Topic: May 2011

Marc Franco

Date: 2011-05-21 16:17 EST
Inkwell Friday

I knew my life was missing something over the past three years and I finally figured out what it was ? Gideon. We here at the Den of Gossip are pretty damn sure that we?ve never seen a man come back to town and create so much drama so quickly. It certainly helps that he seems determined to dip his pen in every inkwell in town? if you know what we?re saying!

Anyway, seems that Gideon had a roll in the hay with Lelah, the owner of 21twelve ? the movie studio. And then he totally LOST it on Lelah. Our sources couldn?t tell us exactly why. Maybe she denied that she enjoyed it? He did seem a bit outraged by some accusation she was leveling his way. We can?t imagine that allll those women would flock to his bed if he wasn?t talented at spelunking the bat cave? again, if you know what we?re saying!

Despite the screaming match (and evidently NOT the sort of screaming they?d been doing a couple nights earlier), which attracted quite the audience including Sophie and Mesteno, we wouldn?t be too terribly surprised to see these two make up sometime soon. There was definitely a lot of chemistry in the air. If Lelah?s looking to make Gideon a one-woman sort of man, she?s in for some real heartache, though. That?s a man who?s in it for one thing and one thing only, darling, and that?s not your perky conversation?. if you know what we?re saying!

On a much?. classier note, the gorgeous DIVINE Mrs. Storm was spotted catching up with Chief Mischief Maker Eless who was behind the bar and she, of course, had Yummy Ewan in tow. Those two rarely seem to get a night off from the rugrats to spend a bit of time out on the town but they certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves. Ewan was overheard teasing Eless about her skills with a sword. Kalamere sure taught her well! We hear that she?s already gaining rank!

Speaking of Eless, she had a run in later in the night when Bashir entered pretty enraged. We hear that he and one of his family members confronted Eless in the kitchen and the disagreement spilled outside with several others, including Tass, getting involved. All we got out of it is that it seemed to have something to do with the guy that Eless has been seeing. Or maybe is no longer seeing??? Our sources seemed to get the idea that he had skipped town. Interesting for sure! After all, what man in his right mind leaves Eless? We never liked him!

Gem! No lie! Gem was seen hanging out in the Inn and catching up with old friends. She was joined by her main squeeze, Ezekiel. They seemed pretty darn close. Like ?need a room? close. We?re actually hearing rumors that things are getting pretty darn tight. They looked pretty cute together. We don?t know too much about this guy so we?ll remain cautiously optimistic about it.