Topic: Rebuilding

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-07-13 12:24 EST
"And ye'r sure you want it back like these plans?"

The question drew his attention away from the spot of rubble before him back to the foreman, who was standing next to him, a weathered floorplan in hand. "Aye, the house is to be rebuilt to that floor design, with two additions."

Lucius looked back to the spot where his first home had once stood, only a chimney and part of a wall remaining standing today. Built when RhyDin City was only a township, the modest home had been intended to be where he and his then-fiancee Sapphire would have lived when they were in this realm. Glashion had other plans, however, and after thier deaths and his return as an undead deathknight, he had closed the house, preferring to remain in the Underhalls of Gharnholme.

Many years later, when he again started to interact with the worlds it served as a safehouse and training hall for his slaves. And later still, he had gifted it to Tara, a welcome to the family present after he had adopted her as his ward. She had turned it into a clubhouse, until whatever incident had sent it burning to the ground.

Well, now he intended to rebuild it, giving Tara and her compatriots a safe haven. With the death or Corlagon, perhaps healing could begin. Let it start here.

"And what be the changes yer wanting to make?" The foreman, one of the best builders the RhyDin Contractors and Laborers union had on the rolls, looked up from the plans to squint at the Chaos Lord. And, again torn from his reverie, Lucius looked down to him and the plans.

"I want a room built here." He pointed to the back of the house, adjacent the back porch. "Thirty feet by thirty feet. Then, hire the best artisan you can find, and recreate in miniature RhyDin City and the surrounding twenty miles."

"Eh?" The foreman looked a bit confused, glancing at the map, then at Lucius. "Beggin' yer pardon, milord, but yer wanting a map drawn on the floor?"

"No. I want a miniature representation of the city and the lands around it, scaled to this." From a pouch he pulled a small miniature soldier, and gave it to the foreman, whose face had brightened in understanding.

"Ah, gotcha, milord. I'm gettin' these for me boy. he love's 'em."

"So does Tara." Lucius grunted softly, the pointed to the map again. "And here, in the center of the base, there is a special stone I want embedded. It will be delivered when you are ready to lay the foundation."

"Aye, milord. That won't be a problem at all." The foreman glanced at the plans, made some quick notes with a pencil, then looked at the land before them. "I can git started in two days, milord."

"Excellent. Keep a record of your costs, and you will be reimbursed duly." A handshake to seal the deal, and Lucius left the foreman to his preparation, as he looked over the site again slowly.

The stone, when set in the foundation, would give adequate protection to the clubhouse. Keyed to Tara and her unlife, it would allow in who she wished, but any that tried to gain entrance without permission would find themselves stopped by ward similar to what was found at Shadowhold Manor, Onyx Manor and Gharnholme. Designed by the ancient elf-mages in Elfhaime to keep the dracolich Daugolozan at bay, the wards approached the strength of a mythal, with the added bonus of blocking shadow-walkers if needed.

Lucius knew Fiona would frown at that last bit, and indeed he could feel her displeasure in the link they shared. But, as he assured her, the stone was also keyed to her and Lucius, and would not deny them entry, as well as alerting them to any trouble at the clubhouse. "Indeed, adequate protections..." he again muttered to himself, looking over the rubble.