Topic: RhyDinian Independence Day


Date: 2005-06-21 16:53 EST

I am officially worried about the integrity of the old woman who works one of the fish stalls in the market. For starters, she smells, doesn't dress well and it is widely known that she doesn't like me (this may be because I tried to free all of the fish in the market once under the belief that "fish are friends not food." However, there is also the chance that she is just jealous of my beauty and the fact that I associate with other beautiful people like Tara, Amthy, Kina, etc.)

Yesterday, as I walked by her stall intent on looking superior to her, she called out a greeting and wished me a "Good RhyDinian Independence Day." Now, no one seemed to be celebrating such a holiday but what with the nexus and all not everyone knows about these things. I have been gone for two years and how was I to know if the powers that be in the city had or had not declared a holiday. Not wanting to miss out on potential fun, I purchased several party hats from another stall and moved towards the Inn.

None of you were in the Inn to save me from certain embarassment but neither was anyone important present. I went about shouting well wishes and haout hats until the curious stares of others became too much.

I was informed by a very nice hobo, interested in doing me several personal services in exchange for my party hats, told me there was no such thing as RhyDinian Independence Day. I thanked him, handed over the hats and quickly departed the Inn without my personal services.

I consoled myself over a cup of tea, however I'm not sure when I'll see any of you again because going out in public will be too painful after this.

Beautifully Yours
The Empress

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-06-21 23:58 EST
Don't feel to to badly Jewel, as i was personallyu told that yesterday wae the festival of St. Liverwurst. I have since learned that NO religion has a St. Liverwurst....Which leaves me much baffled and confused.

As such I propose we form our own holiday, Call it the Dragonfire Festival, and have a roaring big party complete with bonfires. Given that we are all very talented and creative people I belive we can plan our festival in the minimun of time.

Thoughts anyone?


ps. The cubs nanny quit... does anyone know a reputable service?

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-23 20:53 EST
This reminds me of the time I tried to celebrate The March of the Fire Ants and everybody laughed at me.


I'm gonna go get my wristrocket. ::jerk thumb:: Meet you two out front. Then we'll go find this wench and lay the smackdown on her, alright?

::evil grin::


Date: 2005-06-24 10:24 EST
Yes yes! The smack-down must be layed upon her.

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-25 13:21 EST
::readying her wristrocket with some of those poison marbles::

So...what's this gutter trash look like, eh?


Date: 2005-06-25 14:32 EST
Well...she's old and ugly ::Her nose wrinkled up, she was really having trouble with this one since she avoided looking at the old lady more then she had to:: and she smells funny! Yes, there is a definite bad odor about her. She's only got three teeth...hey maybe I should lend her your prosthetic fang? ::She asked Tara, holding the fang in question up::

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2005-06-29 00:25 EST
Cue Tara meltdown.

To even jest about giving her prosthetic fang to another was risky, but to suggest that it be given to someone who had a foul odor about them was damn near suicide.

Never mind the fact that Tara, herself, smelled like a walking graveyard; the old woman had a snowflake's chance in Hell of obtaining it.

"You will do nuh such ting!" she said with a snarl and lifted the wristrocket as though she might be aiming at Jewel.

But she wasn't. One of the poison marbles had gotten stuck in the loading tray and she was trying to see how to get it dislodged.


Date: 2005-06-29 12:25 EST
As much of a tough-girl Jewell liked to come off as she had little courage when a crazy-person, which she considered Tara to be, was pointing a weapon at her. She dropped to the ground, arms over her head with a squeal before she started repeating a mantra, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!"

If she had known that it was so offensive to Tara to even suggest giving her prosthetic fang away...well she probably would have done it anyways but maybe she would have made sure to disarm the Killa first?