Topic: November 2012

Marc Franco

Date: 2012-11-19 21:09 EST
RhyDin Rewind Beach Party

Barbie: Good evening, RhyDin! We're here, on what may be one of the most exciting nights of the fall season as yours truly - Barbie! - and the always FABULOUS Marc Franco comment Live! during the RhyDin Rewind Beach Party.

Marc: Hello, my loves! Aren't we EXCITED for tonight???

Barbie: Marc, you can feel it practically sparkling in the air here in the GangStar offices!

Barbie: But our fans are probably wondering how it is that we're able to comment on what's going on out there, when we're tucked away here in the offices sipping cosmos. Shall we let them in on the secret?

Marc: (Cosmos with Barbie. Be jealous!) I will let you give away the Gossip GangStar secrets, dear, but only because I love you so much.

Barbie: Oh! Barbie squealing and clapping. It's so, so juicy! We have turned all James Bond on their at the RhyDin Rewind and sent a spy in with cleavage cams and audio, so we'll get the real scoop on what goes on tonight. We can see everything right now on monitors here in the newsroom.

It's like watching The Real Trashy Housewives of RhyDin City. Oooh! Did Harris just pee in the pool?

Marc: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Barbie, I don't think you can say in the Gossip GangStar. This is a family blog, you know.

I don't know but is that shrimp? Do you think our plant can stuff some of that down her bra with the camera and bring it back to us?

Barbie: Intern Sassypants! Get on that, stat! Marc wants a shrimp! Tiny fingers snapping.

Speaking of shrimps, get a load of that little thing Seiri's chasing around the pool. I think I just heard her call it 'Little Harris' and I think that answers a big question millions have had for years here. That's right, RhyDin. 'Little Harris' is tiny and annoying - you heard it here first!

Marc: A lot of bark and not a lot of follow through. Just what we suspected.

Wow, Barbie, is that... Rekah? Jasper sure made quick work of that. Those two will make beautiful children. Probably not the most intelligent children in the world but they will be beautiful.

Barbie: I heard she's having twins and she's still not as big as the ? Barbie clears her throat - I can't say. I promised to try and be nice, but let's just say Rekah has nothing to worry about in the Big Butt department. She looks radiant, as she should.

Marc: Wait, wait, wait. Stop the event! Why would you ever promise to be nice?

Barbie: It was a moment of weakness! I had a head injury! What was I thinking!?! Ducii has a big !

Marc: Yeah, speaking of people who would make dumb but beautiful babies, I wonder if hers would be able to tie their shoes.... Right, moooooving on!

There's the Governor and her new man. She certainly went for a younger, hotter model, did she not? Well, I guess what's good for the boys is good for the girls, right?

Barbie: She traded up, but I think he's Mr. Right Now, if you know what I mean. I heard he was hitting up on the party hostess at the Outback the other night. I just don't think she's the type to put up with shenanigans.

Marc: Can we really blame him for that, though? Seirichi is quite the looker... despite her rather unfortunate name and despite her rather unfortunate co-worker and despite her rather unfortunate team leader and despite her rather unfortunate mouth... Okay, yeah, I just changed my mind. Shame on him.

Barbie: Oh! Oh! Who's the cute little schoolgirl number who came in with them? I swear Harris should have a restraining order around schools. Did you see the way he looked at her when she walked away?

Marc: Bayliss! She's totally adorb. She goes to school over at the IAP. Cute little mage in training. Oh, look! Now he's drooling over Thorn. Do you think perhaps he agreed to help Seirichi out with this party merely so he could drool over girls in swimsuits?

Wait, why am I even asking that question? Of course that was his reasoning.

Barbie: That's why we have the our agent in there undercover. If either of us had showed up tonight, we'd be fighting off Little Harris with the rest of them.

While we're talking about the rest of them, shall we mention who else has arrived? The crowd is just pouring through the front door now.

Marc: I see the lovely, slutty little Jane. That girl does unabashed RhyDin strumpet right. She never fails to be entertaining. And gorgeous. Rumor has it she's been seen spending a lot of time lately with one of the rabbit-like producing Daniels. I can't believe that such a floozy would tie herself down to a Daniels. Good news is that there are none in sight at the moment so she is free to get her tramping on.

Barbie: I'm breathless at the thought! Intern! Another Cosmo! Stat!

Marc: ...And we're going to take a little break so that the interns can post this before freshening our drinks! KEEP REFRESHING YOUR PAGES, MY FRIENDS!

Marc Franco

Date: 2012-11-19 22:39 EST
RhyDin Rewind Beach Party

Barbie: And we're back. Oh my God. The people who have showed up since we left off! I'll name them off, Marc, and you give us a quick, five-second summary of the look. Let's start with Thorn. Go!

Marc: It's a good thing I didn't have to take a 'nice' oath.

It doesn't matter what Thorn wears because underneath it you just know the girl isn't wearing any panties. She's one dirty, dirty bird. Most likely to get trashed and wake up on the beach, in my opinion.

Barbie: Good to know! Be careful on the beach tomorrow, RhyDin! Those might not be sea shells.

Let's see ... that little red-headed girl's next. Our agent reports that her name is Juno.

Marc: A very unnatural shade of red, don't you think? I approve of the bikini. Hot. But the boots... I'll let you make the final call on those.

Barbie: Those boots - wait! This just in from our agent. They're very excited to report... one minute...

Are you sitting down, RhyDin?

Harris may have just asked Jane Bunbury to the prom. Replace 'prom' with whatever other activity fits, readers. Even my mind won't go some places. And her answer was to announce that she WEARS PANTIES! What a fibber!!

Marc: Jane does not wear panties and I am sure there are up-skirt shots to prove it. But Harris is well on his way to flirting with every woman through the door. Quite the accomplishment.

Barbie: He's disgusting. Like a Smurf with glandular issues.

Who's the girl he's yelling at? The one with the only other male to bother walking through that door so far tonight?

Marc: That would be Sami. Now she may be the only female he doesn't hit on. His wife raised her. And Jay is her boyfriend of several years. Young puppy love. Blah, blah, blah.

Barbie: Barbie growling. Nevermind that. I've forgotten them already! Look who just came in! Look at her!

Marc: Really, Barbie? Did you think she wouldn't show up? Duci never misses a chance for someone to drool on her globes of thunder.

Barbie: I need a moment to compose myself here. Are you sure I can't say on our blog? Because hers is freaking ginormous! If I can't say can I point out that she ?

Marc: Our blog? Did you hear her, Intern P.I.T.A.? A little bit of success and all of a sudden it's turned into "our" blog. This is why I always work alone. Yes, yes. I know I have you all but you all don't really count now, do you?

Silence from everyone.

Intern P.I.T.A.: Uh... and... uh... we'll be right back after this break. Yeah.

Marc Franco

Date: 2012-11-20 18:21 EST
RhyDin Rewind Beach Party

Marc: Annnd back to wrap up this party with a final installation. I'm supposed to read the following so... here we go. Paper shuffled, clearing of a throat. I, Marc Franco, would like to apologize for insulting my interns. They are the backbone of the GangStar blog and without them I would be lost... and, oh come on, eternally damned? Fine, fine. Eternally damned. Can we please go on now?

Barbie: Barbie clears her throat. And?

Marc: And Barbie is the best co-blogger in the entire universe.

Barbie: Thank you. A deep breath. Now, back to the party. You won't believe what's been going on! That girl - Sami? - gave Harris a woman. A whole woman. Sassypants is working with our undercover agent to get the girl's name.

Marc: I think the woman is actually Seirichi's. People seem to be giving her tributes because what we need in this city is for people to be wandering around increasing the size of Seirichi's ego... or Harris' for that matter.

Barbie: Tomato-Tomahto...Isn't that illegal?

Marc: This is RhyDin. There isn't much that is illegal. We tried to tell the tourism board that should be the city's motto but for some reason it didn't fly.

Barbie: Huh. Well anyway.... this just in. her name is Annabelle Reagan and she is ... according to our sources... a ?hot mama?.

Marc: Speaking of hot, Katt's looking awfully grown up. Since when does she fill out a bikini top so nicely? My vote is that those are not the least bit real. Magical enhancements. You heard it here first.

Barbie: She passes 'round a lot of muffins lately.

Marc: And we were wrong on Jane flying solo tonight. At least not the whole night. There is a Daniels in attendance. Levi. Our sources tell us that he and Jane only met up last week but have quickly become joined at the hip. We're quite disappointed in her. We expected better than a Daniels.

Barbie: I don't know. He's kind of cute and he doesn't seem to be completely stupid. Speaking of Daniels, isn't that the girlfriend of another of them on Harris's arm?

Marc: Yeeees. Not just girlfriend but we hear there's been talk of marriage. That's going to go over real well, I'm sure. The Daniels and Harris do not get along. Evidently he insinuated something about inbreeding. Or maybe it wasn't so much an insinuation and more an outright accusation. I bet--


What in the world are Seirichi and the Governor dooooing?

Barbie: That looked like... Barbie gasping. She totally kissed her! In front of her boyfriend!

Do you see her hands?! Where are her hands?! Where are his?!!

Marc: This is just what RhyDin needed!!! A POLITICAL SEX SCANDAL!

Barbie: You know what my favorite way to fall asleep is, Marc?

Marc: How, Barbie?

Barbie: Well, besides imagining our wedding, I like to think about the most outrageous pairings in RhyDin... sort of my dream gossip line up. You know who's not on it?

Lay it on me!

Barbie: Fionna and Seirichi! I mean really - can you imagine their pillow talk? Audible shudder. But seriously. Who would you pair up, if you could pick anyone?

Marc: Oh, options, options, options. I know! G'nort and Issy. She'd break him like he was a school girl.

Barbie: Too easy. G'Nort cries like a little schoolgirl every night, I hear. But okay. And who is your favorite worst-case couple scenario?

Marc: I would say Kitty and Tass because the pair of them are just too dirty for words but.... well, they actually are a couple.

Barbie: Ew.

Marc: And I think on that note I have hit a mental road block. Thanks a lot, Kitty and Tass. I'm going to bed before I think about the pair of them long enough to have nightmares.

Good night, RhyDin! Party hard!

Barbie: And remember! You can be anything you want to be! Like me! Barbie!

Silence in the studio

Barbie: Oh, and like Marc! Hugs and kisses! Mwah!