Topic: Product Listing


Date: 2005-10-06 08:05 EST
A'ight, chummers. This is fer alla y'all wit tha cojones ta ride. They's a new gig in town. Come see what Ah've gots ta offer an' we'll talk price. Here's some brief descriptions of what Ah've got fer y'all.

"Bird's Eye"
Handles good, kinda slow, but it's quiet. Decent cargo space and can take a beatin'. Runs on batteries. Recharge facilities are available. Good fer off-roadin' and it's got a map screen.

Low-rider Harley style, decent speed, good off the line and able to take a good sized fall and keep on goin. A good deal of cargospace and runs offa methanol. Capable'a takin' directions and drivin' itself if necessary. Decent map functions. Also got some nitrous boostin' fer emergencies.

Hellified handling and a certified crotch rocket. Only serious racers need apply. No real cargo to speak of, but when ya go this fast, who cares? Runs on methanol. Also got nitrous fer some real thrills.

This'd be tha one ya always see me on. Y'all should know how it does by now.

"Mystic II"
Now, take tha one Ah've got and give it steroids. Ah'll even throw in a custom paint job fer ya.

This one's about midline fer what Ah'm buildin'. Good on speed and cargo, but not much else.

Another midline model, but less cargo and better speed. Also good for off roadin'.

A fast, light, little number that's perfect fer tha female crowd. It'll get ya ta where ya wanna go in a big hurry. Methanol powered.

Basically, a scooter.

Custom mods an' straight out built from th' ground up bikes are also available.

Y'all come by mah place an' tell me what ya think. Ah'm usually there, an' if'n Ah'm not, leave a message inna mailbox.
