Topic: Log Entries (Since the -Return-!)


Date: 2009-08-11 13:02 EST
Pilot's log, ohhh, fardles. I gotta get used to loc-time again.

Well, the Fur'za's kinda lonely these days. Everybody else all left, but I'm still here! She's got a couple more dings, but a couple more tricks up her sleeve, too! Like a new auto-doc! And voice-activated commo. Basically, a bunch of good stuff that lets me fly her by my lonesome.

*sound of a heavy sigh.*

That's just no fun, though. Well, I'm off to see what's what! Oh, right! Better get dressed first. They don't like that here. Teehee!

Misty, out!


Date: 2009-08-21 13:53 EST
Pilot?s Log, July Thirty.

Took a trip down to the Inn for coffee, ship was out. Gotta fix that. Met Risa. She?s an absolute hoot and a half. She told me there?s no charge for coffee! Wow.

Watched a dragon get turned into a girl while I had my coffee. They really need to keep some spare clothes for people at the Inn. She had to be cold!

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-21 13:54 EST
Pilot?s Log, July 31.

I got a shiny new staff yesterday, and thought it would be a really good switchup from my fali?r. I don?t like cutting people, even if the rings do heal it up right afterwards. I don?t wanna be all mean like that. But there was this imp making calls, and this other really important looking guy, and the really important looking guy was calling a Baron?s challenge between Guill and this lady named Jaycy. She won, but ?Anya didn?t look too happy. Rena tried helping me remember who was who, but I gotta say, I was still a lot lost!

Sal looked all grumpy, but he couldn?t fight me again last night yet, so whew! Skin of the krelos on that one, that?s for sure!

Rena mentioned something about going to a party. Good for her! She sometimes worries me. Too serious! You can?t be all that kind of serious all the time and be healthy.

This one lady came in, and Rena said she was part of this temple that wouldn?t give the really important looking guy his sword back. That?s kinda mean. Why won?t they give his sword back?

Rena wants to use ?fardles? now. *giggle! * That?s funny! Then she asked me about what color the imp would turn if he got a bruise, since he?s already blue. That?s a good question!

I fought this lady named Wyheree. I?ve seen her officiating before, but she?s a real hellion in a ring! She whalloped me like I was a kriffing baby. She did say I had potential, though.

Rena gave me another peacock feather, too! I?m gonna have so many in my collection, I just love it!

?Anya and I fought too, but I got real lucky that time, and I won. I hope she?s not mad at me. She did fix all the nicks in my new staff ? maybe it?s okies after all. It was a really neat trick, too! We talked about the KIA some, and the Fur?za, and then she said her fiance?s might need another cargo transport! Paying job, score!!

This one guy named Darien who says he?s a reporter came in after the dueling ended, and he really just twists my tail the wrong way. I don?t know. I mean, I don?t have any problems with play, * giggle * but jeez!

?Anya said that I should come by the clinic sometime and meet all the kids. I like kids. Don?t want yet, but I like them. I?m gonna tell them all about flying the Fur?za!

Aja did the silliest sweetest most awesomest thing ever, though. She proposed to Tru! Wow. He fell down and everything, too! And even kay-ohed, he?s a smoothie!


Misty, Out.


Date: 2009-08-21 13:55 EST
Pilot?s Log, August One.

Talked with Maranya some about weapon fighting before I had to take off and snooze. She lives at this place called the Palazzo, and said I could come watch her practice sometime. Gonna have to find out where that is.
I'd love to watch her practice.

Misty, out


Date: 2009-08-21 13:56 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 3.

Last night just wasn?t a good night for me. First, in the rings, Xanth came and kicked my tail around, then Anya tied me, and Neo ? It was sooooo close!!! I almost had him!!! Ugh. I need more practice.

Then Anya was being nice, and she made me a drink with something called Everclear in it. Wow. I don?t need to be knocking anything she makes me back like that anymore.

Pilot?s Note: Avoid Everclear. Unless it?s as a fuel source.

I got to meet Sivanna tonight, and Aja Bird. And True. But, I got a little too warm. ?Anya said to start wearing silks. I think I?m gonna take that advice. I mean, nobody?s trying to vape me here, right?

Pilot?s note: Invest in personal defense field. Oh! Wait! Nevermind, I can cover that with spells.

Then everyone started playing this game called Schrades. Or was it charades? I dunno. I gotta start getting people to write these things down for me, so I know how they?re spelled right then instead of having to do searches. Anyways, Sivanna started it, then Neo had a turn, and this girl named Shay. I finally got one right when it was ?Anya?s turn. But when it was my turn ? everyone left.

* sound of sniffling *

Oh well. I guess I?ll just let the schrades thingie go. I mean, it doesn?t mean they don?t like me ? right?

* sound of a heavy sigh, and nose blowing. *

I was gonna do ?monkey business?, too.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-21 13:57 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 4.

I was sooooooo mad. I know, I was a little tipsy, but ditching me like that?

* sound of a heavy sigh *

I had a nice long talk with the Fern, though. He?s nice, even if he is kinda narrow-minded. Maranya had a talk with someone that really ticked her off, and she almost hit me with a punching bag by accident. She tried talking afterwards, and I really wasn?t feeling up to it. I?ll hafta make it up to her later.

She did mention something weird, though. Something about ?feeling it?. I think I?m gonna hafta ask her about that sometime.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-21 13:57 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 6.

#sound of giggling#

Gee. I like swimming. Cranberry and vodka?s good too.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-21 13:58 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 7

Wow, it felt so good to get Firebug out for a run! Heeheee! I think I was just too stressed to enjoy it before.

Note: Tell Bri danku for the relaxings. With a little treat of my own making!

Speaking of Bri, I don?t wanna wind up with us plastered all over the ?Star. That would means we did something bad.

?Anya and I played the staring game with Rico after Aja started it. That was kinda fun. I like being able to just relax and not worry. Oh! ?Anya told me about her going to a mask thing with a catwoman suit! I feel so honored now. Teehee!

And I don?t show up on this one guy?s radar just yet. I keep hearing all these different names for him, but they all sound so unfriendlies. I think I?m gonna wait until I meet him before I give him one. Besides, my cousin helped refurbish the Fur?za with money from his tabloid business! But I can see how everyone might not like him. Some of the things he says aren?t so nice!

Eh. I think I?m gonna go to bed now.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-21 13:59 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 8

* sound of sniffling*

Oh fardles, I?m so embarrassed now. ?Anya was so happy and making drinks for everyone, she called them Traffic Lights, and we were all having a whooping good time but then she gave me something she called a Tootsie Roll and ? it had chocolate in it. I?m just glad ?Anya is quick on the draw, ?cause she hit me with a spell that cleared my head before I could pounce on Rico! Well, mostly before. Landing kinda hurt. Sivanna tried to cheer me up a little, but I just wanted to curl up and cry! Rico?s okay, though. He didn?t get landed on or anything.

* sound of a slight giggle*

He even calls me Sassy Minx now.

I also met this one lady who sells chocolates, but I think I warned her enough.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-21 14:00 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 10.

Went to the Inn for some relaxy time today. Everyone was a little worried about Taneth, since she just wasn?t feeling like herself. I hope she?s okies. ?Anya did this thing where she really looked at Taneth and then said something about her missing some kind of plants. I dunno.

But there was this really really big guy in the inn, and he had this little tiny girl with him that just didn?t seem to have an off button. She just kept on making him madder, and madder. I asked ?Anya who he was, and she said his name was Horam. He?s huuuuge!!! And he?s got horns! I was just gonna let him be and stuff, but he yelled something and I couldn?t help it! I jumped! I don?t think he knew right away that I wasn?t supposed to stick to the ceiling like that. But then I fell! On him! I?m really lucky he turned, or it would?a really really hurt! It hurt bad enough when he landed on me!

When he got up, I tried playing dead, but I coughed, and there went that! I scooted away when he wasn?t looking, but then he mentioned something about a ship or working on a ship or wanting a ship, and ? I told him about the Fur?za. I mean, I just couldn?t help it! Something just said he?d be good for helping lift, and it would really cut down on having to find good hired loaders and all that kind of stuff, but then he yelled again, and I lost it! I told off this one guy who?d been talking about dinner and stomped right up to him and yelled back! The little girl kept saying she was his agent or something, but ? I wound up hiring him! And the little pipsqueak. But she got ahold of some moonshine, and it got quiet for a little while. That was a good thing.

Horam and I had a little drink to celebrate, but I don?t know what was in mine. It was like the room went all melty, and poor Horam got all goopy and feathery and glittery ? Whatever it was, it was really really weird. I?ll hafta talk to him about that later.

Oh yeah. I gotta remember the word ?sans.?
Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-22 15:15 EST
Pilot?s Log, August 11.

I got Horam to come down to watch the fighting things tonight. Taneth was saying Horam was scared of the duels! Hoo boy, was that a big mistake! Horam jumped right in to fight this one guy, and he got flipped!

Note: Get Horam a fighting kilt with extra fabric. He needs a gusset.

I fought Guill a little, but he beat the snot out of me, points wise. It was almost a total blowout! I only landed one hit ? Oh well. But then, I fought Horam! And I flipped him too! It kinda hurt, but it was worth it! Right up until he up and smacked me right out of the ring into the pool! I hate swimming and wearing cotton. Gets everything all matty. Yuck. ?Lene and Mog were there, and she actually said I was dangerous! Imagine that, me dangerous. * giggle! * But Horam gave me a drink of something from his mug, and whoooo! Wow, that burned! I think I marked up this one girl named Paradise something awful, but she was trying to help me into dry clothes in the locker room, and I really should apologize for that. The shirt was a little too warm, so ?Anya got me a lighter-weight one, after Paradise dumped ice down my pants! I kinda turned those into shorts after that. I think I need to start keeping some extra clothes around, just in case!

Well, everything was all winding down, and I think Mog was gonna try to do something to me, but ?Lene kinda played some dirty football! Poor Mog. He?s gonna feel that for a little bit. Sivanna gave me some water, but there was this birdkitty thing, and it whapped me upside the head, and I got soaked again. I went behind the bar for something else, but everything I found, people kept on taking from me! I looked up at Horam ? and ? * giggle * I don?t think I should?a looked up at Horam from the floor!

Note: Gusset. Really.

Everybody else left, and Horam and I talked a little. I think he might like Paradise, ?cause he said she looked really good in ripped up clothes like she had. But then he said something about staring at my chest all night ? I think he?s a little confuzzled sometimes. But he?s kinda cute, in a big, gruff, meanie way. I think he really needs to watch that strength of his sometimes though. But it was funny watching him try to catch me on the way back to the ship! He should know there?s only one way to catch a comfy Kirn!

Note: I think I talked to that one lady about trying to get in some moji fruit. I hope she?s successful! I ran out, and it?ll be a month before any more fruit?s ready on my plant!

I could say something about what happened here, but I got cameras for that!

Misty, out!


Date: 2009-08-22 15:16 EST
Pilot?s Note. August 13.

Had a serious talk with Horam today. All sorts of deep philosophical stuff. Then teased him with a collar. * giggle * He?s gonna kill me one of these days.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-08-31 04:27 EST
::Pilot's Log, datestamp Sept. 1::


::Log ends.::


Date: 2009-09-02 15:33 EST
Pilot's log, September 2.

Last night was ... weird. I's still kinda confuzzled ... but it's clearings up nows. I's falling behind in my logs agains. I's gonna hafta keep some better records!

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-09-09 15:31 EST
Pilot's Log, September 9.

* yawn * I's took yesterdays off, just stayings in bed. I's hate getting hurt.

I's think something's going ons with the rest of the BeeCeeYou that nobody's tellings me abouts. * sigh * I's guess someones will tells me when theys good and readies.

I's ... I's keep findings myself not wantings to leave the Fur'za. I's know those guys that stopped me outsides the Inn are probably long gones ... but ...

* sniffle *

I's knows what theys wanted to do. I's could see it. Even ... even in the dark, I's could see it. I's hates being afraids. I's hates needing to be all tense and stuffs, havings to watch out everywheres.

I's hates being scared. I's guess that's what it all boils downs to, isn't its?

I's could'a used really bad castings on those guys. I's didn't. But I's don't think they's gonna care. Because theys couldn't has what theys wanted, theys wanna make me the bads guy.

* sniffle *

Things like this makes me wonders why the fardles I's came back ...

Pilot's Note: Thanks K'yari the bandages comes off todays. DocDoom keeps telling me to takes it easies for a couple days.

Pilot's Note Two: I's need to has Em-Five works on a smaller field generators. It's still too fardling hots for the jumpsuits.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-09-09 17:46 EST
Pilot's Log ... Hmmm. Still September 9 here.

Took a little hops outsystem today, to show Paradise what home looked likes. Picked up a few odds and ends, trading off some of thats salvage that Ember paid us withs.

Spent some times at the infirmary. The wounds and other injuries are healing up nicely.

Em-Five got that trinkets done like I's asked him to. I'll be ables to dress a little more comfy tonight.

From the newspostings, things still aren't resolveds here. Not gonna fix that, not in less than a day.

I's will not be scareds like that ever agains. I's swear it.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-09-17 12:36 EST
Pilot's Log, September 17.

I's can't believe I's let this go again. It's been overs a week! Okay, let's sees ... what's happeneds ...

Ahni and I's has become really good friends, and has been talking minds-to-minds a lots. But last nights, and the nights befores, thats was a bad things. I's forgots to do shieldings, and Ahni gots caught up in playtimes with Bri. I's gonna really has to apologizes to hers today.

One of the guys that tried hurtings me tried hurtings Ahni too. But she called me, and I's brought help. I's shouldn't try to use thats spell agains, though. It hurts a lot when it's not finished.

Ahni dumped Ven! And she founds herself a cutie. His name's Kajiya, and he likes motorbikes. He's nice, and really jumpings out of the gates in the duels too! I's think Ahni really wants to start playings with hims. He's going slows though. That's probably for the bests.

'Anya got hurted when we tried savings Ahni. Now she's got all this spidery silvery stuffs on her arms. I's hope she gets betters soon.

The whole town's going crazys with this Proposition Thirty-Seven things. I's almost thinkings about just packings everyones I's know into the Fur'za and takings them all aways from heres, just to be safes. I's know they won'ts go for thats, though.

My shoulder's still a little stiffs. And I's hopes we gets another job soons. I's hasn't seen Horam in a whiles now. And poor Paradise has been cooped up here for too longs.

That's all I's can remembers right nows. I'll trys to fill more in laters.

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-09-21 10:31 EST
Pilot's Log, September 21.

I's took a bit of times for myselfs yesterday. I's had to practice my shieldings so I's wouldn't mess Ahni up anymores.

Ahni and Kaji are in love!!! I's so happy for thems ...

I's think my lucks in castings is going souths. But I's still gonna keep tryings!

That's all I's got for nows. Back laters!

Misty, out.

Pilot's note: Say something about the party!


Date: 2009-09-25 11:58 EST
Pilot's Log, September 25.


Sorry, just had to gets that out theres. *giggle*

Ohmygosh! I's can't believe I's almost forgots to mention the party for 'Anya! We all dressed ups like Alice in Wonderland characters. I's guess I's was a shoe-ins for the Cheshire Cat ... But Ahni made a really cutes naughty Dormouse! Even Kaji got dressed ups, as the March Hare! 'Anya was sooooo happys.

I's hope she likes what I's got hers.

I's think that I's need to do more shieldings betweens Ahni and me. I's hope she liked the pointers, but I's got too worked ups in the process!

Pilot's Note: Danku Bri!!!

I's hope things turned outs alright ... I's kinda got distracteds there. But now I's think it's nappings time. *yawn* I's kinda tireds, and I's gotta shift tonights!

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-10-09 19:05 EST
Pilot's Log, October 9.

Oh fardles, has I's really let this go two weeks with no entries? I's been sooooo busys lately.

I's got the Kitteh's Claw built, so I's been doing trainings for the RASG. Some of those pilot's hads to just come from the boonies. They barely knew whats the Claw was!

I's hasn't seen much of Bri lately, and Rico's been gones for a while nows. I's starting to wonders if maybe I's did something wrongs. I's dunno.

The P-37 thingie gots voted downs, so that's one worry offs my back. I's still carrying around my gloves, though. Things aren't totally died downs yets.

I's will make more entries laters. I's got another shifts to do tonights!

Misty, out.


Date: 2009-10-23 15:35 EST
Pilot's Log, October 23.

Well, it's seeming like two weeks is abouts all I's can manage latelys. They put me in charge of the Standings for the fist-fightings thing! Wows.

Saw Bri abouts a week agos. Wowwies. He's gonna has to do that tricks agains. Soons. * purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *

Oh! Ummmm ... anyways. I's hasn't had a lots going on latelys. Trainings, some fire-fightings thing, teachings, shift callings ... I's was in a tournaments on the Isle the night I's saw Bri. I's got knocked outs second round. I's kinda losings my touch!

But I'll get betters, promise!

Misty, Out!


Date: 2009-12-28 16:03 EST
Pilot's Log, December 28.

Wows. I's been totally forgettings to do this things, and so much has happeneds!

Bri tooks me to his family's Thanksgiving celebrations, and I's got to meet all his friends, and his parents! I's was one nervous Kirn, lemme tells you whats!

'Anya had some troubles with the Watch tryings to say she committeds three murders! Wows, are they barkings up the wrong trees.

But Yules, oh Yules! I's mean, wows! I's got a few things for peoples ... I's got Paradise a few silk skirts, Sivanna a bars-in-a-briefcase, Alec gots a moji fruit bush, 'Anya, Tonio, and Alper gots somethings very specials. I's gave thems their honeymoons, to cash in on the tenth of next month!

I's gave Kel a present too, even though she's the ones who shots me. Neo and Jin both gots wrist-comps, since they liked thems so much. Bri gots six yards of red ribbons ... but that ones was a tricksy presents, since I's was actually wearings that ... And I's gave Thorne a pamperings day.

Oh wows ... Thorne. There's another things. He asked me outs on a dates! I's went and talked to Bri, so I's could get things out in the opens with both of thems. I's didn't wanna be lyings to either ones, so I's just went and saids what was on my minds. And both of thems are okies, so fars. But wows, Thorne has a really nice bookstores ...

*giggle* Nows, for what others gave to me! Sivanna gaves me a pretty diamonds and silver bracelets, that has something magics on its ... 'Anya gaves me a platinum plaques, with my picture embossed in its, some betters for me cigarettes, a jar of pomegranates preserves, and some chocolates. She's so naughtys! Thorne mades a replica of the Fur'za outs of obsidian, with topaz engines, and a really big diamonds for the front windows ... Kel gaves me a bunch of coppers and platinum bangle bracelets ... 'Tonio gaves me some mint coffees ... Bri gaves me some little platinum bells to braids into my hair ... ummmmmm, there were so manys, it's hard to remembers!

*sigh* Wows. Let's go backs a bits. Kel shots me. But, she wasn't the ones who shots me, reallys. She hads a demon insides her, and that's what shots me, using her bodys. She's got thats under some controls now, and she's been helpings 'Anya outs at the clinics ... I's almost wish thats she hadn'ts told me. I's almost had thats forgottens.

I's promise, I's will posts more laters, and not waits for months this times!

Misty, Out.


Date: 2010-01-01 15:24 EST
Pilot's Log, December 31

Whatta party! Wows! Sivanna and I's threw 'Anya a bachelorette partys on the Fur'za. She had no clues! We all gots dressed ups in fancy underwears, and Sivanna made sures there was plenty of drinkings for everyones!

I's did a little tricks to make sures I's wouldn't go bonkers with all the drinkings and chocolate cake, but it kinda wore offs when we came backs down for landings. Bri was nice enoughs to come provides some entertainments for us too! *giggle* He kinda worked extra hards on my accounts ...

Darien apparently stowed aways on board before we took offs, though. That made Sivanna really mads. Her and Kelathe left really quicks, which made me sads. But apparently Paradise hads some company that nights too ... I's not gonna name names, but I's will say there's lots of drawings involveds!

I's still gonna go outs with Thorne for coffees today, then Bri's taking me to a new year's party tonights. In the mornings, I's taking him back to my homeworld for a visits. I's think he's gonna likes it a lots. Paradise was kinda eagers to go too, and I's think she wanted to brings her new friend. I's hope they don't gets into too much troubles!

Misty, Out!


Date: 2010-01-03 17:05 EST
Pilot's Log, January 1st.

Hmmmmmm. First a good partys on the Fur'za, then a really really good partys with Bri's friends at the Guild. There were so manys! I's literally couldn't counts them alls. And theys were from everywheres, too! I's saw so many differents species, my heads was spinnings. But thats isn't what kept my heads spinnings ...

Bri and I's wound ups with a friend of his that I's met at his Thanksgivings partys. She's a sweeties, but whooo ... I's think I's gonna keeps that ones a memories, and say thats I's still tinglies.

Bri, Paradise, her friend and I's are goings to Motuv'Utaw for a bits of a break, abouts two days local times. Since that's almosts eight days there, we's should be just fines. Plenty of relaxings.

I's will tells yous more when we gets back, okies?

Misty, Out!


Date: 2010-01-05 15:55 EST
Pilot's Log, January ... ummmm ... 2nd.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, I's missed home.

Bri was a really big hits at KIA. I's think he starteds something really big theres. But it was warms, and comfys, and wows did I's miss thats.

I's really glads that I's had the talks with Bri and Thorne. I's really likes both of thems, but I's don't want to makes either ones feel left outs. Though I's don't thinks I's will ever try and do what 'Anya's doings. I's don't think Thorne likes sharings that much.

Misty, out!


Date: 2010-01-05 16:04 EST
Pilot's Log, January 3rd.

Ow. Hads to visit Riverview agains this morning. I's pulled a naughty on Thorne last nights, and he gots a little overexciteds. I's had to gets more bites patched ups.

Sometimes I's think that Teagan lady doesn't likes me, 'cause of Thorne's and my playtimes. Whenever she talks to peoples, though ... I's think she likes playtimes more than anyones!

I's been thinkings a little abouts what happened at the Guild Party. I's never really done thats befores. I's don't really knows if it was just 'cause of wheres we were or nots, but now I's a little confuzzleds.

Oh! I's almost forgots! I beat G'nort in a swordfights! Actually, I's had my batons, and he hads his really big hammer! I's think I's finally gettings past thats ...

Misty, Out!


Date: 2010-01-05 16:06 EST
Pilot's Log, January 4th, late.

*rustling paper, sniffle.*

Oh. Oh fardles.

*sniffle, then quiet crying.*

::log ends.::


Date: 2010-01-14 14:44 EST
Pilot's Log, January 14.

It's been a hectic few days heres. Bri's got the Fur'za grounded for a projects. He's building me a gates to home, 'cause I's took him theres, and the KIA really liked his magics. They're going to has classes there!

He says I's got him in the history books. For openings the biggest expansions of his Guild evers. Evers evers.

I's was kinda blown aways by thats. He saids I was a bigger credits to my race than I's realized. Then he tooks me shoppings. I's needed to gets all the stuffs he bought for me delivered, 'cause there was too much to carrys!

I's think I's gotten over the letters that Thorne wrotes to the 'Star. Sometimes, he's just too blunts. But he's still a sweeties.

Bri asked Paradise and Vinny to helps with makings this portal. I's think they're gonna has it dones before it's times for 'Anya's honeymoon. Alper's dad hads something happens, so they had to postpones the weddings. I's think 'Anya's really sads about its, but I's know he'll be alrights. I's told hers about the timeflow difference on Motuv'Utaw, so that if theys went theres, they coulds has four times the honeymoons time.

*wistful sigh*

Misty, Out


Date: 2010-01-16 04:10 EST

What --- what is that... blinky...?

Oh... um. Misty? I think I hit...



::more purrsnoring::

...oh fardles...

::sound of buttons being pushed rapidly::

Did I ---

::alarms blare::


::sound of buttons being pushed even more rapidly, alarms stop::


Zero Gravity Activated.

Wha!? M... Misty! Make it --- make it put me down!

::more purrsnoring::

No, don't think of chocolate! ::moans, giggles::

::a long pause::

You're comfy... ::gigglefit::

::purrs and giggles heard for a few moments before transmission ends::


Date: 2010-01-17 01:10 EST
Nnnnggh. Pilit's Log ... I's think it's a Saturdays.

I's think I's drank somethings bad last nights. What time is its?

::chrono-display, 3:52 PM::

Wows. Ummmm. Huh.

Unnnnn. Noisy

Eeep! A-a-ahni?

::a long pause, with deep breathing.::

I's ... I's think I's should rewinds this a littles.

::log ends.::


Date: 2010-01-18 03:16 EST

Oh bloody hell, I've done it again... ::gigglesnort::

::sound of a single button being pressed, then another, then another::

Stupid... electronic...


Pilot's Log, September 21.

I's took a bit of times for myselfs yesterday. I's had to practice my shieldings so I's wouldn't mess Ahni up anymores. ...

Ack! What... which one did I...

::single button pressed, Misty's recorded voice cuts off::

::dreamily:: Shieldings... I miss... not having those. ::gigglesnort:: I guess I should...

::sound of buttons being pressed rapidly, then an angry sigh::

Oh, whatever... It'll turn off by itself... I think. I want to cuddleee~ ::giggle::

::padding of bare feet on metal::

::a long pause::

::grumblings, decidedly male, can be heard::

Oh hush, Thorne! You know you like ---

::transmission ends::


Date: 2010-01-19 12:21 EST
Pilot's Log, January nineteen.

Oh. I's hurts. 'Anya and I's went to the Outback last nights after we gots backs, and I's think I's let everyones kick my butts.

I's forgots to mention that I's won the Claw. After last nights, it doesn't seem like it's doings much.

I's think I's gonna start labelings this control panels. That ways, my little snuggle-buddy heres can know what she's doings when she finds the buttons.

I's think I's gonna finds somethings for making hurtings go away and go lays back downs until tonights.

Misty, Out.


Date: 2010-01-20 16:04 EST
Pilot's Log, January Twenty.

Did more fightings last nights, with two ups and two downs. But I's think Thorne took me homes through the portals, 'cause I feel like I slept a whole days! I's gonna has to thank hims.

Tonights is the first nights of swordfightings for the Tour. I's gonna try usings my batons tonights, and see how thats works.

I's hasn't seen Bri since the things with Joey, and that makes me really sads. I's should take Joey back to Motuv'Utaw so she cans see where it's like where I's comes from. It mights make her happiers.

Misty, Out!


Date: 2010-01-21 17:25 EST
Pilot's Log, January ... twenty-one

I's found outs that I's was mistakens on which night the swordfightings for the tour starteds, so Ahni and I wents back through the portal for some R&R times. I's feel much betters.

But I's coming back tonights with a vengance!! RAWR!


Misty, Out!


Date: 2010-01-28 18:09 EST
::Log entry reads, January 28::

::several minutes of silence, then::

I's ... I's won.

::several more minutes of silence::

::Log ends.::


Date: 2010-02-03 05:19 EST
Pilot's Log, February Ones.

I's gotta make this quick, 'cause Ahni's takings me to Motuv'Utaw, 'cause I's not feeling really goods. Lots of dizzys. I's really hates throwing ups.

Everyone's tellings me that I's doings too much, with the tours and what happeneds when Veighn dids that things to 'Anya .... And that other things with Bri and Joey ... Ugh. Thinkings about all thats ... I's getting queasys again.

I's think I's gonna stay for a whiles, gets things looked ats. A week theres should gets me back heres in time for the tournaments.

I's wish I's could tell everyones that I's gonna miss thems while I's gones. But, I's guess, to thems, it won'ts be as longs.


Misty, Out.


Date: 2010-02-25 17:14 EST
Pilot's Log, February 25.

Fardles, has it really been that longs? Ugh.

The Kitteh's Claw is gone. I's will hates Mr. Smith forevers for thats.

I's finally gettings able to remembers without screamings. But I's still always feel colds ... and hungrys ... *whimper*

I's ... I's sorrys. *deep breathing for a while*

I's shot at peoples befores. I's casted spells at peoples. I's had a crew that tried mutinys, and I's opened the airlocks on thems.

I's never killed a mans with my bare hands befores.


M ... Misty, out.


Date: 2010-03-02 02:10 EST
Pilot's Log, March 2.

I's been restings at 'Anya's Palazzo, and everyone's sayings I's lookings better all the times. I's went to call for my shifts on Friday, and wound ups falling asleeps on the couch. I's still gets too tired too quicks.

I's back up to one hundreds and ten pounds, and I's beginnings to puts muscle tones back on. That makes me feels goods.

I's still has nightmares sometimes. *sniffle* The ones ... when he catches me ...

*a minute of silence*

Those are the worst ones.

I's gonna be betters soon. I's gotta be. In order to be ... me.

Misty, out.


Date: 2010-03-05 19:21 EST
Pilot's Log, March 5.

I's got a shifts to call tonights, but I's thought I'd say somethings here about my weeks so far.

I's did a couple castings duels. 'Anya took it easys on me, and just totally whooped my tails. Then I's foughts this guy named Wulfson or somethings like that, and I's beat hims. But when his spooky touch hitted me ... I's had nightmares again, right there in the ring.

I's can'ts do thats anymores.

Pilot's Note: Find outs who Wulfson is.

I's been gettings stronger. Workouts and joggings, and quites a bit of exercises from Motuv'Utaw, so I's can gets back into shapes fasters. I's really like the Palazzo, and Rosalie, but I's was startings to feel a little pudgys.

The nightmares aren't goings to stops until I's do somethings to makes thems. So, I's gonna makes thems.

I's heard abouts Sivanna beings successful in boths the Arch-Mage Tournaments, and in the Challenge.


She's my dear friends, but I's can't be softs anymores. That's my towers, and I's gonna gets it.

Misty, Out.


Date: 2010-03-25 17:08 EST
Pilot's Log, March 25.

*the sound of contented purring.*

I's won.

It's a pretty key. I's spent last nights as a cloud of ... mist. I's hasn't been to the towers yets ... just wisped through the trees all nights.

Tonights, I's gonna go to my towers, and see what's theres.

*the sound of a blissful sigh.*

I's feel soooooooooo much betters.

Misty, out.


Date: 2010-03-27 19:19 EST
Pilot's Log, March 27.

Oh, whoopsies. I's guess I's forgotted abouts that thingie yesterdays. But I's think the Key was a nice presents to myselfs ... and the chocolates and others stuff from Thorne was nice too. I's think I's gonna keep mum on its, though. Less fussings.

I's called a challenge, but that scary dead baron guy ... yeesh. Lots of heebie-jeebies theres.

Misty, out.


Date: 2010-04-25 17:47 EST
Pilot's Log, April 25.

Wows, I's did its agains. I's sooo sorrys. I's almost lets a whole month go by!

Ummmm ... Oh! I's made Wizard! Now, to gets up to Mage, so I's can try for my favorites tower of all! I's hope Sivanna understands ...

I's miss Bri. I's mean, I's like Thorne, a lots, but I's miss Bri. Thorne's all earthys, even with the wings, and we can'ts go in all his rooms, 'cause it hurts me. And Thorne doesn't likes the Tower too much, for somes odd reasons. Bri would love its.

I's tryings to help Joey outs with her trainings, since Bri disappeareds. I's think we're makings some headways there.

But poor Sarah. She's my callings buddy on Fridays. Two weeks ago, she was wearings a really pretty shiny rings. This week, she's all brokeded-hearteds, 'cause her guy changeds his minds. The meanie.

I's took her to Motuv'Utaw for some relaxings. She seemed to likes all the male Kirn runnings around in loincloths ... *giggle*

Well, I's gonna gets back to my practicings now. I's gots a cargo runs on Wednesday, and ... oh! I's almost forgots! Congratulations, Paradise and Shadow! I's saw that little trinkets. *giggle*

Anyways, I's givings her a couple days offs, but I's will be back on Friday. Gotta go!

Misty, out.


Date: 2010-05-21 17:37 EST
Pilot's Log, May 21.

I's gettings really bads about this ... I's sorry.

But I's been hearings things about a Kirn who's come to towns, who does castings like Bri does! Ooooh, I's can't waits to meet hims!

I's think another friends of mine has gones off the deep ends. I's a little worrieds about hims.

'Tonio wanteds a big shipments of shinys brought backs, and I's let Paradise stay heres for that ones. I's owe her a few days offs. But soon, we'll be ups and runnings agains full speed!

I's hope Sarah's feeling betters. I's hasn't seen her for a whiles.

Oh! I's think Ahni liked the Tower. *giggle*

That's all I's can thinks of at the moments ... but I's will write more laters!

Misty, out!


Date: 2010-06-21 13:24 EST
Pilot's Log, June 21.

Wows ... Once a month. I's gettings really bad abouts this.

But, I's made a decisions. I's buying a new Fur'za. Well, a new ships, anyways. I's like this ones, but I's don't wanna takes the chance of beings in the middle of nowheres and havings a bunch of Kirn show ups. That coulds be disaster!

So, I's gonna puts this one on the grounds, and see if I's can't makes it an Embassy! Yay! Oh! And Harper, she's parts of the crew now too!

Now, to see if I's can't talks to the Governor ... *giggle*

Misty, out!


Date: 2010-07-06 17:35 EST
Pilot's Log, July 6

Talks for the embassy ideas is going very well, since I's has an old crewman helpings me out! Brian's a Minister! I's missed hims ...

I's know this one is a shorts one, but I's will come backs later to log more downs, I's promise!

Misty, Out!


Date: 2010-07-16 17:56 EST
Pilot's Log, July 16

Things are goings really wells. The Embassy is comings right along, and Paradise has really good ideas for the new Fur'za.

I's been duelings more lately, and having more fun doing its. I's actually made ranks in Fists!


Okies, I's know this is another shorts one, but at least I's is recordings more!

Misty, out.


Date: 2010-08-30 11:20 EST
::Audio Log, dated August 30::

So long. Haven't ... had much to think about. Nothing good.

Every day ... it hurts. Not ... knowing about Paradise.

Mur ... *growl* ... challenged. Says ... he wants to set me on fire.

If only he knew.

::log ends.::


Date: 2010-09-11 11:58 EST
::Audio Log, dated September 11.::

*At least five different pitches of purring, along with a soft feminine voice cooing.*

So tiny. *sniffle* I hope they like me.

He ignored me. I ... can't say I'm unhappy about it.

But, I have to get this written.

Nosy ... Warlord ... keeps ...

::Log Ends.::


Date: 2010-09-13 14:01 EST
::Log entry dated September 13::

I got pictures.

This is Dot, Dash, and Patch.

And this ... this is Nibble.

*Much purring.*

::Log Ends.::

((No copyright infringement intended, just for show, thanks!))


Date: 2010-10-12 19:36 EST
Pilot's Log, October 12.

The little ones are growing up nicely, and none of them have shown the normal kitten behavior of "eat", "play", and "sleep" being their default modes. All four are very affectionate.

I'm trying to train just as much as possible. It's hard, but then again, what isn't?

Misty, out.


Date: 2010-11-04 11:29 EST
Pilot's Log, November 3

{No one knows how much I hide, or where. }

I've had to put the Firebug back into storage, 'cause it's getting just too cold to go riding anymore. But come spring, I think I'll give her a good repainting. It's been a couple of years.

I've been doing a lot of thinking while training ... trying to figure out what I'm doing with myself, and why. I can't say I have any answers yet, though.

Dot and Dash have made themselves the darlings of the children's wing. Patch and Nibble seem to be at home on the ship. Nibble's turning into quite the guard kitten. Patch, however ... she's emulating me. A lot. Whatever I do, she'll do.

{She must never know ... on my life. }

I don't think I'll be teaching her how to fly anytime soon. Well, it's time to go. Just because Wyh isn't the Diamond anymore doesn't mean I get to slack off in my training.


Misty, out.


Date: 2010-11-12 12:36 EST
Pilot's Log, November 12

Things are getting very frantic around here. I'm glad that I decided to put both the Fur'zas One and Two into hiding. Same with the Claw Two. . .

No, I can't think about that now. But, I have been giving serious thought, and making some veiled inquiries into a very touchy subject.


Misty, out.


Date: 2010-12-05 15:04 EST
Pilot's log, December 5.

I ... I need ...

Things are ... all twisted up ... inside.

Help. I ... I need help. Putting things ... back together.

Pain is fear is love is want is need is not love is not need is ... is ...

::a crashing noise.::


::log ends.::


Date: 2011-01-29 18:48 EST
Pilot's Log, January 28.

So, I'm going to this Gala tonight, and there's a date on auction. Why does this make me so nervous? I really don't think anyone's going to want to buy a date with me ... not anymore.


Misty, out.


Date: 2011-03-27 20:28 EST
Sometime, during the late hours of Saturday night, the Enclave echoed with the sounds of a rambunctious gathering, celebrating the date of birth of their current sole board member. After things wound down, the birthday girl sought out her own bed, feeling quite light-headed even though she avoided the alcoholic portion of the festivities.

It wasn't until morning, and the chance pushing of a button, that the truth of the matter dawned upon the hapless captain.



::the sounds of rustling sheets and comforters.::

Scoo'day? No ... not scoo'day. Still seepy.

::murmuring, more rustling.::

Buuu ... so cood! Why so cood?

::a long period of silence, followed by a sniffle. then, the wailing begins.::

::log ends.::


Date: 2011-06-10 18:24 EST
Pilot's Log, June 10.

Well played, Mr. Wing. Well played. I tell you what. Next time something hungry crawls up out from under the city, I'll let you do all the work.


::Log ends.::

((Referring to the Post article here. Much love to the Post!!!))


Date: 2011-11-24 00:23 EST
Pilot's Entry, November 23, 2011.

Wow. I almost forgot this was here. But, I have news! Oh, so much news. Dot and Dash are now the darlings of the Children's Ward at Riverview, much to the happiness of the patients there. Nibble is still being guard-kitty, though when no one else but me is around she's a sweetie. She just doesn't want anyone to know that.

Patch is now a surrogate mamma to a new batch of kittens that Harper rescued. She gave me and Bri one. His name is Smidge. Oh, did I mention Bri and I are y'Tor'Nyvv now? Yeah ... he finally got me to ask him.

And guess what happened tonight? I got into the ArchMage Tournament again, against Lem, Mur, Neo and Vinny. I won! I get to fight Shadow in two days for the Celestial Tower!


Misty, out!


Date: 2011-11-25 23:50 EST
Pilot's Entry, November 25, 2011.

I ... hmmm? No. No, Bri, we aren't moving. That's right. You can go back to sleep now.

::sounds of blankets rustling.::

::Log ends.::