Topic: G.U.N.S. Unveiled (18+)

Lt Lazarus

Date: 2013-02-18 22:50 EST
(Taken from live play with thanks to the player of Mileena)

Lazarus looked over to Lee as the door to one of the rooms set aside for the unit opened. The Noble House's chief resident was nowhere to be seen but he was certain she knew they had come. There were no windows in this room, not surprising as it was in the lowest levels. There was plenty of dust on the covers over the furniture. The whole place looked like it had ghosts perpetually frozen and collecting the dust that was layered atop them. "I need a cool place for the equipment Lee...something to keep the computers running at optimum...This place is huge, I hope that I have enough hardware to cover it."

She was exploring a bit, poking at sheets and the like. "I'm sure we can jury rig something if not."

He started going through options in his head of the things that could be done. Wide angles seemed the best idea for the outside. It would take some time to get everything where he needed it to be. Then again he was always upgrading as newer tech came out. "I will miss having that free influx of equipment Lee..." he turned towards the poking woman, artificial eyes scanning her as programmed though there was more to his look than the clinical data that was transmitted. "There is the housing arrangement to think about too Lee...I'll want to be close to the equipment...down here is good for it but bad for us. We need a little light from the outside."

"What do you have in mind, Laz?" She asked softly as she moved to him.

"I would be lying if I said that I wanted to split from you now that we have finally gotten close. I wonder if we could find a room with an adjacent that could be kept cooler." His arm went around her shoulders lightly. He wondered not for the first time if the surface of that metal arm was chilled enough for her to be made uncomfortable. "Assuming you wished to keep the same sleeping arrangements, that is." There was no apprehension in the words, but he did feel it on the inside.

She kissed the side of his mouth. "Do you?" She nestled close.

He leaned into that kiss, responding with his own. "Of course I do. The others know, have had time to get used Even if they hadn't I wouldn't want to be separated from you. I would do it though if you were to ask it of me." He held her more tightly to him as he spoke. Separate rooms would mean less time together. He hated the thought of that but he knew tactically it would make sense. Nothing of this crossed his features, the showing of emotions was something he hadn't exactly lost but translating it from a feeling into a movement was time consuming. He let his embrace tell her how much he wanted to continue their arrangement.

?Then drop the subject, because you ain't getting rid of me that easily." She said playfully.

"You won't mind a spot in the basement then?" At first glance along the corridors he had wondered if the place had been used as a dungeon to keep prisoners in. He would ask the history some other time. Perhaps he could have the plans for it and design some interesting things in the further rooms.

"Is there maybe, a Room close to the entrance... After the Slam..." She shook her head. "Maybe a suite of rooms." She was kissing him in turn before moving after him.

"I think I have a spot it would be up a couple of levels, give us a bit of a view...maybe a private balcony." The darkened corridors were left behind as quickly as their unhurried pace allowed. Laz's hand found its place low on her back and rested there while they walked and talked. "I am liking this place though for convenience. We have the space port close by. That's going to be a benefit."

She nodded in thought, "Hmm, That sounds like a good compromise."

"Two choices then...would you like to see the morning sun or the evening?" He took her through the larder and towards the servants? staircase for no other reason that continuing their exploration of the place. Perhaps he wanted to get them a little lost if only for time alone together. "Either way is good to me."

"The evening, I would prefer to sleep in a bit." She walked quietly with him, "Something on your mind, Lazarus?" She spoke quietly.


Lt Lazarus

Date: 2013-02-18 22:53 EST
He made a few turns that should have put them on the right path assuming corridors went all the way through the place. The room in question was located, the floor pattern committed to his memory, one more thing he couldn't forget. "Evening it is then south west suites." He opened this door to find more sheets...less dust though. He went to the window sweeping back the curtains. A door out onto the balcony was opened and the chill air allowed to come in. "A lot of things are on my mind...Our situation with Corps, how free are we really? How do we get free, whom do we strike at to get free." He turned in the doorway the sun behind him and cast his gaze at her. "What do we do when we are free? I still want to know Lee."

"I'm still trying to work that out." She said quietly as she walked into the room. "I don't know if I'll ever be completely free, Lazarus."

Laz gave a small nod, at least she was still thinking of it. "I wondered if you thought I was kidding when I said it." He stepped back into the room and closed the door again. "Bedrooms, but I think one of them will do for what I have in mind. The other will be good for the equipment." He turned to her and the corner of his mouth went up into a small smile.

"I knew you weren?t. I... just had life bite me in the ass." She half-smiled to him.

"I know that hope is hard to come by haven't given me every detail of your escape haven't told me completely of the days that led to it either." He wouldn't judge anything she had needed to do. He would feel for anything that she had to endure and do his best to make sure she never had to go through it again. "We are together again...things are going the right direction now."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into his strength. "You know me, Laz."

"I know you Lee, though I learn more all the time." He circled her once again in his arms knowing she needed that shelter. "I think we are where we need to be Lee...the setting is right, our people have come home and we will do what we are meant to. Do you wish a cure or are you content with the need that keeps you strong? The answer matters because it determines our course."

She leaned on him, "I don't want to be dependent on this shit to survive. You saw me the last time."

"I saw you, but I needed to be sure. You're strong when you have it Lee...quick powerful...agile. That can be as addictive as any drug." His words were soft in her ear the voice of the devil's advocate tempting her with promises that it can't possibly deliver. "The alternative is humanity once again."

"And without the cure I am on borrowed time Lazarus." She was exasperated. "I hate the pain and that weakness."

"I don't fully understand why it is so much worse for you Lee...Derrick managed to leave it behind." Sledge seemed all right though he hadn't talked about any of the withdrawals he had gone through. Maybe Laz was being too simple in his thinking. "I'll ask him about it Lee...we will figure this out."

"Look at it from this angle, Lazarus." Simple logic, "One it's genetically based and two I've been on this shit a long time."

"We need to employ a with an understanding of genetics...maybe one of those researchers at Corps can be...acquired?" He was grasping at any possible straw to get her through this. "I won't give up while my parts still move lover."

She leaned close to him, "Perhaps, One step at a time, lover."

"It isn't easy Lee when I watch you fading...the others don't see it but I do." He looked across to the door they had just come through as though he could see exactly where the others were. He whispered softly to her lips close to her ear as though to keep the rest of the world out of their space in time. "I see how strong you are Lee...for them."

"I have to be, Love. For all of us." She murmured in his ear.

He closed his eyes at the admission from her. "I need you to stick around Lee...I need you...and if that makes me a bad person then I will wear that title. This whole situation makes me want to kill something with prejudice." He put his hand to her cheek and let his thumb caress her cheekbone.

She had another admission, "(vq) Lazarus, you give me something to hold onto to... To fight for." She took comfort in his touch. "I can let me guard down with you."

The house was quiet, their presence seemed to go unnoticed by the building itself. Moistened lips found hers and the silence was drowned from his mind by the melding of their tongues. "You never need to worry, your secrets are safe with me."

She kissed him back so tenderly. "I feel safe with you."

"I know the feeling well Lee." How he fought against the urges in him. "I think we have found our winner...In a little while I will have the equipment brought up." He lifted her up so that he could see her without looking down. "First I think we need to make sure it is a perfect fit for both of us."

She smiled at him, looking him in the eyes, "What do you have in mind, lover?"

He found himself with that half smile again. "We need to knock the dust out of these sheets. Find the furniture beneath and be sure they are up to the uses that they were intended for." He found the doorframe with her back, and held her there; lips that craved hers sought them out once again.

She moaned against his lips wrapping her arms and her legs about him.