Topic: Page: Pt 2: The Last Praetorian

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-03-24 02:52 EST
24 Years Ago
War hero Loren Metcalfe institutes the Special Projects Group. A top secret, scientific experimental group within the United Systems Military. Genetic manipulation trials begin with the Praetorian Initiative. The goal: To create the perfect soldier. Smart, cunning, obedient, resilient. Stronger, faster, more durable and without fear or remorse, the volunteers agree to become something more than human. Initial results meet with catastrophic failure as those who few who survive genetic manipulation show tendencies toward homicidal psychosis and often turn on their CO's and fellow soldiers.

19 Years Ago
Leaps are made in the field of genetic and cybernetic modification. Major Metcalfe initiates the second trials of Praetorian. It is discovered that fully grown adult bodies do not take to the genetic and cybernetic enhancements, as several die or are rendered permanently physically or mentally disabled by the experimentation.

8 Years Ago
In a controversial, and highly classified move, Loren Metcalfe establishes a team to covertly gather intelligence, finding the best, brightest, most eligible young candidates between the ages of 10-12. Those who pass muster are given invitations to a school for gifted young men and women and their parents told a cover story about what will go on there. 30 kids are inducted and undergo a rigid, harsh training program.

3 years Ago
Praetorian Group 1 begins genetic manipulation. Of the 30 candidates, 18 die during the process. Those who survive are taller, stronger, faster. Their skeletons surgically coated in a strong metal alloy, rendering them virtually unbreakable. Behavioral conditioning has removed the ability to feel fear in most of the recruits, and groomed them to be obedient and willing to carry out any orders their masters give them. They are to be without mercy, remorse, or attachment. Among the survivors are Subjects Charlie and Delta, siblings and among the top soldiers in their class. They are deployed immediately as part of a Top Secret mission dubbed "Operation Blackout". An insurgent force on Valere is occupying a government capitol, threatening to kill the country's leaders. The Praetorian are sent in to deal with the insurrectionists. At the end of the day, every Praetorian returns and every hostage is rescued, but the entire 120 man insurgent force is wiped out.

2 Years Ago
The Praetorians are deployed to secure a Ragarian Military Vessel said to be carrying tier one enemy operatives. Subject Alpha experiences a mental breakdown and attempts to kill his squadmates. He is subdued with no memory of the incident and is never seen again.

3 Months Ago
Subject Charlie begins showing signs of mental breakdown. In a fugue state, he attacks his team, including Delta. She is forced to kill her brother.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-03-24 18:16 EST
Loren sat at the long table in the Citadel's conference room. The silver and white room possessed a spartan, antiseptic quality to it. No frills, just streamlined. In the center of the cold steel table was a holo-projector. Loren's superiors had summoned her to discuss the future of her program, and this was not setting her at ease. In the HoloVid, Praetorian operatives advanced upon a position.

"Target in-sight, moving in." Subject Echo whispered, shouldering her rifle. A heads-up-display high-lit a figure in the distance. The man walked in front of hostages with his own rifle in hand.

"I read 12 marks along the wall." Delta added.

Beta was in charge of the mission, he appeared in Delta's field of vision. "Charlie, Delta, take positions at 3 and 9 o'clock."

They both replied in affirmative and moved out. Loren and the committee watched as, in first person, Delta knelt in the foliage and lined up her shot.

"Status?" Beta asked.

"I have my shot." Delta replied quietly.

"Ready and waiting." Charlie said. The men along the top of the wall moved back and forth on patrol, one of them stopping to light a cigarette.

"On my mark. 3. 2. 1. End them." Beta ordered. Three quiet shots rang out. Simple ballistic rounds instead of the typical laser fire. 3 heads exploded, leaving only the smoker. He looked up and around hearing his fellow guards hit the metal floor grate.

"Charlie...what are you waiting for? Fire." Echo exclaimed as quietly as she could. There was no response from him. Delta glanced down the field to her brother.

"God damn it, Charlie fire your weapon." Beta ordered.

The voice of the operational commander came over the radio. "Charlie, your heart rate is through the roof...what's going on?" No response.

Delta turned, dispassionately back to the field of fire. The remaining guard looking around panicked. She lined up her shot and pulled the trigger before he could alert anyone.

Beta cursed over the system. "Nice shooting. Delta."

Command came over the coms again. "Charlie, we've lost your feed. Report in." Again, nothing. "Charlie, put your helmet back on and report in NOW."

When there was no response, Beta spoke up. "Echo, check on Charlie. Find out what the hell is going on."

"Roger." She took off.

Moments later there were sounds of a scuffle on the video. The image cut to the view from Echo's helmet cam. Charlie had thrown her to the ground and first person image showed him smashing the butt of his rifle into her face again and again and again, shattering her faceplate. Her arms struggled against him trying to stop him as best she could. Suddenly the feed went dark.

Beta's footage came up as he approached the scene. Echo's face was caved in and Charlie was helmet-less, covered in her blood, standing over the lifeless body. "What the ****!" Beta brought his rifle up and immediately fired upon Charlie. The rogue Praetorian drew a side arm and returned fire. Beta took a few rounds to his armor's chest plate before seeking cover behind a large tree. They could hear him approaching firing round after round into the tree.

The feed cut to Delta's cam as she charged through the trees, coming out behind Charlie. He was moving almost robotically toward Beta's position. She sprinted for him launching herself through the air to tackle him. Charlie whipped around grabbed her in mid air as the two crashed to the ground. Delta rose to a crouch, drawing a combat knife, Charlie doing the same, his unnaturally blue eyes shining in the moonlight. He looked almost possessed in this light. No recognition that an ally stood before him, let alone his sister.

The siblings charged at each other, slashing and dodging with their knives. Beta rounded the corner and tried to get a shot as Charlie gained the upper hand. He caught Delta by the arm as she stabbed downward at him, disarmed her, and wheeled her around, throwing her into Beta. Beta caught her before she hit the ground, stumbling back. It gave Charlie enough time to grab his sidearm from the ground, and raise it.

From Beta's helmet cam, they saw the shot and suddenly the feed went dead as the bullet passed through the faceplate and into Beta's skull. Delta's POV whipped from Beta's falling corpse to her brother. The clip was empty and he had begun reloading when she plowed into him. He didn't go down, though. He thrust his elbow downwards, their armor absorbing most of the considerable impact. Her fist slammed into the weaker part of his armor at the abdomen. Charlie readjusted grabbing the back of her armor and pulling her off him. Delta allowed herself to be pulled away and dealt him a vicious upper cut that would have taken the head off a normal human. The two of them stumbled away from each other, Delta recovering first. She ran and slammed into Charlie bringing him to the ground. He reached up and a chaotic struggle ensued. Suddenly, her helmet was sent flying off her head and hitting the ground in a wild roll. It came to a stop facing the two of them.

Delta remained on top of him. He was reaching up and trying to strangle her, but she knocked his hands aside, delivering blow after blow to his face. Her armored fist dealing more and more damage with every smash. His hand came up and slammed into her face, sending Delta off to one side. Bloodied and battered, Charlie started to get up. Delta was on him him immediately, her arms wrapping around his neck from behind, holding him in a choke hold. Struggle as he might, she did not let go. Her eyes, much like his had that unearthly blue glow to them, seemingly staring into the camera of her own helmet.

"Kaila!" He choked out. "Please!"

Her face contorted in effort as, with a vicious jerk, she snapped his neck. Life left his eyes as he slumped against her, finally at peace. Delta stared ahead, face devoid of emotion. The image froze.

Loren sighed deeply, she knew what was coming next. Director Van Leuen stood, the paunchy 64 year old man in his cheap suit walking to one side of the table. "Major, I think the results speak for themselves here. Your subjects seem to be prone to mental imbalance and random outbursts of violence against even their comrades. The Praetorian initiative is a catastrophic failure. We hear rumors that other subjects are showing similar symptoms as Alpha and Charlie, as well."

"I wouldn't call it a 'catastrophic failure', Director. There are still 9 Praetorian soldiers who remain stable." She said evenly, though her pride made her want to cross the table and beat the fat little man to a pulp.

"Seven." He corrected her, as two of them were now dead. "The Praetorian Initiative is done, Major. All assets are to be expunged and all records of this mess destroyed."

Loren glared at him. 24 years of her life had been dedicated to this project. Her blood, sweat and tears poured into it. She'd forgone a personal life, children, a marriage for this. And this pudgy little coward was going to take it from her? Over her dead body! "You can't do this." She said.

Van Leuen leaned on the table. "Major, it's done. You've met with nothing but failure in the poorly realized venture. Time to give it up."

She stood up abruptly, her heart pounding like a cornered animal. "You're making a huge mistake. The Praetorian Initiative CAN work. We just need more time to work out the kinks. If you would allow us to continue-"

"More time? Major. You have had 24 years to 'work out the kinks'. 2 of your soldiers have tried to murder their comrades. Costing us control of the Nila Outpost. 4 more are showing similar symptoms. The amount of money thrown into this little project is inexcusable. It's over."

Loren's fist clenched, her jaw setting.

"You will relinquish all research, mission data, and personnel records. All subjects are to be disposed of. Is that understood."

Loren's world was falling around her and she was helpless to do anything about it. Van Leuen stared at her.

"Major? Is that understood." he asked pointedly, a harshness to his tone.

Loren's eyes narrowed slightly. "Yes, sir."

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-03-24 20:23 EST
Delta stood over the body of her brother, staring down. "Kaila" he'd called her. Why had the name sounded so familiar. Why did it stir the feelings it did within her? Those eyes of his, mirrors of her own stared up almost accusingly. Suddenly, she was back in the Sanctum, but she was much shorter. Praetorians walked past her, towering over her with their enhanced skeletons. They looked down at her as if she were a flea. When she tried to speak, she felt her throat tighten and only a gasp leave her lips. She tried again to no avail.

Her head turned left and then right, stunned to find Charlie's corpse laying beside her. She tried to scream and back away. What was this feeling coursing through her body. It brought a chill to her, goosebumps raising along unmodified flesh. His head lolled then to one side, blue eyes staring at her. Her heart was pounding, her chest rising and falling as she took panicked breaths. His lips began to move slowly exhaling "Kaila..."

Unnaturally blue eyes opened, focusing on the room around her. Delta sat up in her bed, blinking away the confusion in her brain. She reached up and placed a hand at her head, surprised to find a cold sweat on her brow. The only sound in the room the light hum of the lights above her. She was in the Sanctum, her quarters to be exact. The room was the definition of efficiency. A bed, a sink, a washroom built into the wall and a closet. Inside the closet were 3 outfits. Her PT gear, a pressed and cleaned uniform, and her compression suit for under her armor. Beneath that were three pairs of footwear. Boots, Miltary Dress shoes, and her PT shoes.

The intercom screen pinged behind her, drawing her attention. Delta turned and pressed the respond button. Dr. Lia appeared on the screen. "Subject Delta. We're reading high stress levels on your biometric sensors. Is everything alright?"

Delta blinked those huge eyes of her's, considering a moment. "I am...unsure. I was awoken by a strange dream."

"A nightmare?" Lia asked.

Delta's brow furrowed, her scarred face contorting in confusion as if she had never heard the word.

"Subject Delta, you will report to my office, please."

"Yes, Ma'am." Delta responded.

Dr. Lia Clark was a dark-skinned woman in her mid 60's. A kindly disposition to her bespectacled face, her graying dark hair always perfectly coiffed. She sat across from Delta in her office, legs crossed in front of her, a datapad on her lap.
"So, tell me, Subject Delta. This dream. What happened?"

Delta's pale youthful face was at odds with her tall, powerful stature and various scars. She looked down at the woman, remembering. "I was on Nila Outpost again. My-" She stopped herself before correcting. "Charlie was at my feet. Dead."

"The incident from 3 months ago?"

"Yes, ma'am." Delta confirmed. "He was staring at me. Like he was alive. Like he..." She trailed off, confusion setting back into her face. "Like he was blaming me for something I had done."

If that bothered or concerned Lia, she didn't show it. She just entered something on her datapad and returned her attention. "Do you feel guilty for the death of Subject Charlie?" She inquired in a professional tone of voice.

Delta tilted her head. "I defended myself. Subject Charlie had gone rogue and attacked his team."

"Yes, that is what happened, but it is not what I asked you." Lia said firmly, yet politely.

Delta's brow furrowed again. "I'm...afraid I don't understand the question."

Lia smiled and leaned back in her chair. "It's very simple. How do you feel about killing him?"

"It was...regrettable. But it was a necessary action." She said carefully.

Lia stared at Delta for a moment, trying to read her face for any hint of a lie. If there was, she was hiding it. Still ,she had to press on. "Was that all?"

Delta's eyes twitched up from her lap to the doctor. "I was back in the Sanctum. And...I was...I was...small." She said.

Lia's interest was piqued. "Small?"

"Like a child." Delta continued. "No more than 1.7 meters tall. The other subjects, they were...looking at me."

Lia tapped away at her datapad and looked back up with her patient. "Go on."

"They looked at me as if I did not belong." She went on. Something in her face told Lia that Delta did not like the feeling. That it actually hurt her. This was a concern.

"You felt that you were not one of your brothers and sisters?" Lia inquired, her head tilting.

"Affirmative. And I felt that they knew it and...disliked me for it." Delta continued, trying to find the right wording. She remembered the next part very vividly. It had chilled her then and it chilled her now. "Charlie was there."

Lia glanced up from her datapad, looking concerned over the rims of her glasses. "Subject Charlie?"

Delta nodded. "He was...he was dead. Just like before. He..." She swallowed. "He looked at me...and he whispered."

Silence hung in the air between them as Lia waited for her to go on. Finally she asked, "What did he say?"

Delta's brows arched with concern "Kaila." She said, shaking her head.

Lia suppressed the worry in her face, but she could feel it down in her bones this was not good. "And how did that make you feel?" She pressed on.

Delta stared at the older woman. "It felt...familiar. Like...I had heard it before. Do you know what it means, Doctor?"

Lia forced a smile and gave a slight shake of her head. "I haven't a clue." A few more things punched into her datapad and she smiled politely right at Delta. "What I would suggest is that you return to your quarters and get some sleep. I'm sure this was nothing, Subject Delta."

That seemed to put the girl at ease, a comforted smile appearing on her youthful face. "Thank you, Doctor." She stood up to her full 6'1" height. "Good evening."

"Good night, Delta." Lia watched the girl walk out of the room, her smile fading. It was starting. It was only a matter of time before Delta ended up just like Alpha and Charlie. She had to warn Metcalfe. The girl would need to be dealt with.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-03-25 01:13 EST
Delta was in the training room of the Sanctum, another sleepless night weighing on the Praetorian Warrior. Hints of her surgical scars could be seen peeking up her spine under the tank top of her PT gear. Her raven colored hair pulled in tight pony tail, bouncing as she waged war on a punching bag. Her fist slammed into the canvas, rocking it away from her violently. Her eyes were distant, her mind not at all focused on the bag. Her punches were rapid, vicious, and would have devastated any normal human opponent. Her mind was on that night, like so many other nights since. She tried to put it away, but it wouldn't go. She couldn't help but think of Charlie and what he'd done. What SHE had done. Lia had put it in her head about the idea of guilt. Praetorian were supposed to be without remorse, without regret, but she couldn't shake the feeling. It confused and angered her and she was most definitely taking it out on the bag.

That name. "Kaila." What had it meant? Why did he say it? And why did it sound so familitar? Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, her fists pounding harder and harder against the canvas bag. Why had Charlie, like Alpha, turned on them? She'd known them all longer than she could remember. They'd trained together, fought side by side. They'd survived everything the Initiative had thrown at them. And yet, Charlie had killed two of their ranks and completely botched the mission. He had smashed Echo's face into mush, and shot Beta through the head. All for seemingly no reason.

The memory of him standing across from her, knife in hand, ready to kill her would never leave. And his voice... "Kaila...please!" It had not been fear. It had not been pleading for her to stop, it had been begging for mercy. For her to do exactly what she did. She took his life, she ended her brothers existence in one swift jerk. He was gone forever.

Delta heard an anguished scream as the punching back was sent flying off it's chain, slamming against the wall across the room. It took her a few moments to realize the scream had been her own. What was happening to her? Something felt very wrong, and it terrified her. Had this been what happened to Charlie? To Alpha? Was she going to end up like them?

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-03-26 12:55 EST
Loren entered her quarters with a long, exasperated sigh. Those dark eyes flicking around the room. That had been a massacre. The entire Praetorian Initiative scrapped. Decades of her life had been spent building that project from the ground up. It was her pride, it was her joy. It was her baby. Loren unfastened the front of her black and white dress uniform. The medals on her left breast weighing the garment down a bit. She made her way over to the small kitchen, undoing the rest of her tunic.

Her hands were shaking as she picked up the bottle of bourbon, tilting it into a glass before desperately shooting back the liquor. Loren's eyes slid shut as it burned its way down her throat, warmth filling her body. Brown eyes popped open and she traded the drink between her hands, pulling the dress tunic off and tossing it on a chair. The hint of her back scar peeking out the back of her black tanktop.

Loren sat at the desk in her office, setting down her glass. They hadn't set a date of execution yet, but knowing USM protocol, it would be sooner rather than later. The current batch had been 8 years in the making, she couldn't believe two failures were bringing it all crashing down. Van Leuen had been lucky she hadn't been armed back there. She would have gladly put a bullet in his forehead.

There wasn't much decoration in her quarters. Loren never saw the point of it. It wasn't like she had visitors over. Hell, she didn't even HAVE friends. The one decoration was a picture at one corner of her desk. A young woman and a young man in USM body armor, arms across each other's shoulders, skin glistening with sweat, but huge smiles on their young faces.

Gorman. He'd been the last to get through that tough exterior. It had been 28 years ago just last week, she recalled. God, what had happened to the time? She barely recognized that fresh-faced girl in the picture. Though, it did spring to mind, even that kid, at that point in her life was a hardened veteran. Had there been a time when she wasn't, she wondered? That was something she held in common with the Praetorian. She couldn't remember a time before the military. Before war.

A knock came at her door, stirring her out of her thoughts. Who the hell would be visiting at this time of night? Loren downed the rest of her glass and pushed away from the desk. She reached the door and opened it to find Dr. Lia on the other side. She nodded her head. "Major."

"Doctor." Loren inclined her head in an upnod. "What can I do for you?"

Lia appeared a bit nervous, despite her best efforts to the contrary. "May I come in for a moment?" She requested. Loren stepped aside and gestured for the doctor to enter. "I'm sorry to visit so late and I hope I'm not disturbing you. There's just something I thought-"

Loren held a hand up, silencing the older woman. "Just...skip to the point, Lia."

Lia nodded. No use in prolonging it. "I spoke with Subject Delta this afternoon." She gave the Major a pointed look. "She's showing symptoms."

Loren's face was unreadable. It almost seemed like she hadn't heard the doctor's words. She just stared. A long moment of silence passed between the two women.

"Major-" Lia started trying to pull the Major out of whatever daze she'd entered.

"Would you care for a drink, Doctor?" Loren interrupted. Lia simply nodded and the Major was off to the bar. She busied herself, gathering and pouring the drink as she spoke. "Director Van Leuen and the committee have decided to scrap the entire Praetorian Initiative, Doctor." She held the glass out to Lia. "So, look like neither of us have good news."

Lia's brow furrowed. "Scrap it? But we can still correct the problems, do better with the next batch."

"Command doesn't want to spend the money or resources on, what they consider, a doomed project." Loren said, shaking the drink, reminding the good doctor that it was there.

Lia took the glass from her, feeling a bit numb. "What happens to the Subjects?" She asked, almost certain of the answer already. The look on Loren's face confirmed it for her.

"Terminated." She said simply, clinking glasses with Lia and downing her's. Lia just stared, her shoulders slumping.

"They're...they're just going to kill them all? Even the ones without symptoms?" She shook her head.

"According to Van Leuen they are no more than 'faulty tech'. And tech cannot be killed, only 'decommissioned'." the spite in her voice was palpable as she leaned back against the counter. A bitter laugh escaped Loren as she shook her head. "We were so close. It took years for symptoms to manifest in this group. If we had one more trial, I bet we could have done it, Lia. God damn it, we were SO close!" The ache in her voice was immediately apparent. Her fingers went to the bridge of her nose, a bitter laugh escaping her. "Tell me about Delta." She said, finally, wanting to talk about anything but the extermination of the project.

Lia sipped from her glass, distracted by this latest revelation. "She's...having nightmares." She sipped again. "About Charlie."

Loren turned to her, brow furrowed. "Nightmares? They don't HAVE nightmares, Lia. They *can't*."

Lia looked to her, almost haughty. "Well, Delta DOES. She feels guilt over killing him. And I know. They aren't supposed to feel that either, but there it is."

"She told you this?" Loren pushed on.

"Not outright, as she doesn't understand what guilt is, but...basically, yes." Lia nodded slowly. "Whatever is happening to these kids, it's clear we have very little understanding of it."

Loren stared off, nodding. What the hell was going on with this experiment? What had they done wrong? The most brilliant scientific minds had poured all of their considerable efforts into this project. What had they missed.

"But it's all academic now, isn't it?" Lia sighed, knocking back the remnants of her glass. The two women sat in silence for a long time, nothing much left to say. Finally, Lia slid her empty glass over to Loren, silently asking for a refill. The old soldier smirked and grabbed the bottle pouring for the both of them. Both ladies picked up their drinks and raised them up.

"To the Praetorian. May they live forever. If only in our memories." Loren said, sadness twinged with pride in her voice.

"The Praetorian." Lia responded. They downed their drink, Lia wincing as the liquor hit her system. Something then came back to her and she turned her gaze on Loren. "There was one other thing."

Loren quirked an eyebrow, looking to the old doctor.

"Charlie...according to Delta, was in the dream." Lia went on. "He said something to her."

"Said something?" Loren responded, rising off the counter.

Lia nodded. "Kaila."

Loren's eyes widened, realization coming to her face.

"She's remembering, Major."

Loren blinked, returning to the conversation at-hand. "That's not possible."

"There are so many things we don't know about the human mind, Major. Anything is possible."

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-03-29 00:36 EST
Loren sat in her office within the Citadel, going over a few files on the Praetorian Initiative. In her heart, she knew it was pointless. Command made their decision and she would have to live with it. There was never any changing their minds once they were made up. No, this was delusion. A distraction from the inevitable. Loren rubbed her tired eyes with a sigh. She hadn't slept much in the past few days. She was stunned she was even conscious at the moment, if she was honest.

A chime came from her door. "Come in." She responded.

The door slid open to reveal a tall man in his late 60's. Fleet Admiral Simon Lanning. His grey and black uniform sharp and flawless, left breast covered in medals, right showing a staggering amount of ribbons signifying the campaigns he'd been a part of. Wrinkles carved into his slim face, his blue eyes still sharp as ever. A golden Aiguillette at his right shoulder and his hat tucked under one arm, he stepped in. Loren immediately shot up out of her chair, snapping off a crisp salute to the man. "Sir." she said, eyes straight ahead.

Lanning returned the salute and let the door slide shut behind him. "Major. As you were." He looked around her sparsely decorated office as he made his way to her desk. His presence made her nervous for some reason. She could feel his judgement as he scanned over her office. It was clean. Spotless. And if he was to kick her out, she would be packed up in 3 seconds flat. She sat as he did.

"What can I do for you, Admiral?" She inquired, keeping a steady voice despite her rattling nerves.

"You have friends, Major?" He asked. "Family?"

She shifted in her seat, straightening up. "The USM is my family, sir."

A kindly smile came to his face, a small gruff laugh leaving him. "Yes. A common tale among those like us." He said in a grave tone. "One day, you're a kid, scared ****less going into a hot zone, whole life ahead of you...the next you're 70 years old and nothin' to show for it but some scars and a couple worthy stories."

She looked confused and felt the need to reassure him. " are one of the most highly decorated-"

"I understand the desire to leave a legacy, Major." He interrupted her. "I know what the Praetorian Initiative meant to you. What you gave for it."

That, she did not respond to. She wasn't sure how to. She wanted to say "You're damn right. I gave up decades of my life to this experiment and this is the thanks I get?" But, she knew better to speak that way to a man who was not only her superior officer, but the ultimate superior officer within the USM.

"I want you to know, Loren, that we didn't take this decision lightly." He continued. "What you've accomplished with those boys and girls is utterly astounding. No one believed you would have as much success as you have had and you proved them wrong at every step."

She swallowed hard, and it slipped out before she could stop it "Then why are you shutting us down?"

If it upset him, he didn't show it. "The Praetorian are unpredictable. They appear to just be time bombs. It was the same with the first batch, and it's the same with these kids. I won't pretend to be smart enough to understand the science, Major, but something about the tinkering you've done with their brains makes them, at best, unstable." He stared across the table at her, his voice stern. "You want to put them with the rest of the boots on the ground and you can't even tell when one is about to snap and attempt to kill his fellow soldiers. That is something I cannot abide."

Loren hated hearing this, though she did see his wisdom. Men would never follow a leader who was very likely to turn on them at some point. It was true, but she didn't have to like it.

"The amount of money we've poured into this project compared to the results are simply just not worth it."

Loren's head hung low. "I understand, Sir."

There was no mistaking the pain in her eyes, though she kept a tough game face.

"I'm afraid I didn't come here just to explain myself Major. Command has decided that decommissioning will commence in two day's time. The remaining subjects will report for a check up on their biometrics, whereupon they will be subject to lethal injection. Quick, painless, efficient." He said, trying to make it sound not so bad to her.

Loren could have sworn she heard ringing in her ears, everything sounding far away now. She blinked and shook it off. "Yes, Sir." It was the only thing she COULD manage right now.

Lanning stood up and placed his hat upon his head. "Again, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, and I wish things had been different."

Loren stood up and saluted him. "Thank you for your time, Sir."

He returned the salute, eyeing her a moment. "Major."

With that, Lanning stepped out the door. Loren dropped into her chair, her brow furrowed as she looked around helplessly. Her right hand went to her eyes, suppressing the slowly forming tears. She sniffed and took in a deep breath, exhaling it shakily. That was it. It was really over.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-03-29 20:43 EST
Delta lay in her room, waiting for her escort. She was scheduled at 1100 hours for a routine examination, after which she would be given the day off. She dressed in the white scrubs which they had given her and stared up at the ceiling. All morning something was gnawing at her. An inexplicable feeling of dread. Like something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what. Those big blue eyes darting back and forth under her eyelids. She was there again, in that forest. Alarms blaring behind her as the insurgent force mobilized. Charlie's eyes glowing in the moonlight, a knife in his hand. Echo was on the ground, her face smashed in through her helmet. Beta was slumped against a tree, his body still twitching. Delta's fingers tightened around her knife, those keen eyes watching every tick, every slight movement dispassionately. Suddenly he lunged for her.

Those cybernetically enhanced blue eyes popped open, the room coming into focus around her. Chimes came from the door to her quarters. For a moment, she didn't respond. Just laid there and collected herself. Her breathing evened and she pushed off the bed, making her way to the door. Delta's thumb pressed against a pressure plate and the door slid open.

A middle aged doctor stood on the other side. His pudgy face topped by thinning dark hair, small brown eyes covered by a pair of glasses. She could smell the coffee on his breath. "Good morning, Delta." He said with a plastic smile.

"Good morning, Dr. Reynolds." she said, eyeing him.

"Are you ready for your check up?" He asked in a polite tone.

"Yes, Doctor."

Dr. Reynolds stepped aside and gestured to the hall. As she passed him, she could hear his heartbeat. It was beating fast. She wondered what could be causing that? He hadn't shown any signs of illness recently. While he wasn't in peak physical condition, he wasn't THAT out of shape.

The doctor lead her to the examination room, letting her pass through. "Please. Have a seat."

A grey padded examination table sat in the middle of the white, sterile room. Something felt wrong. A sense of forboding that she couldn't shake. She sat on the table and looked to Reynolds. The good doctor smiled...but she could hear that heartbeat again. Perspiration growing at his forehead. He was nervous. Terrified.

He ran through a couple of normal tests that were designed to put her at ease. But the longer he took the more concerned she became. She was beginning to feel like a cornered animal. The doctor sat back. "Well. Everything seems to be in order!" He flashed that toothy, fake grin and stood. "There's just one more matter to take care of and you'll be on your way." He said. Reynolds turned and walked to a counter, sliding open a drawer. Delta watched him like a hawk.

He turned around, a long syringe and a vial in his hand. She stared at it as it trembled ever so slightly in his fingers. A normal human would never have caught it, but she wasn't normal was she? The doctor moved to her and she looked away, her mind going a mile a minute. Alarms going off in her head like crazy. Get out. Don't let him do this. This is wrong. This is wrong! THIS IS WRONG.

He put the needle into the vial and loaded up the syringe. Immediately, her heightened sense of smell caught wind of the mixture. Poison. Aggressive stuff, too. Her heart began to race inside her chest her breathing picking up as he took her arm. The needle getting closer and closer to her. "Stop it, Delta! STOP HIM!" Closer and closer. "Delta!" Something inside her was screaming. "DELTA!" The tip of the needle touched her skin.


Suddenly her hand was wrapped around his wrist, keeping the needle from plunging into her flesh. Those eyes shifting slowly to him. The smile faded from his face, his left arm slowly moving toward his hip. She moved so incredibly fast he didn't realize the needle had gone through the bottom of his jaw, through his tongue and into the roof of his mouth. His eyes were widened as he realized the what had happened. Those cold blue eyes glared at the man as his hand wrapped around the grip of his tazer. The Praetorian were horrifying in a good mood, but now that one had it's sights on him...

Reynolds never was able to finish that thought. Delta jammed the plunger up, sending the poison burning into him. He recoiled, screaming in agony. Flailing about and slamming back into a cabinet. The doors burst open and 2 armed guards filed in, drawing their weapons. They were momentarily distracted by the agonized doctor as foam gurgled out of his mouth. It was enough for Delta, to roll back to the other side of the Table and kick it. The examination table went flying at them, pinning one of the guard's against the wall with sickening crack and a ear splitting scream.

Delta was already on the move, moving to an operating tray and grabbing it up just as the second guard opened fire. She leaned out of the path of the bullet, and deflected it as much as she could with the tray. She quickly threw it, like a rectangular frisbee, the metal tray slamming directly into the guard's nose, shattering the bone in a burst of blood. Even as it impacted, she was moving toward him. He'd barely gotten the scream out before she got him by the neck. The guard was lifted off the ground and across the hall, blood pouring down his terrified face as he was slammed against the wall. Her hand clamped hard, crushing his windpipe, and then jerked to one side, finishing him off.

She knelt, grabbing his sidearm as he hit the ground. More were coming from down the hall. She shot a look to them, her pale face speckled with blood. Three shots put three men down. Delta rose up and ran down the hall, full blast. As she passed a corridor, a burly guard tried to grab her from behind. Her right arm reached back and grabbed his, twisting out of his grip wrenching his arm around. A vicious palm strike sent jagged bone through his skin as the arm bent unnaturally. She threw him face first into the metal wall.

She couldn't see the men coming up the hall behind her, but she could HEAR them. The first shot, she barely ducked away from, whipping around and putting a bullet through the first man's stomach. Two more went through his chest, followed by a last shot to the head. The other two took cover. After a moment they whipped around the corner and fired...into the armored body of their dead comrade. Delta used him as a human shield, charging at them. She threw his body forward, her eyes locked onto the guard on the left, letting the one on the right deal with the body heading at him. As she came up, she grabbed her target by the wrist, redirecting his weapon just as he pulled the trigger. The bullet hit his partner in the face, whipping his head back as blood splattered against the wall.

His hand went to a knife at his belt and drew it quickly. Delta grabbed him by that wrist forcing it around with a snap. As he opened his mouth to scream, she pushed the knife upward through his jaw. Crimson shot into the air and rained down on her as he coughed his last agonized breath. The alarms finally sounded. Delta let him drop, collecting his weapon and ammo. She didn't know what was going on, but she had to get out of there NOW.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-03-30 18:21 EST
Loren stood in the control room and watched as Delta attacked Dr. Reynolds and killed the guards. This was a nightmare. Delta was loose in the facility, mowing down anyone in her way. A security tech behind her vomited as Delta stabbed a guard upwards through the bottom of his jaw. Loren just embraced the horror and spoke into a microphone. "This is Major Metcalfe, keep your distance from Subject Delta, do not engage her head-on! I repeat, do not engage her head-on!"

On the screen, security cameras cut to another view as Delta redirected a shotgun to fire up into a ceiling and then grabbed the barrel, wrenching the weapon from his grip. The stock hit him hard in the face like a truck, hammering him into the ground. She wheeled around, turning the shotgun on men who stormed around the corner.

Loren grit her teeth and slammed her fist on the console. "Damn it! Fall back! I repeat, fall back!"

The first man around the corner's head burst like a red balloon, his body lifelessly flailing backwards against the wall. The others behind him took cover behind the wall. Delta backed up the other way, the merest hint of them turning to fire on her was met with a blast from the shotgun. She reached the corner and disappeared around it, on the look for a new exit.

Loren watched her move, noting the deadly, precise grace with which the girl moved. There was a twinge of pride there. This was her creation in action. Showing these amateurs what she was capable, the true success of the Praetorian Initiative. But she was out of control. Loren leaned into the microphone, "HRF, converge on Delta's location." She sent the coordinates to each of their helmet HUD's.

Delta was headed toward the hangar bays, desperate to make her escape. The Heavy Response Force soldiers, in full body armor and riot gear had converged on the entrance. Delta's advanced hearing picked up their radio communications before she even got close. She pressed up against a wall a couple hundred feet away from their position. She was cut off, those blue eyes searching frantically for another way. Then she saw it. Her determined eyes locked forward and she made her move.

The HRF troops waited for her, their weapons drawn, riot shields in front of them. Loren's voice came over their helmets. "I've lost visual. Stay on your toes."

She scanned all the surveillance feeds. "Where the hell is she?"

It was quiet. Just the sound of the HRF breathing, their armor and weapons brushing as they each tried to peer ahead. Suddenly the roof burst open above them, the shotgun blast hitting a man directly from above. Delta dropped into the fray, landing on the man's body. The shotgun barrel press against the back of the trooper in front of her. The deafening shot relocated a few vital organs out his chest as she pulled the trigger. She whipped to her left and put another in the chest of man turning to attack. From the other side a trooper tried to bash her with his riot shield. She was already turning toward him as he came at her, catching the shield with the length of her shotgun, stopping him in his tracks. From her right another man was bringing up his rifle to put her down. Her foot hit his chest hard and sent him against the wall.

Loren watched her put him down with a shotgun blast, apparently the last round in the weapon, as she released it and grabbed the shield she'd been resisting, and swinging it around, slamming and cutting into trooper's faces. Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind, her arms pressed to her side, but the man was no match for her. She broke free and spun, a palm strike to his chest sending him stumbling back.

Delta's back arched as a stun baton was pressed against her back, the electricity flowing through her body. It was enough to drop her to her knees for a moment. Slowly, her head turned to her attacker, rage on her face. He pressed harder as if it would do anything more. She was slowed, but fighting through it, willing her limbs to move though they didn't want to. Her hand gripped the handle around his fist hard. Loren could almost see his eyes widen in terror before the baton was shoved against his face, the trooper's body writhing as the current ran through him.

The man who'd grabbed her had picked up a shield and slammed into her, suddenly realizing he was now the only one left. She stumbled only a bit before turning on him, swinging the baton at him as hard as she could. Every impact on his shield rattled up his arms, the girl's impossibly strong slashes leaving him barely able to keep up. He didn't have time to go on the offensive, now he was just trying to survive. She pushed him back, back, back toward the wall, the baton slamming hard, denting the steel shield, she was hitting so hard.

Loren watched helplessly as she batted away the shield, spun and, using the force of the momentum, knocked the shield from his hand. She redirected in her follow through and stabbed him in the stomach with the baton. His body went rigid, shaking as his nerves ached like they were on fire. She withdrew and slammed it across his face.

Loren's shoulders dropped as Delta tried to enter the door to the hangar bay. Loren had, of course put it on lock down. It wouldn't hold her forever, but it would at least slow her down. Time she would need to contact the fleet and let the air patrol know what was coming.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-03-30 20:04 EST
The hangar was quiet for the most part, the deck crew having sought cover when the word got out about Delta. Suddenly, the doors were blown inward toward the hangar. Delta had created a makeshift bomb with the HRF's grenades. She stepped through the smoke, her tall, strong form silhouetted in the light from the hall.

Those cybernetic eyes scanned the hangar for an appropriate ship before landing on an CondorTroop Carrier. That was it. That was her way out. She broke into a run as reinforcements were filing down the hall after her. Those augmented legs carrying her faster than any human had any right to run. Bullets zipped past her, barely missing as she ascended the docking ramp. Her fist slammed against a button as she passed into the cockpit. The ramp raised shut behind her. The young Praetorian slid into the pilot's seat, firing up the ship's engines. The Condor rose up and turned on the troops massing at the entrance way, opening fire upon them. Delta's hands flew over the the controls, turning the hangar doors.

She slammed on the thrusters, kicking the ship forward as fast as it could go. The doors began to shut, but Delta betrayed no hint of fear or panic. She just calmly stared ahead, ignoring the useless gunfire that came from behind her.

Closer, closer she got and narrower her only escape route became. It was going to be tight, she knew, but she would make it. She HAD to make it. The Condor scraped against the closing doors as she shot out into the afternoon sky. She was out! But she was far from free to celebrate (if she knew how to celebrate).

Immediately, she was at work, checking the scanners for the inevitable incoming fighters. Condors were not the most maneuverable of ships, meant for quick drop off and extraction rather than aerial combat. And, sure enough, they were en route. Flying without a gunner would be difficult, as well, but she was out of options.

The first fighter came up behind her, there were no contacts from them. Getting her to land was NOT their mission. They were there to kill her. She was barely able to miss the laser fire they sent her way, banking away. One hand was at the controls while the other was at the automated weapons screen, tapping on the targets. Turrets at the tail of the Condor whirred to life, turning on her attackers.

Delta ducked and weaved that ship, squeezing every bit of maneuverability she could get out of it, bringing them into the mountain range that surrounded the Sanctum. Laser fire poured out the back of the ship as she took them on through the winding canyons. One of the ships jerked back and then suddenly burst in to flaming wreckage at a bolt made contact.

Delta was jostled in her chair as the Condor was hit. Calmly, she checked the systems, it was just a surface impact, no serious damage. She looked ahead seeing a cliff-face heading right for her. She jammed back the controls, the ship moving upward sharply, cutting it so close the belly dragged against the rock. Delta was out of the way just in time for two patrol ships to slam into the mountain. She was gunning the Condor straight for atmo now If she could break orbit, she could hit FTL and get the hell out of there.

Laser fire poured all around her, a few blasts hitting her and rocking the ship. Warning alarms screamed as the damage piled up. Just when the sky had turned from blue to black, she took another hit. The FTL drive was wasted, looks like she would need another way out. She looked around for anything she could use that might help. Fortunately for her, the Condor was primary means of transportation for the Praetorian soldiers. She set the ship on auto pilot and rushed toward the back, pulling open the equipment locker. Inside was fresh armor for her team. Without hesitation, she stripped the bloody clothes from her body and slipped on a compression suit, the ship rocking hard with every landed shot.

The ship's computer spoke "Warning. Warning. Reactor damage critical. Immediate evacuation required." She pulled her armor on as quickly as possible. She grabbed a rifle and a helmet and readied herself.

The helmet descended on her head, the seals locking down and pumping air. He fist hit the ramp controls again. Slowly it lowered and the pilot saw her standing there. She brought her rifle up and fired one shot. The bullet passed through his cockpit canopy and caught him in the face, blood bursting in weightlessness. He was dead before the decompression could kill him.

Delta heard the computer blaring it's warnings of an immanent explosion. Time to go. She launched herself off the ramp at the now pilot-less ship behind her. Through the cold of space she sailed gracefully. If this didn't work she'd be drifting until another ship found and annihilated her or she starved or suffocated to death. Her chest armor hit the nose of the fighter first, her body turning, dragged as it continued it's course. She was going to roll off the back and be spent spinning off into oblivion forever, she thought.

No. Two fingers caught the bullet hole she'd put in the canopy, keeping her from going further back. The rifle left her hand and was sent spiraling away toward Boros. She looked up just in time to see the Condor go up, lighting her faceplate in blinding white. She turned away, forcing the rest of her fingers through the damaged windshield to get a better grip and covering her face head with her other arm. The ship passed through the debris, but she managed to hold on.

Once in the clear, she yanked the cockpit open, unstrapped the pilot, took his side arm and threw him back away from the ship. Carefully, she climbed into the pilot's seat. Icy blood caked the headrest and inside of the canopy as it lowered shut. Delta fished around and found an emergency repair kit. She brought up up and sprayed it at the damage to the transparent surface, a clear resin material hardening over the hole.

Not one to waste time, she set a course for the nearest star system and prepared her FTL jump before anyone could figure out she wasn't on the ship when it blew. Eyes forward, chin up, she locked in her coordinates. Where was she going? She had no idea.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-03-31 19:39 EST
"Would you care to explain what happened, Major?" The Admiral stared at the woman standing before him, hands behind her back, posture rigid and perfect, but the tension in her face reading to everyone in the room. Loren swallowed hard.

"Sir, Subject Delta reported to Dr. Reynolds at 1101 hours." Loren said nervously. "Something must have tipped her off, because she began panicking-"

"Panicking?" Director Van Leuen interrupted. "Is that what you would call it?"

Loren's sharp eyes turned to the bespectacled man, her jaw switching.

Lanning looked tired, weary. "Major, we know what happened, my concern is why."

Loren turned to him. "Sir... The Praetorian all have heightened senses. They are trained to survive. But I could not have predicted that she would be able to detect poison simply the insertion of a syringe into a vial."

Van Leuen looked up from his data pad. "And now, how people are dead. And you wonder why we refuse to allow you to continue this...highly dangerous and, frankly, shoddy work?"

Loren fought the urge to glare, refusing to meet his gaze, lest she jump across the table and punch in his fat face to bloody pulp. "Well, she's dead. So, the problem is solved."

Van Leuen turned to Lanning. "You haven't told her?"

Lanning sighed and gestured for him to bring the Major up to speed. Van Leuen pulled up some info on his data pad. "Major Metcalfe, at 1200 hours yesterday, ComSat reported in on one of our fighters, serial number 1138 making an unauthorized jump out of the system."

Loren's blood ran cold suddenly.

"1138 was, at the time, in pursuit of Subject Delta and the pilot's vital signs read negative after a vacuum breach within the canopy." Van Leuen leaned back. "I don't know how show managed it, but unless the pilot rose from the dead and decided to make a hasty get-away, I'd say it's a safe bet that Subject Delta is long gone from here.

Loren's eyes were wide. "We need to track her. We have to find out where she's going and-"

Lanning held up a hand. "We're already on top of that. What we are concerned about is bringing her in. We threw almost everything we had at her here, Major and she cut through them like a hot knife through butter. You designed her. You know her best. How do we pacify Subject Delta?"

Loren thought for a moment, her mind racing through a thousand things at once before it hit her. "The Praetorian."

Van Leuen looked up at her with stunned eyes. "Excuse me?"

"We send the remaining Praetorian after her." She explained.

"No. No, absolutely not!" Van Leuen protested.

"They are your best shot at taking her out, Director." Loren said icily.

"They're dangerous, unpredictable. What if one of them goes bughouse while on the loose? How many more lives are worth sacrificing to these abominations?" He asked.

Loren snapped her eyes upon him. "They are the only option!" She turned to Lanning. "Sir, you saw what she was capable of. She was MADE to be better than any living soldier. She was made to plow through them like tissue paper. The one shot you have of getting out of this with as few casualties as possible is to send the Praetorian. None of them are showing symptoms at the moment. Let us use them for one last mission, and then we can demolish the entire program at once."

Lanning considered for a long moment, mulling it over in silence.

Van Leuen shook his head, " can't honestly be considering this idiotic plan."

Lanning shot him a look before turning back to Loren. "Major, can you guarantee you can control them."

"I'll have them implanted with micro explosives. If they step one TOE out of line, I'll detonate." She promised.

Van Leuen looked dumbfounded, he could not believe they were going to use those monsters after what had happened.

"Do it, Major." Lanning said with a nod.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-02 02:31 EST
Delta's stolen fighter suddenly lurched out of FTL, normal space filling around her. A massive spaceport hovering in front of a big Green planet. Ketbrae, she remembered it was called. Her instruments were reading that she was dead on fuel. Calmly, she tried to put some power to the sublight engines with no luck. She was drifting.

Well, at least the seal on the canopy hadn't ripped open while she had her helmet off. It wasn't even a question, how she would get to the station. Her practical, fearless mind had the plan in seconds. She pulled down and sealed her helmet. Then, like it was the most common thing in the universe, she pressed a button, the pressurization seals popping around the cockpit with a hiss, the oxygen rushing out. Finally, the canopy burst off the top of the ship, drifting away gracefully in zero g.

Delta undid her harness and climbed out onto the nose of the dead spacecraft. Those bionic blue eyes turned down to her forearm, flipping a small hatch. On the screen she entered a series of codes before shutting the hatch again. She turned her attention to the station and leapt, her fists closing. Out the back of her armor came small jets of pressurized air, propelling her forward.

It was almost peaceful, out there with the vastness of space all around her. The only sound that of her even breathing in the helmet. The readout on her faceplate gave her all the important information. Distance to target, remaining O2, readouts on her vitals. It didn't take too long before she was approaching a maintenance hatch. It was secured with a passcode lock.

Delta reached back into her left forearm gauntlet and drew out a cord, plugging it into the machine. Within seconds, it had cracked the code and opened the airlock. One last look behind her to be sure, and she slipped inside.

Red lights were blinking all around her as the airlock pressurized. Once it was done, Delta slipped off her helmet and headed into the spaceport. Hopefully here she could formulate her next move. But where could she go? She knew no one. She had no credits to her name. Her whole life had been the Initiative. She couldn't remember a time before it.

What do you do when your home, your family, your life is taken away?

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-03 01:43 EST
First thing was first, Delta found a maintenance supply room and swapped out her armor for a gray staff jumpsuit, stashing the armor in the locker for now. She had to get a ride off the station and wearing that Armor might raise suspicions. She stood in front of a mirror and looked at herself. That pale skin flecked with blood from the men she'd killed the day before. Delta splashed water on her face, washing the dried blood away. On her way out, she grabbed a hat and pulled the brim down low, just in case.

Ketbrae Station was bustling, cabs flying over head, vendors hawking trinkets, food, supplies on the crowded streets. Those big, enhanced eyes took in every face she passed looking for any signs of trouble. Just because she'd gotten far away didn't mean she was safe. The arm of the USM reached far and wide, it wasn't unthinkable that they might have one or two people here.

Delta knew from intelligence training that most star pilots could be found in the spaceport taverns. Especially the ones whose discretion could be counted on.

She entered the doorway, immediately drawing a few eyes. The tall girl with a powerful, yet still-feminine figure stood out. It was attention that she did not like. Delta stepped up to the bar and ordered a water.

The bartender scoffed. "Water? You want water, go dunk your head under the sink."

Delta looked perplexed. "What should I order then?"

"Pick your poison." the barkeep said, gesturing back to the collection of bottles.

Delta's head tilted. "Drinking poison is inadvisable and would likely result in my death." She said, as if he were an idiot.

The barkeep stared at the girl like she'd just grown a third eye. "Look, you gonna get a drink or what?"

Delta blinked. "I believe I did. You asked me if I wanted a drink. I told you would like a water. You responded-"

"Alright, alright! You're gonna break my balls over it, I'll pour you some tap water. Ya pain in the ass." He ran a glass under the tap and slid it over to her. She looked confused at his words but did not press on.

"Thank you." She said before taking the glass.

She turned around and scanned the bar. Almost immediately a scraggly bearded man with slicked-back thinning hair slid in beside her. A sleazy demeanor about him and toothpick between his lips.

"Well, well, well...lookit you! You're a tall drink a' water ain't ya?" He said looking her up and down, his tongue moving that toothpick to better accommodate his talking.

Delta looked at her glass of water. "It appears to be an average sized glass." She responded matter of factly.

He gave her a lopsided grin. "What brings ya here, beautiful?"

"I am looking for passage from this station. The discretion of the pilot is a requirement for my purposes." She explained. "Do you know any pilots?"

He chuckled. "You talk funny, y'know that?"

She looked to him curiously. "My manner of speech is humorous?"

Again he laughed. "Well, you're in luck, Princess. Just so happens, I 'm a pilot. Got my own ship. The Moonjumper. Might be willin' to take you on."

The hopeful smile on her face was so innocent and genuine. It didn't match with the woman who had done everything she had. "Really? That would be wonderful. When do you depart?" She inquired.

The man smirked "Whoa, whoa whoa...slow down. We need to discuss payment."

She looked like the concept had just occurred to her. He quirked a brow to her. "You...*can* pay, right?"

Delta shook her head, sheepishly. "I am...without credits."

He put on his best charming smile (which was more creepy and sleazy than charming). "Well..that's alright. I'm sure we can find...other ways," his hand drifted up to her cheek. "For you to repay me."

She didn't like his hand on her. Not one bit. Nor the way his eyes trailed down her body. She sensed he was suggesting she do something... sexual in order to pay. Delta snatched his hand, squeezing hard. Her expression turned hard, those impossibly blue eyes burning into his. "You will not touch me again." She could hear bones crack as she squeezed his fingers, a groan of pain escaping him.

Delta released him roughly and watched him for any attempts to retaliate. The greasy man clutched his hand and stared at her angrily. "To hell with you, freak!" He ran off and out of the bar.

Delta became aware that all eyes were now on her. This was not going to work. She had to come up with a better plan.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-04 01:11 EST
Delta stepped out of the bar quickly, disappearing into the crowd outside. Pilots needed payment and she couldn't pay. Maybe there was another option, she thought. Quickly, she made her way back to the maintenance area. She took her armor and threw it in a cart and slipped back out.

She would need a ship large enough to hide in, but small enough to fly under the USM's radar. From hangar to hanger she went looking for just the right ship. It was beginning to look hopeless. Every ship seemed too crowded or too small. A sigh left Delta as she stepped back out into the port. That was when she saw them. A detachment of USM personnel rounding the far corner. Those blue eyes going wide as she saw who was behind them. They were huge, towering over most, clad from head to toe in armor. The Praetorian. She turned around quickly, lest they see her.

Now was no-longer the time to be picky. She pushed her cart into the nearest stall and looked around. The ship before her had materials being loaded on. The redheaded captain pointed to the crew. "Hey, careful with those! This cargo's worth a lot of credits! You break it, I break your face, got it?"

Delta glanced over her shoulder. This had to be it. She followed the last of the maintenance people, pushing her cart toward the ship. She looked up over her head, a modified LumaTech Star Runner securely suspended over them. Someone had fitted the racer with weapons. Smart, she thought. As soon as the last man left, she checked to make sure nobody was looking. These ships always had hidden compartments, she knew. In fact, she could point all them out. She quickly headed to the fore of the ship and pulled up a heavy panel. For a normal human it would have been a struggle. For her, it was light as air.

Delta took one last look around and in she slipped.


Date: 2016-04-04 01:29 EST
"I'm telling you a Gazillion is NOT a number." Page said as he and Annikah entered the hangar bay where the Dragon's Tooth waited for them. Their arms were full of bags of food and alcohol for the ship.

Annikah rolled her eyes. "It IS! I've heard it a gazillion times!"

"Well, how much is it?" He asked her.

"I don't know! More than a trillion!"

Page shook his head. "No! It's a made up big-sounding number, I'm telling you."

Annikah looked at him like he was an idiot. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

Page snorted. "The dumbest thing *I've* ever heard is that you think it's a number."

Nara stepped over, her brow furrowed. "What are you two morons arguing about?" She asked.

Annikah rolled her eyes and hooked a thumb back at Page. "**** here thinks that Gazillion isn't a real number."

"it isn't!" Page insisted.

Nara covered her forehead with one hand and gave the two of them an exhausted look. "You two are going to turn me grey, you know that?" She shook her head. "You get everything."

Page nodded to their captain. "Enough Food, water, and booze to get us to the outer rim."

Annikah smiled. "And *I* managed score us up a bunch of vids and music off the cortex. So, we'll have plenty to keep us entertained. We're WELL in-hand."

Nara nodded. Things had evened out for the crew of the Dragon's Tooth. In the months s-ince the USM had taken out Boggs and they had made the necessary repairs to the ship, they'd found steady work. Running cargo and supplies to some of the border moons and colonies. Keeping out of trouble for the most part. Every now and again, they pulled a job as a passenger transport. Life was good. A bit unexciting, but if you asked Page? Excitement was overrated.

"We're all fueled and loaded up and ready to go, then." Nara said. "Mount up and let's get the hell out of here."

The crew of the Dragon's Tooth walked up the ramp and into their ship. Page stopped took one last look outside the ship. It would be his last for the 2 week journey to the Outer Rim. A small smile crossed his lips.

Yes. Life was good.

His fist hit a button and the ramp raised shut.

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-04-06 01:38 EST
Nara moved along the cargo crates, getting everything checked in. The Dragon's Tooth had disembarked, and they were well on their way. Annikah was currently at the controls of the ship, keeping them on their heading as they navigated through FTL. The cargo was mostly farming supplies, food, and other sundry items. The Outer Rim planets were generally poor and still being colonized. They required a bit of help here and there.

Nara's brow furrowed as she finished the count. Those sharp, emerald eyes moved across the crates. There was one extra. The redhead moved along them. All larger than she, herself stood...except for one. "What the hell is this?" She wondered aloud, stepping toward the crate. She went to lift it open and found it padlocked shut. She tilted her head to one side and called out. "Hey Page?"

"Yeah?" His voice came from the catwalk above. The tall, lean gambler doing a little work on the Star Runner.

"You pick up some cargo back there?" She asked him.

He snorted a laugh. "Uh...yeah. See all those big boxes down there?" He asked, teasing her.

"Anything NOT on the manifest, jackhole." She responded with a roll of her eyes. Page walked up to the railing, looking down at her.

"No. Why? We got a misfit?" He asked.

Nara stared at the crate, she didn't like a locked mystery crate on her boat. "Yeah." She nodded. Hey eyes turned up to him. "Grab a torch."

Page slid down a ladder, blowtorch clipped to his belt. He hopped down and walked over to her holding it up for her. Nara had already strapped on a pair of welding goggles when she took it from him. Page squinted at the light as she cut through the padlock. Both of them were dreading what they might find in this crate. Finally, the clanged to the floor. Page put one hand at the grip of his blaster as Nara prepared to open it. "Ready?" She asked. "One...two..." On three, she threw it open and Page stepped forward, pistol raised.

To his relief there were not animals or bombs...just a set of armor. Really tough-looking armor. His brows raised. "Holy ****. This is military grade." He said, impressed. "But...I've never seen anything like it on the USM. This looks specially made." He reached in and grabbed the chest armor. It was heavier than he expected, a grunt leaving him as he lifted. "God damn..."

"What's it doing here?" Nara asked, looking around in suspicion. "You're sure you didn't buy it?"

"I'm pretty sure I'd remember buying a set of high-tec military grade battle armor." He joked. Nara wasn't in a laughing mood. Someone put this on her ship without her permission. But why? Why would they leave it? Unless...

Nara's eyes widened. She looked around, frantically, drawing a concerned look from Page. "What? What's going on?" He asked.

Those green eyes turned to him. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I think whoever put this on the still here."

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-06 20:14 EST
Delta curled up in that hidden smuggler's compartment, her legs pressed against her chest. She could hear the ship take off around her, feel the vibrations in the metal. That momentary shift as the gravitational pull of the planet was replaced by artificial gravity. For just a few seconds, she allowed herself to feel relief.

Relief. She realized even that felt odd. It meant she was afraid. She was a Praetorian soldier, she wasn't supposed to feel any of that. Her relief was short-lived.

Above her, she heard footsteps and the voice of the red-haired woman speaking. The hairs on the back of her neck rose, she was checking in their cargo. Images flashed through Delta's mind. The crate, so different from the others. She hadn't even TRIED to hide it, she was in such a hurry. There was no way they would miss it. It wasn't that she was afraid of what they'd do to her, no, she was worried what she would do to them. It was one thing to kill men trying to kill her. She was made for that. But these people? They were strangers.

While lost in her thoughts, Page and Nara had their conversation. She caught the tail end... "I think whoever put this on the still here."

Delta's fists clenched tight, those unnatural blue eyes widening. "We need to find them. Search the ship." she heard the redheaded woman say. Footsteps rang out as the two of them spread out. She could hear each un-holster a weapon. Her eyes shut as footsteps came closer. Closer. Closer! As soon as they were right on top of her, she put her feet against the floor panel above her. Whoever it was has moved to one side and prepared to lift it.

Delta kicked hard, her legs sending the floor panel flying off, the redheaded woman having to lunge away to avoid getting hit. Delta was on her feet instantly, climbing out. Page was on his way over, blaster drawn when she saw him. "Don't move!" he yelled. Suddenly, Nara jumped on her back, letting out of a battle cry. Delta slammed her back against a crate, drawing a pained grunt from the bounty hunter. She reached back over her head and grabbed her, throwing the woman at the strange man.

Page was hit , full blast by Nara's flailing body, his arms wrapping around her waist as they tumbled to the ground. Delta stared down at them, her eyes wide and feral. Page made eye contact with her and saw her look up at the Star Runner.

Oh no.

Delta ran and kicked off a railing, bouncing off a crate and leaped up onto the supports holding the tiny fighter up. Nara was already on her feet, leaping and grabbing onto one of the crates. She was agile, quick, pulling herself up onto the catwalk.

Delta had almost reached the cockpit when two boots from the ginger haired woman, slammed into her chest. Delta fell back off the ship onto the hard ground below, remaining unfazed. She just shook it off and got up. Page stepped forward with his gun, but she was already moving. "Freeze!" he yelled. She batted away his gun and hit him hard in the chest with her palm, sending the man flying.

Nara dropped down, almost on top of her, but the Praetorian grabbed her out of the air and threw her to the ground. Nara rolled across the deck, pushing herself up, glaring at the girl. She screamed and charged at her. Delta moved backwards deflecting and dodging Nara's fists and feet. Page clutched his chest, wincing as he sat up. Nara was actually landing hits, but Delta was just playing defense.

Finally, she'd had enough. Delta caught Nara's flying fist, yanked it hard behind the woman's back, threw a few kidney shots her way, kicked out the back of her knee and then put her in a choke hold that looked like a neck break was up next.

"STOP!" Page shouted, his weapon leveled at the girl's head. "Easy..." He said lowering the weapon and raising a hand. "Easy."

Those eyes were darting around the room, wild, panicked...afraid.

"Let her go." He said quietly. "Just let her go."

Nara clutched Delta's arm, to keep her from choking her to death, her heart racing and her breath ragged. Delta looked down to the woman and then back to the man who had lowered his firearm. Slowly, she released Nara, remaining on her knee as her captive scrambled away, holding her throat. That youthful, scarred face stared at the two of them.

Page made sure Nara was alright and turned his attention back to the girl, a bit perplexed at her. "Who are you?" He asked.

Delta swallowed, thinking. She had no real name. Only her callsign, given to her by the program. "I am...I am called Delta."

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-04-08 14:17 EST
Loren stood in the interrogation room aboard her warship, The Resolute, her hands behind her back. Before her sat a terrified looking man in his 40's. Dallen Craig, the administrator of Ketbrae Station was pulled in for questioning. Spaceport operators were always tight lipped about the goings on in their facilities, but she knew well the value of home field advantage. He was on THEIR ship, in a room without cameras, and two massive Praetorian stood guard at the door behind him, their faces hidden behind their faceplates. That was enough to make any but the hardest of criminals or suspects talk, and this man would most certainly talk.

"At 800 hours, Galactic Standard Time this morning, we tracked a stolen United Systems Military fighter craft dropping out of FTL in orbit of Ketbrae, near your station." She started that voice icy, even, and emotionless.

"I never-"

"The pilot of this craft is a war criminal and fugitive of the USM, wanted for the murder of several military personnel." She turned those dark brown eyes on him. "I'm sure you're aware what happens to those who house fugitives from the USM, Mr. Craig."

His eyes were wide with terror, his hands shaking. "I-I swear, we had n-no i-i-i-idea-"

"The ship? Surely you were aware of it." She interrupted.

He slumped a bit, his mind racing over everything that had happened. He perked and continued. "We sent a salvage crew to look for survivors, b-but when they got there the ship was empty."

Loren raised an eyebrow to him. "Empty?"

"No canopy...just...nothing." He said, nodding.

Loren let out a small laugh, muttering to her self. "That crafty little bitch..." Her gaze snapped back to him. "You will give me access to all those processed through your station in the past 24 hours. And I want access to surveillance footage, do you understand? If the fugitive is loose on your station then those people are all in great danger."


Date: 2016-04-08 19:28 EST
Page stared at the girl sitting before them. Over 6 feet tall, her body slender, toned and powerful, contrasting with a very youthful face. She was a paradox. The scars on her face telling tales of combat and violence. And then there were those eyes. At first glance, they appeared to just be an incredibly, unnatural hue of blue. When one got close, they could see they were bionically enhanced. Top of the line tech the likes of which he'd never seen.

Delta's face was almost unreadable, a mask of calm despite the situation she found herself in. The girl blinked, looking to each of them in turn. She was glad she did not have to kill them, but she wished they would stop staring at her the way they did. Annikah leaned against the doorframe, her arms crossed. The slim mechanic was wary of the girl who had bested Nara.

Speaking of, the red-headed hunter now sat across from her, hands folded on the table. Emerald colored eyes peered up at her, a stern expression on her face. "You said your name was Delta?"

The girl nodded.

"Where are you from, Delta?"

The girl considered that a moment. "I am from Boros."

Page raised his brows looking to her. "Boros? You're a long way from home, kid."

Those eyes shifted to him. Something about her sent a chill through him.

"That's the USM Central Hub." Nara pressed on. "That explains the armor. So what were you? You look too old to be a true veteran, but those scars tell me you've seen some ****. You a run-away recruit? Draft-dodger from a bad part of town? What's the story."

Delta tilted her head slightly. "I am not a recruit, nor am I a...'draft dodger', as you say. I am Praetorian."

Annikah's brow remained furrowed, taking this all in. "What's that?"

Delta's gaze settled on her, Loren's words coming from her mouth. "We are the shield which protects the galaxy. We are the sword that shall cut through our enemies. We are the light that shall shine through the void. We are Praetorian."

Annikah glanced to Page, an eyebrow quirking slowly.

Page leaned back in his chair, that careless swagger in his very essence. "Wasn't aware the USM was instituting a child soldier program. How old are you, Delta?"

"I am 18 galactic standard years old." she said almost robotically.

Nara's keen Tarran eyes watched her for any ticks any signs she was hiding something. "Why are you here?"

Delta looked confused as she thought about it. Things had gone so far out of control and she didn't understand why. One minute she was to be given a routine check-up and immunizations, and the next, they were trying to kill her. "I was...I was attacked."

Page could see the pain the girl's eyes. It actually tugged at his heart a bit.

"At 1100 hours Monday morning, I was to report to my physician, Dr. Reynolds for a routine examination and immunization. For some reason, the doctor attempted to inject me with a poison." Her brow furrowed as she relived it in her head. "I could sense something was not right. And...he told me to, I sat. I sat because that is what I was ordered to do..." Her words were coming quicker and quicker, she was clearly getting worked. "I wanted to scream. I wanted to say, 'No! No! This isn't right!' but I sat! I sat and then-" She stopped.

The crew of the Dragon's Tooth watched her wide eyed. Nara was the first. "What? Then what?"

"I killed him. I shoved that needle up through his chin and into his skull and injected him with it. I watched that man's face swell as his brain was eaten away inside his head and foam poured from his mouth." Her voice was dark, no longer the calm, robotic young voice they'd heard. This was the voice of a killer.

Nara and Page exchanged concerned looks, but let her go on.

"They sent men after me. Waves and waves of men and I slaughtered them all." Her voice shook, those eyes turning distant.

"Why did they want you dead?" Page asked her, suddenly very worried about...whatever it was they'd allowed to sneak on-board. She didn't answer at first.

"Delta?" He asked. Still no response. He reached out slowly and touched her arm. He might as well have hit a detonator on a mine. She lashed out, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him from the ground, slamming him against the bulkhead. Nara and Annikah drew their firearms and aimed them at her.

"Put him down, NOW." Annikah said, lining up her shot even with Delta's head.

"Easy....easy..." Page managed to choke out, his hands clutched around her wrist.

Then, as if a switch flipped, Delta blinked and looked around in confusion. She released Page and stepped away. "I...I am sorry. I did not mean to-"

He rubbed his neck as he cleared his throat. "It's ok. I think...I think you need some rest." He nodded to the girls and they put their weapons away hesitantly.

Delta nodded silently. Page nodded down the hall. "Last room on the left."

The three of them watched the girl star off and then look back at them, worry on her face before she moved to the room. Annikah was on Page immediately, making sure he was okay. Nara stepped up beside them, looking after Delta. "You okay?" She asked.

Page nodded. "I'll live."

Nara smiled slightly, but it faded as she thought about what she'd just seen. "What the hell is she?"


Date: 2016-04-13 01:44 EST
Page's bed creaked as he sat. The pain in his neck where she had grabbed him radiating. With a wince, he rubbed the back of his neck. Whatever they'd done to that girl, it had worked. She was a beast in disguise. The door clanked open and Annikah rushed in, shutting the door behind her. Concern covered the slim mechanic's face as she rushed to his side.

"Hey..." he said.

Annikah sat. "God...are you okay?" She looked at his neck and winced. It had started to bruise.

"Yeah...little sore, but no permenant damage." He said nonchalantly. Annikah wrapped her arms around him, his own wrapping around her waist.

"I almost killed her when she grabbed you." she said. "G...what the hell is she?"

That was the question of the day, wasn't it? "I don't know. Can't say I don't understand why they'd want to put her down, though."

"She's dangerous." Annikah said, peering up at him with those big brown eyes. "It might be smart to just..."

He turned to her, brow furrowed. "You want to turn her in?"

Annikah scoffed, looking at him like he was an idiot. "Why wouldn't I? She damn near killed Nara AND you."

"She was scared."

"Scared?! Page, she damn near ripped your head off." Annikah insisted angrily.

Something about her just spoke to him. He felt for her. "That girl is terrified. She doesn't look like she understands a damn thing that's going on. Plus whatever she's into is NOT public information. No posts on the cortex, no bulletins on any of the bounty sites..." He looked up to Annikah. "They're likely to 'disappear' us even if we turn her in. I say we see if we can find out more. Maybe get her safely on one of the border colonies and far from the USM."

"You're sure that's wise?" She asked, still not convinced.

Page grimaced. "No. But for now...let's give her the benefit of the doubt. I have a feeling there's more to this than we know."

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-17 02:01 EST
Delta stood in front of the mirror looking at herself. The baggy jumpsuit was unzipped and tied off around her waist. Her hair bun had unraveled a bit, strands hanging loose around her face. She blinked as her eyes trailed over the scars along her pale flesh. Those eyes trailed down to her right forearm, a long surgical scar ran along it's length over powerful, toned muscle. Delta's gaze returned to the mirror at the scar running down her sternum beneath the black tank-top she wore. On the base, they were never given mirrors. It surprised her to see herself like this. It filled her with a very unfamiliar feeling that she couldn't quite quantify. Suddeny, Delta heard a knock at her door, for a moment concern crossed her face before she remembered she was safe. She forced herself to relax and spoke. "Enter."

The door slid open and in stepped Nara. The bounty hunter stepped around her. "Acclimating well?"

"Yes, the accommodations will-"

"Great." She interrupted. "So, listen here, amazon."

Delta felt the need to correct her, but this seemed like it might be best to let slide for another time.

"You are a guest on my ship. And as such, there are rules you WILL adhere to, is that clear?" Nara said, crossing her arms in front of her chest, dressed down in a simple black flight suit.

Delta bowed her head. "Affirmative."

Nara brought up one finger. "One. You do not have free reign of the ship. You want to go somewhere, you get permission from either myself or one of my crew." She ticked off a second, staring the girl in the eye, fearless despite what she'd witnessed. "Meals are held in the mess on the second deck. They're not much, but they get us by. We'll include you in the rationing for now. Do not cross us or that changes. We've got a long trip ahead of us, so it's within your best interests to stay on our good side until we get there."

"I understand. I will be punctu-" Delta started, before being interrupted again.

"Third and final." She said walking up her. The girl was much taller than her and she had to peer up. Though the way she carried herself showed no signs of intimidation. "You attempt to harm another member of my crew ever again? Punching, choking, shoving, even a light slap or a ****ing nudge that I think was too hard...and I will put you down." Those emerald eyes burned up at Delta. "Is that understood?"

Delta stared back, either unaware or not caring that this woman was trying to intimidate her. Her head tilted to one side, those big blue eyes emotionless. "Affirmative."

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-04-20 15:46 EST
Loren stared out one of the bridge Viewports, watching the infinite field of stars rolling on and on forever. Her people had been at it for hours, pouring over footage for any sign of her quarry with not much to show for it. How had this all gone so horribly, horribly wrong? The tired woman shut her eyes, putting her hand to her head, the frustration setting in. She'd managed to delay the execution of the remaining Praetorian, but how long until they started showing similar symptoms. And what would she do in that case?

"Ma'am." Came a voice from one of the consoles.

She turned her head, her eyes perking hopefully. Loren walked up, setting her hand on the back of his chair. "What is it, Ensign?"

"Take a look at this." He backtracked in the video and paused, zooming in as a tall figure stepped out of a maintenance tunnel. A baggy jumpsuit covered a slim feminine frame, brim of her cap pulled down low. He continued the playback and Loren leaned in, squinting as the figure looked right up at the camera. There was no mistaking that face. Loren knew every inch of every one of her Praetorian.

"That's her." She said, a small grin crossing her lips. It faded as she went right to business. "Can we track her?"
The ensign sent out the time and location stamp to the other operators. Piece by piece the managed to follow Delta as she made her way into, then out of the bar, then into the crowd, with a worried expression her face. Loren didn't like that. They weren't supposed to feel worry. Whatever happened in there, it had upset Delta. She was feeling and that was not good.

Further and further they went until she disappeared into the maintenance tunnel. Loren was worried. There were no camera's there. But Delta returned, this time pushing a cart. Her armor, she thought. Delta made her way into the station again, peering into hangar after hangar, apparently not finding what she wanted.

Delta stopped suddenly, her body language alert. Loren noted the timestamp. She must have seen them. People were pushing carts into a nearby bay, and she snuck in at the tail end.

"There." She said, pointing. "Which docking bay is that?"

The ensign manipulated the image and peered. "1138." he answered.

Loren turned to another operator. "Bring up the landing records. I need to know who was in that hangar."

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-04-20 18:27 EST
Page and Annikah were squared off in the cargo hold. She had her back to him, dribbling a basketball. She was trash talking up a storm."You think you're quick? You think you're bringing the D? Come on. Come on, white shadow." Page was just trying not to laugh while he guarded his net (which was really just an old, burned out thrust vector control ring from the Star Runner's engine.)

Nara stared down at them. "Your trash talk sounds like filthy pillow talk." She shouted down to them.

Annikah made a face up at her that just shouted "eww....". Page took advantage of the distraction and stole the ball, running and dribbling to one end of their makeshift half-court. "Oh, you mother-" She took off after him and put herself right in front of the man. Page leaned back and was about to make a shot. As soon as the ball was loose, she slapped it out of the air.

"GRAAAAAW! I AM ALL THAT IS WOMAN!" She shouted in his face, combatively Page unable to help but laugh.

Behind her, Nara heard foosteps. She threw a glance back to find Delta standing there, dressed down now in a t-shirt and cargo pants. Her black hair pulled back in a tight bun. "Permission to enter, ma'am?"

That word made Nara's nose wrinkle. Ma'am made her sound so old. Women with perms and jobs spraying people with perfume at shopping centers were ma'am's. Not her, dammit. "Captain. And knock yourself out."

Delta's head tilted, a perplexed look on her face. Nara just rolled her eyes. "Come in."

The younger girl was certain she'd missed something, but decided not to delve into it. Delta walked up to the railing and watched the two of them playing. "What is this?" She asked.

"Allegedly, it's basketball." Nara said with a sly smirk.

Delta watched them intently. "What is its purpose?"

Nara made an amused face and looked to her. "It' It's a good way to blow off steam."

Delta nodded slowly and then turned to her. "What manner of ste-"

"Good GOD, woman! Have you never heard of an expression?" Nara said, frustrated.

The girl actually looked embarrassed and looked away. "I have. Expression. The process of making known one's thoughts or feelings. It can also mean-"

Nara rolled her eyes and interrupted. "It's a fun way of saying something. Not everything has to be so damn clinical, kid. Like if I tell you I could eat a horse, I don't mean I could literally eat a horse."

"Then why would you say it?"

Nara's brow creased "I...Because...shut up! That's why. It's just something people do."

"It is hyperbole." Delta said, understanding. "The use of exaggeration to convey-"

"I know what it means." Nara interrupted. "What the hell did they teach you in that place?"

This, she understood. "In the Sanctum, we were trained in armed and unarmed combat, tactics, unit cohesion, field medical techniques, mechanical repairs, aerial combat, high explosives, orbital bom-"

"That's...fascinating, really. But what did you do for fun?" Nara inquired to her.

"I am sorry?" Delta responded with that head tilt. Nara gestured down to Annikah and Page, the man had his arms wrapped around the girl from behind as she held onto the ball.

"GIT. OFFAME!" She said in a silly voice, wriggling about.

Nara nodded to them. "Fun. You know, when you weren't training or blowing stuff up."

Delta looked down to the two. Despite their struggling, they seemed to still be enjoying each other's company. For some reason it made her smile. It was only a moment, though. It was as if her minded decided to perish the emotion. She turned back to the redhead. "When training was over, we would have our daily meals, and we would then, retire to our barracks to begin our sleep cycle."

Even in her training as an assassin, she was allowed to have some down-time. They worked this kid like a dog. No wonder she was so humorless. "There was nothing you enjoyed."

"I don't understand." Delta said.

"Nothing you liked to do? There had to be a part of the day that made you feel...good, right?"

"Our feelings on our training were irrelevant. It was neither good nor bad."

"Sounds miserable." Nara looked away from her and back at the couple below. Annikah had stolen the ball and was charging at Page in front of the net, the slim mechanic leaped into the air, Page catching her and hoisting her up to slam dunk the ball. "OHHHHHH!" Annikah yelled as he let her down. "And the crowd goes wild!" She ran around, making audience cheering noises, stopping only to quickly kiss his cheek "Thanksfortheassist" and back to her cheering and running around.

Nara turned to Delta, looking her over. "Fun. Maybe you should try it." Delta turned to Nara as she pushed off the railing and went back to the cockpit. Those enhanced blue eyes turning back to the couple.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-21 19:23 EST
Delta awoke, standing on a playground. She felt cold in the autumn air, a nylon jacket failing utterly to keep the chill at bay. Suddenly, she was tagged. A young boy, no more than 10 years old ran past her, his black hair cropped short, and a mischievous grin on his face. "You're it!" he called to her. Delta looked around noticing there were other children all about, their faces somehow obscured, foggy. Without features. They scattered from the girl who towered over them. From somewhere deep in her chest, a smile formed on Delta's face. A real, honest, elated smile. She ran after the boy as fast as her long legs would carry her. Somehow, though, he was always a few steps ahead.

Just as the Praetorian thought she was about to tag him, he juked left. Delta reached out with her hand, just barely missing him. He turned to her, running backwards, taunting her. "Ha ha! Come on, baby arms!"

This made her blood boil. She sprinted after him, feeling the frustration begin to mount. This boy was faster than her somehow despite being about a foot and a half shorter. Try as she might, she just could not catch him. Finally, she began to anticipate his moves. He feigned right, and turned left, but Delta was ready she lunged and slapped his bicep. "You're it!" She called out, tearing off away from him.

Her heart was pounding, but she didn't care. She loved this. She watched as he went chasing after a young girl...her face seemed somehow familiar. Sharp, angular features and grey-blue eyes. Delta's brow creased as she tried to remember where she knew this girl.

The boy called back to her "You run like a girl, Echo! Come on!"

Echo. Subject Echo. That was HER face...But she was a child. Delta looked around the playground. A boy lay on the ground, his body still. Dead. His face that of Subject Alpha. Delta felt like her heart was going to pound through her chest as she looked around, the children all turned to her, watching, each bearing the faces of her fellow Praetorian. All but the boy and Echo.

She felt dizzy all the sudden, the world spinning around her. Delta felt a pair of eyes upon her back and turned around. The Major stood...but she was taller than normal. Delta suddenly felt very small in her presence. Those cold eyes turned down to her.

"Subject Delta. You are to report to Dr. Reynolds at 1100 hours for immunizations." The officious woman said, and forced a smile. "Don't worry. You won't be alone long."

Those eyes flicked back toward the playground. Suddenly, there was a blood curdling scream. Delta whipped around in horror. to find the boy on top of Echo. Only he wasn't a boy. He was huge. Tall, ferocious, armored. He held a rifle in his hands, slamming the butt of it into the child Echo's face again and again and again as she screamed in terror.

"NO!" Delta shouted and started running as fast as her short, child legs would carry "No, please stop!" She pleaded. But he didn't. He continued after the screaming had stopped. One last bash and the girl's face caved in. It was like someone had knocked the wind out of Delta. She stumbled forth and fell onto her knees, tears streaming down her face.

"Davey..."she whispered. "What did you do."

The man who had been a boy looked up at her. His face now so familiar. Charlie she had called him once. But that was not his name. His name was Davey. He looked to her like a fog had lifted, realization setting in of who she was. What she was.

A smile crept his face as he looked at her. "Kaila." He said quietly.

A figure stepped up behind him, armored arms wrapping around his neck. Still, he stared sadly at her. "Please."

Suddenly, his head was jerked to one side, a sickening snap coming from his neck. Delta's eyes went wide as she tried to scream, but no sound would come out. His body slowly fell, lifeless like a marionette with its strings cut. As the body fell Delta saw his killer.

Her own face stared back at her, passive, emotionless as Charlie fell to the ground.


Date: 2016-04-22 15:12 EST
Page was sound asleep in his quarters, Annikah draped across him, snoring lightly. Suddenly and ear piercing scream rang out down the hall. Page lurched up almost instantly. Annikah rolled off him, still asleep. "What the ****?" He muttered, rubbing his still-tired eyes. Quickly, he hopped out of bed and rushed out to the corridor. The screams were coming from Delta's quarters, he grabbed his sidearm and made his way to her.

When he found her, her eyes were clamped shut and she was shrieking writhing in her bed, her back arching so hard he thought she might snap in half. "DELTA!" He shouted, to no avail. "DELTA, YOU'RE FINE!" He shouted louder.

Suddenly the screaming stopped and Delta's eyes popped open. Slowly, she calmed, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath, a sheen of sweat on her forehead. She blinked slowly and reached find tears rolling down her cheeks. Page stared at her cautiously, not sure if he should approach. The girl swallowed hard and looked to him. "I am sorry. I...I did not mean to wake you."

Nara stepped in behind Page "What in the icy ****ing level of hell is going on in here?!" The woman stood in a loose sleeveless tee shirt, her red hair in a messy bun, the creases from her pillow still on her face. Delta shrank back a bit, ashamed.

"I...I had a-" she stopped looking for the word she'd heard used by Lia. "A dream."

Page gave her a lopsided grin, a little chuckle leaving him, "No ****. You okay?"

Slowly, Delta nodded. She obviously wasn't completely sure, herself. Page turned to Nara, "I got this. Go back to sleep."

Nara's green eyes darted to him. "You sure?" A wary glance was sent Delta's way.

Page nodded to her. "Yeah, go on."

One last cautious glance Delta's way and she was gone. Page pulled up a chair and sat. Delta pulled her legs under her, sitting up. Her posture rigid, perfect. Any signs of her distress were gone now, he noticed, like someone flipped a switch.

"So...what happened? In your dream?" he asked her.

Delta spoke quietly, trying to remember. "I saw...I saw a boy. He..." she paused the images coming back to her. He was killing children."

Page listened as the girl told him the story of her dream, his brow furrowing as she went on in great detail of her disturbing dream. Finally, he sat back as she finished. "Who's Charlie?" He asked her.

Delta turned to her. He did not have clearance for that. "That information is classified."

Page arched a brow to the girl. "If you tell me it might help."

"I am sorry. You do not have clearance for that information."

"Delta...I can't help you if-"

"I said NO." A dangerous look was shot his way. Page didn't like that look at all. He decided it was best to relent.

"Try and get some rest, Delta." He said. "You let me know if you need anything."

She looked up to him, that face cold and emotionless again. "I do not require anything, but I shall inform you if that changes. Thank you."

God, that girl unsettled him. Page watched her lay back down, straight as a board, her eyes drifting shut. He turned and took his leave.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-04-26 17:18 EST
Loren was hunched over a computer screen when a tech called to her. "Ma'am, we got 'em."

The Major stood up and smoothed out her uniform, making her way over. Brown eyes focused intently on the screen as she leaned in, bracing herself on the back of the technician's chair. "What you got?"

"That hangar was assigned to a LT-500 mid-bulk transport named Dragon's Tooth, registered under Captain Nara Rey." The tech rattled the information off to her. For some reason those names struck a chord with Loren, but where the hell had she heard that name before?

"You got anything on them?" She asked. The technician went straight to work, his fingers pouring over the holographic interface.

"Rey's a known bounty hunter. Quite the rep, here." He said raising his brows. "Was wanted for questioning in the destruction of Numerian Outpost a few months back." His eyes flicked across the screen. "Known associates-"

"Boggs." Loren interrupted. She knew she'd seen that ship somewhere. "Leland Boggs. I read the after-action report on that. She and her crew were under attack, if I recall correctly, until Hudson leapt into the system and lit him up like Christmas Eve. We need to find that ship. I need to know who's on-board, who they know, where they were going. If they aren't in danger, they're helping her. Either way, I want them hunted down and brought in."

"Yes, Ma'am." He responded, setting right to work.

Loren moved down the cooridor to a communications hub, her fingers tapping across the pad. A hologram of Lanning appeared before her. "Major, tell me you've got good news."

Loren felt a twinge of pride swell in her. "We're hot on their trail, Sir. Once we find out where they're off to, we'll intercept the ship she's on and we'll have her."

Lanning replaced the glasses on his face. "Excellent. And, Major. I don't need to tell you how important it is that this stay confidential. If you find them...there can be no survivors and the United Systems Military cannot be attached. This is a black op, major. No more mistakes."

"Understood sir." She nodded sharply.

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-04-27 20:25 EST
Nara was slumped back in her chair in the cockpit, her booted feet kicked up on the console as she snoozed away. All was quiet, the infinite starfield in view. No sign of what was about to come. Suddenly the ship jolted as they were pulled right out of FTL, Nara snapping out of her slumber. Warning alarms went off as she scrambled to get her bearings. "What the ****?" She cursed, her brow furrowing in concentration as she pulled up the interface.

A holo screen appeared showing their attacker, just as Page and Annikah came rushing down the steps into the cockpit. "What the hell was that?" Annikah asked.

Nara had her game-face on. She threw a glance back at them for only a second. "Pirates. Strap in."

Page and Annikah exchanged glances.

"Fun." He said moving toward the back to man the guns. Annikah slid into the copilot's seat and pulled up her screen as another blast hit them. Nara grit her teeth and hit the comm switch.

"Hold on back there!" She called over the ship wide intercom, before launching the ship into evasive maneuvers.

In her room, Delta stumbled as the ship rolled away from its pursuer, catching a door frame to keep from falling. Her enhanced eyes looked suddenly panicked as she stepped out into the corridor and stumbled along as the ship rocked and dove, the inertial dampeners and artificial gravity keeping those in the ship from ever flipping over entirely. She grabbed on a structural support to keep from falling and continued onward.

Annikah opened up a hailing frequency to the Pirartes. "Attention, hostile Vessel, this is the crew of the Dragon's Tooth. You are advised to cease your attack immediately!"

A hard, rumbling inhuman voice came over the speakers. "You're hardly in a place to make demands. Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded."

Nara shot an angry look Annikah's way. "Like hell." She said firmly.

Annikah smirked, turning back to the com system. "Last chance. Pull off and run."

The response was another shot that slammed into the port side. Annikah scoffed and shook her head. "Your funeral." Her fingers cued up the intercom. "Page, you in place?" She asked, gripping tight as Nara pulled them out of the line of fire.

"Roger that." came his voice from the speaker.

"Light 'em up."

Laser fire poured out of the turrets, the burly-looking pirate ship, rolled out of the line of fire, but Page stayed on them. His HUD showed something break off from the bottom of the pirate vessel, but before he could redirect fire, they were hit again. "Annie, you see that?" He called to her, keeping busy trading fire as they evaded attack.

"What? What'd I miss?" her voice came back.

"Something broke off from the main ship. I lost track of it."

"I'm not seeing...wait. Wait, oh ****!" she said in a panic. "I see it, it's moving toward us and fast!"

Nara glanced over to her copilot. "What is it? A missile?"

"No clue, but it's coming right for us. You got a few tricks up your sleeve?" Annikah asked her.

Delta finally made it down to the bridge, she clutched a grab handle tightly as Nara sent them in a barrel roll. The girl righted herself. "Permission to enter the bridge?"

Nara was busy and just scowled back at her. "God damn it, not now!"

Delta persisted. "I believe I can be of some assistance."

Nara turned back to her impatiently "I don't have time to babysit you! Get out of here!"

Delta's expression hardened. She clearly didn't like that. "Captain-"

Annikah looked over to the redhead. "Nara." The bounty hunter turned to Annikah ready to argue, but the tan woman's expression called for reason. She didn't like it. She still didn't trust their strange passenger.

With a sigh she relented. "Fine."

Delta rushed into the room and stood at Annikah's chair, looking at the readouts. "Odswani Shipyards Model KH-34 Juggernaut." she said, recognizing it. The girl leaned over and stopped her self, turning to the mechanic. "If I may?"

Annikah slid out of the chair and gestured to it gladly. Delta took a seat and immediately set to work, her fingers precise and quick over her keypad.

Up in the gunner's station, Page was trading fire when his HUD lit up specific targets on the enemy ship. His brow raised as a girl's voice came in his earpiece "This is Delta. The KH-34 has three little known weak points in its shielding. If you focus your fire here, we should be able to punch through." A smirk crossed the man's face as he began putting his attentions on the spots she'd marked.

Back on the bridge, Delta turned to the Nara. "What manner of ordinance does this craft possess?"

Nara didn't look, just focused on the task at hand. "Proton Torpedo banks on the port and starboard sides. That's about it for heavy ordinance."

Delta nodded almost politely. "Bring the ship about."

Nara DID turn to her this time. Was she insane?! "You are aware we're being fired upon?"

Delta looked to her calmly. "I am, yes. If you bring us around to face them, I believe I may be able to disable their shields."

Oh hell no, she thought. This...thing was out her damn mind! But she looked so confident...and it was more of a plan than they had at the moment anyway.

"Please, Captain." Delta said.

Nara clenched her teeth and shook her head. "Damn it...fine. Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast." She hit the intercom. "Page? Get ready to turn about! We're pulling a Crazy Ivan."

"Roger!" Came the response.

Annikah clutched one of the bulkheads tight, a grin on her face. Nara gripped the controls tight. "Hang on!" She slammed the port thruster to full reverse, and cut all propulsion from the starboard. The ship began to quickly whip around. Delta was like a machine, setting up targets even as they were moving.

The second they were facing the ship, Nara put all power back to forward, the two ships now rocketing at eachother. "NOW!"

Delta's fist slammed on the fire button, sending three volleys the way of the pirates. "Maintain fire on the target areas." She said into the intercom.

The torpedos slammed into the weakspots of the Juggernaut's shields, a greenish light flickering around it and then disappearing completely.

"**** YES!" Annikah called out with a giddy laugh.

Delta continued to work, not a twinge of pride in her voice. "The shields are down. Focus all power on the core reactor. I shall mark it on your display."

Nara couldn't help the grin that came to her face. The kid knew her stuff. They might just have a use for her afterall He hopeful thoughts were interrupted when the ship was jolted again. Her grin faded and was replaced with a grimace. "What was that?"

Delta had been jostled in her seat when they were hit and she was just getting her bearings back. "A craft appears to have attached itself to our aft section near the cargo bay. It appears to be some manner of landing craft."

THAT definitely did not sit well with Nara.

"If you will excuse me." Delta said standing up.

Annikah looked after her, perplexed expression on her face. "Wait! What?! Where are you going?!"

Delta turned around. "We will have intruders momentarily. I shall pacify them."

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-04-28 20:39 EST
Delta walked down the stairwell slowly. The sounds of the boarding party forcing their way in through a secondary airlock echoing through the cargo hold. Her eyes searched the area around her figuring out a plan of attack. From a crate full of parts, she drew a lead pipe and continued walking toward the airlock. She took her place a few steps in front of the airlock. Annikah called out to her from the stairwell. "Hey! What the **** are you doing?!"

The pirates were hard at work splicing their way through the security measures. "Hurry up!" One of them said.

"Almost there! Hold on!" The other replied. There were 10 of them, crammed in the little space, growing more and more impatient by the second.

"Got it!" Finally the airlock cycled and slid open, little by little revealing the young girl on the other side, her head lowered and enhanced eyes upturned with a predatory look to her. Her hand clenched the pipe tightly raising it slightly. It gave the pirates pause for a moment, bringing their weapons up, they moved forward. Annikah was half way down the stairs when she saw them, her eyes wide. "Oh ****."


That was all the leader managed to get out. Delta lashed out, the pipe cracking against his face, and snapping his neck. The follow-through batted his lifeless body away like a fly. The others were momentarily shocked, which was fortunate. Delta did not stop moving. She jammed her elbow into the face of the next man in line, grabbed the front of his armored chest plate, brought the pipe down on a third pirate's skull with a sickening crack. Two down.

The others had taken notice and were turning their weapons on her, but the young warrior pulled her dazed second target in front of her, his body absorbing the laserfire. Three down. She grabbed the weapon slung around his now-lifeless body and returned fire as she threw the corpse to the deck plating. The first shot hit one center mass as she started moving toward the cargo crates, another blast burned through the next's throat. Delta disappeared amongst the cargo under a renewed hail of laserfire. Five down. Annikah took cover behind one of the crates, her blaster drawn.

One of the remaining pirates pointed. "After her! Spread out!"

Annikah tried to control her breathing and keep calm. One of the pirates was coming her way. She closed her eyes and listened. Step by step the pirate neared. Slowly, the mechanic dropped into a crouch. She readied herself as he was about to clear the container she used for cover. Now was the time. She rose up, one arm grabbing the front of his blaster and raising it up while the other brought her blaster to bear on him. But he reacted quickly, putting a boot to her chest. Annikah fell back on to the grating of the deck, he weapon sliding away. He bore down at her, quickly grabbing her throat Quickly, she wrapped her strong legs around his neck, her hands wrapping around his wrists. He struggled against her, but she squeezed with all her might and jerked to the right, slamming his body onto its side, his hands releasing her. She crawled desperately for her weapon as he got up and advanced on her. She rolled onto her back and put a shot through his chest.

T'chal was a scarred, severe-looking woman, dressed in the ragged, piecemeal armor of a Scourge pirate. Slowly the woman moved through the crates. her weapon raised. The ship rocked as they made another pass on the Scourge vessel. The ship SHE'D come from. The woman grit her teeth, this little bitch was getting on her nerves. She whipped around a corner...nothing. Suddenly she was grabbed from behind, her mouth covered by an impossibly strong hand. Delta maneuvered around and slammed her up against a large crate, lifting the woman up by her face. With a hard thrust of her arm, she snapped her prey's neck in one vicious motion. Seven.

A young male Pirate heard the scream cut off suddenly and rushed toward it. He came around the corner to find his compatriot lying there dead. He whipped around at the first sound behind him, but found his friend there, holding up his hands. "WHOA! WHOA! Easy! It's me! Where is she?"

The younger pirate shook his head. Suddenly, Delta dropped down between them, directing their weapons toward the ground. Her hand grabbed the older man's weapon and ripped it free, her foot slamming into his chest, sending him flying across the room. She bashed the butt of the rifle into the younger pirates face, knocking him on his ass. She flipped the weapon around and put a shot right through the younger man's heart.

The older pirate clutched his chest, wincing. He definitely had a few broken ribs. Slowly he crawled away as Delta rounded the corner, stalking him like a lioness. He looked up to her with wide, terror stricken eyes. He desperately grabbed for a sidearm, drawing it quickly. Delta stomped hand into the ground, his wrist crushed beneath her boot and the weapon firing off to the side. His screams filled the cargo hold...and continued on in agony...until they were suddenly cut off.

Annikah wheeled around and saw what Delta had done to him, standing over his twitching body, her hands and face splattered with blood. She was then grabbed from behind, the barrel of a blaster at her head. "Delta!" She called out. Without looking, Delta brought her weapon up and fired. The bolt passed so close to Annikah's head, it singed hair...but her captor fell limp and crashed to the ground behind her.

Annikah panted, too terrified to move. Nara's voice came over the intercom. "Scourge ship is down. Hold onto something! Prepare to jump!"

Annikah stared at Delta with fearful eyes. She knew the girl was dangerous, but this...this was something else. She grabbed ahold of a handle on one of the containers, watching the Tall, blood spattered girl with distrust.

What the hell had they picked up?


Date: 2016-05-16 17:53 EST
Page and Nara hefted the last of the bodies into the airlock, with a grunt. He hit the controls for the inner doors and waited until they shut before speaking into his comlink. "Annie, we're clear, let 'em loose."

Annikah ejected the pirate's pod, the vacuum sucking the bodies out to their final resting place, drifting through space. The slim mechanic leaned back in her chair and sighed. Seeing what Delta was capable of had left her more than a little uneasy. In fact, she felt sick to her stomach.

Annikah's voice came over the speakers. "All clear. Prepping for FTL." Page glanced upward, listening.

"Roger that. Thank, Annie." he said.

Page was walking over to a water hose when She turned to him. If he noticed, he gave no indicators. "So...we gonna address the elephant in the room?"

Page tugged the hose free from the reel and turned the spigot. "What would that be? The girl we picked up slaughtering an entire group of hardened pirates?" he put a thumb over the end of the hose, spraying the water at the blood that currently stained the deck plating. "Why would we?" he said sarcastically.

Nara leaned a shoulder against one of the big crates, doing a double take as she noticed it, too, was splattered with blood from where Delta had bashed a man's head in. She stood up and moved away. "She's a lot more dangerous than we thought."

Page let out a little laugh. "No shit."

"So...what do we do about it?" she asked, crossing her arms.

Page shrugged and waved the hose back and forth at the deck. "Stay on her good side?"

Nara leveled her gaze at the man. "I'm serious."

He stopped a moment and turned to her. "Look...She was defending us. She's on our side, Nara. So, we do right by her, we should be fine."

"'Should be' doesn't really give me much comfort." Nara grumbled. "You forgetting that she lifted you up by your neck like you weighed nothing? That she was about to hand us all our ass earlier? "

"Yeah, but she didn't." Page asserted.

"But she could have."

Page stared at her and looked back over his shoulder, making sure they were alone. Stepping close, his voice a low whisper. "What's the alternative? You want to airlock her? Jettison her into space? Go ahead. Good luck getting her in there. "

"I'm not saying that at all. But I think we need to find the nearest outpost and drop her there." Nara said quietly, but firmly.

Page glanced up at the ceiling. He knew she was up there, could probably hear every word. "You're the captain and we follow your lead. If you can live with that...well..we'll have to go along with it. I doubt you'll get much fight out of Annie. But I don't like it, Nara. Take that as you will." He started away from her.

Nara watched him walking away, feeling a little guilty. "She's not your responsibility, Page." She called after him.

He stopped and turned to the redhead. "The second we took her in and let her stay, she *became* our responsibility." Again he turned and walked.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-05-23 13:36 EST
"We've got a lock."

Loren's attention snapped to her helmsman. "Report."

"They're in FTL, Ma'am. Setting an intercept course on the Dragon's Tooth."

"Get on it, Ensign!" Loren said, an excited, satisfied look on her face. The Resolute left the site of the battle, the corpse of a Scourge vessel drifting in open space, disappearing instantly as they jumped to FTL.

Loren stared out the viewport intensely. Her eyes fixed on the fore, she turned her head slightly to address one of her operators. "Ready the fighters for launch."

"Aye, Major."

"Lieutenant, fire up the gravity wells." She ordered as the Dragon's Tooth slowly crept into view. Delta was so close at-hand.

One of her operators called back to her. "Approaching rogue vessel, Major. 3,000 meters. 2500."

"Weapons, take aim on her thrusters." Loren ordered, her knuckles white, clinging tight to her arm rests.

"1500." the tech called the distance back to her. The Resolute absolutely tore through the warped FTL field in pursuit of the much smaller craft.

"All hand, brace for deceleration! Gravity wells, NOW!" She called out. An massive blast was let loose from the Resolute's domed wells, suddenly both ships were ripped from the FTL pathway.

This was it! Loren finally had her. "Weapons, if she tries to run, take out her engines. All fighters on standby and await my orders. "

The helmsman called to her. "Major, they're hailing us."

Loren grinned. "Put them through."

A VERY pissed off Nara showed up on the viewscreen. "This is Captain Nara Rey of the Dragon's Tooth. What in the hell is going on! Why were we taken out of FTL?" The Redheaded captain demanded.

Loren straightened up, stepping forward. "Captain Rey, I am Major Metcalfe of the United Systems Military. You are to power down your ship and prepare to be boarded."

"On what grounds?" Nara asked. Oh, did she have a damn good poker face. If Loren didn't know better, she might even believe the Captain had no clue why they were detaining her. Loren could play along, though.

"We have reason to believe you are carrying a wanted fugitive on your vessel. Now, once again, you are ordered to power down your ship and submit to a search."

Rey stared at her hard through the viewscreen. "You have no authority here, Major. This is not Guild space. You're out of your jurisdiction. So, I suggest that you let us go."

Loren's expression hardened. She was done playing around. "You're right. This is not Guild space. As such, it is lawless. So, there is nothing to stop me from turning your ship into dust. Do you know what would happen to me if I did?"

Nara's eyes narrowed at the her.

"Not a God damned thing." Loren finished. "Now. For the last time. Power down. Prepare to be boarded."

Nara glared, her teeth grit and then suddenly, she killed the communique.

"Ma'am?" A console tech called out. "They're prepping up their engines for FTL."

Loren scoffed. "Know when you're beaten, Captain." She muttered to herself. The Major turned to her weapons operators. "Fire on her main reactor. Cripple her."

"Aye, Ma'am."

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-05-23 17:50 EST
Nara shot a look back to Page. "Get the girl! Annikah, set a course-"

The slim mechanic's fingers were flying over the nav-screen. " Anywhere but here. On it."

The ship lurched as Nara spun them away just as the Resolute opened fire. That old bitch wasn't getting her without a fight. Streaks of red light tore past her, barely missing.

"They're launching fighters." Annikah said, glancing away from her screen for less than a second.

Nara glanced up at the DRADIS screen, seeing several fighters lining up in attack formation. This was NOT her day. The Dragon's Tooth launched into a series of evasive maneuvers as she came under attack of the fighters. "Countermeasures! Go!"

A series of explosive chaff released into space behind them as laserfire poured all around the ship, some bursting on the chaff. Page and Delta stepped down into the bridge, Page bracing himself on the back of Annikah's seat. Delta's widened, looking at the viewscreen. "The Resolute."

Annikah glanced back at her. "Friends of your's."

"My commanding officer, Major Loren Metcalfe. She created me." Delta said numbly.

"Yeah? Looks like she's had a change of heart." Annikah grumbled.

Nara dodged them out of the path of a proton torpedo, the blue light trailing off into the distance. "What's the status on that course?"

"Yeah, Red, I'm TRYING. I'm having trouble getting the computer to-"

"They've hacked into our system. You won't be able to set a course." Delta informed her.

Annikah turned back to her, a panicked look on her face. "So...what do we do?"

"Yeah, if you've got any tricks up your sleeve, now's the time." Nara said, the ship taking several direct hits, warning alarms ringing loudly.

"Captain. We cannot win this." Delta said simply, calmly.

The bounty hunter stared back at her a long moment before another hit brought her back to reality. "No. No!"

The Dragon's Tooth spun toward the nearby planet, a big green and white marble. of a world. She was desperate. She would not be captured, she would not lose! She couldn't.

Suddenly, the ship lurched hard as turbo laser from the Resolute herself slammed into the ship's main reactor. Lights flickered in the bridge, some of the screens going dead. Another hit banged into the ship, an overhead console exploding in a shower of sparks. Page fell to the ground, covering his face. A cut over his brow trickling blood, he pulled himself up.

Nara was trying desperately to keep moving the but engines kept cutting off, sending them spinning off course. "No. No, no no no!" she thought to herself. Annikah glanced over to Page, a worried, defeated expression on her face. He returned the grimace and put a hand on Nara's shoulder.

"Nara..." he said gently.

Her fingers flew wildly over the controls, trying to make adjustments and re-route power. Page put a hand on her shoulder.


She jerked away from him. "Get off me! Vance, redirect shields-"

"They're gone, Nara." She interrupted.

Nara's jaw clenched and her eyes darted back and forth, trying in vain to come up with something else they could do. Page put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "We need to go."

She sat for a moment, her stubborn streak holding her at bay for the moment. "Damn it..."

The ship jolted as they were hit again. Finally, Nara stood up, her grief pushed deep down. "Get to the escape pods. We're leaving."


Date: 2016-06-01 13:47 EST
Alarms blared out in the Dragon's Tooth as she was hit again and again in barrages from the resolute. The crew were all desperately grabbing supplies they would need planetside to survive. Page stuffed everything he could into a bag and slung it over his shoulder and rushed out into the hall.

"Let's move!" He called just before being thrown against a wall by another blast nailing the ship. Nara and Annikah stepped out, moving quickly past him. Delta's door slid open and she stepped out, encased in her full body armor, her youthful face covered by the helmet. Page stared at the armored warrior, his lips parting a bit.

Delta's voice filtered through speakers in her helmet. "We don't have much time."

Annikah and Nara were climbing down to the cargo hold when the lights suddenly went out. Page was in mid stride as the entire world around him lurched to one side. Only, this time, he didn't come back down. He bounced off the wall and found himself floating. They were without gravity.

Nara and Annikah exchanged concerned looks as their bodies began to float. Without a word, the two women kicked off the ground, propelling them toward the escape pods. Annikah and Nara pulled themselves in as the ship shuddered under the impact of another attack. Just as Page and Delta were pulling themselves an explosion ripped through the air lock. They didn't even have time to scream as the vacuum ripped through the ship. Delta barely was able to grab a hold of a handle on the side of the doorway, her other hand grabbing Page around the waist before he could be sucked out.

Annikah's eyes were wide with terror as the pod access hatch automatically slammed shut behind them. "NO! No! PAGE!" She wheeled around to face Nara, "Open it!"

"I can't! The system's detected a breach, it won't open!"

"**** THAT! Override it! Open the God damned hatch!" She demanded.

"I can't." Nara said simply.

Annikah pressed against the window, she couldn't even see them. "Page...." she whispered. Suddenly, the secondary hatch closed and the Pod was launched from the ship.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-06-01 14:29 EST
Time was short. Page wouldn't have long, unprotected as he was. The decompression had already left him unconscious. Delta positioned herself against the wall, clutching him tight. She kicked hard off the doorway sending them floating at the Star Runner. The attack had come to a stop, thankfully as the escape pod was rocketing away.

Delta reached the canopy of the cockpit, and pulled it open. There wasn't a wealth of space in there for two people, so they would have to get cozy. She slipped in first, pulling him down onto her lap, and pressurized the cabin. Page gasped back to consciousness, looking around in a panic.

"What?! What? Where...." He glanced behind him, letting out of a panicked yelp before her realized. " Oh...God...Delta. What's happening."

"We are leaving." She said.

The clasps disengaged and she fired up the reverse thrusters, sending the ship soaring back out through blown open airlock, the wings still in storage position. The second they cleared the door, she initiated flight mode, the wings swooping down to their position as either side.

"Brace yourself." She said in that amplified monotone voice of her's before firing the keel mounted thrusted, flipping the ship upside down to face the planet, and slamming on the thrusters to full. Any fighters in the vicinity didn't have a prayer of catching them.

"Where are Annie and Nara." He asked her.

"They managed to reach an escape pod. It is likely they have reached the planet."

Page looked out as they broke atmo, his head pounding and his face grim. "We need to find them."

"Affirmative." Delta said simply.


Date: 2016-06-07 12:21 EST
Brilliant lines of red scorched the soundless air around the cockpit of the Star Runner. Delta's hand grasping the controls around Page with considerable effort. The cabin of the ship was not meant for two, let alone two people over 6 feet tall.

Blackness began to transition into blue as they entered atmo. The ship adjusted as quickly as it could to the planet's gravity. It was one less thing they had to worry about.

Page's body was struggling after his brief time in the vacuum...his lungs ached. Eyes burned. Skin still felt that impossible chill. The smuggler's head simply pounded and felt as though it might explode.

The Praetorian's head weaved back and forth around him to try and see around him.

The world around Page came and went as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He was able to comprehend bits and pieces. Blue skies. Trees. Then black. Blast bolts soaring past. Blackness. His body being lurched forward as the ship bucked with the impact of a blast. Blackness. Warning alarms filling the cockpit as the blue and green swirled wildly. Blackness. Then chaos. Blackness. Finally, he could see the trees rushing toward them. And then there was nothing.


Air filled his lungs again, a loud, harsh gasp as he pulled in the oxygen. His body was alive, his mind in a panic. Then there was pain, agony filling his consciousness. Little by little he came to and took in the reality of where he was and what had happened. Tall, giant trees all around him, the sounds of wildlife ringing in his ears. He was no longer in the ship. No longer in Delta's lap. The Praetorian was standing off to one side, helmet off. Behind them was the Star Runner, mostly intact, but badly damaged. A plume of acrid black smoke rising from her engines, the wings dented and scratched, and a trail of ruin making a path right to them.

They were alive.

Delta turned to him, those bionically enhanced blue eyes turning to him. He almost saw relief in them.

"Can you move?" She asked.

Page dared to push himself up, his arms aching viciously. He winced as a stinging pain radiated from his side, blood staining his clothing. Delta moved to him offered a hand. Page looked up to her and grabbed her hand, pulled effortlessly to his feet.

"Where are we?" He inquired.

Delta took a long look around, supporting him. "I have no idea."

It was just the two of them, alone on an unknown world, separated from their friends, hunted by the USM and God knew what else on this planet. The pair having ONE goal in mind: Find Annikah and Nara.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-06-07 13:42 EST
It had been decades since she'd strapped on body armor, but it felt like home. Modern armor was lighter, stronger, more effective toward movement in combat, Loren noted. Age had not made her softer. Loren may not have seen combat since her younger days, but she kept her body her most finely tuned weapon. She stared in the mirror, an echo of that young, idealistic woman reflected beneath the lines and grey hairs. It felt like the years simply melted away and she was back. Back to what she was. Her strong hand gripped her sidearm firmly and posited it into her thigh holster.

She stepped out into the forward landing bay, making her way to massing area where the Praetorian waited. Immense even outside the armor, here they looked like monsters, their weapons held before them as she approached. They were the closest thing she had to children, and this would be their final mission. She was glad she would see it through with them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." She addressed them. "One of your own awaits you down on that planet. One of the finest warriors I've ever seen. You have grown up with her, fought beside her, served under her. But today, she is your target. She will offer no quarter and, so, you must give her none. She is a traitor and murderer, and you will hunt her down and extinguish her. Do you understand?"

In unison they all grunted their response. "HOO-UH!"

Loren's eyes traveled over each of them in turn, a slow approving nod. "Make no mistake, boys and girls, this will be the fight of your lives. Let's remind her of what the Praetorian can do. Mount up!"

Annikah Vance

Date: 2016-06-07 14:43 EST
Annikah was livid as she stormed out of the escape pod, Nara hot on her heels. "Annie. Annie!" The redhead called after her, but the fiery mechanic was NOT listening. "Will you STOP and talk to me?!"

All Annikah could see was Page on the other side of that door as it slammed shut, their cargo and supplies whipped about the cabin as they were sucked out into the endless void of space. So, no, she would not stop.

"Annie!" Nara shouted.

Annikah whipped around on her. "You don't get to call me that!" She walked toward her, "We LEFT him! We abandoned him and you did NOTHING."

Nara narrowed her eyes. "What did you want me to do? The pods were rigged to shut in the event of a hull breach. Well, the hull ****ing breached!"

"You could have overridden the sequence and you know it!"

"Wrong! You think you know my ship better than I do? Even if I COULD have, we'd both be dead, too!" Nara got right back in her face. She was NOT going to let this skinny bitch pin this on her.

Annikah knew she had her dead-to-rights, but she was mad, dammit. She just turned and stormed off.

"Where are you gonna go?" Nara called after her with a roll of the eyes.

"Anywhere but here!" Annikah shouted back.

"Fine. Whatever." Nara said, giving up and moving back into the escape pod. She reached up into and over head compartment and pulled down a rifle and survival pack, clipping the pack to her armor.

Annikah was almost to the treeline when she heard a chittering sound followed by a low growl. Well, this sounded bad. She froze in her tracks, eyes going wide. Something was watching them. Hunting them.

Nara could tell just by her posture something was wrong. She checked the power pack of her rifle and stood still. "Annikah." She said quietly. "I want you to turn toward me...and on the count of"

The mechanic's heart was pounding in her chest, fear sending adrenaline coursing through her body as she turned as slowly as possible.




Annikah broke into a sprint, as fast as her legs could carry, not daring to look back at the horror that broke through the trees. Six long, spidery legs carried the creature, all of 7 feet tall, its face covered in a skull like carapace, it's white limbs camouflaged in mud. Jaws opened revealing a mouth full of long, razor sharp fangs as it roared after her.

Nara's eyes went wide as she took aim, this was the thing of nightmares. Her finger squeezed the trigger sending a burst into the beasts armored face.

The creature recoiled as it was hit, but it did not die. A loud, ear piercing shriek left it as it's forelimbs reared up.

Annikah continued her run toward the pod as Nara continued to lay fire on the creature. That outer shell protected it from her blasts. Nara pointed back to the pod. "Go! Get inside!" She demanded.

Annikah did NOT need to be told twice, she climbed back into the pod as Nara slowly backed toward her, firing all the way. The beast thrashed about trying to bat away the lasers that burned into it. With one great charge, the creature was almost on Nara. It reared up ready to bring it's blade-like pincer down on the huntress.

Annikah wrapped her arms around the woman and pulled her back into the escape pod just before they came down. The two of them stumbled back, making their way to the far end. Their attacker kept trying in vain to get at them, attempting to squeeze its body in through the much smaller hole. Its mandibles gnashing and snapping at the two women, high pitched screeches as it struggled to capture its prey.

"Back! Stay back!" Nara yelled to Annikah, trying to shield her body from the beast. Her hands moved over her body and grabbed a small grenade from the side of her armor. Green eyes narrowed on the monster's raging mouth. Nara's thumb flipped a latch, pressed the red button to arm the explosive and threw the device into the beasts mouth.

Sensing, it had ingested something, the Beast pulled back, stepping away from its intended meal. When it realized it did not taste either flesh or blood, it went to charge again. Nara turned her back and covered Annikah. "DOWN!"


The monster's body burst from the inside, the shell of it's body bursting and cracking outward as it's limbs gave out, sending the creature crumbling to the ground.

Nara rolled off to one side, the pair of them sitting there panting, relieved as the smoking husk of their predator lay lifeless outside. Annikah looked to her, all that blind anger, all that petulance a distant memory for the small mechanic.

"Thank you..." she breathed out. "I think I need to quit smoking."

Nara glanced over to her and managed a small laugh.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-06-09 18:51 EST
Delta crouched low, her makeshift spear clutched in her hand. Ahead in the clearing, a creature was approaching a brook. It was much like a deer, if someone had given it color changing hair. The muscles beneath it's fur twitched, it's little puff tale drifting back and forth as its lips touched the water. Delta's eyes lined up a shot for its head her arm pulling back, preparing to throw. The creature was completely unaware of the danger that had found her.

It was over quickly. Delta's blow killed it in one hit through the neck.

The Praetorian found Page waiting in the makeshift campsite they had set up, Her prey was draped across her armored shoulders.

"I have found us food." she said simply, dropping the animal's body to the ground.

There wasn't much in the way of survival materials on the ship. Light MRE rations, a first aid kit, and a small hold out blaster. Added to Delta's combat knife, and meager survival tools (torch, purifier, radiation detector, and signal flare) built into her armor, they didn't have very much. Not against what was coming for them.

Page smiled up to her, as he applied a bandage to his newly stitched up side. "Thanks."

Delta immediately went to skinning and preparing her prey for cooking. "It would be wise to hide our fire as best we can." She said as if she weren't peeling the flesh off of a formerly living creature.

Page nodded and pulled his shirt back on. "Any luck on Nara and Annie?"

Those eyes never left her work, she was so mechanical in just everything she did. It was, frankly, disconcerting. "My helmet's display is still searching for their signal. Given the chaotic nature of both our escapes, they could be anywhere. It is best you prepare yourself for that eventuality."

"We're going to find them."

"The probablity-"

"We're GOING to find them." He said firmly. Delta understood that he was in no mood for rational discussion and let it go.

The injured man watched her a moment, precisely and impassively taking apart this creature. It was amazing, such a youthful face could look so cold. He decided he didn't like the silence.

" said you were part of some...program?" He asked, trying to force small talk.

"The Praetorian Initiative." She said simply.

" old were you when you were recruited?" He asked.

Delta froze then. She looked up at him with a furrowed brow.

"I look pretty young-"

"There was nothing before the Praetorian." She said going back to her duty.

"Nothing?" He asked her, with raised brows. "They took you from birth?" His face registering disgust, the very idea was repulsive to him.

"No..." She said, suddenly unsure.

" said-"

"We were...were not children..." She tried to clarify. What was going on? Why was she so confused?

Page stared at her a long moment. "What's the first thing you remember?"

Delta stared off. Flashes going through her head, but they were all in a jumble. No context of time.

She recalled waking in a cryotube, her lungs screaming for air as the stasis fluid rained. She panicked and beat her small fists against the glass helplessly.

She and the Praetorian lined up in front of Loren.

"Abouuuuuut FACE!" their commander called out. The entire group turning in perfect, precise unison. They had to have been young teens then. Pre-Augmentation. "Boys and girls, you are chosen. The best, the brightest, the most promising. You are the future of the United Systems military. And together...we will make you more."

Delta lay on a table, Her body small. Young. Thin. Robotic arms whirred above her.

"Better." Loren's voice echoed in her ears.

A younger Delta stood, A volunteer before her. She moved slowly, grabbing him from behind according to Loren's commands. "Come into his heart, to the top of his sternum and bring him to the ground." Her knife pressed against the man's chest and brought him down slowly. Delta's knife ran down her target's chest, across the side of her opponent's neck, where it would slice the jugular, then his belly where his intestines would spill out. From there, to either thigh, cutting the femoral arteries.

"Power assist to the chest. Both hands, you're aiming for his backbone." Loren instructed her. Delta simply nodded.

"You'll become faster!" that voice echoed again in her brain.

As Loren called out each movement, Delta's knife flew, precise and quick across every target point on her volunteer's body, ending up with the tip of her blade at the bottom of her target's jaw, the entirety of her attack done in less than 2 seconds.

"Stronger." Loren called out in her mind's eye.

Delta, small and weak was slammed onto her back by a stronger opponent. She just grit her teeth and fought back.

Again and again, she was pinned, but she never gave up. Her determination never wavered.

"You will become death. A living nightmare to any who are foolish enough to stand in your way!" Loren's voice echoed in her head.

Delta emerged after the augmentation, tall, muscular. Ready for combat.

"You will become Gods."

Delta grabbed a burly marine as he came at her in the ring, lifting him with one hand and then slammed him into the mat. Another coming at her from behind, but she backhanded him, sending him flying out of the ring itself.

Page watched her a long moment, the girl unresponsive. Her hand clutched that knife so tight, her knuckles turned white. "Delta?" He said cautiously.

Those big blue eyes stared of intensely, he chest rising with every quickening breath, he arm beginning to shake.


She shook her head suddenly and looked to him, wide eyed. Delta swallowed hard and looked down at the dead deer and the knife in her hand. Slowly, she found her breath and looked to him. "It would be wise if we refrained from talking."

Page nodded slowly. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but it had shaken her greatly.

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-06-10 20:27 EST
Sharp brown eyes surveyed the crash site. The Star Runner was a bit of a mess, but she might be salvaged with the proper skill and tools. A trail of shattered tree trunks and branches and scorched earth left in the ship's wake had led her here. The blood in the cockpit and along the fuselage and the tracks told her one thing: They were both alive when they left here. Juliette, the runt of the litter of Praetorian, and as it turned out, the most aggressive, approached her. Even post-augmentation, the girl only stood at 5'11. Her voice carried through her helmet's speaker. "Ma'am. our sensors detect several life forms within the vicinity, but are unable to distinguish which ones are Delta and her companion."

It had to be a jungle. No, they couldn't have taken them down on a barren moon or sent them careening into a star. No. They had to drop them on a planet teeming with life and places to hide. Loren grit her teeth and nodded. "Praetorian! I want you to organize three teams of two. Fox, Helo. Team one. Iriquos, Kilo. You're team two. Lima, Mako, Team three. Juliette you're with me.

"Aye ma'am." The youngest of the warriors said.

Loren looked to each, in turn. "Maintain radio contact at all times. If you see something, say something, got it?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" They said in unison.

It was a shame that this would be their last mission. What these children had become, how hard they had to work to get there. The sacrifices they all made. Only to have some doughy, weak-kneed bureacrats shut it all down? Wipe away decades of blood, sweat and tears? They deserved better. Loren deserved better

But here, their boots on the ground alongside her own, she was proud. "Good hunting. Move out!"


Date: 2016-06-28 01:26 EST
Delta and Page resumed their trek through the woods early the next morning. Delta having fashioned a machete out of a piece of scrap metal and leather for the grip. She hacked some of the dense foliage out of their way, peering ahead through the endless green and brown of the jungle.

Page glanced down at their GPS signal, a frown on his face as he squinted in the sunlight pouring through the trees. It was hot. Muggy. And there were SO many bugs. "We're still about 8 klicks away from their site." He said in a cautious whisper.

Delta glanced back at him, sparing him only a nod. She was keeping to silence as much as possible. Smart, though it did make for an interminably dull time.

"So...these guys hunting us. They're like you?" He asked her, keeping his voice down.

Delta nodded back to him.

"Why don't they do what you did?"

The girl was getting frustrated, he could see it in her face. "They didn't know." She said as quietly as possible, the irritation apparent in her voice.

"'re the only one who figured out that they were euthan-" Page said with a smirk until she whipped around and grabbed him, covering his mouth, her eyes wide. Page only struggled a minute before he figured it out. Delta slowly brought a finger to her lips, crouching down with him.

The Praetorian girl crouched down and reached to the back of her armor, pulling the make-shift machete from it's magnetic binding. Those eyes electric and alive, her attention on her surroundings. That was when Page saw them. The Praetorian. They were huge. Both of them 7' tall in their armor, and carrying serious firepower. Their movements precise, intricate as they cleared the area.

Delta recognized their ID numbers as belonging to Iroquois and Kilo. She gripped her weapon in her gloved hand, her helmet readout would normally be showing distance, heart-rate and vital signs. With the Praetorian armor on her targets, it showed nothing. She knew it would only be a matter of time before they found them. Delta could hide herself well enough, but Page was going to be the problem. She glanced back at him and mouthed slowly. "Wait. Here."

Page took a moment to register what she had said and nodded. A thousand questions bounced around his head, that he didn't dare vocalize, lest he give away their position. It was amazing how quietly the girl could move as she peeled off, disappearing into the trees. He swallowed hard and turned back to the Praetorian, and sighed. Suddenly the immense soldiers' heads snapped in his direction, their weapons at the ready.

Page's heart nearly dropped out his ass as he realized they'd heard him. How the hell had they heard him just from a breath. He tried as best he could to control his breath as he flattened himself against the side of a tree. His eyes squeezed shut praying that whatever the girl was planning, she did it fast.

The Praetorian were almost on him when she struck. Delta dropped in between them from high up, her blade slashing downward and slicing through Kilo's weapon. Her right leg shooting out and catching Iroquois square in the chest. Any normal human might have broken their foot trying that, but her's sent him stumbling backwards. Kilo immediately launched in action, swinging his ruined weapon at Delta. The girl leaned out the way and immediately slashed at his head. He barely ducked out of the way when she attacked again. The two of them moved across the clearing, Delta slashing at him as he evaded her.

Iroquois shouldered his rifle, ready to open fire, aiming at Delta. Page's eyes widened and he grabbed a branch, rushing at the towering Praetorian. But his target heard him coming. He abandoned Delta as a target, whipping around and catching Page by the throat. Effortlessly, he lifted the smaller man into the air. Page's eyes bulged as he struggled against his captor, fighting to get air into his lungs. His fists pounding harmlessly against the armored appendage that held him at bay. He couldn't see into the helmet, but he could sense the eyes through the visor glaring at him like he was a flea.

Delta caught sight of them, momentarily distracted. It gave Kilo the advantage he needed. The taller Praetorian slamming into her, tackling her onto the ground. She grimaced beneath her helmet as he slammed his fist down at her face. She managed dodge at just the right moment, her own fist slamming into Kilo's faceplate again and again and again, until finally it shattered. She gripped it by the chin and ripped it off his head, launching it at Iroquois. The helmet slammed into the back of his head.

Page dropped to the ground as he was released, his lungs desperately grabbing for air.

Delta punched Kilo hard in the face, knocking him off of her and onto his back, unconscious. Iroquois faced her as she stood up slowly. He reached up and grasped his helmet and pulled it from his head. Long dark hair tied back out of his face, those enhanced blue eyes mirror images of her own.

Delta reached up and pulled off her own, letting it drop beside her. "We do not need to fight. Neither us need die here today." She said.

Iroquois narrowed his eyes. "The punishment for treason is death, Subject Delta."

His hands reached behind him, grasping two batons. Holding them out to the sides, he pressed a button, Segmented ax-heads forming at the top of each.

Delta lifted her machete bringing it up the ready as they squared off. "So be it."

Iroquois gave his weapons a twirl and charged, the one ax coming down and blocked by Delta's machete, the other swiping at her head. The two fought, slashing and hacking at each other, both of them struggling to land a blow that wasn't either dodged or blocked. All of their training utilized as they dueled. Page gasped for air, clutching his throat as he watched.

Delta batted away one of his axes and then slashed through the grip of the other. Iroquois managed to lean away, but not far enough. The edge of her machete cut into his face, slashing upward against his brow. Iroquois stumbled backward, blood running down the diagonal cut that now ran from his right cheek to his left brow. Rage set in as he growled and went into a series of attacks against her, driving the girl back, back, back. He knocked her machete upwards and then drove the pommel of his axe into her face, knocking her to the ground.

Kilo stirred and saw the fight going on. He slowly pushed himself up.

Iroquois brought his ax up for the killing blow.


The bullet passed through the back of his head and out his forehead. The recoil of the rifle nearly put Page on his ass. The Praetorian crumbled.

Meanwhile, Kilo grabbed Iroquois' discarded second ax, just as the other fell into Delta's hand. The girl threw it as hard as she could, the bladed head slamming into Kilo's face, his head snapping back as death set in. His heavy armored body falling back against the ground with a loud thud. Delta stared ahead intensely, not even panting. A bruise blossoming on her right cheekbone. She turned to Page.

"Are you injured?" She asked him.

Page nodded and spoke hoarsely. "Yeah."

"Very well. Time to go."

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-06-29 16:14 EST
Loren edged her way past a series of Trees, Juliette at her side. The youngest of the Praetorian scanned the forest for nearby threats. The life-form readings on this planet were overwhelming, even for her, so she shut down the application, running instead on motion trackers, set to her target's weight and height stats. Her cybernetic eyes handled all else.

Almost in unison, Juliette and Loren dropped into a crouch. "Do you see it?" the Praetorian girl said quietly.

"Creature approaching from northwest. Got it." Loren confirmed, lining up her sights on the tiger-like beast, hiding in the foliage.

Juliette turned suddenly, just as another launched its attack from the side. Loren, completely taken unaware, turned away from the other as Juliette caught the creature in midair, her rifle dropped and hanging from its sling.

The first one then launched itself in the air at Loren. The older woman brought her rifle around a moment too late. The creature hit her full force, knocking her to the ground onto her back, snapping it's razor sharp jaws at her. She turned her rifle to its side and jammed it against the gaping maw, to protect herself as best she could.

Juliette slammed her attacker to the ground, the wild cart clawing at her armor and struggling against her. A claw catching the sling of her rifle, tearing it like tissue paper and sending the weapon flying. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Loren struggling with the other. Her pre-programmed prime directives kicking in: Protect Your Commanding Officer.

She grabbed the struggling, wild beast by it's throat and lifted it up, throwing it at Loren's predator. The two of them slammed each other, turning into a roaring, slashing, enraged mess of claws and teeth as they scrambled back up to their feet. As soon as she was free, Loren scrambled backwards away from them. The tigers had risen to their feet and were now staring the two women down. Loren's weapon was toast, the creature's jaws damaging it beyond repair.

Juliette stepped up beside her, towering over the woman like a god. He helmet had been set aside, that youthful face at odds with her tall stature and armored body. "Get behind me." she said. Loren stared up at her a moment with wide eyes. Now was not the time to hesitate. She got up and stepped behind the girl as the huge cats snarled. The jungle beasts broke into a run, charging at the Praetorian, their teeth sharp, their claws ready to rend her to pieces. But Juliette had claws too. Her fists clenched, activating wrist mounted blades that shot forward jutting out over her fists. Those cybernetic, glowing blue eyes locked onto one as the other broke off to one side. But she kept her sights on the first. Both

They raged on, closer, closer, golden eyes flashing with bloodlust. Juliette prepared herself, her face becoming a defiant sneer. The tigers pounced at the same time, launching their huge bodies through the air. Juliette's right arm slammed forward and upward, the blade piercing the throat of the one in front of her. The Praetorian's body twisting to the left, her free arm moving as if in an upper-cut, the blade cutting into it's neck like a hot knife through butter. The creatures howling in agony as her fists clenched around their gushing throats and whirling their dying bodies like ragdolls, throwing them into a pair of trees so hard, the wood splintered.

Her blades retracted, spraying blood onto the grassy ground, crimson running all up her armored arms. Loren stood up on shaky legs, staring at her creation and what she had done. More than a little pride swelling in her chest. "Well done, Subject Juliette."

The Praetorian nodded slowly. "Thank you, Ma'am." She walked over and brought up her helmet, sliding it back over those youthful features. After a moment she turned to Loren. "Ma'am. My sensors indicate that Subjects Iroquois and Kilo are no longer on the grid. Their life-signs have ceased."

Whatever relief Loren had felt before was not replaced by a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-07-19 00:09 EST
Emerald colored eyes watched as the red haired huntress crouched. One of them was moving through the clearing...which meant another wouldn't be far behind. Nara had faced down Delta and was lucky the girl wasn't in a killing mood or she'd have ended up battered and broken on the floor of her ship.

Annikah was close behind, doing her damnedest to keep quiet, as it was, she was terrified they'd hear her heart beating like mad within her chest. She couldn't see the Preatorian, but Nara wouldn't stop without purpose.

"You see them?" Nara whispered quietly as she could and still be heard by the mechanic. Annie squinted trying to make them out.

"11 O'clock." Nara clarified.

Just there through the trees, their armor camouflaging their huge bodies, were two of them. They were out of range to hear them now, and Nara only managed to see them with her enhanced eye sight. Fox and Helo moved through the foliage, each step, each movement precise.

Annikah cursed under her breath, her eyes squeezing shut and her hands opening and closing nervously. "What do we do?" She asked her companion.

"They got here somehow. We just need to find their ship." Nara explained as if it was no great task.

"Oh. Great. We just need to evade the perfect killing machines and find their ship in a planet full of jungle and things that want to eat us." Annikah whined.

"Don't be so defeatist." Nara smirked, teasing the slim mechanic.

"Well, unless you're hiding a missile launcher in that armor, we're pretty much ****ed, aren't we?"

Nara narrowed her eyes, watching the two of them, considering her options. Annikah's dark eyes watched her, waiting for a response. It came as Nara pulled off the gauntlets of her armor. Then her shoulder pads. Then started unclasping her chest plate.

"What. Are. You. DOING!" Annikah demanded in a whisper.

Nara continued removing the armor. "I'm going after them. I need you be conspicuous." she said, sliding the rifle to the mechanic. "They're going to come for you. And when they do, I'm going to attack."

She was insane. The woman had to be out of her damn mind! "You're going to attack them unarmed, without armor and you think you're going to win?"

Nara grabbed her gauntlet and drew out a combat knife. "Who said I was going unarmed?" The former bounty hunter smirked and disappeared into the woods.

"Great." Annikah muttered to herself, glancing at the armor for a moment, getting an idea in her head.

Fox and Helo moved on. "Did you hear about Gulf?" Fox said to his squadmate.

"Only rumors." The other Praetorian responded.

"Like Alpha, Charlie, and Delta, they say." Fox reported what he'd heard.

Helo nodded, his face passive beneath his helmet's visor. "I heard he was placed under confinement in the ship's brig. Major Metcalfe ensured me it was a safety measure. He will return to our ranks after a psyche evaluation is performed. Until then, we continue to do our duty." He stopped suddenly, holding up his fist.

Both hulking operators stopped dead in their tracks. A quick hand signal was thrown in Annikah's direction.

The mechanic was trying to make sense of the HUD of Nara's helmet. information was moving across the face plate viewscreen rapidly, and she struggled to take it all on. And for once she truly appreciated how strong the redhead was. This armor was heavy as hell! And warm-Oh ****. They were pointing her way.

Annie grabbed her rifle and shouldered it, lining up her sights upon them. She remembered what her father had taught her about shooting. "Take your time. Line up your shot. Find your breath. Breathe, Annie. Breathe. And when you're ready? Squeeze, don't pull the trigger."

Now she repeated it herself in a nervous mutter. "Squeeze, don't pull. Squeeze, don't pull..."

Suddenly her HUD cleared of all the insane amounts of information. She felt her limbs suddenly supported, her strength augmented. The heft of the rifle now forgotten. It scanned the two behemoths currently heading her way, highlighting them before her as potentially hostile targets and assisting her aim upon one of them.

"Unidentified Humanoid!" Fox called out his weapon trained upon her. "You are a suspect in aiding and abetting a fugitive of the United Systems government. Throw down your weapon and prepare to be taken in."

Oh, **** this guy. Annikah squeezed.

Much of the rifle's recoil was suppressed by Nara's armor, the laserblast tearing through the air between them. Both Praetorian barely moved out of the path of the shot. They turned immediately opened fire on her position. Annikah pushed up off the ground, finding that doing so was incredibly easy now. Her speed enhanced, she managed to avoid their blaster fire behind the trees, but her cover wouldn't last long before it was burned completely through.

Nara watched all of this from high up in a tree. She climbed up onto a branch, knife clenched in her teeth, waiting for them to get in range of her. She pulled the blade from her mouth and reversed the grip. Now.

Nara's arms went out to either side and, gracefully, she dropped down from the branch. Soaring down through the air, she brought up her knife, those eyes focused upon the gaps in Fox's armor. Her blade cut through his undersuit and into his shoulder as she slammed down on top of him, her body jerking downward as she connected. The Praetorian cried out in pain and immediately lashed out backwards in her direction. But Nara had already kicked off of him, flipping to land on her feet.

Annikah saw them both turned to redirect their fire on Nara and immediately started running and gunning at them. One blast caught Helo's backplate, sending him stumbling forward. It didn't kill him, but hurt like hell. He whipped around, returning fire on the armored mechanic. He glanced to Fox. "You deal with this one! I will take the other!" his voice sounded off in Fox's earpiece.

Nara was never still, her speed her greatest ally at the moment. Fox analyzed her pattern of movement, and almost landed a shot, the bolt searing her across her unarmored arm. She yelped and immediately threw the knife at him. Any normal man it would have pierced his throat and that would have been the end of that. But Fox was no normal man. His lightning quick reactions brought his rifle in the path of the blade, the charge pack taking all the damage.

His rifle now a paper weight, he threw it aside into the grass. Nara glared at him, her face stern and ready. Push it aside, Nara. Ignore the pain. Pain is temporary. She told herself, pushing aside the screaming, burning pain in her left arm.

His helmet would only get in the way hand-to-hand, Fox thought, reaching up and pulling the bucket off. Dark skin, short hair, and, of course those glowing blue Praetorian eyes were exposed to her. It was easy to forget that under those helmets were, essentially, kids. And he would have grown up to be an amazingly handsome man, Nara allowed herself for a moment.

"This doesn't have to end this way." She called out to him. Red droplets of his blood trickled down the front of his chest plate.

"It is the only way it CAN end. You have committed treason. The punishment is death." Fox stared her down with pitiless eyes.

"She's going to kill you. Even if you kill all of us. Your Commander is going to put you all down." She pleaded. Why wouldn't he see reason.

"Did the traitor, Subject Delta tell you that?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"They tried to do it to her. They'll do it to you, too. Once they get what they want."

His only response was to attack, lightning quick punches thrown at her, just barely dodged. But he never stopped moving. She was being pushed back, back, his fists flying furiously. She finally got an opening and threw a hard punch for his gut...only to find it and solid kevlar plate. Pain radiated in her hand as she hollered in pain. Fox reeled back and put a boot into her chest, sending Nara flying back into a tree.

Annikah Vance

Date: 2016-07-19 14:02 EST
Annikah ran through the trees, never in a straight line. The armor boosted her speed and gave her that bit of extra juice to do more than she might have been capable of on her own. Not far from her head the bark of a tree burst with the fiery impact of the blast bolt from Helo's weapon. She ducked away, turning and firing with her rifle in the general vicinity the blast came from.

Helo was tireless. Moving sideways through the trees as she fired where he HAD been. She was no soldier, that much was clear. She could handle her weapon, but anything beyond that was not exactly in her skill set. This would be easy, he thought.

Annikah released the it was silent. Or at least as silent as this jungle got. The dread she felt sat like a fog in her brain. She could hear the blood pumping through her veins, her heart pounding like a damn jackhammer. She was being hunted. Toyed with. Her helmet scanners ran over the area searching for him...but there was nothing. Just the dense greens and browns of the trees.

She swallowed hard, trying in vain to control her breathing lest he hear her. She was so focused on what was ahead of her that she didn't notice that he was coming up behind her. Her helmet's proximity sensors gave her a warning just a moment too late. As she brought her weapon up to turn on him, he wrapped one arm around her throat, the other grabbing her rifle. Helo ripped it from the grasp and sent it flying and bolstered his choke hold.

Struggle as she might, Annie was not succeeding in escaping the Praetorian. She was panicking. Sloppy. Not remembering all the self defense training she'd learned living around a sometimes dangerous spaceport. Gasping for air, she tried to calm herself. He was strong...but Nara's armor gave her a boost. Remember Annikah.

She recalled a time a huge freighter pilot had followed her out of a bar and tried to grab her. He was twice her size...strong as a bear. She had left him in a whimpering pile on the ground that night.

Her fist clenched and her elbow shot backwards into Helo's stomach, the massive Praetorian grunting from the blow. Again and again she fired back with the armor's exoskeleton propelling her harder than she would be able to manage on her own. Finally she felt his grip slack a bit. Dark brown eyes wide, she kicked off of a tree propelling them both backwards to the ground.

Helo let her go long enough for her to spin around, straddling his waist and throwing devastating punch after devastating punch against his helmet. She was vaguely aware that she was screaming, rage pouring out of her as she wailed on his face mask. Finally, with one massive blow, she punched through his helmet's visor, her fist connecting with his nose, blood bursting upwards. Crimson droplets flicked across the leaves as she drew her arm back again, stunned for a moment. She'd really hurt one of them!

But the pause was a mistake. She saw one glowing blue eye turn to her...he was mad.

Realizing her error, she went to punch him again, but Helo grabbed her fist. Even the armor's mechanics couldn't stand against his strength. Her hand shook, straining against him. Helo's right arm cocked back and he struck, his palm connecting with her chest plate.

It felt like a truck had hit her! Annikah went flying back, banking off a tree and slamming into the ground in a roll. Her right shoulder was screaming with pain, most definitely dislocated if not worse. She tried to take stock of everything the display on her helmet flickering weakly as it ran a diagnostic. The armor suddenly felt heavy again. She tried to get up but it was just not happening.

Helo rose up slowly to his full 7 foot height. He reached up and pulled off his helmet, throwing it aside. Those blue eyes were narrowed, angry, predatory. Slowly he made his way toward the injured mechanic. He reached down and grabbed the back of her armor, yanking her up. Annie gasped and let out a pained squeak.

The Praetorian looked down at her as if looking at a flea, blood running down his young face. Annikah stared up at him through her helmet's dead face plate. "You've got something on your face." She said in a hoarse, pained voice.

Helo's face contorted in anger and with a grunt, he threw her like a ragdoll across the clearing.

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-07-19 14:23 EST
The air was driven out of Nara's lungs as she slammed back against the bark of the tree, a sharp ache spreading through out her body. The red haired captain slumped to the ground, wincing, her chest in screaming pain from the hard kick to the solar-plexus.

Fox moved toward her crumpled form, his head cocking to one side with a pop. The towering warrior hovered over her, drawing his foot up to stomp her face into the side of the tree. Her green eyes grew large before, at the last second, she managed to duck aside.

The armored boot dug a good 3 inches into the tree, shaking the whole thing with the impact. Nara rolled to her feet and planted one foot at his knee before he could withdraw it. Her hand gripped his shoulder as she launched herself upwards.

Nara's knee slammed into his face full blast, the young soldier's head snapping back as he faltered backwards. Her legs wrapped around his neck as she rained blows down upon his face. Her knuckles like small hammers raining blow after blow upon his face.

The Praetorian reached up to grab her, but she was too quick. She leaned backwards, dropping to the ground in a crouch as he grasped at air. Every bit of her assassin training kicking in as she kicked off the ground driving her palm upward into his nose.

Fox reeled as she slammed into him, tripping back over a rock and landing on his back. Nara stared down at him, watching as he shook it off like it was nothing, sitting up slowly. She cursed under her breath. She wasn't going to win this one.

The redhead retreated into the woods, she had to find Annie...if she was still alive.

Annikah Vance

Date: 2016-07-19 17:06 EST
Annikah hit the ground rolling, dirt kicked up in clouds around her. That dead exo-frame armor weighing her down, she tried to get up as Helo stormed her way, his blood-streaked face a mask of anger. She grasped a handful of dirt as he flipped her over flinging it in his face as hard as she could once she was facing him.

The hulking warrior recoiled away, as the dirt got into his eyes. His hands let her loose and Annikah struggled to run away. It was only a momentary distraction and he grabbed her from behind again and threw her to the ground. Her injured arm ached something fierce as she rolled on top of it, letting out an agonized scream. Her good arm shaking as she tried to push herself up. Suddenly, the ground came rushing up at her face, Helo's boot coming down on the back of her helmet.

For a moment she saw light the visor was pressed into the dirt. Another shock of blackness and pain as the boot came down again...Gods, he was stomping her head in! The mechanic was helpless, unable to move, unable to do anything but brace herself and wait for death.

Nara tore through the trees and into the clearing, panting. One of them, this one a young white male had someone pinned to the ground. It took a moment to realize it was Annikah. Those emerald eyes sweeping across the area for anything she could use...and then she saw it. The former bounty hunter sprinted for the rifle she'd given Annikah.

Helo caught sight of her out of the corner of his eyes and whirled around. She was his new target. He charged her way...and gods he was fast for such a big creature. Nara dove for the weapon, he arms stretched out for it.

Annikah opened her eyes, the attack had stopped. She was alive! But how, she wondered?


A gunshot made her jolt in shock. What the hell just happened? She didn't feel anything...but maybe something happened...maybe he paralyzed her in his assault....but if that happened, then why did her shoulder still hurt? Footsteps were approaching her. Oh no. He was back. This was it.

Two hand gripped her from behind and roughly pulled her back around, flipping her on her back. Annikah's eyes squeezed shut, preparing for the worst.

"Annie!" Nara's voice filled her ears.

Those dark eyes popped open as relief flooded the injured mechanic. "Nara!" She was alive...holy ****, she was alive!

Nara looked over her friend...the armor's power supply was damaged, the helmet was dented in around the face, but it had done its job. Helo lay on the ground, a gaping hole from his chin to the top of his head where he'd been blasted.

"Come on. We need to get you out of that! We have to go, NOW!"

Subject Gulf

Date: 2016-07-19 19:19 EST
"Subject Gulf, are you listening?" Dr. Lia said through the transparisteel window before his cell in the brig, her voice amplified on the other end through the microphone.

The young, blonde Praetorian sat on his bed, an annoyed grimace on his face as those enhanced blue eyes flicked up at her. His enhanced and augmented body huge, muscular, clad in a form fitting shirt and combat trousers. Battle scars decorated his face and body, mingling with the ones from the augmentation process.

Lia stared at him with that calm, studious expression. Lips curved softly in a slight, friendly smile. He was clearly agitated. Not a state the Praetorian were supposed to reach. "I want you to tell me the first thing you remember."

"This is pointless." Gulf said, angrily, rising to his feet and pacing back and forth. "I should be down there with the others." He demanded.

Nonplussed, Lia kept her eyes locked on him. "Indulge me." She said politely.

Gulf glared at the older woman. Something inside of him told him to punch through that wall and strangle that smug little grin off her face. But he suppressed it. "I remember waking. With the other Praetorian. I remember training, and I remember graduation. That's all, alright?"

Lia remained quiet a long moment, just studying the young man. "Ian." She said simply, testing a theory.

Gulf said nothing, but she could see it in his produced an affect. "What...what is that?"

Lia's head tilted slightly. "You don't know?" She said with a doubtful raise of her brow.

Gulf blinked slowly, trying to figure out why that name was stirring up these feelings in him. "That name...what..."

Lia stood then, approaching the transparent wall, her hands clasped neatly in front of her. "Now. Tell me again, Ian. What. Do you. Remember."


Date: 2016-07-21 15:32 EST
Delta and Page continued their trek through the jungle in silence to avoid detection. The confrontation with Delta's former comrades left for discussion at a later time. Page's throat was still sore, bruising in the shape of Iroquois' hand forming on his neck. He'd been lucky to escape with his life. Now, though, he was just concerned with finding the girls.

Delta put her hand on his chest, halting him. Page glanced over to the girl questioningly, both of them dropping into a crouch. "What is it?" He whispered.

The Praetorian girl gestured with her chin to the tops of the trees were scorched and broken. Page's eyes widened, they'd found the escape pod's path. Carefully and quickly they made their way to the crash site. As they went along the damage to the surrounding area became worse and worse, shattered tree limbs scattered about, scorch marks all over the place. Finally, they came to the small clearing where the craft had made it's landing. Page halted in his tracks at the sight of the giant spider creature's lifeless husk.

Well, that thing looked like a wide-awake nightmare.

Delta studied it, her helmet's bio readout's confirming Page's hopes. "It's dead." She whispered. With a relieved sigh, Page moved onward into the clearing. As he approached the landing craft, he noticed the blast marks on the thing's face, it's carapace cracked and outwardly burst from within. Yeah, this HAD to be Nara's work. Delta scanned the area while Page investigated inside the battered escape pod. Her helmet picking up a trail of footprints in the dirt, Delta followed them with her eyes them as they disappeared into the jungle.

"Page?" She called over her shoulder.

The roguish smuggler poked his head out quizzically, finding nothing of note inside. Delta gestured to the ground. "Tracks."

He stepped up beside her and followed them with his eyes. "Thank God...looks like they're both alive."

"Tracking them should not be difficult." Delta said, stepping forward.

The pair of them froze as the sound of blaster fire echoed out through the jungle, a flock of wild birds scattering from the trees. "Oh shit." Page said, dread in his voice.

Annikah Vance

Date: 2016-07-21 17:00 EST
Nara supported Annikah with one arm, the other grasping the rifle as they hobbled through the woods. Both women's bodies ached horribly, but they knew they couldn't stop. The Praetorian was hunting them and he couldn't be far behind.

Through her anguish, Annikah began to realized it was futile. Sooner, rather than later, he would catch them. And that would be it. She was not going to make it. But Nara could.

The mechanic's foot caught a root and she slipped out of her friend's grasp. She hit the dirt, her dislocated arm crumbling beneath her as she shrieked. Nara was on one knee immediately, propping her back against the tree and trying to pull her back up. "Come on! We gotta move!"

"No..." Annikah said through pained tears. "Just...just go."

The redhead's brow furrowed a moment before she shook her head. "Not gonna happen! Come on, on your feet!"

Nara tried to pull her up drawing a yelp as she grabbed her bad arm. "Stop! STOP!" Annikah pleaded. She looked up at the former bounty hunter, eyes wet with tears. "Save yourself, Nara. Please. I'm just slowing you down."

Nara swallowed hard and shook her head obstinately. "No. We can make it. Get off your ass!"


"I said no! You've always been a pain in the ass! For once, JUST for once! Do what I ****ing tell you! Let's go."

"Where? Where are we going?" She asked...and Nara didn't have an answer. She just stared down at her. "Everything hurts. My legs are giving out. You can't carry me forever." Annikah reached up with her good arm grabbing the bounty hunter's shoulder. "You can make it. You can escape. Please...just...just tell Page I..."

Nara nodded, placing a hand at the brunette's scratched cheek. "I will." She forced a smile. "Annie...I...I'm sorry." Her voice broke.

Annikah stared up at her. She'd never much cared for Nara before, but now that the end was so near...she wanted nothing more that the woman to live. To thrive. To get off this planet and do everything in her power to bring these bastards to their knees. Nara handed over the rifle.

"You'll need this." She said gravely. Annikah looked down at the weapon and then back up, making a weak effort at a smile. Nara's emerald green eyes peered down, one last moment between them as she rested her forehead to Annikah's, both of their eyes squeezing closed.

Without another word, Nara tore off into the woods. Annikah took in a deep breath and readied herself, propping up one knee and resting the rifle on top of it. "Alright...come on, you son of a bitch."

Just the sounds of nature all around her, waiting for him to come tromping through woods. She was thankful for the weapon. If she had to go out, **** these people, she was going out fighting. She tried to think about good things, the best times. Growing up, rough housing with her brothers. Her father, hoisting her up on his big shoulders. Those huge, mechanic's hands that seemed like they could bend titanium so careful with her. Mostly, she remembered his laugh. That deep, low laugh that was just infectious, filling every room it was unleashed upon. And Page. Page...The lingering looks...the denied feelings. That night when they gave in, finally. It felt like it was so long ago. And it ended so quickly. That they had a second chance was a gift. But it ended here. It ended today.

The slim mechanic grimaced, and exhaled a shaky breath.

Suddenly the sound of boots landed right beside her. Annikah's heart nearly jumped out of her chest, wheeling the rifle around on the sudden intruder. A strong hand grabbed the rifle's foregrip, pushing the barrel away from them, the blast bolt firing harmlessly into the air.

Nara stared down at her and pulled the rifle from her hand. Annikah, glared up at her. "What the **** are you doing?! I told you to go!"

The fiery haired huntress sat down beside her. "Shut up. I'm not leaving you alone."

Annikah went to argue...but her voice caught in her throat. Instead, a weak little smile crossed her lips. "Thank you."

"Besides. Once he offs you, I'm gonna need this rifle." Nara said with a little smirk.

"Oh...I get it. Self preservation." Annie said as if she'd just realized it.

"Of course."

"Doesn't mean you like me."

"Hell no. You're a pain in the ass."

Annikah smirked over to her and leaned against the woman, resting her head on her shoulder. Nara's sharp green eyes, turning down to her, a smile forming on her face.

Subject Fox

Date: 2016-07-26 00:06 EST
His targets were out there. Two adult females, both injured. The smaller of the two with a dislocated (if not broken) shoulder. The larger one, clearly trained in armed and unarmed combat would be slowed as well. Without the benefit of his helmet, Fox had to use those cybernetic eyes to track them as best he could.

The would not get far. There was nowhere for them to go, and the difference between them and him...was that he didn't need to sleep.

He would need to be careful. The females were armed. His own rifle lying useless with a stabbed battery pack, he would have to improvise. The knife she stabbed him with in-hand, he moved through the trees.

The stab-wound at his shoulder ached sharply. No matter. Pain could be compartmentalized with the right training. The strength of mind. Fox put it aside. His injury could wait.

The Praetorian stopped suddenly. He could hear them. Their voices a whisper, but enough for his enhanced hearing to pick up.

"Hell no. You're a pain in the ass." One of them, most probably the older one, said. Her tone suggesting she said so in jest. His head turned to one side slowly. They were waiting for him. He could use a diversion.

Fox's hand reached behind him, grabbing a device from armor and tossing it on his left, the metallic object landing loudly in the leaves. He could hear them gasp and turn their attention to the direction of the sound.

His fingers danced across a holo screen at his forearm, activating the device. Suddenly a holographic representation of him appeared and moved forward along with a gust wind, the trees rustling gently. Fox prepared himself.

His hand clutched Nara's knife tightly, his knuckles popping. Nara turned to fire upon his holographic doppelganger, and in that moment, he lunged through the trees, full speed charging at them. Nara pulled the trigger, finding the weapon non-responsive and realized all too late that she'd been had. Horror and hopelessness crossed both their faces as they turned to catch sight of him charging.

Fox was almost on them when he noticed something in the upper right of his periphery. He skidded to a stop, ducking and spinning as the figure descended.

Delta slammed down onto the ground in a crouch before him, her make-shift machete slicing into the dirt. Those eyes, mirror images of his own, turned up to him, but what was behind them was something different. Something terrifying.


Slowly, the girl rose, one hand clutching her blade, coated in the blood of her Praetorian brothers. Keeping herself between him and the girls, she stared him down, keeping his focus on her.

"Subject Delta. You are ordered to lower your weapon and stand down."

"No." She said simply, acid in her voice.

"You will not be told again." He said in that monotone, threatening voice.

"You do not understand what is happening, Subject Fox."

She had been warned and now he would keep his word. He moved in, slashing at her, but Delta used her superior speed to evade him. "There is more happening than you know."

He grit his teeth, he knew her strengths and her weaknesses were few. But then, she had become compromised. The emotionally compromised made mistakes. Perhaps she would be no exception.

The two of them were in a deadly dance, Fox slashing, stabbing, throwing punches, elbows and kicks, but she maintained her defense, countering and blocking every attack with pinpoint precision.

"She's trying to kill us all, Fox! You must listen to me!"

He didn't respond, just another attack. This time, she caught his arm and slammed him face first into a tree, shaking it down to it's roots. His teeth grit hard, reddening as his blood flowed from his lip.

"We must join together!" She insisted.

He threw an elbow back and caught her in the jaw, knocking the girl back a few steps before swiping at her with his knife.

Delta leaned back out of it's path, grabbing him by the shoulders and thrusting her knee hard into his stomach again and again and again. Her elbow bent, she thrust it upwards catching him under the chin.

The impact nearly took Fox off his feet, his vision going white for a second. Delta put some distance between them. "Fox. Please. Don't make me kill you." He fist clutched her weapon still, ready to use it if she had to.

"You are a liar and traitor."

"I am not lying and I've betrayed no one." She insisted, a few strands of black hair loose from her bun and hanging in her face.

Fox noted the changes in her speech...the emotion in her voice. Good. Let her anger. Let her get sloppy.

"You will die here, Subject Delta. As Alpha and Charlie before you." He said, all business.

When he mentioned Charlie, something inside her lit up. She wasn't quite sure what it was by the look on her face, but it was consuming her. Delta's hand turned up that jagged blade in an aggressive position.

"I'm going to send you screaming to hell." She said simply.

A small smile crossed Fox's lips. He knew he had triggered something inside of her.

Delta's face contorted in pure, unadulterated rage as she lunged for him, blade drawn, a hoarse battle cry leaving echoing through the jungle.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-07-26 18:49 EST
"You will die here, Subject Delta. As Alpha and Charlie before you." Fox said. The second he mentioned Charlie, something inside of her snapped. Suddenly, she was young. No more than 11 years old. She was on a playground at William J. Hudson Military Academy.

A tiny thing, she stood at only 4', the runt of the litter, as it were. They were playing a game she recalled being given the moniker "tag". Some of the larger boys took it as an excuse to bully and push around the weaker kids. One of them had apparently decided she was to be his target for the day.

Fortunately, despite her little legs, she was fast. Darting left and right at random, she kept the older, stronger boy at bay as she made a brake for the safe zone, or "base" as they called it. She could feel the elation running through her body as she neared her goal, and the righteous pride as her hand tagged it.

But the boy was in no mood to obey the rules. She felt his hands slam against her back, and shove her hard to the ground, her face making contact with the concrete, that sharp pain coming from her cheek as it was scraped and beginning to bleed. For a moment, she was confused...then she was angry. She looked back up at the boy, petulant anger making her head hurt and her heart rapidly beat beneath her chest.

And then he laughed.

Her little fists balled up, ready to lash out, when a taller figure stood behind him.

Davey. The name almost whispered in her mind as she recognized him. Her brother. Only, the last time she saw him, his code name was Charlie. The bully was whipped around and Davey's fist slammed into his jaw. He was tall, even then for a 13 year old. As her antagonist dropped to the ground, Davey stepped up and took her hand, pulling her to her feet, checking her scraped cheek. He shot a dangerous look at the boy, laying on the pavement with a bloodied lip.

"Mess with my sister again and I'll beat you so bad your mother will cry when she sees what I've done." He'd said.

The memory faded like a mist clearing in front of her. Now all that remained was Fox. Sneering at her. One thought consumed her entire being in that moment. "I'm going to kill this son of a bitch."

Her fist tightened on her machete, her blood boiling, muscles tightening, ready for combat. Ready to kill. She reared back and roared as she charged, bringing that blade up.

Fox weaved out of the way of her blow as she brought it down, hellbent on bisecting her former comrade from should to hip. The blade passed through where he had stood and she followed through in her momentum to take a full bodied slash at his head.

Fox barely ducked in time to save his life. Delta was slashing and swiping like a mad woman, keeping him on the defensive. On her next attack, he darted to one side, grabbing her arms and directing her blow into the ground, grabbing the hilt of her blade with one hand. As he pulled, she threw an elbow up into his face. While he was dazed, he did manage to rip the weapon from her arms, throwing it aside.

Delta glanced at it for half a second, before dismissing it as a loss. She tackled the Praetorian man to the ground, her fist cocking back and crushing into his face like a brick. All her anger, all her aggression boiled over and was now being directed at his face.

Several blows later and he caught her fist, the two struggling against each other's incredible might. Finally, moved her arm to his left and out of the path of his face. His right came back and then jacked her as hard as he could across one cheek bone, the skin splitting and bursting with a mist of red.

Delta hit the ground rolling, completely dazed and seeing stars. Fox got to his feet and walked over to her as she tried to push herself up on shaking arms. His leg kicked upwards and stomped the back of her head, smashing her face into the ground.


Date: 2016-07-26 19:29 EST
Page watched from his hiding spot in horror as Delta was taken down. When the warrior had stomped on her head, she did not move to get up. Her body lay limp, unresponsive. She was their last line of defense. Without her, he would surely kill Annie and Nara, and now he was turning to face them.

Nara tried to shield Annikah with her body, clutching the rifle to her like she might use it to hit him. She knew it would have no effect, but it was all she had. Annie clung to her, bracing for the inevitable.

Page's eyes shot around looking for anything he could do. He would not let them die, even if it meant his life. Finally, he saw it. The machete laying nearby. Those eyes turned from panicked to determined as he crept out hefting the blade up with two hands. Damn, Delta made the thing look lighter than it was. Quietly he advanced, with all his might, he swung that jagged, make-shift blade upward and readied to bring it crashing down at the back of Fox's neck.

But Fox was ready. He whipped around, his fist knocking the machete out of Page's hand and the other lashing out and back handing Page to the ground. He grit his teeth, working through the pain. Fox turned back to the girls and Page got back on his feet.

"HEY!" he shouted, Fox turning slowly to him. "That all you got, pussy?!" he shouted opening his arms. "COME ON!"

Fox went to ignore him. He would deal with the women and then dispatch the male.


A rock bounced off the back Fox's head. It barely even registered, but he wheeled around toward Page, towering over him.

"That's it! Come and get it, mother ****er!"

The Praetorian lumbered toward him slowly. Glaring. "Your death will be slow." He rumbled to the man. He began to pick up steam...and Page had a moment's worth of "Oh ****. Horrible plan."

He braced himself, internally screaming "Run, girls, run."

Suddenly Fox was grabbed from behind, Delta's fingers tearing into the stab wound at his shoulder, digging into his flesh. No matter of compartmentalization would numb this pain. Her face a mask of blood, bruising and unleashed rage. Fox howled in agony as she pulled at exposed, damaged flesh and muscle, tearing into him viciously. He tried to fight back, but she kicked out his knee, dropping him to the ground.

Page saw his moment, moving over and grabbing that machete. He stepped up before the Praetorian and, with his whole body, he swiped that blade through the air. The edge of it slammed through the muscles and veins in Fox's neck, finally stopping and catching on his spine.

Life sprayed from his new wound, filling the air with the coppery scent of blood. The light in those glowing blue eyes faded before Delta let his body fall, lifeless to the ground.

Dr. Lia Clarke

Date: 2016-07-29 16:03 EST
Gulf, or Ian as he'd just discovered was his name, sat in that cell of his. Everything he knew had come crashing down and he was plagued with visions. A mother. A father. two younger siblings. An entire life cut short and discarded.

But there was more. He could remember...feel the lasers cut through his flesh. The needles in his skin pumping nanobots into his body, rewriting his genetic code with screaming agony. And those eyes. Those cold, uncaring eyes watching. She was there when he woke. The first face he saw. At the time, he didn't recognize her, but it was her.

Loren Metcalfe, his CO, the closest thing that he'd remember to a mother. She had done this to him. Took him from his family. Wiped him out from the grid. Stolen his future. They were to receive the best training, the best equipment. That was what he signed up for. They said NOTHING about tearing him apart and putting him back together a monster.

He remembered everything. Everything he lost. Everything they forced upon him. Suddenly things began to clear up. The reason Alpha, Charlie and Delta snapped. They remembered. They remembered and lashed out. To be honest, he felt like doing the same at the moment.

His fists clenched anxiously as he looked around the room for any method of escape. Even with his incredible strength, he couldn't break through the glass and even if he could get to the air vents, he'd never fit. He'd woken up in this room and when the door shut, the seams had disappeared, leaving a white, flat wall.

Lia stared at him, analyzing his body language, his facial ticks, everything she could observe. "Ian?" She said calmly. "You must calm yourself."

Enhanced blue eyes upturned to her, a stare that would make most shy away. But Lia Clark was not most.

"I want out." He said.

"I'm afraid that's not possible at this time. Now, tell me. What do you remember about your fellow Praetorian?" She said, fingers noting something down on her datapad.

"I remember what you did to us!"


"We were little kids!" He shouted.

Lia glanced up with that clinical, businesslike gaze. "You were subjects in an experiment. Your parents signed contracts and you became the property of the United Systems Military." A slow blink and she continued on. "Now, once again, Subject Gulf. What do you remember from before the experiments?"

His mental implants struggled to regain control over his brain, the urge to fall in line an internal struggle for the scarred young man. "I remember...I remember Delta. She...she was...small." His fist clenched and began to shake, struggling to not obey those implants. "Fast."

"Does the name Kaila mean anything to you?" She asked him, typing away.

Gulf's teeth grit hard, beads of sweat forming on his head, his muscles tensing with effort until finally his eyes clamped shut and a bellow escaped him. His fist slammed into that thick, impenetrable window, slightly cracking the veneer, but otherwise leaving the surface intact.

"You've developed quite a temper, Subject Gulf." The Doctor's eyebrow rose slightly. "This does not bode well for you."

Lia stood up, gathering her things. "I suggest you take some time to calm yourself." She leaned her head back, peering through her glasses. "I will return later for further questioning."

He glared at her as she left. The Doctor approaching one of the representative the USM had sent. A tall, officious-looking man in a black uniform, he had the stiff, polished disposition she had seen in so many men and women serving with the Military's black ops groups.

"Doctor." He said, his voice deep and rumbling. Dark brown skin marred by a scar that ran from the top of his bald head down his right brow, ending at his cheekbone.

Lia glanced up to him, her lips turned downward in a frown. "His neural implants are failing. The boy is strong, but if he keeps fighting, he'll fry his brain."

"Does it matter?" The man said simply. "The point is to wipe the program and its assets off the map."

"Major Met-"

"Major Metcalfe has lost objectivity." he interrupted. "The fact that these...things are still alive is proof of that."

Lia didn't like that one bit. "Major Metcalfe understands what they are. And if you want to catch and eliminate Subject Delta, you will need them."

He sniffed out a derisive last. "And they've done a bang up job of that, haven't they? 4 of your Praetorian are dead, Doctor."

"Delta was always the best of them and she is not operating alone. But they cannot outlast them all." Lia insisted.

"And if they do? "

Lia did not have an answer to that.

He stepped toward the older woman, towering over her. "You two created these monsters. If you don't deal with them, we will."

"If the Praetorian cannot, what hope do you have?" she countered, her eyes narrowing at the tall stranger.

"Are you a fan of history, Doctor?" He asked, his head tilting slightly to the left. "I am. Do you remember how the Valarian wars ended?"

Lia did not need a history lesson. She served under the woman who had made the fateful decision to glass the planet Fall. Hell, this was the very ship that committed the deed. She knew full well what he intended to do if Loren and the remaining Praetorian failed.


Date: 2016-07-30 12:09 EST
Annikah took in quick, sharp breaths, preparing herself. Determination in her eyes, she sucked in a breath and held it. "Go!"

Nara yanked her arm, popping it back in its socket.

Well, the whole "breathing makes it hurt less" thing was complete bull****. Her anguished yelp echoed in the trees. She gasped, the pain slowly subsiding. " bitch..."

"You're welcome." Nara gave her a wry little grin.

Page winced, watching the whole scene before Delta came up next to him. "We need to keep moving. They'll have heard that."

Annie looked up to the Praetorian, an exhasperated sigh leaving her. "You know, I really hate your friends."

"How many are left?" Page asked.

"Three. Juliette, Lima and Mako."

"Great. So we just take them out, find a ship and get the hell out of here." Page said, helping Annikah to her feet.

Nara quirked a brow at him. "Yeah? Just like that?"

"She's right." Delta said. "Mako and Lima are cunning. We need to be cautious."

"What about Juliette?" Nara asked, pulling her hair back to re-adjust her ponytail.

Delta pulled the machete out of Fox's corpse and turned her gaze to the redhead, making her way toward the path. "She's vicious. The only of the Praetorian to best me in hand-to-hand training. We'd be wise to avoid her."

Annikah gave her a look, fashioning a rifle strap into a sling for her arm. "When did ol' blue eyes here start using contractions?"

Delta glanced to her, not amused. She hadn't really realized she'd been doing it. Her voice was even beginning to show signs of duress rather than her usual robotic monotone.

"She almost sounds normal now."

Page could sense it was making the girl uncomfortable. He gave Delta a pat on the arm, stepping past her. "Another time. You both good to walk?"

Nara and Annikah both nodded in the affirmative. They were a bit sore, but at least they were mobile.

Trekking through the jungle, mostly unarmed but for a machete and a combat knife, they felt a little helpless. The three hunting them would be armed just like the others had been. Page tried to keep in mind that they were all currently dead, to boost his spirits. But that had taken its toll. Everyone was wounded, even Delta. They were tired, battered, and in strung out shape. If they were to survive this they would need food and rest. If they didn't they might get sloppy and-

Delta put her arm out, halting Page's forward motion. A grunt left him as he shot a dirty look her way. Bright blue eyes looked from him to the ground. He followed her gaze and spotted a tripwire. Page's eyes trailed over everything, eventually discovering the mine placed at the top of the trees, facing downward at their group. One more step and they'd all be dead.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-08-15 13:40 EST
Her eyes locked on the mine and then traced the trees around them. There were several placed around the clearing at odd intervals. This would be Mako's handiwork and that meant she and Lima wouldn't be too far off. Explosives and booby-traps were always her wheelhouse, and Lima was downright surgical with a sniper rifle.

Delta turned back to the others , her voice lowering. "Stay behind the trees." She said quietly. The wheels turned as she tried to come up with a plan. Those bionic eyes swept from a stone and then upwards, back up the explosive.

Not far away in the Jungle, Lima lay prone along the giant limb of a tree, her rifle trained on the clearing. If they managed to get past Mako's traps, she would most assuredly finish the job. For the moment there was only silence. Stillness.

Suddenly, something smallish came through the tree line, Lima was barely able to make it out as large rock. The projectile slammed into a mine on the other end of the clearing, bursting in a fiery explosion with a deafening boom. The force or the blast shattered the tree the explosive was mounted upon and leveled many to its side.

"Go! Keep behind the tree line!" Delta said, pointing.

Lima redirected her sights immediately to the point of origin, waiting for her shot.

Annikah was huffing and puffing as they sprinted, her pulse pounding in her ears. She was so distracted and focused on running, she didn't notice when she'd tripped a wire. The slim mechanic felt a great force pull from behind as she was launched violently to the ground...just as a makeshift rack of sharpened sticks shot up where she had been standing.

Delta stood over her and offered a hand. "Be. Careful."

Annikah regained her bearings and looked up at the young warrior. She just nodded and took her hand.

Lima saw a flash of something move through the trees. They were on the move. Lightning quick calculations ran through her head and she adjusted her angle and fired.

Page was trucking through the foliage, his arm up to shield his face from the leaves and sticks, when it happened. Lima's bullet pierced through the mine. The concussive force slamming into his body, sending him crashing to the jungle floor.


Date: 2016-08-15 14:14 EST
For a moment everything was quiet, but for the ringing in his ears. His eyes opened, the light suddenly blinding. The old smuggler winced as his eyes slowly adjusted. Everything had a bit of a fog as he took stock of the immediate area and his place within it.

It all seemed distant, like he was watching through a screen. Annikah was pushing herself slowly from the jungle floor. She was covered in ash and dirt, fresh blood trickling from new cuts and scrapes. She was crawling toward him her mouth open as if screaming, but there was no sound.

Nara had pulled herself to a tree, her teeth grit as she fought through the pain of the burn that scorched through the sleeve of her tactical undersuit and into her flesh.

Delta was gone.

Suddenly, the sound came rushing back. Annikah was screaming, a fire raging nearby where several trees formerly stood. They were hidden for the moment in the wreckage, but it wouldn't last long.

A twinge of pain at his stomach stole Page's attention. He glanced down to find a sizable splinter of wood sticking out of the right side of his abdomen. A pool of blood soaked and spread through his shirt.

Fuck. Fuck, this was bad, he thought as Annikah made it to him.

"Page! Page, my god! Are you alright?" She screeched, too loudly. She looked over his body to the wooden shard that had pierced him. "Oh"

The mechanic held to him tight drawing a wince from the wounded man. He weakly held her in return.

In her sniper's nest, Lima spied them all...all except the one she wanted. Delta was nowhere to be found. She swept her scope across the field...nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

The girl's brow furrowed as she searched, switching her helmet's optics to thermal. The heat from the explosions would make it a little difficult if she was anywhere near them, but it should-


She glanced down. Delta was running away from the tree Lima stood upon.

Lima flicked her gaze to the base of three. Beneath that helmet, her eyes widened. She scrambled to her feet when-


The mine Delta had placed blew, the tree bursting all around the Praetorian girl as she tried to leap from it. Lima crashed to the ground, the fall hurting even her. Slowly, she pushed herself up off the grass. Footsteps were rushing toward her.

Delta came sprinting at the girl like a wild animal. Lima tried to bring up her gun but it was too late. Delta leaped up and, with both feet, kicked her in the chest. Lima was sent rocketing backwards through the air, slamming down hard on her back.


Just as she opened her mouth, the ground fell away beneath her, dropping her into a pit. Huge, sharpened sticks pierced through every weak spot in her armor, her abdomen, her joints, her throat. She struggled for a moment before the life slowly left her.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-08-15 17:40 EST
Page wheezed as Nara and Annikah tried to help. Annie gripped the wooden splinter sticking out of him and was ready to pull when Nara stopped her. ?No! You yank that out of him, it could cause more damage.?

?What are we supposed to do, let him walk around with a shard of wood in his stomach?!?

?If you want him to live, yes.? Delta said coming upon the scene, Lima?s sniper rifle slung over one shoulder. She reached into a pouch on her armor and withdrew a cannister,crouching beside him. Her hands gripped his shirt and tore it open around the entry wound. A white foamy substance was sprayed around the wound, rising and then constricting around the foreign object.

?It should staunch the bleeding and keep it from getting infected, but he needs a medic.? Delta informed them, standing and looking through the trees. Mako was still out there, and knowing her, they would never see her coming. Hell, to be killed by her, she didn?t need to even be on the planet, and she?d had an entire day to lay out her traps.

Nara approached her, battered, burned and alert. ?Can we move him??

Delta glanced back with a raised brow. ?We must. But carefully.?

?Do you know where the ship is?? Nara inquired.

?Approximately two miles south of here when it landed.?

?That?s a long way to travel with your sisters hunting us.? Nara said quietly.

Delta turned to her. ?What would you prefer we do? Make camp? Wait for them to finds us??

?I?m just saying. It?s going to be rough with a wounded man.?

?We?re out of options.? The Praetorian said, emotion creeping back into her voice. Something about this jungle stirred something in her. The trees. The sounds of wildlife. It reminded her of?

Home. Callusport.

The name stuck in her head. It was a place she had forgotten...that was taken from her. Suddenly, she was there. Alone in the woods. Two children were playing in the woods, tracking each other through the forest, using sticks in place of rifles. Davey...the boy...that was his name. This time, he had shaggy black hair. He moved through the trees cautiously. His prey was somewhere out there. A rogue insurgent who?d been terrorising the good citizens of Callusport.

A pinecone suddenly landed in front of him, the boy?s eyes going wide as he dove away. ?GRENADE!? he yelled as a little girl rounded the tree making an explosion noise with her mouth.

Delta went alert, catching herself as she noted he was referring to the pine cone. Her brow creased in confusion.

Davey jumped into the air and landed, rolling onto the dirt. He flipped over onto his back holding his stick up like a rifle, making shooting sounds as the girl ran sidelong, ?shooting? back with her?s before taking cover behind a tree. Delta walked slowly toward her as Davey scrambled to his feet hiding behind another tree.

?This is Rogue Six, we?re under enemy fire, requesting an air strike, over?!? Came his voice from his hiding spot. Delta turned her attention back to him for a moment.

?Negative, Rogue Six, it?s too hot, we?re pullin? out!? The boy said in a different voice. ?Shoot!? He said in response, looking intensely over his shoulder.

The little girl leaned around the tree and made shooting noises back at him and Delta saw her face. Pale skin, big brown eyes, dark hair tied back in a ponytail. She couldn?t have been more than 7. She knew that face. She knew it because it stared back at her every time she looked in a mirror.

?Kaila! Davey!? a voice called out from behind. The boy, girl, and Delta turned toward the sound, alert.

?Dinner!? The voice called.

The little girl ran forward, straight at Delta. The Praetorian put her arms out to stop her...but the girl ran right through her.

Delta was left standing there in confusion. ?Kaila.? Davey had called her that.

She began to remember?


She suddenly snapped out of her mind...the others were reaching for her, Page using Nara for support. She looked to them, one eyebrow quirked curiously. The trap was already sprung..

Subject Gulf

Date: 2016-08-16 20:45 EST
Gulf sat in his cell, his knees held close. It had been hours since his meeting with Lia. She had said things to him...stirred memories that didn?t belong. Memories he didn?t like. Something inside of him was angry, violent. Wanted to punch through that impenetrable wall, rip his way through all the guards that stood between him and his goal.

The blonde Praetorian got to his feet and paced. He had to get out of here. He had to get down to the planet and warn his brothers and sisters. What they had done to them, what they were planning on doing to them.

A whirring drew his attention as a slot opened in the wall as a tray of food was dropped through. His eyes widened. The Praetorian rushed to the wall just as it closed, knocking the tray aside, sending its contents splattering against the white floor and wall. His fists slammed against it, then, the slot sealing shut, the gaps disappearing. Again he pounded against the wall, snarling in frustration. Gulf turned and punched the wall to his left, burning off the rage when he noticed something. He hit the wall to his left...and then the one in front of him where the slot had come through.

They sounded different. One was thick, impenetrable...the other was not. And average prisoner would not have noticed the difference, but he was not average. He turned to the wall before him and slammed his fist against it.

It shook slightly. A corner of his mouth upturned before he hit again. And again. And again. He smashed his fist into the walls cracking the outer later over and over, leaving a bloody imprint of his knuckles on the gleaming white. He put all his might into it, punching until he felt he couldn?t go on, and then forcing himself to do so. The seams around the door began to show. The door was cracking.

His guard looked back then, catching a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye, just in time to catch a glimpse of Gulf backing up and slamming an impossibly strong kick into the now-visible door. The guard?s eyes widened as he picked up his comlink.

?Code Red! Code Red! Subject Gulf is breaking down his door, repeat, Subject Gulf is escaping!? He called into it, charging toward the rear hallway the prisoner was attempting to burst through.

Gulf felt the door give beneath his boot. One final rear-back and the door?s lock shattered, electronics ripped apart and sparking as the metal hatch slammed against the hall. Gulf stepped out, eyes alert and ready.

?FREEZE!? the guard called out weapon drawn.

Gulf froze a moment and then grabbed the door as he opened fire, using it as a shield. The huge Praetorian charged the guard, eventually plowing into him and knocking the man across the room.

Sirens began to go off. He didn?t have much time.

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-08-16 23:57 EST
Nara watched in wide-eyed shock as a log swept down from the trees, suspended by steel cables, and slammed into Delta's back. The warrior was lifted off the ground and thrown ahead like a rag-doll, her body going limp as she hit the grass, rolling to an unconscious stop. From their vantage point, she couldn't tell if the girl was even breathing.

This isn't possible, she thought. Delta was like a walking tank. She could take anything...

From across the distance, the wounded bounty hunter saw a smaller figure step out from the trees. A woman with short black hair cut into a bob-style, a blue streak through the right side, framing her face. Those cold, calculating eyes were locked onto her former comrade as she prowled toward her.

Nara clutched Delta?s make-shift machete and stood, ignoring the pain in her body, calling upon all her training with the Order to continue onward. She hobbled out into the clearing, that massive blade dragging in the grass behind her. ?HEY!? She shouted, her voice echoing in the trees.

Mako all but ignored her. ?Step away, woman. This fight is not your?s.?

?Wrong. That?s my friend. This couldn?t be MORE my fight. Now, back the hell off.? Nara?s emerald eyes narrowed. He knew she wouldn?t stand a chance against the Praetorian in her condition.

Those glowing blue eyes turned to her slowly, Mako showing only irritation at her interruption. ?You have been warned. I do not wish to kill you, but if you leave me no choice-?

?Get away from my friend, you bitch.? Nara hefted up that machete and readied herself.

Mako stared at her blankly. ?So be it. Your death will be quick.?

The Praetorian woman began advancing on Nara, drawing her side-arm when a hand gripped her ankle. She shot a look down to find Delta glaring up at her, blood trickling from her battered, worn face as she clutched to her.

Nara was already charging slashing upward with the blade. Mako was barely able to dodge the attack with her arm intact, but her weapon was sent flying away. She spun, throwing an elbow into Nara?s back as she completed her follow-through, and then came back around, yanking her foot from Delta?s arms and planting it in the middle of Nara?s back.

Nara felt suddenly weightless. Her feet were off the ground and she was airborne. And then she came crashing down.

Subject Gulf

Date: 2016-08-17 00:14 EST
A guard was lifted and his head slammed into a bulkhead, his neck bending in an unnatural and fatal angle. More were still coming. Gulf ran around the corridor to find more guards, rifles trained on him. He brought up that door to use as a shield again as they opened fire. The strong, solid metal absorbed the fire, bucking in his left arm. He rose a pilfered side arm and fired three shots, all of them perfect killshots.

One more stood in the hallway, momentarily distracted by his dead comrades. Gulf charged him, that shield absorbing the blaster fire coming his way and then slamming into the man?s body, lifting and pinning him against the wall. The pistol crossed Gulf?s body, putting a single bullet in the guard?s brain.

He knew the layout of this ship well. He needed a shuttle and he knew exactly where to get one.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-08-17 00:15 EST
Mako went to kick Delta as she was down, but the girl was prepared, blocking with her forearms. Pushing down with her left, she came up with her right, throwing an uppercut to Mako?s chin. The girl?s head snapped backwards from the blow, but she recovered almost instantly, throwing a quick jab to Delta?s face, sending her stumbling back.

Mako continued forward a leaping kick slamming into Delta?s chest, to keep her moving. A roundhouse kick was then sent right for Delta?s head.

But the girl was ready. Delta?s caught the kick on her right gauntlet, slipping her left arm under her attackers leg to hold it in place. As hard as she could, she drove her elbow downwards above the knee, hyperextending Mako?s leg in the wrong direction, drawing a shriek from her smaller opponent.

Mako lashed out in a blur of fists and her feet, striking Delta twice in the face with her fists before the foot on her good leg slammed across her chin. Both women went down to the ground.


Date: 2016-08-17 00:39 EST
Operative Briggs stood over Dr. Lia Clark as she tried to keep it together. She was fraying. ?I thought you said he was secure, Doctor.? Briggs accused her in that officious military tone.

?Our facilities were not built with the Praetorian in mind! We had no way of knowing he?d be able to escape.? Lia snapped back at him before leaning into a microphone. ?Alert, alert! All hands, we have a containment breach! Subject Gulf is on Deck B, heading for the hangar bays. I remind you, use of lethal force IS authorized. Say again, lethal force is authorized.?

Briggs scoffed and shook his head. ?Seems you underestimated your creation, Doctor.?

?A momentary setback.? Lia said, her voice sounding unsure even to her.

?A momentary setback? People are dead, Doctor. You got one up here and you got one down there, and both of them are wreckin? your **** up.? Briggs said. They had lost control of the situation and it was about time for him to step in.

Lia glared up at the younger man. ?And the sooner you get off my back, the sooner it will be contained.?

?You think I?m on your back now, you better damn sure hope that boy doesn?t make it off this ship.? He said.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-08-17 00:42 EST
Mako climbed on top of Delta threw vicious blows down at her face. Delta was spitting blood before long. The next blow was caught in Delta?s fist, the taller Praetorian slamming her right arm upwards into Mako?s face, knocking the girl off of her.

Delta climbed on top of Mako and was wailing on her face like a prizefighter, animalistic grunts with every thrown punch. Mako?s head was snapped left and right with every vicious blow. Her hands fumbled around for something, anything. Finally, it came down upon a rock. Her fingers grasped the stone tight and swung it up, catching Delta across the forehead.

She went down and Mako straddled her, hitting her in the face with the rock a few times before wrapping her hands around Delta?s throat. The girl?s blue eyes bulged, her hands clasped around Mako?s struggling to pull them from their death grip. Mako glared down at her with those cold, soulless eyes, a small sneer working its way onto her face every time Delta struggled.

Subject Gulf

Date: 2016-08-17 01:05 EST
Gulf traded fire with the guardsmen, leaning around the corner to shoot and ducking back as a volley exploded against the wall. He had to ditch the door a few minutes back when it started to resemble Swiss cheese. The Praetorian flattened back as much as he could when a flashbag landed right near him. He immediately covered his ears and clamped his eyes shut.

BANG! The hallway exploded in a blinding flash of light. Slowly, in teams of 4, the guards moved forward, hidden behind shields. The moment they were prepared to turn and captured the no doubt dazed target, they found they had made a grave calculation.

The daze had vanished quicker than they could have anticipated. Gulf grabbed the first man?s shield, knocking his weapon upwards to fire harmlessly into the ceiling and kicked him with all his might into his comrades, sending all four of them flying into a wall, and keeping the lead man?s shotgun in his hand.

He turned the weapon on them and unloaded a few blasts into their scrambling, confused throng. The wriggling and struggling stopped and Gulf turned the corner, firing that shotgun at the other two teams, hiding behind his shield. He dropped several of them, but it wasn?t a lasting defense...A blast pierced through the shield and grazed his shoulder, searing his flesh.

Gulf winced and then threw the shield at one of the remaining. The edge ripped through one man?s face and then embedded into another. The remaining third man was lifted off the ground by a shotgun blast to his chest, slamming into the wall before dropping, limp, to the ground.

Nara Rey

Date: 2016-08-17 14:27 EST
Nara?s back was radiating pain. This had NOT been her best day. She blinked her bleary eyes and tried to get up, her body fighting her. She glanced behind her to see the two girls fighting. Nara watched, wide eyed, as Mako was choking the life out of Delta, the latter struggling, trying to land a punch and pry those hands from around her throat.

Nara pushed herself up on shaky arms. Her hands wrapped around the machete, propping herself up upon it as she rose. As quickly as she could, she advanced on Mako, ready to cut her down. The blade was risen over her head, her arms aching, sweat pouring down her face, when Mako threw one fist back, connecting with her sternum. Again, the redhead was sent flailing through the air.

With grit teeth, she got back to her feet slowly. Oh, she couldn?t wait to kill this little bitch...but it was becoming clear to her that her ability to do so was severely diminished. The was when she saw something in the trees. Something big. Something white, like bone.

One of the spiders. The explosions must have attracted it! A plan formed. She got up and moved toward it. She waved the blade, it?s metal glinting in the sunlight. ?HEY! YOU! DINNER?S SERVED! COME ON AND GET IT YOU UGLY SON OF A BITCH!?

The creature clicked, agitated. It?s many eyes zeroing in on her. The second she ran, as much as she could, it was off. Charging at her with it?s long, spindly legs, it?s pincer jaws snapping. Nara hobbled along as fast as she could but it was gaining. She was almost in range of Delta and Mako, just a bit further!

Delta was beginning to feel woozy, she was losing the fight. Mako grit her teeth squeezing harder.

At the last minute, Nara dove out of the rampaging creature?s path...setting it right at Mako. The Praetorian turned her head, eyes going wide as the monster shrieked, a new target found. She released Delta, but it was too late. The spider slammed into her, it?s jaws latching onto her and carrying her, screaming off into the jungle.

Delta gasped for air, her starving lungs taking in everything they could. The girl coughed and coughed fighting to breathe freely again. She felt weak. For the first time in recent memory, she felt weak. It was an interesting, yet terrifying experience. Her back hurt, her throat sore.

Nara stood over her and offered a hand to the fallen girl. ?What, are you just gonna lay there all day, soldier? On your feet.?

A little grin crossed the Praetorian?s battered, bloody face.

Subject Gulf

Date: 2016-08-18 17:25 EST
The hangar bay was loaded with troops. There was no way he could get in there without being caught and cut down. Not through the front anyway. Gulf sighed and thought up a new approach to this plan. And then something occurred to him, a grin spreading across his face.

The door to the armory opened, unveiling different weapons. Along with the layout, he knew access codes. Back-up access codes. Back-ups to the back-ups, even. The decision to implant them was now biting them right on the ass. It took a few tries, but he was in. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, body armor, grenades. Of course the armor would never fit someone of his stature, but everything else would suit him just fine.

The operators sat in their bridge, the ships and workers and soldiers within the hangarbay outside the windows and upon their surveillance screens. The doors slid opened behind them, one or two glancing back as a metallic orb bounced in. A few of them opened their mouths, but before they could say anything, a gaseous smoke burst and filled the room. In moments, everyone was on the ground, out cold.

Gulf moved stepped in, a gas mask strapped to his face, moving toward the defense console. His fingers flew expertly over the turret controls bringing them to life. The people on the ground would never know what hit them.

One of the turrets swiveled and pointed down, tracking multiple targets. And then, Gulf pressed fire. Suddenly the hangar was alive with laser fire, troops were cut down, diving for cover, caught completely by surprise.

Lia moved to the security console in the CIC. ?Son of a bitch...He?s in the Aft hangar control room!? She whipped around and pushed the ship-wide comms. ?All troops converge on the Aft Hangarbay control room!?

Meanwhile, Gulf had cleared the hangar bay of enemy combatants, trying to minimize civilian casualties. He also managed to take out all of the fighters in his assault, saving a dropship for himself. Now it was a simple matter of getting to the stairwell and-

The door was blown open, raining steel and fire into the room. Gulf covered his face, tiny bits of hot metal scalding and scraping his skin. When the smoke cleared laserfire poured into the room. Well. That canceled his escape plan. There was only one way out.

Gulf got a running start and sprinted toward window. He grabbed a chair as he ran, his body twisting and then whipping around, chucking it through the window. The blonde Praetorian leapt, arms forward to crash through the remnants of the frame, bits of glass and blasterbolts exploding outward with him.

His legs absorbed most of the impact without harm as he dropped into a roll, coming up on one knee. He looked back up, the dropship in sight. Those powerful, augmented legs carried him forward at unnatural speeds. Gulf?s fist pounded the door ramp controls, letting it rise shut behind him. He gunned the engine controls to life, overriding the remote pilot before they could even try to use it, and activated the deflector shields.

In the control tower, the troopers rushed to the consoles, trying to use the remote-pilot. ?****! He?s disabled it. Shut the blast doors! Don?t let him escape!?

The dropship rose up off the deck as the doors began to slide shut. Gulf?s eyes flicked up to see them. Engines were put to full and he gunned it on the throttle.



The turrets began to fire at him, lasers searing past him. It was going to be tight. ?Come on...come one, you big-ass piece of ****!? He said through grit teeth.

The sides of the engine plating scraped as the dropship threaded through the opening and out into open space. Gulf let out a relieved breath. He was free.

But it wasn?t over yet.

Dr. Lia Clarke

Date: 2016-08-18 17:45 EST
Lia stared out the window, her usually calm demeanor cast aside as rage took over. She slammed her fist on the console in front of her, drawing looks from the operators on the bridge. Her body was shaking with anger.

Slowly, the old Doctor turned around to find an unimpressed looking Briggs staring back at her. He had his arms crossed before him, Leaning against a computer bank. The man ran his tongue around the inside of his lips and nodded.

Gods, how she hated that man.

He turned and walked out of the CIC.

Lia tried to control her breathing, but the adrenaline was still flowing. She rushed out into the hallway after him. ?You can?t do this.? She said.

?Actually, Doctor, I have full authority to do this granted to me by Admiral Lanning and the United Systems Military. We?ve given you a chance to rectify this quagmire and you failed.? he said, striding down the corridor.

She gripped his arm, halting him. He glanced down to her hand and then back up at her, a threatening expression on his face. Lia just looked up at him, undeterred.

?Major Metcalfe is STILL down there. We have to give her a chance to get off-world.? Lia said. She let go of his arm. ?Please.?

?Doctor, I?m well aware of who is down there. I respect Major Metcalfe and her place in the history of the galaxy...but I have my orders.? He said.

?She?s a legend.?

?And sometimes legends die.? His gaze leveled at the woman. "She has one hour. In one hour, we're glassing that rock. With or without her on it."

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-08-19 17:14 EST
Loren and Juliette were examining Nara and Annikah?s crash site when the explosions first started. Juliette perked at the distant rumble, examining the tracks going off into the woods. Loren was stepping out of the wreckage when she noticed something was off with Juliette.

?What is it?? Loren asked.

?Explosives. Sounded like proximity mines. Approximately 3 klicks north.?

Loren glanced at her compass and turned in that direction. ?That?s...that?s near-? Her eyes widened as the realization. ?The shuttle.?

Juliette collected her rifle. ?I suggest we mobilize immediately.?

Loren nodded, suddenly glad for her strict fitness regimen. ?Go! I?ll be right behind you!?

Juliette nodded and tore off into the trees. Loren steeled herself and ran as fast as she could. Any hopes of catching up to the Praetorian were gone the second the girl started running. As she passed through a clearing she came to a stop. The bodies of Iroquois and Kilo lie on the ground. A bullet hole through the long haired boy?s head and a vicious axe-wound to Kilo?s neck.

Loren stared down at her lifeless creations, feeling as if her heart just burst. She?d killed them. The Praetorian were the closest thing she had to children and Delta had killed them. She would end that girl. She would choke the life right out of her and correct her mistake if it was the last thing she did.

As Loren continued running, she came across Fox and Helo?s bodies. Trying her best not to notice their ruined forms upon the ground in pools of drying blood. As she continued, Loren felt weaker and weaker. The stress and emotion finally getting to her. All she could see were their faces. Young. Stoic. Lifeless.

She stepped out into the clearing...Mako?s trap clearing. She kept going on, blissfully unaware until her ankle caught on something. The Major stumbled and fell forward, immediately, her training kicked in and she rolled, barely missing the rack of spikes slammed down right where she had fallen.

Loren turned, panting, staring at the spot that would have been her end. Her eyes closed in relief as she regained her breath. As she opened her eyes, she noticed that she had almost rolled right into a hole in the ground and peered down. The skewered, blood drenched body of Lima stared, wide-eyed up at her.

Loren?s stomach turned as a wave of nausea hit her like a truck. Those brown eyes clamped shut, blocking out that image as best she could.

Get up.

Get. Up, Loren.

The Major pushed herself onward, eyes now open for traps, as fast as she could.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-09-12 17:56 EST
Delta and the battered crew of the Dragonstooth made their way toward the shuttle. Juliette was still somewhere out there, she knew. With luck, they might make it to the ship and get the hell off that rock before she could find them.

But, she began to realize, Delta?s luck was being stretched pretty thin today.

The enhanced soldier trod onward, the sounds of the jungle mingling with the labored breathing of her companions as they struggled on. Wounds were still fresh, still aching, and slowing them down. She, too, was a little worse for wear. Delta?s head was pounding and the pain radiating through her back was difficult to ignore.

Push on, she told herself. The battle isn?t over, soldier.

?Thank god?? Page managed as they could see the ship in the distance. A wave of relief came briefly to them all. They were free.

But Delta?s was soon replaced by something else. This wasn?t right. This was too easy.

Her enhanced hearing began to pick something up and she perked.

Before she could even turn around she was tackled from behind, Juliette?s body slamming into her with all its weight. The two girls crashed to the ground, their armor splashing upon the muddy floor of the jungle.

Juliette wasted no time. She drew a blade and immediately stabbed at Delta?s face. She was small, but she was ferocious. Delta barely tilted her head out of the blade?s path. But Juliette wasted no time. She punched the larger Praetorian across the face. Once. Twice.

As the third descended, Delta caught her fist with one hand and brought the other up to strike. Juliette caught the blow with an armored forearm and dropped her elbow down at Delta?s face.

The larger girl managed to dodge and roll atop the smaller. Delta rained down a series of blows upon Juliette?s face, turning to the others. ?GO! Get to the ship!? she shouted.

Page tried to argue, but was eventually dragged off toward the shuttle. ?Let me go! She?ll kill her!?

Annikah gripped him from behind. ?We can?t help her! Please, Page??

Juliette took the moment of distraction and gripped that knife and slashed. Delta was barely out of the path with her life, but the razor sharp tip of the blade cut into her cheek, sending a spray of blood into the dirt.

The butt of the knife redirected and caught Delta between eyes, knocking from the top of Juliette. The smaller warrior got to her feet and rushed at Delta, only to get a powerful kick to the abdomen, sending her through air and slamming into the ground. The two girls squared off with each other as Delta rose, proud, strong, and pissed off. Blood trickled down her cheek, her blue eyes locked on her opponent blazing like an inferno.

Juliette rose slowly, her eyes a mirror image, filled with nothing but pure hate. She gripped that knife tightly as they circled each other, two predators ready to battle to the death. At the same time, they lunged. Their bodies a flurry of strikes, dodges, and counter-strikes as they moved through the clearing, beating each other mercilessly where they could, Delta barely evading the knife that slashed and stabbed at her.

She managed to slip away from a particularly vicious slash and ended up behind Juliette. Her leg lashed out sending a massive kick to the smaller girl?s back, sending the smallest of the Praetorian face first into a tree so hard, bark cracked.

A stringy trail of blood came from her nose as Juliette drew back, ducking just in time for Delta?s fist to slam into tree, right where her head would have been. Juliette?s elbow shot back, catching Delta in the stomach, doubling her over. Barely breaking momentum, Juliette twisted around and threw a thunderous uppercut, catching her opponent in the jaw and sending her stumbling backwards.

It took a moment for Delta to get her bearings, but Juliette was already on her. That knife was coming for her and Delta could only try to block. Agony was sent screaming up her arm as the blade pierced through the palm of her left hand, jutting out through the back. She back-pedaled as Juliette pressed on, pushing that blade and Delta?s hand to her face as the taller girl backed into a tree.

Juliette?s mud and blood spattered face sneered up at her, eyes wide with excitement and the thrill of victory in sight. Delta braced her arm with her right hand, but in return received 3 vicious jabs to her face from Juliette.

Delta knew if she let her guard down, she was done for, so she took the hits and moved her body to one side allowing her smaller foe to push that knife into the tree. The knife through her hand was sending agony down her arms, but she powered through, gripping the tight bun Juliette wore her hair in and slammed her face into the tree.

Wood and bone cracked as Juliette?s face crashed against the tree again and again and again. In the last thrust, she clenched her fists, extending the blades at her wrist gauntlets and lashed out wildly.

A sharp pain came from Delta?s belly when the blade cut her through her undersuit. Delta stumbled back, her good arm clinging to her cut stomach. The wound wouldn?t kill her, but it was deep enough to hurt like hell.

Juliette glared at her, the little one?s face smashed and slightly mangled from the beating she?d received. Those wrist mounted blades hung over clenched fists. Delta stared right back in her hateful little face, bringing up her impaled left hand and drawing out the knife with her right. Those big blue eyes rolled slowly, deliberately up to Juliette. The pair of them were silent for the moment. The calm before the storm, brewing between them, ready to explode. Then, they charged.


Date: 2016-09-12 18:51 EST
Page was being dragged toward that shuttle still squalling with the women carrying him. ?We have to help her!?

Nara grit her teeth and pulled him roughly. ?Enough! We get on the ship and man the weapons. That?s the only way we can help her right now!?

?You want to just run away, you coward?? He spat at her.

Nara whipped around and grabbed him by the shirt. ?Look at yourself! ****ing LOOK!? those green eyes flared, staring at him. ?You can barely stand! You?re bleeding through your goddamn bandages!?

Page stared at her, his jaw set defiantly.

?What are you gonna do? Bleed out all over her?? Nara glared at him. He knew she was right. She put a finger in his face. ?Don?t you EVER call me coward again.?

?Nara.? Annikah said, trying to smooth things over. She locked eyes with the redhead, staring pleadingly. Nara softened slightly. ?Come on.?

She took one step forward.


Her green eyes widened.


The three of them turned to dive as the shuttle suddenly burst in a fiery explosion, the force of the blast taking them off their feet and throwing them to the ground.

Everything was hazy. A piercing ringing in Page?s ears as he slowly came to. The world was all tracers and blurriness. He could smell burning metal and ship fuel, mingled with burning leaves and trees. Through haze of his vision he could make out a burning husk where the shuttle had stood. Their one way out, their last hope. Gone.

Annikah lay face down in dirt, her eyes shut. Nara was slowly trying to push herself up, but it was apparent that she was injured and she crumbled back down. The undersuit at her right leg was all burned away and the flesh freshly seared.

For the moment everything was numb. Distant. And then reality came roaring back. There were little burns and cuts all over his body, but he was alive. His abdomen ached from the splinter still embedded in him. Everything felt weak and tired.

Tired or not, he pushed on, slowly crawling to Annikah, his arms practically screaming in protest as he dragged himself across the muddy ground. Finally he reached her, shaking her. ?Annie...Annie...wake up.? He muttered.

His heart sank as she remained still. Page?s brow furrowed as he shook her again. ?Annie!?

But there was no response.

A figure came out from the brush, her face scraped and cut, but there was no mistaking her. Mako was covered in the insect-like creature?s blood. She strode out toward them, looking like a demon to his eyes.

He looked around in a panic for anything, spotting a rifle that had been thrown from the explosion. Someone up there must still like him.

The wounded man crawled and dragged himself as best he could toward the weapon, desperately clawing at the ground, trying to move faster. Finally her was able to stretch his body out, lunging forth. His fingers clasped around the grip of the rifle, and with one massive effort wheeled around to bear it on Mako.

But she gripped it by the barrel and ripped it from his hands, throwing the weapon to one side. That green and red blood-streaked face peered down at him, intense and angry. She reached down and grabbed him by the throat, lifting Page with the greatest of ease.

Page struggled for air, gripping her wrists tight and trying, in vain to pull them apart as his chest began to tighten from lack of air.

Nara was clawing her way to him. ?Let him go! Let him go, you BITCH!? She screamed.

If the Praetorian heard her, she showed no sign of it. She just stared into Page?s eyes. ?This. Is where your story ends.?

Everything was getting fuzzy again in Page?s vision. His hands pounding uselessly against his assailant.

Things began to go dark...darker...darker.

Quieter. Quieter.

Suddenly Mako lurched forward, her eyes wide with shock. Her grip loosened around Page?s throat until, finally, she dropped him. The old smuggler crumpled to the ground in a heap.

Mako dropped to her knees, the blast wound at her back still smoldering as she faceplanted in the mud. Annikah was still laying prone upon the ground, but she held that rifle in her hands. ?Story ain?t over yet, you bitch.? She muttered and struggled to push herself up to her knees.

Annikah Vance

Date: 2016-09-12 19:18 EST
Annikah crawled over to Page and lay over him. Annikah took his face in her hands. ?Page...wake up, baby. Come on.? She slapped his cheeks.

He lay still.

She slapped his cheeks again. ?Come on, quit foolin? around. We gotta come up with plan C.?

Panic began to set in as she shook him. ?Page?? Annikah looked desperately to Nara, the pair sharing a worried expression. ?Baby, wake up.? her voice began to crack. Annikah slapped him again.

?Get up! Please!? She begged him, tears streaming down her face. She lifted him up, cradling him in her arms, and rocking him back and forth. ?Please. Please wake up??

But Page wasn?t breathing. There, in front of the burning wreckage of their last hope, she held him. Clinging tight and praying for a miracle.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-09-13 01:26 EST
Juliette went flying through the air and crashed into one of the thinner trees, snapping it in half with the weight of her armored body. Delta advanced upon her, grabbing the dazed warrior by the chest plate of her armor and wheeled her around again, throwing her into a massive tree trunk with all her might. She hit so hard the entire gargantuan tree shook.

Again Delta descended upon her, pulling her to her feet, but this time Juliette was ready. The little Praetorian slammed her forehead into Delta?s face and brought her fists up, clenched. She pounded them down on the taller girl?s shoulders as hard as she could.

Delta let out a shout of pain, dropping the girl. Juliette was quick to move, grabbing her by the head and pulling the dark haired girl?s face into her rising knee. Delta stumbled backwards and tripped over a log, landing on her side.

Her face was a mask of blood, mud, and bruising. Those big blue eyes tired and in pain, the whites of one of them red with a burst blood vessel

Juliette stomped over and through an armored boot into her cut stomach. The breath was driven from Delta?s lungs as she was lifted from the ground, sent rolling away. Juliette glanced upwards and ripped a thick branch off a tree with a quick jerk.

Weakly, Delta was pushing herself back up to her feet when the branch came down across the back of her head. Again, she was flattened into the mud, sputtering into it.

Juliette glowered over her, triumphant, arrogant. ?You will never leave this planet, Delta. Do you hear me? Never.?

She lifted the jagged branch over her head and brought down across the back of Delta?s knee drawing an agonized scream from the Praetorian. Juliette sneered. She had her. Now it was time to end it. She brought the branch up again, preparing to deliver the killing blow.

?Goodbye, Subject Delta.?

Then, out of nowhere there was a massive explosion in the distance. The ground shook as the shuttle was suddenly ripped apart in a fiery inferno. She had to shield her face from the flying, burning shrapnel.

It was all the time Delta needed. Ignoring the pain in her knee she rose and charged at Juliette, slamming her shoulder into the smaller girl?s chest. She ripped the jagged, thick branch from her hands, pressing her back, back, back toward a tree. Her hands redirected that make-shift weapon and then, with every last bit of strength she had, thrust it forward.

Juliette let out a blood-curdling scream, a spray of crimson flying out of her mouth as she was skewered. Shock and agony overtook her battered features as she gasped.

Delta took a step back and stared at her a long moment. ?My name is Kaila.?

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-09-13 14:48 EST
Loren ran until it felt like her veins were pumping acid and her heart might burst through her chest. Juliette had a helluva lead on her and the fight was already well underway. She was confident Delta?s companions wouldn?t be a match for Juliette, but Delta herself was another matter entirely. That girl was always the best of her brothers and sisters. Hopefully, the others had tired her.

Loren?s earpiece finally came to life as she hit a particularly open clearing. ?-ajor -calfe. Re-eat. Major Me-alfe. Thi- -or Lia. It?s Lia. -o you copy??

Loren pressed her fingers to her earpiece. ?Lia, it?s Loren, over.? She tried to steady her voice as she panted.

?Major. -ou need to get off the -anet.? the voice crackled through the static.

?I?m sorry? Say again?? Loren responded, struggling to hear.

?You -eed to get off-world! Now!? Lia?s voice came back. ?-ey?re going to glass the entire -amn thing!?

Loren?s eyes went wide as she managed to make out Lia?s garbled message. Lanning must have sent an operative. An insurance policy for if she failed her mission. And now the crazy son of a bitch was going to turn this rock into rubble.

She pushed onward for the shuttle, it was just ahead, she knew. It was only a matter of getting-


She came to a stunned halt as, right where the shuttle had been there was now a cloud of fire and rising smoke. No. No, Gods no! She pushed onward and came through a clearing just in time to see Delta impale Juliette with a thick, ragged-looking branch. Loren gaped in pure horror as the light left the little Praetorian?s eyes. She watched as Delta claimed her birth name. Loren had lost. Her Praetorian were all dead, aside from Delta, her only means of escape was now gone, and her own ship was about to reduce her and the entire surface of this planet to ash.

Delta slowly turned her eyes on the older woman. Loren?s hair was loose from it?s bun and plastered to her forehead with a sheen sweat. She panted, her fists clenched into tight little balls as she prepared for the worst. Tears rimmed the older woman?s eyes as she waited for Delta to finish it.

Instead, the bloodied and battered girl just stared in silence.

?Well?? Loren said, opening her arms. ?What are you waiting for? End it! KILL ME!?

Delta didn?t look angry. No. The look on her face was not anger. This was pity. Loren?s eyes stayed on the girl. She didn?t WANT her pity. She wanted it to be over with.

?DO IT!? Loren shouted, her voice hoarse and cracking with emotion. ?You?ve taken everything from me already, you little bitch, so just finish it!?

Delta?s eyes scanned the older woman for a long moment. And then, she just turned her back on the Major and started to walk away. Loren?s face contorted in rage. ?Don?t you turn your back on me, Delta!?

But the girl kept walking, enraging Loren even further. ?Face me!? She screamed.

But Delta just kept walking, leaving the raging Major behind. She could hear the footsteps before she felt the shove, but did nothing to stop it. Delta turned slowly, towering over the woman who had taken her childhood from her. She seemed so small now. So frail.

Slowly, the glare left Loren?s face. ?Please. Kaila. Please.?

Those bright blue eyes regarded her with a mixture of sadness and disappointment. Her voice was soft when she finally spoke. ?You can?t hurt me anymore.?

?I gave you everything you have.? Loren said, almost offended.

?Because you took everything else!? the Praetorian countered, the raw emotion in her voice sending a shiver down the Major?s spine. ?You cut into my brain, mangled my body. You made me a weapon! A monster!?

Loren?s lips parted. ?Then be the monster. End this.?

?No. Never again. I will never be what you want me to be again. It?s my life. And I choose how I live it.?

?We?re all going to die.? Loren said.

?Everybody dies.? Kaila responded. ?You taught me that.?

?They?re going to glass this planet.?

?I know.? she said simply. ?And I?m going to die with my friends. You can go die however you see fit. But I am not...and will not be alone.?

There was nothing more to say then. Delta made her way to her friends, leaving the Major behind, alone and defeated.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-09-13 15:39 EST
Kaila came upon the scene of the wreckage. Nara had her arms wrapped around Annikah, Page?s head resting in her lap. She could hear the faint sounds of his heartbeat. He was alive, but he was not well. Unless immediate treatment was given, he would die.

Given the circumstances it hardly seemed worth it. Better to let him sleep through it than experience the end, she figured. It was a the last bit of mercy she could grant him. The two women peered up at her a long moment. Piece by piece, Kaila removed her armor, throwing it aside. She stood before them in that skin-tight, lightly armored undersuit. There were tears and burns all over, the stomach stained with blood.

Annikah smiled up at her and offered her hand. Kaila took it gently and sat beside them, Annika?s arm slipping around her and holding her close. Dying was never a part of the plan. But if she had to...this was a good death.

The four of them clung to each other and waited for the end.

But it was not to be. The thrust from a shuttle?s engines swept up the leaves and small debris around them. Kaila?s eyes snapped up to it in confusion. Through the cockpit window, she could recognize the pilot. Huge, blonde. Those piercing blue eyes. It was Gulf. The ship circled around them and lowered, the ramp at the rear sliding down for them to board.

There was a mad scramble as Kaila shouted for Annikah to get on the ship. She threw Page over one shoulder and wrapped an arm around Nara, supporting her. Despite her throbbing knee, the pair of them hobbled up into the ship.

Page was laid upon the metallic floor of the shuttle and Kaila immediately pointed to Annikah. ?You know CPR??

Pure adrenaline coursed through her veins as the slim mechanic nodded. ?Then get to work!?

Kaila turned and looked out at the clearing. Loren stood in the brush, just watching. Kaila stepped to the edge of the ramp and shouted. ?Come on!?

Loren?s lips parted slightly in surprise.

?You don?t need to die today!? Kaila yelled over the sound of the engines as best she could.

?What?s the point?? Loren responded.

?You?ll have to figure that out later! Let?s go! On or off!?

Gulf looked over his shoulder. ?Delta, clear the ramp! The Resolute is firing up their weapons. We gotta go, NOW!?

Loren was at war with herself in that moment, Kaila could tell. So she reached out her good hand. It was now or never. With a grimace, Loren pushed herself forward, running for the shuttle. Their hands connected and Kaila pulled her up into the ship, and the ramp closed.


Date: 2016-09-16 00:00 EST
The little planet filled the bridge windows. A bright blue and green marble against the infinite black backdrop of the universe. Briggs stared ahead, his hands clasped behind his back.

?Sir.? the weapons operator announced. ?Weapons are at full. Awaiting your orders.?

Briggs? dark eyes watched that planet hovering in front of him. He was a man who followed orders. Believed that everything he did, no matter how distasteful was to serve the greater good of the galaxy. But he was NOT without conscience.

The decimation of an entire planet was no easy thing. Part of him was praying for Metcalfe to call in. Take this responsibility out of his hands.

But time was up. And she was in the midst of a battle of living weapons of her own design. The odds always were against her.

With a heavy sigh, he ran his hand over his shaved head. Briggs? gaze shifted to the weapons operator.

?All batteries. Lock onto the planet.?

Lia stood behind him, a disapproving look upon her aged face. ?God forgive you for this travesty.? She said with a quivering voice.

Briggs glanced back to the doctor a long moment before turning back to the viewscreen. His lips parted to speak when a voice cried out from a helmsman.

?Sir! Incoming transmission from Major Metcalfe!?

Briggs looked to the helmsman, startled. ?Put her through.?

Loren?s voice rang out over the comm systems. ?This is Major Loren Metcalfe to Resolute! Do NOT fire! I repeat do NOT fire!?

Briggs crossed his arms. ?Major Metcalfe, this Operative Briggs of the USM Special Ops. I have assumed command of the Resolute. What is your status??

?I?m inbound in a shuttle. I have wounded on board. I need space to land and immediate medical attention for my passengers.? Loren responded.

?And who would those passengers be, Major?? Briggs narrowed his eyes.

?The crew of the Dragon?s Tooth.? she replied.

?And the Praetorian??

There was a long silence before she answered. ?They?re dead.? There was a sadness to her voice that he noted, but he was not entirely convinced.

?Then I?m sure you won?t mind submitting the ship to a scan before we allow you onboard this craft.?

?Operative, my passengers have precious little t-?

?Major, perhaps I was not clear. You will submit to this scan or I will vaporize you AND your passengers.?


?Fine.? Loren replied. ?Make it quick.?

?Lower your shields.? He ordered nodding to a tech.

The ship?s sensors scanned the shuttle thoroughly. ?Sir. 4 lifeforms. One male, 3 females.?

?Praetorian?? Briggs inquired, receiving a simple head shake in response.

He let out a sigh and turned his eyes forward. ?Major. You are cleared for landing, Starboard docking bay. I?ll meet you and escort you for your debriefing.?

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-09-16 11:00 EST
The medical team swarmed on the shuttle as soon as it landed, loading Nara, Annikah, and Page onto gurneys. Page was easily the worst of the wounded, and they had to get to work immediately.

?We?ve got a pulse, but it?s getting real low. We need to get this guy a transfusion immediately.?

Loren watched as they were all carted away. She was dirty, covered in dried sweat. She felt disgusting. Like a used towel that had been left to just dry for a week. Lia was the first to make it to her, snapping off a precise salute to her CO. ?Ma?am.?

?Lia.? Loren said, the words coming out like a relieved sigh as she wrapped the doctor in a hug. Lia was taken aback for a moment before returning the embrace.

?Major...are you alright?? she asked.

Loren broke the hug and held her shoulders at arm?s length. ?It?s over.?

?They?re all dead?? Lia asked, saddened.

Loren didn?t answer right away. She considered her phrasing carefully. ?They?re gone.? she nodded.

She could tell by the look on Lia?s face that she wasn?t entirely satisfied with that answer. But the good doctor didn?t push it.

Briggs approached the pair, a tall, handsome, beast of a man. Absolutely built for combat, Loren decided. He was probably used to people cowering or shying away in his intimidating presence. But Loren was not one of those people. She returned that discriminating, piercing gaze.

?Major.? He said. The only greeting she was given. No salute, she noted. A curt nod was her response.

?This has been quite a mess your kids have made.? he said.

?And it was dealt with.? she nodded. ?You and Lanning got what you wanted. The Praetorian are gone.?
Briggs nodded slowly, a plastered-on disingenuous smile on his face. ?Shame it had to be that way. If you?ll come with me, we?ll deal with your debrief. I?m eager to hear what happened planetside.?

Loren offered Lia a smile and took her leave. Over the next 2 hours, she spun the story and answered questions. She told him how Delta had taken down her brothers and sisters and how she and the crew of the Dragon?s Tooth were trying to make their escape when Gulf arrived. She had watched Gulf and Delta battle, until, eventually, they both lay dying. Their last breaths taken on the soil of an unnamed world. She told them how the crew had been forced into transporting the unstable Delta. How they were to be cleared of any misdeeds and taken to the nearest starport.

Nara and Annikah, in their own words would corroborate her story to the letter. In the end, Briggs was satisfied.

Meanwhile, in the orbiting husk that was the Dragon?s Tooth, two pairs of eyes watched from beneath fresh armor as the Resolute jumped from the system.

?Alright,? Kaila said. ?Let?s get to work.?

Loren Metcalfe

Date: 2016-09-16 13:58 EST
Loren stood in her stateroom, staring out at the immense starfield before her. A shower, a fresh set of clothes and a good meal had the Major feeling infinitely better. Her mind raced over the events of the past day. The near deaths of not just her, the last Praetorian, and the Dragon?s Tooth crew, but of an entire planet weighed heavily upon her.

Delta, supposedly in the midst of a psychotic breakdown, had hung back to save her life. The moments after escaping the planet would stay with her. How quickly and logically Delta and Gulf concocted their plan, strapping on the spare armor in the shuttle, and bailing at exactly the right moment to board the currently breached Dragon?s Tooth. Watching them, two entirely stable, functioning soldiers working together when the higher ups supposed they would be tearing each other and everyone in that shuttle apart, Loren came to a realization.

The Praetorian Initiative had succeeded. Not as she had intended, in fact, far beyond her expectations. Her life?s work was a success...and nobody would ever know.

The chime from her door snapped her out of her revelry. Her hand smoothed over her tank top and checked her hair, tied back in a tight bun. It was always about keeping up appearances, she would say to herself.


The door slid open to reveal Lia Clarke on the other side. She had a dubious expression on her face as she stepped in. ?Major.?

?Lia.? Loren replied with a nod. She trailed the older woman as she made her way into the room, stepping over to the collection of liquor Loren maintained in one corner of her room, busying herself with the pouring of drinks.

Lia glanced over her shoulder. ?How much was a lie??

Loren?s eyes snapped up to her. ?Excuse me??

?The Praetorian. How much of that story you spun for Briggs was a lie??

Loren approached her cautiously. ?I don?t think I like your accusations, Doctor.?

Lia straightened up and glanced over her shoulder at the sudden formality and sternness in her old friend?s voice. A sly grin crossed her lips. ?They?re alive. Aren?t they??

Loren stood her ground. ?Delta and Gulf are dead. Take that as you will.?

The doctor nodded and walked over to her with two glasses, offering one to her. Loren glanced down at the glass appraisingly and then back up to the woman. When she finally took the offered glass, Lia raised her own.

?The Praetorian.? Lia said.

The hint of a smile twitched at the corners of Loren?s mouth. ?The Praetorian.?


Date: 2016-09-16 17:00 EST
Page?s eyes fluttered open, his vision coming screaming back as the light blinded him momentarily. He squinted and let his eyes adjust slowly. Okay. Where was he? It was cold...metallic. Antiseptic. He tried to sit up, but his entire body felt like jelly. He turned his head to one side to find Annikah, her arm in a sling and feet upon the bed, snoozing away. In his drug-induced state he was aware of her hand holding his. A weak smile crossed his face and he squeezed.

Annikah?s eyes opened and turned to him relief overtaking her features. Page brought her hand to his lips and pressed his lips to her knuckle before sighing contentedly. They were safe.
4 Days Later

Annikah and Nara filled Page in on everything that had happened since

Page?s wounds were healing, thanks to the wonder of modern medicine. There was still the dull ache around the worst of his wounds, but he was mobile. He stood in front of the mirror of the quarters Loren had allowed him to occupy, studying his face. There were a few new scars, and he felt like he had aged about half a decade since the last time he saw himself, but he was alive. It was time to go home.

The Resolute docked in McLellan Station, dropping off the crew of the Dragon?s Tooth. Page stepped out into the docking bay, finding Annikah and Nara gathering some supplies. Nara had a mechanical brace around her burned leg and Annie wore a contraption around her still-setting arm. He didn?t recognize its function, but knowing the USM and Loren?s place within it, he had a feeling Annikah?s recovery time would be cut down immensely.

Nara turned those green eyes on him. ?Hey, sleeping beauty. Ready to head home??

?Yeah. We better get back to the kids. Bet they just RUINED the house.? He responded.

?If I get there and they?ve thrown a wild party in my room, I?m gonna be PISSED.? Annikah responded with a smirk.

Footsteps came from behind Page while he chuckled. The sound of a throat clearing drew his attention. Loren stood there, hands folded behind her back, that straight, military posture adding a power to her relatively short stature.

?Ladies. Mr. Page. I assume you have everything you need?? she asked them.

Nara hobbled forward, slipping a sling bag over her shoulder. ?Looks like.?

?Excellent.? Loren responded. The Major shot a pointed look to each of them before she continued. ?I trust we have an understanding about what happened here??

Page returned her gaze. ?I have no clue what you?re talking about.?

?Good. Let?s keep it that way. All of you.? she said. The stern face turned into a small smile. ?Godspeed, all of you.?

Nara gave a little salute while the others nodded. ?Good luck, Major.?

?You too.? With that Loren turned and returned to the Resolute.

?That woman needs to get laid. Big time.? Annikah said.

Nara smirked and turned, a friendly slap to her back. ?Have at it, kiddo.?

Annikah let out a little laugh before she realized what Nara was implying. ?Wait, what? No! Not what I meant.?

Page grinned and followed them disappearing into the crowd with his crew.

Subject Delta

Date: 2016-09-21 20:25 EST
Kaila and Ian, shed of their Pretorian callsigns had patched the hole in the hull of the Dragon?s Tooth and begun repairs to several other damaged systems. Finding that they worked well together, a friendship began to blossum. The last of the Praetorian, they often spoke late into the night, trying to fill in the gaps of their shattered memories.

Kaila lay beneath the engine, hard at work, making repairs. For many of them, she found she had to pilfer the cargo Nara and the others had intended to deliver. She?d have to find some way to pay them back. Or maybe they?d be so thrilled to have a working ship when they arrived, they wouldn?t care. Dream big, Kaila!

?Alright, try it!? She called out beneath her welding mask, cringing in anticipation for the entire coil to blow up in her face.

In the cockpit, Ian glanced back and nodded. ?Roger!? He turned, his fingers roving over the display, bringing up the engine startup sequence. He tapped the green button reading ?engage?.

The engine stalled at first, like a it was clearing its throat. Kaila frowned, feeling momentarily defeated. But then, the engine whirred to life, sounding like it should. The Dragon?s Tooth was ready to fly.

Kaila slid out and pushed herself up, making her way into the cockpit, leaning over his chair. ?What?s up? How are we looking??

Ian told her what the sounds in that room already had. ?Engines are 100%, primed and ready. Shields are sitting steady at 100%. Life support?s looking good...I?d say she?s back.? the blonde former soldier smirked up to her.

His cocky little grin faded though as the sensors picked up incoming ships in FTL. Kaila?s eyes snapped up to the screen. ?We got a read on the make??

?Negative.? he responded. ?Still have work to do on the long range sensors. Could be them, could be pirates...could be USM.? The last he said with a dark edge to his voice. There was no guarantee that Briggs wouldn?t come back out of curiosity. It loomed over them all like a shadow.

?Well, they?ve got impeccable timing. Think we can handle an FTL jump??

Ian shook his head, uncertain. ?I risky.?

?Better than the alternative. It might be nothing, let?s see what we?re dealing with.? She said. ?But keep your hand on the throttle just in case.?

The distance meter ticked down...down...down. The unknown ship was getting closer and closer until suddenly, it rocketed into view, coming out of FTL in a brilliant flash of light. It was a big heavy freighter...absolutely dwarfed the Dragon?s Tooth. Still, there was no indication of affiliation.

She glanced over to Ian. ?Get ready??

The engine could explode upon entry into FTL, the hull replacements could burst and if they weren?t sucked into the void, the explosive decompression would kill them in an instant. It was a calculated risk...but given the reputation of the pirate organization known as the Scourge, or worse what the USM on a black-ops mission would do to was almost preferable to die on the run.

The voice the crackled over the helm was deep, raspy and accented. ?Vessel classification 117-2083, Veryn Class light cargo ship. This is Captain Rana. Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded.?

Kaila narrowed her eyes and leaned forward. ?Under whose authority??

There was a long silence when a familiar voice. ?Under mine, kid!? Nara said. ?I?m coming aboard and I swear to all the gods in every system, if you messed up my ass indent on the pilot?s chair, I?m gonna be pissed!?

Ian and Kaila laughed, exchanging a victorious little grin. ?This is Kaila Connors of the Dragon?s Tooth. Welcome home.?