Topic: Possible New Member?


Date: 2006-11-29 10:20 EST
Jewell came running up to the Clubhouse, waving a piece of paper in her hand and singing nonsense--a mixture of different songs in several languages--at the top of her lungs. She practically fell into the door while trying to open it, crumpling the paper in the process, and stumbled inside when the door finally gave way.

"I'm here I'm here I'm here!!!"

When no one immediately came running, much to her dismay, she moved further into the abode of insanity.

"Girls!! I think we gots a new male member!" Now, that sounded funny to her and she immediately started to laugh.

Waiting for the other girls to show their faces, they were obviously hiding somewhere, she examined the paper in her hand.

Name(please note that this can and will most likely be changed at Tara's convenience):: Dean Santiago

Gender:: Male

Are you good looking? Yeah why not.

Are you married and/or dating someone? (If so are you happy?) Yes, yes.

What are you wearing right now? Pair of loose fitting jeans a blue t, killer bunny boxers and socks.

Do you floss? Yes

Favorite flavor of jam? Orange

Favorite Musical? .... None that I know of.

Have any hobbies? (limit 3):: Attempting to cook, chasing Elly's pumpkins, stealing cookies.

Have you any Opinion on rubber chickens doing the Accounting? No?

Is Tara the single Most Beautiful Woman In all the Multiverse? Sure.

Do you have a history of insanity in your family?
A) Yes
B) No
(C) I don't know, do I Look Insane?

If you were besieged by a legion of undead Rhydinian pygmy half-rat/half-cat/half-angels in a dark alley would you:
A) Fall on the ground and cower in fear while crying to your maker
B) Escape using a little known undid Rhydinian pygmy half-rat/half-cat/half-angel spell of banishment
((C)) You wouldn't be in the dark alley because you are too busy preaching the virtues of Tara to the unclean heathen masses

True or (False): Doing nothing is a highly underrated past time.

You're stranded on a deserted island and can bring only one of these three things. Which do you choose?
((A)) Food
B) Your collection of encyclopedia brittanicas
C) Tara

What is more frightening:
A) A flock of blood frenzied seagulls
B) Life without Tara
((C)) Tara in the throws of a tantrum

Thank you for completing the Forsaken Blade application. We will be in contact with you in 3-6 working days.

"I wonder where the hell Dean got this thing, I haven't seen one in years." She turned it upside down and all over trying to figure that one out.


Date: 2006-12-02 16:32 EST
"Gah!" She threw the paper up in the air as Tara tapped her on the shoulder unexpectedly. Of course, she should have expected such behavior by now but every once and awhile she was caught off guard.

She caught the slowly falling paper in her hand and spun about to offer it to Tara as an answer to her questions.

"His name is Dean. He is fairly handsome," she pulls a picture of him out of her pocket--now where did that come from--and handed it over as well. "I think he's an artist and we have not interrogated him yet but I think we should bring him to the Clubhouse asap to do so!"

"Oh...and he has a woman."