Topic: Shii'Koh & Shaping Classes


Date: 2011-08-26 01:13 EST
((OOC Note: I'll be using this thread for RP involving Batosai's new Shii'Koh and Shaping classes. For those not in the know, Shii'Koh is loosely based on the ninja arts of the Naruto anime, while Shaping is similarly loosely based on the bending arts of Avatar: The Last Airbender.))

First Day

Batosai looked around the space he'd been given for his classes, nodding in approval. Part of the sprawling grounds surrounding the Institute's main buildings, Batosai had used his powers to create a new circular clearing in the middle of the thick plantlife, choosing to leave the moss and grass which would cushion the inevitable falls of the students as they trained together.

Along one side of the clearing were treestumps which would serve as seating, arranged in a full half-circle around the area. Batosai could manipulate the plants in the clearing to grow just about any structure which would be needed for the lessons, so for the time being the 'classroom' was kept spartan.

The predator was curious how many students would show up for the first day of the new class, though he expected at least Rachael would be there. It was almost the scheduled time, so Batosai made his way to one of the treestumps and sat down, crossing his legs and letting his hands rest in his lap, meditating as he waited for his students to arrive.

Nayun Takamine

Date: 2011-09-23 15:06 EST
"Doesn't it look nice?" The young girl spoke out while looking to the taller woman beside her. "Master?" She pressed, which only caused the older blonde to let out a soft grunt and peel her eyes away from the crossword she had been working on. "Stop seeking my approval. You already know I'm here to keep an eye on you for the Queen, nothing more." -- "I know.. but even Master needs to open her eyes to the beauty around her." The way Nayun spoke with the woman could seem a little strange to those who had recently gotten to know her in Rhy'Din. That calm, collected, almost always on alert.. that Nayun wasn't seen; instead she'd be smiling up at the taller woman and letting out a soft laugh as well. It also looked the complete opposite of the older woman who walked along with her. Obviously not as young as her counterpart, a hard stare with that not so amused look on her face. The woman had the smallest sign of wrinkles.. she could be well in her late thirties, even older. With age came experience, and just with one glance those who faced true combat knew the woman had seen much death in her life time. "The only beauty in this is the fact that I haven't drawn my blade."

Nayun herself looked slightly different. Wearing what could only be described as a habit; only lacking what would usually be worn from the neck up. Black in color with the only other source of color being white coming from the guimpe resting at her more upper body, and the gloves that hid away her hands. The girl wanted to seem, well, normal. Someone who wouldn't catch the eyes of others for any flashy sort of clothing. Her companion seemed to lack the same idea the younger girl had; instead she had chosen to wear her normal attire.. Which, sad to say, had been hidden away by that rather heavy looking cloak she wore. After all -- Winter still raged in Adenna even as they spoke.

"Will you be coming to every lesson?" -- "If the Queen wills it." The blonde came to a stop just then as soon as she could visibly take in the sight of the meditating Batosai; as well as the other students that seemed to be gathering. "Go. I'll stay here." Pushing the smaller girl forward with a press of her hand. Nayun would be forced to take a few unbalanced steps forward, but she'd turn when she recovered it. "You'll be staying here..?" Cloak split only slightly to reveal that sheathed katana before the blonde took her time to settle down onto the grass. "I'm not here to study, my young pupil. You are. Now stop asking questions before I put down in my report that this whole thing is a colossal waste of time.." Weapon came to rest at the sitting blondes right. She had a crossword puzzle to get back to.

Nayun gave a tilt of her head. Expression turning to the norm those of Rhy'Din had usually seen. Void of much emotion, but at least having the smallest sort of spark of life within her eyes. The girl turned about and made her way closer to the class. You have till summer. -- her sisters words echoed within her mind. She had till summer, so she needed to make the best of this.


Date: 2011-09-24 10:16 EST
~Calm. Focus one's mind and body. Find the energy within all things and bring it to the surface. Mind and body acting in unity to Shape the world around you.~ The otter-like Shanii woman stood up from where she had been meditating to one side of the clearing. Without opening her eyes, she took two steps towards a large cask of water that was set out for her.

First she brought her hands up to her sides, slowly raising them straight before her. A slight twist of her upper torso, and her arms began weaving through the air, the motions fluid and resembling the ebb and flow of the tides. After a few seconds, the surface of the water deformed, rising up into the air in a tendril which started waving back and forth in time to Rihana's movement.

Now the otteress opened her eyes and moved her arms faster, shifting to a circular movement, arms and shoulders and waist all shifting fluidly. The water hovering in the air responded and began to form into a flowing loop in mid-air. The size of the loop grew and shrunk in size in time to her movements once again.

Finally, Rihana opened her eyes, barely suppressing the smile of triumph she felt at her progress. Her arms slowed as the water receded back into the cask. When the surface was still again, she gave a soft chirp of triumph and turned to Batosai, bowing deep at the waist. Only then did she turn to the newcomers and wave, a happy smile gracing her lutrine muzzle.


Date: 2011-09-24 10:44 EST
Even despite his eyes being closed, the big feline had observed the approach of Nayun and her guardian, as well as Rihana's progress. When the Shanii was finished with her training, the predator's eyes opened and his body unfolded to stand. "Well done Rihana. You have made great strides in your control I believe you are ready for the next steps tomorrow. Keep practicing your katas, it is time to welcome our newest student."

Batosai smiled as Rihana bounced slightly at the praise, then turned to face Nayun and the other. "I know you are here simply to observe, but please join us inside the clearing." He spoke to Nayun's guardian first. "This clearing was created to channel and focus the energies we work with, and your presence on the edge could disrupt that balance." The feline gestured to the half-circle of tree-stumps which served as seating nearby. "Please sit and observe."

He didn't bother to wait to see if the Adennan complied or not, turning to Nayun herself. "Welcome Nayun. This is the first step on your journey. Sit on the center stump and meditate on my words."

When the young woman was seated, Batosai started to slowly circle her as he spoke, "All living things thrive on energy. We eat food to nourish our bodies. Our cells process this nourishment and generate energy. Life is energy. It is this simple truth that Shapers rely on to perform our Artes. Once you learn to harness the energy inside your own body, and the energy in everything around you, then the elements of the physical world will bend to your will."

Batosai stopped circling the girl and stopped in front of a small brazier which was set before the stump Nayun sat upon. "You have chosen the element of fire to master. Fire is an aggressive element, wild and unpredictable, and so you must learn to be. Fire can create, or destroy if it is mishandled. Your first lesson will be to clear your mind, and learn to see the energy of the Shih'Koh, the Gift of the Goddess in my people's tongue. Look at the fire, watch the flames as they ripple and dance across the coals. Breathe in through your mouth. Fill your lungs till they can hold no more, then hold that breath. Now, exhale through the nose. Good." The big feline stood opposite the brazier from Nayun, observing her progress.

"Very good. Now, as you breathe, focus your mind on the flames. Try to see the same flames within yourself, within your breath. As you breathe, imagine the air from your lungs fueling the fire before you. Let that image be the only thing in your mind. When you can master this, the flames will breathe with you." Now the feline became silent, waiting and watching...

Nayun Takamine

Date: 2011-09-24 11:48 EST
Balance was something she shouldn't disturb; even the woman of Adenna knew this. The blonde grasped onto her sheathed blade and rose to stand. Nayun had been expecting some sort of interaction, but when Batosai had asked the older woman to move, the girl thought something negative might come of it.. but it was good to see that it had been only a calm compliance.

Nayun watched the woman move to sit, but Batosais words brought her back to the real task at hand. She was here to train. She needed to focus on that. As she turned to face the man, another student had caught her eye. Nayun gave her a small wave before turning to fully face her instructor. "Good morning, Teacher." Spoken before she did as she was told. It looked like there wouldn't be much wait.. Nayun hadn't expected things to start this quickly, but at the same time she appreciated it. Brushing back at the skirt of her dress as she moved to sit. Thighs kept together and hands pressed into her lap. Meditate -- she had been told. The reds that made up her eyes disappeared while the girl began to clear her mind, or at least attempt to. It was quite hard.. but in the end, she was at least focusing on the words that came from Batosai.

Look at the fire. Nayuns eyes opened and did just that. The dancing flame set before the young woman now being her prime focus. Lips parted, ever so lightly, so that she could draw in that needed breath. A breath she held for only a few moments before exhaling from her nose. This continued.. the taking of air, and the release of it. Over.. and over..

Fire itself was an hypnotizing thing.. the way it danced about, one could easily lose themselves into it. As Nayun continued to breath she couldn't help but be drawn into it's charm. It brought her back to her past.. in that decrepit shack hidden beneath a sea of trees.. and when the feeling of the past came it always brought the girl to one thought; her mother. Her breath came sharp then, she knew she had made a mistake and slowly looked to her lap. ".. I apologize."


Date: 2011-09-24 18:17 EST
Batosai watched as Nayun tried to focus on the fire. The predator anticipated great progress from her; he could feel her potential. For a while she seemed to be getting the idea, then something interrupted her concentration. Her breath snapped and she apologized. The big feline's head canted to the side, curious and concerned, "What is wrong Nayun?"

"Just thoughts.." Those red eyes looked back to the flicking flame. Nayun was the type of girl to keep information of herself inside. There was no reason to speak of it, no reason to draw others into what she thought or felt.. but she felt comfortable with Batosai. ".. My mother would gently pat my head while I watched the fireplace.. when I was a child." Her expression fell. It looked like it was a memory of a painful past. She shook her head and spoke out once more. "I'll try harder."

Batosai nodded as the young woman explained her lapse of concentration. The feline sighed sympathetically, "Memories of family can be quite strong. I cherish what few I have of my own family, for I will never see them again. Let the memory of your mother strengthen you, not distract. Focus on your breathing and the fire. Perhaps first trying to breath with the fire will help, then you can learn to make the fire breathe with you."

".. Breathe with the fire..?" Voice of question left those lips. Eyes looking from him, and back to the flame. What could he have meant by that.. but when she saw the fire itself -- the answer came to her. The look of question slowly left... the way the fire flickered, the way it slowly grew smaller, all before growing in size once more. Nayun shifted slightly on top of the stump, attemping to grow comfortable before nodding. "I see.. yes, I'll try." Breathe with the fire.. The girl gave a lick to her lips before she took in a breath. Concentrating on the fire as she did so. Slowly, she took in more of that air till she felt her lungs full.. then the exhale followed. It continued as she went on -- and the stronger her focus became.

The predator's eyes had become solid black as he used one of his Artes, watching her energy as she progressed. She was starting to understand. "Good. Good. Continue breathing with the flame, feel it's ebb and flow, and let your breathing match it. Can you feel the energy in your breath, in your pulse, your entire body?"

Eyes kept transfixed on the flickering flame. Nayun's chest continued to rise in fall with her matched breaths. Doing it like this.. it became like a game, trying to copy the flame to the best of her ability -- and it was also quite relaxing. She could feel herself slowly moving away from the world.. As if, somehow, everything but her and the flame had simply disappeared. The voice of Batosai had been heard, but Nayun gave no real voice or motion to show that she was listening. Instead, the answer to his question could come from how focused she seemed to be with the task at hand. When she took in a breath, the flame grew.. when she exhaled, it would shrink. As she took in another breath she felt something strange, the way the flame danced before her.. and when she let loose that breath, she did it at faster than what had been normal compared to the others. As she did, the flame itself seemed to grow bigger from the act alone. It took the girl by surprise, causing her to break her focus and blink.

Batosai's muzzle split into a growing grin as he watched her do it, nodding in approval, "Well done Nayun. I knew you had the potential in you. You just changed the pulse of the flame. You have taken your first real step at controlling the element of flame." Batosai sat down in front of the brazier. "Soon it will become easier and easier. You will be able to truly Shape the flame into any form you want, perhaps even create flame from open air." Now the predator stood again, "Keep practicing your breathing, try to make the flame breath to your pulse Nayun."

".. Thank you." Seeing potential.. in her? She hadn't been expecting such kind words. Her body slouched sheepishly as she looked off to the side.. but Batosais words drew her back in. Looking to him with interest, as if hanging onto each of his words and craving more. The girl gave a slow nod of her head and turned back to the flame. Breath taken in preperation, psyching herself up for what she'd soon be attempting. "I will try." For now she'd start as she did before. Focus.. she needed to focus on the flame, become one with it like the last. It would take some minutes, but soon Nayun would be entranced by the fire once more. Breathing matching the flames own steady shift.. but slowly, she'd change it. Taking the lead, as well as another breath. The girl wouldn't fill her lungs fully as she did before, instead she'd allow it to leave some moments after it came. The crackling fire matched, and Nayun became more bold. Another breath, another shift of the flame as it grew. The exhale followed, and the larger it became, while when she inhaled, it shrank. The girl continued to inhale till she could hold no more, which only showed to be the smallest of spark of the flame, all before the flame itself died -- leaving a wisp of smoke behind after it. The girl kept silent while leaning back. Her eyes turning to Batosai. "... Did I do something wrong?"

Batosai watched intently with his Shih'Koh enhanced vision, witnessing her energy as she managed to understand and apply the knowledge. She began altering the flickering pulse of the flame, and when it died she looked as if something was wrong. The predator shook his head slowly, "Not at all Nayun. The flame will breathe with you, and when you stopped breathing, it died. Your energy altered the amount of oxygen according to your breathing. Holding your breath smothered the fire. That takes quite a bit of control to do Nayun, you should know you have just accomplished what takes total novices months to learn."

".. It reminded me of the old breathing exercises I'd do with my Master." She took a moment to look over her shoulder at the sitting blonde. The woman seemed quite busy with her own project and was flipping through a crossword puzzle dictionary. Nayun turned back to Batosai and gave off a small smile. Being told of such progress, it encouraged her to want to do more. "So for now.. It will be like this? Learning to breath with the flame?"

Batosai nodded again, standing up and moving to re-light the fire with a spark from a stone. "Fire is a dangerous element to move too quickly with. If you are not prepared, if your control is not automatic and instinct, it is possible to for the fire to grow out of control, burning yourself or others."

It made things serious.. but it wasn't as if Nayun didn't know the dangers behind any art. The blade was meant to defend ones self.. and to kill, so it would only be obvious that there would be dangers in trying to manipulate the elements -- and by the nature of fire, she knew it could bring harm easily to those if she did not learn to control it. She gave a nod of her head then, but followed it with a look to Batosai. ".. would it be alright if I continued the breathing exercises at home..? Or would it be dangerous?"

"So long as you work with small flames, and do not try to change it's shape or make it too large. Try not to panic, but control your mind and emotions if something goes wrong." The feline was willing to allow her to do this, it would increase the pace of her progress.

"I'll be careful. I promise." Giving a nod of her head to show she truly meant her words. Nayun looked back to that relit flame and examined it. Breath. Speaking softly within her own thoughts while focusing on the flame once more; allowing it to be seen once more as the only thing within the clearing, the only thing she needed to care or show attention for. "Little Miss." A voice came. Nayun didn't know how long she had been in her trance, but it hadn't been for mere minutes. The girl looked away as concentration broke. Her lower form felt a little sore, so she must have been doing this for quite some time. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we need to be returning back to Adenna." The tall blonde spoke to the feline while Nayun shifted slightly on top of the stump; she felt the need to stretch.

Batosai had been meditating as well, watching Nayun's progress with approval and the pride of a Sensei. When the guardian interrupted, Batosai simply stood and nodded, "I understand. Nayun, continue your practice when and as you can. Return when you can to practice so that I can follow your progress."

Nayun rose, causing a small bit of discomfort. Yes, she really *did* need to stretch. But the girl didn't dwell on it. Instead her attention turned to Batosai as she gave a bow of her body. "Thank you, Teacher. I'll try my best." Her guardian had already been on the move, feeling no need to stay as the teacher and student shared their moment between one another, she'd wait by the outskirts of the clearing. ".. and, I'd like to thank you again for taking me as your student."

Batosai bowed just as deeply as Nayun did, showing his returned respect. "It is an honor for both of us. I have wanted to train students for some time now. Thank you for accepting Nayun. Until we next meet."

Nayun would then turn then.. till she had to put more of a spring in her step as the older woman didn't seem to be waiting for her as soon as she realized that both Nayun and Batosai had been finished speaking to one another. Nayun quickly dashed over to catch up, but took a moment to turn about and give Batosai a farewell goodbye.

Nayun Takamine

Date: 2011-10-01 21:29 EST
Shifting about in her steps to be careful of plant life; Nayun had been making her way to the clearing seeking lessons once more.. this time? She had been alone. Assessments had been made and her sword-master, Raine, deemed it to be a safe place for the sister of the Queen to venture, there would be no reason to continue escorting her unless it was asked for personally. The habit-dress covered form of Nayun finally pushed through the brush and entered into the clearing.

Batosai was waiting alone this time. Rihana and Rachael had other things to attend to today, so Nayun would be alone with the big feline today. When the young woman stepped into the clearing, the predator's eyes opened and he unfolded from his cross-legged seat and stood, "Welcome back Nayun. I am pleased your Queen has allowed you here again."

"Hello, Teacher." She gave a bow in welcome. The bow itself kept in place for a few seconds before she finally rose once more to respond. ".. Yes, I'm pleased as well." Still -- she only had till summer. The Queen, her sister, wasn't the type to speak on a subject she already gave a ruling over. Nayun hadn't even visited her since asking. "I've been practicing.. The breathing, It's become somewhat easier for me."

"This is good. Please, demonstrate." Batosai gestured to the stump in the center of the clearing, as he moved to the brazier and lit the flame.

Put on the spot. Then again; this is what she came here for. The girl gave a nod and moved over to the lit brazier. Slow steps took her around it once before she finally lowered herself down onto the stump. Shifting about to get comfortable. Few tugs and brushes coming to the skirt to straighten it out before setting her focus fully onto the flickering fire. Nayun took in a breath and eyes closed. Calming her body over a few passing moments. Red eyes would then open and focus on the fire. It started like before.. In, and out -- matching the flame, then she'd be the one to be matched. Taking in a breath and easily causing the flame to fall. She'd keep this up for a good minute before taking in air sharply. It caused the flame itself to shrink dramatically before lips curled and let loose a quick whistle of an exhale. It grew, rapidly. Nayun was forced to reel back slightly, almost singeing her eyebrows in the process. She'd blink. The thought came to mind that she might have gotten carried away.

Batosai nodded as she slipped into the trance state much more easily, then a brow rose sharply as she almost burnt herself. "That is what I warned you of. While you are in that state, you must be very careful to fully control your breathing, for the fire will match your every breath. I once burned the hairs on my face because I sighed during my own training."

Nayun turned his way. The thought alone filling her mind.. trying to picture what Batosai would look like with the fur of his face burnt. Still, she couldn't really find humor in it. If anything, it was a warning that she could do damage to herself -- or something she prized. The last thing she wanted was for something to happen to her hair. "I become excited.. when I see how well it works. I wanted to see if I could make the fire bigger, stronger."

Batosai nodded in response to her statement, "That is understandable, and most students of fire go through the same stage. What you must remember is that your emotions can directly affect your control of the flames. For example, rage and anger can produce amazingly powerful fire, however it is much more prone to escaping your control. Fire can create, and destroy. Always remember this Nayun." The predator sat down next to the brazier, reaching directly into the fire. The flames licked around his hand, but never came directly into contact with his fur. "This is your next lesson. Once you know how to breathe with the flames, you can learn how to Shape them. Start slowly, try to focus on the energy within the fire, force it to move around your hand. Gradually push your hand closer to the fire, until you feel no heat."

".. Ah, yes.. I will remember." Nodding her head. Repeating Batosais words within her thoughts.. Though, when she saw him edge toward the flame -- her mind focused on other things; mostly how he had been able to place his hand into the fire and take no damage from it.. not even the smell of burnt fur met her nose. ".. Shape them?" She'd question. Inching closer to get a better look at the flame, then to Batosai. ".. Understood." Eyes then looked to her right hand. She'd reach for her long sleeve and begin to fold the fabric. More of her skin would be exposed, up to her elbow. "...." Focus on the fire. She drew her hand closer. Fingers curled gently at the feeling of heat, it telling her brain to stay away or else pain could come of it. Nayun gave a lick of her lips and ignored it -- instead, she tried to focus on that feeling, the one that only could be discribed as the fires energy that she felt during her breathing. Closer now.. Bend. She thought to herself. Wanting the flames to part so she could do as he did. The fire moved, but not by much.. and when her hand moved closer? It came back and she'd feel it touch to the tip of her fingers. Nayun quickly pulled her hand back and lips curled in distaste to the small burn she felt. ".. Nn.."

Batosai's eyes had turned a solid black as he watched her work, seeing with more than sight as the energy started to shape to her will. She lost the control after a few moments and he frowned slightly as she burned herself. "Let me see your hand. As I heal this, try to 'see' the energy. Put yourself into the same state of mind as breathing with the flame." He took her hand in both of his, closing his eyes and focusing on the energy in her body. Just as with her shoulder, her forced his energy to change to match hers, accelerating the healing process, then changing it back after.

".. yes." The girl would nod once more as she tried to do just that. The burning sting that plagued those fingers had slowly begun to dwindle away. Digits curled lightly within Batosais grasp -- but Nayun tried to keep her mind on the flickering flame. She'd breath now, it made things easier for her if she matched the flame again, and had it match her. She'd retreat her hand away from Batosais grasp as she tried for her second attempt. Inching those fingers closer again to the flickering flame. She'd give a soft, slow exhale.. Yes, it caused the flame to grow, but she showed no fear at it. Hand moved forward while she continued to exhale, and the flame slowly began to bend away from it. It took quite the effort.. and it seemed she couldn't part but at least she had the flame leaning enough away from her hand so that no damage would come. She gave a slow retreat as she began to take in a breath, allowing the flame to decrease in it's size while doing so. ".. It's difficult to part it.."

"I understand Nayun. Continue to practice this until you can reach into the fire without being burned. I will heal any injuries you receive while you're here." He continued to watch with those augmented, black eyes.

No pain. No gain. Nayun let out a soft breath and looked to the flame again. She began to reach out again once she fully placed her attention on that energy. Bend, bend.. she thought once more. Trying to connect with the flickering element. It bent back as she brought her fingers closer.. now, all she needed to do was concentrate. Slowly let up, allow it to move back into place. Shaping it the best she could, trying to visualize the outermost curling about at either side of her hand. It did so, and soon enough it would circle about except for her wrist -- but much space had been left between the flame and contact with her skin. "...."

"Much better Nayun." His praise soft and calm, so as not to break her concentration. "You are progressing quite well."

".. Is that strange?" The girl spoke only after drawing her hand away. Fingers flexed and curled, getting the feeling of that extra warmth from them before she placed the hand down to rest against her lap.

The predator shook his head slowly, "Not at all. I have seen other students take to this like a fish to water. You aren't quite a natural, however you are learning much faster than average."

".. Oh." Nodding her head. She felt somewhat at ease at finding this out. Chest rose and fell with a soft sigh while eyes turned back to the flame, then down to her once burnt hand. "Am I to practice with this now, as well as the breathing? Or should I not attempt this in private?"

"For however much time you have today, practice here so that I may heal you if you injure yourself."

Another nod. Nayun rose her hand and reached to the flame again. Bending, shaping it to her will. Much like the breathing, the more she did it -- the more easy it came. Yet, this wouldn't be a fast process. Shaping the flames to make sure they wouldn't burn her had been quite the task in itself.. It took concentration to make sure every tendril of that flame did it's part. The fire closed in, moving closer to her drying skin. She swallowed back then.. giving her wrist a small twist, causing her hand to gently move between the flames. Red eyes kept focused on trying to keep everything in order. Fingers curled, brushing a few of those tendrils of fire away as they did. ".. It's--." She spoke and quickly cut herself off at the feeling of pain. The fire closed itself about her hand, but she quickly moved it away before any real damage could come. She had been burnt, yes, but it could of been worse. Soft huff left her lips. ".. I was trying to say that.. it felt nice."

Batosai watched intently as her focus formed in the fire, "Better Nayun. Try something different. Instead of focusing on the flames, focus on your hand. Visualize a gauntlet of energy surrounding your skin. Shape the energy in your body into that shape."

Sights came to her hand again.. she thought over his words, but blinked as she had trouble understanding. "What do you mean..?"

"You can see the energy, in your mind. Yes?"

".. Energy.." Spoken softly. She looked down to her hand. That burning sensation still felt at the back of her hand, but it was something she could live with -- a reminder. The girl gave a nod and tried just that. The energy; the same one she had been giving to the flame during her breathing practice. A gauntlet, a glove.. something to keep her protected? It's what came to mind -- and what she'd visualize. She took in a deep breath then and brought her hand out to the flame.

Batosai nodded. "Just as there is energy in the fire, there is energy in yourself. Instead of shaping the energy in each individual flame, shape the energy in your hand. Make it expand beyond your flesh. Visualize a glove or a gauntlet surrounding your hand. The fire will avoid this field of energy, and will not touch you." Batosai watched intently as she attempted the lesson, those black eyes focused on her hand and the energy surrounding it.

".... It's easier.." She spoke out low. It took quite a bit of concentration to deal with those many tendrils of flames as it came from every direction before -- but now with her mind focused on only her hand, it seemed the girl had grown more relaxed. Her hand moved about, fingers curled and flexed. She'd watch as the flames did just as he spoke of and moved away.

Another slow nod of the predator's head, "Very good Nayun. You are almost ready to shape the flames themselves. Remember what you have learned here. Instead of shaping each tendril of the flame, it is easier to form a shape with the energy of your body. Your next lesson... Try to form the shape of that glove, only this time do it without your hand in the fire. Extend it from your palm, into the fire."

Hand retreated away from the fire while she listened to his words. Shape the energy and extend it. Her expression seemed puzzled, but understanding at the same time. Nayun understood his words, but she needed a moment to think on them to how she could do it. The energy about her hand was easy to do.. but, to extend it? She'd give a flex of her fingers before turning to face her palm at the fire. "... Hm.. Into the fire.." Repeating softly to herself out loud -- as well as in her mind. It came slowly; but it was coming and that's all that mattered to the girl. She could see the fire bend to it, slowly curving about to escape away from the energy as it pushed through the middle of the flame.

Batosai waited until she was finished before speaking again, an approving smile on his muzzle. "Excellent. These are the things you will practice until our next session together. As you practice, try forming other shapes with that energy. Try to use these to shape the flames themselves."

"Shape the flames themselves." Repeating once more. Nayun sat there for the moment just looking to the flames with thoughts. Shape them.. She wondered just what type of shapes she could try. Dwelling on it for long would be a problem, at least for now. Her attention instead should have been on Batosai. Nayun did just that after a few moments of delay. "I will do my best, Teacher.. Thank you for the lesson."

Batosai stood and bowed deeply, "It has been an honour to teach you Nayun. Practice what you have learned here, and we will try more advanced techniques later."

She'd rise up from the stump and offer a bow in return. ".. and it is an honor being your student." Keeping with the bow for a few moments. Nayun would then lift and give a few brushes to her dress before stepping away. "Till next lesson, Teacher."