Topic: January 2013

Marc Franco

Date: 2013-01-27 23:16 EST
Top Ten Things You Need to Know to Stay In the Know!

10. I believe in the youth vote but maybe wait until they?re potty trained? WTF is with the trend towards taking tots to GAC meetings? Now I was willing to overlook Caroline and her little one because... well, Carolina is just a diva who does whatever the hell she wants to do but this past meeting saw Ebon as well with a baby in tow. I?m sorry but is RhyDin having a sitter shortage??? Are there not enough trustworthy teenagers out there to watch your kid for a couple hours so that you can concentrate on assisting the governor to RUN THE CITY??? Hell, if I can step away from the blogosphere for a couple hours, you people can leave your kids at home with their nanny or a babysitter or their father/mother or a capable rottweiler like Carl from those books. The city hasn?t seen so much crying over lost bottles since Dris was in charge!!!

9. The Arena/Annex closed for renovations! Out with the old, in with the new. Most people wait until Spring to do their major cleaning but the Arena has gotten a jump on things. The Duel of Swords venues closed this past week for some face-lifting (what is entailed in this renovation seems to be a secret but if you can sneak in and snap some pictures we have a GOSSIP GANGSTAR t-shirt with your name on it) and will be closed through Feb 20th. While the Arena is out of commission, the duels are on the move! This past week they were held at the Dread Ship Lollipop, Deathlord?s Sanctum, Overlord Island, and Kitsune Stadium. The host sites have been pretty entertaining so far! Definitely worth taking a peek at. No word yet on next week but we?re definitely looking forward to some unique sites!

8. MARC FRANCO NEVER CRIES!!!! Okay, so maybe I cried! Shut up! You will too when you hear the news. It seems that after three long sad years of waiting, the Big Cat has returned home to his lovely Sjira. He found her in the Inn and she immediately wrapped her arms around him, claiming that she thought he was dead. Panther, it seems, thought it was only several days since last he had seen her. There?s a big old gap in his memory.... which if this wasn?t RhyDin we might say sounded like a pathetic excuse but in this city it sounds pretty logical to us! Any men out there who were still holding out hope that you would live up to Panther and be able to heal her broken heart can FORGET it! We hear that the pair were absolutely inseparable and he pretty quickly took her up to their old bedroom. Rumor has it that they have been seen several times over the last couple of weeks keeping company. Nice to have the Big Cat home.

7. She?ll take that with a side of uneffective rehab. Soooo... where has the lovely Jane been hiding??? Our sources are having are hard time finding out the specifics but the brunette party girl was MIA for a couple weeks. Rumor has it that she dumped her boyfriend and did some hard partying there. We hear that she might have ended up in a hospital. Rehab, maybe??? If so, she definitely didn?t stay the full 30 days and she?s definitely back to her hard partying ways. We hear that she?s already back to boozing hard and rubbing elbows with the epitome of sleeze, Nigel, and the blonde floozy, Peaches. Sad, sad, sad. We suppose someone had to replace Chase and Atalanta for RhyDin?s off-the-rails beauties. Well, if the hooker boot fits, ladies....

6. Let?s take it on Daniels Style. This bunch has been spotted a handful of times overtaking a table in the Inn and it seems there?s been a handful of changes within this family since last we updated. Dylan has MOVED ON for a rather forgettable period of dating Oz and has MOVED IN with dark and mysterious, Travis. We got to say that he seems to be doing wonders for her. That girl has really stepped up her game. And in proving that not everybody knows that two wrongs don?t make a right, Colt and Tenacity have gotten engaged. That would be one serious unholy union. Since Harper?s sort of a psuedo-Daniels we?ll thrown her in as well -- it seems she?s gotten married to a knight. Talk about rebounding fast! Chey has been seen spending time with a new man with a mop of a haircut. No word on his name yet. We?ll see if this one sticks before we bother to find out. Fiiiinally, is it just us or is there some sort of weird tension between Ford and Peaches??? We?re not entirely sure what?s going on here but we hear the brothers had some sort of argument about her over the past week. Keep your eyes on that and if you know something we don?t send word to the Den of Gossip!!!

5. Let?s take it on Granger Style. We?re told that there was a little impromptu Granger gathering in the Great Hall this past week. Oh, what? You thought you were safe from our spies there? HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU WERE WRONG! Kaylee was present and that girl certainly knows how to make any social situation just a liiiittle awkward by letting something slip out that her verbal filter should have caught. We hear that she was overheard discussing just how closely related she is to Eliot to see if it would be acceptable for her to get him drunk and take him home. For future reference if the word ?cousin? comes up at all in your description of your relation to another human being FIND ANOTHER MAN! That isn?t all, Kaylee. We hear that Eliot was overheard gushing to Robyn about a pretty model he is seeing. No chance, sister! Vicki was present with her husband, Jon, and was overheard mentioning to Toby that she is due soon. Well, well, well. Now we all know why he put a ring on that finger. BTW, Vicki, might want to take some notes from cousin-in-law Caroline about still keeping up your looks and sense of fashion while pregnant, this ?beached whale? look you have going on isn?t pretty. She?s not the only Granger expecting. In their constant attempt to take over the city, we hear that pretty Gabi is expecting TWINS. No word on who the father of her munchkins is though. Let us know if you have the scoop on the daddy!

4. We hate to give it attention buuuuut... As most of our ardent followers know, we here at the Den of Gossip aren?t exactly.... well, human. And as some of RhyDin?s more unique magical creatures, we feel we must come out and firmly say that we are against the notion that seems to be attributed to the new Baron of Old Temple that magic users should be required to register with some governmental agency just as we were against Prop 37. Rakeesh did not show up for the GAC meeting after requesting the idea be spoken about and hasn?t been heard from recently. For his sake, we can only hope he is lying low having thought better of the idea. In the mean time, the city is a buzz and the dueling community is making a strong show that they do not support this measure. His squire, Kimone Kidd, quickly quit in the form of a very public letter ripping the Baron for his alleged belief and the Overlord?s Grant tournament seemed to be a grouping of contestants aiming to take down the Baron. In fact, according to Gov Fio an anonymous donor put up money for the winner of the tournament to take down Rakeesh but when Jay took the tournament Candy was overheard saying that Jay would challenge Rakeesh without the monetary incentive. We?ll see if Jay?s Wrecking Crew bosses okay the challenge. They?ve never really shown any interest but time will tell!

3. The most important thing you should always know is that MARC FRANCO IS ALWAYS RIGHT! What was I right about this time? Well, our avid readers will remember that back in late June I questioned the reason for Rekah and Jasper?s speedy marriage and wondered if the loud wails of an infant might soon be in there future. One would think that the whole city would have been present for the wedding of arguably RhyDin?s cutest couple but they eloped without any of their friends (AND MOST IMPORTANTLY WITHOUT ME). Well, I was right and I was wrong. Rekah was pregnant but it?s not just going to be the loud wails of one infant BUT TWO! Her friends gathered this past week to celebrate in full cupcake style the upcoming birth of the babes. We very well may die of cuteness! Congrats to the happy couple!

2. Because gossip begins and ends in the Den! It?s FASHION WEEK! I?m totally drooling just waiting for it to hit. You best believe you will see me wearing big sunglasses in the front row of all the best shows! But if you want to see me before the madness of Fashion Week kicks into high gear, make sure you hit Fists of Fashion this Tuesday night when yours truly takes on Emmet ?Second Rate? Bane for a match-up in the Outback! The event will be hosted by designers and fashion icons, Koy and Locke, and there will be prizes for the best dressed woman and the best dressed man! Can?t wait to see you all BRING THE FASHION!

1. Proving that one woman has more patience than most in this town! Well, it?s been four years in the making and quite honestly after it didn?t happen in Year 3 we were pretty sure it wouldn?t but.... Mason asked the lovely Eva to be his wife and she accepted his proposal. We hear that the pair was even spotted celebrating New Years in the Inn and the rock was seen on Eva?s hand. There?s no news yet on when the pair plan on getting married but I wouldn?t hold your breath waiting for that to happen! An engagement that took four years to come around probably won?t come to a speedy conclusion with a quickie wedding. Congratulations to the happy couple, though! IT?S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!

Malibu Barbie

Date: 2013-01-29 22:44 EST
Fists of Fashion! - Installment One

Oh. Em. Gee, Rhydin! Fashion Week! Seven days celebrating everything that is super hot, super now, super ME! I literally could NOT be more excited, or so I thought until I heard what the kick off event was going to be. Fists of Fashion. Repeat after me, everyone. Fists of Fashion. I feel stronger and more stylish just saying it.

Everyone who is anyone around town is here tonight, and we'll get into more of that later, but first, the match itself! The combatants are the always fabulous Marc Franco, the Gossip GangSTAR himself, and the self-proclaimed "It Man," Emmet Bane, who hasn't had a steady job since the rag he worked for folded. Rumor has it, he's been so dejected, he's been seen drinking house vodka and wearing Jason Wu for Target pretty regularly. What's next? A "Will Work for Shoes" placard?

But I digress.

The stakes for this match are pretty high. Not in that "Two men enter, one man leaves" kind of way, either, but in the "Are you kidding me?" kind. Get this. The winner of the match gets to dress the loser in an outfit of his choosing, and the loser has to appear in public sporting it!

Whatever Marc puts on Emmet has to be better than alcohol-stained pret-a-porter.

That's right. You heard me. I predict Marc Franco is going to win this one. Why? Because he is Marc Franco. Seriously.

Let's see if I'm right.

Malibu Barbie

Date: 2013-01-29 22:55 EST
Fists of Fashion! - Installment Two

They?re off swinging, and Marc draws first blood (no surprise there!) with a powerhouse jab. Meanwhile, the stakes of the match went up, because Colleen Fenner ponied up 5,000 plats to the charity of the winner?s choice. Magnanimous and tricky, since Ms. FENNER is married to the washed up editor of the defunct rag the aforementioned souse, Emmet, used to work for. Yes, Sassypants, you can say ?souse.? What? No! Don?t type that! What are you doing! Just type what I am saying. Not what I am saying when I am answering you. What? Stop! Start over.

We?ll be back when I get this straightened out, folks, but before I go, get this: Round three and the score is 2-0 Marc Franco. Guess huge donations don?t guarantee your dog can bite, eh?

Malibu Barbie

Date: 2013-01-29 23:16 EST
Fists of Fashion! - Installment Three

And we?re back! Marc isn?t the only one here strutting his stuff, and I want to point out some of the more fabu of the fabulous watching the ? MARC?S GOT THE MOVES LIKE JAGGAH!

Ahem. Sorry, but it?s true. We?re only five rounds into this, and the score is 4-0 MARC. Everyone has to say his name in an all-capital voice after tonight, because he?s proving to the world that he is not only an amazing writer, but he has the Fists of Fury AND Fashion!

Anyway, before he cleans up the mat with EmMAT, let me ramble off the who?s-who of who?s here looking awesome: Mason and Eva are just being adorable ? trust me, they are going to be the IT COUPLE of the year! Rena Cronin is styling a black asymmetrical pantsuit. Bayliss Cartier is wearing an adorable leather mini-dress that I want. Lucy Mitford is, well, just freaking hot on any planet ? I should tell you about that time I was at Spago?s with Britney and she came in.

But not now. I need to point out that Seirichi and Harris are in attendance, as is the Overlady, Candy, and of the three, Harris is definitely the smoking-est, Smurf hair or not. Wow. Yes, you can say wow, Sassy. No, don?t add anything I said after ? argh stop ittttt!

We?ll be right back.

Malibu Barbie

Date: 2013-01-29 23:36 EST
Fists of Fashion! - Installment Four

Oh, sweet spirit of Saint Chanel this is exciting! Marc Franco is never wrong and NEITHER IS BARBIE!

5-1, ladies and gentlemen, 5-1 and Marc Franco is the winner of the 2013 Fashion Week Kickoff, Fists of Fashion (and Fury)! That means the Gossip GangSTAR Children?s Charity is 5,000 plats richer, and Emmet Bane might actually end the evening out looking pretty decent.

Before I go, let me point out that there were a lot of other people in the room cheering on the combatants, but I was so busy cheering for the winner, I didn?t get everyone?s names. But there were the troublesome twosome of Anya and Aja, the winsome Katarina Smith, dashing Kheldar and (the wealthy) Colleen Fenner, some guy named Rico (Suave?), and one of my personal pin up favorites, Dillon Jones. I am sure there are others I missed, but really - MARC FRANCO KICKS BOOTY!

The hosts did a lovely job, yadda-yadda ? no! Sassypants! When I say yadda-yadda, you fill it in with the usual pleasantries, etc.

You wrote that down verbatim, didn?t you?


Watch here for more details about what Emmet Bane will be wearing, folks, and remember: You can be anything you want to be. Just like me! Barbie!