Topic: Crew Backstories!


Date: 2009-08-22 15:14 EST
Go Here!

Trouble Comes Tiny

Date: 2009-08-23 08:08 EST
Your atypical (or maybe not so typical?), half-kender Ameria hailed from Kyrnn three years ago. There are many things in which she did, all of which can be expected for a mix of human and Kender.

Ameria generally lead a life of adventure, free spirit, roamed where she wanted and did what she wished to. All until accidentally (and it was by accident!), crossing a spell being cast by a Gnome. It brought her here, to Rhydin. That's when certain things began to change; for her and within her.

She found it
Flash in the pan
Come home soon
Worlds Best Mom, Ever

As of this moment Ameria has chosen to align herself with the least likely candidate for friendship, ever. An eight foot tall towering minotaur. Claiming she's his agent and he's her knight, generally wherever Horam is Tiny is usually not far behind. Though there are (blessedly), times when the half-mutt is elsewhere. It's rumored she spends her time in a half-broken down church in the company of an immense demon named Amon.

Recently, she just volunteered herself and Horam to work for Fur'za Flyin'.

Space will never be the same.