Topic: A Trip For Inspiration


Date: 2011-06-16 00:48 EST
Aside from some briefly dismal weather, Heath judged the day as fair enough to wander and explore the downtown area, looking to blend in through fairly non-descript clothing as he meandered from shop to shop.

Hina had kept herself busy at the shop most of the day, half of it working with the forge, the other hand working with the molds for some of her smaller items that needed restocking. It hadn't been an overly slow day. A lord came in for a new blade and shield, a potential fianc? came in for an engagement ring, and a small girl came in to get her mother something special for her birthday. After a quick lunch with her daughter, Hina was back to the same routine, working, cleaning, and wondering what Heath would think of the surprise lurking beneath the trap door in her office.

And what was this? A shop he'd not seen before, but Heath sensed a familiar presence within. Casually, he strolled across the street, ever watchful for the possibility of traffic, and peered in through the window. The sights of the implements of war and combat caught his eye, as his steps carried him to the front door, where he knocked politely before entering. "Hello?"

Ah, so someone was in the forge side of the shop. The smaller trinkets were at the main entrance, but that was fine. Hina poked her head through the door connecting either part of the shop, her lips curling into a bright smile at the sight of what awaited within. "Hello Heath, just a moment please." She called before ducking back into her office and wiping her hands. The clay and mud that she had been working with was as black as night and left small amounts of sparkle along her hands, arms, and clothes, although she wasn't aware of the black smudge upon her face.

"Take your time, Hina. I'll find something to keep me distracted ... " Rather amused, he wandered from case to case, tray to tray, peering and taking in the design of each piece, noting the subtle nuances and differences. Some were molded and carved to appeal to the more masculine customers, others venturing more toward the effeminate wearer. Though, in his opinion, the graceful lines of a rapier were no less dangerous than the powerful elegance of a broadsword, in the right hands.

The apron Hina wore found its way to a chair beside her desk before her somewhat clean hands brushed at her shirt and jeans. Dried bits of sand sparkled their way to the floor while golden gaze drifted to the trap door. She paused in thought before moving for the kitchen to put away most of her mess, for she had yet to clean up her hasty breakfast, and then open the door to the back to let Jake in and check on the pots in the cooker. Crouching down, she tapped the temperature gauge, nodded, and turned back for the house and the forge room where Jake was greeting Heath rather fondly. "How's your day been, Heath?"

"Quite well. Enjoying the weather, when it allowed for such things." His eyes still roamed over the merchandise, picking out this ring, or that medallion, admiring the curve of this dagger, the grooves of that sword, the inlay of that breastplate over there. Never remaining on one item for very long, it seemed, instead studying the contents of the shop almost as a whole. "And yours? Contentedly busy, or maddeningly slow?"

"It had its ups and downs. A few customers, but nothing to fret over or be frantic about. No new orders so I'm refilling stock while I have the down time." When he examined the medallion she smiled. It was a golden shooting star with three rubies in its tail and a sapphire for the comet. "The shooting star in the culture I got it from is very important. They believe that a shooting star is a wandering guide that if held in someone you love's hands will give them guidance and understanding through all times. It blesses them. Yet, if it holds three rubies and a sapphire, it also ensures protection and health." She moved to stand beside him when he studied a breast plate. "Most of my previous partner's work is about sold, unless I can't come to part with it."

"And you have new designs to attempt, I hope?" Finally prying his gaze from the wares of the shop, his cheek twitched as he spotted the black smudge upon her face, exerting his formidable control to keep the laughter in check. "It seems something must've distracted you for a moment. If you'd like, I can find a washcloth to take care of that with." Quite intentionally, his shields were raised, and raised hard, against both unwanted intrusions and unexpected reading. For once, he wished to see if he could read her emotional state without the benefit of his psychic abilities.

"Oh dear." She felt her cheek, the black a clear contrast against the pink that arose on her cheek. "I thought I got it all." She bit her lip, looking to him before looking away. Her feet hurried along the stone floor to get a wash cloth for him before returning. She held it out to him, flustered, a pinch nervous, but all the more glad to see him, and that showed. It always did. She gave him a fond smile as she murmured. "I always look for new designs, but lately I haven't found any that really speak to me."

"Well, perhaps I can be of some assistance in that aspect. Is it critical that the shop remain open for the remainder of the day? Because if not, then I have something I wish to show you." Gently and carefully, he attended to the smudge, not wanting to abrade her skin with too-forceful cleaning. The hint of a smile played merrily about the corners of his lips as he worked, his tail swishing slowly back and forth through the air.

Golden eyes studied his tail while he cleaned her skin. Her smile grew and her head shook slightly as she answered, "Of course not, I'm free so long as you want me around." There had been times where the shop had been closed for weeks on end, one time it had almost gone a year without opening its door to the public. But Heath was well aware of that reason. She had grown weary of telling stories of kidnapping, torture, and trauma, each one had left her shaken, but she was getting better. There was less dwelling over it these days.

"Good. Close up shop, and I'll wait outside for you. I would recommend dressing for much warmer weather." Removing the last defiant remnants of the smudge, he moved his hand to her shoulder, for a gesture of warm camaraderie. However, as he turned to the door, he brushed his finger along her jaw line, lingering for a brief moment beneath her chin. "I promise, it will be a marvelous time." His steps silent on the wooden floor, he tugged at the door, the jingling of the chimes teasing that smile to the surface.

"How much warmer?" It didn't matter. She leaned into his touch, sighing at the soft caress of his fur and fingertips before slightly whispering. "I'll need only a few moments." She smiled, softly, then turned to Jake who had reclaimed his bed in the corner and watched the two of them with a knowing look. "Don't give me that look." His tail thumped in response to the chimes sounding in the background. "Guard the shop, ya hound." Hina smirked and rushed up the stairs. She took a black jacket with a grey striped interior, slipped from flip flops to boots, and from a tank top to a tee. Brushing some more sand from her jeans she paused to check her hair, and her face, before racing her way down the stairs. Locking the trinket side of the shop, then moving quickly to the forge side, locked the door as she stepped out and to Heath's side. "Ready."

"Good." His gaze roamed over her attire, and his smile grew broader. She'd learn, soon enough. "First, we need to go to the Institute. And from there ... well, you'll see. I'd hate to spoil the surprise." Surprise upon surprise, as he pondered the myriad sights and sounds she's sure to be mystified by.

"Alright, I'm sure I can handle that." Hina was iffy when it came to surprises, but how could she not trust Heath. He had been nothing but honest and supportive. That was all that mattered to her. "Will I like the surprise?" There was one thing about Hina, she had quite the curiosity and was never afraid to ask questions. Well, not afraid to ask Heath questions.

"And when we return, perhaps you can explain to me just why you're thinking so hard of the trapdoor in your office?" His voice woven through with threads of apology, as some thoughts were just too potent to totally shield away from his senses. Reaching down, he took hold of her hand, to guide her smoothly through the city. Of course, he was well aware that her knowledge of pathways and shortcuts would always outstrip his, but it seemed the proper thing to do.

There was a blank sort of look on her face all the sudden with his question. Even though it was irritating, she couldn't help but smile. She'd never have secrets from him at this rate and she liked the thought of that. Hina had never really been a secretive person to begin with. Casually she squeezed his hand and winked. "We'll see. Depends on what your surprise is." But she couldn't help but admire the irony, but she'd explain that later.

He stopped, before they'd walked too far. "Oh, before I forget ... you may wish to ensure Jake has ample food and water. Where we're going, time sometimes runs ... oddly." Such was his only hint of their destination. Though his brows rose at the amusement upon her face, he kept silent on the questions rummaging around in his mind. There'd be time enough for that later.

"I do wish that." Jake was going to need more than that. "I'm going to need to let someone take care of him, he's gotta do potty breaks too." Though she was sure he'd find some way to cover that. Her eyes met his, curiosity growing as her brows rose to mirror his own. "Where are we going?" See? Curiosity, and she enjoyed every moment of 'you'll see, and just wait' because he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"You will see, soon enough." And yes, he was enjoying himself. It wasn't often he allowed himself the indulgence of showing off the pride of his heritage, and he fully intended to show her all the best sights. As she slipped back to her shop, his mind wandered over the choice of dining, for after a while, they'd both be quite famished.

What the hell. Jake was rounded up, the ward was activated on her shop to look like some old, random, run down hunk of junk. Even if someone stepped in that would be all they see. She patted Jake before musing. "Think if we left him at the estates someone would take care of him or let him run around while we're gone?" Jake looked up to Heath before letting out a slobbery lick to his hand.

"I'll make certain of it." As a matter of fact, a couple of students came to mind as being ideal to play the part of Jake's keeper while they were away. And, if he remembered correctly, the chef was quite the fan of animals. She wouldn't need to worry at all. "Ready to go, Jake?" Kneeling down, he reached out to ruffle the fur between Jake's ears, smiling without showing teeth.

The common response in times like that was a BARK and then he was off, bounding for where ever Hina was going. He never really knew where, but liked to drag Hina there until she was able to get control of the leash. Then he was a good dog. So once he bounded off Hina squeaked, "Whoa!" gave a look to Heath, laughed, then tugged on the leash to calm Jake down. "Guess that's a yes." The English Hound was ready to get the show on the road, and so was Hina.

Laughter bubbled up from within him at the dog's enthusiasm, as he stood to follow suit. "I guess it is. Well then, let's not keep him waiting for his grand adventure, hmm?" This time, he offered his hand as they walked, glancing sideways to gauge her emotions.

Was it too much for her heart to be racing in her excitement. Heath was well aware of how she felt, well aware of what it was like for her to spend time with him. As she took his hand, walked beside him, and let Jake lead them onwards she couldn't help the thoughts not being contained by her poor shielding. It was curious thoughts, mostly questions over what he had in store for her, but most of all it was excitement to see what he had to show her, that he was spending time with her.

He kept mostly quiet on the walk, his smile the only indicator of his mood, though from time to time his tail brushed her leg. Quite by accident, of course. Not until they reached the gate of the Estate did he pause. "If you'll wait a moment ... I'll see if I can't reach someone willing to take care of Jake while we're gone."

"Sure." She had kept the thoughts over his tail shielded for the most part. Soon enough she was crouched down before Jake and giving him the rules. "Now. I know you're big and lazy and always hungry. It's like feeding a teenager with you around, but, that doesn't mean that you can be annoying for whoever Heath gets to watch over you, is that clear?" The wolf hound wagged his tail to her playfully. "Good. We'll be back. Promise." Jake was like another kid to her of course.

After a moment's time, a younger Kirn came bounding up the path, almost quivering with an open eagerness. And quite a gentle touch with animals, it seemed, as within a moment, he and Jake are off leaping and cavorting in the lawn, playing an intricate game of tag with each other. "There, you see? No problem at all. Now, if you'll come with me ... let's see if I can inspire your creativity."

Hina watched Jake with those motherly eyes before smiling to Heath. "Let's see what we can come up with." She winked to him, took his arm, and motioned. "Lead on m'dear." Blue hair fluttered in the breeze, and the jacket that had been folded over her shoulder slipped for a second. "Should I put on the jacket now or when I get there?"

"Quite honestly, I'd leave it here. Where we're going, you certainly won't need it." He'd said to dress for warmer weather, not to dress warmly. Ooops. Perhaps he should've made that more clear. "However, you might once we return. I'm sure it will seem much cooler here after the time we spend." His steps taking them toward one of the outlying buildings, where if one didn't know better, it almost seemed as if a ship had melded itself to the side.

She paled a little before nodding. "I thought you said dress warmly." There was an oops look on her face to mirror his own. She gave him a sweet smile before turning to look over the buildings one by one. Stopping beside one she looked it head to toe before spotting the ship. This was the first time she had actually seen something of the sort and her jaw dropped ever so slightly. "Whoa..."

"Welcome to the classroom building of the Institute. Where we're going is on the second floor." Or, in the case of the ship, the upper deck. "And don't apologize. I should've spoken more clearly. Entirely my fault." With an eagerness he almost failed to conceal, he guided her toward a small door in the side of the fuselage, which whisked open quietly at his approach.

It was like taking a Star Trek nerd to see the Enterprise for the first time. She gawked at the exterior of the ship while he pulled her along, admiration clear on her face. Then 'WHISK' just so happened to sound off and Hina turned to gawk at the door. She was getting used to technology, but Androthea was nowhere near this advanced. "Whoaaaaa." Sounded from her lips again as eyes took in the ships interior.

"Most of her major systems have already been disabled or removed, I'm afraid. The captain of this ship bought herself another vessel for those to be installed into. However, one system in particular could not be removed." As they walked through the corridors and up a set of spiral steps, he approached a broad set of double doors, which also opened at his approach, displaying a circular assembly taking up the entirety of the back wall. "This is that system." His tail whipped out to touch a control, and a swirling light formed within the gateway, blossoming into a paradise of sorts. His home, Motuv'Utaw.

She had seen many portals in her day, but this was exquisite. She stepped closer to the portal, its light glowing against her blue hair and pale skin. Turning her eyes on him she spoke softly. "They won't mind me being there will they?" By now she was understanding what she was seeing and what they were doing. Her fingers fidgeted and fumbled at her tee before she looked herself over. Half dirty jeans, t-shirt, and boots, suddenly she felt very under dressed for such a special thing. That showed on her face as well.

She had nothing to worry about, as most of the kirn visible through the portal were clad in much less. Some, obviously the crafting type, sported similar stained clothing and fur. "Not at all. We welcome most visitors, save for the truly violent ones. Come, I have much to show you."

(Thank you Heath mun! Xoxoxoxoxo. You're amazing!)


Date: 2011-06-22 15:34 EST
Museums and temples, even blimp rides and a suborbital tourist flight. For hours, Heath had led her around, showing her sight after sight, stopping only for food, a bit of light shopping, and a night's rest. Though he introduced her to the local attire, his obvious intent was for the night to remain chaste, as he'd removed himself to the balcony to meditate and keep watch for her safety.

By now she had found much cooler attire to keep her cozy for the evening's rest. A sarong wrapped around her frame as she moved to his side and sat beside him, her eyes flickering over the lush greenery and wonderful evening light. Her smile blossomed further and she took a lean over the balcony, fingers drumming for a moment before finally she sighed contently and rested her chins on her hands. "Simply remarkable."

"I'm glad you approve." His eyes remained closed, as he sat motionless in a cross-legged pose, the tops of his feet resting upon his knees, an almost painful ordeal to watch, if the one watching were not flexible enough to accomplish such a feat. The evening air still seemed palpably thick with humidity, though redolent with the many forest scents. Off in the depths of the forest beneath the city, bioluminescence (SP?) glowed brightly, illuminating the paths for nocturnal creatures passing through the undergrowth.

"Oh wow." She leaned further over to study the bioluminescence. Her feet lifted on her toes, one leg curling out while she drummed her fingers on the rail. Her blue hair was in curls along her back and over her shoulders. Golden eyes brightened and she smiled as she asked. "Must have been wonderful growing up here." Her feet bobbed up and down and she sighed again, draping herself fully along the railing. "My home world is nothing like this."

"Ours wasn't always. Centuries ago, we shared an orbit with another planet, and something, our elders and scientists still aren't sure what, shifted those orbits. Motuv'Utaw slipped closer to our sun, while the other planet moved further outward." He pointed upward, to a particularly bright glimmer of light in the sky. "That, is Gahdgkyl, the Ular home world. Perpetually sheathed in ice."

Her head lifted upwards while she drew in a small breath. "Sheathed in ice... that must be terrible." She paused to look back to him, turning fully and leaning back, one leg folding over the other. "What are the Ular like because of the shift?"

"Very large, and some among us would still say savage, though most Ular show us a great deal of respect. They are mostly traders and merchants these days." Finally opening his eyes a crack, he drank in the sight of her sarong-covered form through his lashes, letting his hand drift down to rest upon his foot once more.

She leaned forwards, her frame moving to settle beside him as she murmured out to him lightly. "Do they have a good culture too?" She asked softly, her eyes settled on him, one hand resting on his shoulder merely because she liked the feel of his fur.

"They do what they can with what they have. Their world is very harsh, and leaves them little time for frivolity. Would you like to know what it is that they respect about us Kirn?" His tail curled upward, gracefully brushing over the back of her hand, before slipping down to rest upon the floor. The barest hint of a smile curled his lip, as he waited for her curiosity to get the best of her.

"I want to know everything." She said softly, and moved to brush her fingers along his tail. Admiring the soft fur, but never going as far as she did the night before. Slowly her gaze turned to the bright star in the sky while she lay back, folding one leg over the other and her hands folding behind her head. "I want to know everything."

"To know everything is a goal worthy of a lifetime of study. But an admirable goal, still. The Ular respect us because long ago, they saw our world as the key to restoring prosperity to theirs, and attempted to invade." His tail twitched slightly at her touch, the tip almost curling upward to wrap around her caressing fingers. "They did not succeed."

She teased her fingers with his, wiggling her fingers a little before gently squeezing his tail. A smile grew on her lips and she murmured out to him gently," Why didn't they succeed?" Granted, she hadn't quite seen A'Rus or Bru'l yet, so she didn't know entirely what had happened to the Kirn or what had become of the invaders.

"We fought them to a standstill. It seems Ular, as a whole, do not do well with heights." A quiet chuckle escaped him, as he pondered the signifigance of an invasion thwarted by vertigo.

Her brows rose, she shifted, and she rose on her knees to look down over the balcony, still holding to his tail. Her gaze turned towards him, smiling to him warmly. "I can understand why. It's a long way down should one slip without a tail such as this." She said warmly while she lifted his tail and nuzzled it with her cheek softly.

"For some, yes. For others, not necessarily so much." At this point, she might take note that his legs were not resting on the floor at all. In fact, he sat plainly upon nothing but air.

Her lips parted and her eyes studied him while she drew in a breath. "How... how did you do that?" Her hand slid under him, waving in the empty space before looking to him, golden eyes locking with his in her curiousity.

"Nearly all Kirn are gifted, to a certain degree, with psychic or magical ability, in most cases both. However, in some cases, such as myself, a Kirn may be almost totally lacking when it comes to magical ability. It's rare, but those Kirn tend to make up for that deficiency by displaying a staggering potential in psychic power. Therefore, I'm floating solely via the power of my mind." His smile growing wider, he rose upward another half-foot, still seated as if he rested upon firm, solid ground.

"Oh?" She shifted to reach her hand out, waving it under him again then leaning back. "Does that mean your mind has to stay focused in order to stay up?" Oh the smile on her lips as she scooted closer and pressed a kiss to his nose, cheek, and then chin.

?Yes, but I have spent a goodly number of years training my focus." And to prove it, she'd feel a tangible sensation of force lifting her upwards, to float along with him. And then higher, as his smile grew broader, his eyes rising to watch her.

Both her eyes widened like dinner plates before she gasped out. She turned slowly and effortlessly to look at herself moving higher in the air. Her body tensed a little as she looked to Heath. "Whooaaa."

"Are you alright? I can assure you, it's perfectly safe." The timbre of his voice never rose above that calm declaration of fact, though he did raise a brow, bending forward for a different angle of view.

Hina studied Heath as he shifted slowly. Her frame turned and her body shifted even while she slid forwards in the air and towards him. "I know I'm safe, for even if I was to fall I know how to catch myself." Her lips pressed to his brow before she whispered. "Heath, you're a remarkable man you know that?"

Easing her down gently to rest on solid ground once more, his eyes slid closed at the touch of her lips. "I was not always so. But what exactly is it you find so very remarkable?"

"You have a good heart Heath." Both her hands cupped at his cheeks while her fingers traced over his cheeks slowly. "You've been a wonderful man to confide to and share everything with. You welcomed me warmly and have been nothing but respectful to me. I don't know how I'll ever repay such kindness you've shown me."

"Kindness is not a commodity to be traded. And such respect ... it is nothing less than what is deserved." He went quiet for a moment, then sighed abruptly. "As much as I would enjoy prolonging this tender moment, I fear there is one aspect of my physical being in which I have yet to achieve control. If you will excuse me for just a moment ... " Leaning back, he drifted upward to stand.

She drew her hand out and took his while her head lowered. She squeezed his wrist lightly then whispered out. "Heath, have I done something to offend you?" Her eyes turned on him, lifting to meet his gaze when she stopped him.

"Nothing at all. I fear this is simply the call of nature." Somewhat amused, he reached out with his free hand, curling a finger beneath her chin to lift her gaze. "This much I promise. If something you say or do should happen to offend me, I will let you know."

Oh. A blush rose on her cheeks and she nodded, letting him go before simply murmuring in a soft smile to him. "Thank you, I hope I never do so." She answered softly and locked her eyes with his for a moment. "Go take care of your duty." She winked then looked back over the area, a fond smile on her lips. "So beautiful here."

Still amused, he turned to slip into the small refresher cubicle adjacent to the suite's master bedroom. And, perhaps, it could've been her imagination, but she might've heard the whispered words, "As are you." upon the evening's breeze.