Topic: (( OOC Notes / Guest Book ))

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-05-09 12:44 EST
In Regards to Death Knight's Delusion

Hello Gentle Readers ;D Um, okay, so Death Knight's Delusion is a companion piece to Faerie Glamour located in the folder maintained by Lord Ayreg (omg, like I totally forgot the name of it, and I don't want to go look). It is, essentially, the same events from Faerie Glamour, but from Amthy's point of view. Unlike Faerie Glamour, where the story ends with Amthy's demise, the conclusion/aftermath will be in Death Knight's Delusion. Side note: It was hard to write so please excuse the random (or not so random) typographical and/or grammatical error(s). Ahaha, and the title of the thread Death Knight's Delusion is only me having fun~ cause he named his Faerie Glamour, and since it was a companion piece I wanted a matching-ish title.


Date: 2006-05-09 12:58 EST
I am rewarding myself by reading a post of the Death Knight thread every time I write a paragraph for my term paper!

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-05-09 13:10 EST
omgosh, I hope it's worth the read then ;D and you're just not all...

"What? I did my homework for this? Pfffft!"


Date: 2006-05-09 13:13 EST
omgosh, I hope it's worth the read then ;D and you're just not all...

"What? I did my homework for this? Pfffft!"

Of course it is! It is inspiring me to write faster (though, we shall see how my essay fairs because of that) so I can read more. I would just completely forgo the whole writing the essay part just to read but my professor is terrifying.

It has been very enjoyable so far, I like getting inside Amthy's head.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-05-09 15:25 EST
LOL! Well I'm glad it has been enjoyable~ though I don't know how long that will last XDDD

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-05-10 20:52 EST
In Regards to Death Knight's Delusion

Ahaha, I am a very slow poster. I think that warning so deserves to be said~ I'm going to try and get this thread done before I leave on my trip (I will be gone from May 23rd - June 18th, though I will probably be taking a few days past that to recoup)

This thread is a companion piece, so, all the events in Faerie Glamour already happened as far as RT chat is concerned. Yes, I know that you (the reader) don't know what happens yet to Amthy's body~ but that's because I'm slow. And really, it shouldn't matter just yet in RP what happened to it, 'cause only certain people would have the means to be aware that something is wrong. And I'm like gonna outline them here cause I'm lazy :D

Caytlin Benn'et - She'd notice an absence/void in the special rapport they share...which she already has because, lookie, there are mourning wolves for people to speculate on~

Miles Vincent Malign & Morpheus - They each have in their possession physical manifestations of Amthy's magic (heart beads, which serve as the vessels that hold all of her tender emotions for either person) they, at the time of her death, ceased to exist. They probably turned into lil tiny mounds of unmagical dust.

Annnd I think that's it. I don't think anyone else owns anything created from her magic.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-05-22 17:42 EST
In Regards to Death Knight's Delusion

Ah, well, I did try to get this finished before my trip~ Unfortunately, I totally failed X3 I will *try* to work on it while I'm gone, but I make no promises :twisted: Now, I'm off to sleep ;D I gotta red-eye flight and I don't want to miss it :x

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-06-27 14:57 EST
In Regards to Death Knight's Delusion

Random-ish Update
Bwahaha, so, I'm back from my trip~ (well, have been for a few days) I expect to have the rest of this thread finished up by the end of July. I have a whole bunch of offline work to get caught up on before I can even dream about writing....and my birthday month starts on the first >D So-o I expect many mini-holidays and present buying trips ;D (yes, I really celebrate my birthday for 31 days XDD Amthy's birthday month tradition is actually based on my own tradition ;D so, like, for a while there art was imitating life! Heh.) My first outing is this sunday~ I have an auction I'm going to up North <33 Therefore, I'm not sure if anything will be added to the thread this week.

edit: so I lied. I ended up posting :P Amazing what you can do when you decide /not/ to work.


Date: 2006-06-28 02:54 EST
Yay!! Great thing to read before class! Welcome back hun! I will be home soon and madness shall resume.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-07-22 15:46 EST
In Regards to Death Knight's Delusion

The thread is now complete ;D and has been closed. I hope those that read it, enjoyed it~

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-07-27 11:53 EST
In the past I've maintained a journal for Amthy before (like for three or so years until a flaw in phpbb allowed the board to be compromised and I lost everything there. I tried to remake it, but it's hard to do) but I figure that diary is somewhere in the Chateau, and right now, Amthy is staying at Ardane.

And I'm lazy-ish.

Yup, you heard it here first ;D I have no desire to flip through from one BB to another just for a diary. So, um, yeah, I'm gonna make one here instead. I might cross-post it to the other board in the future, though.

note: sometimes images are included in the journal entries. If not visible, try refreshing~

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-11-03 10:54 EST
It's November and that means one thing: NaNoWriMo! Except, I don't know if I'm feeling it this year. This would be my third NaNo, too ;D Instead (thanks to a wonderful suggestion by R), I'm going to partake in different activity in another community. Granted, I don't actually *belong* to that community so all my work will be posted on this board. The work being 100 word prompts completed for this month. I'm not sure what sort of format this will take ;D I'm still rolling a few around in my head.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-11-11 20:08 EST
I decided to do them out of order~ Any post that is prompt related gets the prompt number added at the end ;D

Prompts Completed: 2/100

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-11-17 22:21 EST
I'm experimenting. EXPERIMENTING. *cough* so don't expect anything fantastical or anything XD It will be a series of posts, too :x


the title is from the proverb:

If a man is destined to drown, he will drown even in a spoonful of water.

prompts completed: 10/100
total word count: ~4138

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-12-16 19:20 EST
I saw this in Jewell's folder~ Answered IC

1) What is your name? Amthy!

2) What is your marital status? Unmarried

3) Do you reside in RhyDin? Most of the time. I divide my residence between Ardane, the House, the Clubhouse, and the Manor and anywhere else someone will let me rest my head.

4) What creature class are you? Fae elemental changeling currently in a Nymph-flavored candy shell.

5) Who is your father? I dunn have one.

6) Who is your mother? I dunn have one.

7) Who are your brothers? My wind sibs, I suppose.

8 ) Who are your sisters? Mysty Snow, Caytlin Benn'et, Sid, and Andy...and my wind sibs.

9) Do you have any children, if yes, who are they? I dunn have any, but I do share the guardianship of my neices Audrien and Arielle Kaut.

10) What is your age? I dunn have one.

11) Do you have any knowledge in magic? Yes! I'm made from it.

12) Do you have any pets, if yes, what creature type? Oh, my! It would take far too long to list. A sample of them instead: Cassia (kitty), Garret (octupi-demon creature), Pear (guppy), Mignonette (penguin)

13) Who are your best friends? I have a hard time singling anyone out above all others because it might hurt someone's feelings inadvertently.

14) What is your alignment? Neutral

15) Who is the most attractive person or people you have met of the opposite sex? Hm, why must it be of the opposite gender?

16) Have you ever loved? Yes! Love is fun.

17) What are your fears? For me to know and no one else to figure out.

18 ) What is your darkest secret? I cannot recall having one.

19) What excites you? Shopping and presents.

20) Who do you hate? I cannot claim to hate anything.

21) Have you been slaved before? Depends on how you do define it. Iffin you mean being in plain old servitude, then yes.

22) Has this master trained you before in anything? He wasn't my master. He was more of my jailer/keeper. He did not teach me anything unless it was earned in trade.

23) Have you ever killed? Yes, though I wouldn't say it was my fault.

24) Do you trust easily? Sure.

25) Do you seek power? Sure, seems like a fun thing to have.

26) Name one thing you are sure of: That I'm one of the top three most lovely ladies in town.

27) What do you need for strength & survival? Food and protection.

28 ) Do you have anything to hide? Nothing comes to mind.

29) Have you desired someone only physically? Oh, Creation, yes!

30) Do you have a kindred spirit? Yes.

31) Where does your loyalty lay? With those that earn it.

32) What is your weapon of choice? My wiles.

34) Do you have a pic? Many of them! I delight sitting before the painter.

35) What is your goal in life? Why must there be a goal to make it fun?

36) What do you desire most? Bigger breasts.

37) If you could be anything in life what would it be? The number one most lovely lady in the realm.

38 ) If it was your last 5 minutes on earth what would you say? I wouldn't waste my time with words when actions tell volumes all by themselves.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2006-12-23 21:29 EST
Saw this in Erin's folder~ Answered IC

Name: Amthy

Sex: Female

Birth date: True unknown, chosen March 3rd

Location: Rhy'Din Town

Height: It varies

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Green

What does your name mean: It's a semi-precious stone.

Favorite relatives: All of them.

Summer memory: Taking Gem boating.

Do you believe in yourself: I always have believed in faeries.

Favorite game: War!

Favorite drink: Molested pineapple juice and mead

Favorite food: Honey, but that's really a condiment. Pineapple, maybe.

Favorite colors: I have no fever of the rainbow.

Favorite cigarettes: I don't smoke.

Favorite sounds: Laughter

Favorite smell: Sea salt and brandy

Worst feeling in the World: I don't know that I can answer this.

Best feeling in the World: I don't know that I can answer this one, either.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Take Cayt shopping

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I don't think much will change between now and then.

First thought in the morning: Every morning or just this morning? This morning: 'Is it afternoon already?'

Are you a good friend: I don't think I'm qualified to answer. I would like to think I am, but that doesn't make it true.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: I like both flavors.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes, my stuffed turtle.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Depends.

What is your zodiac sign: Huh?

What do you wear to bed: Mostly my skin, but I do have a wide and varied collection of jammies.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Yes.

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Work? Perish the thought!

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I'm not sure. I would say black, but my color now has grown on me.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I used to have several tattoos before my absence. I don't know that I would get any new ones.

What is your favorite quote: Boredom is not the lack of exciting things to do, but the lack of excitement to do them again.

Have you ever been in love: Yes, it's a splendid state to be in.

What's on your walls in your room: Which one? I have several. At the Helston house I have this delicious velvet. At the Manor my walls are a nice peachy color with a few paintings. At the Chateau my walls were bedecked with all sorts of pictures and trinkets. At Ardane my walls are this lovely blue color with flower stencils and a mural on the ceiling.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: pardon?

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: Kindness!

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Right handed.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Looks

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: A satin slipper with ribbon and bead accents.

What's under your bed: Which one? Nothing mostly, I think. I can't be too sure without looking.

Who is your biggest crush right now: This is a tough one! I think my biggest crush is on Kitty and Miles right now.

Nickname: Amthy, Lady Flitterwings, Little Light, Sunshine of the Meadows, Cara Mia, Pix.

Do you Drink: Doesn't everyone?

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Lots of times

Do you make fun of people: Sometimes, but it's the playful kind of teasing. I would rather laugh with people than at them.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: Cayt, Tara, Jewell, Kitty, Chryrie, Miles and more than that, but I'm having a hard time with names.

One pillow or two: Four

Pets: Yes

Hobbies: Shopping, interior design, my social club, racing pegasi, boating, collecting houses and hearts

Word or Phrase you overuse: I haven't paid that close attention to the things I say.

Piercing or tattoos: Both!

Do you get along with your parents: I don't have any.

Favorite beer: I don't like to drink beer.

Most humiliating moment: It has slipped my mind. I'm sure I've had one, though.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: I dunno we're all pretty mad in here.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2007-01-05 14:46 EST
A very belated update about Destined to Drown

While I have more posts written for the thread (several infact!) I am putting that story on hiatus for the moment. The inevitable (to me) conclusion, is not something I feel up to putting my lil Amthy through just yet.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2007-02-13 01:20 EST
In regards to Not All Things Are Meant To Last

This story was originally written summer of '05 (if I am recollecting correctly~) and posted to the board I maintain for Amthy. After much thought, I believe that the story has a place here as many of the stories written about Amthy in the last year-to-year-and-a-half are heavily influenced by what transpired in that story arc.

edit: the last thing I want to do is spam the homepage~ so, hopefully, I can unsticky the thread sometime tomorrow and close it ;D

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2007-02-15 17:21 EST
Hm, this post is for me and Cayt's player's reference :D There's no reason for anyone to read it really. I just am throwing this up here in case I lose it (again) on my HDD...which I have a horrible habit of doing.


Amthy is a Fae air elemental?a Sylph. She is a fragment of the ?soul of nature? and the personification of a breeze. In that way, she is soul-less herself since she is part of the ?soul? of another entity. Generally speaking, Sylphs are believed to be mindful of living in the present and not the past or future, and Amthy is no different. As a member of the Seelie (Blessed) court, she is mostly kind and helpful to others, but even a helpful faerie is something to be wary of. Like most other Sylphs, she has a close affiliation with butterflies and birds. She has since lost the ability to assume the appearance of a butterfly (an ability she regained briefly as a pixie). In her natural state, Amthy is transparent and has nearly no substance. Given what she is, if summoning magic is performed that calls to air; she may (or may not >D) respond to lend her aid.

Why then do I call her a Fae Changeling?
Because she is a changeling if one takes into account that a changeling is: ?A child surreptitiously or unintentionally substituted for another.? Amthy was not ?born.? In her natural state she has no corporal body. She is a timeless and ageless fragment of nature. She was unlucky enough to have her True Name divined by an Unseelie solitary faerie. The faerie Hildegarde used this knowledge to bond Amthy (against her will) to a physical form to serve as the soul for the creature/poppet/golem Hildegarde had created. This is how Amthy came by her body, or what she refers to as her ?shell.? With her new physical form she gained self-awareness and emotions. What Hildegarde intended to do with the newly created entity is what warrants the use of changeling.

Amthy?s initial form was of a Sidhe. Her shell is plastic and is easily manipulated by strong, continuous magic (usually foreign). Her shell also demands a great deal of magic to maintain its form and function. Hildegarde wove spells into her body and hair that needed to be strengthened ever-so-often, and this is why cutting her hair was considered a mortal injury since it removed some of the spells.

Shortly after her arrival in Rhy?Din, after she fled from Hildegarde?s Garden, she was transformed into a pixie by another faerie named Mysty Snow. She was given this new form to hide her should anyone come across the Veil to find her. After Amthy acquired the appearance of a pixie, she was no longer able to assume the guise of a sidhe. It also freed some of her air abilities. Originally, Amthy could not assume a human size or shape. That ability was granted by Mysty nearly year after she was turned into a pixie.

Nearly two years (RT) after Amthy began living in Rhy?Din, she was bonded to her mentor, Silvanous. Silvanous is an oak tree spirit that lives in a Faerie Ring in the woods near the Malign Chateau. With this affiliation she gained a minor earth magic ability and the ability to siphon Silvanous? power to sustain her shell. Several years after the beginning of the bond Amthy?s shell was changed again from the prolonged exposure to Silvanous? magic/essence. She became a wood nymph, or to be more accurate, a dryad. She gained many of the abilities associated with that form, but in turn found that she was cut off from her native element. This was a recipe for disaster since it caused Amthy to be very unstable in every way conceivable.

Did she die?
Yes, she did. Her physical shell was slain. The entity that is Amthy, however, cannot be destroyed.

How then did she come back to life?
She was still bound to her shell due to the fact that the body had not been destroyed. While her body was being kept in her sacred grove a great deal of magic was dumped into it until the shell could function again. As a side effect, she also lost her memory for most of the year (and of course she didn?t have any memories while her shell was deceased), all of her magical connections were severed, and her two elements are roughly balanced (though that balance can shift at any time).

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2007-02-25 16:06 EST
To show my support for the player of Tara Rynieyn I am going on hiatus. When I discover how things pan out I will make my decision on whether I will continue to rp on DM or not.

For those of you unacquainted with the situation: