Topic: August 2007

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-01 08:22 EST
Wednesday, August 1

5 Days Until the Event Tuesday!

Our sources caught sight of Sera dressed in some whorish hot pants that appeared as if they had come straight from Trash-tastic Jade's closet. Le sigh. To make matters worse she advised Kira that she'd take her shopping for such clothing! NOOOOOOO! Say it isn't so! Is it not bad enough that these girls have to abuse us with their slutty fashion choices??? Now they're going to corrupt the few cute, conservative girls left in this city??? Say it ain't so!

Cute Single Erin and Lassie Cassie didn't look too much worse for wear after their late night the night before. The two girls were involved in some girl chatter over tea. They were joined by Erin's ex-husband the sexy Sebastian! The air between the trio actually seemed comfortable as they sipped on whiskey and spoke with Aaron who we're told works for Bast.

Just when we were starting to like Cassie again she had to go insult Piper once more!!! The girl just can't keep her big snout shut about the looovely Piper. We think it's jealousy! Our sources did overhear Bast say that Piper turned him down! How juicy! And curious! We were reasonably sure that she had a thing for him.

Cute Carley arrived to flirt with Aaron and get her brand of blunt comments in. She's soooo refreshing!!! We HEART her!

Kitty was overheard discussing with Ewan his.... questionable personal decisions as of late. Ewan certainly didn't seem too happy with the line of questioning but somebody's got to knock some sense into him!!! It doesn't get any better than the DIVINE Storm!

Speaking of which, Storm was spotted out and about in the Inn! It's nice to see she isn't curling into a ball and crying over this mess! In fact, she was overheard telling Cute Single Erin and company that she's bought a house!!! How FABULOUS! Miss Storm, if you're looking for a roommate, the Gossip GangSTAR would looooove to be it for you!

The Baroness Jaycy was spotted in the Outback looking for Bad Boy Darren. The caller on duty -- Good Boy Cor -- advised her that oddly enough he hadn't seen Darren at all. Could Sugar have sliced and diced the troublemaker because she was so sick of his cheating ways??? Either way, it's not a good sign for the state of their relationship that Free Love Jaycy was looking for Darren.

FLAWLESS Koy and MAN-tastic Matt were overheard in the Outback going over wedding plans!!! We're so excited!!! Invitations to the big event which is THIS SUNDAY at 9 are starting to arrive! In fact, our's arrived at the Super Secret Gossip HQ TODAY! And you know we wouldn't miss this event for the WORLD! We do need a date, though. Which of you classy, classy ladies would like to be our arm candy???

Talk on Twilight Island was of the upcoming nuptials as well! Topaz was overheard stating that she thought the pair married decades ago! She does appear to be planning on attending and bringing her SUPER SEXY husband! It certainly will be the place to be if you like to rub elbows with either the dueling elite or the fashionistas of this town!

((Also available at: It includes a nifty "search" feature in the top left hand side of the page so you can look up all mentions of your favorite character(s)!))

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-02 20:34 EST
Thursday, August 2

Lake of Drama Wednesday

Wednesday night found Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Sera and Dark up to their usual flirtations. Are we the only ones that feels that Dark would drop the chick in a heartbeat if Kitty would let him back into her bed??? Kitty had a brief conversation with Dark that our sources assure us was rampant with sexual tension... and after she walked away? Well, our sources couldn't catch the conversation but it appeared that Sera and Dark were engaged in an intense debate that left her teary-eyed and... GASP... OBEDIENT?!?!?

Seriously, where for the love of everything holy is Dameon??? He needs to come back and take care of his women-folk.

Sera's ex Feilas attempted to intervene and begged Sera to not act so passive. EFFORTLESS Kairee wisely advised him that would have to be her choice. She could only break free because she wanted to. If she did it because he wanted her to, it would be no better. Le sigh! Kairee is so wise! A frustrated Feilas stormed out of the Inn but we were left wondering if he still has feelings for our fantastic drama queen Sera!!!

It seems Jewell and Stephen don't appreciate young love as much as we do! Young Thomas, Dakota's son, was asking Lassie Cassie's advice (...and we think Lassie Cassie may have found a second career as an advice columnists for preteens!) on how to get a date with Jewell's daughter (who we're told is darling)! Jewell was NOT happy and threatened to send her daughter back to boarding school immediately. Thomas proved that he's no idiot by quickly fleeing the scene.

His dad Dakota wasn't so lucky! Unfortunately, he got the full brunt of Jewell's anger. She was pretty clear that her daughter was too good for Dakota's son. Oooooh! We love that the young kids are already dipping their toes into the Lake of Drama!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-03 19:36 EST
Friday, August 3

Young Love Thursday!

Sera did her puppy dog routine again Thursday night. She was totally following Darkmere, keeping at his heels, and looking for his approval at EVERY turn. This is starting to annoy even us. We like Pyscho Ex-Girlfriend Sera who makes a huuuuuge scene and insults her men. This obedient, slave-like Sera is NO FUN!!!

Then the night got a bit... odd. Mu was overheard by our sources (and, well, the whole Inn) telling Chryrie that Mu had sex with Chryrie's sister, Kitty. We totally HEART the Gov! Her drama is soooo good for our blog!!! Politics, sex scandals, and violence!!! LOVE IT!!! Chryrie, however, didn't. She evidently has been begging her sister for a bit of discretion.

Poor dear Charlotte was spotted by our sources in the Inn speaking with Jewell. The topic of their conversation could not be overheard but one has to suspect that it might be in regards to the incident the night prior involving Charlotte and Dakota's son, Thomas, and Jewell's daughter, Amanda. Charlotte was not looking well. It appears that she's taking this divorce very hard.

Dakota soon arrive. He and Jewell quickly commenced to arguing over the topic once again. Jewell is quite adamant that Amanda should not be around Thomas. Tsk, tsk. We don't know much about raising children but we do know if you tell a preteen girl not to do something, she's going to do it just to spite you. GO, YOUNG LOVE!!! Thomas + Amanda = Too Cute For Words!!!

Interestingly enough, Dakota was seen leaving WITH Charlotte!!! We are PRAYING for a reunion between these two but we're certainly not going to hold our breath.

Lydia has been several times in the past couple of weeks with a handsome elf who were told is a carpenter named Glenn. In fact our sources tell us that she has even been caught.... SMILING once or twice in his presence!!! GASP!!! Could Lydia be falling for the new guy??? We can totally see her with a guy that's good with his hands!!!

Chris Graziano and his brother-in-law Bode were spotted fighting for the Wrecking Crew over in the Iron Fists Garden. The boys really shouldn't be allowed in public without one of their female relatives because they were certainly up to trouble!! The pair verbally poked and prodded practically every other male duelist present. Quite the entertaining duo!

To cap off the evening's duels, rumor has it that SLUTTACIOUS Charlie had it out with her brother Gavin and her fellow DoD-er PJ!!! Evidently her contention is that the pair has been flirting too much considering that PJ is allegedly still with Gage. While Gavin and PJ evidently claim to have some sort of unfinished business! We're dying to know what that business might be!!!

We hear that even Imp was talking in the Arena during his shift about how excited is to attend FLAWLESS Koy and Man-tastic Matt's wedding on Sunday!!! Can you even imagine the looks that RhyDin's fashion elite is going to give him??? HILARIOUS!!! Two days until the big event!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-05 10:22 EST
Saturday, August 4

A Scath-Babe Friday!

Oh, how we love quiet, beautiful little Kira!!! Our sources saw her Friday night in the Inn dressed in a lovely knee-length purple dress with black lace along the hem. Too friggin' cute!!!

MILES!!! The sexiest of RhyDin's pirate men is back in town and was seen entering the Inn. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) for him, he didn't get much past the entrance before being POUNCED on by the pirate-sex starved female patrons! Cute Single Erin and the Gov Kitty were first in line to get their love on with Miles!

Even SMASHING Issy joined in on the fun!!! She was overheard telling Miles that your Gossip GangSTAR is "nutty but funny as hell"!!! PERFECT!!! Just what we go for. Le dreamy sigh. Oh, how we love SMASHING Issy. Let us count the ways!!!

Baker was seen talking up his "relationship" with Scath-babe Phin. If you remember correctly, Baker is attempting to get into some sort of male support group for men who date/married Scath-babes. He told Antonio that Phin liked to leave him "love notes" and told SMASHING Issy to give her his love. HILARIOUS!!!

Speaking of Scath-babes, SMASHING Issy brought another of her lovely ladies in the form of a very hot middle aged woman named Laufeia. Despite her age, she was STILL completely do-able!!! HAWTNESS!!! Laufeia certainly has the infamous Scath-babe temperament. She wasn't in the Inn long before she had laid down a challenge to a man that he couldn't even lay a hand on her in five minutes. Guess who won?

Between drunken giggles, Trash-tastic Jade told Former Lil Miss Anger Management Jewell that she had made brale for Darren and Baker! Jewell seemed slightly less than excited for her. At least Jewell has a bit of class remaining. Baker quickly denied that he had anything to do with the situation and placed at the blame squarely on Darren. In fact, Jade ended the night so wasted that her man Gabe had to CARRY HER OUT!!! We wonder how he feels about Jade baring her breasts for other men's drinking pleasures???

Is it the shared hair color??? Who knows??? But Jewell certainly seems to be a sucker for the charms of silly Harris!!! She's been seen on several occasions, including Friday night, actually flirting back!!! What's the problem with that??? Well, both just so happen to be MARRIED!!! We wonder how their respective spouses feel of their deal to get married when their current marriages end in divorce!!!

Chris Graziano was seen dueling a handful of warlords in the Inn's basement Arena Friday night as was the lizard-man Bran. Who do you think will challenge first??? And the Wrecking Crew already has two baronies, are they mounting another attempt at a hostile take-over of the council???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-06 11:04 EST
Monday, August 6

A Reconstructed Saturday

Saturday night in the Red Dragon Inn, Brale Brother Baker sent an unknowing SLUTTACIOUS Charlie to deliver a pair of ales to the bathroom where Bad Boy Darren was juuuuust about to make some Double Nipple Trickle Brale using TRASH-tastic Jade's breasts!!! The DoD girl was floored that Jade would go along with the trick and just as another DoDer had done several days before, gave Jade a good long lecture about independent thinking. We doubt it did any good.

Sera showed up in the Inn looking quite a bit different. According to our sources she had some sort of magical body reconstruction to give her a better body and make her taller to please her new boyfriend. Her dear friend Kira was dumbfounded.... as our we.

We're not just dumbfounded, however. We're also sad. Too many girls are running around the Inn baring their breasts for strange men, changing how their bodies look, and putting up with liars/cheaters/all-around bad guys. Le sigh.

Lassie Cassie was seen ferreting Alain away!!! She clearly had naughty thoughts on her mind. Although, if you had Alain at your side wouldn't you have naughty thoughts on your mind??? Lassie Cassie must be one heck of a lay because we don't see what Alain sees in her!!!

Den Mother Sid attempted to convince the blonde twin Sugar to visit her and Scottie at their house. Rumor has it that the bubble-blowing tender has refused to leave the Inn for some weeks. It appeared that Sid's invitation fell on deaf ears.

Later into the night, Bad Boy Darren was not doing a good job of keeping his cool while watching former IFL team owner Ruke LaChayne hit on his girlfriend Sugar. There are so many angles we could take on this but we'll go with a simple -- karma sure is a wench, no?

Gnome Lovers Gnim and Sandy were seen in the Inn's basement Arena attempting to cheer up the caller on duty, the storied Xeno, who they had deemed "grumpy"! Sandy who is easily one of the BEST bakers in the city offered him some of her cookies but he bluntly declined. Wow! We wonder what has Xeno's panties in a bunch???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-06 11:57 EST
Monday, August 6

A GHOST Town Sunday!

Our sources say that the Red Dragon Inn as well as the dueling venues were almost like a ghost town Sunday night!!! Almost EVERYBODY was enjoying the festivities of a certain wedding!

Our sources did spot several dragons in the Inn, including Icer and Aerendir. We believe the two are related in some way but we don't quite remember how. Isn't Icer related to everyone in the Inn, though, in one way or another??? Between the English, the Ravenlocks and the dragons, we can't keep the familial relationships straight!

Gav knows what the people like!!! For his shift late Sunday night he brought SUUUUUPER Des and even SUUUUUUPER Des admitted that she was there merely for decoration. And what FINE decoration she is!

Our sources spotted Gabe chatting with Gav and Des at the bar. He seems like a nice guy. It's really too bad that his wife-to-be is.... well, the Queen of Trash!!! Classy, however, he is not. He was seen chugging moonshine while Gav timed him. We must concede, though, if you were about to marry Jade wouldn't you feel the need to chug moonshine too?

Bad Boy Darren returned from the wedding to hit on SUUUUUPER Des a bit!!! Gav has the greatest reaction to all the attention his wife receives -- acceptance. He knows there's nothing he can do about it and almost seems to believe that with as beautiful as his wife is, the men just can't help themselves!!! It's for that reason that we must totally HEART Des!!!

Des expressed curiosity over the number of women that Darren is often seen in the company of while claiming he is dating a completely different woman. As usual Darren attempting to explain but we're STILL not getting it. It didn't seem that Des understood either.

Overlord Cletus was downstairs in the Arena doing what he does best -- dominating. After a solid win, he returned took off, presumably returning to his rumored to be growing family who have taken up residence again on Overlord Island.

DoS Supervisor Chris was also seen getting in MORE peer wins! He faced off against the Overlord's brother Magnus to take down one of those elusive wins needed to earn him the right to challenge.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-06 18:08 EST
Monday, August 6

The Wedding of Koyliak VanDuren and Matthew Algiers Simon -- Ceremony

Although we were unable to attend, we have heard that EVERYBODY who is ANYBODY showed up at Koy and Matt's wedding last night!!! While we do believe that might be an overstatement, after reviewing with our sources the who's who that showed up and what happened once they got there, we must admit that it is quite close to being a true statement!!!

The owner of Millie & Mallie Department Store hosted the event on a STUNNING yacht -- the Missus Mallie -- in New Haven's Hylan Harbor!!! The ceremony took place on the top deck beneath the night's sky on this gorgeous late summer evening decorated by delicate white paper lanterns. The yacht was brimming with the fashion elite, a number of dueling celebrities, dedicated Confed soldiers, and some of the city's most notable bar flies!!!

The women closest to FLAWLESS Koy were fabulously dressed in her own designs! And since this was the wedding of THE premier high-end fashion designer in Rhy'Din we must describe what everyone wore!!! Matron-of-Honor Stick was dressed in a black backless halter gown with a band of sheer pink lace sitting high on her hips and then flowing out in a full, floor-length skirt! Fellow DoDer Charlie was in a black organza dress with pink belt and a cropped black leather jacket. The newest DoD member Eve had a shirred style dress in black with the single shoulder strap lined in pale pink. Best "Man" Jaycy had on a black bodice with a flattering sweetheart neckline and black skirts with a hint of pale pink peeking out from beneath! Bridesmaid Rena was in a black belted dress with a slim skirt hitting just above the knees and a modest v-neckline trimmed in pink. RhyDin's HAWTEST MILF, Caedia, showed sans her equally hot husband but dressed in another of Koy's black numbers -- short satin with a plunging v-neckline adorned with black saw-tooth lace edged with just the slightest hint of pink. Caedia's dress was DEFINITELY our favorite or perhaps it was just how she WORKED it!!!

Dressed in a t-shirt to be made to appear as if it was a tuxedo was Brale Brother Baker who escorted DoDer Evie to the affair! Rena's date and solider boy toy Val was quite dapper in his unique red uniform. Charlie was often seen in the presence of her employer G'nort but it is unclear whether he was her date. We doubt it, however, considering G'nort's loyalty to his current wife. As for Ms. Free Love Jaycy, her rumored on-again/off-again "special friend" Leo was present in a fine green suit.

The adorable Gnome Lovers Sandy and Gnim showed up dressed in their finest as well for the ceremony. The pair seemed quite content with one another. Perhaps this wedding was making them think of their own upcoming nuptials!!! Cute Single Erin was dressed in a lovely pale pink gown with an ever present flower in her hair and was accompanied by a handsome stranger whose name were told is Jacek. Lassie Cassie in a pale silver-blue gown also joined her friend to watch the ceremony. Unfortunately, she forgot to bring her best accessory -- her boyfriend!

Rena and Stick had beautiful bouquets of pale pink lilies and tulips. Smartly dressed in handsome tuxes, Matt's sons from a previous marriage served as ringbearers while his lovely young daughter littered the aisle with pale pink rose petals. The groom stood waiting at the end of the aisle dressed in his dress blues, waiting for his lovely bride.

And "lovely" does not even begin to describe FLAWLESS Koy! She floated effortlessly down the aisle escorted by a handsome man who were told was her brother in a chiffon and silk tulle gown of tiered layers with the slightest hint of pink falling past her ankles in wave after wave of shredded chiffon and tulle plisse.

The ceremony that SUUUUUPER Des performed for the couple was one that many had never heard before. Word has it that the bride's rep has explained that the ceremony was of the bride's native homeland. Needless to say, it was gorgeously worded and both she and Matt looked thrilled to be finally tying the knot! Fireworks lit up the night's sky as the pair sealed the deal with a kiss!!!

Considering the crowd gathered one couldn't expect that the ceremony would not get off without one or two.... well, minor hitches. Near the end of the ceremony, Erin's date, Jacek, took a tumble which caused Caedia who was sitting near by to fall as well. It took the pair several minutes to become untangled... but let's just say that Jacek had an encounter that many dueling fans have been hoping to have for YEEEAAARRRS! Meow!

Also, with the bridesmaids in question, you had to know that there would be violence out of that sect. According to our sources, there was a bit of a disturbance in the peanut gallery. G'nort, in particular, called out something.... inappropriate towards the alter which in turn prompted Matron-of-Honor Stick to turn around and whip her bouquet in his direction. PRICELESS!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-06 18:59 EST
Monday, August 6

The Wedding of Koyliak VanDuren and Matthew Algiers Simon -- Reception

The reception aboard the Missus Mallie in the Hylan Harbor was just as extravagant as the ceremony! A calypso band played while guests rubbed elbows and dined on their choice of lobster, prime rib, or jerked chicken on the main deck inside the long dining hall. The blushing bride and grinning groom were jovial and the guests seemed to be having a grand time!

The spectacular list of who's who that attended would be much too long to get into but we will trudge on with some highlights of what happened!

Gav was seen with his wife (who performed the ceremony) mingling for a bit and toasting the couple with champagne before ducking out for his shift behind the bar in the Inn. Gnimish and Sandy were spotted partaking in the champagne drinking and snogging in a corner!!! Too cute!!

Brale Brother Baker and DoDer Evie took a quiet leave just after the ceremony, making several naughty jokes about what they would do on Evie's famous Batman sheets. Before they managed to zip off, however, Good Boy Cor cornered them to discuss the possibility of them marrying. Who wouldn't want to see a union between the Brale Brothers and DoD?!?! It's like a match made in HEAVEN!!!

Speaking of Good Boy Cor, he was noticeably dateless. Rumor has it that he's been dating the brunette tender twin Spice but he hasn't been seen in her presence in public in quite some time. Could Cor have already lost a second girl this year??? Poor guy! As for her twin's man, Bad Boy Darren... well, he was spotted at the reception spending a bit of time with the adorable Uriko who seemed to be his date for the evening! Even wonderfully bubbly Taneth stayed and bounced around for a bit!

Cas showed up just in time for the reception with a present for the bride and groom. He even dropped his sour face to bestow a smile or two upon the happy couple as well as some of his old friends, including Jaycy and Caedia. He looked on in abject horror as G'nort, then Caedia, and finally Cor took to the stage to serenade the happy couple. Speaking of which, who knew Caedia could sing?!?! Girlfriend's got herself a NICE set of pipes!

Her husband and RhyDin's HAWTEST father, Kheld, didn't entirely forget her! It seems their kids were sick and he wanted to wait until they were all bedded down before leaving them with the sitter! AWWW! So cute! Caedia and Kheld certainly seem to appear to be still going strong!!!

One of our sources CLAIM to have spotted the elusive Tareth Thorn who is Caedia's brother and had a long term relationship with his Company of the Dragon teammate, Charlie. In fact, Charlie supposedly broke up with Cor claiming she was still in love with Tareth several months back. Considering Charlie was seen leaving the party in G'nort's company, we doubt these rumors are true. However, we have our sources keeping an eye out to see if he's spotted again!

The DoD girls were being very vague about the noticeable absence of DoDer and close friend of both the bride and groom, PJ. They seemed to be attempting to keep the fact that she didn't show up away from Koy so as not to upset her. Charlie was overheard telling Koy that PJ had showed up late and left just after the ceremony because she was feeling under the weather. PJ, however, was never spotted any where near the New Haven event. There's an unconfirmed report that she showed up at Mercy General Emergency Room last night with injuries consistent with a motorcycle accident!!! There's no word on her condition or if she is still in the hospital!!!

Cute Single Erin was seen chatting up her date Jacek during the reception. The pair seemed quite taken in conversation with one another!!! We HEART how Erin is working this single thing!!!

All in all, it was a GORGEOUS wedding and is certainly one of THE social events of the year! Matt and Koy seemed utterly happy and their friends seemed thrilled for the pair of them. All that's left to say is exactly what was spelled out in fireworks as soon as Koy and Matt were pronounced husband and wife -- FINALLY!!!

Congratulations, Matt and Koy Simon!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-07 21:20 EST
Tuesday, August 7

TOPLESS Monday!!!

Harry was overheard chatting up the Gov Kitty about her plans after her term expires! We cannot even THINK about such nonsense! Someone other than Kitty as the Gov??? How tragic!!! Kitty stated, however, that she already has plans for a good long vacation once it's over. We bet it'll be some where hot where she can sunbathe TOPLESS!!!

ELESS was spotted in the Inn for the first time in several weeks looking a bit thinner and pretty dusty but still GORGEOUS! She finished off a cup of tea and then went up to her room to rest from her journey. No word on where she's been but we do hope that she's sticking around!

Cute Single Erin had a conversation with DoDer Charlie over the unwanted attention and threats that Anubis has issued her way. Charlie certainly did not seem happy. In fact, she was overheard plotting with Company of the Dragon owner G'nort about safety precautions as well as attempting to convince Erin to sign a CDR contract!!! Cute Single Erin with a sharp, pointed object in hand??? HAWT!!!

It's a rarity but it does indeed happen!!! SUUUUPER Des was seen fighting in the Outback last night while her husband Gav was seen drinking brandy and cheering her on! Des sure is ONE TOUGH CHICK!!! Got to love her!

Gavin seems to be getting chummy with his former flame PJ's friends. He's been seen chatting up Cute Single Erin and last night seemed to have a looooong conversation with DoDer Rena!!! Is he trying to win back the beer model's affections???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-08 20:31 EST
Wednesday, August 8

Duel of Magic's Mega Cast Tournament

By popular demand, the shores of Twilight Island hosted a Mega Cast Tournament Event! It was the PERFECT summertime affair!!! The goblins served free tropical drinks and ice cream all evening to competitors and spectators alike. And it sure drew out some of Twilight Island's most colorful characters!

We were all THRILLED to hear that the SEXY Brig was the event's caller! We only wish we could have been there to soak in his HAWTNESS!!! Quite a crowd gathered to face off in true Battle Royale style!!! The action was so hot and heavy we're not even sure how Brig kept track!

Even Max didn't miss the showdown! Uriko was overheard questioning Max when he brought up Altara's name about who she was. Max ended up sweetly admitting that he was in love with the sexy Altara. Aw, how sweet! Has Max started mellowing in his old age??? ...Now if only he can drag her back into public!!!

We're not the only one who finds Brig SUPER CUTE!!! Taneth, the expert on all things cute, stopped by the Island... for the fruity drinks, we're sure... and was overheard asking Uriko if she thought Brig was cute too! Uriko agreed, of course! How can you not???

In the end, the winner of the title of Arch Mage for the week and 1500 nobles was a newcomer named Maren! Better watch out for this new spellcaster! What a cutie!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-08 20:33 EST
Wednesday, August 8

CHEATER Tuesday!

We have one or two very reliable sources who assert that they saw Lassie Cassie's man, the scrumptious Alain, lay one HECK of a kiss on the troublemaker Miss B!!! Now we must admit we are shocked. Of course, we have suggested Alain dump his snout-nosed girlfriend but now that he's been caught stepping out on her, we're a little sad for Cassie. Is RhyDin's "It" couple over???

We're so distracted by this news that we're not entirely sure we can go on! Must FOCUS! MUST FOCUS!

It was quiet night in the Outback for Good Boy Cor's calling shift but there was a bit of action. Sprite remembered his way to the dueling venues and was seen dueling G'nort. Uriko cheered the pair on while drinking from a YUMMY cherry icee!

It was the battle of the Old School (Jake, owner of Red Orc Brewery and the master mind behind Badside Brew) vs the New School (the young, sexy Jason) over in the Iron Fists Garden in the Iron Fist bout between Badside Brawlers and the Champions of Mythos. The winner of the duel would win the match for the team and allow their team to have top seating in the playoffs!!! It was a close match that even went into SUDDEN DEATH!!! Experience beat out youth as the storied Jake took down the match and secured top seating in the playoffs for Badside Brawlers!

Exciting!!! We cannot WAIT for the IFL playoffs to begin!

Yours truly dropped by the Inn yesterday evening for a bit and were lucky to run into Kairee who was kind enough to inform us that she is SPLENDIFEROUS, not EFFORTLESS. Our error has been corrected and as always it was WONDERFUL to run into SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee.

We also had the pleasure of seeing Piper! Le dreamy sigh! She's the loveliest! According to our sources she spent a bit of time chatting with Maeve and the wacky Harris! Evidently Harris convinced Maeve that he was pregnant and she leaned forward, pressing her ear to his abdomen attempting to hear the baby. Piper sweetly suggested that some might see that as a compromising position!!! We HEART Piper, Maeve, and Harris! Such delightful silliness!

Evidently Lassie Cassie hadn't heard about her man's... interesting choice earlier in the day because she seemed in a relatively good mood when she hit the Inn yesterday evening. Our sources tell us that her good mood didn't last long as she spotted Cute Single Erin's date for the wedding, Jacek, in a bit of trouble. Evidently he wasn't feeling very well and without hesitation Cassie jumped in to help him!

Sera looked fan-freaking-tastic last night!!! Instead of her normal "slut-wear" she was dressed in fitted black pants, a white button-down blouse, and riding boots!!! That's exactly how we like our women -- classy but sexy. HAWT!!!

WHAT?!?! Our sources tell us that they say the DIVINE Storm flirting up... well, a storm with her ex Ewan!!! He certainly was appearing VERY intimate with her as well!!! Did he finally wise up and realize what a mistake he made by dumping her??? It appears so!!! The pair were seen leaving together and he had his hand placed in that spot on a woman's back that every man claiming his territory puts his hand!

Our sources assure us that Carley just got a date!!! How FANTASTIC! She was overheard asking the carpenter, Glenn, who has been doing some work at the Stitch if he'd like to go out for lunch with him on Saturday. He, of course, accepted! HOW CUTE!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-09 19:50 EST
Thursday, August 9

SPOTTED Wednesday!

We are now proud to present your ELEVENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled --


- Yummy Keaton!!! The Scath-babe's boy toy was spotted tending bar Wednesday night and looking just as gorgeous as always!

- Former Miss Anger Management Jewell making quite the show of hugging her husband right in front of Lain. Doesn't Jewell mack on hubby Stephen a lot more when Other Woman Lain is in the room??? Now don't get us wrong. Lain is a SCANK of the highest order but it comes off a bit pathetic if every time you see her, you have to wrap yourself around your man.

- Lain overheard accusing someone else of having an attitude problem. PRICELESS stuff!!! As atrocious as she is, the drama-lovin' side of us can't help but HEART Other Woman Lain!

- Lydia spending some quality time with her boyfriend Grem and ordered a Kryptonite Cooler which consists of pineapple juice, midori, and a splash of 151. Is it just us or does that sound amazingly good right now??? We think it's time for the poor, overworked Gossip GangSTAR to sit on some exotic beach with half-dressed beauties serving us Kryptonite Coolers!!!

- Eless drinking a cup of tea at the bar and still looking quite gaunt. We sure hope she's okay!!!

- Wil Savage macking on some random brunette beauty which is par for the course for this storied P.I.M.P. who has quite a list of exs, including Badsider Brew model PJ and Former Lil Miss Anger Management Jewell. Unfortunately for Wil, our sources said that this lady was more interested in speaking about business than pleasure.

- Bast and Piper in the same room but no flirting!!! In fact, according to our sources, they didn't even speak! We wonder if things have cooled between the pair.

- Rat-tastic Napoleon calling for Baroness Karen and Warlord Damien for the right to hold the Seaside Barony. The baroness has made clear her intentions to challenge Overlord Cletus so it came as no surprise that the Overlord's long-time friend stepped in to challenge the baroness before she could press the issue. DoS is always good for some political DRAMA!!! In the end, Damien walked away with the ring and the key to the Seaside Manor!!! Congratulations, Damien!!!

- PJ wheeling herself into the Arena in a wheelchair with a neon pink cast on her leg!!! It appears rumors of her motorcycle accident were true!!! It wasn't PJ's boyfriend that was seen taking care of her but former flame Gavin!!! The rumblings that PJ has actually ended things with Gage are growing louder by the day. Iiiiinteresting!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-10 20:02 EST
Friday, August 10

Team Miss B Thursday!!!

Evidently Lassie Cassie found out about Alain's extracurricular shenanigans Thursday night! She certainly didn't seem her typical perky self when chatting with Alain. Then her night seemed to get WORSE as Alain's new little love muffin Miss B joined them at the bar!!! We HEART Miss B's audacity!!! Lassie Cassie had to get catty, of course, and insult Miss B's outfit. How a woman in flip flops can insult another woman's outfit is something that we will wonder about for some time to come.

And, don't forget! Our advertiser, T-Shirt Zoo, is promising that YOU can get your "Team Miss B" or "Team Cassie" t-shirts as of TOMORROW!!! You know that we'll be sporting our "Team Miss B" tee with pride!!!

SOMEBODY needs to find Dameon and drag his sorry tail back to RhyDin!!! The men are getting pretty bold with their lines on his innocent lil' sis, Kira! In fact, our sources overheard Robert asking her if she'd like to "create the beast" on her bed so only the sheets get sweaty. Le sigh.

Keaton's not the only one that can mix up a fun, summery drink! Tucker was behind the bar showing off one of his best drinks -- a 151 Florida Bushwacker. Our sources claim it contains three kinds of rum (including 151 obviously), coconut liqueur, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. FABULOUS!!!

We think the Inn should host a fabulous end of summer event to glorify the HAWTNESS of summer -- the weather, the Inn's bartenders, cute summer dresses. The tenders could serve up their best summer drinks. We know Jewell and Cute Single Erin would be into a party!

Downstairs in the Arena, Imp was up to his usual trouble, feeling up the lovely ladies who came in. He truly is the MASTER P.I.M.P.!!!

In a odd match-up, the stoic Overlord Cletus fought Rat-tastic Napoleon. Unfortunately, the little PiRATe couldn't best the Arena's King of the Hill. To say there was tension in the drafty basement would be putting it lightly! Karen and her staunch supporter G'nort were also present. Karen made no bones in stating that she was looking for fifteen peer wins (which suggests she's going after the Overlord as she would only need ten to go for a barony). DRAMA!!!

It seems that things are getting pretty serious between a certain DoDer and her soldier boyfriend! With Darren on vacation, Val has had Rena's attention all to himself and has been making good use of the time. Last night he was seen giving her a lovely pendant. G'nort was questioning the pair on when they were going to tie the knot but neither seemed to interested in the idea... at least not yet!

For those of you that just can't get enough of Cute Single Erin, it seems that you'll be seeing A LOT more of her.... and it's all thanks to the business-minded G'nort! Rumor has it that Erin may be about to begin contract negotiations to become the next duelist for Company of the Dragon for the upcoming TDL season. Look for her to appear next to BOOTY-licious Kaja, SLUTTACIOUS Charlie, and MILF Caedia in next season's CDR calendar! We are soooo excited that we may wet ourselves!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-11 10:41 EST
Thursday, August 30

Overheard Around Town

- "Hey, Eve right? That's your name? Look...I know I can't have your cherry but...can I have the box it came in?" Le sigh. Darren really is THE man-whore of RhyDin

- "Keep yer tits to yerself unless being paid! Girl Rule Number One!" Our Evie sternly lecturing TRASH-tastic Jade on not allowing Darren and Baker talk her into making brale.

- "Hey! I know that you look at women as objects to be used, but I don't! Women are sensitive, beautiful and emotional creatures who deserve our respect!" So this quote in itself isn't all that funny, right? Well, it was said by Baker. Now you're laughing, aren't you? We thought so.

- "Cor ... your friend Baker asked if I be a lez-bean. A scatlez-bean or some such word. You tell him that I be not one, ja?" Shy advising Cor that she is neither a lesbian nor a Scath-Babe.

- "That there's Miles Vincent. You gotta watch your ass around him...and I mean that literally." We love when SMASHING Issy introduces people to one another.

- "Actually, Darkmere, we were all told. Mu was using her outside voice." Kairee to Dark who explained that Mu had just told Chryrie that she had sex with Kitty.

- "Risk your life? No offense babes, I wouldn't take a risk for you baking a #$%^&* ng cake, let alone use your penis-weapons on your hips there." Laufeia was overheard insulting an unsuspecting man, proving that she is indeed a Scath-babe!

- "Bet you Matt's is going to be something short like 'Koy, I love you always and forever, love, Matt. P.S. that girl in Aruba doesn't count.'" G'nort trying to guess what Matt's vows would be.

- "Urg. Either that's boredom overtaking me or my bowels shifting." Harris back in Overheard action!

- "Oi, bitch! Nice hat, might have to find one for myself!" Lassie Cassie being catty to the drama inclined Miss B!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-11 11:48 EST
Saturday, August 11

Happy Birthday Friday!

Evidently, yesterday was the Gov Kitty's 331st birthday and she was doing some MAJOR partying!!! Her night started out in the Arena where she was wished a happy birthday by the perky caller on duty, Teagan. The legendary Xenograg paid for the Gov's drinks and she started the evening off with tequila!

Uriko helped the Gov celebrate by jumping into a ring with her. Perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was another year's worth of wisdom under her belt but whatever the reason, Kitty was spurred into taking a 5-3 win over the talented young Uriko!

Kitty then moved the party to the Inn as Antonio served up some hot buttery rum. He serenaded her while she bounced in time with the music with an arm slung around DIVINE Storm. Ewan came in shortly after and wished the Gov a happy birthday! And he was looking awfully chummy with DIVINE Storm! We're so happy these two are back together!!!

TRASH-tastic Jade was overheard telling Gabe that he must share her as she hugged Darkmere. Uh, no! To make matters worse, she talked baby talk to him. Please, Gabe, please. We're begging you on everything holy. Get out now!!! Even Brian (who was NOT in a pleasant mood) seemed to be disproving of her behavior!

Darkmere quickly left Jade's affections upon spotting the lovely Sera... who wasn't looking very lovely. It appears the drama-loving Psycho Ex Sera was a bit under the weather and, for once, Darkmere was being nice to her! He massaged her neck and helped her from the Inn. At least Darkmere has learned the lesson that Gabe hasn't!!!

Anubis certainly seemed to be on his best behavior when he entered the Inn from the Arena below and wished Kitty a happy birthday!!! However, rumor has it that late into the night, the slaver with the nasty reputation took some unknown young woman into his custody. We have confirmed that it was not, in fact, Cute Single Erin who is rumored to be under G'nort's protection after Anubis made threats against her!!!

And we wonder why Kitty looks like she needs a vacation??? Anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KITTY!!! We wish you at least a thousand more!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-13 10:47 EST
Monday, August 13

Forgiving Sort of Saturday!

Awww! Poor Lassie Cassie is very much upset by her man's indiscretions! She was seen Saturday night pouring out her heart to Cute Single Erin at the bar in the Red Dragon Inn. Leave it to Lassie Cassie to bug poor Erin with her juvenile problems when poor Erin is dealing with muuuuuuch larger issues at the moment. Ridiculous!

Remember! Our sponsor T-shirt Zoo, located in the Marketplace at the corner of 5th and Rand Street, is your headquarters for "Team Cassie" and "Team Miss B" tees!!! We're told that the there are PLENTY of Team Cassie tees left but if you want your purple Team Miss B tee you better move QUICKLY!!!

Sid showed up looking.... well, not her fabulous self. She seemed covered in limp vegetables and immediately went upstairs for a shower. Of course, when she returned for her evening shift she was back up to her usual SINFULLY HAWT standards! And, as usual, her man Scottie could not keep his eyes off of her!!!

Kaspar and Wolv spent the night nipping, making out, and carrying on like a couple in love. Of course, some sort of lovers' spat ruined their evening. Our sources failed to overhear what it was about but you can assume it is over silliness as our arguments of this sort. The pair stormed off to bed... together. Perhaps someone should tell them that to make your cold shoulder more effective, you must not return to the room you share with your significant other.

Darren is back from vacation! He was seen looking tan and in a much better mood than he left! He too was giving Rena a hard time about whether or not she was getting married. Take your time, girl! Take your time!

Speaking of Bad Boy Darren, he was sporting a orange mouth guard all night (yes, in the Inn, NOT the Arena). When his "girlfriend" Sugar asked him what it was for, he explained it was to keep strange women from kissing him! What he needs is a muzzle to keep him from hitting on them and a straight jacket to keep him from pouring booze on their breasts! Sugar must be the forgiving sort because she was seen escorting the Brale-maker up to her room!

Taneth was a bit upset when she entered the Inn Saturday night but after some hugs from Sid, some kind words from Scottie, and even some silliness with Darren, she seemed to improve some what. We miss our bouncy Taneth, though!!! She makes us so sad when she's vague and mysterious!

Cute Single Erin is REAAAALLY winning over our cold, dark heart! According to our souces, her witty banter with G'nort over when she will become a "real duelist" was ADORABLE!!! Erin's really putting time and energy into becoming a new star in the basement Arena. We are so excited for the upcoming TDL season and Cute Single Erin on CDR!!!

Vinny was overheard asking Erin out to dinner!!! The petite brunnette declined and soon after Vinny's wife Querylon was spotted in the Arena. Hmmm. Iiiiiinteresting. We wonder how she would feel if she knew Vinny had asked out the Arena's newest eye candy??? Querylon's CUTE stuff too.... but Vinny style reminds us all too well of Bad Boy Darren!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-13 12:33 EST
Monday, August 13

Jello Fight Sunday!

The Red Dragon Inn was pretty quiet Sunday night but leave it to the Gov Kitty to provide a bit of entertainment! She was overheard talking about how good Mu is in bed. The Gov also acknowledged that she herself is quite good in bed as well! Not that any of us doubted that!!!

The action picked up a bit when Late Night with Gav began (an hour earlier than normal). Gav brought his lovely wife SUUUUPER Des who was out of her cowgirl get-up and in a very regal gown surrounded by four guards!!!

Perhaps Former Lil Miss Anger Management Jewell is having some of Lassie Cassie's confidence problems. She spent most of the evening in the Inn telling Stitch and the loooovely Piper that everybody loves her. We think thou dost protest too much, milady!

The night got even... odder as Carley and Jewell got into it when Carley said Jewell was "fat" and Jewell threatened Carley with warts. Much to onlookers delight, including Jewell's OTHER man Harris, the argument broke down into a jello fight between the two women. No word yet on the winner but we're afraid ADORABLE Carley probably didn't stand much of a chance against HEIFER Jewell. Jewell's got to out weigh her by at least a ton!!

Down with Jewell!!! How dare she mess with dear sweet Carley!!!

Down in the Annex, G'nort and Cute Single Erin were giving SLUTTACIOUS Charlie words of support as it appears the DoDer has stumbled her way into motherhood. According to our sources, she recently became the guardian of a young boy whose mother has passed away. We're not quite sure how we feel about the most staunch man-hater in DoD becoming a guardian to a small, impressionable boy.... but we wish her luck!!!

DoDer Rena and her boy toy soldier Val were seen both in the Annex and later in the Inn looking as chummy as they have been as of late! Val was a little down over what our sources claim is his belief that at least one of the DoDers disapproves of his relationship with Rena. Our sources have not been able to determine whom as of yet but we'll keep an ear out!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-15 19:46 EST
Wednesday, August 15


We are now proud to present your TWELFTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled --


- "Reformed" Bad Boy Darren dragging Rena into the Inn to act as his babysitter! Evidently, Darren's determined to change his cheating ways to keep cute girlfriend Sugar happy.

- the lovely Julie sharing blueberry scones and blackberry ice tea with sweet Icer!!! Now our sources tell us that Julie looks as happy and beautiful as always BUT nobody has seen much of her husband since their impromptu wedding in the Inn just under a month ago. We hope things aren't already getting rough for the newlyweds!

- a downright TOASTED Brian entertaining the Inn with his drunken antics!!! He spent his time in the Inn filling water balloons with beer, asking for a return of the drunken squirrels, and singing the praises of high school girls. A drunken Brian evidently equals hilarity!

- HEIFER Jewell being completely out of control AGAIN. She picked up right where she left off by spending the night talking about the size of her own ass. It's the size of her growing head that has us worried for the safety of the other Inn patrons! Sheesh!

- DoDer Rena exchanging some terse words with fellow DoDer SLUTTACIOUS Charlie. Our sources could not overhear the extent of the conversation but usually level-headed Rena stormed away while Charlie was left appearing baffled!

- Carley FIGHTING in the Outback!!! Nooooo! We can't look! Teeny tiny Carley fighting is just toooo scary for us! We believe this cute little girl might be spending a bit toooo much time with Cute Single Erin! Now she's wanting to become her! Next she'll be throwing back shots!

- Mr. and Mrs. Simon returned from their honeymoon looking tan, happy, and SEXY!!! A week away in a tropical location with his beautiful new wife certainly shed some years off of Man-tastic Matt! He was busy catching up on some fights in the Outback while FLAWLESS Koy caught up with her DoD girls!

- The ADORABLE Felix giving Vinny a healthy beating on the shores of Twilight Island in their Duel Masters duel! We just want to pinch his cute little dwarf cheeks!

- Uriko cheering as she watched Felix and Vinny's duel! When the caller, Lem, questioned her as to who she was cheering on Uriko admitted that she was cheering on both.... so Lem asked her to throw him into the mix as well which she happily obliged! Uriko is the only other person cute enough to pull off a Taneth!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-18 09:41 EST
Wednesday, August 15

Heifer Infects the Inn Tuesday!

Popular opinion is that Super Sexy Alain has definitely decided on Lassie Cassie but Tuesday night found him back in the arms of Miss B! The pair were seen having a intimate, one-on-one conversation at a table which ended with Miss B wrapping her arms around Alain! HAWTNESS!

Later in the night, Lassie Cassie showed up alone and was seen SCARFING down sandwiches at the bar!!! Perhaps Lassie Cassie is attempting to eat away her pain. We almost feel sad for her. ALMOST! TEAM MISS B!!!

HEIFER Jewell was overheard in the bar demanding that Stitch call her "The Empress". We believe that false title may have gone to her head. Ridiculous!!! Unfortunately, it seems Lil' Miss Anger Management's bad behavior is rubbing off on our looooovely Piper. Piper sent some stinging insults towards the drama-prone Sera. Of course, HEIFER Jewell cheered her on. Blah!!!

Her anger problems weren't the only thing that was infecting the Inn! HEIFER Jewell was also spreading her lushness!!! She broke out some blueberry wine and proceeded to get many in the Inn drunk, including Brandon!

Sera's drama for the night wasn't limited to just the incident with Piper. Instead, she and her new man Darkmere had another public confrontation. It seemed as if she wants more of his attention that he's willing to give as he was far too busy watching his former flame, the Gov Kitty!!! Has somebody not quite gotten over his brief affair with that hot pussy cat?!?! Sera doesn't seem to take playing second fiddle to the Gov very well! She stormed out of the Inn, glaring at Darkmere on the way out!

Action in the Outback was a bit quiet. FLAWLESS Koy and her Man-tastic Matt were doing their cuddly newlywed thing. Awwww. And Bad Boy Darren was up to as much trouble as he could find while Good Boy Cor (who was there to call his shift) looked on, shaking his head. Bad Boy Darren is simply incorrigible. However, he does seem to have cut down on his flirtatious ways ever so slightly for his girlfriend.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-18 22:32 EST
Saturday, August 18

Fashion Woes Wednesday!

Our sources spotted yummy Ewan and the DIVINE Storm sitting side-by-side at the bar Wednesday night! Man, how we loooove this couple! With our former "it" couple on the rocks, maybe these two will take their place! They're certainly a quiet pair but all the more HAAAAWT!

Speaking of some of RhyDin's HAWTEST couples, Baker and our beautiful DoDer Evie were spotted at the bar. Well... okay, Evie's hot. Baker's... a very colorful character! The pair sat doing what they do best -- drinking beers and hitting on one another. It's nice to know that Evie's still among the living! Of course, as soon as she left, Baker was up to his old antics. Not even five minutes before her cute little tush left the bar stool, Baker was being slapped after telling a woman that she should whore herself out rather than take a job as a maid.

God, we love Baker!

Evidently our sources missed it Tuesday night but they did overheard Jewell discussing the incident with Stitch on Wednesday night. It appears that PSYCHO Lain through a bottle at HEIFER Jewell's head Tuesday night and Stitch had to intervene to keep the ladies in line!!! These two should just empty the pool in the Outback, fill it with jello, and just get it over with!!!

...How much do you think Man-tastic Matt could make off THOSE tickets???

Oh my GOOOODNESS! Our sources claim that the GORGEOUS Amthy was back in the Inn wearing a fantastic aqua blue dress! Oh how we ADORE her! Evidently she's had some grand adventures since she's been away! We hope she's back for good and we wonder what this means for Hawk!

Is there a dark horse in the race for Alain's heart??? He was seen spending the night chatting up an adorable, sweet blonde who were told is named Gwyneth. This one seems very different than the flippant Miss B or the wanna-be bad girl Lassie Cassie. She actually seems.... GASP!... SWEET! We didn't think Alain went for this type of girl but if she catches his fancy more power to him!

It seems as if G'nort is putting back together House Dragoon-Talanador! And it isn't being made up of just the usual suspects! G'nort was seen attempting to convince both HEIFER Jewell and Cute Single Erin to join his dueling house. It seems as if he wants to put together a group that can rival the Wrecking Crew as he clearly has no love for the bunch he called "overrated" and a "bickering family who can barely get along together". Them's fighting words!!!

Koy is usually UTTERLY flawless but we do have to question what she was wearing in the Outback Wednesday night. Her cashmere red sweater-dress was NOT hawt! Evidently, we're not the only ones who think so. Both MAN-tastic Matt and Reformed Bad Boy Darren thought it looked like Koy had pulled a sweatshirt out of Matt's closet. According to our sources, Koy stated it was part of her Fall line. Wow. We hope Koy's talent isn't slipping!!! Fingers crossed that her Fall line doesn't turn out to be a HUGE disappointment.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-19 10:10 EST
Sunday, August 19

A SLUTTACIOUS Reunion Thursday?

We LOVE to see women not reverting towards showing off flesh to be sexy!!! It seems as she gets older it's a lesson that Sera is learning. Good for her! She was spotted Thursday night at the bar in a fantastic gray pencil skirt paired with a modest, but sexy, blouse. Totally love the naughty librarian look! We're not the only ones who noticed! Robert Kidd was seen giving her a long look and a couple of pick-up lines.

Unfortunately, unwashed pirates aren't her thing. Instead, she went right back to Darkmere's controlling ways. Ridiculous.

And fortunately for everybody who enjoys a good laugh, Robert then turned his attention on SMASHING Issy! Some CLASSIC stuff, people! Need another reason to dislike HEIFER Jewell? She broke up the party BEFORE their was violence or any more insults exchanged! What a royal downer! She escorted Issy away from some useless girl chatter.

Eless was seen at the bar being served by our FAVORITE tender/eye candy -- Tucker. We think these two would make a LOVELY pair. Eless was a bit too busy mouthing off to a dwarf to make eyes at Tucker, though. We HEART spunky girls!

Downstairs in the Arena, the Impster was back in action licking and groping some of his favorite women, including Rory, Rena, Koy, and Teagan among others!!! We're still waiting for some sort of formal charges to be filed against Imp. One of these days it's going to happen. All of them were so THRILLED to be covered in Imp drool, of course. Bran and Chris were both still battling it out for peer wins. Evidently Bran is quite close to being ready to challenge. We're DYING to know who the lizard king is going to go after!

G'nort was back to working on corralling members for his dueling house. Tonight's target was SLUTTACIOUS Charlie and, after making her some promise or another, he secured her cooperation. This will certainly make things interesting as rumor has it that Charlie and Jewell do NOT get along!!! Meow!!!

The Arena was pretty hot and heavy in the later hours with some major DoD drama. It appears that Val has determined that certain unknown member(s) of DoD do not wish him around. Koy (who really should be their mouthpiece considering she's the only one who can have a conversation without sticking her foot in her mouth) was trying to reassure Rena that all of DoD is perfectly supportive of the relationship. Rena seemed just frustrated with the whole thing.

It seems that the rumor of Tareth Thorn being in town was true! He was spotted in the Arena have a long talk with his Company of the Dragon teammate Charlie. Prior to her short-lived drunken "marriage", the couple had a rumored relationship and by all appearances things seem to be headed back down that route AGAIN! HAWT!

The intense conversation was briefly interrupted by Charlie's brother Gavin who was looking to find PJ. Does he not read our column??? Sheesh! There's rumors floating everywhere that the reason PJ hasn't been seen since before Koy's wedding is that she had a pretty serious motorcycle accident. DUH!

How do people live in this city without reading our blog daily??? Craziness!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-19 11:31 EST
Sunday, August 19

Boy Toy Disaster Friday!

It was a quiet Friday around town... but our sources did spot one or two interesting tidbits!

Lydia certainly looked nice when she headed into the Inn dressed in a form-fitting white top, a blue wrap skirt, and heeled boots. Girl's got herself some pretty curves!!! When did Lydia go from skinny to LUSCIOUS?!?! LOVE IT!!! She didn't hang around the Inn very long before she was headed out. Hot night out on the town???

Later in the night we got proof that Reap is indeed not dead!!! The Brale Brothers were back in action as Baker and Reap sat at the bar, throwing back ales, and annoying all the proper ladies! The pair managed to spend a night together without getting beaten up or thrown in jail so that really has to be considered an accomplishment!!! It was GREAT to hear they were back in action again. Can't wait to see what comes next from the pair!!!

The steamy hot Dioxane was calling duels for a small crowd, the included bubbly Uriko and a newcomer cat-girl named Isis, in the basement! G'nort and Cas both showed up to do what the pair of them do best when together -- have a battle of the egos. They exchanged several quick fire insults which seemed to end in a draw. These two are actually pretty HAWT when in a ring. They should do more of that and less of the "my sword is bigger than your sword" stuff.

Rena came in a bit later into the evening for her shift and NOT A SINGLE WORD passed between her and boy toy soldier Val!!! He didn't remain long before heading out of the Arena. Iiiinteresting. We're dying to know what's happening between these two. Things certainly are going from SPECTACULAR to MISERABLE pretty quickly!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-19 11:33 EST
Sunday, August 19

Overheard Around Town!

- "I ain't 'ere tae thin' luv I be 'ere tae drin' an'' I already got some booze." So said Robert. What else needs to be said?

- "Who? I'll shank 'em. Can I shank 'em? Is that allowed?" Eve was overheard saying when she found out that someone placed a bid on Baker for the Harvest Festival Auction.

- "My list is composed of most female duelists on a scale of hotness. Naturally, Kaja is first, and she's married to me After that is Rory, who is married to Sartan, then Rena, who is engaged to Val. Then Chuck, who is married to her ego, and Karen, who's married to her church and lusts for most other women." G'nort talking about his list of the hottest female duelers!

- "Ladies and gentleman, women and children above the age of 11, jack arses of all ages! Let the boozing commence, you buncha tax fattened hyenas!" So declared the wondrous Brian!

- "What? No guard dog today?" Miss B to Alain, evidently referring to her competition for his affection -- Lassie Cassie.

- "A lack of kiss hello, no sweet nothings whispered in my ear, a notable lack of makes me wonder why I am talking to you at all!" the SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee to her man Julien when he returned from an extended trip.

- "Well I started going to WA meetings -- Whoreaholics Anonymous." Reformed Bad Boy Darren advised Des. Maybe he can drag TRASH-tastic Jade along with him to those meetings.

- "Look... You're Stephen's brother, right? That's a good thing for you. It's gonna keep my boot out of you ass. And no..that's not foreplay. Now, listen. I think that for us to get along, you should probably just pretend that I don't like men. Which is actually not too far off." Issy wisely advised Robert. Oh, how we HEART SMASHING Issy!

- "I ain't interested in wooin' or courtin' I ain't interested in all tha' jus' a quick scromp will do jus' fine...I simply am cuttin' out the beatin' arround the bush." Robert was overheard again. Everything that comes out of his mouth is GOLD!

- "Remember, kids...G'nort 3:16...named after G'nort's record in any given month." Cas should be funny like this more often.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-19 12:28 EST
Sunday, August 19

Burning Down The House Saturday!

Brian was spotted in the Inn Saturday night with The Other Woman Lain and, man, did Lain look surprised when she heard that Jenai is set to give birth to a set of twin girls very soon!!! Lain's not the only one!!! We're shocked to hear this news and have abused our sources and interns appropriately for not having brought this to our attention sooner! Brian was oh-so cute in describing how excited he is about them and we certainly wish he and Jenai the best!!!

Alain is STILL looking at other prospects it seems! He was seen having a conversation with a cute redhead by the name of Rose and then shortly after had a VERY private conversation with SLUTTACIOUS Charlie! Wow! Alain suuuuure gets around! He's got more female suitors than HEIFER Jewell has love handles!

Speaking of Charlie, it seems that it's become very clear that it is indeed that particular member of the DoD that has issues with Val. The pair got into a heated debate that did not even dissipate when Rena entered the Arena. In fact, it seemed to get nastier!!! In the end, both parties walked away disgusted and Rena went to sit with Charlie, leaving Val to storm out on his own. Wow. We HEART DoD Drama and we've sure gotten a LOT of it this week!!! Those girls have kept out of trouble for TOO LONG!!!

Things got a bit busy again upstairs once Sid came on duty!!! Everybody's favorite Den Mother had her SMOKING HAWT man Scottie in tow. He just cannot keep his hands off her and we LOVE it!!! SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was also spotted at the bar, getting her usual amount of attention from the male gender. That woman can't go ANYWHERE without getting hit on!

Cute Single Erin seemed a wee bit depressed. She got pretty wasted and actually had to be helped from the Inn. Poor girl!

TRASH-tastic Jade has evidently broken off her engagement with Gabe. Wait, don't tell me you're surprised?!?! Come on now! Didn't we all really see this coming from the moment Jade stalked over to Gabe's girlfriend and broke up with her for Gabe??? According to our sources, Jade is telling people that Gabe threatened to kill her if she didn't marry him... so she burned down his house. Arson -- the ending of every great relationship. Somewhere we think Gabe's curled up in a ball wondering whatever happened to that nice girl he dumped for TRASH-tastic Jade. Le sigh.

Good Boy Cor held an impromptu "Who has the better legs?" contest between Delivery Guy Chris and Aubrey! Evidently, it was a tie with Aubrey's thighs winning out and Chris having the better calves. Considering that was his results, we'd almost wonder if he was a bit light in the loafers if it wasn't for all the female leg he was looking at!!! Not only did Aubrey and Jade bare their's but so did Rebecca!!! It was quite the wild late night party with Cor losing his pants several times to the ladies and Rebecca, in particular, certainly had eyes for the little omelette maker!!! For such a "good boy" Cor certainly does roll with a pack of whore-laciously delicious ladies!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-20 21:22 EST
Monday, August 20

Deadbeat Sunday!

Deadbeat Dad Alex was spotted in the Inn Sunday night getting a kiss from cat-woman Yami!!! We didn't know Alex swung in the anthro direction but every man has his pleasures, right??? Our question is what is The Other Woman Lain going to think of his man having ANOTHER other woman. Women who get into relationships as the "other woman" should learn to expect it in return, though! Once a cheater, always a cheater, girlfriend!

Cor's certainly turned into the exhibitionist! Saturday night he was busy showing a group of ladies his boxers and last night he was dressed only in a TOWEL! He spent a bit of time at a booth occupied by Darren and DoDers Rena and Evie. We sure hope that the cleaning crew in the Inn bleaches down those booths at the end of every night!!!

Watch out, ladies! Rebecca is the new hot thing getting the men's attention! She was part of the gaggle of women that caught Cor's eye and Sunday night she had a conversation with Gav. SUUUUPER Des came in shortly after and didn't seem the least bit worried. After all, is there really a man stupid enough to cheat on Des?!?!

Cute Single Erin looked a weeeee bit desperate!!! She showed up in one of those red, revealing dresses that scream "DO ME!!!" Not cute! We really wish she could stick to that happy medium between the torn jeans and the slutty dresses. Le sigh!

The Annex was a bit quiet but our sources did spot the HAWT Teagan!!! Not only is she totally drool-worthy but she is literally wiping the FLOOR with the boys in Swords. Rumor has it that after this weekend, she'll be quite close to a Grand Master!!! We HEART hawt women that throw down!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-21 20:15 EST
Tuesday, August 21

Hunk of Burning Love Monday!

The lovely and quiet Julie hasn't been seen with her husband since her wedding but she was spotted in the Inn Monday night with the handsome off-duty tender Tucker!!! He's a serious hunk of burning love!!! If Julie's landing him, we wouldn't blame her from straying from her husband!

Wow. Deadbeat Dad Alex may be a jerk but... sheesh! He's sure popular with the ladies! It appears things with deliciously HAWT Yami are indeed heating up! We are so DYING to know what the Other Woman Lain (that nickname is sinfully ironic now, no?) is going to do when she finds out about THIS!!! Girl's gonna go PSYCHO on Yami's tush!

Juuuust when we thought Bad Boy Darren was starting to behave he returns to what he knows! In the Outback Monday night he was seen attempting to pull off an Imp-style groping of Jewell. Let's just say that Darren doesn't have the Imp-like charm to pull off the move. HEIFER Jewell was NOT happy! We're just shocked that Darren was able to get his arms around the constantly growing Jewell in order to hug her!

HEIFER Jewell then spent some time with the lovely Sianna who seems to be back in town! We HEART dark-haired beauties! We hear she's not a fan of ours. That's okay. We'll convince her otherwise! Welcome back, gorgeous!

We were right! Fireworks did fly when DoDer Charlie found out G'nort had also asked HEIFER Jewell to be part of his dueling house! She laid out some... colorful insults towards her new housemate which G'nort brushed aside. If anything, G'nort seems greatly amused by the women's dislike for one another. We think he's hoping for some mud wrestling!

Cute Single Erin and Bad Boy Darren took a nasty spill off the rafters in the Outback as their fist match came to a close. Neither hopped up right away. Erin was having problems with both her ankle and ribs while Darren was acting a wee bit confused. Maybe the fall knocked some sense into him!!!

With all the absentee husbands, we find it TOO CUTE that Gav shows up to keep SUUUUPER Des company during her shift!!! He was there at her side while she called last night and she still seems utterly content with him! A-freaking-dorable!!! And, of course, she returns the favor by being an almost constant presence during his shifts in the Inn on Sunday nights! LOVE THEM!

Topaz was spotted on Twilight Island looking a wee bit tuckered out. It seems as if her infant daughter has certainly been a handful for her and Lucien. We're sure her duties on the Island and training for the upcoming TDL season (where she is a perennial favorite) certainly hasn't helped matters. We'll babysit for you so you can have a night to yourself ANY TIME, Topaz!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-23 21:27 EST
Wednesday, August 22


The cutie Maeve was spotted at the bar Tuesday night with green haired wonder Lydia about the RhyDin Wildlife Refuge that she's opening!!! The project is currently in the construction phase but we're already excited! The RWR will be open to the public to check out and see in the future! How fabulous! Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!

SUUUUPER Des got into battle of wills with a newcomer by the name of Ferox who seemed quite full of himself! At least he was until he heard that Des was the Queen of Westridge. He seemed a bit rattled by the news and took off without even finishing his drink. We told you SUUUUUPER Des strikes fear in the heart of men.

We HEART Thomas Steele! This kid has "giant mess" written alllll over him.... but, man, is he ever entertaining! What other dirty-mouthed preteen that you know of can be found regularly in bars??? Thomas was up to trouble as usual. He was seen with a handful of panties that were evidently for Brian. We're sure there's a loooooong story in there somewhere. HEIFER Jewell did not seem happy to see him and made quite sure to tell him that! His attempts to get her to serve him an orange juice with a shot of whiskey went down in FLAMES! We, on the other hand, are alllllways happy to hear Thomas stopped by the Inn!

In the late hours of the night, Lassie Cassie was spotted looking HORRIBLE and was overheard asking if anyone had seen the Delicious Alain! It seems nobody has. We wonder if she's tried checking Miss B's bed? Or maybe DoDer Charlie? Or maybe her "dear" friend Cute Single Erin? The options are endless!!! Good for Delicious Alain for finally giving Lassie Cassie the old heave ho.

G'nort sure seems to have a soft spot for cat-women!!! He's been seen scratching and petting Isis and AWFUL lot lately in the various dueling venues. Perhaps he's getting tired of his wife's many business trips! Like Alex, he surprised us! We certainly didn't know he swung that way either!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-27 19:51 EST
Monday, August 27

Do Not Molest Wednesday!

Deadbeat Dad Alex and Other Other Woman Yami were back in action Wednesday night with their super lovey dovey P.D.A.!!! We bet this relationship has an extremely short shelf life. These are one of those relationships that burn awfully bright but go dark before you can even blink!

Robert hasn't had his head removed by an angry boyfriend or jolted lover yet it appears! He was in the Inn throwing back drinks and talking up the ladies. Evidently HEIFER Jewell and Stephen gave him a "Do Not Molest" list with women that he shouldn't have contact with. Robert was overheard telling Eless that if it wasn't for that list, he'd be hitting on her!!! LOVE IT!!! SMASHING Issy also got a bit of Robert love! We HEART SMASHING Issy and Robert's banter... but one of these days she's going to break him!!!

The LOOOOVELY Piper was spotted chitchatting at the bar with the equally fantastic Maeve!!! Our sources failed to overhear the specifics of their conversation but it appears Piper was talking very favorably about a man!!! Piper has a man and we don't know about it??? We're DYING to find out who!!!

Cute Single Erin was spotted in the Inn late into the night tending the bar!!! We haven't seen her around much lately and that makes us sooooo sad! Our blog is usually so much more entertaining when she's being a complete and utter mess!

Speaking of complete and utter messes, Lassie Cassie tumbled in looking EVEN WORSE!!! This girl needs some serious help. She's such a walking train wreck. Clearly she's taking this break up with Alain quite hard. We're almost sad for her. Her friends certainly don't appear to be helping out much. The girl needs a broken heart intervention DESPERATELY!

Although the Outback was quiet, our sources tell us that RhyDin's SEXIEST father Kheldar was there calling duels. Unfortunately, he hasn't learned the lesson that Gav has about his shift. The crowd is really drawn in when he brings his uber HAWT wife. If Kheldar would bring MILF Caedia, the men would PACK the place!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-27 21:25 EST
Monday, August 27

Show Us the Junk Thursday!

Cassie was spotted in the Inn Thursday night looking like she'd finally had a run in with a hairbrush. At least she finally appeared a bit better. Unfortunately, as soon as Alain walked through the door, she went running after him like a little lost puppy. That girl sure can't take a hint!!!

The Other Woman Lain was spotted at the bar chatting with Man-errific Tucker who was tending. Unfortunately for all us drama loverz, the Other Other Woman Yami and Deadbeat Dad Alex had already taken off. Phooey!

Speaking of Tucker, we were really hoping he'd spend a bit more time with the sweet Julie. If you remember correctly, loyal fans, the two were spotted together last week while Tucker was off duty in an intimate conversation! Julie is married, though, even if we haven't seen her husband since the wedding and Tucker is probably far too nice of a guy to move in on a married woman. It's a shame, though. They're so cute together! Le sigh.

The boys -- Sartan, G'nort, and Imp -- were up to trouble in the Arena as seems to be the usual Thursday night ritual. G'nort and Imp were hitting on Sartan's wife, Rory... which obviously ruffled a couple of Sartan's feathers. While Imp wasn't too happy when G'nort suggested that he didn't have a... well, a little Imp. Imp assured the boys that he did and that he had a brood of children to prove it. He even offered to show off his "junk". Thankfully, he was stopped.

It turns out that Chris Graziano is more of a business man than we originally gave him credit for! The Duel of Swords Supervisor somehow has conned Imp into working for him for free for YEARS!!! Evidently, Chris didn't tell him where he could pick up his checks and... we guess Imp just thought his pay was feeling up the women that walked through the door!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-29 08:13 EST
Monday, August 27

Overlord Cletus Ganderfald versus Baroness Jaycy Ashleana

So continues the streak of women who wish to take down the Duel of Swords' Overlord! Baroness of the Dockside District, Jaycy Ashleana issued challenged to Overlord Cletus Ganderfald and the pair met this past Wednesday night to battle it out for the keys to Overlord Island.

Although Cletus never seems to be very popular with the female duelists, he does have one woman always at his side -- his wife, Arane. He escorted her in and she served as his lady of honor for the night. By the way, although neither he nor his wife has officially confirmed that she is pregnant, our sources say that they may have caught a hint of baby bump action going on despite her loose clothing.

G'nort was quick to heckle the Ganderfalds calling Cletus "self-righteous" and Arane a "snooty witch" but he did not keep his ire to just the the Overlord's entourage. He was also overheard telling the ADORABLE Uriko that the short of stature SLUTTACIOUS Jaycy is a "little midgety troll". Redundant much? G'nort must have been off his game because he usually has waaaay better material.

You had to know that FREE LOVE Jaycy would find one heck of a date for the event. The luscious but elusive Leo served as her Lord of Honor. Their relationship remains a mystery. Perhaps he simply doesn't mind being one man amongst many in her life. How does she keep them all straight as they roll in and out of her bed???

The Gov Kitty appeared to watch the festivities. Although, Jaycy's second, Max, couldn't resist from his usual behavior. He told Kitty she smelled like "food". Yeaaaaah. Max can be a little scary. Even Den Mama Sid came out to watch for a bit!

Everybody's favorite cheerleader Taneth was there but was too distracted to cheer by Grayson's presence (after an extended absence from the dueling venues) and by chatter that G'nort was thinking of setting up his eldest son with Uriko. Poor Uriko. We don't want her around spawn of G'nort!!!

DoDer Rena called the matches which was set to be a Best of Three set-up. Cletus didn't need three matches. He proved why he is Overlord in only two. Although, he may not be the nicest guy in the world, you got to respect that. He's faced three challenges in the cycle he's been Overlord and has handily beat each and everyone of those ladies!!!

Congratulations, Cletus!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 08:36 EST
Wednesday, August 29

Brains of a Friday!

The Red Dragon Inn was pretty quiet Friday night last week! Antonio was behind the bar serving up drinks to the small crowd that included Brale Brother Baker, Icer, and the lovely Julie!!! And SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was busy entertaining what male patrons were present!

DoD-er Evie joined Brale Brother Baker at the bar later into the evening and was overheard telling Baker that he is "the brains of this relationship". Lord! That's a scary thought!

Poor Eless isn't looking good. We're desperately wondering what is wrong with her. She was at the bar chatting with Julie who was attempting to spurn the affections of a newcomer. We HEART Julie!!! She told the new guy that she couldn't go on a walk with him because he wasn't her husband or a blood relative and the perception would not be good. It's so nice to see a beautiful woman with equally beautiful manners!!! Too bad she's wasting it on an absent husband!

The wacky Dioxanne called duels in the basement Arena that night with her usual mix of quirky one-liners and silliness! Cranky Cassius took to a ring with the legendary Xeno as Cassius searched out peer wins. He took the win and came one step closer to challenging. Who do you think he's going after??? Our bet is Drunken Damien!!!

Xeno wasn't the only legendary duelist to make an appearance in the Arena Friday night!!! The DELICIOUS 16th and 26th Overlord Kalamere was seen in the basement for the first time since the Madness Tournament!!! He shared a drink and chat with Xeno before hopping in a ring to prove that he still has what it takes to be a top duelist! LOVE him!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 08:39 EST
Thursday, August 30

Overheard Around Town!

- "After he told a chick that he would serve my head to her on a silver plater, hell #$%^&* ng yea I burned down his damn house!" Jade explaining the end of her relationship with Gabe. We're... speechless.

- "'ey dove ye wanna do a lil friggin' in the riggin'?" Robert using one of his WORLD RENOWNED pick-up lines on the innocent Julie.

- "If I was Rena I'd cut off your balls. You obviously have no use for them." SLUTTACIOUS Charlie's way of telling Val to act like a man.

- "I'm going to find something useful to do with my balls." Val's reply to Charlie's attack on his manliness. This comment makes us HEART Val!!!

- "I am Ferox, greatest of all Sorcerers and lover of all women!" So said THE Ferox. Now that, our loyal fans, is an introduction!

- "Technically I am a Queen so best back off and sit back down before I have to do something nasty that will get us both in the GossipGANGSTAR in an icky way." Tooooo late, SUUUUUPER Des!

- "G'nort, the only time you're sad is if you've cheesed a woman off enough to get a bruise on your face. And then it's not because of how you got the bruise, but because your face is marred." Kitty wisely advised G'nort.

- "Actually, Kitty, if a woman bruises me, it means she's just arousing me." G'nort told Kitty in return which explains a lot about the type of women that G'nort employees.

- "Ye dun 'ave the shway tha' Jewell an' Stephen do...Stephen cause 'e be me brother Jewell cause I seen 'er if ye wan' some power o'er me ...well le's jus' say ye can nae become me brother aye." Robert to SMASHING Issy as to what one has to do to make him listen.

- "Robert....few men that have seen my breasts have lived to tell the tale." Issy in reply to the above comment. For some reason, that really doesn't surprise use!

- "I've heard that before. Then it gets returned with a lot of dents." G'nort's reply to Uriko when she asked to borrow his boat.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 10:57 EST
Friday, August 31

Own it, Saturday!

Saturday night gave us further proof that TRASH-tastic Jade has absolutely no respect for women! She was spotted at the bar hitting on Bloody Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Sera's man, Darkmere. Darkmere is CLEARLY not into her!!! TRASH-tastic Jade seems to be getting a bit desperate. She even seemed to get a bit down in the dumps when SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was asking Wolv about his girl Kaspar. Wolv's another man that isn't swayed by TRASH-tastic Jade!!! He's staying true to his gal!!! We LOVE to see that!!!

...Perhaps TRASH-tastic Jade is losing her touch! She and Gabe have been broken up for a couple weeks and STILL doesn't have a boyfriend to cheat on and make look like a fool.

The nexus was not kind to a dirty-mouthed redhead named Emmie who found herself in RhyDin much to her chagrin. She seemed quite terrified and even screamed out loud when she spotted Icer!!! SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee attempted to reassure the lovely lass as to where she was and Icer tried to convince her that she wouldn't have it but she was having NONE OF IT!!!

Oddly enough it was Darkmere who came to the girl's aid and calmed her down!!! Perhaps being with Sera is smoothing out his rough edges?

Den Mama Sid showed up for her Saturday night shift which was full of its typical unruliness!!! And she was full of her typical SEXINESS!!! We DROOOOOOL over Den Mama Sid! She kept the drinks coming to Gabe and attempted to ease his sorrows. It seems that Gabe has a pretty cheery outlook considering he dumped his cute girlfriend for a psycho who later burned down his house! He's just concentrating on rebuilding his life to where it was pre-Jade. Good luck, Gabe!

We just could NOT get enough of Malibu in IFL so we were over joyed when our sources told us that he was spotted in the basement Arena!!! He proved that he's even more of a talent in armed combat than he was in unarmed! He took a clear cut win over Topaz who was busy cursing herself for dueling before loading up on caffeine! Now we know Topaz's secret to success! How much do you want to bet that all the TDL arenas will make sure that there is no coffee being served the nights Topaz comes to visit?!?!?

Mr. Infamous Lupton remembered how to find his way into the depths of the Arena!!! He was seen chatting up another oldie in the very bad kitty Onyx and both of them got in a couple duels! Onyx was in her typically SLUTTACIOUS gear which included a latex dress. Now we refer to a lot of women as SLUTTACIOUS but none of them own it like Onyx owns it!!! It's so wrong that it's almost good!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 12:38 EST
Friday, August 31

Marvelous Mood Sunday!

Sunday night found a wonderfully delicious scene as Bad Boy Darren practiced his pick-up lines on SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee!!! Kairee found them hilarious and we were left wondering once again why women in this city are so taken by Bad Boy Darren!!!

Just when we thought Darkmere was getting better he was back up to his old demanding and domineering ways over wonderful Bloody Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Sera!!! While we love when Sera's up to drama, we do NOT like this type of drama.

The redhead Emmie who was stunned to find herself in RhyDin the previous night was still looking quite a bit shell shocked. The 100% pure sweetness Eless, who was tending bar, made sure she kept an eye out for the lovely redhead. The lovely redhead, on the other hand, was keeping an eye out for Dark!!! She certainly seemed to have a bit of a crush on the royal JERK!!! We hope she quickly learns to STAY AWAY!!! Even Harry warned her that she must be wary of Darkmere.

Unfortunately, Emmie didn't seem to take the warning to heart.

The crowd gathered for "Late Night with Des and Gav" was particularly loud and wild this past Sunday night! We're telling you! SUUUUUPER Des can sure draw a crowd! And Gav isn't half bad to look at himself!

Harry was certainly in a marvelous mood!!! A game of Truth or Dare erupted and all sorts of general silliness! Harry made us love him even more by calling Emmie out on her crush on Darkmere but Emmie chickened out when asked what she'd like to do to his naked body. Thank the Gods! We don't think we could have stood hearing about that.

Duel of Swords' Supervisor Chris Graziano called a couple matches as a handful of people warmed up for the Warlord Tournament that would take place later into the night! In a weekend full of former greats showing up in the Arena and Annex, former Baron Rand showed up for a couple duels and seemed interested in re-establishing his name within the rings!

RAT-tastic Napoleon showed up (as he was going to help call the Warlord Tournament) and engaged in a mutual love session with Chris!!! Evidently everybody's favorite PiRATe has adopted a litter of kittens which he is training to become fierce PiCATes! Are we the only ones who see how this could go very, very badly for Napoleon???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 14:20 EST
Friday, August 31

Summer Cycle Warlord Tournament!

A talented pool of warlords that included many former barons and several former overlords gathered to fight it out in the Summer cycle Warlord Tournament! There were no rings up for grabs but the prizes for the night were an intercession-free shot at the Overlord and a challenge shot at one of the barons!

Cute little Uriko was present and was a ball full of energy as always!!! Oh, how we love her! She was excited to witness the tournament and after cuddling with PiRATe Napoleon, expressed her desire to someday enter the tournament. We cannot WAIT for that day!!!

Sartan needs to do something. Seriously. His typically cheerful little wife Rory has seemed seriously cut off from reality in recent weeks! Anytime anybody has questioned him as to why she's acting... well, crazy... he's ducked the subject. Iiiiinteresting. Anyway, she accused him of cheating and he avoided her while she called for the tournament!

Taneth showed up to support her... well, special cuddling partner Grayson as he made his way through the tournament! Grayson got quite far but even Taneth's support wasn't enough to take him all the way after his extended absence! Brush off that rust and try again next cycle, Grayson!

Cranky Cas was up to his usual shenanigans. He was overheard telling the snake Saryna to go for another competitor's groin. Classy. We're still wondering what happened to his girlfriend because if there was ever a man in need of a good lay, it's Cas!!!

We weren't the only ones surprised to hear that Rand was back in town! G'nort seemed thoroughly surprised and delighted by his presence. In fact, he took the time to introduce both Uriko and Taneth to the weathered man! Taneth, of course, decided that Rand was cute.

After that very unwise fashion decision of DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy's a while back, she's been on point ever since! She strutted her stuff (and, oh, what stuff she has!) into the Annex to watch the tournament dressed in a black sleeveless top with ruffled trim and a keyhole cut-out to expose some of that gorgeous flesh at her back with a pair of skinny-cut black pants! LOVED it! That's the Fashion Sheriff that we've all come to know and love!

The party went on well into the night but in the end Max and Chris emerged to fight it out in the finale! Max couldn't overcome Chris who emerged in the end as the victor, claiming the right to challenge the Overlord as his prize! And Max was left with the challenge against a baron!

Congratulations, Chris! Congratulations, Max! Good luck in your challenges!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 16:59 EST
Friday, August 31

200th Monday!!!

Yes, siree! Just as the title of this blog entry suggests, this is our 200th blog post!!! Okay, so actually the last entry was but we didn't want to ruin the summary of the Warlord Tournament by going on about ourselves!

Anyway, YAY for us! We're already planning a FABULOUS party for number 500! We just wanted to take a moment to thank YOU, our loyal readers, and to encourage you to check out all our fantastic sponsors, including T-shirt Zoo located in the Marketplace on 5th Street, Tiny and Timmy's Lawn Care who hire only the BEST gnomes to get rid of your bare patches, and Kissable Lip Plumper so you too can have that pert pout that make the men drooooool!!!

Awkward much? Monday evening found Icer and Darkmere sitting together along with two women who seem to be out for Darkmere's affections. Bloody Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Sera seems to think she has claim on those affections but he certainly treats her like crap! And the unassuming, new girl Emmie clearly does not believe she has claim to those affections yet Darkmere seems careful of her feelings. Sera stormed off but Dark stuck around and continued to get closer to new girl Emmie!

Wowza!!! New "it" couple located!!! Scottie and Sid are so deliciously HAWT!!! They were caught making out behind the bar in the middle of Sid's shift. It seems that they just CANNOT keep their hands off one another. And who can blame them?!?!?

Soooomebody has fallen off the sobriety wagon! Charlie was spotted in the Outback Monday night looking like she'd had a VERY rough couple of days. Rehab's calling this girl AGAIN! So sad! Lydia confronted her over some sort of issue dealing with Cute Single Erin. Harsh words were exchanged between the two women and both stormed off!!!

DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy was seen chatting up RhyDin's Sexiest Father Kheldar Monday night. She urged him to bring Mega-MILF Caedia to attract a crowd on the nights he calls!!! We HEART Koy and we soooo hope that he does!!! Kheld questioned Koy on how married life was treating her and her answer was, "even better than I thought"!!! SWOOOON!!! How cute!!!

Koy doesn't seem to like to leave challenges pending!!! She and the lizard king Bran faced off for MoonBeryl right then and there!!! Unfortunately for Koy, she ended up on the losing end! Bran took MoonBeryl and Koy stormed towards the bar to drink away the loss!!

Congratulations to Bran!

Rand was seen on the shores of Twilight Island brushing up his rusty magic skillz with a duel against the LOOOOVELY Topaz! He took the loss but Topaz was sure to introduce him around to the small family-like crowd that gathers early in the week on Twilight Island! And as if he wasn't enough male eye candy, Big Will Wulfson made a showing too! He got in a couple duels and looked SUPER HAWT while doing so! YUMMY!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 17:54 EST
Friday, August 31

Imp Attack Tuesday!

The Other Woman Lain actually didn't seem like that much of a witch Tuesday night when spotted in the Inn!!! In fact, she spent some time consoling a cute young blonde by the name of Rhy. Lain offered up some great advice for the girl.... and our sources were left actually LIKING her!!! We must admit we're still a bit suspicious of Lain but perhaps she'll change her nasty ways now that she's away from Deadbeat Dad Alex!!!

Lain even kept a watchful eye on the girl when she confronted the man that had hurt her -- Lang. It seems that Lang cheated on the lovely Rhy and really didn't seem all that apologetic. Poor Rhy was heartbroken!!! Lang was merely angry. The men of this town baffle us. They cheat on their women and then get pissed at the women for being upset! Men suck!!!

What? Who let Imp out of the Arena?!?! Imp took his brand of trouble on the road and bugged the patrons of the Inn for the night!!! He got full on gropes and licks on SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee, cutie cheerleader Taneth, and Wyh Not!

Wow! The DoD girls are such a mess at the moment!!! Nobody's seen much of PJ since her motorcycle accident several weeks back! Charlie wandered into the Outback not only high but also appearing as if she'd been beaten on reeeeaaal good... and done come beating of her own. Koy also made an appearance in the Outback Tuesday night and was neither FLAWLESS nor EFFORTLESS!!! She was in a royally pissed off mood!!! It seems she's taking losing her opal extremely hard.

Cranky Cassius made an appearance in the Outback later in the night and was.... well, cranky. He didn't take too kindly to the mocking that G'nort and Sartan gave him. Who would have thought G'nort and Sartan would agree on anything long enough to team up together??? They certainly have been doing A LOT of teaming up lately!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-08-31 19:45 EST
Friday, August 31

Mud Wrestle Wednesday!

Drakko FINALLY returned to his lovely Julie Wednesday night!!! It's about darn time! He certainly seemed apologetic for his absence and was practically begging for her forgiveness. As he should! Julie is the sweetest and most loyal woman to grace this city! Only time will tell if Drakko is smart enough to realize what he's got.

HEIFER Jewell strutted herself into the Inn in a blue dress that showed off waaaaay too much of those extra pounds she's been putting on lately. In fact, it reminded us of that old Jello jingle! You know? "Watch it wiggle! Watch it jiggle! J-E-L-L-O!" She certainly was a-wigglin' and a-jigglin'! Step away from the dinner table, HEIFER Jewell!!!

Well, the night wasn't a good one for HEIFER Jewell! She was ARRESTED!!! Yes, you read that right! She was ARRESTED!!! Evidently her anger management issues have finally come back to haunt her. She was handcuffed and charged with assaulting Bad Boy Darren with a chalkboard! Jewell FLIPPED her wig and started screaming and cursing Darren.... who also was in the room. Hilarious! We are in stitches!

In the Outback, Vinny was seen with his woman Querylon getting a couple duels in. He seems like ALMOST a completely different person when she's around!!! Note, we did say "almost". He advised Big Will Wulfson that he better have the Tower cleaned out because he's coming to take it from him!!! Ooooh! Them's fightin' words, son!!! We love magic trash talk!

Vinny and Querylon weren't the only husband/wife duo in the Outback that night. Cute peppy Rory was seen in a conversation that seemed to make no sense with her hubby Sartan. That girl is still half-crazed!!! We TOTALLY blame Sartan for whatever her issue is. He's acting mighty sketchy about it!!!

We've got a feeling that Kaja would not be kosher with the amount of time and cuddling that G'nort's been sharing with cat-girl Isis! What is with all these cat-girls moving in on taken men??? Man, would it not be HAWT if Kaja came back for a mud wrestling match with Isis??? DROOL WORTHY!