Topic: June 2009

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-07 18:13 EST
Not For Profit Monday!

Grumbling Grem often has a sour expression planted on his face but we hear that Monday evening he was spotted looking down right pissed off in the Red Dragon Inn. Once Mad Kazzy showed, his ill humor did seem to ease a bit which suggests to us that his rotten mood was about business, not his personal life. G. Grem and M. Kazzy were just as cuddly and over the top as ever!

The Many Faces of Fio was spotted with a dog. That?s just what every crazy girl needs ? another living being that depends on them. Hopefully, Awful Ali will lend her a hand. He certainly seems to be spending a lot of time with her lately. The pair seemed completely enraptured with one another as they shared dinner and the company of the lovely Rekah. If A. Ali and T.M.F.O. Fio get any closer, we?re going to have to start calling them Alfio! This relationship is actually starting to grow on us. You have to admit that they?re pretty darn cute together!

That Kacey seemed awfully jittery! We haven?t seen much of her these days but she was in the Red Dragon Inn Monday night making short work of some scotch. When a fight erupted in the Inn causing some loud noises, she was seen jumping to her feet and appearing quite a bit startled. We sure hope things are okay with her! She was seen chatting with Chief Mischief Maker Eless later into the night. We?re sure that if anything?s wrong, C.M.M. Eless will make it right again! She?s just that AWESOME!

Speaking of C.M.M. Eless, we hear that she was interrupted while talking to Redhead Tara by Lil Lirssa who took the opportunity to pressure C.M.M. Eless to take on one of her friends as an apprentice. C.M.M. Eless seemed eager to accept the help. We hear that L. Lirssa has been spending quite a bit of time these days finding jobs for orphans. In a way it?s a shame that the girl seems so dedicated to non-profit work. If she took those skills and her mad crazy connections towards a for profit venture, she?d be rich within the week. All the better for the orphans of RhyDin that she has not! We?ve got to say that we?re greatly impressed by the little lady she?s turning into!

Well, well, well! It seems that Badsider Princess PJ and Brale Brother Reap are certainly looking like quite the couple! We hear that they were doing some major macking on one another. Surprisingly enough, we have a feeling that there might be more than one or two women in RhyDin who are disappointed that B.B. Reap seems to be a taken man! B.B. Reap has been keeping company with quite a few pretty women in recent months. B.P. PJ has always seemed to have a special place in his heart, though. Better believe we?re going to be watching to see where this heads!

You?re NEVER going to believe who was in the Outback calling duels Monday night!

How?d you guess??? That?s right! it was SUUUUPER Des! No word as of yet on where she has been hiding out or what she?s been up to in recent months. She was too concentrated on the matches to talk much to her friends. She certainly seemed to be in fiiiiine form, though! They don?t get any lovelier than SUUUUPER Des and we?re SUUUUPER glad that she?s back!

The Gov MAN-tastic Matt seemed a bit shaken. With the troubling news facing the city, it?s no wonder he?s a bit upset. It took a long conversation with FLAWLESS Koy to get him to calm down. Our sources reported back that he looked quite broken up. This second term certainly seems to be weighing on him! We hope that it doesn?t become a burden for their marriage! With a new baby in the house and challenging careers, we?re certain there under more than enough stress!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-07 18:13 EST
Better Have An Escort Tuesday!

Awesome Alain was seen hanging out with Fierce Aly and Wolv Tuesday night at the the bar of the Red Dragon Inn. The pair were overheard inviting A. Alain over for dinner. He needs to get a girl so they can have some real double dates. Come to think of it, this has got to be the longest period that A. Alain has been single since he was twelve! We?ve got to wonder if he?s got a secret girlfriend that he?s hiding from us again or if he?s losing his touch! Come on, A. Alain! Our blog is better when you?re out being the player that we know and love!

Later Wolv was overheard talking to The World?s Hottest Tender Tucker about military life. Both of the men have spent more of their life in the service than out of it! They talked about T.W.H.T. Tucker?s retirement until they were joined by Doc Eva who shared an awkward moment or two of tension with Saucy Serena. We?re still unsure why the pair is so firmly on the outs but there?s definitely something up between them according to our sources.

Saucy Serena didn?t stick around long enough for our sources to figure it out but Doc Eva was seen chatting with Mad Kazzy later into the night. While the night prior it was Grumbling Grem looking a bit down in the dumps, Tuesday night it was Mad Kazzy! Our sources could only get bits and pieces of the conversation and none of it seems to make a whole lot of sense? but that?s Mad Kazzy for you!

Lil? Miss Anger Management Jewell told Our Darling Taneth that she needs a date for O.D. Taneth?s wedding for yours truly would skewer her for attending on her own! Better believe it, L.M.A.M. Jewell! You know your ex will be there with a floozy on his arm. We expect nothing less than a stunning dress and some MAJOR eye candy to escort you! After all, it will be the social event of the summer!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-07 18:14 EST
Brotherly Love Wednesday!

The unique Risa was back behind the bar of the Red Dragon Inn Wednesday night. It seems that she and her equally unusual man, Wesker, are still quite close. The bar was pretty quiet early in the night which gave him plenty of time to eye up his little honey. This girl certainly must have something going on!

It seems that Darcy has a brother! Just what this city needs, right? Anyway, his name is David and he decided to auction his sister off right smack dab in the middle of the Inn. Claaaassy! Darcy was sold off to a guy named Drake and it didn?t take long for her to cozy right up to him. Amber seemed a bit disconcerted that a brother would sell off his sister like that but Darcy made it clear that she was quite comfortable with the arrangement. Don?t worry, Amber. You?re not crazy. We find it just as unsettling as you do!

This David is going to be GREAT blog material, though. Just watch and see! Within hours of hitting the Inn, he had made the rounds to all the pretty young women and had delivered at least one witty pick-up line or dazzling compliment to each.

We hear that The World?s Hottest Tender Tucker spent a good portion of his night lecturing Saucy Serena about her behavior. Iiiinteresting! Could he be unhappy with the tension between his ex-girlfriend and his co-worker/good friend??? We?re definitely interested in whatever this is that?s still between T.W.H.T. Tucker and Doc Eva. The two clearly need to get some closure if they?re ever going to move on from one another!

It seems that there?s not a whole lot of bad blood between Psycho Skid and The Many Faces of Fio! He was seen spending a bit of time with one of her personalities before taking off once Awful Ali arrived. We hear that the reason that Psycho Skid hasn?t been seen hanging out around the Inn has little to do with T.M.F.O. Fio and much more to do with a project that he has thrown himself into. Kind of scary, isn?t it? The idea of Psycho Skid focusing his energy on a project? We hate to even imagine what it might be!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-07 18:15 EST
Propriety Thursday!

Lilli seems to have a soft spot for her brother?s girl, Niamh. The two lovely ladies spent some time together early Wednesday evening at the bar of the Red Dragon Inn catching up. They were joined by Brishen who mentioned that he and Niamh are LIVING TOGETHER! Do not the ladies of RhyDin have any propriety anymore??? Co-habiting is for MARRIED COUPLES!!!

Prof. Jolyon was seen discussing his concerns for Lil? Lirssa with Saucy Serena. It seems that the young woman has not been seen in quite some time and Prof. Jolyon certainly seems awfully worried about her. If he?s looking for her, he should come to us! After all we have the best sources in the entire city! We could find her within twenty-four hours and still catch our afternoon nap.

The World?s Hottest Tender Tucker was getting quite a bit of attention from the ladies as he slung drinks behind the bar! He didn?t seem the least bit adverse to accepting that attention either! We knew that deep down there?s a flirt in him just itching to get out. No word on the identity of the ladies in question but we?ve got our sources on the look out to see if it?s repeated.

Wowzers! Simmering Sivanna is as stunning as they come! We hear that she was seen strutting her sexy stuff in the Inn in a fabulous one-shouldered silk Georgette black dress. HAWT! She had a very good reason to be all dressed up ? a date! She was at the Inn to meet up with her date for the night and, we hate to admit it, we never caught his name! We?re sure with as fine as she was looking that there will be a second date and we will be sure to catch him name then!

As if Veejay wasn?t more than enough peppy energy, she was seen having a drink and relaxing with the lovely but equally upbeat Cara. It seems that Cara?s looking for a place to live and Veejay had a couple ideas for her. The journalists are quite cute in their own right. We?re starting to warm to the pair of them!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-07 18:16 EST
Tense Friday!

Playboy Shane seems done with his sulking over his ex girlfriend?s betrayal and has now moved onto flirting with every halfway decent looking girl in sight. We have no idea the identity of the lady he was seen chatting up Friday night but she seemed to be soaking up all the lines that he was laying down! Nice to see that the boy hasn?t lose his touch! We hear that the girl was even seen leaving with him. Wow! Doesn?t take much in this town!

Well, what better way to start a relationship than to have your brother sell you to your new man??? Darcy was seen hanging out with Drake again and they were definitely acting like a couple. She was even taking the time to introduce him to her friends. He friends seemed pretty accepting of the new man in Darcy?s life but then again they probably don?t expect much out of her. The fact that he has all his teeth and can tell you the day of the week probably means that he is a step up!

Awful Ali was seen having a very serious looking discussion with Faye after Faye met The Many Faces of Fio? again??? Because one of sources SWEARS that the two ladies already knew each other. Who knows??? We don?t ask a whole lot of questions when it comes to T.M.F.O. Fio! We are, however, dying to know what it was that Faye had to say to Awful Ali! Could she have been warning him not to become involved with the crazy girl??? If we were his friend we certainly would!

While one third of the love triangle seems to have moved on, Dark Knight Verin has not given up hope that SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee might someday be his! The pair were seen at the bar where D.K. Verin was laying it on thick once again. Seriously, man, if she hasn?t given in by now, don?t you think it?s time to give up hope??? We only give them another couple of months. SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee will get bored teasing D.K. Verin and move on to torture a new man!

Say what you want to about Old Man Tass (he?s definitely old and lecherous) but he has an amazing ability to surround himself with only the hottest women! If a new one begins swimming in his social circles, chances are that he will meet her and kiss her before another man gets even his first pick-up line out. Friday night he was seen in the company of his wife, Sex Pot Kitty, along with Den Mama Sid and the always beautiful Bel.

Lusiphur was also present to make for an odd crowd. The large collection of Bloods were present to confront True on? well, we?re not entirely sure that telling that truth won?t get us killed. We?ll spill a lot for your entertainment but we don?t want Bloods busting down the door of the Den of Gossip any time soon! We hear that O.M. Tass attempted to stand up for True but the Bloods weren?t hearing it AT ALL! When Redhead Tara showed up to joing in?. well, let?s just say that the confrontation did NOT go over well. There was a whole lot of tension all around!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-07 18:16 EST
THE Question Saturday!

Just a night after we were worried for Kacey, she gets asked the biggest question of her life!!! We hear that Davarin dropped to a knee in the middle of the Red Dragon Inn Saturday night and popped THE question! WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?! There was a big long silence and even our sources were a bit nervous for Davarin but we hear that eventually she gave him a ?yes?. However, it wasn?t a resounding yes. We really want this one to work but we?re not so sure these two are going to make it down the aisle. We?ll just have to wait and see! We suspect that Kacey is going to push for a nice long engagement, however.

Chief Mischief Maker Eless was not looking well last night and that report has us a wee bit uneasy! She was seen having a frank discussion with Sex Pot Kitty, Old Man Tass, and Tao. All our sources could gather was that it was something about breaking a bond. We could send her a letter asking her to clarify but we?re quite sure we?d get a naughty non-answer in return. We do hope that she?s doing well! We must do lunch soon, my love!

We?re hearing rumors from some of our dear friends in the Watch that Saucy Serena was arrested early Saturday morning on charges of fraud. Claaaassy! There?s even some talk that she had to be taken out of a holding cell for showing signs of withdrawl. Wowzers! We had no idea!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-09 08:54 EST
The Return of a Classy Broad Sunday!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee and Amber were seen trying to lure some poor unsuspecting sap away from the hearth to sit with them at the bar Sunday night in the Red Dragon Inn. We?re not entirely sure what they were up to but the idea of SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee and Amber working together for a common goal is sort of frightening! Thankfully, it didn?t last long as Amber became distracted when she spotted Darcy at the bar. It seems that Amber has a wee bit of a crush on Darcy?s woman-crazy brother! She was overheard calling him ?handsome? and asking Darcy to tell him that she said hello. Iiiinteresting! Certainly not the type we would have thought she?d go for!

The World?s Hottest Tender Tucker seemed all out of sorts Sunday night. We?re not at all sure what got into him but he did not look the least bit comfortable in his own skin. Can he STILL be getting over Doc Eva??? She?s pretty but she?s not life-altering HAWT! Come on, man! Get a grip! We hear that Chief Mischief Maker Eless had some consoling words for him but T.W.H.T. Tucker still took off pretty abruptly. Odd.

Queen of Class Sylvia was seen in the Inn! Swooooon! We fully admit that we?re not the least bit an unbiased media source. If Q.O.C. Sylvia asked yours truly to run away with her, nothing would stop that glorious union! Our dream woman caught up with her dear friend C.M.M. Eless and discussed the trials and tribulations of being a mom. We?d so love to be adopted by her!

Maybe we?ve been wrong the past couple months about which half of the Tucker/Eva relationship is having a hard time getting over the break-up because T.W.H.T. Tucker was looking mopey Sunday night and when Doc Eva came in with Manly Mason she was all smiles! The pair playfully chatted up their friends including Our Darling Taneth and C.M.M. Eless. They both seemed in fantastic spirits! Rumor has it that their good mood stems from the news that they just moved out of the Inn and into a place of their own.

Interestingly enough, our sources have been reporting back to us that Doc Eva?s new BFF is none other than Jalleia! Don?t remember her??? Well, she splashed into gossip papers early last year for a relationship with Alex and a very public feud with his ex. Very classy broad if we remember correctly!

Prof. Jolyon was looking a bit rough Sunday night. It seems that he was in quite a state over the continued disappearance of Lil? Lirssa and the arrest of Saucy Serena. C.M.M. Eless and his ?gal pal? Real Estate Mogul Rena were on hand to distract him from the bad news. We can?t really feel all that bad for him, though. When you keep company with trouble-makers, trouble will come your way and you?ll have not a soul to blame but yourself!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-14 18:04 EST
Another New Relationship Bites the Dust Monday!

White Knight Julian certainly seems taken by the lovely Rhian that he?s been seen spending so much time with in recent months. The pair were spotted together Monday night chatting amicably in the Red Dragon Inn. The pair were overheard by our sources planning a picnic dinner with a little poetry reading. How sweet! This relationship certainly seems to be on a fast track towards marriage! Rhian certainly has something W.K. Julian wants!

Maybe Grumbling Grem?s getting old! He seems a little off his game! Evidently someone? or something.. got the best of him because he was looking awfully beat up Monday night. We hear that Our Darling Taneth tried to console him but the Grumbler was being his usual sour puss self. And O.D. Taneth wasn?t the only one! Our sweet, lovely Cutie Carley (Oh, how we?ve missed her!) was in the Inn according to our sources and did her best as well. Only the Grumbler could resist the charms of O.D. Taneth AND Cutie Carley! We hear that his mood did improve some when Mad Kazzy entered the building. We STILL have no clue what the attraction between the pair is! They must have some really good sex or something.

So much for Darcy?s new guy! She didn?t seem like a taken woman at all as she was playing drinking games with Brale Brother Reap! No man wants their new girlfriend hanging out with a brale brother! At least we hear that there was no brale made this particular night. B.B. Reap was overheard saying that Darcy owes him ?nakedness?. Woooonderful! And interestingly enough while Darcy was in the Inn flirting it up with B.B. Reap, her new man, Drake, was in the Outback talking about how much he?d like to see topless dueling. Wow. Definitely a short-lived relationship!

It seems that SUUUUPER Des might very well be a regular in the Outback on Monday nights again! That makes us sooooo happy! She was seen egging the crowd into duels in between her calls. She?s still been quite tight-lipped about what she?s been up to since she?s away and how her family is doing. We?re quite curious as to what?s going on in her life. Don?t worry, our loyal readers, if we don?t find out what?s going on soon, yours truly may very well have to make a personal visit to the Outback on a Monday night to get it out of her!

O.D. Taneth seemed to be having an awfully bad night! Her charms did not have work on the Grumbler and Sullen Sal, who usually can NEVER resist her, was not nice either!!! We hear that he pried a knife away from her so she didn?t poke her eye out as she was bouncing around and then stormed out when she tried to cuddle up with him. He actually hurt her feelings! NOT COOL!!! Sullen Sal should totally make it up to her. Neo certainly didn?t resist when O.D. Taneth cuddled up to him and we have to love him for it. Who doesn?t like a good hug from O.D. Taneth???

WHAT?!?! We hear that Duci mentioned the fact that Simmering Sivanna is moving in with some guy!!! We had no idea! The conversation certainly brought a blush to S. Sivanna?s beautiful cheeks. We have to find out more! Maybe a trip to the Outback really is in order because our sources seem to be missing quite a lot these days. We HAVE to know more! For example, who is this guy that seems to have captured S. Sivanna?s no-nonsense sort of heart???

An exhausted looking Prof. Jolyon only had eyes for his woman, Real Estate Mogul Rena! He made a beeline to her and the pair chatted the night away. It seems that Prof. Jolyon is still awfully worried about the missing Lil? Lirssa. We?re sure the girl will show up soon. She always does! It seems that R.E.M. Rena is being a real anchor for Prof. Jolyon during these trying times. It seems that this pair is certainly moving along now!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-14 18:04 EST
Heart-to-Heart Tuesday!

Booo! Booo say we! We have always been one of Lucky Lawyer Lucien?s biggest fans (come on, he?s HAWT) but we have to admit that we are quite disappointed with him. It seems that thanks to his hard work, Not-Doc Anya is now Doc Anya again. Bleh! How can anyone trust this woman? She?s as slimy and over the top as they come! All the gawdy jewelry! The dating two men! Needless to say there was no mirrored celebration in the Den of Gossip as Slimy Doc Anya and her close knit band of Yes Women were doing in the Red Dragon Inn Tuesday night. We hear that the champagne (we?re sure it wasn?t the cheap stuff and we?re sure that Slimy Doc Anya wasn?t paying) was flowing freely and that Topaz, She-Devil Aja, Michiko, and True were all imbibing of it.


We hear that some new girl was seen chatting up Awful Ali! Our sources say she definitely seemed to be trying to have a heart-to-heart. He?s certainly got something that the womenfolk like! Unfortunately for her, Awful Ali only had eyes for? Deliciously Sinful Sin! Oh, come on! He?ll be the first to tell you that nobody can look elsewhere once they?ve had an eye full of D.S. Sin! The pair of men were in fine decadent form, sharing a bottle of tequila and some of their typical chatter.

As usual, Awesome Alain was attracting quite the number of female admirers in his brief time in the bar! The man of many jobs continues to be one of the most sought after bachelors in RhyDin despite his well documented womanizing ways! He was seen hanging out at the bar with Chief Mischief Maker Eless, Lucky Lawyer Lucien, and with the recently jailed Saucy Serena on his arm. Iiiinteresting! He does like the bad girls! We hear that C.M.M. Eless, L.L. Lucien, and A. Alain all were busy talking business. There?s something really HAWT about that!

Alright! We?ve seen enough! It?s been a while but we?ve got to bring back the ?Sluttacious? moniker and give it to?. DARCY!!! That girl is NO GOOD! She?s got way too many men eating out of her dainty little hands these days. It certainly doesn?t help her cause that she?s the ringleader of those awful jello girls?. so SLUTTACIOUS Darcy it is! It has a nice ring to it! So what sent us over the edge??? We hear that she and Playboy Shane were doing some serious flirting Tuesday night at the bar. He?s definitely always seemed to have a bit of a thing for her!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-14 18:30 EST
Spray For Dragons Wednesday!

Ugh! Gag us with a freaking spoon!

We hate to say anything vaguely positive about Slimy Doc Anya and her merry band of Yes Women but?. we do love Marvelous Mira. It seems that the group held a party in the Red Dragon Inn to celebrate her being released from the hospital. We still have very few details in regards to the reason behind her stay but we?re working diligently on it. She was still in a wheelchair Wednesday night and interestingly enough it was not True pushing the chair. We hear that it was a gentleman by the name of Darius! Iiiinteresting. We knew that True should have married that girl when he had the chance.

She Devil Aja was present and accounted for. Also of note, we?re hearing some wild rumors about her love life. We cannot substantiate them and, you know us, we ALWAYS make sure a story is true before we print it! Of course, Slimy Doc Anya was there and being escorted with Boy Toy #1 Antonio. How the mighty bachelor has sunk! It makes us sad to see him regulated to purse carrier. This is the man behind Passion, people!!! We?re POSITIVE that S.D. Anya is drugging him.

Aw! Poor dear sweet Cutie Carley was overheard asking Head of the Clan Johnny if he had seen any of her former boyfriend. H.O.T.C. Johnny?s answer was not what Cutie Carley wanted to hear. We hate to tell her but we have had NO recent spottings of him. We do so hope these two get back together. Our love for Cutie Carley is never ending. There?s always a blue feather plume topped pen with her name on it her at the Den!

OMG! We?re guessing that May and Randy Rix are no longer together! The little jello tramp was seen laying QUITE the smooch on Neo and telling him that she wanted to do body shots off of him! Wow. That girl must have been TOASTY! Neo actually appeared a bit frightened. We hear that She Devil Aja promised to protect him from those scary jello girls. Niiiice, girls. Real nice. Scare the poor boy, why don?t you???

Oh, Lord. We TOLD the Gov and TOLD the Gov that he should use his little flying army to spray for dragons but nobody ever listens to us! And now look! Icer is pregnant again and about to unleash another squadron of her young on the unsuspecting public. She was seen along with her husband, Aurthur, enjoying the festivities of Mira?s party. Somebody really needs to track Aurthur down and neuter him. Enough is enough, people!

Seeing Prof. Jolyon and Ballerina Katarina all cozy at the bar over a bottle of win makes us wonder yet again why these two are now seeing other people! They definitely have some fine chemistry and similar interests. We wouldn?t be surprised at all if eventually they do end up in one another?s arms! Somebody should clue in Real Estate Mogul Rena and Lil? Boy Blue Locke that they better keep those two away from one another!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-15 22:51 EST
A Stinger Thursday!

Our sources reported back to us that The Many Faces of Fio and Awful Ali seemed to be playing out some sort of classic porn movie Thursday night in the Red Dragon Inn. Okay, so there was no full frontal nudity but there were some really corny lines about a plumber coming to lay pipe. Really, we can?t complain about these two. On the adorable scale, they?ve officially reached pinch-a-baby?s-cheek level. Awful Ali is actually starting to grow on us! We hear that Deliciously Sinful Sin was not so impressed. We hear that he was seen rolling his eyes at the corny lines. Oh, come on, D.S. Sin! You know you love it!

D.S. Sin wasn?t without his own bout of icky cuteness for the night! We hear that for the first time in what seems like FOREVER he was spotted with Sullen Sal! We were starting to wonder if these two were still together. Sullen Sal has been spending a lot of time in the dueling venues and D.S. Sin has been seen spending a lot of time alone with bottles of alcohol. It certainly didn?t put any rumors to rest when our sources spotted them having a pretty intense argument in the Inn.

We hear that later into the night Psycho Skid walked in while T.M.F.O. Fio and Awful Ali were necking. A bit later, T.M.F.O. Fio were seen having a very frank discussion. Awkward, much??? It?s a bit sad actually. Psycho Skid FINALLY gave up his bad behavior and started acting like a grown man?. just in time to be dumped for Awful Ali! That?s got to sting!

What do you know? SLUTTACIOUS Darcy and Playboy Shane belly up to the bar and together once again. And FINALLY the pair began discussing the possibility of the two of them going out on a date. It?s about freaking time! This friendship has all the makings of one HAWT and SPICEY summer fling! By the end of August one or the other of them will cheat and it will make for a FANTASTIC blow-up of a break-up. Let?s get it started!

It seemed to be the night of strung out RhyDin Princesses. Redhead Princess Tara was talking to some doll and seemed quite confused about her own life. She wasn?t too confused to miss out on saying some not so nice things about her husband to SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee, though. And Badsider Princess PJ was looking ROUGH! When did she get so fugly??? We sure hope that there?s no Red Orc Brewery photo shoots coming up soon or else they?re going to need to get a SERIOUS make-up artist? and maybe a touch-up artist as well! We?re not exactly sure what?s going on in her life but she needs HELP! Quickly!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-20 07:13 EST
Adventurous Ho Friday!

THIS is why we absolutely adore Therapist Chryrie! We hear that she was seen giving Lots of Babies? Mama Icer a very stern lecture about planned parenthood. FOR REAL! Unfortunately, it seems as if it?s a little too late. She?s already pregnant and will be laying a new batch of fire breathers in a next couple of days. Peeeerfect. The speech didn?t seem to be having any impact either. Really, something MUST be done!

Speaking of Therapist Chryrie, her sister Sex Pot Kitty later told somebody that Therapist Chryrie is now dating Psycho Skid! OMG! She actually used the word ?boyfriend?. What an odd, odd, odd turn of events! These two have often been touchy feely though. Perhaps it was only a matter of time. Psycho Skid certainly has become a real man in the last couple of months! Maybe it?ll actually work out for him this time.

It seems that SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was seen dancing up a storm with her old flame, Julien. It seems that after the loss of her white knight to another woman, SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee had an open seat for a second man-friend! Intern Hot to Trot called her an ?adventurous ho?. Harsh but a bit accurate, yes.

Redhead Tara told Our Darling Taneth that she would pay for whatever honeymoon that O.D. Taneth and Overlord Tormay choose. What a fantastically lucky girl! We hear that O.D. Taneth mentioned that she?d like to go on a cruise. We?re quite curious to see how that honeymoon goes. While we?d be hard pressed to find a lovelier bride, we?re also hard pressed (at least in this city) to find a more naive bride. Should be a beautiful wedding, though! Those kids are adorable together!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-20 07:26 EST
Preparing for June 26th Saturday!

Jokin? Jochin certainly has some unusual taste in women, no??? We hear that in the early evening hours of Saturday night he was seen in the Red Dragon Inn chatting and smoking with an unusual young Inn resident named Zoe. The girl?s a bit freaky but we suppose if there?s a common thread among the women that share Jokin? Jochin?s bed, it would be that they?re all a bit on the freaky side. Whatever floats your boat, buddy! You?re in the right town if you like them freaky!

What we wouldn?t give to have Awful Ali make us a meal! We hear that the dinner he put together for himself and the lovely Many Faces of Fio smelled AMAZING! The pair didn?t seem to have eyes for anyone but one another. That pair is really falling hard for one another it seems! We?re actually a wee bit worred for Awful Ali. We hope he doesn?t forget that as beautiful as T.M.F.O. Fio is, she?s also completely BONKERS!

Den Mama Sid was behind the bar! You do know that we love when she?s at work! We hear that she was quite a bit distracted Saturday night. She was seen whispering in hushed towards with Awesome Alain and company. Uh oh. You know when those two have their heads close together there is trouble a-coming! We?re sure that whatever is going on, they will handle it. After all, who would dare fight the combined forces of Den Mama Sid and Awesome Alain???

Chief Mischief Maker Eless was hard at work with Real Estate Mogul Rena and Queen of Class Sylvia as her sounding board trying to find a way to make the inn smell better! Ha! Maybe they should start by cleaning out all the old moldy sandwiches in the Lost and Found! Next they should give the Brale Brothers baths. If anyone can find a way, it would be C.M.M. Eless! We are sure of that!

We totally HEART Our Darling Taneth! She was overheard by our sources asking Awesome Alain if he would be a ?maid of the bride? in her upcoming wedding. Love it! Awesome Alain politely declined and, of course, C.M.M. Eless mentioned just how much she?d like to see him in a dress! We have to admit we?d like to see his legs as well! Intern Beauty is putting money down on A. Alain having chicken legs. That would totally ruin our fantasy of him! Evidently Rekah has already agreed to be a bridesmaid and if O.D. Taneth is going to have any more, she better get a move on it! The wedding is Friday, June 26th! We?re over the MOON excited for it!

Prof. Jolyon and Real Estate Mogul Rena were seen flirting up much of the night! The pair had their heads together at the bar before joining their favorite couple, Manly Mason and Doc Eva, by the hearth. What an interesting pair of opposite couples! Prof. Jolyon and R.E.M. Rena are too in control of their emotions while Manly Mason and Doc Eva have no control of their emotions. We have no idea what has made these two couples so darn close!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-20 07:26 EST
Not Surprised Sunday!

Well, well, well! Things went from being awfully chummy between SLUTTACIOUS Darcy and her new guy, Drake, to being awfully hostile! The pair were overheard arguing in the Red Dragon Inn Sunday night while Lilli did her best to stay clear of being dragged into the fray! To keep out of it, Lilli turned her attention on The World?s Hottest Tender Tucker! We?re still not sure what we think of this girl but she DEFINITELY has good taste! Lilli seemed interested and T.W.H.T. Tucker was stumbling over himself like a fool. So cute!

Grumbling Grem was looking ROUGH! He evidently took quite the beat down but unfortuantely we have no details on exactly what happen. We?re working on it double time for you, though! His injuries did not stop him from being able to mack on his girl, Mad Kazzy! We?re pretty certain that it would take death to keep him from kissing on her. He?s awfully randy it seems!

Venom Vinny was seen with yet another woman whom we don?t know. We would learn her name but they come and go out of his life too quickly for us to bother! If she?s still hanging out with him next week, we?ll get our sources on it. Anyway, it seems that this particular young woman works at the Riverview Clinic and Venom Vinny was trying to get her to give him a tour of the joint. Maybe the questions that have been looming over the Clinic have finally got one of the Clinic?s most generous contributors thinking! We do so hope so! Venom Vinny is usually one to use his head and not blindly trust like the rest of the Clinic?s sheep!

It seems jail has not done Saucy Serena good! She?s been seen looking quite ill since her release. Sunday night she was in the company of Prof. Jolyon briefly. We do so hope that he can help bring stability to her life! We hear that his girl, Real Estate Mogul Rena, was keeping her distance from the pair. Maybe she doesn?t want to associate with the criminal! Interesting, no???

Now this is starting to not become news we repeat it so often but The World?s Hottest Tender Tucker was seen down in the dumps AGAIN! We sure hope this is not STILL about Doc Eva. The girl?s cute but she?s not worth all this melodrama that?s for sure! Queen of Class Sylvia was seen trying to cheer him up and inviting him out to her home to play with her children. WHAT?!?! T.W.H.T. Tucker gets an invitation and we don?t??? We?re hurt, Q.O.C. Sylvia! HURT!

Our biggest fan Cutie Carley was in the Inn laaaate into the night trying to write us a letter. We?re not sure what it was about. We really wish that she?d stop by the Den of Gossip! We miss her cute little self! Anyway, we hear that Ehz was there as well and suggested a variety of nicknames for addressing the letter to yours truly, including Pinkoodle Fluff, Farfenpooter, Hot Dogacuss. We do have to admit that Farfenpooter is starting to grow on us!

Our Darling Taneth and Overlord Tormay were seen cuddled up in the Inn late into Sunday night discussing some last minute details for their wedding! Friday, June 26th! You MUST be there! Yours truly will DEFINITELY be stopping by for a dance with the bride! Wouldn?t miss it for the WORLD! Rekah is evidently super excited. Speaking of starting to grow on us, that cutie most certainly is becoming one of our fast favorites! Adorable!

Wow. We?re so not surprised. It seems that She-Devil Aja has dumped her babies? daddy and moved on to another man. Get this! He?s a Kidd! No lie! Another Dirty Pirate Brother Padriq was seen all over S-D Aja including grabbing her booty. Classy, girl! Real classy! We hear that A.D.P.B. Padriq is not a fan. Again, we?re not surprised. We give this relationship three months. They?ll marry and divorce before the first snow!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-20 16:54 EST
Maid of the Bride Monday!

Rumor has it that Chief Mischief Maker Eless and her frequently absent man, Connar, were spotted on the porch of the Red Dragon Inn Monday night having a quiet conversation. These two are much too subdued for our taste! They need to have a big fight! Entertain the masses! We do have to wonder how Eless feels about Connar?s frequent absences. We hear that she?s said that they will not marry for centuries and centuries. Iiiiinteresting!

We hear that Manly Mason and Doc Eva were having a terse discussion laaaate into the night in the Inn. No word on what their disagreement was over but the two have certainly been acting odd lately. Several of Manly Mason?s friends have been overheard mentioning some sort of illness that he may be suffering from. Well, we do so hope that he recovers and goes on to have many more blow-ups in the Inn! It has been quite a while since his last and we?re starting to long for one!

So adorable! Our Darling Taneth was overheard in the Outback Monday night confirming that FLAWLESS Koy will be making her ?maid of the bride? dress! Can you only imagine how absolutely stunning she and Rekah will look??? Her groom, Overlord Tormay, was also present and calling duels! The pair certainly seems to be excited about their upcoming nuptials! We know that we here at the Den of Gossip are excited!

Lil Lirssa seems to be back and is in one piece! Her friends will definitely be glad to see her. We?ve heard all sorts of rumors about her disappearance. We hear that she did have a bandage on one hand but otherwise seemed completely fine. In fact, she and Saucy Serena were seen teasing Real Estate Mogul Rena who was NOT with Prof Jolyon but a guy named Micheal! The pair were trying to help him decide on just the right flowers to get her in order to woo her! What did we tell you, Prof. Jolyon??? Let another one slip right through your fingers! It?s time to get your game face on, man!!!

Simmering Sivanna was around laaaate into the night in the Outback as well chatting with the handsome young Neo. For a woman living with another man, she certainly spends a great deal of time at Neo?s side. We don?t buy that there isn?t just the slightest of attractions between the pair. If there?s not, it?s a crying shame! They?d make fore one really HAWT couple!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 11:22 EST
We?re on the Case Tuesday!

Wow, wow, wow! At first we thought that Therapist Chryrie just felt sorry for Psycho Skid for getting dropped like a hot potato by The Many Faces of Fio! But now we?re starting to think that she might actually have? FEEEEEEELINGS for him! The pair were seen acting awfully cozy Tuesday night in the Red Dragon Inn. Does nobody in this town have a problem with banging a friend/relative?s ex???

SLUTTACIOUS Darcy was around flirting with Brale Brother Baker. That girl certainly does like taken men. We hear that the new guy Drake (not the guy she dated but a more sour-faced one) spent quite a bit of time making fun of her. As Intern Hot to Trot always says, if you don?t like someone, you ignore them. If you make fun of someone, you?ve actually got a thing for them. We tend to agree with her here. He certainly seemed to be spending a lot of time metaphorically pulling her pig tails if you know what we mean!

We hear that SLUTTACIOUS Darcy was seen holding hands with a different man later into the night. We?re not sure yet who this mystery man is but we?re hearing rumors from our sources that they have been seen together multiple times in the last several weeks. Don?t fret! We?re on the case!

OMG! We hear that Lil? Lirssa REALLY laid into Brale Brother Baker with some major zingers. And they?re the sort of zingers that are going to earn her a lecture! We?re guessing she thought nobody would report them but, sorry to say, Lirssa, they made into the Overheard section! She?s got quite the dirty little mouth?. and B.B. Baker wasn?t holding any nasty verbal punches either! Eventually, Real Estate Mogul Rena found her way into the Inn and broke up the highly inappropriate conversation. Thank heavens for R.E.M. Rena!

Here?s some news! Sullen Sal and Deliciously Sinful Sin were seen spending a night together that didn?t end or start in a nasty argument! They were definitely feeling each other Tuesday night! Those are two hot blooded men, right there. If their relationship gets that heated in public we can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors! At the end of the night, Sullen Sal was seen hauling off a very drunk D.S. Sin! We?re sure they were off to do naughty, naughty things!

Later into the night, R.E.M. Rena was seen catching up with the one and only Marvelous Maeve! We hear that M. Maeve questioned her about whether or not she?s dating Prof. Jolyon. R.E.M. Rena, of course, denied the charge (which we so don?t believe anymore) but it proves that we?re not the only ones who see right through their act! Our only question is why they?re going to such great lengths to hide the chemisty!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 11:22 EST
Overheard Around Town!

- ?I find that women and minds are an annoying combination.? You can blame that one on Brale Brother Baker!

- ?We playin? telephone? I used to always add the word ?penis? even if I didn?t hear it. ? That little tid bit from Captain Sassy Pants Eve does not surprise us one bit.

- ?Good news!! Apparently I?m easy!? We hate to burst your bubble, Playboy Shane, but that?s not news.

- ?That is not what I donated. ? According to Neo when Deliciously Sinful Sin streaked the Charity Auction.

- ?Ali?s got like.. six cooches. He?ll show them to you if you ask.? Ali?s got six? what, Deliciously Sinful Sin?!?!

- ?Bout the same time you have puppies?? Head Pussy Panther in response to SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee asking him when he and S?jira were going to have kittens.

- ?Whatever happened to the golden days of the RDI?.where lesbians and loose women where only a hands-grope away?? Another classy line courtesy of Brale Brother Baker.

- ?Maybe she?s like an..uberlesbian? You know.. the kind that absolutely despise dudes, and wear burckenstocks?? Don?t blame us if you?re offended. Blame Brale Brother Reap? but we?re guessing you?ll have to get in line. He offends people just waking up in the morning.

- ? It?s called planned parenting, Icer. The problem with being fully sentient creature is we don?t mate just for reproduction, so to say. So the smart thing is to pick the times, instead of just letting yourself pop out kids like a bubble gum machine.? Therapist Chryrie?s thoughts on the dragon epidemic.

- ?That bothers you? Figured you?re the type that?s on your knees some way or the other sorta often.? Lil? Lirssa to Brale Brother Baker when he complained of getting his knees dirty by crawling around. Score: L. Lirssa 1, B.B Baker 0.

- ?Nah?.yer thinkin? of my bitches.? Brale Brother Baker in reply to Lil? Lirssa. Score: L. Lirssa 1, B.B Baker 1.

- ?That?s just gross, Half-baked. Really, isn?t there a law against doing that to animals?? Lil? Lirssa in reply to Brale Brother Baker. Ding ding! We have a winner! Final Score: L. Lirssa 2, B.B Baker 1.

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 21:27 EST
Tag Wednesday!

Crazy Risa always seems to have a good idea or two up her sleeve and her shift behind the bar Wednesday night in the Red Dragon Inn was no exception! Every patron was given a white t-shirt and provided with all sorts of markers and paint pens with the goal of writing on one another?s t-shirts. Are we the only one with the visual of Deliciously Sinful Sin walking around the room with marker in hand to sign every breast in the place? No? We didn?t think so.

Unfortunately, D.S. Sin wasn?t present but quite a few of the Inn?s other regulars were!

The Many Faces of Fio drew quite the masterpiece on Awful Ali?s and he jotted down something on her?s in some language that our sources present couldn?t read. The pair were quite into each other once again! They get cuter by the day to us. It?s hard to hate Awful Ali when he is so good to T.M.F.O. Fio! Plus, we?re sure that with all her bad ass friends constantly shooting him the evil eye he knows better than to hurt her!

The merry-makers just couldn?t get SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee into a t-shirt but she was seen doodling on several people by some sort of magical means. She always seems to have a handful of male admirers that want her attention. Wednesday night was no exception.

Lizard King Bran was seen in a t-shirt proclaiming him the ?triple crown winner? in recognition of having claimed all three of the top titles in the dueling world. In an interesting mix of personalities, he was seen chatting with Cutie Carley who seemed to be having a blast! Cutie Carley really loved the markers, especially Crazy Risa?s scented ones! We?re going to have to make sure we send her a box along with the back issues of the GangSTAR that she?s missed!

It seems that Lil? Lirssa?s friends are thrilled to have her back. Still no word as to her disappearance. Head of the Fam Johnny seemed to be keeping a careful eye on her as was Lil? Boy Blue Locke. Lil? Lirssa was overheard telling L.B.B. Locke that she no longer speaks to any of the Smiths! It?s certainly hard to tell when L. Lirssa is telling the truth and when she?s yanking someone?s chain but our sources SWEAR that she?s serious. L.B.B. Locke asked why but all L. Lirssa would say was that it was for her own reasons.

Later she was overheard talking to Doc Anya about Merchant Antonio. It seems that Lil? Lirssa, like may of us, is quite disappointed in his life decisions. Much of the city is talking about this issue so we will merely add our opinion this once before being done with the issue. Life is tough. The world which we live in is hard and everyone needs a partner to get through it. Marriage is between two people ? be it a man and a woman or a woman and a woman or a man and a man or a fox and an goblin or a elf and one of those green people that Awesome Alain has working for him. A marriage between two people commits them to a life of protecting one another, being there for one another, and putting their family (even if family means just the two of them) before anything or anyone else. Marrying two people is disrespectful to the institution. If you want to have two men to sleep with and enjoy the company of, fine. Grown adults may do whatever grown adults want. However, you cannot commit yourself to a life of being there for two different people. It flies in the face of everything that marriage stands for.

Do not give up hope, Lil? Lirssa. There are many fine examples of marriage in this city. Perhaps this publication should work a little bit harder to promote those relationships rather than the train wrecks that while more entertaining are disheartening to many.

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 21:34 EST
Letters to Marc Franco!

Is it just us or are people who feel the need to close a letter without a lot of titles usually pompous idiots?

From the Desk of Lady Onyxia Uth Dravon Dragonbane

Dear Mr. Franco;

While I commend you for your ideas in the Children?s benefit, Noble House Uth Dravon is issuing a challenge to you.

Time to put your money where your mouth is. So far I have seen you do nothing but trash the reputation of the Riverview Clinic and the members of my family that work in the trenches there. You are quick to judge and believe the innuendo your so-called colleague printed. Yet, you have failed to look for yourself.

You have called my kinsfolk sheep, yet that term best describes what you are doing it seems.

Well, my challenge to you is to make your ?charity foundation? into something worth respecting. This will require more work than you seem to be able to put into checking your own sources, to be sure.

I found last night to be nothing more than an excuse for you to gossip and take snipes at others, all under the guise of ?helping the children.? As someone that prefers action over words, I must say your actions leave me many doubts as to your integrity and intentions.

So will you rise to the challenge, or be seen as another that exploits children for their own gain.

House Uth Dravon is watching and will not blindly sign checks.


Lady Onyxia Uth Dravon Dragonbane
Magistrate of Order - Magistratical Council of Elders
Noble House Uth Dravon
Member of the Sovereign Houses of the Royal Rhydin Imperium
Dear Lady Dragonbane,

Being that I have never heard of you I can only assume that you are new to town. Therefore, I will excuse your ignorance. My interns and I have been a supporter of the local charities since we moved our publication to RhyDin two years ago.

I sat in a dunk booth at the Beltane Festival last year and all proceeds went to a local soup kitchen. I allowed myself to be auctioned off on several occasions for charity. The Gossip GangSTAR has also matched the interns salary up to a certain amount (which has depended on the year?s success) and donated it to their favorite charity. Finally, we have been involved in a number of charity events through our various sponsors. Simply because we do not feel it necessary to announce what we do for the community does not mean that we do nothing.

This charity was created when we at the Den of Gossip decided that we are here in RhyDin to stay.

I am sorry that you find fault with my behavior last night. Many of the people I spoke with I have met in the past and was following up on previous conversations. Following up on their lives is my job and, for them most part, I believe that they understand that. Had any of them asked me to leave them I would have. My conversation with the people of Riverview Clinic was entirely cordial and we did not discuss their personal lives at all.

If the people of RhyDin wish to continue supporting the Riverview Clinic that is their right. I have done all I can. Therefore, Riverview Clinic will no longer be mentioned in our publication. I?m beginning to find these sorts of letters tiresome. The inherent entertainment value is most certainly gone by now anyway.

Have a fantastic day!


Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 21:35 EST
Letters to Marc Franco!

Dearest Mister Franco:

It has come to my attention that a one Lady Onyxia Uth Dravon Dragonbane has in the recent past inconvenienced The Den and yourself with unnecessary and overtly confrontational correspondence. As recently appointed Public Relations Director at Riverview, I feel it is my duty to inform you that Lady Dragonbane does not, I repeat, does not speak on behalf of Riverview Clinic. The institution applauds The Den of Gossip?s benevolent and scrupulous efforts to launch such charitable organizations as the GangSTAR Children?s Foundation, as well as the company?s tireless vocation to the betterment of Rhy?Din?s society at large. Staff and friends of the clinic are more than enthusiastic per this new endeavor, and fully offer their support to the GangSTAR staff. Please do not hesitate to call upon our assistance should your team require it. After all, teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision? the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Per the GangSTAR?s frequent publication of the clinic?s activities itself: I must respectfully rescind Miss Dragonbane?s complaint, for while the occasional unseemly gossip has been known to present itself of the employees, the institution has never faced any malicious publicity whatsoever. In fact, the credit that Riverview has received in your publication is naught but overwhelmingly accommodating and supportive. For this, we at Riverview offer our humblest gratitude.

Please accept my sincerest apologies on behalf of Riverview Clinic, and if The Den is still adamant about desisting all publication with regard to our institution, we merely express our regret and appreciation for all The Den of Gossip has done for us thus far.

With many thanks,
Sivanna Cyredghymn
Public Relations, Riverview

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 22:03 EST
Letters to Marc Franco!

Dear Marc Franco,



Dear Sin,



Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-21 22:26 EST
Another Day Thursday!

What do you know? Another day, another mystery woman hitting on Awesome Alain! We have no idea who the blue-eyed beauty was but they certainly had a flirty little conversation as he offered her up a bottle of wine. His attention wandered when?. Renna walked through the door??? Odd, no? Based on a personal conversation that yours truly had with him we can report that we believe that his interest with Renna is business, not pleasure. We have a feeling that all the young, single women of RhyDin just blew a collective sigh of relief. Yes, yes, he remains RhyDin?s most eligible bachelors, ladies.

It seems that Yummy Ewan and the Divine Mrs. Storm took a night away from tending their small brood (and we have a feeling that with her as a wife there?s a lot of practice baby-making going on in that house that also keeps them busy) to grace the Inn with their loveliness! We hear that Redhead Tara was overheard instructing them in how hell really is set up. Um, wow. Not exactly the way we?d want to spend a date night but to each their own, we suppose!

Wow! We hear that Reality Check Brandon laid into Playboy Shane with quite the vicious diatribe on SLUTTACIOUS Darcy! It seems that R.C. Brandon is not the least bit happy to hear that Playboy Shane is thinking of taking S. Darcy out on a date. We?re just surprised that it comes as news to R.C. Brandon that his boy is attracted to S. Darcy. We hear that Saucy Serena and Mad Kazzy had SLUTTACIOUS Darcy?s back a bit, urging P. Shane to do what he felt was right. Right, smight! Do her because she?s HAWT, not because it?s right! For crying out loud!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-27 18:27 EST
Launch of the GangSTAR Children?s Foundation / Fio and Ali's Wedding!

We here at the Den of Gossip have been discussing how we may be able to give more back to the community that we love for well over a year. The GangSTAR Children?s Foundation came out of just these talks and we were thrilled to be able to launch it with a fantastic cocktail party in the Red Dragon Inn Friday night! It was, of course, all PINKED out! We named some great pink cocktails after Ehz?s nicknames for us ? the Pinkoodle Fluff consisting of iced pink lemonade with a light rum in a hurricane glass and the Farfenpooter combining vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice black currant juice, and a dash of sour mix into a chilled martini glass. There were also waiters in well-tailored black suits complimented with pink ties making the rounds around the Inn with trays of hors d?oeuvres and a full spread of more filling foods laid out on the bar.

We were so thrilled to see some of our favorite people in attendance and, of course, we followed up with as many as we could to see how things in their lives were going.

Our Darling Taneth was looking ever the young beauty that she is! She gave me the great pleasure of FINALLY being able to meet Sullen Sal. We definitely can see what Deliciously Sinful Sin sees in him. Never one to change for anyone he was in jeans and a t-shirt and while we may not HEART his fashion sense we do HEART the way he is always himself. Definitely a HAWT guy and anyone who is sweet and caring to Our Darling Taneth gets biiiiig kudos in our book! She?s the best!

Lucky Lawyer Lucien was present and accounted for as well. Despite rumors that he has been seen looking quite melancholy and somber over the past month (come on, it?s L.L. Lucien after all, being somber is what makes him HAWT), he seemed to be in an excellent mood. He told yours truly that he brought out his best smile for the event. That smile, unfortunately, did not last the entire evening which we?ll explain later!

Ballerina Katarina looked to die for in a strapless yellow sundress! Certainly practically anything on that body would look expensive but we did question her about her fabulous fashion sense that we believe comes from her boyfriend, Lil? Boy Blue Locke. When we questioned her on it she was a wee bit illusive but did admit that L.B.B. Locke occasionally supplies her with a dress or two. Who wouldn?t take his help??? He?s one snazzy dresser! She also confirmed that they have not yet gotten engaged. Although, we are hearing that they are shacking up together.

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee never fails to bring attention to herself! She was wearing an uber sexy black strapless gown with white and gray vines printed into the fabric. It had quite the slit as well to show off more than a little of those famous/infamous legs. She greeted yours truly by jumping from the bar into my arms. She?s awfully lucky I have good reflexes or she may have gotten hurt! Knowing SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee she would have merely landed on a bed of magical roses instead.

I also got to catch up with one of our most avid readers in Cutie Carley! She was certainly enjoying the great food and the company. We hear that she definitely made the rounds and was even seen chatting with a number of people that we didn?t know she was familiar with. That young lady can make a friend out of ANYONE!!! We do have to wonder where she has been the past several months. All she told us is that it is ?fun out of RhyDin?. Iiiinteresting!

Prof. Jolyon was busy giving his nightly lecture to Lil? Lirssa when we found our way over to them. Lil? Lirssa was again looking mighty spiffy in an adorable hunter green skirt and matching jacket. Such a little lady! Unfortunately, I only had a brief opportunity to discuss our shared interest ? the plight of poverty-stricken children in this city.

But we?re quite sure that you would rather here of our discussion with her handsome tutor than our charity work anyway, you gossip scoundrels! Well, we did in fact discuss the nature of Prof. Jolyon?s relationship with Real Estate Mogul Rena (who joined us at the hearth as well). Unfortunately, he continued to remain koy about what exactly is going on there. From our very brief discussion with R.E.M. Rena in which she called him a ?puzzle? it seems we are not the only ones confused by his behavior! The two did chat for quite a while afterward! Maybe a discussion on the state of their relationship???

We hear that Renna was in an amazingly sexy black number and was seen catching up with Icer. Unfortunately, Renna had moved on by the time I made it over to Icer?s couch where she was chatting with Drake?. who is yet another one of her relatives, according to our sources. Evidently the first of the current batch of Icer?s brood has begun hatching. It?s no wonder she?s trying to stay out of the house?. or den or cave or whatever!

Our sources caught more details on the upcoming wedding of Overlord Tormay and Our Darling Taneth! O.D. Taneth was overheard telling Sex Pot Kitty and Old Man Tass that the pair had decided to ask Therapist Chryrie to marry them! How cuuuute! Knowing T. Chryrie she will insist on pre-marriage counseling. Wouldn?t you love to just be a fly on the wall for one of those meetings? How much fun would pre-marriage counseling with O. Tormay and O.D. Taneth be???

Doc Anya was there on the arm of her man, Alper. She had the nerve of welcoming us to the cause of helping children in this city? which we find completely insulting to all the time, talent, and money that we here at the Den of Gossip have sunk into our favorite charities over the past two years we have worked in this city? and, really, that?s all we have to say about either of them. Thankfully, our night was brightened by some of the yummy eye candy that was occupying the table! Simmering Sivanna truly is TO DIE FOR! The woman just oooooozes sex! She was in a fantastic strapless black number that was cinched around the middle to show off her teeny tiny waist. Love her! The dashing Neo was also present. We hear some fantastic things about his exploits within the rings of the dueling venues. We may have to make a special trip there to see him for ourselves!

That lovely new girl AJ was around and chatting with Doc Eva and Ballerina Katarina. We?re hearing rumors that the girl might actually be pregnant. Wowzers! She and that man of her?s juuuuust hooked up and started living together as well. Now that?s a lot of pressure on a brand new relationship. We don?t understand why these kids can?t just slow things down. Why are they in such a damn hurry??? Well, perhaps speaking with Doc Eva gave her some perspective. Doc Eva isn?t exactly on the rocket express with her own relationship. They seem to be taking it nice and slow? which is probably a good thing since there?s still a TON of tension between her and her ex.

And then it was time for the big EVENT! We were so honored and delighted when The Many Faces of Fio and Awful Ali asked yours truly to unite them in holy matrimony! T.M.F.O. Fio looked delicious in a short, sassy indigo silk dress with a drop waist and ruffled skirt. And while we all knew A. Ali is suuuuper HAWT, he looked especially elegant in his black silk jodphuri jacket. Their witnesses seemed to be RhyDin?s Redheaded Stepchild, Tara, and a goat. We were straight and to the point and before the crowd knew it, T.M.F.O. Fio and A. Ali were JOINED!!! And they looked radiantly happy (and a bit nervous as to how everyone would react) about it!

Who doesn?t love a good surprise wedding???

Well, it seems that it didn?t take long for us to find out! Deliciously Sinful Sin and Old Man Tass stood in shock giving us the evil eye. And we must admit that it pained us to see it from D.S. Sin! Sex Pot Kitty and Lucky Lawyer Lucien stormed out of the Inn even! Shock reigned supreme for quite a while before people began congratulating the newly married couple.

We hear that the celebrating went on laaaate into the night and we must admit that these two are incredibly cute together. Only time will tell if they can stick it out in the harsh limelight of RhyDin but we certainly are hoping for the best for them. We certainly wouldn?t want the first marriage we officiated to end in divorce!


Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-27 18:29 EST
Little Big Locke Saturday!

Reality Check Brandon was back to work Saturday night in the Red Dragon Inn trying to keep Playboy Shane from falling victim to those darn wily women! He was overheard on yet another diatribe about SLUTTACIOUS Darcy. REAL Gypsy Lilli (we?ve decided to call her that because there?s a lot of people that run around calling themselves gypsies but that girl is like fresh off the caravan gypsy) tried to stand up a bit for S. Darcy but R.C. Brandon was hearing none of it. We?re not entirely sure where he?s going with this one as to date we haven?t seen him approve of a single female. This is RhyDin, R.C. Brandon! There?s a million and one good women. Which one is going to be??? Just let us know! We?ll make it happen!

It seems that Playboy Shane is listening to R.C. Brandon because after R.C. Brandon called her worse insults than even we feel comfortable laying out, Playboy Shane did not defend his lady love but instead left with R.C. Brandon. Coooold. Very, very cold. We hate to feel sorry for SLUTTACIOUS Darcy but she can do better than a guy who ditches her like that.

It seems a couple more of Icer?s progeny has hatched as she told Marvelous Mira. Marvelous Mira seemed disappointed that the young were back at Le Dragon Cave and not there for her to play with. Ha! We?re sure that M. Mira can get an invitation back to Le Dragon Cave because Icer?s seriously got to need the babysitting help. That dragon-lady has just GOT to stop having kids.

Cutie Carley was with her newest handsome companion ? an elf who seems to go by Cy. Very good-looking, Cutie Carley! We here at the Den of Gossip totally approve! We hear that our foul-mouthed little favorite had some? uh? choice comments about Lil? Boy Blue Locke?s? well, little Locke, if you know what we?re saying. L.B.B. Locke didn?t seem to appreciate her commentary and invited her into the bathroom with him when he went to check out ?little Locke? (or ?Little Big Locke? as he seemed to be contending) for herself. Head into the bathroom she did! And with a SLINGSHOT! Evidently, L.B.B. Locke?s cry could be heard well into the common room.

The prank got her a stern talking to from Queen of Class Sylvia who was there attempting to have a quiet drink with her Hunky Hudson. As seems to be a common trend with them, Hunky Hudson could not stay long without being called away by a messenger! What a bummer! Must be the story of Q.O.C Sylvia?s life these days! He certainly laid quite the cute little kiss on her before he left though. Le sigh. These two are ALMOST enough to turn the whole lot of us here at the Den of Gossip into a bunch of sappy romantics. ALMOST.

Den Mama Sid! No lie! Den Mama Sid was seen behind the bar late Saturday night catching up with her dear friend Q.O.C. Sylvia. It seems like D.M. Sid is everyone?s ?dear friend?, though. As usual, she was acting a bit eccentric ? fading in and out of view covered in sparkles, cursing some unknown sorcerer, and talking of bouncy castles. What are you going to do??? That?s Den Mama Sid and you can?t help but love her and all her beautiful eccentricities.

The basement Arena was busy with activity Saturday night! Sweetheart S?jira and Head Pussy Panther were seen canoodling! COUGHMARRYHERCOUGHCOUGH! While Brale Brother Baker seemed to accidently wander a floor lower. One bar is just like any other to him, we suppose. He was belly up to the bar pounding down the mugs of ale and verbally accosting any woman who would stop and chat. One classy dude!

We do hear that he actually managed to have a somewhat coherent conversation with Lil? Miss Anger Management Jewell. The pair talked of life, love, and the event the previous night! It seems that B.B. Baker drummed it down to a night full of ?stuffy bastards?. We sure hope he wasn?t refering to us! OMG! We?d be so sad! It seems that he was upset that yours truly didn?t say hi to him. We are sure we overlooked a few but we were oh-so nervous about performing a wedding! So to make up for it?. hiiiii, Brale Brother Baker!!! Cutie Carley or one of our other regular readers, make sure B.B. Baker sees our little shout out to him!