Topic: November 2007

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-05 12:28 EST
Monday, November 5th

We're Back Thursday!

We?re back! After a week and a half of sipping Mai Thais on a warm sandy beach, we?re refreshed and ready to hit the month of November in stride! We know you all have missed us dearly and we?re eager to get right back into the swing of things! Hold onto your seats, kids! We?re sure the celebrities, heiresses, and bar flies of the Red Dragon Inn will NOT disappoint!

We love how much governmental business The Gov Kitty conducts while in the Inn with a mug of ale in her hand! That?s our sort of politician! The first day of November found her doing just that while in a heated argument with Wolv. Evidently, Wolv wanted to collect a militia and head off to fight evil and, for some reason, wanted The Gov?s permission. Er, what??? Doesn?t he know that NOBODY asks The Gov?s permission before gathering a militia? What public leader would say ?Sure, a mass an army that could potentially take over the city!? Yet, there?s a million and one independent militias as well as foreign armies in this city! The people in this town JUST DO IT! They certainly don?t ask permission first! Le sigh!

Lucky found himself surrounded by beautiful women!!! Man?s got some game!!! The GORGEOUS and WITTY Sylvia was tending bar and chatting him up and SMASHING Issy also spent a while talking to him about the state of the city. Murder, arson, thievery, and more! Don?t these people ever learn that the state of the city is always the same??? It?s always a thin wire from total chaos! AND WE LOVE IT FOR THAT!

OoOoOoOoh! Our sources inform us there was a very cold encounter between DoD-er Rena and Soerl?s new girl ? Savannah! Soerl was practically BEGGING Rena to be nice to Savannah but she remained quite cold! And in fact, turned away and left the table when Savannah invited her to have a seat!!! Soerl stormed out, leaving Savannah still sitting at the table!!! Do we smell jealousy??? Could DoD-er Rena have a thing for Soerl??? Later in the night, Soerl came back into the Inn and was seen having a private discussion with Rena!!! We?re not entirely sure he?d pick Savannah if he had to choose!

We like our men HAWT AND DANGEROUS! Thus, we?re super glad that Tareth is back in town! He?s been spotted several times late into the night in the Inn drinking and just being all around DELICIOUS! We?re still dying to see Lassie Cassie bite back at Awesome Alain for all the time he?s been spending with Tareth?s other half! Lust Triangles are so much more interesting when a fourth becomes involved!

Downstairs in the Arena, G?nort greeted Imp with a lick! Uh, ew! Imp was overheard stating that he felt ?dirty, soiled, and abused?. Maybe he?ll connect the dots and realize that?s how some of the ladies feel when he gropes them! We really hope he doesn?t, though. We love the little perv!

Ugh! This was so fugly that we almost puked upon hearing it! Evidently WHORE-acious Erin and G?naughty G?nort were seen in a lip lock inside a ring. Be still our stomach! Yuck, yuck, yuck. Neither of these two should be allowed to procreate. WHORE-acious Erin would only manage on passing that awful sense of morality and G?naughty G?nort tends to have a dozen paternity suits pending at any one time.

DoD-er PJ was also in the Arena making the rounds! She was seen begging folks for money for some auction that she was hoping to win. She got both Sinfully Sexy Sartan and Venom Vinny to open their pocket books and hand over cash to her! We wonder what sort of sexual favors she promised them in return!!! Slutty, slutty girl!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-05 12:30 EST
Monday, November 5th

Enchanted Friday!

Friday night in the Red Dragon Inn started off a bit quietly. Johnny was seen without his lovely bride-to-be AGAIN but was seen flirting with Miss Mercy AND Lana! Are Johnny and Sianna kaput??? We have heard from our sources that she hasn?t been seen around much lately! Both ladies seemed quite taken by Johnny?s charm. He?s certainly a charmer! Michale was seen listening in on the conversation but didn?t seem very social. We?re sure he?s had his heart broken by TRASH-tastic Jade AGAIN because that?s what she seems to do best.

Mmm! Our FAVORITE new couple, Tucker and Eva, were spotted spending some time together at the bar. They had a quiet conversation and were joined for a while by a friend of Eva?s named Ghost. Although, their parting seemed sweet, our sources claim that they still have yet to see these two kiss. KISS HER ALREADY, TUCKER!!! Her body language is screaaaaming for it!

Down in the basement Arena, Boy Toy Val made an appearance and, while he and DoD-er Rena weren?t lovey dovey, it seemed as if the pair are still together. We just don?t think Val has any staying power when it comes to Rena. She seems to be getting tired of? well, just his personality in general. Cold but fabulous, no???

The pair were overheard talking to Teagan who evidently left Russel trapped in one of her enchanted rings not too long ago. She claims that she merely forgot to unlock a gate to let him out before she left for the night! HILARIOUS! You better watch out when you dare to enter one of Teagan?s rings! She?s a bit on the DELICIOUSLY TWISTED side! Speaking of that very fact, we were laughing to the point of tears when our sources told us that WHORE-acious Erin was put in one of those magical rings ? a ring full of snakes ? on Friday night! Evidently, her shrieks could be heard into the Inn! LOVE IT!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-05 12:31 EST
Monday, November 5th

Jealous Saturday!

Jealousy makes for good blog entries and, therefore, that?s where we?ll start off on our recap of the happenings of Saturday night! An upset Adrianna was seen being consoled by Wolv over some unknown issue. However, there was talk of Wolv?s chick being extremely jealous of the time he spends with Adrianna. We?re guessing she certainly wouldn?t like the hand holding or ogling of Adrianna?s assets our sources saw Saturday night!!!

Savannah and Soerl were seen quite interlaced with one another. This pair is moving awfully fast. We think we can already spot their burn out! We doubt it?ll be as juicy as some of the ones we?ve seen as of late, though.

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was seen keeping company with yet ANOTHER new male companion! We never did catch this one?s name but it doesn?t really matter, does it? We?re starting to think she?s a black widow. She lures these men in, they head off together, and they?re never seen from again. Maybe that?s how she remains youthful and beautiful!!! Anyway, Kairee used her magic to conjure up some music and the pair were seen dancing tantalizingly close!

Den Mama Sid looked THRILLED to see one of her cubs ? the sweet blonde Sugar! Evidently Sugar is still with Bad Boy Darren and, in fact, they have recently moved in together!!! OMG, will that girl never learn??? Den Mama Sid seemed much more accepting of the idea than we thought she would be but her Main Man Scottie was about as shocked by the news as we were!
?And Lassie Cassie was there. But we refuse to talk about her until she does something that entertains us. Slap Alain in the face! Put your sluttiest dress on and sleep with the man of one of your rivals! Bow down at Piper?s feet! Come on, Lassie Cassie! We want to like you again, we really do. But it?s time you start acting like the bad ass you really are and stop acting like Alain?s puppy!

Ugh! As if WHORE-acious Erin and Kissing Fiend Alex weren?t enough, G?naughty G?nort also got a smooooch from DoD-er PJ Saturday night! You?re killing us, ladies! You?re killing us! Keep your well-traveled lips off the dirty pervert!!!

Speaking of DoD-er/Red Orc Brewery Spokesmodel PJ, we have soooooo missed her! She seems back and more trouble than ever!!! The glorious homewrecker caused caught the tiff between Venom Vinny and his wife, Querylon. Querylon did not seem pleased to hear that Vinny had loaned PJ some money and even less pleased when PJ began talking about how she?d pay Venom Vinny back! The argument ended with Querylon storming out and Venom Vinny hopping into a ring with PJ for a little fun!

What a fantastic welcome home for us! No rest for the wicked, eh, PJ?

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-05 12:32 EST
Monday, November 5th

Randy Sunday!

Well, the night certainly started a bit awkward Sunday in the Red Dragon Inn. It appears that Michale is attempting to move on from TRASH-tastic Jade and has been keeping company with Lana! Lana and TRASH-tastic Jade saw each other in passing and it turns out that they?re old friends but that Lana had no idea that she was Michale?s ex! FABULOUS! But WAIT, it gets better! It turns out that Lana is a vampire hunter? and, you?ve got it, Jade and Michale are vampires!

Love in this town is so wonderfully crazy!

Phillipe seemed a bit? confused as he chatted with Rose and his girl Adrianna. Evidently, he?s gone a bit batty! He doesn?t remember Adrianna at all and believes it to be the 11th of July!!! FANTASTIC!!! We love the fruit cakes! They make this place so interesting. Maybe Adrianna will wise up and move on since her man doesn?t seem to know her any more. She was always too good for him anyway!

Tareth and DoD-er Charlie were seen talking and canoodling late into the night. They appear very much together which makes us HEARTBROKEN! We still would so much rather see Tareth with Lassie Cassie (which would be dangerously HAWT) and Alain and Charlie (which would be a moody HAWT pairing). SWITCH IT UP ALREADY!

Savannah and Soerl were spotted at Fight Night in the Annex dishing out ?I love you?s and love taps in a ring. These two are sooooo sickeningly sweet! They give us an instant tooth ache! We need to see a BIG FIGHT! Entertain us, kids! Soerl handily won the duel and whatever sexual position he wanted as a prize.

They weren?t the only pair messing around in a ring Sunday night! Mini-Frank Cor was seen flirting it up with a cute chick who offered to dip his banana in some chocolate! Or maybe she could did his Mini-Frank into some relish??? Man, we kill ourselves with this stuff!

It seems the flu is going around? or perhaps it was just greasy food. DoD-er PJ and her friend Nutty Rory were overheard complaining about some sort of stomach ailment. Rory blamed PJ for giving her the flu. PJ blamed Rory. Sartan blamed the girls? love of burrito stands with questionable hygiene practices!

Quite the crowd gathered later in the evening as Baron of New Haven, Kheldar Drasinia, was challenged by Warlord Rand alTan!!! Troublesome Imp called the match and we were THRILLED to see RhyDin?s HAWTEST MILF (who just so happens to be Kheldar?s wife) Caedia present and accounted for! Despite the fact that Kheldar drew quite the cheering section that included the Lord and Lady of the Outback ? MAN-tastic Matt and DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy, Randy Rand was the one who finally pulled ahead in the one match format to take the win!!! Randy Rand declared himself renegade to Overlord Cletus and was overheard inviting a few HAWT ladies to have a party to break the New Haven Manor in next weekend.

Congratulations, Rand! We?re sure you?ll score lots of lovely ladies with that pretty ring on your finger!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-07 21:46 EST
Wednesday, November 7th

Guy Fawkes Day Festival!

Friends and foes alike gathered in the Glen to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day (some wholly snobby British holiday celebrating some self-indulgent moment in history or another) and to hear the results of the results of the charity auction! Elly?s pumpkinheads wandered the Glen passing out mugs of warmed cider and there were barrels of ale scattered about! Cute little Elly was the master of ceremonies and did such a good job! We HEART her!

Despite the music, booze, and fun, the highlight of the evening was the announcement of Elly?s charity auction results! There were certainly some interesting developments and we were there to witness some of them!

Chryrie put down quite the sizable donation on Head Pussycat Panther! Could Chryrie?s marriage be stumbling??? Does she have a crush on Puuurfect Panther??? Wouldn?t you love to be a fly on the wall for that ?date???? Even her sister The Gov Kitty seemed confused as to what Chryrie?s plans with him would be!

Speaking of The Gov Kitty, she was won for a whooooooping 5000 nobles by?.. drum roll, please?. Tass! The Gov Kitty seemed thrilled with that result! There was a note attached with the winning bid for The Gov to meet Tass at a particular hot spring. Oh la la! The Gov Kitty was actually BLUSHING!!! HAWTNESS!

In the interesting twist of the night, Lassie Cassie and Awesome Alain?s relationship took a blow! Bad Boy Darren won Lassie Cassie for 150 nobles!!! Only a 150?!?! Awesome Alain didn?t think she was worth any more than that??? MAJOR BLOW!!! To make matters worse, Awesome Alain did have a winning bid on another fine lady ? Kacey! If it wasn?t so darn funny, it would almost be sad! ?.But it gets EVEN better, DoD-er Charlie placed the winning bid on Awesome Alain so Lassie Cassie won?t get that date she was hoping for at all!!!

You know that Lassie Cassie couldn?t take that with any sort of class whatsoever. She, of course, made a scene by throwing a temper tantrum and throwing her mug at Darren. Blah, blah, blah. We LOVED this whole entire situation! Have fun cleaning Darren?s toilets, L.C.!

The DIVINE Mrs. Storm was present and accounted for as was her lovely husband, Ewan! They are just TOO cute! Ewan placed a respectable bid on his wife so that she wouldn?t be cleaning anyone?s toilets anytime soon?. unless perhaps Ewan gets off on that sort of French maid thing!

It seems that Good Boy Jake has been suckered in by the succubus WHORE-acious Erin! He ponied up 4,575 nobles to spend a day with her! Ugh. We?d pay him 4,575 nobles to keep her AWAY for a day! GET OUT NOW, JAKE!

We were a bit nervous (but also a bit curious) to find that we were won for 17,500 nobles by CAP ? the Coalition for the Advancement of PJ! It seems we have our answer as to why DoD-er PJ was hitting up her friends for cash over the past week!!! We haven?t heard exactly what PJ has up her sleeve for us yet but we?re dyyyyyying to know!

All-in-all it was a FANTASTIC event that raised a grand spanking total of 135,816 nobles for The Gov Kitty?s new medical clinic for the needy! Think of how many sick kids that?ll treat! You?ve just GOT to HEART both Kitty and Elly for the charitable deeds! AMAZING!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-07 21:48 EST
Wednesday, November 7th

Wandering Eye Monday!

SUUUUPER Des was in the Red Dragon Inn Monday night showing off one of her new hires ? a lovely brunette named Atalanta! We love HAWT new girls!!! Heeeey, guys (and gals if you?re into that sort of thing), you MUST check this one out. She?s quite the stunner and SUUUUUPER Des is the best recruiter of T&A in the city!

Classy Cieara and her brother/partner-in-crime Dashing Daniel were seen in the Inn looking FANTASTIC as always!!! These two are always such shining jewels of manners and grace in a pool of? well, trash. They were spending time with a flashy redhead who were told goes by the name Beth! Quite the stunner!

Awesome Alain and Tareth haven?t let us down! They continued this FANTASTIC tension. We hear that Alain sent Sid, who was tending bar late into the night, over with a drink and a message ? that Alain had a great night the previous night with Tareth. Tareth sent a return message through Sid that Alain only wished he could get his hands on Tareth. LOVE IT! Den Mama Sid seemed thoroughly amused as well!

Our sources claim that not too long after Tareth was seen giving Charlie a ring and later that ring was seen on DoD-er Charlie?s left ring finger!!! WHAT?!?! Koy just got married! Eve is ?engaged?! Is Charlie engaged as well?!?! The DoD girls are dropping like flies! ?.At least we know that our dear PJ will always be single and crazy!

Soerl and SaVANnah were back in action in a ring again in the Outback Monday night. These two just CANNOT keep their hands off one another! Their little love fests in the ring are making us gag on the cuteness factor. Man, do we need a nasty fight between these two!!!

Over on Twilight Isle, Querylon was still punishing Venom Vinny for his wandering eye!!! Evidently she put some sort of curse on him and was only willing to lift it when he begged. Man, that woman is AWFULLY needy! It?s a good thing she?s so darn cute or we?re betting that Venom Vinny would have tired of that a looooooong time ago!

Our sources never did find out how that argument ended as they were distracted by Topaz and Sexy Will Wulfson. We still think these two should be an item! They are HAWT HAWT HAWT!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-08 18:33 EST
Thursday, November 8th

Hot Mama Material Tuesday!

Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy!!! Early in the evening Tuesday night, our sources overheard Rhy asking her man, Tight-Laced Brandon, if he was comfortable with her becoming an exotic dancer! Faaaaabulous. Brandon seemed shocked but didn?t put his foot down like he should have. Great. Just what this city needs. Another stripper. Le sigh!

We totally loooooove Amber?s silliness! Much to the shock of SUUUUUUPER Des, Amber was seen leading in a turkey which she?s evidently named Fido. OMG!!! We?re just shocked that the turkey made it through the night without Good Ol? Country Girl SUUUUPER Des chopping off its neck with a butcher?s knife! We bet it only makes it another week before one of those pussycats hanging around the bar eat it feathers and all!

We had to wipe up a puddle of drooool when our sources told us that they spotted Sylvia and the DIVINE Mrs Storm having a drink together in the Inn!!! How faaabulous are these two ladies??? The chatted about Sylvia?s children and how married life was treating Storm. Too cute!!! Is it just us or do you also believe that DIVINE Storm will be pregnant within six months??? She?s got ?HOT MAMA MATERIAL? stamped on her forehead!

DoD-er PJ was in the Outback under the watchful eyes of a new admirer who were told is named Layne! She certainly didn?t dissuade the attention?. but then again, when does PJ ever try to avoid attention??? Our sources assure us that Layne is pretty HAWT but we also hear reports that he?s quite grumpy. Jury?s still out on this guy, ladies!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-08 19:37 EST
Thursday, November 8th

Slap to the Face Wednesday!

Ugh! HEIFER Jewell was back in town AGAIN! Can?t she just stay at sea? Although, we are surprised that Stephen?s boat can stand her load! Anyway, Jewell was in the Red Dragon Inn Wednesday night complaining to Lickable Lydia about life on a ship ? in particular the manual labor and the hygiene practices of the men after several days at sea. Again, we?re surprised. Wouldn?t you think that Jewell?s dream is to be surrounded by dirty, unwashed men who are forced to endure her for days on end?

HEIFER Jewell did redeem herself in some small way by throwing up on Veighn! Yep, you read us right. She up chucked all over him. We don?t know why. We don?t want to know why. All we know is that our sources say that Veighn was screeching like a banshee and Jewell was acting completely indignant and even blamed the incident on Veighn!!! Are we the only ones having a hard time believing that this is the first time that a woman has been so disgusted by Veighn that she vomited? Wow, we really can?t linger on this thought long or we may lose our lunch.

Head Pussycat Panther was quick to put an end to Veighn?s whining. We guess that H.P. Panther doesn?t take cry babies on his watch!!! And have we mentioned lately how much we looooove when he?s behind the bar??? He?s absolutely drooooooolable! He was overheard chatting with Sylvia about her eldest son?s birthday. They?re both so darn HAWT!

Lickable Lydia and WHORE-acicous Erin were later seen trying to convince DoD-er Rena to help them with their upcoming expansion project for The Stitch! We?re not surprised. Doesn?t Lydia seem like a bit of a tight wad?!?! We bet she?s alllll about free labor! Anyway, we?re dyyyying to know if this expansion of The Stitch is getting FLAWLESS Koy worried at all! It certainly can?t help that one of her fellow DoD-ers is assisting in it!

Now that?s a serious SLAP TO THE FACE!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-12 10:29 EST
Monday, November 12

PiRATe Thursday!

The drama started pretty early Thursday night in the Red Dragon Inn. Awesome Alain came stumbling down the stairs after a confrontation in his room led to him being shot BY HIS OWN GUN!!! Smooooooth. Well?. at least the boy is pretty because he sure as hell is no nuclear physicist! We only lament that it wasn?t Lassie Cassie who shot him! SMASHING Issy and Uber HAWT Trixie were present while the lovely Kacey was bandaging up the handsome moron and the Scath-Babes, of course, took the opportunity to quip wittily at Alain?s expense!!! Oh, how we HEART them!

Alain didn?t seem all that concerned about his new hole. However, when you get shot as often as he does, we suppose it becomes common place. Alain was too busy planning a date with his nurse ? Kacey ? to pay attention to the fact he was bleeding all over the Inn. We suppose since his previous mistress seems engaged now, Alain does need a new woman in his life to cheat on Cassie with.

We also have news that Maia and Harry are back in town!!! Our sources reported back to us that the pair returned from their extended boat trip (now that?s a LOOOOOVE BOAT) in the wee hours of the morning! It doesn?t seem as if that month long voyage of (what we can only assume was) dirty, fun sex lessened their desire for one another. They seemed awfully touchy and quite anxious to return home to resume the fun!!!!

The boys and girls of the Arena were busy dueling Thursday night under the watchful little eyes of the Imp-ster! Imp was up to his usual woman-groping and one of our absolute favorites, the RAT-tastic Napoleon, showed up for a little while. What we wouldn?t give for an invitation to his ship for a little piRATe looting and sweet eating! It?s like all our childhood fantasies coming to life! Talking animals! A pirate ship! All the candy we could ever want!

The new Baron Rand was present and looking quite spiffy with his ring!!! He spent the night dueling and getting congratulations from former Baron/Overlord types like Sexy Sartan and DoD-er Rena! It couldn?t have happened to a nicer guy!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-12 11:40 EST
Monday, November 12

Grubby Mitts Friday!

Edible Elly was in the Red Dragon Inn Friday night giddy over the success of her charity auction! And she should be! What a success! And over 100,000 silver raised for The Gov Kitty?s new clinic for the poor! We love when the celebrities of this city take a break from their trouble-making and drama-causing to get together to do good! Yay for Edible Elly for organizing that!

Chuckie was drunk and up to no good. He had his grubby mitts all over Tasha who kept assuring him that she knows how to hold onto her panties really well (GOOD FOR YOU, GIRL!) while shooting what our sources believed to be suggestive looks in Raye?s direction. In fact, Chuckie was overheard by our sole source who can understand him as telling Tasha that he is Raye?s man but that he?s allowed to flirt because that?s just what OCorrs do. HILARIOUS! Chuckie should be bottled up and sold in replace of anti-depressants!

Ohz Nooooz! Poor dear sweet Eless has gotten herself all tangled up with Playboy Wil!!! They were actually spotted KISSING! What is the world coming to?!?! Now the number of women that Playboy Wil has been seen macking on in the Inn alone is too long to list but we will mention that he?s had significant relationships with both HEIFER Jewell and DoD-er PJ!!! Now we must ask ? do YOU want to see the sweetest tender in the Inn dating a guy who has slept with both HEIFER Jewell and DoD-er PJ?!?!?!

On a much less worrisome note, Cutie Carley was seen enjoying a mug of blueberry tea (that Anthony got her quite speedily of course!) and chattering cheerfully at the DIVINE Mrs. Storm! Carley was overheard stating that she is the real work horse behind the Stitch and we don?t doubt it for a second!!! We bet that WHORE-acious Erin and Lickable Lydia take that cute, bubbly girl for granted! SHAME ON THEM!

Mini Frank Cor was seen catching up with his old friend Lana (the Vampire hunter who is now dating Vampire Michale). Mini Frank Cor seemed to share our reservations about the longterm prospects of a Vampire hunter/Vampire pairing? but who knows? This is RhyDin after all. Mini Frank Cor was overheard saying that he was still with the brunette twin Spice. However, she didn?t seem to have gotten that memo. She was seen shooting Cor an interesting look and didn?t have a word for him while catching up with her sister.

Speaking of the blonde twin, Sugar, she was seen in the Inn as well with Bad Boy Darren! The pair still live together and, by the looks of things, Sugar has had no need for any magical tricks to keep Darren in line! They seemed quite happy with one another and Bad Boy Darren seems to have turned over a new leaf! ?.However, he has fooled us before!

Baroness Maria G and the up and coming star Joex were spotted in one of Teagan?s enchanted rings Saturday night downstairs in the Inn?s basement Arena! The pair exchanged terse words that seemed to erupt over something that occurred during the TDL match between Maria?s Wrecking Crew and Joex?s Dragoon-Talanador Misfits. While the Crew will probably take the TDL match (save a miracle in the last duel) Joex took the win in the Arena after a closely fought match. The insults spilled out of the ring and led to even WHORE-acious Erin getting into the mix. We LOVE when the ladies trash talk!

DoD-er PJ was seen briefly in the basement Arena as well still looking very under the weather. In fact, she was seen hauling tail to the bathroom several times through the night and even canceled her lunch plans for the next day!!! We?re starting to get worried about her!!! She looks quite ill and we haven?t seen her wasted in weeeeeeks! What is RhyDin to do without the Red Orc Brewery spokesmodel slamming back Badsider Brew?!?

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-12 20:01 EST
Monday, November 12

MEOW-licious Saturday!

Bodacious Brian was seen in the Red Dragon Inn Saturday night catching up with his ?sister?, Fatty Fae Jewell, and his dear friend Eless! It seems that Bodacious Brian and his wife, Scath-Babe Jenai, are back in town with their new babies!!! We?re so ELATED for them!!! Brian didn?t waste much time. After catching up with the two ladies for a moment or two, he was spotted talking business with SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee!!!

We sure hope that he brings that HAWTTIE wife of his around sometime very soon! She?s drool-errific!

When Den Mama Sid?s behind the bar, the powerful always come out to play. Bel was seen at the bar, doling out political responsibilities. Luse did not seem pleased to find that he?d be her second in command to share the flak she gets. Tasha?s job is evidently the official sex kitten as she was seen rubbing up against Luse. Seriously, is there any other job for Tasha but sex kitten? She?s MEOW-licious! Daniel seemed quite pleased to hear that he would be working on diplomacy. Probably because it?ll give him plenty of chances to woe unsuspecting daughters of foreign leaders. Can you only imagine if Daniel knocks one of them up? Can you say ?international incident??

The lovely Miss Mercy has many talents to accompany her sexy form!!! She was overheard entertaining Den Mama Sid?s Scottie with a story. And it was a great tale! Miss Mercy?s one heck of a storyteller!

Odd! Our sources tell us that late into the night, Connar was seen spending time with Eless and her new man Wil as well as the Potter Piper. Wouldn?t you think that would be an awkward situation??? By all accounts Eless and Connar were quite close some months back. Yet, there didn?t seem to be even the slightest hint of awkwardness as the pair sat and chatted nor did Wil seem threatened by Connar?s presence. Iiiiinteresting!

Down in the Arena, G?naughty G?nort was hosting a night of dueling?. and we must admit, despite how much we DESPISE the man, he can be funny. He was overheard as Wyh Not how old she is. When she told him that a gentleman doesn?t ask a woman her age, he advised her that he agreed that gentlemen don?t do that?.. and then proceeded to ask the question again. HILARIOUS! It?s too bad he?s such a royal JERK!

Oldie but goodie alert!!! Roland was spotted hanging out in the Arena Saturday night!!! Our sources say that he didn?t duel but chatted with several people to catch up on the lives of some of his old friends. However, we do hear that he?s dueling for the TDL team King?s Gambit this season so we bet that we?ll have plenty of chances to see him back in action!!!

Edible Elly was seen dueling with a chainsaw?.. er, what?!?! Is there every a time when Elly should be allowed to wield a chainsaw??? We?ll answer that question for you! NO! NEVER! Even though she was in a ring with the magical ward to heal both her opponent and herself, our sources say that they just couldn?t even watch!!!

Jason A was seen in the Arena as his ex-girl, Savannah, was laying kisses all over her new man, Soerl. She didn?t even bother to TALK to him!!! Now if you remember correctly, loyal fans, she got with Soerl while Jason A was out of town!!! COLD HEARTED!!! We hope that poor kid?s luckier in love next go round!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-12 22:14 EST
Monday, November 5

Fatty Fae Sunday!

Mouthy little Missy was behind the bar Sunday night in the Red Dragon Inn! She certainly isn?t the friendliest of SUUUUUPER Des and Head Pussycat Panther?s finds but we suppose she does a good job of keeping the drunks in line. We were expecting a stuck-up debutante with a yippy little dog when we heard that a girl named Missy would be tending bar on Sunday nights now. However, our sources inform us that prissy she most certainly is not!!! We may have to meet this one for ourselves!!!

She did score some MAJOR brownie points in our eyes by talking back to Fatty Fae Jewell! Does HEIFER Jewell really get along with any woman?!?! Her mouth?s constantly getting her into problems! We?re just dyyyyying to see somebody punch her in it! Give her a fat lip to match her fat rear end!

DoD-er Rena and Lickable Lydia were seen at a table together looking particularly sour-faced. Our sources say that they were complaining about friends leaving the city and Rena was actually talking of leaving herself!!! It seems that she does NOT approve of her friend Soerl?s new relationship with Savannah!!! We?re hoping for a vicious cat fight!!! Our money?s on DoD-er Rena, though. After all, she was the Overlord!

The pair were bothered by Robert who really should be forced to wear a muzzle whenever he is in a public place. He was overheard making many uncouth remarks, including advising the ladies how to?. uh? keep themselves trimmed. Eless seemed unamused? and she wasn?t the only one. We, however, are VERY amused!

Awesome Alain was seen with Lassie Cassie at the bar where he was drowning his sorrows at being with the snout-nosed pain in the neck by downing shots. He went to head upstairs for some rest and she, of course, followed like his puppy. We?re DYING for this girl to grow a backbone. As soon as she does, we?ll promise never to write a mean thing about her EVER EVER again! But as long as she continues to follow Alain around like a lost lamb, we?ll dump on her every chance we get!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-15 11:22 EST
Thursday, November 15


We are now proud to present your SEVENTEENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled ?


- Atalanta tending the bar and getting to know Johnny a bit better!!! We haven?t seen Sianna in a while. Could that engagement be over??? Could he be looking for a replacement??? Atalanta seemed thrilled with the jeweler?s craftiness. We bet he?s got moves you?ve never seeeeeeen before, girlfriend!

- Miss Mercy also chatting up Johnny before he headed off to get some work done. Perhaps he?s keeping his options open!

- The gorgeous Sylvia was seen chatting in the Inn with a handsome man who are sources tell us goes by the name Hudson. WHAT A HUNK! We?re certainly not suggesting that this relationship might be improper, though!!! Sylvia is the very definition of the word ?class?. She has been managing the hardship in her life so stoically! OUR HEART GOES OUT TO HER!

- SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee drinking champagne and discussing the benefits of a good posterior with one of her many admirers.

- Cowboy Jake overheard using the date he won with Lickable Lydia to have her make?. rag dolls! Lydia agreed to help him out and have a group of girls to help as Jake needed many, many of them but Lydia certainly had questions. All Cowboy Jake would say is that it was for a ?friend? but by the way our sources overheard him describing the project, it seems to be for charity! Awww! We?re really starting to like him!

- Den Mama Sid behind the bar later into the night tending to a very sullen Lassie Cassie. A bit of peppermint tea and the snout-nosed chick headed back upstairs with barely a word!!! Freaking miracle, we tell you. We really wonder what happened to the Cassie of six months ago. Did Awesome Alain turn her into this shadow of her old snarky self??? Le sigh.

- DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy looking not so flawless in the Outback. It seems our favorite DoD-er needs some serious mental help!!! She looked absolutely horrible ? beaten and bruised ? on Monday night. Our sources say that word on the street is that her desire to have men beat her to a bloody pulp in the Outback?s rings has gotten MUCH WORSE as of late. Yet, Man-tastic Matt keeps looking the other way!!! It?s time to intervene!!!

- Soerl and Sexy Sartan in a ring beating on each other and discussing how they would never let their girlfriend or wife respectively be involved in the sort of fights that Koy involves herself in. At least some men in this town still are protective of their women! Matt should take note!

- G?naughty G?nort attempting to set-up the lovely Hodge on a date with Grayson (who?s most recently been linked to Taneth)!!! The Gov Kitty warned Hodge against going out with anyone whom G?nort recommends but we have a feeling that Hodge already knew that!

- The First Lady of the Outback looking as if she still ownz the place! While the current Mrs Matt Simon, FLAWLESS Koy, may have the bruises to look like she belongs in the Outback, she certainly seems to lack the confidence as of late. The former Mrs Matt and the mother of his children, Ginger, made an appearance in the Outback to discuss their children and stuck around to watch some duels. She so seemed to own the place with her confidence and beauty. We wonder if Koy?s got some competition!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-15 22:21 EST
Thursday, November 15th

Overheard Around Town!

- ?Yer girl need a place to chill for a bit? More va-jays are always welcome.? Scath-babe Trixie gives us the real Scath-babe motto ? more va-jays are always welcome! LOVE IT! LOVE HER!

- ?Now Eless be ?ot an? all but jaysus lad she keeps ?er honey stashed away tighter then a virginal nun.? That Robert is one class act!

- ?Aren?t you like 300 in cat years?? Sartan has some balls for that remark to The Gov Kitty.

- ?I don?t swallow.? WHORE-acious Erin to G?nort. We don?t know what she was talking about and, honestly, we just don?t want to know. TMI, girlfriend!

- ?Just use your underwire, PJ. It?s sturdy.? MAN-tastic Matt was overheard telling PJ when she was looking for a weapon to duel with.

- ?I probably should have bet on her, too. But then, why buy the cow when you get the kitty for free.? G?naughty G?nort about The Gov Kitty at the announcement of the Charity Auction results.

- ?You know, Nathan? if I can get my hands on that little grey midget, I?ll shake him until candy comes out.? The Bad Ass Quote of the week comes from Awesome Alain!

- ?Well hell hello aren?t you a bit of t&a..Panther is making better hiring choices all the time.? Robert appears on this list AGAIN!

- ?Ohhh, so she?s jailbait. I should?ve known. You always were a dirty old man.? The Gov Kitty in response to Darkmere telling her that they are waiting for his girl?s birthday to get married.\

- ?Are there cows here? Like big dogs. Have horns. Go ?moooo? when they?re hungry.? This one comes from a new off-the-wall character whom our source says goes by the name Anastas.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-15 22:23 EST
Thursday, November 15

Magical Newt Tuesday!

Our sources spotted Michale and his new woman Lana in the Red Dragon Inn Tuesday night. He was busy following her around like a little lost sheep. Le sigh. Where have all the real men gone??? We?re not entirely sold on this relationship despite their constant cuddling and lingering looks of passion. Vampires and vampire hunters just don?t mix!!! However, this will prove to be one hella interesting break-up!!! Oh, don?t roll your eyes! You know you?re thinking it too!

The Gov Kitty was overheard in an adorable conversation with the adorable Amber as she tended the bar! Kitty told Amber that she?s much more the type to find a good guy and settle down rather than to become a Helston no matter how many make-overs Kitty gives her. We agree! Amber needs a good man!

?Once Tass showed, however, The Gov only had eyes for him! It?s almost cute how into each other they are! It doesn?t even turn our stomach!

Jury?s still out on whether or not we like Atalanta. She?s cute, sure?. but we?re taking a wait and see approach on her personality. However, she does seem to have good taste! She was spotted hanging out with the well-mannered Locke. He?s a bit of an odd looking elf but he?s actually starting to grow on us! We HEART a good set of manners! She listened attentively as he discussed his newest hobby ? the Duel of Fists!

Phillipe was seen sulking at the bar that night as well. It turns out that his little AJ has up and left. We saw this one coming!!! She?s the love ?em and leave ?em sort. Poor Phillipe. We think he should make a move on Soerl?s girl, Savannah. Those two would make such a cute little couple!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee, who at this time we?re almost certain is a succubus, was spotted with yet ANOTHER man! This girl goes through men like some women go through cans of hairspray. Use them, abuse them, toss them in the trash!!! The newest one to enter her cross hairs isn?t even that good-looking. Our sources say his name is Anastas and we just don?t know WHAT she sees in him!

In the Outback, Gavin was NOT looking happy when DoD-er PJ was seen in close proximity to Sexy Sartan. The conversation certainly didn?t appear improper even to our sources who are often accused of seeing something randy when there?s nothing to be seen! Yet, Gavin did not seem to like the fact that Sartan was whispering to his girl. Our question??? Since when did Gavin and PJ hook up again??? Needless to say, it seems this couple is back in jealous action!

DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy was looking a bit better but we?re still QUITE worried about her!!! This girl needs an intervention FAST!!! She was chatting with DoD-er Rena who has been busy helping the girls over at Stitch with their expansion project. Thankfully, Koy didn?t fight but instead curled up on a ball on the couch and fell asleep. That?s what she really needs. Well, sleep and a really good therapist!

On the shores of Twilight Island, Keeper of Fire Bran was seen looking none to happy that a newcomer named Ghranit called him a ?magical newt?. He insisted he was a ?LizardMAN?! Topaz and DoD-er Rena found the comment quite funny even if Bran didn?t appreciate it! We?ve got to agree!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-15 22:26 EST
Thursday, November 15

Hunky Handyman Wednesday!

Lickable Lydia wasn?t looking so luscious when she was spotted heading into the Red Dragon Inn on Wednesday night!!! Although smartly dressed as usual, she was looking a bit worn around the edges! Perhaps this expansion project is taking a lot out of her! She was seen at a table chatting with Hunky Carpenter Glenn!!! Really, Grem should be worried! Lydia spends A LOT of time with that heart throb!

Some of our favorite classy ladies were gathered together!!! Potter Piper and DoD-er Rena were catching up as Potter Piper has been kept awfully busy with work. Then to increase the darling factor even more, Maeve showed up and, really, she?s got to be the cutest thing in this city!!! Piper was later seen having a pretty frank discussion with Stitch. Say it ain?t so, Piper!!! We sure hope she doesn?t have a thing for the crude jackal!

In the Outback, Chryrie had a pretty, uh, interesting conversation with the caller on duty, Nutty Rory. The topic? Well? how about we just say it was in regards to piercings south of the naval. Yeah. Chryrie stated that she did not have one but suggested that The Gov Kitty might. Do YOU have insider knowledge?!?! If so, please contact us! We?re DYING to know!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-16 20:30 EST
Friday, November 16

Smaaaart Thursday!

You just had to know that TRASH-tastic Jade wouldn?t stand for her ex-Vampire falling in love with his new Vampire Hunter! Michale was overheard telling Jade that he still loves her!!! Oooooh! We wonder what TRASH-tastic Jade?s dear friend Lana thinks of that! We still bet that lil? Miss Vampire Hunter goes berserk on these two one of these days.

Be still our pounding hearts!!! Hunky Carpenter Glenn got his luscious locks cut quite close and while typically we?d sob for the loss, we actually LOVE it!!! ?.And we?re not the only ones!!! Our sources tell us that Cutey Carley looked absolutely bowled over by the new look. The pair were seen chatting amicably over drinks!

Their intimate party was broken up by Sebastian who came in to tease her and Maeve who distracted Glenn. Carley looked flustered after the exchange with Bast and Glenn seemed to enjoy the exchange with Maeve. But, really, who doesn?t enjoy a conversation with Maeve??? Who will Glenn choose??? Will it be the blonde-haired elf or the dark-haired zookeeper???

A friend of Adrianna?s named Rose was seen asking the patrons if they had seen her. It turns out that the pair had an encounter with some strange men and Adrianna has been missing ever since!!! That got Awesome Alain?s attention who evidently hired Adrianna for some work recently. Awesome Alain assured the young woman that he?d keep an eye out for any news on Adrianna. We sure hope she?s okay!!!

Ooooh! As if the ring that Tareth gave DoD-er Charlie wasn?t proof enough of an engagement between the pair, Charlie was overheard asking her brother Gavin for their father?s wedding ring!!! And Gavin?s response??? He wanted their mother?s wedding ring in return!!! What could Gavin possibly want with a woman?s wedding band??? Is he planning on getting serious with DoD-er PJ?!?! We?d think he?d need to hold PJ at knife point to ever get her to say ?I do?! The single DoD-ers are dropping like flies!!!

Downstairs in the Inn?s basement Arena, Venom Vinny was seen looking a bit?. stunned. We?re not quiet sure what his deal was but he seemed to shake it off to get in some duels. He had one with WHORE-acious Erin who seemed a bit out of sorts as well. The little brunette seemed awfully pissed off!!! Sadly, our sources failed to find out the reason behind Erin?s mood just as they failed with Vinny! Trust us, we punished them appropriately!!!

However, later into the night, Vinny was seen asking Erin to hit him outside a ring. What??? These two are just plain weird. WHORE-acious Erin did and broke her hand. Smaaaaart! Even Kissing Fiend Alex seemed quite concern about Erin?s mental stability. ?.And, honestly, when Alex is questioning your sanity, it?s time to check into the nearest looney bin.

It was the night of bold-faced lies in the Arena as well. Our sources claim that they heard DoD-er PJ claim that she has never done drugs! Ha! We?ve heard too many tales of what really went on when PJ used to go to the bathroom every ten minutes. And G?naughty G?nort was overheard telling Hodge that he is a respectable business man and a nice guy! Ha ha! Nice guys don?t hit women G?nort!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-18 07:55 EST
Sunday, November 18

Evil Twin Friday

Some nights we are sooo amused by the odd conversation partners in the Red Dragon Inn!!! Friday night it was Guthorm buying Kuddly Kira a mug of cocoa (complete with whipped cream!) that astounded us!!! Kira was quite shy but Guthorm was sweet and kind to her. He scored some MAJOR brownie points in our book for that! We HEART Kira! We only wish her brother would come back around.

The Gov Kitty was overheard stating that Bad Boy Darren?s tattoo parlor will be getting a visit from an inspector sometime very soon. Evidently, the inspector she?s sending is the nastiest she?s got. We?ve got a feeling EVERYTHING will be run under with a fine tooth comb. One of these days Bad Boy Darren?s going to learn NOT to piss off The Gov!!! ?.or maybe he won?t. The Gov?s vicious temper was undercut as soon as she was joined by Tass. The pair cuddled and chatted in the Inn until laaaaate in the evening!

Potter Piper had a pretty smile on when Peredhil joined her and Maeve at a table by the hearth! Maeve entertained the pair with stories of her wildlife refuge but we believe that we may have seen one or two interesting looks passing between Piper and Peredhil!!! Could our favorite potter have a crush on the handsome Peredhil?!?! We kind of like him. He may be worthy! They certainly spent a good deal of time together Friday night!

Brale Brother Baker was seen at the bar asking Antonio, who was tending, to point out the drunkest chick. Always the gentlemen, Antonio politely declined the task, leaving Baker to search for his victims all on his own. Thankfully DoD-er Eve came into distract him before he could sharpen his skillz on any unsuspecting young women!!! Eve was a bit distracted in her own right, though, by Eva. Apparently, Eve was convinced that Eva was her evil twin. We think DoD-er Eve may have had it backwards!!!

Speaking of the DoD faithful, DoD-er PJ came in with her new man Gavin and seemed a bit curious when she saw Gavin exchanging their father?s wedding band for their mother?s wedding band with DoD-er Charlie!!! We?re wondering if DoD-er PJ connected the dots like we did!!! She seemed awfully busy asking Eva about food poisoning, though. Is she still not feeling good?!?! We?re starting to worry about her!

After Piper?s new man left the building, Connar came over to keep her and Maeve company. We did get an answer to the blaring question of what happened to Connar and Eless! Connar was overheard by our sources telling Piper that their friendship did not have a chance to bloom into anything more. Awww! We?re so sad for him! However, he did not appear the least bit sad when Eless and Wil joined them at the table. Perhaps he?s moving on already!

Ugh. Just when we thought Raye was one classy broad?. WE ARE SO DISAPPOINTED!!! Our sources spotted Raye KISSING G?naughty G?nort late into the night and later he was spotted handing a bra over to her. Yuck! Just plain stinkin? YUCK!

Doooooown in the depths of the Red Dragon Inn?s basement Arena, Tegan?s enchanted rings full of lava, wild animals, and snapping bridges were evoking their usual chagrin from dueling?s regulars. Bubbly Uriko was NOT pleased at the prospect of falling into a pit of crocodiles and was overheard by our sources willing away her possessions. Venom Vinny was overheard getting into it with Gabe and literally beat him around a ring filled with lions. We?re not quite sure what the disagreement was about but it had more than one or two people turning their heads!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-18 20:27 EST
Sunday, November 18

Get Your Orc On Saturday!

TRASH-tastic Jade finally found a man who is on her level! This one is an all-brawn/no-brain orc named Koruush! He brought her the gift of two bloodied troll heads (?uh, ew?) but Michale came in and claimed that TRASH-tastic Jade was his girl!!! WHAT?!?! Does his little vampire hunter know this??? Jade and Michale were certainly QUITE cuddly and lovey dovey! Later Gabe came in claiming that Jade was his! Bah, this is a love triangle that even we are getting sick of?. so we?re rooting for the orc! Get your girl, Koruush!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was seen chatting with Anastas who turned down her advances!!! He will NOT be the next victim of the succubus! ?but really he?s the only one. Evidently Anastas didn?t believe Kairee was of the right race which would lead their future children to be confused over their heritage. Kairee, on the other hand, seemed stunned!!! That?s some funny stuff. We like this Anastas guy!

Connar was seen catching up with Keeper Wyh Not in the Inn late into the evening but he was darting some meaningful glances Eless?s way!!! When our sources snuck out last night they hurried back to us to tell us that the pair were chatting together laaate into the evening. Do we smell a reunion?!?! We wonder what Wil thinks of this???

WHORE-acious Erin was seen dueling Jordan in the Inn?s basement Arena Saturday night! She took a solid win over him but he seemed more than a little distracted by her? uh, assets (and by ?assets? we?re not referring to her mean high cut) during the duel!!! While Jordan was keeping an eye on Erin, Jinx was keeping an eye on Jordan! She certainly seemed to want to eat him up. But really who wouldn?t?!?! Plus, Jinx seems so full of sexual energy that it doesn?t matter if you?re male, female, or furry, she?ll do ya!

Edible Elly was AGAIN seen with a chainsaw!!! Someone take that away from the little witch! PLEASE! That?s the bad news but the good news was that the girl was rocking some pretty fierce make-up. She?s is smooooking HAWT!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-19 10:46 EST
Monday, November 19

Free Milk Sunday!

DoD-er Rena was spotted by our sources in the Inn Sunday night hanging out with Potter Piper. It seems that Rena was trying to avoid Soerl?s lady, Savannah, who was downstairs in the Arena!!! We are just DYING to know why Rena thinks Savannah is such a skank! After all, Rena?s considered a pretty good judge of character!

Despite Rena?s statement that she was staying upstairs to avoid Soerl?s floozy, Savannah was only present for a short period of time during Nutty Rory?s shift. She was no where to be seen while Soerl was calling his shift! Could there really be trouble in paradise??? Rena certainly seems to have predicted that Savannah isn?t the loyal sort!!!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was overheard trying to convince Brian that as first knight of her country, he should take on a squire!!! Brian seemed a bit reluctant but her logic seemed to sway him in the end. We?re still not sure how we feel about any Ravenlocks around young, impressionable minds! But who dares question the Splendiferous One?

Sianna!!! Our faaaavorite bard was spotted in the Inn Sunday night on the back of her man, Johnny! Despite rumors of a break-up and Sianna?s absence as of late, the pair seemed quite happy to be together and very much in love! Is it just us or is about time that Johnny buy the cow and stop getting the milk for free???

Aw! Cutey Carley looked down right embarrassed when Piper asked her what beau she had her lovely eyes on last night!!! It seems she has her eyes on someone! We wonder who?!?! Could it be the Hunky Carpenter Glenn??? She has been seen with him several times. However, last night he was quite busy speaking about pirates with Miss Mercy. It wasn?t a topic he seemed very fond of!!! Carley saved him from further pirate talk by bringing him to meet Potter Piper and Marvelous Maeve who was still wet from surfing! We just can?t stop LOVING Maeve! Too cute for words!

After spending the night flirting with her man Wil, Eless was AGAIN seen in the company of Connar having an intimate conversation by our sources. The conversation was reportedly in French and, unfortunately, while our sources know the Common tongue, Mandarin, German, Russian, Drow, and several dialects of Elven, they don?t know French. Could she be having second thoughts?!?! Don?t get us wrong, Wil is GREAT blog fodder but Eless and Connar are so PERFECT together!!!

Although, we have yet to see it ourselves, we hear there is quite the art piece on the alley wall these days! Across from the wall declaring ?Piper Hearts Stitch? is a gigantic mural of Stitch walking arm-in-arm with a woman that is most certainly NOT Potter Piper. We have no clue who the redhead pictured is but we?re on the case!

SUUUUPER Des and her sidekick Gav were behind the bar late into the night. Gav took off early to go look in after their daughter, leaving Des to finish up. Des had a run-in with the Inn?s latest Orc patron, Koruush, who was looking for his lady love TRASH-tastic Jade in order to give her a present. We won?t ruin her surprise by telling what the present is. All we?ll say is that we LOOOOOVE Koruush!

It appears the socially awkward but very amusing Anastas is Awesome Alain?s newest employee!!! Reportedly much to the chagrin of his competition DoD-er Charlie, Alain is expanding his business out of just private investigation work and more into security work which is Charlie?s corner of the market. We?re keeping our fingers crossed for some nasty fireworks there!!! Anastas is Alain?s newest hire in that department and is quite enthusiastic about his assignments. We?ve heard complaints from teenage market goers that he has actually yelled at them for loitering in front of several jewelry stores!!! GOODNESS!

Speaking of DoD-ers, there was quite the collection of them in the Annex Sunday night. Charlie looked half sloshed and in a piss poor mood. Could it have something to do with the above-mentioned business competition??? FLAWLESS Koy was with her husband MAN-tastic Matt but seemed quite taken with planning Evie and Brale Brother Baker?s wedding. WE NEED AN INVITE!!! Evidently, Koy is planning a dress made entirely of beer bottle labels! LOVE IT! DoD-er PJ was dueling UP A STORM and advised Koy that her ordination papers are on the way so that she may marry Evie and Baker. This wedding gets better all the time!

DoD-er PJ spent her duel getting awfully friendly with the newest titleholder in Swords, Baron of New Haven Rand!!! We bet that girl is waaaay turned on by powerful men! She?s so the sort to have that complex! Her man, Gavin, was not happy with her gallivanting and our sources claim that the pair seemed to be having a quiet but heated exchange afterwards. Ooooh! We HEART drama!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-20 18:08 EST
Tuesday, November 20


We are now proud to present your EIGHTEENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled ?


- Atalanta tending bar for a couple hours. The jury?s STILL out on her. However, she seemed quite friendly and almost adorable Monday night behind the bar. We just can?t decide if she?s going to be a drama causer or not yet!

- Stitch seen talking to a redhead that appears to be the exact same redhead that was in the mural on the back wall!!! So our sources found her but they still don?t know her name!!! From the looks of her paint-covered hands, however, she was actually the artist. Aww. How cute! Somebody has a crush on Stitch!

- Soerl and his trollop Savannah in the Inn after he dropped a couple duels in the Outback and Savannah spent the night feeling generally unwelcomed. Soerl was overheard telling Savannah that he and DoD-er Rena are no longer friends!!! Le sigh! When will these men every learn??? You should ALWAYS choose your friends over a chick!

- Awesome Alain doing some hardcore drinking with DoD-er Charlie and DoD-er PJ. Somebody needs to tell that kid that hanging out with those girls is taking the fast lane to kidney failure!!! Actually, Awesome Alain?s probably already in that lane!!! Sexy Sartan broke up the party by telling PJ it was time to go home and lecturing her for drinking so much. PJ actually listened!!! We think that girl has one heck of a daddy complex.

- Wil actually behaving like a gentleman around Eless!!! He seated her, got her drinks, stood between her and a bar fight. It was almost?. chivalrous. We really don?t see this lasting too much longer. One of these days Wil?s going to revert back to his old ways and Eless will get her heart broken. We wonder if she?ll go all Sugar-on-Darren on his ass when he does!!!

- Artemus spending some time chatting with DoD-er Rena. The magically inclined Artemus tends to spend his evenings on Twilight Island but was overheard saying that the portal to those sandy shores was acting up. Perhaps some sort of spike in nexus energy caused it??? Either way, he wasn?t the only of the typically deemed ?magic folk? to find their way into the Outback over the course of the night.

- The orc Koruush getting a couple duels in within the Outback?s rings! We wonder what Jake Thrash will think about this??? Is the Outback big enough for TWO orcs?!?! We seriously doubt we?re the only ones desperate to see some orc-on-orc (or orc-on-half orc as the case might be) carnage!!!

- Nutty Rory in the Outback to collect her husband Sexy Sartan for a chat!!! We have no details on the matter but he appeared QUITE concerned. We?d have loved to have witnessed that one!!! Anybody have any ideas?!?!

- Lickable Lydia tossing her drink on Locke!!! Just when we thought we?d found one of the few ?nice? guys in RhyDin, Locke went and proved his true colors. WHORE-acious Erin and Lickable Lydia did not find his insults of Cowboy Jake very funny! After Lydia poured a Shirley Temple over him, Locke lost it and threw his own glass against the wall before storming out!!! HILARIOUS!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-22 09:07 EST
Thursday, November 22

Fido on the Chopping Block Tuesday!

Venom Vinny certainly seems to get around, no??? Tuesday night the dueler was spotted hanging out with TRASH-tastic Jade in the Red Dragon Inn. TRASH-tastic Jade?s on-again/off-again man, Michale, was seen stomping away from the duo. Jealousy much??? Now Venom Vinny is married but, as we?ve seen, that certainly doesn?t stop his philandering ways!!! He was overheard saying that he wanted to see TRASH-tastic Jade in a spandex jumpsuit. Kinky! In fact, our sources claim that TRASH-tastic Jade was seen KISSING the married man!!! Now she really is a home wrecker?.

The patrons of the Inn got a two-for-one deal of hot tenders as SUUUUUPER Des and the gorgeous Amber were both spied behind the bar! SUUUUUPER Des just seemed to be there to cause trouble while Amber was doing most of the normal bartending duties. At one point the SUUUUPER one was actually seen throwing pretzels at Icer!

Amber, on the other hand, had the pleasure of meeting another Helston. The Gov Kitty was seen chatting with Simon Helston and introduced him to the innocent Amber. We really think that The Gov Kitty should keep allll Helstons awaye C from innocent, impressionable minds!!! Fortunately there was no corrupting going on as Amber was absolutely beside herself that Cook had decided to roast up her pet turkey, Fido!!! You just had to know that Amber having a pet turkey wasn?t going to end well!

Atalanta was again seen getting to know Locke better!!! We had thought this was a good sign about Atalanta?s character because Locke certainly seemed well-mannered and respectful. However, after his run-in the night before with Lydia, in which she tossed the contents of her glass on him, we?re not so sure! Maybe they?ll get together and be evil!!! RhyDin needs a good evil genius couple!

Speaking of HAWT slightly evil couples, The Gov Kitty was seen with Tass and DoD-er Charlie was seen with Tareth. The Gov and Tass shouldn?t be allowed in public because they just cannot keep their hands off one another!!! They should be locked in a room for a month to get it out of their system. It?s nice to see The Gov so happy, though. She certainly deserves it! As for Charlie and Tareth, they don?t seem to be as much the PDA type but they were deep in conversation and DoD-er Charlie was seen giving Tareth a men?s ring before they left!!! We?re dying to know the official status of this relationship!

Late into the evening, Potter Piper was overheard chastising Eless and Stitch for allowing Randy Robert to say some? well, things that we can?t repeat in here to Marvelous Maeve! Eless insisted that she was no where around at the time while Stitch could only laugh! Evidently, Maeve handled herself quite well and kept her dignity intact. Sleeping with that particular dirty pirate would be a blow to one?s dignity that could NEVER be recovered!!!

In the Outback, Sexy Sartan was overheard asking why G?naughty G?nort is now a goat. Yep, he?s a goat. G?naughty G?oat G?nort blamed it all on Edible Elly!!! Score one for the adorably cute witch crowd! We wonder how long she?s going to leave him as a goat! We?re guessing that she probably forgot she even turned him into one!

DoD-er Rena was overheard on Twilight Island speaking with Topaz about her son who is back in town. Topaz seemed quite pleased to have him back in RhyDin and said that he was excited to meet his new half-sister! How cute! We love family reunions and we?re eager to hear more on this grown son of Topaz?s!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-22 13:37 EST
Thursday, November 22

Best Tender EVAR Wednesday!

There was some sort of drama early in the evening involved TRASH-tastic Jade and her on-again/off-again man Michale who was present. It seems that TRASH-tastic Jade might be having second (?er third? ?or sixth?) thoughts about dumping Michale and we hear that he?s torn between TRASH-tastic Jade and her friend Lana. The pair were seen going off in the alley together but were of course spied on by their friends. Aly was overheard telling Venom Vinny (who if you remember correctly was just kissing TRASH-tastic Jade the night before) that Michale professed his love which reduced Jade to tears. Much to the delight of Aly, the pair returned stating that they were going to attempt to ?work things out?.

Lana is so going to go Vampire Hunter on both of their undead tails!

The Gov Kitty was overheard lamenting that we said that Tass bought her a ring when he had, in fact, not bought her a ring. Fine, fine. We?re not perfect you know. Even the Gossip GangSTAR gets some bad information on rare occasions. However, she did show Sylvia a pair of lovely teardrop earrings. Sylvia listened and said sweet things as The Gov went
on about her new man!!! Really, The Gov and Tass are starting to make us nauseous with their lovey dovey routine.

Basalt was tending bar. .. and, man, does she scare us! All we?re going to say is that she?s lovely and wonderful and the BEST TENDER EVAR!!! Whenever she starts talking about hunting we just want to crawl under a booth and cry!!!

Lucky was overheard telling the STUNNING Alysia (yeah, she?s another one we?re afraid of!) that he opened a new business ? a shipyard in West End. We hear that he?s not just running the business but is helping to build the ships himself!!! Alysia appeared impressed as are we!!!

In the Annex of the Inn, a small crowd gathered to witness the Baronness Aya Hayashibara defend the Dragon?s Gate Barony in an overtime duel. The Overlord Cletus Ganderfald was present and accounted for but after the match Aya confirmed her stance as renegade. Imp was present to keep score and received some scathing commentary from Aya when he gave her a post-match congratulatory grope!

Congratulations, Aya!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-23 07:16 EST
Friday, November 23

Man Addiction Thursday!

The Gov Kitty was spotted Thursday night in the Red Dragon Inn comparing scales with Basalt and her new friend, Skid. Skid was being AWFULLY complimentary about her looks and talked about how grateful he was that her life was saved!!! Could somebody have a crush?!?! Our sources say that The Gov didn?t even seem to notice! Evidently she was too busy talking about how grateful she was to Tass for saving her life!!!

Casidy and TRASH-tastic Jade vamped it up for their appearance in the Inn. The pair proceeded to get drunk and swear off men for the evening. And what did they do? They talked about men the entire evening!!! It?s an addiction, really. They need to swear off men for, like, a year!!!

Soerl and Savannah were seen hanging out together as well. They chatted for a bit before Soerl scooped up Savannah and rushed for their room! Uh, ew! All this premarital sex is good for the blog but are we the only ones shocked that there is not a single girl in this city holding out for marriage?!?! All we need is one classy, good girl!!!

Speaking of good girls who have disappointed us with their inability to hold out until marriage, dear sweet Sugar was spotted in the Inn and was seen drinking!!! We all know what happens when the little witch drinks!!! Much to the chagrin of her living-in-sin partner Bad Boy Darren, she started strutting her stuff alllll over the Inn! The Gov seemed greatly amused by the antics but tried to keep her out of trouble. Jinx, on the other hand, seemed to be trying to arrange a foursome with Sugar, The Gov, and Bad Boy Darren!!! Luckily Bad Boy Darren was able to escort her out before she lost anymore of her innocence!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-11-25 07:35 EST
Sunday, November 25th

Mixing Business With Pleasure Friday!

Cutey Carley and her Hunky Carpenter Glenn were seen entering the Red Dragon Inn together on Friday night! TOOOOO CUTE! This was most certainly a date and we are so happy for it! The pair had warm drinks and playful conversation. Although, Carley did briefly allow her attention to wander to ask The Gov Kitty why winter couldn?t be made illegal. The winter is GREAT! We love snow almost as much as we love the idea of Cutey Carley and Hunky Carpenter Glenn together!!!

Bubbly Uriko was spotted in the Inn! She?s certainly been keeping a low profile lately. However, she seemed in a grand mood!!! With a mug of cider in hand, she was seen by the fire trying to keep warm and giggling infectiously! Oh, how we love her!

We knew that Wil behaving was too good to last!!! Our sources spotted him buying DoD-er Rena a cup of coffee and the pair having an intimate chat together! We told Eless not to trust the man as far as she could throw him!!! Players DO NOT change. He will break her heart! DoD-er Rena seemed politely interested but when her boss from magic school, Artemus, walked through the door, her eyes were on him!!! The pair talked of Rena?s upcoming vacation and that Artemus would be joining her halfway through it. Oooooh! Is Artemus mixing business with pleasure?!?!