Topic: November 2008

Marc Franco

Date: 2008-11-02 07:42 EST
Action That Makes Us Droooool Saturday!

We hear that Lucky Lang was spotted in the Red Dragon Inn last night and, unfortunately, he was without this new girl that we hear has caught his eye. We?re very disappointed to admit that we still do not have a name for this mystery lovey but we will NEVER give up! He was telling some young man new to the city that one must watch who one sleeps with in this city as some women here seem to be able to get pregnant just by looking at them. We love Lucky Lang handing out such classy advice on women. It?s too bad the Oracle went under! He should get his own article!

Speaking of women troubles, we hear that Maranya was giving him an awfuly difficult time. She?s certainly a little tease! Although, we still believe she?s trying to get her claws into Antonio. We wouldn?t trust this chick as far as we could throw her! She seems like TOTAL TROUBLE!

OMG! OMG! OMG! We totally HEART Den Mama Sid! She threw aside her protective ways and was laying some sinfully delicious lip locks with some of RhyDin?s HAWTEST females! Women-on-women action makes even us droooooool. We can hear every man in RhyDin collectively sighing in disappointment that they missed that! Let us give you a huuuuuge hint, men. Never EVER miss one of Den Mama Sid?s shifts. You just never know what might go down!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was overheard teasing Chief Mischief Maker Eless about her lack of ?companionship? for the evening. We must agree! It?s been quite some time since our dear sweet Eless had her tragic lack of a wedding. Isn?t it about time that she pick another??? What happened to her flirtation with Passion-Filled Antonio??? We believed those two to be utterly PERFECT together. It?s time for Eless to find another, have a fabulous wedding (it?s been too long since this place has had a fabulous affair), and make some pretty little babies!

We hear that Tormay was downstairs in the Inn?s basement Arena calling duels Saturday night. Who is Tormay, you ask??? He?s only Topaz?s son and Taneth?s little love muffin! No lie! It seems that Taneth?s taken quite a liking to the Swords? baron. We also hear that in honor of his mother (the former baroness of Dragon?s Gate), Tormay has reopened the dueling museum! Iiiiiinteresting! We?re definitely keeping an eye on this young mover and shaker!

Marc Franco

Date: 2008-11-06 18:16 EST
Acceptance Wednesday!

We hear that Booze Sister TRASH-tastic Jade was in the Red Dragon Inn last night discussing her upcoming nuptials!How many different weddings to different men has this woman planned now??? She?s becoming such a expert on wedding planning that she should just enter the industry and make some money off of her well-practiced skills! We hear that the TRASH-tastic one told Psycho Skid and Lana that she is wearing a white dress on her big day. Oh, reaaaaally? Isn?t that just a slap in the face of tradition? Or does she really think there?s a soul in this city that would believe her to be a virginal bride? Ha!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee found herself a new young admirer? evidently this one is QUITE young! We?re told he isn?t even ten years old yet. Iiiiiinteresting. We always knew SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee liked her men young but that?s some serious cradle robbing! Her young friend was quite possessive of the beauty and was assuring the patrons that SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee would someday be his bride. Kids these days?.

Wow! Quite a few of the formerly beautiful women of RhyDin are rolling around here like BLOATED WHALES!!! Case in point, AJ was seen in the Inn last night looking incredibly pregnant. Isn?t it about time she popped??? We can?t wait to see what her little munchkin looks like. We hear that she was looking QUITE uncomfortable. Poor thing!

There was some sort of commotion later in the evening that left HAWTIE Bachelor Antonio injured! No worries as there were quite a few single women in the Inn at the time and we know that they?d never let such a sexy, wealthy, sophisticated man go down! We hear that it was Maranya who stepped in to patch up H.B. Antonio?s wounds with Chief Mischief Maker Eless looking on. We?re still not entirely convinced through their friendly demeanor that there isn?t some delicious love triangle playing out behind the scenes!

?.However, we have heard that our dear, sweet C.M.M Eless was overheard this past weekend saying that if yours truly really wanted to see her married then we should marry her ourselves! Was that a proposal??? WE ACCEPT, OF COURSE!

OMG! OMG! Was that truly Cowboy Jake that was spotted last night in the Outback with Hawtie Hodge??? If so, we love that combination! We don?t have any other details other than the pair entered together. Cowboy Jake has certainly had hung his cowboy hat on the bed posts of numerous fine female specimens so we certainly wouldn?t put it past him!