Topic: OGB - The Bugberry Cafe


Date: 2005-05-30 22:23 EST
Sitting at his desk, he glances over her latest notifications. Chuckling softly, he pulls out a quill and parchment and begins to scribe her a reply.

My Dearest Love..

I've had the time to go over your interesting proposal. Perhaps I might offer up a few suggestions of my own? Perhaps your patrons would be interested in a bit of "Fly Fondue"..or maybe even "Grub Etoufee"? For desert one might be inclined to dip into the "Moth Marzipan" or even the "Sludge Fudge".. What do you think?


Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-05-30 22:37 EST
Dearest Snooklepuff,

I think I like your suggestions very much and hope to implement them when next we get our shipment from the local bakery. You know the one I'm always stealing bread from? Anyway, some quacky lady runs it and last time I went there, she hit me over the head with a broom. I tried to explain that I was hungry, that you were the reason for my hunger cuz you just can't keep your male hands to yourself, but she whacked me but good!

I think I've got a concussion. I may yet die. Haven't decided yet.

As for the Moth Marzipan, I'm thinking I might like you to feed that to me while we repose on a bed of rose petals in our vast bedroom you refer to as "creepy".

Why you refuse to let me keep the Venus fly traps in there, I'll never know. The climate is perfect and you know Herbert and Humphrey adore you!

I adore you too, Munkey.


Your Wife

Sylus Kurgen

Date: 2005-05-31 00:01 EST
::Just shakes his head at the menu:: are in need of serious help... we are people..not scavengers. Normal people do not eat bugs...FIX THE MENU!!!

Signed, The Chief Complainer.

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-05-31 00:10 EST
Adendum to the OGB.

On a side note... for the protien phobic members of our little group... there is a fine selections of multicolored Fungus courtesy of the Shroom Shack, and Edible rubber stamps courtesy of Doom Chicken Inc.

Have a nice Trip!


Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-05-31 00:49 EST
Dearest Sylus,

As someone whose name ends with "The Virus," I should think you would be the LAST person to be talking about me needing help when you so clearly are the one in desperate need of it. Not I, says the Fly.

As for the menu, I will NOT fix it, you bubble-headed pickaninny!

Don't talk to me about "normal" people because I happen to be the resident expert on it seeing as I am one. And if I wasn't so busy lording over you all the time, I just might have been their leader! Just look at what I give up to manage you! Why, you ungrateful, sour-pussed, complainer's complainer, you!

My menu is perfect! The food is going to be fantabulous! People are going to flock to my cafe in droves! You wanna know why, Sylus?! Because people love me! They can't help themselves! I'm too beautiful and intelligent NOT to like! So shut yer damn piehole and go do something constructive like passing out flyers for me!

And Sylus, so help me God, if you so much as go around telling people not to eat my food, I'm going to cram a slice of Cockroach Quiche so far down your throat, you're going to need the Jaws of Life just to get it back out again!


Your Boss


Date: 2005-05-31 14:13 EST
::sitting at a table, reviewing the menu:: Crimeny! Please tell me this place has a replicator or something!! I refuse to eat bugs.

Tara, I fear that your kitchen will be rather quiet if you dod not add some more items to your menu. Maybe steaks, chicken, fish, pork, baked potatoes, even a nice salad, something other than BUGS!

::shaking her head:: Definitely not even a one star establishment. The only thing this place will bring in enmasse is the Health Department (or gasp! more bugs). Loss of appetite number 12.


Date: 2005-05-31 14:14 EST many husbands have you had??

"Snooklepuff" ::dies::

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-05-31 19:06 EST
Why Aeryn, how kind of you to drop by and give me your opinion on MY great idea. ::smirks:: Oh, you who defaced my throne! I still haven't forgiven you for that!

I'll take your suggestions under consideration but I can't promise anything because I feel it may detract from the overall "mood" I'm trying to create. Let me pass these by the Chicken Avenger. He was always fond of you so you will get at least one vote. Then, if I'm real desperate for someone to see my side of things, I'll hand it off to Jewel, Kina and Amthy and if they say it's okay, I might just do it. But I make no promises!

As for the number of husbands I've had, I'm not telling. Hmmph!



P.S. What, pray tell, is a replicator?

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2005-06-02 16:42 EST
Chicken Avengers memo RE: Bugberry cafe Menu.

To whom it may concern (This meas you Miss Aeryn),

Chicken? ARE YOU COMPLETELY NUTS? There is nothing wrong with a good heatlhy serving of bugs, High in protiens and essential nutiriants. And if you are allergic to protiens... I sugest the the Fluffly pink sunset mushroom soup.... I hear its to die for.

The Chicken Avenger.

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-04 16:53 EST
My sentiments exactly, CA.

I believe Miss Aeryn has a screw loose to suggest anything to the contrary. Bugs are good, bugs are yummy, and when you eat em up they dissolve in the acid of your tummy!


Date: 2005-06-13 00:12 EST

Not that I would -EVER- second guess the diet of a woman with child (especially when those women are Tara and Kina); still if it's all the same to you, I think I'll stick to that liquid diet of mine.

::gloved fingers lovingly caress a half empty bottle of whiskey (yep....pessimist to the end!)::


Date: 2005-06-17 16:31 EST
I was tracking Orcs (by their droppings, you cannot miss them) and came across the Cafe. The menu is most ... interesting.

Many mayhap be surprised to know that I have eaten a bug or two, though it was unintentional. ::Grumbles in her native language about tricksters:: I learned quickly that not all things dipped in chocolate be peanuts. Howe'er, the chocolate-covered grasshopper tasted fairly godt.

Please assure me that Orc will not be on the menu anytime soon. Takk.

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-06-18 04:44 EST
Orc? Do people really eat that? Im a carnivore and I shudder at the thought...

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-19 03:56 EST
No, Miss Shy, Orc doesn't rhyme wif anythin. ::grin::

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-06-19 14:25 EST
OHH but Orc rhymes with Fork tara! and cork, and spork... I can just see the menu item, " Spork-ful of Orc crepes"...

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-23 20:50 EST
I feel a pimple coming on....


Date: 2005-06-24 10:23 EST
Pimple! I'll get the medical kit ready..

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-25 12:34 EST
::fans face:: Please do hurry!

I have an autograph signing in two hours!


Date: 2005-06-25 14:38 EST
::She sniffed:: Who would want your autograph? And why wasn't I invited?

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-26 02:52 EST
::She smirked:: Why everyone of course! I'm famous!

::then a look:: You wasn't invited cuz the attention hasta be on me. You know I hate to be in the background.


Date: 2005-06-27 13:56 EST
"But you're shorter then me so I'd be in the background," she argued. That made perfect sense to her as did, "''re only famous round here because you have me as your Empress."

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-06-28 14:23 EST
::sighs in a motherly way:: Girls dont make me get out the jello wrestleing pit...Wait on second thought... Do... We can sell tickets and bolster the construction fund.

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-28 23:14 EST
Left pigtail pops up on end. Head tilt.

"Isn't jello what they's feed the old peoples down at the nursin home when they ain't got nuh teethies left?"

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-06-29 02:49 EST
Well yes tara... But men seem fascinated with the idea of watching women play in it.. dont ask me why... i'm not a man so I do not know.

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-07-02 00:39 EST
Right pigtail joins left. Head tilt in opposite direction. Yeah, Kina had her attention.

"Tara never knew tha'. Nick never ask her to roll 'round in jello 'fore," she said.

This tidbit of new info got D.C.K. thinking. If men liked to see women play around in jello and she didn't know this because no man ever told her as much, what would her romantic life have been like had she known?

"All those missed opportunities!" she whined, sinking to her knees, and clutching at her hair.

As if marrying ninety percent of the RhyDinian male population as it is wasn't sufficient, Tara now felt the need to feel cheated somehow.

"Why am I always the last to know!"


Date: 2005-07-02 07:43 EST
"That's my fault," Jewell raised her hand, "I made sure you didn't know so you couldn't steal all the available men-folk in RhyDin. I've been a professional jell-o wrestler for years," commence with the buffing of the nails on her shirt.

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-07-03 15:09 EST
Her mouth popped open and she stared at Jewel.

Profession Jello-wrestler?

For years?

The horror.

"You never told me tha!" she whined.

Naturally, the next course of action was to ask a question.

"How do one become a professional jello-wrestler?" she asked, closing the distance between them as her eyes expanded to ridiculous proportions.

"Can Tara be one too? Huh? Preeeeese!"


Date: 2005-07-04 10:49 EST
"Eee..." she backed up a bit as Tara tried to close the distance between them.

"Okay, one- you never asked about my skills before you hired me as your Empress," true enough, Tara had only randomly asked her if she wanted to help sell hats. Jewell was still a little confused on that subject seeing as how she had never seen any hat shop. Arthur had explained that it was just a cover-up for being in the SA, but that didn't make much sense to her either.

"And of course I could teach you!" Now that she was caught up in her own lie, Jewell had never wrestled in Jell-o before, she thought it was best to just go with it. "First, we're going to need a big huge wrestling ring of Jell-o, though."

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-04 12:40 EST
An oh so evil grin from the catilng "give me a little bit ti get it set up... that grandstands take some asmebling, And I have to have time to sell tickets. Now wheres that chicken..."

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-07-08 15:16 EST
Tara squealed.

They were going to jello-wrestle. What fun! More fun than picking scabs off living victims!

She flumped down on the ground and waited.