Topic: Letters to the GangSTAR ((Please place all letters here!))

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-11-13 13:26 EST
Mr. Franco,

I can't begin to tell you how pleased I was to hear about your offer. I will be taking Erin away for atleast one day on a camping trip. So she will be away as you requested.

Now as you can well imagine, running a cattle ranch can be a rather costly business. While I was happy to bid on both Lydia, and Erin it will be nice to be paid the 4575 nobles to go camping.

I have included a clipping of your offer just in case your memory needs refreshing.

It seems that Good Boy Jake has been suckered in by the succubus WHORE-acious Erin! He ponied up 4,575 nobles to spend a day with her! Ugh. We?d pay him 4,575 nobles to keep her AWAY for a day!

Thanking you in advance,

Jake Duncan

Marc Franco

Date: 2008-01-30 07:41 EST
Dear Mr. Duncan,

We apologize that it has taken so long to answer your letter. It seems to have slipped beneath the desk when the mail man brought in the hate-- we mean, fan mail.

You are quite right with your comment and your check accompanies this letter.

Have a grand day!

Marc Franco


Date: 2008-02-07 20:26 EST
Dear Mister Franco Gossip Man -

Calling someone crazy is not a good hiring tactic!

Signed -

Warrior Princess of the Silver Sword and Bell Slayer Extraordinaire


Marc Franco

Date: 2008-02-10 08:01 EST
Dear Miss Warrior Princess of the Silver Sword and Bell Slayer Extraordinaire,

It is so lovely to receive a letter from such a dear pixie such as yourself. We certainly do not wish to hurt your feelings so allow us to quote to you from the RhyDin Standard Dictionary:

cra?zy ?adjective
1. mentally deranged; demented; insane.
2. senseless; impractical; totally unsound.
3. Informal. intensely enthusiastic; passionately excited.

Quite clearly there are several definitions to the words. However, we make it a point NEVER to use formal definitions for words. Formality is so.... well, formal. Therefore, we certainly meant the third definition. You are a delightful, passionate creature and we adore you!

Consider us your fan boy and keep up the great work.

Love always,
Marc Franco


Date: 2008-02-25 12:00 EST
Dear Mister Franco Gossip Man -

After your last letter I was very happy with you until I read your coverage of the ball. It is an insult that you would call me a fairy! I am obviously not one of those waspy creatures! You are lucky I am not showing this to my sister Aerinth, as she would be very displeased and be forced to consider hurting you. Hopefully I will not see any further mistakes such as that in the future!

Signed -

Trinala. Pixie!

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2008-02-27 21:00 EST
Good Evening Mr. Franco,

As much as I would like to take credit for the punch you said I threw at Ethan, I can not. That punch that I told Piper about was thrown by Trinala earlier in the day and I am pretty sure that is what I stated.

Anyway, happy belated anniversary for being around a full year.

Rena A Cronin

Katarina Smith

Date: 2008-03-03 19:37 EST
Katarina tried to stay out of trouble at all costs. Any slander against her would be devastating to her chances to land a spot in the upcoming troupe. She usually kept her nose out of the gossip pages, but when her younger cousins could recite everything off of the Gossip GangSTAR, it was in Rini's best interest to keep only good things to her name. And the best way that she could think of was a sincere letter.. and mild bribery.

Upon opening the letter, a single ticket for the upcoming opera would slip out.

"Dear Mr. Franco,

I am very honored for the kindness of including me into your papers. Please accept my gratitude with this ticket to the opening night of The Marriage of Figaro. It is in an exclusive box seating to keep your devotees at a distance to enjoy the show.

Happy Viewing,
Katarina Smith"


Date: 2008-03-15 12:14 EST
And it was only a matter of time before Mr. Franco would see a letter from the Frenchwoman! The time has finally come.

Monsieur Marc Franco would find a letter this day from her... the envelope was a deep red and on it in a very fancy script was his name. The envelope was sealed with a wax seal that had an A on it in an equally fancy script.

Inside the letter was on white paper, the letters were all red. AJ did have quite the class when it came to sending letters. This is what it would read.

Monsieur Franco,

Let me get this out of the way... I am a huge fan of yours even though you are constantly making fun of my husband. You definetly have creativity and I thank you for making Rhy'Din that much more interesting.

But I am not happy with you writing things just to have Frank beat up my husband. Frank is like a brother to me and being that I am pregnant (A bit shy of a month, Merci!) I can kick his butt without worrying about him defending himself too much...

So please... don't get Phillipe in too much trouble.

And Merci for writing that bit about Adrienne's man thing Morgan... I don't like him enough as it is. Now you gave me enough reason to bloody his mouth when I see him.




Date: 2008-03-15 16:30 EST
There it was a bright blue and silver envalope with a scrawl of words written in big bold letters adressed the Franco. There was even a set of white wings in the corner and a gothic H between them.

The letter side was blue parchment with silver letters. Hand written. Lucky Franco!

Dear Franco!

I must say that I admire your work and enjoy you watching my back. However I would like to inform you because I love you so that Morgan Steele is a business partner of mine who is just that. I've met his gal and I must say he couldn't have found some one sweeter. Keep your eyes open. I'm sure things are going to start getting interesting.

Oh and before I forget. You wanted to see what Tes looks like. Well Wala a picture and a stamp of approval from me is enclosed. Enjoy them! Keep writing all the details and gossip that makes my day brighter.

Hina Urameshi

PS: Bree left us so you'll have to find Jackal/ Blacksmith gossip else where.


Sure enough there was a picture within.

A sliver haired boy was sitting on a stool. Wearing all black and smiling brightly. Silver eyes with crimson spirals bouncing as he ate ice cream.

There was also a badge with the same feather symbol and H in gothic bold sealed with in. All just for Franco!

Fia Calriss

Date: 2009-02-04 09:51 EST
::And oddly enough, there comes another new letter to the GangSTAR office!::

Dear Mr. Franco,

You need to whip your consultants into shape or get them a pair of glasses--my eyes are green, sir, although they are somewhat on the blue side of it. Not blue, as stated. It was, however, interesting to see my name in your magazine. I look forward to seeing you at the Auction.


Fia Calriss

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-02-05 09:18 EST
Dear Ms. Calriss,

I apologize for my source's color mistake. This particular gentleman seems to have a thing for brunette's with blue eyes. We believe his eyes are playing tricks on him.

We look forward to you breaking a couple hearts so that we have lots to gab about.

Yours truly,
Marc Franco

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2009-02-08 02:17 EST
Dear Gossip Intern,

Recently you posed a question to me in the column you help Marc Franco write on the gossip around town and at first I was not going to consider answering you but I have thought about it and here goes nothing.

There really is no secret to what I do. I am a woman and for the most part, men love women. This, I would think is a given and largely understood by everyone. Of course in our town there's also the possibility that chickens may love women, too, or half angel, half cow creatures will fall in love with any number of us, but the majority of people in this town are just that -- people and they have needs just like the rest of God's creations.

When I was young I realized that I was in love with the idea of man. He really is a perfect machine if you want to get right down to it. He is built for battle, can provide food, a roof over one's head, and can make babies, which, when they grow up will fall in love and make more babies of their own. Personally, I have given birth to eighteen babies in my time and have had fifty husbands. This, I'm sure, is no shock to you but it always seems to be a surprise to other people when they first meet me. I often wonder why this is particularly since I have lived for seven hundred years. Like I told a friend of mine last week, that's only like fourteen husbands a century. I don't think that's as bad when it's put that way. Do you?

I have a marketable skill. My body. I may not have the most perfect body in the world but weighing in at just over ninety pounds with a sizable bosom as I have been fortunate to have, my body is attractive. I am small too which also adds to my charm. Men love petite women. Also, I have red hair. For some reason men go crazy over redheads and I am a natural redhead, too. One of the most frequent questions I am asked by potential lovers is, do the drapes match the carpet and the answer is yes. I don't put crazy dyes in my hair, that's just silly. I work with what God gave me and make it seem like the best thing since sliced bread! Many women make the mistake of trying to be something they are not which is likely the reason why they do not get as many men as I do.

I do not pretend to be a goddess, I am one.

I believe this. I take what I want and I do not accept no for an answer. I don't give up. I am relentless in pursuit of my goals and woe betide any who cross me.

I am a school of thought, Miss Intern. A walking philosophy. I make no apologies, you see, and everything I do, I do with a smile.

I level with the males who pay attention to me and they appreciate my candor. I tell them all, up front, that I am married and you also mentioned in the column that you cannot understand how my husband, Prince Vasaris, is oblivious to my infidelity and the answer to that is, my husband's got more mistresses than I do lovers! He's too busy to be worrying about whose bed I'm occupying each night and, at the end of the day, if we do happen to end up in each other's arms, I am his consort. That's all he cares about.

I provide a service to him. It sounds crude, yes, but it's the truth. I am a former Kajira, the Gorean word for pleasure slave, and if I don't know how to please a man, there isn't a woman alive or dead who does. I guaranfrickintee it. He owns me as he does his war yacht, his Trans-Atlantic Laser Beam, as he does any of the multitude of gold and silver slaves who wait on him hand and foot. I dont know how well versed you are in the habits of royals but as Vasaris' princess, my only responsibility is to provide him with an heir. I've done that. Now he couldn't care less what I do, really. I don't love him. He doesn't love me. But we play act that we do for the sake of our kingdom and an age old practice of courtly love and romance you mostly only read about in fairy tales except I'm the unlucky idiot who actually gets to live one. It's all a bunch of nonsense if you ask me but it is what it is. I suffer through it as many princesses before me have. I'm not special in this regard.

Another problem I seem to notice with the girls of this day and age is that they are in competition with the males around them. Men do not like this. I know some girls seem to have convinced themselves that they do but I assure you, that's not true. Men are fixers, problem solvers. They want to be hailed as heroes. It builds up their egoes. They do not want a woman who acts like a man and they certainly don't want a woman who is their equal. I know the politically correct thing nowadays is for men to kowtow to the demands of these women who want to be seen on equal footing but the truth is, men despise this and, so, too, do I.

The world I come from, Miss Intern, is an ancient world where men reign supreme. It does not matter that if I'm on a date with a human male and we are attacked by bandits, I could probably crush them all in the palm of my hand without batting an eyelash, I don't have to prove that to the man by doing it. I act weak. I let him take the reins. Let him think he is in control. This makes him see me as a jewel to be treasured and protected. I make him feel good, see? And the more I build up his confidence and ego, the more he wants to be around me. The more he goes crazy with desire over me because I'm not trying to compete with him.

It is a game. Plain and simple. One I'm so good at, I should probably write a book. If I do, I'll send you an autographed copy. You seem like a bright girl. Take my advice, please, I beg you.

If half the girls in this town would start taking notes from me and paying attention, they might not find themselves lonely on a Friday night. Until then, because I guess they think they know better than me? I'm gonna keep dating their men and reaping the benefits. If I showed you just one of my jewelry chests from one month of dating these Rhy'Dinian men, you'd have a heart attack. I could feed villages on the presents I get.

So you want to know what the secret to my success is?

Spoil the man, spare him the drama.

I enjoy reading the column. Please give my regards to the other Intern and Mister Franco and tell him I love my nickname "Crazy Train".

All my love,

Tara Anne Marie Rynieyn
The Queen of Hearts


Date: 2009-02-08 13:30 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

This is just a fair little warning that you are so going to get your face slapped. Sluttatious? SLUTTATIOUS???? How dare you, sirrah? You know nothing of me, and to publish SUCH a thing...why that is the height of hubris and irresponsible reporting! If you run across my path, sir, you best be ready for your comeuppance!

Yours, sincerely, in High Dudgeon!



Date: 2009-02-08 16:13 EST
Dear Gossip Intern,

Just a little note on your February third article where you state, "We also recieved wind of an auction to win a date with one of the hunks and ladies residing here. Some of the names I heard were Lucky Lang. Crazy Train Tera, And Marc Franco! I have to put some on Tera! I would love to spend an evening with that firey one!" I do not think that the present Queen of Westridge is called Crazy Train anything nor is she up for auction. Could you be dear and correct that name to Tara, please?

Colleen MacLeod


Date: 2009-02-08 23:44 EST
Thanks, Collie,

The Queen of Westridge is definitely not Crazy Train Tara.



Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2009-02-15 20:21 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

I wish to correct the misconception that you had in your latest issue, specifically the one where I spent Valentine's Day alone, and allegedly pining for Antonio.

That, Mr. Franco, is frankly as far from the truth as your hair is from a natural (outside of Rhydin) hair color.

Before I arrived at the Red Dragon Saturday night, I enjoyed a candlelight supper with 'Tonio, as well as shared dessert with him. When my love went to a late night meeting with his suppliers, rest assured, Mr. Franco, that he was smiling during said meeting with the memories.

For the record, Antonio and I both have busy careers, which naturally limits the amount of public time that we can spend together at the Red Dragon. I for one am not one of those vapid, fragile flowers who wilts when her man isn't there to fawn over her twenty four - seven. Nor am I one of those fickle sluttacious sirens who are constantly on the prowl for Mister Tomorrow while their Mister Right Now is out of the picture for a moment.

Kindly keep that in mind.


Maranya Tatiana Valkonan, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Chief of Staff
Riverview Clinic
AKA "Kid Doc Anya"

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-02-15 20:44 EST
Dear Mister Franco,

As per the Silent Auction, I hope you enjoy your date with Miss Fia Carliss -- it's probably going to end much better than a date with Eless or Gemethyst, both of which planned to, uh, make your date very interesting. But! Just for the sake of reminders (and because of threats from my lawyer), I seek to remind you that I am in no way responsible for what occurs on your date.

And on a personal note, if you ever want me to do a centerfold for the GangSTAR, I'm there. Seriously, infuriating my lawyer as much as possible is the highlight of my day.

Bringin' the sexy back,
Sinjin "S.T.D." Fai

P.S.: Are you single? If you are, how about a night of dinner and dancing on me, hm? Call me!


Date: 2009-02-15 21:07 EST
Dear. Mr. Franco,

Oh, now, really man!! You catch me gabbing about children and Ariana flirting with G, but you missed what was probably the hottest tango the inn will see all winter, maybe all year? You're slipping man!! Get with it!

Old Lady Collie

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2009-02-15 21:18 EST
Dear Gossip Intern Number Two,

Rumor has it that someone must get shot to be mentioned in the GangSTAR.

Unfortunately, those rumors are false. I was in fact shot at the Red Dragon last night, right around the same time as the Minotaur Conflict. Yet, there was not so much as a mention of my injury in your report.

For the record, I am healing nicely.


Maranya Tatiana Valkonan, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Chief of Staff
Riverview Clinic
AKA "Kid Doc Anya"

Gossip Intern 2

Date: 2009-02-16 00:02 EST
To the Lovely Doctor!

My apologies for missing your injury! I do hope that you will get well soon. I have a habit of missing a few things now and then. Deeply sorry! We send our hopes on a quick recovery! A vase of flowers too!

Gossip Intern 2


(And it came with flowers too... Including a balloon.)

Desiree de Laurier

Date: 2009-02-16 06:41 EST
Dear Mr. Franco;

What you failed to realize is that there was a drow in the inn acting like he was the most desirable male in the city despite their reputation for being well... Evil. You also missed the yelling male and the flying chair as well.

Also when you are constantly having to avoid being hit by your father and bullied by some of your brothers that tends to put a black mark on the male species.

To date, there has been one gentleman aside from family that I have found I can truly trust.

D?sir?? Ygraine de Laurier
(Not looking for a boyfriend, but real friends)

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-02-16 07:33 EST
Kid Doc Anya,

As I was pilfering through my interns' mail I caught sight of your letter.

It is the policy of this blog that, unless their is some sort of humorous angle, being shot in the Inn is not newsworthy as it is a near daily occurrence nor is it very enjoyable to read. We do so try to be entertaining and leave the grisly stuff to more reputable news reporting organizations.

As for your date (or lack thereof on Valentine's Day) we do so find it interesting that you feel the need to defend it and will have a round table on the topic later today to guess on exactly what that means about your relationship.

We are glad that you are such an avid reader!

Yours truly,
Marc Franco

Ali al Amat

Date: 2009-02-21 16:52 EST
"- an awfully quiet Gabby Gem nursing a Hurricane at the bar. We don?t like her when she?s quiet. We think we need to find her a man to cause trouble with but we?re having trouble nailing down just who would be an adequate partner. Therefore, we?re opening it up to suggestions from the peanut gallery. Who would YOU like to see Gabby Gem go on a date with???"

Master Franco:

For future reference, you should know that 'Gabby' Gem gets into quite enough trouble with the man she's currently dating, thank you.


Ali al-Amat


Date: 2009-02-21 18:16 EST
Dear Marco Franco,

It is quite apparent from your most recent column that the school system in Rhydin is in dire need of immediate reform. If your knowledge of reproductive science is typical of the sort of faulty sex education being taught in schools, we are all in imminent danger of mass extinction. This is precisely why Lars insisted that in Helston House our education about the intimate art of bow-chika-wow take place at home, amongst family, where correct form could be conveyed. I?ll bet you don?t even know which end of a love probe to use! We all might as well move to Cleveland and let the cockroaches take everything right now; but I can assure you, Mr. Franco, that will only happen over my lovely associate Tara?s and my cold, undead bodies!

You need to publish a retraction before you become a laughing-stock. Everyone knows that sea monkeys cannot be grown in utero. The environment and climate is not sea jungle-y enough for that. If you had paid attention at all in Spontaneous Generation 101, you would remember that you have to grow them in a bowl of water with an old pair of sweaty gym socks over it to get the proper levels of fiber and pH balance doing the ecological macarena necessary for the miracle of sea monkeys to occur. If I may be so bold as to say it: Sheesh!

While we are on the subject of that home pregnancy kit, I have to further demand that you reimburse me for the nine silvers plus postage that I spent on that item, since I ordered it from one of your sponsors. It definitely did not produce the advertised results! One would expect a home pregnancy kit to produce the sort of normal babies normally found in normal homes, and not baby whales, which is apparently what this one does. If Jewelsie had not been able to escape that watery death trap before her instant spawn got any bigger, your paper would have been culpable in her death for foisting such dangerous snake oil off on your unsuspecting readers. And since our witness to the crime is also my personal lawyer-type friend, you would have indeed been up to your ears in whale-sized trouble! I hope you have insurance, is all I am saying about that.

I will conclude with this: Any time you want reputable assistance dealing with issues of wumpa, sir, I suggest that you leave it to the professionals. You clearly haven?t got a clue.

Respectfully yours,
Fionna Helston

P.S. Is your middle name 'Polo'? Inquiring minds want to know.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2009-02-21 20:58 EST
As promised, Mr. Franco, you have been given the very first one. You may announce it to the masses if you wish.

Do be a dear and show. You'd hate to disappoint the Krazy Former Gov, wouldn't you?

Kitty Helston

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-02-25 22:50 EST
Whoever opened the green envelope sealed with a bright red set of lips pressed to its flap might very well have heard the authors' laughter -- there certainly had been plenty of it when the two blond heads knocked together to write their local gossip:

((99.9% of the credit for this and 115% of the love belongs to Lizzie's player.))


Date: 2009-02-28 13:45 EST
A sweetly handwritten (on pink paper and smells of jasmine) note arrives at the GangSTAR HQ along with flowers, cake, and fruit.

Dear Mister Franco,

I would like it very much if you would come dance and have dinner with me, please. At almost every dance I never see you and we never have fun together anymore like the one time I pushed the buttons on your box looking thing. Tormay would have very much fun meeting you too! Promise me, please, Mister Franco.

Always and forever,


Marc Franco

Date: 2009-02-28 14:08 EST
Dear Mad Kazzy and Lizzie,

I adored the fan mail. In fact, I believe the interns blew it up and have been using it as a dart board.

There's two internships here with your names on it if you two ever decide to clean up your act.

- Marc

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-02-28 14:11 EST
Dear Miss Taneth,

I am so pleased to get your message and the fabulous treats.

I am glad you have not forgotten about me. I keep hearing of these fantastic dinner parties at the Overlord Island. You must invite me to attend at some point. I would love to meet your hubby-to-be.

And I do hope that you are saving a dance for me at your reception. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Love always,


Date: 2009-03-01 16:05 EST
Dear Marco;

While I appreciate your concern, there are no white knights for me and no scary male relatives.

It is a sad state of affairs when you are virtually invisible, but then that is the price for not being super-powered or slutty.



I am up-to-date on my shots.


Date: 2009-03-02 00:56 EST
A strange edgily scrawled letter arrived in the den of the GangSTAR through some device or delivery or favor or other, signed with a big ol' kiss mark drawn out in the ink at the bottom.


In regards to your insinuations...

Love you too.

I still can't wait to find out if your hair really is cotton candy someday.


The kissy mark was done with reverent meticulousness. That was pretty much it.


Date: 2009-03-02 12:00 EST
Dear Marco;

I swear this is going to become a habit. Your sources were embarassingly wrong. We were not discussing rifts within House DeMuer.

What they do not realize is that I am not of House DeMeur. I am not privy to the internal workings, so it would be the height of folly to use me as an internal barometer.

I'm only good for speculation on what's going on with Mish and myself.




Have you found that white knight yet?


Date: 2009-03-11 19:28 EST
Mr. Franco,

Just wanted you to know that I am pleased my offer to work with you was enjoyable for you to hear. It proves my point that the RDI always has ears, and they're listening. In any event, I'll have my people get in touch with you and we can maybe look into setting up a guest column?

Venom Vinny


Date: 2009-03-16 22:53 EST
Late in the evening there was a loud thump on the front door of the Gossip GangSTAR's office followed by a roar of drunken laughter. After inspection a rock would be found sitting on the ground with a piece of wrinkled paper stained with what smelled like ale tied to it. Written in scratchy handwriting the note read:

Dear Mr. Marco Polo,

There is only one Sassypants in RhyDin. And she's a Captain!

The Designated Wit of the DoD

Tormay Eludes

Date: 2009-03-21 21:54 EST
Dear Mr. Marc Franco,

I would like to invite you to dinner on the Overlord Island this Saturday, March 28th. You may bring a date and/or the interns with you as well.

-Tormay Eludes

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-04-03 04:12 EST
The letter was written in Sin's own messy scrawl with Franco's name on the envelope; inside was a written copy of Sin's recent speech, along with a separate letter for the reporter himself.


Just because I like you enough to give you exclusives. You're lucky I like pretty men and pink. I'm still waiting on dinner, too.

- Sin

P.S.: Between you and me? If Kitty was running for Governor, I probably wouldn't be doing this at all. That might just be because she has an amazing rack, though.


Date: 2009-04-04 05:25 EST
A package arrived addressed to Marc Franco. The package itself had a letter attached to it and small holes punctured into the side. Hm! There must be something living inside! Upon opening the package, this little pint sized monster hopped out:

The letter attached to the package reads as follows, and is obviously written in pink magic marker:

Polo Ch'beek of Eekum squeaked endearingly and smiled a big toothy smile. Then he asked, in a high pitched vermin-y voice, "So. You got any Cheerios?" Tucking his little arms behind his furry pink back, he shuffled his foot and batted his gerbil lashes for the utmost effect.


Date: 2009-04-05 23:39 EST
The letter was sent with the utmost care, paper airplane style and all.

Dearest Franco,

I'm terribly sorry to tell you this, but I was kind of sitting at the table with Fio and Lucien for the liplock in question. You might want to look into getting your sources some good optometrical insurance coverage or something, cause maybe they've got tunnel vision! But if you want my personal take on it let me give you some lowdown, Psycho style.

Lucien, by the looks of it, is a damnably fine kisser. But he's a little too princely, if you catch my drift. And Fio, well, believe you me she knows how to kiss! I mean, I'm sure everyone would just assume from the whole Helston thing, but just so you've got the real deal, you know..

Well, I hope this was a fun read! Oh, and just wondering, do you think when you get old you'll use real cotton candy for your hair?

Yours truly,


It had a little emblem inscribed on the paper, too. Just a cheshire grin, a happy right eye, and an "x" for a left eye.


Date: 2009-04-23 15:31 EST
I love your column, I truly do. I find it entertaining and very funny. Even when I'm in it.

"Evidently She-Devil Aja told Kid Not-Doc Anya that she wasn?t all that pleased that we broadcasted her personal business."

That isn't entirely true. It's that your source got it wrong. Only one of my children did not know their true parentage. If they had gotten the details correct, I wouldn't have cared. What's true is true, right? People's observations of the facts, I can not do anything about.

On a lighter note...
I'm seriously a she-devil? I'll take it. Much better than some other nickname I suppose.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to future publications from you.
Take care of you and yours.
May the Gods see fit to bless you with health and happiness.

Aja Bird

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-04-23 17:53 EST
Dear Ms. Bird,

You are basing your letter on one very incorrect assumption. That assumption being that we would not have printed what we printed had we known it to not be the truth.

The truth runs a distant second to entertainment, my dear.

With love,


Date: 2009-04-25 19:26 EST

Dear Mister Marc Polo,

I heard you do not like chickens. I would like to know what you have against chickens! I like chickens very much, because they are pretty and because they make those yellow and pink marshmallow peepies in a secret factory by the docks. Peepies, by the way, are poisonous, and you should never, ever eat them. They look harmless and pretty, but Skiddles says that the sugary coating is made out of rat bones and peanut brittle and if you leave them alone in a cupboard for more than two whole days, they will all stick together and get hard enough to hit a Rhydin drunk over the head and make off with his pocket change.

I have not tried it, but that?s what he says, and Skid always knows what he is talking about.

I saw a very pretty chicken the other night in the inn. She had a blue hat with ribbons. Her feathers were speckledy and looked very soft. All I wanted to do was pet her, but that chicken pecked at me! That was not right to do, and now, that chicken must die, though she did give me a very pretty gold Easter egg. I think I will eat her if I catch her, even if Lucky says no. He says no a lot.

He told me if I was good, he would buy me a chicken of my own for a pet. What do you think I should name my chicken? I can?t decide.

I am afraid I will not be able to be very good, so I will probably never get a chicken of my very own.

Also, you should know that Lucky also says I am not allowed to send F.U. to fetch people anymore, because it is rude. I fetched Gem once, and she fell into the Inn in her underwear! We could see her butt. Sin said that was Effing brilliant, and that Gem should not wear red undies that show her butt anymore, but Lucky and Chryrie both said I was naughty.

I like Sin.

Anyway, I want very much to send F.U. to fetch you so we can play together, but I am confused now. Are you a people or are you something else? Skid says you are something else. Those were his EXACT words. He also says that you have cotton candy for hair. If that is true, I will want to lick you to see if he is right, so do not act surprised and scream AHH when I do it like that one lady with the blue hair did. She had an unfortunate coronary episode, Grace says, and was very delicious later, even though she was old as dirt.

What is a coronary episode?

Will you come and play with me?

OK, Mister Franco. I need to go now. Write back soon!

I love you!




Date: 2009-04-30 03:24 EST
::A letter arrives to the GangSTAR from a lawyer named Wilbur Moody, addressed to Marc Franco::

Dear Sir,

Please be advised that the Elven female known as Gemethyst passed away during the night just passed due to a secondary infection of the lungs after seeming to recover from being gravely ill with a belatedly contracted childhood Elven illness. Per her instructions prior to death, I am sending out letters to various parties to inform of this event, and of various bequeathals that have been made. Your paper will be receiving a donation in the sum of 50,000 gold coins, to do with as you like. Gem's advice, though, is to take the money and try for a bouffant hairdo, perhaps the beehive, that will more properly display the lovely pink color of your hair, sir. Understand that these are her words, not mine. She wanted you to know that, in her opinion, you perform an invaluable service to Rhy'din and her people, and she had hopes that you would continue undeterred and unabated in this endeavor.

My sincere regards, Mr. Franco, and hers.
Wilbur Moody, Attorney-at-law

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-04-30 14:08 EST
Marc --

Don't count your chickens before they hatch with that one. Not for one moment.


P.S.: I liked your suit last night. I think I'd love you out of it.


Date: 2009-05-03 15:50 EST
Small, neat, tied with a fine sash of russet ribbon, and smelling faintly of some perfume oil whispering of oranges and clove spice. There in the center, classically sealed with a thick wax insignia of an scripted 'L', was a letter from the infamous, fiery buxom herself; Lilliana McClae.

Dear Gossip G's,

I'm so flattered you find my kissing games amusing enough to keep track of them in your delightful paper! Flattering as it was to be labeled as an 'easy lay' I'm sure if you ask the Dirty Pirate Stephen himself, you'll find him rather put out... I haven't let the Pale One into my bed at all contrary to our rather heated display of lips might suggest.

I find his company rather amusing, and he was the first one bold enough to attempt a claim at my lips, why not oblige such bravery? Or perhaps it was lusty stupidity? Oh well, either way. Much obliged for the little insert! Though I must say, I will be keeping in contact, your waggling tongues would be a gab-tastic launch of the large MidSummer's Eve party my brother Brishen and I are throwing!

--Winks and dirty pirate kisses,


Upon unfurling the little parchment coil fully, whom ever opened it would find a red poppy falling onto their desk, a little gift to show the witch's good humor and all-in-good-fun feelings about her latest mention in GangSTAR. Also, one would note Lilli's penmenship was quite fine, and lacked the thick accent she normally spun while in conversation.

Sivanna Cyredghymn

Date: 2009-05-11 02:46 EST
At office GangSTAR this morning was a wicker basket filled with two dozen homemade poppy seed and pear-ginger muffins, along with a single, tall bag of Colombian hazelnut roasted coffee beans.

Dearest Mr. Franco and Honored Members of the Gossip GangSTAR:

We would like to humbly thank you for all your help in spreading the word about the auction, and to be the first to tell you that the event was an overwhelming success! The support for the clinic stunned at a staggering thirty-three donated prizes-- all to be auctioned off for a grand total of 109,592 gold to directly fund the institution of a rehabilitation program, an extension of a medical research branch, and for the assistance to patients not able to afford satisfactory health care on their own at Riverview Clinic.

What a wonderful place we live in that citizens are so ardently altruistic-- giving of their time, their efforts, and their attention to such a worthy cause.

We couldn?t have done it without your help. Without your coverage we might not have had such an amazing turnout. So, we offer our humblest gratitude and appreciation.

Hope to see you at the next event!

Sivanna Cyredghymn
Auction Chair


Date: 2009-05-12 23:45 EST
To The Office of the Gossip GangStar,

Ah, poor, poor Pinky. All that hair dye has gone to yer head.

"Is it a lie that she fathered two children with you while she was married to her husband? Nope?"

Two things about that statement you recently printed.

One-Yes. It's a lie. Only one was conceived while I was married.

Two- I can't father children. I'm talented, Pinky, but even that is beyond my skill set.

Honey.. go get a massage. Yer obviously working too hard.


Marc Franco

Date: 2009-05-13 06:53 EST
Dear Aja,

First of all, it isn't hair dye. My hair is naturally pink. Not everybody is human, love. As for what I am exactly, that is between me and my maker.

As for the line, it was directed to Nikki since he was the one calling us a "liar". The "she" was a typo but considering how he whines like a thirteen year old girl and has a girly nickname I don't believe I can fire the copy editor over it.

And we're deeply apologetic about getting it slightly wrong. Only passing off one child as your husband's child when it's actually your lover's instead of two is much less slutty!

- Marc

A Falconne

Date: 2009-05-13 13:39 EST
Alper was as calm as he could possibly muster when he grabbed his pen and parchment after reading the Gossip GangSTAR.

Dear Mr. Franco,

I would appreciate it if you would refrain from writing anymore libel about my romantic partner, Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff of Riverview Clinic, who I am sure you know is also romantically involved with Antonio Falconne. I am offended by these accusations and the way you imply she is bad company and spending money on expensive clothing. It is mean and hurtful and injuring to her image. In case you have forgotten or were unaware, she is dating two well endowed men and we DO spoil her.

On a secondary note, she loves that clinic and she has a strong desire to help people, why would she ruin that? She does not need the money given what Antonio and I provide her, so please, get your facts straight. If anyone has damaged that clinic, you should talk to the ex-Director. Anya has put in a lot of time and effort, and even more with his absence I am sure. I trust you to write her the apology she is due. Or else.

Alper Ergin II
Ko? Holding CEO
Town Square, Rhy'Din

He was nice, he refrained from insults and mentioning any violence. He folded up the letter and gave it to his assistant to deliver to the Gossip GangSTAR.

AJ Drake

Date: 2009-05-14 00:08 EST
The letter arrived neatly folded and sealed, the address written with what appeared to be a very thin brush. Not so much written as painted, with a delicate hand.

To a Mr Franco,

First of all, thanks for the warm welcome to RhyDin. I hated the gossip rags back home, but yours is genuinely entertaining, and I'm really very flattered that you consider me, out of all the people you could write about, a worthy entry.

One thing I will point out, though, is that although Stas Ryan is a fantastically hunky young specimen of manmeat, he is also a very good doctor, despite his young age. And, no, I don't feel threatened at all that my man spends his days looking up other women's skirts. After all, it's me he plays with when he's off-duty.

But that might be way too much information. Just don't pass it onto my brother, or you might see another Drake tantrum in the near future.

Anyway, keep it up, Mister Cool. I'll be reading!

Hugs and winks to ya,

There's a large blot next to the signature that could quite possibly have been someone else's handwriting scrubbed out. Under the blot is discernible the name 'Amelia'.

AJ Drake

Date: 2009-05-14 00:09 EST
The letter arrived neatly folded and sealed, the address written with what appeared to be a very thin brush. Not so much written as painted, with a delicate hand.

To a Mr Franco,

First of all, thanks for the warm welcome to RhyDin. I hated the gossip rags back home, but yours is genuinely entertaining, and I'm really very flattered that you consider me, out of all the people you could write about, a worthy entry.

One thing I will point out, though, is that although Stas Ryan is a fantastically hunky young specimen of manmeat, he is also a very good doctor, despite his young age. And, no, I don't feel threatened at all that my man spends his days looking up other women's skirts. After all, it's me he plays with when he's off-duty.

But that might be way too much information. Just don't pass it onto my brother, or you might see another Drake tantrum in the near future.

Anyway, keep it up, Mister Cool. I'll be reading!

Hugs and winks to ya,

There's a large blot next to the signature that could quite possibly have been someone else's handwriting scrubbed out. Under the blot is discernable the name 'Amelia'.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-05-14 04:05 EST

You just let me know if you want to see an outside investigation done on Anya. The story will be yours without question or lead back to anyone of confidence.

You're so lucky your ass is so perky. Seriously. I could ride a roller coaster on that pert little thing.

-- S.F.


Date: 2009-05-16 18:35 EST
Cased in a box was a note and a healthy load of chocolate brownies, all wrapped up in a bright pink and purple bow. Scribbled in a five year old's hand writing was:

maRk FraNo

In fact the whole box looked like it had been put together by a five year old. Aka Janan Amber Urameshi Kahrune.

The note within, however, was most certainly by her mother, Hina.

Dear Franco,

Really? Really?! I have to let you know a little information...

1. I'm not a Booze Sister any more and if you haven't noticed, I haven't gone by CZK in a very long time. I have my own reasons for leaving the Sisterhood, one of them so happen to be... The BOOZE SISTER reputation.

2. Robert is more amazing then you give him credit. I hope someday you figure that out. Let's hope not too late!

3. Monday was amazing. I have never seen my little girl that excited in a long time. Robert surprised me even there. He's excellent with children.

Lastly, I really do love you Franco, you are a wonderful laugh from time to time. And it really did help, your little bits of wisdom, but honestly, give me a bit more credit then what you are. I've took a long good look in the mirror as of late. Pulled up my boot straps and everything!

Personally I couldn't be happier. Thanks for the concern though. You really are a great friend. Even then, I find myself proud of the changes that have happened as of late. Also, I think that the pink look is out of date, try purple, or even a neon blue. Your hair would look great!

Toodles Darlin. Keep up the fantastic work. My daughter sends her your love and what else is in this handy dandy little box. Enjoy!

Love as always,

The Misguided One.

PS: She made them herself. They're chocolate chip, chocolate, chocolate fudge. Or as I call them.... Chocolate Death.


Date: 2009-05-19 21:06 EST
Mr. Franco,

I'm writing not to complain or to whine at you because I love you, I just wanted to give you a heads up as to whats been going on. I read recently of your concern for one of my former sorority sisters and realized that so many must be wondering what on earth happened to the "dynamic duo", " the booze sisters", and the all around fun that was Chi Zeta Kappa.

I must admit becoming a wife and mother certainly prioritized my life as well as some of the other ladies and we decided it was time to move on and leave the sorority to some of the younger girls. As to what they are up to, I cannot say. I'm busy with Mommy and Me yoga classes and baby Einstein videos these days. I've got a two and a half year old and a six month old and they keep me quite busy, as well as helping to watch Jade's daughter Claira while she is away on business.

I did want to address one thing though, the term " booze sister" keeps floating around, I just wanted you to know that I haven't had a sip of alcohol in at least a year and a half, and while I like to have fun, I certainly am not the kind of mother who parties it up before heading home to my children. As you can probably tell I am quite happy of this fact and like to celebrate each day that I remain sober and give my children the wholesome and happy childhood that I lacked. While I can easily laugh off the term, because I understand your humor, I realize that there may be other people that might be offended or dismayed by it.

Thank you so much for your concern over my former sorority sister, it has inspired me to reach out to some of the people I've been out of touch with to see where I can lend a helping hand. The world needs more concerned and helpful people like you.

Please never stop writing, your talent is undeniable and brings a smile to my face every time I read your column to catch up on the happenings around Rhy'din.

-Rhyannon Santiago

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2009-05-24 03:20 EST
Via magic mail, a neatly folded white piece of paper was sent to Franco's office. It probably found itself on the floor, but at least it got there.

In swift quick hand-writting, the letter was formed:

Franco Dearest,

I won't bore you on all that's been going on in the world of Jade, just know I'm back and you'll have much more to be writing upon. Married life is wonderful, yadda yadda yadda.

Onto what this letter is really about! As you know, my darling sister through the Ravenlock oddities, Icer, is back as well. I just found out that info yesterday upon my return. But I also found out something else about her...

AURTHUR AND ICER ARE PLANNING ON ANOTHER CLUTCH!!! Dear Lord, help us all! More Icer spawn! What?!
I don't know how much I can take, Franco! Being an Aunt is one thing... but goodness!

So I need you... to help. A fight against this! Aurthur won't hear of her getting fixed.... We need a law... or something! This is getting out of control! Help get RhyDin together for me? Riot! Please!

Jade Steele

PS: You didn't hear it from me.
PSS: I love you and missed you and your column oh so very much!
Of course, the letter was sealed with a crimson kiss!

Katarina Smith

Date: 2009-05-26 10:30 EST
"Don't worry about it, Katarina. I will drop it all off when I go into the market later. It is no trouble." Andy gently took the rolled paper and envelope from her hands.

"I owe ya one, Andy. I jist know th' Count'll hound me 'gain if I didn' hav' it all done taday. I promise ta make it up ta ya." She smiled brightly before hurrying out of the hallway and back onto stage.

Andy didn't chuckle until he reached the privacy of an empty office meant for anyone's use. The Count had indeed been telling Katie that PiTA's reel from the GangSTAR was the perfect amount of free advertising, and that she needed to do whatever it took to hold PiTA's attention. Katarina had tried to avoid a response for as long as she could, knowing that she could never falsely lead a man to believe he held her interest.

Andy found the entire situation hysterical. PiTA was completely harmless, and in Andy's opinion, deserved some recognition for putting his heart out for everyone to see. Once he sat down behiind the desk, he unrolled the large Coppelia poster that had a picture of Katarina as well as her signature. He chuckled as the signature read "With Love, Katarina Smith." Rolling the poster up again, he then turned his attention to carefully removing the seal from the envelope. A single ticket for the last Coppelia show that Sunday in the front row spilled out as he unfolded the letter. It was just as he anticipated; very sweet and with the intention to keep a fan while gently letting him down from his romance interest.

Andy was rather certain that he was not going to be able to recreate Katarina's handwriting, but PiTA wouldn't know this, now would he? Andy put Katarina's letter in his pocket and pulled out fresh paper and a pen. He had to make it good.

When Andy finally dropped the letter and poster off, a dozen red roses accompanied the delivery.

Dear PiTA,

I'm so flattered that you have enjoyed the production Coppelia. It is always nice to hear from a fan rather than the critics. Please accept this poster and ticket as tokens of my gratitude.

You do not mind if I call you PiTA? I'm afraid I don't know you're real name, and now PiTA just seems to stick. I would love to have the opportunity to meet you. I usually stay backstage until most of the patrons are gone, but if you explain who you are to an usher, they will be more than happy to bring you backstage to meet me.

I hope I have the opportunity to stay in contact with you. Please do not be a stranger! Though Locke may be my first officer (as I am the Captian) there is plenty of room on my ship for more people!

I just love the glasses!
With Love,
Katarina Smith

Darcy Angel

Date: 2009-06-15 01:10 EST
Dear Mister Franco,

How are you dear? I am doing quite well. I just want to say that I fully enjoy reading your column for the simple fact that unfortunately there is nothing as entertaining as your articles around Rhy'Din. I am writing you this letter simply because there are a few things I want to clear up. Firstly; though Drake is a wonderful person him and I have decided it would be best if we remained as friends. And while Reap and I are good friends that is all we are. That and nothing more. And this supposed "nakedness" I owe him is a joke between friends. As far as the monkier "Sluttacious Darcy" goes while it is laughable it is simply un-true. Despite my current...Antics I can assure you that next to most of the women in Rhy'Din, no offense at all to you women, I am downright virginal! Now I know this may sound like the case of a lady protesting too much but it's the cold hard truth. You see I tell the truth no matter what. No matter how much it hurts. Now as far as the whole bit between me and Shane goes. Well let me just tell him that him and I are very good friends. Nothing less and nothing more. And also for the record I am only co-president of the Jello Wrestling League. May is founder and president. Thank you for your time Mister Franco and I look forward to reading your column in the future.

The Awesomeness,

Darcy Devin Huntington


Date: 2009-06-15 06:38 EST
Dear Marco;

Yes Woman? Tsktsk, It's not our fault you have chosen to make The clinic and the people that support it your enemies.

That and you have missed a lot of gossip. Whatever would your readership say if they knew you were slacking?


One Cheeky Brat


Date: 2009-06-20 10:24 EST
From the Desk of Lady Onyxia Uth Dravon Dragonbane

Dear Mr. Franco;

While I commend you for your ideas in the Children's benefit, Noble House Uth Dravon is issuing a challenge to you.

Time to put your money where your mouth is. So far I have seen you do nothing but trash the reputation of the Riverview Clinic and the members of my family that work in the trenches there. You are quick to judge and believe the innuendo your so-called colleague printed. Yet, you have failed to look for yourself.

You have called my kinsfolk sheep, yet that term best describes what you are doing it seems.

Well, my challenge to you is to make your "charity foundation" into something worth respecting. This will require more work than you seem to be able to put into checking your own sources, to be sure.

I found last night to be nothing more than an excuse for you to gossip and take snipes at others, all under the guise of "helping the children." As someone that prefers action over words, I must say your actions leave me many doubts as to your integrity and intentions.

So will you rise to the challenge, or be seen as another that exploits children for their own gain.

House Uth Dravon is watching and will not blindly sign checks.


Lady Onyxia Uth Dravon Dragonbane
Magistrate of Order - Magistratical Council of Elders
Noble House Uth Dravon
Member of the Sovereign Houses of the Royal Rhydin Imperium

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-06-20 13:58 EST
Dear Lady Dragonbane,

Being that I have never heard of you I can only assume that you are new to town. Therefore, I will excuse your ignorance. My interns and I have been a supporter of the local charities since we moved our publication to RhyDin two years ago.

I sat in a dunk booth at the Beltane Festival last year and all proceeds went to a local soup kitchen. I allowed myself to be auctioned off on several occasions for charity. The Gossip GangSTAR has also matched the interns salary up to a certain amount (which has depended on the year's success) and donated it to their favorite charity. Finally, we have been involved in a number of charity events through our various sponsors. Simply because we do not feel it necessary to announce what we do for the community does not mean that we do nothing.

This charity was created when we at the Den of Gossip decided that we are here in RhyDin to stay.

I am sorry that you find fault with my behavior last night. Many of the people I spoke with I have met in the past and was following up on previous conversations. Following up on their lives is my job and, for them most part, I believe that they understand that. Had any of them asked me to leave them I would have. My conversation with the people of Riverview Clinic was entirely cordial and we did not discuss their personal lives at all.

If the people of RhyDin wish to continue supporting the Riverview Clinic that is their right. I have done all I can. Therefore, Riverview Clinic will no longer be mentioned in our publication. I'm beginning to find these sorts of letters tiresome. The inherent entertainment value is most certainly gone by now anyway.

Have a fantastic day!



Date: 2009-06-20 16:11 EST
Much like before when a fairly ornate and delicately scented parchment of hand made paper with a wax 'L' insignia. Whispers of orange and clove would be a pleasant linger for hours to come.

Dear Delightful Franco,

What a wonderful little get together you hosted the other evening! Weddings and the benefit of children are always a lovely thing to go hand in hand with one another. My apologies I came so late in the evening, but as you or your team may have noticed, I've been a busy little bee myself!

There's nothing like the personal touch, so consider this my warm welcome to you and your crew to my Midsummer gathering. I promise your responsibilities will only cater to relaxing, casually interviewing at your leisure, and most certainly no dunking! In the spirit of giving, I've sent a quick word ahead to the Clan that are currently en route to Rhydin, and they're more than happy to donate to your blossoming foundation. Though we may be gypsy folk, there's no reason not to be charitable with the meager spendings we manage to spindle from unsuspecting folk eager for a show!

Just best not ask where we rustled up the little chest of silver and gold you should be expecting that night; Or upon your doorstep should you or any of your interns be unable to attend.

So come, make merry, and feel deliciously pagan for an evening meant to worship the summer's light!

-----Blessed be your day,


Within the curl of the scroll would be a small, pressed poppy blossom.

Sivanna Cyredghymn

Date: 2009-06-21 00:36 EST
Dearest Mister Franco:

It has come to my attention that a one Lady Onyxia Uth Dravon Dragonbane has in the recent past inconvenienced The Den and yourself with unnecessary and overtly confrontational correspondence. As recently appointed Public Relations Director at Riverview, I feel it is my duty to inform you that Lady Dragonbane does not, I repeat, does not speak on behalf of Riverview Clinic. The institution applauds The Den of Gossip?s benevolent and scrupulous efforts to launch such charitable organizations as the GangSTAR Children?s Foundation, as well as the company?s tireless vocation to the betterment of Rhy?Din?s society at large. Staff and friends of the clinic are more than enthusiastic per this new endeavor, and fully offer their support to the GangSTAR staff. Please do not hesitate to call upon our assistance should your team require it. After all, teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision-- the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Per the GangSTAR?s frequent publication of the clinic?s activities itself: I must respectfully rescind Miss Dragonbane?s complaint, for while the occasional unseemly gossip has been known to present itself of the employees, the institution has never faced any malicious publicity whatsoever. In fact, the credit that Riverview has received in your publication is naught but overwhelmingly accommodating and supportive. For this, we at Riverview offer our humblest gratitude.

Please accept my sincerest apologies on behalf of Riverview Clinic, and if The Den is still adamant about desisting all publication with regard to our institution, we merely express our regret and appreciation for all The Den of Gossip has done for us thus far.

With many thanks,
Sivanna Cyredghymn
Public Relations, Riverview

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-06-21 21:51 EST
Dear Marc Franco,




Date: 2009-06-22 17:42 EST
Dear Mister Franco,

I do love your paper, however I must correct an oversight.

Skid and I have been dating since before he and Fio were spending time together. I actually introduced them. However, Fio is not a relative of mine. We share no blood, nor am I a Helston at this time.

Considering how busy my schedule is, I found no reason to object to him seeing other people.

So yes, I do have feelings for him. And we are quite happy with each other.

Have a delightful day and keep up the entertainment.


Chryrie Nightstar

Jochin Nagadari

Date: 2009-06-22 23:56 EST
Dear GG,

Keep on rockin' in the free world.

Luv yer #1 fan,

Jochin Nagadari


Date: 2009-06-23 16:33 EST
Accompanying this particular letter to the GangSTAR was also a package. Inside said package was a small, hollow copper statue . A statue of what exactly? A rather grotesque Medusa with a snarl on her face and a crown of snakes entangled together. The pinpoints of her gaze were embedded with small, modest rubies, but rather than make her menacing, it just seemed somewhat... tacky. When shaken, the statue jingled, obviously housing some money. A makeshift plug at the bottom could be pulled out to allow precisely 31 silvers to spill out.

Now, for the letter itself...

Dear Mr. Franco,

First, I just wanted to thank you very much for the package I got! I knew about the issues I've missed and the markers, but the t-shirt was a surprise! It's my new favorite shirt now, and I'm gonna wear it with pride. Ya even got it in my favorite color! It's nice of you to notice such detail.

Second, I wanna apologize. I didn't stay at the event you hosted for too long. I didn't even know what it was about until later. It's really great what you're doing, I think, and I feel bad I didn't offer any donations up at the time. But I sent something I hope will rectify that. The statue I sent is something my cousin Cythia sent me a while back. She says it's a 'priceless antique' but I think it's kind of junky. Something about being called a Medusa and so ugly she can turn people to stone with her looks. (Doesn't that remind you of someone??) There's lots of saps out there willing to pay top dollar for something like that though, so maybe you can find a buyer for it somehow? Then that money can go to your Children's Foundation.

If it turns out it's just a useless paperweight it's got some real money in it. I've just been using it as an extra piggybank.

I hope it helps, even if it's not much, and I hope to see you again soon! I'm looking forward to the next issues coming out!

Yer Biggest Fan ♥,
Carley Q.

P.S When I get my airship fixed up I hope you can come for a ride sometime. I bet you'd like it!


Date: 2009-06-27 19:14 EST

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2009-06-30 06:36 EST
Delivered in a plain white envelope, addressed to Mr. Franco.


Really bro, you have to ask who would be the perfect girl for my bro, Shane? That's simple. Not a single woman in Rhy'din is good enough for him. With the exception of Chase, the women of Rhy'din have been nothing but catty, slutty, whoralific and down right bitchy.

Shane was hurt by a supposedly nice girl recently. Doesn't need that kind of crap. If I can step in and give my two cents worth, of course I'm going to. He's my bro. I'm not about to step aside so some piece of work can work him over. No way, no how, no sirree.

However, getting back to the general female population of this place. You might be right about one thing. Do it because she's hawt. At least with the trash bag, bottom feeding skanks in this town, you know what to expect. Use them like a disposable diaper. One use and out into the bin they go.

Hey, that sounds like a good idea. Think I'll mention it to him!

Thanks, Marc!

Brandon Holyfield

AJ Ryan

Date: 2009-08-04 22:15 EST
Addressed to Mr Franco, hand delivered as part of a flat one foot square package, in which is carefully wrapped a handpainted portrait of Marc Franco himself, as seen at the GangSTAR's fundraiser over a month before.

Mr Franco,

Great to have you back! Hope your vacation was cool and well spent. Holiday romances, here we come!

I've been wanting to give you this for a while now - painted it the day after your fundraiser, I just didn't have the time to bring it along to your offices myself. You're a portrait painter's dream, keep it up, baby!

Yes, the rumours are true, I am married. And to Dr Stas Ryan, no less; that 'heartbreaker' you seemed kinda worried about for a while there. We would have invited you to the wedding, only it was sorta rushed. Our parents weren't too pleased with the idea of having a grandchild born out of wedlock. Maybe I should introduce you to them - you seem to have the same sort of ideals!

And hey, I know pregnancy is a beautiful thing. I should, I'm living it right now. Doesn't stop me from getting a little depressed that none of my clothes fit anymore, though.

Anyway, I'm glad you're back. My day isn't complete without a helping of gossip from the GangSTAR. Love your work, Marcky boy!

Sincerely (I have to end this formally, apparently, otherwise it's just a howdy letter - husbands, huh?)
AJ Ryan

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2009-08-05 10:55 EST
Seriously, Awesome Alain, it?s time that you start dating within your position in life. These girls are no baron?s wife. Have your people call the interns. We must do lunch again very soon. We must discuss these poor choices, dear friend!

The little excerpt was more than enough. After reading it in the morning over coffee and cigarettes, Alain penned a letter and sent it off by House courier to Marc Franco's office.


I got your "message," and I couldn't agree more - it's been too long since our last lunch. You pick the place this time. I should be available until Sunday. After that, it may be a while.


P.S. It's good to have you back.

Lilith DeBrough

Date: 2009-08-05 13:58 EST
The letter would arrive in a small white envelope; nothing flashy about it. A trifold piece of stationary inside, decorated with little stars around the edges. Perhaps it was the last type of stationary left in the store that day?

Mr. Franco,

I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. I'm quite new here, so some of the humor is lost on me until I meet these wonderful people that litter your blogspace. Nevertheless, I find you very refreshing, if not a little misguided at times. I was oddly flattered to be mentioned at all, even if it was only because I was talking to Alain.

You have also taught me something very valuable: Do not drink and read the Gossip unless I want the drink to come out of my nose because of spontaneous laughter. (And considering my drink of choice, it's kind of like having an awfully bloody nose!)

Keep it up, sir!

One of your newer, but loyal, fans,
Lilith DeBrough.


Date: 2009-08-07 01:49 EST

Darling... Darling... I love you. D and I... We both love you and your oh so eager/ aggressive way. That's why... We're making you an honorary Jello Fiend.

I just wanted to let you know too. Jin and I are so great. Best happiness comes from not looking. I wasn't looking when Jin walked in the door. So if being Slutacious makes life good with Jin then damn I'm a whore! Randy Rix was fun, but Jin is an adventure that this Slutacious one is more than glad to be experiencing!

Stay chipper!

Mayday the Jello Queen!

AJ Ryan

Date: 2009-08-07 18:46 EST
Delivered by hand, together with a copy of one of the posters being put up around the city.

Dear Mr Franco,

On behalf of the RhyDin Traditional Art Studios, for whom I work, I would like to inform you of our intention to donate the profits from three nights of the RhyDin Art Festival (September 21st to September 26th) to the Gossip GangSTAR's Children's Foundation. The profits from last night will be going to the construction of the new wing at the Riverview Clinic.

We hope this is not too much of an imposition, and that you find it possible to attend that final evening. We would be very pleased to see you there.

Amelia Ryan

P.S. God, I hate doing the formal stuff!

Ali al Amat

Date: 2009-08-11 19:52 EST

You're quite right, I should never have gotten into the ring with her. You should see the bruises I've got, and we used padded practice swords. My ego will never be the same.

And I must be a glutton for punishment--I'm thinking about putting together a friendly little poker game. Shall I consider you in?


David Huntington

Date: 2009-08-12 16:15 EST

Franco darling! I deeply apologize for the term my sister and I have been slinging around. Would you believe me if I didn't know any better? However I can't say what Darcy's excuse is. Anyhoo...Honestly Franco baby have you seen Ryan? Why would you waste anytime in not snatching up that piece of hotness? And thanks for the invites sweetie! I'll be sure to swing on by and drag along my sis and Ryan! By the way I completely adore your little blog and I can't wait to read more! I may be your new number one fan!

X's and O's,



Date: 2009-08-13 23:11 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Ummm, hiya. I kinda heard about you having some kinda sway with the people at the Inn, so I was kinda wondering if you could possibly make them put all the posters of me warning people about the chocolate thingie in the back, so it's just for the staff? People are asking me all kindsa questions ...




Date: 2009-08-15 14:32 EST
Dear Mr. Franco

My name is Chiros, and I have read your as it is called Gossip Paper. And I have noticed you speak of my Sister Mayverdia and the one you call Sluttacious Darcy. Well sir if it is Gossip you want, its Gossip I have. I have known both women well for a very long time. I have what you would call a ton of Dirt on many of their past naughty Deeds. So much that you could fill your paper with these exploits for the next century or two.

I do not do so for Profit, nor out of any Malice. But its a good bit of Sport, a prank to play on them both. As I do so enjoy pranks and the fun such pranks bring. So if you are interested drop me message via courier, I am at the Red Dragon Inn or if not there I am at the Den Lair of Aurthur and Icer ShimmerScale.

Thankyou and may the Trickster God Hermes inspire you and may the Fates be kind to you sir.

Sincerely, Chiros of Mount Olympus.


Date: 2009-08-22 00:22 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

I's wanted to makes a minor correction to informations yous have concerning chocolate. I's not allergics, it just does bad bad things. That's why there's warnings posters abouts it.



Laylla Angel

Date: 2009-08-23 12:45 EST
Dear Mr. Franco;

You are indeed connecting the dots in the proper direction.

Enjoy this Bottle of White Merlot.


Laylla L'Angel

Tormay Eludes

Date: 2009-08-28 06:14 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

I have once invited you to the Overlord Isle for dinner. I wish to extend a new invitation to you.

I would love to have you come to my home for dinner. Or lunch, brunch, tea time, whatever suits your fancy. I would be willing to give a tour of House deGorol as well, time permitting. It would also be a great oppurtunity to meet Chester, Taneth's new puppy. He is well behaved and very playful, I think you would like him. Taneth would be thrilled if you could make the visit.

If at all possible, I would also like to discuss setting arrangements for helping with the GangSTAR Children's Fund. I think it is wonderful what you are trying to do to help the children of RhyDin. I would be willing to donate time and moeny to help the cause.

I understand that you have a busy busy schedule to keep up with, so whenever you feel would work for you is fine with me.

-Tormay Eludes


Date: 2009-08-29 12:19 EST
Dear Mr. Franco.

I've been seeing all these posters around for this proposition against magics. What's your take on this? How do yous stand?

We're all waiting to see what Matt's office has to says about this, but I really was wondering what you thought?



P.S.: One of these days, I's gonna hafta finds yous and lets you trys my smoo-shies!


Date: 2009-09-19 14:06 EST
Brought by a young medieval page-boy, who looks suspiciously like one of the apprentices to RTAS, this parchment is rolled and sealed with a silver ribbon, handed directly to Mr Franco if at all possible.


Date: 2009-12-02 17:44 EST
::the top of the page had "Dear Mr. Franco" scratched out vehemently.::


Concerning a certain short discussion during a recent festival we met at.

You, sir, suck.



Date: 2009-12-06 17:20 EST
All right, it admittedly came as a surprise to Scotty when one of the GAME employees passed him a copy of the Gossip GangSTAR. Mostly because he hadn't even been aware that Rhy'Din had its own gossip magazine. Not to say tabloids were unheard of in the 23rd century -- they most certainly weren't -- but it still came as a surprise.

He was a bit baffled and bemused, but he figured he'd write in anyway, just because. Got the information from his own 'source' and did so, chuckling to himself.

Dear Mister Franco,

I wanted to thank you for the mention of our wedding plans. There are quite a few people in the city we've come to like, and that helps get the word out to those we might not catch with our work schedules being what they are. The actual date's supposed to be on April 28th next year, in case anyone might inquire about it, though we haven't figured out where just yet.


He left the note in the office's mailbox on the way to Mai's, after checking in with GAME. Harold was going to get a kick out of this.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2010-01-01 13:59 EST

Seriously. Someone needs to tell that to Anya. I think she's going to flood the Arena.

- S

P.S.: Where's my phone call and hot date!


Date: 2010-01-01 17:11 EST
Mr. Franco,

The woman, Diana Lasher, that your sources spotted with Stephen Kidd was also seen in attendance at the Riverview charity gala with him. That was in May, you do the math. Seems your gossip gatherers are a bit behind the times. I normally don't care what women you refer to as cheap in your publication, Mr. Franco, but when you talk about one of my daughters, that rule changes.

I wish you a very happy new year.

Colleen MacLeod


Date: 2010-01-04 05:52 EST
:: on a found piece of cardboard in a hand that is obviously not used to writing in Common ::

Dear Pinky

Since you seem interested about it, I'm sleeping with Misty, not Teagan. Please stab and replace your fact checker.

Your buddy

::paw print left on the bottom::

Laylla Angel

Date: 2010-01-04 08:11 EST
Dear Mr. Franco;

Contrary to popular belief, I am not trying for a confrontation with my ex-husband.

What you reported on was nothing short of me trying to tell Guil he was suffering from Cranial Rectal Inversion.

Not that it worked.

Here's a bottle of wine to celebrate the New Year. Don't change, we all need a giggle now and again.

Laylla L'Angel


Date: 2010-01-04 09:35 EST
We doubt Aja wouldn?t be as angry as she is if it her brother hadn?t been one of the ones that made Guill?s list of dishonorable people. Aja is the biggest defender of the legendary status of her brother?s dueling career.

Dear Mr. Franco,

I appreciate what you said in the recent issue. It's true, I adore Ajay and he is a great duelist, but not just him. There is a long list of duelers, whose beloved sport has been disgraced by Guill's recent actions and words. Their memories and accomplishments may fade a little with time, but they should never have been dishonored in such a way.
Honor. I am even hesitate to use that very word in writing this letter, due to the colossal stink Guill has managed to attach to it. No one can tell you what your definition of honor should be. You have to make that choice for yourself.
There is a reason that "Honor and Skill" is the traditional salute to an opponent. I hope that it will continue. I, for one, shall continue to salute an opponent that way, as my brother taught me to do. I hope others will do the same.

Thank you for your time,
All the best

Aja Bird
Currently a Swordsman
And a proud dueler in the Duel of Swords.


Date: 2010-01-04 12:08 EST
Dear Thorne,

My hair is pink due to a tragic accident that occurred when I was helping Intern Hot to Trot escape from the grave danger that is always associated with our species. The nickname is uncreative and it bores me. You and your friends like to think you?re so high and mighty but I never use your personal tragedies to make fun of you. Ever. Yet, despite the numerous times I have mentioned that my hair color is a result of a very unfortunate accident, you all continue to use it to make fun of me.

Thanks for sealing my decision as to why I will continue to avoid the lot of you like the plague.


Dear Franco:

For someone with a penchant for finding creative nick-names for folks, your own skin seems remarkably thin. However, rest assured that use of said nickname was done playfully and not maliciously as I don't know you well enough, or at all to make such personal attacks. That said, I'm going to take a nap.

Your buddy,

:: paw print included ::


Date: 2010-01-04 16:48 EST

Dear Ms. MacLeod,

With as many daughters as you have, we have a hard time believing at least one of them isn't cheap.

Thank you for being an avid reader.


When I figure out which one that is, Mr. Franco, I'll send her over to take you out. In fact, I'll come take you out myself!

As to the letter you printed in complaining about the nickname Pinkie, I am sorry for your personal tragedies. I'm apparently not as avid a reader as I thought since I don't recall this tragedy being mentioned before. However, when one writes a column such as you do, it would be wise to grow a thicker skin since you could very well be exploiting the personal tragedies of others in your column, intentionally or not. That would be pot and kettle wouldn't it, Mr. Polo Pony?

-------------------------------------------------- --
"Polo Pony? Boss that doesn't make sense.."

"Depends on who you ask, a lot people refer to him as Marco. Besides, it's not Pinky and even gossip mongers have feelings."



Date: 2010-01-06 09:12 EST
Dear Mr. Franco;

Seems you are the reputed *expert* on the dating scene. Why don't you stop by my club one night to give me pointers. I can show just how bad*** I can be and you can advise me on who to stay away from.

Just, don't play "Sweet Home Alabama" on the jukebox.

Vanessa Tigarian

My dad might get a kick out of someone else trying to tell me who to see, because he has given up.


Date: 2010-01-08 16:30 EST
Dearest Marc,

You know I enjoy your stuff most of the time and would love to lick you on the face just once, because I think you'd be kind of delicious, but you have to be thorough when discussing equestrian naming practices.

And I know you're informal with your writees and all, but the pony's full name is Chunzy McGee. I just thought you should know in case you want to send him a fruit basket.. Or one with carrots. Whichever things ponies like to eat that moguls like to send.



Date: 2010-01-13 11:27 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

You know, I love you and all, but you kinda need to get your facts straight hon! The only men I have dated since my arrival in this quaint place you all call, Rhy'din... Is Randy Rix and Jin. Despite what you think dear Franco, I didn't sleep with Reap let alone anyone else but who I dated in the previous list. I kinda have a rule against that.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Mayverdia Aleta.

Neo Eternity

Date: 2010-01-14 13:31 EST
Mr. Franco:

There are a lot of things I don't appreciate about your publication, such as how you trash my friends. But when my girlfriend dashed into my tower in tears last night, that was when you crossed the line.

I'm really sick of you libeling my friends, especially my girlfriend. You obviously don't know the first thing about her since you continue to trash her in your publication. Either that, or you are doing so purely out of malice. If you're going to write about her, do your research and get your facts straight. Do not write on what you do not know.

-- Neo Eternity

Darcy Angel

Date: 2010-01-14 14:00 EST
The following letter was delievered in a white envelope smelling faintly of cinnamon and chocolate. A gorgeous gift basket consisting of yummy ooey gooey brownies of every imaginable flavor was also gifted along with the letter. The letter on simple white parchment written in beautiful calligraphy.

My Dearest Franco,

I know this letter is a bit late to you but thank you ever so much for your kind words on my coming back! Oh how I've missed being amused and entertained by your blog! Thankfully my brother David was kind enough to print out and save me old copies so I could catch up! He is such a wonderful little brother despite the fact he flirts like he breathes. This is certainly an entertaining way for me to catch up on what everyone has been up to. Though truthfully Tara only got a snippet on what went on while I was away I'd love to give you an interview to set the facts straight and tell you what really happened. Let's make it a date okay sweetums? I'll bring along some brownies and cinnamon rolls. Oh and by the way please enjoy the gift basket. I worked hard on those brownies. I can't wait to see what you write next darling!

One of Your Loving Fans,

Darcy Devin Huntington Shimmerscale


The Awesomeness

Sacrid Dove

Date: 2010-01-18 18:39 EST
Dear Mr. Franco!

I just recently discovered your Gossip Gangstar and I can say I'm actually surprised. Though your work is rather crafty and amusing, I cannot say I was amused with what I read about Shane. Shane and I have been dating for two months and I assure you we are quite happy. Shane's not bored, and even if he was going to get bored I know I can find a way to fix that.

As far as being surrounded by women? That's Shane, he's a stud. Even I know that, but honestly with his track record of four woman, I hardly see him as a play boy. If anything, being able to relate with so many women makes him a lady's man. A charmer even! I'm not in the slightest worried that Shane might be seduced, because when it comes down to it, he comes home at the end of the night. Not a bit of lipstick in sight either.

Either way! I'm so glad that you've taken notice of such an amazing guy. Because your words about him prove one thing, that he's got a good guy streak in him. The fact that women enjoy to talk with him is part of why I fell for the Irish man. He's also got dimples that make me melt as I'm sure they do with any other woman.

Bottom line, Shane's amazing and he should be given more credit than the title of Play Boy, he's much more charming than that.

Lots of Love!


~~~ Enclosed was a picture of the pink haired woman and none other than Play Boy Shane in their usual goofiness. Two dogs joining them. It might have been late, but never the less the text upon it read: Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year! ~~~


Date: 2010-01-19 17:29 EST
Mr. Franco,

You are entitled to print gossip on who you wish or don't wish to, however, there has apparently been a misunderstanding. Your sources only caught part of the conversation. I suggested that the press might be helpful in squelching a rumor regarding the sexual preferences of the doctor's mates. Anya did make a disparaging remark about the GangSTAR not being the real press, but she did not accuse you or your associates of spreading this particular rumor. The rumor, for the record, was that Antonio Falconne and Alper Ergin would be kissing each other and possibly each other's genitalia at the wedding.

I did defend your publication to Dr. Valkonan by telling her that even you had standards and wouldn't print such a statement about Antonio. It's my opinion that you hold Mr. Falconne in the highest regard and would not present him as being anything less than the wonderful and very manly gentleman that he is. I don't recall you expressing opinions of Mr. Ergin.


Colleen MacLeod

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2010-01-19 18:56 EST
M.F. -

No more Anya requires a party! my hot tub. Yeeaaaah. I'll bring the whip cream, you bring the chocolate.

Although, I gotta say -- I do adore Deathlord. Any guy who sends his undead minions caroling for the pleasure of his citizens -- especially in New Haven, of all friggin' places -- is my kinda guy. Even if he does drink goblets of newts.


Dean Winchester

Date: 2010-01-21 14:18 EST

Excuse me for saying so, but your column is a piece of crap. There is a word. It's called slander. Get your facts straight before printing them or I'll hunt you down and shove my foot right where the sun don't shine.


That Dean Guy

Kalinda Acheron

Date: 2010-01-21 21:00 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Please accept my appreciation of the mention in your publication. Do be a dear and stop by the club sometime? This scepter has made a fabulous addition to the performance. But don't dawdle, it seems I've a new career about to begin, outside of the entertainment industry.

(enclosed are several free passes to Club Babylon)


Kalinda Acheron


Date: 2010-01-22 05:07 EST
Dear Meester Franco,

The Warlord Who We Shall Not Name Because He Throws A Hissy Fit Every Time His Name Or His Girlfriend?s Name Is In Print

You should just call him Virdemort. He likes that. It's true. I heard it from Sin.


-- Ehzoterik VonArcanum Tempestas

ps: I sent you a mug with your face on it courtesy of the GGMFFC. I hope you like it.

Jaycy Ashleana

Date: 2010-01-23 01:26 EST
Heyas, Marc.

I thought I?d give you a little insight into my feelings for Psly, since I know you're wondering why we're together.

How do I love Pslyder, let me count the ways.

How do I love Psly? Let me count the ways.
I love him with all that I am and ever will be.
I love him with stars in my eyes, for he is heaven to me.
I love him gently for his sweet caress.
I love him passionately for the fire he brings to light.
I love him softly as he holds and protects me through the night.
I love him unconditionally for that is how he loves me.
I love him longingly when it is him I ache to see.
I love him utterly with no secrets I keep.
I love him hard and long and deep.
I love him humbly, for he holds my heart and soul.
I love him joyously, for he makes me whole.
I love him hungrily, for beneath his touch my body is like a slave.
I love him forever, always, even beyond the grave.


(( My apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning for the butchery of her poem and my thanks for such great source material. ))

Aaron Marshall

Date: 2010-01-23 13:45 EST
Hey Franco Guy,

What's up?

~ Aaron

Napoleon Bonarat

Date: 2010-01-24 02:05 EST
Dear Marco Polo:

You are fun to read. I could do with less kissing gossip though. UGH!

For Christmas I would like more candy, some coins, and more bubbles.


Napoleon Bonarat
PiRATe Captain of the Dread Ship Lollipop

Kalinda Acheron

Date: 2010-01-24 16:15 EST
Dear Mr. Franco.

I can confirm with absolute certainty that Sylvia was indeed fighting in the rings, as I was her opponent. She is quite handy with a blade, if I do say so myself!

Sincerely yours,

Kalinda Acheron

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2010-02-04 19:38 EST
The following press release was sent to the offices of the Gossip GangSTAR, as well as other news organizations:

Maranya Tatiana Valkonan, Alper Ergin II, Antonio Falconne

Maranya Tatiana Valkonan, Alper Ergin II, and Antonio Falconne were married January 17th, 2010, in the Red Dragon Inn's Great Hall. Colleen MacLeod presided over the event, where the bride married her grooms in an elegant dual ring and wedding necklace ceremony.

Presented in marriage by Tasslehoffl Momus, the bride, in a wedding gown designed by Koyliak VanDuran-Simon of The Heavenly Boutique, was attended by Aja Bird as her maid of honor and Sivanna Tuttle as her matron of honor.

Bridesmaids were Xenia Chirikova, Kelathe, and Duci Lovasz.
Alper's best man was his brother, Bashir Ergin.
Ushers were Neo and Jin Eternity.
Misty was the flower girl.
Thorne in his winged wolf cub form was the ring bearer.

A string quartet and harpist provided the music for both the ceremony and reception.

The reception was held at the Red Dragon Inn's Great Hall. Sivanna Tuttle and Neo Eternity were responsible for the elegant d?cor of the Hall. Lasher's Italian Restaurant was responsible for the catered buffet meal, and Divine Delights Bakery provided the trio of wedding cakes.

Maranya is the Chief of Staff at Riverview Clinic.
Alper is the president of Ko? Holding.
Antonio is a well respected Multiversal merchant.

The newlyweds reside in a Palazzo about thirty miles from the outskirts of Rhydin.


Date: 2010-02-05 19:29 EST
Dear Mr. Franco.

I was walking down the street yesterday and got hit in the face with a copy of your article "Own Drummer Wednesday" I liked Miss Lirssa a lot,she's a smart cookie, and feel very bad that she thinks this is hell. Hell is a lot scarier. Eternal torments with no breaks and all. We discussed all that and I think came to an understanding that things could be worse.

Loves and kisses!

PS: I drew you a picture. I'm gonna put it in my blog too!

Jaycy Ashleana

Date: 2010-03-17 17:33 EST
Heyas, Marc.

I had a lovely long lunch with Kalamere. He's delightful.

Psly says hello, and "It's nice thaht she finally stopped actin' like a fraggin' virgin 'roun' Kal, ain' it?"



Date: 2010-03-22 15:44 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Just a bit of FYI for you. The gentleman's name is Albert Hall. He's an accountant and partner at the architectural firm of Harker and Hall. He's also my granddaughter, Maggie's, godfather.


Colleen MacLeod

Kalinda Acheron

Date: 2010-03-22 16:19 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

You got your wish.



Kalinda Acheron

Date: 2010-03-23 14:51 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Just to inform you, his name is Jason, and as for the chemistry . . . I'll only say that the reaction was rather energetic.




Date: 2010-03-23 17:40 EST
Dearest Franco,

Sartan is an excellent confidant. Some day he and Rory are going to run away with me, and we'll have a wild good time. Don't be jealous. You're more than welcome to join us. The more the merrier!

Jaycy gives kisses to die for, as does Teagan. Put the two together and I'm amazed that I'm still alive and kicking. Let's do lunch some time. I'll tell you some fantastic stories.

All my love,

S. Driscol

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2010-03-25 20:19 EST
Mr. Marc,

Sal is only like my bestestest friend in the whole world and he is a wonderful protector. Like just last night when we got home he took care of the living bread loaf that had birthed itself in the oven. Now, I know you're thinking 'Living bread loaf'? Well, I was baking bread and one loaf came to life and ate the other loaves and became a GIANT bread loaf. It was angry. And Sal took care of it. So, see? Great protector.. And I love him oodles and bunches.


P.s. Lucky can't date Taneth. She's married and there's like a hundred Taneths running around. So, I guess he could date a Taneth. But, not THE Taneth. I think Tormay would be against that.

P.p.s. I like Cassius very much.

P.p.p.s. Sin has lots of laundry to take care of. I've never seen so many pairs of socks in my life.


Date: 2010-03-29 17:44 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Sorry to disappoint the denizens of the Den of Gossip, but my date with Harris was two old friends enjoying a great meal and each other's company. Don't get me wrong, Harris is easy on the eyes and fun to talk to, but you pegged it right. I don't fish in other woman's ponds nor do I cheat.

As for me going after younger men, the pickin's are slim with my standards and in my age bracket, Marc. I prefer physically attractive men as most women do, but I like a man that can carry on a good conversation as well. As I recently told friends, I like a man that can challenge my mind as well as my physical stamina.

I must admit to shock at the news of Rix Favre's possible engagement! I saw him with Sarah in the wee hours on Saturday morning in the Annex and neither mentioned an engagement. Harris, my sixteen year old daughter, and I, who have all known Rix for years, were there at the time. You'd think he'd want to break that sort of news to some old friends!

We think our Maggie is pretty adorable, too. Thank you for mentioning her.


Colleen MacLeod

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-03-29 18:20 EST
Franco -

Wow. A man? Seriously? C'mon! There are far more important things to fight over than a man.

Believe it or not, the issue at the heart of the altercation between the succubus Aolani and I is not a man. It's more about the seven years, five months, and 18 days of physical and mental torture I suffered because of a psychotic Unseelie faerie, and the fact that Aolani sees fit to rub it in my face that she has made a pet of said psycho.


Riley O'Rourke
Owner, Black Cat Yoga & Dance Studios

Lady Sarah

Date: 2010-03-31 18:03 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Thank you for bringing up interest in my relationship with Rix. It's true, we are engage, and he even consented to the ring. Sorry to disappoint the crazy stalker theory. I'm just glad our relationship has remained quite personal and not public like his relationship was with Miss Aleta. We are planning on a long engagement as well, so no need to stress over us moving too fast. We've know each other for quite some time as well. Appreciate the concern.

Sarah A. Matthews

Rhiannon D Harker

Date: 2010-03-31 20:10 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

I know that children being around the duels has been a controversial subject for years. I was one of the people that had been at the very heart of it years ago. It's not unknown by those the frequented the duels when my mother, Colleen, was an official there that I was younger than my daughter, Maggie, when I first stepped into a ring with my wooden sword. I learned by watching such greats as Dalamar, Jeff Oakenshield, Baphelocutis, G'nort, Jaycy Ashleana, and Seamus MacDonnaugh. It was Marit Dragonsblade who first called me swordsister. Some refused to duel a child, but others took on the opportunity of being my mentors. I am ever grateful to those that rose to the challenge of encouraging and teaching a precocious little girl.

Some might consider me an irresponsible parent for bringing my four year old to the dueling venues. The Duels are far more to me than foul language, blood, and violence. They are a place to learn and gain a healthy respect for people and their skills with or without weapons.

Everyday on the streets of Rhydin, men, women, and children become victims of violent crimes. No matter how wary a parent is with regard to their child's safety, it take a matter of seconds for a little one to be snatched away. While the way of the blade or other fighting techniques learned in the Duels might not be the best option, teaching our children to fight back to prevent them from being among those statistics might be the only one we have right now.

By the way, Maggie is learning to read, so if you should mention her again, would you mind calling her by name? I think she'd get a big charge out of seeing her name in print!


Rhiannon Harker


Date: 2010-04-05 03:50 EST
Mr. Franco,

Just a little FYI for you. Rix Favre did make it to the end of the wedding aisle at least once! In fact, his former wife, Red ur'Thorne, recently returned to rings for the last Warlord Tournament.

Colleen MacLeod


Date: 2010-04-13 20:10 EST
Mr Franco,

Dude, I love your column!

Just a little note to set things right, though. I am an actress, but I don't run the Black Cat Yoga and Dance Studios. That honour goes to one Riley O'Rourke, who very kindly employs me to teach Jazz Dance at basic, intermediate and advanced levels. Everyone's welcome to join!

Keep up the good work, though, dude - the quality of your column is way higher than anything on Earth!

Mataya De Luca

Kitty Helston

Date: 2010-06-15 15:05 EST
Dear Marc,

While I am sure you are having a fantastic time on your vacation, I feel sorely neglected. Your interns are nowhere to be found, so my return and ensuing antics have yet to be properly reported on!

And AND I was left to the tender mercies of that HACK of an imitation paper and one of it's reporters. Damien... Darien... something.

Please correct this oversight by kicking someone's lazy arse at your earliest convenience.

Special hugs and kisses

Kitty O. Helston

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-02-11 11:52 EST
Dearest Pink-Haired, Fabulously Gorgeous Matron (Patron?) Of Gossip -

Allow me to correct an oversight.

Please, won't you deign to grace my wedding and subsequent reception with the honour of your presence? My most perfect day will not be perfect enough until I see your shining face, smiling back at me from the audience. Perhaps you'll even allow me to enjoy a dance with you, though I know I could never, ever be so lucky as that.

Love, Hugs & Kisses,

Riley O'Rourke, aka Pants In A Twist

PS - His name is David Lo.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2011-02-11 18:07 EST

Glad to hear RhyDin's only honest journalism is back in town again. We must have coffee soon - I know a good place.



Date: 2011-02-16 14:12 EST
Mr. Franco,

Welcome back. I enjoyed your coverage of Riley and David's wedding.

Best wishes,

Colleen MacLeod-Fenner


Date: 2011-02-17 19:27 EST
Arriving at the Den of Gossip are a package wrapped in sapphire silk and tied with gold ribbons, and two gift baskets filled to overflowing, along with a letter penned in Elessaria's elegant hand.

Dearest Marc,

Congratulations on reaching thy Fourth Anniversary with the GangSTAR! I hope thou dost enjoy the fragrance I created especially for thee. The gift baskets are to be shared with thine interns. Thank thee for all thy kindness over the years. Mayest thou have many more successful years of writing and entertainment ahead of thee.


P.S. I will see thee at Fashion Week! Front row at Millie & Mallie!


Elessaria decided it was well past time for her to create a signature scent for RhyDin's beloved (to her, at least) gossip blogger, Marc Franco, and what better time than to celebrate the fourth anniversary of his blog? She believed this was one of her finest compositions yet-- capturing the complexity of the man in a harmonious blend. The fragrance contained a bit of spice with pepper, crisp green notes, woodsy warmth and an elegant, sensual finish. Into a crystal bottle fashioned to look like an inkwell with a feather quill trimming it, she decanted the unique scent.

Top notes include: lavender, peach, bergamot, citrus, ginger
Middle notes include: white & pink pepper, gardenia, geranium, freesia, anise, patchouli, rose
Base notes include: benzoin, tonka, sandalwood, vanilla, leather.

She also included two gift baskets for the interns that contained scented soaps, body washes, lotions and the like. One for the men and one for the women.

The women's products were mainly white jasmine & mint scented. Its notes of jasmine, lily, orange flower and rose help to portray a fresh, sunny garden in the morning.

For the men, black peppercorn ,coriander, cumin, oakmoss, with violet leaf and bergamot to lighten the sensual spicy warmth.


Date: 2011-02-18 20:15 EST
Dear Marc,

The answer is no, not yet. However, I'm sure you'll hearing a rooster crow or something coming from my husband if such an announcement is to be made.



Date: 2011-02-21 17:54 EST
Dear Marc,

I just wanted to clarify on a point made about the Lo's recent nupitals- Mataya was a bridesmaid and *I* was Maid of Honor, thanks.

Lovingly yours,

Edward Slate

Date: 2011-02-24 17:02 EST
Mister Franco,
In regards to your recent mention, only my Grandmother calls me Edward. So, please, call me Eddie, or Slate. Thank you.

Eddie Slate.

OH Granger

Date: 2011-02-25 15:46 EST
Dear Mr Franco:

Jealously is not a good look on you. Despite what your peers might have said, pink and green do not, in fact, compliment each other.


Oliver Hudson Granger, III

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2011-03-16 12:23 EST
Do you know how hard it is to get a subscription for this in Spain? They don't make interworld delivery like they used to. I had to hire some weird little demon thing to come and deliver me the Gangster while I was gone and every time he showed up it was all "depths of burning hell" this and "never-ending torture of all your delicate parts" that. Plus, he always ended up burning the cover.. though I guess he can't really help that seeing as he's on fire all the time.

You should just market the Gangster to Playboy. It would make my life so much easier. The Mark Franco ceterhold couldn't hurt much either, you know.

Just sayin'.

- Sin


Date: 2012-02-08 13:39 EST
Let me be one of the first to say "WELCOME BACK"!! It was delightful to see the GangStar up and running again. niiiice!! ::Grin::

Rhiannon D Harker

Date: 2012-02-08 21:16 EST
Mr. Franco,

I'm flattered that you mistook my younger sister for me! You made my day. It's a common mistake, though, as we do look very much alike.

As for Maggie's taste in men, well, she admires her Da, like most little girls do, her Uncle Bertie, and Grandpa Tass. Rix and Red are old family friends. Who isn't excited to see good friends?

I hope you or someone from your staff will be reporting from the Arena this Thursday as the Winter Talon Tournament is being held then. My sister, Rhiannon Brock, is the defending champion.

Best wishes on your return,

Rhiannon Harker

Calix Aleta

Date: 2012-02-10 18:52 EST
Dear Mister Franco,

I am sending this letter as I read what you said about Jackie and myself. Yes we married each other rather quickly, but as each day passes. We are learning more and more about each other. Neither one of us have any intentions of rushing into starting a family. Nor do we intend to have any type of drunken brawls in the inn.

Further more. Both of us have taken the time to make sure this is what we both want. It is. I thank you for your time, and hope this letter clears up any more mistakes you might try to come up with about anyone in the Daniels clan.

Calix Daniels.

Marc Franco

Date: 2012-02-11 17:01 EST
Dear Mr. Daniels,

Thank you for your informative letter. If what you wrote proves to be true than you need not worry for you will be too boring for me to write about.


M. Franco

Audrey Horne

Date: 2012-02-13 04:32 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Hi! If the owner of that car writes in to complain, would you please let them know that I'm more than willing to pay to have it cleaned? And I can shell out extra to fix the headlight and the holes in the interior. My wife, however, is responsible for what happened to the steering wheel.

Thank you and keep up the good work!

-Audrey J. Horne


Date: 2012-02-13 21:17 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

We're just friends. Good friends. Honest.

Thank you for the compliment, by the way.


The Redneck

Date: 2012-02-28 13:05 EST
There's a delivery, a rather bulky delivery at the Den. Several lengths of beautifully tanned dragon hide, in different colors. Red, black, green, blue, and white. Lighter shadings and rather smaller scales, indicated, for those who knew such things, that these dragons had been relatively young (as dragons reckoned age), though definitely not hatchlings. Handily enough, a note was included with the delivery, handed over by whomever happened to be there when the offloading began, by one of the early-teenaged children handling the transfer. Street kids they looked like.

"Mr. Franco,

Hello, you can call me Thorn. I enjoy reading your take on the goings on in and around Rhy'din, quite a lot honestly.

Anyway, since you mentioned not passing up a pair of dragon hide boots, and since Icer's in the however-long-it-takes process of popping another clutch, I figured I'd pass along some hides I'm not going to be using.
And the address of my boot maker, she really does an excellent job with dragon hides and can replicate almost any style you can think up.
Should be enough there for at least one pair of shoes or boots for everyone on your staff. Likely going to have to play Roh-sham-boh over who gets what color though.
Also, for the most part, ask me what you want to know and I'll probably tell you. Well, you or any of your agents or employees. Depending on the time and place of course.

Thank you again,


Date: 2012-02-29 15:51 EST
My dear Mr. Franco:

I'm writing, as you requested, to inform you that the "teenaged girl" speaking to missy Horne, as referenced in your "report" dated February 26, was almost certainly my biological daughter, Martina Shusberg, who affects the nickname "Tina" for reasons quite beyond my comprehension.

Concerning the matter which she and Audrey Horne were discussing, I shall only say that it is a subject of considerable delicacy, which I would not presume to expose, and upon which I fear you would have to turn to one of the missies Horne for elucidation.

Yours in pursuit of accuracy,

Artsblood Shusberg


Date: 2012-03-01 00:30 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Are you trying to get me eaten by Tass?


Rhiannon Brock

Date: 2012-03-01 07:48 EST
Mr. Franco,

Eregor is indeed quite a looker. He is also something that's getting harder to find in Rhydin, a gentleman. Despite my passion for the dueling venues and their generally rough atmosphere, I've discovered that I enjoy being treated like a lady when the occasion calls for it.

Rhiannon Brock


Date: 2012-03-01 12:28 EST
Dear Mr Franco.. Our young have remained at the lair for quite a while now.

I am recently recovering so it will be a long time yet before we have another clutch.

Even then. They too will remain in the lair and the gardens.

Sincerely Icer Shimmerscale

Ps.. Only one of ours was actually an ankle biter and she has since grown out of that phase.

Joey Damarco

Date: 2012-03-01 16:47 EST

There have been no benefits, if you must know.



Date: 2012-03-10 09:25 EST
Mr. Franco,

As I'm certain your sources have relayed to you, the DoS Madness tourney is now in full swing. News, results and commentary can be found in the unoffical Madness flier and syndicated by the Dueling Zone News Network, just as in years past. We find ourselves missing those insights only you can provide though, which I fear leaves our readership saddened. Of course, you've not been contracted with DZN since 2010, but I did want to extend an invitation for you to drop by and do what you do best in this forum, I know your fans would love it.

Best Wishes,
~Kalamere Ar'Din

Britania Grey

Date: 2012-06-08 21:20 EST
Mr. Franco,

As the warlord just properly issued challenge earlier today I am not sure how that is me pretending things are not happening. As with any challenge I will address it and face it, despite the fact the Warlord could not even be bothered to learn my name.

The duels are sports, not a political forum. Challenges happen, they are fought. Others can attempt to make it something more than that but it will not make it so.

I do wonder if one of this family becomes Overlord if they will do less for their Loyal Barons than I have attempted to do. Time will tell one way or another, as it always has in the Arena.

Ellisa Morgan

Marc Franco

Date: 2012-06-08 21:33 EST
Ms. Morgan,

Perhaps you do not understand what we do here. We report gossip. Sometimes we stir up drama. I do not care what you do for your loyal barons. Neither do my interns. I care about what creates hits to my blog. I care about what makes people pick up the printed out flyers. Because that's what my advertisers care about.

I would instead direct your instructions as to what the dueling venues are and what they are not to the family in question or the dueling venues in general. We here at the Den of Gossip will continue to do what we have always done and if you don't like it we suggest that you avoid picking it up in the future.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Marc Franco

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2012-06-24 19:39 EST


Date: 2012-07-08 17:16 EST

Malibu Barbie

Date: 2012-07-08 21:49 EST
Dear Duci, began the note that accompanied a wrapped package sent in reply to the letter. Hope this helps you make it until your next salon appointment. Color you BL127. Color me concerned.


Inside the package:


Date: 2012-07-09 02:32 EST

The letter is written in angry red lipstick, and accompanied by a wrapped box with a red bow.


Date: 2012-07-14 14:58 EST
In a holographic ?poster? posted in several parts of Rhy?din, when someone walks by, Duci will appear, speaking.]

"You know, Barbie can pretend that I'm the bad guy all she wants. Because you know, pretending is what she does best. I don't discriminate any more than she does. I'm not the one who has been lying to you all like she has," Duci declared, unrolling a piece of paper to show the masses.

"The biggest lies come in the smallest packaging!" Shows off her poster. "See? This was only the other identities I could find in a short time frame. Who knows how many other people and things she has pretended to be? She might be tiny, sure, but she's the tiniest liar you'll ever meet! I say me and Barbie need to settle this once and for REAL people do!?

This holographic poster was sent to Barbie, along with a challenge, and another poster.


Date: 2012-07-26 14:31 EST
Deciding she wasn't even going to grace the gossip rag with a response to the newest installment, she instead writes a letter to Barbie in reply to her actions in the Outback last night.

Then attached is another poster, similar to before.

Andu Kirost

Date: 2012-07-30 17:45 EST
You really should make some effort to check what you are told, so you don't come off sounding as dumb and arrogant as Harris.

What I said, was that, one, it isn't my place to judge the person I was speaking with. We have the Watch, and the Governor to do that. The GAC is only an "advisory" group, so even when I was still on it the decisions to do or not do something about a particular criminal rested with Fio and the Watch.

Two, I did admit that my race did generally consider humans a food source, but that I had rejected that belief. And that I, personally, would prefer she switch to non-sentient prey.

As for my argument with Saffy, when I explained why I spoke to the other, unnamed, female the way I did, she understood that I was simply keeping things as simple as possible for some one who finds the the way humans (who are a visible majority in "this" city) run things even less comprehensible than I do.


Date: 2012-07-30 18:47 EST
To the delicious Marc Franco and all at the Gossip GangSTAR,

Dudes and darlings, I so totally love you! Not only did I get a brand new slice of juicy gossip to read over lunch today, but I found the Shanachie in it! Seriously, you made my day.

So allow me to make yours. Tickets have been set aside at the door for anyone who comes to see Macbeth bearing a press badge from the GangSTAR. No payment necessary - we love you guys! And you're always welcome backstage; just give us a heads up when you wanna come and poke around a bit.

Love, kisses, and squishy hugs,

P.S. As far as I know, Charles is completely single and has been for at least four years. Someone find this man somebody to love!

Brinkmaster Robburt

Date: 2012-07-30 20:05 EST
Heeeeey Marc,

So... let's clear the air, here. I wasn't offended by the buffet menu getting presented. It'd be like trying to morally picket an anteater for not having a vegetarian diet. Despite the ears and the tail, I identify as human, and I also feel that humanity has its place in the greater ecosystem as prey animals, and that while yeah, I don't wanna get eaten, I don't see that as being morally wrong.

Push comes to shove, the rub came in when Andu and the lady got to judging my fantastic species on a whole. People getting eaten and dying's a fact of life, but be damned if I'm going to take generalist statements lying down. So, yeah, Andu explained his reasoning, and while I might not agree with it, it was sound enough to back off from the prospect of making Andu-burgers in the Alley.

So... yeup! There's that! Rock out, eh?

The Redneck

Date: 2012-07-31 15:06 EST
Ah honey,

Mostly right, just a little off on a couple parts.

Was tequila I pulled a spit-take on, and Sal was randomly announcing that Cove wanted to sleep with him, not introducing to anyone as his lover.

Everyone knows who Sal goes home to, just like folks know who Cove's going home to. And for the record that's not me.

Besides, it's only dirty if you're doing it wrong in the bad sort of ways.

Keep up with what you're doing, I totally dig reading what you put out!

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2012-09-02 20:23 EST
Dear Marc,

You missed the big kiss between Rhi and Gory. I don't think they'll be getting sick of each other anytime soon.

Ebon Ilnaren


Date: 2012-09-03 02:42 EST
Dear Mr. Franco -

There are scores of bad girls to be had around Rhy'din (in more than one sense of the term, depending on where you look). My preference is for a rarer type of lady, and I'm quite happy with Rhiannon. Sick of her? Not bloody likely!

Entertained as always,

Rhiannon Brock

Date: 2012-09-03 17:29 EST
Mr. Franco,

If I'm your idea of a goody two shoes, I don't want to know what you think a bad girl acts like! Then again, I could be called worse things.

Gory and I met a year ago. That's some kind of milestone to be celebrated, especially a place like in Rhydin where the divorce hearings often last longer than some of the marriages.

Rhiannon Brock

P.S. My niece, Maggie, sends kisses. She's pretty sure she spotted you in the crowd for the Children's Day events.


Date: 2013-02-14 23:25 EST
Dear Mr. Franco,

Hot, am I? Why, thank you! I know Rhi agrees with you.

Now I just want to say two things for the record. 1) No need for a baby bump watch, yet. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm happy to wait until after the wedding. 2) We actually got engaged on New Year's Day, while on vacation off-world.

Always entertained,


Date: 2013-02-16 17:25 EST

Man, I understand all the hating towards me, but sheesh, what have you got against my Super::coughcoughYEScough:: Model girlfriend? What'd she do to you? Is it guilt by association? Are you hating on her because she's dating me? Did she say something disparaging about you that I don't know about?

I just can't see that she's done anything to warrant the hate. Or does she absolutely -Have- to be dating one of the Popular Red Dragon Inn guys in order to get some love from you?

Best and warmest regards,

Audrey Horne

Date: 2013-02-16 21:34 EST
Mr. Franco,

While I do enjoy your gossip rag, I do have a question for you.

What sort of reputation do I have?


Audrey Horne


Date: 2013-05-04 19:02 EST
::a gift box arrives at the Gangstar headquarters with this note::

Dear Marc,

Thanks for the mention of the harbor clean up project! As a token of appreciation, I send this lovely pink marble paperweight and silver base that we found in one of the sunken ships.

The appraiser said it was rare and precious find. Who better to enjoy it than an equally rare and precious person like you.

Enjoy and keep up the good work!

As Always,

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2013-05-04 19:06 EST

Thanks for all your hard work, Jen and I love you guys.

~Brian & Jenai Ravenlock

PS~ We'd love to have you over for dinner sometime at the compound, come on down and meet the rest of the family. At the very least you'll get some great material, yeah?

Dahlia Bishop

Date: 2013-06-12 12:33 EST
2. Watch out for that speedy walk down the aisle! It?s a RhyDin specialty! Six months from dating to marriage! We hear that Dahlia was spotted in the Inn this past week gushing to Audrey about how she married Judah sometime in December. Dahlia is an acrobat/contortionist and her new groom is a woodworker. Judah has quite the colorful past in this city but charges against him and the ire of quite a few people hasn?t seem to stuck. He keeps wiggling his way out of mess after mess. The pair started dating this past summer and we really thought this might be one of those couples that was going to take their time before taking the big plunge. Clearly we were wrong! We?ll give them another four months before we start on divorce watch!

Four months later? Still married.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-07-08 09:52 EST
Mr. Franco:

Mimes? The vast majority are goose-walked-over-my-grave-wtf-are-they-on creepy. Maurice though?

He's an extreme exception to the rule.

Keep up the frosted work sweetness!


Rage and Shadow

Date: 2013-07-08 15:12 EST
Mister Franco,

I have never met a mime I thought creepy. My name is spelled V I C T O R.

- Victor Grynyrd


Date: 2013-07-08 15:33 EST
It had been a small compliment, but appreciated all the more for the first time Noira had seen her name published anywhere other than Imperial records. The same afternoon she penned a reply in her distinct cursive handwriting.

Dear Mr. Franco,

We battlemages can be very scary, and the freelance kind are even worse! Thank you for your kind compliment, and please let me know if you or your staff need anything acquired from the places most of us are too sensible to explore.


Jane Bunbury

Date: 2013-07-08 18:29 EST
Dear Franco,

I did come out from under my rock, and then I went home and got laid.

Sincerely Yours,

P.S. It was *&^%ing awesome.

P.S.S. Oh and the party was, too.

Maurice the Mime

Date: 2013-07-08 21:30 EST
A care package turns up at the GangSTAR office. The note simply reads:


Date: 2013-07-08 22:47 EST
Yo! Franco!

Odd birds gotta get married too, ya know? Ya'll need t'stop by! We'll even save ya some Katt-tastic cake.

Sniff ya later!

-Cuyler E. Quinn


Date: 2013-07-10 05:03 EST
Mr. Franco,

Due to the planned attendance of some members of Rhiannon's late father's family, invitations to the actual ceremony have been and will be rather limited.

The reception, however, has already been announced as being open to the family and friends of the couple. Having served on the GAC with Rhiannon, I should hope you might count yourself among the latter. Transportation, round trip, and overnight lodging at one of Hatten Point's resort hotels is being covered for all guests. I hope to see you there.

Colleen MacLeod-Fenner