Topic: February 2013

Marc Franco

Date: 2013-02-03 15:55 EST
Top Ten Things You Need To Know To Stay In The Know!

10. Flyboy?s Been Sporting A Long Face. Sergei was seen in the Inn looking rather dour. The reports on the air crash he was involved in have been contradictory and confusing but it?s clear that he hasn?t quite been himself yet. We hear that some sponsors tried to get him up in the air recently in a loaner, trying to lure him back into racing but that even that didn?t have him excited. What is clear is that his grandfather, Isamu Rodovic, died recently. Really such a shame. We hear his friends are trying to cheer him up but right now he seems pretty down and out.

9. Is This Town Big Enough For the Both of Them??? Shanachie has a new season under way and is opening with Henrik Ibsen?s A Doll?s House featuring Jon Granger and Juno De Luca. You better believe that we?ll be catching that before it closes on the 17th! But more importantly, they have recently announced that Shanachie will be holding auditions for a classical ballet company under Anthony De Luca. Clearly, this new company would be in direct competition with the highly renowned and quite successful RhyDin?s Ballet Troupe! Everyone knows that we are big fans of RhyDin?s Ballet Troupe and are more than a little curious to see if this city can support two ballet companies and, if not, which will survive??? As in everything, we are sure it?ll come down to the quality of the product! BATTLE ON!!!

8. The Crew Never Fails! To Be Amusing, At Least! The Wrecking Crew?s Kheldar to defend his title of Baron of New Haven against G?nort Thursday in the Red Orc Brewery where the duels were being held due to the Arena?s renovations. G?nort?s reasoning was a little vague. Something about Kheldar having a hot wife and not having defended recently, blahblahblah. Perhaps G?nort?s problem was that his girl, Mercedes, counted her chicks before they hatched (she rudely was already discussing redecorating the manor on the corkboard) but while G?nort took the first duel, Kheldar followed up by winning the next two duels to retain his barony. Then without any sort of warning, Rena asked Kheld if his alignment would change and he said that he is switching to loyal WITH A SHRUG! Evidently, he and Candy had discussed the idea of his loyalty and he had decided to go loyal. WTF??? I mean, it?s great that he didn?t go loyal just to have the Overlord swoop in and intercede but (1) Candy?s got some balls going up to someone in the Crew to talk about becoming loyal and (2) somebody in the Crew went loyal to Candy??? Craziness. Evidently we weren?t the only ones taken by surprise. Rumor has it that when Ria found out about Kheld?s loyalty, Jay?s challenge to the only renegade on the council, and Myria entering the Overlord Grant tournament, she flipppped. There was some sort of bizarre incident involving property destruction and injury. Reports are varied as to what happened and what was said but it is clear that the Crew is circling the wagons and trying to spin this story in their favor!

7. Challenge for Jay and Update on Magic The words are heating up in regards to the current challenge for the Baron of Old Temple and his proposition to track magic users. Jay Capistrano has made it perfectly clear that he does not support the measure and that his challenge was directed towards Rakeesh due to the measure. Reaction continues around town. Amy Spiritor, the presiding senior Governor of the Den City, made a statement that the Lupinosse have declared their towns safe havens and will not accept discrimination towards the magical. The RhyDin Transit Service recently published a statement about also serving as a safe haven and we hear that Briarus of the Ravensheart Academy has expressed concern but has not yet made a public statement. Quite a few people have also used the cork board to take issue with the current Baron, including Tass, Rhiannon, Kimone, and former Governor Matt Simon. The good news is that this proposition seems even less popular than it was the last time it came up! For the record, anyone wishing to see this challenge should mark the date -- Saturday, February 9th at 10 pm! And, interestingly enough, this match will be held on the shores of Twilight Isle!

6. If Only Being a Dirty Girl Was a Lucrative Career Path... It wouldn?t be a week in RhyDin without Jane and Peaches participating in some less than classy behavior in the middle of the Inn. This week was no exception. There was talk of strip clubs, bunny ears, and lots of booze. Our sources have confirmed that Ford went off on somebody who dared hit on Peaches in the Inn and was overheard calling Peaches his ?girl?. Cross another one off your list, girls! The bad girls always win. We hear that Peaches and Jane have pulled Ford?s sister, Jackie into their dirty clutches and we know that they have a firm grip on Lucy. Those girls are like magnets, drawing in others to their non-panty wearing, pantyhose-ripped, one stiletto broken, walk-of-shame world. Worse yet, we told you it would happen and it did, Jane, Peaches, and Ten were in the same room at the same time. RhyDin did not implode like we fear but the ladies were seen in the Inn looking like hot messes on their way for a night full of debauchery. We hear the latter got into it with her husband-to-be after saying she was headed out with the girls. Can?t say we blame him there! But if you try to date one of the Drrrty Girl Brigade (i.e. Jane, Peaches, or Ten) you?re going to get burned!

5. A Match Made in Crazy Town. We here at the Den of Gossip get all manner of.... interesting mail but the Save the Date we received just this past week earned more than a couple furrowed brows. According to announcement seemingly put together by Jesse herself, Deathlord Jesse DeAngelo Van Bokkelen Eternity will be marrying the Wrecking Crew?s Myria Graziano on Easter Sunday in the Annex. There are some stringent dress code protocols attached, a requirement that all wedding attendees pledge their loyalty to the Crew before the ceremony, and an invitation to watch the pair.... uh, ?consummate their nuptials?. We don?t really even need to make a job about this one. It writes itself! Rumor has it that Myria is not exactly a willing participant as she is allegedly dating the head chef at her brother?s restaurant and, certainly, Jesse has a track record for ?telling? people that she is in a relationship with them. That being said, if we were Myria, we?d handle this one veryveryvery carefully. Jesse is more than a couple bricks shy of a full load.

4. Baby Bump Alert?!?!? Oh, how many spouses have lost their significant other to the villain Gideon? Word has it that the illusive Alain was seen in the Inn Friday night spending time with his wife, Sophie, and one of his employees, Harper. That is until RhyDin?s Former Most Eligible Bachelor headed off on some important business with Gideon. Oh, come on. You are so not shocked right now. Also of interest, there was talk of a pregnancy at the table from the Baron of St. Aldwin before the pair of women shushed him.... and our sources were also quick to point out that there was a lot of tea cups sitting on the table but no booze. So is someone pregnant? And, if so, which one of them is it? Sophie or Harper? ...OR BOTH??? We?ll be watching your midsections, ladies!

3. I AM THE GREATEST! As if there was any question in your minds! As all of you very well know by now I -- the CHAMPION OF RHYDIN -- faced off against Emmet ?Second Rate? Bane in the Fists of Fashion showcase event hosted by the lovely Koy and the handsome Locke. And I won... of course. You all know that the Gossip GangSTAR is the one and only gossip hound in these parts. We sniff out all the juciest gossip for you AND WILL NOT REST UNTIL WE BRING YOU THE SCANDAL! If you haven?t already check out Barbie?s run down of the event. It was fabulous just like her. Just a point of fact... it seems that Locke is still dressing his ballerina-wife, Katarina. That girl has ROCKED every event they?ve been to since they were married. Way to make your wife bring it, Locke! Prizes went out to the best dressed man and woman. It seems that Harris and Matt tied for best dressed man but we?re sure this is only because Mason took himself out of the running. Whatever happened to big, dumb gruff Mason? He?s almost a -- dare we say it? -- gentleman now! As for the lady, it went to Lucy. No surprise there. This woman is just the sort of deliciousness that we love because you know she?s two crazy seconds away from becoming a hot mess AND WE WILL BE HERE TO SEE IT WHEN IT HAPPENS!

2. All The Pretty Rocks In Town Came Out to Play. The Fists of Fashion event ended in quite the dramatic fashion. Yours truly may have left early to get back to work but our sources remained in place to catch all the craziness! Nothing ever good comes from all the Opals being in the Outback at the same time and it definitely didn?t Tuesday night. The issues started when Seirichi (holder of Shadoweaver) began flaunting the fact that she had a Diamond and Candy (holder of FireStar) had never won a Diamond tournament. Candy punched Seirichi and for some reason that caused Harris (holder of PathFinder) to jump into the fray. And at some point Matt (holder of IceDancer) got involved in the fray, talking about how he was really the greatest. Me think the old man doth protest too much! Koy (holder of MoonBeryl) had enough of the brawling ruining her party and signaled the waiters to dump buckets of water onto the other holders. It left the fine duds that Seirichi, Candy, and Harris were wearing dripping water but Matt froze the bucket of water headed for him mid-air. The tense air signaled the end of the party and there were some rather icey looks shot between Matt and Koy. Trouble in paradise??? The must unusual part of this whole thing to us? Harris jumping in to PUNCH CANDY! Doesn?t he hate Seirichi??? Why would he jump in on her side of the brawl??? We?re not entirely sure what?s going on here but we?re definitely going to find out!

1. Beauty Has Officially Landed in RhyDin! Iiiiit?s Fashion Week, boys and girls! The offical start was last night as duels celebrating this year?s theme -- a Fighting Spirit -- were held outside the Outback and a charity event raged on inside the Outback to support the Sanyumato Relief Fund, the Small Business Relief Fund in honor of Jewell Ravenlock, and the RhyDin Welcome Center. I have front row seats at some of the week?s hottest shows! Look for me at today?s Abroad in Adenna celebrating some of Adenna?s hottest designers, Tuesday?s Highlife Haberdashery show featuring some of Locke?s designs, Thursday?s Millie & Mallie Runway Show featuring their head designer, Koy, Friday at the Neese show followed by a stop to see Lamb Studios Photography?s The Year In RhyDin Fashion, and Saturday?s wrap-up party! THIS IS MY FAVORITE WEEK OF THE YEAR!!! As my all-time favorite woman once said, ?I don?t do fashion, I AM fashion!? Have a blast this week, loyal readers!

Marc Franco

Date: 2013-02-07 22:13 EST
RhyDin Rewind Embroiled In Scandal!

Well, well, well. I have appropriately punished Intern Lizard for last night?s little break in protocol. Don?t worry. She?ll be back up to her nonsense (and The Burn) in no time but for now she?s scrubbing my bathtub with a toothbrush.

That?s how we roll here at the Den of Gossip.

So are you waiting with baited breath??? We won?t keep you in suspense any longer.

Sources at a local doctor?s office have confirmed that Harris and Seirichi are expecting a child. Together. As in he knocked her up and she?s now carrying around the proof of their illicit affair. Harris and Seirichi. You read that right.

Total. pair. of. homewreckers! Seirichi has been in a long-term relationship AND HARRIS IS MARRIED!!! AND HE?S BEEN MARRIED FOR EIGHT YEARS! Stick is literally going to kill him. And then her good friend, Koy, may finish him off completely!

Our sources are telling us that she?s in her first trimester still and is due sometime in fall. We?ll keep trying on nailing those dates down. But from what we?ve gathered, it?s pretty clear that this wasn?t a one time affair. These two have been doing the horizontal mambo for a while now. This will be the third child for Seirichi who already has a son and a daughter and the second for Harris who has a son with Stick.

Harris cheating on Stick with Seirichi? Another set of opal holders hooking up? The insane dueling pedigree this child will have? This story has so many angles that we?re not even sure which one to tackle. One thing is clear, though. This is not going to end well.

Marc Franco

Date: 2013-02-11 08:26 EST
Fashion Week Kickoff Event!

The fashion, the models, the designers might always be changing but two things always holds true about Fashion Week -- (1) the parties NEVER disappoint and (2) our sources are always present to catch the action!!!

They were eager to report back to use after the Fashion Week kickoff charity event in the Outback last weekend! The theme this year was ?Fight Spirit? so where better to celebrate it than.... the dirty, dingy Outback??? All donations benefited the Sanyumato Relief Fund, the Small Business Relief Fund in honor of Jewell Ravenlock and the RhyDin Welcome Center.

We hear that the place was anything but dirty and dingy! A cleaning crew had done quite the number on the building to make it ready for the event. Our sources claim that after being spit shined and with club lighting, the place was almost unrecognizable. Choreographed fight/dance routines were performed by the RhyDin Ballet Troupe and the Dockside Dance Squad around the party-goers! Quite the affair!

Koy was there, of course, looking smashing in an outfit that paid homage to her ancestry. Black and imposing but still with some movement to it and she had a quiver and a bow! Somehow I?m thinking this might have come straight from one of Matt?s naughtier fantasies.... Actually, now that I?ve said that I?m wondering just how naughty the old man?s fantasies go!

The models too were looking absolutely fab! And, as usual, Koy and Locke wrangled some rather famous faces into the event!

Seirichi -- who nobody knew at the time was packing her co-worker?s baby -- strutted herself as a badass biker. Harris was one of the models as well in a casual jeans, t-shirt, and leather jacket. We hear that he was relatively well behaved through the event. Probably because he knew that he was living on borrowed time already!!! Katarina effortless stuuuunned the crowd in a warrior angel number full of white feathers and glittery details. Gorgeous! Old Man Matt walked the runway in a casual L.D. 50 number. You?d really think after so many years with Koy he?d have just a liiiittle bit of runway attitude. Mercedes, on the other hand, was all attitude in her ?Sassy Sailor? number. Koy really picked the right outfit for her personality because we all know that Mercedes is way more ?pin-up? than ?high fashion?.... and we actually think she?d take that as a compliment.

Koy is the best at convincing her girl friends and fellow female duelists to put on a dress/skirt for charity. There are always a couple that surprise you! Rena was dressed in a stunning black and gold number with an elaborate headpieces as ?Siren Swordswoman?. Once her trip down the runway was done, she was quick to have Katarina start helping her remove bobby pins. Her big ?unlikely girl in a skirt? catch this year was the Overlord herself! Candy was seen looking her usual bad ass self in quite the short skirt! The outfit was appropriately named ?Lady Brute?. We?re hearing rumblings that things are off with Candy. She hasn?t been seen around much and has been acting slightly out of character. We have no evidence of anything but we?ll keep our ear to the ground.

In surprising fashion, Rekah walked the runway! No longer pregnant! And with the twins in tow! In a sleek number, she strutted her way as ?Mighty Mother? in front of the crowd for everyone?s first look at her beeeeaaaautiful babies! We hear that Jasper was on hand waiting in the wings to assist. Lovely, lovely, lovely. So happy for the new family of 4! CONGRATULATIONS!

There were quite a few famous faces in the audience as well. RhyDin?s new ?it girl?, Lucy Mitford, started fashion week off taking in the show with a man other than her rumored boyfriend at her side. This time it was Dill whose ear she had through the show. Somebody better tell the lovely redhead?s man that you don?t let RhyDin It Girls attend so many events alone. One of these guys is going to scoop her up.

Also present was the Governor, Fio, and her arm candy, Steve. Considering he doesn?t seem to have two brain cells to rub together, we were really hoping he was just a hooooot rebound guy to get over her ex?s midlife crisis. It seems we may have undervalued Steve?s staying power. All we have to say is that he must be damn good in the sack.

...And that was just the first night! Fashion week got even better from here! Stay tuned!

Marc Franco

Date: 2013-02-14 22:03 EST
Top Ten Things You Need To Know To Stay In The Know!

10. Baby, it?s cold outside! Long range weather reports are starting to show a pretty nasty storm headed this way towards the end of next week. We hear that blizzard conditions are possible but the extent of the storm is still difficult to confirm this far out. Meteorologists are closely monitoring the situation, though! The Interns are already giggling about a snow day. Clearly, they don?t realize that the gossip doesn?t stop for inclement weather. Plus, when are weathermen eeeever right???? If we here at the Den of Gossip had their accuracy rate we would have gone out of business a long time ago!

9. I?m a Survivor! The interns have been encouraging me to sign up for the casting call looking for contestants on the first season of Survivor: RhyDin. Although I know they?re just hoping to get their mitts on my blog for a month, I can?t help but be curious as to whether or not I could be the last man standing!!! We don?t have a lot of details yet on the show but we?re looking into it. What we do know is that 39 day event and that entrants are still being interviewed. Go interview for a spot and come back to us with some firsthand info!!!

8. Disco Fever! Who can forget last year?s Disco Valentine?s Day Ball??? There were white tuxedos and Go-Go boots and hot pants! And how do you top that??? You turn it into a James Bond themed Disco Ball, of course! Gold! Glitter! Guns! Girls! We cannot WAIT to see RhyDin?s hottest BRING IT for this event. Rumors are starting to flood in about who is planning on attending. We?ve heard that Eregor might be showing up with Rhiannon, Ford and Peaches might be making their first public dance appearance, and Johnny and Olivia might be gracing the dance floor with their hot, writhing bodies! Our sources are telling us that there is some sort of game that?s going to be played! They?re calling it ?a mission?! EXCITING! We will have our sources there ready to report on the action... so the only question is WILL YOU BE THERE????

7. It is Madness time again! You read that right! It?s ALMOST time to start sharpening your pencils and pouring over brackets and the list of entries is definitely looking interesting. The entrants list includes the Overlord and five out of seven current Barons not to mention a host of former Barons, former Overlords, current Warlords, former Talon winners, etc, etc, etc!!! We don?t have word yet as to what the prizes will be but they never fail to disappoint but this tournament has always been way more about bragging rights than the prizes up for grabs. They?re closing in on the full 64 duelists so if you?re planning on entering better do so quickly!

6. Another one bites the dust! He asked! She said yes! Sources are telling us that former two-time Talon of Redwin winner and current squire of Battlefield Park, Rhiannon Brock, has agreed to marry Eregor... who, let?s be honest, doesn?t have her dueling pedigree or accomplishments. He is hot, though, and as the women of RhyDin constantly show us, being hot can make up for a lot. For example, Jochin keeps landing gorgeous woman after gorgeous woman despite being a complete meathead. Anyway, I digress.... No wedding date has been set. Maybe because she?s still a teenager. The bride?s family evidently have given the union their blessing. But we have to ask... why the rush??? Give yourself some time to grow up and experience life! No reason to rush right into marriage.... or maybe there is??? What do you think, loyal readers? Should there be a baby bump watch called on Rhiannon???

5. His Dong Dong in her Bon Bon! Rumor has it that Katt and Clayton have been getting increasingly close since they met in November. In fact, he?s been her date for quite a few events lately. However, that doesn?t seem to mean that she?s ready for a speedy walk to the aisle! Our sources say that he told her recently that he loves her.... and she ran out on him. Noooot a good sign, man! Not a good sign at all. He?s no professional racing pilot like her last serious boyfriend but he is awfully hot. Katt seems to be a bit hesitant to commit. We?re wondering if she?s waiting for something better to come her way. Time will tell but we don?t think it holds good things for this relationship. Stamp this one DOOOOOMED!

4. One the big ones fall, they land hard! We here at the Den of Gossip have often wondered why Mason and Eva go into the Inn to cook their meals occasionally. Certainly nobody ever seems to mind Mason?s offering of food but... do they not have a kitchen in their own home??? Isn?t it a whole hell of a lot cleaner than the one in the Inn??? No crazy stew, no people getting knifed in the living room, no demons stinking up the joint. Anyway, Mason was in the Inn making one of his famous dinners this past week when he got lured over to that crazy Zoltar machine. As soon as he got his fortune, he fell out. Literally. Judah managed to catch the big man on his way down and slow him a bit but he was clearly in the middle of some sort of medical crisis. With Lucky?s help, Eva was able to get a pill down Mason?s throat which seemed to do the trick. There had been rumors that Mason was sick but this is the first time that we have some sort of proof. Very sad.

3. Common opinion is that we should just stick an ?H? on her chest for ?Homewrecker? The reaction over the pretty shocking news that Seirichi is pregnant and that Harris is the father has been pretty strong and pretty fast. Seirichi?s gf, Mia, has NOT been seen or heard from and rumor has it that Harris is no longer living in Stick?s dojo and has been spotted not looking quite up to his normal shape. Although, it appears that this wasn?t a one-time affair we?re also not seeing any signs that Harris and Seirichi are a couple either. After all, neither of them bothered to leave their significant other until AFTER the news broke.... and then they didn?t so much leave but got kicked out. The sad thing is that there are quite a few kids all mixed up in this nonsense. We know that Harris and Stick?s former ward, Sami, isn?t taking the news so well. Rumor has it that she?s been seen around town in a ?Team Stick? t-shirt. Team Stick, indeed!

2. If you haven?t been to the Purple Pussycat, you?re missing out! Our sources spotted Kitty catching up with one of her old friends, Guthorm, during her shift this past week. We hear that one of the many things that she was filling him in on was the sex shop that she owns. He seemed a bit surprised! REALLY??? Is there really anybody in this town that?s surprised the former Governor owns a sex shop??? We?ll do you one better! She even owns a bordello. This is our kind of town! If you haven?t visited the Purple Pussycat, you really should. For one, some of RhyDin?s most famous denizens are features in blow up form. No, really. Blow-up Fio sits at our conference table for all Den of Gossip meetings! Intern Blow-up Fio has the best attendance of any of the interns, in fact!

1. The week ended prettier than it began! It wouldn?t be Fashion Week without some of our favorite fashionistas out taking in the runway shows! One of RhyDin?s newest It Girls -- Lucy Mitford -- continued to make it clear that she is in contention for the most fashionable woman in RhyDin. She was seen at quite a few of the Fashion week events and each of her ensembles out did the last. That girl is hooootness! Speaking of hotness, Nima brings it every single year. She was one of the showcased models in the Abroad in Adenna exhibition and the fashion world is still buzzing about her. Gooorgeous! Tenacity and Amthy were both spotted at Kitchy Kando which showcased a real youthful, cutting edge line. The models were wearing these crazy, sometimes even startling masks and headpieces as a part of the line?s ?Beautiful Destroyers? line. Sophie DeMuer and her cousin-in-law, Caitlin Rhovnik, sat with the Governor, Fio Helston, at the Remmington show on Wednesday and Koy?s Millie & Mallie show on Thursday. The drama at the Remmington show wasn?t limited to the catwalk. We hear that one of the models (we won?t name names) found herself in the hospital the day after the show after overdosing on yola. Call me out of touch but I don?t know much about this yola. From what my interns tell me it?s the hot new drug on the streets of RhyDin. Trouble, trouble. Speaking of trouble, despite the gorgeous feminine soft looks that came out of the Millie & Mallie show, we hear there were tensions behind the scene between Koy and owner, Daven Mallie. We will let you know if we get any more details on that! Locke?s wife and famous ballerina, Katarina, was spotted at the Highlife Haberdashery show on Tuesday supporting her husband?s newest venture by being decked out in casual LD 50 gear. She went the opposite end of the spectrum when picking out her wear for the Millie & Mallie show. The ice blue gown was a Koy original we hear and she definitely rocked it. The effortless Caroline made the rounds as well. We hear that she was seen looking particularly impressed by the always spectacular Neese line on Friday!

Marc Franco

Date: 2013-02-16 16:04 EST
Top Ten Things You Need To Know To Stay In The Know!

10. You?ve got to watch your girl around the playboy. Ever since Alain got married, Ed seems determined to take over Alain?s spot as RhyDin?s most eligible and most prolific (if you know what we?re saying) bachelor. Well, a Scath sister would certainly be a pretty feather in his cap! Our sources spotted the pair together alone at a table in the Inn laaaate into the night after the GAC meeting this past week. We don?t have the slightest idea what they were discussing but they had their heads together and the conversation appeared serious. Ed and Issy??? We certainly hope not.

9.. We always knew G?nort was sort of trashy! Rumor has it that G?nort has just purchased a waste management company, naming it HDT Enterprises Trash Masters. Seriously. We can?t even make this sort of **** up. There?s just too many jokes! Please write in some of your best ones! We?ll totally publish them next week! ANYWAY! Our sources tell us that he?s been pressuring/bribing/blackmailing his way towards getting a monopoly on the city?s contract for waste disposal. Say what you want about G?nort but he sure knows how to turn one buck into three! We wonder how his super*coughnotcough* model girlfriend, Mercedes, is going to feel about dating a garbage baron. Hahahahaha!

8. Cooper gets laid about once every leap year. In this town you?d think it absolutely impossible not to stumble your way into a tawdry sexual encounter at least once every six to eight months, right??? WRONG! Our favorite Dirrrrty Girrrl Peaches was overheard very loudly declaring that Cooper has not had sex in FOUR YEARS! FOUR! That explains so much! Perhaps if he didn?t spend so much of his time surrounded by taken women and sporting such a dour expression, he just miiiight bag himself a lady! So here?s your mission, ladies, should you choose to accept it. We here at the Den of Gossip are offering a purse of 1000 SILVER NOBLES to the first woman who brings us proof of a naughty horizontal mambo session with Cooper! Consider it an act of charity. This is one man who definitely needs to get laid.

7. The loss of one?s virginity should always be discussed in the Inn with one?s mother. Arts didn?t seem too pleased that her daughter, Tina, admitted (and seemed awfully blase) that she had lost her virginity recently to Sarah Eogan. Audrey was present, trying to keep her mouth quiet. In fact, if she kept her legs as tightly closed as she was keeping her lips pressed together maybe she?d have an entirely different reputation! Tina was explaining to her mother that in modern society sex is meaningless and she will have sex with who she wants and when she wants it and it will not affect her in the slightest. She brought up the fact that Audrey had lost her virginity to some stranger on an airplane which is a story we are sure that Audrey is thriiiilled to death was discussed in the middle of the Inn. It just wouldn?t be a week in RhyDin without further proof that Arts really should win some sort of non-mother of the year award, would it?

6. If you want to get some play time with your gf, don?t call her fat. Ever. We?re not entirely sure if Steve is the stupidest man alive or just a complete ass. There definitely seems to be some road bumps there in paradise and Fio made it clear last night that she was not the least bit pleased with him when they showed up at the Kesey Apartment Complex where duels were being held (could they really find no place better suited than, ugh, Kesey???) and he made a stupid comment about her being a ?chubby chick?. You?ve GOT to be kidding us! Fio is gorgeous and if Steve doesn?t get down on his knees and thank her for staying with him EVERY SINGLE MORNING then he doesn?t deserve her! No worries, though, RhyDin! The Governor knows how to stick up for herself. When Steve told her that she needed to go to bed with a smile on her face with the clear implication that he actually thought he was going to get sex, Fio was quick to say that he was correct that she needed to go to bed with a smile on her face and then asked him where he was sleeping. Peeeerfect!!!!

5. Katt is saying so long to the Bon Bon! Our sources tell us that after the GAC meeting this past week a handful of folks were hanging out and chatting when Katt mentioned that she will no longer be managing the Bon Bon. She will continue to be its owner but will pursue other endeavors. When asked why she was stepping down, she complained that nobody listened to her because she was a simple ?baker? and that bakeries keep popping up all over town. Reeeaaally? Too tough so you?re just going to give up, throw in the towel, and go home? This whole silliness that nobody would take her seriously because she?s just a ?baker? is bull. She?s a small business owner just like Koy. You don?t hear Koy saying that nobody listens to her because she?s just a ?fashion designer? or me because I?m merely a purveyor of gossip. If you want to be listened to you stand up and demand that everyone else STFU! Time to grow up, little Katt!!!

3. Drugs are bad! Rumors certainly have been running rampant since representatives from Old Market announced that King would be rescinding her challenge for IceDancer. Reports that her knee injury was aggravated just didn?t seem to ring true when combined with statements from sources within St. Mary?s Catholic School for Girls that King was found unconscious in her room last month. Well, now we finally have confirmation that King has been in an unknown rehab facility trying to get herself clean!!! The Overlord was spotted this past week talking with her loyal baroness about how things are going for her and the conversation, according to our sources, made it clear that the rumors about King being in rehab are correct. It seems that King is now being allowed out for several hours at a time and Candy was overheard arranging a time to visit. So sad! We sure hope she gets her act together soon!

4. You can?t ever miss Fat Tuesday in the Red Dragon Amber managed to convince some of the Inn?s female patrons that Mardi Gras is when women reward men with beads if the men lift their shirts! See, this is why we adooore Amber! Laina was eager to give it a go! We hear that she got both Ford and Colt to do a little strip tease for her. Both boys were rewarded with beads for their trouble. We bet their mother is SO PROUD! They weren?t the only ones ready to play along! Charles was also seen losing his shirt and tossing it at Bryn. Khoom, however, seemed more intent on hitting on the lovely Laina than taking his shirt off for her. Our sources say Amber spent just as much time explaining the concept of Mardi Gras as she did slinging drinks! She must have been exhausted by the end of the night! But, clearly, a fun night was had by all who showed up!

2. Watch out for that speedy walk down the aisle! It?s a RhyDin specialty! Six months from dating to marriage! We hear that Dahlia was spotted in the Inn this past week gushing to Audrey about how she married Judah sometime in December. Dahlia is an acrobat/contortionist and her new groom is a woodworker. Judah has quite the colorful past in this city but charges against him and the ire of quite a few people hasn?t seem to stuck. He keeps wiggling his way out of mess after mess. The pair started dating this past summer and we really thought this might be one of those couples that was going to take their time before taking the big plunge. Clearly we were wrong! We?ll give them another four months before we start on divorce watch!

1. Every nut has its match! Well, this has got to be good news for the single ladies of RhyDin! Candy has a boyfriend. No freaking lie. Why is this good news for the single ladies of RhyDin? Well, if she can get a guy then any woman can! Seriously. There had been very sketchy rumors that Candy might have a guy. We had dismissed them out right as ridiculous. Until, that is, one of our sources caught Candy engaged in a steamy lip lock with Dillon Jones outside the Outback this past week after taking down Matt in a ring. Maybe she thought she was safe out of range of the Outback?s cameras! What she failed to forget is that our spies our EVERYWHERE!!! This sheds a new light on spotting Dillon at Fashion Week with Lucy. It seems that he wasn?t trying to get into RhyDin?s newest It Girl?s sheath dress but was trying to catch sight of his new girl in a skirt. Yep! REMEMBER -- you read it here first! Candy and Dillon!

Malibu Barbie

Date: 2013-02-18 14:03 EST
Barbie?s Top Ten Reasons Why INTERN BLOW-UP FIO MUST DIE!!!

1. Her boobs are totally fake. Who?s she kidding with that anyway? Here?s a clue: real ones don?t come with tassels fused on!

2. There?s not enough Shalimar in the multiverse to hide the smell of cheap latex in the conference room now.

3. If Intern P.I.T.A. trips in the hallway walking past that door one more time, we?re going to have a lawsuit, and whose bonus do you think that?s gonna come out of? Not hers!

4. Your Body is a Wonderland is NOT our Team Theme Song, no matter what any of them try to insist.

5. She never shuts her mouth.

6. Every time we disagree with Marc about a piece of gossip now, he comes back with ?Intern Blow-Up Fio agrees with me!?

7. She?s already got, like, ten invitations to pool parties this summer, and it?s only February. It?s not fair!

8. Marc bought her a dress ?for Fashion Week.? Did you SEE her at Fashion Week?

9. Intern SassyPants told me that Intern Bang told her that Intern Hot-to-Trot told him that Intern Blow-Up-Fio told her that my new Anna Sui pants make my butt look big!

10. She doesn?t work. She doesn?t do anything but sit there all day and look pretty. That was MY job!!