Topic: OOC - Welcome to the Slam


Date: 2009-07-20 10:36 EST
As you can probably tell, the Slam is loosely based in the "Chronicles of Riddick" Universe.

We have a few ideas in the works including building the Corp that lead to Luthur and Mileena's appearance in Rhydin.

Yes, this is the Obligatory OOC Thread. Enjoy!


Date: 2009-07-21 16:06 EST
Just to be safe - This folder is considered to be fan fiction based on the Chronicles of Riddick Universe. The Chronicles of Riddick are ? 2004 Universal Pictures, an affliate of NBC Universal.

The Official Site:

NBC Universal Terms of Use

I did some digging and found that NBC encourages Fan Fiction yet asks people do not submit it.

SyFy, an affliate of NBC Universal

I am waiting on a real response from NBC... Not that I am holding my breath.


Date: 2009-10-08 19:10 EST
::peeks around::


Date: 2009-10-08 19:17 EST
::pokes back::

Yes, we are restarting.