenlocks.

Brian Ravenlock took her under his wing without a question; even after their first encounter, which included the two of them at each other?s throats trying to kill the other. What she loved, the memories she stilled relished in to this day, was the fact that she didn?t just gain an older brother. No, she had gained Kat- Brian?s on again off again girlfriend that will always be her sister. There was Midara, barely a shadow in here life but a sister still as well as Thyme, their cousin. She would never forget Cher, her hear-sister, the crazy mermaid who taught her how to be a real tough chick. Finally, there was Alex, her ?adopted brother? that she followed about like a lost little puppy until he was finally hers.

Things fall apart. Thyme and Midara were gone first, she didn?t even know where. Like herself, Brian was constantly away from RhyDin on this mission or following that interest. Finally, he wasn?t ever there. Her family was in shambles around her and then she was gone too. When she came back, affairs weren?t any better. Try as she might, she could only truly bring Alex back into her life and Kat was merely a passing presence.

Of course, she had the children. As much as she might complain, she couldn?t live without her army of children. Few understood why she had them all- why make so much work for herself when she was still so young. She needed them- needed to be surrounded by their love and constant activity. She enjoyed few things as much as sitting in her yard, children running back and forth around her playing their little games. They were the family she had always wanted, even when they fought amongst themselves.

Then she met Tara and by extension the rest of the Blades. They now represented a whole other family for her. That was why she was huffing and puffing up the path towards the clubhouse, one of the twins in her arms. Family was so very important to her, yet her one family had never met the other. Solution- drag all seven kids to the clubhouse for some good times!


Date: 2005-08-01 10:25 EST
The reality was, dragging seven kids anywhere was easier said then done. It took her at least an hour to get them all properly dressed. She had went to get the twins ready after giving Moradin strict instructions to make himself look presentable only to come back and find him in his rain boots, underoos and nothing else. She finally enlisted her eldest daughter Amanda?s help before running across the hall to finish dressing the twins. She hadn?t even gotten to the triplets yet.

When all was said and done, it took her another hour to get them out of the house and on the road. They looked very much like a parade. Amanda and Moradin marched out in front, hands clasped together like usual- they were most comfortable near each other because of their life bond. Amanda had insisted on dressing exactly like Jewell, a light blue toga-styled dress. Unfortunately, the effect of Amanda looking like Jewell?s clone was ruined since Jewell had chopped off her own hair and refused to let Amanda do the same. Moradin was solemn as usual at Amanda?s side, letting her chat away to her heart?s delight as he just nodded causing his dark violet hair to constantly fall into his green eyes.

Being dragged behind her two oldest kids were two of those little red wagons that usually served as war chariots in their games of make-believe. Today they served as a means of transportation for the triplets and one of the twins. She had settled Oz and Raven in Amanda?s wagon and she kept her eyes on them more often then not. Mischievous as their mother had been, she could just read the need to cause trouble in those ever-changing-color eyes of theirs. At they approached the clubhouse both were still looking more-or-less well groomed- Oz?s white hair and Raven?s two-toned hair was only slightly mussed, their matching tan-ruffled dress shirts not too messy yet.

She worried about the two being pulled along by Moradin less. Eva-Jade, her white and blue hair pulled back from her pure white eyes, was amusing herself by playing with Devyn?s quickly growing mess of maroon colored waves. Devyn herself was turning grey eyes quickly about from her surroundings first to the basket set before her filled with fun surprises. Jewell occasionally reached over and brushed some piece of lint, only visible to her, off one of their pastel colored sundresses.

In her arms, asleep with tearstains on his little face, was Kerrick- her Alex look alike. Green eyes were closed tight and chunks of lavender hair were sticking to his face. She shifted him in her arms, mentally bracing herself for the circus her family was quickly going to become as the clubhouse came into view. She gestured for everyone to stay on the path near the front lawn, where Amanda was eyeing Amthy?s toys enviously, as she moved closer to the ladder, ?Hello, is anyone home??


Date: 2005-08-01 22:56 EST
As no one immediately answered, she set the kids into action. ?Hey! Let?s get moving, stop standing around like a bunch of fish with your mouths wide open like that sillies,? her commands instantly sprung the little group into action. They stopped gawking at the odd clubhouse their mother had dragged them out to and started to unload the wagons. Jewell sighed in slight exasperation watching them make an instant mess of things, ?Amanda, why don?t you take your sisters and brothers out of the wagons first so they can help you take everything else out?? The suggestion caused another surge of action, the two older kids helping the younger ones out and setting them to work much the way Jewell had just done.

Jewell took a seat on a clean spot of grass, occasionally giving out orders as to where to put the two picnic blankets, the basket of dishes, and all the food she had put together. She was content to sit there and watch them, Kerrick still asleep in her arms and Devyn toddling over to sit at her side.

She considered herself an utter failure in most things in life, except for with her children. She had failed her world in so many ways. As their princess, she had not helped when she had fled to RhyDin, ruining a political alliance with another world that was desperately needed to ensure peace. She was useless as their ordained guardian; she was not even on her planet and had no intention of ever going back. She had not been an obedient sister to her brother- an obedient subject to her king- when she had refused to be married off to the man of his choice.

When she watched her children, though, she felt almost at peace. Of course, Oz and Raven were inching too close to the pond for her comfort, but that was to be expected from little boys, ?You two stay away from that water! I will not be dragging little mermen home later!? Amanda flitted about from what part of the yard to the other, telling the others what to do in her usual bossy manner. She couldn?t break her of the habit, a habit that she had helped the girl form.

Amanda had been her first when she was too young to be having children, too alone. She loved all her children equally, but Amanda was special in her eyes. The daughter of a man she never gave a second thought to these days, she had spent the first years of Amanda?s life not having to share her with anyone. She didn?t begrudge sharing any of the children with Alex, she loved having him as part of their lives. However, she knew she would always have a special connection with Amanda.

Having already set things up, she could see the children were getting restless. They were starting to poke around the yard, Eva-Jade and Amanda looking at all of Amthy?s toys- just itching to touch them. ?Ravenlocks! Over here,? she called out to them, waving her hand to bring them closer to her. She didn?t have to repeat the request, they all knew better then that and circled around their ring-leader quickly. ?Moradin, why don?t you take the containers out of that basket,? she nodded with her head to the one nearest her. He did as asked, ever quiet and obedient, setting the covered containers out on the grass.

Oz couldn?t contain his curiosity and was pushing Raven out of his way to get a look at what Moradin was setting up, ?What?s it, mamma??

?Don?t push your brother,? she reprimanded. She was too excited about the surprise to say any more though, eyes dancing, ?It?s bubbles! Open them up and go blow them over the yard, okay?? She didn?t have to tell them that twice either, all the younger kids followed Amanda?s lead and grabbed up a fun-shaped wand and stuck it in the soapy-water before running off to blow bubbles.